Возьми под свой контроль Лизу, молодую девушку на последнем курсе колледжа, когда она приступает к последним образовательным препятствиям:
Охота за кредитами
Чтобы окончить колледж, Лиза должна заработать достаточно кредитов от местных предприятий и корпораций, устраиваясь на работу на неполный рабочий день и выполняя обязанности без отрыва от производства в различных отраслях.
Покорная и тихая жизнь со своим парнем Дэнни может оказаться не тем сдержанным будущим, которого Лиза себе желает... а ведь с каждым днем открывается столько дверей, что у нее есть все шансы все изменить.
Take control of Lisa, a young girl in her final year of college as she embarks on the final educational hurdle:
The Credit Hunt
To graduate Lisa must earn ample credits from local businesses and corporations by taking on part-time work fulfilling on-the-job duties in a range of industries.
Living a docile and quiet life with her boyfriend Danny may not be the reserved future Lisa wishes for herself.. and with so many doors opening day by day she has every opportunity to change everything.
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, big tits, bukkake, corruption, creampie, drugs, exhibitionism, female protagonist, futa, trans, groping, group sex, handjob, humiliation, milf, oral, rape, titfuck, vaginal, voyeurism, cheating
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: PaleGrass - Subscribestar - Boosty
Перевод: Rexus
Платформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.3.1.5
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)
Поблагодарить Переводчика : Yoomoney кошелёк 410011908107082
Obviously the Mod Shop scene is finished but there are a few backend changes that might help with users that have been crashing. I think I might've also solved my own issues with the engine crashing (which was how I lost the DS Sharing scene way back at the start of last year) so that's all good news. Of course let me know if you're still having problems with the game stalling though, I'm just hopeful that we might one day have a functional game for everyone ^_^
3. 1. 4A
v.3.0.5 - 2024-10-05
v.3.0.4 - 2024-10-01
This isn't a content patch, just to get that out of the way ^_^ there are some 30~ new images but they're all related to the Faithful Route at Jayce's Party.
Quick what's new:
1: All known bugfixes including loops + black screens.
2: Orgy complete + Finale rewrite (Recollection Room also updated)
3: DS Faithful route complete
4: DL Skip option added (low arousal only)
Just a note on the DL skip - if Lisa opts out of all RED choices during Gina's Game part 1 then there is now an off-ramp for players that aren't interested in the guys at Jayce's Apartment. She instead goes to bed early before GGPt2.
It'd take me weeks to create another variant of DL GGPt2 because of Lisa's positioning during that particular event so this is the workaround ^_^
v3.0.2 - 2024-08-16
For anyone that's already played the patch the only thing added here are bugfixes and the Finale next morning event which is 30 something CGs (this has also been added to the Recollection Room if you want to see it - it's in the orgy room). Lets hope it works! ^_^
There's still work to be done on the leave early routes and such but I'll go into more detail on all of that AND ALSO what's coming next over the weekend in a HUGE resident post! I have a million things to talk about so I hope you have a 30 minute slot free to read the pale madness that's on the horizon!
I've fixed dozens of bugs in this patch since it's initial release but there could still be issues lurking in there so if you find anything just let me know and I'll fix it ASAP! xo
So, what's new:
CG: +1200~ NEW (8330 Total)
Faces: +79 NEW (901Total)
Sprites: +84 NEW (742 Total)
Maps: +12 NEW
SE: +9 NEW
Event List:
DL Orgy
Pink Street Outfit with Gina
-This will start once you sleep after Jayce's party
-You can start this once the Pink Street outfit is acquired by exploring East Renshire
Rubbins Leaflets
-Visit Rubbins wearing the Pink Street outfit
Marcus Poster
-Visit the Hub wearing the Pink Street outfit
Byron Late Night
-Visit Tom Horton's wearing the Pink Street outfit then take a dip in the hot tub at night
Return to Theo's
-Visit Theo's after completing TB
2x Instagram Photos
-One in the East District and one in Rubbins' break room.
There will be more patches in the coming weeks with the leftover content and also completed versions of content already available in this patch but they'll just be going straight to public and once that's all done I can finally wash my hands of one of the most stressful periods of my bloody life lol!
The next patch will include the "unlock all" option in the Recollection Room. It's a boring, snooze-fest of a task that I've put off for a long time now so I'm just gonna put my head down n' do it ^_^ (I can hear that one guy out there pumping his fist reading this xD)
But that's about it! Thank you to everyone for trying out the game, thanks to everyone for the absurd amount of help I've received finding all of the shitty bugs this patch and thanks to everyone who's been flooding my inbox with the sweetest, most gorgeous messages I've ever received. I'm pretty awkward responding to praise but don't mistake my oddness for anything but the most sincere gratitude, they've really made me feel amazing this past couple of weeks (I was gonna say fortnight but I stopped myself, I'm learning man!! lol!) <3 x
Love you all to pieces, have an amazing weekend everyone x
v.3.0b - 2024-08-06
v.2.90b - 2024-02-15
- Added Sharing next morning event
- Linux version not available for this update
v2.853 - 2023-10-19
FINALLY! It's over! I literally just saw a few CGs that could've done with being updated in the Rubbin's events but I'm not recompressing everything again tonight lol ^_^
I've been a bit worried about re-uploading the game because it's not like I can assume that releasing in tiers will filter out any glaring bugs because there's no further content and it's unlikely that returning players will be starting new games anytime soon so I've really tried to be as thorough as I possibly can in as little time possible but as always if you find something iffy in there please let me know asap <3 I think the most likely errors that could still be floating around in there are references to Paul.
Playing through the first hours of the game was tough. Like it was really tough to look at some of it lol! The introductory section of the game was inundated with these predatory grins and really amateur renders but I'm sure you all know this already ^_^ It did take quite some hours to play through the entire thing, re-render some really bizarre images and adjust some of the dialogue to be less "rigid" though a lot more work needs done at some point but I am satisfied for now. I think some of the dialogue was really, really awful for the first portion of the game and I imagine that's probably because 1: I wrote it before I had a good concept of who each character actually was, so they all interacted like NPCs to some degree which I really don't like and 2: because I was a much more timid writer back then but it's been briefly adjusted for the time being though I will revisit it again before the final version of the game.
A lot of the re-rendered scenes are found in the first section of the game like when Lisa first arrives at the house and when meeting Gina at the coffee shop. These didn't take too long at all as I spent about 1-2 minutes each fixing settings, adjusting lights, rectifying facial expressions, quickly simulating the clothing / hair and finally applying a denoiser then setting it to render whilst I continued with the playthrough. Other scenes are crying out for a remake or at least touching up like Marcus' early content, Rubbin's content, Theo's first jobs, Shopping with Sharon, Danny Nights 1&2 and Swim Trip events but most of these scenes require a full overhaul of the sets or at least the lighting used so that'll be pushed back until much later. Other glaring issues are CGs with a "sweat" / "wet" shells applied - these tend to look really poor unless under very specific lights so I'd like to address those at a further date too. Noteable scenes with these messy looking shells are Byron Visit & Theo's Night events. I've at least learned how to better apply these for future scenes :)
Whilst I was going over everything I decided I may as well address the Fitness clothing so it's been completely changed with a more appropriate outfit which I think works super well. I didn't think making a poll here was really necessary as the new "Jogging Outfit" won't really be used much with the inclusion of Yoga in 3.X and it'll likely have it's own clothing so it's only really used in events and CG most of you have already seen.
There was also a continuity issue with how the text is displayed, the first few of hours of the game were displayed on a "Dim" background (you'll note this as the background when Lisa's inner monologue is playing) then it changes to the pink heart background later. I've corrected all (or at least most of) these discrepancies but if you find any outliers please let me know. This took hours upon hours to fix, it's a simple job but with around 4 text boxes per CG and there being a few thousand CG with this applied it really took it's time lol.
One thing I didn't update in accordance is the Recollection Room. It's already taken me so many hours to fix everything and I just ran outta patience. I will update it at some point but I need a break from the old content lol! All of the scenes in the RR should still work, some may break though I think it's probably unlikely.
These changes were all things that I knew needed corrected for a long time and I just wanted to do it now since I had a reason to go back in the first place ^_^
Because of the previously mentioned "issues," I ended up altering almost every event in the first 5-10 hours of the game in some way, whether it was dialogue updates, formatting, CGs, music or transition times. The whole grind was monotonous, cringe-inducing and above all exhausting and I knew it would be so I'm just so happy that it's over at least for the time being. It's a tremendous weight to lift.
I've made a note of all of the scenes that require additional work for later and the list is as long as my arm lol.
Though tedious and boring; replaying all of that old content was still kind of interesting and insightful in a way, just seeing how much content there actually is and noting some of the CGs I used to think were the bomb only to re-evaluate them as "get that off my screen, that is hideous!" x)
Some things I noted as well when replaying the game which some of you might be interested in:
1: Episode 1 is a little barren
I just felt when playing the opening hours that the world was a bit too big with too little to do in it at this time in the game because there isn't any Instagram or very many happenstance events so that's something I'll definitely be looking into at some point in 3.X.
2: Episode 2 feels fairly complete
It's quite stark how different it felt returning from the Swim Trip. After a few in game days the journal fills up quickly and you really have a lot to do here which is great. On top of that I felt the Deviancy increase was pretty balanced. I think especially if I add a few more small events in E1 then have them continued into E2 it'll feel really good. I have some really nice ideas for more random events later but they are quite "daring" we'll say so I'd need something a little tamer lol! So if you guys have any ideas, even commonly used tropes for smaller events that wouldn't scare a timid Lisa away (at least not too much lol!) then let me know (even better if we can ramp the events up with higher Deviancy levels, yes!) ^_^
3: Night desperately needs content
Now this isn't much of an issue because a sizeable focus in 3.X will be night content but still having that third tick of each day is almost pointless for 20-30 hours of gameplay (outside Lisa's house at least) and I'm not too sure how best to combat that or whether it needs addressed at all. I've added a note in the opening of the game that states that Night events don't really begin until Confidence level 3 for now ^_^
4: The progression actually isn't terrible
A huge concern of mine lately has been that the growth of Lisa's character might feel a little off for a new player but upon replaying the game while yes there are areas that could be fixed or optimized (e.g. Swim Trip); overall I'm pleased with how it moves forward and with the pacing.
5: The game needs more balloons
RPGM balloons are the little bouncing images that float over characters or objects depicting moods or objects of interest. I had a really quick look at the fitness events and added balloons to said events when Lisa is wearing the Jogging Outfit to better illustrate that these events are "useful" in a way. This is something I'll be looking into a lot more when working on 3.X Renshire. I want to add balloons for all of the locations in the game like above Rubbins' or even in Lisa's room, this should liven up and make the player experience more intuitive but it's something I think is really missing. Since I'm using RPGM, it really makes no sense not to utilize every detail of the engine if it improves player experience though I'm not much of a sprite artist so I might have to source out someone who is ^_^
As mentioned above when moving into 3.X I'll be taking a look at each map and making an effort to add new events to a lot of them. I want that fresh +Confidence (used to be Exhibitionism) feeling when the player gets hold of Lisa's new outfit, a new cap on Deviancy (50 after Confidence 3) and is set free in a totally new Renshire with maps that are begging to be explored. This is obviously a huge task but I'll hopefully chip bits off it with each patch in 3.X :)
Just to reiterate; there very may well be other instances of ghoulish grins, text boxes displaying incorrectly or references to Paul flickered around in there so if you find any please do let me know but at the very least the majority should be fixed :))
I do want to share more teasers of JP but they're all very x rated and I can't post that stuff publicly (public posts can't have nudity and these links have to be public :)) or I'll get in trouble lol! I'll probably do another update later during the week because now, at long last I'm pretty much 100% up to date and can get back to working on current content.
The best news of all is that the links are back up and running so that's a huge weight off my mind and I apologize to everyone and anyone who was trying to download the game in the past month. It's been a doozy overall lol.
Thanks so much for your patience guys, sending you all my love and I hope you have all had an amazing weekend
v2.852b - 2023-07-20
Alright here it is, the B release! This one has all of the little bugfixes and the missing DS / Cheating scene added. Sorry it's late by the way, I'm just busy this past week and next and I find it hard to write when I don't have several hours to just sit down and get into the zone. Writing in small bursts just doesn't work when I'm not in that flow state lol! Daz is a lot different because I can just plug and play pretty freely so the past couple of days in the free time I had, I put together the June wallpapers which were posted just before this :))
The DS route still has missing GG choice content but it'll be added after July wallpapers are finished though I probably won't add another release until the next large section is finished. Releases are stressful and I just wanna get back to work as usual :)
Anyway I was gonna do an update post but I don't have any CGs but the first scene of the next patch to show (Lisa talking with Sheree, not terribly exciting) so give me a few days to drum up some nice teasers and I'll talk more on what's on the horizon ^_^
Sending my love to everyone, hope you're all having a great week
v2.851a -2023-07-08
DEVIANTS: There is no new content in this version. It simply houses a few bugfixes.
All bugs that have been reported have been fixed in this version but there very well could still be more so please don't hesitate to let me know if anything comes up <3
The rest of this post is just copied and pasted from the release a few days ago :)
Well here it is. Honestly I didn't think I'd get it done, I was so close to drafting an apology message because I still had so much testing to do and with me leaving for a few days I was just overwhelmed but we pulled through ^_^
Now just forewarning: This is unbelievably rushed. I mean REALLY rushed. I don't think I've ever still been writing right up until the deadline, I was literally still writing yesterday that and getting the Recollection Room up and running was a crazy dash (Which again is mostly untested). I fully expect game-breaking bugs to be lurking somewhere in some arrangement of switches so if that happens to anyone that I'm really, really sorry. I have been running through different route variations for a couple of hours now but there are just so many and I'm so burned out. I just need a break from this screen lol!
So aside from potentially critical bugs, there are also some variations that just aren't finished. The two major ones being ANY of the Danny Leaves alt routes during Gina's Game. Basically you can only choose the red options during the game (these were prioritized because I assume the majority want the filthier options ^_^).
The second is a worse offender in that it's one of the Danny Stays exploration scenes. I won't spoil where or what the scene is but it'll be both apparent and in equal measure disappointing when you find it. This particular scene is only available for those that both have selected the Cheating path + Danny stays at the party and are NOT on the Sharing path.
"So pG.. how is the content this patch?" Well to be honest.. I really fucking love this patch man ^_^ I think it's so diverse in it's content, I love the graphics, I'm really proud of how the writing runs alongside it and I really think the dynamic shift in the tone and the narrative fits well. I just hope more than anything that you guys enjoy it! :))
Like I mentioned above; I'm away this weekend so there won't be a patch until at least next week to resolve any bugs and also implement the missing content. To combat the potential bug issue a bit I've added a little switch in Jayce's Apartment that will teleport the player to a temporary Recollection Room with all of the content unlocked - using this teleport will also disable your ability to save and there's no exit from this RR. This is necessary to avoid further issues down the line but it'll all be noted in game too :)
This teleporter will be available after Elevator 4 which is the final scene before GG starts. You can access it from Elevator 4 onwards. The game will notify you if you've seen all of the current content with the exception of Danny Stays + Cheating route which as mentioned is unfinished sadly.
The backend of this entire patch is quite complicated, before I started writing this update, aside from the Recollection Room; the largest map in terms of file size was the Mod Shop. The Mod Shop map actually has the entirety of Moddy's Gathering's events in it so it's no surprise. Jayce's Apartment is now roughly 2.5x~ the size of the Mod Shop. A lot of this is alternate routes housing their own events (a lot of which I imagine might be unnecessary but my brain is completely pickled, I'm genuinely finding it hard to think straight) but I think this is one of the biggest updates I've done as far as writing goes and that's mostly to accommodate the choices available.
When I was skimming through at speed-runner pace each route takes around 16 minutes to complete so if you're reading and viewing both major routes there should be well over an hour of content in here.
Like I said it's quite complicated but here's a "quick" breakdown of what's in here:
-P3 Interlude:
This is where Danny is yeeted or embraced. I made a mistake in the previous version so expect a little popup box during this event to correct that mistake. This will be removed in the next version as the error's been fixed.
-P4 Kitchen
-P4 Elevator
-P4 Sofa
The P4 events are short and sweet, I think the party and it's characters are already established enough so these events are simply paving the way into the next event which is..
-Gina's Game:
2 primary routes (Danny Stays / Danny Leaves) - these begin similarly but transform quite quickly after 20 or so CGs. There are Cheating / Sharing variations in both, mostly in the Danny Stays version (this might change which is another reason to save on a new slot) but once you've played both Stays / Leaves you can assume you've seen most of the visual content.
At the end of GG P1 Lisa gets a dare to move elsewhere. This dare is shared between both routes but the way in which it unfolds is quite different so they're both worth playing. This event is extended compared to the rest of GG and hopefully it's exciting! There are still a lot of crossover CGs in this dare between the routes but I think it's worth playing all of them.
-Exploration Events
After GG P1 you're free to have a look around for a bit, there are currently three (to be four in the next patch) scenes to find here, they are all signposted with heart bubbles making them basically impossible to miss. One is for leaves, one for stays and one that's shared between both. Each of these have their own variations but this is again mostly dialogue differences with the exception of one.
And that's the end of current content. The next big patch will see Lisa getting changed into some pajamas then continuing with the final phase of GG. This phase branches even further with routes like Danny Stays + Cheating having extremely different outcomes. These routes then lead to the final scenes, will Lisa stay at the party? Will she go home? Will she end up in bed with one, two, three, four of the party crew? So much to do but it's close ^_^
The fun news about the remainder of JP is that basically every scene from this point is a sex scene so even though there's a ton left to do, it's all H scene from here x)
I kind of wish I had time to finish JP before doing a release because I feel like things are still likely to be moved around based on the final scenes, I wanna give you guys options rather than have a string of choices leading you to one destination that was unbeknownst to you when you started. I will of course do this, it just makes it more difficult doing things this way but there's reason #3 to back up that save file!
When's the next update? The usual "I'm not sure" but it's in my best interest to finish Jayce's Party ASAP because I really feel like I need a break. I won't take any time off until it's finished but upon completion I'll be taking like five days or I dunno, maybe a week off. I've been grinding Lisa for almost three years now and I could probably count on one hand the amount of days I haven't worked on the game. I think it might actually be helpful to my development as well, I always found when playing an instrument that if I stopped playing for a few days before picking it up again that I'd actually learn things faster and play better. This of course meant stopping playing which is something I found difficult (and still do obviously ^_^ I'm a "burn the wick at both ends" type of guy lol!).
Anyway that's it from me today. I'll be hanging around for 10 minutes just to confirm things are working but after that I'll probably not speak to you guys until Tuesday but I hope you enjoy the patch, definitely visit that Recollection Room and play everything and most importantly have fun <3!!
v2.82a - 2023.03.23
Whats new:
CG: +222
Faces: +82
Sprites: +7
2.80b - 2023-02-10
v.2.70b - 2022-12-11
What's new:
BGM +5
BGS +1
SE +3
2D Art:
Character Sprites - 588 (+9)
3D Art:
CGs - 5874 (+357) Faces - 697 (+1)
Byron Visit - Sleep 4 times after completing Byron Beach.
Council Vandal - Available at the council board in Ms Short's room after swim trip.
Harass Beach 1 - Small harass event beside Theo's.
Outro to DwP - The end of the Paul scene will autoplay for returning players.
There's also the Compendium which can be accessed through your menu. ^_^
There are some absences in this patch - the main one being the ability to jump onto Paul's Blackmail route via Byron's Visit. It's a complex enough task and I simply didn't have time :) I don't think it's urgently required and I have 0 time if I'm to have another sample ready this year so I'll go back and fix it in the new year ^_^
We're almost at 6k CGs, it's a meaningless milestone but it'd be kinda cool to hit 6000 before 2023 - I have no idea why it'd be cool but it'd be cool nonetheless. I will of course try to translate it into a reality for absolutely no reason.
That's Episode 2 done! If I had fireworks I'd be setting them off as we speak. Now it's party party party time and by party I of course mean: Jayce's Party.
Well I hope the Byron event meets everyone's expectations, I really wanted to send off the year with a banger scene especially given the previous release being quite subpar in terms of meaty content lol! Episode 2 has been a wild ride, the game's trajectory was really honed in and the foundations were set for the remainder. I hope you're all in for what's in store at the party and beyond. <3
For now my fingers need a break, I've been typing furiously all week with the exception of Monday and I think they're starting to callous..?
Sending my love to all of you, I hope you're all having a brilliant week xo
v.2.651 - 2022.09.21
What's new:
BGM +5
BGS +3
SE +7
2D Art:
Character Sprites +71
3D Art:
CG +451 (+545 including Viv Date part 2 which was absent in 2.62 ^_^!)
Faces +112
CCL - (0cg)
George 1 - (4cg (10 total with variants))
George 2 / Mick 1 - (8cg (24 with variants))
Delivery - (6cg)
Danny Jogging 1 - (12cg)
MS Cheat 1&2 - (8cg (4cg each))
MS Sharing 1 - (4cg)
Grope Training 1-3 - (29cg)
LaptopP 1 - (3cg (18 including variants)
Byron Coffee 1-2 - (5cg each (19 total with variants))
Byron Coffee ClothingVariants 1-3 - (9cg total)
Consequences - (6cg)
Jo Kho - (21cg)
Kwang-Ho Eavesdropper - (0cg)
Queue - (8cg (27 including variants)
Theos / Daisy - (127cg total)
Viv Date Pt2 - (94cg)
DwPaul Pt 2 - (97cg)
Paul End 1 - (35cg)
Technical (IMPORTANT!):
Added local game saves
-To apply old saves you need to goto the directory: AppData>Local>User
Data>Default and make a new folder called "Lisa" inside which you can place the
contents of the previous save folder. Do not copy the folder itself, only the
.rpgsave files; the fileX, the config and the global files.
I know this is a bit of a pain but this will be the only time you have to apply this
method as from this patch on your saves will populate that folder automatically
(I hope!) so you can freely delete older versions of Lisa. For anyone beginning a
new game you don't need to create the folder within AppData as any new saves
will create the folder for you automatically.
Added a camera plugin
-This one is significantly less interesting, it's just a little quality thing that'll cause
the camera to glide rather than jerk.
I'm not actually making this a gated release - I'll be shipping it publicly tomorrow when I get home (assuming there are no major bugs). I've just been in such a rush this past two weeks that I'm certain that there will be things I've royally f***ed up! :d Rather than fixing several thousand players issues I'd like to limit the damage with a short "test" period with the Models & Deviants.
I made a ton of mistakes during the first month of developing this patch, I was going back and forth as to which events were going to be repeatable and which were leading to repeatable events - this is why there are variants for events that aren't actually repeatable such as George 2. The update will likely take an hour or so with the walkthrough to see everything but only due to how the events are setup.
Most of these events are to be expanded upon and evolved, like the Kwang-Ho eavesdropper events are still very much a work in progress but the foundation is there and there is quite a lot of useful information to be found there already (though there aren't any cgs so if that's all you're after, I'd give that one a miss lol!)
So yeah this update took around 2~ months to complete, it was at times frustrating but for the most part it was the wonderful kind of frustrating that had me planning my next attack move in RPGM events while mentoring a new team of trainees in work xd
I've attached an event list and a guide on how to reach them as I've had a couple of requests to keep the "how tos" a secret so those that want the list alongside a guide on how to achieve them you can find it here:
For those who choose to follow Paul End 1 let me know if there are any instances around the house in which Paul's still available. He's controlled by a Common Event that's turned off once the Character End has been completed but there might still be cases where dialogue is off or even activities where he's present so if you find any hit me up pretty please ^_^
For those that didn't and are currently still on Paul's Blackmail route, the activities with Paul around the house aren't updated for after the movie theater event and probably won't be for some time. They'll be trickled in over the course of the next few updates to better reflect what happened there and the progression of that path <3
I will note that I recommend playing through the Paul End 1 in the Recollection Room (it'll unlock after completing either path of that scene) even if you choose to stay on the Paul Blackmail route. I was tentative way back when I was conceptualizing this End but now I just love it. It gives a good view into Sharon's personality and her faith in Lisa, I think it's worth a view. (EVEN WITH NO SEX IN IT!) It's also a good example of how I want Character Ends to flow in general though not all of them will be quite so pleasant ^_^!
So to follow this it'll be the wallpapers both August and September then onto 2.70 which is just some other small events, Byron's venture into Lisa's room, Lisa's run-in with Connor at college and finally the character compendium(?). It shouldn't take me long to put those together. I promise it won't be another huge "beta" like this one. I am gonna take a few days off though, I'm mentally and physically exhausted after the past couple of weeks. I wanna relax a bit, watch the new Lotr show and maybe visit some friends if they're free. Of course once 2.70 is shipped I'll be diving straight into Jayce's party and I'm fairly confident in pre-emptively rating that one at least a 9 :d
Well that's me for now, as always I wanna send everyone my love and gratitude for all of the support! I know the update was late but everyone was so gracious and pleasant about and I appreciate that so so much and despite it feeling sub-par I hope there's at least some fun in there for everyone :) <33
I know I have a backlog of messages I haven't responded to today but I promise I'll get to them the second I'm back tomorrow night, I just really need to get some sleep tonight ^_^
Love you dudes and gals, so very much and I hope you're having just the best weekend! xo
Ep.2 Ch.2 v1.0 Alpha
What's new:
3504 > 4241 CG (+737)
+23 Sprites
+116 Face
+16 Maps
+9 BGM
+4 BGS
+4 Sound Effects
Menu Standing Images - affected by clothing & deviancy level
Instagram Album
Aoife College - Visit Ms Short's classroom then leave the college.
Brava Intro - Goto the Brava Hotel wearing Summer Blouse & Jeans after completing the Date with Gina & Jo
Brava Jobs 1-3 - Work at Brava
Brava KN - Work at Brava 3 times
Council Tutoring Jade - Accept request on the council board in Ms Short's classroom
Following Ms Short - Work at Brava twice
Paul Events - Shower 2, Coffee 2, Changing CGs
Moddy's Gathering - Work in the Mod Shop after completing Moddy 2 & have unlocked the Hot Tub at home.
Ep.2 Chapter 2 0.5:
Scene List:
CT Vicki:
River Swim
Hide & Seek 1&2
Lisa's Comeup
Foursome (MMFF)
Threesome (MFF)
Journey home
CT Gunnar:
River walk
The Asylum
Falls Walk
The Falls
Under the fall (MF)
Calvin R (MF)
Gunnar R Campsite
Tent Threesome (MMF)
Journey home
Viv Visit - Romance R
Viv Visit - NON Romance R
Luca Fitness 1
News at home
Mod Shop Duncan
Pauls Room
Bathhouse intro
Moaning Myrtle 1
Ep.2 Beta:
+660 CG
44 New faces
13 New maps
8 New BGM
New custom sprites
Lisa can now change outfits at the Albiss Hub & in the Mod Shop
Added skip function to several repeatable events
Added a route checker to the menu
Changed the stats display to the PageUp key to reduce menu & save lag
Added a skip intro option (this is VERY untested and I wouldn't recommend yet)
Scene list (Alphabetical Order):
Aoife Date
Aoife Coffee
Byron DMs 1
Date with Gina & Jo
Marcus Photoshoot - 2 routes
Mod Shop intro
Mod Shop Danny
Mod Shop Moddy 1&2
Mod Shop Flat
Mod Shop Shower(s)
Paul Changing
Paul Coffee
Paul Sunbathing 1&2
Paul TV
Rubbins Planning
Rubbins Voyeur - 2 routes
Sharon's return
Shower downstairs Lisa's house day & night
Viv drunk
Note: Old saves ARE compatible. The journal should be populated with all new content for those that played even before it was introduced but it does work under the assumption that all previous content was completed. (If it wasn't it shouldn't be game breaking, though it may cause some confusion).
Ep. 1
The first release of Lisa.
1650+ CG
5+ Hours Gamplay
Возьми под свой контроль Лизу, молодую девушку на последнем курсе колледжа, когда она приступает к последним образовательным препятствиям:
Охота за кредитами
Чтобы окончить колледж, Лиза должна заработать достаточно кредитов от местных предприятий и корпораций, устраиваясь на работу на неполный рабочий день и выполняя обязанности без отрыва от производства в различных отраслях.
Покорная и тихая жизнь со своим парнем Дэнни может оказаться не тем сдержанным будущим, которого Лиза себе желает... а ведь с каждым днем открывается столько дверей, что у нее есть все шансы все изменить.
Take control of Lisa, a young girl in her final year of college as she embarks on the final educational hurdle:
The Credit Hunt
To graduate Lisa must earn ample credits from local businesses and corporations by taking on part-time work fulfilling on-the-job duties in a range of industries.
Living a docile and quiet life with her boyfriend Danny may not be the reserved future Lisa wishes for herself.. and with so many doors opening day by day she has every opportunity to change everything.
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, big tits, bukkake, corruption, creampie, drugs, exhibitionism, female protagonist, futa, trans, groping, group sex, handjob, humiliation, milf, oral, rape, titfuck, vaginal, voyeurism, cheating
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: PaleGrass - Subscribestar - Boosty
Перевод: Rexus
Платформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.3.1.5
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)
Поблагодарить Переводчика : Yoomoney кошелёк 410011908107082
Obviously the Mod Shop scene is finished but there are a few backend changes that might help with users that have been crashing. I think I might've also solved my own issues with the engine crashing (which was how I lost the DS Sharing scene way back at the start of last year) so that's all good news. Of course let me know if you're still having problems with the game stalling though, I'm just hopeful that we might one day have a functional game for everyone ^_^
3. 1. 4A
v.3.0.5 - 2024-10-05
v.3.0.4 - 2024-10-01
This isn't a content patch, just to get that out of the way ^_^ there are some 30~ new images but they're all related to the Faithful Route at Jayce's Party.
Quick what's new:
1: All known bugfixes including loops + black screens.
2: Orgy complete + Finale rewrite (Recollection Room also updated)
3: DS Faithful route complete
4: DL Skip option added (low arousal only)
Just a note on the DL skip - if Lisa opts out of all RED choices during Gina's Game part 1 then there is now an off-ramp for players that aren't interested in the guys at Jayce's Apartment. She instead goes to bed early before GGPt2.
It'd take me weeks to create another variant of DL GGPt2 because of Lisa's positioning during that particular event so this is the workaround ^_^
v3.0.2 - 2024-08-16
For anyone that's already played the patch the only thing added here are bugfixes and the Finale next morning event which is 30 something CGs (this has also been added to the Recollection Room if you want to see it - it's in the orgy room). Lets hope it works! ^_^
There's still work to be done on the leave early routes and such but I'll go into more detail on all of that AND ALSO what's coming next over the weekend in a HUGE resident post! I have a million things to talk about so I hope you have a 30 minute slot free to read the pale madness that's on the horizon!
I've fixed dozens of bugs in this patch since it's initial release but there could still be issues lurking in there so if you find anything just let me know and I'll fix it ASAP! xo
So, what's new:
CG: +1200~ NEW (8330 Total)
Faces: +79 NEW (901Total)
Sprites: +84 NEW (742 Total)
Maps: +12 NEW
SE: +9 NEW
Event List:
DL Orgy
Pink Street Outfit with Gina
-This will start once you sleep after Jayce's party
-You can start this once the Pink Street outfit is acquired by exploring East Renshire
Rubbins Leaflets
-Visit Rubbins wearing the Pink Street outfit
Marcus Poster
-Visit the Hub wearing the Pink Street outfit
Byron Late Night
-Visit Tom Horton's wearing the Pink Street outfit then take a dip in the hot tub at night
Return to Theo's
-Visit Theo's after completing TB
2x Instagram Photos
-One in the East District and one in Rubbins' break room.
There will be more patches in the coming weeks with the leftover content and also completed versions of content already available in this patch but they'll just be going straight to public and once that's all done I can finally wash my hands of one of the most stressful periods of my bloody life lol!
The next patch will include the "unlock all" option in the Recollection Room. It's a boring, snooze-fest of a task that I've put off for a long time now so I'm just gonna put my head down n' do it ^_^ (I can hear that one guy out there pumping his fist reading this xD)
But that's about it! Thank you to everyone for trying out the game, thanks to everyone for the absurd amount of help I've received finding all of the shitty bugs this patch and thanks to everyone who's been flooding my inbox with the sweetest, most gorgeous messages I've ever received. I'm pretty awkward responding to praise but don't mistake my oddness for anything but the most sincere gratitude, they've really made me feel amazing this past couple of weeks (I was gonna say fortnight but I stopped myself, I'm learning man!! lol!) <3 x
Love you all to pieces, have an amazing weekend everyone x
v.3.0b - 2024-08-06
v.2.90b - 2024-02-15
- Added Sharing next morning event
- Linux version not available for this update
v2.853 - 2023-10-19
FINALLY! It's over! I literally just saw a few CGs that could've done with being updated in the Rubbin's events but I'm not recompressing everything again tonight lol ^_^
I've been a bit worried about re-uploading the game because it's not like I can assume that releasing in tiers will filter out any glaring bugs because there's no further content and it's unlikely that returning players will be starting new games anytime soon so I've really tried to be as thorough as I possibly can in as little time possible but as always if you find something iffy in there please let me know asap <3 I think the most likely errors that could still be floating around in there are references to Paul.
Playing through the first hours of the game was tough. Like it was really tough to look at some of it lol! The introductory section of the game was inundated with these predatory grins and really amateur renders but I'm sure you all know this already ^_^ It did take quite some hours to play through the entire thing, re-render some really bizarre images and adjust some of the dialogue to be less "rigid" though a lot more work needs done at some point but I am satisfied for now. I think some of the dialogue was really, really awful for the first portion of the game and I imagine that's probably because 1: I wrote it before I had a good concept of who each character actually was, so they all interacted like NPCs to some degree which I really don't like and 2: because I was a much more timid writer back then but it's been briefly adjusted for the time being though I will revisit it again before the final version of the game.
A lot of the re-rendered scenes are found in the first section of the game like when Lisa first arrives at the house and when meeting Gina at the coffee shop. These didn't take too long at all as I spent about 1-2 minutes each fixing settings, adjusting lights, rectifying facial expressions, quickly simulating the clothing / hair and finally applying a denoiser then setting it to render whilst I continued with the playthrough. Other scenes are crying out for a remake or at least touching up like Marcus' early content, Rubbin's content, Theo's first jobs, Shopping with Sharon, Danny Nights 1&2 and Swim Trip events but most of these scenes require a full overhaul of the sets or at least the lighting used so that'll be pushed back until much later. Other glaring issues are CGs with a "sweat" / "wet" shells applied - these tend to look really poor unless under very specific lights so I'd like to address those at a further date too. Noteable scenes with these messy looking shells are Byron Visit & Theo's Night events. I've at least learned how to better apply these for future scenes :)
Whilst I was going over everything I decided I may as well address the Fitness clothing so it's been completely changed with a more appropriate outfit which I think works super well. I didn't think making a poll here was really necessary as the new "Jogging Outfit" won't really be used much with the inclusion of Yoga in 3.X and it'll likely have it's own clothing so it's only really used in events and CG most of you have already seen.
There was also a continuity issue with how the text is displayed, the first few of hours of the game were displayed on a "Dim" background (you'll note this as the background when Lisa's inner monologue is playing) then it changes to the pink heart background later. I've corrected all (or at least most of) these discrepancies but if you find any outliers please let me know. This took hours upon hours to fix, it's a simple job but with around 4 text boxes per CG and there being a few thousand CG with this applied it really took it's time lol.
One thing I didn't update in accordance is the Recollection Room. It's already taken me so many hours to fix everything and I just ran outta patience. I will update it at some point but I need a break from the old content lol! All of the scenes in the RR should still work, some may break though I think it's probably unlikely.
These changes were all things that I knew needed corrected for a long time and I just wanted to do it now since I had a reason to go back in the first place ^_^
Because of the previously mentioned "issues," I ended up altering almost every event in the first 5-10 hours of the game in some way, whether it was dialogue updates, formatting, CGs, music or transition times. The whole grind was monotonous, cringe-inducing and above all exhausting and I knew it would be so I'm just so happy that it's over at least for the time being. It's a tremendous weight to lift.
I've made a note of all of the scenes that require additional work for later and the list is as long as my arm lol.
Though tedious and boring; replaying all of that old content was still kind of interesting and insightful in a way, just seeing how much content there actually is and noting some of the CGs I used to think were the bomb only to re-evaluate them as "get that off my screen, that is hideous!" x)
Some things I noted as well when replaying the game which some of you might be interested in:
1: Episode 1 is a little barren
I just felt when playing the opening hours that the world was a bit too big with too little to do in it at this time in the game because there isn't any Instagram or very many happenstance events so that's something I'll definitely be looking into at some point in 3.X.
2: Episode 2 feels fairly complete
It's quite stark how different it felt returning from the Swim Trip. After a few in game days the journal fills up quickly and you really have a lot to do here which is great. On top of that I felt the Deviancy increase was pretty balanced. I think especially if I add a few more small events in E1 then have them continued into E2 it'll feel really good. I have some really nice ideas for more random events later but they are quite "daring" we'll say so I'd need something a little tamer lol! So if you guys have any ideas, even commonly used tropes for smaller events that wouldn't scare a timid Lisa away (at least not too much lol!) then let me know (even better if we can ramp the events up with higher Deviancy levels, yes!) ^_^
3: Night desperately needs content
Now this isn't much of an issue because a sizeable focus in 3.X will be night content but still having that third tick of each day is almost pointless for 20-30 hours of gameplay (outside Lisa's house at least) and I'm not too sure how best to combat that or whether it needs addressed at all. I've added a note in the opening of the game that states that Night events don't really begin until Confidence level 3 for now ^_^
4: The progression actually isn't terrible
A huge concern of mine lately has been that the growth of Lisa's character might feel a little off for a new player but upon replaying the game while yes there are areas that could be fixed or optimized (e.g. Swim Trip); overall I'm pleased with how it moves forward and with the pacing.
5: The game needs more balloons
RPGM balloons are the little bouncing images that float over characters or objects depicting moods or objects of interest. I had a really quick look at the fitness events and added balloons to said events when Lisa is wearing the Jogging Outfit to better illustrate that these events are "useful" in a way. This is something I'll be looking into a lot more when working on 3.X Renshire. I want to add balloons for all of the locations in the game like above Rubbins' or even in Lisa's room, this should liven up and make the player experience more intuitive but it's something I think is really missing. Since I'm using RPGM, it really makes no sense not to utilize every detail of the engine if it improves player experience though I'm not much of a sprite artist so I might have to source out someone who is ^_^
As mentioned above when moving into 3.X I'll be taking a look at each map and making an effort to add new events to a lot of them. I want that fresh +Confidence (used to be Exhibitionism) feeling when the player gets hold of Lisa's new outfit, a new cap on Deviancy (50 after Confidence 3) and is set free in a totally new Renshire with maps that are begging to be explored. This is obviously a huge task but I'll hopefully chip bits off it with each patch in 3.X :)
Just to reiterate; there very may well be other instances of ghoulish grins, text boxes displaying incorrectly or references to Paul flickered around in there so if you find any please do let me know but at the very least the majority should be fixed :))
I do want to share more teasers of JP but they're all very x rated and I can't post that stuff publicly (public posts can't have nudity and these links have to be public :)) or I'll get in trouble lol! I'll probably do another update later during the week because now, at long last I'm pretty much 100% up to date and can get back to working on current content.
The best news of all is that the links are back up and running so that's a huge weight off my mind and I apologize to everyone and anyone who was trying to download the game in the past month. It's been a doozy overall lol.
Thanks so much for your patience guys, sending you all my love and I hope you have all had an amazing weekend
v2.852b - 2023-07-20
Alright here it is, the B release! This one has all of the little bugfixes and the missing DS / Cheating scene added. Sorry it's late by the way, I'm just busy this past week and next and I find it hard to write when I don't have several hours to just sit down and get into the zone. Writing in small bursts just doesn't work when I'm not in that flow state lol! Daz is a lot different because I can just plug and play pretty freely so the past couple of days in the free time I had, I put together the June wallpapers which were posted just before this :))
The DS route still has missing GG choice content but it'll be added after July wallpapers are finished though I probably won't add another release until the next large section is finished. Releases are stressful and I just wanna get back to work as usual :)
Anyway I was gonna do an update post but I don't have any CGs but the first scene of the next patch to show (Lisa talking with Sheree, not terribly exciting) so give me a few days to drum up some nice teasers and I'll talk more on what's on the horizon ^_^
Sending my love to everyone, hope you're all having a great week
v2.851a -2023-07-08
DEVIANTS: There is no new content in this version. It simply houses a few bugfixes.
All bugs that have been reported have been fixed in this version but there very well could still be more so please don't hesitate to let me know if anything comes up <3
The rest of this post is just copied and pasted from the release a few days ago :)
Well here it is. Honestly I didn't think I'd get it done, I was so close to drafting an apology message because I still had so much testing to do and with me leaving for a few days I was just overwhelmed but we pulled through ^_^
Now just forewarning: This is unbelievably rushed. I mean REALLY rushed. I don't think I've ever still been writing right up until the deadline, I was literally still writing yesterday that and getting the Recollection Room up and running was a crazy dash (Which again is mostly untested). I fully expect game-breaking bugs to be lurking somewhere in some arrangement of switches so if that happens to anyone that I'm really, really sorry. I have been running through different route variations for a couple of hours now but there are just so many and I'm so burned out. I just need a break from this screen lol!
So aside from potentially critical bugs, there are also some variations that just aren't finished. The two major ones being ANY of the Danny Leaves alt routes during Gina's Game. Basically you can only choose the red options during the game (these were prioritized because I assume the majority want the filthier options ^_^).
The second is a worse offender in that it's one of the Danny Stays exploration scenes. I won't spoil where or what the scene is but it'll be both apparent and in equal measure disappointing when you find it. This particular scene is only available for those that both have selected the Cheating path + Danny stays at the party and are NOT on the Sharing path.
"So pG.. how is the content this patch?" Well to be honest.. I really fucking love this patch man ^_^ I think it's so diverse in it's content, I love the graphics, I'm really proud of how the writing runs alongside it and I really think the dynamic shift in the tone and the narrative fits well. I just hope more than anything that you guys enjoy it! :))
Like I mentioned above; I'm away this weekend so there won't be a patch until at least next week to resolve any bugs and also implement the missing content. To combat the potential bug issue a bit I've added a little switch in Jayce's Apartment that will teleport the player to a temporary Recollection Room with all of the content unlocked - using this teleport will also disable your ability to save and there's no exit from this RR. This is necessary to avoid further issues down the line but it'll all be noted in game too :)
This teleporter will be available after Elevator 4 which is the final scene before GG starts. You can access it from Elevator 4 onwards. The game will notify you if you've seen all of the current content with the exception of Danny Stays + Cheating route which as mentioned is unfinished sadly.
The backend of this entire patch is quite complicated, before I started writing this update, aside from the Recollection Room; the largest map in terms of file size was the Mod Shop. The Mod Shop map actually has the entirety of Moddy's Gathering's events in it so it's no surprise. Jayce's Apartment is now roughly 2.5x~ the size of the Mod Shop. A lot of this is alternate routes housing their own events (a lot of which I imagine might be unnecessary but my brain is completely pickled, I'm genuinely finding it hard to think straight) but I think this is one of the biggest updates I've done as far as writing goes and that's mostly to accommodate the choices available.
When I was skimming through at speed-runner pace each route takes around 16 minutes to complete so if you're reading and viewing both major routes there should be well over an hour of content in here.
Like I said it's quite complicated but here's a "quick" breakdown of what's in here:
-P3 Interlude:
This is where Danny is yeeted or embraced. I made a mistake in the previous version so expect a little popup box during this event to correct that mistake. This will be removed in the next version as the error's been fixed.
-P4 Kitchen
-P4 Elevator
-P4 Sofa
The P4 events are short and sweet, I think the party and it's characters are already established enough so these events are simply paving the way into the next event which is..
-Gina's Game:
2 primary routes (Danny Stays / Danny Leaves) - these begin similarly but transform quite quickly after 20 or so CGs. There are Cheating / Sharing variations in both, mostly in the Danny Stays version (this might change which is another reason to save on a new slot) but once you've played both Stays / Leaves you can assume you've seen most of the visual content.
At the end of GG P1 Lisa gets a dare to move elsewhere. This dare is shared between both routes but the way in which it unfolds is quite different so they're both worth playing. This event is extended compared to the rest of GG and hopefully it's exciting! There are still a lot of crossover CGs in this dare between the routes but I think it's worth playing all of them.
-Exploration Events
After GG P1 you're free to have a look around for a bit, there are currently three (to be four in the next patch) scenes to find here, they are all signposted with heart bubbles making them basically impossible to miss. One is for leaves, one for stays and one that's shared between both. Each of these have their own variations but this is again mostly dialogue differences with the exception of one.
And that's the end of current content. The next big patch will see Lisa getting changed into some pajamas then continuing with the final phase of GG. This phase branches even further with routes like Danny Stays + Cheating having extremely different outcomes. These routes then lead to the final scenes, will Lisa stay at the party? Will she go home? Will she end up in bed with one, two, three, four of the party crew? So much to do but it's close ^_^
The fun news about the remainder of JP is that basically every scene from this point is a sex scene so even though there's a ton left to do, it's all H scene from here x)
I kind of wish I had time to finish JP before doing a release because I feel like things are still likely to be moved around based on the final scenes, I wanna give you guys options rather than have a string of choices leading you to one destination that was unbeknownst to you when you started. I will of course do this, it just makes it more difficult doing things this way but there's reason #3 to back up that save file!
When's the next update? The usual "I'm not sure" but it's in my best interest to finish Jayce's Party ASAP because I really feel like I need a break. I won't take any time off until it's finished but upon completion I'll be taking like five days or I dunno, maybe a week off. I've been grinding Lisa for almost three years now and I could probably count on one hand the amount of days I haven't worked on the game. I think it might actually be helpful to my development as well, I always found when playing an instrument that if I stopped playing for a few days before picking it up again that I'd actually learn things faster and play better. This of course meant stopping playing which is something I found difficult (and still do obviously ^_^ I'm a "burn the wick at both ends" type of guy lol!).
Anyway that's it from me today. I'll be hanging around for 10 minutes just to confirm things are working but after that I'll probably not speak to you guys until Tuesday but I hope you enjoy the patch, definitely visit that Recollection Room and play everything and most importantly have fun <3!!
v2.82a - 2023.03.23
Whats new:
CG: +222
Faces: +82
Sprites: +7
2.80b - 2023-02-10
v.2.70b - 2022-12-11
What's new:
BGM +5
BGS +1
SE +3
2D Art:
Character Sprites - 588 (+9)
3D Art:
CGs - 5874 (+357) Faces - 697 (+1)
Byron Visit - Sleep 4 times after completing Byron Beach.
Council Vandal - Available at the council board in Ms Short's room after swim trip.
Harass Beach 1 - Small harass event beside Theo's.
Outro to DwP - The end of the Paul scene will autoplay for returning players.
There's also the Compendium which can be accessed through your menu. ^_^
There are some absences in this patch - the main one being the ability to jump onto Paul's Blackmail route via Byron's Visit. It's a complex enough task and I simply didn't have time :) I don't think it's urgently required and I have 0 time if I'm to have another sample ready this year so I'll go back and fix it in the new year ^_^
We're almost at 6k CGs, it's a meaningless milestone but it'd be kinda cool to hit 6000 before 2023 - I have no idea why it'd be cool but it'd be cool nonetheless. I will of course try to translate it into a reality for absolutely no reason.
That's Episode 2 done! If I had fireworks I'd be setting them off as we speak. Now it's party party party time and by party I of course mean: Jayce's Party.
Well I hope the Byron event meets everyone's expectations, I really wanted to send off the year with a banger scene especially given the previous release being quite subpar in terms of meaty content lol! Episode 2 has been a wild ride, the game's trajectory was really honed in and the foundations were set for the remainder. I hope you're all in for what's in store at the party and beyond. <3
For now my fingers need a break, I've been typing furiously all week with the exception of Monday and I think they're starting to callous..?
Sending my love to all of you, I hope you're all having a brilliant week xo
v.2.651 - 2022.09.21
What's new:
BGM +5
BGS +3
SE +7
2D Art:
Character Sprites +71
3D Art:
CG +451 (+545 including Viv Date part 2 which was absent in 2.62 ^_^!)
Faces +112
CCL - (0cg)
George 1 - (4cg (10 total with variants))
George 2 / Mick 1 - (8cg (24 with variants))
Delivery - (6cg)
Danny Jogging 1 - (12cg)
MS Cheat 1&2 - (8cg (4cg each))
MS Sharing 1 - (4cg)
Grope Training 1-3 - (29cg)
LaptopP 1 - (3cg (18 including variants)
Byron Coffee 1-2 - (5cg each (19 total with variants))
Byron Coffee ClothingVariants 1-3 - (9cg total)
Consequences - (6cg)
Jo Kho - (21cg)
Kwang-Ho Eavesdropper - (0cg)
Queue - (8cg (27 including variants)
Theos / Daisy - (127cg total)
Viv Date Pt2 - (94cg)
DwPaul Pt 2 - (97cg)
Paul End 1 - (35cg)
Technical (IMPORTANT!):
Added local game saves
-To apply old saves you need to goto the directory: AppData>Local>User
Data>Default and make a new folder called "Lisa" inside which you can place the
contents of the previous save folder. Do not copy the folder itself, only the
.rpgsave files; the fileX, the config and the global files.
I know this is a bit of a pain but this will be the only time you have to apply this
method as from this patch on your saves will populate that folder automatically
(I hope!) so you can freely delete older versions of Lisa. For anyone beginning a
new game you don't need to create the folder within AppData as any new saves
will create the folder for you automatically.
Added a camera plugin
-This one is significantly less interesting, it's just a little quality thing that'll cause
the camera to glide rather than jerk.
I'm not actually making this a gated release - I'll be shipping it publicly tomorrow when I get home (assuming there are no major bugs). I've just been in such a rush this past two weeks that I'm certain that there will be things I've royally f***ed up! :d Rather than fixing several thousand players issues I'd like to limit the damage with a short "test" period with the Models & Deviants.
I made a ton of mistakes during the first month of developing this patch, I was going back and forth as to which events were going to be repeatable and which were leading to repeatable events - this is why there are variants for events that aren't actually repeatable such as George 2. The update will likely take an hour or so with the walkthrough to see everything but only due to how the events are setup.
Most of these events are to be expanded upon and evolved, like the Kwang-Ho eavesdropper events are still very much a work in progress but the foundation is there and there is quite a lot of useful information to be found there already (though there aren't any cgs so if that's all you're after, I'd give that one a miss lol!)
So yeah this update took around 2~ months to complete, it was at times frustrating but for the most part it was the wonderful kind of frustrating that had me planning my next attack move in RPGM events while mentoring a new team of trainees in work xd
I've attached an event list and a guide on how to reach them as I've had a couple of requests to keep the "how tos" a secret so those that want the list alongside a guide on how to achieve them you can find it here:
For those who choose to follow Paul End 1 let me know if there are any instances around the house in which Paul's still available. He's controlled by a Common Event that's turned off once the Character End has been completed but there might still be cases where dialogue is off or even activities where he's present so if you find any hit me up pretty please ^_^
For those that didn't and are currently still on Paul's Blackmail route, the activities with Paul around the house aren't updated for after the movie theater event and probably won't be for some time. They'll be trickled in over the course of the next few updates to better reflect what happened there and the progression of that path <3
I will note that I recommend playing through the Paul End 1 in the Recollection Room (it'll unlock after completing either path of that scene) even if you choose to stay on the Paul Blackmail route. I was tentative way back when I was conceptualizing this End but now I just love it. It gives a good view into Sharon's personality and her faith in Lisa, I think it's worth a view. (EVEN WITH NO SEX IN IT!) It's also a good example of how I want Character Ends to flow in general though not all of them will be quite so pleasant ^_^!
So to follow this it'll be the wallpapers both August and September then onto 2.70 which is just some other small events, Byron's venture into Lisa's room, Lisa's run-in with Connor at college and finally the character compendium(?). It shouldn't take me long to put those together. I promise it won't be another huge "beta" like this one. I am gonna take a few days off though, I'm mentally and physically exhausted after the past couple of weeks. I wanna relax a bit, watch the new Lotr show and maybe visit some friends if they're free. Of course once 2.70 is shipped I'll be diving straight into Jayce's party and I'm fairly confident in pre-emptively rating that one at least a 9 :d
Well that's me for now, as always I wanna send everyone my love and gratitude for all of the support! I know the update was late but everyone was so gracious and pleasant about and I appreciate that so so much and despite it feeling sub-par I hope there's at least some fun in there for everyone :) <33
I know I have a backlog of messages I haven't responded to today but I promise I'll get to them the second I'm back tomorrow night, I just really need to get some sleep tonight ^_^
Love you dudes and gals, so very much and I hope you're having just the best weekend! xo
Ep.2 Ch.2 v1.0 Alpha
What's new:
3504 > 4241 CG (+737)
+23 Sprites
+116 Face
+16 Maps
+9 BGM
+4 BGS
+4 Sound Effects
Menu Standing Images - affected by clothing & deviancy level
Instagram Album
Aoife College - Visit Ms Short's classroom then leave the college.
Brava Intro - Goto the Brava Hotel wearing Summer Blouse & Jeans after completing the Date with Gina & Jo
Brava Jobs 1-3 - Work at Brava
Brava KN - Work at Brava 3 times
Council Tutoring Jade - Accept request on the council board in Ms Short's classroom
Following Ms Short - Work at Brava twice
Paul Events - Shower 2, Coffee 2, Changing CGs
Moddy's Gathering - Work in the Mod Shop after completing Moddy 2 & have unlocked the Hot Tub at home.
Ep.2 Chapter 2 0.5:
Scene List:
CT Vicki:
River Swim
Hide & Seek 1&2
Lisa's Comeup
Foursome (MMFF)
Threesome (MFF)
Journey home
CT Gunnar:
River walk
The Asylum
Falls Walk
The Falls
Under the fall (MF)
Calvin R (MF)
Gunnar R Campsite
Tent Threesome (MMF)
Journey home
Viv Visit - Romance R
Viv Visit - NON Romance R
Luca Fitness 1
News at home
Mod Shop Duncan
Pauls Room
Bathhouse intro
Moaning Myrtle 1
Ep.2 Beta:
+660 CG
44 New faces
13 New maps
8 New BGM
New custom sprites
Lisa can now change outfits at the Albiss Hub & in the Mod Shop
Added skip function to several repeatable events
Added a route checker to the menu
Changed the stats display to the PageUp key to reduce menu & save lag
Added a skip intro option (this is VERY untested and I wouldn't recommend yet)
Scene list (Alphabetical Order):
Aoife Date
Aoife Coffee
Byron DMs 1
Date with Gina & Jo
Marcus Photoshoot - 2 routes
Mod Shop intro
Mod Shop Danny
Mod Shop Moddy 1&2
Mod Shop Flat
Mod Shop Shower(s)
Paul Changing
Paul Coffee
Paul Sunbathing 1&2
Paul TV
Rubbins Planning
Rubbins Voyeur - 2 routes
Sharon's return
Shower downstairs Lisa's house day & night
Viv drunk
Note: Old saves ARE compatible. The journal should be populated with all new content for those that played even before it was introduced but it does work under the assumption that all previous content was completed. (If it wasn't it shouldn't be game breaking, though it may cause some confusion).
Ep. 1
The first release of Lisa.
1650+ CG
5+ Hours Gamplay
All available links have been updated with u5 which covers all of the reported bugs and implements a journal which you may access by Esc>To-Do List.
The journal isn't fully tested but I'm working on some Patreon content whilst I can before I have to leave for several days. I will have access to the forums but not to my computer so any further issues may have to wait until I return. x
If you do encounter any further bugs or inconsistencies with the Journal for example please leave a comment so I can note it down to fix when I get home!
A HUGE thank-you to everyone who has assisted in finding and reporting these bugs and to all of the wonderfully positive comments. It really means a lot.
The journal isn't fully tested but I'm working on some Patreon content whilst I can before I have to leave for several days. I will have access to the forums but not to my computer so any further issues may have to wait until I return. x
If you do encounter any further bugs or inconsistencies with the Journal for example please leave a comment so I can note it down to fix when I get home!
A HUGE thank-you to everyone who has assisted in finding and reporting these bugs and to all of the wonderfully positive comments. It really means a lot.
Тему отредактировал: admin - 28-01-2025, 11:14
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена русская версия v.3.1.5. / Topic updated. Added Russian version v.3.1.5. Большое спасибо за перевод Rexus. Андроид только английский.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена русская версия v.3.1.5. / Topic updated. Added Russian version v.3.1.5. Большое спасибо за перевод Rexus. Андроид только английский.
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