Недавний травмирующий инцидент лишил вас возможности вспомнить, что было до него. Воспоминания о вашей жизни и происхождении, обо всем, что вы любили и о чем заботились - все это улетучилось в одно мгновение. Прямо сейчас ваш единственный шанс на спасение - выяснить, что на самом деле произошло и кто это с вами сделал. Но будьте осторожны, так как опасность часто подстерегает за углом и может принимать любую форму...
A recent traumatic incident rendered you unable to recall anything prior to it. Memories of your life and origins, everything you loved and cared about, they all went down the drain in an instant. Right now, your only shot at redemption is to find out what truly happened and who did this to you. But beware, as danger often lurks around the corner and can take any form...
Год выпуска: 2018
Жанр: 2dcg, male protagonist, adventure, furry, romance, gay, male domination, mobile game, oral,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: www.patreon.com/Identity
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.3.9
Язык игры : Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Язык озвучки: Английский
v0.3.9 - 2023-07-17
- Reworked Corvolin segment on Day 2
- Added new Corvolin segment to end of Day 4
- Added new images for the Corvolin content on Day 4
- Added new CG for Lucra Date 1
- Remastered Cedrik Neutral Sprites
- Added day 8. (Several backgrounds still in the works.)
- Added (new) Brymror date 2.
- Updated Brymror's sprites
- Added in Shirtless versions of Brymror's Sprites
- Updated story sections with shirtless Brymror.
- Added day 7.
- Added (new) Brymror date 1.
- Added Lucra date 1.
- Added Morias closeup CG illustrations in the bar on day 6.
- Updated Garreth Date 1 CG illustrations with new versions drawn by Rauch.
- Updated Yarin side images with new versions.
- Added lots of new music and sound effects to cover most of the game's content.
- Added UI sound effect when saving the game to test out UI SFX.
- Audio save/load bug should now be fixed.
- Updated game engine to Godot 3.4.stable.
- Revamped day 1 with almost 300 dialogue changes and additions.
- Added side images for Yarin and more sprite variations for Garreth, Brymror and Kovle during the first few days.
- Replaced the old receptionist sprite (OKI) with a new character and sprite (Zaran).
- Added full audio support for days 1-3.
- Added Mindalu's bad ending scene illustrations.
- Added a way to visualize the changelog within the game.
- Added a rudimentary music room with play/stop controls for all available music tracks in the game.
- Both the music room and changelog can be viewed by selecting the "Extras" menu button on the title screen. The credits menu was also moved to the "Extras" menu.
- Ported title screen animation from a video file to run in-engine. Also added tweaks and details to the animation, including randomized blinking and custom amulet pulses.
- Removed choice strikes system as it was confusing for players and rarely used. Also removed tutorial section, which mainly tried to explain choice strikes.
- Vastly reduced the amount of one-off choices that appear through the game.
- Changed core game file structure and reworked internal story content systems.
- Added keyboard and controller navigation support for the options menu.
- Tweaked the game's input system and changed how UI focus is being handled as an experiment.
- Fixed an audio-related problem where audio fading would still occur during skipping when it shouldn't.
- Updated game engine to Godot v3.2.3.stable.
- Many other small fixes and improvements throughout both the engine framework and story content.
- All previous save files and persistent data are incompatible with this version. They will be automatically removed at startup if players have previously played the game. This will prevent game crashes and future problems with compatibility. A popup note will appear on screen when this happens.
Known Bugs
- Mash clicking through text (not using skipping) can cause audio to be muted at certain points (will be fixed in upcoming refactor).
- Some side images and sprites were added to some scenes to fill the blanks and will be replaced in the future as we get more sprites made.
- Sometimes loading a save will cause an audio pop.
- Changed Sybian's name to Camilla
- New content: Camilla's first date
- New illustrations: Garreth's Blowjob Scene
- New backgrounds: VIP Swimming Pool Showers, VIP Corridor, Diner Interior/Exterior
- New ID and amulet closeups on day 1
- Restructured day 1 sounds
- Removed name selection
- New content: Garreth's dates 1, 2 and 3
- New backgrounds:
- Distorted Elevator Interior, Kovle's Kitchen, Duskin Camp Mid-day, Forest Daylight Scenes, Mountain Cliff Mid-day
- Reworked backgrounds:
- Roadside, Woodcutting Spot, Kovle's Suite
- New Sprites: Garerth Neutral Nude
- New content: Day 4
- Tons of new backgrounds for day 4
- New sprites: Karago, Corvolin, Sybian and Tish
- First music additions made by Sampling Kid:
- Brym's Banger (theme), Water Refractions (VIP lounge), Forest Floor (ambience), crashing/elevator/waterfall/cave sounds (SFX)
- New application icon - goodbye Eileen (not available on Android for now)
- New tutorial and choice strike system
> We recommend starting a new game to see all of the changes
- New content: Kovle Dates 1, 2 and 3. You can access all of them; you will be sent back to the dating menu after you finish each date. Art assets are not complete among the dates. There are going to be a lot of black screens; these are intentional.
- New backgrounds: Variations of the door at the start to include the odd raven, VIP bar and messy master suite variation.
New backgrounds: VIP swimming lounge, meadow with planets, ravens on the oak tree at the start, gym showers, gym variation, dark suite variations.
- New Sprites: Draxima and Nyrok.
- Some minor text fixes: The names of some characters were wrong or missing in some of the text boxes. Thanks to Rain for pointing these out to us!
- The game now treats overflowing text differently; instead of overflowing into the menu buttons on the bottom, the text box will now increase to the top instead. Thanks to AdamJ for providing us with a solution here.
- Added/changed some transititons for sprites to make the game flow better.
- Added interactive changelog button in the credits.
- Removed the adult content toggle in the options screen.
Changelog a.12
- New character introduced.
- Extensive edits/Rework of all the content from update a.01 (game beginning, oak tree route).
- Continuation of the story after the bar scene.
- New backgrounds added: Master suite bathroom, a hotel lobby background edit featuring Kovle at the reception desk, lobby hallway edits for the fog creep scenes.
Changelog a.11
- Added more story. Continuing from where Update a.10 left off.
- Added new sprites: Brymror (clothed version) and Kovle (improved sprite).
Changelog a.10
- Added more to the story. Partially wrapped up prologue work, now dedicating more time to continuing the storyline.
- Note: For now, almost all of the prologue branches have been set to continue with the new story bits added with this update. Over the next few updates, there will be a massive content revision phase for the entire prologue.
- Added a new background: the hotel's bar.
- Replaced Brymror's concept art sprite with his actual sprite (nude variant for now, will be changed with a clothed variant once that is finished).
- Added button sounds to the title screen interface, soon they will also be added to other parts of menus and GUI.
- Changed the UI color theme from (dark themed) blue to (dark themed) orange to better suit the atmosphere of the game.
- Note: We are so far only using the default UI themes and templates offered by Ren'Py. As we move forward, we will gradually change the interface layouts and replace the default assets with original and or royalty-free ones which we deem more suitable for our game.
- Replaced the work-in-progress concept art for the title screen with a finished concept art. (the daytime bar scene)
- Fixed the title screen theme having a 10-second delay in playing for the first time when entering the game.
Changelog a.09
- Added more alternative routes to the Brymror after-gym events.
- Added new backgrounds: tablet closeups during the gym scene if you decide to check the duffel bag.
- Began remaking sprites. Replaced the old Cedrik (neutral) and Garreth (neutral-happy) sprites with the newly remade ones.
- Replaced the placeholder title screen artwork with an early concept for the intended scene.
- Added title screen music theme.
- Changed the UI layout of the title screen.
- Fixed some bugs related to the automated sfx playback (including one where the beginning ambience music would keep playing on loop forever even though it shouldn't).
- Made minor adjustments to the story and dialogue across latest routes.
Update a.08
- Added new backgrounds to the waterfall bad ending scene, the standard elevator scenes and a vandalized version of the master suite.
- Added a close-up of the duffel bag during the gym scene.
- Added new music: ambiences for the beginning forest scene, as well as the cliff and waterfall cave scenes. Volume control using the music volume slider bar in the Options screen.
- Added ambience sfx: general raven noises in the background. Volume control using the sound volume slider bar in the Options screen.
- Added trusted tester names to the credits screen, changed the text layout to accomodate.
- Finalized Brymror's design, thus swapped his sketch sprite with the colored version. Will work on making actual sprites of him in the following updates.
- Automated sfx playback -> ambience sfx (e.g. raven noises) can now play at random intervals and in a random order (when more than one sound is provided)
- Known issues with automated sfx playback: going back through the story using the 'Back' button can sometimes cause sfx to keep playing despite them not supposed to. To fix, simply continue the story normally until they stop again.
- Replaced quotes everywhere with double apostrophes, because these actually look like proper quotes with the font we're using.
- Minor tweaks and adjustments to the story and dialogue.
Update a.07
- Added more story to the gym scene. To access it: choose to sleep under the oak tree in the beginning; show gratitude to Garreth; further on into the story, choose to go to the gym; then choose to calm Brymror down.
- Added a new background to the waterfall cave outside view (upon choosing to pop your head out through the waterfall in the beginning).
- Also added a new background depicting the hotel lobby hallway.
- Fixed some dialogue during the Kovle reception encounter regarding the MC noticing Kovle's name plaque and learning his name from it.
- Fixed a choice variable not being initialized properly (whether Cedrik is ignored or not during the gym encounter).
- Started experimenting with sprite movement transitions.
Update a.06
- Added more story to the gym scene. To access it:
- Reworked the aspect of the gym and added new backgrounds to the gym scene.
- Added more backgrounds to the suite room corridor and suite door closeup scenes.
- Added the first Kovle sprite (neutral expression). Also added a 'special sprite' for the Kovle reception desk scene.
- Reimplemented the Garreth demo sex scene that could be playable in a.01. It can be accessed by starting a new game and selecting the appropriate choice ("Play Demo Sex Scene").
- Note: The Garreth demo sex scenes are incomplete and have been taken out of context for entertainment purposes only. They will be considered non-canon until further notice.
- Took out the unnecessary choice captions and reworded some of the choices so that they make sense without needing a caption.
- Fixed some minor typos from the last updates.
Update a.05
- Added more story upon choosing the "To the gym" option during the Garreth prologue path.
- Added a gym background (old) as reference, will improve the scene in future updates.
- Removed the beginning ambience music.
- Fixed some minor typos from the last updates.
Update a.04
- New character: Brymror
- Continued work on Cedrik's prologue path and added a few new backgrounds.
- Added a WIP test Brymror sprite.
- Added more backgrounds to the elevator and bed monster scenes.
- Temporarily removed the main theme until a better/more suitable track is created.
- Added an adult content toggle in the preferences menu, and removed the voice volume bar.
- Began Android porting. Released the first Android build.
- Fixed the majority of the text blocks that exceeded 2 lines in size (caused by the change of fonts).
- Changed the menu option names "Preferences" and "Load Game " to "Options" and "Continue".
- Fixed some minor typos from the last updates.
- Notice: The adult content toggle currently hides/shows only 2 lines of dialogue, during the bed monster encounter. We will use it to test adult-related content later on, though.
- Notice: On the phone versions of the Android build, the backlog screen has broken layout and is unreadable. We will try to fix this issue in the upcoming updates.
Update a.03
- Continued work on Garreth's prologue path and added new backgrounds to it.
- Added sounds: main menu theme and starting ambience.
- Added more backgrounds to the cliff, waterfall cave and oak tree scenes.
- Polished Cedrik's sprites.
- Tweaked the choice menu around the beginning part to better describe the place the MC can walk towards.
- Tweaked the script for the 'moon-blinking' and 'waterfall examination' scenes to adapt to the new backgrounds.
- Changed Kovie's name to Kovle to better suit his character design.
- Fixed some minor typos and text-related mistakes from the last updates.
- Changed the fonts throughout the game to Raleway, which is sans serif and better suits the new design theme. Because of this, some of the text may go beyond the 2 line limit per text block. We will fix that in the next updates.
Update a.02
- New characters: Cedrik and Kovie
- New path stated. To check it out, choose the option "On the mountain ridge" on the first choice menu.
- Reworked the beginning scene.
- Added more backgrounds to the forest glade door scene.
- Notice: Kovie is still very much a WIP and his character design can be subject to change.
- Notice: Temporarily removed Garreth's shower sex scene. It will most likely be moved further into the story, to allow for proper character development.
- Slightly changed the dialogue textbox layout and sizes
- Added a screen shake effect for actions such as thuds and loud noises.
- Renamed the menu "Help" to "Controls" and added it to the in-game escape menu.
- Made the backlog menu more compact for easier scrolling.
- Fixed Gareth's name color resetting after name reveal.
- Fixed some minor typos and text-related mistakes from the last update.
Update a.01
- New character: Garreth.
- Began the first major route and started the first path.
- Changed and restructured the layout for various menus and interfaces in the game.
Недавний травмирующий инцидент лишил вас возможности вспомнить, что было до него. Воспоминания о вашей жизни и происхождении, обо всем, что вы любили и о чем заботились - все это улетучилось в одно мгновение. Прямо сейчас ваш единственный шанс на спасение - выяснить, что на самом деле произошло и кто это с вами сделал. Но будьте осторожны, так как опасность часто подстерегает за углом и может принимать любую форму...
A recent traumatic incident rendered you unable to recall anything prior to it. Memories of your life and origins, everything you loved and cared about, they all went down the drain in an instant. Right now, your only shot at redemption is to find out what truly happened and who did this to you. But beware, as danger often lurks around the corner and can take any form...
Год выпуска: 2018
Жанр: 2dcg, male protagonist, adventure, furry, romance, gay, male domination, mobile game, oral,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: www.patreon.com/Identity
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.3.9
Язык игры : Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Язык озвучки: Английский
v0.3.9 - 2023-07-17
- Reworked Corvolin segment on Day 2
- Added new Corvolin segment to end of Day 4
- Added new images for the Corvolin content on Day 4
- Added new CG for Lucra Date 1
- Remastered Cedrik Neutral Sprites
- Added day 8. (Several backgrounds still in the works.)
- Added (new) Brymror date 2.
- Updated Brymror's sprites
- Added in Shirtless versions of Brymror's Sprites
- Updated story sections with shirtless Brymror.
- Added day 7.
- Added (new) Brymror date 1.
- Added Lucra date 1.
- Added Morias closeup CG illustrations in the bar on day 6.
- Updated Garreth Date 1 CG illustrations with new versions drawn by Rauch.
- Updated Yarin side images with new versions.
- Added lots of new music and sound effects to cover most of the game's content.
- Added UI sound effect when saving the game to test out UI SFX.
- Audio save/load bug should now be fixed.
- Updated game engine to Godot 3.4.stable.
- Revamped day 1 with almost 300 dialogue changes and additions.
- Added side images for Yarin and more sprite variations for Garreth, Brymror and Kovle during the first few days.
- Replaced the old receptionist sprite (OKI) with a new character and sprite (Zaran).
- Added full audio support for days 1-3.
- Added Mindalu's bad ending scene illustrations.
- Added a way to visualize the changelog within the game.
- Added a rudimentary music room with play/stop controls for all available music tracks in the game.
- Both the music room and changelog can be viewed by selecting the "Extras" menu button on the title screen. The credits menu was also moved to the "Extras" menu.
- Ported title screen animation from a video file to run in-engine. Also added tweaks and details to the animation, including randomized blinking and custom amulet pulses.
- Removed choice strikes system as it was confusing for players and rarely used. Also removed tutorial section, which mainly tried to explain choice strikes.
- Vastly reduced the amount of one-off choices that appear through the game.
- Changed core game file structure and reworked internal story content systems.
- Added keyboard and controller navigation support for the options menu.
- Tweaked the game's input system and changed how UI focus is being handled as an experiment.
- Fixed an audio-related problem where audio fading would still occur during skipping when it shouldn't.
- Updated game engine to Godot v3.2.3.stable.
- Many other small fixes and improvements throughout both the engine framework and story content.
- All previous save files and persistent data are incompatible with this version. They will be automatically removed at startup if players have previously played the game. This will prevent game crashes and future problems with compatibility. A popup note will appear on screen when this happens.
Known Bugs
- Mash clicking through text (not using skipping) can cause audio to be muted at certain points (will be fixed in upcoming refactor).
- Some side images and sprites were added to some scenes to fill the blanks and will be replaced in the future as we get more sprites made.
- Sometimes loading a save will cause an audio pop.
- Changed Sybian's name to Camilla
- New content: Camilla's first date
- New illustrations: Garreth's Blowjob Scene
- New backgrounds: VIP Swimming Pool Showers, VIP Corridor, Diner Interior/Exterior
- New ID and amulet closeups on day 1
- Restructured day 1 sounds
- Removed name selection
- New content: Garreth's dates 1, 2 and 3
- New backgrounds:
- Distorted Elevator Interior, Kovle's Kitchen, Duskin Camp Mid-day, Forest Daylight Scenes, Mountain Cliff Mid-day
- Reworked backgrounds:
- Roadside, Woodcutting Spot, Kovle's Suite
- New Sprites: Garerth Neutral Nude
- New content: Day 4
- Tons of new backgrounds for day 4
- New sprites: Karago, Corvolin, Sybian and Tish
- First music additions made by Sampling Kid:
- Brym's Banger (theme), Water Refractions (VIP lounge), Forest Floor (ambience), crashing/elevator/waterfall/cave sounds (SFX)
- New application icon - goodbye Eileen (not available on Android for now)
- New tutorial and choice strike system
> We recommend starting a new game to see all of the changes
- New content: Kovle Dates 1, 2 and 3. You can access all of them; you will be sent back to the dating menu after you finish each date. Art assets are not complete among the dates. There are going to be a lot of black screens; these are intentional.
- New backgrounds: Variations of the door at the start to include the odd raven, VIP bar and messy master suite variation.
New backgrounds: VIP swimming lounge, meadow with planets, ravens on the oak tree at the start, gym showers, gym variation, dark suite variations.
- New Sprites: Draxima and Nyrok.
- Some minor text fixes: The names of some characters were wrong or missing in some of the text boxes. Thanks to Rain for pointing these out to us!
- The game now treats overflowing text differently; instead of overflowing into the menu buttons on the bottom, the text box will now increase to the top instead. Thanks to AdamJ for providing us with a solution here.
- Added/changed some transititons for sprites to make the game flow better.
- Added interactive changelog button in the credits.
- Removed the adult content toggle in the options screen.
Changelog a.12
- New character introduced.
- Extensive edits/Rework of all the content from update a.01 (game beginning, oak tree route).
- Continuation of the story after the bar scene.
- New backgrounds added: Master suite bathroom, a hotel lobby background edit featuring Kovle at the reception desk, lobby hallway edits for the fog creep scenes.
Changelog a.11
- Added more story. Continuing from where Update a.10 left off.
- Added new sprites: Brymror (clothed version) and Kovle (improved sprite).
Changelog a.10
- Added more to the story. Partially wrapped up prologue work, now dedicating more time to continuing the storyline.
- Note: For now, almost all of the prologue branches have been set to continue with the new story bits added with this update. Over the next few updates, there will be a massive content revision phase for the entire prologue.
- Added a new background: the hotel's bar.
- Replaced Brymror's concept art sprite with his actual sprite (nude variant for now, will be changed with a clothed variant once that is finished).
- Added button sounds to the title screen interface, soon they will also be added to other parts of menus and GUI.
- Changed the UI color theme from (dark themed) blue to (dark themed) orange to better suit the atmosphere of the game.
- Note: We are so far only using the default UI themes and templates offered by Ren'Py. As we move forward, we will gradually change the interface layouts and replace the default assets with original and or royalty-free ones which we deem more suitable for our game.
- Replaced the work-in-progress concept art for the title screen with a finished concept art. (the daytime bar scene)
- Fixed the title screen theme having a 10-second delay in playing for the first time when entering the game.
Changelog a.09
- Added more alternative routes to the Brymror after-gym events.
- Added new backgrounds: tablet closeups during the gym scene if you decide to check the duffel bag.
- Began remaking sprites. Replaced the old Cedrik (neutral) and Garreth (neutral-happy) sprites with the newly remade ones.
- Replaced the placeholder title screen artwork with an early concept for the intended scene.
- Added title screen music theme.
- Changed the UI layout of the title screen.
- Fixed some bugs related to the automated sfx playback (including one where the beginning ambience music would keep playing on loop forever even though it shouldn't).
- Made minor adjustments to the story and dialogue across latest routes.
Update a.08
- Added new backgrounds to the waterfall bad ending scene, the standard elevator scenes and a vandalized version of the master suite.
- Added a close-up of the duffel bag during the gym scene.
- Added new music: ambiences for the beginning forest scene, as well as the cliff and waterfall cave scenes. Volume control using the music volume slider bar in the Options screen.
- Added ambience sfx: general raven noises in the background. Volume control using the sound volume slider bar in the Options screen.
- Added trusted tester names to the credits screen, changed the text layout to accomodate.
- Finalized Brymror's design, thus swapped his sketch sprite with the colored version. Will work on making actual sprites of him in the following updates.
- Automated sfx playback -> ambience sfx (e.g. raven noises) can now play at random intervals and in a random order (when more than one sound is provided)
- Known issues with automated sfx playback: going back through the story using the 'Back' button can sometimes cause sfx to keep playing despite them not supposed to. To fix, simply continue the story normally until they stop again.
- Replaced quotes everywhere with double apostrophes, because these actually look like proper quotes with the font we're using.
- Minor tweaks and adjustments to the story and dialogue.
Update a.07
- Added more story to the gym scene. To access it: choose to sleep under the oak tree in the beginning; show gratitude to Garreth; further on into the story, choose to go to the gym; then choose to calm Brymror down.
- Added a new background to the waterfall cave outside view (upon choosing to pop your head out through the waterfall in the beginning).
- Also added a new background depicting the hotel lobby hallway.
- Fixed some dialogue during the Kovle reception encounter regarding the MC noticing Kovle's name plaque and learning his name from it.
- Fixed a choice variable not being initialized properly (whether Cedrik is ignored or not during the gym encounter).
- Started experimenting with sprite movement transitions.
Update a.06
- Added more story to the gym scene. To access it:
- Reworked the aspect of the gym and added new backgrounds to the gym scene.
- Added more backgrounds to the suite room corridor and suite door closeup scenes.
- Added the first Kovle sprite (neutral expression). Also added a 'special sprite' for the Kovle reception desk scene.
- Reimplemented the Garreth demo sex scene that could be playable in a.01. It can be accessed by starting a new game and selecting the appropriate choice ("Play Demo Sex Scene").
- Note: The Garreth demo sex scenes are incomplete and have been taken out of context for entertainment purposes only. They will be considered non-canon until further notice.
- Took out the unnecessary choice captions and reworded some of the choices so that they make sense without needing a caption.
- Fixed some minor typos from the last updates.
Update a.05
- Added more story upon choosing the "To the gym" option during the Garreth prologue path.
- Added a gym background (old) as reference, will improve the scene in future updates.
- Removed the beginning ambience music.
- Fixed some minor typos from the last updates.
Update a.04
- New character: Brymror
- Continued work on Cedrik's prologue path and added a few new backgrounds.
- Added a WIP test Brymror sprite.
- Added more backgrounds to the elevator and bed monster scenes.
- Temporarily removed the main theme until a better/more suitable track is created.
- Added an adult content toggle in the preferences menu, and removed the voice volume bar.
- Began Android porting. Released the first Android build.
- Fixed the majority of the text blocks that exceeded 2 lines in size (caused by the change of fonts).
- Changed the menu option names "Preferences" and "Load Game " to "Options" and "Continue".
- Fixed some minor typos from the last updates.
- Notice: The adult content toggle currently hides/shows only 2 lines of dialogue, during the bed monster encounter. We will use it to test adult-related content later on, though.
- Notice: On the phone versions of the Android build, the backlog screen has broken layout and is unreadable. We will try to fix this issue in the upcoming updates.
Update a.03
- Continued work on Garreth's prologue path and added new backgrounds to it.
- Added sounds: main menu theme and starting ambience.
- Added more backgrounds to the cliff, waterfall cave and oak tree scenes.
- Polished Cedrik's sprites.
- Tweaked the choice menu around the beginning part to better describe the place the MC can walk towards.
- Tweaked the script for the 'moon-blinking' and 'waterfall examination' scenes to adapt to the new backgrounds.
- Changed Kovie's name to Kovle to better suit his character design.
- Fixed some minor typos and text-related mistakes from the last updates.
- Changed the fonts throughout the game to Raleway, which is sans serif and better suits the new design theme. Because of this, some of the text may go beyond the 2 line limit per text block. We will fix that in the next updates.
Update a.02
- New characters: Cedrik and Kovie
- New path stated. To check it out, choose the option "On the mountain ridge" on the first choice menu.
- Reworked the beginning scene.
- Added more backgrounds to the forest glade door scene.
- Notice: Kovie is still very much a WIP and his character design can be subject to change.
- Notice: Temporarily removed Garreth's shower sex scene. It will most likely be moved further into the story, to allow for proper character development.
- Slightly changed the dialogue textbox layout and sizes
- Added a screen shake effect for actions such as thuds and loud noises.
- Renamed the menu "Help" to "Controls" and added it to the in-game escape menu.
- Made the backlog menu more compact for easier scrolling.
- Fixed Gareth's name color resetting after name reveal.
- Fixed some minor typos and text-related mistakes from the last update.
Update a.01
- New character: Garreth.
- Began the first major route and started the first path.
- Changed and restructured the layout for various menus and interfaces in the game.
Тему отредактировал: Nikol - 17-07-2023, 19:34
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.3.9 / Topic updated to v.0.3.9
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.3.9 / Topic updated to v.0.3.9
Пароль на архив / Archive password:
Downloaded from Porno-Island
Загрузил: СынПирокара (17 июля 2023 19:34)
Статус: Проверено (СынПирокара)
Взяли: 372 | Размер: 439,75 Mb
Раздают: 2 Качают: 0 Скачали: 113
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 5 Качают: 4 Скачали: 7
1 1 4
1 1 1
2 1 1
1 1 1
Identity (1 файл)