Полубог Персей, последняя надежда людей, сражается с Богинями Топтания, чтобы помешать им завоевать небо и землю, но его ждет множество испытаний. Либо Персей победит Геру, королеву Богов, либо человечество будет раздавлено ее ногами.
Perseus demigod, men's last hope, battles the Goddesses of the Trampling to stop them from conquering heaven and earth but there is a lot of challenge awaits him. Either Perseus will defeat Hera, Queen of the Goddess or the humanity will be crushed under her feet.
Год выхода: 2020
Жанр: 3d game, animated, fantasy, male protagonist, female domination, graphic violence, rape, scat, urination, big ass, adventure, combat, groping, vore
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик: www.patreon.com/FWFS
Платформа: Windows x64
Тип издания: Заброшена / Abandoned
Язык игры: Английский
Таблетка: не требуется
Версия: v.2.4
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Язык озвучки: Английский
Goblin Village has been added to game.
Fully playable third person free roam gameplay.
MMORPG style loot ,experience and grind system.
New Special attacks and buffs.
Floating Combat texts, Head-up Health and Name bars.
New RPG Enemy's like Goblins, Skeletons, Orcs and Mistress, Giantess, Goddess!
New Tower of Goddess game mode.
New Main Menu design.
New Game UI design with lots of improving.
New Pause Menu added with restart battle, main menu and screen shot mode buttons.
New Setting Menu with turn off blood, particles, status bars and lots more.
Warlord Jeanna stages has been fully remastered.
Goddess Andromeda, Slave Heroes stages mechanics changed, new moves, new game UI added.
General graphic improvement and bug fixing for all stages.
New "Customisation" UI added.
New "Craft" system added.
New "Upgrade" system added.
New "Trade" system added.
New "Consumable" system added.
New "Reward" system added.
New "Treasure Box" system added.
New" Gift" system added.
New "Inventory" system added.
New "Equipment" system added.
New "Metarial" system added.
New "Character Stat" system added.
New "Level benefits" added.
New" Create a Name" system added.
New "Secret" system added.
Save system redone.
Leveling system redone.
All Character stats benefits redone.
Win and Lose reward benefits redone.
All skills damages and benefits has been changed for all Chapters.
v1.4 Patch Notes:(2022.09.05)
All Character Stats redone.
All Game UI redone. You will be able to see very detailed statistics in remastered chapters.
Now you can name your hero. Use 'A S D W' keys to do that.
Added New Inventory system.
Added 50 New Item.
Added New tree difficulty system for remastered chapters.
Chapter 4 & Chapter 6 remastered with new animations, new mechanics, new sound, visual effects and improved UI.
Leveling system redone.
Main Menu improved.
Win and Lose reward system redone.
Added new skin. (Goddess Andromeda's Light Armor)
All skills damages and benefits has been changed in Chapter 4 and Chapter 6. You can check in game UI.
Many sound effect has been improved in remastered chapters.
Now you can skip some cinematics by pressing [Space] key. Check the right bottom corner icon in remastered chapters.
Chapter 6 Goddess Andromeda:
Goddess Andromeda's New Skills:
[Ball Crushing]
450 - 550 Base Damage.
%50 Change to [Stun].
Suck 8 - 13 [Soul] from You.
Gives 30 - 50 [Bleeding Debuff].
[Bloody Slash]
900 - 1100 Base Damage.
Suck 24 - 52 [Soul] from You.
Gives 5 - 8 [Deep Wound] Debuff.
[Healing Arrow]
Now usable with stand and grounded enemy.
225 - 275 Base Damage.
600 - 700 Base Healing.
Gives 15 - 25 [Bleeding Debuff].
Suck 8 - 13 [Soul] from You.
[Belt of Soul Eater Bar]
When the bar is full Andromeda's cursed belt able to suck slaves soul.
[Wound Bar]
When the bar is higher than 60 Andromeda able to use [Bloody Slash] skill.
Number of [Soul]s absorbed and [Deep Wound]s number depend on how bar is full.
[Padding for My Boot] (New Insole sequence with many animations)
Goddess Andromeda love crushing little slaves under her giant foot.
Knowing issues;
If you found any bugs, report to your Goddess immediately.
Items except [Gold Bag]s and [Parchamets]s not usable right now. Collect much as you can until the new update comes.
Thanks to your support. Feel free to share your thoughts. Goddess are will not gentle on you , enjoy the GODDESS OF TRAMPLING v1.4!
Goddess of Trampling v1.1 Patch Notes:
3rd Person battle added to game.
Hard mode added for Chapter 1 Witch.
Balance changing for Chapter 1 Witch.
Stages environments are improved.
Character models qualities are improved.
Overall graphics has been slightly improved.
Game performance has slightly improved.
You can reset game by pressing 'U key' anytime.
Chapter 1 Frost Witch's new skills:
[Piss] Even the Witch's piss is cold as ice.
[Fart] The Witch's fart can rot the liver but smell is heavenly.
[Scat] Anyone interested in the taste of the Witch's poop? Perseus does!
[Neck Twist] The Witch loves to break small necks like chicken bones.
[Breast Smother] The struggle under her cold breasts.
3rd Person Giantess Jeanna's new skills:
[Sword Attack]
[Sword Attack Combo]
[Heavy Kick]
[Face Stomping]
GODDESS OF TRAMPLING 2 is coming!!!!
New Free Roam 3rd person gameplay. (Boss battles will be same as Goddess of Trampling)
New Goddess and Mistress.
New Crafting window.
New Skill window.
New Inventory & Character window.
New Player vs Player, Player + Player vs Goddess battles.
Both Playable characters in every Goddess battles.
Items drops every boss battles.
Unlockable Weapons, Armors, Accessories, Skills.
More complex stat window.
Story, Arcade, Dungons and more mods.
More intense skills and gore.
Much better graphics and animations.
Knowing issues;
If you found any bugs, report to your Goddess immediately.
Goddess of Trampling v1.0 Patch Notes:
Chapter 1, Frost Witch battle added to game.
Frost Witch will be playable in next update.
User interface in Chapter 1 is improved.
Stages environments are improved.
Character models qualities are improved.
All Stats points redesigned. Check Customization > STATS.
Overall graphics has been slightly improved.
Game performance has slightly improved.
You can reset game by pressing 'U key' anytime.
Chapter 1
Frost Witch's new skills:
[Frost Hammer] Frost Witch's standard attack. Does high amount of damage and adds 7.5 [Cold Blood].
[Witch Spells] All Frost Witch's buffs does medium amount of damage and adds 10 [Cold Blood].
[Frozen Nails] Adds %50 chance extra [Claw Attack] for 3 turns.
[Claw Attack] Frost Witch's double claw attacks. Does medium amount of damage and adds 15 [Cold Blood].
[Freezing Fog] Adds 50% more [Cold Blood] build to all attacks for 6 turns.
[Cold Blood] Frost Witch can heal herself by drinking Perseus's cold blood in his veins.
[Frost Armor] Absorbs 175-225 damage each attack for 6 turns.
[Ice Heels Prison] (Insole sequence) You will be suffer under Frost Witch's cold feet.
[Sweat Cream Licker] Will be available in next update.
[Frozen Throne] (FaceSitting sequence) Your face will be her throne.
[Outdoor Toilet] Will be available in next update.
Perseus's new skills:
[Slash] Perseus's standard attack. Does medium amount of damage and adds 75 SP. Change to hit extra attack.
[Flame Soul] Perseus's special attack. Does high amount of damage and cost 200 SP. Change to hit to stun one turn.
[Armor Buff] 7 Turn absorbs Frost Witch's damages. Absorbs rate increases according to your Vitality stat. [Heal] & [Cure] skills adds extra 15 SP while [Armor Buff] is up.
[Attack Buff] 5 Turn add extra damages to your attacks. Extra damage rate increases according to your Strength stat. [Slash] skill adds extra 15 SP while [Attack Buff] is up.
[Sacrifice] Burns 150 SP for 300 Mana.
[Cure] Cures 50 points of [Cold Blood].
[Heal] Adds 2250 - 2750 HP. Heal rate increases according to your Endurance stat.
Goddess of Trampling v0.98 Patch Notes:
[RANKS] System added to game. Now you gain rank points by your actions. You will need these points in future updates. Check Customization > RANKS.
Save-system rewritten. Now system works more stable and secure.
All Stages [Hard Mode] difficulty rebalanced.
All Stages Gold Drop's readjusted.
[Luck] stat redesigned. Check Customization > STATS.
Goddess Gaia skin changed.
[Scating] and [Rank up pop-ups] added in Options. Turn them on if you want it.
You can reset game by pressing 'U key' anytime.
Overall graphics has been slightly improved.
Game performance has slightly improved.
Chapter 2-1:
Stage environment is greatly improved.
Some sound effects added and improved.
Amazon Sisters New Skills:
[Double Insect Crush] If the sisters are tied in rock paper scissors game, they will both crush you, like the insect you are.
[Royal Toilet] Warrior Princess will not hesitate to use your mouth as a toilet. This is her birthright. The royal families always use their slaves mouth as a toilet.
[Under The Royal Feet] Warrior Princess's under foot kill skill is remade. Now is more brutal.
Goddess of Trampling v.0.95 Patch Notes:
Andromeda playable storyline is over. Perseus will be back in version 1.0!
Game performance has slightly improved.
Overall graphics has been slightly improved.
Game can work 32 and 64 bit systems.
You can reset game by pressing 'U key' anytime.
Now game is ready for version 1.0.
Chapter 3-3:
Hard Mode has been added.
Stage environment is slightly improved.
Gold earned for this battle has been increased.
Goddess Athena's two unlockable skins added to shop.
Goddess Athena's Fart skill can be turned off in game options.
Goddess Athena New Skill:
[Twisted body] After Andromeda get stunned, Athena will grab her and crush her vulnerable body in her strong hands. [Twisted body] has %50 stun change in hard mode, %25 in normal mod.
Andromeda Changes:
[Quick Shot] Skill gives 100 skill point. (Up From 85)
[Royal Army] & [Cyrophoenix] & [Venom Arrow] Skills gives 50 skill point. (Up From 0)
[Venom Arrow] %25 less absord healing in hard mode.
Chapter 2-2:
Mouse bug in this battle fixed.
Stage environment is improved.
Hard mode difficulty slightly reduced.
Gold earned for this battle has been increased.
Giantess Jeanna New Skill:
[Padding for my boot] If Perseus failed to escape after he burned Jeanna's foot, she turns him to the padding of her boot for his punishment.
[Into the Goddess shoes](Insole) Now causes [Foot Slave Bar].
[Foot Slave Bar] If Perseus stays too long in Jeanna's shoes, he will become a foot slave and Jeanna is make him into a her living insole forever.
Perseus Changes:
[Armor Buff] Skill now has 6 turn absorb damages. (Up from 5)
Knowing issues;
If you found any bugs, report to your Goddess immediately.
You should not login to the previous versions from the version 0.61a otherwise you will lose your saving files. You will be able to access from here if you want to back up your saving files. C:\Users\User Name \AppData\LocalLow\FWFS\Goddess of Trampling
Thanks to your support, the game will be updated frequently. Feel free to share your thoughts. Goddess are will not gentle on you , enjoy the GODDESS OF TRAMPLING v0.95!
Goddess of Trampling v0.91 Patch Notes:
Chapter 3-3, Goddess Athena battle added to game.
Full-screen reflections added in the game. You can turn on in Video settings. May impact performance.
Goddess Athena's unlockable skins will be added in next update.
Shield-maidens are coming in Goddess of Trampling v1.0.
Chapter 1-2 Gaia battle's performance and graphics has been improved.
Game performance has slightly improved.
Overall graphics has been slightly improved.
Game can work 32 and 64 bit systems.
You can reset game by pressing 'U key' anytime.
Princess Andromeda & her insole Perseus
Andromeda's magical powers are coming from her cursed belt of the Slaves Nightmare. But her belt can't absorb any soul from goddesses unless goddess is vulnerable. She decides to use Perseus as her comfortable insole and use his powers until the goddess is defeated. She puts him into her shoe without his permission. But after the defeat of the Goddess Athena, can she give up her newly acquired powers?
New Skills:
[Quick Shot] Andromeda's standard attack. Does medium amount of damage and gain 100 skill point.
[Enchantress] Andromeda enchants her arrows and unlock her three special attacks.
[Royal Army] Princess calls her Royal army for deal a high amount of damage to her enemy.
[Cyrophoenix] The Frozen Phoenix's attacks can stun the goddess.(%50 Chance)
[Venom Arrow] Venom of the Basilisk's can reduces goddess's healing effectiveness for one turn.(%66 amount of absorb)
[Iron Mistress] Increases defence power for 5 turns also increases skill point gain from [Heal from Underfoot] +15.
[Focused Aim] Increases attack power for 5 turns also increases skill point gain from [Quick Shot] +15.
[Heal from Underfoot] Perseus heals his Mistress from under her foot.
[Foot Massage Cure] Perseus massages the foot of the his Mistress to cure her.
[Foot Slave] Andromeda allows Perseus to drink sweat of her foot for refresh his mana.
Goddess Athena
New Skills:
[Dirt Beneath Foot]
[Oral Vore Healing]
[Anal Vore Prison]
[Full Weight Body Crush]
Knowing issues;
Hard Mode is not active for Chapter 3-3 for now.
You cant turn off her fart by options for now.
Some small sound files are missing in Chapter 3-3, will be added in next update.
Some textures are missing on non nude models will be fixed in next update.
Mouse is bugged for Giantess Jeanna fight. Will be fixing in next update, use your keyboard for now.
If you found any bugs, report to your Goddess immediately.
You should not login to the previous versions from the version 0.61a otherwise you will lose your saving files. You will be able to access from here if you want to back up your saving files. C:\Users\User Name \AppData\LocalLow\FWFS\Goddess of Trampling
Goddess of Trampling v0.81 Patch Notes:
Chapter 3 - 1, Throne of Athena added to game.
Now game can work 32 and 64 bit systems.
You can skip cinematic by pressing 'Space key'.
You can reset game by pressing 'U key' anytime.
Blood and Gore mechanics added to game.
Goddess ATHENA is coming. (She is bigger and stronger than Gaia.)
Princess Andromeda will deadly battles with Sisters and Jeanna in next version. (The battles will be with all new epic abilities and movements. Andromeda will punish them for what they did to Perseus or die trying.
Game performance has been improved.
Overall graphics has been slightly improved.
Princess Andromeda
New Skills:
[Soul Vore] Andromeda love crushing soulless bodies under her soles. Souls have %50 change to escape with Andromeda's abyss.
[Face Crushing] Medium stun change and high damage.(One stun per Soul Vore)
[Body Crushing] High stun change and medium damage.(One stun per Soul Vore)
[Deep Wound] Wounds the target and make them bleed for 5 hits.
[Demoralizing Shout] Andromeda's warcry gives fear to the souls of enemies. Reducing the damage they do for 5 hits.
[Oral Vore] Coming in next version.
[Neck Scissor] Coming in next version.
Amazon's slaves King Acrisius & Hero Theseus
Former Kings and Heroes are slaves of the women warrior's all around the world. Now they are nothing more than the shadows of their former state. Only a woman who had killed a many man in battle was allowed to give up her virginity. They are all destined to perish under the heels of Goddesses.
Knowing Bugs;
Mouse is bugged for Giantess Jeanna fight. Will be fixing in next update, use your keyboard for now.
Hard Mode is not active for Chapter 3 - 1 for now.
If you found any bugs, report to your Goddess immediately.
You should not login to the previous versions from the version 0.61a otherwise you will lose your saving files. You will be able to access from here if you want to back up your saving files. C:\Users\User Name \AppData\LocalLow\FWFS\Goddess of Trampling
Goddess of Trampling v0.77 Patch Notes:
Jeanna's [Light Armor] skin added in shop.
Bass sound effects has been greatly improved. Play with high bass and feel The Soul Breaker's might!
Some animations has been improved.
Game performance has been improved.
Overall graphics has been slightly improved.
New playable character Princess Andromeda coming in next update.
Giantess Warlord Jeanna, The Soul Breaker
New Skills:
[Into the Goddess shoes](Insole) Jeanna loves pressing the life out of little worms.
[Smelly Grave](Insole Death Move) Jeanna feels her weight press the life from your broken body in her smelly shoes. Perseus's skeleton will lie in the Goddess shoes forever .
[Bleed For Me] Giantess Jeanna and Warrior Princess's deathly combined attack causes you [Bleeding].
[Bleeding] You get extra bleed damage every time you take hit. [Cure] can heal that wounds.
Knowing Bugs;
Some small sound files are missing. Will be adding in next update.
If you found any bugs, report to your Goddess immediately.
You should not login to the previous versions from the version 0.61a otherwise you will lose your saving files. You will be ableto access from here if you want to back up your saving files.C:\Users\User Name \AppData\LocalLow\FWFS\Goddess of Trampling
Goddess of Trampling v0.71 Patch Notes:
You should not login to the previous versions from the version 0.61a otherwise you will lose your saving files. You will be able to access from here if you want to back up your saving files. C:\Users\User Name \AppData\LocalLow\FWFS\Goddess of Trampling
Stage 2-2 The Soul Breaker is available.
Jeanna's [Flats Shoes] skin added in shop.
Giantess Warlord Jeanna, The Soul Breaker
New Skills:
[Slave Training] Every beat of Jeanna leave streak in your soul. These streaks accumulates at Broken Soul Bar.
[Broken Soul Bar] However you will be able to use your abilities less if the Broken soul bar gets increased.
[Learn Your Place] You are vulnerable when your soul was broken. When this happens, Jeanna The Soul Breaker will remind you where you belong to.
[Submit to Divine Ass] (Anal Vore) The Soul Breaker's Divine Ass may be the last thing you'll see in this your pathetic life.
[Abyss of the Giantess](Vore Death Move) Perseus's skeleton will lie in the Abyss of the Giantess forever or next poo.
[Dirt Beneath Feet](Full Weight Trample) Frost Witch and Jeanna's the deadly combination attack.
[Perish Beneath Soles](Face Crushing Death Move) None survive The Soul Breaker's feet! Especially the small faces of slaves.
Coming in next update:
[Into the Goddess shoes](Insole) Jeanna loves pressing the life out of you worms.
[Smelly Grave](Insole Death Move) Jeanna feels her weight press the life from your broken body in her smelly shoes.
[Bleed For Me] Will you ?
Goddess of Trampling v0.51 Patch Notes:
New enemies; Amazon Warrior Princess & Amazon Frost Witch, Goddess Jeanne d'Arc.
Young Perseus.
Boy Perseus's model has been improved.
Gaia's stage graphics improved.
Game performance has been improved.
AAA Partical system added.
Professional sound actress hired.
Boss fights will be separeted in different files in order to decrease download size after this version but saving files will be together.For instance, you will be able to use the golds that you won from Gaia fight for the other fights.
Amazon Sisters
New Skills:
[Amazon Rules] Combined attack of sisters can deal serious damage.
[Little Slave] The eyes of the Frost Witch may shrink you, but her sister wants to crush you too when you are so small. Then let the game begins.
[Rock,Paper,Scissors,CRUSH] Amazon sisters will play Rock, Paper, Scissors in order to decide for your fate.
[Under The Magical Feet] Frost Witch will jump stomp on you until you die. Carreful with frosty spikes.
[Under The Royal Feet] Will be in next update.
[Sisters of Weight] You will become a dirt under two sister's all weight.
[Worship Your Princess] Frost Witch like to watch you, when you worship her sister's huge ass but if you struggle to escape her ass, she will punish you.
[Throne of the Princess] Your face shall serve as a throne! Don't move, thrones do not breathe.
This is not a final version, graphic updates and more skills are coming.
Goddess of Trampling v0.41 Patch Notes:
Gold currency added.
You will earn some gold when you beat the Goddesses every time.
Your save data can be used every next updates and the store will be available soon with lots of awesome stuff.
Start collecting your golds.
Overall graphics improved.
Game performance has been improved.
GODDESS GAIA New Skills: [Fart] (True Believer hotpocketshogun's wish) The Goddess can fart into your mouth while she sits on your face and it causes [Fart Sickness].
[Fart Sickness] You can't heal yourself when there are Goddess farts in your lungs. [Melting] The Goddess's bite makes you melt.
Escape her mouth before too late.
[FaceSitting] Damage reduced slightly.
[Fullweight Trampling] Damage reduced slightly.
[Bites] Damage reduced slightly.
[Heels] Heeled shoes are visible but wait next update.
PERSEUS Changes: [Vore Struggle Heal] Now gives 50 SP (was 25)
Patch Notes: Overall graphics improved.
Game performance has been improved.
GODDESS GAIA New Skill: [Shrinking Blow] True Believer Tiynsuit's wish. Changes: [FaceSitting] Damage reduced slightly.
Полубог Персей, последняя надежда людей, сражается с Богинями Топтания, чтобы помешать им завоевать небо и землю, но его ждет множество испытаний. Либо Персей победит Геру, королеву Богов, либо человечество будет раздавлено ее ногами.
Perseus demigod, men's last hope, battles the Goddesses of the Trampling to stop them from conquering heaven and earth but there is a lot of challenge awaits him. Either Perseus will defeat Hera, Queen of the Goddess or the humanity will be crushed under her feet.
Год выхода: 2020
Жанр: 3d game, animated, fantasy, male protagonist, female domination, graphic violence, rape, scat, urination, big ass, adventure, combat, groping, vore
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик: www.patreon.com/FWFS
Платформа: Windows x64
Тип издания: Заброшена / Abandoned
Язык игры: Английский
Таблетка: не требуется
Версия: v.2.4
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Язык озвучки: Английский
Goblin Village has been added to game.
Fully playable third person free roam gameplay.
MMORPG style loot ,experience and grind system.
New Special attacks and buffs.
Floating Combat texts, Head-up Health and Name bars.
New RPG Enemy's like Goblins, Skeletons, Orcs and Mistress, Giantess, Goddess!
New Tower of Goddess game mode.
New Main Menu design.
New Game UI design with lots of improving.
New Pause Menu added with restart battle, main menu and screen shot mode buttons.
New Setting Menu with turn off blood, particles, status bars and lots more.
Warlord Jeanna stages has been fully remastered.
Goddess Andromeda, Slave Heroes stages mechanics changed, new moves, new game UI added.
General graphic improvement and bug fixing for all stages.
New "Customisation" UI added.
New "Craft" system added.
New "Upgrade" system added.
New "Trade" system added.
New "Consumable" system added.
New "Reward" system added.
New "Treasure Box" system added.
New" Gift" system added.
New "Inventory" system added.
New "Equipment" system added.
New "Metarial" system added.
New "Character Stat" system added.
New "Level benefits" added.
New" Create a Name" system added.
New "Secret" system added.
Save system redone.
Leveling system redone.
All Character stats benefits redone.
Win and Lose reward benefits redone.
All skills damages and benefits has been changed for all Chapters.
v1.4 Patch Notes:(2022.09.05)
All Character Stats redone.
All Game UI redone. You will be able to see very detailed statistics in remastered chapters.
Now you can name your hero. Use 'A S D W' keys to do that.
Added New Inventory system.
Added 50 New Item.
Added New tree difficulty system for remastered chapters.
Chapter 4 & Chapter 6 remastered with new animations, new mechanics, new sound, visual effects and improved UI.
Leveling system redone.
Main Menu improved.
Win and Lose reward system redone.
Added new skin. (Goddess Andromeda's Light Armor)
All skills damages and benefits has been changed in Chapter 4 and Chapter 6. You can check in game UI.
Many sound effect has been improved in remastered chapters.
Now you can skip some cinematics by pressing [Space] key. Check the right bottom corner icon in remastered chapters.
Chapter 6 Goddess Andromeda:
Goddess Andromeda's New Skills:
[Ball Crushing]
450 - 550 Base Damage.
%50 Change to [Stun].
Suck 8 - 13 [Soul] from You.
Gives 30 - 50 [Bleeding Debuff].
[Bloody Slash]
900 - 1100 Base Damage.
Suck 24 - 52 [Soul] from You.
Gives 5 - 8 [Deep Wound] Debuff.
[Healing Arrow]
Now usable with stand and grounded enemy.
225 - 275 Base Damage.
600 - 700 Base Healing.
Gives 15 - 25 [Bleeding Debuff].
Suck 8 - 13 [Soul] from You.
[Belt of Soul Eater Bar]
When the bar is full Andromeda's cursed belt able to suck slaves soul.
[Wound Bar]
When the bar is higher than 60 Andromeda able to use [Bloody Slash] skill.
Number of [Soul]s absorbed and [Deep Wound]s number depend on how bar is full.
[Padding for My Boot] (New Insole sequence with many animations)
Goddess Andromeda love crushing little slaves under her giant foot.
Knowing issues;
If you found any bugs, report to your Goddess immediately.
Items except [Gold Bag]s and [Parchamets]s not usable right now. Collect much as you can until the new update comes.
Thanks to your support. Feel free to share your thoughts. Goddess are will not gentle on you , enjoy the GODDESS OF TRAMPLING v1.4!
Goddess of Trampling v1.1 Patch Notes:
3rd Person battle added to game.
Hard mode added for Chapter 1 Witch.
Balance changing for Chapter 1 Witch.
Stages environments are improved.
Character models qualities are improved.
Overall graphics has been slightly improved.
Game performance has slightly improved.
You can reset game by pressing 'U key' anytime.
Chapter 1 Frost Witch's new skills:
[Piss] Even the Witch's piss is cold as ice.
[Fart] The Witch's fart can rot the liver but smell is heavenly.
[Scat] Anyone interested in the taste of the Witch's poop? Perseus does!
[Neck Twist] The Witch loves to break small necks like chicken bones.
[Breast Smother] The struggle under her cold breasts.
3rd Person Giantess Jeanna's new skills:
[Sword Attack]
[Sword Attack Combo]
[Heavy Kick]
[Face Stomping]
GODDESS OF TRAMPLING 2 is coming!!!!
New Free Roam 3rd person gameplay. (Boss battles will be same as Goddess of Trampling)
New Goddess and Mistress.
New Crafting window.
New Skill window.
New Inventory & Character window.
New Player vs Player, Player + Player vs Goddess battles.
Both Playable characters in every Goddess battles.
Items drops every boss battles.
Unlockable Weapons, Armors, Accessories, Skills.
More complex stat window.
Story, Arcade, Dungons and more mods.
More intense skills and gore.
Much better graphics and animations.
Knowing issues;
If you found any bugs, report to your Goddess immediately.
Goddess of Trampling v1.0 Patch Notes:
Chapter 1, Frost Witch battle added to game.
Frost Witch will be playable in next update.
User interface in Chapter 1 is improved.
Stages environments are improved.
Character models qualities are improved.
All Stats points redesigned. Check Customization > STATS.
Overall graphics has been slightly improved.
Game performance has slightly improved.
You can reset game by pressing 'U key' anytime.
Chapter 1
Frost Witch's new skills:
[Frost Hammer] Frost Witch's standard attack. Does high amount of damage and adds 7.5 [Cold Blood].
[Witch Spells] All Frost Witch's buffs does medium amount of damage and adds 10 [Cold Blood].
[Frozen Nails] Adds %50 chance extra [Claw Attack] for 3 turns.
[Claw Attack] Frost Witch's double claw attacks. Does medium amount of damage and adds 15 [Cold Blood].
[Freezing Fog] Adds 50% more [Cold Blood] build to all attacks for 6 turns.
[Cold Blood] Frost Witch can heal herself by drinking Perseus's cold blood in his veins.
[Frost Armor] Absorbs 175-225 damage each attack for 6 turns.
[Ice Heels Prison] (Insole sequence) You will be suffer under Frost Witch's cold feet.
[Sweat Cream Licker] Will be available in next update.
[Frozen Throne] (FaceSitting sequence) Your face will be her throne.
[Outdoor Toilet] Will be available in next update.
Perseus's new skills:
[Slash] Perseus's standard attack. Does medium amount of damage and adds 75 SP. Change to hit extra attack.
[Flame Soul] Perseus's special attack. Does high amount of damage and cost 200 SP. Change to hit to stun one turn.
[Armor Buff] 7 Turn absorbs Frost Witch's damages. Absorbs rate increases according to your Vitality stat. [Heal] & [Cure] skills adds extra 15 SP while [Armor Buff] is up.
[Attack Buff] 5 Turn add extra damages to your attacks. Extra damage rate increases according to your Strength stat. [Slash] skill adds extra 15 SP while [Attack Buff] is up.
[Sacrifice] Burns 150 SP for 300 Mana.
[Cure] Cures 50 points of [Cold Blood].
[Heal] Adds 2250 - 2750 HP. Heal rate increases according to your Endurance stat.
Goddess of Trampling v0.98 Patch Notes:
[RANKS] System added to game. Now you gain rank points by your actions. You will need these points in future updates. Check Customization > RANKS.
Save-system rewritten. Now system works more stable and secure.
All Stages [Hard Mode] difficulty rebalanced.
All Stages Gold Drop's readjusted.
[Luck] stat redesigned. Check Customization > STATS.
Goddess Gaia skin changed.
[Scating] and [Rank up pop-ups] added in Options. Turn them on if you want it.
You can reset game by pressing 'U key' anytime.
Overall graphics has been slightly improved.
Game performance has slightly improved.
Chapter 2-1:
Stage environment is greatly improved.
Some sound effects added and improved.
Amazon Sisters New Skills:
[Double Insect Crush] If the sisters are tied in rock paper scissors game, they will both crush you, like the insect you are.
[Royal Toilet] Warrior Princess will not hesitate to use your mouth as a toilet. This is her birthright. The royal families always use their slaves mouth as a toilet.
[Under The Royal Feet] Warrior Princess's under foot kill skill is remade. Now is more brutal.
Goddess of Trampling v.0.95 Patch Notes:
Andromeda playable storyline is over. Perseus will be back in version 1.0!
Game performance has slightly improved.
Overall graphics has been slightly improved.
Game can work 32 and 64 bit systems.
You can reset game by pressing 'U key' anytime.
Now game is ready for version 1.0.
Chapter 3-3:
Hard Mode has been added.
Stage environment is slightly improved.
Gold earned for this battle has been increased.
Goddess Athena's two unlockable skins added to shop.
Goddess Athena's Fart skill can be turned off in game options.
Goddess Athena New Skill:
[Twisted body] After Andromeda get stunned, Athena will grab her and crush her vulnerable body in her strong hands. [Twisted body] has %50 stun change in hard mode, %25 in normal mod.
Andromeda Changes:
[Quick Shot] Skill gives 100 skill point. (Up From 85)
[Royal Army] & [Cyrophoenix] & [Venom Arrow] Skills gives 50 skill point. (Up From 0)
[Venom Arrow] %25 less absord healing in hard mode.
Chapter 2-2:
Mouse bug in this battle fixed.
Stage environment is improved.
Hard mode difficulty slightly reduced.
Gold earned for this battle has been increased.
Giantess Jeanna New Skill:
[Padding for my boot] If Perseus failed to escape after he burned Jeanna's foot, she turns him to the padding of her boot for his punishment.
[Into the Goddess shoes](Insole) Now causes [Foot Slave Bar].
[Foot Slave Bar] If Perseus stays too long in Jeanna's shoes, he will become a foot slave and Jeanna is make him into a her living insole forever.
Perseus Changes:
[Armor Buff] Skill now has 6 turn absorb damages. (Up from 5)
Knowing issues;
If you found any bugs, report to your Goddess immediately.
You should not login to the previous versions from the version 0.61a otherwise you will lose your saving files. You will be able to access from here if you want to back up your saving files. C:\Users\User Name \AppData\LocalLow\FWFS\Goddess of Trampling
Thanks to your support, the game will be updated frequently. Feel free to share your thoughts. Goddess are will not gentle on you , enjoy the GODDESS OF TRAMPLING v0.95!
Goddess of Trampling v0.91 Patch Notes:
Chapter 3-3, Goddess Athena battle added to game.
Full-screen reflections added in the game. You can turn on in Video settings. May impact performance.
Goddess Athena's unlockable skins will be added in next update.
Shield-maidens are coming in Goddess of Trampling v1.0.
Chapter 1-2 Gaia battle's performance and graphics has been improved.
Game performance has slightly improved.
Overall graphics has been slightly improved.
Game can work 32 and 64 bit systems.
You can reset game by pressing 'U key' anytime.
Princess Andromeda & her insole Perseus
Andromeda's magical powers are coming from her cursed belt of the Slaves Nightmare. But her belt can't absorb any soul from goddesses unless goddess is vulnerable. She decides to use Perseus as her comfortable insole and use his powers until the goddess is defeated. She puts him into her shoe without his permission. But after the defeat of the Goddess Athena, can she give up her newly acquired powers?
New Skills:
[Quick Shot] Andromeda's standard attack. Does medium amount of damage and gain 100 skill point.
[Enchantress] Andromeda enchants her arrows and unlock her three special attacks.
[Royal Army] Princess calls her Royal army for deal a high amount of damage to her enemy.
[Cyrophoenix] The Frozen Phoenix's attacks can stun the goddess.(%50 Chance)
[Venom Arrow] Venom of the Basilisk's can reduces goddess's healing effectiveness for one turn.(%66 amount of absorb)
[Iron Mistress] Increases defence power for 5 turns also increases skill point gain from [Heal from Underfoot] +15.
[Focused Aim] Increases attack power for 5 turns also increases skill point gain from [Quick Shot] +15.
[Heal from Underfoot] Perseus heals his Mistress from under her foot.
[Foot Massage Cure] Perseus massages the foot of the his Mistress to cure her.
[Foot Slave] Andromeda allows Perseus to drink sweat of her foot for refresh his mana.
Goddess Athena
New Skills:
[Dirt Beneath Foot]
[Oral Vore Healing]
[Anal Vore Prison]
[Full Weight Body Crush]
Knowing issues;
Hard Mode is not active for Chapter 3-3 for now.
You cant turn off her fart by options for now.
Some small sound files are missing in Chapter 3-3, will be added in next update.
Some textures are missing on non nude models will be fixed in next update.
Mouse is bugged for Giantess Jeanna fight. Will be fixing in next update, use your keyboard for now.
If you found any bugs, report to your Goddess immediately.
You should not login to the previous versions from the version 0.61a otherwise you will lose your saving files. You will be able to access from here if you want to back up your saving files. C:\Users\User Name \AppData\LocalLow\FWFS\Goddess of Trampling
Goddess of Trampling v0.81 Patch Notes:
Chapter 3 - 1, Throne of Athena added to game.
Now game can work 32 and 64 bit systems.
You can skip cinematic by pressing 'Space key'.
You can reset game by pressing 'U key' anytime.
Blood and Gore mechanics added to game.
Goddess ATHENA is coming. (She is bigger and stronger than Gaia.)
Princess Andromeda will deadly battles with Sisters and Jeanna in next version. (The battles will be with all new epic abilities and movements. Andromeda will punish them for what they did to Perseus or die trying.
Game performance has been improved.
Overall graphics has been slightly improved.
Princess Andromeda
New Skills:
[Soul Vore] Andromeda love crushing soulless bodies under her soles. Souls have %50 change to escape with Andromeda's abyss.
[Face Crushing] Medium stun change and high damage.(One stun per Soul Vore)
[Body Crushing] High stun change and medium damage.(One stun per Soul Vore)
[Deep Wound] Wounds the target and make them bleed for 5 hits.
[Demoralizing Shout] Andromeda's warcry gives fear to the souls of enemies. Reducing the damage they do for 5 hits.
[Oral Vore] Coming in next version.
[Neck Scissor] Coming in next version.
Amazon's slaves King Acrisius & Hero Theseus
Former Kings and Heroes are slaves of the women warrior's all around the world. Now they are nothing more than the shadows of their former state. Only a woman who had killed a many man in battle was allowed to give up her virginity. They are all destined to perish under the heels of Goddesses.
Knowing Bugs;
Mouse is bugged for Giantess Jeanna fight. Will be fixing in next update, use your keyboard for now.
Hard Mode is not active for Chapter 3 - 1 for now.
If you found any bugs, report to your Goddess immediately.
You should not login to the previous versions from the version 0.61a otherwise you will lose your saving files. You will be able to access from here if you want to back up your saving files. C:\Users\User Name \AppData\LocalLow\FWFS\Goddess of Trampling
Goddess of Trampling v0.77 Patch Notes:
Jeanna's [Light Armor] skin added in shop.
Bass sound effects has been greatly improved. Play with high bass and feel The Soul Breaker's might!
Some animations has been improved.
Game performance has been improved.
Overall graphics has been slightly improved.
New playable character Princess Andromeda coming in next update.
Giantess Warlord Jeanna, The Soul Breaker
New Skills:
[Into the Goddess shoes](Insole) Jeanna loves pressing the life out of little worms.
[Smelly Grave](Insole Death Move) Jeanna feels her weight press the life from your broken body in her smelly shoes. Perseus's skeleton will lie in the Goddess shoes forever .
[Bleed For Me] Giantess Jeanna and Warrior Princess's deathly combined attack causes you [Bleeding].
[Bleeding] You get extra bleed damage every time you take hit. [Cure] can heal that wounds.
Knowing Bugs;
Some small sound files are missing. Will be adding in next update.
If you found any bugs, report to your Goddess immediately.
You should not login to the previous versions from the version 0.61a otherwise you will lose your saving files. You will be ableto access from here if you want to back up your saving files.C:\Users\User Name \AppData\LocalLow\FWFS\Goddess of Trampling
Goddess of Trampling v0.71 Patch Notes:
You should not login to the previous versions from the version 0.61a otherwise you will lose your saving files. You will be able to access from here if you want to back up your saving files. C:\Users\User Name \AppData\LocalLow\FWFS\Goddess of Trampling
Stage 2-2 The Soul Breaker is available.
Jeanna's [Flats Shoes] skin added in shop.
Giantess Warlord Jeanna, The Soul Breaker
New Skills:
[Slave Training] Every beat of Jeanna leave streak in your soul. These streaks accumulates at Broken Soul Bar.
[Broken Soul Bar] However you will be able to use your abilities less if the Broken soul bar gets increased.
[Learn Your Place] You are vulnerable when your soul was broken. When this happens, Jeanna The Soul Breaker will remind you where you belong to.
[Submit to Divine Ass] (Anal Vore) The Soul Breaker's Divine Ass may be the last thing you'll see in this your pathetic life.
[Abyss of the Giantess](Vore Death Move) Perseus's skeleton will lie in the Abyss of the Giantess forever or next poo.
[Dirt Beneath Feet](Full Weight Trample) Frost Witch and Jeanna's the deadly combination attack.
[Perish Beneath Soles](Face Crushing Death Move) None survive The Soul Breaker's feet! Especially the small faces of slaves.
Coming in next update:
[Into the Goddess shoes](Insole) Jeanna loves pressing the life out of you worms.
[Smelly Grave](Insole Death Move) Jeanna feels her weight press the life from your broken body in her smelly shoes.
[Bleed For Me] Will you ?
Goddess of Trampling v0.51 Patch Notes:
New enemies; Amazon Warrior Princess & Amazon Frost Witch, Goddess Jeanne d'Arc.
Young Perseus.
Boy Perseus's model has been improved.
Gaia's stage graphics improved.
Game performance has been improved.
AAA Partical system added.
Professional sound actress hired.
Boss fights will be separeted in different files in order to decrease download size after this version but saving files will be together.For instance, you will be able to use the golds that you won from Gaia fight for the other fights.
Amazon Sisters
New Skills:
[Amazon Rules] Combined attack of sisters can deal serious damage.
[Little Slave] The eyes of the Frost Witch may shrink you, but her sister wants to crush you too when you are so small. Then let the game begins.
[Rock,Paper,Scissors,CRUSH] Amazon sisters will play Rock, Paper, Scissors in order to decide for your fate.
[Under The Magical Feet] Frost Witch will jump stomp on you until you die. Carreful with frosty spikes.
[Under The Royal Feet] Will be in next update.
[Sisters of Weight] You will become a dirt under two sister's all weight.
[Worship Your Princess] Frost Witch like to watch you, when you worship her sister's huge ass but if you struggle to escape her ass, she will punish you.
[Throne of the Princess] Your face shall serve as a throne! Don't move, thrones do not breathe.
This is not a final version, graphic updates and more skills are coming.
Goddess of Trampling v0.41 Patch Notes:
Gold currency added.
You will earn some gold when you beat the Goddesses every time.
Your save data can be used every next updates and the store will be available soon with lots of awesome stuff.
Start collecting your golds.
Overall graphics improved.
Game performance has been improved.
GODDESS GAIA New Skills: [Fart] (True Believer hotpocketshogun's wish) The Goddess can fart into your mouth while she sits on your face and it causes [Fart Sickness].
[Fart Sickness] You can't heal yourself when there are Goddess farts in your lungs. [Melting] The Goddess's bite makes you melt.
Escape her mouth before too late.
[FaceSitting] Damage reduced slightly.
[Fullweight Trampling] Damage reduced slightly.
[Bites] Damage reduced slightly.
[Heels] Heeled shoes are visible but wait next update.
PERSEUS Changes: [Vore Struggle Heal] Now gives 50 SP (was 25)
Patch Notes: Overall graphics improved.
Game performance has been improved.
GODDESS GAIA New Skill: [Shrinking Blow] True Believer Tiynsuit's wish. Changes: [FaceSitting] Damage reduced slightly.
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