Год выхода: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, ahegao, anal, animated, bdsm, big tits, corruption, cosplay, creampie, dating sim, drugs, exhibitionism, female domination, footjob, groping, group sex, harem, incest, lactation, lesbian, male domination, male protagonist, masturbation, oral, sandbox, slave, spanking, titfuck, trainer, urination, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик: Runey - Patreon - Discord - SubscribeStar
Перевод: lf2mr
Тип издания: Лицензия
Версия: v.0.18.1
Платформа: Windows/Linux/Android
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (Смена языка в настройках)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Таблэтка: не требуется
Вы унаследовали Отель "Гарем", отель, где останавливаются красивые девушки! Улучшайте свой отель, устанавливайте дружеские отношения с девушками, следите за их историями и тренируйте их. Harem Hotel включает в себя полностью анимированные и непристойные сцены без какой-либо цензуры, множество характеристик и свойств для разблокировки, множество нарядов для использования, уникальные персонажи и фетиши, более 560 уникальных событий, более 14 000 изображений и многое другое.
You've inherited the "Harem Hotel", a hotel where 8 beautiful women stay! Upgrade your hotel, build friendships with girls, follow their stories, and train them. Harem Hotel includes fully animated and completely uncensored lewd scenes, an array of stats and traits to build and unlock, many outfits to use, unique characters and fetishes, over 560 unique events, over 14,000 images, and way, way more to come.
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)
Поблагодарить Переводчика : Yoomoney кошелёк 410011915928854
1. Удалить прошлую установку APK.
2. Копировать папку Admin_Island из 2 скачанных архивов [EngRus]HH-v0.18.0-Part1.zip и [EngRus]HH-v0.18.0-Part2.zip в папку Documents (если предложит, то с заменой). У Вас должен получиться такой путь:
Documents/Admin_Island/harem_hotel_rus.pornoisland.site/game/здесь будут лежать RPA архивы.
3. Установить [EngRus]HH-v0.18.0.apk (Не запускать)
4. Выдать все Права и Разрешения установленной игре (apk).
5. Запустить и наслаждаться игрой! (До запуска должно быть памяти свободной как минимум 4-6 гигов)
Жанр: 3dcg, ahegao, anal, animated, bdsm, big tits, corruption, cosplay, creampie, dating sim, drugs, exhibitionism, female domination, footjob, groping, group sex, harem, incest, lactation, lesbian, male domination, male protagonist, masturbation, oral, sandbox, slave, spanking, titfuck, trainer, urination, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик: Runey - Patreon - Discord - SubscribeStar
Перевод: lf2mr
Тип издания: Лицензия
Версия: v.0.18.1
Платформа: Windows/Linux/Android
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (Смена языка в настройках)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Таблэтка: не требуется
Вы унаследовали Отель "Гарем", отель, где останавливаются красивые девушки! Улучшайте свой отель, устанавливайте дружеские отношения с девушками, следите за их историями и тренируйте их. Harem Hotel включает в себя полностью анимированные и непристойные сцены без какой-либо цензуры, множество характеристик и свойств для разблокировки, множество нарядов для использования, уникальные персонажи и фетиши, более 560 уникальных событий, более 14 000 изображений и многое другое.
You've inherited the "Harem Hotel", a hotel where 8 beautiful women stay! Upgrade your hotel, build friendships with girls, follow their stories, and train them. Harem Hotel includes fully animated and completely uncensored lewd scenes, an array of stats and traits to build and unlock, many outfits to use, unique characters and fetishes, over 560 unique events, over 14,000 images, and way, way more to come.
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)
Поблагодарить Переводчика : Yoomoney кошелёк 410011915928854
1. Удалить прошлую установку APK.
2. Копировать папку Admin_Island из 2 скачанных архивов [EngRus]HH-v0.18.0-Part1.zip и [EngRus]HH-v0.18.0-Part2.zip в папку Documents (если предложит, то с заменой). У Вас должен получиться такой путь:
Documents/Admin_Island/harem_hotel_rus.pornoisland.site/game/здесь будут лежать RPA архивы.
3. Установить [EngRus]HH-v0.18.0.apk (Не запускать)
4. Выдать все Права и Разрешения установленной игре (apk).
5. Запустить и наслаждаться игрой! (До запуска должно быть памяти свободной как минимум 4-6 гигов)
В игре Harem Hotel разработчиком игры предусмотрены коды, которые можно вводить в компе в комнате главного героя игры.
Часть этих кодов доступна всем, а другая часть доступна только подпимчикам на Патреоне каразработчкиигры.
Файл code_act.rpy делает доступными в игре коды, которые доступны только подписчикам на Патреоне разработчкиа игры.
Установка: скопировать файл code_act.rpy в папку game игры
Файл code_act.rpy работает в 0.16-0.17 версиях игры.
Список кодов, которые открывает файй code_act.rpy:
cheats_on = чит-меню вкл.
cheats_off = чит-меню выкл.
10days = прыжок вперед на 10 дней
money = + $ 1 000
new_content = переход к новому контенту с полной статистикой всех персонажей
autumn = максимальная статистика Атэм
felicity = максимальная статистика Фелисити и Эммы
bot = максимальная статистика Андроид
maria = максимальная статистика Марии
ashley = максимальная статистика Эшли
kali = максимальная статистика Кали
lin = максимальная статистика Лин
big_money = + $ 999 999
(Вы можете изменить эти коды на свои для удобства в файле code_act.rpy)
Список кодов доступных всем:
truestory - Фелисити и Эмма становятся Близняшками(по умолчанию они Клоны) + открываются дополнительные сцены с Люсией
changename = изменить свое имя
elmarcomp = включает возможность позвать Эллен и Марию в бар для соревнования по выпивке по выходным
fixkali = использовать, если Кали забаговала на уровне 6 (только при использовании сохранения до 0.5.3)
ifuckedlucy = теперь можно заниматься сексом с Люсией в комнате Кали
resetelves = сбрасывает всю статистику эльфов (кроме Лин)
maxstat_lin = Максимальная статистика Лин
skiphalf_all = ??? Середина контента с половинчатой статистикой для всех ???
skiphalf_aut = ??? Середина контента Атэм с половинчатой статистикой ???
skiphalf_F&E = ??? Середина контента Фелисити и Эммы с половинчатой статистикой ???
skiphalf_bot = ??? Середина контента Андроид с половинчатой статистикой ???
skiphalf_mar = ??? Середина контента Марии с половинчатой статистикой ???
skiphalf_ash = ??? Середина контента Эшли с половинчатой статистикой ???
skiphalf_kali = ??? Середина контента Кали с половинчатой статистикой ???
skiphalf_lin = ??? Середина контента Лин с половинчатой статистикой ???
loveroute_nia = любовная ветка Ния
slaveroute_nia = рабская ветка Ния
loveroute_sylvia = любовная ветка Сильвия
slaveroute_sylvia = рабская ветка Сильвия
Часть этих кодов доступна всем, а другая часть доступна только подпимчикам на Патреоне каразработчкиигры.
Файл code_act.rpy делает доступными в игре коды, которые доступны только подписчикам на Патреоне разработчкиа игры.
Установка: скопировать файл code_act.rpy в папку game игры
Файл code_act.rpy работает в 0.16-0.17 версиях игры.
Список кодов, которые открывает файй code_act.rpy:
cheats_on = чит-меню вкл.
cheats_off = чит-меню выкл.
10days = прыжок вперед на 10 дней
money = + $ 1 000
new_content = переход к новому контенту с полной статистикой всех персонажей
autumn = максимальная статистика Атэм
felicity = максимальная статистика Фелисити и Эммы
bot = максимальная статистика Андроид
maria = максимальная статистика Марии
ashley = максимальная статистика Эшли
kali = максимальная статистика Кали
lin = максимальная статистика Лин
big_money = + $ 999 999
(Вы можете изменить эти коды на свои для удобства в файле code_act.rpy)
Список кодов доступных всем:
truestory - Фелисити и Эмма становятся Близняшками(по умолчанию они Клоны) + открываются дополнительные сцены с Люсией
changename = изменить свое имя
elmarcomp = включает возможность позвать Эллен и Марию в бар для соревнования по выпивке по выходным
fixkali = использовать, если Кали забаговала на уровне 6 (только при использовании сохранения до 0.5.3)
ifuckedlucy = теперь можно заниматься сексом с Люсией в комнате Кали
resetelves = сбрасывает всю статистику эльфов (кроме Лин)
maxstat_lin = Максимальная статистика Лин
skiphalf_all = ??? Середина контента с половинчатой статистикой для всех ???
skiphalf_aut = ??? Середина контента Атэм с половинчатой статистикой ???
skiphalf_F&E = ??? Середина контента Фелисити и Эммы с половинчатой статистикой ???
skiphalf_bot = ??? Середина контента Андроид с половинчатой статистикой ???
skiphalf_mar = ??? Середина контента Марии с половинчатой статистикой ???
skiphalf_ash = ??? Середина контента Эшли с половинчатой статистикой ???
skiphalf_kali = ??? Середина контента Кали с половинчатой статистикой ???
skiphalf_lin = ??? Середина контента Лин с половинчатой статистикой ???
loveroute_nia = любовная ветка Ния
slaveroute_nia = рабская ветка Ния
loveroute_sylvia = любовная ветка Сильвия
slaveroute_sylvia = рабская ветка Сильвия
In the Harem Hotel you will meet:
Your humble Elf maid who was recently hired before you inherited the hotel. Lin always aims to please her master in any way she can!
A college student who was just kicked out of her house by her strict parents. Finally free from them, she's very eager to explore things she never had the opportunity to.
A nerdy girl who was left at your hotel by her father, and she's not too happy about it. But you may just be the person to keep her happy. Without a job, she's willing to do almost anything she can for some extra cash.
A college student and friend to Ashley, she's quite experienced and loves to flaunt, especially in public. She'll do a lot for some attention.
Your humble Elf maid who was recently hired before you inherited the hotel. Lin always aims to please her master in any way she can!
A college student who was just kicked out of her house by her strict parents. Finally free from them, she's very eager to explore things she never had the opportunity to.
A nerdy girl who was left at your hotel by her father, and she's not too happy about it. But you may just be the person to keep her happy. Without a job, she's willing to do almost anything she can for some extra cash.
A college student and friend to Ashley, she's quite experienced and loves to flaunt, especially in public. She'll do a lot for some attention.
v0.18.1 - 2024-11-11
The Garden:
Added the farmable garden
Added the greenhouse to the garden
Added 3 plot tiers to the garden
Added 9 crops (3 unique elvish crops)
Added upgrades to the garden
Added Jin as the gardener
Added 2 events to the garden
Explore Content:
1 Park Event
Added the Food Drive minigame
Added a map and shop to the park
1 Story Event (2 Scenes)
5 Events
1 Story Event
Reade 4th event
1 Story Event
Remade 4th event
1 Event
1 Story Event
Remade 1st event
1 Story Event
Added the other 5 outfits to her Lobby Hangouts
Added 5 sex animations to her Lobby Hangouts in those outfits
Felicity and Emma:
1 Story Event
1 Story Event
Redesigned the "How are you?" button in each character's room.
(Each main character will now comment on recent events)
Added 11 scenes to Lin's gallery
Added 9 scenes to Kali's gallery
Added 10 scenes to Ashley's gallery
Added 14 scenes to Maria's gallery
Added 12 scenes to Android's gallery
Added 10 scenes to F&E's gallery
Added 12 scenes to Autumn's gallery
Added 21 scenes to the Other's gallery
v0.18 - 2024-09-04
The Garden:
Added the farmable garden
Added the greenhouse to the garden
Added 3 plot tiers to the garden
Added 9 crops (3 unique elvish crops)
Added upgrades to the garden
Added Jin as the gardener
Added 2 events to the garden
Explore Content:
1 Park Event
Added the Food Drive minigame
Added a map and shop to the park
5 Events
Redesigned the "How are you?" button in each character's room.
(Each main character will now comment on recent events)
Added 11 scenes to Lin's gallery
Added 9 scenes to Kali's gallery
Added 10 scenes to Ashley's gallery
Added 14 scenes to Maria's gallery
Added 12 scenes to Android's gallery
Added 10 scenes to F&E's gallery
Added 12 scenes to Autumn's gallery
Added 21 scenes to the Other's gallery
v0.18 Beta 3 - 2024-08-01
1 Story Event (2 Scenes)
1 Story Event
Remade 4th event
1 Story Event
Remade 4th event
1 Event
1 Story Event
Remade 1st event
1 Story Event
Added the other 5 outfits to her Lobby Hangouts
Added 5 sex animations to her Lobby Hangouts in those outfits
Felicity and Emma:
1 Story Event
1 Story Event
v0.17.2 - 2023-07-06
Bug Fixes
Bug fixes
v0.17 - 2023-06-17
Added a total of 52 scenes
Added tip screens
Added new music to repeatable dates
Added new music to repeatable sex
Added new music to repeatable exhibitionism, both beach and cafe
(You may access a library of this music by talking to Ally in Android's room)
Added "Last Time on..." screens to catch you up
2 Story Events
1 Story Event
Added repeatable sex scenes to Kim & Ami at the hot springs
Added 'Request Nudes' feature while Kali is at Papa Ron's or University
1 Event
1 Event
2 Story Events
Updated 'Request Nudes' feature
1 Story Event/Sex Scene
1 Sex Event
1 Story Event
Remade her 12th event
Remade her 13th event
Remade her 15th event
Remade her 16th event
Remade her 17th event
Remade her 18th event
Remade and combined her 19th and 20th event
Remade her 21st event
Remade her 23rd event
Remade her 24th event
Remade her 25th event
Remade 3 repeatable anal animations
Added 5 outfits to her repeatable anal animation
Added 7 outfits to her repeatable boobjob animation
Added 5 outfits to her repeatable blowjob animation
Remade her Form 1 Alarm (now optional with Form 2)
Remade 7 repeatable vaginal animations
Added 4 outfits to her repeatable vaginal animation
Added 5 new outfits to Android
Added Interactions in the new outfits
Added Freestyle Sex
Felicity & Emma:
1 Story Event/Sex Scene
Added 'Request Nudes' feature to Felicity and Emma
1 Story Event
1 Event
Explore Content:
Bernie's Bowling Bar:
Added the Bowling Tournament
1 Event
The Park (NEW!):
2 Events
The Slums:
2 Events
v0.16.2 - 2022-12-13
Various bug fixes and polishes
Various bug fixes and polishes
v.0.16 - 2022.11.27
Added a total of 81 scenes
Added the Spanish language as an option
Added the new 'Explore Caliber City' feature
Added a new resident to The Sanctuary with 2 sex scenes
Added the 'Meet me in your room.' option to lobby hangouts
Improved money gained from pinups, up to 2x
Added new Cheat Codes
Added 4 outfits to Lin's lobby and room hangouts
Updated Interactions to include all outfits
Added sleepwear, remade Sleep With Someone option
1 New Story Event (2 scenes)
Added 5 outfits to Kali's lobby and room hangouts
Updated Interactions to include all outfits
Added new 10th Story Event, merged previous 10th with 11th
Remade 22nd Story Event
Added sleepwear, remade Sleep With Someone option
Added 4 outfits to Ashley's lobby and room hangouts
Updated Interactions to include all outfits
Added sleepwear, remade Sleep With Someone option
Remade 21st Story Event
1 New Story Event
Added 4 outfits to Maria's lobby and room hangouts
Updated Interactions to include all outfits
Added sleepwear, remade Sleep With Someone option
1 New Story Event
Added a new 11th Story Event
Added sleepwear, remade Sleep With Someone option
Remade 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 10th Story Event
Rearranged and merged events in her early story
Felicity & Emma:
2 New Story Events
4 New Story Events
Added repeatable Cunnilingus in 4 outfits
Side Characters:
Kate and Juliet will now visit the Hot Springs during weekend mornings
Jin will now visit the Hot Springs during mon/tues/thurs mornings
1 Love Route Event
Added 5 Kitchen repeatables to Sylvia's Slave Route
Added alarms to Sylvia's Slave Route
Explore Content:
Added 3 "Explore" events
Corpus Cafe:
3 events
The Beach:
3 events
The Church:
2 events
The Slums:
2 events
Bernie's Bowling Bar:
2 events
Added Delivery Jobs
BunBun Brothel:
3 events
Added the BunBun Brothel as a new Location
Added 3 sex scenes to Blue Bunny
Added 3 sex scenes to Red Bunny
Added 3 sex scenes to Purple Bunny
v.0.16 Pre-Release 2 - 2022.11.20
Added a total of 68 scenes
Added the new 'Explore Caliber City' feature
Added a new resident to The Sanctuary with 2 sex scenes
Added the 'Meet me in your room.' option to lobby hangouts
Added new Cheat Codes (HERE) (needs testing)
Added 4 outfits to Lin's lobby and room hangouts
Updated Interactions to include all outfits
Added sleepwear, remade Sleep With Someone option
1 Story Event (2 scenes)
Added 5 outfits to Kali's lobby and room hangouts
Updated Interactions to include all outfits
Added new 10th Story Event, merged previous 10th with 11th
Remade 22nd Story Event
Added sleepwear, remade Sleep With Someone option
Added 4 outfits to Ashley's lobby and room hangouts
Updated Interactions to include all outfits
Added sleepwear, remade Sleep With Someone option
Remade 21st Story Event
1 Story Event
Added 4 outfits to Maria's lobby and room hangouts
Updated Interactions to include all outfits
Added sleepwear, remade Sleep With Someone option
1 Story Event
Added sleepwear, remade Sleep With Someone option
Remade 2nd Story Event
Felicity & Emma:
2 Story Events
4 Story Events
Added repeatable Cunnilingus in 4 outfit
Side Characters:
Kate and Juliet will now visit the Hot Springs during weekend mornings
Jin will now visit the Hot Springs during mon/tues/thurs mornings
1 Love Route Event
Added 5 Kitchen repeatables to Sylvia's Slave Route
Added alarms to Sylvia's Slave Route
Explore Content:
Added 3 "Explore" events
Corpus Cafe:
3 events
The Beach:
3 events
The Church:
2 events
The Slums:
2 events
Bernie's Bowling Bar:
2 events
Added Delivery Jobs
BunBun Brothel:
3 events
Added the BunBun Brothel as a new Location
Added 3 sex scenes to Blue Bunny
Added 3 sex scenes to Red Bunny
Added 3 sex scenes to Purple Bunny
v0.15 Public
Added a total of 64 scenes
Added the map to the pause menu
Redesigned the stats screens
Added 12 outfits to the store
Redesigned and polished much of the GUI
Remade the splash clip
2 Story Events
Remade Repeatable Missionary sex
Added 4 outfits to Repeatable Missionary sex
Added Repeatable Cunnilingus with 7 outfits
Remade Lin's 13th event
Remade Repeatable Anal sex
Added 3 outfits to Repeatable Anal sex
Added 6 outfits to Repeatable Handjobs
Added 'Freestyle' sex
Remade the "Clean my room" option
Remade the "Lift your skirt" option
1 Event
1 Love & Slave route event (same event)
1 Story Event
Remade Repeatable Missionary sex
Added 4 outfits to Repeatable Missionary sex
Added 4 outfits to Repeatable Blowjobs
Remade 22nd event (anal introduction)
Remade Repeatable Anal sex
Added 4 outfits to Repeatable Anal sex
Remade Repeatable Thighjobs
Added 4 outfits to Repeatable Thighjobs
Added 'Freestyle' sex
1 Story Event
Added a foursome to her repeatable content
Remade 6th event
Remade Repeatable Blowjobs
Added 5 outfits to Repeatable Blowjobs
Remade Repeatable Cowgirl sex
Added 5 outfits to Repeatable Cowgirl sex
Remade 9th event
Remade Repeatable Anal sex
Added 5 outfits to Repeatable Anal sex
Remade 19th event
Remade Repeatable Footjobs
Added 5 outfits to Repeatable Footjobs
Added 'Freestyle' sex
2 Events
1 Story Event
Remade 13th event (Kali's thighjob introduction)
Remade 3rd event
Remade Repeatable Blowjobs
Added 3 outfits to Repeatable Blowjobs
Remade Repeatable Cowgirl sex
Added 3 outfits to Repeatable Cowgirl sex
Remade Repeatable Anal sex
Added 6 outfits to Repeatable Anal sex
Remade Repeatable Cunnilingus sex
Added 3 outfits to Repeatable Cunnilingus sex
Added 'Freestyle' sex
1 Event
Added repeatable missionary sex
1 Story Event
Remade many of her kitchen options
Remade 22nd event
Felicity & Emma:
1 Story Event
2 Story Events
Hovering over the icons on the day transition screen will now show you how many days are left until the event is ready.
Many other bugfixes and polishes
v0.14 Public
Added a total of 74 scenes
Added notifications for when main character story events are ready (View here: https://imgur.com/a/C1kyYlk)
Remade the intro event
Remade the outside of the hotel
You can now name the hotel! (Talk to Ellen)
Remade the day transition screen
Added the Continue button
Expanded the gallery
1 Story Event
Remade Lin's 18th story event (Preview here: https://imgur.com/a/r2dIcK7)
1 Love Route Event
1 Story Event (2 scenes)
Added 6 date events in multiple outfits
Added 6 date locations
Remade Kali's 9th event
Remade Kali's repeatable blowjobs in 4 outfits
1 Event
1 Story Event (2 scenes)
Added 6 date events in multiple outfits
Added 6 date locations
Remastered Ashley's 24th event (View Here: On Twitter)
Remade a part of Ashley's 27th event (View here: https://imgur.com/a/le9153W)
2 Story Events
Added 6 date events in multiple outfits
Added 6 date locations
1 Story Event
6 Lust Events
Added the Lust stat and trait
Felicity & Emma:
2 Story Events
Added 6 dates to Felicity in multiple outfits
Added 6 dates to Emma in multiple outfits
Added 6 date locations to Felicity
Added 6 date locations to Emma
Added 4 Double Pinup scenes
Added a repeatable analsex option in 6 outfits to Felicity
Added a repeatable analsex option in 6 outfits to Emma
Both Felicity and Emma have received the corresponding stats and traits
Added "Freestyle" repeatable sex to Felicity
Added "Freestyle" repeatable sex to Emma
Updated lobby hangout images for Felicity in 7 outfits
Updates lobby hangout images for Emma in 7 outfits
1 Story Event
v0.13.2 Public
Added the framework to enable easy manual updates.
v0.13.1 public
v0.13 Public
Added a total of 56 scenes
Added the Garden location to the hotel with an intro scene
Added the Seating Area upgrade to the Garden with an intro scene
You may now request fun at Ellen's desk
1 Story Event (multiple scenes)
3 Events
1 Love Event
1 Slave Event
1 Story Event
You can now visit Kali at her university
Remade her 17th story event
3 Events
3 Events
Vanessa and friends will visit the hot springs every Monday Noon
1 Story Event
2 Events
2 Story Events
2 Events
2 Story Events
Remade her 8th story event
Remade her 14th story event
Felicity & Emma:
1 Story Event
6 Pinups for Felicity
5 Pinups for Emma
1 Story Event
6 Exhibitionism training scenes
4 Pinups
Added the Exhibitionism stat and trait
2 Events
1 Event
v0.12 Public
Added a total of 56 scenes
Added the Cheat Mode for $10+ Patrons
Added the Radio to the game's options
Added Dialogue UI choices to the game's options
Redesigned each main character's discussion screen
Polished each main character's discussion screen
Normalized exhibitionism scene requirements (now requires the Affection or Obedient trait)
Everyone will gain Affection or Obedience when sleeping with them
Added the ability to clear debt at Ellen
Added scenes to the gallery
Added the Shower Cam!
A lot more polishes
2 Story Events
Added the Interact option to her discussion screen (multiple outfits)
Added a new Alarm for Lin & Android
Remade Lin's kitchen blowjob scene
Remade Lin's 21st story event
2 Story Events
Overhauled Kali's exhibitionism events (now at the beach!)
Added the Cunnilingus stat and correlating trait
Added the Interact option to her discussion screen (multiple outfits
Remade Kali's intro event
Changed the order of some events (She will now offer sex after boobjobs and blowjobs instead of before, Lin and Kali will now bond before Kali sits on her face)
1 Story Event (big)
Added the Interact option to her discussion screen (multiple outfits)
Added 7 riddles
Finished Kate's riddles (good luck)
2 Story Events
Added the Interact option to her discussion screen (multiple outfits)
1 Story Event
1 Repeatable Event
1 Story Event
Added the Interact option to her discussion screen (multiple outfits)
Added a new Alarm for Lin & Android
Added a new sleep scene for Android (Form 2)
Added a new alarm scene for Android (Form 2)
Added a repeatable blowjob scene in the kitchen
Felicity & Emma:
2 Story Events
Recreated their room in better quality
Added the Interact option to both of their discussion screens (multiple outfits)
Added a new repeatable sleep together option
Added outfit options to both Felicity and Emma (only in their room for now)
Added multiple new outfits to Felicity's repeatable missionary scenes
Added multiple new outfits to Felicity's repeatable blowjob scenes
Added multiple new outfits to Emma's repeatable doggy style scenes
Added repeatable blowjobs to Emma in multiple outfits
Added the blowjob stat and trait to Emma
Remade Felicity & Emma's cams
Felicity & Emma can now be set as an alarm
1 Story Event
Remade Autumn's room and added multiple new outifts
Added the Interact option to her discussion screen (multiple outfits)
1 Story Event
The Sanctuary:
2 Love Route Events
2 Love Route Events
1 Slave Route Event
Added a repeatable blowjob scene
Added a repeatable boobjob scene
Added a total of 54 scenes
Added the 'sports day' bar expansion
Added 28 scenes to the gallery
You can now sneak around at night
Added new images to the wallpaper
Polished a lot
2 Story Events
Recreated her 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th exhibitionism events
1 Love Route event
1 Slave Route event
A new elf is purchasable
Added 1 repeatable event to this new elf
1 Story Event
1 Story Event
1 repeatable event
1 Story Event (2 scenes)
Recreated her 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th exhibitionism events
5 riddles
1 Story Event
6 Lust Events
Recreated her 10th story event
Exhibitionism training is no longer a requirement
Recreated her 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th exhibitionism events
Someone now lives with Maria
Added a new corner for this character to live in
Added 1 story event for this character
1 Story Event
Felicity & Emma:
1 Story Event
1 Felicity exhibitionism event
4 Emma dungeon events
4 Emma punishment scenes
2 Story Events
2 Ellen events
1 Bar event
Troubleshooting tips for Android:
Download Google Keyboard
Ensure you're allowing unknown sources
Have 5GB or more of storage space
Do not install on an SD card. Must be installed on your phone's main drive.
Uninstall all previous versions of Harem Hotel
To update your game on android, back up your save and delete the previous version
Added a total of 66 scenes
Added 2000+ images
Remade the early game (26+ story events) in better quality
Added QoL changes
Added traits to each girl to signify when their story has been completed
5 Story Events
Remade 5 Story Events (4, 7, 11, 15, 16)
3 Slave Route events
Added a repeatable boobjob event
1 Slave Route event
1 Event
2 Story Events (+ 3 extra scenes)
2 Lust Events
Remade 8 story events (2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 14, 16)
Added 1 new Story Event to Kali's early story (directly before her first sex scene)
2 Events
3 Story Events
6 Lust Events (+2 Scenes in one event)
Remade 3 story events (8, 14, 15)
1 Event
1 Story Event
Remade 7 story events (1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12)
1 Story Event
Remade 3 story events (2, 3, 4)
Felicity & Emma:
3 Story Events
Remade 1 story event (0)
2 Story Events
Added a repeatable shower event
Added the boobjob stat and trait
v0.10 Beta
Added a total of 24 scenes
5 Story Events: Added more content to Lin's story events, Ashley hugs you and more dialog was included throughout.
Nia: 1 Slave Route event
Kali: 2 Story Events (+ 3 extra scenes)
1 Lust Event
Lucy: 2 Events
Ashley: 1 Story Event
5 Lust Events (+2 Scenes in one event)
Kate: 1 Event
Maria: Nothing yet
Android : Nothing yet
Felicity & Emma: 1 Story Event
Autumn: Nothing yet
v0.10 Alpha
Nothing yet
2 Story Events (+ 3 extra scenes)
2 Events
1 Story Event
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Felicity & Emma:
1 Story Event
Nothing yet
Bug fixes
Final patch notes
Added a total of 25 scenes
Added new items to the computer
3 Story Events
Added Lust training
Added 6 scenes to Lin's lust training
2 Story Events
Added 4 scenes to Kali's lust training
You can now sleep with Kali
2 Story Events
Added a new area to Ashley's room
7 New riddles for Kate
1 Story Event
1 Story Event (2 scenes)
Felicity & Emma:
Nothing - content coming in v0.10
1 Story Event
1 Story Event
-Added a new splash screen
-Added new music to Ashley's natural hair event
-Added new music to Android's flashback event
-Added new music to Lin's orgy event
-Added new music to Kali's confession event
-Bug fixes
Added a total of 62 scenes
Redesigned trait progression visuals (Traits will change color to show progression)
Remade the lobby and each character's rooms with better visuals and lighting
Added new sprites
Added Ellen's room
2 Story Events
Remade her shower animations
Added new sex scenes to her lobby hangouts
Added outfit customization
Added pinups to a new character
Added 1 slave route event
Added 1 love route event
1 Story Event
Remade her shower animations
Added 2 new sex scenes to her lobby hangouts
Added outfit customization
Remade her sprites
2 Story Events (Sound recommended)
Added a riddle to Kate
Remade her shower animations
Added new sex scenes to her lobby hangouts
Added outfit customization
2 Story Events
Remade her shower animations
Added 2 new sex scenes to her lobby hangouts
Added outfit customization
2 Story Events
Added repeatable blowjobs to Android (3 outfits)
Added a new outfit to Android's repeatable Vaginal Sex scene
Added repeatable blowjobs
Added the 'Professional Cocksucker' trait and 'Blowjobs' stat to Android
Remade her shower animations
Added new sex scenes to her lobby hangouts
Added outfit customization
Felicity & Emma:
2 Story Events
You can now invite Felicity to the dungeon
Added 4 submission training events to Felicity
Added 3 animations in 60 frames to her Squirtathon
Added 4 punishments
Added sleeping with Emma
Added repeatable blowjobs to Felicity (3 outfits)
Added the 'Professional Cocksucker' trait and 'Blowjobs' stat to Felicity
Added the 'Submissive' trait and 'Submission' stat to Felicity
3 Story Events
Added 2 repeatable scenes
Added new Traits and Stats
Added the Sanctuary
Overhauled the Day transition
Added a total of 72 scenes
1 Story Event (8 animations, 2 hidden scenes)
Added Footjobs to Lin
Added the Footjob stat
Added the Footjob trait
Added Pinups for Lin
You can now invite Lin to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
Overhauled Lin's virginity event
2 Story Events (3 scenes)
You can now visit Kali at work
You can now invite Kali to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
2 Story Events
1 Kate Event
3 new Kate riddles
You can now invite Ashley to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
2 Story Events
Added Pinups for Maria
You can now invite Maria to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
Added a new outfit to vaginal sex
2 Story Events
Added a new outfit to vaginal sex
Remade Android's intro event
Felicity & Emma:
2 Story Events
2 new outfits for Felicity for vaginal sex
Utility Room masturbation scenes for Felicity & Emma
2 Story Events
You can now visit Autumn at the cafe
The Sanctuary:
Added 2 repeatable blowjobs to Nia
Added repeatable blowjob to Sylvia
Added repeatable sex with Ann
Added the happiness system to the Elves
Added the ability to restrict and allow recreational access to the Elves
Added 3 Story Events to Nia
Added 1 Story Event to Sylvia
Added 1 Story Event to Ann
The Bar:
4 Story Events
11 Training Events
v.0.7 Pre Release 2
Added the Sanctuary
Added a total of 71 scenes
1 Story Event (8 animations, 2 hidden scenes)
Added Footjobs to Lin
Added the Footjob stat
Added the Footjob trait
Added Pinups for Lin
You can now invite Lin to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
Overhauled Lin's virginity event
2 Story Events (3 scenes)
You can now visit Kali at work
You can now invite Kali to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
2 Story Events
1 Kate Event
3 new Kate riddles
You can now invite Ashley to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
2 Story Events
Added Pinups for Maria
You can now invite Maria to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
Added a new outfit to vaginal sex
2 Story Events
Added a new outfit to vaginal sex
Remade Android's intro event
Felicity & Emma:
2 Story Events
2 new outfits for Felicity for vaginal sex
Utility Room masturbation scenes for Felicity & Emma
2 Story Events
You can now visit Autumn at the cafe
The Sanctuary:
Added 2 repeatable blowjobs to Nia
Added repeatable blowjob to Sylvia
Added repeatable sex with Ann
Added the happiness system to the Elves
Added the ability to restrict and allow recreational access to the Elves
Added 3 Story Events to Nia
Added 1 Story Event to Sylvia
Added 1 Story Event to Ann
The Bar:
4 Story Events
11 Training Events
v.0.7 Beta 5
Added the Sanctuary
Added a total of 56 scenes
1 Story Event (2 hidden scenes)
Added Footjobs to Lin
Added the Footjob stat
Added the Footjob trait
Added Pinups for Lin
You can now invite Lin to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
Remade Lin's virginity event
2 Story Events (3 scenes)
You can now visit Kali at work
You can now invite Kali to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
2 Story Events
1 Kate Event
3 new Kate riddles
You can now invite Ashley to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
2 Story Events
Added Pinups for Maria
You can now invite Maria to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
Added a new outfit to vaginal sex
2 Story Events
Added a new outfit to vaginal sex
Remade Android's intro event
Felicity & Emma:
2 Story Events
2 new outfits for Felicity for vaginal sex
Utility Room masturbation scenes for Felicity & Emma
2 Story Events
You can now visit Autumn at the cafe
The Sanctuary:
Added 2 repeatable blowjobs to Nia
Added repeatable blowjob to Sylvia
Added repeatable sex with Ann
Added the happiness system to the Elves
Added the ability to restrict and allow recreational access to the Elves
Added 3 Story Events to Nia
Added 1 Story Event to Sylvia
Added 1 Story Event to Ann
Remade most of Ashley's content to replace her blue college uniform
v0.6 Pre-Release 2
Added the Bar
Added 6 music choices to the Bar
New side character: Moon
Added Pet Names to Lin, Kali, Ashley, and Maria
Added a total of 62 new events
Remade the first and second floor in better quality
Remade MC's room in better quality
Remade the kitchen in better quality
Added 3 Ellen Events
Added 6 Bar Events
Added 7+ Bar scenes, dozens of upgrades, and more.
Added Sarah to the bar. 2 Events (2 angles)
1 Story Event
Jin is now buyable!
4 Jin Events
Remade Lin's Anal animation, now includes 4 outfits
Remade Lin's morning blowjob animation
1 Story Event
Remade Kali's blowjob event/animation
Remade Kali's boobjob event/animation
2 Lucy Events
2 Story Events (MASSIVE)
2 Kate Events
Remade Ashley's cake event in better quality
You can now sleep with Ashley at night
1 Story Event
You can now sleep with Maria at night
Maria will now work as a Bartender in the bar in the Evenings
Remade Maria's sprites
1 Story Event
Added Anal in 3 outfits and 3 breast sizes each
Added the Buttslut trait
Added the Anal stat
Remade Android's morning handjob animation
Felicity & Emma:
1 Story Event
You can now sleep with Felicity at night
Added a shower scene to Felicity
Added a shower scene to Emma (2 angles)
3 Story Events
And more!
This build should represent the final version of v0.6. If you notice anything odd, like placeholder images/text, bugs, or anything that needs to be polished. PLEASE LET ME KNOW!
Known bugs:
Maria doesn't show up in the stats menu
The Garden:
Added the farmable garden
Added the greenhouse to the garden
Added 3 plot tiers to the garden
Added 9 crops (3 unique elvish crops)
Added upgrades to the garden
Added Jin as the gardener
Added 2 events to the garden
Explore Content:
1 Park Event
Added the Food Drive minigame
Added a map and shop to the park
1 Story Event (2 Scenes)
5 Events
1 Story Event
Reade 4th event
1 Story Event
Remade 4th event
1 Event
1 Story Event
Remade 1st event
1 Story Event
Added the other 5 outfits to her Lobby Hangouts
Added 5 sex animations to her Lobby Hangouts in those outfits
Felicity and Emma:
1 Story Event
1 Story Event
Redesigned the "How are you?" button in each character's room.
(Each main character will now comment on recent events)
Added 11 scenes to Lin's gallery
Added 9 scenes to Kali's gallery
Added 10 scenes to Ashley's gallery
Added 14 scenes to Maria's gallery
Added 12 scenes to Android's gallery
Added 10 scenes to F&E's gallery
Added 12 scenes to Autumn's gallery
Added 21 scenes to the Other's gallery
v0.18 - 2024-09-04
The Garden:
Added the farmable garden
Added the greenhouse to the garden
Added 3 plot tiers to the garden
Added 9 crops (3 unique elvish crops)
Added upgrades to the garden
Added Jin as the gardener
Added 2 events to the garden
Explore Content:
1 Park Event
Added the Food Drive minigame
Added a map and shop to the park
5 Events
Redesigned the "How are you?" button in each character's room.
(Each main character will now comment on recent events)
Added 11 scenes to Lin's gallery
Added 9 scenes to Kali's gallery
Added 10 scenes to Ashley's gallery
Added 14 scenes to Maria's gallery
Added 12 scenes to Android's gallery
Added 10 scenes to F&E's gallery
Added 12 scenes to Autumn's gallery
Added 21 scenes to the Other's gallery
v0.18 Beta 3 - 2024-08-01
1 Story Event (2 Scenes)
1 Story Event
Remade 4th event
1 Story Event
Remade 4th event
1 Event
1 Story Event
Remade 1st event
1 Story Event
Added the other 5 outfits to her Lobby Hangouts
Added 5 sex animations to her Lobby Hangouts in those outfits
Felicity and Emma:
1 Story Event
1 Story Event
v0.17.2 - 2023-07-06
Bug Fixes
Bug fixes
v0.17 - 2023-06-17
Added a total of 52 scenes
Added tip screens
Added new music to repeatable dates
Added new music to repeatable sex
Added new music to repeatable exhibitionism, both beach and cafe
(You may access a library of this music by talking to Ally in Android's room)
Added "Last Time on..." screens to catch you up
2 Story Events
1 Story Event
Added repeatable sex scenes to Kim & Ami at the hot springs
Added 'Request Nudes' feature while Kali is at Papa Ron's or University
1 Event
1 Event
2 Story Events
Updated 'Request Nudes' feature
1 Story Event/Sex Scene
1 Sex Event
1 Story Event
Remade her 12th event
Remade her 13th event
Remade her 15th event
Remade her 16th event
Remade her 17th event
Remade her 18th event
Remade and combined her 19th and 20th event
Remade her 21st event
Remade her 23rd event
Remade her 24th event
Remade her 25th event
Remade 3 repeatable anal animations
Added 5 outfits to her repeatable anal animation
Added 7 outfits to her repeatable boobjob animation
Added 5 outfits to her repeatable blowjob animation
Remade her Form 1 Alarm (now optional with Form 2)
Remade 7 repeatable vaginal animations
Added 4 outfits to her repeatable vaginal animation
Added 5 new outfits to Android
Added Interactions in the new outfits
Added Freestyle Sex
Felicity & Emma:
1 Story Event/Sex Scene
Added 'Request Nudes' feature to Felicity and Emma
1 Story Event
1 Event
Explore Content:
Bernie's Bowling Bar:
Added the Bowling Tournament
1 Event
The Park (NEW!):
2 Events
The Slums:
2 Events
v0.16.2 - 2022-12-13
Various bug fixes and polishes
Various bug fixes and polishes
v.0.16 - 2022.11.27
Added a total of 81 scenes
Added the Spanish language as an option
Added the new 'Explore Caliber City' feature
Added a new resident to The Sanctuary with 2 sex scenes
Added the 'Meet me in your room.' option to lobby hangouts
Improved money gained from pinups, up to 2x
Added new Cheat Codes
Added 4 outfits to Lin's lobby and room hangouts
Updated Interactions to include all outfits
Added sleepwear, remade Sleep With Someone option
1 New Story Event (2 scenes)
Added 5 outfits to Kali's lobby and room hangouts
Updated Interactions to include all outfits
Added new 10th Story Event, merged previous 10th with 11th
Remade 22nd Story Event
Added sleepwear, remade Sleep With Someone option
Added 4 outfits to Ashley's lobby and room hangouts
Updated Interactions to include all outfits
Added sleepwear, remade Sleep With Someone option
Remade 21st Story Event
1 New Story Event
Added 4 outfits to Maria's lobby and room hangouts
Updated Interactions to include all outfits
Added sleepwear, remade Sleep With Someone option
1 New Story Event
Added a new 11th Story Event
Added sleepwear, remade Sleep With Someone option
Remade 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 10th Story Event
Rearranged and merged events in her early story
Felicity & Emma:
2 New Story Events
4 New Story Events
Added repeatable Cunnilingus in 4 outfits
Side Characters:
Kate and Juliet will now visit the Hot Springs during weekend mornings
Jin will now visit the Hot Springs during mon/tues/thurs mornings
1 Love Route Event
Added 5 Kitchen repeatables to Sylvia's Slave Route
Added alarms to Sylvia's Slave Route
Explore Content:
Added 3 "Explore" events
Corpus Cafe:
3 events
The Beach:
3 events
The Church:
2 events
The Slums:
2 events
Bernie's Bowling Bar:
2 events
Added Delivery Jobs
BunBun Brothel:
3 events
Added the BunBun Brothel as a new Location
Added 3 sex scenes to Blue Bunny
Added 3 sex scenes to Red Bunny
Added 3 sex scenes to Purple Bunny
v.0.16 Pre-Release 2 - 2022.11.20
Added a total of 68 scenes
Added the new 'Explore Caliber City' feature
Added a new resident to The Sanctuary with 2 sex scenes
Added the 'Meet me in your room.' option to lobby hangouts
Added new Cheat Codes (HERE) (needs testing)
Added 4 outfits to Lin's lobby and room hangouts
Updated Interactions to include all outfits
Added sleepwear, remade Sleep With Someone option
1 Story Event (2 scenes)
Added 5 outfits to Kali's lobby and room hangouts
Updated Interactions to include all outfits
Added new 10th Story Event, merged previous 10th with 11th
Remade 22nd Story Event
Added sleepwear, remade Sleep With Someone option
Added 4 outfits to Ashley's lobby and room hangouts
Updated Interactions to include all outfits
Added sleepwear, remade Sleep With Someone option
Remade 21st Story Event
1 Story Event
Added 4 outfits to Maria's lobby and room hangouts
Updated Interactions to include all outfits
Added sleepwear, remade Sleep With Someone option
1 Story Event
Added sleepwear, remade Sleep With Someone option
Remade 2nd Story Event
Felicity & Emma:
2 Story Events
4 Story Events
Added repeatable Cunnilingus in 4 outfit
Side Characters:
Kate and Juliet will now visit the Hot Springs during weekend mornings
Jin will now visit the Hot Springs during mon/tues/thurs mornings
1 Love Route Event
Added 5 Kitchen repeatables to Sylvia's Slave Route
Added alarms to Sylvia's Slave Route
Explore Content:
Added 3 "Explore" events
Corpus Cafe:
3 events
The Beach:
3 events
The Church:
2 events
The Slums:
2 events
Bernie's Bowling Bar:
2 events
Added Delivery Jobs
BunBun Brothel:
3 events
Added the BunBun Brothel as a new Location
Added 3 sex scenes to Blue Bunny
Added 3 sex scenes to Red Bunny
Added 3 sex scenes to Purple Bunny
v0.15 Public
Added a total of 64 scenes
Added the map to the pause menu
Redesigned the stats screens
Added 12 outfits to the store
Redesigned and polished much of the GUI
Remade the splash clip
2 Story Events
Remade Repeatable Missionary sex
Added 4 outfits to Repeatable Missionary sex
Added Repeatable Cunnilingus with 7 outfits
Remade Lin's 13th event
Remade Repeatable Anal sex
Added 3 outfits to Repeatable Anal sex
Added 6 outfits to Repeatable Handjobs
Added 'Freestyle' sex
Remade the "Clean my room" option
Remade the "Lift your skirt" option
1 Event
1 Love & Slave route event (same event)
1 Story Event
Remade Repeatable Missionary sex
Added 4 outfits to Repeatable Missionary sex
Added 4 outfits to Repeatable Blowjobs
Remade 22nd event (anal introduction)
Remade Repeatable Anal sex
Added 4 outfits to Repeatable Anal sex
Remade Repeatable Thighjobs
Added 4 outfits to Repeatable Thighjobs
Added 'Freestyle' sex
1 Story Event
Added a foursome to her repeatable content
Remade 6th event
Remade Repeatable Blowjobs
Added 5 outfits to Repeatable Blowjobs
Remade Repeatable Cowgirl sex
Added 5 outfits to Repeatable Cowgirl sex
Remade 9th event
Remade Repeatable Anal sex
Added 5 outfits to Repeatable Anal sex
Remade 19th event
Remade Repeatable Footjobs
Added 5 outfits to Repeatable Footjobs
Added 'Freestyle' sex
2 Events
1 Story Event
Remade 13th event (Kali's thighjob introduction)
Remade 3rd event
Remade Repeatable Blowjobs
Added 3 outfits to Repeatable Blowjobs
Remade Repeatable Cowgirl sex
Added 3 outfits to Repeatable Cowgirl sex
Remade Repeatable Anal sex
Added 6 outfits to Repeatable Anal sex
Remade Repeatable Cunnilingus sex
Added 3 outfits to Repeatable Cunnilingus sex
Added 'Freestyle' sex
1 Event
Added repeatable missionary sex
1 Story Event
Remade many of her kitchen options
Remade 22nd event
Felicity & Emma:
1 Story Event
2 Story Events
Hovering over the icons on the day transition screen will now show you how many days are left until the event is ready.
Many other bugfixes and polishes
v0.14 Public
Added a total of 74 scenes
Added notifications for when main character story events are ready (View here: https://imgur.com/a/C1kyYlk)
Remade the intro event
Remade the outside of the hotel
You can now name the hotel! (Talk to Ellen)
Remade the day transition screen
Added the Continue button
Expanded the gallery
1 Story Event
Remade Lin's 18th story event (Preview here: https://imgur.com/a/r2dIcK7)
1 Love Route Event
1 Story Event (2 scenes)
Added 6 date events in multiple outfits
Added 6 date locations
Remade Kali's 9th event
Remade Kali's repeatable blowjobs in 4 outfits
1 Event
1 Story Event (2 scenes)
Added 6 date events in multiple outfits
Added 6 date locations
Remastered Ashley's 24th event (View Here: On Twitter)
Remade a part of Ashley's 27th event (View here: https://imgur.com/a/le9153W)
2 Story Events
Added 6 date events in multiple outfits
Added 6 date locations
1 Story Event
6 Lust Events
Added the Lust stat and trait
Felicity & Emma:
2 Story Events
Added 6 dates to Felicity in multiple outfits
Added 6 dates to Emma in multiple outfits
Added 6 date locations to Felicity
Added 6 date locations to Emma
Added 4 Double Pinup scenes
Added a repeatable analsex option in 6 outfits to Felicity
Added a repeatable analsex option in 6 outfits to Emma
Both Felicity and Emma have received the corresponding stats and traits
Added "Freestyle" repeatable sex to Felicity
Added "Freestyle" repeatable sex to Emma
Updated lobby hangout images for Felicity in 7 outfits
Updates lobby hangout images for Emma in 7 outfits
1 Story Event
v0.13.2 Public
Added the framework to enable easy manual updates.
v0.13.1 public
v0.13 Public
Added a total of 56 scenes
Added the Garden location to the hotel with an intro scene
Added the Seating Area upgrade to the Garden with an intro scene
You may now request fun at Ellen's desk
1 Story Event (multiple scenes)
3 Events
1 Love Event
1 Slave Event
1 Story Event
You can now visit Kali at her university
Remade her 17th story event
3 Events
3 Events
Vanessa and friends will visit the hot springs every Monday Noon
1 Story Event
2 Events
2 Story Events
2 Events
2 Story Events
Remade her 8th story event
Remade her 14th story event
Felicity & Emma:
1 Story Event
6 Pinups for Felicity
5 Pinups for Emma
1 Story Event
6 Exhibitionism training scenes
4 Pinups
Added the Exhibitionism stat and trait
2 Events
1 Event
v0.12 Public
Added a total of 56 scenes
Added the Cheat Mode for $10+ Patrons
Added the Radio to the game's options
Added Dialogue UI choices to the game's options
Redesigned each main character's discussion screen
Polished each main character's discussion screen
Normalized exhibitionism scene requirements (now requires the Affection or Obedient trait)
Everyone will gain Affection or Obedience when sleeping with them
Added the ability to clear debt at Ellen
Added scenes to the gallery
Added the Shower Cam!
A lot more polishes
2 Story Events
Added the Interact option to her discussion screen (multiple outfits)
Added a new Alarm for Lin & Android
Remade Lin's kitchen blowjob scene
Remade Lin's 21st story event
2 Story Events
Overhauled Kali's exhibitionism events (now at the beach!)
Added the Cunnilingus stat and correlating trait
Added the Interact option to her discussion screen (multiple outfits
Remade Kali's intro event
Changed the order of some events (She will now offer sex after boobjobs and blowjobs instead of before, Lin and Kali will now bond before Kali sits on her face)
1 Story Event (big)
Added the Interact option to her discussion screen (multiple outfits)
Added 7 riddles
Finished Kate's riddles (good luck)
2 Story Events
Added the Interact option to her discussion screen (multiple outfits)
1 Story Event
1 Repeatable Event
1 Story Event
Added the Interact option to her discussion screen (multiple outfits)
Added a new Alarm for Lin & Android
Added a new sleep scene for Android (Form 2)
Added a new alarm scene for Android (Form 2)
Added a repeatable blowjob scene in the kitchen
Felicity & Emma:
2 Story Events
Recreated their room in better quality
Added the Interact option to both of their discussion screens (multiple outfits)
Added a new repeatable sleep together option
Added outfit options to both Felicity and Emma (only in their room for now)
Added multiple new outfits to Felicity's repeatable missionary scenes
Added multiple new outfits to Felicity's repeatable blowjob scenes
Added multiple new outfits to Emma's repeatable doggy style scenes
Added repeatable blowjobs to Emma in multiple outfits
Added the blowjob stat and trait to Emma
Remade Felicity & Emma's cams
Felicity & Emma can now be set as an alarm
1 Story Event
Remade Autumn's room and added multiple new outifts
Added the Interact option to her discussion screen (multiple outfits)
1 Story Event
The Sanctuary:
2 Love Route Events
2 Love Route Events
1 Slave Route Event
Added a repeatable blowjob scene
Added a repeatable boobjob scene
Added a total of 54 scenes
Added the 'sports day' bar expansion
Added 28 scenes to the gallery
You can now sneak around at night
Added new images to the wallpaper
Polished a lot
2 Story Events
Recreated her 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th exhibitionism events
1 Love Route event
1 Slave Route event
A new elf is purchasable
Added 1 repeatable event to this new elf
1 Story Event
1 Story Event
1 repeatable event
1 Story Event (2 scenes)
Recreated her 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th exhibitionism events
5 riddles
1 Story Event
6 Lust Events
Recreated her 10th story event
Exhibitionism training is no longer a requirement
Recreated her 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th exhibitionism events
Someone now lives with Maria
Added a new corner for this character to live in
Added 1 story event for this character
1 Story Event
Felicity & Emma:
1 Story Event
1 Felicity exhibitionism event
4 Emma dungeon events
4 Emma punishment scenes
2 Story Events
2 Ellen events
1 Bar event
Troubleshooting tips for Android:
Download Google Keyboard
Ensure you're allowing unknown sources
Have 5GB or more of storage space
Do not install on an SD card. Must be installed on your phone's main drive.
Uninstall all previous versions of Harem Hotel
To update your game on android, back up your save and delete the previous version
Added a total of 66 scenes
Added 2000+ images
Remade the early game (26+ story events) in better quality
Added QoL changes
Added traits to each girl to signify when their story has been completed
5 Story Events
Remade 5 Story Events (4, 7, 11, 15, 16)
3 Slave Route events
Added a repeatable boobjob event
1 Slave Route event
1 Event
2 Story Events (+ 3 extra scenes)
2 Lust Events
Remade 8 story events (2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 14, 16)
Added 1 new Story Event to Kali's early story (directly before her first sex scene)
2 Events
3 Story Events
6 Lust Events (+2 Scenes in one event)
Remade 3 story events (8, 14, 15)
1 Event
1 Story Event
Remade 7 story events (1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12)
1 Story Event
Remade 3 story events (2, 3, 4)
Felicity & Emma:
3 Story Events
Remade 1 story event (0)
2 Story Events
Added a repeatable shower event
Added the boobjob stat and trait
v0.10 Beta
Added a total of 24 scenes
5 Story Events: Added more content to Lin's story events, Ashley hugs you and more dialog was included throughout.
Nia: 1 Slave Route event
Kali: 2 Story Events (+ 3 extra scenes)
1 Lust Event
Lucy: 2 Events
Ashley: 1 Story Event
5 Lust Events (+2 Scenes in one event)
Kate: 1 Event
Maria: Nothing yet
Android : Nothing yet
Felicity & Emma: 1 Story Event
Autumn: Nothing yet
v0.10 Alpha
Nothing yet
2 Story Events (+ 3 extra scenes)
2 Events
1 Story Event
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Felicity & Emma:
1 Story Event
Nothing yet
Bug fixes
Final patch notes
Added a total of 25 scenes
Added new items to the computer
3 Story Events
Added Lust training
Added 6 scenes to Lin's lust training
2 Story Events
Added 4 scenes to Kali's lust training
You can now sleep with Kali
2 Story Events
Added a new area to Ashley's room
7 New riddles for Kate
1 Story Event
1 Story Event (2 scenes)
Felicity & Emma:
Nothing - content coming in v0.10
1 Story Event
1 Story Event
-Added a new splash screen
-Added new music to Ashley's natural hair event
-Added new music to Android's flashback event
-Added new music to Lin's orgy event
-Added new music to Kali's confession event
-Bug fixes
Added a total of 62 scenes
Redesigned trait progression visuals (Traits will change color to show progression)
Remade the lobby and each character's rooms with better visuals and lighting
Added new sprites
Added Ellen's room
2 Story Events
Remade her shower animations
Added new sex scenes to her lobby hangouts
Added outfit customization
Added pinups to a new character
Added 1 slave route event
Added 1 love route event
1 Story Event
Remade her shower animations
Added 2 new sex scenes to her lobby hangouts
Added outfit customization
Remade her sprites
2 Story Events (Sound recommended)
Added a riddle to Kate
Remade her shower animations
Added new sex scenes to her lobby hangouts
Added outfit customization
2 Story Events
Remade her shower animations
Added 2 new sex scenes to her lobby hangouts
Added outfit customization
2 Story Events
Added repeatable blowjobs to Android (3 outfits)
Added a new outfit to Android's repeatable Vaginal Sex scene
Added repeatable blowjobs
Added the 'Professional Cocksucker' trait and 'Blowjobs' stat to Android
Remade her shower animations
Added new sex scenes to her lobby hangouts
Added outfit customization
Felicity & Emma:
2 Story Events
You can now invite Felicity to the dungeon
Added 4 submission training events to Felicity
Added 3 animations in 60 frames to her Squirtathon
Added 4 punishments
Added sleeping with Emma
Added repeatable blowjobs to Felicity (3 outfits)
Added the 'Professional Cocksucker' trait and 'Blowjobs' stat to Felicity
Added the 'Submissive' trait and 'Submission' stat to Felicity
3 Story Events
Added 2 repeatable scenes
Added new Traits and Stats
Added the Sanctuary
Overhauled the Day transition
Added a total of 72 scenes
1 Story Event (8 animations, 2 hidden scenes)
Added Footjobs to Lin
Added the Footjob stat
Added the Footjob trait
Added Pinups for Lin
You can now invite Lin to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
Overhauled Lin's virginity event
2 Story Events (3 scenes)
You can now visit Kali at work
You can now invite Kali to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
2 Story Events
1 Kate Event
3 new Kate riddles
You can now invite Ashley to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
2 Story Events
Added Pinups for Maria
You can now invite Maria to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
Added a new outfit to vaginal sex
2 Story Events
Added a new outfit to vaginal sex
Remade Android's intro event
Felicity & Emma:
2 Story Events
2 new outfits for Felicity for vaginal sex
Utility Room masturbation scenes for Felicity & Emma
2 Story Events
You can now visit Autumn at the cafe
The Sanctuary:
Added 2 repeatable blowjobs to Nia
Added repeatable blowjob to Sylvia
Added repeatable sex with Ann
Added the happiness system to the Elves
Added the ability to restrict and allow recreational access to the Elves
Added 3 Story Events to Nia
Added 1 Story Event to Sylvia
Added 1 Story Event to Ann
The Bar:
4 Story Events
11 Training Events
v.0.7 Pre Release 2
Added the Sanctuary
Added a total of 71 scenes
1 Story Event (8 animations, 2 hidden scenes)
Added Footjobs to Lin
Added the Footjob stat
Added the Footjob trait
Added Pinups for Lin
You can now invite Lin to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
Overhauled Lin's virginity event
2 Story Events (3 scenes)
You can now visit Kali at work
You can now invite Kali to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
2 Story Events
1 Kate Event
3 new Kate riddles
You can now invite Ashley to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
2 Story Events
Added Pinups for Maria
You can now invite Maria to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
Added a new outfit to vaginal sex
2 Story Events
Added a new outfit to vaginal sex
Remade Android's intro event
Felicity & Emma:
2 Story Events
2 new outfits for Felicity for vaginal sex
Utility Room masturbation scenes for Felicity & Emma
2 Story Events
You can now visit Autumn at the cafe
The Sanctuary:
Added 2 repeatable blowjobs to Nia
Added repeatable blowjob to Sylvia
Added repeatable sex with Ann
Added the happiness system to the Elves
Added the ability to restrict and allow recreational access to the Elves
Added 3 Story Events to Nia
Added 1 Story Event to Sylvia
Added 1 Story Event to Ann
The Bar:
4 Story Events
11 Training Events
v.0.7 Beta 5
Added the Sanctuary
Added a total of 56 scenes
1 Story Event (2 hidden scenes)
Added Footjobs to Lin
Added the Footjob stat
Added the Footjob trait
Added Pinups for Lin
You can now invite Lin to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
Remade Lin's virginity event
2 Story Events (3 scenes)
You can now visit Kali at work
You can now invite Kali to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
2 Story Events
1 Kate Event
3 new Kate riddles
You can now invite Ashley to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
2 Story Events
Added Pinups for Maria
You can now invite Maria to the hot springs from Lobby hang outs
Added a new outfit to vaginal sex
2 Story Events
Added a new outfit to vaginal sex
Remade Android's intro event
Felicity & Emma:
2 Story Events
2 new outfits for Felicity for vaginal sex
Utility Room masturbation scenes for Felicity & Emma
2 Story Events
You can now visit Autumn at the cafe
The Sanctuary:
Added 2 repeatable blowjobs to Nia
Added repeatable blowjob to Sylvia
Added repeatable sex with Ann
Added the happiness system to the Elves
Added the ability to restrict and allow recreational access to the Elves
Added 3 Story Events to Nia
Added 1 Story Event to Sylvia
Added 1 Story Event to Ann
Remade most of Ashley's content to replace her blue college uniform
v0.6 Pre-Release 2
Added the Bar
Added 6 music choices to the Bar
New side character: Moon
Added Pet Names to Lin, Kali, Ashley, and Maria
Added a total of 62 new events
Remade the first and second floor in better quality
Remade MC's room in better quality
Remade the kitchen in better quality
Added 3 Ellen Events
Added 6 Bar Events
Added 7+ Bar scenes, dozens of upgrades, and more.
Added Sarah to the bar. 2 Events (2 angles)
1 Story Event
Jin is now buyable!
4 Jin Events
Remade Lin's Anal animation, now includes 4 outfits
Remade Lin's morning blowjob animation
1 Story Event
Remade Kali's blowjob event/animation
Remade Kali's boobjob event/animation
2 Lucy Events
2 Story Events (MASSIVE)
2 Kate Events
Remade Ashley's cake event in better quality
You can now sleep with Ashley at night
1 Story Event
You can now sleep with Maria at night
Maria will now work as a Bartender in the bar in the Evenings
Remade Maria's sprites
1 Story Event
Added Anal in 3 outfits and 3 breast sizes each
Added the Buttslut trait
Added the Anal stat
Remade Android's morning handjob animation
Felicity & Emma:
1 Story Event
You can now sleep with Felicity at night
Added a shower scene to Felicity
Added a shower scene to Emma (2 angles)
3 Story Events
And more!
This build should represent the final version of v0.6. If you notice anything odd, like placeholder images/text, bugs, or anything that needs to be polished. PLEASE LET ME KNOW!
Known bugs:
Maria doesn't show up in the stats menu
Тему отредактировал: admin - 14-11-2024, 05:00
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена русская версия v.0.18.1. / Topic updated. Added Russian version v.0.18.1. Большое спасибо за перевод lf2mr.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена русская версия v.0.18.1. / Topic updated. Added Russian version v.0.18.1. Большое спасибо за перевод lf2mr.
Пароль на архив / Archive password:
Downloaded from Porno-Island
Взяли: 9694 | Размер: 25,01 Gb
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Мультитрекер: Раздают: 30 Качают: 49 Скачали: 1340
14 29 793
3 6 267
10 8 13
3 6 267
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