Человек с трудным детством изо всех сил старается преодолеть и забыть все тягости, но кошмары преследуют его, и он решает, что должен что-то предпринять и разыскать артефакт, который даст ему шанс исправить свою жизнь и вернёт вкус к жизни.
A man with a poor childhood tries his best to overcome and forget, but nightmares pursue them, and he feels he needs to do something, by finding an artifact that will give him a chance to fix his life and bring him a lot of fun
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2dcg, animated, big ass, big tits, corruption, exhibitionism, handjob, harem, incest, lesbian, male protagonist, milf, sandbox, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Mr.Rabbit - SubscribeStar - Discord - Itch.io - Website
Перевод: satir
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.48 Rus / v.0.49 Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)
Человек с трудным детством изо всех сил старается преодолеть и забыть все тягости, но кошмары преследуют его, и он решает, что должен что-то предпринять и разыскать артефакт, который даст ему шанс исправить свою жизнь и вернёт вкус к жизни.
A man with a poor childhood tries his best to overcome and forget, but nightmares pursue them, and he feels he needs to do something, by finding an artifact that will give him a chance to fix his life and bring him a lot of fun
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2dcg, animated, big ass, big tits, corruption, exhibitionism, handjob, harem, incest, lesbian, male protagonist, milf, sandbox, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Mr.Rabbit - SubscribeStar - Discord - Itch.io - Website
Перевод: satir
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.48 Rus / v.0.49 Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)
Changelog 0.49 - 2024-12-13
General Bugfix;
2 new scene with Olivia and variations;
2 new cutscene with Isaac;
1 new cutscene with Gabriel;
Changelog 0.48 - 2024-11-07
Bugfix related to an old Molly mission;
2 new scene with Brittany and variations;
1 new scene with Lauren and variations;
1 new scene with Lilly and variations
1 new Brittany bust variation.
Changelog 0.47 - 2024-10-01
Bruce's progression bug has been fixed;
Fixed bugs regarding X-ray glasses;
Variation added to Linda's Yoga scene;
Visual improvements to the main menu;
1 new scene with Molly and variations;
1 new cutscene with Gabriel;
1 new side scene with Linda and variations;
Changelog 0.46 - 2024-09-07
- Alice button appearing when it shouldn't, has been
- Bernice variations without Raymond have been put
back into the game;
- O perk "The Nerd" is now functional;
- 10 new items added to the game;
- System for crafting items in Alice's lab has been
- Improved inventory hud;
- Relation and Location tabs on the phone has been
improved, now the order varies according to the
objectives the player has yet to complete;
- Improvements to some of the game's dialogs
(Example: The dialog in which the player informs you
that he needs more energy has been improved).
- More items added to the player when he starts the
game with all the content of the previous Build done;
- New scenario interaction added to Alice's Laboratory.
- 2 new scenes with multiple variations and animations
with Angel;
- 1 new cutscene with Gabriel;
1 MC Bust Variation;
- 1 Angel Bust Variation;
Changelog 0.45 - 2024-08-09
New perk has been added to the game (not useful yet);
Molly's test mini-game added;
Molly's simulated tests have been reworked;
Bug fixes regarding Molly and Celeste's progress;
Celine's new scene gets an additional variation by having more than 5 condoms;
Celeste's scene now has the option to release her from the machine;
General fixes;
1 new scenes with multiple variations and animations with Molly;
1 new scenes with multiple variations and animations with Bernice;
1 new scenes with multiple variations and animations with Celine;
Changelog 0.44 - 2024-07-08
- Some corrections to the text;
- Starting the game with the events from the previous build done now gives the player resources (money, consumable items and so on...)
- New Perks system added to the game;
- 3 new Perks added to the game;
- Improvements to the game's Walkthrought texts;
- hand/click option visible on doors and objects, removed from the game (the little hand that kept dancing, RIP);
- Improved phone HUD;
- The game notification will take a little longer to disappear (6s -> 8s);
- General fixes;
- 2 new scenes with multiple variations and animations with Brittany;
- 1 new scenes with multiple variations and animations with Lauren;
Changelog 0.43 - 2024-06-04
More audio effects added;
Gallery code is only validated with an internet connection;
General fixes;
2 new scenes with multiple variations and animations with Maya;
3 New cutscenes with Maya;
2 new scenes with multiple variations and animations with Alice;
New cutscenes from Alice story;
New cutscenes with Gabriel;
Changelog 0.42 - 2024-05-09
- More audio effects added;
- A new feature, notification when a new version of the game is available;
- Improved phone menu that shows where the characters are;
- Correction of some visual bugs regarding the game's HUD.
- New feature, you can now see the characters you already know on the game map; - General fixes;
- Remake of the "Slap" scene with Linda;
- Remake of the "Grope" scene with Linda;
- Remake of the "Wash the Dishes" scene with Linda
- Remake of the hug scene between Linda and Brittany;
- New scene with multiple variations and animations with Lilly; - New cutscenes from the main story added;
Changelog 0.41 - 2024-04-04
More audio effects added;
General fixes;
HIDE button added;
1 new scene with Celeste with multiple variations;
1 new scene with Celeste and Molly with multiple variations;
New cutscenes from the main story added;
Changelog 0.40 - 2024-03-07
Keyboard shortcuts arranged in the correct number order;
Audio mechanics added;
3 new scenes with Celeste with multiple variations;
New cutscenes from the main story added;
New still buttons added.
Changelog 0.39 - 2024-02-06
The options are now numbered with keyboard shortcuts;
General bug fix;
1 new scene with Brittany with multiple variations;
A remake of Brittany's scene (Revenge Sex);
1 new scene with Lauren with multiple variations.
Changelog 0.38 - 2023-12-28
General bug fix;
1 new scene with Linda with multiple variations
1 new christmas event with Linda with multiple variations;
Changelog 0.37 - 2023-12-12
General bug fix;
Improved bedtime text now shows the correct time you want to wake up;
Update on how walktrought works in relation to Gypsy;
New item shortcut mechanics have been added to the game;
Shortcut to player's room removed;
New items have been added (Coffee, Condom, Energy drink and Lockpick);
Improved character quests, the location is now changed to suit the context of the quest;
Lockpick minigame added to the game.
2 New locations added.
Fixed the bug that was causing the game to freeze.
New NPC added;
3 new scene with Alice with multiple variations;
A remade scene of Brittany (Stretch scene);
Changelog 0.36 - 2023-10-30
General bug fix;
Fixed a bug in relation to Lucifer;
Walkthrough screen has been improved, active objectives are at the top of the list.
Improved gallery screen, added information about scenes that depend on important in-game decisions;
Inventory screen improvements.
New character added;
1 new scene with Gypsy;
1 new scene with Lilly;
1 new scene with new character;
A remade scene of Brittany (Handjob);
New bust of a new character;
v.0.35 - 2023-10-08
General bug fix.
New intro with new artwork has been inserted into the game;
3 new scenes with Gypsy, with variations and animation;
A remade scene of Linda with more animations;
New bust of a new character;
Lucifer's bust has been improved;
v0.34 - 2023-08-25
New Gallery Code: Gullible
Changelog 0.33a - 2023-08-07
Gallery improvement;
Fix some save games not being compatible;
Android version now has 50% of the common image quality (1920x1080);
Bugfix where changing your name on the game settings would hide the Textbox forever sometimes.
Changelog 0.33
A bug in Molly's "Watch the class" scene has been fixed;
Layout of the game's main HUD has been customized and improved;
Fixed the text where Gypsy's lines were swapped.;
General bug fix.
1 new scene with Olivia, with several variations and animations;
1 new scene with Celeste, with several variations and animations;
1 Remake scene with Linda (Bed Thighfuck scene);
New Hell Cutscenes;
General Bug fix;
Change in the color system of the options for information icons;
Classes are no longer mandatory, only the test to get a positive grade;
Some savegames may become incompatible due to changes in game mechanics;
Gym added to the game.
1 new scene with Bernice at the Beach, with several variations and animations;
1 new scene with Brittany at the Gym, with several variations and animations, is a random event that occurs when you go to work out at the gym where Brittany works;
1 Remake scene with Linda;
New Cutscenes;
Bernice's new variation of Bust;
1 new character;
New poses and adjustments to MC's Bust;
v0.31 - 2023-06-03
v.0.30 - 2023-05-04
v.0.29 - 2023.03.29
Change Log
General Bug fix;
Continuity bug (Detected by one of our players, thanks Alfie007);
Implementation of a tutorial teaching the basic mechanics of the game;
New game mode with cheats and everything from the previous build complete;
2 new scenes with Lauren, with several variations and animations;
1 new scene with Lilly, with several variations and animations;
Lauren new bust variation;
New Lauren still button;
Art fix in some of Lauren Expressions.
v0.28 - - 2023.03.02
General Bug fix;
Gallery Unlocker Code;
Random Side Scenes;
1 new scene with Linda, with several variations and animations;
1 new scene with Olivia, with several variations and animations;
Linda Bust new outfit;
0.26 - 2022-12-24
v0.25 - 2022-11-05
►General Bug fix;
► 1 new scene with Haze;
► Haze Bust new variation;
► Linda new bust outfit;
► Molly new bust outfit;
► Halloween special scene, with animations and variations;
v0.24 - 2022-10-08
►New Minigame implemented;
►Hell exploration system;
►Scenes involving more than one character in the gallery were separated into one category;
►General Bug fix;
► 2 new scenes with the Succubus (One scene with each.);
► Haze Bust Remake;
► Still Button Haze Remake;
► Haze Scene Remake;
► Brittany "Leg Hurt" Cutscene Remake;
v0.23 - 2022-09-09
►Goal menu removed from the cellphone and placed on the main hud;
►Gallery has been optimized, with 100 times smoother navigation;
►General Bug fix;
►Visual bugs in the Halloween events with Linda have been fixed;
► 3 new scenes with Brittany and several variations (I won't list them here so as not to give a spoiler);
► Brittany's new Bust costume variation;
► 1 new still buttons for Brittany;
► Several still buttons were remade (two from Linda and one from Brittany);
► "Dishwashing" Cutscene with Linda was remade.
► Bug Fixes;
► 2 New animated scenes with Brittany with bunch of variations;
► Mother's Day Event;
► Linda Bust Improvement;
► Brittany's New Still Button
► Linda Handjob Scene Remake.
► Bug Fixes;
► Speed of some of Molly's animations was fixed;
► Adjustment in some Gallery scenes.
► 2 New animated Molly scenes with variations at school;
► New animated scene with variations at Molly's house;
► New animated scene with variations with Molly on the beach;
► 2 Molly's new outfits;
► 2 MC Cutscenes;
► MC Bust fixes;
► Linda kiss scene remake;
► Bug Fixes;
► Speed of Brittany's racing minigame has been adjusted. (Strength is giving more speed, the MC is now faster).
► Adjustment in some Gallery scenes.
► New Animated Scene with Linda;
► New Animated Scene with Olivia;
► New Still Scene with Linda;
► Bug Fixes;
► Halloween event added;
► New Animated Scene with Linda;
► New Animated Scene with Molly;
► New Animated Scene with Brittany;
► Linda's new outfit;
► Molly's new outfit;
► Brittany's new outfit;
► Brittany's expression fixes;
► Brittany's Bust fixes;
v0.15 public
► Several Bug Fixes (Brittany Related);
► New character added;
► New Olivia animated scenes;
► Olivia's new outfit;
► New still buttons;
► Some details in the artwork have been fixed.
► Bug Fixes;
► Molly's Minigame has had the difficulty reduced, it only needs to be done once per scene.
► Scenes of Linda chatting on the couch have been redone;
► Linda's blowjob scene in the bedroom has been redone;
► Painting of Molly's scene has been adjusted;
► Brittany's bust was slightly adjusted;
► Olivia lick scene was redone;
► Olivia's Halloween scene has been redone;
► Linda's grope scene has been redone;
► New scene of Linda on the beach.
► Bug Fixes;
► New minigame
► Game size has been drastically reduced.
► The objectives menu has been remade, giving more precise information about what to do in the game.
► At the beginning of the game you can choose how to play, with cheating, with the content of the past build completed, or normal play.
► Added an icon to indicate what is clickable in the game, useful for mobile players. (Can be disabled in the options.)
► New cutscenes
► New Molly animated scenes.
► New still buttons.
► New location has been added;
► Bug Fixes (A lot);
► Added cutscenes descriptions.
► New mechanics in cell phone objectives, filtering by done and not done.
► Added more Cutscenes for the "Work" action;
► Ms. Olivia character has been added;
► New animated scene with Linda have been added;
► New animated scenes with Olivia has been added;
► Still Olivia scenes with variations has been added;
► New backgrounds for the new location have been added;
Change Log
► Menu Gallery has been added;
► New location has been added;
► Bug Fixes.
► Added Cutscenes for the "Work" action;
► Ms. Olivia character has been added;
► New animated scenes with Linda have been added;
► A new animated scene with Molly has been added;
► Brittany "Cum" Art, has been corrected;
► New backgrounds for the new location have been added;
► New NPC "Ramon" has been added;
► People added to the background;
► New items added in game.
Game Mechanics:
0.3 savegames are compatible, but they can cause minor bugs, nothing that gets in the way of gameplay, but they are bugs that are only fixed with a new savegame;
New Grinds added to the game;
New locations implemented;
Upgrated the objective screen on the phone;
Implemented the tutorial, to help new players to better understand the gameplay, accessible through the menu, "help";
Bug fix: When an event happens after using a door or enter on a new place, the game crashs when you try to save, now you can save without problem;
Little man splash screen upscaled to more resolution.
General bug fixes.
New Art:
Several new scenes with Brittany;
New character, Lucifer;
New character, Haze;
New animations;
New Location, Lust Nightclub;
New Location, Inside of Brittany's House;
Some Tips:
If you don't have any "???" in the list of objectives, you have finished the build.
Some scenes need you to ask the character to follow you to other rooms.
If an option doesn't give more points, but it hasn't disappeared, it may still be able to fulfill some function, always explore all the options in different situations.
Changelog 0.3a
Game Mechanics:
Menu cover has been updated;
Bernice Bust, we put the hat on;
Bug fix: Character was following the character even when the energy of the character had run out, fixed;
Bug fix: Linda's Grind "About the kiss" was disappearing without even being done at least once, fixed;
Some grammar fixes.
Game Mechanics:
0.2 and 0.1 Save Games are no longer compatible, (Typing "gen-previous-save" when starting a new game will provide you a save game with all 0.2 content concluded, after that you can put any nickname you want, the code must be placed first, in the place where you put the nickname, after you put the code, you can type in any nickname you want.);
New Grinds added to the game;
BUG: Player name resets to "Player", FIXED;
Inventory implemented;
Items implemented;
New locations implemented
Game map had the layout reworked;
You can change your nickname at any time in the game, click on your phone preferences, the "gear icon" and you will have the option "Change Your Name";
General bug fixes;
New Art:
Several new scenes with Linda;
New character, Bernice;
New animations;
Easter event;
New Location, Church;
Some Tips:
If you don't have any "???" in the list of objectives, you have finished the build.
Some scenes need you to ask the character to follow you to other rooms.
If an option doesn't give more points, but it hasn't disappeared, it may still be able to fulfill some function, always explore all the options in different situations.
Improved system of movement through the scene, (Farewell Arrows).
Griding system.
Notification System.
The player has a cell phone, where you can see the goals and scores, and will have more functions in the future.
More varied scenarios.
The game is faster.
Skill and Relation System
Follow System, you can take the character to other scenarios, opening several possibilities.
Graphic Arts
New Busts.
Wide variation of Poses and Expressions.
Frame-by-frame animation.
Still of the character on the set.
General Bugfix;
2 new scene with Olivia and variations;
2 new cutscene with Isaac;
1 new cutscene with Gabriel;
Changelog 0.48 - 2024-11-07
Bugfix related to an old Molly mission;
2 new scene with Brittany and variations;
1 new scene with Lauren and variations;
1 new scene with Lilly and variations
1 new Brittany bust variation.
Changelog 0.47 - 2024-10-01
Bruce's progression bug has been fixed;
Fixed bugs regarding X-ray glasses;
Variation added to Linda's Yoga scene;
Visual improvements to the main menu;
1 new scene with Molly and variations;
1 new cutscene with Gabriel;
1 new side scene with Linda and variations;
Changelog 0.46 - 2024-09-07
- Alice button appearing when it shouldn't, has been
- Bernice variations without Raymond have been put
back into the game;
- O perk "The Nerd" is now functional;
- 10 new items added to the game;
- System for crafting items in Alice's lab has been
- Improved inventory hud;
- Relation and Location tabs on the phone has been
improved, now the order varies according to the
objectives the player has yet to complete;
- Improvements to some of the game's dialogs
(Example: The dialog in which the player informs you
that he needs more energy has been improved).
- More items added to the player when he starts the
game with all the content of the previous Build done;
- New scenario interaction added to Alice's Laboratory.
- 2 new scenes with multiple variations and animations
with Angel;
- 1 new cutscene with Gabriel;
1 MC Bust Variation;
- 1 Angel Bust Variation;
Changelog 0.45 - 2024-08-09
New perk has been added to the game (not useful yet);
Molly's test mini-game added;
Molly's simulated tests have been reworked;
Bug fixes regarding Molly and Celeste's progress;
Celine's new scene gets an additional variation by having more than 5 condoms;
Celeste's scene now has the option to release her from the machine;
General fixes;
1 new scenes with multiple variations and animations with Molly;
1 new scenes with multiple variations and animations with Bernice;
1 new scenes with multiple variations and animations with Celine;
Changelog 0.44 - 2024-07-08
- Some corrections to the text;
- Starting the game with the events from the previous build done now gives the player resources (money, consumable items and so on...)
- New Perks system added to the game;
- 3 new Perks added to the game;
- Improvements to the game's Walkthrought texts;
- hand/click option visible on doors and objects, removed from the game (the little hand that kept dancing, RIP);
- Improved phone HUD;
- The game notification will take a little longer to disappear (6s -> 8s);
- General fixes;
- 2 new scenes with multiple variations and animations with Brittany;
- 1 new scenes with multiple variations and animations with Lauren;
Changelog 0.43 - 2024-06-04
More audio effects added;
Gallery code is only validated with an internet connection;
General fixes;
2 new scenes with multiple variations and animations with Maya;
3 New cutscenes with Maya;
2 new scenes with multiple variations and animations with Alice;
New cutscenes from Alice story;
New cutscenes with Gabriel;
Changelog 0.42 - 2024-05-09
- More audio effects added;
- A new feature, notification when a new version of the game is available;
- Improved phone menu that shows where the characters are;
- Correction of some visual bugs regarding the game's HUD.
- New feature, you can now see the characters you already know on the game map; - General fixes;
- Remake of the "Slap" scene with Linda;
- Remake of the "Grope" scene with Linda;
- Remake of the "Wash the Dishes" scene with Linda
- Remake of the hug scene between Linda and Brittany;
- New scene with multiple variations and animations with Lilly; - New cutscenes from the main story added;
Changelog 0.41 - 2024-04-04
More audio effects added;
General fixes;
HIDE button added;
1 new scene with Celeste with multiple variations;
1 new scene with Celeste and Molly with multiple variations;
New cutscenes from the main story added;
Changelog 0.40 - 2024-03-07
Keyboard shortcuts arranged in the correct number order;
Audio mechanics added;
3 new scenes with Celeste with multiple variations;
New cutscenes from the main story added;
New still buttons added.
Changelog 0.39 - 2024-02-06
The options are now numbered with keyboard shortcuts;
General bug fix;
1 new scene with Brittany with multiple variations;
A remake of Brittany's scene (Revenge Sex);
1 new scene with Lauren with multiple variations.
Changelog 0.38 - 2023-12-28
General bug fix;
1 new scene with Linda with multiple variations
1 new christmas event with Linda with multiple variations;
Changelog 0.37 - 2023-12-12
General bug fix;
Improved bedtime text now shows the correct time you want to wake up;
Update on how walktrought works in relation to Gypsy;
New item shortcut mechanics have been added to the game;
Shortcut to player's room removed;
New items have been added (Coffee, Condom, Energy drink and Lockpick);
Improved character quests, the location is now changed to suit the context of the quest;
Lockpick minigame added to the game.
2 New locations added.
Fixed the bug that was causing the game to freeze.
New NPC added;
3 new scene with Alice with multiple variations;
A remade scene of Brittany (Stretch scene);
Changelog 0.36 - 2023-10-30
General bug fix;
Fixed a bug in relation to Lucifer;
Walkthrough screen has been improved, active objectives are at the top of the list.
Improved gallery screen, added information about scenes that depend on important in-game decisions;
Inventory screen improvements.
New character added;
1 new scene with Gypsy;
1 new scene with Lilly;
1 new scene with new character;
A remade scene of Brittany (Handjob);
New bust of a new character;
v.0.35 - 2023-10-08
General bug fix.
New intro with new artwork has been inserted into the game;
3 new scenes with Gypsy, with variations and animation;
A remade scene of Linda with more animations;
New bust of a new character;
Lucifer's bust has been improved;
v0.34 - 2023-08-25
New Gallery Code: Gullible
Changelog 0.33a - 2023-08-07
Gallery improvement;
Fix some save games not being compatible;
Android version now has 50% of the common image quality (1920x1080);
Bugfix where changing your name on the game settings would hide the Textbox forever sometimes.
Changelog 0.33
A bug in Molly's "Watch the class" scene has been fixed;
Layout of the game's main HUD has been customized and improved;
Fixed the text where Gypsy's lines were swapped.;
General bug fix.
1 new scene with Olivia, with several variations and animations;
1 new scene with Celeste, with several variations and animations;
1 Remake scene with Linda (Bed Thighfuck scene);
New Hell Cutscenes;
General Bug fix;
Change in the color system of the options for information icons;
Classes are no longer mandatory, only the test to get a positive grade;
Some savegames may become incompatible due to changes in game mechanics;
Gym added to the game.
1 new scene with Bernice at the Beach, with several variations and animations;
1 new scene with Brittany at the Gym, with several variations and animations, is a random event that occurs when you go to work out at the gym where Brittany works;
1 Remake scene with Linda;
New Cutscenes;
Bernice's new variation of Bust;
1 new character;
New poses and adjustments to MC's Bust;
v0.31 - 2023-06-03
v.0.30 - 2023-05-04
v.0.29 - 2023.03.29
Change Log
General Bug fix;
Continuity bug (Detected by one of our players, thanks Alfie007);
Implementation of a tutorial teaching the basic mechanics of the game;
New game mode with cheats and everything from the previous build complete;
2 new scenes with Lauren, with several variations and animations;
1 new scene with Lilly, with several variations and animations;
Lauren new bust variation;
New Lauren still button;
Art fix in some of Lauren Expressions.
v0.28 - - 2023.03.02
General Bug fix;
Gallery Unlocker Code;
Random Side Scenes;
1 new scene with Linda, with several variations and animations;
1 new scene with Olivia, with several variations and animations;
Linda Bust new outfit;
0.26 - 2022-12-24
v0.25 - 2022-11-05
►General Bug fix;
► 1 new scene with Haze;
► Haze Bust new variation;
► Linda new bust outfit;
► Molly new bust outfit;
► Halloween special scene, with animations and variations;
v0.24 - 2022-10-08
►New Minigame implemented;
►Hell exploration system;
►Scenes involving more than one character in the gallery were separated into one category;
►General Bug fix;
► 2 new scenes with the Succubus (One scene with each.);
► Haze Bust Remake;
► Still Button Haze Remake;
► Haze Scene Remake;
► Brittany "Leg Hurt" Cutscene Remake;
v0.23 - 2022-09-09
►Goal menu removed from the cellphone and placed on the main hud;
►Gallery has been optimized, with 100 times smoother navigation;
►General Bug fix;
►Visual bugs in the Halloween events with Linda have been fixed;
► 3 new scenes with Brittany and several variations (I won't list them here so as not to give a spoiler);
► Brittany's new Bust costume variation;
► 1 new still buttons for Brittany;
► Several still buttons were remade (two from Linda and one from Brittany);
► "Dishwashing" Cutscene with Linda was remade.
► Bug Fixes;
► 2 New animated scenes with Brittany with bunch of variations;
► Mother's Day Event;
► Linda Bust Improvement;
► Brittany's New Still Button
► Linda Handjob Scene Remake.
► Bug Fixes;
► Speed of some of Molly's animations was fixed;
► Adjustment in some Gallery scenes.
► 2 New animated Molly scenes with variations at school;
► New animated scene with variations at Molly's house;
► New animated scene with variations with Molly on the beach;
► 2 Molly's new outfits;
► 2 MC Cutscenes;
► MC Bust fixes;
► Linda kiss scene remake;
► Bug Fixes;
► Speed of Brittany's racing minigame has been adjusted. (Strength is giving more speed, the MC is now faster).
► Adjustment in some Gallery scenes.
► New Animated Scene with Linda;
► New Animated Scene with Olivia;
► New Still Scene with Linda;
► Bug Fixes;
► Halloween event added;
► New Animated Scene with Linda;
► New Animated Scene with Molly;
► New Animated Scene with Brittany;
► Linda's new outfit;
► Molly's new outfit;
► Brittany's new outfit;
► Brittany's expression fixes;
► Brittany's Bust fixes;
v0.15 public
► Several Bug Fixes (Brittany Related);
► New character added;
► New Olivia animated scenes;
► Olivia's new outfit;
► New still buttons;
► Some details in the artwork have been fixed.
► Bug Fixes;
► Molly's Minigame has had the difficulty reduced, it only needs to be done once per scene.
► Scenes of Linda chatting on the couch have been redone;
► Linda's blowjob scene in the bedroom has been redone;
► Painting of Molly's scene has been adjusted;
► Brittany's bust was slightly adjusted;
► Olivia lick scene was redone;
► Olivia's Halloween scene has been redone;
► Linda's grope scene has been redone;
► New scene of Linda on the beach.
► Bug Fixes;
► New minigame
► Game size has been drastically reduced.
► The objectives menu has been remade, giving more precise information about what to do in the game.
► At the beginning of the game you can choose how to play, with cheating, with the content of the past build completed, or normal play.
► Added an icon to indicate what is clickable in the game, useful for mobile players. (Can be disabled in the options.)
► New cutscenes
► New Molly animated scenes.
► New still buttons.
► New location has been added;
► Bug Fixes (A lot);
► Added cutscenes descriptions.
► New mechanics in cell phone objectives, filtering by done and not done.
► Added more Cutscenes for the "Work" action;
► Ms. Olivia character has been added;
► New animated scene with Linda have been added;
► New animated scenes with Olivia has been added;
► Still Olivia scenes with variations has been added;
► New backgrounds for the new location have been added;
Change Log
► Menu Gallery has been added;
► New location has been added;
► Bug Fixes.
► Added Cutscenes for the "Work" action;
► Ms. Olivia character has been added;
► New animated scenes with Linda have been added;
► A new animated scene with Molly has been added;
► Brittany "Cum" Art, has been corrected;
► New backgrounds for the new location have been added;
► New NPC "Ramon" has been added;
► People added to the background;
► New items added in game.
Game Mechanics:
0.3 savegames are compatible, but they can cause minor bugs, nothing that gets in the way of gameplay, but they are bugs that are only fixed with a new savegame;
New Grinds added to the game;
New locations implemented;
Upgrated the objective screen on the phone;
Implemented the tutorial, to help new players to better understand the gameplay, accessible through the menu, "help";
Bug fix: When an event happens after using a door or enter on a new place, the game crashs when you try to save, now you can save without problem;
Little man splash screen upscaled to more resolution.
General bug fixes.
New Art:
Several new scenes with Brittany;
New character, Lucifer;
New character, Haze;
New animations;
New Location, Lust Nightclub;
New Location, Inside of Brittany's House;
Some Tips:
If you don't have any "???" in the list of objectives, you have finished the build.
Some scenes need you to ask the character to follow you to other rooms.
If an option doesn't give more points, but it hasn't disappeared, it may still be able to fulfill some function, always explore all the options in different situations.
Changelog 0.3a
Game Mechanics:
Menu cover has been updated;
Bernice Bust, we put the hat on;
Bug fix: Character was following the character even when the energy of the character had run out, fixed;
Bug fix: Linda's Grind "About the kiss" was disappearing without even being done at least once, fixed;
Some grammar fixes.
Game Mechanics:
0.2 and 0.1 Save Games are no longer compatible, (Typing "gen-previous-save" when starting a new game will provide you a save game with all 0.2 content concluded, after that you can put any nickname you want, the code must be placed first, in the place where you put the nickname, after you put the code, you can type in any nickname you want.);
New Grinds added to the game;
BUG: Player name resets to "Player", FIXED;
Inventory implemented;
Items implemented;
New locations implemented
Game map had the layout reworked;
You can change your nickname at any time in the game, click on your phone preferences, the "gear icon" and you will have the option "Change Your Name";
General bug fixes;
New Art:
Several new scenes with Linda;
New character, Bernice;
New animations;
Easter event;
New Location, Church;
Some Tips:
If you don't have any "???" in the list of objectives, you have finished the build.
Some scenes need you to ask the character to follow you to other rooms.
If an option doesn't give more points, but it hasn't disappeared, it may still be able to fulfill some function, always explore all the options in different situations.
Improved system of movement through the scene, (Farewell Arrows).
Griding system.
Notification System.
The player has a cell phone, where you can see the goals and scores, and will have more functions in the future.
More varied scenarios.
The game is faster.
Skill and Relation System
Follow System, you can take the character to other scenarios, opening several possibilities.
Graphic Arts
New Busts.
Wide variation of Poses and Expressions.
Frame-by-frame animation.
Still of the character on the set.
Тему отредактировал: admin - 13-12-2024, 10:20
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.0.49 Eng. / Topic updated. Added English version v.0.49 Eng.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.0.49 Eng. / Topic updated. Added English version v.0.49 Eng.
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