Описание:Вы молодой человек, недавно потерявший родителей в автокатастрофе. Из-за военной карьеры вашего отца вы и остальную часть вашей семьи годами таскали туда, куда он был назначен. Вы всегда думали, что пойдете по тому же пути, что и он, но, потеряв связь с военной жизнью, вы решили оставить свою старую жизнь позади. После потери чувства цели, с вами внезапно связалась старая подруга вашей мамы, которая любезно пригласила вас жить с ней и ее старшей дочерью, чтобы начать новую жизнь.
(Formally know as Sweet life)
Your are a young man having recently lost you parents in a car accident. Because of your father military career, you and the rest of your family have been dragged around for years to whatever places he was assigned to. You always thought that you'll follow the same path as him but having lost your link to the military life, you decided to leave your old life behind. After losing all sense of purpose, you were suddenly contacted by an old friend of you mom who kindly invited you to come live with her and her eldest daughter to start a new life.
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 3dcg, adventure, animated, big ass, big tits, male protagonist, milf, romance, sandbox, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: www.patreon.com/sweetlifegame | discord.com/invite/ddK6maxnEn
Перевод: HammerПлатформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: Заброшена / Abandoned
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.18.9 Rus / v. Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поблагодарить Переводчика: Yoomoney кошелёк 4100117173530145v0.18.9.1 - 2024-04-02
Hotfix for looping issue with Libby if you did not previously tell her she's pretty.
v0.18.9 - 2023-11-04
- Revised version of Mel's story part 1
- Added 1 more sidequest for Jane
- Added 1 sidequest for Sarah
- Fixed an error in Victoria's story, now you don't have to lie to Victoria if you haven't started anything with Hiko.
- Fixed some errors in the android version
Update 0.18.8 Public - 2023-08-08
Vic's First Story Part
5 New Sidequests/Events
Walkthrough Guide (first Version maybe some changes in the future)
Gallery (first Version maybe some changes in the future)
Update 0.18.7 Public - 2023-05-20
Hello guys,
I am excited to share the 0.18.7 Public with you.
This update brings a some new features and content that will surely make the experience even more enjoyable, but it is more for the OpenWorl players.
First off, we have the first sidequest for Jane, which adds a whole new layer of depth to her character and allows us to delve deeper into her story. I won't spoil too much, but let's just say that it's definitely worth checking out and unlocks a fetsih.
In addition, the update also introduces a new videoplayer that lets you watch the videos in a better way. This is a great addition for those who like to immerse themselves in the game world and don't want to break the flow like the old player with the menus, the part with serah in the begining still has the old play style this will be updated in the next updates.
The update also brings three new locations to explore, This adds even more variety to the game.
Another addition are the first talinkpoints with Victoria. It's a great way to deepen your relationship with her and learn more about her past. More will come in the next Update.
Last but not least, we have a new side event with Mel. Again, I won't give too much away. ;D
Overall, this new update was more work behind the scene but it lays the groundwork for the next updates to come.
The next Update will be Vic´s first story Part +some sideevents.
Thank you for your continued support, and happy gaming!
This update comes with a host of new features and improvements. I'm confident that you'll enjoy the enhanced gameplay experience this update brings.
Additionally, I wanted to let you know that work on the next update, version 0.18.7, is already well underway. In fact, it's currently about 85% complete! I can't wait to share more details about this update with you soon.
v0.18.5 - 2023-02-09
Well, do you still remember me?
Unfortunately it took far too long.
Enclosed I have the remake of the prologue for you.
Hello friends,
it's been a long time, but I'm still here
Today I have the 0.18 for you, this update took much longer not only because I was quite sick, but also because I had something like a little creative crisis
I have now overcome this and finally i have Bought a new graphics card
What is in this update?
The first version of Mel's first chapter
-Here I am not yet completely satisfied with it, but I can not yet say exactly what it is
Many rooms in the house were revised
-Now that I have a little more computing power I could finally design the rooms in the house the way I like them
Which of course ensures that the rooms now no longer fit the prologue, in the next versions i will revise some parts of the prologue, so that in 0.19 everything fits together again.
I revised the menu and added a gallery
Further I have renewed the text boxes
-Unfortunately this does not quite work in the app yet, here I am working on the problem
I have removed the figures without story from the open worl for this version
-Here I will then add them again little by little when these also have a story (Sidestorys)
All story parts can now be started via the smart pc and after playing once, cannot be played again
I've certainly forgotten one or the other thing and also built in many spelling mistakes again :)
This update is one of the smaller but for me pretty much the most important so far
As one or the other knows the game was released before I wanted that, at that time i was anything but ready to face that
And while i was trying to extinguish one fire somewhere else a new one started again
I had to learn to code and was far from satisfied with the quality of my renders and had only Photoshop and Daz Studio
Now I work with Lightroom, Photoshop, Daz studio, Blender and learn more and more about coding.
In the last few weeks i have been working intensively on the rooms in the house i am now really very happy with them
and now I have the basic framework what I wanted to have, as written I will now revise the scenes in the prologue so that they also fit to the new places
And the worst scene ever :
New Outfit MC
As you can see I have a new outfit for the prologue :)
Finally, I would like to thank you all for your support and especially for your feedback.
As I always say the feedback helps me to make this experience better
Further I am looking for people who have the desire to support this project more:
-Maybe someone who wants to write a sidestory
-Is well versed in coding
-Wants to test new versions (mostly mobile versions)
-Or something else I have forgotten ?
Edit: !!! PROFREADER !!! ( I am german and my english is as you know not very good)
just write me here or in Discord
!!So buckle up, the journey just started !!
As some may have noticed the toilet scene in Libby's story was very hard discussed.
So I have now adjusted this.
There are now three different ways of dealing with this and this will now also have consequences for the future
Of course I probably didn't do it quite the way everyone wants but I think I can live with that now
What is new?
Victoria's first chapter
With more than 300 new renders
and over 2200 lines of new code
What has changed?
All sexscenes are skippable now
A skippable tutorial is added for the Open World
On the PC in Dave's room, the individual chapters can be started separately without
having to visit the open world more like a classic visual novel.
Libbys Chapter 01
You can play Libby's story over and over again in this update, this will be enabled in 0.17
Minor bugs fixed in from the last version
Sex is now in the game
An incest option for that scene
The girls are now during the week in different places in the house to bring a little more life into the game (Only Libbys Story can be played)
Verion 0.15 changelog:
-I have adjusted the version number, since we are only at the beginning and the fun is just starting now
-Additional content in the prologue, this is now story technically completed as I wanted it to be
-Freerooming was added (The largest part of the update from which you see the least)
-Mel's sex scene can now be skipped
-Colors for names adjusted
-Text box darkened, For better readability (Textbox redo planned for the next version)
-Small adjustments for overlapping images
-In this version everything was proofread again so it should be better now
!!! Please start a new game to see all the changes !!!
v0.5.1 Pre-Alpha
Initial Release
Today i wanna talk about 2021
The Project starts to get better and better
It's not getting as fast as hoped but with a lot of help from a special person.
Shadahl thanks for the proofreading and all the other help
For 2021 i plan to get constant updates out
Free Updates every 15th of the month
Patreon every 1th of the month
and we started a Discord server
In the last version, a few errors were noticed and these will be fixed in the next version.
I would love to answer your questions here or in the discord
Many Greetings