В игре "АКАДЕМИЯ34" вам предстоит взять на себя роль кадета-первокурсника, только что поступившего в престижную Академию Overwatch - место, где молодые люди готовятся стать Агентами, посвятив свою жизнь защите мира от террора и, в общем-то, всего плохого. На самом деле, каким бы напыщенным ни казалось это место, оно по-прежнему является еще одной богатой школой, заполненной сотнями молодых людей, пытающихся определить свое место в жизни.
In ACADEMY34 you are taking on a role of a freshman cadet, who had just enrolled into the prestigious Overwatch Academy, a place, where young people train to become Agents, dedicating their lives to protecting the world from the terror and, basically, just bad things in general. In reality, no matter how pompous this place is trying to appear, it is still a yet another rich school, filled with hundreds of young adults trying to figure out their place in life.
Андроид порт от Разработчика/Переводчика!
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2DCG, male protagonist, milf, group sex, bdsm, spanking, anal, toys, exhibitionism, creampie, parody, school setting, voyeurism, vaginal, oral, lesbian, female domination
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Young & Naughty - Patreon - Website - Itch.io
Перевод: xiqima
Платформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v. Public Rus / v. Public
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Язык озвучки: Отсутствует
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)
В игре "АКАДЕМИЯ34" вам предстоит взять на себя роль кадета-первокурсника, только что поступившего в престижную Академию Overwatch - место, где молодые люди готовятся стать Агентами, посвятив свою жизнь защите мира от террора и, в общем-то, всего плохого. На самом деле, каким бы напыщенным ни казалось это место, оно по-прежнему является еще одной богатой школой, заполненной сотнями молодых людей, пытающихся определить свое место в жизни.
In ACADEMY34 you are taking on a role of a freshman cadet, who had just enrolled into the prestigious Overwatch Academy, a place, where young people train to become Agents, dedicating their lives to protecting the world from the terror and, basically, just bad things in general. In reality, no matter how pompous this place is trying to appear, it is still a yet another rich school, filled with hundreds of young adults trying to figure out their place in life.
Андроид порт от Разработчика/Переводчика!
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2DCG, male protagonist, milf, group sex, bdsm, spanking, anal, toys, exhibitionism, creampie, parody, school setting, voyeurism, vaginal, oral, lesbian, female domination
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Young & Naughty - Patreon - Website - Itch.io
Перевод: xiqima
Платформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v. Public Rus / v. Public
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Язык озвучки: Отсутствует
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)
v0.27.1.2 Public - 2025-02-24
Academy has a strict "no pets" policy, but they would make an exception for this beautiful puppy...
After receiving an overwhelming amount of requests to continue Luca's story, we couldn't ignore them no longer. The best boy is back, and with him — even more reasons to question your heterosexuality! But don't worry, in case you aren't in the mood for cute guys in skirts, it's all entirely optional.
This time we are getting straight to business, even if the business itself is anything, but straight. Luca is eager to get your attention and simple head pats won't be enough for this needy pup — he wants praise, he wants cuddles, and maybe even a bone. Nothing is off the table, you just have to ask. There's no reason to go into convoluted descriptions, because you all know exactly what we mean.
So, without further ado — Luca, the cutest of boys!
To balance the inclusion of femboys into our game, we are working double-time to give your favorite girls enough love too! Which is why Sonya, Part 2 is coming really soon, offering one of the juiciest h-content expansions any character has ever received in a single update! We made sure to focus only on the parts that truly matter when it comes to her content, so expect to see multiple full-blown h-scenes, one of which is even animated!
And once that is done, we'll get straight to overhauling Seraphina's storyline, which has been left unattended for far too long. If you'd like to participate in the discussion about her upcoming rework, be sure to check our Discord out, where we often post polls and engage in discussions with our fans! See you there! Public - 2025-01-27
v0.26.1.1 Public - 2025-01-10
The biggest story expansion thus far.
We probably said it one too many times, but the point still stands. Hanako was, and still is among the most requested characters we got to add into our game. With players expectations being higher than usual, we decided to do the one thing we're good at. Comedy and drama. Lots and lots of it.
This is by far the largest singular story update we ever put out, and for a good reason. Hanako deserves to be treated as a major character in our story, and we took our time to explore her personality, relationship with friends and family, personal interests and peculiar little obsessions. She won't open up right away. Even when you think she did, there's always more to uncover. It doesn't help that her experience with guys was limited to brothers, and never in a romantic way. Seeing you so close, hearing your voice, your silly jokes and curious stories, it lit a new fire within her chest. The one, she can't explain yet.
Hanako has to figure it out. But sadly, it's never so simple. Just like stories of Reina and Ava before, this is a start of a new anthology. We'll make sure Hanako gets exactly the kind of treatment she deserves.
If you enjoy what we do and would like to take part in shaping our game's future, be sure to join high ranks and get access to this and every upcoming closed testing, as well as many other rewards!
The last update for 2024, the 18th update this year, is coming on December 26th!
Degeneracy #2 is here to expand the selection of kinks even more! This time Yun, Blaze, Freja and Charlotte will introduce you to many of the long-anticipated scenarios. You will finally get a chance to milk a submissive cowgirl Yun, learn the true capabilities of Blaze's throat, enjoy some bonding activities with Charlotte, or broaden your horizons by allowing Freja to peg you. The latter part is completely optional, of course.
Four new scenes in total and plenty of new story to read through. We kept it extra spicy to fit the occasion. After all, nothing screams "holiday spirit" as spending quality time with your loved ones! Being able to walk straight afterwards is not a guarantee. They WILL milk you of all you're worth, so be prepared
v0.25.2.2 Public - 2024-11-30
Two makes a pair, three makes a team!
Never before have we explored, what would happen if two separate girls, with a completely unrelated stories, suddenly found out they are both in love with the same guy. It's time to change that. Hop on in and enjoy a MASSIVE story expansion for two fan-favorite characters, who slowly discover more and more peculiar details about their own perverted desires!
It's no surprise that Blaze, a hyperactive gremlin, would want to try everything there is in store. But Andre?! Who would've thought that this shy, awkward girl, would be the one willing to take part in your literal harem? Now, two polar opposites collide in the same bed, delivering you the best experience you could have ever wished for! Andre's desire to serve and submit, and Blaze's need to scratch and bite, together in one of the most bizarre emotional roller-coasters our game has to offer!
v0.25.1.2 Public - 2024-11-10
Two makes a pair, three makes a team!
Never before have we explored, what would happen if two separate girls, with a completely unrelated stories, suddenly found out they are both in love with the same guy. It's time to change that. Hop on in and enjoy a MASSIVE story expansion for two fan-favorite characters, who slowly discover more and more peculiar details about their own perverted desires!
It's no surprise that Blaze, a hyperactive gremlin, would want to try everything there is in store. But Andre?! Who would've thought that this shy, awkward girl, would be the one willing to take part in your literal harem? Now, two polar opposites collide in the same bed, delivering you the best experience you could have ever wished for! Andre's desire to serve and submit, and Blaze's need to scratch and bite, together in one of the most bizarre emotional roller-coasters our game has to offer!
To start Harem Storyline, simply talk to A
v0.24.2.4 Public - 2024-10-31
Your dreams may finally come true.
Originally, this update was supposed to be a small little bonus while you wait for the next major release, but as many things in our game, it grew out of proportion. What we have instead is probably the biggest release we've done in a long while.
Not only does this update feature SEVEN new interactive scenes, it also heavily expands stories of Andre, Ava, Aurelie and Kamilah. Each of these girls received a hefty addition to their post-route content, which could be accessed immediately upon finishing their currently available routes.
This time we made sure to focus only on those parts, that we knew you'd want to see. Every scene revolves around the exploration of their hidden desires, featuring a whole bunch of kinks and fetishes completely new to our game. Everything is optional, of course.
It's time to take a peek behind the curtains and meet their true, very perverted selves.
v0.24.1.3 Public
What kind of books is she reading? And why is there TWO of them?!
Everyone knows that librarians must be horny, that's the law. But building the entirety of Sitara's character around a single cliché seemed a little on the nose. There had to be something else to help her stand out among the crowd...
And then it hit us — Symmetra, the character that heavily inspired Sitara's appearance, can create objects out of light. An actual physical projections of anything she wants. Including herself. What could be better than a single horny librarian? Exactly! Two equally horny librarians, that look and act alike! But the best part, Sitara can see and feel everything her holographic copy does, be that a sense of touch, an unusual excitement, or... something else entirely. Do you see the ocean of possibilities it opens? We do.
This story will go places you never imagined were possible in our game.
There couldn't be a better time to finally play through Sitara's route! Part 2 of her unusual romance story is coming THIS WEEK!
v0.24.1.3 Public - 2024-10-11
What kind of books is she reading? And why is there TWO of them?!
Everyone knows that librarians must be horny, that's the law. But building the entirety of Sitara's character around a single cliché seemed a little on the nose. There had to be something else to help her stand out among the crowd...
And then it hit us — Symmetra, the character that heavily inspired Sitara's appearance, can create objects out of light. An actual physical projections of anything she wants. Including herself. What could be better than a single horny librarian? Exactly! Two equally horny librarians, that look and act alike! But the best part, Sitara can see and feel everything her holographic copy does, be that a sense of touch, an unusual excitement, or... something else entirely. Do you see the ocean of possibilities it opens? We do.
This story will go places you never imagined were possible in our game.
There couldn't be a better time to finally play through Sitara's route! Part 2 of her unusual romance story is coming THIS WEEK!
v0.23.4.2 Public - 2024-09-30
Hyperactive and hypersexual. That's the kind of character she was always meant to be.
This is a complete reimagining of Sonya's storyline, which addresses all of the little gripes both us, and our community had with the route, while also maintaining all of the positives, like her bluntness and "straight to the point" attitude. Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, we simply expanded upon everything that worked, creating in a process one of the most honest, positive, and horny characters we could.
But let's get straight to the point. Sonya is here to ingest unfathomable doses of Vitamin D, and you seem to be the brightest sun around. Don't keep her waiting.
What kind of books is she reading? And why is there TWO of them?!
Everyone knows that librarians must be horny, that's the law. But building the entirety of Sitara's character around a single cliché seemed a little on the nose. There had to be something else to help her stand out among the crowd...
And then it hit us — Symmetra, the character that heavily inspired Sitara's appearance, can create objects out of light. An actual physical projections of anything she wants. Including herself. What could be better than a single horny librarian? Exactly! Two equally horny librarians, that look and act alike! But the best part, Sitara can see and feel everything her holographic copy does, be that a sense of touch, an unusual excitement, or... something else entirely. Do you see the ocean of possibilities it opens? We do.
This story will go places you never imagined were possible in our game.
v0.23.3.1 Public - 2024-09-20
What kind of books is she reading? And why is there TWO of them?!
Everyone knows that librarians must be horny, that's the law. But building the entirety of Sitara's character around a single cliché seemed a little on the nose. There had to be something else to help her stand out among the crowd...
And then it hit us — Symmetra, the character that heavily inspired Sitara's appearance, can create objects out of light. An actual physical projections of anything she wants. Including herself. What could be better than a single horny librarian? Exactly! Two equally horny librarians, that look and act alike! But the best part, Sitara can see and feel everything her holographic copy does, be that a sense of touch, an unusual excitement, or... something else entirely. Do you see the ocean of possibilities it opens? We do.
This story will go places you never imagined were possible in our game.
v0.23.2.3 Public
The entire story — reworked from scratch! Now with extra spice!
After putting weeks of work into untangling the mess that is our old code, many sleepless nights, and an unhealthy amount of consumed caffeine, we are finally happy to present — Sonya's rework! And alongside with it, numerous changes to the game, including a whole new roaming UI, updates to early-game questlines, and countless fixes. With this update, we are finally making our first step in a massive overhaul project, which we announced a while ago! The process has begun!
Sonya was the very first character we have ever added into our game, which, just to remind you, was YEARS ago. And while we are incredibly proud of the progress we managed to make throughout that time, it also had an unfortunate side effect of making Sonya pale in comparison to any other content current available in the game. That wouldn't be an issue on its own, but given that her romantic plotline is heavily tied to the "tutorial" and many important unlocks, players were forced to experience this outdated story to be able to progress any further. So, as part of our efforts to overhaul every underperforming bit of our game, we decided to completely rewrite Sonya's route!
Given that her story holds a sentimental value both for us, and our player base, we did our absolute best to stay as close to her existing personality as we could. Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, we expanded upon the qualities that Sonya been showing ever since we first introduced her, and kept the idea that she is fast to jump straight into action, be that a new adventure by your side, our something more intimate. She was always energetic and opportunistic, and now we finally gave her a chance to properly express those qualities in a way you would be able to appreciate them!
This Intro, while only giving you a taste of what's to come, is already bigger than the entirety of her old storyline. That being said, we know that you probably won't be satisfied with just the Intro! Which is why...
v. Public - 2024-08-11
Hyperactive and hypersexual. That's the kind of character she was always meant to be.
This is a complete reimagining of Sonya's storyline, which addresses all of the little gripes both us, and our community had with the route, while also maintaining all of the positives, like her bluntness and "straight to the point" attitude. Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, we simply expanded upon everything that worked, creating in a process one of the most honest, positive, and horny characters we could.
But let's get straight to the point. Sonya is here to ingest unfathomable doses of Vitamin D, and you seem to be the brightest sun around. Don't keep her waiting.
v0.22.3.6 Public - 2024-07-09
When we finally got back to Zahera, we realized that her existing setup does not allow for the character growth she deserves. More so, she appeared way more irritating than we intended originally, and that's never a good sign. To counteract on this problem, we decided to rewrite the majority of the dialogue to better reflect what we want her character to be, while keeping the scenes and the overall structure completely intact. On top of that, the setup of her story was changed as well, adding a comprehensive reasoning to all that is happening.
Keep in mind, that this is NOT the content update we announced in our new roadmap! It's still coming later this month!
But these changes only the tip of the iceberg!
We are finally introducing a new setting, that would allow you to change any character's name to whatever you want! To compliment this, we have also added a new "Contacts" menu, where you could find a complete list of all interactable characters, and an easy way to access the gallery of their scenes. The latter was a necessary addition, given that the amount of unique scenes is now in triple digits, so we wanted to give you an easy way to find the exact replay you want, without having to scroll through dozens of pages. And on top of that, we have also updated our textbox, which now includes unique colors for all of the mentioned names, drastically improving rideability! We will expand upon all of those things below.
This is a massive Quality of Life update, where we tried to touch upon as many thing as we could, and bring your experience to the next level!
Yes, the Name Changing setting is finally here! It might be a bit clunky still, but it's functional, and probably more functional than we thought it would be. That said, we don't EXPECT bugs to occur, we KNOW for a FACT that something is broken, but with limited amount of testing that we can do internally it's impossible to find all of them. Please, go into this with an open mind and be sure to share all of the bugs, typos and inconsistencies that you find!
We had to completely rework the way Name System operates, which is why it took so damn long to implement. On the flip side, now we have a very flexible and customizable system, that we can easily modify in the future!
To change character's name, you need to:
1. Open your "Contacts", which is the first option in the Phone Menu.
2. Pick the desired character.
3. Click on the "Edit" button, which is located on the left.
4. You will be given a prompt to write a desired First Name, then a separate prompt for the Last Name if applicable.
That's it! From now on, the game will display updated name in all instances, including the dialogue. It does not (yet) apply to the names you see on pictures, though it happens rarely, but we are planning to fix that as well.
This is only the first step towards completely overhauling the current User Interface, but this is a necessary one. We added a new "Contacts" menu into player's phone, where you would be able to find a complete list of all interactable characters. "Contacts" menu allows you change character's name, access the gallery of their scenes and pictures, and see the next step of their questline.
Since we have already talked about the name changing setting, let's get straight to gallery shortcut: As we already said, the amount of replays in the gallery is getting out of hand, so having to scroll through dozens of pages simply to find a specific scene that you'd like to replay is annoying. This is why we added a shortcut into the "Contacts" menu, which will allow you to access the gallery of replays ONLY for the character that you picked. Simply get into the "Contacts" list, pick a character, and the click on the button at the center of the screen, the one with an image icon. It will bring a sorted list of all their replays!
And, like we mentioned, you will also be able to see the next step in the questline for a specific character that you are trying to romance. That should help you to progress through their routes much easier!
Yes, this change is so big, it deserves it's own category! Our original textbox was decent, but it lacked many important features, especially for those who play using Android devices.
Updated textbox introduces buttons to access Save/Load menu, to fast-forward an interaction you already played through, and to go back to the previous line in the current dialogue. As a bonus, we added a separate small button underneath the textbox to hide it during the interaction in case you want to enjoy the scenery uninterrupted.
We also added unique colors to names of all major characters to help you more easily distinguish who is currently speaking. At least based by our internal testing, it does wonders to overall comfort during long dialogues!
Considering the amount of additions, many of which are concerning the existing systems, it will undoubtedly cause problems. This is why we wanted to limit the amount of players during the first few weeks, so we won't get overwhelmed by the amount of reports. We still only have a single developer and two people, who collect your feedback, so having a limited amount of players should allow us to process everything more comfortably. We hope you understand, and we promise to bring many more QoL additions in the upcoming months!
There is no greater sin, than playing League of Legends, and unfortunately our team is full of sinners.
Once we realized that Riot is adding an adorable rabbit-lady into the game, we knew what had to be done. Aurora is simply too cute to ignore! And while we have neither time, nor resources to make a full-fledged route dedicated to her, we are not out of options. After all, the ability to create skins was given to us for a reason, and Andre, an equally irresistible little bun, turned to be the perfect candidate to receive the honor of wearing this new look. Though it made us think: Should we expand the universe of our game beyond a single franchise? There are countless of incredible characters, that would fit into the Academy amazingly well! Obviously we aren't going to make that decision on our own, and certainly not before we get done with our plans to implement as many guys, gals and non-binary pals from your beloved hero-shooter. But after that, why not? Be sure to let us know which characters you would love to see, and whether you want to see any at all. And while you're at it, enjoy this new addition to the wardrobe of skins! Aurora, the magical rabbit, is at your service!
To unlock Aurora's skin, you need to:
- Complete Andre's storyline up to the current ending.
- Purchase the skin from Reina's shop.
One day our writer woke up in cold sweat and realized, that ACADEMY34 criminally lacks mean girls with an attitude. He then proceeded to spend countless sleepless nights writing dozens of pages filled with nothing, but non-stop bickering between the protagonist and her, which then slowly devolves into smut. That's how Zahera's route came to be.
Without a doubt, this is the best piece of story we ever added. If not for the drama reasons, then simply for the pure comedy potential the chemistry between these two characters allowed. This is exactly what we always wanted ACADEMY34 to be — a romantic comedy, where polar opposite characters clash like two unstoppable forces, to then discover a whole new way of experiencing attraction.
v0.22.2.2 Public - 2024-07-04
Loneliness is hell of a curse, right? Kamilah here would definitely agree. Of all the characters we introduced, none had suffered from it nearly as much, as she did.
Now, though, she has finally found an outlet for it. A person, who might just be a gift from the Gods themselves. Someone, who will relief her of this pain, let her enjoy the embrace of a person, who genuinely cares, and provide her with stuffing she deserves.
That would be You.
An Important Note before we get into any more details:
Kamilah's route includes ONLY content between Kamilah and MC. We didn't have any other materials to make promo GIF out of, because her content update is like 95% smut, which wouldn't fly with Patreon. So, we had to use the boys for the promo, and I can see how it might have given people the wrong impression. They are there only for comedic purposes, so don't worry.
Back to the business.
When we first started working on her story, we realized just how fitting would it be to make her into someone, who is very actively looking for a partner. Years of celibacy, caused by the kind of work she is doing at the Academy, and the strict rules enforced regarding student-on-teacher relationship, took their tool. That, and the fact that she is as straightforward as it gets. The concept of flirt is so alien to her, that even if the chance presents itself, she wouldn't know what to do with it.
Basically, we really wanted to make a horny MILF, in which we found a great success.
So many of our characters like to do back and forth with the protagonist, play mind games, make you work for their affection. Not Kamilah though, she NEEDS you more than you could possibly imagine, but it's not an easy feeling to confess.
The awkward journey of horrible flirting attempts starts now! Don't worry, we made sure the payoff is WELL worth the trouble. Especially the animation! Oh, it's GLORIOUS! We took our time to update the tools and techniques we used for animated sequences, and judging by the result, it was the right call. We are looking forward towards hearing your feedback!
Now though, enjoy the the incredible awkwardness of a MILF attempting to flirt for the first time in her life.
v0.21.2.3 Public - 2024-05-08
After multiple years making this story into one of the best pieces of content our game has to offer, it finally ready to go out with an appropriate BANG! To celebrate the occasion, we took some extra time to ensure the content you'll get is the best one we can possibly deliver. Especially the animation! We are stepping up our game!
This is exactly the kind of climactic finale you would expect. Be gone cute schoolgirl looks, time to embrace the real Ava — the gamer goblin! The cave dwelling creature, hungry for your flesh! Or rather, only few particular bits of it.
As with any finale, we didn't cut any corners, except for maybe the length. But honestly, there is simply no need to drag the story any longer. The true feelings have finally been revealed, nothing left to hide. Ava's only true desire is to be worthy of your love, and she will do her damn best to earn it. This time — for real. No more schemes, or cheeky plots, only honesty and passion.
And she got a lot of passion.
v0.21.1.5 Public - 2024-05-05
Have we ever made an update, which sole focus would be to simply add more drama? No? Well, now we have. This time, instead of following familiar tropes, making characters fall in love with each other over and over again, we burned everything to the crisp. Tears and screams, broken hearts and shattered plates. Not A drama, but THE drama!
Ava is a complicated character to work with. She is flawed, with an ego reaching heights few could even dream to achieve, greedy for fame and lustful for... you. But, against all odds, you brought her back, down to Earth. You didn't fall in love with her, at least not the way she wanted. You made her work for what she always got served on a silver platter. All of her devious plans now lie in ruin.
But worst of all, you made her fall in love.
This is the penultimate update in Ava's storyline. Just one more, and the entirety of her saga will finally be concluded. This time we went all in on making sure, that seemingly irredeemable character will get exactly the kind of development it deserves. This is a story update, in which we made sure to give Ava the time to shine she needed.
Additionally, all of her sprites and existing scenes have been updated, so we highly suggest you to replay the entirety of her route for the best possible experience, though it is not necessary.
v0.20.3.2 Public - 2024-04-16
For the longest time we've been pondering the idea of implementing a male romanceable character, be that your beloved cowboy roommate, or anyone else. We understand, that only a small portion of our playerbase will actually play and get full enjoyment out of it, but nevertheless, it's great when games offer at least some diversity of choice.
And now, you can choose a cute boy in a skirt.
We want to make sure that no matter what your preference are, our game will always have something in stock to offer. Luca is but one of the many steps we will take to add as many different characters types, that might fit your liking: Muscle girls, certified MILFs, goths, e-girls, kind hearted dudes, and anyone else you could think of. Our game has existed for years now, and with each passing months our plans and efforts only strengthen. With overhaul on the horizon, an actual gameplay being introduced and location revamped, the Academy34 will expand for as long as they are people to play it. We really like our job, and more so, we love our community, so be sure to share your ideas and preferences in any comfortable way, and we will do our best to implement them when the time comes!
Getting back to Luca, we made sure to avoid banking on his suggestive appearance and instead explored much more interesting parts of his character. He is shy, nerdy guy, whom inexperience with romance creates the most wholesome and honest interactions, while also threading that thin line between funny and horny. That being said, we didn't forget about the biggest reason you get back to this project. Yes, you will finally see his nudes.
Hop on and see what's all the fuss is about!
v0.20.2.1 Public
This ain't a major content drop, but we thought that it would be nice to give you something, while you are waiting for the many of our upcoming juicy releases!
Clussy Yun is small bonus for those, who battles their phobia of clowns by repeatedly committing cardinal sin while examining every minute detail of said clowns body. Consider it a therapy session of sorts.
And while we are also on the topic of what you should be expecting, we have much to tell!
Ava's route is finally coming to it's climactic finale, and we mean CLIMACTIC, because we fight occasional boredom of writing student romance by sprinkling it with so much drama, any soap opera pales in comparison. But that's just a flavoring on a cake, while the true focus are the changes Ava's character is going through. The crisis of identity hits hard in her case, and by the end of your journey together, you, as a protagonist, will help her to finally break the shackles of the artificial persona she created, and to finally learn how to embrace her real self. Fall in love with the best bratty girl yet again this March!
On another note, Luca's update is already available! Our first ever femboy character, who garnered love and attention of many, becomes the cornerstone of our efforts to expand the variety of available romanceable characters. There is still so much for us to do, and, mind you, we never stop that content grind.
v0.20.1.4 Public
A note from Young & Naughty team:
Around a week ago we started to receive large number of reports concerning a bug, that caused an error/crash whenever players tried to use X-Ray in version (Yun's Animation Update). This issue made it virtually impossible to progress Reina's quest, as well as blocked access to any X-Ray content. Sadly, due to the limitation of our developmental tools, we weren't able to revert game version far enough to patch the previous public build. Because of this, we decided to release Andre's update early, with fix implemented, to make up for the problems that were caused by our oversight.
We are sorry for the inconvenience this issue caused. Enjoy the new content update!
There always comes a time, when your heart and souls fills with an overwhelming desire to stop, to take a break from the worries of day to day life, to lie down and rest. A desire for comfort.
Andre is our comfort character.
She is someone we get back to whenever we feel stressed, or get burnt out from the non-stop pressure to pump more and more content, and ironically, we never get tired of writing her route. So, her story will never end, it will always expand either in this game, or other media we create, and it will always be filled with passion, love and care.
We spare no effort on her route, and this release is the best example of that. This is our first major update to include animated h-scene frames from day-one, and that's on top of dozens of new unique pictures, new character, much expanded story, and more. Much, much more.
Every Andre's update is a love letter to our community, and to our own inner artist. This one is no exception. We hope you enjoy it as much, as we enjoyed creating it.
Thank you for giving us a reason to continue trying, a reason to improve and to always put our best effort into everything we create. You, your feedback, reactions, and engagement — are the best reward we could ever received.
v0.19.3.4 Public - 2024-03-03
Our first Animation Pack and the biggest leap we ever made in quality of this game. While this update is smaller than many of our other releases, it's only the first step towards bringing our scenes into motion.
Yun animations are included with latest Clussy Yun Skin Update!
v0.19.2.2 Public - 2024-01-21
Ah, Winter Holidays...
The time of magic, the time of miracles and cute little presents. It's the time when we all can get that small little bit of happiness to get us going, especially nowadays, with the world seemingly losing its mind and plunging into neverending chaos. We know full well how tough it might be, when you barely scraping remaining bits of your sanity just to get whatever task you have done. It's never easy, but it doesn't have to be this hard.
We all need a little rest, to breath out and relax. To let ourselves indulge in whatever things bring us joy.
Consider this to be our Christmas Present to You, the best community we could have ever wished for, and let it be an entryway into the best holiday seasons you ever had!
Your favorite meteorologist, Yun, is back with so, so many new scenes — four in total! After many months of being teased with those thirsty dialogue options that lead nowhere, you can finally use every single one of them, with each leading to a unique scenario. And don't worry, you can try all of them, as well as get a pleasant surprise for being so bold as to ask her out directly. After finishing Yun's route, just talk to her in the Academy corridor and pick whichever option you find the most appealing.
v0.19.2.2 Public
One of the biggest challenges in our work is to find just the right moment to end the story, especially when the process of creating it brings you honest joy. But without the proper ending, the story loses all meaning. It doesn't hit as hard, right?
So, we made sure this finale hits the hardest.
This is, without a shadow of a doubt, though with a bit of personal bias, one of the best looking updates we have ever produced. We took all of our knowledge and skills, and made sure that those final moments you spend together with the most charming muscle girl in the entire Academy will be the best damn moments you could wish for!
We have updated EVERY SINGLE FRAME Freja appears on, bringing the quality of her artwork to a whole new level, while keeping the design as close to the original as we could. Her new outfit compliments her personality, while her overall body shape is so much more defined in all the right places. As a nice bonus, we have also buffed her cup size.
On top of all that, this is a story update first and foremost and what better way to tell a story, than to make it into one of the longest h-scenes in the entire game! Even more — a threesome scene, the first one to be added into the Academy34.
We didn't spare any resources on this update, and we hope you will enjoy it just as much, as we enjoyed working on Freja's route throughout the years.
And as a cherry on top — you get to cuck Chris. This time for real.
v0.18.1.3 - 2023-11-26
— Added an option to skip time and to end the day by clicking on the energy bar. No need to run back to your room anymore!
— Added a new button into the settings menu, that will instantly unlock the entire gallery.
— Fixed numerous bugs and typos.
— Improved, but not yet perfected backwards save compatibility. In some instances you might still get locked of progressing story if you are using an older save. We will continue working on it, but in a meantime we strongly recommend not using saves from before Reina's update.
Reina, Finale
v0.16.3.2 - 2023-09-24
Zahera Intro
DVa, Part 5 — Public Release
v0.16.1.2 - 2023-08-18
DVa, Part 4 — Public Release
v0.15.4.3 - 2023-07-29
v0.15.2.3 - 2023-07-09
v0.15.1.1 - 2023-06-18
v0.14.1.5 - 2023-05-05
v0.13.4.3 - 2023-01-15
How can something be that cold, yet so hot?
If you thought that you'd have to wait a long time to see any more content with Widowmaker, we have a pleasant surprise! After all, if her storyline made something clear, it's that she desperately needs attention. Like, real attention, of people who care about her. And who could be more caring than you?
Affection-starving sniper is now joining the Holiday Marathon with a very fitting and very cold scene variation. Enjoy!
v. - 2022-12-27
It's finally time for one of the brattiest gamer girls to get her first thematic outfit, and not just any outfit, but the one, that might... awaken something deep inside of you. Something, you'd rather never mention during Christmas dinner with your family. And that's exactly why it's so good! Unspeakably good!
Reindeer DVa, the most hardworking Santa's deer of all, joining the celebration!
How can something be that cold, yet so hot?
If you thought that you'd have to wait a long time to see any more content with Widowmaker, we have a pleasant surprise! After all, if her storyline made something clear, it's that she desperately needs attention. Like, real attention, of people who care about her. And who could be more caring than you?
Affection-starving sniper is now joining the Holiday Marathon with a very fitting and very cold scene variation. Enjoy!
How can you have Christmas without presents?! Impossible! That's why Brigitte takes on the most important role this time of year - packing and nicely wrapping presents, putting all of her love and care into it. And just so happens, that this year's most important gift is You!
Don't worry, she knows exactly the best way to do her job.
v. - 2022-12-21
If you thought that you'd have to wait a long time to see any more content with Widowmaker, we have a pleasant surprise! After all, if her storyline made something clear, it's that she desperately needs attention. Like, real attention, of people who care about her. And who could be more caring than you?
Affection-starving sniper is now joining the Holiday Marathon with a very fitting and very cold scene variation. Enjoy!
How can you have Christmas without presents?! Impossible! That's why Brigitte takes on the most important role this time of year - packing and nicely wrapping presents, putting all of her love and care into it. And just so happens, that this year's most important gift is You!
Don't worry, she knows exactly the best way to do her job.
But that's not all!
Can I get a coffee with mommy's milk? I'm sorry. I meant mommy's milk. I'm sorry. I meant...
Yes, objectively the best possible skin for Mei is finally here. Some might argue that goth girls are still superior, and Young agrees, but that's Mei we're talking about. Adding skins into the game and NOT making Mei into a cute little cow-girl must be a crime. So we are restoring the justice by bringing you this piece of art in a skin form!
v. - 2022-12-15
Some time ago we realized, that we want to tell other stories, than your usual "and they fell in love, and they got over all obstacles, just to be together". Something more mature, more... dramatic.
That's how Widowmaker's route was created. And in this update we progress it in a way, that will, let's say, escalate things. A lot. Not gonna lie, this is the most excited our team has been about releasing an update and listening to people's feedback. We finally feel, as if we have been able to realize our potential as story makers. And it will only get better. This is one of the biggest updates we created, especially story-wise, and hopefully it will also will be one that people replay the most. After all, what could be better, than seeing how previously unparalleled perfection of the main antagonist, the image that he artificially created for himself burns to the ground. Maybe it's just us, but damn, we love those kind of stories! And don't worry, you won't ever see him in the same bed with Amelie.
It's finally that beautiful time of the year again, when the whole world unites in the craze of trying to have at least a miniscule amount of fun before humanity as we know it collapses. Ah, holidays...
But how can you have Christmas without presents?! Impossible! So we decided to take on an important role of being your personal Santas, lewd ones, which is an objectively cooler kind of Santa. We prepared a whole series of Christmas and Winter themed updates, all for your enjoyment!
Starting from Wrapping Master Brigitte, the sponsor of packing this year's most important gift - you! And, to your surprise, that's not even the only content for Brigitte we got in stock, but you'll have to wait a bit to see more. For now, enjoy the first skin for the most charming muscle girl in Academy!
Can I get a coffee with mommy's milk? I'm sorry. I meant mommy's milk. I'm sorry. I meant...
Yes, objectively the best possible skin for Mei is finally here. Some might argue that goth girls are still superior, and Young agrees, but that's Mei we're talking about. Adding skins into the game and NOT making Mei into a cute little cow-girl must be a crime. So we are restoring the justice by bringing you this piece of art in a skin form!
Ice Queen Sombra skin
v0.12.4.1 - 2022-11-16
Goth Mei Skin/Suit
v0.12.3.2 - 2022-10-30
What's new?
- More of Mei's storyline;
- New scenes, this time public;
- Updated existing sprites for Sombra;
- Added new "revealing" sprites for Sombra;
- Added new "nude" sprites for DVa;
- Added a little bonus for all you Sombra fans;
- Fixed sizes of Widow's "nude" sprites;
- Fixed the issue, where certain pics didn't match the resolution of the game;
- Updated the starting point after choosing the option to skip to the new content;
- Worsened saves compatibility.
What's new?
- Part two of Mei's storyline;
- More h-scenes, both for Mei and others;
- Added lewd sprites for Widowmaker;
- Added lewd sprites for DVa;
- And even some for Ana. Anyone into a strict moms?
- Updated Ana's sprites;
- Added new sprites for MC;
- Impoved the skip option;
- Fixed the issue that caused scenes not to save into a gallery correctly;
- Fixed many minor bugs.
What's new since the closed beta?
- X-Ray images now are saved to the gallery upon first seeing;
- Improved the saves compatibility;
- Added few more tasks in-between events to make it more clear what player should do next;
- Fixed the bug that brake the progression of Mei's route at certain point. Saves from previous version may still cause this bug to appear, but we are working on solving this problem once and for all;
- Fixed many "missing sprite" issues, they acted kinda sus;
- Fixed the issue that caused game to give an error message while watching the replay of "DVa's protest" scene.
- Part two of Mei's storyline;
- More h-scenes, both for Mei and others;
- Added lewd sprites for Widowmaker;
- Added lewd sprites for DVa;
- And even some for Ana. Anyone into a strict moms?
- Updated Ana's sprites;
- Added new sprites for MC;
- Impoved the skipping option;
- Fixed the issue that caused scenes not to save into a gallery correctly;
- Fixed many minor bugs.
What's new since the closed beta?
- X-Ray images now are saved to the gallery upon first seeing;
- Fixed many "missing sprite" issues;
- Fixed the issue that caused game to give an error message while watching the replay of "DVa's protest" scene.
- First part of the Mei's route is now playable.
- New h-scenes.
- New dialogue scenes.
- New X-Ray scenes.
- New character.
- New sprites.
- Added an option to skip the prologue (first week).
- Added an option to skip all the way to the new content. This option unlocks all scenes/pictures in the gallery excluding content of the currently released update.
- Improved clarity of MC's thoughts in the dialogues.
- Updated main menu screen.
- Bugfixes. Lots of them.
- Andre is now available as a romanceable character;
- New h-scene. Handholding included;
- Added option to hangout with Andre on weekends. Later we're planning to expand variety of characters you can invite;
- Made it easier to get second variant of Andre's X-Ray;
- Updated sprites for Andre;
- Updated sprites for Default;
- Bound Q-key to open quest log;
- Fixed Prologue quest log;
- Fixed bug, that caused MC's name to be displayed incorrectly in the replays, again.
includes a May 21 hotfix of Sombra saves.
Second part of Brigitte's story;
- New delicious nsfw content;
- Fully updated 120+ Main Character sprites;
- Updated dialogue sprites for Brigitte;
- Updated dialogue sprites for Morrison;
- Updated dialogue sprites for few background characters;
- Expanded Andre's bonus route;
- One new X-RAY scene;
- New background characters;
- Added new interactions with Mercy;
- Expanded list of interactions with Charlotte;
- Expanded list of interactions with Leah and Europe;
- Expanded "charisma training" section of the Brigitte's story;
- Fixed bug with sprites looking into wrong direction;
- Fixed bug with MC and Brigitte appearing at the same side of the screen in dialogues;
- Fixed route-breaking bug in Mei's storyline;
- Fixed route-breaking bug in Brigitte's storyline;
- Improved save compatibility;
- And plenty of other stuff I can't even think of, because we've made a lot of fixes;
- Fixed the bug, that caused player to be stuck after first bondage scene;
- Fixed the bug, that caused player to be unable to progress the Mei's route unless all homework was finished in a single weekend;
- Fixed the issue which caused Brigitte to be invisible during some dialogues;
- Brigitte's scenes now skip time properly;
- Fixed the issue which caused all Torbjorn's classes to be replaced with black screen after certain point;
- Added tips for the player to help progress through the route easier;
- Brigitte's sprite now disappear from the corridor after sertain point in the route to avoid the issue where you have to ask her friend where she is, even though she's clearly present on the screen;
- Fixed typos.
- New interactions in classes in addition to the existing ones. Quite a lot of them;
- Mei and Torbjorn now conduct revision sessions of their classes. We suggest to check them out;
- We doubled the amount of dialogues and, I hope, raised their quality to a new level;
- All new scenes now have new dialogue as well;
- Brigitte and her storyline have been added. It's the longest route at the moment;
- We explored new themes and fetishes, trying to move away from generic "2 minute adventure" scenes;
- Two new locations;
- A few new characters;
- A lot of small improvements
![АКАДЕМИЯ34 / ACADEMY34 [v. Public Rus / v. Public] Eng] (2020) (Rus/Eng) [Ren'Py] [Android] [Young & Naughty]](https://picusha.pw/thumbs/2019-06/25/uw7bfvxj8ouj4lcgastn2yo69.png)
Minor changes from latest version posted here:
- Issues with replay system has been fixed;
- Animations has been added to all Tracer scenes;
- Save compatibility improved;
- 'Tasks' now tell that route has been completed;
- And couple of small changes and improvements.
- Mercy route is now completed;
- New h-scenes has been added;
- Secret h-scene has been added;
- A lot of new dialogues, because of course you're playing this game because of the great story;
- New image has been added to Sombra Market;
- Stat system menu has been added to the phone menu;
- Bugs has been fixed;
- New bugs has been added for our programmer to fix later;
- And so on!
- Major bug fixes / improvements
- Major bug fixes / improvements
- Mercy checkup scenes added
- Major bug fixes / improvements
- Interactable system added
- Xray feature added (WIP)
- Stamina system added
- MC sick sprites added
- Mercy sprites added
- H-scene replays in gallery added
- Pharah sprites added
- Sprite system reworked
- Zarya avatars added
- More night backgrounds added (I think we're complete!)
- McCree hangout scene A added
- Drunk PE scene A added
- Drunk infirmary scene A added
- Stat system added
- Entire task system redone
- Daily tasks added
- Prologue tasks added
- Tracer tasks added
- Mercy tasks added
- Sombra quest A tasks added
- Sombra quest B added
- Hangout with McCree B, C and D added
- Mercy h-scene A added
- Fountain location reworked
- Major bug fixes / improvements
- Map locations revised
- Meet the teachers scene reworked
- Main hall Omnic added
- Dorm Omnics updated
- First PE lesson changed
- Major bug fixes / improvements
- Cheat protection removed (we're free!)
- Major bug fixes / improvements
- D.Va spycam scenes added
- Night system added
- Parking location added
- Casual sprites added
- Prologue added
- Save migrations reworked
- Infirmary location added
- Main hall location added
- Lecture theater location added
- Map lockdown system added
- First meeting Genji scene added
- First meeting Sombra scene added
- First meeting Tracer scene added
- First meeting D.Va scene added
- First meeting Morrison scene added
- Trashed room addded
- McCree trash sprites added
- First meeting McCree scene added
- Shimada fight scene added
- 2 new locations
- Much of new characters
- Your first quest
- 2 new h-scenes
- New spying scene and improved old one
- And more!
- New h-scene
- 2 new locations
- New spying scene
- Option to earn money
- Shop, that includes extra content
- New lines for lessons
- A lot of new dialogues
- Text fixes
- And more!
- New h-scene
- 2 new locations
- New spying scene
- Option to earn money
- Shop, that includes extra content
- New lines for lessons
- A lot of new dialogues
- Text fixes
- And more!
Old saves doesn't work on current build!
- New h-scene
- 2 new locations
- New spying scene
- Option to earn money
- Shop, that includes extra content
- New lines for lessons
- A lot of new dialogues
- Text fixes
- And more!
Academy has a strict "no pets" policy, but they would make an exception for this beautiful puppy...
After receiving an overwhelming amount of requests to continue Luca's story, we couldn't ignore them no longer. The best boy is back, and with him — even more reasons to question your heterosexuality! But don't worry, in case you aren't in the mood for cute guys in skirts, it's all entirely optional.
This time we are getting straight to business, even if the business itself is anything, but straight. Luca is eager to get your attention and simple head pats won't be enough for this needy pup — he wants praise, he wants cuddles, and maybe even a bone. Nothing is off the table, you just have to ask. There's no reason to go into convoluted descriptions, because you all know exactly what we mean.
So, without further ado — Luca, the cutest of boys!
To balance the inclusion of femboys into our game, we are working double-time to give your favorite girls enough love too! Which is why Sonya, Part 2 is coming really soon, offering one of the juiciest h-content expansions any character has ever received in a single update! We made sure to focus only on the parts that truly matter when it comes to her content, so expect to see multiple full-blown h-scenes, one of which is even animated!
And once that is done, we'll get straight to overhauling Seraphina's storyline, which has been left unattended for far too long. If you'd like to participate in the discussion about her upcoming rework, be sure to check our Discord out, where we often post polls and engage in discussions with our fans! See you there! Public - 2025-01-27
v0.26.1.1 Public - 2025-01-10
The biggest story expansion thus far.
We probably said it one too many times, but the point still stands. Hanako was, and still is among the most requested characters we got to add into our game. With players expectations being higher than usual, we decided to do the one thing we're good at. Comedy and drama. Lots and lots of it.
This is by far the largest singular story update we ever put out, and for a good reason. Hanako deserves to be treated as a major character in our story, and we took our time to explore her personality, relationship with friends and family, personal interests and peculiar little obsessions. She won't open up right away. Even when you think she did, there's always more to uncover. It doesn't help that her experience with guys was limited to brothers, and never in a romantic way. Seeing you so close, hearing your voice, your silly jokes and curious stories, it lit a new fire within her chest. The one, she can't explain yet.
Hanako has to figure it out. But sadly, it's never so simple. Just like stories of Reina and Ava before, this is a start of a new anthology. We'll make sure Hanako gets exactly the kind of treatment she deserves.
If you enjoy what we do and would like to take part in shaping our game's future, be sure to join high ranks and get access to this and every upcoming closed testing, as well as many other rewards!
The last update for 2024, the 18th update this year, is coming on December 26th!
Degeneracy #2 is here to expand the selection of kinks even more! This time Yun, Blaze, Freja and Charlotte will introduce you to many of the long-anticipated scenarios. You will finally get a chance to milk a submissive cowgirl Yun, learn the true capabilities of Blaze's throat, enjoy some bonding activities with Charlotte, or broaden your horizons by allowing Freja to peg you. The latter part is completely optional, of course.
Four new scenes in total and plenty of new story to read through. We kept it extra spicy to fit the occasion. After all, nothing screams "holiday spirit" as spending quality time with your loved ones! Being able to walk straight afterwards is not a guarantee. They WILL milk you of all you're worth, so be prepared
v0.25.2.2 Public - 2024-11-30
Two makes a pair, three makes a team!
Never before have we explored, what would happen if two separate girls, with a completely unrelated stories, suddenly found out they are both in love with the same guy. It's time to change that. Hop on in and enjoy a MASSIVE story expansion for two fan-favorite characters, who slowly discover more and more peculiar details about their own perverted desires!
It's no surprise that Blaze, a hyperactive gremlin, would want to try everything there is in store. But Andre?! Who would've thought that this shy, awkward girl, would be the one willing to take part in your literal harem? Now, two polar opposites collide in the same bed, delivering you the best experience you could have ever wished for! Andre's desire to serve and submit, and Blaze's need to scratch and bite, together in one of the most bizarre emotional roller-coasters our game has to offer!
v0.25.1.2 Public - 2024-11-10
Two makes a pair, three makes a team!
Never before have we explored, what would happen if two separate girls, with a completely unrelated stories, suddenly found out they are both in love with the same guy. It's time to change that. Hop on in and enjoy a MASSIVE story expansion for two fan-favorite characters, who slowly discover more and more peculiar details about their own perverted desires!
It's no surprise that Blaze, a hyperactive gremlin, would want to try everything there is in store. But Andre?! Who would've thought that this shy, awkward girl, would be the one willing to take part in your literal harem? Now, two polar opposites collide in the same bed, delivering you the best experience you could have ever wished for! Andre's desire to serve and submit, and Blaze's need to scratch and bite, together in one of the most bizarre emotional roller-coasters our game has to offer!
To start Harem Storyline, simply talk to A
v0.24.2.4 Public - 2024-10-31
Your dreams may finally come true.
Originally, this update was supposed to be a small little bonus while you wait for the next major release, but as many things in our game, it grew out of proportion. What we have instead is probably the biggest release we've done in a long while.
Not only does this update feature SEVEN new interactive scenes, it also heavily expands stories of Andre, Ava, Aurelie and Kamilah. Each of these girls received a hefty addition to their post-route content, which could be accessed immediately upon finishing their currently available routes.
This time we made sure to focus only on those parts, that we knew you'd want to see. Every scene revolves around the exploration of their hidden desires, featuring a whole bunch of kinks and fetishes completely new to our game. Everything is optional, of course.
It's time to take a peek behind the curtains and meet their true, very perverted selves.
v0.24.1.3 Public
What kind of books is she reading? And why is there TWO of them?!
Everyone knows that librarians must be horny, that's the law. But building the entirety of Sitara's character around a single cliché seemed a little on the nose. There had to be something else to help her stand out among the crowd...
And then it hit us — Symmetra, the character that heavily inspired Sitara's appearance, can create objects out of light. An actual physical projections of anything she wants. Including herself. What could be better than a single horny librarian? Exactly! Two equally horny librarians, that look and act alike! But the best part, Sitara can see and feel everything her holographic copy does, be that a sense of touch, an unusual excitement, or... something else entirely. Do you see the ocean of possibilities it opens? We do.
This story will go places you never imagined were possible in our game.
There couldn't be a better time to finally play through Sitara's route! Part 2 of her unusual romance story is coming THIS WEEK!
v0.24.1.3 Public - 2024-10-11
What kind of books is she reading? And why is there TWO of them?!
Everyone knows that librarians must be horny, that's the law. But building the entirety of Sitara's character around a single cliché seemed a little on the nose. There had to be something else to help her stand out among the crowd...
And then it hit us — Symmetra, the character that heavily inspired Sitara's appearance, can create objects out of light. An actual physical projections of anything she wants. Including herself. What could be better than a single horny librarian? Exactly! Two equally horny librarians, that look and act alike! But the best part, Sitara can see and feel everything her holographic copy does, be that a sense of touch, an unusual excitement, or... something else entirely. Do you see the ocean of possibilities it opens? We do.
This story will go places you never imagined were possible in our game.
There couldn't be a better time to finally play through Sitara's route! Part 2 of her unusual romance story is coming THIS WEEK!
v0.23.4.2 Public - 2024-09-30
Hyperactive and hypersexual. That's the kind of character she was always meant to be.
This is a complete reimagining of Sonya's storyline, which addresses all of the little gripes both us, and our community had with the route, while also maintaining all of the positives, like her bluntness and "straight to the point" attitude. Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, we simply expanded upon everything that worked, creating in a process one of the most honest, positive, and horny characters we could.
But let's get straight to the point. Sonya is here to ingest unfathomable doses of Vitamin D, and you seem to be the brightest sun around. Don't keep her waiting.
What kind of books is she reading? And why is there TWO of them?!
Everyone knows that librarians must be horny, that's the law. But building the entirety of Sitara's character around a single cliché seemed a little on the nose. There had to be something else to help her stand out among the crowd...
And then it hit us — Symmetra, the character that heavily inspired Sitara's appearance, can create objects out of light. An actual physical projections of anything she wants. Including herself. What could be better than a single horny librarian? Exactly! Two equally horny librarians, that look and act alike! But the best part, Sitara can see and feel everything her holographic copy does, be that a sense of touch, an unusual excitement, or... something else entirely. Do you see the ocean of possibilities it opens? We do.
This story will go places you never imagined were possible in our game.
v0.23.3.1 Public - 2024-09-20
What kind of books is she reading? And why is there TWO of them?!
Everyone knows that librarians must be horny, that's the law. But building the entirety of Sitara's character around a single cliché seemed a little on the nose. There had to be something else to help her stand out among the crowd...
And then it hit us — Symmetra, the character that heavily inspired Sitara's appearance, can create objects out of light. An actual physical projections of anything she wants. Including herself. What could be better than a single horny librarian? Exactly! Two equally horny librarians, that look and act alike! But the best part, Sitara can see and feel everything her holographic copy does, be that a sense of touch, an unusual excitement, or... something else entirely. Do you see the ocean of possibilities it opens? We do.
This story will go places you never imagined were possible in our game.
v0.23.2.3 Public
The entire story — reworked from scratch! Now with extra spice!
After putting weeks of work into untangling the mess that is our old code, many sleepless nights, and an unhealthy amount of consumed caffeine, we are finally happy to present — Sonya's rework! And alongside with it, numerous changes to the game, including a whole new roaming UI, updates to early-game questlines, and countless fixes. With this update, we are finally making our first step in a massive overhaul project, which we announced a while ago! The process has begun!
Sonya was the very first character we have ever added into our game, which, just to remind you, was YEARS ago. And while we are incredibly proud of the progress we managed to make throughout that time, it also had an unfortunate side effect of making Sonya pale in comparison to any other content current available in the game. That wouldn't be an issue on its own, but given that her romantic plotline is heavily tied to the "tutorial" and many important unlocks, players were forced to experience this outdated story to be able to progress any further. So, as part of our efforts to overhaul every underperforming bit of our game, we decided to completely rewrite Sonya's route!
Given that her story holds a sentimental value both for us, and our player base, we did our absolute best to stay as close to her existing personality as we could. Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, we expanded upon the qualities that Sonya been showing ever since we first introduced her, and kept the idea that she is fast to jump straight into action, be that a new adventure by your side, our something more intimate. She was always energetic and opportunistic, and now we finally gave her a chance to properly express those qualities in a way you would be able to appreciate them!
This Intro, while only giving you a taste of what's to come, is already bigger than the entirety of her old storyline. That being said, we know that you probably won't be satisfied with just the Intro! Which is why...
v. Public - 2024-08-11
Hyperactive and hypersexual. That's the kind of character she was always meant to be.
This is a complete reimagining of Sonya's storyline, which addresses all of the little gripes both us, and our community had with the route, while also maintaining all of the positives, like her bluntness and "straight to the point" attitude. Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, we simply expanded upon everything that worked, creating in a process one of the most honest, positive, and horny characters we could.
But let's get straight to the point. Sonya is here to ingest unfathomable doses of Vitamin D, and you seem to be the brightest sun around. Don't keep her waiting.
v0.22.3.6 Public - 2024-07-09
When we finally got back to Zahera, we realized that her existing setup does not allow for the character growth she deserves. More so, she appeared way more irritating than we intended originally, and that's never a good sign. To counteract on this problem, we decided to rewrite the majority of the dialogue to better reflect what we want her character to be, while keeping the scenes and the overall structure completely intact. On top of that, the setup of her story was changed as well, adding a comprehensive reasoning to all that is happening.
Keep in mind, that this is NOT the content update we announced in our new roadmap! It's still coming later this month!
But these changes only the tip of the iceberg!
We are finally introducing a new setting, that would allow you to change any character's name to whatever you want! To compliment this, we have also added a new "Contacts" menu, where you could find a complete list of all interactable characters, and an easy way to access the gallery of their scenes. The latter was a necessary addition, given that the amount of unique scenes is now in triple digits, so we wanted to give you an easy way to find the exact replay you want, without having to scroll through dozens of pages. And on top of that, we have also updated our textbox, which now includes unique colors for all of the mentioned names, drastically improving rideability! We will expand upon all of those things below.
This is a massive Quality of Life update, where we tried to touch upon as many thing as we could, and bring your experience to the next level!
Yes, the Name Changing setting is finally here! It might be a bit clunky still, but it's functional, and probably more functional than we thought it would be. That said, we don't EXPECT bugs to occur, we KNOW for a FACT that something is broken, but with limited amount of testing that we can do internally it's impossible to find all of them. Please, go into this with an open mind and be sure to share all of the bugs, typos and inconsistencies that you find!
We had to completely rework the way Name System operates, which is why it took so damn long to implement. On the flip side, now we have a very flexible and customizable system, that we can easily modify in the future!
To change character's name, you need to:
1. Open your "Contacts", which is the first option in the Phone Menu.
2. Pick the desired character.
3. Click on the "Edit" button, which is located on the left.
4. You will be given a prompt to write a desired First Name, then a separate prompt for the Last Name if applicable.
That's it! From now on, the game will display updated name in all instances, including the dialogue. It does not (yet) apply to the names you see on pictures, though it happens rarely, but we are planning to fix that as well.
This is only the first step towards completely overhauling the current User Interface, but this is a necessary one. We added a new "Contacts" menu into player's phone, where you would be able to find a complete list of all interactable characters. "Contacts" menu allows you change character's name, access the gallery of their scenes and pictures, and see the next step of their questline.
Since we have already talked about the name changing setting, let's get straight to gallery shortcut: As we already said, the amount of replays in the gallery is getting out of hand, so having to scroll through dozens of pages simply to find a specific scene that you'd like to replay is annoying. This is why we added a shortcut into the "Contacts" menu, which will allow you to access the gallery of replays ONLY for the character that you picked. Simply get into the "Contacts" list, pick a character, and the click on the button at the center of the screen, the one with an image icon. It will bring a sorted list of all their replays!
And, like we mentioned, you will also be able to see the next step in the questline for a specific character that you are trying to romance. That should help you to progress through their routes much easier!
Yes, this change is so big, it deserves it's own category! Our original textbox was decent, but it lacked many important features, especially for those who play using Android devices.
Updated textbox introduces buttons to access Save/Load menu, to fast-forward an interaction you already played through, and to go back to the previous line in the current dialogue. As a bonus, we added a separate small button underneath the textbox to hide it during the interaction in case you want to enjoy the scenery uninterrupted.
We also added unique colors to names of all major characters to help you more easily distinguish who is currently speaking. At least based by our internal testing, it does wonders to overall comfort during long dialogues!
Considering the amount of additions, many of which are concerning the existing systems, it will undoubtedly cause problems. This is why we wanted to limit the amount of players during the first few weeks, so we won't get overwhelmed by the amount of reports. We still only have a single developer and two people, who collect your feedback, so having a limited amount of players should allow us to process everything more comfortably. We hope you understand, and we promise to bring many more QoL additions in the upcoming months!
There is no greater sin, than playing League of Legends, and unfortunately our team is full of sinners.
Once we realized that Riot is adding an adorable rabbit-lady into the game, we knew what had to be done. Aurora is simply too cute to ignore! And while we have neither time, nor resources to make a full-fledged route dedicated to her, we are not out of options. After all, the ability to create skins was given to us for a reason, and Andre, an equally irresistible little bun, turned to be the perfect candidate to receive the honor of wearing this new look. Though it made us think: Should we expand the universe of our game beyond a single franchise? There are countless of incredible characters, that would fit into the Academy amazingly well! Obviously we aren't going to make that decision on our own, and certainly not before we get done with our plans to implement as many guys, gals and non-binary pals from your beloved hero-shooter. But after that, why not? Be sure to let us know which characters you would love to see, and whether you want to see any at all. And while you're at it, enjoy this new addition to the wardrobe of skins! Aurora, the magical rabbit, is at your service!
To unlock Aurora's skin, you need to:
- Complete Andre's storyline up to the current ending.
- Purchase the skin from Reina's shop.
One day our writer woke up in cold sweat and realized, that ACADEMY34 criminally lacks mean girls with an attitude. He then proceeded to spend countless sleepless nights writing dozens of pages filled with nothing, but non-stop bickering between the protagonist and her, which then slowly devolves into smut. That's how Zahera's route came to be.
Without a doubt, this is the best piece of story we ever added. If not for the drama reasons, then simply for the pure comedy potential the chemistry between these two characters allowed. This is exactly what we always wanted ACADEMY34 to be — a romantic comedy, where polar opposite characters clash like two unstoppable forces, to then discover a whole new way of experiencing attraction.
v0.22.2.2 Public - 2024-07-04
Loneliness is hell of a curse, right? Kamilah here would definitely agree. Of all the characters we introduced, none had suffered from it nearly as much, as she did.
Now, though, she has finally found an outlet for it. A person, who might just be a gift from the Gods themselves. Someone, who will relief her of this pain, let her enjoy the embrace of a person, who genuinely cares, and provide her with stuffing she deserves.
That would be You.
An Important Note before we get into any more details:
Kamilah's route includes ONLY content between Kamilah and MC. We didn't have any other materials to make promo GIF out of, because her content update is like 95% smut, which wouldn't fly with Patreon. So, we had to use the boys for the promo, and I can see how it might have given people the wrong impression. They are there only for comedic purposes, so don't worry.
Back to the business.
When we first started working on her story, we realized just how fitting would it be to make her into someone, who is very actively looking for a partner. Years of celibacy, caused by the kind of work she is doing at the Academy, and the strict rules enforced regarding student-on-teacher relationship, took their tool. That, and the fact that she is as straightforward as it gets. The concept of flirt is so alien to her, that even if the chance presents itself, she wouldn't know what to do with it.
Basically, we really wanted to make a horny MILF, in which we found a great success.
So many of our characters like to do back and forth with the protagonist, play mind games, make you work for their affection. Not Kamilah though, she NEEDS you more than you could possibly imagine, but it's not an easy feeling to confess.
The awkward journey of horrible flirting attempts starts now! Don't worry, we made sure the payoff is WELL worth the trouble. Especially the animation! Oh, it's GLORIOUS! We took our time to update the tools and techniques we used for animated sequences, and judging by the result, it was the right call. We are looking forward towards hearing your feedback!
Now though, enjoy the the incredible awkwardness of a MILF attempting to flirt for the first time in her life.
v0.21.2.3 Public - 2024-05-08
After multiple years making this story into one of the best pieces of content our game has to offer, it finally ready to go out with an appropriate BANG! To celebrate the occasion, we took some extra time to ensure the content you'll get is the best one we can possibly deliver. Especially the animation! We are stepping up our game!
This is exactly the kind of climactic finale you would expect. Be gone cute schoolgirl looks, time to embrace the real Ava — the gamer goblin! The cave dwelling creature, hungry for your flesh! Or rather, only few particular bits of it.
As with any finale, we didn't cut any corners, except for maybe the length. But honestly, there is simply no need to drag the story any longer. The true feelings have finally been revealed, nothing left to hide. Ava's only true desire is to be worthy of your love, and she will do her damn best to earn it. This time — for real. No more schemes, or cheeky plots, only honesty and passion.
And she got a lot of passion.
v0.21.1.5 Public - 2024-05-05
Have we ever made an update, which sole focus would be to simply add more drama? No? Well, now we have. This time, instead of following familiar tropes, making characters fall in love with each other over and over again, we burned everything to the crisp. Tears and screams, broken hearts and shattered plates. Not A drama, but THE drama!
Ava is a complicated character to work with. She is flawed, with an ego reaching heights few could even dream to achieve, greedy for fame and lustful for... you. But, against all odds, you brought her back, down to Earth. You didn't fall in love with her, at least not the way she wanted. You made her work for what she always got served on a silver platter. All of her devious plans now lie in ruin.
But worst of all, you made her fall in love.
This is the penultimate update in Ava's storyline. Just one more, and the entirety of her saga will finally be concluded. This time we went all in on making sure, that seemingly irredeemable character will get exactly the kind of development it deserves. This is a story update, in which we made sure to give Ava the time to shine she needed.
Additionally, all of her sprites and existing scenes have been updated, so we highly suggest you to replay the entirety of her route for the best possible experience, though it is not necessary.
v0.20.3.2 Public - 2024-04-16
For the longest time we've been pondering the idea of implementing a male romanceable character, be that your beloved cowboy roommate, or anyone else. We understand, that only a small portion of our playerbase will actually play and get full enjoyment out of it, but nevertheless, it's great when games offer at least some diversity of choice.
And now, you can choose a cute boy in a skirt.
We want to make sure that no matter what your preference are, our game will always have something in stock to offer. Luca is but one of the many steps we will take to add as many different characters types, that might fit your liking: Muscle girls, certified MILFs, goths, e-girls, kind hearted dudes, and anyone else you could think of. Our game has existed for years now, and with each passing months our plans and efforts only strengthen. With overhaul on the horizon, an actual gameplay being introduced and location revamped, the Academy34 will expand for as long as they are people to play it. We really like our job, and more so, we love our community, so be sure to share your ideas and preferences in any comfortable way, and we will do our best to implement them when the time comes!
Getting back to Luca, we made sure to avoid banking on his suggestive appearance and instead explored much more interesting parts of his character. He is shy, nerdy guy, whom inexperience with romance creates the most wholesome and honest interactions, while also threading that thin line between funny and horny. That being said, we didn't forget about the biggest reason you get back to this project. Yes, you will finally see his nudes.
Hop on and see what's all the fuss is about!
v0.20.2.1 Public
This ain't a major content drop, but we thought that it would be nice to give you something, while you are waiting for the many of our upcoming juicy releases!
Clussy Yun is small bonus for those, who battles their phobia of clowns by repeatedly committing cardinal sin while examining every minute detail of said clowns body. Consider it a therapy session of sorts.
And while we are also on the topic of what you should be expecting, we have much to tell!
Ava's route is finally coming to it's climactic finale, and we mean CLIMACTIC, because we fight occasional boredom of writing student romance by sprinkling it with so much drama, any soap opera pales in comparison. But that's just a flavoring on a cake, while the true focus are the changes Ava's character is going through. The crisis of identity hits hard in her case, and by the end of your journey together, you, as a protagonist, will help her to finally break the shackles of the artificial persona she created, and to finally learn how to embrace her real self. Fall in love with the best bratty girl yet again this March!
On another note, Luca's update is already available! Our first ever femboy character, who garnered love and attention of many, becomes the cornerstone of our efforts to expand the variety of available romanceable characters. There is still so much for us to do, and, mind you, we never stop that content grind.
v0.20.1.4 Public
A note from Young & Naughty team:
Around a week ago we started to receive large number of reports concerning a bug, that caused an error/crash whenever players tried to use X-Ray in version (Yun's Animation Update). This issue made it virtually impossible to progress Reina's quest, as well as blocked access to any X-Ray content. Sadly, due to the limitation of our developmental tools, we weren't able to revert game version far enough to patch the previous public build. Because of this, we decided to release Andre's update early, with fix implemented, to make up for the problems that were caused by our oversight.
We are sorry for the inconvenience this issue caused. Enjoy the new content update!
There always comes a time, when your heart and souls fills with an overwhelming desire to stop, to take a break from the worries of day to day life, to lie down and rest. A desire for comfort.
Andre is our comfort character.
She is someone we get back to whenever we feel stressed, or get burnt out from the non-stop pressure to pump more and more content, and ironically, we never get tired of writing her route. So, her story will never end, it will always expand either in this game, or other media we create, and it will always be filled with passion, love and care.
We spare no effort on her route, and this release is the best example of that. This is our first major update to include animated h-scene frames from day-one, and that's on top of dozens of new unique pictures, new character, much expanded story, and more. Much, much more.
Every Andre's update is a love letter to our community, and to our own inner artist. This one is no exception. We hope you enjoy it as much, as we enjoyed creating it.
Thank you for giving us a reason to continue trying, a reason to improve and to always put our best effort into everything we create. You, your feedback, reactions, and engagement — are the best reward we could ever received.
v0.19.3.4 Public - 2024-03-03
Our first Animation Pack and the biggest leap we ever made in quality of this game. While this update is smaller than many of our other releases, it's only the first step towards bringing our scenes into motion.
Yun animations are included with latest Clussy Yun Skin Update!
v0.19.2.2 Public - 2024-01-21
Ah, Winter Holidays...
The time of magic, the time of miracles and cute little presents. It's the time when we all can get that small little bit of happiness to get us going, especially nowadays, with the world seemingly losing its mind and plunging into neverending chaos. We know full well how tough it might be, when you barely scraping remaining bits of your sanity just to get whatever task you have done. It's never easy, but it doesn't have to be this hard.
We all need a little rest, to breath out and relax. To let ourselves indulge in whatever things bring us joy.
Consider this to be our Christmas Present to You, the best community we could have ever wished for, and let it be an entryway into the best holiday seasons you ever had!
Your favorite meteorologist, Yun, is back with so, so many new scenes — four in total! After many months of being teased with those thirsty dialogue options that lead nowhere, you can finally use every single one of them, with each leading to a unique scenario. And don't worry, you can try all of them, as well as get a pleasant surprise for being so bold as to ask her out directly. After finishing Yun's route, just talk to her in the Academy corridor and pick whichever option you find the most appealing.
v0.19.2.2 Public
One of the biggest challenges in our work is to find just the right moment to end the story, especially when the process of creating it brings you honest joy. But without the proper ending, the story loses all meaning. It doesn't hit as hard, right?
So, we made sure this finale hits the hardest.
This is, without a shadow of a doubt, though with a bit of personal bias, one of the best looking updates we have ever produced. We took all of our knowledge and skills, and made sure that those final moments you spend together with the most charming muscle girl in the entire Academy will be the best damn moments you could wish for!
We have updated EVERY SINGLE FRAME Freja appears on, bringing the quality of her artwork to a whole new level, while keeping the design as close to the original as we could. Her new outfit compliments her personality, while her overall body shape is so much more defined in all the right places. As a nice bonus, we have also buffed her cup size.
On top of all that, this is a story update first and foremost and what better way to tell a story, than to make it into one of the longest h-scenes in the entire game! Even more — a threesome scene, the first one to be added into the Academy34.
We didn't spare any resources on this update, and we hope you will enjoy it just as much, as we enjoyed working on Freja's route throughout the years.
And as a cherry on top — you get to cuck Chris. This time for real.
v0.18.1.3 - 2023-11-26
— Added an option to skip time and to end the day by clicking on the energy bar. No need to run back to your room anymore!
— Added a new button into the settings menu, that will instantly unlock the entire gallery.
— Fixed numerous bugs and typos.
— Improved, but not yet perfected backwards save compatibility. In some instances you might still get locked of progressing story if you are using an older save. We will continue working on it, but in a meantime we strongly recommend not using saves from before Reina's update.
Reina, Finale
v0.16.3.2 - 2023-09-24
Zahera Intro
DVa, Part 5 — Public Release
v0.16.1.2 - 2023-08-18
DVa, Part 4 — Public Release
v0.15.4.3 - 2023-07-29
v0.15.2.3 - 2023-07-09
v0.15.1.1 - 2023-06-18
v0.14.1.5 - 2023-05-05
v0.13.4.3 - 2023-01-15
How can something be that cold, yet so hot?
If you thought that you'd have to wait a long time to see any more content with Widowmaker, we have a pleasant surprise! After all, if her storyline made something clear, it's that she desperately needs attention. Like, real attention, of people who care about her. And who could be more caring than you?
Affection-starving sniper is now joining the Holiday Marathon with a very fitting and very cold scene variation. Enjoy!
v. - 2022-12-27
It's finally time for one of the brattiest gamer girls to get her first thematic outfit, and not just any outfit, but the one, that might... awaken something deep inside of you. Something, you'd rather never mention during Christmas dinner with your family. And that's exactly why it's so good! Unspeakably good!
Reindeer DVa, the most hardworking Santa's deer of all, joining the celebration!
How can something be that cold, yet so hot?
If you thought that you'd have to wait a long time to see any more content with Widowmaker, we have a pleasant surprise! After all, if her storyline made something clear, it's that she desperately needs attention. Like, real attention, of people who care about her. And who could be more caring than you?
Affection-starving sniper is now joining the Holiday Marathon with a very fitting and very cold scene variation. Enjoy!
How can you have Christmas without presents?! Impossible! That's why Brigitte takes on the most important role this time of year - packing and nicely wrapping presents, putting all of her love and care into it. And just so happens, that this year's most important gift is You!
Don't worry, she knows exactly the best way to do her job.
v. - 2022-12-21
If you thought that you'd have to wait a long time to see any more content with Widowmaker, we have a pleasant surprise! After all, if her storyline made something clear, it's that she desperately needs attention. Like, real attention, of people who care about her. And who could be more caring than you?
Affection-starving sniper is now joining the Holiday Marathon with a very fitting and very cold scene variation. Enjoy!
How can you have Christmas without presents?! Impossible! That's why Brigitte takes on the most important role this time of year - packing and nicely wrapping presents, putting all of her love and care into it. And just so happens, that this year's most important gift is You!
Don't worry, she knows exactly the best way to do her job.
But that's not all!
Can I get a coffee with mommy's milk? I'm sorry. I meant mommy's milk. I'm sorry. I meant...
Yes, objectively the best possible skin for Mei is finally here. Some might argue that goth girls are still superior, and Young agrees, but that's Mei we're talking about. Adding skins into the game and NOT making Mei into a cute little cow-girl must be a crime. So we are restoring the justice by bringing you this piece of art in a skin form!
v. - 2022-12-15
Some time ago we realized, that we want to tell other stories, than your usual "and they fell in love, and they got over all obstacles, just to be together". Something more mature, more... dramatic.
That's how Widowmaker's route was created. And in this update we progress it in a way, that will, let's say, escalate things. A lot. Not gonna lie, this is the most excited our team has been about releasing an update and listening to people's feedback. We finally feel, as if we have been able to realize our potential as story makers. And it will only get better. This is one of the biggest updates we created, especially story-wise, and hopefully it will also will be one that people replay the most. After all, what could be better, than seeing how previously unparalleled perfection of the main antagonist, the image that he artificially created for himself burns to the ground. Maybe it's just us, but damn, we love those kind of stories! And don't worry, you won't ever see him in the same bed with Amelie.
It's finally that beautiful time of the year again, when the whole world unites in the craze of trying to have at least a miniscule amount of fun before humanity as we know it collapses. Ah, holidays...
But how can you have Christmas without presents?! Impossible! So we decided to take on an important role of being your personal Santas, lewd ones, which is an objectively cooler kind of Santa. We prepared a whole series of Christmas and Winter themed updates, all for your enjoyment!
Starting from Wrapping Master Brigitte, the sponsor of packing this year's most important gift - you! And, to your surprise, that's not even the only content for Brigitte we got in stock, but you'll have to wait a bit to see more. For now, enjoy the first skin for the most charming muscle girl in Academy!
Can I get a coffee with mommy's milk? I'm sorry. I meant mommy's milk. I'm sorry. I meant...
Yes, objectively the best possible skin for Mei is finally here. Some might argue that goth girls are still superior, and Young agrees, but that's Mei we're talking about. Adding skins into the game and NOT making Mei into a cute little cow-girl must be a crime. So we are restoring the justice by bringing you this piece of art in a skin form!
Ice Queen Sombra skin
v0.12.4.1 - 2022-11-16
Goth Mei Skin/Suit
v0.12.3.2 - 2022-10-30
What's new?
- More of Mei's storyline;
- New scenes, this time public;
- Updated existing sprites for Sombra;
- Added new "revealing" sprites for Sombra;
- Added new "nude" sprites for DVa;
- Added a little bonus for all you Sombra fans;
- Fixed sizes of Widow's "nude" sprites;
- Fixed the issue, where certain pics didn't match the resolution of the game;
- Updated the starting point after choosing the option to skip to the new content;
- Worsened saves compatibility.
What's new?
- Part two of Mei's storyline;
- More h-scenes, both for Mei and others;
- Added lewd sprites for Widowmaker;
- Added lewd sprites for DVa;
- And even some for Ana. Anyone into a strict moms?
- Updated Ana's sprites;
- Added new sprites for MC;
- Impoved the skip option;
- Fixed the issue that caused scenes not to save into a gallery correctly;
- Fixed many minor bugs.
What's new since the closed beta?
- X-Ray images now are saved to the gallery upon first seeing;
- Improved the saves compatibility;
- Added few more tasks in-between events to make it more clear what player should do next;
- Fixed the bug that brake the progression of Mei's route at certain point. Saves from previous version may still cause this bug to appear, but we are working on solving this problem once and for all;
- Fixed many "missing sprite" issues, they acted kinda sus;
- Fixed the issue that caused game to give an error message while watching the replay of "DVa's protest" scene.
- Part two of Mei's storyline;
- More h-scenes, both for Mei and others;
- Added lewd sprites for Widowmaker;
- Added lewd sprites for DVa;
- And even some for Ana. Anyone into a strict moms?
- Updated Ana's sprites;
- Added new sprites for MC;
- Impoved the skipping option;
- Fixed the issue that caused scenes not to save into a gallery correctly;
- Fixed many minor bugs.
What's new since the closed beta?
- X-Ray images now are saved to the gallery upon first seeing;
- Fixed many "missing sprite" issues;
- Fixed the issue that caused game to give an error message while watching the replay of "DVa's protest" scene.
- First part of the Mei's route is now playable.
- New h-scenes.
- New dialogue scenes.
- New X-Ray scenes.
- New character.
- New sprites.
- Added an option to skip the prologue (first week).
- Added an option to skip all the way to the new content. This option unlocks all scenes/pictures in the gallery excluding content of the currently released update.
- Improved clarity of MC's thoughts in the dialogues.
- Updated main menu screen.
- Bugfixes. Lots of them.
- Andre is now available as a romanceable character;
- New h-scene. Handholding included;
- Added option to hangout with Andre on weekends. Later we're planning to expand variety of characters you can invite;
- Made it easier to get second variant of Andre's X-Ray;
- Updated sprites for Andre;
- Updated sprites for Default;
- Bound Q-key to open quest log;
- Fixed Prologue quest log;
- Fixed bug, that caused MC's name to be displayed incorrectly in the replays, again.
includes a May 21 hotfix of Sombra saves.
Second part of Brigitte's story;
- New delicious nsfw content;
- Fully updated 120+ Main Character sprites;
- Updated dialogue sprites for Brigitte;
- Updated dialogue sprites for Morrison;
- Updated dialogue sprites for few background characters;
- Expanded Andre's bonus route;
- One new X-RAY scene;
- New background characters;
- Added new interactions with Mercy;
- Expanded list of interactions with Charlotte;
- Expanded list of interactions with Leah and Europe;
- Expanded "charisma training" section of the Brigitte's story;
- Fixed bug with sprites looking into wrong direction;
- Fixed bug with MC and Brigitte appearing at the same side of the screen in dialogues;
- Fixed route-breaking bug in Mei's storyline;
- Fixed route-breaking bug in Brigitte's storyline;
- Improved save compatibility;
- And plenty of other stuff I can't even think of, because we've made a lot of fixes;
- Fixed the bug, that caused player to be stuck after first bondage scene;
- Fixed the bug, that caused player to be unable to progress the Mei's route unless all homework was finished in a single weekend;
- Fixed the issue which caused Brigitte to be invisible during some dialogues;
- Brigitte's scenes now skip time properly;
- Fixed the issue which caused all Torbjorn's classes to be replaced with black screen after certain point;
- Added tips for the player to help progress through the route easier;
- Brigitte's sprite now disappear from the corridor after sertain point in the route to avoid the issue where you have to ask her friend where she is, even though she's clearly present on the screen;
- Fixed typos.
- New interactions in classes in addition to the existing ones. Quite a lot of them;
- Mei and Torbjorn now conduct revision sessions of their classes. We suggest to check them out;
- We doubled the amount of dialogues and, I hope, raised their quality to a new level;
- All new scenes now have new dialogue as well;
- Brigitte and her storyline have been added. It's the longest route at the moment;
- We explored new themes and fetishes, trying to move away from generic "2 minute adventure" scenes;
- Two new locations;
- A few new characters;
- A lot of small improvements
![АКАДЕМИЯ34 / ACADEMY34 [v. Public Rus / v. Public] Eng] (2020) (Rus/Eng) [Ren'Py] [Android] [Young & Naughty]](https://picusha.pw/thumbs/2019-06/25/uw7bfvxj8ouj4lcgastn2yo69.png)
Minor changes from latest version posted here:
- Issues with replay system has been fixed;
- Animations has been added to all Tracer scenes;
- Save compatibility improved;
- 'Tasks' now tell that route has been completed;
- And couple of small changes and improvements.
- Mercy route is now completed;
- New h-scenes has been added;
- Secret h-scene has been added;
- A lot of new dialogues, because of course you're playing this game because of the great story;
- New image has been added to Sombra Market;
- Stat system menu has been added to the phone menu;
- Bugs has been fixed;
- New bugs has been added for our programmer to fix later;
- And so on!
- Major bug fixes / improvements
- Major bug fixes / improvements
- Mercy checkup scenes added
- Major bug fixes / improvements
- Interactable system added
- Xray feature added (WIP)
- Stamina system added
- MC sick sprites added
- Mercy sprites added
- H-scene replays in gallery added
- Pharah sprites added
- Sprite system reworked
- Zarya avatars added
- More night backgrounds added (I think we're complete!)
- McCree hangout scene A added
- Drunk PE scene A added
- Drunk infirmary scene A added
- Stat system added
- Entire task system redone
- Daily tasks added
- Prologue tasks added
- Tracer tasks added
- Mercy tasks added
- Sombra quest A tasks added
- Sombra quest B added
- Hangout with McCree B, C and D added
- Mercy h-scene A added
- Fountain location reworked
- Major bug fixes / improvements
- Map locations revised
- Meet the teachers scene reworked
- Main hall Omnic added
- Dorm Omnics updated
- First PE lesson changed
- Major bug fixes / improvements
- Cheat protection removed (we're free!)
- Major bug fixes / improvements
- D.Va spycam scenes added
- Night system added
- Parking location added
- Casual sprites added
- Prologue added
- Save migrations reworked
- Infirmary location added
- Main hall location added
- Lecture theater location added
- Map lockdown system added
- First meeting Genji scene added
- First meeting Sombra scene added
- First meeting Tracer scene added
- First meeting D.Va scene added
- First meeting Morrison scene added
- Trashed room addded
- McCree trash sprites added
- First meeting McCree scene added
- Shimada fight scene added
- 2 new locations
- Much of new characters
- Your first quest
- 2 new h-scenes
- New spying scene and improved old one
- And more!
- New h-scene
- 2 new locations
- New spying scene
- Option to earn money
- Shop, that includes extra content
- New lines for lessons
- A lot of new dialogues
- Text fixes
- And more!
- New h-scene
- 2 new locations
- New spying scene
- Option to earn money
- Shop, that includes extra content
- New lines for lessons
- A lot of new dialogues
- Text fixes
- And more!
Old saves doesn't work on current build!
- New h-scene
- 2 new locations
- New spying scene
- Option to earn money
- Shop, that includes extra content
- New lines for lessons
- A lot of new dialogues
- Text fixes
- And more!
Тему отредактировал: admin - 24-02-2025, 17:08
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v. Public. Topic updated. Added English version v. Public.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v. Public. Topic updated. Added English version v. Public.
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