Очень полный дом! Это игра о любви, соблазнении и коррупции, в центре которой - главная героиня, похожая на MILF.
Сделайте все возможное, чтобы взять под контроль свое хозяйство и держать все под контролем, во что бы то ни стало!
A Very Full House! It's a game about love, seduction, and corruption, all centered around a MILF-y main character.
Do your best to take control of your household and keep everything under control, by any means necessary!
Secret password
Give me a D!
Год выпуска: 2023
Жанр: 2dcg, animated, big ass, big tits, corruption, female protagonist, handjob, incest, masturbation, milf, oral, sandbox, school setting, teasing, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: MetaMira - Subscribestar - Discord
Перевод: Zavkiel
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.31.3 Rus / v.0.33.2 Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поблагодарить Переводчика : Яндекс кошелёк 410014283992847
v0.33.2 - 2025.02.05
Major Update Features
New Candy Content! - The Cheerleader has been given a new crop of content, focusing on new masturbation events. There's also a little side quest to find some mechanical assistance for her!
A Little Madison Content! - The "grope her" option for the Firebrand is now available when you're helping her mash her clit masturbate. She's also been given some proper twitch-and-orgasm animations to help highlight that climactic finish!
A Bunch of Details! - A whole bunch of small details have been added or improved. The phone UI is a little clearer and generally more consistent, Candy's bedroom and the kitchen background art has been tidied up a little, and there are some new perspective shift animations applied to characters when you're talking to them. All-in-all, lots of small improvements that add up to a better experience!
(Supporters Only) A Cutdown Cheer Uniform! - Candy's cheer uniform gets a little smaller - and a lot more underboob-y - in it's new cutdown form! A future update will make this available to everyone, along with adding some story content to unlock and use it. For now it's just some Candy eye-candy.
Performance Improvements! - I've shifted the (exported) Live2D from 4k textures to 2k textures, reducing the amount of VRAM used by AVFH a matching 75%. Because textures were already being downscaled, there should be minimal change to the visual fidelity. On average sized screens (1080p and smaller) and on Android the Live2D models should end up looking even better than they did before!
Options Galore! - All of the effects that use to be part of ye olde "low performance mode" are now available as individual options. You can toggle menu animations, animated textures, keyboard hotkeys, cache size, all independently to match your device performance.
v0.32.4 - 2024-12-20
Adjusted triggers for Cheerleader watching TV in her underwear (now requires Arousal 50+ or having her teasing brothers)
Added three new hand grabbing effects for the MCILF's boob frames
Added hands on/off animations for the new hand grabbing effects
Added cumshot effects for the Firebrand's model.
Added cumshot calls for the Personlike class.
Added cumshot effect to Nerd x Firebrand livingroom event.
Added groping hand effects to many events.
Added MiraLive2DView class to support frames that should all reference one "base" version. Updated all existing derivative frames.
Updated the innate texture swap code so it functions with low performance mode.
Added MiraAlphaDissolve as a wrapper class for Renpy's AlphaDissolve, modifying functionality to be more convenient for texture swaps.
Tidied up warps and layer settings for existing boob and butt frames. Reduced amount of clipping with panties during excessive booty jiggling.
Fixed pushup bra straps clipping with arms and through many tops.
Updated to Renpy 8.3.4.
Downscaling renderer now properly scales textures regardless of screen resolution.
Updated all of the MCILF's facial elements (the emotion kind, not the cummy kind)
Adjusted the MCILF's ponytail hair colour to match the other sets a little better.
Added exit_animation parameter for the MiraAnimation. If a string or MiraAnimation, this animation is played when the triggering animation is ended for any reason.
Updated the Supporter Corruption Point hint App. Now divides all hints into their own screens.
Added HintCollection and CorruptionHint classes to manage extra information in the corruption points app.
Each Hint give a Corruption Point an easily readable name, a short hint sentence, and a flavour sentence when it is unlocked.
Added full hint descriptions for all of the existing Corruption Points.
Improved the phone crack art.
Clickables that use a Live2D model now use a MiraLive2DView of the base model, rather than generating a unique one (and duplicating textures) every time an interaction is triggered.
Clickables that use a Live2D model now have a base value of 1.0 instead of the (arbitrary) 0.8. screen position and height are currently automatically adjusted to old positioning values for now.
Removed a (now) unnecessary Flatten() operation for Live2D based clickables, improving performance.
All clickables now support being handed an xanch and yanch parameter, which sets xanchor and yanchor for those clickables. screen_position still represents the top left of the image (except for Live2D based Clickables)
Live2D clickables (ClickablePerson and ClickableCrowdMember) now have a default yanchor of 1.0, anchoring them at their feet. Positions have been automatically adjusted to maintain old position values for now.
Moved quick navigation buttons (save, load, auto, etc.) from the bottom middle to the bottom right of the screen to limit annoying accidental clicks.
Added "bored" and "very_happy" expressions for the MCILF. Tweaked existing expression files to make better use of the new face assets.
Hey everyone, sorry for the wait while I fixed up some bugs - there was a surprisingly nasty display bug for texture swapped clothes that took me hours to figure out. That's resolved now, along with a few other major issues. The Android version should start and run smoothly now, and the general errors while interacting with NPCs has been resolved.
v0.31.3 - 2024-11-16
Major Update Features
New Events! A collection of short events and expanded interactions have been added across almost all of the different characters in A Very Full House!
Firebrand Events! Our itty-bitty-titty punk was a fan favourite in the supporter polls and came out with a few major additions. Now you can give her some very direct advice when you walk in on her masturbating, or neg her into joining you for a workout routine so you can get sweaty together.
Seriously, it's just a whole bunch of events! The Cheerleader got some! The Bully got some! Some gym class boys got some! It doesn't make for a thrilling changelog, but I promise they're fun!
Added new corruption points to existing branches of Cheerleader and Nerd's homework event. (related to seeing her breasts)
Added new corruption points to existing branches of Firebrand and Nerd's events (related to seeing her breasts)
Added new Cheerleader x Nerd homework event, along with a new corruption point (related to her teasing him to get something)
Updated Cheerleader homework automation to properly put her in the teasing branch when appropriate.
Moved Slacker's movie events to their own file to keep things tidy.
Added small interaction with Slacker TV. When out of his room, he will leave his TV on.
Added Cheerleader event if Slacker is out of his room and he's left his TV on.
Added cutdown outfit version of Firebrand's couch clickable to properly reflect the outfit state. Also improved all versions of her couch art.
Added a couple of starting corruption points for Goth, unlocked when you get your nipples pierced.
Added short interaction while talking to Goth after having your nipples pierced.
Added interaction with Firebrand interaction while doing yoga. One branch adds a workout chore with Firebrand.
Added firebrand workout chore automation option for the Jock; includes a peek scene in his bedroom while they are working out.
Firebrand can now be asked to weed the garden. Includes minor branch if she is asked to do it while tanning.
Firebrand can now automate the weed the garden task.
Added new post-gym crowd event.
Busty bra-break gym event now only triggers after volleyball (to make room for other events; more expansion coming later)
Added new Firebrand masturbation walk-in options.
Updated dodgeball event to use crowd members, rather than text placeholders.
Added new Bully breast tease vent during detention.
Added new Bully masturbation event during detention.
Updated how crowd NPCs are displayed. New crowd_npc_display label takes NPC info and formats them appropriately, labeling them as crowd1, crowd2, etc.
v0.30.2 - 2024-10-10
Switched characters from normal narration to bubble narration.
Made text bubble location/side procedural, instead of needing every statement to be manually placed.
Menu statements with character narration now display narration as a thought bubble in the center/above the menu.
Added bubble animation on show/hide.
renpy.notify now wraps position after 20 messages if messages are still being displayed - More useful for debugging with lots of message generation.
Adjusted menu code to eliminate unnecessary 2nd menu page when there's only 1 option, placing it in the "prev/next" line space.
Increased cache size, limited prediction to Live2D models (which were the only things heavy enough to require it)
Removed Crowd.__call__, speech is now handled by it's parent Person.__call__ to ensure identical behaviour for all characters.
Replaced default bubble art, with different colour accents depending on gender.
Changed change_location code to prevent old locations from being cached unnecessarily.
Added new button art, composed of multiple pieces that can be altered depending on context.
Added MiraMenuOption class to handle button construction. Should be backwards compatible, unless mods were doing something _very_ weird with menus.
Buttons have three variable sections, in addition to text: a left accent, a right accent, and a ring colour.
Added left accent button art for actions that pass time, that end the day, and the change location.
Added right accent button art for actions that are part of a chore, influence Arousal, influence Control, reduce Stress, or influence Money.
Added ring colour art. Grey ring is default, for options that don't trigger any of the other interesting options.
Added pink ring colour. Menu buttons that have never been selected before are given pink rings.
Added search_nodes() function to parse Ren'py script and look forward for some condition.
Added blue ring colour. Menu buttons that lead to other menus with unpicked options are given blue rings.
Added gold ring colour. Menu buttons that lead to a "add_corruption_tag" call for a tag you or an NPC doesn't have yet are given gold rings.
renpy.notify no longer restarts interaction when called; plays nicer when called by internal functions.
Added default return statement to continue supporting old saves. Also updated Outfit and OutfitManager classes to ensure save compatibility.
Added tooltips when hovering buttons, explaining what button accents mean.
Added sneakers, replacing the default slips for the MCILF's workout outfit.
Added necklace and earring outfit slots.
Added pearl necklace and gold chain necklace. Added hoop earrings.
Added two short hair styles, along with mall event to change between long and short hair (for a price).
Added ability to toggle between short hair styles at a mirror.
Added themes to all of the menu options for events already in the game (so... so many.)
Menu buttons can be right clicked (long pressed on mobile) to toggle if the option should be flagged as having been chosen before.
Added menu option to reset persistent menu data so all options will appear as new/unpicked. Added a confirmation step so it's not done accidentally.
v0.29.5 - 2024-09-22
Major Update Features
New Cheerleader Minified Underwear! - The Cheerleader just can't stop getting her "lucky" underwear torn up - and for some reason it keeps getting smaller every time you patch it! Existing events have been tweaked to make sure you can unlock the new stage, and a couple new underwear damage events have been scattered around to make it easier and more reliable to find some.
Cheerleader Cheer Practice Chore! - Cheer got that new cheerleader outfit added last (mini) update, and now there's a chore to actually go along with it. Get dressed up in your workout gear and help her yourself, or give the chore to the Jock and just watch.
New Firebrand Cutdown Underwear! - Not one to be outdone, the Firebrand has a new cutdown stage for her underwear now too. Does she only wear a thong, making this a super easy add? Maybe. Is it still hot? Yes. yes it is.
Performance Optimizations! - I've implemented a bunch of improvements throughout AVFH, helping the whole thing run a little smoother. Memory usage should be lower, down by about 30% in the worst-case scenes, and the pause when entering new locations should be greatly reduced.
New Crowd Display Code! - Find it weird that most "crowd" events only showed one person? Me too! Crowds now properly display the entire group of NPCs when you talk to one member. I've added some new work crowds with short events, and updated the old crowd events to make sure everyone gets a speaking role. Oh, there's new crowd gossip too, based on what sorts of things you've been doing at work.
Full Changelog (There was a lot this patch!)
Added new Cheerleader "practice cheer routine" chore. Available after unlocking her cheer uniform.
Added general_requirement menu option. Takes a (bool, "string"), enable/disabling the button and displaying the slug as appropriate.
Added alternative way to unlock workout wear.
Textures are now oversampled by a factor of 2, reducing GPU memory usage by 30-% in worst-case scenarios (5+ characters displayed)
Added backyard cheer practice event for the Cheerleader.
Added option to send the Jock to help the Cheerleader with her practice instead.
Modified Cheer TV event to more explicitly reference the "Tease her brothers" chore.
Added minified underwear art for the Cheerleader.
Added two sewing events for Cheerleader's minified underwear, one each for her bra and panties.
Tidied up triggering conditions for Firebrand cutdown outfits - now properly flags outfits as unlocked, rather than using bespoke tags.
Added cutdown underwear art for Firebrand.
Added sewing event for Firebrand's cutdown underwear.
Tidied up the sewing event files. Now broken out by character (mom, Cheerleader, Firebrand) with a single simplified hub file.
Flagged location screens and Live2D characters for prediction; should reduce/remove slight lag while moving between locations.
Chores can now be handed a function for their name and description. This function is handed a reference to the chore and should return a string to be displayed.
Screens should now use get_chore_name() and get_chore_description() functions rather than accessing parameters directly.
Dinner chore now changes name and description when you need to do the dishes.
Added SewingChore class, extending Chore class. Automatically includes tag and hint for finding sewing machine if it isn't unlocked.
Updated all events that add sewing based tasks to use SewingChore.
Nerd bathroom masturbation event now kicks him out when he's done. He's horny, but he's not THAT horny.
Added new Twitter art phone background.
Added small Clickable based event at work, adds additional way to have Cheerleader's underwear damaged.
Laundry events related to Cheerleader's underwear expanded, allow you to unlock her minified underwear.
Added ClickableCrowdGroup class. Takes a group_list with info about all of the crowd members in the group and displays all of them. Limited to 5 NPCs at a time.
Updated existing crowd events to use the new group displayable approach, along with a few extra minor branches.
Removed redundant filename from Crowd clickable definitions.
Added short "gossip" conversations for you to overhear before interacting with some crowds.
Added extra crowds at work with a few short interactions. Also redistributed some crowd options to their clickables, rather than being attached to the desks.
Work chore name and description are now dynamic, changing depending on what lesson is active.
Added redirect message to the stairs if it's the first day and you haven't interacted with the shower/slacker, to guide players in that direction.
Added slightly less placeholder-y backgrounds to some locations (but they're still very much placeholders).
v0.28.1 - 2024-08-14
Major Update Features
Oops, Patreon Ban! - This update cycle took a strange turn when I was banned from Patreon. Most of my time since then has been spent getting the new SubscribeStar page set up, updating in-game assets, and otherwise sorting my shit out!
Cheerleader Content! - A few variants for the Cheerleader's control options have been added, triggered when her corruption level is higher than required.
Cheer Uniform! - A cheerleader needs a cheer uniform, obviously! Now she's got one, along with a short quest to unlock it. Right now all you can do is gawk, but more options will come in v0.29!
Added new animated phone background for MCILF, unlocked via (random) Slacker text event.
Added new Cheerleader cheer outfit.
Friendship ended with Patreon. Now SubscribeStar is my best friend.
Added "Kiss" control option for the Cheerleader.
Added high corruption variants for the "Guilt" and "Tease" control options.
Cheerleader outfit clickable now only appears in her room when it is unlocked.
Menu options now support requiring multiple outfit tags (requires ALL tags).
Added short quest to unlock Cheerleader cheer outfit. Begins by talking to her at work.
Added small placeholder interaction with the Cheerleader's cheer outfit in her room, as a way to view
v0.27.3 - 2024-07-30
Fxed a couple of minor bugs in the initial release build
Major Update Features
New Firebrand Content! - The Firebrand, that small titty, huge booty pain in your ass, has a whole bunch of new content added for her. Talking to her now gives you some basic options to tease, flirt, and generate Control with her. As she becomes more corrupted you'll need to find other ways to build that control - possibly with the help of some nearby boys . She's also got some new event branches scattered around in her other interactions!
Standardized Arousal/Control Values! - I combed through the whole AVFH script and standardized (almost) all of the arousal and control values given by events. That will make future events more consistent, and lets me tweak values for balance purposes. Am I the only person excited by this? Oh well; I still think it's cool!
Better Menu Feedback! - I've added support for a bunch of new menu options, which means more options will show you why they're disabled, rather than not appearing. I'll be making more use of this going forward, which should make it easier to see where cool content is waiting to be found.
Extra Art, Nerd, and Slacker Events! - Firebrand got most of the writing attention, but the Nerd and Slacker both get to enjoy some new events with her. I've also added a collection of new phone backgrounds from my recent Twitter art spree - keep an eye out for a text from the Slacker to unlock them!
Refactored how menu options are handled internally. Now handled by MiraMenuOption class.
Added support for "last_resort" menu option; when flagged option(s) will only be visible if all non-last-resort options are unavailable.
Updated (almost) all existing arousal and control function calls to draw from a standard list of values for more consistency between events.
Solo climaxes no longer satisfy climax chores for NPCs.
Added basic "Guilt" and "Tease" control options for the Firebrand.
Added "Kiss" control option for the Firebrand.
Added extra assignable chores for the Jock, Nerd, and Slacker related to the Firebrand. (unlocked after trying her "kiss" control option)
Added "cooldown_tag" parameter for menu options. Checks if a timed tag is present, disables the option and displays time remaining if it is.
Added three Firebrand specific options for generating Control.
Added two basic Firebrand tease options.
Added "tag_requirement" as menu requirement option. Takes a tuple of (tag, description), and locks the option if the tag is not present.
Added "npc_tag_requirement" as menu requirement option. Functionally identical to tag_requirement, but is displayed along with other NPC requirements.
Added new Firebrand + Nerd TV branch, unlocked with one of the new chore options.
Added new phone backgrounds, unlocked via (random) Slacker text events.
Added Firebrand x Slacker event when both are in the basement (by, for example, having Slacker do laundry, then tidying Firebrand's room).
v0.26.5 - 2024-07-05
Major Update Features
New sex events! - I've tripled the number of full sex scenes in A Very Full House this update, brining us from two up to a much more reasonable six! The Nerd and the Slacker have gotten one each, and the Jock has joined the party with two completely new events for him!
New bikini art! - I've redrawn the old bikini art to make it a little more... not terrible (and actually quite good, if I do say so myself!). It would be cruel to leave such a good looking swimsuit as a patron exclusive, so it's now possible to unlock it in game! There's also a very hot looking bikini variant added as a special reward for my patrons.
Other new events! - In addition to the new sex scenes, a whole bunch of non-penetration branches have been added to make sure there's even more stuff to stumble onto in game. So if you're excited by the idea of stumbling into giving out a surprise blowjob, or grinding against someone in the shower, then this update has what you want! In total there's an additional 11,000 words of dialogue and narration in this update!
Tweaks and minor stuff! - On top of the big stuff there's a scattering of minor stuff. The phone UI now breaks different apps out into different alert colours, making it easier to see when you have a new text to interact with. There are some new phone backgrounds for you to find and enjoy, and some fixes for bugs that managed to live through the last update.
The Nerd can now be made to weed the garden, almost entirely just to have a way to move him into the backyard.
Corruption points (and a tiny bit of one-off dialogue) are available when sunbathing and teasing in your bikini for the first time. (Allows the Jock to hit CL6, for realz this time)
Added Jock massage sex event.
Added small nerd tidy event branch.
Added a few colour options for phone alert bubbles: red, green, blue, yellow, magenta, cyan.
Phone apps can now be assigned different alert colours. Alerts of the same colour are added together when displayed on the main UI clickable.
Texting app now uses cyan notifications for messages, differentiating it from chore alerts (still red).
Added Jock shower walk-in scene.
Added Jock sex scene to shower walk-in.
Added Slacker blowjob scene while watching a movie together.
Added new animated background, unlockable through texting the Bully.
Added Slacker sex scene while watching a movie.
Added new bikini art. Old art/mesh is still present to maintain mod compatibility.
Added new transparent/plastic bikini variant for patrons.
Added old bikini variant as an unlockable patron variant.
Added new phone background featuring the Firebrand
Added "shared_shower" corruption tag for Jock shower event.
Bikini is no longer patron only - must now be unlocked through gameplay.
Added Nerd gloryhole encounter.
Added Jock gloryhole encounter.
Added new gloryhole clickable art.
(Patron only) Added new Busty outfit and one alternative texture.
Added new crowd bathroom encounter.
Bathroom can now be entered at CL1 (previously 3); now cost of some stress. Enables some events earlier than was previously possible.
Added new Busty bathroom encounter.
Added new Nerd text event at work.
Added new phone background.
Added new MCILF masturbation chore (Triggers at CL3+ after 5+ orgasms).
Added basic phone interactions with the Bully.
Added short Bully/Busty phone interaction when unlocking new phone background.
Added work masturbation scene, available once you have the masturbation chore.
Added option to buy pizza if you're busy running detention. Allows you to complete the dinner chore in exchange for money.
v0.25.3 - 2024-05-17
Added Nerd gloryhole encounter.
Added Jock gloryhole encounter.
Added new gloryhole clickable art.
(Patron only) Added new Busty outfit and one alternative texture.
Added new crowd bathroom encounter.
Bathroom can now be entered at CL1 (previously 3); now cost of some stress. Enables some events earlier than was previously possible.
Added new Busty bathroom encounter.
Added new Nerd text event at work.
Added new phone background.
Added new MCILF masturbation chore (Triggers at CL3+ after 5+ orgasms).
Added basic phone interactions with the Bully.
Added short Bully/Busty phone interaction when unlocking new phone background.
Added work masturbation scene, available once you have the masturbation chore.
Added option to buy pizza if you're busy running detention. Allows you to complete the dinner chore in exchange for money.
Major Update Features
Cumshot Art! - Watch the MCILF get wet and sticky with a whole suite of new cumshot effects. Get covered from head to toe with 12 "hit locations", each with two stages of cummy-ness.
Updated Events! - Existing events have all been updated to use the new cumshot art, and several of them have new variants to give you some control over where the MCILF gets splattered with sperm! Now that the art is added, future events will be sure to take full advantage and deliver some very, very messy cumshot scenes!
Cumshot Tracking! - The stat tracking app on your MCILF's phone now records cumshots, facials, and creampies, both by count and by total volume. Numbers go brr!
TV Events! - The Firebrand and the Cheerleader both have short new events in front of the TV. Behind the scenes these events also give me a bunch of places for future events to tie into!
v0.23 - 2024-03-24
Major Update Features
Crowds! - A new type of NPC has been added to the game - crowds. These crowd NPCs represent a whole type of character, rather than a specific individual. Build up Arousal, Control, and Corruption in these groups to give you power over the entire class. Particularly important if you want to keep on top of things at work now!
Nerd Sex Scene! - You wanted it, you got it! The Nerd is the second NPC to get a full-blown sex scene, joining the Slacker. Get him corrupted, keep him horny, and go to bed naked to have this spicy new event chain trigger.
Events! So Many Events! - There's a TON of new writing in this update! I've added over 18,000 words of dialogue (11% of the whole game now!) spread across dozens of event chains big and small. Most of these events involve the crowds at work, The Nerd, or The Bully.
Refactored Person class and added Personlike class to contain common information.
Added Crowd class to represent large groups of unspecified people (and their corruption levels, control, etc.)
Added eight crowd character silhouettes (four men, four women).
Gave each crowd silhouette 2 hair styles, 2 daily outfits, and a swimsuit outfit.
Added a bunch of crowd interactions and events at work.
Added corruption points for crowds.
Fixed the "before_clickable" and "after_clickable" parameters for clickables, now properly let you insert clickables in relative positions.
Fixed work not marking progress properly when you mark homework during work.
Added new event for the Bully and the Nerd.
Added new chore for the Bully.
Added options to turn Arousal into Control for work crowd factions.
Updated existing work events to generate, spend Control where appropriate.
(Patron only) added rainbow socks for the Cheerleader (hmm, what are rainbow socks good for?)
Added Cheerleader work chore branches, interactions with Nerd.
Added Nerd dinner event when cooking.
Added Nerd night time visit event.
Added four new phone backgrounds from my ongoing practice art stuff.
And probably a bunch of stuff I forgot to write down at the time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
v0.22.3 - 2024-01-23
Major Update Features
New Class Options! - Break up the daily tedium with a couple of new class options to choose from, plus a bunch of NPC interactions to go along with them!
Cutdown Candy Bikini! - Did you see Candy's bikini in v0.21 and think "I wish her bikini was even smaller and barely-hanging-together-er"? Well your prayers have been answered, and now you can get that bikini cut down into an even tinier version!
New Ethan and Madison Events! aka. the Nerd and the Firebrand, both NPCs have new events for you to find. Get 'em worked up and corrupted and you should be able to get them to fire.
Added bathroom peek event for Nerd.
Added debug screen "clickable_positioning_screen", for placing clickables and quickly testing position and height values.
Added mirror_displayable parameter for clickables. Does what it says on the tin.
Shower now has (placeholder) alternative art when someone is in the shower.
Added Christmas 2023 phone background.
Added Firebrand masturbation walk-in event.
Added a math class option, with a few basic interactions to pass the time.
Added an art class option, with a few interactions.
ClickableObject (and inheriting classes) now can take a function in place of a string for image name. Function should return an image file string.
Added cutdown bikini for Cheerleader, plus events for introducing it.
Pool clickable for Cheerleader now varies (slightly) depending on what swimsuit she's wearing.
Added interaction with Principal to unlock new options.
Added default names for characters that didn't have them.
Added cutdown towel option for MCILF.
v0.21.2 - 2023-12-17
Main Update Features
Swimsuit for Candy! Candy (aka. "The Cheerleader") finally gets a swimsuit this update, letting her join you in the pool for some wet n' wild times! Okay, not too wild yet, but I promise we'll get there!
More Candy Interactions! Candy's also gotten some new basic interactions added for her. Turn Arousal into Control by guilting or teasing her, and flirt with her to build that Arousal right back up. These new interactions are topped off with some new accidental encounters you can get with her - be sure to pay her a visit some time soon!
A New Drawing Tablet! - Alright, that really isn't really a "game" feature, but it'll still be coming in handy in the near. The fact that my old tablet broke certainly didn't help speed up development, so I'm counting this as a win!
Added swimsuit art for the Cheerleader.
Added sewing project to make the Cheerleader a swimsuit.
Added small alternative dialogue for gloryhole.
Added "One Piece" and "Two Piece" tags to swimsuits.
Added backyard swim event with the Cheerleader.
change_arousal function now takes optional "silent" parameter. When True no HUD will be displayed - used for (small, repetitive) overnight arousal increases for NPCs.
Added Cheerleader watching movie event.
Added "chore" to have Cheerleader tease others, raising Arousal daily.
Early masturbation walk-in events now recorded as masturbation, lower arousal slightly.
Added some phone backgrounds, unlockable from the Nerd's room.
Added some basic Cheerleader Control conversation options.
Added basic Cheerleader flirt options to build Arousal.
Added Cheerleader masturbation walk-in event, with multiple branches depending on corruption.
v.0.20.1 - 2023-11-19
Added character art for Goth.
Rigged and animated character art for Goth.
Added sex frame, based on previous upskirt frame.
Added "default_parameters" attribute to MiraLive2D. Sets attributes to given value if no other source sets them.
Added halloween themed phone background.
Added option to buy suntan lotion at the mall, doubling tan rate.
Added new (very large) event branch to Slacker's room tidy event. Plap plap!
TextureReplacement class now accepts a list of target displayables, instead of needing one defined for every displayable variant of a single model.
Updated existing example mods to use lists of displayables instead of multiple redundant texture replacements.
Removed baked-in nipple hints from some swimsuits that still had them.
Added mesh top for the Goth (Patron exclusive)
Added short sunbathing tease branch for the Slacker.
Gave Slacker a unique clickable while weeding the garden, with short interaction.
Added short alternative branches for a work event.
Maximum arousal requirements now properly display their enabled/disabled thresholds.
Updated starting disclamer to make it more clear what is currently missing from the game.
v0.19.2 - 2023-11-07
Fixes issues with Madison's outfit states, nipple piercing states being incorrectly applied (leading to them not displaying), and some unintended schedule changes for the boys that made their shower events inaccessible. The new update should be 100% save compatible.
v0.19.1 - 2023-10-18
Added piercing_set values to Outfit and Person classes.
Piercings are selected by the overwear, underwear, or person, in that order of priority.
Added art for four nipple piercings for the MCILF: Simple bars, Simple rings, dangly crosses, and dangly hearts.
Added art for two patron exclusive piercings for the MCILF: work ID badge, and (used) condom bundles.
Added belly_piercing_set and clit_piercing_set values for Outfit and Person classes. Works similarly to nipple piercings.
Added two nipple piercings for Madison: simple bars and skull bars.
Added one bellybutton piercing for Madison: skull bellybutton piercing.
Added one clit piercing for Madison: Circular bar.
Jock and Cheerleader dishes event now properly displays characters in their underwear at their clickables.
Tidied up default and cutdown sweater art.
Eliminated baked-in nipple hints for several pieces of clothing. Now handled with dynamic element added when (in)appropriate.
Added cutdown outfit for Madison (aka. The Firebrand). Unlocked through chat option with her.
Added fixed menu id's for several bathroom mirror menus.
Added ability to change nipple piercings at the bathroom mirror.
Added event for getting piercings (currently only nipple piercings) with Madison.
Added ClickableConditional class. Allows for multiple clickable locations to be associated with a single schedule time based on priority and trigger functions.
Updated several events to have positions grouped as conditional clickable.
Added minor church event to unlock cross piercings.
Added peek interuption event for Firebrand.
Added evening snack event for Cheerleader.
Added a few corruption points opportunities for Firebrand.
v0.18.1 - 2023-09-14
Main Update Features
Chore Automation! Tired of doing all those repetitive chores every week? Well now you can automate (most of) them! You can now assign your closest NPCs to chores permanently, without you needing to micro manage them every time the chore is available. Watch out though, because they'll expect something in return for all of their hard work, and they probably aren't interested in money!
New Events! Some new events have been scattered throughout the game! Text with the Bully after work, or assign Ethan to clean up and leave him alone to do his work. Some of the existing chore events have also had minor tweaks so they flow smoothly when automated.
New Art! It wasn't a focus for this update, but a couple new pieces of art have snuck their way into the game! Wear your skimpiest work outfit and you might end up with a new phone background, or walk in on Ethan while he's "cleaning" and get a glimpse of what he's using for motivation. There's also been some UI additions for chore automation, and the texting system has been made more flexible so I can write events that send or receive pictures.
Added Bully texting event after minified outfit tease event.
Added general Bully texting event.
MiraLive2D can now be handed a "static_frame" parameter. If True no animation will affect that frame, but outfit states still will.
Added chat option with Bully.
Added option to give Bully detention, even if he's done nothing wrong.
Added ChoreAutomation class. Holds information about who is responsible for a specific chore.
Added a whole bunch of conversation with the Nerd letting you automate chores.
Added list of rewards you can offer to the Nerd in exchange for automating chores.
Chores can only be automated once they have shown up on your chore list at least once.
Jock is now sent to a clickable when you tell him to skim the pool. Option to watch him work accessed from this clickable.
Added chore automation conversations to the Jock and the Slacker as well.
Chore app now displays indicator for automated chores.
Pinned chore list does not display automated chores.
Tidy events now send NPCs to new clickables (although they're in the same place... I swear this matters behind the scenes).
Added new walkin tidy event for Nerd if you assign him to clean Firebrand's room.
Added tiny texting event after Firebrand room tidy event.
And probably other stuff I forgot to write down while I worked on it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
v0.17.1 - 2023-08-18
Major Update Features
New Minified Work Outfit! Push the dress code to it's absolute limit with a new minified work outfit, complete with mini-skirt, tiny dress "shirt", and a single herculean button!
New Pushup Bra (and matching panties)! Give your MILF'y boobs the support they deserve with a new lingerie set purchasable from the mall. ALL of the existing outfits allow now have art support for perky, lifted boobs as well. Mix and match this underwear set and find out which outfit combos look the best!
New Written Events! A new event chain with the principal has been added to unlock the minified work outfit. That tiny outfit can also lead to a new weekly chore if you don't keep your boss under control! Some small interactions have been scattered through the game to make things feel a little more reactive to what you're doing, too.
Mod Support Improvements! Required mod parameters, fixed menu ID's, improved example mods, and (embarrassingly) some bug fixes all contribute to an even better modding experience!
Added short principal introduction event (will not trigger if you've already met him in a saved game.
Updated Jock massage event to give more stress relief, particularly if you were horny and climaxed.
Added "associated_mod" variable to modded entries class. Related entries will only trigger if the associated mod is enabled.
Refactored example mod to inject patron content options using ModdedMenuOption, instead of being hard coded.
Patreon content menu now has explicit menu_id "patron_content_menu" to allow other mods to inject content reliably.
Added explicit menu IDs for all NPC interaction menus. Generally in the form of "[name]_interact_menu".
Added menu IDs for all NPC texting menus. Generally in the form of "[name]_text_menu".
Added menu IDs for several common clickable items: front door, pool, closet, dresser, lawnchair, couch, basement_boxes, study_door, sewing_machine.
Added new minified work outfit.
Added event chain to unlock minified work outfit.
Added new outfit inspection interaction with the Principal (new chore).
Added new pushup bra and matching panties.
Added some basic interactions with the Principal.
Added minor Jock texting event after gloryhole is unlocked.
Added some basic texting interactions with the Principal.
Added corruption tags for Principal (should be enough to get him up to CL 3)
Added Bully tease branch while wearing a "Very Revealing" outfit.
v0.16.2 - 2023-07-20
Added titjob masturbation help option for Slacker.
Added titjob masturbation help option for Jock.
Added titjob masturbation help option for Nerd.
Added event to unlock titjob masturbation for the above NPCs - triggered by posing topless for them when they have CL3+.
Titjob masturbation help is also unlocked if you've found an event that has you give them a titjob.
Added "pin chores" button to chores app. Adds small list of unfinished chores to your HUD.
Added new shower event for Candy. Also added new corruption points related to event.
Added interaction with maintenance door to report gloryhole after it is found.
Added pre-existing text messages for characters in a new game (old saves are unafffected).
Added Bully gloryhole event.
Added Jock bedroom massage event.
Added option to ask Jock for a massage at any point in exchange for Control.
Texting is now limited to once/turn instead of once/day.
Added "turnly_tags" to ChoreList class. Turnly tags are cleared at the start of every turn (like daily tags, but... turnly)
Update to Renpy and Live2D versions (fixed a tanned skin display bug that wasn't my fault. Huzza: a bug wasn't my fault!)
Fixed some sex events not properly updating sex chores, sex stats.
v0.15.1 - 2023-07-14
Major Update Features
Texting System! Send and receive texts with NPCs, unlocking a whole new style of events, hints, and interactions! The texting system also allows for images (and videos, and any other sort of Ren'py displayable) to be sent and received. There are a few basic interactions added in v0.15, with plenty more planned for the next update cycle! This is a very modular, expandable system designed with future content in mind.
Titfuck Art! The slow expansion of sex art continues, and now our lovely MCILF can put her boobs to good use! The new updates to the boob frame add two dick poses: between your cleavage or a frontfuck squeeze. Currently only the cleavage option is being used in events, but mods can make use of the new art options right away. Each pose has a full suite of animations, complete with those glorious jiggle physics!
New Events! New art and new mechanics means new events to show them all off! NPCs might now text you, prompting you to come and help them with their "needs". Each of the main male NPCs also has a new event that makes use of the titfuck art. Get exploring and see if you can find where it is (or head over to Discord for some hints.)
- Added a whole texting system.
- Made the alert icon screen more flexible. Can now fade out after a set amount of time after being shown.
- Texts can have event labels linked to them, allowing you to respond to the last message sent to you.
- Texting app properly scrolls, adds elements to the end of the screen, etc. Ya'know, like a texting app. This was a pain to get perfect.
- phone hud now displays the total of unseen texts and chores.
- Texting system also supports sending any sort of displayable. Displayables are scaled to fit width of texting space comfortably.
- Added snapchat style caption option for image texts.
- Added a button to toggle between contact and texting pages quickly.
- Added ClickableTextingEvent class. Handles NPCs starting texting events based on what clickable they are located at.
- Person class now has set_override_clickable() and clear_override_clickable() functions which properly trigger texting events.
- Updated all uses of Schedule.set_override_clickable() to use Person.set_override_clickable() instead.
- Updated Firebrand background event to use the texting system.
- Added basic texting interactions for main NPCs that you can initiate.
- Added titfuck frame, based on existing boob frame.
- Added titfuck, titjob, and straight titfuck animation suites for events to use.
- Added text events for NPCs when they might be masturbating.
- Added text hook for Slacker movie night event.
- SexStats class now records titfucks. Stats app now displays number of titfucks.
- Added Nerd shower titfuck event.
- Added Jock shower walkin titfuck event.
- Added alternative dialogue if you've answered a masturbation text.
- Keyboard key "p" now toggles phone. Should improve compatability.
v0.14.1 - 2023-06-02
New Events! New written content has been added focusing on the three girls of the house! Each event is a major string of content with multiple branches and new ways to earn corruption points!
New Firebrand Outfit! One of these new events demanded a swimsuit for the Firebrand, so I've added one! This is her initial, least-corrupted version; you can expect to see much skimpier versions in future updates!
New (mostly background) Art! New art has been added throughout the game, most of it focused on making the workplace art more colourful and less placeholder-y.
- Added Firebrand swimsuit outfit.
- Added less placeholder-y pool chair art.
- Added pool chair art with Firebrand (including topless variants)
- Fixed a whole bunch of typos. Like a LOT.
- Added Firebrand sunbathing event.
- Added PersonclickableImage class to handle clickables that represent people (and are tied to schedules) that aren't Live2D images.
- Added Nerd event related to new Firebrand event.
- Added coloured art for all of the workplace locations that were missing it.
- Added shared event for Cheerleader and Jock when doing the dishes together.
- Added new movie watching event for the Slacker.
- Sex chores now trigger for any climax caused by the MC, not just posing climaxes.
- Tweaked some schedules so more events will line up well.
- Added corruption points for reaching specific milestones in Cheerleader's outfit cutdown progression.
- Cheerleader outfit corruption points will be applied retroactively in saved games.
- Added Mod manager screen. Mods can now be enabled and disabled.
- Added "Advanced Healer Robes" outfit for Caves of Grothnar. Currently patron exclusive.
- Added skirt bouncing effect to Caves of Grothnar robes.
- Added new Caves of Grothnar event branch.
- Added new Caves of Grothnar themed phone background. Unlocked by defeating "The Matriarch".
- Control gained from many events is now adjusted based on NPC Corruption Level, decreasing as the NPC becomes more corrupted. Minimum control gained is always 5.
- Added SexStats class. Stores records of all your sex acts, tracking what you've done and with who.
- Updated all existing events to add the proper records.
- Added handjob-with-panties art to existing handjob frame.
- Changes to stats (arousal, control, etc.) are now displayed in the notification stack.
- Updated art for phone apps to be a little less placeholder-y.
- Added a few unused app buttons for mods: A heart, a calendar, and a wad of money.
- Added Firebrand tanning phone background.
- Updated Mod class to include an optional cleanup label, mod author, mod description, requirements, etc.
- Added Slacker sex chore introduction. Adds new Chore when triggered (or requires spending Control)
- Added Nerd sex chore introduction. Adds new Chore when triggered (or requires spending Control)
- Added Jock sex chore introduction. Adds new Chore when triggered (or requires spending Control)
- Added a headshot of each NPC in the MCILF phone contact list.
- Added a stat screen. Can be accessed from MCILF phone contact list by clicking on their picture.
- Updated notify system to support stacking multiple notifications instead of overwriting them.
- Added note to some "Very Revealing" outfit branches to highlight that they are currently unimplemented.
- Added colour (but still very placeholder) art for work hall 1.
- Added colour (but still very placeholder) art for gym.
- Fixed crash while tanning.
- Fixed default underwear not being properly set when it was selected.
- EventSystem class now properly triggers on weekend and on week events enroled with it.
- Fixed "Go to Church" chore not properly being linked to a day.
Очень полный дом! Это игра о любви, соблазнении и коррупции, в центре которой - главная героиня, похожая на MILF.
Сделайте все возможное, чтобы взять под контроль свое хозяйство и держать все под контролем, во что бы то ни стало!
A Very Full House! It's a game about love, seduction, and corruption, all centered around a MILF-y main character.
Do your best to take control of your household and keep everything under control, by any means necessary!
Secret password
Give me a D!
Год выпуска: 2023
Жанр: 2dcg, animated, big ass, big tits, corruption, female protagonist, handjob, incest, masturbation, milf, oral, sandbox, school setting, teasing, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: MetaMira - Subscribestar - Discord
Перевод: Zavkiel
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.31.3 Rus / v.0.33.2 Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поблагодарить Переводчика : Яндекс кошелёк 410014283992847
v0.33.2 - 2025.02.05
Major Update Features
New Candy Content! - The Cheerleader has been given a new crop of content, focusing on new masturbation events. There's also a little side quest to find some mechanical assistance for her!
A Little Madison Content! - The "grope her" option for the Firebrand is now available when you're helping her mash her clit masturbate. She's also been given some proper twitch-and-orgasm animations to help highlight that climactic finish!
A Bunch of Details! - A whole bunch of small details have been added or improved. The phone UI is a little clearer and generally more consistent, Candy's bedroom and the kitchen background art has been tidied up a little, and there are some new perspective shift animations applied to characters when you're talking to them. All-in-all, lots of small improvements that add up to a better experience!
(Supporters Only) A Cutdown Cheer Uniform! - Candy's cheer uniform gets a little smaller - and a lot more underboob-y - in it's new cutdown form! A future update will make this available to everyone, along with adding some story content to unlock and use it. For now it's just some Candy eye-candy.
Performance Improvements! - I've shifted the (exported) Live2D from 4k textures to 2k textures, reducing the amount of VRAM used by AVFH a matching 75%. Because textures were already being downscaled, there should be minimal change to the visual fidelity. On average sized screens (1080p and smaller) and on Android the Live2D models should end up looking even better than they did before!
Options Galore! - All of the effects that use to be part of ye olde "low performance mode" are now available as individual options. You can toggle menu animations, animated textures, keyboard hotkeys, cache size, all independently to match your device performance.
v0.32.4 - 2024-12-20
Adjusted triggers for Cheerleader watching TV in her underwear (now requires Arousal 50+ or having her teasing brothers)
Added three new hand grabbing effects for the MCILF's boob frames
Added hands on/off animations for the new hand grabbing effects
Added cumshot effects for the Firebrand's model.
Added cumshot calls for the Personlike class.
Added cumshot effect to Nerd x Firebrand livingroom event.
Added groping hand effects to many events.
Added MiraLive2DView class to support frames that should all reference one "base" version. Updated all existing derivative frames.
Updated the innate texture swap code so it functions with low performance mode.
Added MiraAlphaDissolve as a wrapper class for Renpy's AlphaDissolve, modifying functionality to be more convenient for texture swaps.
Tidied up warps and layer settings for existing boob and butt frames. Reduced amount of clipping with panties during excessive booty jiggling.
Fixed pushup bra straps clipping with arms and through many tops.
Updated to Renpy 8.3.4.
Downscaling renderer now properly scales textures regardless of screen resolution.
Updated all of the MCILF's facial elements (the emotion kind, not the cummy kind)
Adjusted the MCILF's ponytail hair colour to match the other sets a little better.
Added exit_animation parameter for the MiraAnimation. If a string or MiraAnimation, this animation is played when the triggering animation is ended for any reason.
Updated the Supporter Corruption Point hint App. Now divides all hints into their own screens.
Added HintCollection and CorruptionHint classes to manage extra information in the corruption points app.
Each Hint give a Corruption Point an easily readable name, a short hint sentence, and a flavour sentence when it is unlocked.
Added full hint descriptions for all of the existing Corruption Points.
Improved the phone crack art.
Clickables that use a Live2D model now use a MiraLive2DView of the base model, rather than generating a unique one (and duplicating textures) every time an interaction is triggered.
Clickables that use a Live2D model now have a base value of 1.0 instead of the (arbitrary) 0.8. screen position and height are currently automatically adjusted to old positioning values for now.
Removed a (now) unnecessary Flatten() operation for Live2D based clickables, improving performance.
All clickables now support being handed an xanch and yanch parameter, which sets xanchor and yanchor for those clickables. screen_position still represents the top left of the image (except for Live2D based Clickables)
Live2D clickables (ClickablePerson and ClickableCrowdMember) now have a default yanchor of 1.0, anchoring them at their feet. Positions have been automatically adjusted to maintain old position values for now.
Moved quick navigation buttons (save, load, auto, etc.) from the bottom middle to the bottom right of the screen to limit annoying accidental clicks.
Added "bored" and "very_happy" expressions for the MCILF. Tweaked existing expression files to make better use of the new face assets.
Hey everyone, sorry for the wait while I fixed up some bugs - there was a surprisingly nasty display bug for texture swapped clothes that took me hours to figure out. That's resolved now, along with a few other major issues. The Android version should start and run smoothly now, and the general errors while interacting with NPCs has been resolved.
v0.31.3 - 2024-11-16
Major Update Features
New Events! A collection of short events and expanded interactions have been added across almost all of the different characters in A Very Full House!
Firebrand Events! Our itty-bitty-titty punk was a fan favourite in the supporter polls and came out with a few major additions. Now you can give her some very direct advice when you walk in on her masturbating, or neg her into joining you for a workout routine so you can get sweaty together.
Seriously, it's just a whole bunch of events! The Cheerleader got some! The Bully got some! Some gym class boys got some! It doesn't make for a thrilling changelog, but I promise they're fun!
Added new corruption points to existing branches of Cheerleader and Nerd's homework event. (related to seeing her breasts)
Added new corruption points to existing branches of Firebrand and Nerd's events (related to seeing her breasts)
Added new Cheerleader x Nerd homework event, along with a new corruption point (related to her teasing him to get something)
Updated Cheerleader homework automation to properly put her in the teasing branch when appropriate.
Moved Slacker's movie events to their own file to keep things tidy.
Added small interaction with Slacker TV. When out of his room, he will leave his TV on.
Added Cheerleader event if Slacker is out of his room and he's left his TV on.
Added cutdown outfit version of Firebrand's couch clickable to properly reflect the outfit state. Also improved all versions of her couch art.
Added a couple of starting corruption points for Goth, unlocked when you get your nipples pierced.
Added short interaction while talking to Goth after having your nipples pierced.
Added interaction with Firebrand interaction while doing yoga. One branch adds a workout chore with Firebrand.
Added firebrand workout chore automation option for the Jock; includes a peek scene in his bedroom while they are working out.
Firebrand can now be asked to weed the garden. Includes minor branch if she is asked to do it while tanning.
Firebrand can now automate the weed the garden task.
Added new post-gym crowd event.
Busty bra-break gym event now only triggers after volleyball (to make room for other events; more expansion coming later)
Added new Firebrand masturbation walk-in options.
Updated dodgeball event to use crowd members, rather than text placeholders.
Added new Bully breast tease vent during detention.
Added new Bully masturbation event during detention.
Updated how crowd NPCs are displayed. New crowd_npc_display label takes NPC info and formats them appropriately, labeling them as crowd1, crowd2, etc.
v0.30.2 - 2024-10-10
Switched characters from normal narration to bubble narration.
Made text bubble location/side procedural, instead of needing every statement to be manually placed.
Menu statements with character narration now display narration as a thought bubble in the center/above the menu.
Added bubble animation on show/hide.
renpy.notify now wraps position after 20 messages if messages are still being displayed - More useful for debugging with lots of message generation.
Adjusted menu code to eliminate unnecessary 2nd menu page when there's only 1 option, placing it in the "prev/next" line space.
Increased cache size, limited prediction to Live2D models (which were the only things heavy enough to require it)
Removed Crowd.__call__, speech is now handled by it's parent Person.__call__ to ensure identical behaviour for all characters.
Replaced default bubble art, with different colour accents depending on gender.
Changed change_location code to prevent old locations from being cached unnecessarily.
Added new button art, composed of multiple pieces that can be altered depending on context.
Added MiraMenuOption class to handle button construction. Should be backwards compatible, unless mods were doing something _very_ weird with menus.
Buttons have three variable sections, in addition to text: a left accent, a right accent, and a ring colour.
Added left accent button art for actions that pass time, that end the day, and the change location.
Added right accent button art for actions that are part of a chore, influence Arousal, influence Control, reduce Stress, or influence Money.
Added ring colour art. Grey ring is default, for options that don't trigger any of the other interesting options.
Added pink ring colour. Menu buttons that have never been selected before are given pink rings.
Added search_nodes() function to parse Ren'py script and look forward for some condition.
Added blue ring colour. Menu buttons that lead to other menus with unpicked options are given blue rings.
Added gold ring colour. Menu buttons that lead to a "add_corruption_tag" call for a tag you or an NPC doesn't have yet are given gold rings.
renpy.notify no longer restarts interaction when called; plays nicer when called by internal functions.
Added default return statement to continue supporting old saves. Also updated Outfit and OutfitManager classes to ensure save compatibility.
Added tooltips when hovering buttons, explaining what button accents mean.
Added sneakers, replacing the default slips for the MCILF's workout outfit.
Added necklace and earring outfit slots.
Added pearl necklace and gold chain necklace. Added hoop earrings.
Added two short hair styles, along with mall event to change between long and short hair (for a price).
Added ability to toggle between short hair styles at a mirror.
Added themes to all of the menu options for events already in the game (so... so many.)
Menu buttons can be right clicked (long pressed on mobile) to toggle if the option should be flagged as having been chosen before.
Added menu option to reset persistent menu data so all options will appear as new/unpicked. Added a confirmation step so it's not done accidentally.
v0.29.5 - 2024-09-22
Major Update Features
New Cheerleader Minified Underwear! - The Cheerleader just can't stop getting her "lucky" underwear torn up - and for some reason it keeps getting smaller every time you patch it! Existing events have been tweaked to make sure you can unlock the new stage, and a couple new underwear damage events have been scattered around to make it easier and more reliable to find some.
Cheerleader Cheer Practice Chore! - Cheer got that new cheerleader outfit added last (mini) update, and now there's a chore to actually go along with it. Get dressed up in your workout gear and help her yourself, or give the chore to the Jock and just watch.
New Firebrand Cutdown Underwear! - Not one to be outdone, the Firebrand has a new cutdown stage for her underwear now too. Does she only wear a thong, making this a super easy add? Maybe. Is it still hot? Yes. yes it is.
Performance Optimizations! - I've implemented a bunch of improvements throughout AVFH, helping the whole thing run a little smoother. Memory usage should be lower, down by about 30% in the worst-case scenes, and the pause when entering new locations should be greatly reduced.
New Crowd Display Code! - Find it weird that most "crowd" events only showed one person? Me too! Crowds now properly display the entire group of NPCs when you talk to one member. I've added some new work crowds with short events, and updated the old crowd events to make sure everyone gets a speaking role. Oh, there's new crowd gossip too, based on what sorts of things you've been doing at work.
Full Changelog (There was a lot this patch!)
Added new Cheerleader "practice cheer routine" chore. Available after unlocking her cheer uniform.
Added general_requirement menu option. Takes a (bool, "string"), enable/disabling the button and displaying the slug as appropriate.
Added alternative way to unlock workout wear.
Textures are now oversampled by a factor of 2, reducing GPU memory usage by 30-% in worst-case scenarios (5+ characters displayed)
Added backyard cheer practice event for the Cheerleader.
Added option to send the Jock to help the Cheerleader with her practice instead.
Modified Cheer TV event to more explicitly reference the "Tease her brothers" chore.
Added minified underwear art for the Cheerleader.
Added two sewing events for Cheerleader's minified underwear, one each for her bra and panties.
Tidied up triggering conditions for Firebrand cutdown outfits - now properly flags outfits as unlocked, rather than using bespoke tags.
Added cutdown underwear art for Firebrand.
Added sewing event for Firebrand's cutdown underwear.
Tidied up the sewing event files. Now broken out by character (mom, Cheerleader, Firebrand) with a single simplified hub file.
Flagged location screens and Live2D characters for prediction; should reduce/remove slight lag while moving between locations.
Chores can now be handed a function for their name and description. This function is handed a reference to the chore and should return a string to be displayed.
Screens should now use get_chore_name() and get_chore_description() functions rather than accessing parameters directly.
Dinner chore now changes name and description when you need to do the dishes.
Added SewingChore class, extending Chore class. Automatically includes tag and hint for finding sewing machine if it isn't unlocked.
Updated all events that add sewing based tasks to use SewingChore.
Nerd bathroom masturbation event now kicks him out when he's done. He's horny, but he's not THAT horny.
Added new Twitter art phone background.
Added small Clickable based event at work, adds additional way to have Cheerleader's underwear damaged.
Laundry events related to Cheerleader's underwear expanded, allow you to unlock her minified underwear.
Added ClickableCrowdGroup class. Takes a group_list with info about all of the crowd members in the group and displays all of them. Limited to 5 NPCs at a time.
Updated existing crowd events to use the new group displayable approach, along with a few extra minor branches.
Removed redundant filename from Crowd clickable definitions.
Added short "gossip" conversations for you to overhear before interacting with some crowds.
Added extra crowds at work with a few short interactions. Also redistributed some crowd options to their clickables, rather than being attached to the desks.
Work chore name and description are now dynamic, changing depending on what lesson is active.
Added redirect message to the stairs if it's the first day and you haven't interacted with the shower/slacker, to guide players in that direction.
Added slightly less placeholder-y backgrounds to some locations (but they're still very much placeholders).
v0.28.1 - 2024-08-14
Major Update Features
Oops, Patreon Ban! - This update cycle took a strange turn when I was banned from Patreon. Most of my time since then has been spent getting the new SubscribeStar page set up, updating in-game assets, and otherwise sorting my shit out!
Cheerleader Content! - A few variants for the Cheerleader's control options have been added, triggered when her corruption level is higher than required.
Cheer Uniform! - A cheerleader needs a cheer uniform, obviously! Now she's got one, along with a short quest to unlock it. Right now all you can do is gawk, but more options will come in v0.29!
Added new animated phone background for MCILF, unlocked via (random) Slacker text event.
Added new Cheerleader cheer outfit.
Friendship ended with Patreon. Now SubscribeStar is my best friend.
Added "Kiss" control option for the Cheerleader.
Added high corruption variants for the "Guilt" and "Tease" control options.
Cheerleader outfit clickable now only appears in her room when it is unlocked.
Menu options now support requiring multiple outfit tags (requires ALL tags).
Added short quest to unlock Cheerleader cheer outfit. Begins by talking to her at work.
Added small placeholder interaction with the Cheerleader's cheer outfit in her room, as a way to view
v0.27.3 - 2024-07-30
Fxed a couple of minor bugs in the initial release build
Major Update Features
New Firebrand Content! - The Firebrand, that small titty, huge booty pain in your ass, has a whole bunch of new content added for her. Talking to her now gives you some basic options to tease, flirt, and generate Control with her. As she becomes more corrupted you'll need to find other ways to build that control - possibly with the help of some nearby boys . She's also got some new event branches scattered around in her other interactions!
Standardized Arousal/Control Values! - I combed through the whole AVFH script and standardized (almost) all of the arousal and control values given by events. That will make future events more consistent, and lets me tweak values for balance purposes. Am I the only person excited by this? Oh well; I still think it's cool!
Better Menu Feedback! - I've added support for a bunch of new menu options, which means more options will show you why they're disabled, rather than not appearing. I'll be making more use of this going forward, which should make it easier to see where cool content is waiting to be found.
Extra Art, Nerd, and Slacker Events! - Firebrand got most of the writing attention, but the Nerd and Slacker both get to enjoy some new events with her. I've also added a collection of new phone backgrounds from my recent Twitter art spree - keep an eye out for a text from the Slacker to unlock them!
Refactored how menu options are handled internally. Now handled by MiraMenuOption class.
Added support for "last_resort" menu option; when flagged option(s) will only be visible if all non-last-resort options are unavailable.
Updated (almost) all existing arousal and control function calls to draw from a standard list of values for more consistency between events.
Solo climaxes no longer satisfy climax chores for NPCs.
Added basic "Guilt" and "Tease" control options for the Firebrand.
Added "Kiss" control option for the Firebrand.
Added extra assignable chores for the Jock, Nerd, and Slacker related to the Firebrand. (unlocked after trying her "kiss" control option)
Added "cooldown_tag" parameter for menu options. Checks if a timed tag is present, disables the option and displays time remaining if it is.
Added three Firebrand specific options for generating Control.
Added two basic Firebrand tease options.
Added "tag_requirement" as menu requirement option. Takes a tuple of (tag, description), and locks the option if the tag is not present.
Added "npc_tag_requirement" as menu requirement option. Functionally identical to tag_requirement, but is displayed along with other NPC requirements.
Added new Firebrand + Nerd TV branch, unlocked with one of the new chore options.
Added new phone backgrounds, unlocked via (random) Slacker text events.
Added Firebrand x Slacker event when both are in the basement (by, for example, having Slacker do laundry, then tidying Firebrand's room).
v0.26.5 - 2024-07-05
Major Update Features
New sex events! - I've tripled the number of full sex scenes in A Very Full House this update, brining us from two up to a much more reasonable six! The Nerd and the Slacker have gotten one each, and the Jock has joined the party with two completely new events for him!
New bikini art! - I've redrawn the old bikini art to make it a little more... not terrible (and actually quite good, if I do say so myself!). It would be cruel to leave such a good looking swimsuit as a patron exclusive, so it's now possible to unlock it in game! There's also a very hot looking bikini variant added as a special reward for my patrons.
Other new events! - In addition to the new sex scenes, a whole bunch of non-penetration branches have been added to make sure there's even more stuff to stumble onto in game. So if you're excited by the idea of stumbling into giving out a surprise blowjob, or grinding against someone in the shower, then this update has what you want! In total there's an additional 11,000 words of dialogue and narration in this update!
Tweaks and minor stuff! - On top of the big stuff there's a scattering of minor stuff. The phone UI now breaks different apps out into different alert colours, making it easier to see when you have a new text to interact with. There are some new phone backgrounds for you to find and enjoy, and some fixes for bugs that managed to live through the last update.
The Nerd can now be made to weed the garden, almost entirely just to have a way to move him into the backyard.
Corruption points (and a tiny bit of one-off dialogue) are available when sunbathing and teasing in your bikini for the first time. (Allows the Jock to hit CL6, for realz this time)
Added Jock massage sex event.
Added small nerd tidy event branch.
Added a few colour options for phone alert bubbles: red, green, blue, yellow, magenta, cyan.
Phone apps can now be assigned different alert colours. Alerts of the same colour are added together when displayed on the main UI clickable.
Texting app now uses cyan notifications for messages, differentiating it from chore alerts (still red).
Added Jock shower walk-in scene.
Added Jock sex scene to shower walk-in.
Added Slacker blowjob scene while watching a movie together.
Added new animated background, unlockable through texting the Bully.
Added Slacker sex scene while watching a movie.
Added new bikini art. Old art/mesh is still present to maintain mod compatibility.
Added new transparent/plastic bikini variant for patrons.
Added old bikini variant as an unlockable patron variant.
Added new phone background featuring the Firebrand
Added "shared_shower" corruption tag for Jock shower event.
Bikini is no longer patron only - must now be unlocked through gameplay.
Added Nerd gloryhole encounter.
Added Jock gloryhole encounter.
Added new gloryhole clickable art.
(Patron only) Added new Busty outfit and one alternative texture.
Added new crowd bathroom encounter.
Bathroom can now be entered at CL1 (previously 3); now cost of some stress. Enables some events earlier than was previously possible.
Added new Busty bathroom encounter.
Added new Nerd text event at work.
Added new phone background.
Added new MCILF masturbation chore (Triggers at CL3+ after 5+ orgasms).
Added basic phone interactions with the Bully.
Added short Bully/Busty phone interaction when unlocking new phone background.
Added work masturbation scene, available once you have the masturbation chore.
Added option to buy pizza if you're busy running detention. Allows you to complete the dinner chore in exchange for money.
v0.25.3 - 2024-05-17
Added Nerd gloryhole encounter.
Added Jock gloryhole encounter.
Added new gloryhole clickable art.
(Patron only) Added new Busty outfit and one alternative texture.
Added new crowd bathroom encounter.
Bathroom can now be entered at CL1 (previously 3); now cost of some stress. Enables some events earlier than was previously possible.
Added new Busty bathroom encounter.
Added new Nerd text event at work.
Added new phone background.
Added new MCILF masturbation chore (Triggers at CL3+ after 5+ orgasms).
Added basic phone interactions with the Bully.
Added short Bully/Busty phone interaction when unlocking new phone background.
Added work masturbation scene, available once you have the masturbation chore.
Added option to buy pizza if you're busy running detention. Allows you to complete the dinner chore in exchange for money.
Major Update Features
Cumshot Art! - Watch the MCILF get wet and sticky with a whole suite of new cumshot effects. Get covered from head to toe with 12 "hit locations", each with two stages of cummy-ness.
Updated Events! - Existing events have all been updated to use the new cumshot art, and several of them have new variants to give you some control over where the MCILF gets splattered with sperm! Now that the art is added, future events will be sure to take full advantage and deliver some very, very messy cumshot scenes!
Cumshot Tracking! - The stat tracking app on your MCILF's phone now records cumshots, facials, and creampies, both by count and by total volume. Numbers go brr!
TV Events! - The Firebrand and the Cheerleader both have short new events in front of the TV. Behind the scenes these events also give me a bunch of places for future events to tie into!
v0.23 - 2024-03-24
Major Update Features
Crowds! - A new type of NPC has been added to the game - crowds. These crowd NPCs represent a whole type of character, rather than a specific individual. Build up Arousal, Control, and Corruption in these groups to give you power over the entire class. Particularly important if you want to keep on top of things at work now!
Nerd Sex Scene! - You wanted it, you got it! The Nerd is the second NPC to get a full-blown sex scene, joining the Slacker. Get him corrupted, keep him horny, and go to bed naked to have this spicy new event chain trigger.
Events! So Many Events! - There's a TON of new writing in this update! I've added over 18,000 words of dialogue (11% of the whole game now!) spread across dozens of event chains big and small. Most of these events involve the crowds at work, The Nerd, or The Bully.
Refactored Person class and added Personlike class to contain common information.
Added Crowd class to represent large groups of unspecified people (and their corruption levels, control, etc.)
Added eight crowd character silhouettes (four men, four women).
Gave each crowd silhouette 2 hair styles, 2 daily outfits, and a swimsuit outfit.
Added a bunch of crowd interactions and events at work.
Added corruption points for crowds.
Fixed the "before_clickable" and "after_clickable" parameters for clickables, now properly let you insert clickables in relative positions.
Fixed work not marking progress properly when you mark homework during work.
Added new event for the Bully and the Nerd.
Added new chore for the Bully.
Added options to turn Arousal into Control for work crowd factions.
Updated existing work events to generate, spend Control where appropriate.
(Patron only) added rainbow socks for the Cheerleader (hmm, what are rainbow socks good for?)
Added Cheerleader work chore branches, interactions with Nerd.
Added Nerd dinner event when cooking.
Added Nerd night time visit event.
Added four new phone backgrounds from my ongoing practice art stuff.
And probably a bunch of stuff I forgot to write down at the time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
v0.22.3 - 2024-01-23
Major Update Features
New Class Options! - Break up the daily tedium with a couple of new class options to choose from, plus a bunch of NPC interactions to go along with them!
Cutdown Candy Bikini! - Did you see Candy's bikini in v0.21 and think "I wish her bikini was even smaller and barely-hanging-together-er"? Well your prayers have been answered, and now you can get that bikini cut down into an even tinier version!
New Ethan and Madison Events! aka. the Nerd and the Firebrand, both NPCs have new events for you to find. Get 'em worked up and corrupted and you should be able to get them to fire.
Added bathroom peek event for Nerd.
Added debug screen "clickable_positioning_screen", for placing clickables and quickly testing position and height values.
Added mirror_displayable parameter for clickables. Does what it says on the tin.
Shower now has (placeholder) alternative art when someone is in the shower.
Added Christmas 2023 phone background.
Added Firebrand masturbation walk-in event.
Added a math class option, with a few basic interactions to pass the time.
Added an art class option, with a few interactions.
ClickableObject (and inheriting classes) now can take a function in place of a string for image name. Function should return an image file string.
Added cutdown bikini for Cheerleader, plus events for introducing it.
Pool clickable for Cheerleader now varies (slightly) depending on what swimsuit she's wearing.
Added interaction with Principal to unlock new options.
Added default names for characters that didn't have them.
Added cutdown towel option for MCILF.
v0.21.2 - 2023-12-17
Main Update Features
Swimsuit for Candy! Candy (aka. "The Cheerleader") finally gets a swimsuit this update, letting her join you in the pool for some wet n' wild times! Okay, not too wild yet, but I promise we'll get there!
More Candy Interactions! Candy's also gotten some new basic interactions added for her. Turn Arousal into Control by guilting or teasing her, and flirt with her to build that Arousal right back up. These new interactions are topped off with some new accidental encounters you can get with her - be sure to pay her a visit some time soon!
A New Drawing Tablet! - Alright, that really isn't really a "game" feature, but it'll still be coming in handy in the near. The fact that my old tablet broke certainly didn't help speed up development, so I'm counting this as a win!
Added swimsuit art for the Cheerleader.
Added sewing project to make the Cheerleader a swimsuit.
Added small alternative dialogue for gloryhole.
Added "One Piece" and "Two Piece" tags to swimsuits.
Added backyard swim event with the Cheerleader.
change_arousal function now takes optional "silent" parameter. When True no HUD will be displayed - used for (small, repetitive) overnight arousal increases for NPCs.
Added Cheerleader watching movie event.
Added "chore" to have Cheerleader tease others, raising Arousal daily.
Early masturbation walk-in events now recorded as masturbation, lower arousal slightly.
Added some phone backgrounds, unlockable from the Nerd's room.
Added some basic Cheerleader Control conversation options.
Added basic Cheerleader flirt options to build Arousal.
Added Cheerleader masturbation walk-in event, with multiple branches depending on corruption.
v.0.20.1 - 2023-11-19
Added character art for Goth.
Rigged and animated character art for Goth.
Added sex frame, based on previous upskirt frame.
Added "default_parameters" attribute to MiraLive2D. Sets attributes to given value if no other source sets them.
Added halloween themed phone background.
Added option to buy suntan lotion at the mall, doubling tan rate.
Added new (very large) event branch to Slacker's room tidy event. Plap plap!
TextureReplacement class now accepts a list of target displayables, instead of needing one defined for every displayable variant of a single model.
Updated existing example mods to use lists of displayables instead of multiple redundant texture replacements.
Removed baked-in nipple hints from some swimsuits that still had them.
Added mesh top for the Goth (Patron exclusive)
Added short sunbathing tease branch for the Slacker.
Gave Slacker a unique clickable while weeding the garden, with short interaction.
Added short alternative branches for a work event.
Maximum arousal requirements now properly display their enabled/disabled thresholds.
Updated starting disclamer to make it more clear what is currently missing from the game.
v0.19.2 - 2023-11-07
Fixes issues with Madison's outfit states, nipple piercing states being incorrectly applied (leading to them not displaying), and some unintended schedule changes for the boys that made their shower events inaccessible. The new update should be 100% save compatible.
v0.19.1 - 2023-10-18
Added piercing_set values to Outfit and Person classes.
Piercings are selected by the overwear, underwear, or person, in that order of priority.
Added art for four nipple piercings for the MCILF: Simple bars, Simple rings, dangly crosses, and dangly hearts.
Added art for two patron exclusive piercings for the MCILF: work ID badge, and (used) condom bundles.
Added belly_piercing_set and clit_piercing_set values for Outfit and Person classes. Works similarly to nipple piercings.
Added two nipple piercings for Madison: simple bars and skull bars.
Added one bellybutton piercing for Madison: skull bellybutton piercing.
Added one clit piercing for Madison: Circular bar.
Jock and Cheerleader dishes event now properly displays characters in their underwear at their clickables.
Tidied up default and cutdown sweater art.
Eliminated baked-in nipple hints for several pieces of clothing. Now handled with dynamic element added when (in)appropriate.
Added cutdown outfit for Madison (aka. The Firebrand). Unlocked through chat option with her.
Added fixed menu id's for several bathroom mirror menus.
Added ability to change nipple piercings at the bathroom mirror.
Added event for getting piercings (currently only nipple piercings) with Madison.
Added ClickableConditional class. Allows for multiple clickable locations to be associated with a single schedule time based on priority and trigger functions.
Updated several events to have positions grouped as conditional clickable.
Added minor church event to unlock cross piercings.
Added peek interuption event for Firebrand.
Added evening snack event for Cheerleader.
Added a few corruption points opportunities for Firebrand.
v0.18.1 - 2023-09-14
Main Update Features
Chore Automation! Tired of doing all those repetitive chores every week? Well now you can automate (most of) them! You can now assign your closest NPCs to chores permanently, without you needing to micro manage them every time the chore is available. Watch out though, because they'll expect something in return for all of their hard work, and they probably aren't interested in money!
New Events! Some new events have been scattered throughout the game! Text with the Bully after work, or assign Ethan to clean up and leave him alone to do his work. Some of the existing chore events have also had minor tweaks so they flow smoothly when automated.
New Art! It wasn't a focus for this update, but a couple new pieces of art have snuck their way into the game! Wear your skimpiest work outfit and you might end up with a new phone background, or walk in on Ethan while he's "cleaning" and get a glimpse of what he's using for motivation. There's also been some UI additions for chore automation, and the texting system has been made more flexible so I can write events that send or receive pictures.
Added Bully texting event after minified outfit tease event.
Added general Bully texting event.
MiraLive2D can now be handed a "static_frame" parameter. If True no animation will affect that frame, but outfit states still will.
Added chat option with Bully.
Added option to give Bully detention, even if he's done nothing wrong.
Added ChoreAutomation class. Holds information about who is responsible for a specific chore.
Added a whole bunch of conversation with the Nerd letting you automate chores.
Added list of rewards you can offer to the Nerd in exchange for automating chores.
Chores can only be automated once they have shown up on your chore list at least once.
Jock is now sent to a clickable when you tell him to skim the pool. Option to watch him work accessed from this clickable.
Added chore automation conversations to the Jock and the Slacker as well.
Chore app now displays indicator for automated chores.
Pinned chore list does not display automated chores.
Tidy events now send NPCs to new clickables (although they're in the same place... I swear this matters behind the scenes).
Added new walkin tidy event for Nerd if you assign him to clean Firebrand's room.
Added tiny texting event after Firebrand room tidy event.
And probably other stuff I forgot to write down while I worked on it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
v0.17.1 - 2023-08-18
Major Update Features
New Minified Work Outfit! Push the dress code to it's absolute limit with a new minified work outfit, complete with mini-skirt, tiny dress "shirt", and a single herculean button!
New Pushup Bra (and matching panties)! Give your MILF'y boobs the support they deserve with a new lingerie set purchasable from the mall. ALL of the existing outfits allow now have art support for perky, lifted boobs as well. Mix and match this underwear set and find out which outfit combos look the best!
New Written Events! A new event chain with the principal has been added to unlock the minified work outfit. That tiny outfit can also lead to a new weekly chore if you don't keep your boss under control! Some small interactions have been scattered through the game to make things feel a little more reactive to what you're doing, too.
Mod Support Improvements! Required mod parameters, fixed menu ID's, improved example mods, and (embarrassingly) some bug fixes all contribute to an even better modding experience!
Added short principal introduction event (will not trigger if you've already met him in a saved game.
Updated Jock massage event to give more stress relief, particularly if you were horny and climaxed.
Added "associated_mod" variable to modded entries class. Related entries will only trigger if the associated mod is enabled.
Refactored example mod to inject patron content options using ModdedMenuOption, instead of being hard coded.
Patreon content menu now has explicit menu_id "patron_content_menu" to allow other mods to inject content reliably.
Added explicit menu IDs for all NPC interaction menus. Generally in the form of "[name]_interact_menu".
Added menu IDs for all NPC texting menus. Generally in the form of "[name]_text_menu".
Added menu IDs for several common clickable items: front door, pool, closet, dresser, lawnchair, couch, basement_boxes, study_door, sewing_machine.
Added new minified work outfit.
Added event chain to unlock minified work outfit.
Added new outfit inspection interaction with the Principal (new chore).
Added new pushup bra and matching panties.
Added some basic interactions with the Principal.
Added minor Jock texting event after gloryhole is unlocked.
Added some basic texting interactions with the Principal.
Added corruption tags for Principal (should be enough to get him up to CL 3)
Added Bully tease branch while wearing a "Very Revealing" outfit.
v0.16.2 - 2023-07-20
Added titjob masturbation help option for Slacker.
Added titjob masturbation help option for Jock.
Added titjob masturbation help option for Nerd.
Added event to unlock titjob masturbation for the above NPCs - triggered by posing topless for them when they have CL3+.
Titjob masturbation help is also unlocked if you've found an event that has you give them a titjob.
Added "pin chores" button to chores app. Adds small list of unfinished chores to your HUD.
Added new shower event for Candy. Also added new corruption points related to event.
Added interaction with maintenance door to report gloryhole after it is found.
Added pre-existing text messages for characters in a new game (old saves are unafffected).
Added Bully gloryhole event.
Added Jock bedroom massage event.
Added option to ask Jock for a massage at any point in exchange for Control.
Texting is now limited to once/turn instead of once/day.
Added "turnly_tags" to ChoreList class. Turnly tags are cleared at the start of every turn (like daily tags, but... turnly)
Update to Renpy and Live2D versions (fixed a tanned skin display bug that wasn't my fault. Huzza: a bug wasn't my fault!)
Fixed some sex events not properly updating sex chores, sex stats.
v0.15.1 - 2023-07-14
Major Update Features
Texting System! Send and receive texts with NPCs, unlocking a whole new style of events, hints, and interactions! The texting system also allows for images (and videos, and any other sort of Ren'py displayable) to be sent and received. There are a few basic interactions added in v0.15, with plenty more planned for the next update cycle! This is a very modular, expandable system designed with future content in mind.
Titfuck Art! The slow expansion of sex art continues, and now our lovely MCILF can put her boobs to good use! The new updates to the boob frame add two dick poses: between your cleavage or a frontfuck squeeze. Currently only the cleavage option is being used in events, but mods can make use of the new art options right away. Each pose has a full suite of animations, complete with those glorious jiggle physics!
New Events! New art and new mechanics means new events to show them all off! NPCs might now text you, prompting you to come and help them with their "needs". Each of the main male NPCs also has a new event that makes use of the titfuck art. Get exploring and see if you can find where it is (or head over to Discord for some hints.)
- Added a whole texting system.
- Made the alert icon screen more flexible. Can now fade out after a set amount of time after being shown.
- Texts can have event labels linked to them, allowing you to respond to the last message sent to you.
- Texting app properly scrolls, adds elements to the end of the screen, etc. Ya'know, like a texting app. This was a pain to get perfect.
- phone hud now displays the total of unseen texts and chores.
- Texting system also supports sending any sort of displayable. Displayables are scaled to fit width of texting space comfortably.
- Added snapchat style caption option for image texts.
- Added a button to toggle between contact and texting pages quickly.
- Added ClickableTextingEvent class. Handles NPCs starting texting events based on what clickable they are located at.
- Person class now has set_override_clickable() and clear_override_clickable() functions which properly trigger texting events.
- Updated all uses of Schedule.set_override_clickable() to use Person.set_override_clickable() instead.
- Updated Firebrand background event to use the texting system.
- Added basic texting interactions for main NPCs that you can initiate.
- Added titfuck frame, based on existing boob frame.
- Added titfuck, titjob, and straight titfuck animation suites for events to use.
- Added text events for NPCs when they might be masturbating.
- Added text hook for Slacker movie night event.
- SexStats class now records titfucks. Stats app now displays number of titfucks.
- Added Nerd shower titfuck event.
- Added Jock shower walkin titfuck event.
- Added alternative dialogue if you've answered a masturbation text.
- Keyboard key "p" now toggles phone. Should improve compatability.
v0.14.1 - 2023-06-02
New Events! New written content has been added focusing on the three girls of the house! Each event is a major string of content with multiple branches and new ways to earn corruption points!
New Firebrand Outfit! One of these new events demanded a swimsuit for the Firebrand, so I've added one! This is her initial, least-corrupted version; you can expect to see much skimpier versions in future updates!
New (mostly background) Art! New art has been added throughout the game, most of it focused on making the workplace art more colourful and less placeholder-y.
- Added Firebrand swimsuit outfit.
- Added less placeholder-y pool chair art.
- Added pool chair art with Firebrand (including topless variants)
- Fixed a whole bunch of typos. Like a LOT.
- Added Firebrand sunbathing event.
- Added PersonclickableImage class to handle clickables that represent people (and are tied to schedules) that aren't Live2D images.
- Added Nerd event related to new Firebrand event.
- Added coloured art for all of the workplace locations that were missing it.
- Added shared event for Cheerleader and Jock when doing the dishes together.
- Added new movie watching event for the Slacker.
- Sex chores now trigger for any climax caused by the MC, not just posing climaxes.
- Tweaked some schedules so more events will line up well.
- Added corruption points for reaching specific milestones in Cheerleader's outfit cutdown progression.
- Cheerleader outfit corruption points will be applied retroactively in saved games.
- Added Mod manager screen. Mods can now be enabled and disabled.
- Added "Advanced Healer Robes" outfit for Caves of Grothnar. Currently patron exclusive.
- Added skirt bouncing effect to Caves of Grothnar robes.
- Added new Caves of Grothnar event branch.
- Added new Caves of Grothnar themed phone background. Unlocked by defeating "The Matriarch".
- Control gained from many events is now adjusted based on NPC Corruption Level, decreasing as the NPC becomes more corrupted. Minimum control gained is always 5.
- Added SexStats class. Stores records of all your sex acts, tracking what you've done and with who.
- Updated all existing events to add the proper records.
- Added handjob-with-panties art to existing handjob frame.
- Changes to stats (arousal, control, etc.) are now displayed in the notification stack.
- Updated art for phone apps to be a little less placeholder-y.
- Added a few unused app buttons for mods: A heart, a calendar, and a wad of money.
- Added Firebrand tanning phone background.
- Updated Mod class to include an optional cleanup label, mod author, mod description, requirements, etc.
- Added Slacker sex chore introduction. Adds new Chore when triggered (or requires spending Control)
- Added Nerd sex chore introduction. Adds new Chore when triggered (or requires spending Control)
- Added Jock sex chore introduction. Adds new Chore when triggered (or requires spending Control)
- Added a headshot of each NPC in the MCILF phone contact list.
- Added a stat screen. Can be accessed from MCILF phone contact list by clicking on their picture.
- Updated notify system to support stacking multiple notifications instead of overwriting them.
- Added note to some "Very Revealing" outfit branches to highlight that they are currently unimplemented.
- Added colour (but still very placeholder) art for work hall 1.
- Added colour (but still very placeholder) art for gym.
- Fixed crash while tanning.
- Fixed default underwear not being properly set when it was selected.
- EventSystem class now properly triggers on weekend and on week events enroled with it.
- Fixed "Go to Church" chore not properly being linked to a day.
Тему отредактировал: severnivolk - 5-02-2025, 08:48
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Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.0.33.2 Eng. / Topic updated. Added English version v.0.33.2 Eng.
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