Как в Darkest Dungeon, только развратнее.
Вам предстоит основать новую гильдию искателей приключений в северных пустошах. Однако развращающие миазмы неутолимой похоти все еще пропитывают землю. Отправьте своих отважных искателей приключений (женского пола) на завоевание этих запретных земель. Но берегитесь, ведите и обучайте их, чтобы их разум и душа не были испорчены развратными существами этих пустошей. Они не остановятся ни перед чем, чтобы похитить ваших смелых искателей приключений и подвергнуть их невыразимо развратным ужасам. Так что расширяйте свою молодую гильдию, побеждайте эти порочные орудия желания и пробивайтесь к самому развратному подземелью.
Like Darkest Dungeon, but lewd.
You are to establish a new adventurers' guild in the wastes to the North. However, a corrupting miasma of unsatiable lust still seeps the soil. Send your brave adventurers (female) forth to claim these forbidden lands. But beware, lead and train them well, lest their minds and souls be corrupted by the depraved creatures of these wastes. They will stop at nothing to kidnap your daring adventurers and subject them to unspeakably lewd horrors. So expand your fledgling guild, overcome those misbegotten instruments of desire, and fight your way towards the lewdest dungeon.
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 2d game, 2dcg, bdsm, corruption, exhibitionism, fantasy, female protagonist, lactation, mind control, monster girl, multiple protagonist, pregnancy, rpg, sex toys, tentacles, turn based combat,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Madodev - patreon | itch.io | discord
Платформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: Completed
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.0 Patch1
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Как в Darkest Dungeon, только развратнее.
Вам предстоит основать новую гильдию искателей приключений в северных пустошах. Однако развращающие миазмы неутолимой похоти все еще пропитывают землю. Отправьте своих отважных искателей приключений (женского пола) на завоевание этих запретных земель. Но берегитесь, ведите и обучайте их, чтобы их разум и душа не были испорчены развратными существами этих пустошей. Они не остановятся ни перед чем, чтобы похитить ваших смелых искателей приключений и подвергнуть их невыразимо развратным ужасам. Так что расширяйте свою молодую гильдию, побеждайте эти порочные орудия желания и пробивайтесь к самому развратному подземелью.
Like Darkest Dungeon, but lewd.
You are to establish a new adventurers' guild in the wastes to the North. However, a corrupting miasma of unsatiable lust still seeps the soil. Send your brave adventurers (female) forth to claim these forbidden lands. But beware, lead and train them well, lest their minds and souls be corrupted by the depraved creatures of these wastes. They will stop at nothing to kidnap your daring adventurers and subject them to unspeakably lewd horrors. So expand your fledgling guild, overcome those misbegotten instruments of desire, and fight your way towards the lewdest dungeon.
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 2d game, 2dcg, bdsm, corruption, exhibitionism, fantasy, female protagonist, lactation, mind control, monster girl, multiple protagonist, pregnancy, rpg, sex toys, tentacles, turn based combat,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Madodev - patreon | itch.io | discord
Платформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: Completed
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.0 Patch1
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
NoblePatch1 - 2024-11-16
Please Note:
This version uses a new renderer. This significantly speeds up older computers (my laptop went from 20fps to 60fps in combat) at the risk of being incompatible with other drivers.
I've had some reports of people encountering issues with the new renderer. If you're one of them, you can download a version of Premium Patch 1 with the old renderer here: MEGA
Also, 33 bugfixes:
Church wouldn't show ascension panel until two other perks were unlocked.
Combat Speed didn't get saved between sessions.
Goblin Front/Backshanker had faulty animations
Goblin Front/Backshanker didn't get censored correctly.
The combat in the Caverns Crevice didn't work.
Mimics, except those in the Forest, didn't hide their true effects.
The slave merchant didn't die when he was killed.
The dildo wall curio didn't work properly.
The rope bridge curio didn't work properly.
The morale and movement section of the Encyclopedia still showed "UNDER CONSTRUCTION".
The Lamia move Slither didn't do anything.
The quirk locking tutorial still mentioned Premium locks.
One of the Ratkin barracks in the Dreamer boss dungeon had incorrect collision.
The lick feet cutin didn't work correctly.
The reach the first boss tutorial quest could get stuck sometimes.
The flowers curio behaved like the shrooms curio.
Reshuffled the custom rules in the new game scene.
EffectsGuild weren't moddable.
Signets rings when equipped through the Guild would break.
If you clicked the prompt for doors, it would open all doors in that area.
Fire slime required 200 damage dealt despite dots not counting for damage for uncursing goals.
The Alraune tollbridge wouldn't correctly apply the suit.
The Alraune tollbridge caused the enemies to stand on water.
The core mechanic of the Vine in the Dreamer bossfight was broken.
In the final dungeon, part of the Ratkin Cantus didn't participate in the battle.
In the final dungeon, the stairs above the latex mold didn't connect properly.
You could endlessly farm the Dreamer boss dungeon, bypassing the boss.
You could endlessly farm the final boss dungeon, bypassing the boss.
In the final boss dungeon, using the stairs in the lab area would instantly trigger combat, leading to some issues on reloading.
If you gained two opposite quirks at the end of a dungeon, it would only apply one of them.
If the goblin mage rid you of a cursed class, you would keep the weapon.
Forced token combat effects wouldn't trigger properly.
1.0 Release:
50 new Curios
22 new Quirks
Female Orc enemies
All bugs fixes (hopefully)
Improved the way the Surgery Panel colors work.
Enemy descriptions.
Updated textures for certain equipment.
You can now set the combat speed in the Settings.
Some preset changes.
Some balance changes.
Updated translations.
Many bugfixes, the game should be fully bugfree and stable now.
Beta 1.4.4
New Ratkin, Spidergirl, Crabgirl, Scorpiongirl, Harpy, Jellyfish enemies.
New Kraken, Errant Signal, and Root of Corruption Bosses with custom dungeons.
Elite variants of all encounters and Elite+ dungeons.
Spruced up the guild.
Full scripting rework.
Dungeon layout overhaul.
Buttplug support.
New Game+
A large amount of equipment texture improvements, thanks Jimmy G.
New French and Japanese translations.
There's now a voiceline when reporting bugs.
Completing all tutorials now gives an item.
The console now has syntax highlighting.
A large amount of new Presets.
Enemy resistances have been reworked across the board. Enemies in the same group now - generally - have the same resistance. Hopefully, this allows more strategic choice in which moves and classes to bring to each region.
Grapplees now have different expressions depending on how lustful and degenerate they are.
If analytics are enabled, the game will automatically check whether a newer version is available, this way you won't miss hotfixes.
The durability bar now has light colored dividers to show the durability of inidividual items.
New textures for Boots of Strength, Boots of Speed, Mind Scrambler, Mind Blanker, Overcharge Visor, Stylish Heels, and Boots of Kicking,
You can now surrender when "No Retreat" is enabled, thanks Densor!
You can now see destiny options in the quests panel (next to the point counter).
Once you have 10 of the training tokens, they turn gold and the pips below them are hidden.
Tutorials have been cleaned up, due to oversights some tutorial messages occured way too late.
You can now delete guild equipment in Android.
You can now view enemy info and complete the tutorials in Android.
The surgery panel has been streamlined.
Beta 1.4.3
Final two boss dungeons.
Buttplug support.
New Game+.
Extra Curios for all regions.
Extra Goblin enemies, including grapplers.
A large amount of bugfixes.
Beta 1.4
Beta 1.3.4
Beta 1.3.3
The Errant Signal boss dungeon.
You can now see the employed girls visually in the Guild.
New Ratkin enemies and encounters.
New spidergirl, crabgirl, and scorpiongirl enemies and encounters.
The world layout has been changed, giving you two shortcuts (through bosses).
Combat will now continue if all adventurers are grappled (or don't have moves) but you will be offered to surrender every three turns without any of your input, thanks Densor!
Crests are now ordered according to their personality instead of random in the Adventurer Personality panel.
Provision moves can now be altered or replaced by modders.
The item catalog now counts obtained items instead of obtained items + 1.
You can now delete guild equipment in Android.
You can now view enemy info and complete the tutorials in Android.
Completing all tutorials now gives an item.
Tutorials have been cleaned up, due to oversights some tutorial messages occured way too late.
You can now surrender when "No Retreat" is enabled, thanks Densor!
You can now see destiny options in the quests panel (next to the point counter).
Once you have 10 of the training tokens, they turn gold and the pips below them are hidden.
New presets.
Enemy resistances have been reworked across the board. Enemies in the same group now - generally - have the same resistance. Hopefully, this allows more strategic choice in which moves and classes to bring to each region.
Grapplees now have different expressions depending on how lustful and degenerate they are.
Beta 1.3
The Mechanic boss dungeon, see above.
The Dreamer boss dungeon, see above.
12 new human enemies and new human encounters, see above.
Mods work on Android now, thanks Haraberu!
Major guild optimization, thanks Haraberu!
Added virtual sets, to simplify looking for equipment in the guild, thanks Demopans!
You can now extract your savefiles though the bug reporter, allowing you to transfer saves from Web to Desktop, thanks Haraberu!
Android now has larger scrollbars, thanks Haraberu!
One way gates now remember their status if you return with a new party.
Rescued adventurers now get shown during the gold tallying in the conclusion screen.
New menu image.
New perseverence, ignore dots, and endurance tokens.
Curio textures (Textures/Tiles/Curios/*.png) are now moddable, thanks Haraberu!
New presets: Limo, Luvie, MoQian, LVH8, Julia, and Terra.
A large amount of minor changes related to presets and their quirks.
New hairstyle, thanks Pointyyou!
Setting whether a provision is found in the shop can now be set by modders.
Updated Russian translation, thanks Hitmir!
Greatbow now disabled the Suppressing Fire move.
Summoned enemies now also get their combat start effects.
Beta 1.2
Elite+ encounters and an improved encounter difficulty curve.
New Seedbed boss and dungeon.
10 new Alraune/Plant enemies, and around 50 new Alraune/Plant encounters.
8 mk2 versions of the known machines (and technician), and around 50 new Machine encounters.
11 new machines, each having grappling moves.
Signet Rings, cursed items that transform the wearer into an enemy class.
22 new pieces of gear.
All gear now has descriptions.
Exposure tokens now counter dodge tokens.
Some evolving items (like bunny beads) now devolve to their base form when unequipped, thanks Haraberu!
Nerfed the fire spells of the mage.
Thief's veil and mark of change are now more rare.
Adding a token when you're at your limit now replaces the oldest token instead of not doing anything.
Double and Triple vines now have two and three turns.
Big Alraune's cleave is no longer more powerful than her single attack.
The Plugger machine now moves forwards instead of backwards.
Slime's point blank shot can only target rank 1.
Latex cocoons also allow waiting now like their non-latex counterparts.
DoTs now count for the deal and take damage goals.
Locked quirks now cost more to remove and Premium Locking has been removed.
Affliction strength is now always 100 instead of increasing at higher desires.
Prisoner's tattoo now decreases durability damage received.
When sorting weapons by "Type" they will now be sorted by their class.
Flagellate for Paladin no longer has a CON save.
Boobsizes no longer affect DMG and REC
Some tooltips now have subtooltips that explain tokens or moves, thanks Haraberu!
Clarified the take heal damage and deal heal damage goals.
EnemyInfo now shows the backup move of an enemy, including explanation.
There's now an overview of all crests and their effects.
Trapless and masculine censors are now split apart, thanks Princessity!
Uncursed gear now always stacks in the guild, even when not infinite, thanks Haraberu!
Presets now have their own icon frames, but Aura and Tomo are no longer considered unique presets.
There is no longer a reduction on slots when jobs become instant, so you can still use those slots to complete goals.
The Class Overview now has info on the job efficiencies of the adventurer and timed effects.
Five new presets: Kaldea, Aster, Yu, Vian, and Ryona.
The map overlays are now cleaned up.
Console commands: gear_viewer and enemy_viewer (consider them a gallery of some sorts).
There's a new console command combat_speed, it changes the speed of combat and is currently experimental.
Evolving items and permanent items can now become unlimited and are handled for the item catalog, thanks Haraberu!
Not all enemies have to be killed as often to count for the bestiary.
New custom rule, items become infinite at 2 instead of 4, thanks Haraberu!
Enemies now have custom backup moves, replacing relax.
Added new affliction expressions (with heart irises) while removing the faltering expression.
New Vietnamese translation, thanks AER! If by any chance you speak Vietnamese, head over to the Discord to help him out.
Updated and improved Chinese translations, thanks Roland3, Xe-No and Fishplate!
New Thai translation, thanks Gainvictory and TranslatorGuys!
Updated Russian translations, thanks Hitmir!
Translations can now be extracted through the Mod Importer, or use the export_translations console command (this also works for non-supporters).
Beta 1.10
About 150 new pieces of equipment, see above.
A full rebalance of all pieces of equipment, see above.
A full overhaul of parasites, see above.
A new cursed class, the bunny, see above.
Visual rework, see above.
UI rework, see above.
You can now access the roster in the overworld, with hints for dungeon related goals, thanks IneptArtificer!
Improved class and building tooltips.
The way resources are handled in the code has changed, reducing loading times by up to 50%.
Some performance increases during dungeon runs, thanks Haraberu!
Early fireslimes are now replaced with new plastic slimes, based on Meoaim's plastocytes.
Fireslimes no longer receive block each turn.
The encyclopedia has been updated for the guild buildings and modding, thanks Pearldiver!
Clicking empty jobs now allows you to auto-assign adventurers, thanks Inept Artificer!
Reinforcements, rescue target, and captured enemies are now shown in dungeon, thanks Haraberu!
Allow searching in the guild equipment, thanks Haraberu.
Party will now wipe if all remaining adventurers are either grappled or are fully disabled.
Horses now have some extra moves to account for their stances.
Added missing development goals related to ruins discovery, greenskin killing, suggestibility gaining, and parasite carrying.
Lowered training cost scaling.
REC is now capped at -75% (though you can't get there currently), healREC is capped at -100% (so you can't kill yourself by healing).
Quirks have been rebalanced so that their damage is more in line with the accessories.
New music for the conclusion screens.
Permanently cursed gear can now become infinite, thanks LWDWTBK!
You no longer only get gold when no more items of a requested rarity exist, thanks Haraberu!
Class repeatable now have bonuses apart from HP (preserving tokens), thanks Haraberu!
There's now the start of a Japanese translation (edited MTL), thanks sghub!
An extra hairstyle.
Basestats are now clamped between 4 and 20, player saves between 0 and 95.
Pet and Cow uncurse goals now use their jobs instead of desires.
Ponygirls now also give a minimum amount of points to new adventurers (1/5th of max).
Beta 1.03
Second custom boss dungeon.
A new tutorial system.
Updated swamp music and new guild and overworld music.
All main classes now have 10 unique weapons, each with fun and balanced effects.
20 other new pieces of gear have been added as well.
Filtering of gear in the guild has been spruced up and reworked.
Filtering of girls in the guild has been spruced up and reworked.
Girls only start barking when you haven't done any inputs in a while.
Corruption advancements on kidnapped pops are now added to the log.
Tokens are now shown in the top panel of the Adventurer Overview.
The game now shows when and by which mod gear has been added.
When assigning girls, the game now remembers where in the list you were.
The quest button in the guild is now color-coded and always available.
You can now favorite adventurers, marking them and making them always show on top of the guild list.
Team party icons have been improved.
The unequip all button has been improved.
Quest rewards are always identified.
You can move provisions in stacks by pressing shift.
If items are hidden by equipment filters, you get a warning.
You can change the positions of accessories in the guild.
Tooltips will show which parts of conditions are applicable to the current adventurer.
If you try to teleport into walls, the game will show you and then teleport you back automatically.
Some new preset parties, thanks Keyarl.
The internal data for Quirks, Wearables, and EquipGroups has changed, mods from previous versions will break.
Some translations are now added to the game internally, so they always work on export (e.g. on Android).
Russian translation, thanks Himir!
Underlying equipment texture changes.
Added a create_encounter console command.
Latex gear has been rebalanced.
More modding scripts.
Desire textures are now moddable.
Reworked the ratkin prison in forest rescue missions.
Provisions have been rebalanced.
Dungeons can now pick from multiple equip groups.
Modding improvements (sets are recognized, new error system, headers are automatically fixed).
All bugs reported since the 1.00 public release have been fixed.
Beta 1.00
First custom boss dungeon.
10 new slime enemies.
50 new encounters for those 10 enemies.
Goals are now shown in combat.
You can now teleport between cleared rooms by clicking on the minimap.
Unique rarity for preset recruits.
Boss dungeons are now shown in the top bar of the overworld.
Clarified lust_conversion and lust_recoil.
If normally a curio wouldn't give any loot due to kleptomaniacs or bad luck, it now gives 25 gold, to show you it isn't broken.
Custom maps (such as the tutorial) now have correct minimaps.
All dungeons layouts are now 3D under the hood, this currently is only used for custom dungeons.
Loral, Coriander, Nalia, and Yikai preset.
You now get a warning if you try to exit a rescue dungeon without rescuing the target, thanks Haraberu!
Dungeons are counted as successful if the exit room was visited. You can then retreat from anywhere out of combat. Thanks Haraberu!
Presets are now always marked as special.
Salve now also cures bleed.
More scripts for modders, thanks AFKgjiAE and PeteTimesSix and Luei!
Lust gain/loss no longer impacts satisfaction.
Corruption advancements on kidnapped pops are now added to the log.
Mana was granted as gold in the end of dungeons.
Some dungeon layout were incompleteable.
Ranks didn't get updated after grapples.
Making cursed classes swappable through quests also made them recruitable.
Quest dungeon markers didn't get disabled correctly.
Bunch of censorship and typo fixes.
Parasite quests were parsed incorrectly.
Bunny cuffs showed above weaponry.
Curse quests would destroy equipment.
Morale effects weren't refreshed when morale changed.
You can no longer select different starting adventurer rules at the same time in custom rules.
Horse gear wasn't correctly cursed.
Ratkin Stronghold curio choices could lock the dungeon.
You can no longer skip past the river.
The boss didn't count as cleared if you saved in the middle.
Clearing the boss didn't count for the mission completion.
The milk gain from the quest didn't parse correctly.
Using presets too often in the custom rules would crash the game.
Desire actionscript had confusing description.
Red and Black skintight suit were displayed incorrectly on a pet.
Incorrect newlining on the HP tooltip.
Pressing clear destiny points would immediately clear the points instead of waiting for confirmation and wouldn't update the UI.
Censorship settings wouldn't get saved in case of some specific save configurations,
Mana didn't update when rerolling goals.
Couldn't click dungeons in part of the top of the overworld map.
Expressions weren't working for the Kneel puppet.
Durability of the outfit can no longer be restored when pregnant.
Fixed ripostes when cocooned.
Made the game more robust against poorly formed mods.
Girls could get lost during an upgrade to fewer jobs.
If you saved during a quest dungeon, the quest wouldn't couldn't as completed.
You could get stuck in a wall in the first boss dungeon in a map transition to the left.
Mods are now correctly hidden on mobile.
Alpha 2.99
Android Support
New Ruins Dungeon:
Orc and Goblin enemies
The ponygirl cursed class
Map Rework
Facial expressions
Bestiary, Item Catalog, Curio Catalog, Class List
Dynamic Quests that grant Favor
Main Quests to guide you through the game
Morale Rework
Customization Options
Added jobs for ponygirl, pet, prisoner classes.
Pets can now wear all types of underwear.
Classes now have repeatable upgrades to spent your points on once elite.
A large amount of preset characters (with unique quirks) from Technician Patreon backers.
More scripts for modding, thanks Jewel, AFKgjiAE and Meoaim.
Added Farmthis' Rubberpuppy mod to the basegame.
Encounters can now trigger reinforcements, thanks Haraberu!
Items can now have a different z_layer than their animation layer by suffixing them with #LAYER
Gear can now change based on hidden goals, expanding the current system. Thanks Fenec250!
Changed the Victory sound away from the default RPGM one.
Changed the "forest" tiles to something that looks like a forest.
Your adventurers will bark remarks in the overworld/dungeon/guild.
You can capture rescue human enemies with a portable iron horse and sell them get rewarded for rescuing them. Thanks Haraberu!
Dungeon effects have been removed completely.
Goals have been refactored internally. This means that the progression of some PDGs is now more linear.
Rescued adventurers will always join and follow the party, even if you already have 4 girls. They will join as reinforcements.
Loading speeds of everything has increased at least by a factor of 2, but up to 10 times for very very large guilds.
More console commands.
Rooms are only marked as clear when all actors inside have been cleared.
Added some more tutorialization with red exclamation marks.
The Embark button leads you home when the party is empty, thanks Fenec250.
The name of the mage's skills Mental Barrier and Prescience have been changed since Mental Barrier gave Prescience tokens.
The dice roll chances are now shown in the stagecoach panel.
The party of the last dungeon now gets autosaved, thanks Haraberu!
The classlevel goals now show how many upgrade points you need to reach, thanks Haraberu!
Dungeon tooltips now also include the equip group.
Desire tooltips now also include the expected desire increase.
Colorblind mode that changes the color of the HP bars in combat.
You can now see the amount of cursed items in the submission desire tooltip.
Hit chance is now added to the move UI. Thanks Haraberu!
Removed the 5d5-2 stagecoach tier, as it was situationally worse than the previous one.
CON was applied before any addition to HP, all other multiplicative effects after. It now applies after for consistency.
Morale Rework Changes:
Morale Drain effects have been changed to Morale Cost Modifier effects.
Room Healing effects have been changed to Morale Healing Cost Modifier effects.
The above effects can reduce morale costs by at most 80%.
Changes about Building Effects:
Some upgrades cost favor.
Some guild upgrades, such as the roster size one, are infinitely repeatable now.
Removed all discounting upgrades, except for the hospital.
Removed Hospital success rate.
You can now upgrade carry capacity in the farmstead.
Split up maid jobs from starting morale, and added a repeatable for the latter.
Added upgrade (costing favor) to make mental ward, extraction, and training field instantaneous
Time job goals will just require a change if the job is made instantaneous
Uncursing and saving at the church now costs favor.
Traits, personalities, and crests have been streamlined:
Traits are the only things affecting personalities.
Personalities only affect quirks, curios and a crest growth modifier.
Crests only grow through either the "advance crest" enemy move or mantras.
Mantras no longer affect personalities, but instead grow one crest and reduce all others.
Two crests have been added, so each personality now has a crest.
You can reroll traits in the Church.
Skip day now costs one favor.
Quirk removal now has a fixed cost (as if removing on 50%).
Mantra removal cost no longer depends on suggestibility.
All bugs reported since the 2.9 public release have been fixed. As much as I like long changelogs, I won't include all of them.
Alpha 2.9
Swamp dungeons and encounters.
Slime enemies (of the normal, large, and huge varieties).
The Petgirl class.
A mod manager and a way to easily modify mods.
Support for animated enemies and enemy parts.
Vine, Flower, and Alraune enemies.
Provison Rework.
Mac Support, thanks Abitenum!
Translations are now included by default:
Korean Translation, thanks SpeciaLee!
Chinese Simplified Translation, thanks Roland3!
Chinese Traditional Translation, thanks Fishplate!
German Translation, thanks 15Nova22!
Preset adventurers can now appear in curios, or very rarely in the stagecoach, thanks Keyarl!
The Mental Ward has been streamlined, thanks Keyarl!
Unidentified items are now shown as unidentified. To make an item infinite you need four identified items.
Some choices will sometimes override your choice, this in an attempt to make kleptomaniac as bad as in Darkest Dungeon.
Different classes can have different level thresholds, so no longer just 4-6-10-20. This is mostly useful for mods.
Added an "interact with curios" goal.
The loading screen is a tad fancier and actually works now.
More dolls, all working with that one curio everyone loves, thanks Meoaim!
Curio changes thanks to Haraberu:
Curios are now moddable, using a special curio kit.
New types of curio, an ambush, fortress, and special rescue curio.
Curios now support additional requirements such as being difficulty gated.
If curios contain a captured adventurer, you can ask her opinion on the curio.
There's now a way to view all girls in a neat overview. Thanks Haraberu.
You can now skip days, this will reduce your victory streak, and won't reroll dungeons.
Quirks can be locked again, giving a bonus to their growth.
The class panel is now sorted by amount of XP.
You can now see the dice rolls system that you get when upgrading your recruit quality.
Readded exclamation hint when you don't have all your moves equipped.
Changed tooltips in the personality panel to better correspond with the personalities.
You can now exit to the menu.
Data is now autosaved when you exit to menu or desktop through settings.
Recruit are now color coded by rarity.
The daylog shows when an adventurer has been rescued/kidnapped.
You can check a delete mode in-dungeon, so you can play the entire game with a mouse.
Crest colors now correspond with the associated personality.
Protection Unit won't receive a block token every turn any more.
Protection Unit's Guard now has a two turn cooldown.
Rogue's Stretch Muscles now gives a stealth token.
Rogue's Stab now deals double damage when stealthed.
Goal rebalances:
New goal to get your armor broken
New goal to start combat in rank 4 or rank 1 for some classes
New cow job goal
Goal job times at level 2 have been increased
Goal job times at level 3 have been standardized
Added kill parasite, plant, and slime goals
Reduced necessary kills for humans and parasites to account for their rarity
Enable the looter, provisionless, and pacifism goals for level 1
Reduced the masturbate and orgasm requirements to account for the affliction change
Changed the strength tokens to token_turns so you can refuse to use the strength tokens to clear the goal
Significantly decreased the dodge and block token goal requirements
Slightly decreased the taunt goal requirements
Slightly decreased the kill enemies goal requirements
Lowered requirements for all the damage type goals
Warrior's Mark Target now requires a WIL save.
Stats of first tier adventurers are now slightly worse.
Jobs would appear in the overview before they are unlocked.
Mimics no longer destroy items.
Sometimes you would get extra items at the end of dungeons.
Hidden and cursed items have been refactored to hopefully stop the deluge of bugs related to them.
Forced tokens didn't get cleared after suggestion removal.
There were some data errors in curio choices.
There were some icon errors in the goals.
Cow mask had the incorrect uncurse goal.
You could get stuck on curios if you had an absurdly high loot modifier.
Mage's had +DEX instead of +INT as permanent bonus.
You can no longer get an advance to crestless from curios (but for real this time).
Mental Ward operation costs weren't always suggestibility based.
Healing would do recoil damage.
Quests had incorrect description in their tooltip.
Tooltips for class effects would move out of view.
You could visually duplicate adventurers by replacing them on a full party in the guild.
Cocooned adventurers could still use their old class's riposte albeit without animation.
Set bonuses, force tokens, and force dots wouldn't always register correctly after equipping in the guild.
The cow tail wouldn't show up when wearing a face covering mask, and would show up incorrectly when kneeling.
The HP increases from class updates weren't shown in the tooltip.
Latex ring was horribly bugged.
You could doubleclick through menus to assign girls in the guild
You could move while paused (e.g. when a curio required your attention) by right click spamming the overview
Dungeon end increases for quirks didn't work (like with the region based ones)
Attach and Equip would still be used on guarded girls, leading to unpredictable results.
Curios will now tell you to select an adventurer when that's what you have to do.
Curios will now say "No Effect" instead of just being empty if they have no effect.
Right clicking on an employed girl to open the overview and then rightclicking on the same spot to close the window would unemploy the girl.
The addition symbol for AoEs was incorrectly aligned for moves targetting the player's side.
Crit tokens will no longer affect moves that don't do damage and hence don't consume crit tokens (for stuff like dot length increases)
The non-cursed vine bangle has, again, been removed from the loot table.
Curios would reroll some outcomes if you exited and reinteracted with them.
The curse lock didn't show on some items when imported from a previous version
You could duplicate basic cursed weapons easily.
Fixed incorrect line in the daylog for the mental ward.
Adventurers that carry a lockpick will no longer use a hammer as their preferred chest-opening tool.
Game would try to save in-menu if you tried to exit in-menu, causing profiles to get overwritten.
Durability damage wouldn't always display in the enemy overview.
Error in sign of natural decay in personality tooltips
Crit token would unhighlight when a girl targeted herself.
Defensive tokens on enemies wouldn't highlight correctly.
Adventurers weren't sorted by rank when interacting with curios.
Puncher was using incorrect riposte
Room sizes weren't correctly calculated
Variant choices for the guild weren't updated when purchasing new upgrades
Guard would redirect aoe's and wouldn't get deducted in some cases, thanks Jewel!
First stagecoach level recruitment dice were swapped.
Texture error in cowprint bikini.
Game would show quirks that couldn't be added at the end of a dungeon.
Alpha 2.8
Full rework of the class system.
Adventurers now have personality traits. These traits influence their personality which is measured on 5 axes.
Crests now influence, and are influenced by, personalities. Same with Quirks.
A large amount of curios for all dungeon types.
A quest system and a large amount of flavor text.
Translation support.
Healing no longer is no longer percentage based on max HP, instead healing done is increased by WIS and healing received by DEX.
The Mental Ward now allows instilling mantras which slowly change the girl's personality.
Bunch of new equipment from hoods to boots. Courtesy of Heretic Angel.
Quirks now have icons.
There's a UI for the personalities, which also shows the progress in different crests.
There are console commands for setting personalities, traits, and mantras.
There's now an overview of all missions in the overworld.
A bunch of collectable doll accessories.
Some performance enhancements for larger guilds and the desire panel.
Hypno eyes for desire textures.
A bunch of new (sometimes cursed) weaponry. Thanks to Meoaim.
Icons of goals that the girl is under levelled for are now greyed out.
Technicians now prioritize build over reinvigorate.
Surgery success can now reach 100%.
Changed goals for curse accessories, making the cursed class equips easier to remove.
Loot from enemies has been reduced to take curios into account.
Cramps token increases cramps chance with 10% instead of 5%.
Divine intervention has been buffed, it goes one save further back and resets the random buffer.
Armbinder of Adequate Violence now behaves like the Armbinder of Excessive Violence.
Vine bangle now only reduces DUR damage by 30%.
Save and saveplus tokens now counter blind tokens.
You get access to maid jobs a bit earlier.
Ratkin Paladin can no longer heal himself.
Warspider's Guard now has a two turn cooldown.
Warrior's Mark Target now adds two vulnerability tokens.
Mage's Blink adds stealth instead of dodge.
Mage's Magic Missile now ignores defensive tokens.
Cleric's Pray now also heals a bit.
Cleric's Shield of Faith now adds riposte.
Cleric's Seamantle now gives two dodgeplus tokens.
Cleric's Bane does a small amount of damage, gives exposure and can no longer be resisted.
Rogue's advance and retreat now deal less damage but have a bleed dot.
Rogue's find weakness now always removes positive tokens.
Rogue's open vein does slightly more bleed damage.
Rogue's upperslice does a small amount of bleed damage.
Alchemist's upper damage ranges have been increased.
Chronic Masturbator has been changed and is now a negative quirk.
Collar of lust now puts minimum lust at 75 to prevent prisoner's explosion exploit.
You can now hide invalid items when sorting equipment.
There are icons for the minimap and you can see adjacent rooms.
You can now check missions even if you have an empty party.
Clarified when you can't complete dev goals due to low dungeon difficulty.
Added more leeway for clicking towards the next room.
Rarity display is now more clear.
Spruced up the losing conclusion screen.
Sort now sorts on job automatically.
You get a summary of guild events after each day.
Added minor autosaves in the guild, ensuring that the game saves when employing girls or changing their equipment.
Missing gear (through mods or save incompatibility) now shows this clearly instead of turning into a Leather Armor.
Adventurering girls are now shown at the top in the guild.
Paladin wouldn't get divine favor if the flagellate didn't make her bleed.
Suggestion effects didn't actually work
Daze on enemies with multiple turns would delete a turn.
Added missing massage textures.
Stop "Overencumbered" from appearing for a split second when exiting battle.
Victory streak no longer starts at 8.
Dungeons didn't get saved in the overworld.
Token scaling didn't work and could crash the game.
Daily desire gain didn't work and could crash the game.
When a girl ripostes a dead enemy (e.g. after multiple ripostes) the game would crash.
Some randomness, like afflictions, wasn't kept after saving.
Bunny ears no longer prevent wearing earrings while allowing other ear types.
Movement indicator would remain visible after switching rooms.
Weakness scanners didn't die if everyone dodged it's attack.
Weakness tokens got highlighted even if the move did no damage.
Blind tokens got ignored if the move did no damage.
Acid bangle has been removed, so acid bangle (cursed) is the only acid bangle.
You now get the infinite gear for a class once unlocked.
Lust was incorrectly aligned in combat.
You can no longer call preset teams ""
You can no longer retreat during the enemy's turn
Right-Clicking the in-combat info no longer opens it again if you were hovering an adventurer.
Retreat panel was off-center in the dungeon.
Desire panel wouldn't stay selected in dungeon or combat.
Player effects weren't saved in dungeons.
The immobile token wouldn't always work.
Hovering over curse revealed items in the conclusion panel would cause a crash.
Healing abilities could crit, but wouldn't consume crit tokens.
Pubes didn't show on non-Tomo characters.
Open Mouth Gag and Penis Gag were cursed without goals.
If two girls got ungrappled at the same time only one got ungrappled.
Ungrappled girls wouldn't immediately move other ones back visually.
Move goal now only works when moving yourself. It sometimes worked when getting moved before.
Incorrect color for trinket slot in EquipmentPanel when swapping between a girl with an unremovable item in that slot, and one without item in that slot.
Provision tooltips didn't show correctly.
Guard tokens wouldn't disappear if the guardian died.
Mods didn't work on Linux.
Durability wasn't displayed in case of items in the dungeon equip group.
Forced tokens weren't recalculated after repairing broken gear.
Armorless goal was missing for level 1-2.
Minimap curio didn't reveal minimap.
Goal checks could cause crashes when reequipping partially cursed gear that got unequipped after kidnapping or curio.
Pick random wasn't actually random. This caused caverns to be overrepresented in missions.
Doubleclicking a girl on a hidden building would unemploy her.
Alpha 2.7
Large lust rework. At maximum lust, girls now get afflicted. They must satisfy this affliction before returning back to 0 lust.
Girls now have lewd desires, the higher they get the worse their affliction become. These also decide which type of affliction she'll get.
The tavern has been reworked and now passively reduces lust. You can assign wenches to increase this reduction.
The game will now (if you explicitly allow it) gather data analytics for further balancing.
Full rework of the hypnotic suggestions and suggestibility system. Suggestibility now decays passively, and suggestions are applied at the end of the dungeon.
Full rework of the dungeon generation. Dungeons are now dungeons instead of linear corridors of fights.
You can now see the goals of your adventurers at a glance, including whether you have progress in them, including the uncurse goals.
Goals now have icons.
You can now save and load preset party layouts.
When selecting a guarded target, it highlights the guarding enemy.
Clicking on the inventory in the main adventurer info now immediately moves to the gear equipment panel.
Riposte tokens now show info on the riposte move that is being used.
You can now hover over the tokens/dots in the effect information on the adventurer panel.
Added overview and glossary buttons to the combat.
The tavern now shows a breakdown of your passive lust reduction.
The barracks now shows a breakdown of your morale bonus.
The moves in the enemy info now show the effects to themselves and the requirements of their moves.
Console commands to:
Directly add an affliction
Modify your current satisfaction
Modify a desire value
Modify a stat
Add an enemy to the current fight
Set a players class level to a concrete value instead of just levelup
Add a move to your current move choice
Uncurse equipment
Replace a specific quirk
Replace a specific development goal
Remove all job locks
You can now see the chance that you rolled a girl that good or worse on the stagecoach.
The caverns now have a dungeon and combat soundtrack.
You now build up a victory streak by succeeding in dungeon missions without retreating. This increases loot gained.
The caverns now have a background texture.
More weapons (some cursed) for the newer classes.
New straitjacket equipment set. Courtesy of Heretic Angel.
New bunny equipment set.
New rubber equipment set. Courtesy of Orchid.
An enema.
Building textures and a progressively hornier nurse for the hospital.
Some preset parties get small combat bonuses.
There's a new splash screen.
There's now a function to report bugs.
Tokens can now force other tokens.
I cleaned up a lot of the buttons everywhere.
Re-reworked item coloring in the guild inventory.
Dungeons now reduce their reward level once their reward pool is empty.
A bunch of new quirks.
New iris texture for high suggestibility.
Cursed items can now fake many different items to keep you on your toes.
Corrupted girls are now corrupted over time (and you can see the corruption when you inspect their info panel) instead of all at once.
Swift is now a hidden script and shown explicitly in the tooltips.
All self targeting moves now explicitly show they target self in their move description.
Enemies will no longer equip any item from a set when equipping cursed gear, only predefined ones.
More enemies can now equip items and advance crests, primarily in spider and machine encounters.
Lowered getting blind and silence token requirements.
Holy Bolt had way more impact on the GPU than it should.
I refactored the scripting system for moves, this should remedy any bugs related to tokens being applied to the wrong person.
Taunt wouldn't get removed on non-damaging attacks.
After going to the provisions screen of a dungeon with no item and exiting the screen, dungeons with items won't show the item they give on their provision screen.
Going to the dungeon provision screen of a dungeon with 'No effect' will show the effect of the last selected dungeon.
The blink animation was shown above the maid face masks
If multiple effects would move a girl, she would only follow the last effect.
Animated sprites didn't work on export.
Some equipment would show under the expression in the icon of adventurers.
There are now a bunch more automated checks so that missing script implementation will no longer happen (as often).
Changing censorship now immediately changes the menu image.
The level up of your class was only added to your current class, and not to the backup of this class. This meant you could lose levels upon saving.
Items with hidden curse conditions wouldn't turn infinite correctly.
The Fertile quirk didn't work.
The take damage goal didn't work.
You could get the cursed items as a dungeon rewards.
Orgasmic afterglow could be removed by removing negative tokens.
You could right-click girls in closed building panels to bring up their info panel.
Technicians could reinvigorate scrap.
Collar of Lust and Nymphomaniac stacked, but only during damage calculations.
The recoil script didn't work.
The tavern tutorial was outdated.
If you retreated after a girl died to a dot, the girl wouldn't get kidnapped.
You could equip multiple items as long as they had hidden curses.
Nobles will no longer skip saves when they name adventurers with capital U or Y.
Class level tooltips would show your level instead of their level.
There was a layering issue during some grapples.
Right clicking the nursery behaved incorrectly.
Healing moves removed weakness and hobbled.
Incubate tokens can no longer be applied if the target doesn't have a free outfit slot.
Ratkin Lancer's piercer had no damage type. Also made sure this won't happen in the future.
The indicator for an item that was cursed but no longer was all kinds of fucked up.
The cocoon status didn't show in the info panel.
If you ever dragged a girl with the cocoon status, all other icons were cocooned as well.
Riposte moves weren't affected by alter move or replace move.
Fixed missing morale movescript and food missing its provision move. Also made sure this type of bug won't happen again.
Self-Defence units didn't use their punchout move correctly.
When machines died of dots, they didn't leave scrap.
If a guard token redirected to an enemy you'd normally be able to hit, you would no longer be able to select that enemy until you reselected the move.
If a guard token redirected to an enemy you couldn't hit, you could select that enemy.
Moving back multi-size enemies at position three would move them forward instead.
Brows would pop out of hoods.
Equipment on hidden body parts (like bracers when wearing an armbinder) wouldn't be hidden on dungeon sprites.
The maid bikini didn't remove a worn outfit when equipped.
Visual bug when recruiting girls while at max capacity.
You no longer get half essence from some parasite extractions.
Cocooned girls would stop moving after attacking.
Forced tokens stuck after the forcing gear got destroyed.
Removing an accessory which fitted multiple places, would only remove the first overlapping item.
Alpha 2.6.6
New tracks for the forest, both overworld and combat.
New tracks for the lab, both overworld and combat.
New Cursed Class: The Cowgirl: Whe who uses her gifts of big boobs to support the team. This comes with lactation tokens and two new breast sizes.
New Class: The Noble: A dodge tank with Ripostes. The idea is that a knowledgeable player can keep her out of harms way while she stabs the enemy to death. In Darkest Dungeon terms it's a grave robber who learned how to Riposte. Great for people who like to see enemies die on the enemy turn.
New Class: The Alchemist: A class that deals large amounts of damage but is dangerous to use. She has a swift (so can be used before your actual move) move that greatly increases damage at the cost of accuracy and/or hurting herself and her party. In Darkest Dungeon terms it's a Leper that decided to switch the sword for a shotgun. Great for people who have a crippling gambling addiction.
New Class: The Paladin: A slow start hybrid class between a warrior and a cleric. She builds up momentum with Divine-tokens which she can unleash all at once. In Darkest Dungeon 2 terms it's like a mix between a Vestal and an Occultist. She also gets a move to undo one turn in combat, because that's neat.
The labs area, filled with new enemies. Enemies in the labs are mostly fucking machines, including a new grappling enemy and a milking machine. The gimmick is that they turn to scrap when they die and can be resurrected by ratkin (or human) technicians.
Hypnobat enemies in the caverns, that also leech your life.
Parasites (six of them) that attach themselves as parasites.
A nursery to insert, grow, and sell parasites (for mana).
Textures for the merchant of the nursery and her lewdification.
Some new encounters types.
Modding support,
A hospital for cosmetic changes to your characters.
You can now sort the guild inventory (alphabetical by default, also type, rarity, set).
Added an infinite symbol to tooltip if item is infinite.
Doubleclicking employed girls will now unemploy them.
Added sorting options to the girls in the guild (custom, alphabetical, class, level, lust).
Completed goals, levels, and uncursings are now shown during combat or in the dungeon conclusion.
Reworked the layout and colouring of the class panel in the guild.
Reworked the suggestibility tooltips.
You can now change the keybinds.
There's now an overview of all DoTs in the glossary.
An uncursed cursed item will now have a broken lock in its tooltip.
Minor changes:
Added quirks for parasite growth (fertile (+100) - infertile (-100))
New prisoner weapon: Armbinder of Adequate Violence.
You can now remove positive quirks and lock in negative ones.
Console commands that require a target are now more lenient, and will also try to get a player or enemy from a currently open panel.
Noble subscribers can now skip between autosaves using ctrl+u and ctrl+y.
Added voicelines for dismissal and new classes.
Yoke and Featherduster are no longer cursed.
Sound sting when equiping cursed item
The ratkin paladin can now only use her heal five times per battle.
Two items (earrings of protection and earrings of spontaneous orgasms) weren't included in the loot table.
Updated the equipment tutorial.
The 'list' command now lists stuff alphabetically and also lists provisions and goals.
Added a command to set a specific development goal to a player.
Added a command to add a provision.
Demonic canines are more common nowadays.
You can now have a larger roster.
Full level cursed classes now confer immunity to the class changing effect of their equipment.
So if you are a fully leveled prisoner, you can wear prisoner equipment as any other class without getting turned back into a prisoner.
Changed the level curve a tad.
There's a new type of cursed equipment that doesn't curse on equip but only after a hidden trigger is met.
Added a couple new weapons, some of which are cursed.
Mark Target move has been reworked.
Smoothened out some animations, especially when dying.
Your party always got shuffled, even at a 10% chance.
Forced dots didn't work, unless there was also a normal dot of the same type.
Very long player names would break all sorts of containers.
Updated some building upgrade descriptions to be more clear.
A fully upgraded guild would break the Guild Hall panel.
The retreat button is now hidden during the tutorial, and those buttons are now aligned properly.
The Patreon and Discord link didn't work in the Settings
The dungeon morale wasn't always an integer.
You could still access the equipment panel on a recruit by first selecting it on an already recruited girl.
You can no longer access the class panel on recruits.
Cutins would show even if the attack (e.g. Incubate) would miss.
If a parasite missed Attach, its puppet would disappear.
Grapple tokens and faltering tokens would show 100000 turns remaining.
Job tooltips now also show the name of the girl.
Misanthrope had the effects of Beast Lover and Anthrophile the effects of Beast Fetish.
Estrus could kill if the girl was faltering.
The guild upgrade panels would get squashed if there were too many veteran recruits.
Items can now have multiple types. So you can no longer use gags or visors while wearing a gas mask.
Spiderrider is now correctly centered, making it more clear that she takes up two positions.
Reworked the versioning system so it's no longer hardcoded, which fixes stuff like saves from public 2.5.1 not seeming compatible with 2.6.
The end dungeons with a parasite goal wasn't working.
The guild camera will no longer move on building panels or when you rename the guild to "WASD guild".
The minimum lust of items would stack, so a Nympho with a Collar of Lust would get a minimum of 100 lust.
Dungeon related effects showed up in the guild based on the last visited dungeon.
Gas mask didn't prevent DoTs from non-move sources.
If no valid reward was available, the dungeon info at the provisioning screen showed an empty panel.
Perfect maid added stealth twice.
Mental Ward/Training Field/Nursery would close if you right-clicked a girl for more info.
Added role icons for the Patreon tiers.
You could reroll the rewards for rescue missions by going in and out of the world map.
You couldn't move girls from the party directly to a job.
If you double clicked the lower half of a girl in the guild, the adventurer beneath her would be sent to the party.
Completing a dungeon without reward could crash the game.
Very long guild names would break the game.
Latex hood didn't block other headgear.
Moves that bypass tokens now have their damage displayed correctly.
You could reroll gained quirks by hard quitting out of the dungeon conclusion screen.
A masturbation lover chronic masturbator didn't get Masturbate+.
Strength tokens didn't negate weakness tokens.
Chastity belts didn't block masturbation lover's Masturbate+.
Forced moves now have priorities, so the red armbinder will no longer override orgasm and other stuff.
Removing lust with a move will no longer work against the "take lust damage" goal.
Healing no longer removes silence, strength, crit or other offensive tokens. It will no longer be affected by crit tokens.
Combinations of normal tokens and forced tokens would display weirdly.
Broken equipment was intact in the kidnap animation.
Forced dots combined with normal dots now show turns left.
Forced tokens weren't marked when the attack you used affected them.
Fixed some incorrect subtitles.
Love added by moves like massage or lick clean didn't count towards love damage goals
Cleanup didn't target allies.
Makeover didn't add a random positive token.
Defeat enemies, get tokens, and take damage goals would only trigger for actions happening as a cause of a move (so no dots or crests).
Speed tokens now trigger at round start instead of at turn start, which means they aren't useless.
If you loaded a save where an adventurer was grappled, the game could crash.
If an item is broken, it would permanently disable its effect until reloading, even after restoring its durability.
Kleptomaniac interacted incorrectly with the loot chests.
Bug where interaction with the wooden chest would trigger multiple times when playing by mouse.
You can now interact with that chest even if you stand directly next to it.
Alternative quirks didn't work for script conditionals (e.g. gag of temperance didn't trigger silent support)
Some fixes in the tutorials.
Only the effect of the last level of a class applied.
After swapping, the permanent bonus of a class would apply twice.
Equipment of kidnapped girls would disappear.
The levelup command didn't work outside of dungeons.
If you select a quirk for locking / removal and switch to the other one, the quirk seems to stay selected but gives an error once you confirm the process.
If you started a dungeon without a girl in the first position, you couldn't lose combats.
Chance based timed effects (such as parasites) weren't shown in the pop overview.
Scripts that applied per token, ignored forced tokens.
Boob censorship didn't work with the largest boobs.
Boob censorship layer was below the clothing layer.
Some corrupted savefiles will be fixed automatically now.
Girls would turn invisible if they resisted a grapple.
Kneeling puppets didn't have working larger boobsizes.
Cotton underwear showed as latex underwear on larger boobsizes.
Lactate would completely brick saves.
Veteran cows didn't get immunity to cow equips.
The box of acquired quirk extended all the way to the right in the conclusion panel.
Higher level stagecoach adventurers would start with level 1 goals.
Block was shown when bypassing block tokens.
Icon and class name didn't update when the equipment changed.
Max stat move requirements used the target stat instead of the owner stat.
The load console command had some spaces behind the name, making it impossible to use.
When navigating with the mouse, you could have some involuntary movement when clicking out of panels.
v2.6.2 - Initial Release
Parasites (six of them) that attach themselves as parasites.
A nursery to insert, grow, and sell parasites (for mana).
Hypnobats, that also leech your life.
Textures for the merchant of the nursery and her lewdification.
Some New Encounters.
Some New Equipment.
Some New Quirks.
You can now remove positive quirks and lock in negative ones.
You can now sort the guild inventory (alphabetical by default, also type, rarity, set).
Doubleclicking employed girls will now unemploy them.
Completed goals, levels, and uncursings are now shown during combat or in the dungeon conclusion.
Added sorting options to the girls in the guild (custom, alphabetical, class, level, lust).
A very large amount of bugfixes and minor tweaks. Look at the Itch devlogs for a full list of them.
Please Note:
This version uses a new renderer. This significantly speeds up older computers (my laptop went from 20fps to 60fps in combat) at the risk of being incompatible with other drivers.
I've had some reports of people encountering issues with the new renderer. If you're one of them, you can download a version of Premium Patch 1 with the old renderer here: MEGA
Also, 33 bugfixes:
Church wouldn't show ascension panel until two other perks were unlocked.
Combat Speed didn't get saved between sessions.
Goblin Front/Backshanker had faulty animations
Goblin Front/Backshanker didn't get censored correctly.
The combat in the Caverns Crevice didn't work.
Mimics, except those in the Forest, didn't hide their true effects.
The slave merchant didn't die when he was killed.
The dildo wall curio didn't work properly.
The rope bridge curio didn't work properly.
The morale and movement section of the Encyclopedia still showed "UNDER CONSTRUCTION".
The Lamia move Slither didn't do anything.
The quirk locking tutorial still mentioned Premium locks.
One of the Ratkin barracks in the Dreamer boss dungeon had incorrect collision.
The lick feet cutin didn't work correctly.
The reach the first boss tutorial quest could get stuck sometimes.
The flowers curio behaved like the shrooms curio.
Reshuffled the custom rules in the new game scene.
EffectsGuild weren't moddable.
Signets rings when equipped through the Guild would break.
If you clicked the prompt for doors, it would open all doors in that area.
Fire slime required 200 damage dealt despite dots not counting for damage for uncursing goals.
The Alraune tollbridge wouldn't correctly apply the suit.
The Alraune tollbridge caused the enemies to stand on water.
The core mechanic of the Vine in the Dreamer bossfight was broken.
In the final dungeon, part of the Ratkin Cantus didn't participate in the battle.
In the final dungeon, the stairs above the latex mold didn't connect properly.
You could endlessly farm the Dreamer boss dungeon, bypassing the boss.
You could endlessly farm the final boss dungeon, bypassing the boss.
In the final boss dungeon, using the stairs in the lab area would instantly trigger combat, leading to some issues on reloading.
If you gained two opposite quirks at the end of a dungeon, it would only apply one of them.
If the goblin mage rid you of a cursed class, you would keep the weapon.
Forced token combat effects wouldn't trigger properly.
1.0 Release:
50 new Curios
22 new Quirks
Female Orc enemies
All bugs fixes (hopefully)
Improved the way the Surgery Panel colors work.
Enemy descriptions.
Updated textures for certain equipment.
You can now set the combat speed in the Settings.
Some preset changes.
Some balance changes.
Updated translations.
Many bugfixes, the game should be fully bugfree and stable now.
Beta 1.4.4
New Ratkin, Spidergirl, Crabgirl, Scorpiongirl, Harpy, Jellyfish enemies.
New Kraken, Errant Signal, and Root of Corruption Bosses with custom dungeons.
Elite variants of all encounters and Elite+ dungeons.
Spruced up the guild.
Full scripting rework.
Dungeon layout overhaul.
Buttplug support.
New Game+
A large amount of equipment texture improvements, thanks Jimmy G.
New French and Japanese translations.
There's now a voiceline when reporting bugs.
Completing all tutorials now gives an item.
The console now has syntax highlighting.
A large amount of new Presets.
Enemy resistances have been reworked across the board. Enemies in the same group now - generally - have the same resistance. Hopefully, this allows more strategic choice in which moves and classes to bring to each region.
Grapplees now have different expressions depending on how lustful and degenerate they are.
If analytics are enabled, the game will automatically check whether a newer version is available, this way you won't miss hotfixes.
The durability bar now has light colored dividers to show the durability of inidividual items.
New textures for Boots of Strength, Boots of Speed, Mind Scrambler, Mind Blanker, Overcharge Visor, Stylish Heels, and Boots of Kicking,
You can now surrender when "No Retreat" is enabled, thanks Densor!
You can now see destiny options in the quests panel (next to the point counter).
Once you have 10 of the training tokens, they turn gold and the pips below them are hidden.
Tutorials have been cleaned up, due to oversights some tutorial messages occured way too late.
You can now delete guild equipment in Android.
You can now view enemy info and complete the tutorials in Android.
The surgery panel has been streamlined.
Beta 1.4.3
Final two boss dungeons.
Buttplug support.
New Game+.
Extra Curios for all regions.
Extra Goblin enemies, including grapplers.
A large amount of bugfixes.
Beta 1.4
Beta 1.3.4
Beta 1.3.3
The Errant Signal boss dungeon.
You can now see the employed girls visually in the Guild.
New Ratkin enemies and encounters.
New spidergirl, crabgirl, and scorpiongirl enemies and encounters.
The world layout has been changed, giving you two shortcuts (through bosses).
Combat will now continue if all adventurers are grappled (or don't have moves) but you will be offered to surrender every three turns without any of your input, thanks Densor!
Crests are now ordered according to their personality instead of random in the Adventurer Personality panel.
Provision moves can now be altered or replaced by modders.
The item catalog now counts obtained items instead of obtained items + 1.
You can now delete guild equipment in Android.
You can now view enemy info and complete the tutorials in Android.
Completing all tutorials now gives an item.
Tutorials have been cleaned up, due to oversights some tutorial messages occured way too late.
You can now surrender when "No Retreat" is enabled, thanks Densor!
You can now see destiny options in the quests panel (next to the point counter).
Once you have 10 of the training tokens, they turn gold and the pips below them are hidden.
New presets.
Enemy resistances have been reworked across the board. Enemies in the same group now - generally - have the same resistance. Hopefully, this allows more strategic choice in which moves and classes to bring to each region.
Grapplees now have different expressions depending on how lustful and degenerate they are.
Beta 1.3
The Mechanic boss dungeon, see above.
The Dreamer boss dungeon, see above.
12 new human enemies and new human encounters, see above.
Mods work on Android now, thanks Haraberu!
Major guild optimization, thanks Haraberu!
Added virtual sets, to simplify looking for equipment in the guild, thanks Demopans!
You can now extract your savefiles though the bug reporter, allowing you to transfer saves from Web to Desktop, thanks Haraberu!
Android now has larger scrollbars, thanks Haraberu!
One way gates now remember their status if you return with a new party.
Rescued adventurers now get shown during the gold tallying in the conclusion screen.
New menu image.
New perseverence, ignore dots, and endurance tokens.
Curio textures (Textures/Tiles/Curios/*.png) are now moddable, thanks Haraberu!
New presets: Limo, Luvie, MoQian, LVH8, Julia, and Terra.
A large amount of minor changes related to presets and their quirks.
New hairstyle, thanks Pointyyou!
Setting whether a provision is found in the shop can now be set by modders.
Updated Russian translation, thanks Hitmir!
Greatbow now disabled the Suppressing Fire move.
Summoned enemies now also get their combat start effects.
Beta 1.2
Elite+ encounters and an improved encounter difficulty curve.
New Seedbed boss and dungeon.
10 new Alraune/Plant enemies, and around 50 new Alraune/Plant encounters.
8 mk2 versions of the known machines (and technician), and around 50 new Machine encounters.
11 new machines, each having grappling moves.
Signet Rings, cursed items that transform the wearer into an enemy class.
22 new pieces of gear.
All gear now has descriptions.
Exposure tokens now counter dodge tokens.
Some evolving items (like bunny beads) now devolve to their base form when unequipped, thanks Haraberu!
Nerfed the fire spells of the mage.
Thief's veil and mark of change are now more rare.
Adding a token when you're at your limit now replaces the oldest token instead of not doing anything.
Double and Triple vines now have two and three turns.
Big Alraune's cleave is no longer more powerful than her single attack.
The Plugger machine now moves forwards instead of backwards.
Slime's point blank shot can only target rank 1.
Latex cocoons also allow waiting now like their non-latex counterparts.
DoTs now count for the deal and take damage goals.
Locked quirks now cost more to remove and Premium Locking has been removed.
Affliction strength is now always 100 instead of increasing at higher desires.
Prisoner's tattoo now decreases durability damage received.
When sorting weapons by "Type" they will now be sorted by their class.
Flagellate for Paladin no longer has a CON save.
Boobsizes no longer affect DMG and REC
Some tooltips now have subtooltips that explain tokens or moves, thanks Haraberu!
Clarified the take heal damage and deal heal damage goals.
EnemyInfo now shows the backup move of an enemy, including explanation.
There's now an overview of all crests and their effects.
Trapless and masculine censors are now split apart, thanks Princessity!
Uncursed gear now always stacks in the guild, even when not infinite, thanks Haraberu!
Presets now have their own icon frames, but Aura and Tomo are no longer considered unique presets.
There is no longer a reduction on slots when jobs become instant, so you can still use those slots to complete goals.
The Class Overview now has info on the job efficiencies of the adventurer and timed effects.
Five new presets: Kaldea, Aster, Yu, Vian, and Ryona.
The map overlays are now cleaned up.
Console commands: gear_viewer and enemy_viewer (consider them a gallery of some sorts).
There's a new console command combat_speed, it changes the speed of combat and is currently experimental.
Evolving items and permanent items can now become unlimited and are handled for the item catalog, thanks Haraberu!
Not all enemies have to be killed as often to count for the bestiary.
New custom rule, items become infinite at 2 instead of 4, thanks Haraberu!
Enemies now have custom backup moves, replacing relax.
Added new affliction expressions (with heart irises) while removing the faltering expression.
New Vietnamese translation, thanks AER! If by any chance you speak Vietnamese, head over to the Discord to help him out.
Updated and improved Chinese translations, thanks Roland3, Xe-No and Fishplate!
New Thai translation, thanks Gainvictory and TranslatorGuys!
Updated Russian translations, thanks Hitmir!
Translations can now be extracted through the Mod Importer, or use the export_translations console command (this also works for non-supporters).
Beta 1.10
About 150 new pieces of equipment, see above.
A full rebalance of all pieces of equipment, see above.
A full overhaul of parasites, see above.
A new cursed class, the bunny, see above.
Visual rework, see above.
UI rework, see above.
You can now access the roster in the overworld, with hints for dungeon related goals, thanks IneptArtificer!
Improved class and building tooltips.
The way resources are handled in the code has changed, reducing loading times by up to 50%.
Some performance increases during dungeon runs, thanks Haraberu!
Early fireslimes are now replaced with new plastic slimes, based on Meoaim's plastocytes.
Fireslimes no longer receive block each turn.
The encyclopedia has been updated for the guild buildings and modding, thanks Pearldiver!
Clicking empty jobs now allows you to auto-assign adventurers, thanks Inept Artificer!
Reinforcements, rescue target, and captured enemies are now shown in dungeon, thanks Haraberu!
Allow searching in the guild equipment, thanks Haraberu.
Party will now wipe if all remaining adventurers are either grappled or are fully disabled.
Horses now have some extra moves to account for their stances.
Added missing development goals related to ruins discovery, greenskin killing, suggestibility gaining, and parasite carrying.
Lowered training cost scaling.
REC is now capped at -75% (though you can't get there currently), healREC is capped at -100% (so you can't kill yourself by healing).
Quirks have been rebalanced so that their damage is more in line with the accessories.
New music for the conclusion screens.
Permanently cursed gear can now become infinite, thanks LWDWTBK!
You no longer only get gold when no more items of a requested rarity exist, thanks Haraberu!
Class repeatable now have bonuses apart from HP (preserving tokens), thanks Haraberu!
There's now the start of a Japanese translation (edited MTL), thanks sghub!
An extra hairstyle.
Basestats are now clamped between 4 and 20, player saves between 0 and 95.
Pet and Cow uncurse goals now use their jobs instead of desires.
Ponygirls now also give a minimum amount of points to new adventurers (1/5th of max).
Beta 1.03
Second custom boss dungeon.
A new tutorial system.
Updated swamp music and new guild and overworld music.
All main classes now have 10 unique weapons, each with fun and balanced effects.
20 other new pieces of gear have been added as well.
Filtering of gear in the guild has been spruced up and reworked.
Filtering of girls in the guild has been spruced up and reworked.
Girls only start barking when you haven't done any inputs in a while.
Corruption advancements on kidnapped pops are now added to the log.
Tokens are now shown in the top panel of the Adventurer Overview.
The game now shows when and by which mod gear has been added.
When assigning girls, the game now remembers where in the list you were.
The quest button in the guild is now color-coded and always available.
You can now favorite adventurers, marking them and making them always show on top of the guild list.
Team party icons have been improved.
The unequip all button has been improved.
Quest rewards are always identified.
You can move provisions in stacks by pressing shift.
If items are hidden by equipment filters, you get a warning.
You can change the positions of accessories in the guild.
Tooltips will show which parts of conditions are applicable to the current adventurer.
If you try to teleport into walls, the game will show you and then teleport you back automatically.
Some new preset parties, thanks Keyarl.
The internal data for Quirks, Wearables, and EquipGroups has changed, mods from previous versions will break.
Some translations are now added to the game internally, so they always work on export (e.g. on Android).
Russian translation, thanks Himir!
Underlying equipment texture changes.
Added a create_encounter console command.
Latex gear has been rebalanced.
More modding scripts.
Desire textures are now moddable.
Reworked the ratkin prison in forest rescue missions.
Provisions have been rebalanced.
Dungeons can now pick from multiple equip groups.
Modding improvements (sets are recognized, new error system, headers are automatically fixed).
All bugs reported since the 1.00 public release have been fixed.
Beta 1.00
First custom boss dungeon.
10 new slime enemies.
50 new encounters for those 10 enemies.
Goals are now shown in combat.
You can now teleport between cleared rooms by clicking on the minimap.
Unique rarity for preset recruits.
Boss dungeons are now shown in the top bar of the overworld.
Clarified lust_conversion and lust_recoil.
If normally a curio wouldn't give any loot due to kleptomaniacs or bad luck, it now gives 25 gold, to show you it isn't broken.
Custom maps (such as the tutorial) now have correct minimaps.
All dungeons layouts are now 3D under the hood, this currently is only used for custom dungeons.
Loral, Coriander, Nalia, and Yikai preset.
You now get a warning if you try to exit a rescue dungeon without rescuing the target, thanks Haraberu!
Dungeons are counted as successful if the exit room was visited. You can then retreat from anywhere out of combat. Thanks Haraberu!
Presets are now always marked as special.
Salve now also cures bleed.
More scripts for modders, thanks AFKgjiAE and PeteTimesSix and Luei!
Lust gain/loss no longer impacts satisfaction.
Corruption advancements on kidnapped pops are now added to the log.
Mana was granted as gold in the end of dungeons.
Some dungeon layout were incompleteable.
Ranks didn't get updated after grapples.
Making cursed classes swappable through quests also made them recruitable.
Quest dungeon markers didn't get disabled correctly.
Bunch of censorship and typo fixes.
Parasite quests were parsed incorrectly.
Bunny cuffs showed above weaponry.
Curse quests would destroy equipment.
Morale effects weren't refreshed when morale changed.
You can no longer select different starting adventurer rules at the same time in custom rules.
Horse gear wasn't correctly cursed.
Ratkin Stronghold curio choices could lock the dungeon.
You can no longer skip past the river.
The boss didn't count as cleared if you saved in the middle.
Clearing the boss didn't count for the mission completion.
The milk gain from the quest didn't parse correctly.
Using presets too often in the custom rules would crash the game.
Desire actionscript had confusing description.
Red and Black skintight suit were displayed incorrectly on a pet.
Incorrect newlining on the HP tooltip.
Pressing clear destiny points would immediately clear the points instead of waiting for confirmation and wouldn't update the UI.
Censorship settings wouldn't get saved in case of some specific save configurations,
Mana didn't update when rerolling goals.
Couldn't click dungeons in part of the top of the overworld map.
Expressions weren't working for the Kneel puppet.
Durability of the outfit can no longer be restored when pregnant.
Fixed ripostes when cocooned.
Made the game more robust against poorly formed mods.
Girls could get lost during an upgrade to fewer jobs.
If you saved during a quest dungeon, the quest wouldn't couldn't as completed.
You could get stuck in a wall in the first boss dungeon in a map transition to the left.
Mods are now correctly hidden on mobile.
Alpha 2.99
Android Support
New Ruins Dungeon:
Orc and Goblin enemies
The ponygirl cursed class
Map Rework
Facial expressions
Bestiary, Item Catalog, Curio Catalog, Class List
Dynamic Quests that grant Favor
Main Quests to guide you through the game
Morale Rework
Customization Options
Added jobs for ponygirl, pet, prisoner classes.
Pets can now wear all types of underwear.
Classes now have repeatable upgrades to spent your points on once elite.
A large amount of preset characters (with unique quirks) from Technician Patreon backers.
More scripts for modding, thanks Jewel, AFKgjiAE and Meoaim.
Added Farmthis' Rubberpuppy mod to the basegame.
Encounters can now trigger reinforcements, thanks Haraberu!
Items can now have a different z_layer than their animation layer by suffixing them with #LAYER
Gear can now change based on hidden goals, expanding the current system. Thanks Fenec250!
Changed the Victory sound away from the default RPGM one.
Changed the "forest" tiles to something that looks like a forest.
Your adventurers will bark remarks in the overworld/dungeon/guild.
You can capture rescue human enemies with a portable iron horse and sell them get rewarded for rescuing them. Thanks Haraberu!
Dungeon effects have been removed completely.
Goals have been refactored internally. This means that the progression of some PDGs is now more linear.
Rescued adventurers will always join and follow the party, even if you already have 4 girls. They will join as reinforcements.
Loading speeds of everything has increased at least by a factor of 2, but up to 10 times for very very large guilds.
More console commands.
Rooms are only marked as clear when all actors inside have been cleared.
Added some more tutorialization with red exclamation marks.
The Embark button leads you home when the party is empty, thanks Fenec250.
The name of the mage's skills Mental Barrier and Prescience have been changed since Mental Barrier gave Prescience tokens.
The dice roll chances are now shown in the stagecoach panel.
The party of the last dungeon now gets autosaved, thanks Haraberu!
The classlevel goals now show how many upgrade points you need to reach, thanks Haraberu!
Dungeon tooltips now also include the equip group.
Desire tooltips now also include the expected desire increase.
Colorblind mode that changes the color of the HP bars in combat.
You can now see the amount of cursed items in the submission desire tooltip.
Hit chance is now added to the move UI. Thanks Haraberu!
Removed the 5d5-2 stagecoach tier, as it was situationally worse than the previous one.
CON was applied before any addition to HP, all other multiplicative effects after. It now applies after for consistency.
Morale Rework Changes:
Morale Drain effects have been changed to Morale Cost Modifier effects.
Room Healing effects have been changed to Morale Healing Cost Modifier effects.
The above effects can reduce morale costs by at most 80%.
Changes about Building Effects:
Some upgrades cost favor.
Some guild upgrades, such as the roster size one, are infinitely repeatable now.
Removed all discounting upgrades, except for the hospital.
Removed Hospital success rate.
You can now upgrade carry capacity in the farmstead.
Split up maid jobs from starting morale, and added a repeatable for the latter.
Added upgrade (costing favor) to make mental ward, extraction, and training field instantaneous
Time job goals will just require a change if the job is made instantaneous
Uncursing and saving at the church now costs favor.
Traits, personalities, and crests have been streamlined:
Traits are the only things affecting personalities.
Personalities only affect quirks, curios and a crest growth modifier.
Crests only grow through either the "advance crest" enemy move or mantras.
Mantras no longer affect personalities, but instead grow one crest and reduce all others.
Two crests have been added, so each personality now has a crest.
You can reroll traits in the Church.
Skip day now costs one favor.
Quirk removal now has a fixed cost (as if removing on 50%).
Mantra removal cost no longer depends on suggestibility.
All bugs reported since the 2.9 public release have been fixed. As much as I like long changelogs, I won't include all of them.
Alpha 2.9
Swamp dungeons and encounters.
Slime enemies (of the normal, large, and huge varieties).
The Petgirl class.
A mod manager and a way to easily modify mods.
Support for animated enemies and enemy parts.
Vine, Flower, and Alraune enemies.
Provison Rework.
Mac Support, thanks Abitenum!
Translations are now included by default:
Korean Translation, thanks SpeciaLee!
Chinese Simplified Translation, thanks Roland3!
Chinese Traditional Translation, thanks Fishplate!
German Translation, thanks 15Nova22!
Preset adventurers can now appear in curios, or very rarely in the stagecoach, thanks Keyarl!
The Mental Ward has been streamlined, thanks Keyarl!
Unidentified items are now shown as unidentified. To make an item infinite you need four identified items.
Some choices will sometimes override your choice, this in an attempt to make kleptomaniac as bad as in Darkest Dungeon.
Different classes can have different level thresholds, so no longer just 4-6-10-20. This is mostly useful for mods.
Added an "interact with curios" goal.
The loading screen is a tad fancier and actually works now.
More dolls, all working with that one curio everyone loves, thanks Meoaim!
Curio changes thanks to Haraberu:
Curios are now moddable, using a special curio kit.
New types of curio, an ambush, fortress, and special rescue curio.
Curios now support additional requirements such as being difficulty gated.
If curios contain a captured adventurer, you can ask her opinion on the curio.
There's now a way to view all girls in a neat overview. Thanks Haraberu.
You can now skip days, this will reduce your victory streak, and won't reroll dungeons.
Quirks can be locked again, giving a bonus to their growth.
The class panel is now sorted by amount of XP.
You can now see the dice rolls system that you get when upgrading your recruit quality.
Readded exclamation hint when you don't have all your moves equipped.
Changed tooltips in the personality panel to better correspond with the personalities.
You can now exit to the menu.
Data is now autosaved when you exit to menu or desktop through settings.
Recruit are now color coded by rarity.
The daylog shows when an adventurer has been rescued/kidnapped.
You can check a delete mode in-dungeon, so you can play the entire game with a mouse.
Crest colors now correspond with the associated personality.
Protection Unit won't receive a block token every turn any more.
Protection Unit's Guard now has a two turn cooldown.
Rogue's Stretch Muscles now gives a stealth token.
Rogue's Stab now deals double damage when stealthed.
Goal rebalances:
New goal to get your armor broken
New goal to start combat in rank 4 or rank 1 for some classes
New cow job goal
Goal job times at level 2 have been increased
Goal job times at level 3 have been standardized
Added kill parasite, plant, and slime goals
Reduced necessary kills for humans and parasites to account for their rarity
Enable the looter, provisionless, and pacifism goals for level 1
Reduced the masturbate and orgasm requirements to account for the affliction change
Changed the strength tokens to token_turns so you can refuse to use the strength tokens to clear the goal
Significantly decreased the dodge and block token goal requirements
Slightly decreased the taunt goal requirements
Slightly decreased the kill enemies goal requirements
Lowered requirements for all the damage type goals
Warrior's Mark Target now requires a WIL save.
Stats of first tier adventurers are now slightly worse.
Jobs would appear in the overview before they are unlocked.
Mimics no longer destroy items.
Sometimes you would get extra items at the end of dungeons.
Hidden and cursed items have been refactored to hopefully stop the deluge of bugs related to them.
Forced tokens didn't get cleared after suggestion removal.
There were some data errors in curio choices.
There were some icon errors in the goals.
Cow mask had the incorrect uncurse goal.
You could get stuck on curios if you had an absurdly high loot modifier.
Mage's had +DEX instead of +INT as permanent bonus.
You can no longer get an advance to crestless from curios (but for real this time).
Mental Ward operation costs weren't always suggestibility based.
Healing would do recoil damage.
Quests had incorrect description in their tooltip.
Tooltips for class effects would move out of view.
You could visually duplicate adventurers by replacing them on a full party in the guild.
Cocooned adventurers could still use their old class's riposte albeit without animation.
Set bonuses, force tokens, and force dots wouldn't always register correctly after equipping in the guild.
The cow tail wouldn't show up when wearing a face covering mask, and would show up incorrectly when kneeling.
The HP increases from class updates weren't shown in the tooltip.
Latex ring was horribly bugged.
You could doubleclick through menus to assign girls in the guild
You could move while paused (e.g. when a curio required your attention) by right click spamming the overview
Dungeon end increases for quirks didn't work (like with the region based ones)
Attach and Equip would still be used on guarded girls, leading to unpredictable results.
Curios will now tell you to select an adventurer when that's what you have to do.
Curios will now say "No Effect" instead of just being empty if they have no effect.
Right clicking on an employed girl to open the overview and then rightclicking on the same spot to close the window would unemploy the girl.
The addition symbol for AoEs was incorrectly aligned for moves targetting the player's side.
Crit tokens will no longer affect moves that don't do damage and hence don't consume crit tokens (for stuff like dot length increases)
The non-cursed vine bangle has, again, been removed from the loot table.
Curios would reroll some outcomes if you exited and reinteracted with them.
The curse lock didn't show on some items when imported from a previous version
You could duplicate basic cursed weapons easily.
Fixed incorrect line in the daylog for the mental ward.
Adventurers that carry a lockpick will no longer use a hammer as their preferred chest-opening tool.
Game would try to save in-menu if you tried to exit in-menu, causing profiles to get overwritten.
Durability damage wouldn't always display in the enemy overview.
Error in sign of natural decay in personality tooltips
Crit token would unhighlight when a girl targeted herself.
Defensive tokens on enemies wouldn't highlight correctly.
Adventurers weren't sorted by rank when interacting with curios.
Puncher was using incorrect riposte
Room sizes weren't correctly calculated
Variant choices for the guild weren't updated when purchasing new upgrades
Guard would redirect aoe's and wouldn't get deducted in some cases, thanks Jewel!
First stagecoach level recruitment dice were swapped.
Texture error in cowprint bikini.
Game would show quirks that couldn't be added at the end of a dungeon.
Alpha 2.8
Full rework of the class system.
Adventurers now have personality traits. These traits influence their personality which is measured on 5 axes.
Crests now influence, and are influenced by, personalities. Same with Quirks.
A large amount of curios for all dungeon types.
A quest system and a large amount of flavor text.
Translation support.
Healing no longer is no longer percentage based on max HP, instead healing done is increased by WIS and healing received by DEX.
The Mental Ward now allows instilling mantras which slowly change the girl's personality.
Bunch of new equipment from hoods to boots. Courtesy of Heretic Angel.
Quirks now have icons.
There's a UI for the personalities, which also shows the progress in different crests.
There are console commands for setting personalities, traits, and mantras.
There's now an overview of all missions in the overworld.
A bunch of collectable doll accessories.
Some performance enhancements for larger guilds and the desire panel.
Hypno eyes for desire textures.
A bunch of new (sometimes cursed) weaponry. Thanks to Meoaim.
Icons of goals that the girl is under levelled for are now greyed out.
Technicians now prioritize build over reinvigorate.
Surgery success can now reach 100%.
Changed goals for curse accessories, making the cursed class equips easier to remove.
Loot from enemies has been reduced to take curios into account.
Cramps token increases cramps chance with 10% instead of 5%.
Divine intervention has been buffed, it goes one save further back and resets the random buffer.
Armbinder of Adequate Violence now behaves like the Armbinder of Excessive Violence.
Vine bangle now only reduces DUR damage by 30%.
Save and saveplus tokens now counter blind tokens.
You get access to maid jobs a bit earlier.
Ratkin Paladin can no longer heal himself.
Warspider's Guard now has a two turn cooldown.
Warrior's Mark Target now adds two vulnerability tokens.
Mage's Blink adds stealth instead of dodge.
Mage's Magic Missile now ignores defensive tokens.
Cleric's Pray now also heals a bit.
Cleric's Shield of Faith now adds riposte.
Cleric's Seamantle now gives two dodgeplus tokens.
Cleric's Bane does a small amount of damage, gives exposure and can no longer be resisted.
Rogue's advance and retreat now deal less damage but have a bleed dot.
Rogue's find weakness now always removes positive tokens.
Rogue's open vein does slightly more bleed damage.
Rogue's upperslice does a small amount of bleed damage.
Alchemist's upper damage ranges have been increased.
Chronic Masturbator has been changed and is now a negative quirk.
Collar of lust now puts minimum lust at 75 to prevent prisoner's explosion exploit.
You can now hide invalid items when sorting equipment.
There are icons for the minimap and you can see adjacent rooms.
You can now check missions even if you have an empty party.
Clarified when you can't complete dev goals due to low dungeon difficulty.
Added more leeway for clicking towards the next room.
Rarity display is now more clear.
Spruced up the losing conclusion screen.
Sort now sorts on job automatically.
You get a summary of guild events after each day.
Added minor autosaves in the guild, ensuring that the game saves when employing girls or changing their equipment.
Missing gear (through mods or save incompatibility) now shows this clearly instead of turning into a Leather Armor.
Adventurering girls are now shown at the top in the guild.
Paladin wouldn't get divine favor if the flagellate didn't make her bleed.
Suggestion effects didn't actually work
Daze on enemies with multiple turns would delete a turn.
Added missing massage textures.
Stop "Overencumbered" from appearing for a split second when exiting battle.
Victory streak no longer starts at 8.
Dungeons didn't get saved in the overworld.
Token scaling didn't work and could crash the game.
Daily desire gain didn't work and could crash the game.
When a girl ripostes a dead enemy (e.g. after multiple ripostes) the game would crash.
Some randomness, like afflictions, wasn't kept after saving.
Bunny ears no longer prevent wearing earrings while allowing other ear types.
Movement indicator would remain visible after switching rooms.
Weakness scanners didn't die if everyone dodged it's attack.
Weakness tokens got highlighted even if the move did no damage.
Blind tokens got ignored if the move did no damage.
Acid bangle has been removed, so acid bangle (cursed) is the only acid bangle.
You now get the infinite gear for a class once unlocked.
Lust was incorrectly aligned in combat.
You can no longer call preset teams ""
You can no longer retreat during the enemy's turn
Right-Clicking the in-combat info no longer opens it again if you were hovering an adventurer.
Retreat panel was off-center in the dungeon.
Desire panel wouldn't stay selected in dungeon or combat.
Player effects weren't saved in dungeons.
The immobile token wouldn't always work.
Hovering over curse revealed items in the conclusion panel would cause a crash.
Healing abilities could crit, but wouldn't consume crit tokens.
Pubes didn't show on non-Tomo characters.
Open Mouth Gag and Penis Gag were cursed without goals.
If two girls got ungrappled at the same time only one got ungrappled.
Ungrappled girls wouldn't immediately move other ones back visually.
Move goal now only works when moving yourself. It sometimes worked when getting moved before.
Incorrect color for trinket slot in EquipmentPanel when swapping between a girl with an unremovable item in that slot, and one without item in that slot.
Provision tooltips didn't show correctly.
Guard tokens wouldn't disappear if the guardian died.
Mods didn't work on Linux.
Durability wasn't displayed in case of items in the dungeon equip group.
Forced tokens weren't recalculated after repairing broken gear.
Armorless goal was missing for level 1-2.
Minimap curio didn't reveal minimap.
Goal checks could cause crashes when reequipping partially cursed gear that got unequipped after kidnapping or curio.
Pick random wasn't actually random. This caused caverns to be overrepresented in missions.
Doubleclicking a girl on a hidden building would unemploy her.
Alpha 2.7
Large lust rework. At maximum lust, girls now get afflicted. They must satisfy this affliction before returning back to 0 lust.
Girls now have lewd desires, the higher they get the worse their affliction become. These also decide which type of affliction she'll get.
The tavern has been reworked and now passively reduces lust. You can assign wenches to increase this reduction.
The game will now (if you explicitly allow it) gather data analytics for further balancing.
Full rework of the hypnotic suggestions and suggestibility system. Suggestibility now decays passively, and suggestions are applied at the end of the dungeon.
Full rework of the dungeon generation. Dungeons are now dungeons instead of linear corridors of fights.
You can now see the goals of your adventurers at a glance, including whether you have progress in them, including the uncurse goals.
Goals now have icons.
You can now save and load preset party layouts.
When selecting a guarded target, it highlights the guarding enemy.
Clicking on the inventory in the main adventurer info now immediately moves to the gear equipment panel.
Riposte tokens now show info on the riposte move that is being used.
You can now hover over the tokens/dots in the effect information on the adventurer panel.
Added overview and glossary buttons to the combat.
The tavern now shows a breakdown of your passive lust reduction.
The barracks now shows a breakdown of your morale bonus.
The moves in the enemy info now show the effects to themselves and the requirements of their moves.
Console commands to:
Directly add an affliction
Modify your current satisfaction
Modify a desire value
Modify a stat
Add an enemy to the current fight
Set a players class level to a concrete value instead of just levelup
Add a move to your current move choice
Uncurse equipment
Replace a specific quirk
Replace a specific development goal
Remove all job locks
You can now see the chance that you rolled a girl that good or worse on the stagecoach.
The caverns now have a dungeon and combat soundtrack.
You now build up a victory streak by succeeding in dungeon missions without retreating. This increases loot gained.
The caverns now have a background texture.
More weapons (some cursed) for the newer classes.
New straitjacket equipment set. Courtesy of Heretic Angel.
New bunny equipment set.
New rubber equipment set. Courtesy of Orchid.
An enema.
Building textures and a progressively hornier nurse for the hospital.
Some preset parties get small combat bonuses.
There's a new splash screen.
There's now a function to report bugs.
Tokens can now force other tokens.
I cleaned up a lot of the buttons everywhere.
Re-reworked item coloring in the guild inventory.
Dungeons now reduce their reward level once their reward pool is empty.
A bunch of new quirks.
New iris texture for high suggestibility.
Cursed items can now fake many different items to keep you on your toes.
Corrupted girls are now corrupted over time (and you can see the corruption when you inspect their info panel) instead of all at once.
Swift is now a hidden script and shown explicitly in the tooltips.
All self targeting moves now explicitly show they target self in their move description.
Enemies will no longer equip any item from a set when equipping cursed gear, only predefined ones.
More enemies can now equip items and advance crests, primarily in spider and machine encounters.
Lowered getting blind and silence token requirements.
Holy Bolt had way more impact on the GPU than it should.
I refactored the scripting system for moves, this should remedy any bugs related to tokens being applied to the wrong person.
Taunt wouldn't get removed on non-damaging attacks.
After going to the provisions screen of a dungeon with no item and exiting the screen, dungeons with items won't show the item they give on their provision screen.
Going to the dungeon provision screen of a dungeon with 'No effect' will show the effect of the last selected dungeon.
The blink animation was shown above the maid face masks
If multiple effects would move a girl, she would only follow the last effect.
Animated sprites didn't work on export.
Some equipment would show under the expression in the icon of adventurers.
There are now a bunch more automated checks so that missing script implementation will no longer happen (as often).
Changing censorship now immediately changes the menu image.
The level up of your class was only added to your current class, and not to the backup of this class. This meant you could lose levels upon saving.
Items with hidden curse conditions wouldn't turn infinite correctly.
The Fertile quirk didn't work.
The take damage goal didn't work.
You could get the cursed items as a dungeon rewards.
Orgasmic afterglow could be removed by removing negative tokens.
You could right-click girls in closed building panels to bring up their info panel.
Technicians could reinvigorate scrap.
Collar of Lust and Nymphomaniac stacked, but only during damage calculations.
The recoil script didn't work.
The tavern tutorial was outdated.
If you retreated after a girl died to a dot, the girl wouldn't get kidnapped.
You could equip multiple items as long as they had hidden curses.
Nobles will no longer skip saves when they name adventurers with capital U or Y.
Class level tooltips would show your level instead of their level.
There was a layering issue during some grapples.
Right clicking the nursery behaved incorrectly.
Healing moves removed weakness and hobbled.
Incubate tokens can no longer be applied if the target doesn't have a free outfit slot.
Ratkin Lancer's piercer had no damage type. Also made sure this won't happen in the future.
The indicator for an item that was cursed but no longer was all kinds of fucked up.
The cocoon status didn't show in the info panel.
If you ever dragged a girl with the cocoon status, all other icons were cocooned as well.
Riposte moves weren't affected by alter move or replace move.
Fixed missing morale movescript and food missing its provision move. Also made sure this type of bug won't happen again.
Self-Defence units didn't use their punchout move correctly.
When machines died of dots, they didn't leave scrap.
If a guard token redirected to an enemy you'd normally be able to hit, you would no longer be able to select that enemy until you reselected the move.
If a guard token redirected to an enemy you couldn't hit, you could select that enemy.
Moving back multi-size enemies at position three would move them forward instead.
Brows would pop out of hoods.
Equipment on hidden body parts (like bracers when wearing an armbinder) wouldn't be hidden on dungeon sprites.
The maid bikini didn't remove a worn outfit when equipped.
Visual bug when recruiting girls while at max capacity.
You no longer get half essence from some parasite extractions.
Cocooned girls would stop moving after attacking.
Forced tokens stuck after the forcing gear got destroyed.
Removing an accessory which fitted multiple places, would only remove the first overlapping item.
Alpha 2.6.6
New tracks for the forest, both overworld and combat.
New tracks for the lab, both overworld and combat.
New Cursed Class: The Cowgirl: Whe who uses her gifts of big boobs to support the team. This comes with lactation tokens and two new breast sizes.
New Class: The Noble: A dodge tank with Ripostes. The idea is that a knowledgeable player can keep her out of harms way while she stabs the enemy to death. In Darkest Dungeon terms it's a grave robber who learned how to Riposte. Great for people who like to see enemies die on the enemy turn.
New Class: The Alchemist: A class that deals large amounts of damage but is dangerous to use. She has a swift (so can be used before your actual move) move that greatly increases damage at the cost of accuracy and/or hurting herself and her party. In Darkest Dungeon terms it's a Leper that decided to switch the sword for a shotgun. Great for people who have a crippling gambling addiction.
New Class: The Paladin: A slow start hybrid class between a warrior and a cleric. She builds up momentum with Divine-tokens which she can unleash all at once. In Darkest Dungeon 2 terms it's like a mix between a Vestal and an Occultist. She also gets a move to undo one turn in combat, because that's neat.
The labs area, filled with new enemies. Enemies in the labs are mostly fucking machines, including a new grappling enemy and a milking machine. The gimmick is that they turn to scrap when they die and can be resurrected by ratkin (or human) technicians.
Hypnobat enemies in the caverns, that also leech your life.
Parasites (six of them) that attach themselves as parasites.
A nursery to insert, grow, and sell parasites (for mana).
Textures for the merchant of the nursery and her lewdification.
Some new encounters types.
Modding support,
A hospital for cosmetic changes to your characters.
You can now sort the guild inventory (alphabetical by default, also type, rarity, set).
Added an infinite symbol to tooltip if item is infinite.
Doubleclicking employed girls will now unemploy them.
Added sorting options to the girls in the guild (custom, alphabetical, class, level, lust).
Completed goals, levels, and uncursings are now shown during combat or in the dungeon conclusion.
Reworked the layout and colouring of the class panel in the guild.
Reworked the suggestibility tooltips.
You can now change the keybinds.
There's now an overview of all DoTs in the glossary.
An uncursed cursed item will now have a broken lock in its tooltip.
Minor changes:
Added quirks for parasite growth (fertile (+100) - infertile (-100))
New prisoner weapon: Armbinder of Adequate Violence.
You can now remove positive quirks and lock in negative ones.
Console commands that require a target are now more lenient, and will also try to get a player or enemy from a currently open panel.
Noble subscribers can now skip between autosaves using ctrl+u and ctrl+y.
Added voicelines for dismissal and new classes.
Yoke and Featherduster are no longer cursed.
Sound sting when equiping cursed item
The ratkin paladin can now only use her heal five times per battle.
Two items (earrings of protection and earrings of spontaneous orgasms) weren't included in the loot table.
Updated the equipment tutorial.
The 'list' command now lists stuff alphabetically and also lists provisions and goals.
Added a command to set a specific development goal to a player.
Added a command to add a provision.
Demonic canines are more common nowadays.
You can now have a larger roster.
Full level cursed classes now confer immunity to the class changing effect of their equipment.
So if you are a fully leveled prisoner, you can wear prisoner equipment as any other class without getting turned back into a prisoner.
Changed the level curve a tad.
There's a new type of cursed equipment that doesn't curse on equip but only after a hidden trigger is met.
Added a couple new weapons, some of which are cursed.
Mark Target move has been reworked.
Smoothened out some animations, especially when dying.
Your party always got shuffled, even at a 10% chance.
Forced dots didn't work, unless there was also a normal dot of the same type.
Very long player names would break all sorts of containers.
Updated some building upgrade descriptions to be more clear.
A fully upgraded guild would break the Guild Hall panel.
The retreat button is now hidden during the tutorial, and those buttons are now aligned properly.
The Patreon and Discord link didn't work in the Settings
The dungeon morale wasn't always an integer.
You could still access the equipment panel on a recruit by first selecting it on an already recruited girl.
You can no longer access the class panel on recruits.
Cutins would show even if the attack (e.g. Incubate) would miss.
If a parasite missed Attach, its puppet would disappear.
Grapple tokens and faltering tokens would show 100000 turns remaining.
Job tooltips now also show the name of the girl.
Misanthrope had the effects of Beast Lover and Anthrophile the effects of Beast Fetish.
Estrus could kill if the girl was faltering.
The guild upgrade panels would get squashed if there were too many veteran recruits.
Items can now have multiple types. So you can no longer use gags or visors while wearing a gas mask.
Spiderrider is now correctly centered, making it more clear that she takes up two positions.
Reworked the versioning system so it's no longer hardcoded, which fixes stuff like saves from public 2.5.1 not seeming compatible with 2.6.
The end dungeons with a parasite goal wasn't working.
The guild camera will no longer move on building panels or when you rename the guild to "WASD guild".
The minimum lust of items would stack, so a Nympho with a Collar of Lust would get a minimum of 100 lust.
Dungeon related effects showed up in the guild based on the last visited dungeon.
Gas mask didn't prevent DoTs from non-move sources.
If no valid reward was available, the dungeon info at the provisioning screen showed an empty panel.
Perfect maid added stealth twice.
Mental Ward/Training Field/Nursery would close if you right-clicked a girl for more info.
Added role icons for the Patreon tiers.
You could reroll the rewards for rescue missions by going in and out of the world map.
You couldn't move girls from the party directly to a job.
If you double clicked the lower half of a girl in the guild, the adventurer beneath her would be sent to the party.
Completing a dungeon without reward could crash the game.
Very long guild names would break the game.
Latex hood didn't block other headgear.
Moves that bypass tokens now have their damage displayed correctly.
You could reroll gained quirks by hard quitting out of the dungeon conclusion screen.
A masturbation lover chronic masturbator didn't get Masturbate+.
Strength tokens didn't negate weakness tokens.
Chastity belts didn't block masturbation lover's Masturbate+.
Forced moves now have priorities, so the red armbinder will no longer override orgasm and other stuff.
Removing lust with a move will no longer work against the "take lust damage" goal.
Healing no longer removes silence, strength, crit or other offensive tokens. It will no longer be affected by crit tokens.
Combinations of normal tokens and forced tokens would display weirdly.
Broken equipment was intact in the kidnap animation.
Forced dots combined with normal dots now show turns left.
Forced tokens weren't marked when the attack you used affected them.
Fixed some incorrect subtitles.
Love added by moves like massage or lick clean didn't count towards love damage goals
Cleanup didn't target allies.
Makeover didn't add a random positive token.
Defeat enemies, get tokens, and take damage goals would only trigger for actions happening as a cause of a move (so no dots or crests).
Speed tokens now trigger at round start instead of at turn start, which means they aren't useless.
If you loaded a save where an adventurer was grappled, the game could crash.
If an item is broken, it would permanently disable its effect until reloading, even after restoring its durability.
Kleptomaniac interacted incorrectly with the loot chests.
Bug where interaction with the wooden chest would trigger multiple times when playing by mouse.
You can now interact with that chest even if you stand directly next to it.
Alternative quirks didn't work for script conditionals (e.g. gag of temperance didn't trigger silent support)
Some fixes in the tutorials.
Only the effect of the last level of a class applied.
After swapping, the permanent bonus of a class would apply twice.
Equipment of kidnapped girls would disappear.
The levelup command didn't work outside of dungeons.
If you select a quirk for locking / removal and switch to the other one, the quirk seems to stay selected but gives an error once you confirm the process.
If you started a dungeon without a girl in the first position, you couldn't lose combats.
Chance based timed effects (such as parasites) weren't shown in the pop overview.
Scripts that applied per token, ignored forced tokens.
Boob censorship didn't work with the largest boobs.
Boob censorship layer was below the clothing layer.
Some corrupted savefiles will be fixed automatically now.
Girls would turn invisible if they resisted a grapple.
Kneeling puppets didn't have working larger boobsizes.
Cotton underwear showed as latex underwear on larger boobsizes.
Lactate would completely brick saves.
Veteran cows didn't get immunity to cow equips.
The box of acquired quirk extended all the way to the right in the conclusion panel.
Higher level stagecoach adventurers would start with level 1 goals.
Block was shown when bypassing block tokens.
Icon and class name didn't update when the equipment changed.
Max stat move requirements used the target stat instead of the owner stat.
The load console command had some spaces behind the name, making it impossible to use.
When navigating with the mouse, you could have some involuntary movement when clicking out of panels.
v2.6.2 - Initial Release
Parasites (six of them) that attach themselves as parasites.
A nursery to insert, grow, and sell parasites (for mana).
Hypnobats, that also leech your life.
Textures for the merchant of the nursery and her lewdification.
Some New Encounters.
Some New Equipment.
Some New Quirks.
You can now remove positive quirks and lock in negative ones.
You can now sort the guild inventory (alphabetical by default, also type, rarity, set).
Doubleclicking employed girls will now unemploy them.
Completed goals, levels, and uncursings are now shown during combat or in the dungeon conclusion.
Added sorting options to the girls in the guild (custom, alphabetical, class, level, lust).
A very large amount of bugfixes and minor tweaks. Look at the Itch devlogs for a full list of them.
Тему отредактировал: admin - 16-11-2024, 18:12
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.1.0 Patch1. / Topic updated to version v.1.0 Patch1.
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.1.0 Patch1. / Topic updated to version v.1.0 Patch1.
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