Что может быть лучше старых добрых приключений отважного охотника в суровом мире средневековья?
Конечно же, приключения в мире магии! Страшные монстры, злые колдуны, жестокие лорды, подлые наемники - это лишь малая часть того, с чем столкнется наш главный герой, отправившийся на поиски своей сестры.
На своем пути он встретит коварные ловушки, глубокие подземелья, полные сокровищ, таинственные дворцы с авантюрными принцессами, хижины похотливых ведьм, древние руины, скрытые магическим покровом, и многое другое. Удастся ли ему найти верных друзей и товарищей в этом мире? Сможет ли простой охотник найти мощное оружие и артефакты, подняться на высоты, неизвестные даже славным рыцарям? И хватит ли ему сил противостоять сильнейшему оружию дьявола - искушению? Все это и многое другое вы найдете в игре «Рыцарские страсти».
What could be better than the good old adventures of a brave hunter in the harsh world of the middle ages?
Of course, adventures in the world of magic! Terrible monsters, evil sorcerers, cruel lords, mean mercenaries - this is only a small part of what our main character will face, who went in search of his sister.
On his way he will find devious traps, deep dungeons full of treasures, mysterious palaces with adventurous princesses, huts of lustful witches, ancient ruins hidden by a cover of magic and much more. Will he manage to find faithful friends and comrades in this world? Will a simple hunter be able to find powerful weapons and artifacts, to rise to heights unknown even to glorious knights? And will he have the strength to resist the devil's strongest weapon - temptation? All this and more you will find in game 'Knightly Passions'.
Андроид порт от разработчика!
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2d game, 2dcg, anal, animated, bdsm, big ass, big tits, group sex, harem, lesbian, male protagonist, management, masturbation, monster girl, oral, point and click, rpg, sandbox, sex toys, turn based combat, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: FEYADA - Boosty - Steam - Itch.io - Discord - SubscribeStar
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: [Completed]
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.21 + DLC v.3.0
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Что может быть лучше старых добрых приключений отважного охотника в суровом мире средневековья?
Конечно же, приключения в мире магии! Страшные монстры, злые колдуны, жестокие лорды, подлые наемники - это лишь малая часть того, с чем столкнется наш главный герой, отправившийся на поиски своей сестры.
На своем пути он встретит коварные ловушки, глубокие подземелья, полные сокровищ, таинственные дворцы с авантюрными принцессами, хижины похотливых ведьм, древние руины, скрытые магическим покровом, и многое другое. Удастся ли ему найти верных друзей и товарищей в этом мире? Сможет ли простой охотник найти мощное оружие и артефакты, подняться на высоты, неизвестные даже славным рыцарям? И хватит ли ему сил противостоять сильнейшему оружию дьявола - искушению? Все это и многое другое вы найдете в игре «Рыцарские страсти».
What could be better than the good old adventures of a brave hunter in the harsh world of the middle ages?
Of course, adventures in the world of magic! Terrible monsters, evil sorcerers, cruel lords, mean mercenaries - this is only a small part of what our main character will face, who went in search of his sister.
On his way he will find devious traps, deep dungeons full of treasures, mysterious palaces with adventurous princesses, huts of lustful witches, ancient ruins hidden by a cover of magic and much more. Will he manage to find faithful friends and comrades in this world? Will a simple hunter be able to find powerful weapons and artifacts, to rise to heights unknown even to glorious knights? And will he have the strength to resist the devil's strongest weapon - temptation? All this and more you will find in game 'Knightly Passions'.
Андроид порт от разработчика!
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2d game, 2dcg, anal, animated, bdsm, big ass, big tits, group sex, harem, lesbian, male protagonist, management, masturbation, monster girl, oral, point and click, rpg, sandbox, sex toys, turn based combat, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: FEYADA - Boosty - Steam - Itch.io - Discord - SubscribeStar
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: [Completed]
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.21 + DLC v.3.0
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Between Life And Death DLC v3.0 - 2024-11-12
v1.21 Steam Gold
Fixed a crash when loading old saves. Friends, please remember not to try loading saves from a demo version of the game or a version preceding the 1.0 release. If you attempt to load such a save, you’ll encounter errors because the old save does not know how to correctly interact with the many new mechanics we’ve implemented in subsequent versions of the game, causing a version conflict.
Fixed a rare game crash related to catching artifacts while fishing.
Cheat codes now correctly unlock all of the 18+ gallery scenes.
v1.03 Steam Gold - 2024-05-11
- Added two difficulty modes, “Adventure” and “Tactical.” It’s important to note that in Tactical mode, you can’t skip minigames and the game is a little more difficult.
- Added three tiers to combat skill cards. You can spend Renown Points to upgrade skill cards in the place of power near the cave.
- Added new hunting contracts. There are now 10 of them in total.
- Added new trophies to the arms trader’s house.
- In certain locations, items that can be picked up have appeared (flowers and gold coins).
- Replaced the farewell screen with credits.
- Expanded the game’s ending.
- Revamped the skill system. Skills must now be unlocked before they can be leveled up.
- Added a new 18+ scene with the maidservant.
- Implemented potion crafting with Mirina.
- Added the Wandering Trader to the tavern. He’ll show up in the tavern after you complete any 13 quests. From him, you can purchase: 1 book to unlock a new combat skill card, 3 books that grant you additional skill points, an artifact that will help you locate all of the hidden chests, and various pieces of jewelry.
- Added new loot drops from defeated monsters.
- The arm’s traders inventory now updates every day. You’re unlikely to be able to buy back anything you’ve sold her if it’s no longer the same day you sold it to her.
- Revamped the design of the QTE minigame buttons.
- Added new gear (there are now 8 tiers of weapons and 6 tiers of armor). The highest-tier equipment is mostly scattered across various quests and chests.
- Updated blacksmith crafting recipes.
- Globally rebalanced items, trading, combat, etc.
- Fixed many old bugs and added some new ones.
- And much more.
v1.0 - Steam Gold
The update is related to fixing a bug when loading saves.
The game engine has been upgraded to a new version of the Ren’Py engine, Version 7.7.1. This will make the game more stable and playable.
Fixed a bug that occurred when interacting with cooked food.
Fixed a bug that occurred while viewing the petition, your sister’s portrait, or written notes.
Fixed a bug related to skills that occurred when using a Potion of Oblivion.
Fixed healing potions. Now, they cannot be used when the hunter’s health is already full.
Fixed a bug in Quest 30 that could occur if the elf had died.
Combat action points now increase correctly when using cooked food or cheat codes.
Fixed a crash when trading with cooked food in your inventory.
The blacksmith no longer offers iron ore for sale.
Unfortunately, saves from prior versions of the game will not work in Version 0.82. We recommend skipping quests you’ve already completed using the “New Game+” functionality.
Fixed a crash when buying or selling with your game language set to English.
Fixed an issue with crafting items.
Fixed a bug with health recovery when sleeping.
Fixed a bug in Quest 30 that prevented you from completing the quest if the elf has died.
Fixed a bug in Quest 31 where the drunkard would sometimes never finish furnishing your house.
Saves from Version 0.80 should work with Version 0.81.
v0.80 - 2024-03-01
The main quest line has been successfully concluded. Find out if the hunter finds his sister and what awaits him after defeating Arachne.
Added a new secondary quest, Quest 37: An Unexpected Party. Help the witch locate something she has lost and bring it back to her.
Added a new alternative branch after defeating Arachne: “Slay Arachne.”
Added a new 18+ scene with the arms trader.
Added a new 18+ scene with the witch.
Added a humorous new animation involving Arachne.
New mechanic: lock picking.
Revised and improved some of the early quests.
Crafting 2.0. We have completely rewritten the crafting system, which will be further improved and used in the final version of the game.
Added a new category of item: cooked food. Cooked foods are consumables that offer buffs until the end of the current day.
Added the ability to cook with the maidservant and the elf.
The blacksmith now sells certain crafting materials.
Added new item drops to enemies at the forest, lake, and cave.
Prepared all of the achievements for the Steam version of the game.
Fixed several issues with the combat system.
Fixed many bugs, and probably added some new ones.
And much more.
v0.65 -2024-01-07
The main quest has received its next installment. It’s worth noting that for this update, rather than creating new side quests, we focused all our efforts on the continuation of the main quest. In order to get straight to the new content, use "New Game+" mode and skip all of the quests. Once you load into the town, open your quest log. You should be able to figure out the rest from there.
Added 2 new 18+ scenes with Arachne.
Keep treasure hunting! Get yourself a shovel and go digging for genuine buried treasures! We’ve added 5 new chests containing valuable rewards (making 8 chests in all). The chests aren’t highlighted or anything; you must simply click on them. We’ll give you some tips for those of you who want to find the chests quickly. The first chest is located at the pier by the fisherman’s house. The second chest is located in the grass by the entrance to the cave. The third chest is at the lake, under the sand. Finding a chest is only half the battle — you also need to unlock it. Consequently, we’ve devised puzzles for almost every one of them. It’s worth mentioning that there can only be one hidden chest in any particular location.
Added 2 new minigames (for the chests).
Added a notification system (Beta). Now, when your journal is updated or you give/receive an item or gold, a corresponding notification will pop up.
You can now equip any piece of equipment by double-clicking on it.
Fixed the the intersection of the main quest with Quest 15 sometimes causing the elf’s mother to die before you’re able to speak with her.
You can now close your inventory and journal by pressing the “ESC” key on PC (in addition to the previous methods).
You can now fish in the fishing minigame using your spacebar on PC.
Fixed several bugs in the combat system.
Fixed many other bugs, and likely introduced some new ones.
And much more.
v.0.56 - 2023-11-20
Updated game engine to Ren’Py version 7.6.3. This will improve the stability and performance of the game across all devices.
Improved the English translation and fixed instances when the untranslated text was being shown.
Fixed several combat bugs.
Fixed the cheat code for unlocking the gallery.
Fixed a bug with unlocking 18+ scenes in the gallery in “New Game+” mode after skipping all quests.
v0.55 - 2023-11-02
Implemented the next installment of the main story quest. In it, you’ll get very intimately acquainted with a new character (the governor’s wife) and you’ll be confronted with some challenges.
New quest: Quest 35, “Serenity.” Mirina is distraught that she incinerated an entire grove of the forest. You need to help her figure out how to set things right.
New quest: Quest 36, “Rebirth.” When you stop by the monastery in the afternoon, you notice that Mirina is missing. You should try looking for her in the nuns’ quarters, but you suspect that something is amiss. This quest is a follow-up to Quest 35.
Added a new 18+ scene with the arms trader after you give her the hydra head.
Added a new 18+ scene with a new character (the governor’s wife).
Now you’re not just a hunter, but a treasure hunter! Get yourself a shovel and start digging for some real buried treasure. We’ve added 3 chests that contain valuable rewards. The chests aren’t highlighted or anything; you must simply click on them. We’ll give you some tips for those of you who want to find the chests quickly (spoiler alert): The first chest is located at the pier by the fisherman’s house. The second chest is located in the grass by the entrance to the cave. The third chest is at the lake, under the sand. Finding a chest is only half the battle — you also need to unlock it. Consequently, we’ve devised puzzles for each of them.
Added 2 new minigames (for the chests).
Fixed an error in Quest 33.
Fixed several bugs in the combat system.
Fixed many other bugs, and likely added some new ones.
And much more.
v0.47 - 2023-09-21
Today, we are releasing an updated version of the game, Version 0.47.
Here is the full list of all of the fixes and new features in the game:
Added 6 new battle cards, of which we've previously spoken, to the deck. Battles have become much more interesting. In the future there will be more cards, and at that time we'll remove these 6 new cards from the very beginning of the game and instead give them to the player as rewards for certain quests (as well as for other things).
Fixed the descriptions for all the battle cards.
Changed the font to allow for more space for descriptions.
Fixed the bug in the cave.
Fixed the bug when fighting goblins.
Fixed other, minor bugs related to the game's stability.
This version of the game will not work with saves from prior versions. If you are playing the game on Android: Before installing the new version of the game, you MUST uninstall any old versions of the game. If you don’t do this, you won’t be able to install the game.
v0.46 - 2023-09-14
We’re pleased to present you with Version 0.46, in which we’ve made significant corrections and improvements to the previous version of the game.
Here’s a full list of all of the changes to the game:
Added new materials that will drop from enemies at the lake.
Now, when hovering over a card in combat, the card will enlarge. This mechanic will provide the most detailed descriptions of cards in future updates.
Fixed the game crashing during combats with the new enemies at the lake.
Fixed a bug in Quest 33.
Fixed a bug in the golem battle.
Completely rewrote the code for loot drops, which has brought the number of errors related to drops down to zero.
Fixed the quests that involve fishing. Now one of the two quest-related fish can only be caught at the pier by the fisherman’s house, while the second can only be caught at the lake.
Fixed a bug related to the game crashing in Quest 10.
The chance for goblins to dodge attacks has been reduced to 15%, and Arachne’s dodge rate has been reduced to 20%.
Fixed a discrepancy involving the “Necklace of Strength” item. It now grants +1 to the “Combat Training” skill and +1 to “Armor Fitting.”
Improved the English language translation.
Made some graphical changes to combat.
Fixed many bugs and probably introduced some new ones.
And much more.
This version of the game will not work with saves from prior versions. If you are playing the game on Android: Before installing the new version of the game, you MUST uninstall any old versions of the game. If you don’t do this, you won’t be able to install the game.
v0.45 - 2023-09-01
Today, we are releasing a new update, Version 0.45, in which we’ve added many interesting things.
Here’s a full list of all of the additions and improvements to the game:
New quest: The Newest Strongman. You can get it from the noticeboard at the gallows.
New quest: Hunting the Hunter. This quest is obtainable at the well. It starts automatically after a day if you skip all of the previous quests via the “New Game+” game start.
New quest: The Terror from the Deep. You can get it at the arms trader’s home.
New minigame: Turn-Based Puzzle. This minigame has been implemented in the “The Terror from the Deep” quest. At the moment, it only has 6 levels. We hope that you’ll enjoy it.
New minigame: Escape. This minigame has been implemented in the “Hunting the Hunter” quest.
New location: Cemetery.
New combat location: Lake.
New enemies at the “Lake” location.
In auto-battle mode, you can now choose which enemy will be targeted by the cards you select. You simply need to click on the enemy with auto-battle turned on.
The “Meditation” card now restores 30 health points.
Revised the bleeding and poisoning system in combat.
Damage numbers from bleeding now turn red. Damage numbers from poison now turn green.
Small spiders now hatch from spider eggs.
Small spiders can now grow into regular spiders after 3 turns.
A sprout summoned in combat by an enemy can now grow into a regular plant after 3 turns.
Improved the battle with the Stone Golem.
Improved the battle with Arachne.
Improved the battle with the Bear.
Added a timer before QTE.
Replaced the old combat system with the new one in the battles with the basilisk, elf apparition, and werewolf.
Fixed a bug when using a potion of poisoning protection in combat.
Fixed several bugs in the combat system.
Fixed many errors and probably introduced some new ones.
And much more.
This version of the game will not work with saves from prior versions. If you are playing the game on Android: Before installing the new version of the game, you MUST uninstall any old versions of the game. If you don’t do this, you won’t be able to install the game.
v0.38 - 2023-07-25
Added a “skip” option to the survival minigame in Quest 13 and labyrinth minigame in Quest 22. You can now skip each minigame after the death of the main character.
Added a “+5 Skill Points” option to the cheat menu.
Implemented significant improvements to the combat system that enhance the stability of battles themselves.
Upon killing a goblin, you now get back all of the gold that it stole.
Fixed a bug involving the game freezing after fleeing from monsters.
Fixed a bug involving the game freezing after finishing off a monster with a critical hit.
Fixed a bug involving the game freezing in Quest 13 and Quest 22.
Fixed a bug with sleeping in Quest 31.
v0.37 - 2023-07-18
Fixed a bug with the 32-bit version.
Fixed the bug with crafting at the blacksmith.
Fixed the bug with using cheat codes.
Fixed the bugs related to rings.
Saves from previous versions can no longer be loaded, to avoid breaking the game.
Fixed a bug involving a black background in the monastery.
Fixed a bug involving the background of the global map when trying to hunt at night in the cave.
The game has been switched over to a new version of the Ren’Py engine, Version 7.6.1, which has enhanced the optimization and quality of the project.
The game has been ported to a 64-bit system.
Optimized code navigation. This will reduce the load on the project and eliminate memory corruption.
Fixed bugs and shortcomings in the latest quests.
Fixed a bug in Quest 19 related to the treatment for the malady of the Tavern Keeper's Assistant.
Altered the prices of the arms trader’s goods and also adjusted the price of the quick renovation option for your home.
Altered the recipes for crafting at the blacksmith. The cost of crafting has been lowered.
Altered the damage of different weapon types. A bow now deals about 20% more damage per hit than a sword of the same tier.
Base accuracy for the bow is now 70%. You will miss your target more frequently, which can, however, be remedied by leveling up the corresponding skill.
Added tooltips for leveling skills.
Fine-tuned rings.
Refined the evasion minigame in combat.
Refined all skills.
Leveling skills is significantly faster.
Two skills were removed due to inconsistencies.
Enemies who have the “Escape” skill can now only escape on their next turn.
Fixed a bug with the movement of characters on the battlefield.
Fixed the coordinates for summoned enemies who had previously appeared outside of the screen.
Fixed a bug with the game freezing after finishing off an enemy with a critical hit.
Fixed a bug involving having full health at the beginning of every combat encounter.
Fixed a plot bug. If the elf died, she will now not suddenly appear in your house.
Fixed a bug with item drops from defeated enemies.
Fixed a bug involving a window continually popping up to inform you about the completion of all quests.
Changed some icons in combat mode.
Fixed some errors in the Russian and English translations.
v0.35 - 2023-07-07
The continuation of the main quest! The hunter draws a few steps closer to reuniting with his sister.
New quest: Quest 30, “The Prisoner of Darkness.” Please note that this quest is automatically issued in the tavern one day after the completion of all of the quests of the tavern keeper, blonde nun, and elf.
New quest: Quest 31, “Home Sweet Home.” At long last, the hunter will have his own home.
Improved adult scene with the brunette nun in the bell tower (Live2D).
New combat system: Version 4.0. We have completely rewritten the code of the combat system. Enemies have become stronger, faster, and more interesting. Some of them have been given new abilities. In the following updates, we will implement a variety of new combat ability cards.
New location: “Home.”
New location: “Blacksmith’s House.”
After completing Quest 31, the elf will move in to your house to live with you.
Revised the weapon damage system. Now, you can deal damage within a predefined range. (For example, your sword might deal 28 damage on the first hit, 34 on the second, etc.
Completely overhauled the skill system. There are now 15 of them. (Previously, there were only 3.)
Revised merchants’ pricing. (Some items have become cheaper, some more expensive.)
Fixed many bugs and probably added some new ones.
And much more.
0.26 - 2023-04-16
v0.25 - 2023.03.31
Version 0.25:
New Quest: Quest 27, “Office Chores.” Help the blonde nun procure what she requires. This quest can be obtained from the notice board near the gallows.
New Quest: Quest 28, “The Strange Doll.” By happenstance, an unusual doll falls into your hands, a mystery that you’ll have to solve then and there. This quest will become accessible after completing Quest 27, “Office Chores.” You’ll need to visit the monastery in the evening or night.
New Quest: Quest 29, “The Marionette.” Each day, after you sleep, you feel worse and worse. You sleep a lot, but can never sleep enough to feel rested. What’s happening to you? This quest will begin after completing Quest 28, “The Strange Doll.” You’ll need to go to sleep.
New 18+ scene with Mirina in her cell (animated with Live2D). After all of Mirina’s quests have been completed, visit the nun’s cell and you’ll enjoy an unforgettable time together.
New 18+ scene with the blonde nun (animated with Live2D). Automatically unlocked in Quest 28, “The Strange Doll.”
Several more 18+ scenes with the blonde nun. Automatically unlocked in Quest 29, “The Marionette.”
Finalized and improved Quest 15, “The Family Heirloom.” The hunter can now help to summon the spirit of the elf’s mother in order to free himself of his guilt and tell the elf the whole truth. As a result, the elf will hold no ill will toward him and will remain alive. To summon her mother’s spirit, you need to arrive on time for your meeting with her in the forest. You’ll also need to make the right dialogue choice when speaking with the elf.
Finalized and improved Quest 13, “Nature’s Wrath.” We’ve added a new stage to hunting down the dendroid: a survival minigame. If it turns out to be too difficult to you, after dying you can change the difficulty setting for said minigame.
Added a new button in the stages leading up to every boss encounter to allow you to access your inventory.
Fine-tuned the sprites of the nuns.
Fixed many bugs and probably introduced some new ones.
And much more.
v0.16 - 023-02-07
Added Chinese language support!
Fixed a bug in Quest 24.
Improved the minigame for catching the horse in the field.
Improved the minigame for the chase by brigands. On monitors with high refresh rates, these two minigames will no longer be accelerated.
Fixed many other bugs, and probably added some new ones.
And much more.
Version 0.15a: - 2023-01-07
New quest: “The Drunken Mare.” In this quest, you’ll help the tavern keeper make all the necessary preparations to purchase some good booze.
New quest: “Mercantile Machinations.” You’ll have to face off with some malevolent merchants who don’t consider it necessary to keep their word.
New quest: “The Best Candidate.” The tavern keeper is looking to find himself a female assistant for a cushy job in the tavern. This quest is issued automatically after completing the “Mercantile Machinations” quest.
New quest: “The Picnic.” At times, even the simplest forms of outdoor recreation can turn into something terrifying.
New minigames in quests: “Keep Your Balance on a Horse,” “Clicks on the Screen,” and “Pursuit.”
Now, from the very beginning of the game onward, the tavern is available for lodging only. Customers will only appear in the tavern once you’ve completed the “Mercantile Machinations” quest.
The price of lodging in the tavern has doubled. But don’t worry - after the tavern fully reopens, the tavern keeper will thank you with a 50% discount on lodging.
Added several new music tracks.
Fixed many bugs, and probably added some new ones.
And much more.
Knightly Passions (DLC: In the Grip of Ice)
DLC: Between Life and Death - 2022.10.26
NOTE:Nothing transfers into or out off this DLC
KEEP OLD SAVE as this is a separate instance of the game from the main story
In creators own words
Q: " Is this different from the previously released halloween version?"
A:" There are minor changes in translation, mechanics and a couple of pictures. It's basically the same add-on that people have seen before."
We present to your attention a special DLC for Knightly Passions entitled “Between Life and Death.” In said add-on, you’ll be obliged to go on an exceptionally exciting excursion into the underworld. Souls of the dead, decaying dragons, and other spawns of darkness will do everything they can to keep you from returning to see the sun ever again. But even in these blood-soaked wastes, the hunter won’t be bereft of the assistance of beauties, though they may not be entirely human. Will the intrepid hunter manage to overcome the trials and tribulations on his difficult road? And will he be able to outwit the Lord of the Damned himself to rescue a lost soul from the maw of hell?
Version 0.10c:
Fixes the global map button bug.
Ensures the English version of the game properly displays all text in English (not Russian).
Various minor adjustments and improvements.
Fixed a bug involving the "Map" button.
Fixed a bug when dealing a critical hit in combat.
Fixed a bug involving the use of vials of antidote.
Fixed a bug involving bears' "Steel Claws" combat ability.
Fixed a bug involving items in Quests 20 and 21. The wine and the Iskandria fish now disappear from your inventory at the intended time.
Improved the English translation of the game, especially with regard to the new content.
Added a new animation for bears' "Rage" combat ability.
If you're playing on PC, hitting the spacebar during a critical hit will launch the attack. Pressing the spacebar any other time during combat still ends your turn as normal.
Improved the musical accompaniment in the new quests.
Added a "Leave" button to the arm wrestling interface.
Updated the in-game "thank you" list.
Saves from Version 0.10a are fully compatible with Version 0.10b.
v.0.10a -22.10.04
New quest: A New World. The current 18+ scenes with the elf will now become available after completing this quest.
New quest: The Herbalist’s Secrets. After this quest, search out Mirina in the field - she’ll thank you generously.
New quest: The Stone Jungle. The arms trader will now give you new contracts for monster heads.
New location in the poor district: the arms trader’s house.
New location on the global map: the Glade of Death.
New adult animated scene with Mirina (Live2D).
New adult animated scene with the arms trader (Live2D).
The game has been ported to the latest version of the Ren’Py engine (Version 7.5.3). This will make the game more stable on all platforms (especially on Android).
Combat System 3.0. Let’s go over it all in sequence, from most to least significant. An auto-move button has been added in combat that allows the player to click a single time on a skill card to use it (no additional clicking to select the card’s target, which significantly speeds up battles). While in this mode, attack cards will automatically target the first eligible enemy, while defense and healing cards will target the player. Additionally, in this mode, cards no longer disappear and animations are much faster. We’ve also changed the exterior design of the combat system. We’ve started implementing new cards that you’ll see in the next updates. You can now swap between weapons in combat (bow/sword). You can now end your turn by hitting the space bar if you use a keyboard.
Updated the design of the arm wrestling starting screen.
Added new enemies in the forest (bears) and in the cave (dire bats, goblin archers, and goblin shamans).
New skill: “Vampirism.” This skill allows enemies to deal damage while also regaining health.
New skill: “Rage.” This skill triggers if you make an enemy angry. In this mode, enemies will deal more damage than normal.
New skill: “Iron Fur.” When an enemy uses this skill, they receive armor that can carry over to the next turn if you don’t break through it.
New skill: “Steel Claws.” An enemy using this skill can bypass armor the player acquires during combat, dealing damage directly to the player’s health.
Updated the item system. Armor, weapons, and certain quest items now have their own rarity levels. In the future, we’ll expand the current list of item rarity.
Combat balance has been completely reworked. The player now has 500 HP instead of 100 HP. The health and attack of all enemies have also grown several times larger.
Wounds heal when you sleep. Six hours of sleep in the tavern now restores 50 HP.
Made some textual revisions to Quests 2, 8, and 15.
Fixed many bugs and probably added some new ones.
And much more!
Version 0.9c:
Transferred the game to a new version of the Ren'Py engine (7.5.1).
Fixed a bug in Quest 15 involving catching a dove in the field.
Fixed crashes while fishing.
Increased the probability of randomly unlocking the adult scenes in the brunette nun's cell in the evening (scene 8 in the gallery).
Fixed a bug in the combat system when making a critical hit.
Fixed bugs in the gallery.
Added a convenient "Skip All" button in New Game+ game starts that allows you to choose to skip all 17 currently skippable quests at once.
Enhanced New Game+ functionality; when skipping quests, the adult scenes from all of the quests you skip will now automatically unlock in the gallery.
Reduced the size of the game files by about ~50 MB (removed the old frame-by-frame animations that've been replaced with Live2D animations).
Version 0.9b:
The game has been ported to the latest Ren'Py engine, Version 7.5.0. This will make the game more stable on both PC and Android.
Fixed a bug involving using a cheat code to increase the hunter's health.
Fixed a rare bug involving fishing.
Implemented some fixes in the Gallery so that it now works as intended.
The main quest has received an expansion! You can now get a few steps closer to finding your sister.
New quest: “A Liberating Outfit.” This is the final quest in the elf’s plotline, which smoothly segues into her adult content.
New quest: “The Young Warrior.” In this quest, you’ll be able to help the peasant boy recover his stolen toy.
Two new characters make their first appearances in the game: the Governor and the Vampire.
Added a new location: The Vampire’s House
Added two minigames: “Chase for Prey” and “Last Stick.” You’ll encounter the first one in the main quest, while the second can be found in “The Young Warrior” quest.
Improved the witch’s 18+ animations in Quest 3 (Live2D).
Improved the elf’s “Doggy Style” 18+ animations (Live2D).
The combat system has been completely rewritten and enhanced. You can expect to see more new cards, enemies, abilities, buffs, and debuffs in future updates.
Updated the design of the battle interface.
Improved critical hit mechanics. The player can now make the hunter deal triple damage by hitting a button at the appropriate time.
Updated the algorithm for auto-battles in hunting mode. The damage caused by auto-battles now adjusts based on the number of enemies and the hunter’s damage.
If the hunter hunts in the forest during Quest 15, he can now encounter the elf’s mother.
Added fishing training.
The difficulty of catching fish now scales based on your level of Hunting Instinct. If your Hunting Instinct level is above 20, then the difficulty of fishing is trivial.
Simplified catching an Icarius in Quest 17.
Fishing is no longer available in the evening or at night.
Updated arm wrestling. Bonuses and traps in the minigame have been enhanced. Before the start of an arm-wrestling bout, your opponent’s difficulty level is now shown. In the same window, you can also receive arm-wrestling training.
Updated the pause menu. We’ve implemented “Main Menu” and “Exit” buttons, which allow you to go to the game’s main menu or exit the game entirely, respectively.
Added some new NPC dialogues.
Added more options in some existing quests.
Improved the English translation.
Improved quest streamlining.
Updated the game’s exit screen.
Added new dialogue option icons.
Fixed a rare bug that broke the navigation screen at the end of the game.
Fixed a bug with prices in the tavern after the bartender sobers up.
Also fixed many other bugs, and probably added some new ones.
And much more!
Fixed yet another bug when arm wrestling with the old man/merchant.
The elven druid boss’s stun attack now takes 3 points of stamina away from the hunter instead of 1.
Fixed the “stun” debuff being applied multiple times when fighting boars and other enemies using a stun attack.
Fixed a bug involving armor values being zeroed out prematurely during fights with several opponents.
Fixed a substitution bug with traders’ inventories that could cause crashes when attempting to purchase bread.
Fixed several other bugs involving the combat system.
Ensured saves from 0.8a and 0.8b work with the latest version of the game (0.8c).
Knightly Passions 0.8a! RELEASE!
Dear friends,
We are delighted to present you with a new release of Knightly Passions - Version 0.8a. This update wasn’t an easy one for us because every member of our team caught the coronavirus at some point during this production cycle. That could’ve forced us to delay the release until April, but no, we managed to finish the release on time!
So, let’s take a look at what you can expect to find in the new update:
New quest: “The Family Heirloom.” In it, we continue to discover more about the elf’s character.
New quest: “The World of Trading.” A cute and romantic story involving Mirina :3
New quest: “The Forest Cove.” This is a quest that will, in future updates, introduce us to a new character.
Remade the adult scenes in the brunette nun’s cell in Live2D.
Remade 2 adult scenes with the elf in Live2D.
Added beautiful music that immerses you more deeply in the game for the new quests.
Completely overhauled hunting and slightly improved the combat system. You can now hunt several creatures at once by choosing to face one to three enemies.
Your level of Hunting Instinct now allows you to gain the dodge effect right in the middle of battles. The higher your level of Hunting Instinct, the higher your chance of gaining the dodge effect.
The item drop rate is now tied to Hunting Instinct. Each additional level increases the chances of rare items dropping.
Added auto-battle functionality to hunting mode. To unlock it, you need to conduct three successful hunts for animals of the given variety and number. For instance, in order to unlock auto-battles when facing three wolves, you’ll need to defeat packs of three wolves three times in normal combat. Auto-battles cost the hunter 30 HP.
You can now arm wrestle with the fisherman and the blacksmith.
Arm wrestling difficulty is now impacted by your level of Combat Training. The higher your Combat Training, the easier it will be to defeat your opponent.
The price of items is now dependent on your Charisma level. The higher your Charisma, the lower the cost of the goods you buy and the higher the selling price for your own items.
Added the “Lacerating Strike” skill card, which inflicts the bleeding condition on enemies. You can obtain it by defeating the blacksmith at arm wrestling.
Added an “enhanced fishing rod,” which grants you a 15% chance to catch a variety of items in the lake (including artifacts).
Added the “Potion of Oblivion.” It resets all stats, allowing skill points to be reallocated. It’s currently sold by the witch.
The Gallery now fully unlocks when unlocked via cheat codes (including all of the scenes with the elf and the brunette nun).
Improved the “New Game+” feature by adding the ability to skip Quests 11 through 14. (Previously, only the first 10 quests were skippable).
Added a convenient button in the navigation window to allocate unspent Skill Points.
Improved the English translations of Quests 5 through 9.
You now won’t be able to flee from combat during the combat tutorial. Previously, running away from the combat during the tutorial caused a critical error.
Fixed the tooltips on how to unlock each adult scene in the Gallery.
Fixed a bug with the appearance of the maid in the market in “New Game+” games.
Fixed trading bugs.
Fixed bugs when crafting items at the blacksmith.
Fixed bugs with the Cave location.
Also fixed many other bugs and probably added some new ones.
And much more!
This release focuses on the Christmas / New Year event. In this update, we’ve focused on improving the event’s English translation, adding original music, upgrading the adult scenes, and fixing the bugs people encountered in last year’s event.
In this update, we’ve also successfully switched the game over to a new version of the game engine, which means that the game will be much more stable on all devices.
This version features the Halloween Event. In it, you will find new characters, new animated adult scenes, new mechanics, lovely music, and, of course, an interesting plotline.
Improved Quest 14 (“The Astral Entity”). It now looks the way we originally envisioned it. Two new mechanics have been added to the quest: QTEs (quick time events) and the boss battle.
The “Completed Quests” tab has been added to the journal. You can now easily determine which quests you have completed.
Added a “New Game+” section, which allows you to skip the first ten quests.
We’ve reorganized the Gallery. It now only has slots for replays of scenes available in the current version of the game.
We’ve straightened out the way quests are numbered.
If you equip the amulet the nun gives you, an additional card will now appear in your battle deck, granting you one free action point when used.
Fixed a bug with the pages in the player’s and vendors’ inventories. The pages now turn as expected.
Fixed some code involving the brunette nun in the bell tower. Your rendezvous will now be more varied.
Fixed the bonuses granted by the “Ring of Freedom.” The item’s effects now match their description.
You can now only visit the fisherman during the day.
Many other bugs have been fixed, and some new ones have probably been added.
And much more!
Attention! This game version will not work with saves from previous versions. If you are playing the game on Android: before installing a new version of the game, ALWAYS uninstall the previous version of the game. If you don’t do this, errors will occur in the game.
Fine-tuned the English translation of Quests 11 - 14.
Improved two of the comic-style illustrations in Quest 14, including adding color (they were previously black-and-white).
Added the ability to unlock the entire gallery (minus special event scenes and inaccessible scenes) via the cheat menu.
Added a warning before deleting an item from your inventory.
Fixed a bug with the strands of spider silk in the fisherman’s quest (Quest 12).
Fixed a bug involving the maid’s cherries.
Removed individual cherries from the game (leaving only the bowl of cherries purchasable) to avoid confusion among players about the cherry requirement in Quest 11.
Attention! This game version will not work with saves from previous versions. If you are playing the game on Android: before installing a new version of the game, ALWAYS uninstall the previous version of the game. If you don’t do this, errors will occur in the game.
New Quest: The Forest Guest. In this quest, you’ll learn how the elf came to be in the tavern.
New Quest: Astral Essence. This quest is the sequel to “The Forest Guest.”
New Quest: Nature’s Wrath. You can get this quest by reading the flyers on the quest board and then speaking with the arms trader.
New Quest: Stronger Than Steel. The fisherman will give you this quest.
New Adult Scene with the brunette nun. Drop by her cell one night when she’s sleeping naked on the bed.
New Adult Scene with the elf.
New Mechanic: The fishing mini-game. You’ll need a fishing rod to play.
New Mechanic: A “try-to-catch” mini-game. It’s involved in “The Forest Guest.”
Added a new outfit for the elf.
Added a new character: The Fisherman.
Improved the red-haired nun’s outfit.
New Location: The tavern’s second floor.
New Location: The fisherman’s house.
New Location: The dock (near the fisherman’s house)
Added short descriptions of the “upcoming action” icons that appear above enemies’ heads in the combat system.
Items dropped by enemies can now be sold for around 50% more gold. It’s now easier to farm gold by selling those drops.
A “rollback” function is now available! You can scroll back through past dialogs via the mouse wheel (for mobile users, a “back” button has been added at the bottom of the dialogue box).
Sleeping now restores 10 HP per 6 hours slept.
Added items that can grant +attack, +defense, and +skill bonuses.
A powerful sword is now available through cheats that can destroy any enemy in a single strike.
Fixed a critical bug that was preventing plot progression in Quest 8.
Fixed many other bugs and probably added some new ones.
And much more!
We have completely reworked the prologue and quests 1 through 4. The English translation has also been improved in those plotlines.
New character: The blacksmith.
New mechanic: Crafting! You can now craft items with the blacksmith, saving a good deal of money compared to simply purchasing the items.
New mechanic: You can now sleep on the bench outside of the tavern by clicking on the hourglass instead of paying for a room. Be careful - you may be robbed or your health may deteriorate if you choose to sleep in such a risky location.
The soundtrack has become much more diverse.
There’s a new 18+ scene in Quest 2.
Charisma now affects the price of goods. The higher your level of charisma, the lower the cost of items you buy, and the higher the price of items you sell to traders.
The vegetables that the old man sells only add HP.
We’ve temporarily removed the 18+ scene with the nuns from Quest 1. Don’t worry, it will come back in a later update once we’ve reworked it!
Fixed a combat bug involving the defense of enemies.
Fixed a bug when buying wine.
We fixed many other bugs and added new ones.
And much more.
Dear Friends!
We are pleased to present you our new version of the game "Knightly Passions".
So, what's in store for you in the new version:
Combat system 2.0. Enemies have acquired skills, and the main character can receive cards as a reward. There are now 6 cards in hand, and they are not discarded if you have not used them. You can also use potions in battle;
Music and sounds have appeared in the game. The game now looks more atmospheric than before;
2 new quests: "Polaris" and "Lost and not found";
4 new 18+ scenes;
New characters;
New locations;
Hero skills have been added to the game: Combat Training, Charisma, Hunting Instinct;
Disabled "Magic Book" and all 2 add-ons. This is a temporary measure;
Reworked some missions to move away from linearity;
Most of the locations are open at the very beginning of the game;
Fixed critical bugs in the combat system;
And much more.
Updated! Bug with buying wine fixed!
- New Gallery! Now from the gallery you can replay an 18+ moment in the game with text and all its features;
- Now you can spy on nuns not only at night, but also in the evening. If you visit them in the evening, everyone will be busy with their own business. If you visit them at night, they will fall asleep(In the future, we are planning many interactions in cells with the main character);
- Changed 2 animations in the brunette's cell (instead of 2-frame animation - 60 frames);
- Mac version;
- Added small tips in the gallery (activated when you hover over a cell). The gallery has become easier to open;
- Reworked meeting with the elf (added a choice of poses that opens gradually);
- Fixed numerous bugs in the "Magic Book" (now you can skip missions without problems, without encountering errors);
- The quest with the red-haired nun in the field has been improved (while the nun is with the executioner, she will not appear either in the cell or in the monastery);
- The quest with a brunette nun has been improved;
- Removed cheat codes for opening the entire gallery (made on purpose so that interest in the game does not disappear);
- And other minor additions and changes.
v0.3b Fix
Bugs in grind quests have been fixed;
The quest "Influence of the Unknown" has been improved;
Now all the nuns sleep at night (if they are in the monastery);
Numerous bugs have been fixed in the "Second Chance" quest;
Added "Second Chance" quest skip in the magic book;
Added the ability to unlock the entire gallery to cheat codes;
And other small changes.
An unusual and exciting plot;
New scenes for adults (where can we go without them);
New characters;
The characters are revealed more and more, although the plot of the event has nothing to do with the main game;
New locations;
A small spoiler for the future character;
And much more.
Animation! Most of 18+ scenes have been reworked. The animation now consists of 25-80 frames instead of two;
Two new quests with nuns;
Global map;
You can now use cheat codes. They must be enabled in the game settings, then enter the password. Use whoever needs it ;)
Added the ability to skip missions (so as not to go through them again). [BETTA, needs testing];
Reworked the city map (added a lot of locations that will open over time);
The bulletin board is now open! There you will find 3 grind missions;
New location: Field;
Now you can choose who to hunt in the forest and in the cave;
The maid now trades in the market the next day after we advise her to the trader;
The girl trader now sits in the tavern at night;
Added service in the morning at the Monastery;
Pat-Pat for the red-haired nun;
Now the potion bought from the witch gives more health. Instead of 25 HP, it will restore 50 HP. The price is still 50 gold;
Sleep restores 5 HP every 6 hours;
The cost of an overnight stay has been doubled;
Added description of the item on hover, after the drop;
Fixed bugs in the combat system;
When hovering over an object / character - a hint pops up what kind of object / character it is;
Improved thank you button;
Fixed a bugs in the "Fifteen" game;
Correction of other shortcomings and errors;
And much more.
-Improved emotions of a brunette nun (when you spy on her at night);
-Added a comic, where Arachne jumps into the portal;
-After we see Arachne in the game, she will replace the elf in the main menu;
-Added Dismemberment (immediately after the salvation of the maidservant);
-Added secret character in letters from sister;
-Bugs fixed.
Added skip button in minigame "15";
A new picture was added: “A blow to the head of Arachne with a sword”;
Improved sex scene with a witch;
Improved sex scene with an elf;
Improved tavern owner picture;
The map and statuette after the quest disappear in inventory;
Fixed some bugs in the battle;
-All missions from 0.1 were completely or partially redone;
-The main quest begins to develop;
-2 new quests;
-3 new adult scenes;
-3 new characters;
-Mini game: battle (v 1.0);
-Mini game: Fifteen;
-Minigame: Clicker;
-Added Gallery;
-All characters in the dialogue now blink;
-Font changed. Now it is more suited to the style of the game;
-New items, weapons, armor;
-Now in arm wrestling with the old man, instead of 10 gold coins - you can win 50;
-Redesigned button "Acknowledgments";
-The game takes about 150 megabytes (for comparison: 0.1 version ~ 300 megabytes);
-And much more.
Initial Release
v1.21 Steam Gold
Fixed a crash when loading old saves. Friends, please remember not to try loading saves from a demo version of the game or a version preceding the 1.0 release. If you attempt to load such a save, you’ll encounter errors because the old save does not know how to correctly interact with the many new mechanics we’ve implemented in subsequent versions of the game, causing a version conflict.
Fixed a rare game crash related to catching artifacts while fishing.
Cheat codes now correctly unlock all of the 18+ gallery scenes.
v1.03 Steam Gold - 2024-05-11
- Added two difficulty modes, “Adventure” and “Tactical.” It’s important to note that in Tactical mode, you can’t skip minigames and the game is a little more difficult.
- Added three tiers to combat skill cards. You can spend Renown Points to upgrade skill cards in the place of power near the cave.
- Added new hunting contracts. There are now 10 of them in total.
- Added new trophies to the arms trader’s house.
- In certain locations, items that can be picked up have appeared (flowers and gold coins).
- Replaced the farewell screen with credits.
- Expanded the game’s ending.
- Revamped the skill system. Skills must now be unlocked before they can be leveled up.
- Added a new 18+ scene with the maidservant.
- Implemented potion crafting with Mirina.
- Added the Wandering Trader to the tavern. He’ll show up in the tavern after you complete any 13 quests. From him, you can purchase: 1 book to unlock a new combat skill card, 3 books that grant you additional skill points, an artifact that will help you locate all of the hidden chests, and various pieces of jewelry.
- Added new loot drops from defeated monsters.
- The arm’s traders inventory now updates every day. You’re unlikely to be able to buy back anything you’ve sold her if it’s no longer the same day you sold it to her.
- Revamped the design of the QTE minigame buttons.
- Added new gear (there are now 8 tiers of weapons and 6 tiers of armor). The highest-tier equipment is mostly scattered across various quests and chests.
- Updated blacksmith crafting recipes.
- Globally rebalanced items, trading, combat, etc.
- Fixed many old bugs and added some new ones.
- And much more.
v1.0 - Steam Gold
The update is related to fixing a bug when loading saves.
The game engine has been upgraded to a new version of the Ren’Py engine, Version 7.7.1. This will make the game more stable and playable.
Fixed a bug that occurred when interacting with cooked food.
Fixed a bug that occurred while viewing the petition, your sister’s portrait, or written notes.
Fixed a bug related to skills that occurred when using a Potion of Oblivion.
Fixed healing potions. Now, they cannot be used when the hunter’s health is already full.
Fixed a bug in Quest 30 that could occur if the elf had died.
Combat action points now increase correctly when using cooked food or cheat codes.
Fixed a crash when trading with cooked food in your inventory.
The blacksmith no longer offers iron ore for sale.
Unfortunately, saves from prior versions of the game will not work in Version 0.82. We recommend skipping quests you’ve already completed using the “New Game+” functionality.
Fixed a crash when buying or selling with your game language set to English.
Fixed an issue with crafting items.
Fixed a bug with health recovery when sleeping.
Fixed a bug in Quest 30 that prevented you from completing the quest if the elf has died.
Fixed a bug in Quest 31 where the drunkard would sometimes never finish furnishing your house.
Saves from Version 0.80 should work with Version 0.81.
v0.80 - 2024-03-01
The main quest line has been successfully concluded. Find out if the hunter finds his sister and what awaits him after defeating Arachne.
Added a new secondary quest, Quest 37: An Unexpected Party. Help the witch locate something she has lost and bring it back to her.
Added a new alternative branch after defeating Arachne: “Slay Arachne.”
Added a new 18+ scene with the arms trader.
Added a new 18+ scene with the witch.
Added a humorous new animation involving Arachne.
New mechanic: lock picking.
Revised and improved some of the early quests.
Crafting 2.0. We have completely rewritten the crafting system, which will be further improved and used in the final version of the game.
Added a new category of item: cooked food. Cooked foods are consumables that offer buffs until the end of the current day.
Added the ability to cook with the maidservant and the elf.
The blacksmith now sells certain crafting materials.
Added new item drops to enemies at the forest, lake, and cave.
Prepared all of the achievements for the Steam version of the game.
Fixed several issues with the combat system.
Fixed many bugs, and probably added some new ones.
And much more.
v0.65 -2024-01-07
The main quest has received its next installment. It’s worth noting that for this update, rather than creating new side quests, we focused all our efforts on the continuation of the main quest. In order to get straight to the new content, use "New Game+" mode and skip all of the quests. Once you load into the town, open your quest log. You should be able to figure out the rest from there.
Added 2 new 18+ scenes with Arachne.
Keep treasure hunting! Get yourself a shovel and go digging for genuine buried treasures! We’ve added 5 new chests containing valuable rewards (making 8 chests in all). The chests aren’t highlighted or anything; you must simply click on them. We’ll give you some tips for those of you who want to find the chests quickly. The first chest is located at the pier by the fisherman’s house. The second chest is located in the grass by the entrance to the cave. The third chest is at the lake, under the sand. Finding a chest is only half the battle — you also need to unlock it. Consequently, we’ve devised puzzles for almost every one of them. It’s worth mentioning that there can only be one hidden chest in any particular location.
Added 2 new minigames (for the chests).
Added a notification system (Beta). Now, when your journal is updated or you give/receive an item or gold, a corresponding notification will pop up.
You can now equip any piece of equipment by double-clicking on it.
Fixed the the intersection of the main quest with Quest 15 sometimes causing the elf’s mother to die before you’re able to speak with her.
You can now close your inventory and journal by pressing the “ESC” key on PC (in addition to the previous methods).
You can now fish in the fishing minigame using your spacebar on PC.
Fixed several bugs in the combat system.
Fixed many other bugs, and likely introduced some new ones.
And much more.
v.0.56 - 2023-11-20
Updated game engine to Ren’Py version 7.6.3. This will improve the stability and performance of the game across all devices.
Improved the English translation and fixed instances when the untranslated text was being shown.
Fixed several combat bugs.
Fixed the cheat code for unlocking the gallery.
Fixed a bug with unlocking 18+ scenes in the gallery in “New Game+” mode after skipping all quests.
v0.55 - 2023-11-02
Implemented the next installment of the main story quest. In it, you’ll get very intimately acquainted with a new character (the governor’s wife) and you’ll be confronted with some challenges.
New quest: Quest 35, “Serenity.” Mirina is distraught that she incinerated an entire grove of the forest. You need to help her figure out how to set things right.
New quest: Quest 36, “Rebirth.” When you stop by the monastery in the afternoon, you notice that Mirina is missing. You should try looking for her in the nuns’ quarters, but you suspect that something is amiss. This quest is a follow-up to Quest 35.
Added a new 18+ scene with the arms trader after you give her the hydra head.
Added a new 18+ scene with a new character (the governor’s wife).
Now you’re not just a hunter, but a treasure hunter! Get yourself a shovel and start digging for some real buried treasure. We’ve added 3 chests that contain valuable rewards. The chests aren’t highlighted or anything; you must simply click on them. We’ll give you some tips for those of you who want to find the chests quickly (spoiler alert): The first chest is located at the pier by the fisherman’s house. The second chest is located in the grass by the entrance to the cave. The third chest is at the lake, under the sand. Finding a chest is only half the battle — you also need to unlock it. Consequently, we’ve devised puzzles for each of them.
Added 2 new minigames (for the chests).
Fixed an error in Quest 33.
Fixed several bugs in the combat system.
Fixed many other bugs, and likely added some new ones.
And much more.
v0.47 - 2023-09-21
Today, we are releasing an updated version of the game, Version 0.47.
Here is the full list of all of the fixes and new features in the game:
Added 6 new battle cards, of which we've previously spoken, to the deck. Battles have become much more interesting. In the future there will be more cards, and at that time we'll remove these 6 new cards from the very beginning of the game and instead give them to the player as rewards for certain quests (as well as for other things).
Fixed the descriptions for all the battle cards.
Changed the font to allow for more space for descriptions.
Fixed the bug in the cave.
Fixed the bug when fighting goblins.
Fixed other, minor bugs related to the game's stability.
This version of the game will not work with saves from prior versions. If you are playing the game on Android: Before installing the new version of the game, you MUST uninstall any old versions of the game. If you don’t do this, you won’t be able to install the game.
v0.46 - 2023-09-14
We’re pleased to present you with Version 0.46, in which we’ve made significant corrections and improvements to the previous version of the game.
Here’s a full list of all of the changes to the game:
Added new materials that will drop from enemies at the lake.
Now, when hovering over a card in combat, the card will enlarge. This mechanic will provide the most detailed descriptions of cards in future updates.
Fixed the game crashing during combats with the new enemies at the lake.
Fixed a bug in Quest 33.
Fixed a bug in the golem battle.
Completely rewrote the code for loot drops, which has brought the number of errors related to drops down to zero.
Fixed the quests that involve fishing. Now one of the two quest-related fish can only be caught at the pier by the fisherman’s house, while the second can only be caught at the lake.
Fixed a bug related to the game crashing in Quest 10.
The chance for goblins to dodge attacks has been reduced to 15%, and Arachne’s dodge rate has been reduced to 20%.
Fixed a discrepancy involving the “Necklace of Strength” item. It now grants +1 to the “Combat Training” skill and +1 to “Armor Fitting.”
Improved the English language translation.
Made some graphical changes to combat.
Fixed many bugs and probably introduced some new ones.
And much more.
This version of the game will not work with saves from prior versions. If you are playing the game on Android: Before installing the new version of the game, you MUST uninstall any old versions of the game. If you don’t do this, you won’t be able to install the game.
v0.45 - 2023-09-01
Today, we are releasing a new update, Version 0.45, in which we’ve added many interesting things.
Here’s a full list of all of the additions and improvements to the game:
New quest: The Newest Strongman. You can get it from the noticeboard at the gallows.
New quest: Hunting the Hunter. This quest is obtainable at the well. It starts automatically after a day if you skip all of the previous quests via the “New Game+” game start.
New quest: The Terror from the Deep. You can get it at the arms trader’s home.
New minigame: Turn-Based Puzzle. This minigame has been implemented in the “The Terror from the Deep” quest. At the moment, it only has 6 levels. We hope that you’ll enjoy it.
New minigame: Escape. This minigame has been implemented in the “Hunting the Hunter” quest.
New location: Cemetery.
New combat location: Lake.
New enemies at the “Lake” location.
In auto-battle mode, you can now choose which enemy will be targeted by the cards you select. You simply need to click on the enemy with auto-battle turned on.
The “Meditation” card now restores 30 health points.
Revised the bleeding and poisoning system in combat.
Damage numbers from bleeding now turn red. Damage numbers from poison now turn green.
Small spiders now hatch from spider eggs.
Small spiders can now grow into regular spiders after 3 turns.
A sprout summoned in combat by an enemy can now grow into a regular plant after 3 turns.
Improved the battle with the Stone Golem.
Improved the battle with Arachne.
Improved the battle with the Bear.
Added a timer before QTE.
Replaced the old combat system with the new one in the battles with the basilisk, elf apparition, and werewolf.
Fixed a bug when using a potion of poisoning protection in combat.
Fixed several bugs in the combat system.
Fixed many errors and probably introduced some new ones.
And much more.
This version of the game will not work with saves from prior versions. If you are playing the game on Android: Before installing the new version of the game, you MUST uninstall any old versions of the game. If you don’t do this, you won’t be able to install the game.
v0.38 - 2023-07-25
Added a “skip” option to the survival minigame in Quest 13 and labyrinth minigame in Quest 22. You can now skip each minigame after the death of the main character.
Added a “+5 Skill Points” option to the cheat menu.
Implemented significant improvements to the combat system that enhance the stability of battles themselves.
Upon killing a goblin, you now get back all of the gold that it stole.
Fixed a bug involving the game freezing after fleeing from monsters.
Fixed a bug involving the game freezing after finishing off a monster with a critical hit.
Fixed a bug involving the game freezing in Quest 13 and Quest 22.
Fixed a bug with sleeping in Quest 31.
v0.37 - 2023-07-18
Fixed a bug with the 32-bit version.
Fixed the bug with crafting at the blacksmith.
Fixed the bug with using cheat codes.
Fixed the bugs related to rings.
Saves from previous versions can no longer be loaded, to avoid breaking the game.
Fixed a bug involving a black background in the monastery.
Fixed a bug involving the background of the global map when trying to hunt at night in the cave.
The game has been switched over to a new version of the Ren’Py engine, Version 7.6.1, which has enhanced the optimization and quality of the project.
The game has been ported to a 64-bit system.
Optimized code navigation. This will reduce the load on the project and eliminate memory corruption.
Fixed bugs and shortcomings in the latest quests.
Fixed a bug in Quest 19 related to the treatment for the malady of the Tavern Keeper's Assistant.
Altered the prices of the arms trader’s goods and also adjusted the price of the quick renovation option for your home.
Altered the recipes for crafting at the blacksmith. The cost of crafting has been lowered.
Altered the damage of different weapon types. A bow now deals about 20% more damage per hit than a sword of the same tier.
Base accuracy for the bow is now 70%. You will miss your target more frequently, which can, however, be remedied by leveling up the corresponding skill.
Added tooltips for leveling skills.
Fine-tuned rings.
Refined the evasion minigame in combat.
Refined all skills.
Leveling skills is significantly faster.
Two skills were removed due to inconsistencies.
Enemies who have the “Escape” skill can now only escape on their next turn.
Fixed a bug with the movement of characters on the battlefield.
Fixed the coordinates for summoned enemies who had previously appeared outside of the screen.
Fixed a bug with the game freezing after finishing off an enemy with a critical hit.
Fixed a bug involving having full health at the beginning of every combat encounter.
Fixed a plot bug. If the elf died, she will now not suddenly appear in your house.
Fixed a bug with item drops from defeated enemies.
Fixed a bug involving a window continually popping up to inform you about the completion of all quests.
Changed some icons in combat mode.
Fixed some errors in the Russian and English translations.
v0.35 - 2023-07-07
The continuation of the main quest! The hunter draws a few steps closer to reuniting with his sister.
New quest: Quest 30, “The Prisoner of Darkness.” Please note that this quest is automatically issued in the tavern one day after the completion of all of the quests of the tavern keeper, blonde nun, and elf.
New quest: Quest 31, “Home Sweet Home.” At long last, the hunter will have his own home.
Improved adult scene with the brunette nun in the bell tower (Live2D).
New combat system: Version 4.0. We have completely rewritten the code of the combat system. Enemies have become stronger, faster, and more interesting. Some of them have been given new abilities. In the following updates, we will implement a variety of new combat ability cards.
New location: “Home.”
New location: “Blacksmith’s House.”
After completing Quest 31, the elf will move in to your house to live with you.
Revised the weapon damage system. Now, you can deal damage within a predefined range. (For example, your sword might deal 28 damage on the first hit, 34 on the second, etc.
Completely overhauled the skill system. There are now 15 of them. (Previously, there were only 3.)
Revised merchants’ pricing. (Some items have become cheaper, some more expensive.)
Fixed many bugs and probably added some new ones.
And much more.
0.26 - 2023-04-16
v0.25 - 2023.03.31
Version 0.25:
New Quest: Quest 27, “Office Chores.” Help the blonde nun procure what she requires. This quest can be obtained from the notice board near the gallows.
New Quest: Quest 28, “The Strange Doll.” By happenstance, an unusual doll falls into your hands, a mystery that you’ll have to solve then and there. This quest will become accessible after completing Quest 27, “Office Chores.” You’ll need to visit the monastery in the evening or night.
New Quest: Quest 29, “The Marionette.” Each day, after you sleep, you feel worse and worse. You sleep a lot, but can never sleep enough to feel rested. What’s happening to you? This quest will begin after completing Quest 28, “The Strange Doll.” You’ll need to go to sleep.
New 18+ scene with Mirina in her cell (animated with Live2D). After all of Mirina’s quests have been completed, visit the nun’s cell and you’ll enjoy an unforgettable time together.
New 18+ scene with the blonde nun (animated with Live2D). Automatically unlocked in Quest 28, “The Strange Doll.”
Several more 18+ scenes with the blonde nun. Automatically unlocked in Quest 29, “The Marionette.”
Finalized and improved Quest 15, “The Family Heirloom.” The hunter can now help to summon the spirit of the elf’s mother in order to free himself of his guilt and tell the elf the whole truth. As a result, the elf will hold no ill will toward him and will remain alive. To summon her mother’s spirit, you need to arrive on time for your meeting with her in the forest. You’ll also need to make the right dialogue choice when speaking with the elf.
Finalized and improved Quest 13, “Nature’s Wrath.” We’ve added a new stage to hunting down the dendroid: a survival minigame. If it turns out to be too difficult to you, after dying you can change the difficulty setting for said minigame.
Added a new button in the stages leading up to every boss encounter to allow you to access your inventory.
Fine-tuned the sprites of the nuns.
Fixed many bugs and probably introduced some new ones.
And much more.
v0.16 - 023-02-07
Added Chinese language support!
Fixed a bug in Quest 24.
Improved the minigame for catching the horse in the field.
Improved the minigame for the chase by brigands. On monitors with high refresh rates, these two minigames will no longer be accelerated.
Fixed many other bugs, and probably added some new ones.
And much more.
Version 0.15a: - 2023-01-07
New quest: “The Drunken Mare.” In this quest, you’ll help the tavern keeper make all the necessary preparations to purchase some good booze.
New quest: “Mercantile Machinations.” You’ll have to face off with some malevolent merchants who don’t consider it necessary to keep their word.
New quest: “The Best Candidate.” The tavern keeper is looking to find himself a female assistant for a cushy job in the tavern. This quest is issued automatically after completing the “Mercantile Machinations” quest.
New quest: “The Picnic.” At times, even the simplest forms of outdoor recreation can turn into something terrifying.
New minigames in quests: “Keep Your Balance on a Horse,” “Clicks on the Screen,” and “Pursuit.”
Now, from the very beginning of the game onward, the tavern is available for lodging only. Customers will only appear in the tavern once you’ve completed the “Mercantile Machinations” quest.
The price of lodging in the tavern has doubled. But don’t worry - after the tavern fully reopens, the tavern keeper will thank you with a 50% discount on lodging.
Added several new music tracks.
Fixed many bugs, and probably added some new ones.
And much more.
Knightly Passions (DLC: In the Grip of Ice)
DLC: Between Life and Death - 2022.10.26
NOTE:Nothing transfers into or out off this DLC
KEEP OLD SAVE as this is a separate instance of the game from the main story
In creators own words
Q: " Is this different from the previously released halloween version?"
A:" There are minor changes in translation, mechanics and a couple of pictures. It's basically the same add-on that people have seen before."
We present to your attention a special DLC for Knightly Passions entitled “Between Life and Death.” In said add-on, you’ll be obliged to go on an exceptionally exciting excursion into the underworld. Souls of the dead, decaying dragons, and other spawns of darkness will do everything they can to keep you from returning to see the sun ever again. But even in these blood-soaked wastes, the hunter won’t be bereft of the assistance of beauties, though they may not be entirely human. Will the intrepid hunter manage to overcome the trials and tribulations on his difficult road? And will he be able to outwit the Lord of the Damned himself to rescue a lost soul from the maw of hell?
Version 0.10c:
Fixes the global map button bug.
Ensures the English version of the game properly displays all text in English (not Russian).
Various minor adjustments and improvements.
Fixed a bug involving the "Map" button.
Fixed a bug when dealing a critical hit in combat.
Fixed a bug involving the use of vials of antidote.
Fixed a bug involving bears' "Steel Claws" combat ability.
Fixed a bug involving items in Quests 20 and 21. The wine and the Iskandria fish now disappear from your inventory at the intended time.
Improved the English translation of the game, especially with regard to the new content.
Added a new animation for bears' "Rage" combat ability.
If you're playing on PC, hitting the spacebar during a critical hit will launch the attack. Pressing the spacebar any other time during combat still ends your turn as normal.
Improved the musical accompaniment in the new quests.
Added a "Leave" button to the arm wrestling interface.
Updated the in-game "thank you" list.
Saves from Version 0.10a are fully compatible with Version 0.10b.
v.0.10a -22.10.04
New quest: A New World. The current 18+ scenes with the elf will now become available after completing this quest.
New quest: The Herbalist’s Secrets. After this quest, search out Mirina in the field - she’ll thank you generously.
New quest: The Stone Jungle. The arms trader will now give you new contracts for monster heads.
New location in the poor district: the arms trader’s house.
New location on the global map: the Glade of Death.
New adult animated scene with Mirina (Live2D).
New adult animated scene with the arms trader (Live2D).
The game has been ported to the latest version of the Ren’Py engine (Version 7.5.3). This will make the game more stable on all platforms (especially on Android).
Combat System 3.0. Let’s go over it all in sequence, from most to least significant. An auto-move button has been added in combat that allows the player to click a single time on a skill card to use it (no additional clicking to select the card’s target, which significantly speeds up battles). While in this mode, attack cards will automatically target the first eligible enemy, while defense and healing cards will target the player. Additionally, in this mode, cards no longer disappear and animations are much faster. We’ve also changed the exterior design of the combat system. We’ve started implementing new cards that you’ll see in the next updates. You can now swap between weapons in combat (bow/sword). You can now end your turn by hitting the space bar if you use a keyboard.
Updated the design of the arm wrestling starting screen.
Added new enemies in the forest (bears) and in the cave (dire bats, goblin archers, and goblin shamans).
New skill: “Vampirism.” This skill allows enemies to deal damage while also regaining health.
New skill: “Rage.” This skill triggers if you make an enemy angry. In this mode, enemies will deal more damage than normal.
New skill: “Iron Fur.” When an enemy uses this skill, they receive armor that can carry over to the next turn if you don’t break through it.
New skill: “Steel Claws.” An enemy using this skill can bypass armor the player acquires during combat, dealing damage directly to the player’s health.
Updated the item system. Armor, weapons, and certain quest items now have their own rarity levels. In the future, we’ll expand the current list of item rarity.
Combat balance has been completely reworked. The player now has 500 HP instead of 100 HP. The health and attack of all enemies have also grown several times larger.
Wounds heal when you sleep. Six hours of sleep in the tavern now restores 50 HP.
Made some textual revisions to Quests 2, 8, and 15.
Fixed many bugs and probably added some new ones.
And much more!
Version 0.9c:
Transferred the game to a new version of the Ren'Py engine (7.5.1).
Fixed a bug in Quest 15 involving catching a dove in the field.
Fixed crashes while fishing.
Increased the probability of randomly unlocking the adult scenes in the brunette nun's cell in the evening (scene 8 in the gallery).
Fixed a bug in the combat system when making a critical hit.
Fixed bugs in the gallery.
Added a convenient "Skip All" button in New Game+ game starts that allows you to choose to skip all 17 currently skippable quests at once.
Enhanced New Game+ functionality; when skipping quests, the adult scenes from all of the quests you skip will now automatically unlock in the gallery.
Reduced the size of the game files by about ~50 MB (removed the old frame-by-frame animations that've been replaced with Live2D animations).
Version 0.9b:
The game has been ported to the latest Ren'Py engine, Version 7.5.0. This will make the game more stable on both PC and Android.
Fixed a bug involving using a cheat code to increase the hunter's health.
Fixed a rare bug involving fishing.
Implemented some fixes in the Gallery so that it now works as intended.
The main quest has received an expansion! You can now get a few steps closer to finding your sister.
New quest: “A Liberating Outfit.” This is the final quest in the elf’s plotline, which smoothly segues into her adult content.
New quest: “The Young Warrior.” In this quest, you’ll be able to help the peasant boy recover his stolen toy.
Two new characters make their first appearances in the game: the Governor and the Vampire.
Added a new location: The Vampire’s House
Added two minigames: “Chase for Prey” and “Last Stick.” You’ll encounter the first one in the main quest, while the second can be found in “The Young Warrior” quest.
Improved the witch’s 18+ animations in Quest 3 (Live2D).
Improved the elf’s “Doggy Style” 18+ animations (Live2D).
The combat system has been completely rewritten and enhanced. You can expect to see more new cards, enemies, abilities, buffs, and debuffs in future updates.
Updated the design of the battle interface.
Improved critical hit mechanics. The player can now make the hunter deal triple damage by hitting a button at the appropriate time.
Updated the algorithm for auto-battles in hunting mode. The damage caused by auto-battles now adjusts based on the number of enemies and the hunter’s damage.
If the hunter hunts in the forest during Quest 15, he can now encounter the elf’s mother.
Added fishing training.
The difficulty of catching fish now scales based on your level of Hunting Instinct. If your Hunting Instinct level is above 20, then the difficulty of fishing is trivial.
Simplified catching an Icarius in Quest 17.
Fishing is no longer available in the evening or at night.
Updated arm wrestling. Bonuses and traps in the minigame have been enhanced. Before the start of an arm-wrestling bout, your opponent’s difficulty level is now shown. In the same window, you can also receive arm-wrestling training.
Updated the pause menu. We’ve implemented “Main Menu” and “Exit” buttons, which allow you to go to the game’s main menu or exit the game entirely, respectively.
Added some new NPC dialogues.
Added more options in some existing quests.
Improved the English translation.
Improved quest streamlining.
Updated the game’s exit screen.
Added new dialogue option icons.
Fixed a rare bug that broke the navigation screen at the end of the game.
Fixed a bug with prices in the tavern after the bartender sobers up.
Also fixed many other bugs, and probably added some new ones.
And much more!
Fixed yet another bug when arm wrestling with the old man/merchant.
The elven druid boss’s stun attack now takes 3 points of stamina away from the hunter instead of 1.
Fixed the “stun” debuff being applied multiple times when fighting boars and other enemies using a stun attack.
Fixed a bug involving armor values being zeroed out prematurely during fights with several opponents.
Fixed a substitution bug with traders’ inventories that could cause crashes when attempting to purchase bread.
Fixed several other bugs involving the combat system.
Ensured saves from 0.8a and 0.8b work with the latest version of the game (0.8c).
Knightly Passions 0.8a! RELEASE!
Dear friends,
We are delighted to present you with a new release of Knightly Passions - Version 0.8a. This update wasn’t an easy one for us because every member of our team caught the coronavirus at some point during this production cycle. That could’ve forced us to delay the release until April, but no, we managed to finish the release on time!
So, let’s take a look at what you can expect to find in the new update:
New quest: “The Family Heirloom.” In it, we continue to discover more about the elf’s character.
New quest: “The World of Trading.” A cute and romantic story involving Mirina :3
New quest: “The Forest Cove.” This is a quest that will, in future updates, introduce us to a new character.
Remade the adult scenes in the brunette nun’s cell in Live2D.
Remade 2 adult scenes with the elf in Live2D.
Added beautiful music that immerses you more deeply in the game for the new quests.
Completely overhauled hunting and slightly improved the combat system. You can now hunt several creatures at once by choosing to face one to three enemies.
Your level of Hunting Instinct now allows you to gain the dodge effect right in the middle of battles. The higher your level of Hunting Instinct, the higher your chance of gaining the dodge effect.
The item drop rate is now tied to Hunting Instinct. Each additional level increases the chances of rare items dropping.
Added auto-battle functionality to hunting mode. To unlock it, you need to conduct three successful hunts for animals of the given variety and number. For instance, in order to unlock auto-battles when facing three wolves, you’ll need to defeat packs of three wolves three times in normal combat. Auto-battles cost the hunter 30 HP.
You can now arm wrestle with the fisherman and the blacksmith.
Arm wrestling difficulty is now impacted by your level of Combat Training. The higher your Combat Training, the easier it will be to defeat your opponent.
The price of items is now dependent on your Charisma level. The higher your Charisma, the lower the cost of the goods you buy and the higher the selling price for your own items.
Added the “Lacerating Strike” skill card, which inflicts the bleeding condition on enemies. You can obtain it by defeating the blacksmith at arm wrestling.
Added an “enhanced fishing rod,” which grants you a 15% chance to catch a variety of items in the lake (including artifacts).
Added the “Potion of Oblivion.” It resets all stats, allowing skill points to be reallocated. It’s currently sold by the witch.
The Gallery now fully unlocks when unlocked via cheat codes (including all of the scenes with the elf and the brunette nun).
Improved the “New Game+” feature by adding the ability to skip Quests 11 through 14. (Previously, only the first 10 quests were skippable).
Added a convenient button in the navigation window to allocate unspent Skill Points.
Improved the English translations of Quests 5 through 9.
You now won’t be able to flee from combat during the combat tutorial. Previously, running away from the combat during the tutorial caused a critical error.
Fixed the tooltips on how to unlock each adult scene in the Gallery.
Fixed a bug with the appearance of the maid in the market in “New Game+” games.
Fixed trading bugs.
Fixed bugs when crafting items at the blacksmith.
Fixed bugs with the Cave location.
Also fixed many other bugs and probably added some new ones.
And much more!
This release focuses on the Christmas / New Year event. In this update, we’ve focused on improving the event’s English translation, adding original music, upgrading the adult scenes, and fixing the bugs people encountered in last year’s event.
In this update, we’ve also successfully switched the game over to a new version of the game engine, which means that the game will be much more stable on all devices.
This version features the Halloween Event. In it, you will find new characters, new animated adult scenes, new mechanics, lovely music, and, of course, an interesting plotline.
Improved Quest 14 (“The Astral Entity”). It now looks the way we originally envisioned it. Two new mechanics have been added to the quest: QTEs (quick time events) and the boss battle.
The “Completed Quests” tab has been added to the journal. You can now easily determine which quests you have completed.
Added a “New Game+” section, which allows you to skip the first ten quests.
We’ve reorganized the Gallery. It now only has slots for replays of scenes available in the current version of the game.
We’ve straightened out the way quests are numbered.
If you equip the amulet the nun gives you, an additional card will now appear in your battle deck, granting you one free action point when used.
Fixed a bug with the pages in the player’s and vendors’ inventories. The pages now turn as expected.
Fixed some code involving the brunette nun in the bell tower. Your rendezvous will now be more varied.
Fixed the bonuses granted by the “Ring of Freedom.” The item’s effects now match their description.
You can now only visit the fisherman during the day.
Many other bugs have been fixed, and some new ones have probably been added.
And much more!
Attention! This game version will not work with saves from previous versions. If you are playing the game on Android: before installing a new version of the game, ALWAYS uninstall the previous version of the game. If you don’t do this, errors will occur in the game.
Fine-tuned the English translation of Quests 11 - 14.
Improved two of the comic-style illustrations in Quest 14, including adding color (they were previously black-and-white).
Added the ability to unlock the entire gallery (minus special event scenes and inaccessible scenes) via the cheat menu.
Added a warning before deleting an item from your inventory.
Fixed a bug with the strands of spider silk in the fisherman’s quest (Quest 12).
Fixed a bug involving the maid’s cherries.
Removed individual cherries from the game (leaving only the bowl of cherries purchasable) to avoid confusion among players about the cherry requirement in Quest 11.
Attention! This game version will not work with saves from previous versions. If you are playing the game on Android: before installing a new version of the game, ALWAYS uninstall the previous version of the game. If you don’t do this, errors will occur in the game.
New Quest: The Forest Guest. In this quest, you’ll learn how the elf came to be in the tavern.
New Quest: Astral Essence. This quest is the sequel to “The Forest Guest.”
New Quest: Nature’s Wrath. You can get this quest by reading the flyers on the quest board and then speaking with the arms trader.
New Quest: Stronger Than Steel. The fisherman will give you this quest.
New Adult Scene with the brunette nun. Drop by her cell one night when she’s sleeping naked on the bed.
New Adult Scene with the elf.
New Mechanic: The fishing mini-game. You’ll need a fishing rod to play.
New Mechanic: A “try-to-catch” mini-game. It’s involved in “The Forest Guest.”
Added a new outfit for the elf.
Added a new character: The Fisherman.
Improved the red-haired nun’s outfit.
New Location: The tavern’s second floor.
New Location: The fisherman’s house.
New Location: The dock (near the fisherman’s house)
Added short descriptions of the “upcoming action” icons that appear above enemies’ heads in the combat system.
Items dropped by enemies can now be sold for around 50% more gold. It’s now easier to farm gold by selling those drops.
A “rollback” function is now available! You can scroll back through past dialogs via the mouse wheel (for mobile users, a “back” button has been added at the bottom of the dialogue box).
Sleeping now restores 10 HP per 6 hours slept.
Added items that can grant +attack, +defense, and +skill bonuses.
A powerful sword is now available through cheats that can destroy any enemy in a single strike.
Fixed a critical bug that was preventing plot progression in Quest 8.
Fixed many other bugs and probably added some new ones.
And much more!
We have completely reworked the prologue and quests 1 through 4. The English translation has also been improved in those plotlines.
New character: The blacksmith.
New mechanic: Crafting! You can now craft items with the blacksmith, saving a good deal of money compared to simply purchasing the items.
New mechanic: You can now sleep on the bench outside of the tavern by clicking on the hourglass instead of paying for a room. Be careful - you may be robbed or your health may deteriorate if you choose to sleep in such a risky location.
The soundtrack has become much more diverse.
There’s a new 18+ scene in Quest 2.
Charisma now affects the price of goods. The higher your level of charisma, the lower the cost of items you buy, and the higher the price of items you sell to traders.
The vegetables that the old man sells only add HP.
We’ve temporarily removed the 18+ scene with the nuns from Quest 1. Don’t worry, it will come back in a later update once we’ve reworked it!
Fixed a combat bug involving the defense of enemies.
Fixed a bug when buying wine.
We fixed many other bugs and added new ones.
And much more.
Dear Friends!
We are pleased to present you our new version of the game "Knightly Passions".
So, what's in store for you in the new version:
Combat system 2.0. Enemies have acquired skills, and the main character can receive cards as a reward. There are now 6 cards in hand, and they are not discarded if you have not used them. You can also use potions in battle;
Music and sounds have appeared in the game. The game now looks more atmospheric than before;
2 new quests: "Polaris" and "Lost and not found";
4 new 18+ scenes;
New characters;
New locations;
Hero skills have been added to the game: Combat Training, Charisma, Hunting Instinct;
Disabled "Magic Book" and all 2 add-ons. This is a temporary measure;
Reworked some missions to move away from linearity;
Most of the locations are open at the very beginning of the game;
Fixed critical bugs in the combat system;
And much more.
Updated! Bug with buying wine fixed!
- New Gallery! Now from the gallery you can replay an 18+ moment in the game with text and all its features;
- Now you can spy on nuns not only at night, but also in the evening. If you visit them in the evening, everyone will be busy with their own business. If you visit them at night, they will fall asleep(In the future, we are planning many interactions in cells with the main character);
- Changed 2 animations in the brunette's cell (instead of 2-frame animation - 60 frames);
- Mac version;
- Added small tips in the gallery (activated when you hover over a cell). The gallery has become easier to open;
- Reworked meeting with the elf (added a choice of poses that opens gradually);
- Fixed numerous bugs in the "Magic Book" (now you can skip missions without problems, without encountering errors);
- The quest with the red-haired nun in the field has been improved (while the nun is with the executioner, she will not appear either in the cell or in the monastery);
- The quest with a brunette nun has been improved;
- Removed cheat codes for opening the entire gallery (made on purpose so that interest in the game does not disappear);
- And other minor additions and changes.
v0.3b Fix
Bugs in grind quests have been fixed;
The quest "Influence of the Unknown" has been improved;
Now all the nuns sleep at night (if they are in the monastery);
Numerous bugs have been fixed in the "Second Chance" quest;
Added "Second Chance" quest skip in the magic book;
Added the ability to unlock the entire gallery to cheat codes;
And other small changes.
An unusual and exciting plot;
New scenes for adults (where can we go without them);
New characters;
The characters are revealed more and more, although the plot of the event has nothing to do with the main game;
New locations;
A small spoiler for the future character;
And much more.
Animation! Most of 18+ scenes have been reworked. The animation now consists of 25-80 frames instead of two;
Two new quests with nuns;
Global map;
You can now use cheat codes. They must be enabled in the game settings, then enter the password. Use whoever needs it ;)
Added the ability to skip missions (so as not to go through them again). [BETTA, needs testing];
Reworked the city map (added a lot of locations that will open over time);
The bulletin board is now open! There you will find 3 grind missions;
New location: Field;
Now you can choose who to hunt in the forest and in the cave;
The maid now trades in the market the next day after we advise her to the trader;
The girl trader now sits in the tavern at night;
Added service in the morning at the Monastery;
Pat-Pat for the red-haired nun;
Now the potion bought from the witch gives more health. Instead of 25 HP, it will restore 50 HP. The price is still 50 gold;
Sleep restores 5 HP every 6 hours;
The cost of an overnight stay has been doubled;
Added description of the item on hover, after the drop;
Fixed bugs in the combat system;
When hovering over an object / character - a hint pops up what kind of object / character it is;
Improved thank you button;
Fixed a bugs in the "Fifteen" game;
Correction of other shortcomings and errors;
And much more.
-Improved emotions of a brunette nun (when you spy on her at night);
-Added a comic, where Arachne jumps into the portal;
-After we see Arachne in the game, she will replace the elf in the main menu;
-Added Dismemberment (immediately after the salvation of the maidservant);
-Added secret character in letters from sister;
-Bugs fixed.
Added skip button in minigame "15";
A new picture was added: “A blow to the head of Arachne with a sword”;
Improved sex scene with a witch;
Improved sex scene with an elf;
Improved tavern owner picture;
The map and statuette after the quest disappear in inventory;
Fixed some bugs in the battle;
-All missions from 0.1 were completely or partially redone;
-The main quest begins to develop;
-2 new quests;
-3 new adult scenes;
-3 new characters;
-Mini game: battle (v 1.0);
-Mini game: Fifteen;
-Minigame: Clicker;
-Added Gallery;
-All characters in the dialogue now blink;
-Font changed. Now it is more suited to the style of the game;
-New items, weapons, armor;
-Now in arm wrestling with the old man, instead of 10 gold coins - you can win 50;
-Redesigned button "Acknowledgments";
-The game takes about 150 megabytes (for comparison: 0.1 version ~ 300 megabytes);
-And much more.
Initial Release
Тему отредактировал: admin - 12-11-2024, 11:47
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.1.21 + DLC v.3.0. / Topic updated to version v.1.21 + DLC v.3.0.
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.1.21 + DLC v.3.0. / Topic updated to version v.1.21 + DLC v.3.0.
Пароль на архив / Archive password:
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Knightly_Passions (5 файлов)
DLCs_and_SE (3 файла)