Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2DCG, 2D game, nudity, dating sim, management, big ass, big tits, gay, male protagonist, female protagonist, lesbian
Цензура: Есть но ее можно отключить выбрав в настройках "Max Sexy"
Разработчик/Издатель: The Men Who Wear Many Hats
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.2.18
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Первоклассный викторианский бизнес-тайкун и симулятор знакомств.
У вас украли ваш семейный бизнес! Создавайте сексуальные партнерские отношения на простынях, сокрушая конкурирующие компании на улицах, чтобы стать крупнейшей монополией Англии и восстановить честь своей семьи.
The premiere Victorian Business Tycoon and Dating Simulator. Your family business has been stolen from you! Forge sexy partnerships in the sheets while crushing rival companies in the streets to become England’s largest monopoly and reclaim your family honor.
Build 2.18
New Content:
16 Valentine's outfits
14 Buff outfits
Cashious and Angel friendships added
Bonus haircut for Pip Whipple
Build 2.17
New Content:
16 XXXmas outfits!
Angel's Final Date added
Cashious and Angel magazine stories added
Bonus costume for Samuel Finch
Merry XXXmas!
Build 2.16
New Content:
14 new "Beard" outfits that unlock when an executive's moustache skill is 100+
Maid & Butler Winter & Spring outfits
Potential fix for persistent "Victory" button over Town Square
Slightly better fencing effects
Small typos and whatnot
Expect even more free content to come.
Build 2.15
Hourglass asset should affect secret boss
Fixed a bug that would prevent the pub from spawning when replaying arc 3
Fixed a bug that made teamwork effect on task bars display incorrectly if you swapped seats
Fixed a bug where you didn't have to "pay up" when you lose strip blackjack
Chosen Butler outfit sets during district select
Fixed a small credits mix-up
Build 2.12
New Content:
16 Monster Prom outfits!
New equipment for Pub & Temple available in Rare tier or above
More reliable fix for bonus costume count adding up correctly
Clicking outside of the costume menu closes the menu once again
Moustache icon switches back after conversarial rival
More prominent notification for Cashious final date on title screen (will show up once even if you've played it before v2.12)
Travel screen "x day journey" UI tightened up a bit
Company Overview includes Temple & Pub stats
Summary Panel now includes loan extensions, asset upgrades, essence, ghosts banished & taxes (some won't track properly until you start a new company)
Minor optimizations
Build 2.11
Fixed a bug that made it hard/confusing to click out of dictionary entries (now just clicking almost anywhere should close it)
Fix for 4 outfits excluded from unlock count
Those two relationship statuses that were not saving should be saving now
Removed extra district map circle under final district in arc 2 (requires new company to see change)
Fixed a bug where you can close the loan panel early and not get the rewards + soft lock the loan panel
Fixed backing out of story during "flashback" effect should reset the effect
Fix for certain scenarios where a story event that is supposed to start with no one would show the last active story character
Fix for "No Board Seats Available" message getting stuck on screen
Corgi races should be the correct speed for everyone
Vengeful trait should not trigger if you "fail" or "miss"
Fixed a ton of random spelling errors in Angel Date 3 and many others
Fixed top teamwork button looking greyed out
Pressing ESC with a costume menu up should close the menu first
Build 2.10
Error in Max+Summer friendship fixed
Fixed Fanny+Summer "novel" not loading
Fixed an error when going from title to Story & Dates friendships would get all wonky on the first one
Fixed the Ten Loans achievement not counting extensions
Fixed achievement bug that would not add Phoenix or Mysterious traits to Rival Trait achievement
Fixed a bug that excluded the rival trait Explosive from coming up at all (also needed for above achievement)
Fixed a bug showing "0/66 friendships unlocked" no matter how many you've unlocked
Fixed a bug showing debug "loan total amount" while loans are locked behind district progress
Possible fix for invisible burglar or flower cart bugs on low end machines?
Reduced save frequency tied to Executive Office, might improve performance a little
Build 2.09
Fix for asset upgrade achievement not counting up
Game now "runs in background" while loading to fix the perceived "forever load times"
Fix for a cascading bug that would add NULL asset unlocks to final screen - causing the finish button o not show up
You can now grab the same hand endlessly if you really want to in the final story event, you sicko
Fix for Rival Conquer District 3 Date where dance partner gender was goofed up
Fixed a bug that would make certain story events from title soft lock in Story & Dates scene
Potential fix for offset gents in Story & Dates scene
Fix for tea notes showing up when they should not!
Abandon company clears some extra data that it should have been clearing
Competitive trait should start only being of an Industry of executives you've hired.
Updated tutorial text for teamwork to explain that level 6 is the "special unlock" level (not 10)
Updated "Your Office" desk to higher res art
Updated Hourglass asset description to "Timed Rivals" instead of "District Bosses" for clarity
Essence and first tutorial shouldn't show up until you gain essence for the first time
Build 2.08
Optimization on corgis to potentially help with corgi race on lower performance machines
Hotfix 2.07
Fix for a bug that killed angel/cash from arc 3 (might end up messing up in progress runs on arc 1+2 if you had angel/cash and weren't supposed to have them yet)
Removed Angel and Cash industries from rivals in district maps if you do not have them unlocked
Reduce "taxes to zero" achievement should not auto-trigger when taxes start
Abandon Company button in the v1.09 upgrade screen should now load the game properly
Options button during dialogue in-game should work again
Fixed bug where gentsona would randomize when viewing story from story and dates title menu
Fixed missing rival in story and dates scene
Antoine modern head should be visible now
Small gfx glitch in title menu fixed
Dictionary button should no longer open the color picker
Fixed a bug that caused rivals with no traits to explode a handful of times and lock the game's progress.
Redundancy added to re-gen lost rivals data (a bandage for saves affected by the above bug)
Fix for honorable trait being paired with huge health pool as a result of mysterious or phoenix traits
Fixed a bug where mysterious trait would change both traits - now should only see mysterious trait by itself
For now, if you hit ESC twice during a corgi race, it will just skip it. (for slow performing computers)
Fix for Angel + Cash being hirable before beating act 3 (they SHOULD be hirable AFTER you beat it)
Above fix should prevent some other slightly odd behaviors that were adding them at strange times before arc 3
Version 2.00
Huge New Features:
New third act story: Playthings of the Gods
New datable executive: Angel Fullbody
New datable executive: Cashious Villionaire
Two new buildings: the Tavern & Temple
New asset upgrades system
30 unique rival traits makes your enemies deadlier than ever
New teamwork system with 60+ unlockable friendship stories
100+ new outfits
80+ new genstona parts
New lunch date activities
New business events
New burglar event?
12 new even smuttier stories from the Smut Peddler
Secret Ending! Shhhh.
Secret Art (cover your eyes!)
7 new music tracks
Tweaked Features:
Replay story and dates from the main menu
You can now unlock costumes from the Smut Peddler
You now only deal a fraction of your attack when your employee pool is lower than your opponents fisticuffs
Rebalanced selling equipment to actually be worthwhile
Active Market Trends now highlight when hovering over the Trade Building with an executive
Added volume control access earlier in the game
Updated old Fanny head art during spin-the-bottle
Tweaked some costumes to be sexier, safer and/or just better
Added some more environmental effects
Added option to disable complex particle effects
Added ability to surrender to rivals
Fixed bug that caused exec icons to get stuck
Fixed an issue where buildings on the district map were unclickable
Fixed the seams on some beards and hair
Fixed being able to unwrap magazines when "click to reveal" was disabled
Fixed a bug where execs assigned to town square at load would not be actively fighting
Fixed a bug where kingsmen cost would end up costing way less if you don't have "bottled synergy"
Fixed some bugs in Pip date 5
Fixed bugs that could arise while trying to skip new asset animations
Fixed spelling mistake in final summary screen
Fixed a bug where you only got 1 heart instead of 2 when dealer busts in blackjack
Fixed a bug where the hat button was missing from costume change menus during dialogue
Fixed a bug where the text warning on the smutty magazines would go transparent after subsequent unlocks
Fixed a bug where the game would sometimes stay paused after exiting the merchant if you had manually paused beforehand
Fixed a bug that accidentally hid a dozen business events
So many other fixes I started to lose track to be honest...
-Fixed industry awareness bug that would allow the same industry added to both trending and in decline.
-Fixed a potential bug that would keep the game paused when exiting from merchant or weekend events
-Default Graphics API set to Direct3D9 to hopefully reduce the number of people having crashes at launch.
-Secret shhh
-Improved Save system - should prevent corrupt saves but also allow for recovery from unexpected crashes or corrupted saves.
-Angel now gives tips on the loan repayment screen.
-Added effect to make event spawns more obvious.
-Fixed the export Genstona image being misaligned
-Fixed layer sorting for executive avatars and light poles.
-Fixed "Delete All Data" button after last update not working.
-Fixed various story errors.
-We added Steam trading cards, backgrounds, badges and emoji!
-Added advanced settings to the options menu: Run in background, VSync, Texture Quality, Anti-Aliasing, Anisotropic Filtering.
-Added a display to show current building capacity.
-Added some text to Angel's explanation of loans to better inform new players that extra time from repaid loans is added to the next loan.
-Fixed a bug where you could assign executives after dropping them in the rec room for only a moment.
-Fixed a bug where employees in the executive office regain moxie.
-Fixed a bug where the flower cart that appears behind the barber shop was unclickable under certain conditions.
-Not really a bug but if someone is ready to date after returning from travel the date button should trigger right away.
-Fixed a bug where items of the same type were not replacing each other and you could get two of the same kind of equipment.
-Fixed a bug where market trends were not updating every week.
-Fixed a bug with massage gallery image unlocks unlocking the wrong character.
-Fixed some dates where the wrong character would end up talking.
-Added dictionary entries for "Finale."
-Made it so audio clips shouldn't stack in volume if played all at once.
-Fixed bug that was resting your starting character if you save and quit. This was causing some of the achievements to track incorrectly. (You will need to finish your current company to correctly reflect your starting character.)
-Fixed a bug where relationships at 5 were counting towards "Max Relationships" achievements. (instead of 6)
-Fixed bug where gold cost did not go up per bar produced at once.
-Fixed bug where "clicking to reveal" an outfit and "wear now" too quickly would equip the wrong outfit.
-Fixed bug where certain maid outfits would be "hidden by relationship." (Maid and Butler don't have relationship status)
-Tweaked various story bits for spelling + length.
-Improved the Bonus Unlock screen to better reflect how costumes are unlocked.
Good evening. No bug fixes in this one. Instead, I spent the last four days finalizing the "Finale" story event for the 2nd story campaign.
For anyone who has reached that point of the game, you didn't miss anything, you can immediately view the the updated story from "Your Office."
Simply start a company, visit your office by clicking the bottom right most button (above loan status). From there, click "Memories." You can replay any of the story beats you've already viewed from this screen. The "Finale" story in particular has been updated. As well, we made a few small additions to "Trial."
-Fixed bug where getting assets for the factory would double, triple, quadruple, etc. the cost of gold production.
-Finishing the 3rd campaign should no longer bump you into an empty game instead of the character select.
-Fixed bug where Executive Office Opportunity buttons were clicking the wrong selection.
-Fixed a bug where the Kingsmen entry would not show up in the Gentlepedia.
-Fixed bug allowing you to train kingsmen if you no longer have enough employees.
-Fixed bug where starting a company with a character at 0 relationship locks them at 0 (See: Penny and Max are always available for new companies)
-Fixed bug where all district rivals would have YOUR rivals face if it was pre-made.
-Fixed bug where inventory screen was not showing new inventory slots right away.
-Tweaked various story bits for spelling + length.
-Fixed industry awareness bug that would allow the same industry added to both trending and in decline.
-Fixed a potential bug that would keep the game paused when exiting from merchant or weekend events
-Default Graphics API set to Direct3D9 to hopefully reduce the number of people having crashes at launch.
-Secret shhh
-Improved Save system - should prevent corrupt saves but also allow for recovery from unexpected crashes or corrupted saves.
-Angel now gives tips on the loan repayment screen.
-Added effect to make event spawns more obvious.
-Fixed the export Genstona image being misaligned
-Fixed layer sorting for executive avatars and light poles.
-Fixed "Delete All Data" button after last update not working.
-Fixed various story errors.
-We added Steam trading cards, backgrounds, badges and emoji!
-Added advanced settings to the options menu: Run in background, VSync, Texture Quality, Anti-Aliasing, Anisotropic Filtering.
-Added a display to show current building capacity.
-Added some text to Angel's explanation of loans to better inform new players that extra time from repaid loans is added to the next loan.
-Fixed a bug where you could assign executives after dropping them in the rec room for only a moment.
-Fixed a bug where employees in the executive office regain moxie.
-Fixed a bug where the flower cart that appears behind the barber shop was unclickable under certain conditions.
-Not really a bug but if someone is ready to date after returning from travel the date button should trigger right away.
-Fixed a bug where items of the same type were not replacing each other and you could get two of the same kind of equipment.
-Fixed a bug where market trends were not updating every week.
-Fixed a bug with massage gallery image unlocks unlocking the wrong character.
-Fixed some dates where the wrong character would end up talking.
-Added dictionary entries for "Finale."
-Made it so audio clips shouldn't stack in volume if played all at once.
-Fixed bug that was resting your starting character if you save and quit. This was causing some of the achievements to track incorrectly. (You will need to finish your current company to correctly reflect your starting character.)
-Fixed a bug where relationships at 5 were counting towards "Max Relationships" achievements. (instead of 6)
-Fixed bug where gold cost did not go up per bar produced at once.
-Fixed bug where "clicking to reveal" an outfit and "wear now" too quickly would equip the wrong outfit.
-Fixed bug where certain maid outfits would be "hidden by relationship." (Maid and Butler don't have relationship status)
-Tweaked various story bits for spelling + length.
-Improved the Bonus Unlock screen to better reflect how costumes are unlocked.
Good evening. No bug fixes in this one. Instead, I spent the last four days finalizing the "Finale" story event for the 2nd story campaign.
For anyone who has reached that point of the game, you didn't miss anything, you can immediately view the the updated story from "Your Office."
Simply start a company, visit your office by clicking the bottom right most button (above loan status). From there, click "Memories." You can replay any of the story beats you've already viewed from this screen. The "Finale" story in particular has been updated. As well, we made a few small additions to "Trial."
-Fixed bug where getting assets for the factory would double, triple, quadruple, etc. the cost of gold production.
-Finishing the 3rd campaign should no longer bump you into an empty game instead of the character select.
-Fixed bug where Executive Office Opportunity buttons were clicking the wrong selection.
-Fixed a bug where the Kingsmen entry would not show up in the Gentlepedia.
-Fixed bug allowing you to train kingsmen if you no longer have enough employees.
-Fixed bug where starting a company with a character at 0 relationship locks them at 0 (See: Penny and Max are always available for new companies)
-Fixed bug where all district rivals would have YOUR rivals face if it was pre-made.
-Fixed bug where inventory screen was not showing new inventory slots right away.
-Tweaked various story bits for spelling + length.
-Fixed a bug where "Abandon Company" would not properly reset your business. If you have a messed up company from this bug you may need to "Abandon Company" once more to reset it.
-Fixed various story bugs and spelling errors.
-Fixed moxie display not updating when paused and character assigned elsewhere.
-Fixed character icon/items getting stuck when a popup occurs.
-Fixed swapping character icons would display "idle" while still working
-Check mark art upgraded to match the lofty expectations of our discerning fans.
(You can see your current version from the title screen in the bottom right)
-Fixed messed up character creator resulting in "grey" character not saving and freeze at intro newspaper.
-Fixed "Wear now" button equipping the wrong outfit.
-Fixed replaying "Memories" triggering District Select.
-Fixed weekly refreshes not triggering on the first of a month month.
-Fixed Market Trends refreshing every time you load the game.
-Fixed top hat blocking lunch date text.
-Fixed a broken pronoun tag on the rival creation screen
-Added stat tracking for character relationships
-Turned on Vsync so the game does't run at 3000 fps and kill your computer
Жанр: 2DCG, 2D game, nudity, dating sim, management, big ass, big tits, gay, male protagonist, female protagonist, lesbian
Цензура: Есть но ее можно отключить выбрав в настройках "Max Sexy"
Разработчик/Издатель: The Men Who Wear Many Hats
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.2.18
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Первоклассный викторианский бизнес-тайкун и симулятор знакомств.
У вас украли ваш семейный бизнес! Создавайте сексуальные партнерские отношения на простынях, сокрушая конкурирующие компании на улицах, чтобы стать крупнейшей монополией Англии и восстановить честь своей семьи.
The premiere Victorian Business Tycoon and Dating Simulator. Your family business has been stolen from you! Forge sexy partnerships in the sheets while crushing rival companies in the streets to become England’s largest monopoly and reclaim your family honor.
Build 2.18
New Content:
16 Valentine's outfits
14 Buff outfits
Cashious and Angel friendships added
Bonus haircut for Pip Whipple
Build 2.17
New Content:
16 XXXmas outfits!
Angel's Final Date added
Cashious and Angel magazine stories added
Bonus costume for Samuel Finch
Merry XXXmas!
Build 2.16
New Content:
14 new "Beard" outfits that unlock when an executive's moustache skill is 100+
Maid & Butler Winter & Spring outfits
Potential fix for persistent "Victory" button over Town Square
Slightly better fencing effects
Small typos and whatnot
Expect even more free content to come.
Build 2.15
Hourglass asset should affect secret boss
Fixed a bug that would prevent the pub from spawning when replaying arc 3
Fixed a bug that made teamwork effect on task bars display incorrectly if you swapped seats
Fixed a bug where you didn't have to "pay up" when you lose strip blackjack
Chosen Butler outfit sets during district select
Fixed a small credits mix-up
Build 2.12
New Content:
16 Monster Prom outfits!
New equipment for Pub & Temple available in Rare tier or above
More reliable fix for bonus costume count adding up correctly
Clicking outside of the costume menu closes the menu once again
Moustache icon switches back after conversarial rival
More prominent notification for Cashious final date on title screen (will show up once even if you've played it before v2.12)
Travel screen "x day journey" UI tightened up a bit
Company Overview includes Temple & Pub stats
Summary Panel now includes loan extensions, asset upgrades, essence, ghosts banished & taxes (some won't track properly until you start a new company)
Minor optimizations
Build 2.11
Fixed a bug that made it hard/confusing to click out of dictionary entries (now just clicking almost anywhere should close it)
Fix for 4 outfits excluded from unlock count
Those two relationship statuses that were not saving should be saving now
Removed extra district map circle under final district in arc 2 (requires new company to see change)
Fixed a bug where you can close the loan panel early and not get the rewards + soft lock the loan panel
Fixed backing out of story during "flashback" effect should reset the effect
Fix for certain scenarios where a story event that is supposed to start with no one would show the last active story character
Fix for "No Board Seats Available" message getting stuck on screen
Corgi races should be the correct speed for everyone
Vengeful trait should not trigger if you "fail" or "miss"
Fixed a ton of random spelling errors in Angel Date 3 and many others
Fixed top teamwork button looking greyed out
Pressing ESC with a costume menu up should close the menu first
Build 2.10
Error in Max+Summer friendship fixed
Fixed Fanny+Summer "novel" not loading
Fixed an error when going from title to Story & Dates friendships would get all wonky on the first one
Fixed the Ten Loans achievement not counting extensions
Fixed achievement bug that would not add Phoenix or Mysterious traits to Rival Trait achievement
Fixed a bug that excluded the rival trait Explosive from coming up at all (also needed for above achievement)
Fixed a bug showing "0/66 friendships unlocked" no matter how many you've unlocked
Fixed a bug showing debug "loan total amount" while loans are locked behind district progress
Possible fix for invisible burglar or flower cart bugs on low end machines?
Reduced save frequency tied to Executive Office, might improve performance a little
Build 2.09
Fix for asset upgrade achievement not counting up
Game now "runs in background" while loading to fix the perceived "forever load times"
Fix for a cascading bug that would add NULL asset unlocks to final screen - causing the finish button o not show up
You can now grab the same hand endlessly if you really want to in the final story event, you sicko
Fix for Rival Conquer District 3 Date where dance partner gender was goofed up
Fixed a bug that would make certain story events from title soft lock in Story & Dates scene
Potential fix for offset gents in Story & Dates scene
Fix for tea notes showing up when they should not!
Abandon company clears some extra data that it should have been clearing
Competitive trait should start only being of an Industry of executives you've hired.
Updated tutorial text for teamwork to explain that level 6 is the "special unlock" level (not 10)
Updated "Your Office" desk to higher res art
Updated Hourglass asset description to "Timed Rivals" instead of "District Bosses" for clarity
Essence and first tutorial shouldn't show up until you gain essence for the first time
Build 2.08
Optimization on corgis to potentially help with corgi race on lower performance machines
Hotfix 2.07
Fix for a bug that killed angel/cash from arc 3 (might end up messing up in progress runs on arc 1+2 if you had angel/cash and weren't supposed to have them yet)
Removed Angel and Cash industries from rivals in district maps if you do not have them unlocked
Reduce "taxes to zero" achievement should not auto-trigger when taxes start
Abandon Company button in the v1.09 upgrade screen should now load the game properly
Options button during dialogue in-game should work again
Fixed bug where gentsona would randomize when viewing story from story and dates title menu
Fixed missing rival in story and dates scene
Antoine modern head should be visible now
Small gfx glitch in title menu fixed
Dictionary button should no longer open the color picker
Fixed a bug that caused rivals with no traits to explode a handful of times and lock the game's progress.
Redundancy added to re-gen lost rivals data (a bandage for saves affected by the above bug)
Fix for honorable trait being paired with huge health pool as a result of mysterious or phoenix traits
Fixed a bug where mysterious trait would change both traits - now should only see mysterious trait by itself
For now, if you hit ESC twice during a corgi race, it will just skip it. (for slow performing computers)
Fix for Angel + Cash being hirable before beating act 3 (they SHOULD be hirable AFTER you beat it)
Above fix should prevent some other slightly odd behaviors that were adding them at strange times before arc 3
Version 2.00
Huge New Features:
New third act story: Playthings of the Gods
New datable executive: Angel Fullbody
New datable executive: Cashious Villionaire
Two new buildings: the Tavern & Temple
New asset upgrades system
30 unique rival traits makes your enemies deadlier than ever
New teamwork system with 60+ unlockable friendship stories
100+ new outfits
80+ new genstona parts
New lunch date activities
New business events
New burglar event?
12 new even smuttier stories from the Smut Peddler
Secret Ending! Shhhh.
Secret Art (cover your eyes!)
7 new music tracks
Tweaked Features:
Replay story and dates from the main menu
You can now unlock costumes from the Smut Peddler
You now only deal a fraction of your attack when your employee pool is lower than your opponents fisticuffs
Rebalanced selling equipment to actually be worthwhile
Active Market Trends now highlight when hovering over the Trade Building with an executive
Added volume control access earlier in the game
Updated old Fanny head art during spin-the-bottle
Tweaked some costumes to be sexier, safer and/or just better
Added some more environmental effects
Added option to disable complex particle effects
Added ability to surrender to rivals
Fixed bug that caused exec icons to get stuck
Fixed an issue where buildings on the district map were unclickable
Fixed the seams on some beards and hair
Fixed being able to unwrap magazines when "click to reveal" was disabled
Fixed a bug where execs assigned to town square at load would not be actively fighting
Fixed a bug where kingsmen cost would end up costing way less if you don't have "bottled synergy"
Fixed some bugs in Pip date 5
Fixed bugs that could arise while trying to skip new asset animations
Fixed spelling mistake in final summary screen
Fixed a bug where you only got 1 heart instead of 2 when dealer busts in blackjack
Fixed a bug where the hat button was missing from costume change menus during dialogue
Fixed a bug where the text warning on the smutty magazines would go transparent after subsequent unlocks
Fixed a bug where the game would sometimes stay paused after exiting the merchant if you had manually paused beforehand
Fixed a bug that accidentally hid a dozen business events
So many other fixes I started to lose track to be honest...
-Fixed industry awareness bug that would allow the same industry added to both trending and in decline.
-Fixed a potential bug that would keep the game paused when exiting from merchant or weekend events
-Default Graphics API set to Direct3D9 to hopefully reduce the number of people having crashes at launch.
-Secret shhh
-Improved Save system - should prevent corrupt saves but also allow for recovery from unexpected crashes or corrupted saves.
-Angel now gives tips on the loan repayment screen.
-Added effect to make event spawns more obvious.
-Fixed the export Genstona image being misaligned
-Fixed layer sorting for executive avatars and light poles.
-Fixed "Delete All Data" button after last update not working.
-Fixed various story errors.
-We added Steam trading cards, backgrounds, badges and emoji!
-Added advanced settings to the options menu: Run in background, VSync, Texture Quality, Anti-Aliasing, Anisotropic Filtering.
-Added a display to show current building capacity.
-Added some text to Angel's explanation of loans to better inform new players that extra time from repaid loans is added to the next loan.
-Fixed a bug where you could assign executives after dropping them in the rec room for only a moment.
-Fixed a bug where employees in the executive office regain moxie.
-Fixed a bug where the flower cart that appears behind the barber shop was unclickable under certain conditions.
-Not really a bug but if someone is ready to date after returning from travel the date button should trigger right away.
-Fixed a bug where items of the same type were not replacing each other and you could get two of the same kind of equipment.
-Fixed a bug where market trends were not updating every week.
-Fixed a bug with massage gallery image unlocks unlocking the wrong character.
-Fixed some dates where the wrong character would end up talking.
-Added dictionary entries for "Finale."
-Made it so audio clips shouldn't stack in volume if played all at once.
-Fixed bug that was resting your starting character if you save and quit. This was causing some of the achievements to track incorrectly. (You will need to finish your current company to correctly reflect your starting character.)
-Fixed a bug where relationships at 5 were counting towards "Max Relationships" achievements. (instead of 6)
-Fixed bug where gold cost did not go up per bar produced at once.
-Fixed bug where "clicking to reveal" an outfit and "wear now" too quickly would equip the wrong outfit.
-Fixed bug where certain maid outfits would be "hidden by relationship." (Maid and Butler don't have relationship status)
-Tweaked various story bits for spelling + length.
-Improved the Bonus Unlock screen to better reflect how costumes are unlocked.
Good evening. No bug fixes in this one. Instead, I spent the last four days finalizing the "Finale" story event for the 2nd story campaign.
For anyone who has reached that point of the game, you didn't miss anything, you can immediately view the the updated story from "Your Office."
Simply start a company, visit your office by clicking the bottom right most button (above loan status). From there, click "Memories." You can replay any of the story beats you've already viewed from this screen. The "Finale" story in particular has been updated. As well, we made a few small additions to "Trial."
-Fixed bug where getting assets for the factory would double, triple, quadruple, etc. the cost of gold production.
-Finishing the 3rd campaign should no longer bump you into an empty game instead of the character select.
-Fixed bug where Executive Office Opportunity buttons were clicking the wrong selection.
-Fixed a bug where the Kingsmen entry would not show up in the Gentlepedia.
-Fixed bug allowing you to train kingsmen if you no longer have enough employees.
-Fixed bug where starting a company with a character at 0 relationship locks them at 0 (See: Penny and Max are always available for new companies)
-Fixed bug where all district rivals would have YOUR rivals face if it was pre-made.
-Fixed bug where inventory screen was not showing new inventory slots right away.
-Tweaked various story bits for spelling + length.
-Fixed industry awareness bug that would allow the same industry added to both trending and in decline.
-Fixed a potential bug that would keep the game paused when exiting from merchant or weekend events
-Default Graphics API set to Direct3D9 to hopefully reduce the number of people having crashes at launch.
-Secret shhh
-Improved Save system - should prevent corrupt saves but also allow for recovery from unexpected crashes or corrupted saves.
-Angel now gives tips on the loan repayment screen.
-Added effect to make event spawns more obvious.
-Fixed the export Genstona image being misaligned
-Fixed layer sorting for executive avatars and light poles.
-Fixed "Delete All Data" button after last update not working.
-Fixed various story errors.
-We added Steam trading cards, backgrounds, badges and emoji!
-Added advanced settings to the options menu: Run in background, VSync, Texture Quality, Anti-Aliasing, Anisotropic Filtering.
-Added a display to show current building capacity.
-Added some text to Angel's explanation of loans to better inform new players that extra time from repaid loans is added to the next loan.
-Fixed a bug where you could assign executives after dropping them in the rec room for only a moment.
-Fixed a bug where employees in the executive office regain moxie.
-Fixed a bug where the flower cart that appears behind the barber shop was unclickable under certain conditions.
-Not really a bug but if someone is ready to date after returning from travel the date button should trigger right away.
-Fixed a bug where items of the same type were not replacing each other and you could get two of the same kind of equipment.
-Fixed a bug where market trends were not updating every week.
-Fixed a bug with massage gallery image unlocks unlocking the wrong character.
-Fixed some dates where the wrong character would end up talking.
-Added dictionary entries for "Finale."
-Made it so audio clips shouldn't stack in volume if played all at once.
-Fixed bug that was resting your starting character if you save and quit. This was causing some of the achievements to track incorrectly. (You will need to finish your current company to correctly reflect your starting character.)
-Fixed a bug where relationships at 5 were counting towards "Max Relationships" achievements. (instead of 6)
-Fixed bug where gold cost did not go up per bar produced at once.
-Fixed bug where "clicking to reveal" an outfit and "wear now" too quickly would equip the wrong outfit.
-Fixed bug where certain maid outfits would be "hidden by relationship." (Maid and Butler don't have relationship status)
-Tweaked various story bits for spelling + length.
-Improved the Bonus Unlock screen to better reflect how costumes are unlocked.
Good evening. No bug fixes in this one. Instead, I spent the last four days finalizing the "Finale" story event for the 2nd story campaign.
For anyone who has reached that point of the game, you didn't miss anything, you can immediately view the the updated story from "Your Office."
Simply start a company, visit your office by clicking the bottom right most button (above loan status). From there, click "Memories." You can replay any of the story beats you've already viewed from this screen. The "Finale" story in particular has been updated. As well, we made a few small additions to "Trial."
-Fixed bug where getting assets for the factory would double, triple, quadruple, etc. the cost of gold production.
-Finishing the 3rd campaign should no longer bump you into an empty game instead of the character select.
-Fixed bug where Executive Office Opportunity buttons were clicking the wrong selection.
-Fixed a bug where the Kingsmen entry would not show up in the Gentlepedia.
-Fixed bug allowing you to train kingsmen if you no longer have enough employees.
-Fixed bug where starting a company with a character at 0 relationship locks them at 0 (See: Penny and Max are always available for new companies)
-Fixed bug where all district rivals would have YOUR rivals face if it was pre-made.
-Fixed bug where inventory screen was not showing new inventory slots right away.
-Tweaked various story bits for spelling + length.
-Fixed a bug where "Abandon Company" would not properly reset your business. If you have a messed up company from this bug you may need to "Abandon Company" once more to reset it.
-Fixed various story bugs and spelling errors.
-Fixed moxie display not updating when paused and character assigned elsewhere.
-Fixed character icon/items getting stuck when a popup occurs.
-Fixed swapping character icons would display "idle" while still working
-Check mark art upgraded to match the lofty expectations of our discerning fans.
(You can see your current version from the title screen in the bottom right)
-Fixed messed up character creator resulting in "grey" character not saving and freeze at intro newspaper.
-Fixed "Wear now" button equipping the wrong outfit.
-Fixed replaying "Memories" triggering District Select.
-Fixed weekly refreshes not triggering on the first of a month month.
-Fixed Market Trends refreshing every time you load the game.
-Fixed top hat blocking lunch date text.
-Fixed a broken pronoun tag on the rival creation screen
-Added stat tracking for character relationships
-Turned on Vsync so the game does't run at 3000 fps and kill your computer
Тему отредактировал: Nikol - 17-02-2022, 12:44
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.2.18. / Topic updated to version v.2.18.
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.2.18. / Topic updated to version v.2.18.
Пароль на архив / Archive password:
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