Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: real porn, text based, 2DCG, 3DCG, male protagonist, transformation, futa, trans, male domination, anal, bdsm, bukkake, cosplay, creampie, exhibitionism, female domination, gay, pegging, groping, group sex, interracial, lesbian, male protagonist, monster girls, multiple penetration, oral, school setting, sex toys, sissification, vaginal, pregnancy
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Apollo Seven - www.patreon.com/apolloseven
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.24
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
"TF Card Battle" - это игра с построением колоды, посвященная превращению мужчины в женщину. Ваша цель - преобразить своего противника до того, как он сможет сделать то же самое с вами. По мере того, как вы будете трансформироваться, на ваш разум будут воздействовать, меняя карты, к которым у вас есть доступ. Останетесь ли вы верны себе прежнему или воспользуетесь своими новыми инстинктами, чтобы одержать верх?
TF Card Battle is a deck-building game with a male to female transformation theme. Your goal is to transform your opponent before they can do the same to you. As you transform, your mind will be affected, changing the cards you have access to. Will you stay true to your old self, or embrace your new instincts to gain an upper hand?
Added new Hucow specific card pack
Added new Schoolgirl specific card pack
Added sidebar gifs and thoughts for the new packs as well as the 1.23 packs.
Added new Bimbo specific card pack
Added new Maid specific card pack
Fixed What Are You Doing Stepson costing 6H instead of the 4 listed on the card
Fixed Walk the Streets costing 1 instead of the 2 listed on the card
Fixed Tip Goal costing 2 instead of the 3 listed on the card
Fixed Join My Onlyfans costing 3 instead of the 4 listed on the card
Fixed the play field top gif location not showing up in boss battles
Fixed Breeding Season not working properly in boss battles
Fixed the Join My Only Fans potion not working against bosses
New Content:
Added TF specific body modifier to Pregnancy: Orgasmic Births: Whenever you give birth draw a card
Added theme upgrade for Pregnancy to point store. Gives 2 children at the start of them game
Added sidebar gifs for Camgirl and Cosplay (thanks to Jonas132)
Added player thoughts for Pregnancy cards (thanks to Jonas132)
Integrated the Spnati Mod into the base game. This adds alternate enemy images as well as a new gif location
Added the VW round for Pregnancy
Balance Changes:
A Womans' Duty actually does what's written on the card now and is now called Perpetually Pregnant
Mother's Love now heals equal to half your children
What Are You Doing Stepson? reworked to: 4H: Impregnate or Gain Sub = to children*2
Twins cost raise to 5H from 4H
Adoption cost raised to 5H from 5H
Bug Fixes:
Fixed bosses having a broken image when playing as a pregnancy class
Giving birth to a child no longer draws you a bonus card
Fixed Breed Me Daddy not being added to your deck and instead adding a shield potion (I know, I know, it's a long story)
Fixed Shopping Spree still adding cards during boss battles
Fixed the Seedbed cards being able to reduce corruption below 0
Fixed the typo in the name of accelerated pregnancy
Fixed Breeding cow saying one stage twice. Fixed Breeding cow saying one stage twice.
Deleted the Pregnancy gifs that played at 10x speed or didn't play at all because of encoding errors. They will be replaced in the future.
Fixed your round number from story mode carrying over to endless if you go straight there from the main menu.
New content:
Added new TF, Pregnancy
Added new theme pack Pregnancy EX
Added new dual TF, Milkmaid (pregnancy+hucow)
Added new dual TF, Seedbed (pregnancy + magical girl)
27 total new cards
Other changes:
Changed Implants to Blossoming Bosom
Fixed a bug where the randomizer could select Clubgirl even if she wasn't unlocked
Fixed the TFx2 potion not working in boss battles
Cosplay Changes:
You now start with 1 fan
Convention Visit now costs brain instead of heart
Fan base now costs 5 instead of 7 and gives shield/TF equal to half fans instead of a third
Fixed Hucow not having Cattle-pens in the card list causing it to never show up.
Fixed the first epilogue screen showing a bunch of error messages.
Fixed the FutaEX cards not showing up when playing as Bully
Fixed the Acolyte symbol being broken on the deck building screen
Gameplay changes:
Added new unlockable heart theme, Cosplay!
Added new unlockable sub theme, Camgirl!
UI changes:
Deck building screen now shows what modifiers you currently have
Visit my only fans name changed to Blacked
Bug fixes:
Changed Magical Boi card to both increase/decrease corruption and toggle chastity
Fixed Bathroom Fling not working
Fixed the succubus basic cards showing up in the buy piles
Fixed manually shuffling the buy piles in an animal girl dual TF throwing an error
Fixed some broken character avatar images in the online version
Lots of typos fixed (thanks to Olivebirdy)
Fixed Get Fucked Up not using up your potions
Fixed Cow not looping through the animals properly
Changed the order of Maid and Hucow cards to give a better mix of clean and payoff cards at lower TF levels
Reworked Workout Session (was 3H: 2B, draw) is now 4H: draw 4 cards, trash this card after use.
Reworked Cock Bulge (was 3H: 2S, draw) is now 3B: 10TF, trash this card after use.
Reworked Bathroom Fling (was 5H: gain shield and TF = to H) is now 4H: Whenever you use a consumable this turn gain 1 TF and 1 shield)
Fixed a bug that caused an error when generating animal buy pile cards as Cow
Fixed Infiltrate the Enemy giving 10 evil points instead of 15
Fixed the Witch and Magical girl set bonus unlocks being switched in the point store
Fixed a bug with the Rave dual TF that caused building the deck order to have an error
Fixed Hypnotic Email missing it's upgraded version
Fixed a bug with Visit From the Vet calculating breast size gain incorrectly
Fixed Ward of Shielding having the wrong cost
Fixed Lustful Offering having the wrong cost
Fixed Doggy Style being unaffected by set trait
Slave Auction now properly evaluates dual suit cards' cost
Fixed Shopping Spree not working when the first slot was empty
Various pack previews have been corrected
Suggestible no longer makes you take double damage from bosses
Enemies no longer deal damage to you after being defeated with the Latex set
Fixed the Magical Girl theme bonuses acting wonky in the shop
Drone now increases theme count based on the number of drone cards bought
Fixed playing cards causing the game to try and load a non-existent gif
Fixed some bugs with cards that drew the highest of X
Fixed Chastity card thoughts being based on the state after playing the card
Increased spawn rate of Inner Beast to be more in line with the odds of being dealt a normal card
Fixed Public Demonstration's image also being shown for Gangbang
And a lot of other minor errors
(Thanks to timeracers)
Chastity now gives 1 heart and 1 sub in addition to toggling chastity states
Maid dirty counter capped at 10
Just the Tip now costs 1S, down from 3
Borrowed Ideas costs 6B (up from 5B)
Added ability to have up to 10 gifs per card (thanks to ralphmayo)
150 new gifs added, picked by the community
The last card in brain theme packs now show up earlier in the buy order
The exact deal deck order is now shown on the theme select screen (thanks to timeracers)
Fixed breast gain cards not working in boss battles
Camera Upgrade and Artificial Intelligence have their costs upgraded for realsies this time
Fixed the hucow version of Training Session causing an error
Fixed being unable to buy the 5th buypile card during Animal Girl VW fight
Balance Changes:
Ditzes now delete themselves on use
All cards that count "ditzes in deck" now count "ditzes added to deck"
Fucked stupid changed to: 4S: draw a card for each ditz in deck.
Camera Upgrade and Artificial Intelligence cost increased by 1
Science advisor now costs 3B create 2 1B potions
Quick Thinking now gives 1B 1TF 1S
Hypnotic email now costs 5B and gives 4TF
"Draw up to" removed as a mechanic. All cards with that mechanic are now normal draw cards
Transformation and card pack unlock costs now grow linearly instead of exponentially.
Increased base Ascension point gain from victories by 1
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Professional Help interacting poorly with TF specific permanent buy pile cards (thanks to timeracers for the code)
Fixed Online Interview having the wrong cost
Playing multiple Double the Dosage's in a single turn now stacks
Changed the autoplay card list to remove some cards that shouldn't be on there
Fixed some theme pack previews showing the wrong card order
Fixed decks not resetting between rounds
Fixed Hourglass Waist not upgrading pills
Fixed some broken images when unlocking the Magicalgirl bonus set
Fixed a few errors where Acolyte was treated as a Magical Girl class
Fixed latex cards throwing an error on purchase
Fixed some typos
Purity theme bonus now makes you start with brainstorms regardless of TF level
Winning with the Latex theme now properly resets the turn before the boss
Fixed Live to Serve not decrementing the dirty counter
Fixed the Transformation additional corruption reduction not applying to some cards
Fixed some cards having the wrong cost
Fixed Study giving 3 brain instead of 2
Fixed Warrior by Day not giving TF
Fixed Sacrifice not working with bran cards
Fixed some improper formatting and missing images in the deck builder TF card display
Fixed Anal Training not drawing cards
Fixed Take it Deep not becoming cheaper with the theme bonus
The cheat code to lock all Ascension levels should work properly now
Fixed Wardrobe Malfunction throwing an error
Fixed the Breast cards being able to be redrawn multiple times
Corrected the display that shows how many brainstorms/flirts/submits are in the deck
Fixed Warrior By Night not working
Changed shuffle algorithm to make the resource transitions happen ~5 TF later as well as increase the TF range of cards
Corrective surgery healed TF raised to 5
The theme select screen now shows you what your TF specific cards are
In the point store, instead of the cost increasing the less a theme was played, the highest played themes are discounted instead. Base prices have been adjusted accordingly
Beating Ascencion level 10 now gives you a bonus of 100 ascencion points.
Removed the button to unlock everything for free and replaced it with a cheat code. The cheat code is "Unveil"
Theme Packs:
Breasts: Theme reworked.
The theme Unthemed 2 is now called Purity
The theme Unthemed 1 is now called Ambition
Ass: Twerking cost reduced to 2
Prostitution: Walk the streets TF increased to 3, Premium Services heart gain increased to 3, Turning Tricks sub on buy increased to 3
Engineer: Injector upgrade cost increased to 3, interception protocols cost increased to 3
Cock Lust: Just the tip costs 3 sub, threesome cost changed to 5 sub and gives sub instead of heart, gangbang cost changes to 5S
Tease: Suggestive Move cost increased to 2
Ambition: Rethink it cost reduced to 4
Slave: Bow Down changed to 2 sub, 1 TF, nipples clamps changed to 3sub, 2 heart
Feet: Footsies heart gain increased to 5, Toe licking shield increased to 8, Foot Massage TF increased to 8, Footjob heart and sub gain increased to 5
Hypno: Motivational Poster cost reduced to 3
Second Base theme changed to whore and Free Entry theme changed to flirt
Double Down and Rethink moved changed to no Ambition. Paranoia and phone a friend moved to Mind theme
Suggestive Move theme changed to whore and Camgirl theme changed to flirt
So Big! now has Take it Deep's cost and effect, Take it Deep now has Gang Protection's cost and effect, Gang Protection now has So Big!'s cost and effect
Gang Protection rethemed to Visit My Onlyfans
Transformation specific:
Hucow: Removed the no brain condition from Moo!
Futa: Piledriver cost reduced to 1, Dick Flash cost raised to 2, Chokehold cost reduced to 5, Cock Slap cost reduced to 2, Cum! TF damage increased to 1000
Animal: Rewrote animal card deal algorithm to be less punishing towards missing a point card buy
Sissy: Anal Training changed to an if unlocked card
Magical Girl: Permanent buy pile card replaced with new card Icon of Purity/Icon of Corruption, Warrior by night cost reduced to 2 and now deals TF instead of gaining brain, Modesty cost reduced to 3, Tentacle attack cost reduced to 5
Witch: Lowered succubus mode difficulty, Demonic Boon TF gain reduced to 8
Body Modifiers:
Sacrifice card buy cost reduced to 1 TF per missing resource
Three Boobs TF cost reduced to +5
Suggestible changed to +40 TF, all your TF damage is doubled
Hourglass waste now upgrades your mysterious pills
Fun Sized TF Cost reduced to -15
Plump Limps TF Cost reduced to +5
Permanent Makeup TF Cost reduced to +5
Permanent Collar TF Cost reduced to +5
Fixed some dual/VW classes that gain Magical Girl not changing over to the proper image pack
Fixed winning on ascension 9 not giving you ascension 10
Changed the transformation select UI to make it harder to miss the "dual transformation" option
Fixed choosing a random character sometimes failing to select one
Fixed Center of Attention throwing an error
Fixed the playfield gif location not working during boss battles
Added more clarification for how the point store works
Fixed some body modifiers replacing other descriptions of modifies with themselves
Fixed Thrill of the Hunt not working properly in boss battles
Fixed Extra Credit throwing an error if you play it with no cards in the inplay pile
Fixed Assert Dominance and Brain Drain adding a ditz card to your discard pile
Fixed Barn Burner costing heart, rather than the sub it shows on the card
Fixed the Veiled Woman permanent buy pile card costing all of your resources, instead of four rainbow
Fixed some Housewife cards not cleaning correctly.
Fixed the Long Legs body modifier not working
Gameplay Changes:
Added the fifth story round with ten variants of the new Veiled Woman TF
Added 10 new cards, one for each VW transformation
Removed he double TF enemy trait from the game
UI Changes:
Added new gif location in middle of play field. Is enabled by default
Changed how Tf is selected in classic/sandbox/endless mode
Removed the rules from the mode select screens and rewrote parts of them to be more accurate
Added new gifs for cards that were missing them
Bug Fixes:
Fixed cock tease throwing an error
Fixed Get Fucked Up not activating the right effects
Fixed some Rave Slut cards having the wrong TF symbol
Fixed the corrupt side of Taste of Darkness throwing an error
Fixed Flex not actually blocking damage
Fixed motivational poster using Hypnotic email's effect instead
Fixed Get Fucked Up not being added properly to the club girl card list
Fixed the upgraded version of Cock Tease not working properly in boss fights
The raising of the enemies TF min/max damage is now calculated after the turns damage calculation to prevent the indicator being wrong
Fixed Take It Deep not getting to theme bonus cost discount
TF Damage does 2 times damage to bosses again
Fixed Extacy saying it giving 2 shield, 2 TF instead of 2 heart 2 TF
Fixed being able to buy the cock and cum bonuses multiple times
Fixed Wardrobe Malfunction not applying the class bonus
Fixed the Veiled Woman Club Girl specific attack throwing an error
Fixed the in game version saying .95 instead of .99
Fixed Ritalin creating 2 potions instead of one
Fixed Blowjob adding Heart instead of TF in boss battles
Fixed the boss attack Defensive Stance dealing damage to the boss itself rather than the player
Fixed Extacy using Acid's card image (how did I miss this one?)
Fixed the Mind theme not counting how many off it's cards you've played correctly in the point store
Fixed Head Rush throwing an error when used
Fixed Coked Up's potion not deleting itself after use
Added new transformation Club Girl
Added two new dual TFs. Rave Slut (Bimbo/Club Girl) and Hoedown Ho (Hucow/Club Girl)
Undid the tangled web of various themes upgrading the cards of other sets
You can now unlock the Mind Whore and Slave theme bonuses in the point store
Added Acolyte render series
Added images for beating the bosses as a Witch
TF no longer does twice as much damage versus bosses
Changed how the deal piles are ordered. The 4th card in each theme is now shuffled in 10 cards later than before
Fixed Swallow being coded as costing 7 instead of 8
Fixed the sissy epilogue image being the wrong video format
Fixed Dainty Feet copying it's description to other body modifiers
The TF specific body modifier now only properly only counts your initial TF in dual TF rounds
Fixed Hypnotic Email and Motivational Poster throwing errors
Fixed Very Targeted adds applying both the upgraded and unupgraded effect at the same time
Fixed Scientific Adviser having the wrong cost
Fixed unlock everything button not adding the two new body modifiers
Fixed negative dirty breaking the boss attack card Close Inspection
Fixed show all cards under help not showing Magical Girl cards if not using hentai image pack
Bug Fixes:
Fixed theme bonus for Latex showing extra bonus before the boss battle
Fixed Engineer cards also buying other cards
Fixed Chemistry theme trait not working
Fixed Hypnosis theme bonus not working
Fixed the ability to buy the same potion slot infinite times for -2 points each tie
Changed code for cards that care about having no brain or no sub to be consistent with cards that remove cards from your deck
Fixed Schoolgirl not turning into Acolyte properly in story mode dual TF round
Fixed the drone info under modifiers not displaying the correct info (card functioned properly)
Fixed Club Activities causing an error when played
Fixed bug where becoming corrupt as magical girl could cause errors to pop up
Fixed Magical Lock and Disguise Potion not using potion slots 4-5 if you have Dainty Feet
Other Changes:
Feet theme upgrade now only functions above 25 TF
Boss battle UI now shows how much brain/heart/sub/TF you've done as well as rainbow
New dual transformations:
Acoylte (Witch/Schoolgirl)
Magical-er Girl (Witch/Magical Girl)
Magical Boi (Sissy/Magical Girl)
New card theme packs:
Animalgirl card pack
Witch cardpack
Magical Girl card pack
Gameplay changes:
Themes are no longer upgraded by playing multiple cards in a turn. Instead you buy them at the end of the round using points
Added point shop. Gain points based on how fast you beat the round.
Added consumables
Removed round 1 fight with no boss from Ascension 0 as well, it no longer exists.
New body modifiers:
Dainty Feet: +5 TF: adds two consumable slots
Three Boobs:+10 TF: Fill your consumable slots with random potions at the start of the round
Body modifier changes:
Fun sized to upgrade your basic cards instead of starting each turn with six cards in hand
Witch theme bonus now reduces cost of witch cards by 1, enables succubus mode trigger at six witch cards played in a turn
Transformation specific modifier for Witch now casts a spell at the start of each turn that adds 1 to a random resource
Card changes:
Old Hypno theme cards removed, now have chemistry cards old effects
Changed Chemistry theme to use new effects that use the consumable slots
Because of ongoing real life stuff (i.e. coronavirus) this update includes less player thoughts and art than normal. These will be added in another update later.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed the Ass theme causing a broken card to be added to the deal decks when playing dual TFs
Fixed an exploit where playing Up The Ass after Parent Night incorrectly gives you 1000000000 TF
Save file names now are named after your transformation
Removed deck cost sort from epilogue, was causing performance issues
Fixed topless being coded as costing 6 instead of 7
Fixed some maid cards (including dual classes) not initializing the dirty counter properly
UI Updates:
Display of how many cards of each theme you've played moved to the bottom of the screen
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Hex of Transformation being coded with the wrong cost
Fixed Pent Up not working as Servant
Fixed Go For The Throat's card saying it costs 5 when it actually costs 6
Fixed Ass theme cards not being added to the bully deal deck
Fixed chastity cards image links sometimes being broken
Fixed broken card in Servant deal piles when using Ass theme
Known issues:
Something is causing null cards to be shuffled into the deck (The "bad evaluation. Cannot find 'image of undefined error)
Background gifs don't play in boss battles
UI Improvements:
Changed order of transformations on the story mode select to align with dual transformations. Adjacent TFs are now the ones that are shared
Fixed the empty card slot image being the wrong size causing UI elements to jump around at certain aspect ratios
Improved formatting for gifs in background
Added button to go back to main screen after selecting a mode but before starting a game
Card Changes:
Triumph of Submission changed to "If TF>100, take an extra turn"
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Servant not having access to unlockable sissy cards in the deck builder as well as Wolf not having access to Futanari cards
Fixed the "aftermath" render for Schoolgirl Derek being broken
Added Bully, Servant, and Wolf to endless mode
Fixed being able to buy Wolfgirl point cards with sub
Fixed Giggly breaking the first deal of a round
Fixed the Veiled Woman's TF specific card not working properly against dual TFs
Fixed one of the preview images for schoolgirl and sissy themes on the deck builder page being broken
Fixed the Schoolgirl card theme pack not being shuffled into the Bully's deck when added on the deck building screen
Fixed Purity Of Lust costing the wrong amount
Fixed Primal having a broken image
Fixed some Schoolgirl cards being coded as costing less than the what the cards indicate (Study Session, Parent Night, and Graduation)
Fixed wolf showing the cards played count fro Hucow and not Futanari
Fixed Inspection not advancing the theme count
Fixed Collared not having an upgrade
Fixed the bondage set seeding Collared twice but Blindfolded never
Fixed Hucow theme pack not showing as unlocked properly in some cases
Fixed Wolf dealing Pack Alpha instead of Go For The Throat
Known issue: the TF specific relic has wonky interactions with dual classes. Will require a more in depth fix in the future
Added Futanari, Schoolgirl, and Sissy card theme packs
Added theme bonus to Surveillance, Ass, and Prostitution card themes.
UI improvements:
In play cards are now displayed above your hand
Discard pile now shows the last card added to it
Made the option to not choose a body modifier more obvious
Card Changes:
Key Control cost lowered to 2H (from 3H)
Cock flop changed to "unused sub this turn carries over and is doubled" (from "unused sub carries over)
Sissygasm changed to "increase max TF by 4" (from 3) and moved to later in the deal order
Bug fixes:
Fixed the deck contents having broken images
Fixed Rote Memorization not counting copies bought from the buy piles
Fixed chastity images being broken in deck, discard and in play
Lowered number of save slots to 15 (was causing lag)
Fixed boss battles not keeping track of TF dealt properly for doubling cards
Fixed damage carrying over onto first turn of boss fights
In the epilogue, the contents of your deck is now sorted
Lowered story mode base difficulty
Fixed Private Tutor having the wrong theme
Fixed Triumph of the Mind not being added to deal deck
Fixed bug with Fucking of the Bulls
Fixed Michael putting null cards in your deck for real this time seriously
General Changes:
Show all cards option in help menu moved to top of screen
You no longer meet Sally unless on Ascension 5+
Deck Builder screen shows what your starting TF level will be next round
Bug Fixes:
Fixed the boss attack "Bimbo Potion" putting garbage into your deck instead of ditzes
Fixed Tease theme putting Outwit in your deck and Femme Fatale theme putting in Cock Tease
Fixed some theme cost reduction not being applied correctly
Fixed Femme Fatale and Tease being switched for Housewife
Fixed Feel 'Em Up not providing the bonus for Bimbo and Hucow
Fixed the cards that check for brain not updating correctly in some cases
Fixed Clean House Empty mind causing a loop and changed card draw code to prevent such problems in the future
Fixed dual classes not showing TF specific resources in boss battles
Fixed imporper variable when using sacrifice on a rainbow costed card
Fixed the Money theme free buy carrying over between rounds
Fixed certain enemy traits carrying over into boss battles
Fixed the interaction between Professional Help and animal buy pile cards (can't gain multiple points in a turn anymore)
Blank slots in the buy piles are no longer clickable
Fixed brain drain and brain fart adding ditzes to deck
Fixed Submits showing up in Succubus buy piles
Fixed Evil Therapist not gaining theme bonus
Fixed free buy cards causing an error when buying Captured
Fixed the the discard pile being shuffled into the deck before cards are drawn at end of turn
Fixed broken tooltips for cards in hand buy removing tooltips for cards in hand
Fixed Manicured Nails
Fixed card list in help not showing Magical Girl cards
Fixed Flex not dealing damage
Fixed Doublecast not working with non spell effects
Fixed born to please having the wrong cost
Codebase changes:
Completely overhauled large parts of the code base to improve performance.
Gameplay changes:
Introduced deal deck building system. Instead of being in a static order, you can change the TF range of cards by swapping them around as well as replace them with new ones
Introduced unlockable card theme sets
Added round 5 of the story mode, the dual transformation round with a new boss
Story Mode base difficulty lowered
Added option to randomize transformation in story mode. Doing so grants a bonus Ascension Point if you win
You know gain Ascension Points equal to your Ascension Level + 1 if you win
You know gain Ascension points equal to the number of bosses defeated regardless of if you win or lose
Removed corrupted card Ascension Level
Increased odds of getting animal cards
New transformations
Housewife (dual Bimbo/Maid)
Cow (dual Hucow/Animalgirl)
New theme sets:
Generic: Money, Breasts, Lezdom
TF specific: Bimbo, Maid, Hucow
Interface changes:
Changed the symbol for the Tease theme to prevent confusion with the new unlockable breast theme
Card changes:
Fake News, Professional Help, Teacher's Pet and Hogtied removed
Online Interview cost increased to 5
Bug Fixes:
Fixed bug that showed your damage done as being equal to the damage you've taken
Fixed the display for "forgotten" cards
Cards that increase dirtiness now start the dirtiness counter
Art Changes:
Added commissioned art for Magical Girl
Spruced up the enemy art for the hentai image set
Balance Changes:
Shopaholic reduced to 15 TF cost (from 20)
Long legs/luscious lashes now effect your basic cards as well.
Gorgeous Face raised to 20 TF cost (from 15)
Giggly reduced to 5 TF cost (from 10)
Hourglass waist cost reduced to 0 TF cost (from 5)
Bug Fixes:
Graduation actually draws cards again
Fixed a display error with the dog subset of animal girl avatar images
Game play changes:
Free Entry and friends now counts as drawing a card
Succubus evil goal changed to 666 (from 1000)
Your discard pile is now shuffled into your deck before the boss battle
Bug fixes:
Fixed corruption sometimes not rounding to 2 significant figures properly
Fixed bug with gifs in the background throwing an exception
Fixed the unlock system thinking there are 4 TFs to unlock instead of 6
Free Entry now takes theme bonus cost changes into account
Fixed Dog sometimes being offered if you have Cat as your spirit animal
Fixed uniform upgrade costing 3 instead of 2
Fixed boss card effects carrying over into Succubus mode
Fixed cards that change permanent buy pile card range not effecting image shown
Fixed bug causing spells that draw cards to create an infinite for loop (for realsies this time)
Fixed Giggly's shuffle block carrying over into Succubus mode
The enemy trait that doubles TF Damage now shows the effect for the in turn TF Damage counter
Fixed Brain Fart sometimes giving you -999 shield
Fixed the hentai image set not showing the correct versions of Training Session
General Changes:
Cost of Ward of Protection raised to 5 (from 4)
If you have role reversal, the pure and corrupt theme bonuses for magical girl also swap
Added win condition to succubus mode
Added options to lock and unlock all ascension levels in the progression and unlocks screen
Bug Fixes:
Fixed the >75 TF buypile card for magical girl being broken if you had permanent makeup
Magical Girl cards that transition from heart/sub to brain because of role reversal no longer count against cards that care about heart/sub cards being in your deck.
Fixed some Magical Girl features not functioning in sandbox (wrong image pack at reset of game, no ability to select theme bonus on gain modifier screen, etc.
Fixed console reporting endless missing files (has no impact unkless actively lloking at the console but I'm sure someone will aprreciate it.)
Fixed burn birght causing an error to pop up.
Fixed witch cards having broken images when using hentai image set
Fixed bug preventing Spirit Animal being set to cat
Corruption no longer can go below 0
You can't change image set if playing as a Magical Girl
New transformations:
Magical Girl
Story mode changes:
Starting at ascension 1, the first round (the one with no transformation and no boss) is skipped.
You now select your TF before your first relic.
Added screen showing what enemies and bosses you will face before the round starts
Added renders for the bosses
Added the foundations for actual story content
Rewrote part of intro
After you win the story mode, you get an epilogue that shows your final state and deck as well as more TF specific story content.
New body modifiers:
Sacrifice: +0TF: You can't draw cards. You can buy a card without spending the required resources by paying 2 TF per missing point
Giggly: +10TF: The buy piles don't refresh at the end of the turn. You can manually refresh them once per turn.
Modifier 18: different for each TF
Bimbo: Stupid Sexy: +10TF: If you draw 3 cards in a turn, gain 2 heart
Maid: Maid Messiah: +10TF: Dirtiness can be reduced below 0
Hucow: Abundant Assets: +10 TF: Start at 5 breast size
Futanari: Chiseled Physique: -10 TF
Schoolgirl: Brainiac: +10 TF: Gain 1 brain at the start of the turn
Sissy: Total Submission: +20TF: Whenever you gain 1 sub, gain 1 more
Animalgirl: Spirit Animal: +5 TF: The first animal card you buy will be offered every turn
Magical Girl: Role Reversal: +0 TF: Start corrupted and at 20 corruption, Corruption counts down instead of up
Demonic Affinity +5TF: Start each turn with 1 on the witch theme bonus track
Card changes:
Cost of Anal raised to 5 (from 4)
Cost of Cock tease raised to 5 (from 4)
Cock tease theme upgrade changed to +1 heart, 2x heart (from 3x heart)
Born to Please changed to 4H: H-> sub (from 1H: 1 sub, draw)
Dress up party changed to 2H: 4 shield (from 1H: 3 shield)
Graduation changed to draw up to 5 (from 6)
Parent night coast raised to 8 (from 7)
Formatting changes:
Converted gifs to webms, doubling video size and cutting file size by 2/3
Converted over from png to webp, saving about 30% on file size. Overall effect of changes is a 45% reduction in game size
Added option to place sidebar gifs at the top of the sidebar or in the background
Added option to select card image set. Current options are regular set and hentai set
Bug fixes:
Fixed garbage cards being added to deck when drawing from an empty discard pile
Fixed the first turn of boss showing how much damage was dealt
Fixed pre-boss bonuses going into negatives if round goes on long enough
Gameplay changes:
(The goal of these changes is to make TF focused builds more viable and promote finishing rounds faster)
TF now does twice as much damage versus bosses
You can now choose one of three boons before you fight the boss. How strong they are is based on how fast you beat the regular enemy
Boon 1: Meditate: Removes a number of basic cards from your deck
Boon 2: Rest: Heals TF taken
Boon 2: Plan: Starts the boss at health
Bug Fixes:
Fixed broken image for tech trait in sandbox relic select
Fixed rainbow cards wrongly applying negative values if you had more than one negative resource
Fixed broken for loop in Orgasm Denial
Fixed Prey/Predator/Pet being able to add negative of a resource
Fixed broken for loop in classic mode victory
Cards that draw multiple cards now draw the rest of your deck before shuffling
Fixed enemies in sand box not transforming
Forgotten basic cards can now be removed from any zone (including your hand if there are none in other zones)
Fixed the effects of All Nighter and Professional Help being swapped
Fixed the sandbox character select caring about unlocks
Added the ability to remove body modifiers and add theme traits to sandbox mode
Fixed bug with Inner Beast where the cards to be drawn wouldn't be calculated correctly.
Fixed Down the Rabbit Hole having a broken sidebar gif
Fixed Pleasing Master not displaying in your deck
Fixed Rock Hard sometimes not spawning Cum!
Fixed Private Tutor for loop not terminating
Fixed Consolation Prize (spawned from Free Entry and friends) having a broken conditional
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Just The Tip increasing your TF rather than the enemies during boss battles
Fixed Down The Rabbits Hole not working during boss battles
Fixed sissy and animal endings not showing up.
Fixed Key Control player thoughts using the opposite of your chastity status
Fixed an infinite loop happening in the help menu
Cards that cost rainbow fixed to count as brains, heart, and sub while in your deck
Fixed Sissy cards not being drawn with Free Entry
Fixed some tooltips
Fixed bug where Prey/Predator/Pet would never appear
At Ascension level 9, fixed second enemy trait not displaying
From now on the name of the HTML file won't change between updates to keep unlocks from resetting.
Card Changes:
Inner Beast cost raised to 15
Lowered cost of single animal payoff cards (Prey, Predator, and Pet)
Changed some numbers in the algorithm that determines when/what animal cards are dealt.
Cards like Free Entry that draw the highest X card in your deck, now have a default card to draw if nothing qualifies.
Cock Flop now preserves sub during boss fights
Rote Memorization cost reduced to 6 from 7
Indecision cost lowered to 3 from 4
Uniform Upgrade cost lowered to 2 from 3
Limp Clitty cost raised to 4, now draws cards equal to your hand size + 2
Locked Away now gives 3 shield and 1 sub (from 2 shield, 2 sub)
Underfoot now gives 2 TF, 1 shield (from 3 TF)
Professional Help and All Nighter switched in the buy order.
Fixed sissy renders not displaying
Fixed dog renders showing the wrong subsets (or displaying cat instead)\
Fixed formating errors in story intro
Fixed bug with Inner Beast's for loop never terminating
Fixed enemy trait always being -1 sub
Fixed sissygasm working when not in chastity
Fixed playing Safety of the Pack removing shield this turn
Added Permanent Makeup cost discount to animal point cards
Fixed the sandbox character select menu being the old one.
Fixed Outwit not changing the 4th buy pile card
Fixes enemy not updating correctly
Fixes sideabar gifs for Fuck Like Rabbits
New transformations:
New features and UI improvements:
Added Ascencion progressive difficulty system. Win story mode rounds to unlock new, harder rules
Added enemy traits (first Ascension level)
Added progression and unlock system. You get points for beating the game equal to your Ascension level. Spend these points to unlock body modifications and transformations
Enemy moved to a second sidebar
Added seventh enemy render sequence
Enemy render sequences now pull from a pool, can't get the same one multiple times in a row.
Enemy render sequences scale to max TF level, rather than a flat 100
Somebody modifier pictures changed
Story mode changes:
Difficulty in story mode rescaled (made easier to allow for Ascension system)
Added new character select menu
General gameplay changes:
Increased number of buy piles to 4
Hucow breast counter starts at 1
Body modification changes:
Shopaholic reworked to 20TF: whenever you buy a card from the main buy piles, gain 1 shield and 1 TF
Card changes:
The cost of cards that draw more than 1 card has been raised
Just the tip reworked to -3 shield, 2xTF (from -4 shield, 3xheart)
Parent Night cost raised to 7 from 6
Hormone Injections now upgrades with Hucow theme trait (draws a card)
Bug fixes:
Fixed mods. Still can't type certain letters
Fixed bug where Flaccid and friends wouldn't be added to the buy piles correctly
Fixed bug where Quick Thinking wouldn't appear if you had luscious lashes
Fixed the rules screen referencing "score"
Other stuff I forgot to document
Fixes bugs with player thoughts/sidebar images and TF not displaying correctly.
Blowjob was missing its theme
Guest entertainment had an error with sidebar image
Some functions didn't include permanently buy pile cards correctly
A few broken images
Upgraded permanent buy pile cards showed up in the deck viewer incorrectly
Suggestible didn't double TF correctly
Cards that deleted themselves after bring played didn't display sidebar images and thoughts (such as chub and friends)
Boss 2's double shield attack didn't double shield gain from Smooth Skin
Interface changes:
Added ghost cards to buy pile (same effect as the hand)
You can now go straight to the sandbox options menu at the start of the mode
Rote memorization reworked to 6B: add B equal to the copies of this card in your deck. Add a copy of this card to your deck
Fixed: Bug with group study not assigning subAccum correctly
Fixed: Mods not working at all
Fixed: Sex change not applying correctly
Fixed: Removing ditz with hypnosis class added NaN to brain
Fixed: Fixed endless mode difficulty going 1 beyond intended max
Fixed: Pegging player thoughts printing out broken if statements
Fixed: Facial properly adds 2TF
Fixed: Pegging properly adds 2 TF
Fixed: Starting the game with high TF with the Futanari theme trait now properly sets deck to have 0 submits.
Flaccid and friends now use the 4th buy pile slot and won't override cards (unless you have Shopaholic)
Put scroll bar back on the sidebar
New transformations:
New body modifications:
New modifier: Manicured Nails. +10TF: hold the rightmost card in your hand between turns
New modifier: Shopaholic. +20 TF:
New modifier: Permanent Makeup: +15TF, upgrade the permanent buy pile cards
New features and UI improvements:
Endless mode
Made hotkeys for end turn, autoplay, buy cards and play cards, facilitating one-handed play ;)
Added tooltips for themes, buy pile, hand, and deck/discard/in play piles
Fixed the screen flashing (credit to HiEv)
Added fullscreen mode and button (credit again to HiEv)
Hand now contains 6 visible slots.
Story mode changes:
Enemy max TF scales with round (75+(round*25))
Skip intro button moved to the top of the page. Only appears if you've seen the intro once before.
The first body modification is presented before picking a transformation
The turn you beat your opponent, you take no TF. (Prevents intsa losing to the boss)
Body modification changes:
Fun sized buffed to -10TF (from 0)
Smooth Skin nerfed to 20 TF (from 15)
Bubble Butt nerfed to +20 max TF (still costs 25 TF)
Card changes:
Something in the water now 6B: 2xTF (from 3H: 2TF 1H)
Purity of Lust nerfed to cost 5 (from 3)
Triumph of the mind now requires no heart
Teacher's Pet and Beauty Regiment nerfed to 2 H (from 1)
Sugar Daddy nerfed to 3 shield (from 4)
Dumb Luck nerfed to 4 shield (from 5)
Brain Fart costs 5 H (it was always supposed to be 5, costing 2 was a typo when making the card)
Switched Infiltration Mission and Seduction in deal order.
Milk Bath buffed to -TF=1/3 Breast Size (from 1/4) and put earlier in the deal order
Key: B: brain(blue) H: heart(red) S:sub(yellow)
Bug fixes:
Lucious Lashes and Long Legs fixed
The selection of relics on the buy screen persists between reloads
Fixed bug where theme traits wouldn't trigger during boss
Lots of stuff I didn't document
Bug Fixes:
A lot, I didn't document them. If in the future you would like bug fixes to be documented and added to release notes, let me know.
Interface Changes:
Added skip intro button for story mode
Moved deal button to above the players hand
Added mod support for full player avatar swaps instead of just one sequence (added a series of real life porn images in the mod folder to use with this feature. Credit to Avi for the images.)
Card changes:
Online Research transitions to Feminine Wiles at 20 (up from 15)
Feminine Wiles transitions to Fashion Magazine at 35 (up from 30)
Guest entertainment to 7 rainbow (from 8)
Pleasing Master, Learn your Place and Pecking Order all give 11-dirty of their resource (from 12)
Doggy Style nerfed to draw up to 4 (from 5)
Swallow nerfed to draw up to 3 (from 4)
Eureka to 7 (from 8)
Professional Help to 5 (from 6)
Sex Change now applies shield before halving damage instead of after.
Card Changes:
Triumph of the Mind costs 8 (down from 9)
Corrective surgery costs 7 (down from 8)
Femme Fatale name changed to Seduction. Given Femme Fatale theme
Published Author name changed to Infiltration Mission. Cost changed to 4 (down from 5). Femme Fatale theme
Date Night now gives 2H 2 Shield (from 2H 2B)
Free Entry now draws the highest cost H card from your deck (from 2H 2 shield)
Bow Down gives 2TF, 1S (from than 1TF, 2S)
Take it Deep now changed to 3S: gain TF equal to S in pool (from 6H: 6H)
Dumb Luck lowered to 5 shield (from 6)
Theme Changes
Transformation theme bonuses (maid, bimbo, hucow) take 4 cards in a turn to upgrade.
Added new theme: Femme Fatale. Focuses on cards that use both H and B. Theme upgrade changes flirts to also give 1B
Transformation Changes:
The Dirtiness counter only starts when playing a card that cleans. The counter starts at 0.
Most maid payoff cards buffed.
The highest level permanent buy pile card ("Training Session") now gives TF specific resources
New Cards:
Total cards now 116 (up from 111). Basic card pool up to 90 (from 87). Each transformation has been given a new card.
Brain Fart: 5H: 1 shield for each card drawn this turn. Bimbo theme
Mental Mastery, 5B: remove a random basic card from your deck. Draw a card. Mind theme
Outwit: 4H: change the buy piles to random b cost cards. Femme Fatale theme (replaces Constant Vigilance)
Milk Bath: 6H: heal TF equal to 1/4 breast size. Hucow theme
Uniform Upgrade 3H: 1 sub, draw, clean, Maid theme
Strapon: 3H: 2H, 2B. Femme Fatale theme
3 new traits:
Long legs: 5 TF: Treated as having +15 TF when choosing cards for buy pile
Luscious Lashes: 5 TF: Treated as having -15 TF when choosing cards for buy pile
Plump lips: 10 TF: Pills give 1 shield
In story mode, you can select between 4 traits instead of 3
Suggestible has no TF cost (-5)
Added image moding support
Added option to change background color
Lots of bug fixes.
Key: B: brain(blue) H: heart(red) S:sub(yellow)
New content and features:
Added Maid and Hucow transformations
Transformations include 12 cards, accompanying player thoughts, sidebar images, boss comments, and new renders
Added sidebar images for transformations
New renders for opponent. 6 randomized options.
Added ability to select transformation (Bimbo, Maid or Hucow)
Added a constant low powered card to buyable cards. Can be bought any number of times. Changes as TF raises, with 5 variations.
Endings change based on what traits you have.
Added indicator for TF specific resources (includes a counter for number of ditzes in the deck)
Card and Balance changes:
Replace card 9 (Online Research) with Escape Route. (5B: Gain Shield equal to the current brain in the pool)
Replaced card 25 (Feminine Wiles) with Femme Fatale. (5B: Gain heart equal to the current brain in the pool)
Reworked card 53 (Just the tip) Now multiples heart in the pool by 3, but reduces shield by 4.
Changed boss card 'Tracking Chip' to halve armor gain, rather than giving -10 armor
Boss 2 nerfed.
Thick Thighs gives +15 TF (+5)
Fun Sized has no TF penalty (-5)
Tweaked balance of resource to pay off cards (i.e. cards that give ditz/breast size/clean vs. cards that care about that resource) at high TF levels
Bug fixes, typos and small quality of life fixes.
Bug fixes, typos and small quality of life fixes.
Also accidentally included a test feature that lets you hold cards between turns. Makes the game pretty different, try it out!
Bug fixes and typos
Major gameplay changes including:
Card Theme System
Two additional bosses along with a revamp of how boss attacks work
Sandbox Mode
Playing cards now displays "player thoughts". Some cards (30%ish) display gifs as well
New body modifiers
Many, many card balance changes, pick order changes and reworks.
Bug fixes
Initial release
Жанр: real porn, text based, 2DCG, 3DCG, male protagonist, transformation, futa, trans, male domination, anal, bdsm, bukkake, cosplay, creampie, exhibitionism, female domination, gay, pegging, groping, group sex, interracial, lesbian, male protagonist, monster girls, multiple penetration, oral, school setting, sex toys, sissification, vaginal, pregnancy
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Apollo Seven - www.patreon.com/apolloseven
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.24
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
"TF Card Battle" - это игра с построением колоды, посвященная превращению мужчины в женщину. Ваша цель - преобразить своего противника до того, как он сможет сделать то же самое с вами. По мере того, как вы будете трансформироваться, на ваш разум будут воздействовать, меняя карты, к которым у вас есть доступ. Останетесь ли вы верны себе прежнему или воспользуетесь своими новыми инстинктами, чтобы одержать верх?
TF Card Battle is a deck-building game with a male to female transformation theme. Your goal is to transform your opponent before they can do the same to you. As you transform, your mind will be affected, changing the cards you have access to. Will you stay true to your old self, or embrace your new instincts to gain an upper hand?
Added new Hucow specific card pack
Added new Schoolgirl specific card pack
Added sidebar gifs and thoughts for the new packs as well as the 1.23 packs.
Added new Bimbo specific card pack
Added new Maid specific card pack
Fixed What Are You Doing Stepson costing 6H instead of the 4 listed on the card
Fixed Walk the Streets costing 1 instead of the 2 listed on the card
Fixed Tip Goal costing 2 instead of the 3 listed on the card
Fixed Join My Onlyfans costing 3 instead of the 4 listed on the card
Fixed the play field top gif location not showing up in boss battles
Fixed Breeding Season not working properly in boss battles
Fixed the Join My Only Fans potion not working against bosses
New Content:
Added TF specific body modifier to Pregnancy: Orgasmic Births: Whenever you give birth draw a card
Added theme upgrade for Pregnancy to point store. Gives 2 children at the start of them game
Added sidebar gifs for Camgirl and Cosplay (thanks to Jonas132)
Added player thoughts for Pregnancy cards (thanks to Jonas132)
Integrated the Spnati Mod into the base game. This adds alternate enemy images as well as a new gif location
Added the VW round for Pregnancy
Balance Changes:
A Womans' Duty actually does what's written on the card now and is now called Perpetually Pregnant
Mother's Love now heals equal to half your children
What Are You Doing Stepson? reworked to: 4H: Impregnate or Gain Sub = to children*2
Twins cost raise to 5H from 4H
Adoption cost raised to 5H from 5H
Bug Fixes:
Fixed bosses having a broken image when playing as a pregnancy class
Giving birth to a child no longer draws you a bonus card
Fixed Breed Me Daddy not being added to your deck and instead adding a shield potion (I know, I know, it's a long story)
Fixed Shopping Spree still adding cards during boss battles
Fixed the Seedbed cards being able to reduce corruption below 0
Fixed the typo in the name of accelerated pregnancy
Fixed Breeding cow saying one stage twice. Fixed Breeding cow saying one stage twice.
Deleted the Pregnancy gifs that played at 10x speed or didn't play at all because of encoding errors. They will be replaced in the future.
Fixed your round number from story mode carrying over to endless if you go straight there from the main menu.
New content:
Added new TF, Pregnancy
Added new theme pack Pregnancy EX
Added new dual TF, Milkmaid (pregnancy+hucow)
Added new dual TF, Seedbed (pregnancy + magical girl)
27 total new cards
Other changes:
Changed Implants to Blossoming Bosom
Fixed a bug where the randomizer could select Clubgirl even if she wasn't unlocked
Fixed the TFx2 potion not working in boss battles
Cosplay Changes:
You now start with 1 fan
Convention Visit now costs brain instead of heart
Fan base now costs 5 instead of 7 and gives shield/TF equal to half fans instead of a third
Fixed Hucow not having Cattle-pens in the card list causing it to never show up.
Fixed the first epilogue screen showing a bunch of error messages.
Fixed the FutaEX cards not showing up when playing as Bully
Fixed the Acolyte symbol being broken on the deck building screen
Gameplay changes:
Added new unlockable heart theme, Cosplay!
Added new unlockable sub theme, Camgirl!
UI changes:
Deck building screen now shows what modifiers you currently have
Visit my only fans name changed to Blacked
Bug fixes:
Changed Magical Boi card to both increase/decrease corruption and toggle chastity
Fixed Bathroom Fling not working
Fixed the succubus basic cards showing up in the buy piles
Fixed manually shuffling the buy piles in an animal girl dual TF throwing an error
Fixed some broken character avatar images in the online version
Lots of typos fixed (thanks to Olivebirdy)
Fixed Get Fucked Up not using up your potions
Fixed Cow not looping through the animals properly
Changed the order of Maid and Hucow cards to give a better mix of clean and payoff cards at lower TF levels
Reworked Workout Session (was 3H: 2B, draw) is now 4H: draw 4 cards, trash this card after use.
Reworked Cock Bulge (was 3H: 2S, draw) is now 3B: 10TF, trash this card after use.
Reworked Bathroom Fling (was 5H: gain shield and TF = to H) is now 4H: Whenever you use a consumable this turn gain 1 TF and 1 shield)
Fixed a bug that caused an error when generating animal buy pile cards as Cow
Fixed Infiltrate the Enemy giving 10 evil points instead of 15
Fixed the Witch and Magical girl set bonus unlocks being switched in the point store
Fixed a bug with the Rave dual TF that caused building the deck order to have an error
Fixed Hypnotic Email missing it's upgraded version
Fixed a bug with Visit From the Vet calculating breast size gain incorrectly
Fixed Ward of Shielding having the wrong cost
Fixed Lustful Offering having the wrong cost
Fixed Doggy Style being unaffected by set trait
Slave Auction now properly evaluates dual suit cards' cost
Fixed Shopping Spree not working when the first slot was empty
Various pack previews have been corrected
Suggestible no longer makes you take double damage from bosses
Enemies no longer deal damage to you after being defeated with the Latex set
Fixed the Magical Girl theme bonuses acting wonky in the shop
Drone now increases theme count based on the number of drone cards bought
Fixed playing cards causing the game to try and load a non-existent gif
Fixed some bugs with cards that drew the highest of X
Fixed Chastity card thoughts being based on the state after playing the card
Increased spawn rate of Inner Beast to be more in line with the odds of being dealt a normal card
Fixed Public Demonstration's image also being shown for Gangbang
And a lot of other minor errors
(Thanks to timeracers)
Chastity now gives 1 heart and 1 sub in addition to toggling chastity states
Maid dirty counter capped at 10
Just the Tip now costs 1S, down from 3
Borrowed Ideas costs 6B (up from 5B)
Added ability to have up to 10 gifs per card (thanks to ralphmayo)
150 new gifs added, picked by the community
The last card in brain theme packs now show up earlier in the buy order
The exact deal deck order is now shown on the theme select screen (thanks to timeracers)
Fixed breast gain cards not working in boss battles
Camera Upgrade and Artificial Intelligence have their costs upgraded for realsies this time
Fixed the hucow version of Training Session causing an error
Fixed being unable to buy the 5th buypile card during Animal Girl VW fight
Balance Changes:
Ditzes now delete themselves on use
All cards that count "ditzes in deck" now count "ditzes added to deck"
Fucked stupid changed to: 4S: draw a card for each ditz in deck.
Camera Upgrade and Artificial Intelligence cost increased by 1
Science advisor now costs 3B create 2 1B potions
Quick Thinking now gives 1B 1TF 1S
Hypnotic email now costs 5B and gives 4TF
"Draw up to" removed as a mechanic. All cards with that mechanic are now normal draw cards
Transformation and card pack unlock costs now grow linearly instead of exponentially.
Increased base Ascension point gain from victories by 1
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Professional Help interacting poorly with TF specific permanent buy pile cards (thanks to timeracers for the code)
Fixed Online Interview having the wrong cost
Playing multiple Double the Dosage's in a single turn now stacks
Changed the autoplay card list to remove some cards that shouldn't be on there
Fixed some theme pack previews showing the wrong card order
Fixed decks not resetting between rounds
Fixed Hourglass Waist not upgrading pills
Fixed some broken images when unlocking the Magicalgirl bonus set
Fixed a few errors where Acolyte was treated as a Magical Girl class
Fixed latex cards throwing an error on purchase
Fixed some typos
Purity theme bonus now makes you start with brainstorms regardless of TF level
Winning with the Latex theme now properly resets the turn before the boss
Fixed Live to Serve not decrementing the dirty counter
Fixed the Transformation additional corruption reduction not applying to some cards
Fixed some cards having the wrong cost
Fixed Study giving 3 brain instead of 2
Fixed Warrior by Day not giving TF
Fixed Sacrifice not working with bran cards
Fixed some improper formatting and missing images in the deck builder TF card display
Fixed Anal Training not drawing cards
Fixed Take it Deep not becoming cheaper with the theme bonus
The cheat code to lock all Ascension levels should work properly now
Fixed Wardrobe Malfunction throwing an error
Fixed the Breast cards being able to be redrawn multiple times
Corrected the display that shows how many brainstorms/flirts/submits are in the deck
Fixed Warrior By Night not working
Changed shuffle algorithm to make the resource transitions happen ~5 TF later as well as increase the TF range of cards
Corrective surgery healed TF raised to 5
The theme select screen now shows you what your TF specific cards are
In the point store, instead of the cost increasing the less a theme was played, the highest played themes are discounted instead. Base prices have been adjusted accordingly
Beating Ascencion level 10 now gives you a bonus of 100 ascencion points.
Removed the button to unlock everything for free and replaced it with a cheat code. The cheat code is "Unveil"
Theme Packs:
Breasts: Theme reworked.
The theme Unthemed 2 is now called Purity
The theme Unthemed 1 is now called Ambition
Ass: Twerking cost reduced to 2
Prostitution: Walk the streets TF increased to 3, Premium Services heart gain increased to 3, Turning Tricks sub on buy increased to 3
Engineer: Injector upgrade cost increased to 3, interception protocols cost increased to 3
Cock Lust: Just the tip costs 3 sub, threesome cost changed to 5 sub and gives sub instead of heart, gangbang cost changes to 5S
Tease: Suggestive Move cost increased to 2
Ambition: Rethink it cost reduced to 4
Slave: Bow Down changed to 2 sub, 1 TF, nipples clamps changed to 3sub, 2 heart
Feet: Footsies heart gain increased to 5, Toe licking shield increased to 8, Foot Massage TF increased to 8, Footjob heart and sub gain increased to 5
Hypno: Motivational Poster cost reduced to 3
Second Base theme changed to whore and Free Entry theme changed to flirt
Double Down and Rethink moved changed to no Ambition. Paranoia and phone a friend moved to Mind theme
Suggestive Move theme changed to whore and Camgirl theme changed to flirt
So Big! now has Take it Deep's cost and effect, Take it Deep now has Gang Protection's cost and effect, Gang Protection now has So Big!'s cost and effect
Gang Protection rethemed to Visit My Onlyfans
Transformation specific:
Hucow: Removed the no brain condition from Moo!
Futa: Piledriver cost reduced to 1, Dick Flash cost raised to 2, Chokehold cost reduced to 5, Cock Slap cost reduced to 2, Cum! TF damage increased to 1000
Animal: Rewrote animal card deal algorithm to be less punishing towards missing a point card buy
Sissy: Anal Training changed to an if unlocked card
Magical Girl: Permanent buy pile card replaced with new card Icon of Purity/Icon of Corruption, Warrior by night cost reduced to 2 and now deals TF instead of gaining brain, Modesty cost reduced to 3, Tentacle attack cost reduced to 5
Witch: Lowered succubus mode difficulty, Demonic Boon TF gain reduced to 8
Body Modifiers:
Sacrifice card buy cost reduced to 1 TF per missing resource
Three Boobs TF cost reduced to +5
Suggestible changed to +40 TF, all your TF damage is doubled
Hourglass waste now upgrades your mysterious pills
Fun Sized TF Cost reduced to -15
Plump Limps TF Cost reduced to +5
Permanent Makeup TF Cost reduced to +5
Permanent Collar TF Cost reduced to +5
Fixed some dual/VW classes that gain Magical Girl not changing over to the proper image pack
Fixed winning on ascension 9 not giving you ascension 10
Changed the transformation select UI to make it harder to miss the "dual transformation" option
Fixed choosing a random character sometimes failing to select one
Fixed Center of Attention throwing an error
Fixed the playfield gif location not working during boss battles
Added more clarification for how the point store works
Fixed some body modifiers replacing other descriptions of modifies with themselves
Fixed Thrill of the Hunt not working properly in boss battles
Fixed Extra Credit throwing an error if you play it with no cards in the inplay pile
Fixed Assert Dominance and Brain Drain adding a ditz card to your discard pile
Fixed Barn Burner costing heart, rather than the sub it shows on the card
Fixed the Veiled Woman permanent buy pile card costing all of your resources, instead of four rainbow
Fixed some Housewife cards not cleaning correctly.
Fixed the Long Legs body modifier not working
Gameplay Changes:
Added the fifth story round with ten variants of the new Veiled Woman TF
Added 10 new cards, one for each VW transformation
Removed he double TF enemy trait from the game
UI Changes:
Added new gif location in middle of play field. Is enabled by default
Changed how Tf is selected in classic/sandbox/endless mode
Removed the rules from the mode select screens and rewrote parts of them to be more accurate
Added new gifs for cards that were missing them
Bug Fixes:
Fixed cock tease throwing an error
Fixed Get Fucked Up not activating the right effects
Fixed some Rave Slut cards having the wrong TF symbol
Fixed the corrupt side of Taste of Darkness throwing an error
Fixed Flex not actually blocking damage
Fixed motivational poster using Hypnotic email's effect instead
Fixed Get Fucked Up not being added properly to the club girl card list
Fixed the upgraded version of Cock Tease not working properly in boss fights
The raising of the enemies TF min/max damage is now calculated after the turns damage calculation to prevent the indicator being wrong
Fixed Take It Deep not getting to theme bonus cost discount
TF Damage does 2 times damage to bosses again
Fixed Extacy saying it giving 2 shield, 2 TF instead of 2 heart 2 TF
Fixed being able to buy the cock and cum bonuses multiple times
Fixed Wardrobe Malfunction not applying the class bonus
Fixed the Veiled Woman Club Girl specific attack throwing an error
Fixed the in game version saying .95 instead of .99
Fixed Ritalin creating 2 potions instead of one
Fixed Blowjob adding Heart instead of TF in boss battles
Fixed the boss attack Defensive Stance dealing damage to the boss itself rather than the player
Fixed Extacy using Acid's card image (how did I miss this one?)
Fixed the Mind theme not counting how many off it's cards you've played correctly in the point store
Fixed Head Rush throwing an error when used
Fixed Coked Up's potion not deleting itself after use
Added new transformation Club Girl
Added two new dual TFs. Rave Slut (Bimbo/Club Girl) and Hoedown Ho (Hucow/Club Girl)
Undid the tangled web of various themes upgrading the cards of other sets
You can now unlock the Mind Whore and Slave theme bonuses in the point store
Added Acolyte render series
Added images for beating the bosses as a Witch
TF no longer does twice as much damage versus bosses
Changed how the deal piles are ordered. The 4th card in each theme is now shuffled in 10 cards later than before
Fixed Swallow being coded as costing 7 instead of 8
Fixed the sissy epilogue image being the wrong video format
Fixed Dainty Feet copying it's description to other body modifiers
The TF specific body modifier now only properly only counts your initial TF in dual TF rounds
Fixed Hypnotic Email and Motivational Poster throwing errors
Fixed Very Targeted adds applying both the upgraded and unupgraded effect at the same time
Fixed Scientific Adviser having the wrong cost
Fixed unlock everything button not adding the two new body modifiers
Fixed negative dirty breaking the boss attack card Close Inspection
Fixed show all cards under help not showing Magical Girl cards if not using hentai image pack
Bug Fixes:
Fixed theme bonus for Latex showing extra bonus before the boss battle
Fixed Engineer cards also buying other cards
Fixed Chemistry theme trait not working
Fixed Hypnosis theme bonus not working
Fixed the ability to buy the same potion slot infinite times for -2 points each tie
Changed code for cards that care about having no brain or no sub to be consistent with cards that remove cards from your deck
Fixed Schoolgirl not turning into Acolyte properly in story mode dual TF round
Fixed the drone info under modifiers not displaying the correct info (card functioned properly)
Fixed Club Activities causing an error when played
Fixed bug where becoming corrupt as magical girl could cause errors to pop up
Fixed Magical Lock and Disguise Potion not using potion slots 4-5 if you have Dainty Feet
Other Changes:
Feet theme upgrade now only functions above 25 TF
Boss battle UI now shows how much brain/heart/sub/TF you've done as well as rainbow
New dual transformations:
Acoylte (Witch/Schoolgirl)
Magical-er Girl (Witch/Magical Girl)
Magical Boi (Sissy/Magical Girl)
New card theme packs:
Animalgirl card pack
Witch cardpack
Magical Girl card pack
Gameplay changes:
Themes are no longer upgraded by playing multiple cards in a turn. Instead you buy them at the end of the round using points
Added point shop. Gain points based on how fast you beat the round.
Added consumables
Removed round 1 fight with no boss from Ascension 0 as well, it no longer exists.
New body modifiers:
Dainty Feet: +5 TF: adds two consumable slots
Three Boobs:+10 TF: Fill your consumable slots with random potions at the start of the round
Body modifier changes:
Fun sized to upgrade your basic cards instead of starting each turn with six cards in hand
Witch theme bonus now reduces cost of witch cards by 1, enables succubus mode trigger at six witch cards played in a turn
Transformation specific modifier for Witch now casts a spell at the start of each turn that adds 1 to a random resource
Card changes:
Old Hypno theme cards removed, now have chemistry cards old effects
Changed Chemistry theme to use new effects that use the consumable slots
Because of ongoing real life stuff (i.e. coronavirus) this update includes less player thoughts and art than normal. These will be added in another update later.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed the Ass theme causing a broken card to be added to the deal decks when playing dual TFs
Fixed an exploit where playing Up The Ass after Parent Night incorrectly gives you 1000000000 TF
Save file names now are named after your transformation
Removed deck cost sort from epilogue, was causing performance issues
Fixed topless being coded as costing 6 instead of 7
Fixed some maid cards (including dual classes) not initializing the dirty counter properly
UI Updates:
Display of how many cards of each theme you've played moved to the bottom of the screen
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Hex of Transformation being coded with the wrong cost
Fixed Pent Up not working as Servant
Fixed Go For The Throat's card saying it costs 5 when it actually costs 6
Fixed Ass theme cards not being added to the bully deal deck
Fixed chastity cards image links sometimes being broken
Fixed broken card in Servant deal piles when using Ass theme
Known issues:
Something is causing null cards to be shuffled into the deck (The "bad evaluation. Cannot find 'image of undefined error)
Background gifs don't play in boss battles
UI Improvements:
Changed order of transformations on the story mode select to align with dual transformations. Adjacent TFs are now the ones that are shared
Fixed the empty card slot image being the wrong size causing UI elements to jump around at certain aspect ratios
Improved formatting for gifs in background
Added button to go back to main screen after selecting a mode but before starting a game
Card Changes:
Triumph of Submission changed to "If TF>100, take an extra turn"
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Servant not having access to unlockable sissy cards in the deck builder as well as Wolf not having access to Futanari cards
Fixed the "aftermath" render for Schoolgirl Derek being broken
Added Bully, Servant, and Wolf to endless mode
Fixed being able to buy Wolfgirl point cards with sub
Fixed Giggly breaking the first deal of a round
Fixed the Veiled Woman's TF specific card not working properly against dual TFs
Fixed one of the preview images for schoolgirl and sissy themes on the deck builder page being broken
Fixed the Schoolgirl card theme pack not being shuffled into the Bully's deck when added on the deck building screen
Fixed Purity Of Lust costing the wrong amount
Fixed Primal having a broken image
Fixed some Schoolgirl cards being coded as costing less than the what the cards indicate (Study Session, Parent Night, and Graduation)
Fixed wolf showing the cards played count fro Hucow and not Futanari
Fixed Inspection not advancing the theme count
Fixed Collared not having an upgrade
Fixed the bondage set seeding Collared twice but Blindfolded never
Fixed Hucow theme pack not showing as unlocked properly in some cases
Fixed Wolf dealing Pack Alpha instead of Go For The Throat
Known issue: the TF specific relic has wonky interactions with dual classes. Will require a more in depth fix in the future
Added Futanari, Schoolgirl, and Sissy card theme packs
Added theme bonus to Surveillance, Ass, and Prostitution card themes.
UI improvements:
In play cards are now displayed above your hand
Discard pile now shows the last card added to it
Made the option to not choose a body modifier more obvious
Card Changes:
Key Control cost lowered to 2H (from 3H)
Cock flop changed to "unused sub this turn carries over and is doubled" (from "unused sub carries over)
Sissygasm changed to "increase max TF by 4" (from 3) and moved to later in the deal order
Bug fixes:
Fixed the deck contents having broken images
Fixed Rote Memorization not counting copies bought from the buy piles
Fixed chastity images being broken in deck, discard and in play
Lowered number of save slots to 15 (was causing lag)
Fixed boss battles not keeping track of TF dealt properly for doubling cards
Fixed damage carrying over onto first turn of boss fights
In the epilogue, the contents of your deck is now sorted
Lowered story mode base difficulty
Fixed Private Tutor having the wrong theme
Fixed Triumph of the Mind not being added to deal deck
Fixed bug with Fucking of the Bulls
Fixed Michael putting null cards in your deck for real this time seriously
General Changes:
Show all cards option in help menu moved to top of screen
You no longer meet Sally unless on Ascension 5+
Deck Builder screen shows what your starting TF level will be next round
Bug Fixes:
Fixed the boss attack "Bimbo Potion" putting garbage into your deck instead of ditzes
Fixed Tease theme putting Outwit in your deck and Femme Fatale theme putting in Cock Tease
Fixed some theme cost reduction not being applied correctly
Fixed Femme Fatale and Tease being switched for Housewife
Fixed Feel 'Em Up not providing the bonus for Bimbo and Hucow
Fixed the cards that check for brain not updating correctly in some cases
Fixed Clean House Empty mind causing a loop and changed card draw code to prevent such problems in the future
Fixed dual classes not showing TF specific resources in boss battles
Fixed imporper variable when using sacrifice on a rainbow costed card
Fixed the Money theme free buy carrying over between rounds
Fixed certain enemy traits carrying over into boss battles
Fixed the interaction between Professional Help and animal buy pile cards (can't gain multiple points in a turn anymore)
Blank slots in the buy piles are no longer clickable
Fixed brain drain and brain fart adding ditzes to deck
Fixed Submits showing up in Succubus buy piles
Fixed Evil Therapist not gaining theme bonus
Fixed free buy cards causing an error when buying Captured
Fixed the the discard pile being shuffled into the deck before cards are drawn at end of turn
Fixed broken tooltips for cards in hand buy removing tooltips for cards in hand
Fixed Manicured Nails
Fixed card list in help not showing Magical Girl cards
Fixed Flex not dealing damage
Fixed Doublecast not working with non spell effects
Fixed born to please having the wrong cost
Codebase changes:
Completely overhauled large parts of the code base to improve performance.
Gameplay changes:
Introduced deal deck building system. Instead of being in a static order, you can change the TF range of cards by swapping them around as well as replace them with new ones
Introduced unlockable card theme sets
Added round 5 of the story mode, the dual transformation round with a new boss
Story Mode base difficulty lowered
Added option to randomize transformation in story mode. Doing so grants a bonus Ascension Point if you win
You know gain Ascension Points equal to your Ascension Level + 1 if you win
You know gain Ascension points equal to the number of bosses defeated regardless of if you win or lose
Removed corrupted card Ascension Level
Increased odds of getting animal cards
New transformations
Housewife (dual Bimbo/Maid)
Cow (dual Hucow/Animalgirl)
New theme sets:
Generic: Money, Breasts, Lezdom
TF specific: Bimbo, Maid, Hucow
Interface changes:
Changed the symbol for the Tease theme to prevent confusion with the new unlockable breast theme
Card changes:
Fake News, Professional Help, Teacher's Pet and Hogtied removed
Online Interview cost increased to 5
Bug Fixes:
Fixed bug that showed your damage done as being equal to the damage you've taken
Fixed the display for "forgotten" cards
Cards that increase dirtiness now start the dirtiness counter
Art Changes:
Added commissioned art for Magical Girl
Spruced up the enemy art for the hentai image set
Balance Changes:
Shopaholic reduced to 15 TF cost (from 20)
Long legs/luscious lashes now effect your basic cards as well.
Gorgeous Face raised to 20 TF cost (from 15)
Giggly reduced to 5 TF cost (from 10)
Hourglass waist cost reduced to 0 TF cost (from 5)
Bug Fixes:
Graduation actually draws cards again
Fixed a display error with the dog subset of animal girl avatar images
Game play changes:
Free Entry and friends now counts as drawing a card
Succubus evil goal changed to 666 (from 1000)
Your discard pile is now shuffled into your deck before the boss battle
Bug fixes:
Fixed corruption sometimes not rounding to 2 significant figures properly
Fixed bug with gifs in the background throwing an exception
Fixed the unlock system thinking there are 4 TFs to unlock instead of 6
Free Entry now takes theme bonus cost changes into account
Fixed Dog sometimes being offered if you have Cat as your spirit animal
Fixed uniform upgrade costing 3 instead of 2
Fixed boss card effects carrying over into Succubus mode
Fixed cards that change permanent buy pile card range not effecting image shown
Fixed bug causing spells that draw cards to create an infinite for loop (for realsies this time)
Fixed Giggly's shuffle block carrying over into Succubus mode
The enemy trait that doubles TF Damage now shows the effect for the in turn TF Damage counter
Fixed Brain Fart sometimes giving you -999 shield
Fixed the hentai image set not showing the correct versions of Training Session
General Changes:
Cost of Ward of Protection raised to 5 (from 4)
If you have role reversal, the pure and corrupt theme bonuses for magical girl also swap
Added win condition to succubus mode
Added options to lock and unlock all ascension levels in the progression and unlocks screen
Bug Fixes:
Fixed the >75 TF buypile card for magical girl being broken if you had permanent makeup
Magical Girl cards that transition from heart/sub to brain because of role reversal no longer count against cards that care about heart/sub cards being in your deck.
Fixed some Magical Girl features not functioning in sandbox (wrong image pack at reset of game, no ability to select theme bonus on gain modifier screen, etc.
Fixed console reporting endless missing files (has no impact unkless actively lloking at the console but I'm sure someone will aprreciate it.)
Fixed burn birght causing an error to pop up.
Fixed witch cards having broken images when using hentai image set
Fixed bug preventing Spirit Animal being set to cat
Corruption no longer can go below 0
You can't change image set if playing as a Magical Girl
New transformations:
Magical Girl
Story mode changes:
Starting at ascension 1, the first round (the one with no transformation and no boss) is skipped.
You now select your TF before your first relic.
Added screen showing what enemies and bosses you will face before the round starts
Added renders for the bosses
Added the foundations for actual story content
Rewrote part of intro
After you win the story mode, you get an epilogue that shows your final state and deck as well as more TF specific story content.
New body modifiers:
Sacrifice: +0TF: You can't draw cards. You can buy a card without spending the required resources by paying 2 TF per missing point
Giggly: +10TF: The buy piles don't refresh at the end of the turn. You can manually refresh them once per turn.
Modifier 18: different for each TF
Bimbo: Stupid Sexy: +10TF: If you draw 3 cards in a turn, gain 2 heart
Maid: Maid Messiah: +10TF: Dirtiness can be reduced below 0
Hucow: Abundant Assets: +10 TF: Start at 5 breast size
Futanari: Chiseled Physique: -10 TF
Schoolgirl: Brainiac: +10 TF: Gain 1 brain at the start of the turn
Sissy: Total Submission: +20TF: Whenever you gain 1 sub, gain 1 more
Animalgirl: Spirit Animal: +5 TF: The first animal card you buy will be offered every turn
Magical Girl: Role Reversal: +0 TF: Start corrupted and at 20 corruption, Corruption counts down instead of up
Demonic Affinity +5TF: Start each turn with 1 on the witch theme bonus track
Card changes:
Cost of Anal raised to 5 (from 4)
Cost of Cock tease raised to 5 (from 4)
Cock tease theme upgrade changed to +1 heart, 2x heart (from 3x heart)
Born to Please changed to 4H: H-> sub (from 1H: 1 sub, draw)
Dress up party changed to 2H: 4 shield (from 1H: 3 shield)
Graduation changed to draw up to 5 (from 6)
Parent night coast raised to 8 (from 7)
Formatting changes:
Converted gifs to webms, doubling video size and cutting file size by 2/3
Converted over from png to webp, saving about 30% on file size. Overall effect of changes is a 45% reduction in game size
Added option to place sidebar gifs at the top of the sidebar or in the background
Added option to select card image set. Current options are regular set and hentai set
Bug fixes:
Fixed garbage cards being added to deck when drawing from an empty discard pile
Fixed the first turn of boss showing how much damage was dealt
Fixed pre-boss bonuses going into negatives if round goes on long enough
Gameplay changes:
(The goal of these changes is to make TF focused builds more viable and promote finishing rounds faster)
TF now does twice as much damage versus bosses
You can now choose one of three boons before you fight the boss. How strong they are is based on how fast you beat the regular enemy
Boon 1: Meditate: Removes a number of basic cards from your deck
Boon 2: Rest: Heals TF taken
Boon 2: Plan: Starts the boss at health
Bug Fixes:
Fixed broken image for tech trait in sandbox relic select
Fixed rainbow cards wrongly applying negative values if you had more than one negative resource
Fixed broken for loop in Orgasm Denial
Fixed Prey/Predator/Pet being able to add negative of a resource
Fixed broken for loop in classic mode victory
Cards that draw multiple cards now draw the rest of your deck before shuffling
Fixed enemies in sand box not transforming
Forgotten basic cards can now be removed from any zone (including your hand if there are none in other zones)
Fixed the effects of All Nighter and Professional Help being swapped
Fixed the sandbox character select caring about unlocks
Added the ability to remove body modifiers and add theme traits to sandbox mode
Fixed bug with Inner Beast where the cards to be drawn wouldn't be calculated correctly.
Fixed Down the Rabbit Hole having a broken sidebar gif
Fixed Pleasing Master not displaying in your deck
Fixed Rock Hard sometimes not spawning Cum!
Fixed Private Tutor for loop not terminating
Fixed Consolation Prize (spawned from Free Entry and friends) having a broken conditional
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Just The Tip increasing your TF rather than the enemies during boss battles
Fixed Down The Rabbits Hole not working during boss battles
Fixed sissy and animal endings not showing up.
Fixed Key Control player thoughts using the opposite of your chastity status
Fixed an infinite loop happening in the help menu
Cards that cost rainbow fixed to count as brains, heart, and sub while in your deck
Fixed Sissy cards not being drawn with Free Entry
Fixed some tooltips
Fixed bug where Prey/Predator/Pet would never appear
At Ascension level 9, fixed second enemy trait not displaying
From now on the name of the HTML file won't change between updates to keep unlocks from resetting.
Card Changes:
Inner Beast cost raised to 15
Lowered cost of single animal payoff cards (Prey, Predator, and Pet)
Changed some numbers in the algorithm that determines when/what animal cards are dealt.
Cards like Free Entry that draw the highest X card in your deck, now have a default card to draw if nothing qualifies.
Cock Flop now preserves sub during boss fights
Rote Memorization cost reduced to 6 from 7
Indecision cost lowered to 3 from 4
Uniform Upgrade cost lowered to 2 from 3
Limp Clitty cost raised to 4, now draws cards equal to your hand size + 2
Locked Away now gives 3 shield and 1 sub (from 2 shield, 2 sub)
Underfoot now gives 2 TF, 1 shield (from 3 TF)
Professional Help and All Nighter switched in the buy order.
Fixed sissy renders not displaying
Fixed dog renders showing the wrong subsets (or displaying cat instead)\
Fixed formating errors in story intro
Fixed bug with Inner Beast's for loop never terminating
Fixed enemy trait always being -1 sub
Fixed sissygasm working when not in chastity
Fixed playing Safety of the Pack removing shield this turn
Added Permanent Makeup cost discount to animal point cards
Fixed the sandbox character select menu being the old one.
Fixed Outwit not changing the 4th buy pile card
Fixes enemy not updating correctly
Fixes sideabar gifs for Fuck Like Rabbits
New transformations:
New features and UI improvements:
Added Ascencion progressive difficulty system. Win story mode rounds to unlock new, harder rules
Added enemy traits (first Ascension level)
Added progression and unlock system. You get points for beating the game equal to your Ascension level. Spend these points to unlock body modifications and transformations
Enemy moved to a second sidebar
Added seventh enemy render sequence
Enemy render sequences now pull from a pool, can't get the same one multiple times in a row.
Enemy render sequences scale to max TF level, rather than a flat 100
Somebody modifier pictures changed
Story mode changes:
Difficulty in story mode rescaled (made easier to allow for Ascension system)
Added new character select menu
General gameplay changes:
Increased number of buy piles to 4
Hucow breast counter starts at 1
Body modification changes:
Shopaholic reworked to 20TF: whenever you buy a card from the main buy piles, gain 1 shield and 1 TF
Card changes:
The cost of cards that draw more than 1 card has been raised
Just the tip reworked to -3 shield, 2xTF (from -4 shield, 3xheart)
Parent Night cost raised to 7 from 6
Hormone Injections now upgrades with Hucow theme trait (draws a card)
Bug fixes:
Fixed mods. Still can't type certain letters
Fixed bug where Flaccid and friends wouldn't be added to the buy piles correctly
Fixed bug where Quick Thinking wouldn't appear if you had luscious lashes
Fixed the rules screen referencing "score"
Other stuff I forgot to document
Fixes bugs with player thoughts/sidebar images and TF not displaying correctly.
Blowjob was missing its theme
Guest entertainment had an error with sidebar image
Some functions didn't include permanently buy pile cards correctly
A few broken images
Upgraded permanent buy pile cards showed up in the deck viewer incorrectly
Suggestible didn't double TF correctly
Cards that deleted themselves after bring played didn't display sidebar images and thoughts (such as chub and friends)
Boss 2's double shield attack didn't double shield gain from Smooth Skin
Interface changes:
Added ghost cards to buy pile (same effect as the hand)
You can now go straight to the sandbox options menu at the start of the mode
Rote memorization reworked to 6B: add B equal to the copies of this card in your deck. Add a copy of this card to your deck
Fixed: Bug with group study not assigning subAccum correctly
Fixed: Mods not working at all
Fixed: Sex change not applying correctly
Fixed: Removing ditz with hypnosis class added NaN to brain
Fixed: Fixed endless mode difficulty going 1 beyond intended max
Fixed: Pegging player thoughts printing out broken if statements
Fixed: Facial properly adds 2TF
Fixed: Pegging properly adds 2 TF
Fixed: Starting the game with high TF with the Futanari theme trait now properly sets deck to have 0 submits.
Flaccid and friends now use the 4th buy pile slot and won't override cards (unless you have Shopaholic)
Put scroll bar back on the sidebar
New transformations:
New body modifications:
New modifier: Manicured Nails. +10TF: hold the rightmost card in your hand between turns
New modifier: Shopaholic. +20 TF:
New modifier: Permanent Makeup: +15TF, upgrade the permanent buy pile cards
New features and UI improvements:
Endless mode
Made hotkeys for end turn, autoplay, buy cards and play cards, facilitating one-handed play ;)
Added tooltips for themes, buy pile, hand, and deck/discard/in play piles
Fixed the screen flashing (credit to HiEv)
Added fullscreen mode and button (credit again to HiEv)
Hand now contains 6 visible slots.
Story mode changes:
Enemy max TF scales with round (75+(round*25))
Skip intro button moved to the top of the page. Only appears if you've seen the intro once before.
The first body modification is presented before picking a transformation
The turn you beat your opponent, you take no TF. (Prevents intsa losing to the boss)
Body modification changes:
Fun sized buffed to -10TF (from 0)
Smooth Skin nerfed to 20 TF (from 15)
Bubble Butt nerfed to +20 max TF (still costs 25 TF)
Card changes:
Something in the water now 6B: 2xTF (from 3H: 2TF 1H)
Purity of Lust nerfed to cost 5 (from 3)
Triumph of the mind now requires no heart
Teacher's Pet and Beauty Regiment nerfed to 2 H (from 1)
Sugar Daddy nerfed to 3 shield (from 4)
Dumb Luck nerfed to 4 shield (from 5)
Brain Fart costs 5 H (it was always supposed to be 5, costing 2 was a typo when making the card)
Switched Infiltration Mission and Seduction in deal order.
Milk Bath buffed to -TF=1/3 Breast Size (from 1/4) and put earlier in the deal order
Key: B: brain(blue) H: heart(red) S:sub(yellow)
Bug fixes:
Lucious Lashes and Long Legs fixed
The selection of relics on the buy screen persists between reloads
Fixed bug where theme traits wouldn't trigger during boss
Lots of stuff I didn't document
Bug Fixes:
A lot, I didn't document them. If in the future you would like bug fixes to be documented and added to release notes, let me know.
Interface Changes:
Added skip intro button for story mode
Moved deal button to above the players hand
Added mod support for full player avatar swaps instead of just one sequence (added a series of real life porn images in the mod folder to use with this feature. Credit to Avi for the images.)
Card changes:
Online Research transitions to Feminine Wiles at 20 (up from 15)
Feminine Wiles transitions to Fashion Magazine at 35 (up from 30)
Guest entertainment to 7 rainbow (from 8)
Pleasing Master, Learn your Place and Pecking Order all give 11-dirty of their resource (from 12)
Doggy Style nerfed to draw up to 4 (from 5)
Swallow nerfed to draw up to 3 (from 4)
Eureka to 7 (from 8)
Professional Help to 5 (from 6)
Sex Change now applies shield before halving damage instead of after.
Card Changes:
Triumph of the Mind costs 8 (down from 9)
Corrective surgery costs 7 (down from 8)
Femme Fatale name changed to Seduction. Given Femme Fatale theme
Published Author name changed to Infiltration Mission. Cost changed to 4 (down from 5). Femme Fatale theme
Date Night now gives 2H 2 Shield (from 2H 2B)
Free Entry now draws the highest cost H card from your deck (from 2H 2 shield)
Bow Down gives 2TF, 1S (from than 1TF, 2S)
Take it Deep now changed to 3S: gain TF equal to S in pool (from 6H: 6H)
Dumb Luck lowered to 5 shield (from 6)
Theme Changes
Transformation theme bonuses (maid, bimbo, hucow) take 4 cards in a turn to upgrade.
Added new theme: Femme Fatale. Focuses on cards that use both H and B. Theme upgrade changes flirts to also give 1B
Transformation Changes:
The Dirtiness counter only starts when playing a card that cleans. The counter starts at 0.
Most maid payoff cards buffed.
The highest level permanent buy pile card ("Training Session") now gives TF specific resources
New Cards:
Total cards now 116 (up from 111). Basic card pool up to 90 (from 87). Each transformation has been given a new card.
Brain Fart: 5H: 1 shield for each card drawn this turn. Bimbo theme
Mental Mastery, 5B: remove a random basic card from your deck. Draw a card. Mind theme
Outwit: 4H: change the buy piles to random b cost cards. Femme Fatale theme (replaces Constant Vigilance)
Milk Bath: 6H: heal TF equal to 1/4 breast size. Hucow theme
Uniform Upgrade 3H: 1 sub, draw, clean, Maid theme
Strapon: 3H: 2H, 2B. Femme Fatale theme
3 new traits:
Long legs: 5 TF: Treated as having +15 TF when choosing cards for buy pile
Luscious Lashes: 5 TF: Treated as having -15 TF when choosing cards for buy pile
Plump lips: 10 TF: Pills give 1 shield
In story mode, you can select between 4 traits instead of 3
Suggestible has no TF cost (-5)
Added image moding support
Added option to change background color
Lots of bug fixes.
Key: B: brain(blue) H: heart(red) S:sub(yellow)
New content and features:
Added Maid and Hucow transformations
Transformations include 12 cards, accompanying player thoughts, sidebar images, boss comments, and new renders
Added sidebar images for transformations
New renders for opponent. 6 randomized options.
Added ability to select transformation (Bimbo, Maid or Hucow)
Added a constant low powered card to buyable cards. Can be bought any number of times. Changes as TF raises, with 5 variations.
Endings change based on what traits you have.
Added indicator for TF specific resources (includes a counter for number of ditzes in the deck)
Card and Balance changes:
Replace card 9 (Online Research) with Escape Route. (5B: Gain Shield equal to the current brain in the pool)
Replaced card 25 (Feminine Wiles) with Femme Fatale. (5B: Gain heart equal to the current brain in the pool)
Reworked card 53 (Just the tip) Now multiples heart in the pool by 3, but reduces shield by 4.
Changed boss card 'Tracking Chip' to halve armor gain, rather than giving -10 armor
Boss 2 nerfed.
Thick Thighs gives +15 TF (+5)
Fun Sized has no TF penalty (-5)
Tweaked balance of resource to pay off cards (i.e. cards that give ditz/breast size/clean vs. cards that care about that resource) at high TF levels
Bug fixes, typos and small quality of life fixes.
Bug fixes, typos and small quality of life fixes.
Also accidentally included a test feature that lets you hold cards between turns. Makes the game pretty different, try it out!
Bug fixes and typos
Major gameplay changes including:
Card Theme System
Two additional bosses along with a revamp of how boss attacks work
Sandbox Mode
Playing cards now displays "player thoughts". Some cards (30%ish) display gifs as well
New body modifiers
Many, many card balance changes, pick order changes and reworks.
Bug fixes
Initial release
Тему отредактировал: Nikol - 23-10-2022, 15:11
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.1.24 / Topic updated to version v.1.24.
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.1.24 / Topic updated to version v.1.24.
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TF_Card_Battle (1 файл)