Описание:Вас отправили в исправительный лагерь для проблемных девочек. Игра представляет собой комбинацию типичных занятий в летнем лагере, таких как заводить друзей, принимать душ и веселиться. Однако не всё так, как кажется, и скоро вы познакомитесь с миром тайн, девушек-зверей, магии. Вы будете выполнять различные задания, чтобы спасти лагерь от ужасной судьбы!
In CMW you take control over El Presidente, as he's being send to an all girls reform camp for troubled youth.
The game is a combination of typical summer camp mischief, making friends and "experimenting", but also a mystery game involving monster-girls, arcane languages and a quest to save the camp from a terrible fate!
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: 2dcg, adventure, animated, big ass, big tits, fantasy, groping, humor, male protagonist, monster girls, parody, sandbox, teasing, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Exiscoming -
Patreon -
Itch.ioПеревод: ДакастусПлатформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v. Rus / v. Eng
Язык игры: Русский/English
Язык интерфейса: Русский/English
Группа Переводчика в VKПоблагодарить Переводчика:
Кошелёк ЮMoney: 410018443672125v0.0.15.2 - 2025-02-27
v0.0.14.0 - 2025-01-04
New Christmas events
Two new telescope CGs
Re-writes to main story
Quest log UI overhaul
Photo album UI overhaul
Profile UI overhaul
Hazel's favor system turned on
Added condom options to Emma and Penelope favors
Can now have standing sex with Amber
v0.0.13.4 - 2024-12-02
Welcome to a spooooky Halloween update!
All right, you guys know the gist. I love the holidays and Halloween and Christmas always get a special update. This time we've got a bunch of new stuff lined up for you and it's even released a few weeks earlier than planned!
Halloween quest
Expect the previous events from last year to make an appearance again as well as a brand new one fearing ghostly hands! Score a new picture with Sam while you're at it~...
Head Counselor Frauke and the Telescope
Besides that, the telescope has finally been added into the game. Currently it can be used to spy on a certain someone high in the sky and earn yourself three new CGs, but more pictures will be added in the future.
Veronica's story
Veronica's storyline is finally finished in this update. Looks like she's run into trouble with a certain mythological monster and it's up to you to safe her... or is it? Check it out!
New Halloween outfits
We've got a few new Halloween outfits ingame as well. One for Katey, one for Veronica and with Penelope's coming in a future update (didn't have time to add it yet).
Non adult CGs
A while ago I asked if you guys would be interested in non adult CGs and the response was overwhelmingly positive so in this update I'm introducing a few new CGs. One of El Presidente sitting around the campfire and one where you and your friends hang out on the water tower. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention? The water tower can be fixed now!
v0.0.11.2 - 2024-07-30
What's new?
I expected this update to be a bit smaller than the previous ones, but looking at the changes it's actually quite big and adds some cool new stuff. Stuff like...
Hazel's social story continued
Hazel has a few new social missions added to finish up her storyline. With that only Veronica's story is incomplete at the moment. We'll be taking a look at this in the next update. I hope you'll all enjoy playing with your favorite deer girl.
Water fight
Around the second week in camp you'll now get prompted to join in with a water fight where you hunt down and splash different girls. The top picture of this post has already given you a peak of this. Obviously the ingame picture will not be censored.
I might go back to this one later to update the mechanics a bit, cause they're a bit simple right now but this is all I had time for for now ^^"
Seven new CGs
Okay... that's still a very large amount of new CGs to collect. Actually more than I had planned. I hope you'll enjoy looking for them. From here on we'll be going back to the more manageable 3 to 4 CGs per update. My artists deserve a break :)
New side quests
Several new side quests have been added. Some of them now depending on the camp's "Slut Level". A new mechanic that has been introduced in this update. Basically the more friendships you form with people around camp, the more naughty camp will become. For now it only has the building blocks put in place, but this will be expanded on more later.
v0.0.10.3 - 2024-05-09
Veronica social arc added
8 new CGs
Lola's story arc continued
Monster girl encounters with your camera
New transformation potion
Spa can now be restored + background models added
Added Katey and Lola to future background models
Final collectible fairy added
Work done on game UI
New whore make-up scenes added
v0.0.9.2 - 2024-03-25
v0.0.8.3 - 2024-02-06
Return of the Favor system (Emma / Amber for now)
Six new CGs (holy shit that's a new record)
New Christmas quest with Hazel
Lola social story started
Lesbian side quest added
Christmas update (6 new Christmas outfits)
New Archelean words to unlock
2 new fairy statues to collect
New background models lake
Bugs and visual errors fixed
v0.0.7.6 - 2023-11-02
Main story continued
5 new CGs
Samantha gloryhole quest added
Katey story continued
New minigame music
Updated Halloween event + Halloween outfit Hazel
Furniture for player cabin
Increased sneak-out chance when buying comics
Many additional Archelean words can now be translated. Search the forest for more language stones.
1 Collectible fairy figurine +display in player cabin (just 1 for now, more in next update)
Player Halloween head customization
New menu UI (trial, will be improved later)
Changed graphic for finding secret areas with camera (footsteps)
v0.0.6.0 - 2023-09-22
Personal story Katey
5 new CGs
New side quest
New peek hole
More translations added to language stones
Buyable recharge stones at the captain
Next camera upgrade at the captain
*Forgot to keep a changelog this month like a total smooth brain Full - - 2023-07-21
v0.0.5.3 Demo - 2023-07-19
Time for an update! Progress on Camp Mourning Wood has been good over the last year, with more content being added every two months. Some players requested to see an updated version of the demo which includes new things like music, UI changes, polish, etc. Well I'm here to tell you that we're doing you one better. Not only did the demo get overall more polished, but it now includes two new CGs of the player having sex with Amber and Penelope. As well as some additional photos to unlock.
v0.0.4.3 - 2023-05-17
Penelope story continued (2 new CGs)
New Amber nude pose CG
New Penelope nude pose CG
New Penelope sex scene CG
Main story continued
Transformation Potion: Werewolf + Emma
Transformation Potion: Slime + Penelope
Summon altar to relive Gibbly and Arsenic scenes
Random dialogue scenes between friends
Random chance of doing a mini game for extra tokens when working with friends (mining, cleaning, building)
Panty flash sexual favor added
Free daily gift from the shop (chocolate bar)
Additional background characters
Observatory background added
Bunch of new or missing assets added
v0.0.3.1 - 2023.03.24
A new update is ready to go! Hi all, let's get straight into things.
>>First of all, you can find the new update here.
>>You can find your Patreon exclusive rewards here.
New CGs!
We have doubled our efforts for this update and have a whole slew of new CGs for you to see. With the main focus on Emma.
In this patch we'll be focusing on Emma as you'll be able to continue her personal story. It includes 2 brand new CGs. There is also an additional nude pin up for Emma if you ask her to pose for you.
On top of that, Amber will now reward you with a CG if you managed to find her diary and there's an additional extra picture that you can only get during the first 5 days of camp.
Mini game
Want to earn some extra tokens? Then why not do some cleaning up! All around the camp you can now find trash, ready to be picked up. Then every Sunday, you'll be able to visit Katey enter the Recycling mini game.
New shop items
And those tokens will come in handy because... the shop has been updated! Buy new swimwear, underwear and even a comic book from the lake shop.
In addition, you can buy the Sneaky Raccoon comic books to increase your sneak-out chance at night.
Even more outfits
And why stop there? For the veteran Patrons among you, you'll remember seeing codes at the end of my previous games. Both for Orange Trainer and Paprika Trainer. Well those codes actually have a purpose now! Visit your mailbox and fill them in and be rewarded with some themed outfits from those games.
And muh more
And there's more! A new potion recipe, new music track, UI improvements, etc. For a full list of new stuff added to the game, check out the changelog here.
We're also getting really close to the next Patreon goal! Remember that one screen that says it's under construction? Yup, that's for this one. Work will begin on the Observatory once we hit the next goal, so there's a good chance you might see some hints of that popping up in the future.
What's next?
For now the focus will be on continuing the main story and continuing the next part of Penelope's personal story. On top of that I hope to flesh out existing mechanics before adding any news ones. Meaning: New potions, new tile puzzles, more stuff for the recycling mini game and more. As always, I'll keep you updated =)
Thank you all very much for your continued support. CMW is starting to look nicer with each update and I hope you all are enjoying playing it as much as I enjoy making it.
If you run into any bugs, please let me know (either here or via Discord) and I'll try to get them fixed asap. - 2022-12-30
A new update is here! Hope you're all enjoying your Holidays!
>>First of all, you can find the new update here.
>>You can find your Patreon exclusive rewards here.
Christmas update
Similar to the Halloween update from a few months ago, this month we'll have the Christmas update going live until the 31st of December. It will include a small quest and will get the camp nicely dressed up with Christmas.
For the 10 euro+ Patrons, you'll be given a code which unlocks this cute Christmas outfit for your girls as well.
Amber's Story
Besides the Christmas update, the next major addition to this update is Amber's story. You will now be able to continue her personal story which includes 2 CGs and introduces you to a new mini-game that will be used more in the future of the game.
Pubic hair potion
A new potion was introduced! After last month's poll, asking how people felt about pubic hair I've decided to add a mechanic that allows you to change a girl's pubic hair.
You earn the recipe for the potion during Amber's personal story. Once you know the recipe, you can craft the potions at your desk. Then simple visit one of your friends, choose "Gifts" and you'll be able to choose the girl's pubic hair there.
Right now we have 7 different designs to choose from.
New Puzzle
Another new thing introduced during Amber's story is a new simple puzzle. Right now it's only being used in a quest, but in the future you'll be able to unlock locks using this puzzle and find treasures.
Shop overhaul
The shop has gotten an overhaul, with new graphics and an easier shopping experience. Instead of buying items off the shelf, you now visit the catalogue and order your item there.
Instead of buying gifts for your friends, we're also adding 3 new unique outfits.
Amber's Skater Outfit
Emma's Rebel Outfit
Penelope's Princess Outfit
"Exiscoming, please tell me if there will be bugs in this update. I've got to know." Well the answer is yes. I even know of a few of them, the problem is that I simple do not have enough time to fix them tonight (I have a tournament tonight and it's my birthday tomorrow! :D)
I promise there will be a patch on Sunday. We're all working our butts off to make it happen.
Wrapping up
And that's it for this update! I hope you'll enjoy it and I certainly hope you all will have a wonderful rest of the year. Everyone thank you for your support, please take care and I hope to see you in the new year =)
v0.0.1.3 - 2022-11-27
25-08-2022 | v0.0.0.14 - v0.0.0.15 - v0.0.0.16
Small graphical glitches fixed
23-08-2022 | v0.0.0.13
New background for forest river
Replaced more placeholder graphics
11-08-2022 | v0.0.0.12
Disabled Veronica placeholder model
Fixed a bug that reduces your camera charge below 0
10-08-2022 | v0.0.0.11
2 new CGs
Walkthrough for Jr. Counselor Patrons and up
Secret side quest added
New outfit for Emma for Camp Counselors Patrons and up
Profiles added to journal
Easier to navigate map screen
Reduced reputation grind for social contacts
Optimized backgrounds to reduce loading
Additional backgrounds
19-07-2022 | v0.0.0.10
Small UI changes
15-07-2022 | v0.0.0.9
Added a developer button to photo journal to help restore missing photos
Black and white photo now has color
15-07-2022 | v0.0.0.8
Map bug fixed
Gallery features updated and streamlined
14-07-2022 | v0.0.0.7
Emma nude pin-un #1 added
Amber nude pin-up #1 added
Story continued
Replaced more placeholders
Mess background characters added
Combat mechanic introduced (beta)
New relationship and skill items
Pajamas for El Presidente
New hidden area added (Amber's diary can now be found)
More shop background details
Clinic outside and inside graphics
Journal photo gallery
Main menu Gallery mode
Added consumable item to increase sneak skill.
Additional sound effects
4 newly added OST songs
UI greatly overhauled
Patreon rewards updated (WIP)
Discord channel made
09-06-2022 | v0.0.0.6
Swimsuits for background characters at the pool
Graphic for patrolling camp Counselor
Spy on shower scene (not finalized)
03-06-2022 | v0.0.0.5
New side quest + Pin-up reward
29-05-2022 | v0.0.0.4
Fixed game crash when using camera at camp center
Fixed minor hair bug
27-05-2022| v0.0.0.3
First Patreon build, version ( released
Main story introduced
3 social contacts (Emma, Penelope, Amber) introduced
5 CGs available
About 1 and a half hours of content (estimate).
12 collectible CGs
Several hours of story
Art by the talented Potchi, Blacklight, Octomushroom and JeanArt
An original soundtrack
Future plans
The game is going to be quite the ambitious project with plans of adding many many more girls to interact with and a large variation in (optional) kinks and fetishes to choose from.
We've been working hard on trying to iron out as many bugs as possible. Though if you do end up coming across one, feel free to report it here and it will be fixed during the next update.