Описание:Вы-лучший рекрут средней школы в баскетболе. Из-за осложнений с вашей семьей вы решили пойти в одну из худших школ, WVM. Это история о путешествиях в этом колледже и отношениях, которые были сделаны на этом пути. Главный герой остался сиротой в очень юном возрасте. пока один из друзей его отца не решил взять его к себе. Он постепенно полюбил игру в баскетбол. Помогло то, что у него был природный дар к игре. Он, безусловно, самый востребованный рекрут средней школы.
You are the top high school recruit in basketball. Because of complications with your family you chose to go to one of the worst schools, WVM. This is a story about the journeys at that college and the relationships made along the way. The main character was left an orphan at a very young age. until a friend of his dad decided to take him in. He grew to love the game of basketball. It helped that he had a natural gift for the game. He is by far the most sought after high school recruit.
Примечание. Сезон 2 также содержит весь предыдущий контент из сезона 1 версии / Note Season 2 also contains all previous content from Season 1 v0.10.0.1.Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, ahegao, anal, animated, big ass, big tits, cheating, creampie, futa, trans, graphic violence, group sex, handjob, harem, interracial, lesbian, male protagonist, masturbation, milf, oral, pov, prostitution, romance, school setting, sex toys, teasing, titfuck, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Braindrop -
Patreon -
SubscribeStarПеревод: evgen2280Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B6 + DITLO Harper
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Поблагодарить Переводчика:
Карта: 2200 7302 4175 9824
VWM (S2-C1-E13-B6) - 2025.02.13
This is a partial update, its contents includes the rest of the Daliah Introduction (267 renders) (Don't forget to use the save you were prompted to make if you played Beta 5) and the start of Jasmine's date (91 renders).
I ended up trapped in my own head over this again, I spent the past handful of days tinkering and adding and I'm working to get all of E13 out but I just need to get out what I can and finally get it out of my head so I can just focus on anything else. The Daliah scene has been the cause of the vast majority of my issues. I'm glad it's out now.
The overall file size for the updates is smaller:
I have further compressed earlier updates for two reasons, to help with packaging issues I was running into and to more easily comply with download and app size limits.
Pledges will remained paused and will not be un-paused until the rest of E13 is out.
There's not much left and I will have the rest out in the near future.
S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B5 - 2024-11-02
There are about 100 renders that are not included. This link has 428 new renders and 6 animations.
WVM (S2-C1-E13-B4) - 2024-10-03
(764 renders)(17 animations)
This is a scuffed version of an update! There are 2 full scenes but the 3rd scene is only partial and ends abrupty!
This is due to me losing power due to Hurricane Helene, the cutoff point is up to where I was altering.
WVM (S2-C1-E13-B3) - 2024-02-07
(173 renders)(5 animations)
WVM (S2-C1-E13-B2) - 2024-01-29
(205 renders) (9 animations)
WVM (S2-C1-E13-B1) - 2023-12-28
(207 renders)(2 animations)
S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 12.1 - 2023-11-01
WVM (S2-C1-E12) - 2023-10-30
(830 renders)(21 animations)
WVM (S2-C1-E11-B1) - 2023-08-19
(200 renders + 15 variant renders)(0 animations)
WVM (S2-C1-E10) - 2023-07-19
(289 renders + 7 variant renders)(7 animations + 2 variant animations)
WVM (S2-C1-E10-B2)
(166 renders)(2 animations)
WVM (S2-C1-E10-B1) - 2023-06-18
(205 renders)(8 animations)
WVM (S2-C1-E9) - 2023-06-01
(725 renders total, 299 added since last beta)(27 animations total. 13 added since last beta)(
WVM (S2-C1-E8-B3)
(171 renders)(6 animations)(6/52)
WVM (S2-C1-E8-B2)
(120 renders)
WVM (S2-C1-E8-B1)
(120 renders + 15 variant renders)(6 animations + 2 variant animations)(4/52)
WVM (S2-C1-E8) - 2023-04-23
(298 renders)(11 animations)(3/52)
(Doing a 30 minute tiered release instead of an hour since I'll be busy later in the day and won't be able to edit posts.)
I rather like this update, I hope you do too.
It is pretty route dependent so if you're not on certain girl's paths, you'll have a shorter update but there's some here for all playthroughs.
*Note Season 2 also contains all previous content from Season 1 v0.10.0.1
Season 2- Chapter 1, Episode 7 - 2023-04-17
Season 2 - Chapter 1, Episode 6 - 2023-04-06
Black Box Face Fix?
315 renders
14 animations
Season 2 - Chapter 1, Episode5 - 2023.03.25
(767 renders)(8 animations)(Potentially scuffed)
Season 2 - Chapter 1, Episode 4
1200+ Renders 17 animations
Season 2 - Chapter 1, Episode 3 - 2022-10-08
Added 428 renders
Season 2 Chapter 1 Episode 2 - 2022-09-22
Season 2 Chapter 1 Episode 1
359 renders 10-ish animations
DITLO Harper Minigame
169 renders
208 renders
200 renders
203 renders
200 Renders
390 renders
8 animations
220 renders
v0.8.1 Part 1
150 New renders
Day 7 Part 5
Day 7 v0.7.4.2
603 renders and 6 animations added
if statement bug fixed
Day 7 v0.7.3
Part 3 of Day 7
Day 7 v0.7.1
158 renders 3 animations
Day 6 v0.6.6
178 Renders
Day 6 v0.6.2
143 renders added
Day 6 v0.6.1.1
123 renders added
Day 5 v0.5.5.0
700 renders 17 animations added
Day5 v0.5.2
230 renders 6 animations added
Day4 v0.4.6
Complete day 4
Day 4 v0.4.4
156 renders 2 animations added
Day 4 v0.4.3
361 renders 2 animations added
Day 1-2
550 renders and 10 animations added!
File sizes reduced
Minor dialogue changes in Day 1
Day 1 1.1 BUGFIX
There was an issue with one scene not being changed.