"Accidental Woman" - это интерактивная фантастическая игра в жанре симулятора жизни для взрослых. Она построена на Twine Sugar cube, и в нее можно играть на большинстве ОС и смартфонов. В игре вы берете на себя роль одинокого и безработного мужчины, который принимает предложение давнего друга переехать в уединенный городок "Apple Tree". В результате несчастного случая вы обнаруживаете, что полностью превратились в женщину, и вам придется столкнуться с гораздо большим, чем просто переход к жизни в маленьком городке!
Accidental Woman is an interactive fiction life sim game for adults. It's built in Twine Sugar cube, and can be played on most OSes and smartphones. In the game, you take the role of a recently single and unemployed man who takes the offer of a longtime friend to move to the secluded town of Apple tree. Due to an unfortunate accident, you find yourself completely transformed into a woman, and will have to deal with far more than just transitioning to small-town life!
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2dcg, real porn, text based, male protagonist, female protagonist, animated, sci-fi, transformation, rape, bdsm, pregnancy, simulator, character creation, oral, anal, vaginal, ai cg,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Thaumx - www.patreon.com/thaumx
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.34.1 Cheats
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
1.34.1 - 2024-12-24
Change Log
Medicated Words: 3,730,621 (25,513,787 characters)
Prescribed Code: 194,429 lines of TypeScript (plus plenty of other stuff, of course)
Better code to determine the gender of babies, now responds appropriately to items skewing the ratio such as being a hucow.
Issue with womb pregnancy experience has been fixed, Progenerate job bonus has been improved, and the way certain factors are utilized has been improved. Net result is larger burst thresholds.
Major rework to the Saradberol treatment.
Code determining if zygotes split has been completely reworked. It's now more functional and reliable.
Saradberol is now available in doses rather than as a single treatment, which modifies the effectiveness.
The Saradberol effect now last 7 days and will effect all wombs and not just the first womb to ovulate.
In the case of multiple doses, after 7 days the dose strength will decrease and begin a new 7 day timer.
A new Saradberol treatment scene at the Gestique clinic has been added. It includes some dose-size-based text along with images, and replaces the one-sentence scene and progenerate image.
There is no longer a "safety valve" reducing the effectiveness of saradberol based on the number of zygotes.
The player can be under the effect of up to 4 doses of Saradberol at once.
Being under the effect of 4 doses of Saradberol has a chance to cause the Unstable Zygotes mutation, odds are based on the character's fertility.
If the player doesn't have the Unstable Zygotes mutation and is not under the effect of any Saradberol, they can get up to 5 doses.
5 doses is guaranteed to cause the mutation. See new mutation section below for details on what it does.
There is a bulk purchase price discount, making each dose cheaper the more you have administered.
A single dose causes about a 40% chance of any given zygote splitting at implantation. This increases by 20% for each additional dose.
Being at strength 4 or 5 when a zygote splits gives a 20% chance that one of the split zygotes will split again.
Current Saradberol concentration in the womb can now be seen in the character status menu (with sufficient knowledge).
Saradberol now only affects vaginal wombs as intended.
Related note: zygotes/fetuses that are twins are now tracked, meh.
Perpetual Ovaries Mutation Improvement
Some code improvements for more seamless function.
The mutation now has three levels instead of being a on/off mutation
The new level 1 is similar in strength to the mutation before the changes.
Better handling of extended/strong orgasms and current menstrual cycle phase for each womb.
Improved mechanics for triggering increased egg release when ovulation is already scheduled.
Now linked with new Hormonal Trigger mutation for combo mutation (Ovarian Trigger).
OmniWomb Mutation Change
Now called "Merged Wombs" and affects only the womb A/B combo.
The enhanced womb is accounted for all over the place, and provides some bonuses in certain areas.
Superfetation is still enabled, but only affects the merged wombs.
Now has a bonus to womb strength that is multiplicative with Reinforced Womb mutation.
New/Improved cheats
Can now add parasitic testicles in the mutations menu
New fertility options to add zygotes or fetuses to a womb.
Can now trigger ovulation in a specific womb, some other stuff works better with secondary wombs.
All new mutations added to mutation menu. Note that combo mutations can not be toggled and happen automatically when the character has all required mutations.
Omni Fertilis Utero supermutation can be enabled.
New Mutations!
All new mutations/changes display in character details menu and are described in the encyclopedia w/ effects.
Only some can be obtained currently without cheats. Some have planned sources in the future, others are still a mystery.
Unstable Zygotes:
Gives a 20% chance that a zygote will split before implantation
This occurs before other split mechanics, so Saradberol or natural chance can result in one or both of the split zygotes to split again.
Affects all wombs, not just vaginal ones.
Can be obtained by getting a huge dose of Saradberol.
Hormonal Trigger
Semen coming in contact with your cervixes causes hormones to be released that can trigger ovulation.
Has three levels of strength, higher strength causes ovulation to be more likely to be triggered.
Chance of ovulation being triggered depends on the amount of cum and point in the womb's menstrual cycle.
Odds are determined using a diminishing return based on semen contact, so the chance of ovulation doesn't jump straight to 100% with a large creampie.
the calculation is made a single time for each womb at the end of the day, using all the semen, and not individually for each time semen hits a cervix.
Combines with Perpetual Ovaries to create Ovarian Trigger, changing the effect of both mutations.
Currently can only be obtained via cheats. You can imagine the kind of shenanigans this will emerge from (Sacred Knowledge Site 3)
Ovarian Trigger [Combo Mutation]
Occurs when possessing any level of Perpetual Ovaries and any level of Hormonal Trigger. Losing one of the required mutations also removes Ovarian Trigger.
Changes the behavior of Perpetual Ovaries:
Smooths out the probability curve attached to the menstrual cycle, making spasms more likely in nearly all cases.
Perpetual Ovaries no longer trigger an ovulation event.
spasms prepare additional follicles for ovulation as before, but now do so on days when the character isn't ovulating. Previously, additional eggs could only be added on a day when ovulation was already set to occur.
Some changes to the math for potential bonus follicles.
Changes to the behavior of Hormonal Trigger:
Determination for whether ovulation occurs is now heavily dependent on the number of prepared eggs in addition to the semen exposure. The fewer follicles that are ready, the lower the chance ovulation will be triggered.
Higher levels of the HT mutation reduce the odds of ovulation, requiring a higher amount of prepared eggs and/or semen before ovulation is triggered. Higher levels cause larger ovulation events when ovulation is triggered this way.
For extra fun, combine with the No Cyclical Ovulation mutation.
Basically what it says on the tin. Allows ovulation, fertilization, and implantation to continue even when pregnant.
Affects ALL wombs, and not just the primary as with Merged Wombs.
Be careful, a womb burst could sneak up on you with an unexpected/large ovulation.
Currently only available via cheats, will likely be connected to bunny-adjacent transformations in the future, perhaps aliens.
No Cyclical Ovulation
Prevents ovulation from being triggered by the normal progress of the menstrual cycle.
Without another method for ovulation to occur, either medication or mutation, the character won't ovulate at all and generally won't become pregnant.
Only available via cheats, will occur in connection with certain transformations in the future (like cats, who require additional stimulus to ovulate), also as a consequence of new experimental/black market birth control.
Omni Fertilis Utero
The crown jewel of the Sacred Knowledge Storyline, will be obtained from the goddess directly if resurrected (conclusion quest) after finishing the three Sacred Knowledge episodes.
As you would expect, turns the character into the perfect breeding machine.
Grants all female fertility enhancing mutations and prevents their removal.
Enhances female fertility factors to their maximum values.
Causes the character to ovulate every day.
--Will probably do some other nonsense too, suggestions welcome!--
Causes every ovulation to be a superovulation (multiple egg). Works on a separate mechanism from the standard multiple ovulation, modeled after egg harvesting hormone protocols.
Acts as a multiplier to baseline ovulation, enhancing whatever level of ovulation would naturally occur thanks to high fertility, multiple ovulation mutation, fertility boosters, etc.
Effect ranges from 3 to 4 times multiplier, tending towards 4 for the types of characters that would get it in the first place.
Is not multiplicative with ovulations caused by stimulatory events such as orgasms and certain drugs.
Additive with the Rapaprex effect, increasing the strength.
Can be obtained by taking Rapaprex doses each day for 21 days (3x the standard 7 day maximum duration of Rapaprex)
New Drug - Rapaprex
This time the name came straight out of a random drug name generator. Sounds like it should be a pregnancy accelerator (rapa-rapid prex-pregnancy rx) but it's not.
Also not rape related, which seemed to be the thought when I shared the name on Discord... Sorry.
Initially created to use as a penalty in the Ruttin' Roulette event, but then expanded.
Based on egg harvesting for IVF treatment, but a lot less annoying for the player.
Can be purchased in 7-day courses from Gestique.
increases in effectiveness each time taken as long as it is taken continuously.
If ovulation occurs on the first day it is taken, there will be no benefit.
On day 2 it will cause a 2x multiplier to baseline ovulation.
This increases by one each day up until day 6 when it will be a x6 multiplier.
The multiplier increases by 1 every 2 days afterward up to x12 on day 18.
Taking for 21 days causes a small scene and grants the Hyperovulation mutation.
Taking two doses on the same day will only "count" as a single dose.
Taking two doses within 16 hours of each other will cause some ovary bursts (small event plus effect).
Scene hinting that your ovaries have exploded.
Ovulation is triggered for all wombs.
Huge increase to baseline ovulation that would then be affected by Rapaprex dose
Ovaries are destroyed afterward and will no longer ovulate normally
There is currently no way to heal this damage. Additional wombs added after the event wouldn't have burst ovaries though.
Possibly too mean to be permanent, might add a repair option somewhere later. I just thought it'd be amusing if the very specific warning was real and not a secret way to get a bonus/mutation/etc. as usual, but also have that usual bonus happen for seriously exceeding the recommended course.
Causes a range of mental side effects like you'd expect from an intense hormonal treatment.
A single random effect occurs every 2 hours.
Variable reduction in happiness 3 in 6
Increases stress 1 in 6
Reduces satisfaction 1 in 6
Increases arousal 1 in 6
New Cybernetic Implant - Pregnaid
Cutting-edge technology for the incautious--prevents the womb burst bad end from occurring.
When getting a free pregnancy checkup at Gestique and a burst is impending, there is a new option to get a Pregnaid implant.
The Pregnaid is effective for a single womb, and is removed at the end of pregnancy when giving birth. Multiple wombs/pregnancies would require multiple implants
The price is quite steep at 500 credits, and requires the player to either have a 300 credit balance or an approved credit account from Faust or Indigo.
Installation comes with a scene in addition to the improved pregnancy checkup scene.
When installed, it appears in the womb-by-womb status information on the womb it is installed for. Also appears in the general information with a hover image.
Comes with a vaginal plug attachment that is indicated by a new 'pussy plug' status icon.
The plug does not interfere with sex or anything else, may have more effects if/when vaginal plug sex toys are implemented.
Causes a small arousal gain over time when arousal level is low, has a chance to cause a small arousal gain when arousal is at a medium-low level.
Improved the message text for alerting the player to certain time-based status change errors.
Character Status Menu Improvements
Fixed issue causing characters without advanced knowledge about their fertility to be informed of their pregnancies.
Womb status information display improved.
Information on ovulation and other factors is now properly hidden or vague depending on player's fertility knowledge.
Pregnancy fetus count value is now color coded. It will appear red when count exceeds the safe limit (burst will occur), and will be amber when count is 90% or more of the safe limit.
Maximum safe pregnancy size is now indicated for characters with advanced fertility knowledge. Includes all bonuses, is not an estimate.
Some formatting/visual improvements.
Doctor Sow and the Free Pregnancy Checkup
Doctor Sow now has a picture of her.
Checkup now properly accounts for all wombs.
Better reliability/handling of scene based on character details
Expanded and improved text.
Clearer options and explanation for invalid choices.
Cool pregnancy scan gif I made.
Professional Breeder Public Service Ad
New fert functions
Ruttin Roulette working roulette wheel for the game/gameshow... can't be accessed.
Hucow events
A new small event where some fellow hucow is struggling to fulfill her quota. Will you help her?
Affects your relationship with the herd.
1800 chars of text.
A new chain of events in the COOP Corral bar. (May need to visit the place a multiple times because she is not always staying there).
Begonia — a goth hucow with some nasty booze addiction.
A bit more grim and tragic character amidst the happy-go-lucky herd members. Also dommy! Your very own big tiddy goth hucowfriend lol.
Also some sexiness included! Will be expanded in next release.
9000 chars of text.
Riesewoods equine club opens its doors for the lovers of good riding!
A location accessible from the Riesewoods. Shannon and Reaper the stallion will gladly show you around!
Pretty proud of these scenes.
Due to the fertility system limitations your character can actually get pregnant despite obvious genetic incompatibility. Deal with it lol.
This is not due to limitations in the fertility system... Besty has some other dark purpose here... - Thaum
20000 chars of text.
Evening activity system
Added a specific event for a preggo characters.
Added a spicy workout for slutty characters.
Around 4000 chars of text total.
Bugs and typos
More were added, fresh and nice.
Version 1.34.1
Some bug fixery, otherwise nothing too special. Going at things full steam for 1.35 though, I'm already dreading the work to get the super-avatar ready in time for release after New Years... but to be honest, I'm not certain our artist will finish in time. Lower body for sure, but we'll see. This kind of thing is a lot more work just to describe and worth through than the usual, with more questions and everything. She's doing great though, and it's better to focus on quality than try and rush things. I'll share a quick preview image from earlier in the week :D
Fixed issue that in certain circumstances could cause zygotes to split endlessly and crash the game during sleep.
Fixed the issue with the social menu causing a few red banners and missing portraits.
Fixed an issue with Sacred Knowledge Ep. 2 that caused the sacred pussy bust not to appear in the cave inventory box.
Fixed some text formatting causing yellow fucky text in some farmhand content.
Fixed parser function describing pube length
1.33.0 - 2024-11-13
Caffeinated Words: 3,706,533 (25,350,240 characters)
Jittery Code: 193,325 lines of TypeScript (plus plenty of other stuff, ofc)
Brand new game music, A retro synthwave mix called Thaumtopia just because we already had Utopia and Dystopia.
Rework of the way pubic hair grooming/regrowth works.
Instead of leaving you with your chosen style when hair is overgrown, now when your hair grows out enough your style will change to a 'bushy family' style of the next higher length.
New 'bushy family' style "short trimmed" which is length 2. (lengths in order from 1 to 5: stubble, short trimmed, neatly trimmed, trimmed, bushy)
description of hair growth in grooming menu is now more clear, describing how much it has grown out since the last groom/shave.
pube length parser now uses length of your style, rather than pube growth progression.
It takes 10 days to reach full growth after grooming (and thus have your style change). It takes 50 days to go from cleanly shaved to full bush, which is reasonably realistic.
Major upgrade to player character masturbation.
New code for determining which activities the player is capable of.
Better threshold determinations for pregnancy, with per-action checks instead of a check for all actions.
If the player has an appropriate sex toy or piece of home furniture, they can masturbate no matter how pregnant they are.
Excessive pregnancy can make it too difficult to fap for futa characters.
Interface change, unavailable actions now explain why they are unavailable.
Masturbating is no longer automatically clean, and the reproductive fluid system is properly used (vs a simplified setup).
Better determination of success/failure. Note: failing to cum really just means that you didn't finish in the given upper timeframe, and doesn't mean that you can't cum.
Two new actions available for futa players:
Self Suck - if the player is capable of it, they are able to suck themselves off.
Higher difficulty but larger satisfaction bonus.
Consuming cum is basically a foregone conclusion.
Ability to autofellate depends on multiple factors based in some level of realism, surprisingly this seems to be less restrictive than other games I've played.
Contortionist players get a significant bonus for the check to see if they are capable.
Failure has a representative gif in addition to the result text.
Being too pregnant makes this action impossible.
Action has 3 gifs and 2 longer videos, one of which is displayed randomly. These match the player's activity.
Self Fuck - if the player is capable of it, they can self insert and bring themselves to orgasm.
Higher difficulty but larger satisfaction bonus.
The check to see if you're capable is based on some common sense but... well, there isn't exactly any real data on this one.
Check is based primarily on cock length and whether testicles are too big.
Results in a creampie. (Note: the player is capable of impregnating themselves, so caution may be advised.)
Failure has a representative gif in addition to the result text.
Action has 3 gifs and 1 longer video, one of which is displayed randomly. These match the player's activity.
A encyclopedia entry was created that explains the autofellatio/autointercourse capability checks and reasoning.
Successfully masturbating as a futa will now display a cumshot gif representative of the character's semen output.
Eating your cum after masturbating now has text appended instead of replacing the window contents. There are also some gifs of cleaning yourself up...
A total of 34 new gifs and looping videos for masturbation actions.
These were painstakingly created to match the player character's body and the type of masturbation.
Examples: Schlicking as a pregnant futa will result in a gif of a pregnant futa using a sex toy on her female bits. Schlicking while pregnant as a normal woman will result in one of two gifs depending on how pregnant they are. etc.
Tentacle self fucking now has two animated gifs (one for vaginal one for anal). The anal version properly has tentacle balls and a horsecock (though perhaps the horsecock turned out too small), but I didn't have time to properly animate those for the vaginal version.
AMAZING Player Avatar
Honestly, so much work went into this thing. It looks simple, but it's really anything but. Plus, it was necessary to re-export every single component image, which is the most god-awful tedious work that takes forever. (Imagine manually exporting 216 images, toggling layers one by one, just for different areolas. Then repeat over and over.)
3,425,763,927,785,472 possible combinations! That's 16 digits, quadrillions.
Soooo many things are represented:
3 body types
6 hip sizes
27 breast sizes
breasts: 4 areola types (small, average, large, puffy)
breasts: 3 nipple types (normal, inverted, teat)
13 pregnancy bellies
3 different vulvas (innie, outtie, tentacle/parasite outtie)
vulva: 2 levels of arousal and 3 levels of cum.
vulva: sex toy and pussy seal
vulva: 7 pubic hair options (plus 'none')
6 testicle sizes plus special tenta-balls
7 cock sizes from 2 to 30cm, with erect and soft versions.
special horsecock and cowcock in hard and soft versions.
Tails! cat tail, fox tail, and tenta-tail are now represented.
New head and face.
Face: 4 different emotions (sad, neutral, aroused, very aroused)
Face: Multiple makeup levels, none, everyday, sexy, smeared.
Face: 3 levels of cum facial
Hair: 5 lengths in all the standard colors (blonde, dark blonde, brown, ginger, auburn, black)
Hair: messy and neat version of all standard hair lengths.
Hair: 2 updo hairstyles and a ponytail in 3 lengths.
Ears: human, and also cat, dog, fox, bunny, and cow.
Almost all of the above items that were in 1.32 have been improved since last time (for example a redrawn horsecock or shaded breast).
Not Yet A Portrait We didn't get this in as an option for the player face portrait in time for this release, however we should have this ready in 1.34.
Part of the reason for not having portraits is because the images I exported turned out to be too small courtesy of the changed aspect ratio. Some items have been re-exported at the proper resolution (face, vulva, cock) but the rest are still smaller. It looks fine when at the normal size, but when zoomed in you can see the difference.
Evening activities:
Going out in the exhibitionistic way option was added.
Can be caught by a police and forced to pay a fine.
Only accessible for the exhibitionistic characters.
Card game: new endgame logic.
Previos version was overcoplicated and counter-intuitive. Screw the previous version.
Now you have a "End sex" card you can play at any moment if you have it in your hand.
Your partner can counteract this card with their "not done yet" (in case they have it on hand)
And vice versa.
If your encounter is not actually fully consent bottom partner will have no option to play "End sex".
Card game: new "facesitting" pose card.
Can work in both ways, so you can be both a giving and a recieving partner.
Oral action cards can be used since the class of the card is "oral".
Requires the top partner to have a pussy.
Card game: new "smother" action card.
Not having such an option was a crime imo.
Can be used during any "oral" pose.
Dommy characters have more copies of the card in the deck.
New sauna gossip scene
A little bit of lore about bulls and COOP treatments to explore.
Hucow playthrough logic expansion.
Hucow characters can't move in with NPCs anymore. This is against the COOP rules.
If you have a save with this situation already happened you should be kinda okay but in the long run it can cause some unforseen game logic consequences.
Hucow herd reaction.
New scene initiated by a character having too much fun with outsiders. The herd is angry.
Different options to react to this with various consequences for the character.
Overall, many actions and situations were expanded with a changes to the hucow social stats changes (autonomy, iq, compliance and behavior). These will affect your options and further events as we continue to expand the hucow route.
Various smaller stuff:
Police Exhibitonist evasion scene got it's own pic.
Many typos were fixed, especially in the hucow orientation text.
This stuff came out in 1.32.1, because 321... I decided to add it in. Anyway, normally it would've been out in this release and it's big enough to get re-mentioned for those that may not have checked out the incremental change log. How do you feel about having a super-cute tentacle pet? What kind of mechanics would you like with your pet? Personally, I lean toward something a little like Gizmo from the Gremlins movies, though herb is certainly more useful and more fun in a certain kind of way... but I like the idea of something where sleeping with him too much, or maybe neglecting him, results in some bad things. Stop by our Discord and let us know what you think!
Further material for the tenta-pet!
Reminder: you can get pregnant with your new pet by exploring the Institute campus.
After birthing the first form of your pet, you are now able to visit it in the bathroom to feed or pet it.
Petting your pet has several positive mental effects. (And can result in other things depending on how old it is!)
This will result in a creampie or huge creampie if the creature is in the many-tentacle or adult stages respectively.
Your pet must be fed regularly! Not feeding your pet for three days will result in it dying (and your character taking a big hit to their happiness).
FYI: You can be re-impregnated with a pet at the Institute if this happens.
You can feed your pet using your breasts (if lactating), your holes (pussy and ass), or your cock if you have one. He can be fed multiple times per day.
Feeding with your holes will result in it gaining a small amount of fullness from your character's fluids, the amount depends on how naturally wet the vagina is.
One unit of fullness per base wetness level, from 1 to 5.
If you don't have any cum inside you, your pet will have to do his best to stimulate you for some time to release your nectar, which will result in a large arousal gain.
Feeding with your holes will also allow your pet to feed on any semen in your vagina or anus, including any fertility system sperm that aren't on your cervix(es).
Cum is very nutritious, but because it isn't fresh your tentacle gains one unit of fullness for every 6ml of liquid semen.
Tracked sperm is also considered, so you can gain up to 3 units of fullness if you were previously very full of cum.
Only the highest source of fullness from these two options is considered (liquid or residual). Fem fluid is added to this.
You will gain some arousal due to the vaginal stimulation.
Feeding with your cock will result in it eating your semen, obviously.
This is not guaranteed to satisfy the daily feeding requirement. If you cum 1ml or less, it won't count as having fed him (and won't reduce his count of unfed days).
If you cum less than 5ml it will reset his unfed count but will not count him as being fed that day.
Fresh semen is the most nutritious substance, so he gains 1 unit of fullness from each 5 ml of cum.
He can't consume a massive ejaculation because semen is delivered faster than he can handle. Ejaculations exceeding 100ml will result in the amount over 100ml being spilled/leaked, though he may be able to slurp up up to 25ml of the spilled semen afterward.
Feeding with your breasts will drain them of milk, either emptying them or leaving the remainder (minus some spillage) in your breasts if he gets full.
Gains one unit of fullness per 100ml of milk consumed.
He can consume all 5,000ml in one feeding to reach max fullness if the PC produces that much.
Causes a small amount of arousal gain.
Upon gaining 50 fullness points, your pet will no longer be willing to eat. Text from the feeding will tell you if your pet is full, in addition to the option to feed him being greyed out.
fullness points contribute to your pet's growth, with 1 fullness point corresponding to 0.1% growth towards his metamorphosis into his cute adult form.
Several minor events/notifications can happen based on your pet's growth. These occur the morning after the day your pet reaches the required growth level.
At 50% growth, he goes from a single tentacle to multiple in an anemone looking form. This also changes what happens when petting him.
At 100% growth, he turns into a fleshy egg sac (cocoon) while he undergoes his metamorphosis. Petting changes again, and he can not be fed.
After a little over 2 weeks, he will hatch into his adult form, which I made to be super cute for a loveable tentacle pet.
If you feed him the maximum amount each day, it will take 20 days for him to start his metamorphosis.
Adult form tentacle pet is not complete at all, however you can still visit him to pet him. He'll be a lot more involved than this when actually finished.
1.32.1 - 2024-10-22
This should've been out a few days ago, sorry about that... but I think you'll like the reason. You see, I was working on the tentacle pet, waiting for Besty to fix some of his bugs, and then when he finished I realized that I had been working on the wrong git branch. So I figured, hey, this release will be 32.1, why not just throw all this in there? So I did, but I had to actually finish enough so that it wasn't just a big bug. Anyway, here's some cool stuff to play with.
Added new Lake Clitea ad to the "read something"/"waste time on phone" lineup.
Further material for the tenta-pet!
Reminder: you can get pregnant with your new pet by exploring the Institute campus.
After birthing the first form of your pet, you are now able to visit it in the bathroom to feed or pet it.
Petting your pet has several positive mental effects. (And can result in other things depending on how old it is!)
This will result in a creampie or huge creampie if the creature is in the many-tentacle or adult stages respectively.
Your pet must be fed regularly! Not feeding your pet for three days will result in it dying (and your character taking a big hit to their happiness).
FYI: You can be re-impregnated with a pet at the Institute if this happens.
You can feed your pet using your breasts (if lactating), your holes (pussy and ass), or your cock if you have one. He can be fed multiple times per day.
Feeding with your holes will result in it gaining a small amount of fullness from your character's fluids, the amount depends on how naturally wet the vagina is.
One unit of fullness per base wetness level, from 1 to 5.
If you don't have any cum inside you, your pet will have to do his best to stimulate you for some time to release your nectar, which will result in a large arousal gain.
Feeding with your holes will also allow your pet to feed on any semen in your vagina or anus, including any fertility system sperm that aren't on your cervix(es).
Cum is very nutritious, but because it isn't fresh your tentacle gains one unit of fullness for every 6ml of liquid semen.
Tracked sperm is also considered, so you can gain up to 3 units of fullness if you were previously very full of cum.
Only the highest source of fullness from these two options is considered (liquid or residual). Fem fluid is added to this.
You will gain some arousal due to the vaginal stimulation.
Feeding with your cock will result in it eating your semen, obviously.
This is not guaranteed to satisfy the daily feeding requirement. If you cum 1ml or less, it won't count as having fed him (and won't reduce his count of unfed days).
If you cum less than 5ml it will reset his unfed count but will not count him as being fed that day.
Fresh semen is the most nutritious substance, so he gains 1 unit of fullness from each 5 ml of cum.
He can't consume a massive ejaculation because semen is delivered faster than he can handle. Ejaculations exceeding 100ml will result in the amount over 100ml being spilled/leaked, though he may be able to slurp up up to 25ml of the spilled semen afterward.
Feeding with your breasts will drain them of milk, either emptying them or leaving the remainder (minus some spillage) in your breasts if he gets full.
Gains one unit of fullness per 100ml of milk consumed.
He can consume all 5,000ml in one feeding to reach max fullness if the PC produces that much.
Causes a small amount of arousal gain.
Upon gaining 50 fullness points, your pet will no longer be willing to eat. Text from the feeding will tell you if your pet is full, in addition to the option to feed him being greyed out.
fullness points contribute to your pet's growth, with 1 fullness point corresponding to 0.1% growth towards his metamorphosis into his cute adult form.
Several minor events/notifications can happen based on your pet's growth. These occur the morning after the day your pet reaches the required growth level.
At 50% growth, he goes from a single tentacle to multiple in an anemone looking form. This also changes what happens when petting him.
At 100% growth, he turns into a fleshy egg sac (cocoon) while he undergoes his metamorphosis. Petting changes again, and he can not be fed.
After a little over 2 weeks, he will hatch into his adult form, which I made to be super cute for a loveable tentacle pet.
If you feed him the maximum amount each day, it will take 20 days for him to start his metamorphosis.
Adult form tentacle pet is not complete at all, however you can still visit him to pet him. He'll be a lot more involved than this when actually finished.
Conflict Words: 3,690,714 (25,240,791 characters)
Computer Things: 192,450 lines of TypeScript (plus plenty of other stuff, ofc)
Redid fundal height calculations to use fancy math based on the diminishing returns of geometric volumes and other such bullshit.
Should be a useful number again.
Accounts for all abdominal wombs now.
Needed for avatar belly size, because hyperpregnancy.
Major update to the character menu status tab.
Uses circular progress bars for stats instead of the larger ones, saving space.
Includes more information in one place, and doesn't look so disorganized.
Wider space for avatar when using the new avatar.
New Avatar
Holy shit this was a lot of work. It always seems easy, but it never is.
Not complete, more options expected, breast shading, also head/face/hair to be added
391 individually hand-exported pngs for layering. (182 more than the total male and female Koikatsu body portrait images!)
Currently 1,358,622,720 combinations possible with the code.
Loading old saves may require you to enable it yourself in the settings, otherwise it is the default option.
New avatar options in the game settings menu.
Allows you to disable it in favor of the old portrait.
Allows you to force certain options such as body shape, nipples, and pubic hair.
Allows you to limit or disable arousal and/or creampie cum on the avatar.
Different erect and soft penis sizes, current erection strength determines which is used.
Has some special genital options (horsecock, hucow cock, tentaballs).
left and right breasts layered separately, so that things can fit between them.
26 breast sizes, even more than in the hover example images.
Arousal is based on arousal level, with 2 stages, unless you are wearing a pussy seal (shown on avatar).
Cum amount has 3 levels based on the amount of cum, including internal cum (unless sealed)
You can have cum on your avatar with a seal, if you have cum on your body (groin, thighs, asscrack).
includes a teat nipple variation, this is also used when nipple girth is set to max and length is at the 2 highest values.
Inverted nipples happen for the inverted and partially inverted nipple lengths.
Puffy areola happen at max areola puffiness for now, but are limited to a default nipple until others are added.
Pubic hair will turn to the "bushy" option if you go long enough without grooming, otherwise respects your pubic hair style.
Fixed an issue where the tentapet could be killed while gestating by getting another creampie. (and other bugs)
Thanks to Klorpa for fixing a bunch of typos!
Evening Activity System!
In order to make the game less "grindy" we decided to introduce a new system which allows you "fast-forward your evening letting your character to decide what to do using your guidance.
Can be started from the action panel every evening. Choose the length, your character's focus this evening and the sexual activity level, press start and enjoy the results!
Your character need to have either "slut" or "liberated" kinks to have more options for the sexual behaviors.
Being a shamefast will result in a single sad sexual option of "Avoid when possible" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There are 15 different evening events (25k characters) and the list will be expanded in the next releases!
You can still get ahem, "surprise sex" if your sexual option was set to "Avoid".
Every activity have some impact on your stats.
Character chooses activities basing on her personality, kinks and traits. Take note that a character with addictions or a more "unhinged" character can spend their evening in a more crazy and unsafe way.
Please tell us if you like the new system and propose what events we could add in the feature!
Note that the system is still in the development so it can still be a bit buggy.
Stephanie the lifeguard
Don't even try to get drowned on her shift.
(New small scene at the pools and lakes) (3500 chars)
Usual stuff, removed a lot of bugs you've reported in the bug channel and new bugtracker. Typing out the full list is boring and unnecessary so I won't do it.
Free-Trade Organic Words: 3,674,823 (25,126,111 characters)
Computer Instructions: 191,492 lines of TypeScript (plus plenty of other stuff, ofc)
Significant improvement to the drug Heat.
Text for taking the drug has been rewritten, text for the drug item in the inventory has been rewritten.
Heat is now an abandoned emergency psychiatric drug that works to stabilize mental health and remove hidden negative mental statuses. It was pulled from the market because of the avenues for misuse by medical professionals, and abuse by patients.
It now provides a significant boost to happiness, companionship, and satisfaction. It also gives a significant reduction of stress.The strength of this effect depends on how big the dose is. (100, 150, 300 micrograms)
It will remove several negative mental status effects such as being over-stressed or having an intense need for sex due to lack of satisfaction. This effect only occurs when the player's addiction level is below the threshold for the dosage taken, so long-term addicts will eventually lose this benefit.
Instead of shifting the menstrual cycle, it has a chance of inducing ovulation. The chance depends on the character's point in their menstrual cycle, and whether they have the spasm ovaries mutation.
It maintains the rest of the fertility effects it had before.
Enabled support for non-human pregnancies & births. Currently used by the BT parasite, but supports all manner of things.
Expanded the amount of data that can be transmitted through the reproductive system and into zygotes, fetuses, and eventually babies.
Improved some parts of the character description page.
Bonus pay for giving birth will now only occur if you give birth to at least 5 babies. If you work for Progenerate or are a surrogate, this restriction doesn't apply.
Added support for fetus-driven gestation acceleration.
Added this change log text to the dev notes that pop up in new versions.
The Samurai drug now has a chance to give the player the 'abnormal hormones' mutation that decreases the effectiveness of birth control.
The harsher birth control cleansing program administered by Progenerate, Farm Coop, etc. is now likely to give the 'abnormal hormones' mutation. If the character already has this mutation, there is a chance they will gain the 'hormone resistance' mutation.
Clarified the "majora" pussy puffiness stat in character creation, and added a encyclopedia entry accessible from character creation and the character details menu.
Explains the stat in context of AW, why we use a single value for both pubic mound and outer lips and what it represents.
Has a brief overview of what the labia minora and mons pubis actually are, in case people are unaware.
In a fit of Thaum nerdery, explains the difference between the fatty tissue in these two areas are different from subcutaneous fat that can grow beneath the skin above it. Goes on to explain how these two areas of fatty tissue relate to the development of the vulva, such as size and thickness of the labia minora and clitoral hood, generally explaining a lot of vulva morphology.
The "Ball Thief" has been added to the game. This is a parasitic creature with a complex life cycle.
The adult phase is a semi-stationary creature with long slime-like arms.
Can be encountered in the Institute S.P.E.R.M. and Services jobs if the PC is a futa with testicles.
If the creature is avoided or resisted the first time the event occurs, the event can happen a second time. The second time has much lower odds of happening.
Fun little event that involves the PC's testicles being stolen, and replaced with two parasite testicles that are the next stage of the creature's lifecycle.
This scene has a cool art plus some other fitting images.
I recommend that you don't attempt this with tentacle balls, as the event won't fire unless you use the dev tools.
Fun with parasite testicles.
They still produce sperm, but it's parasite sperm. Impregnate NPCs with interesting babies.
The little guys feed on cum deposited in your vagina. On the bright side, this helps a lot with preventing a mess. (Changes creampie behavior.)
Sperm that sent directly into the womb upon ejaculation are still safe.
Every day the parasites will grow a tiny amount, unless they've been fed, in which case they'll grow about 4x as fast.
Every night, they will helpfully deposit sperm into your womb/s.
Once they grow large enough, their wombs have fully developed and become active, so you'll have a left testicle womb and right testicle womb. (300cc)
They can grow up to 1500cc from this nightly growth.
While the expanded fertility/womb system handles these just fine, I'm unsure how I want to handle birth (ouch) and how the parasite should get pregnant in this case. I kinda figured have one of the parasite sperm creatures do it for some sexual (two parent) reproduction and then start the cycle again with the baby... or have a more normal sex scenario with a treated symbiote, but this isn't really my kink so please feel free to stop by Discord.
Can be removed using any service that would remove normal balls.
Gives you the sticky cum and hard cock mutations. (when treated, also gives mega nuts)
More text content in character description with a balls pic.
Gestate some parasite babies.
For the most part, these act just like normal babies while they're inside the PC.
They grow very quickly. Specific rate depends on the PC, but pretty much any character should give birth after 11 days.
When giving birth, there is different text. They don't count as human babies for government benefit purposes, but Arbor Vitae will pay you 10 credits* per specimen. (*many money values are automatically adjusted based on difficulty level)
After giving birth, if you were a SPERM employee, a fellow lab tech will slip a treatment into your inventory. taking this will cause the parasite to produce your human sperm
It acts like your sperm except that it forces some fertility factors to be at least a certain level (you can go higher). It also causes any babies created from it to gestate at 2x speed.
It still deposits your sperm into yourself every night, however it stops killing competitor sperm so you can have a mix of daddies.
Obviously you'll go back to having normal human babies.
Heat available on tap.
From the character actions menu, you can choose to eat some of your precum.
Has effects similar to a heat 100 microgram dose, though with different text and such.
Added the numeric values of several body attributes to the character detail screen in addition to the descriptive words, so that various guide size requirements are more obvious, and it's easier to understand changes in size.
Muffin chain of events finished!
Can have some hot action now if you workout with her enough (Look for her in the dorm\barn area after all the workout events)
She can be known from the new unexpected side!
She can provide you with some interesting unique thingies...
New transformatives
Two new pretty safe hucow transformatives to change your body in a new ways.
Ofc with some fun side effects!
One super shady thingy you can find outside the COOP (Listen to the gossips of other Hucows. Or try to search in the industrial district).
Side effects are weird.
You've been warned. It's for the desperate ones.
Some transformative will have lingering effects which will stay with a character forever.
Can be both positive or negative.
New Hucow job smaller scenes
More lore
More sexy stuff
More fun
Coop pond expansion
A number of scenes happening when you are swimming in the pond.
Also segz.
Many fixes to the COOP maps\events and beyond:
Card game finishing screen fix
Dates at home in COOP now can be started
Sex after dates should return you to the correct map and not some random flat.
List of the consumables in the bathroom menu got a bit nicer.
Card game NPC motivation fix: now they will be more willing to play cards when aroused. Fixes the "too lazy NPC" issue.
Starting text in the Card game sex now showing at the round 1.
Hucow swimsuit can be obtained properly in the pond area.
Mailbox fix ("Check for the mail" dialog)
Tentacle shop map\upper menu was returned to the proper place
related phone ui error fixed
COOP ATM exchange rates are rounded properly now instead of being like 1.699999999999...
Emma the hiding coop habitant links are properly disappearing when clicked now.
Annen crazy text were fixed. I can't even get what he'd mean by some of his phrases. It's just some gibberish. I mean, yeah, I'm not a native user too but at least you seem to understand my writings, right? Gosh.
Some more smaller bugs and typos were fixed here and there.
v1.30 + v1.30.1
Word Substitutes: 3,659,145 (25,024,592 characters)
Code Things: 190,820 lines of TypeScript (plus plenty of other stuff, ofc)
(cock socks added, technically 1.29.1, but fixed up a bit since.)
(Farmer stones expansion, also 1.29.1, and also fixed up a bit.)
fixed an issue with hucow bull insemination for characters with multiple wombs.
Some additional code to simplify using the new multiple wombs in non-standard scenarios.
New item cheats letting you get some of the newer items from the menu.
2 new mutations "dense cock" and "reinforced cock", both increase the size of penis you can have and still get a full erection, and they stack with each other and other "male enhancement" effects.
Improved calculation of erection strength, player height now always accounted for with body blood volume, adjusted the threshold where erection strength starts to be affected by size to be more forgiving. Also improved how bonuses to erection strength work, with more granularity for different transforms such as horsecock in the future.
Added some additional information to the character details menu, showing how large your cock can get before potential hardness is affected, accounting for any modifiers.
Added description of male mutations to the list of mutations in the character details menu.
Basic pet system implemented due to insanity and long held desire for tentacle pets. This is really only the most basic setup, mostly to see if there's any interest.
Fun fact: I actually had a tentacle pet thing planned, but then a certain other sissification game that came out not too long after AW had a certain plant (I think it was named chuck?) and it was super obvious it was gonna be tentacles, because of course, so with more to do than time to do it, and a desire to avoid any friction with cool people, I dropped it.
Now if you explore the institute, your encounter will result in you giving birth to a cute little guy that can live in your shower.
Don't get your hopes up.
New "Aperture Technologies Portal Demonstration" happens all month in Sol. Go have fun with portals. 11,000 words of content (wow). progressive activity unlocks some things, so make sure you get to the Porta-Portal trial.
Plan to have a store that becomes available in July that lets you actually purchase a porta portal or make use of the glory portals.
Other small stuff and bug fixes
Muffin - the new story in the COOP.
30000+ chars of content spread across 6 events.
To begin the quest visit the COOP Gym in the Eastern Barn area.
Will be expanded even more in the next release.
It is one of the most effective way to get your character toned btw.
Condoms should work okay in the Sex Card Game.
Milk quota warnings will work fine now.
New COOP transformative - "Moomy"!
You thought that Maturex was shady, lol?
Have a whole bunch of side effects. Hi, bimbo!
A last resort in case you really need to ramp up your lactation to meet the weekly quota.
Do it the smart way and you may gain some secret benefits too.
Hucows physiology adjusted to reflect the transformations they undergo in the COOP.
Less exercise is needed to get more toned. Hucows muscles are better.
Overall without any workout or physical activity your char will slowly lose body tone.
New conversation content with NPCs
No more same repetitive 5 chats over and over again
Sex now counts as an exercise, yay!
Visiting your friends and lovers in the COOP!
A button is in the Dorms D.
Can only visit your local NPC fellows.
Visiting Appletree-based fellows requires you to go to the residential district in the town.
Notable Hucow NPCs can be noticed doing stuff around the COOP now.
New random scenes and events in the COOP
Some more bugs fixed.
1.30.1 Bug Fixes
So I thought I was on the mend, and I was feeling pretty decent except for sinus headaches on monday and most of tuesday... and then I got worse. :p This is a pretty new phenomena to me, the whole "recover but not all the way and instead get sick some more" thing. Only thing I can think of as a realistic cause is stress combined with a shortage of a certain medication I need to keep my body running. In any case, here is 1.30.1.
Fixed some cat bugs with hucow debt.
Fixed some cat bugs with new hucow optional treatments.
Removed some typos from our favorite mentally-challenged capybara.
Added refuse option to Porta-Portal trial scene (requires willpower test pass).
Added some new context aware content to the porta-portal scene, fixed some phrasing I didn't like, and improved clarity.
Made willpower check for portal gloryhole sex options less ridiculous.
Added willpower checks for some portal gloryhole (glory-portal? portal-hole?) options.
Added some new methods to the character status class for checking if a character has an empty womb in (location) and thus is capable of becoming pregnant.
v1.29 + v1.29.1
Words: 3,622,233 (24,789,660 characters)
Codes: 189,822 lines of TypeScript (plus plenty of other stuff, ofc)
New triangle distribution function because I'm a nerd.
Added some minor stuff to the dev toolkit (elite build)
Changed character creation key icon into locked and unlocked icons to be more clear.
Completion of the major Lactation System upgrade!
Several uses of that triangle thingamajig above for fancier maths to do things like S curves.
Update of lactation description in status and elsewhere to use more accurate words that line up with the real production rates.
Lactation training can now reduce overnight for non-hucow characters depending on their current training level. Reduction is more likely at higher training levels.
New lactation training cap based on body lactation ability.
Updated minimum lactation training setup, added checks to ensure minimum is adhered to.
Reworked the way lactation training is gained during milk pumping to be more accurate and character-responsive.
Initial gains are faster than gains at higher levels
Effects of different pumps balanced.
Far better responsiveness to lactation ability and specific character for determining gains.
Lactation training guide (game encyclopedia) updated and expanded with more info.
Lactation training overall now utilizes fancy math probability curves for increases and decreases. Because for some reason AW lactation is really realistic in a lot of ways (except with some fun boosts)
Tweaks of lactation numbers for balancing.
Several adjustments to math for milk production.
example: changing math for how character health impacts.
much better calculation milk flow rate during milking.
Fixed a minor issue with milk tank cheat affecting production.
Character creation lactation selection redone.
help popup totally rewritten to be properly accurate with new system.
terminology fixed in describing lactation levels
renamed lactation ability instead of "milk production" to reduce confusion.
Total rework of "penalty" section of lactation code. (code that can reduce lactation training when full, cause spilling, pain, etc.)
Better notifications text for clarity when alerted about full breasts.
Milk can no longer go above 109% capacity without spilling.
No leak cheat user will have milk amount adjusted without spill.
Rather than a simple "spill" there is now a letdown system that provides a chance to have your breasts let down and start releasing milk.
Breasts can letdown once they reach 90% full.
The chance of this starts small and increases as they become more full.
This is more like the behavior of actual tits.
Amount of spilled milk is no longer a simple percentage and is now calculated based on breast factors.
lactation training reduction now occurs much more naturally, and takes into account the current lactation training and the PC's lactation ability.
Is independent of other factors.
lactation training can start to reduce after reaching 90% of capacity.
Status penalties for full breasts are now more sane, probably.
New lactation predictive function.
Because lactation is highly dependent on character actions, a special function is needed to model actions and "step forward" through time to calculate total milk production over a number of hours.
This is primarily used for hucows, and also allows us to determine NPC lactation without running code every 15 game minutes.
Allows us to set milk quotas based on realistic udder values responding to the player's body and actual ability.
most important part.
assumes you'll be a good hucow though...
even more math for an ensemble prediction to limit extremes.
Organization and consolidation of all lactation functions.
Differentiation between standard and hucow class milk production working on the same system.
Various breast mutations/transformations now affect all characters, with proper formulas behind it rather than ad-hoc adjustments.
Hucow lactation focus system added to adjust milk based on daily choices at work (and episodes outside) to maximize or reduce production.
lots of minor improvements and things I don't remember.
Improved the omni timer kill function to increase reliability and handle potential duplicate statuses.
Additional differentiation added to time chunking to allow 15 minute status function to perform actions at less than 15 minute intervals when needed.
Significant updates to the body condition and clothes staining systems.
Rework of external and internal body condition interface, and total rework of internal fluid handling.
note that sperm cells are handled separately in much more detailed simulation, but the two are linked.
Fluid now leaks out of orifices over time!
More math! (for determining how much, etc.)
Leaking fluid now travels to the first outside condition zone (genitals or ass crack) where it can do all the usual things, spreading, staining, drying, etc.
System now handles miniscule amounts, for better response to small stains such as a little pussy wetness or a single cum spurt.
improved terminology for describing how much of a fluid is on the body, with additional levels of gradation.
New absorption setup determining how fast fluid is absorbed by the body. (for example, cum is absorbed by the body faster in the anus!)
When placing body conditions from things like creampies/enemas/fem lube, fluid is now universally placed inside the orifice before flowing out, for more realistic behavior.
Dramatic improvement to how fluids dry.
Improvement to wetness mechanic. (e.g. is it fresh cum, or tacky nearly dry cum?)
New body condition location: butt cleft (ass crack).
Internal fluids no longer dry on their own, but can be absorbed or leak.
Math on how this happens results in more natural flow of fluids out of orifices, more realistic absorption, and a better curve of time fluids are in there.
Wetness and leaking improvements.
Much improved code for determining vaginal wetness across the 0-20 scale.
Still uses arousal and body values, but with a more realistic determination and transition.
Anal wetness is now a thing.
You can also get your panties dirty this way, I suppose.
Only characters that have their anal wetness increased to above 0 will have to worry about this.
reworked system for femlube happening due to arousal.
In addition to better current wetness calculation, fluid is now added to internal vaginal/anal fluids instead of directly to the body.
Behavior of liquids now works more naturally as in real life.
because internal fluids use a smaller unit size, it allows more granularity and a more natural ramp up of lube production.
small amounts of lube now happen at lower arousal levels, starting with a "slightly damp panties" level of accrual.
now based in ml/min lubricant production.
Improvements to orgasm pussy wetness to use new "internal-first" setup.
Pussy Seal added to the game!
For players who want a wet pussy, but don't want to get their underwear/clothes wet I guess.
Also for people who want to run around with just a pussy bandage for clothing, because it does that too.
Or people who want to keep other fluids inside, because it alters semen mechanics (because stuff can't escape in one direction)
Come in a pack of 21, available at both pharmacies for 18 credits.
Each one lasts about 18 hours.
Prevents fluids leaking from vagina.
Can be removed early.
Prevents "naked bottom" status, but doesn't act as clothes in most situations (you can just peel for easy access). Still results in the exposed status (which is legal).
changes semen simulation in certain key ways.
Lot of cool text, multiple painstakingly photoshopped images with drawn patches.
application images and for below ad.
An ad appears when "reading something" (wasting time on phone).
Sticky cum mutation has been enabled in the semen simulation mechanics.
Fixed issue where Tincow clothes had an invalid price.
Muschi Valley map has been updated.
Now has more teeny tiny farm buildings scattered around.
Farm COOP buildings on the map more closely matches the actual zoomed-in map.
Two new clickable areas.
Farmer Jim Stones added to the game.
He's got big nuts and he cannot lie.
Discover him in the COOP office, he's in a documentary!
Ask about where he lives.
Find him on the map and visit him.
(3 different sex acts, plenty of text)
Fixed a bug that prevented the third hucow punishment scene from showing. It was written last month but was inaccessible. Well, now it can be seen (just be a bad hucow and break rules enough times).
Cowbucks! The internal COOP money is fully functional now.
Almost all COOP fast food and shops accept Cowbucks instead of Credits now.
The cowbucks are given to your character every week, the amount is based on your milk productivity (Meeting the milk quota).
Beware, the COOP takes have interest when loaning your character cowbucks so you can increase your indentured debt rather quickly with it!
If you need more real Credits for paying in the outside world you can use an ATM in the West Barn area to exchange Cowbucks for Credits. *The exchange rates can vary. **Can't exchange back.
General Hucow Finances:
Your indentured debt is calculated properly now and will change according to your milk production and other things.
You can watch the last ten changes in the new menu on the Career page (or in the financial tab of the end-of-the-week screen).
Changed the end-of-the-weel screen so it reflects Hucow's finances better. Additional block with debt, cowbucks, and other was added.
Most of the Credits spendings are now taken care of by COOP so your character can focus on being a good hucow and just producing the precious milk.
Milk quota.
Thaum will write it here I hope but in short it calculates the amount of milk you are expected to give to COOP each week. The number is sophisticatedly calculated somehow.
It's lich magic. (also, see thaum section)
Not meeting the quota results in getting punished.
Meeting or even exceeding the quota can provide your character with benefits! Lovely.
All of the mentioned things depend on the game difficulty settings. On the harder levels, your debt can get out of control pretty soon.
Small expansion of the COOP milking scene.
Just a picture of a nice friendly dairy hand commenting on your appearance.
It will be a full-fledged scene next release. For now on enjoy the pic and the small flavor text.
A cryptocurrency app available for all hucows.
You can tap on titties and earn Hucoins!
You can get new ranks and get cool skins for the app!
Also you may be able to exchange Hucoins to Cowbucks. Maybe. This is not a scam. Not at all.
New character — Jessy "Viking" James.
Made following the suggestions of one of the members of our discord server.
A muscular blonde girl with some interesting kinks and traits.
Completely dateable and interactable.
Can be found in the downtown area (evening).
A new character — Lousie!
Not a full-fledged NPC, she only appears in certain events. Maybe this will be changed later if you would like her.
She is into watersports and is a Thornton test subject.
Two scenes with her, both can happen randomly if you stroll around downtown. (8000 chars).
The second one happens only if you meet Lousue in the first one.
Since the content is potentially not for everybody it is gated so your character won't stumble upon her if you haven't set the flag for "watersports" in settings.
Small CG update
When using the CoerceMe app to find a date, NPCs will usually have some BDSM toys with them to make you more obedient and helpless.
I will add more stuff to the CG next month since it needs a bit more attention to become even more cool.
Changed the size of the boobs needed to play the Titjob card. Now you only need B-sized boobs to perform a titjob.
WTF? - love, Thaum
1.29.1 Bug Fixery and Cock Socks
A bunch of fixes for reported bugs, and some new stuff too. Our cat continued his long-standing feud with Git, and somehow a good chunk of his work was excluded in the 1.29.0 release. That's been fixed up. Also, I started thinking that a pussy bandage wouldn't really be considered enough coverage for a girl with a cock, so I fixed that... but then I thought, it's not fair that futas don't have their own moisture control product with a similar function. And thus, the Cock Sock was born.
(Re)Fixed inventory bug with Siemen Semen item.
Fixed Farmer Stones' creampie semen volume.
Fixed a bug with Gestique ball grow treatment that prevented growth.
Made improvements to our unit conversion macro.
More consistent use of number words.
Now accepts arguments from all game objects.
Converts inches into feet and inches when large enough.
Expansion to Farmer Jim Stones
Improved writing in some areas, editing.
New text when repeating the handjob scene, new text.
There are now requirements to refuse helping Jim.
If you are a slut or have already blown him, you won't refuse.
Requires a willpower check
Check is more difficult if you are sexually liberated.
New content in the sex scene, plus a new (and improved) image.
Unless you are a slut, you must complete each method of helping before the next becomes available.
New paper doll images for the Pussy Seal and Cock Sock. Note: only visible when not wearing underwear.
Pussy Seal application text now includes a note if you are not safe from the police due to having a cock, are safe due to Cock Sock, or the nudity laws have been repealed.
New item: Cock Sock
Can be purchased in either pharmacy for 11 credits (pack of 12).
while worn, it will collect any cum from orgasms outside of sex and jerking off.
If cum exceeds the capacity of the cock sock, it will burst (600ml).
When the Cock Sock contains cum, it can be emptied, the contents drank, or if at home be used for a creampie from the actions menu.
If masturbating at home, you'll pull off the cock sock before it bursts.
Two new pieces of art: a cock sock with some cum and a cock sock bursting.
Prevents nudity in futa characters.
Futas with external balls are safe from the cops with only a cock sock, characters without are not safe. This is detailed when equipping one with a color-coded results status.
Can try to use it as a woman...
The settings menu when on the new game page has been redone, and now can't overflow the container.
BESTY COMMITS(always a guessing game)
Food cowbuxified (Also lol bars gave PC money for drinking for years it seems)
cowbuxify the coop shops
hucow debt shit
endless shit
cowbux debt increase
cowbux fixes, second Louise scene
moar stuff fixed
moar stuff fixed
fixing the itemshome
please work
npc loc for her too
Jessie Viking James
template chars portraits fix
CG condom brainfart fix
v1.28 + v1.28.1
Words: 3,612,518 (24,723,718 characters)
Code: 189,269 lines of TypeScript
A bunch of fixes, such as the disappearing maid uniform. Besty and I both worked on them after the last bugfix release.
There is a bug that seems to be fairly rare that's been quite hard to figure out the cause of, and thus fix. I didn't finish solving that one. You'll now be notified when an NPC you have a relationship with suicides (quite rare), so if a NPC you're dating suddenly disappears and you don't get a message from the APD, you'll know that's the bug. If you have time, share a save from the night before on discord.
New Mrs. Fubb's Parlor ad when wasting time on your phone. ("Read Something")
New Appletree Fire Department fundraiser ad when wasting time on your phone.
When playing as a hucow, you now have the option during orientation to choose whether you want male bulls or futa bulls. (The option is at the same time as choosing hucow difficulty.)
You can't switch back and forth, different NPCs are generated depending on your choice, so it's a one-time thing. Likewise, if you load an existing hucow save from an older version, you won't be able to change to futa bulls.
Events and such have been modified to allow futa bulls and use the correct pronouns.
Futa bulls aren't really a thing (yet) canonically, but it's fun enough to add in. :)
Reorganization and centralization of lactation code, which was previously spread out in different objects (such as breast calculation, player status functions, and activities). Also some minor improvements to this functionally during the process.
New code for long term calculation of lactation in the player and NPCs (hucow and not), incorporating the mechanics that cause the player's actions to influence production.
Code for generating a quota specifically for a hucow player character, which is the game mechanic where the PC has to keep up with a rising quota, that incorporates the actual potential production, max potential production, and influenced by typical hucow growth.
We want different players to be able to go more at their own pace while still pushing them towards full hucowness. Arbitrary quota numbers suck.
It also allows a lot more game impact from how well you milk yourself/maximize production (or sabotage it).
Added a toggle to the system settings to disable jаvascript UI scaling.
Added Rutting Roulette to the game.
A gameshow.
It can show up on TV during a certain part of the day (in the simple TV format, not a full scene)
There is an ad when wasting time on your phone that informs the player they'll be filming in Appletree on certain days.
Can visit the stadium and be part of the audience on filming day, but the content isn't complete.
Currently ends before it's decided if PC will be a competitor, or if she just watches with the audience.
Added a long erotica story to the game, can be found by discovering a data chip in the mailroom.
Odds of finding depend on whether character is perceptive/oblivious.
12,000+ word story about a life streamer, set outside of Muschi Valley.
New CG card: Tit job! Can be used in "oral" poses. Requires boobs big enough to wrap the partner's cock between them.
Feel free to propose new cards to the game. It's pretty easy to add them.
CG Condom Mechanics fixed and should work fine now.
Works with any condoms if you have it in your inventory.
Sabotaged condom mechanics will be implemented later.
New random events and stuff in the COOP.
Many new location details (Can be seen by clicking the top location image) in the Barn area.
Some random encounters in the Dorms area. (500-2000 chars each).
Evangeline NPC stuff:
Storyline finished, additional scene with her. (9000 chars).
After the storyline finishes she becomes a real NPC and you can befriend her and whatnot.
Can be met at the barn area at day and at the dorms in the evening.
New social hucow events happening during the jobbing. (4500 chars).
Regarding Evangeline and also Queenie the "Corral" bartender.
Some moral choices affecting your position in the herd.
New hucow punishment scenes!
The ones happening if you haven't break the rules enough to get to Abigail but still is a bad girl.
Forced to stretch your pussy in a workout way. (7000 chars).
Being diligently cleaned inside. (6500 chars). Enema content, requires the specific gate in the settings to be turned off.
Small random stuff
New junk mail.
Some more stuff I can't remember already.
1.28.1 Change Log
Wellll, taking a break didn't exactly happen, so here I am with some fixes. At least I haven't been going full-speed.
Okay, finally got the display issues mostly worked out, I think. A lot of reports were... unhelpful. Luckily for older versions (1.27.2), the problems are all pretty well solvable by adjusting the browser window size. The fact that the UI didn't rescale automatically when this is done is probably what caused the confusion for most. In this build, UI is rescaled whenever the window is resized. Some of SugarCube's default behavior was spanked to fix the issue even happening in the first place, which was basically that the passage container had a fixed size, so when UI is scaled to fit the screen on larger screens, the UI could overlap. This only affected a rare few places in the game... which mostly happen to be in the prolog.
Fix for older versions: Either a) try to change the size of your browser window to be 1900x920, or make your window narrower (so the UI sidebar will be smaller). Open the browser console (F11) and enter SugarCube.UIBar.scale() and press enter. This will rescale the sidebar. Repeat until the text is no longer hidden.
Added functionality to display more info in the system settings.
Changed how "no scaling" works, so that it just scales to 1 instead of not running at all. This allows UI size to be "reset" when scaling is turned "off".
The UI is now rescaled whenever the window size changes.
The UI is now rescaled whenever the "Disable Scaling" setting is changed.
The clothes shopping window has been changed to use % rather than fixed sizes, to work on more screens.
Made a mobile build. For best results, use a http server app to play. This will enable more media.
Fixed an obvious-in-hindsight bug in the patch system that caused patches to fail. Of course, the bug was in code designed to handle issues to prevent failures in the first place.
Added some info to the dev toolkit menu, along with some common object names you may wish to mess with.
Added some info to the accessibility page to let players know that screen reader software has to be able to read the image html title tag to explain what the image link does. Sounds obvious, but isn't it seems.
Poleriders image fix.
Hucow punishment fix.
"Accidental Woman" - это интерактивная фантастическая игра в жанре симулятора жизни для взрослых. Она построена на Twine Sugar cube, и в нее можно играть на большинстве ОС и смартфонов. В игре вы берете на себя роль одинокого и безработного мужчины, который принимает предложение давнего друга переехать в уединенный городок "Apple Tree". В результате несчастного случая вы обнаруживаете, что полностью превратились в женщину, и вам придется столкнуться с гораздо большим, чем просто переход к жизни в маленьком городке!
Accidental Woman is an interactive fiction life sim game for adults. It's built in Twine Sugar cube, and can be played on most OSes and smartphones. In the game, you take the role of a recently single and unemployed man who takes the offer of a longtime friend to move to the secluded town of Apple tree. Due to an unfortunate accident, you find yourself completely transformed into a woman, and will have to deal with far more than just transitioning to small-town life!
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2dcg, real porn, text based, male protagonist, female protagonist, animated, sci-fi, transformation, rape, bdsm, pregnancy, simulator, character creation, oral, anal, vaginal, ai cg,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Thaumx - www.patreon.com/thaumx
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.34.1 Cheats
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
1.34.1 - 2024-12-24
Change Log
Medicated Words: 3,730,621 (25,513,787 characters)
Prescribed Code: 194,429 lines of TypeScript (plus plenty of other stuff, of course)
Better code to determine the gender of babies, now responds appropriately to items skewing the ratio such as being a hucow.
Issue with womb pregnancy experience has been fixed, Progenerate job bonus has been improved, and the way certain factors are utilized has been improved. Net result is larger burst thresholds.
Major rework to the Saradberol treatment.
Code determining if zygotes split has been completely reworked. It's now more functional and reliable.
Saradberol is now available in doses rather than as a single treatment, which modifies the effectiveness.
The Saradberol effect now last 7 days and will effect all wombs and not just the first womb to ovulate.
In the case of multiple doses, after 7 days the dose strength will decrease and begin a new 7 day timer.
A new Saradberol treatment scene at the Gestique clinic has been added. It includes some dose-size-based text along with images, and replaces the one-sentence scene and progenerate image.
There is no longer a "safety valve" reducing the effectiveness of saradberol based on the number of zygotes.
The player can be under the effect of up to 4 doses of Saradberol at once.
Being under the effect of 4 doses of Saradberol has a chance to cause the Unstable Zygotes mutation, odds are based on the character's fertility.
If the player doesn't have the Unstable Zygotes mutation and is not under the effect of any Saradberol, they can get up to 5 doses.
5 doses is guaranteed to cause the mutation. See new mutation section below for details on what it does.
There is a bulk purchase price discount, making each dose cheaper the more you have administered.
A single dose causes about a 40% chance of any given zygote splitting at implantation. This increases by 20% for each additional dose.
Being at strength 4 or 5 when a zygote splits gives a 20% chance that one of the split zygotes will split again.
Current Saradberol concentration in the womb can now be seen in the character status menu (with sufficient knowledge).
Saradberol now only affects vaginal wombs as intended.
Related note: zygotes/fetuses that are twins are now tracked, meh.
Perpetual Ovaries Mutation Improvement
Some code improvements for more seamless function.
The mutation now has three levels instead of being a on/off mutation
The new level 1 is similar in strength to the mutation before the changes.
Better handling of extended/strong orgasms and current menstrual cycle phase for each womb.
Improved mechanics for triggering increased egg release when ovulation is already scheduled.
Now linked with new Hormonal Trigger mutation for combo mutation (Ovarian Trigger).
OmniWomb Mutation Change
Now called "Merged Wombs" and affects only the womb A/B combo.
The enhanced womb is accounted for all over the place, and provides some bonuses in certain areas.
Superfetation is still enabled, but only affects the merged wombs.
Now has a bonus to womb strength that is multiplicative with Reinforced Womb mutation.
New/Improved cheats
Can now add parasitic testicles in the mutations menu
New fertility options to add zygotes or fetuses to a womb.
Can now trigger ovulation in a specific womb, some other stuff works better with secondary wombs.
All new mutations added to mutation menu. Note that combo mutations can not be toggled and happen automatically when the character has all required mutations.
Omni Fertilis Utero supermutation can be enabled.
New Mutations!
All new mutations/changes display in character details menu and are described in the encyclopedia w/ effects.
Only some can be obtained currently without cheats. Some have planned sources in the future, others are still a mystery.
Unstable Zygotes:
Gives a 20% chance that a zygote will split before implantation
This occurs before other split mechanics, so Saradberol or natural chance can result in one or both of the split zygotes to split again.
Affects all wombs, not just vaginal ones.
Can be obtained by getting a huge dose of Saradberol.
Hormonal Trigger
Semen coming in contact with your cervixes causes hormones to be released that can trigger ovulation.
Has three levels of strength, higher strength causes ovulation to be more likely to be triggered.
Chance of ovulation being triggered depends on the amount of cum and point in the womb's menstrual cycle.
Odds are determined using a diminishing return based on semen contact, so the chance of ovulation doesn't jump straight to 100% with a large creampie.
the calculation is made a single time for each womb at the end of the day, using all the semen, and not individually for each time semen hits a cervix.
Combines with Perpetual Ovaries to create Ovarian Trigger, changing the effect of both mutations.
Currently can only be obtained via cheats. You can imagine the kind of shenanigans this will emerge from (Sacred Knowledge Site 3)
Ovarian Trigger [Combo Mutation]
Occurs when possessing any level of Perpetual Ovaries and any level of Hormonal Trigger. Losing one of the required mutations also removes Ovarian Trigger.
Changes the behavior of Perpetual Ovaries:
Smooths out the probability curve attached to the menstrual cycle, making spasms more likely in nearly all cases.
Perpetual Ovaries no longer trigger an ovulation event.
spasms prepare additional follicles for ovulation as before, but now do so on days when the character isn't ovulating. Previously, additional eggs could only be added on a day when ovulation was already set to occur.
Some changes to the math for potential bonus follicles.
Changes to the behavior of Hormonal Trigger:
Determination for whether ovulation occurs is now heavily dependent on the number of prepared eggs in addition to the semen exposure. The fewer follicles that are ready, the lower the chance ovulation will be triggered.
Higher levels of the HT mutation reduce the odds of ovulation, requiring a higher amount of prepared eggs and/or semen before ovulation is triggered. Higher levels cause larger ovulation events when ovulation is triggered this way.
For extra fun, combine with the No Cyclical Ovulation mutation.
Basically what it says on the tin. Allows ovulation, fertilization, and implantation to continue even when pregnant.
Affects ALL wombs, and not just the primary as with Merged Wombs.
Be careful, a womb burst could sneak up on you with an unexpected/large ovulation.
Currently only available via cheats, will likely be connected to bunny-adjacent transformations in the future, perhaps aliens.
No Cyclical Ovulation
Prevents ovulation from being triggered by the normal progress of the menstrual cycle.
Without another method for ovulation to occur, either medication or mutation, the character won't ovulate at all and generally won't become pregnant.
Only available via cheats, will occur in connection with certain transformations in the future (like cats, who require additional stimulus to ovulate), also as a consequence of new experimental/black market birth control.
Omni Fertilis Utero
The crown jewel of the Sacred Knowledge Storyline, will be obtained from the goddess directly if resurrected (conclusion quest) after finishing the three Sacred Knowledge episodes.
As you would expect, turns the character into the perfect breeding machine.
Grants all female fertility enhancing mutations and prevents their removal.
Enhances female fertility factors to their maximum values.
Causes the character to ovulate every day.
--Will probably do some other nonsense too, suggestions welcome!--
Causes every ovulation to be a superovulation (multiple egg). Works on a separate mechanism from the standard multiple ovulation, modeled after egg harvesting hormone protocols.
Acts as a multiplier to baseline ovulation, enhancing whatever level of ovulation would naturally occur thanks to high fertility, multiple ovulation mutation, fertility boosters, etc.
Effect ranges from 3 to 4 times multiplier, tending towards 4 for the types of characters that would get it in the first place.
Is not multiplicative with ovulations caused by stimulatory events such as orgasms and certain drugs.
Additive with the Rapaprex effect, increasing the strength.
Can be obtained by taking Rapaprex doses each day for 21 days (3x the standard 7 day maximum duration of Rapaprex)
New Drug - Rapaprex
This time the name came straight out of a random drug name generator. Sounds like it should be a pregnancy accelerator (rapa-rapid prex-pregnancy rx) but it's not.
Also not rape related, which seemed to be the thought when I shared the name on Discord... Sorry.
Initially created to use as a penalty in the Ruttin' Roulette event, but then expanded.
Based on egg harvesting for IVF treatment, but a lot less annoying for the player.
Can be purchased in 7-day courses from Gestique.
increases in effectiveness each time taken as long as it is taken continuously.
If ovulation occurs on the first day it is taken, there will be no benefit.
On day 2 it will cause a 2x multiplier to baseline ovulation.
This increases by one each day up until day 6 when it will be a x6 multiplier.
The multiplier increases by 1 every 2 days afterward up to x12 on day 18.
Taking for 21 days causes a small scene and grants the Hyperovulation mutation.
Taking two doses on the same day will only "count" as a single dose.
Taking two doses within 16 hours of each other will cause some ovary bursts (small event plus effect).
Scene hinting that your ovaries have exploded.
Ovulation is triggered for all wombs.
Huge increase to baseline ovulation that would then be affected by Rapaprex dose
Ovaries are destroyed afterward and will no longer ovulate normally
There is currently no way to heal this damage. Additional wombs added after the event wouldn't have burst ovaries though.
Possibly too mean to be permanent, might add a repair option somewhere later. I just thought it'd be amusing if the very specific warning was real and not a secret way to get a bonus/mutation/etc. as usual, but also have that usual bonus happen for seriously exceeding the recommended course.
Causes a range of mental side effects like you'd expect from an intense hormonal treatment.
A single random effect occurs every 2 hours.
Variable reduction in happiness 3 in 6
Increases stress 1 in 6
Reduces satisfaction 1 in 6
Increases arousal 1 in 6
New Cybernetic Implant - Pregnaid
Cutting-edge technology for the incautious--prevents the womb burst bad end from occurring.
When getting a free pregnancy checkup at Gestique and a burst is impending, there is a new option to get a Pregnaid implant.
The Pregnaid is effective for a single womb, and is removed at the end of pregnancy when giving birth. Multiple wombs/pregnancies would require multiple implants
The price is quite steep at 500 credits, and requires the player to either have a 300 credit balance or an approved credit account from Faust or Indigo.
Installation comes with a scene in addition to the improved pregnancy checkup scene.
When installed, it appears in the womb-by-womb status information on the womb it is installed for. Also appears in the general information with a hover image.
Comes with a vaginal plug attachment that is indicated by a new 'pussy plug' status icon.
The plug does not interfere with sex or anything else, may have more effects if/when vaginal plug sex toys are implemented.
Causes a small arousal gain over time when arousal level is low, has a chance to cause a small arousal gain when arousal is at a medium-low level.
Improved the message text for alerting the player to certain time-based status change errors.
Character Status Menu Improvements
Fixed issue causing characters without advanced knowledge about their fertility to be informed of their pregnancies.
Womb status information display improved.
Information on ovulation and other factors is now properly hidden or vague depending on player's fertility knowledge.
Pregnancy fetus count value is now color coded. It will appear red when count exceeds the safe limit (burst will occur), and will be amber when count is 90% or more of the safe limit.
Maximum safe pregnancy size is now indicated for characters with advanced fertility knowledge. Includes all bonuses, is not an estimate.
Some formatting/visual improvements.
Doctor Sow and the Free Pregnancy Checkup
Doctor Sow now has a picture of her.
Checkup now properly accounts for all wombs.
Better reliability/handling of scene based on character details
Expanded and improved text.
Clearer options and explanation for invalid choices.
Cool pregnancy scan gif I made.
Professional Breeder Public Service Ad
New fert functions
Ruttin Roulette working roulette wheel for the game/gameshow... can't be accessed.
Hucow events
A new small event where some fellow hucow is struggling to fulfill her quota. Will you help her?
Affects your relationship with the herd.
1800 chars of text.
A new chain of events in the COOP Corral bar. (May need to visit the place a multiple times because she is not always staying there).
Begonia — a goth hucow with some nasty booze addiction.
A bit more grim and tragic character amidst the happy-go-lucky herd members. Also dommy! Your very own big tiddy goth hucowfriend lol.
Also some sexiness included! Will be expanded in next release.
9000 chars of text.
Riesewoods equine club opens its doors for the lovers of good riding!
A location accessible from the Riesewoods. Shannon and Reaper the stallion will gladly show you around!
Pretty proud of these scenes.
Due to the fertility system limitations your character can actually get pregnant despite obvious genetic incompatibility. Deal with it lol.
This is not due to limitations in the fertility system... Besty has some other dark purpose here... - Thaum
20000 chars of text.
Evening activity system
Added a specific event for a preggo characters.
Added a spicy workout for slutty characters.
Around 4000 chars of text total.
Bugs and typos
More were added, fresh and nice.
Version 1.34.1
Some bug fixery, otherwise nothing too special. Going at things full steam for 1.35 though, I'm already dreading the work to get the super-avatar ready in time for release after New Years... but to be honest, I'm not certain our artist will finish in time. Lower body for sure, but we'll see. This kind of thing is a lot more work just to describe and worth through than the usual, with more questions and everything. She's doing great though, and it's better to focus on quality than try and rush things. I'll share a quick preview image from earlier in the week :D
Fixed issue that in certain circumstances could cause zygotes to split endlessly and crash the game during sleep.
Fixed the issue with the social menu causing a few red banners and missing portraits.
Fixed an issue with Sacred Knowledge Ep. 2 that caused the sacred pussy bust not to appear in the cave inventory box.
Fixed some text formatting causing yellow fucky text in some farmhand content.
Fixed parser function describing pube length
1.33.0 - 2024-11-13
Caffeinated Words: 3,706,533 (25,350,240 characters)
Jittery Code: 193,325 lines of TypeScript (plus plenty of other stuff, ofc)
Brand new game music, A retro synthwave mix called Thaumtopia just because we already had Utopia and Dystopia.
Rework of the way pubic hair grooming/regrowth works.
Instead of leaving you with your chosen style when hair is overgrown, now when your hair grows out enough your style will change to a 'bushy family' style of the next higher length.
New 'bushy family' style "short trimmed" which is length 2. (lengths in order from 1 to 5: stubble, short trimmed, neatly trimmed, trimmed, bushy)
description of hair growth in grooming menu is now more clear, describing how much it has grown out since the last groom/shave.
pube length parser now uses length of your style, rather than pube growth progression.
It takes 10 days to reach full growth after grooming (and thus have your style change). It takes 50 days to go from cleanly shaved to full bush, which is reasonably realistic.
Major upgrade to player character masturbation.
New code for determining which activities the player is capable of.
Better threshold determinations for pregnancy, with per-action checks instead of a check for all actions.
If the player has an appropriate sex toy or piece of home furniture, they can masturbate no matter how pregnant they are.
Excessive pregnancy can make it too difficult to fap for futa characters.
Interface change, unavailable actions now explain why they are unavailable.
Masturbating is no longer automatically clean, and the reproductive fluid system is properly used (vs a simplified setup).
Better determination of success/failure. Note: failing to cum really just means that you didn't finish in the given upper timeframe, and doesn't mean that you can't cum.
Two new actions available for futa players:
Self Suck - if the player is capable of it, they are able to suck themselves off.
Higher difficulty but larger satisfaction bonus.
Consuming cum is basically a foregone conclusion.
Ability to autofellate depends on multiple factors based in some level of realism, surprisingly this seems to be less restrictive than other games I've played.
Contortionist players get a significant bonus for the check to see if they are capable.
Failure has a representative gif in addition to the result text.
Being too pregnant makes this action impossible.
Action has 3 gifs and 2 longer videos, one of which is displayed randomly. These match the player's activity.
Self Fuck - if the player is capable of it, they can self insert and bring themselves to orgasm.
Higher difficulty but larger satisfaction bonus.
The check to see if you're capable is based on some common sense but... well, there isn't exactly any real data on this one.
Check is based primarily on cock length and whether testicles are too big.
Results in a creampie. (Note: the player is capable of impregnating themselves, so caution may be advised.)
Failure has a representative gif in addition to the result text.
Action has 3 gifs and 1 longer video, one of which is displayed randomly. These match the player's activity.
A encyclopedia entry was created that explains the autofellatio/autointercourse capability checks and reasoning.
Successfully masturbating as a futa will now display a cumshot gif representative of the character's semen output.
Eating your cum after masturbating now has text appended instead of replacing the window contents. There are also some gifs of cleaning yourself up...
A total of 34 new gifs and looping videos for masturbation actions.
These were painstakingly created to match the player character's body and the type of masturbation.
Examples: Schlicking as a pregnant futa will result in a gif of a pregnant futa using a sex toy on her female bits. Schlicking while pregnant as a normal woman will result in one of two gifs depending on how pregnant they are. etc.
Tentacle self fucking now has two animated gifs (one for vaginal one for anal). The anal version properly has tentacle balls and a horsecock (though perhaps the horsecock turned out too small), but I didn't have time to properly animate those for the vaginal version.
AMAZING Player Avatar
Honestly, so much work went into this thing. It looks simple, but it's really anything but. Plus, it was necessary to re-export every single component image, which is the most god-awful tedious work that takes forever. (Imagine manually exporting 216 images, toggling layers one by one, just for different areolas. Then repeat over and over.)
3,425,763,927,785,472 possible combinations! That's 16 digits, quadrillions.
Soooo many things are represented:
3 body types
6 hip sizes
27 breast sizes
breasts: 4 areola types (small, average, large, puffy)
breasts: 3 nipple types (normal, inverted, teat)
13 pregnancy bellies
3 different vulvas (innie, outtie, tentacle/parasite outtie)
vulva: 2 levels of arousal and 3 levels of cum.
vulva: sex toy and pussy seal
vulva: 7 pubic hair options (plus 'none')
6 testicle sizes plus special tenta-balls
7 cock sizes from 2 to 30cm, with erect and soft versions.
special horsecock and cowcock in hard and soft versions.
Tails! cat tail, fox tail, and tenta-tail are now represented.
New head and face.
Face: 4 different emotions (sad, neutral, aroused, very aroused)
Face: Multiple makeup levels, none, everyday, sexy, smeared.
Face: 3 levels of cum facial
Hair: 5 lengths in all the standard colors (blonde, dark blonde, brown, ginger, auburn, black)
Hair: messy and neat version of all standard hair lengths.
Hair: 2 updo hairstyles and a ponytail in 3 lengths.
Ears: human, and also cat, dog, fox, bunny, and cow.
Almost all of the above items that were in 1.32 have been improved since last time (for example a redrawn horsecock or shaded breast).
Not Yet A Portrait We didn't get this in as an option for the player face portrait in time for this release, however we should have this ready in 1.34.
Part of the reason for not having portraits is because the images I exported turned out to be too small courtesy of the changed aspect ratio. Some items have been re-exported at the proper resolution (face, vulva, cock) but the rest are still smaller. It looks fine when at the normal size, but when zoomed in you can see the difference.
Evening activities:
Going out in the exhibitionistic way option was added.
Can be caught by a police and forced to pay a fine.
Only accessible for the exhibitionistic characters.
Card game: new endgame logic.
Previos version was overcoplicated and counter-intuitive. Screw the previous version.
Now you have a "End sex" card you can play at any moment if you have it in your hand.
Your partner can counteract this card with their "not done yet" (in case they have it on hand)
And vice versa.
If your encounter is not actually fully consent bottom partner will have no option to play "End sex".
Card game: new "facesitting" pose card.
Can work in both ways, so you can be both a giving and a recieving partner.
Oral action cards can be used since the class of the card is "oral".
Requires the top partner to have a pussy.
Card game: new "smother" action card.
Not having such an option was a crime imo.
Can be used during any "oral" pose.
Dommy characters have more copies of the card in the deck.
New sauna gossip scene
A little bit of lore about bulls and COOP treatments to explore.
Hucow playthrough logic expansion.
Hucow characters can't move in with NPCs anymore. This is against the COOP rules.
If you have a save with this situation already happened you should be kinda okay but in the long run it can cause some unforseen game logic consequences.
Hucow herd reaction.
New scene initiated by a character having too much fun with outsiders. The herd is angry.
Different options to react to this with various consequences for the character.
Overall, many actions and situations were expanded with a changes to the hucow social stats changes (autonomy, iq, compliance and behavior). These will affect your options and further events as we continue to expand the hucow route.
Various smaller stuff:
Police Exhibitonist evasion scene got it's own pic.
Many typos were fixed, especially in the hucow orientation text.
This stuff came out in 1.32.1, because 321... I decided to add it in. Anyway, normally it would've been out in this release and it's big enough to get re-mentioned for those that may not have checked out the incremental change log. How do you feel about having a super-cute tentacle pet? What kind of mechanics would you like with your pet? Personally, I lean toward something a little like Gizmo from the Gremlins movies, though herb is certainly more useful and more fun in a certain kind of way... but I like the idea of something where sleeping with him too much, or maybe neglecting him, results in some bad things. Stop by our Discord and let us know what you think!
Further material for the tenta-pet!
Reminder: you can get pregnant with your new pet by exploring the Institute campus.
After birthing the first form of your pet, you are now able to visit it in the bathroom to feed or pet it.
Petting your pet has several positive mental effects. (And can result in other things depending on how old it is!)
This will result in a creampie or huge creampie if the creature is in the many-tentacle or adult stages respectively.
Your pet must be fed regularly! Not feeding your pet for three days will result in it dying (and your character taking a big hit to their happiness).
FYI: You can be re-impregnated with a pet at the Institute if this happens.
You can feed your pet using your breasts (if lactating), your holes (pussy and ass), or your cock if you have one. He can be fed multiple times per day.
Feeding with your holes will result in it gaining a small amount of fullness from your character's fluids, the amount depends on how naturally wet the vagina is.
One unit of fullness per base wetness level, from 1 to 5.
If you don't have any cum inside you, your pet will have to do his best to stimulate you for some time to release your nectar, which will result in a large arousal gain.
Feeding with your holes will also allow your pet to feed on any semen in your vagina or anus, including any fertility system sperm that aren't on your cervix(es).
Cum is very nutritious, but because it isn't fresh your tentacle gains one unit of fullness for every 6ml of liquid semen.
Tracked sperm is also considered, so you can gain up to 3 units of fullness if you were previously very full of cum.
Only the highest source of fullness from these two options is considered (liquid or residual). Fem fluid is added to this.
You will gain some arousal due to the vaginal stimulation.
Feeding with your cock will result in it eating your semen, obviously.
This is not guaranteed to satisfy the daily feeding requirement. If you cum 1ml or less, it won't count as having fed him (and won't reduce his count of unfed days).
If you cum less than 5ml it will reset his unfed count but will not count him as being fed that day.
Fresh semen is the most nutritious substance, so he gains 1 unit of fullness from each 5 ml of cum.
He can't consume a massive ejaculation because semen is delivered faster than he can handle. Ejaculations exceeding 100ml will result in the amount over 100ml being spilled/leaked, though he may be able to slurp up up to 25ml of the spilled semen afterward.
Feeding with your breasts will drain them of milk, either emptying them or leaving the remainder (minus some spillage) in your breasts if he gets full.
Gains one unit of fullness per 100ml of milk consumed.
He can consume all 5,000ml in one feeding to reach max fullness if the PC produces that much.
Causes a small amount of arousal gain.
Upon gaining 50 fullness points, your pet will no longer be willing to eat. Text from the feeding will tell you if your pet is full, in addition to the option to feed him being greyed out.
fullness points contribute to your pet's growth, with 1 fullness point corresponding to 0.1% growth towards his metamorphosis into his cute adult form.
Several minor events/notifications can happen based on your pet's growth. These occur the morning after the day your pet reaches the required growth level.
At 50% growth, he goes from a single tentacle to multiple in an anemone looking form. This also changes what happens when petting him.
At 100% growth, he turns into a fleshy egg sac (cocoon) while he undergoes his metamorphosis. Petting changes again, and he can not be fed.
After a little over 2 weeks, he will hatch into his adult form, which I made to be super cute for a loveable tentacle pet.
If you feed him the maximum amount each day, it will take 20 days for him to start his metamorphosis.
Adult form tentacle pet is not complete at all, however you can still visit him to pet him. He'll be a lot more involved than this when actually finished.
1.32.1 - 2024-10-22
This should've been out a few days ago, sorry about that... but I think you'll like the reason. You see, I was working on the tentacle pet, waiting for Besty to fix some of his bugs, and then when he finished I realized that I had been working on the wrong git branch. So I figured, hey, this release will be 32.1, why not just throw all this in there? So I did, but I had to actually finish enough so that it wasn't just a big bug. Anyway, here's some cool stuff to play with.
Added new Lake Clitea ad to the "read something"/"waste time on phone" lineup.
Further material for the tenta-pet!
Reminder: you can get pregnant with your new pet by exploring the Institute campus.
After birthing the first form of your pet, you are now able to visit it in the bathroom to feed or pet it.
Petting your pet has several positive mental effects. (And can result in other things depending on how old it is!)
This will result in a creampie or huge creampie if the creature is in the many-tentacle or adult stages respectively.
Your pet must be fed regularly! Not feeding your pet for three days will result in it dying (and your character taking a big hit to their happiness).
FYI: You can be re-impregnated with a pet at the Institute if this happens.
You can feed your pet using your breasts (if lactating), your holes (pussy and ass), or your cock if you have one. He can be fed multiple times per day.
Feeding with your holes will result in it gaining a small amount of fullness from your character's fluids, the amount depends on how naturally wet the vagina is.
One unit of fullness per base wetness level, from 1 to 5.
If you don't have any cum inside you, your pet will have to do his best to stimulate you for some time to release your nectar, which will result in a large arousal gain.
Feeding with your holes will also allow your pet to feed on any semen in your vagina or anus, including any fertility system sperm that aren't on your cervix(es).
Cum is very nutritious, but because it isn't fresh your tentacle gains one unit of fullness for every 6ml of liquid semen.
Tracked sperm is also considered, so you can gain up to 3 units of fullness if you were previously very full of cum.
Only the highest source of fullness from these two options is considered (liquid or residual). Fem fluid is added to this.
You will gain some arousal due to the vaginal stimulation.
Feeding with your cock will result in it eating your semen, obviously.
This is not guaranteed to satisfy the daily feeding requirement. If you cum 1ml or less, it won't count as having fed him (and won't reduce his count of unfed days).
If you cum less than 5ml it will reset his unfed count but will not count him as being fed that day.
Fresh semen is the most nutritious substance, so he gains 1 unit of fullness from each 5 ml of cum.
He can't consume a massive ejaculation because semen is delivered faster than he can handle. Ejaculations exceeding 100ml will result in the amount over 100ml being spilled/leaked, though he may be able to slurp up up to 25ml of the spilled semen afterward.
Feeding with your breasts will drain them of milk, either emptying them or leaving the remainder (minus some spillage) in your breasts if he gets full.
Gains one unit of fullness per 100ml of milk consumed.
He can consume all 5,000ml in one feeding to reach max fullness if the PC produces that much.
Causes a small amount of arousal gain.
Upon gaining 50 fullness points, your pet will no longer be willing to eat. Text from the feeding will tell you if your pet is full, in addition to the option to feed him being greyed out.
fullness points contribute to your pet's growth, with 1 fullness point corresponding to 0.1% growth towards his metamorphosis into his cute adult form.
Several minor events/notifications can happen based on your pet's growth. These occur the morning after the day your pet reaches the required growth level.
At 50% growth, he goes from a single tentacle to multiple in an anemone looking form. This also changes what happens when petting him.
At 100% growth, he turns into a fleshy egg sac (cocoon) while he undergoes his metamorphosis. Petting changes again, and he can not be fed.
After a little over 2 weeks, he will hatch into his adult form, which I made to be super cute for a loveable tentacle pet.
If you feed him the maximum amount each day, it will take 20 days for him to start his metamorphosis.
Adult form tentacle pet is not complete at all, however you can still visit him to pet him. He'll be a lot more involved than this when actually finished.
Conflict Words: 3,690,714 (25,240,791 characters)
Computer Things: 192,450 lines of TypeScript (plus plenty of other stuff, ofc)
Redid fundal height calculations to use fancy math based on the diminishing returns of geometric volumes and other such bullshit.
Should be a useful number again.
Accounts for all abdominal wombs now.
Needed for avatar belly size, because hyperpregnancy.
Major update to the character menu status tab.
Uses circular progress bars for stats instead of the larger ones, saving space.
Includes more information in one place, and doesn't look so disorganized.
Wider space for avatar when using the new avatar.
New Avatar
Holy shit this was a lot of work. It always seems easy, but it never is.
Not complete, more options expected, breast shading, also head/face/hair to be added
391 individually hand-exported pngs for layering. (182 more than the total male and female Koikatsu body portrait images!)
Currently 1,358,622,720 combinations possible with the code.
Loading old saves may require you to enable it yourself in the settings, otherwise it is the default option.
New avatar options in the game settings menu.
Allows you to disable it in favor of the old portrait.
Allows you to force certain options such as body shape, nipples, and pubic hair.
Allows you to limit or disable arousal and/or creampie cum on the avatar.
Different erect and soft penis sizes, current erection strength determines which is used.
Has some special genital options (horsecock, hucow cock, tentaballs).
left and right breasts layered separately, so that things can fit between them.
26 breast sizes, even more than in the hover example images.
Arousal is based on arousal level, with 2 stages, unless you are wearing a pussy seal (shown on avatar).
Cum amount has 3 levels based on the amount of cum, including internal cum (unless sealed)
You can have cum on your avatar with a seal, if you have cum on your body (groin, thighs, asscrack).
includes a teat nipple variation, this is also used when nipple girth is set to max and length is at the 2 highest values.
Inverted nipples happen for the inverted and partially inverted nipple lengths.
Puffy areola happen at max areola puffiness for now, but are limited to a default nipple until others are added.
Pubic hair will turn to the "bushy" option if you go long enough without grooming, otherwise respects your pubic hair style.
Fixed an issue where the tentapet could be killed while gestating by getting another creampie. (and other bugs)
Thanks to Klorpa for fixing a bunch of typos!
Evening Activity System!
In order to make the game less "grindy" we decided to introduce a new system which allows you "fast-forward your evening letting your character to decide what to do using your guidance.
Can be started from the action panel every evening. Choose the length, your character's focus this evening and the sexual activity level, press start and enjoy the results!
Your character need to have either "slut" or "liberated" kinks to have more options for the sexual behaviors.
Being a shamefast will result in a single sad sexual option of "Avoid when possible" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There are 15 different evening events (25k characters) and the list will be expanded in the next releases!
You can still get ahem, "surprise sex" if your sexual option was set to "Avoid".
Every activity have some impact on your stats.
Character chooses activities basing on her personality, kinks and traits. Take note that a character with addictions or a more "unhinged" character can spend their evening in a more crazy and unsafe way.
Please tell us if you like the new system and propose what events we could add in the feature!
Note that the system is still in the development so it can still be a bit buggy.
Stephanie the lifeguard
Don't even try to get drowned on her shift.
(New small scene at the pools and lakes) (3500 chars)
Usual stuff, removed a lot of bugs you've reported in the bug channel and new bugtracker. Typing out the full list is boring and unnecessary so I won't do it.
Free-Trade Organic Words: 3,674,823 (25,126,111 characters)
Computer Instructions: 191,492 lines of TypeScript (plus plenty of other stuff, ofc)
Significant improvement to the drug Heat.
Text for taking the drug has been rewritten, text for the drug item in the inventory has been rewritten.
Heat is now an abandoned emergency psychiatric drug that works to stabilize mental health and remove hidden negative mental statuses. It was pulled from the market because of the avenues for misuse by medical professionals, and abuse by patients.
It now provides a significant boost to happiness, companionship, and satisfaction. It also gives a significant reduction of stress.The strength of this effect depends on how big the dose is. (100, 150, 300 micrograms)
It will remove several negative mental status effects such as being over-stressed or having an intense need for sex due to lack of satisfaction. This effect only occurs when the player's addiction level is below the threshold for the dosage taken, so long-term addicts will eventually lose this benefit.
Instead of shifting the menstrual cycle, it has a chance of inducing ovulation. The chance depends on the character's point in their menstrual cycle, and whether they have the spasm ovaries mutation.
It maintains the rest of the fertility effects it had before.
Enabled support for non-human pregnancies & births. Currently used by the BT parasite, but supports all manner of things.
Expanded the amount of data that can be transmitted through the reproductive system and into zygotes, fetuses, and eventually babies.
Improved some parts of the character description page.
Bonus pay for giving birth will now only occur if you give birth to at least 5 babies. If you work for Progenerate or are a surrogate, this restriction doesn't apply.
Added support for fetus-driven gestation acceleration.
Added this change log text to the dev notes that pop up in new versions.
The Samurai drug now has a chance to give the player the 'abnormal hormones' mutation that decreases the effectiveness of birth control.
The harsher birth control cleansing program administered by Progenerate, Farm Coop, etc. is now likely to give the 'abnormal hormones' mutation. If the character already has this mutation, there is a chance they will gain the 'hormone resistance' mutation.
Clarified the "majora" pussy puffiness stat in character creation, and added a encyclopedia entry accessible from character creation and the character details menu.
Explains the stat in context of AW, why we use a single value for both pubic mound and outer lips and what it represents.
Has a brief overview of what the labia minora and mons pubis actually are, in case people are unaware.
In a fit of Thaum nerdery, explains the difference between the fatty tissue in these two areas are different from subcutaneous fat that can grow beneath the skin above it. Goes on to explain how these two areas of fatty tissue relate to the development of the vulva, such as size and thickness of the labia minora and clitoral hood, generally explaining a lot of vulva morphology.
The "Ball Thief" has been added to the game. This is a parasitic creature with a complex life cycle.
The adult phase is a semi-stationary creature with long slime-like arms.
Can be encountered in the Institute S.P.E.R.M. and Services jobs if the PC is a futa with testicles.
If the creature is avoided or resisted the first time the event occurs, the event can happen a second time. The second time has much lower odds of happening.
Fun little event that involves the PC's testicles being stolen, and replaced with two parasite testicles that are the next stage of the creature's lifecycle.
This scene has a cool art plus some other fitting images.
I recommend that you don't attempt this with tentacle balls, as the event won't fire unless you use the dev tools.
Fun with parasite testicles.
They still produce sperm, but it's parasite sperm. Impregnate NPCs with interesting babies.
The little guys feed on cum deposited in your vagina. On the bright side, this helps a lot with preventing a mess. (Changes creampie behavior.)
Sperm that sent directly into the womb upon ejaculation are still safe.
Every day the parasites will grow a tiny amount, unless they've been fed, in which case they'll grow about 4x as fast.
Every night, they will helpfully deposit sperm into your womb/s.
Once they grow large enough, their wombs have fully developed and become active, so you'll have a left testicle womb and right testicle womb. (300cc)
They can grow up to 1500cc from this nightly growth.
While the expanded fertility/womb system handles these just fine, I'm unsure how I want to handle birth (ouch) and how the parasite should get pregnant in this case. I kinda figured have one of the parasite sperm creatures do it for some sexual (two parent) reproduction and then start the cycle again with the baby... or have a more normal sex scenario with a treated symbiote, but this isn't really my kink so please feel free to stop by Discord.
Can be removed using any service that would remove normal balls.
Gives you the sticky cum and hard cock mutations. (when treated, also gives mega nuts)
More text content in character description with a balls pic.
Gestate some parasite babies.
For the most part, these act just like normal babies while they're inside the PC.
They grow very quickly. Specific rate depends on the PC, but pretty much any character should give birth after 11 days.
When giving birth, there is different text. They don't count as human babies for government benefit purposes, but Arbor Vitae will pay you 10 credits* per specimen. (*many money values are automatically adjusted based on difficulty level)
After giving birth, if you were a SPERM employee, a fellow lab tech will slip a treatment into your inventory. taking this will cause the parasite to produce your human sperm
It acts like your sperm except that it forces some fertility factors to be at least a certain level (you can go higher). It also causes any babies created from it to gestate at 2x speed.
It still deposits your sperm into yourself every night, however it stops killing competitor sperm so you can have a mix of daddies.
Obviously you'll go back to having normal human babies.
Heat available on tap.
From the character actions menu, you can choose to eat some of your precum.
Has effects similar to a heat 100 microgram dose, though with different text and such.
Added the numeric values of several body attributes to the character detail screen in addition to the descriptive words, so that various guide size requirements are more obvious, and it's easier to understand changes in size.
Muffin chain of events finished!
Can have some hot action now if you workout with her enough (Look for her in the dorm\barn area after all the workout events)
She can be known from the new unexpected side!
She can provide you with some interesting unique thingies...
New transformatives
Two new pretty safe hucow transformatives to change your body in a new ways.
Ofc with some fun side effects!
One super shady thingy you can find outside the COOP (Listen to the gossips of other Hucows. Or try to search in the industrial district).
Side effects are weird.
You've been warned. It's for the desperate ones.
Some transformative will have lingering effects which will stay with a character forever.
Can be both positive or negative.
New Hucow job smaller scenes
More lore
More sexy stuff
More fun
Coop pond expansion
A number of scenes happening when you are swimming in the pond.
Also segz.
Many fixes to the COOP maps\events and beyond:
Card game finishing screen fix
Dates at home in COOP now can be started
Sex after dates should return you to the correct map and not some random flat.
List of the consumables in the bathroom menu got a bit nicer.
Card game NPC motivation fix: now they will be more willing to play cards when aroused. Fixes the "too lazy NPC" issue.
Starting text in the Card game sex now showing at the round 1.
Hucow swimsuit can be obtained properly in the pond area.
Mailbox fix ("Check for the mail" dialog)
Tentacle shop map\upper menu was returned to the proper place
related phone ui error fixed
COOP ATM exchange rates are rounded properly now instead of being like 1.699999999999...
Emma the hiding coop habitant links are properly disappearing when clicked now.
Annen crazy text were fixed. I can't even get what he'd mean by some of his phrases. It's just some gibberish. I mean, yeah, I'm not a native user too but at least you seem to understand my writings, right? Gosh.
Some more smaller bugs and typos were fixed here and there.
v1.30 + v1.30.1
Word Substitutes: 3,659,145 (25,024,592 characters)
Code Things: 190,820 lines of TypeScript (plus plenty of other stuff, ofc)
(cock socks added, technically 1.29.1, but fixed up a bit since.)
(Farmer stones expansion, also 1.29.1, and also fixed up a bit.)
fixed an issue with hucow bull insemination for characters with multiple wombs.
Some additional code to simplify using the new multiple wombs in non-standard scenarios.
New item cheats letting you get some of the newer items from the menu.
2 new mutations "dense cock" and "reinforced cock", both increase the size of penis you can have and still get a full erection, and they stack with each other and other "male enhancement" effects.
Improved calculation of erection strength, player height now always accounted for with body blood volume, adjusted the threshold where erection strength starts to be affected by size to be more forgiving. Also improved how bonuses to erection strength work, with more granularity for different transforms such as horsecock in the future.
Added some additional information to the character details menu, showing how large your cock can get before potential hardness is affected, accounting for any modifiers.
Added description of male mutations to the list of mutations in the character details menu.
Basic pet system implemented due to insanity and long held desire for tentacle pets. This is really only the most basic setup, mostly to see if there's any interest.
Fun fact: I actually had a tentacle pet thing planned, but then a certain other sissification game that came out not too long after AW had a certain plant (I think it was named chuck?) and it was super obvious it was gonna be tentacles, because of course, so with more to do than time to do it, and a desire to avoid any friction with cool people, I dropped it.
Now if you explore the institute, your encounter will result in you giving birth to a cute little guy that can live in your shower.
Don't get your hopes up.
New "Aperture Technologies Portal Demonstration" happens all month in Sol. Go have fun with portals. 11,000 words of content (wow). progressive activity unlocks some things, so make sure you get to the Porta-Portal trial.
Plan to have a store that becomes available in July that lets you actually purchase a porta portal or make use of the glory portals.
Other small stuff and bug fixes
Muffin - the new story in the COOP.
30000+ chars of content spread across 6 events.
To begin the quest visit the COOP Gym in the Eastern Barn area.
Will be expanded even more in the next release.
It is one of the most effective way to get your character toned btw.
Condoms should work okay in the Sex Card Game.
Milk quota warnings will work fine now.
New COOP transformative - "Moomy"!
You thought that Maturex was shady, lol?
Have a whole bunch of side effects. Hi, bimbo!
A last resort in case you really need to ramp up your lactation to meet the weekly quota.
Do it the smart way and you may gain some secret benefits too.
Hucows physiology adjusted to reflect the transformations they undergo in the COOP.
Less exercise is needed to get more toned. Hucows muscles are better.
Overall without any workout or physical activity your char will slowly lose body tone.
New conversation content with NPCs
No more same repetitive 5 chats over and over again
Sex now counts as an exercise, yay!
Visiting your friends and lovers in the COOP!
A button is in the Dorms D.
Can only visit your local NPC fellows.
Visiting Appletree-based fellows requires you to go to the residential district in the town.
Notable Hucow NPCs can be noticed doing stuff around the COOP now.
New random scenes and events in the COOP
Some more bugs fixed.
1.30.1 Bug Fixes
So I thought I was on the mend, and I was feeling pretty decent except for sinus headaches on monday and most of tuesday... and then I got worse. :p This is a pretty new phenomena to me, the whole "recover but not all the way and instead get sick some more" thing. Only thing I can think of as a realistic cause is stress combined with a shortage of a certain medication I need to keep my body running. In any case, here is 1.30.1.
Fixed some cat bugs with hucow debt.
Fixed some cat bugs with new hucow optional treatments.
Removed some typos from our favorite mentally-challenged capybara.
Added refuse option to Porta-Portal trial scene (requires willpower test pass).
Added some new context aware content to the porta-portal scene, fixed some phrasing I didn't like, and improved clarity.
Made willpower check for portal gloryhole sex options less ridiculous.
Added willpower checks for some portal gloryhole (glory-portal? portal-hole?) options.
Added some new methods to the character status class for checking if a character has an empty womb in (location) and thus is capable of becoming pregnant.
v1.29 + v1.29.1
Words: 3,622,233 (24,789,660 characters)
Codes: 189,822 lines of TypeScript (plus plenty of other stuff, ofc)
New triangle distribution function because I'm a nerd.
Added some minor stuff to the dev toolkit (elite build)
Changed character creation key icon into locked and unlocked icons to be more clear.
Completion of the major Lactation System upgrade!
Several uses of that triangle thingamajig above for fancier maths to do things like S curves.
Update of lactation description in status and elsewhere to use more accurate words that line up with the real production rates.
Lactation training can now reduce overnight for non-hucow characters depending on their current training level. Reduction is more likely at higher training levels.
New lactation training cap based on body lactation ability.
Updated minimum lactation training setup, added checks to ensure minimum is adhered to.
Reworked the way lactation training is gained during milk pumping to be more accurate and character-responsive.
Initial gains are faster than gains at higher levels
Effects of different pumps balanced.
Far better responsiveness to lactation ability and specific character for determining gains.
Lactation training guide (game encyclopedia) updated and expanded with more info.
Lactation training overall now utilizes fancy math probability curves for increases and decreases. Because for some reason AW lactation is really realistic in a lot of ways (except with some fun boosts)
Tweaks of lactation numbers for balancing.
Several adjustments to math for milk production.
example: changing math for how character health impacts.
much better calculation milk flow rate during milking.
Fixed a minor issue with milk tank cheat affecting production.
Character creation lactation selection redone.
help popup totally rewritten to be properly accurate with new system.
terminology fixed in describing lactation levels
renamed lactation ability instead of "milk production" to reduce confusion.
Total rework of "penalty" section of lactation code. (code that can reduce lactation training when full, cause spilling, pain, etc.)
Better notifications text for clarity when alerted about full breasts.
Milk can no longer go above 109% capacity without spilling.
No leak cheat user will have milk amount adjusted without spill.
Rather than a simple "spill" there is now a letdown system that provides a chance to have your breasts let down and start releasing milk.
Breasts can letdown once they reach 90% full.
The chance of this starts small and increases as they become more full.
This is more like the behavior of actual tits.
Amount of spilled milk is no longer a simple percentage and is now calculated based on breast factors.
lactation training reduction now occurs much more naturally, and takes into account the current lactation training and the PC's lactation ability.
Is independent of other factors.
lactation training can start to reduce after reaching 90% of capacity.
Status penalties for full breasts are now more sane, probably.
New lactation predictive function.
Because lactation is highly dependent on character actions, a special function is needed to model actions and "step forward" through time to calculate total milk production over a number of hours.
This is primarily used for hucows, and also allows us to determine NPC lactation without running code every 15 game minutes.
Allows us to set milk quotas based on realistic udder values responding to the player's body and actual ability.
most important part.
assumes you'll be a good hucow though...
even more math for an ensemble prediction to limit extremes.
Organization and consolidation of all lactation functions.
Differentiation between standard and hucow class milk production working on the same system.
Various breast mutations/transformations now affect all characters, with proper formulas behind it rather than ad-hoc adjustments.
Hucow lactation focus system added to adjust milk based on daily choices at work (and episodes outside) to maximize or reduce production.
lots of minor improvements and things I don't remember.
Improved the omni timer kill function to increase reliability and handle potential duplicate statuses.
Additional differentiation added to time chunking to allow 15 minute status function to perform actions at less than 15 minute intervals when needed.
Significant updates to the body condition and clothes staining systems.
Rework of external and internal body condition interface, and total rework of internal fluid handling.
note that sperm cells are handled separately in much more detailed simulation, but the two are linked.
Fluid now leaks out of orifices over time!
More math! (for determining how much, etc.)
Leaking fluid now travels to the first outside condition zone (genitals or ass crack) where it can do all the usual things, spreading, staining, drying, etc.
System now handles miniscule amounts, for better response to small stains such as a little pussy wetness or a single cum spurt.
improved terminology for describing how much of a fluid is on the body, with additional levels of gradation.
New absorption setup determining how fast fluid is absorbed by the body. (for example, cum is absorbed by the body faster in the anus!)
When placing body conditions from things like creampies/enemas/fem lube, fluid is now universally placed inside the orifice before flowing out, for more realistic behavior.
Dramatic improvement to how fluids dry.
Improvement to wetness mechanic. (e.g. is it fresh cum, or tacky nearly dry cum?)
New body condition location: butt cleft (ass crack).
Internal fluids no longer dry on their own, but can be absorbed or leak.
Math on how this happens results in more natural flow of fluids out of orifices, more realistic absorption, and a better curve of time fluids are in there.
Wetness and leaking improvements.
Much improved code for determining vaginal wetness across the 0-20 scale.
Still uses arousal and body values, but with a more realistic determination and transition.
Anal wetness is now a thing.
You can also get your panties dirty this way, I suppose.
Only characters that have their anal wetness increased to above 0 will have to worry about this.
reworked system for femlube happening due to arousal.
In addition to better current wetness calculation, fluid is now added to internal vaginal/anal fluids instead of directly to the body.
Behavior of liquids now works more naturally as in real life.
because internal fluids use a smaller unit size, it allows more granularity and a more natural ramp up of lube production.
small amounts of lube now happen at lower arousal levels, starting with a "slightly damp panties" level of accrual.
now based in ml/min lubricant production.
Improvements to orgasm pussy wetness to use new "internal-first" setup.
Pussy Seal added to the game!
For players who want a wet pussy, but don't want to get their underwear/clothes wet I guess.
Also for people who want to run around with just a pussy bandage for clothing, because it does that too.
Or people who want to keep other fluids inside, because it alters semen mechanics (because stuff can't escape in one direction)
Come in a pack of 21, available at both pharmacies for 18 credits.
Each one lasts about 18 hours.
Prevents fluids leaking from vagina.
Can be removed early.
Prevents "naked bottom" status, but doesn't act as clothes in most situations (you can just peel for easy access). Still results in the exposed status (which is legal).
changes semen simulation in certain key ways.
Lot of cool text, multiple painstakingly photoshopped images with drawn patches.
application images and for below ad.
An ad appears when "reading something" (wasting time on phone).
Sticky cum mutation has been enabled in the semen simulation mechanics.
Fixed issue where Tincow clothes had an invalid price.
Muschi Valley map has been updated.
Now has more teeny tiny farm buildings scattered around.
Farm COOP buildings on the map more closely matches the actual zoomed-in map.
Two new clickable areas.
Farmer Jim Stones added to the game.
He's got big nuts and he cannot lie.
Discover him in the COOP office, he's in a documentary!
Ask about where he lives.
Find him on the map and visit him.
(3 different sex acts, plenty of text)
Fixed a bug that prevented the third hucow punishment scene from showing. It was written last month but was inaccessible. Well, now it can be seen (just be a bad hucow and break rules enough times).
Cowbucks! The internal COOP money is fully functional now.
Almost all COOP fast food and shops accept Cowbucks instead of Credits now.
The cowbucks are given to your character every week, the amount is based on your milk productivity (Meeting the milk quota).
Beware, the COOP takes have interest when loaning your character cowbucks so you can increase your indentured debt rather quickly with it!
If you need more real Credits for paying in the outside world you can use an ATM in the West Barn area to exchange Cowbucks for Credits. *The exchange rates can vary. **Can't exchange back.
General Hucow Finances:
Your indentured debt is calculated properly now and will change according to your milk production and other things.
You can watch the last ten changes in the new menu on the Career page (or in the financial tab of the end-of-the-week screen).
Changed the end-of-the-weel screen so it reflects Hucow's finances better. Additional block with debt, cowbucks, and other was added.
Most of the Credits spendings are now taken care of by COOP so your character can focus on being a good hucow and just producing the precious milk.
Milk quota.
Thaum will write it here I hope but in short it calculates the amount of milk you are expected to give to COOP each week. The number is sophisticatedly calculated somehow.
It's lich magic. (also, see thaum section)
Not meeting the quota results in getting punished.
Meeting or even exceeding the quota can provide your character with benefits! Lovely.
All of the mentioned things depend on the game difficulty settings. On the harder levels, your debt can get out of control pretty soon.
Small expansion of the COOP milking scene.
Just a picture of a nice friendly dairy hand commenting on your appearance.
It will be a full-fledged scene next release. For now on enjoy the pic and the small flavor text.
A cryptocurrency app available for all hucows.
You can tap on titties and earn Hucoins!
You can get new ranks and get cool skins for the app!
Also you may be able to exchange Hucoins to Cowbucks. Maybe. This is not a scam. Not at all.
New character — Jessy "Viking" James.
Made following the suggestions of one of the members of our discord server.
A muscular blonde girl with some interesting kinks and traits.
Completely dateable and interactable.
Can be found in the downtown area (evening).
A new character — Lousie!
Not a full-fledged NPC, she only appears in certain events. Maybe this will be changed later if you would like her.
She is into watersports and is a Thornton test subject.
Two scenes with her, both can happen randomly if you stroll around downtown. (8000 chars).
The second one happens only if you meet Lousue in the first one.
Since the content is potentially not for everybody it is gated so your character won't stumble upon her if you haven't set the flag for "watersports" in settings.
Small CG update
When using the CoerceMe app to find a date, NPCs will usually have some BDSM toys with them to make you more obedient and helpless.
I will add more stuff to the CG next month since it needs a bit more attention to become even more cool.
Changed the size of the boobs needed to play the Titjob card. Now you only need B-sized boobs to perform a titjob.
WTF? - love, Thaum
1.29.1 Bug Fixery and Cock Socks
A bunch of fixes for reported bugs, and some new stuff too. Our cat continued his long-standing feud with Git, and somehow a good chunk of his work was excluded in the 1.29.0 release. That's been fixed up. Also, I started thinking that a pussy bandage wouldn't really be considered enough coverage for a girl with a cock, so I fixed that... but then I thought, it's not fair that futas don't have their own moisture control product with a similar function. And thus, the Cock Sock was born.
(Re)Fixed inventory bug with Siemen Semen item.
Fixed Farmer Stones' creampie semen volume.
Fixed a bug with Gestique ball grow treatment that prevented growth.
Made improvements to our unit conversion macro.
More consistent use of number words.
Now accepts arguments from all game objects.
Converts inches into feet and inches when large enough.
Expansion to Farmer Jim Stones
Improved writing in some areas, editing.
New text when repeating the handjob scene, new text.
There are now requirements to refuse helping Jim.
If you are a slut or have already blown him, you won't refuse.
Requires a willpower check
Check is more difficult if you are sexually liberated.
New content in the sex scene, plus a new (and improved) image.
Unless you are a slut, you must complete each method of helping before the next becomes available.
New paper doll images for the Pussy Seal and Cock Sock. Note: only visible when not wearing underwear.
Pussy Seal application text now includes a note if you are not safe from the police due to having a cock, are safe due to Cock Sock, or the nudity laws have been repealed.
New item: Cock Sock
Can be purchased in either pharmacy for 11 credits (pack of 12).
while worn, it will collect any cum from orgasms outside of sex and jerking off.
If cum exceeds the capacity of the cock sock, it will burst (600ml).
When the Cock Sock contains cum, it can be emptied, the contents drank, or if at home be used for a creampie from the actions menu.
If masturbating at home, you'll pull off the cock sock before it bursts.
Two new pieces of art: a cock sock with some cum and a cock sock bursting.
Prevents nudity in futa characters.
Futas with external balls are safe from the cops with only a cock sock, characters without are not safe. This is detailed when equipping one with a color-coded results status.
Can try to use it as a woman...
The settings menu when on the new game page has been redone, and now can't overflow the container.
BESTY COMMITS(always a guessing game)
Food cowbuxified (Also lol bars gave PC money for drinking for years it seems)
cowbuxify the coop shops
hucow debt shit
endless shit
cowbux debt increase
cowbux fixes, second Louise scene
moar stuff fixed
moar stuff fixed
fixing the itemshome
please work
npc loc for her too
Jessie Viking James
template chars portraits fix
CG condom brainfart fix
v1.28 + v1.28.1
Words: 3,612,518 (24,723,718 characters)
Code: 189,269 lines of TypeScript
A bunch of fixes, such as the disappearing maid uniform. Besty and I both worked on them after the last bugfix release.
There is a bug that seems to be fairly rare that's been quite hard to figure out the cause of, and thus fix. I didn't finish solving that one. You'll now be notified when an NPC you have a relationship with suicides (quite rare), so if a NPC you're dating suddenly disappears and you don't get a message from the APD, you'll know that's the bug. If you have time, share a save from the night before on discord.
New Mrs. Fubb's Parlor ad when wasting time on your phone. ("Read Something")
New Appletree Fire Department fundraiser ad when wasting time on your phone.
When playing as a hucow, you now have the option during orientation to choose whether you want male bulls or futa bulls. (The option is at the same time as choosing hucow difficulty.)
You can't switch back and forth, different NPCs are generated depending on your choice, so it's a one-time thing. Likewise, if you load an existing hucow save from an older version, you won't be able to change to futa bulls.
Events and such have been modified to allow futa bulls and use the correct pronouns.
Futa bulls aren't really a thing (yet) canonically, but it's fun enough to add in. :)
Reorganization and centralization of lactation code, which was previously spread out in different objects (such as breast calculation, player status functions, and activities). Also some minor improvements to this functionally during the process.
New code for long term calculation of lactation in the player and NPCs (hucow and not), incorporating the mechanics that cause the player's actions to influence production.
Code for generating a quota specifically for a hucow player character, which is the game mechanic where the PC has to keep up with a rising quota, that incorporates the actual potential production, max potential production, and influenced by typical hucow growth.
We want different players to be able to go more at their own pace while still pushing them towards full hucowness. Arbitrary quota numbers suck.
It also allows a lot more game impact from how well you milk yourself/maximize production (or sabotage it).
Added a toggle to the system settings to disable jаvascript UI scaling.
Added Rutting Roulette to the game.
A gameshow.
It can show up on TV during a certain part of the day (in the simple TV format, not a full scene)
There is an ad when wasting time on your phone that informs the player they'll be filming in Appletree on certain days.
Can visit the stadium and be part of the audience on filming day, but the content isn't complete.
Currently ends before it's decided if PC will be a competitor, or if she just watches with the audience.
Added a long erotica story to the game, can be found by discovering a data chip in the mailroom.
Odds of finding depend on whether character is perceptive/oblivious.
12,000+ word story about a life streamer, set outside of Muschi Valley.
New CG card: Tit job! Can be used in "oral" poses. Requires boobs big enough to wrap the partner's cock between them.
Feel free to propose new cards to the game. It's pretty easy to add them.
CG Condom Mechanics fixed and should work fine now.
Works with any condoms if you have it in your inventory.
Sabotaged condom mechanics will be implemented later.
New random events and stuff in the COOP.
Many new location details (Can be seen by clicking the top location image) in the Barn area.
Some random encounters in the Dorms area. (500-2000 chars each).
Evangeline NPC stuff:
Storyline finished, additional scene with her. (9000 chars).
After the storyline finishes she becomes a real NPC and you can befriend her and whatnot.
Can be met at the barn area at day and at the dorms in the evening.
New social hucow events happening during the jobbing. (4500 chars).
Regarding Evangeline and also Queenie the "Corral" bartender.
Some moral choices affecting your position in the herd.
New hucow punishment scenes!
The ones happening if you haven't break the rules enough to get to Abigail but still is a bad girl.
Forced to stretch your pussy in a workout way. (7000 chars).
Being diligently cleaned inside. (6500 chars). Enema content, requires the specific gate in the settings to be turned off.
Small random stuff
New junk mail.
Some more stuff I can't remember already.
1.28.1 Change Log
Wellll, taking a break didn't exactly happen, so here I am with some fixes. At least I haven't been going full-speed.
Okay, finally got the display issues mostly worked out, I think. A lot of reports were... unhelpful. Luckily for older versions (1.27.2), the problems are all pretty well solvable by adjusting the browser window size. The fact that the UI didn't rescale automatically when this is done is probably what caused the confusion for most. In this build, UI is rescaled whenever the window is resized. Some of SugarCube's default behavior was spanked to fix the issue even happening in the first place, which was basically that the passage container had a fixed size, so when UI is scaled to fit the screen on larger screens, the UI could overlap. This only affected a rare few places in the game... which mostly happen to be in the prolog.
Fix for older versions: Either a) try to change the size of your browser window to be 1900x920, or make your window narrower (so the UI sidebar will be smaller). Open the browser console (F11) and enter SugarCube.UIBar.scale() and press enter. This will rescale the sidebar. Repeat until the text is no longer hidden.
Added functionality to display more info in the system settings.
Changed how "no scaling" works, so that it just scales to 1 instead of not running at all. This allows UI size to be "reset" when scaling is turned "off".
The UI is now rescaled whenever the window size changes.
The UI is now rescaled whenever the "Disable Scaling" setting is changed.
The clothes shopping window has been changed to use % rather than fixed sizes, to work on more screens.
Made a mobile build. For best results, use a http server app to play. This will enable more media.
Fixed an obvious-in-hindsight bug in the patch system that caused patches to fail. Of course, the bug was in code designed to handle issues to prevent failures in the first place.
Added some info to the dev toolkit menu, along with some common object names you may wish to mess with.
Added some info to the accessibility page to let players know that screen reader software has to be able to read the image html title tag to explain what the image link does. Sounds obvious, but isn't it seems.
Poleriders image fix.
Hucow punishment fix.
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 24-12-2024, 23:38
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