Описание:После того как твой отец, отправился в приключение, на тебя легла ответственность по заботе о своей сестре. Живя в фэнтезийном мире, ты всегда мечтал стать известным авантюристом. Однако реальность оказалась банальнее, чем ты себе представлял, поскольку вместо приключений, всё что ты делаешь, это выполняешь мелкие поручения в роли мальчика на побегушках. Вместе со своими друзьями, ты решаешь принять участие в Турнире Восьми, дабы стать лучшими и прославить свою Гильдию по всей стране. Сможешь ли ты реализовать свои амбиции, или все твои надежды ускользнут сквозь пальцы и обрекут тебя на жизнь в монохромном однообразии. Удастся ли тебе, исцелить свою сестру? Не поставишь ли ты на грань уничтожения свой дом и его окрестности? И не отправит ли тебя в армию твой отец, когда узнает о твоих поступках и поспешно вернется домой... Именно твои действия решат чем все в итоге обернется.
When your father goes off on an adventure, it's up to you to keep the lights on and take care of your sister.
Living in a fantasy world, it's always been your dream to grow up to be a famous adventurer just like your father. Reality proves to be more boring than fiction, however, as your days are mostly spent doing odd jobs for the villagers. With your friends by your side, you enter the Tournament of the Eights and strive for something greater: the chance to become the top guild in the country. Will you realize your ambitions, or will your hopes slip through your fingers and doom you to a life of monochrome monotony?
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 2d game, 2dcg, anal, animated, bukkake, creampie, drugs, groping, handjob, incest, japanese game, male protagonist, masturbation, oral, pregnancy, rape, sex toys, simulator, sleep sex, teasing, titfuck, urination, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Inusuku -
steamПеревод: 4uDiK |
telegramПлатформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: Completed
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: Steam Rus / v.2.0.2 +DLC Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поблагодарить Переводчика Boosty
First version of DLC Translation release!
Report any issues/errors etc please!
Kagura/Steam Version updated to 1.04
What did you change Kagura?? A changelog would be nice!?!
Uncensored images applied to Translation φ
Money Fix added
Please report any issues with Translation φ
Steam version added
v1.4.3 Translation φ v2
Translation updated with user-submitted corrections, big thanks to them!
v1.4.3 Translation φ
Updated To Imouto Fantasy 1.4.3!
New scenes, extra events and new CGs added to base game.
New Game+ has been added.
New story paths depending on player actions.
Translation Changes :
Sex scenes are largely untouched due to me stupidly overwriting the wrong save.
Brother has stopped channeling Vergil, thus all mentions of "my state changed" and most "I was Motivated" have been changed to reflect what happened in said scenes.
I would say 95% percent of at home random events have been done (and that 5% is just me being safe in case I missed any)
After guild events are around 90% done (again, me being safe in case I've missed some)
Title screen cards updated
many... many rewrites, rewordings and just better overall "flow" of the translation.
New scenes and events have been translated.
Removed the text documents in the main folder, replaced with a copy of the FAQ located here.
Tutorial Pictures in main folder have been replaced by a quick and dirty automated translation (google translate could do this... why didn't anyone tell me before?)
Fixed untranslated Buttons
All images in game are now translated, barring the room ones, which have english included anyway.
v1.3.1 TL 0.4
Hot Springs!
New pantie hunting!
More random events!
All translated.
V1.2.1 TL V0.3 Released 3rd May
Updated to 1.2.1
V0.2 translation transferred
New scenes translated
Adjustments to translation, certain RNG events still WIP (DJ Event)
Item Descriptions altered
Lots of small corrections
Item list is now looks more orderly, but not perfect due to font issues
V1.1.3 TL 0.2
Updated to 1.1.3
numerous fixes and redone scenes.
Images and pantie descriptions done by thicklolita123
Still a WIP, so expect another update soon.
v1.1.1 TL V0.1
Initial release and bug fix updates
Initial Release of Translation by @shadeishere
Demo 2.0, Translation V0.4
Lots of corrections, some things redone, untranslated battle buttons done (Credit to thicklolita123 for their work!)
Perspectives should mostly be sorted... hopefully?
at this point just tracking down last few things now... if you find anything, please leave a post here with which scene it is.
Demo 2.0 is now Translated! with V0.3
MAJOR BUG FIX : upgrades are now buyable! sorry about this folks, was under the impression that the 3 that worked was a intentional design by Inusuku.
More Cleanup! lots of changes done, hopefully a much better experience now! (if you see [context] in a scene/event, that's because I haven't seen it myself yet, and thus may need to alter the translation to make sense)
Demo Translation V0.2
Many small alterations, corrections etc. now with less japanese text!
Demo Translation V0.1
Initial Release!