Вы играете за Криса. Его родители уехали в командировку за границу и не придумали ничего лучше, чем оставить Криса с его тетей Кэти. Кэти, 35 летняя сексуальная красотка, у которой никогда не было прочных отношений. Улучшайте свою учебу, укрепляйте привязанность Кэти и ….не забудьте пропылесосить гостиную!
… и может быть вы что то получите от Кэти…
You play as Chris. His parents had gone abroad on a business trip and couldn't think of anything better to do than leave Chris with his aunt Katie. Katie, a 35-year-old sexy babe who has never had a strong relationship. Improve your studies, strengthen Katie's affection and ....don't forget to vacuum the living room!
... and maybe you'll get something from Katie…
The game uses regular maps for now but I plan on eventually switching over to how Cohabitation is, with an image representing each room and tags to click on. Needing roughly four images for each room (daytime, daytime with Katie in it, nighttime, and nighttime with Katie in it) is time consuming due to having to render them. Hopefully, by the time I upload the first real version of the game, they'll be done.
In the last image, Katie's robe has some noticeable clipping issues. I'll eventually re-do it in hopes of fixing those problems but it isn't a high priority. In those last two kitchen images you'll probably notice they're more grainy than the others. For some reason scenes in the kitchen are extremely heavy renders -- the other images took maybe 30 minutes to finish completely at 100% but those two didn't even get to 50% after an hour of rendering. I'm guessing it's due to the more complex lighting and shadows but I'm still working on getting better at scene optimizations so I'm not entirely sure.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, big ass, big tits, groping, handjob, incest, male protagonist, milf, oral, shota, titfuck, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: www.patreon.com/SidValentine
Перевод: slonik13
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: Completed
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.07
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (Смена в настройках)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
"Поблагодарить Переводчика"
Яндекс кошелек: 4100110785682188
Вы играете за Криса. Его родители уехали в командировку за границу и не придумали ничего лучше, чем оставить Криса с его тетей Кэти. Кэти, 35 летняя сексуальная красотка, у которой никогда не было прочных отношений. Улучшайте свою учебу, укрепляйте привязанность Кэти и ….не забудьте пропылесосить гостиную!
… и может быть вы что то получите от Кэти…
You play as Chris. His parents had gone abroad on a business trip and couldn't think of anything better to do than leave Chris with his aunt Katie. Katie, a 35-year-old sexy babe who has never had a strong relationship. Improve your studies, strengthen Katie's affection and ....don't forget to vacuum the living room!
... and maybe you'll get something from Katie…
The game uses regular maps for now but I plan on eventually switching over to how Cohabitation is, with an image representing each room and tags to click on. Needing roughly four images for each room (daytime, daytime with Katie in it, nighttime, and nighttime with Katie in it) is time consuming due to having to render them. Hopefully, by the time I upload the first real version of the game, they'll be done.
In the last image, Katie's robe has some noticeable clipping issues. I'll eventually re-do it in hopes of fixing those problems but it isn't a high priority. In those last two kitchen images you'll probably notice they're more grainy than the others. For some reason scenes in the kitchen are extremely heavy renders -- the other images took maybe 30 minutes to finish completely at 100% but those two didn't even get to 50% after an hour of rendering. I'm guessing it's due to the more complex lighting and shadows but I'm still working on getting better at scene optimizations so I'm not entirely sure.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, big ass, big tits, groping, handjob, incest, male protagonist, milf, oral, shota, titfuck, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: www.patreon.com/SidValentine
Перевод: slonik13
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: Completed
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.07
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (Смена в настройках)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
"Поблагодарить Переводчика"
Яндекс кошелек: 4100110785682188
SWAK v1.05 Release
What's New:
- Poolside sex scene. After you've seen the first sex scene in Chris' room you can ask Katie for sex in the pool area during the Afternoon period.
- Living room blowjob scene. After you've seen the first reward blowjob scene in Chris' room you can ask Katie for a BJ in the living room during the Night period.
- The day limit has been reduced to 60. If people find it too restrictive or still too much I can modify it further.
- Tutorial now mentions both the time limit and the ability to skip days, both the intro one and the one you can view by clicking on Chris' bed.
Sorry about Cursed. The first release, focusing on the intro, was meant to be released this month but I didn't finish everything I want it to have it and I didn't want to cut corners just to get it done. So, I'll be finishing up the first release in July and releasing it at the end of the month. I'll make a new post on the 10th of July, although it'll probably just be reiterating what I've said here but I guess I can go into more detail then about what the first Cursed release will entail.
If anyone has any problems with the newest SWAK release I'll get on them first thing in the morning.
SWAK Retrospective & v1.0 Release
- Brief History -
Unlike Cohabitation this one doesn't really have a particularly long or interesting background to it. When I was around 3/4ths of the way done with Cohabitation's development I started messing around with Daz3D. The first couple of models I made (and looking back at them now, some of those models were pretty ugly) were for a game called Common Life, a large dating sim I still haven't gotten around to yet because I don't want to be tied down to one gigantic game for years but that's a whole different story.
Anyway, I eventually created the model that would become Katie, which was the first character model that I really liked. Plus, I found the really nice 'virgin killer' sweater dress that she wears, which not only looked great by itself but also could be properly layered with underwear without massive amounts of poke-through.
Wanting to do something completely different than Cohabitation in terms of the main character and relationships I decided to go with a, uh, let's just say 'younger' protagonist. Then I took the trainer elements of Cohabitation, streamlined them, and tied them back in with the main character and Katie, thus leading to the creation of Staying with Aunt Katie.
My main goal with SWAK was to create a smaller and more focused game, letting me become more experienced with Daz 3D and helping me become better at handling stats and gameplay mechanics. I think I largely succeeded with that personal goal but as far as SWAK being a great game goes, I think there's a number of things I could improve on.
- Development Problems -
After the completely fucked stat progression, programming, and general development of Cohabitation I wanted to do a simpler, more concise game with a far more straightforward game progression that was easy for players to grasp and not get lost with. I fear I may have course-corrected too much in this regard.
While Cohabitation's progression was a chaotic mess, for SWAK I think it might've been too linear and simplified, with players quickly falling into a repetitive pattern of studying and spending time with Katie. While I always aimed for SWAK to be a small game and thus never intended it to have a ton of content, I think I still could have added more activities to do with Katie. I plan on doing at least one dating sim in the future, so at the very least SWAK will serve as a lesson and a reminder to add in more varied content and activities for each girl.
As far as renders / images go I'm actually proud of how most of them turned out, especially considering that this was my first time using Daz 3D for a project. I think the overall quality of the renders improved throughout the game, with lighting being my biggest weakness and is something I'm still working to improve. In-door lighting in particular is a pain in the ass to get looking good and natural, especially if you're going for nice, subtle and realistic lighting rather than just shining a spotlight onto the characters.
Next up there's Chris. I feel that I never really quite decided on whether I wanted him to serve as a sort of blank avatar that players could project themselves onto or as a more defined character, with me constantly waffling between the two. When I did write him as a more defined character I also never really stuck with one personality with him, instead I feel like I kinda flip-flopped between 'shy, sheltered kid' and 'horny, mildly perverted kid'. In the future I'll likely stick with more defined protagonists as they're far more interesting to write for.
Oddly, a lot of people wanted me to remake Chris into some sort of alpha chad. I got a ton of messages telling me he was too skinny and that he needed to be more muscular. Much like making Calvin into a fit, handsome guy I feel like this idea misses the point of the 'younger' protagonist.
Then there's Katie. My idea for her was that she was fairly laid-back and kinda lazy, not really weak willed but rather someone who just goes with the flow of things, leading to her letting Chris grope her and giving him a handjob, which leads to her realizing she's in a compromising situation but ultimately enjoying it and falling for Chris in the process. I'm not sure how well that all comes across to players and could have portrayed it all better. For future projects I'll be focusing on stronger characterization and more interesting personalities for the female characters.
As for her model, while I still do like it I'll admit that her curves are probably too over the top. The more scenes I made the more I realized I made her breasts too balloon-y and her ass too large, which not only do I think didn't look great all the time but also made posing her difficult, especially when I wanted her to interact with Chris or just sit naturally. Nowadays when I'm working on a female character model I try to keep their curves within the realms of reality.
Lastly, there's the relationship between Katie and Chris. The age-gap made it hard to realistically give them a natural, romantic relationship or have them share any common interests. Compounded by Chris not really having consistent, solid characterization and Katie's personality not being especially strong, writing relationship scenes for them wasn't very fun or interesting, which made them something of a chore, which in turn made me avoid writing a ton of them. In the future any 'younger' characters will likely be side-characters rather than the main focus; the youngest I'll probably go for a future protagonist is 'almost done with high school'-age.
Overall, I think a lot of gameplay problems can be traced back to being too slavishly dedicated to making SWAK concise and that most writing problems were due to me not fleshing out Chris and Katie enough and going a bit too far with the 'younger' protagonist, 'older' love interest route.
Now with all this out of the way, here's the release of v1.0. It now has a title screen and during the morning period you can choose to skip the day via interacting with Chris' bed. The skip *should* stop you from skipping past day 89.
- 90 day time limit. I've updated the intro to mention it. Also changed the stat menu, so now it reads 'Total Days: x / 90'.
- Added endings. Once you hit day 90 your ending will then trigger in the Afternoon period. If you didn't reach the blowjob event you'll get Ending A. If you reached the blowjob event but not the sex one you'll get Ending B. If you did reach the sex event you'll get Ending C.
- Free play mode. After you see your ending you'll get transported to Chris' room during the morning period. From there you can endlessly play the game and see events, giving you access to any new events I might add later.
- Ability to replay endings. Once you enter free play mode you can see the endings via clicking on the Menu button when in Chris' room.
This is technically v1.0 in terms of content but given my track-record with bugs I figured there'd probably be something that doesn't work right, so I'll save v1.0 for the inevitable bugfix update. If anything's broken report it below and I'll try to fix it as soon as I can. Also, as I talked about in an older post, I've been very conservative with my version numbering, basically adding a 0.01 to it for every new scene or feature added, so even if I added every event that I ever had a passing thought about there's no chance this game was getting to v1.00 that way.
As for the endings themselves, they turned out better than I thought they would. When I sat down to start working on them I only really had vague (and I thought somewhat lackluster) ideas for them but as I began writing them I really got into them and fleshed them out pretty well. They all begin in the same basic way but quickly diverge. Ending A and B turned out to be more 'bad ending'-ish than I originally envisioned but I like the final result and they make Ending C all the better.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the endings and find them a good conclusion to the game. I still have a couple of ideas left for scenes (mostly just regular sex scenes for the living room, pool, and Katie's bedroom -- nothing really major like Cohabitation's prostitution events) but for now I'll be moving onto Cursed.
I'll put up a new post on the 5th talking about what I have planned for June.
- New relationship scene during dinner. After you've finally had sex with Katie, just choose to help prepare dinner during the evening.
- New relationship scene during breakfast. After you've seen the morning kitchen sex scene, just choose to have breakfast with Katie.
- New relationship scene during the night. After you've seen the nighttime living room sex scene, just choose to watch TV with Katie.
- New shower sex scene. After you've seen the first sex scene with Katie in Chris' room you can now choose to have sex in the shower during the Noon period.
What's New:
- First sex scene. Once you've maxed out the Scholastic Improvement and Affection stats then the next time you go into Chris' room during the Afternoon period an event will automatically play.
- Night time living room sex scene. After you've seen the above then the next time you go into the living room at night when Katie's there a scene will play.
- Morning sex scene. After you've seen the first sex scene then the next time you go into the kitchen during the morning period a scene will play.
- Repeat versions of the above.
- 69 affection event. After you've seen the reward blowjob event and have Katie's affection at 70 or higher then an event should trigger automatically during the midnight period in Chris' room.
- Pool event. Once you've seen the pool titjob event and have Katie's affection to at least 50 then a new event should trigger automatically when you go to the pool during the Afternoon period when Katie's there.
- New cooking event. In the kitchen when Katie's there during the Evening period, the next time you cook with her you should get a new variation of the event once her affection is over 50 and you've helped her cook at least once.
- Repeatable versions of the above.
- Fixed a few issues.
- Blowjob reward event. Need to have seen the titjob reward event and have your scholastic improvement stat to at least 70. With all those requirements met this will trigger the next time you enter Chris' bedroom during the Afternoon period.
- Morning BJ. After you've seen the above then the next time you talk to Katie in the morning you'll get an option to fool around with her.
- Shower BJ. After you've seen the reward BJ scene then the next time you take a shower with Katie during the Noon period you'll get a blowjob option.
- Repeatable versions of the above.
- Added images for when Chris studies. There's one for daytime and nighttime.
- Chris can now take a shower, which will lower arousal. You can only do this after you've seen the first forced HJ scene, since otherwise it'd probably mess up the early game flow.
- On the weekends Chris can swim during the morning and noon periods to reduce arousal. He can also swim during the Afternoon but that will increase arousal. Both the solo and the one with Katie have their own image.
- During the Noon period if Chris joins Katie for a shower he can now ask for a titjob. The only requirement is to have seen the original shower HJ scene.
- During the night Chris can get a handjob from Katie while they're watching TV together. To see it you'll need to have watched TV with her at night at least once and have seen the titjob reward scene. This also has a repeatable version.
SWAK v0.30
What's New:
- Morning kitchen handjob. After you've seen the midnight affection fingering scene then the next time you fool around with Katie in the morning this will trigger.
- Repeatable version of the above. After you've seen that scene then the next time you fool around with Katie in the kitchen during the morning period you'll get a list of options, with a handjob being one of them.
- Titjob reward scene. After you've seen the midnight affection fingering scene and have the scholastic improvement stat to at least 56 then this should trigger automatically during the Afternoon period.
- Repeatable version of the above. Click on your bed during the Afternoon period, call up Katie, and the titjob should be a new option.
- Pool titjob. After you've seen the reward titjob scene then the next time you fool around with Katie by the pool this should happen automatically.
- Repeatable version of the above. After you've seen that scene then the next time you fool around with Katie near pool then you'll get a list of options, with a titjob being one of them.
- Fixed some typos.
This was meant to have the shower handjob scene but unfortunately the shower in the current map I'm using for the bathroom is too small to work. So I have to find a new one, which means re-creating old images that use it, too. I plan to release another small update around the middle of the month that'll have the shower handjob scene in it.
As much as I love the look of how the robe hangs off her body I had to nix it for the morning handjob scene. The way she has to kneel in order to give a handjob made the robe clip into itself horribly and very noticeably, especially the belt. I tried to fix it with different poses and morphs but so long as she was on her knees it would always look like crap. I also tried to hide by zooming in so that you couldn't see below her torso but I liked the look of her on her knees in front of Chris too much.
I'm still looking for a good cum material to use. Everything I've tried still looks too thick or otherwise fake. The facials I use have their own cum material that looks great and realistic but unfortunately don't work well with anything else. A lot of liquid materials in general also catch the light in weird ways making them look strange and off.
Anyway, outside of that small mid-month update I plan to put out another regular SWAK update either at the end of October or the beginning of November.
- Willing handjob event. This should automatically activate during the Afternoon period once you've seen the Masturbate Together affection event and have your Scholastic Improvement stat to 42 or above.
- To see the repeatable version of the above just click on Chris' bed during the Afternoon period, select 'Call Katie', and then 'Handjob'.
- Finger Katie event. This should automatically activate during the Midnight period once you've seen the above handjob event and have Katie's affection stat at 35 or above.
- The repeatable version of the fingering scene is viewable by clicking on Katie in her room during the Midnight period then selecting 'Finger Katie'.
- Fixed some typos I noticed in older content.
What's New:
- You can now masturbate onto Katie by the pool. To see it you need to have seen the regular masturbate onto scene and then go to the pool during the Afternoon period when Katie's out there. The 'cum' material used for this scene isn't great. For some reason when I finally updated Daz3D from 4.10 to 4.11 it broke the material I usually use, so I had to use something new.
- Repeatable version of the above. After seeing the original version you can choose to either grope or masturbate onto Katie when you interact with her near the pool during the Afternoon period.
- The small chat scene with Katie during the Morning period in the kitchen will now change once your affection with her reaches at least 25. The picture for it is new but is mostly the original one just with Katie looking happy rather than miserable.
- Once your affection with Katie reaches 20 a scene in Chris' bedroom will trigger with him asking her for help with his school work. Afterward you can choose to study with Katie during the afternoon period in Chris' room. You have a 50/50 chance of Katie being knowledgeable about the subject, which will change how effective the study session is.
- New status menu. When you click on 'Menu' and choose 'Stats' you'll now get an entire screen dedicated to your stats. It's not quite as slick and flashy as I originally envisioned it but it's a lot better than the dinky plain textbox.
I originally wanted this update to focus on adding in/updating affection scenes but the level of intimacy between Katie and Chris I had in mind for them still didn't make much sense for where the game's currently at. The upcoming handjob & fingering scenes will change that.
I'll be doing another post on Friday about what I plan to work on this month for both SWAK and Cohabitation.
Fixes a black-screen bug with the repeat 'Masturbate Together' scene
Fixed black screen bug with second friday event. Fixed issues with several variables.
- Fully nude grope & masturbate onto reward. To see this you must have already done the affection kissing event and have your scholastic improvement to 28 or above. Once those requirements are met the event should trigger automatically during the Afternoon period in Chris' room.
- Repeat of the above. Once you've see the original you can do the repeat version by clicking on Chris' bed during the Afternoon period and selecting it.
- Masturbate together. After you've seen the above masturbate onto event and Katie's affection is at 20 or higher then this should trigger automatically once the Midnight period begins.
- Repeat of the above. Once you've seen the original you can do the repeat version by visiting Katie in her room at Midnight, clicking on her, and selecting it.
- Morning masturbate onto. After you've seen the above then in the mornings when Katie is in the kitchen, click on her and select to grope her. This new event will play out.
- Repeat of the above. Once you've seen the original then when Katie's in the kitchen during the morning, choose to grope her and during the event you'll get the choice to either continuing just to grope her or to masturbate.
- Changed the text size to 32. I tried to find a plugin that'd allow the player to change the text size either in-game or via an external .ini file but couldn't find anything. So, if it's still too small then tell me so down below and I'll up it even more. I ran through a few events with the next text size and they seem to work but it might still have broken something somewhere, so if anyone notices any problems with it just report them below and I'll try to fix them.
- Went back through some of the old events and added a message telling the player about the various stat changes caused by the event.
What's New:
- Kissing affection scene. During the Midnight period in Chris' room an event should automatically play once you've seen the groping reward scene and Katie's affection is at 10 or higher.
- Repeatable version of the above. After seeing the original scene you can choose to do it again by interacting with Katie in her room during the Midnight (final) period.
- Repeatable version of the original groping scene. After seeing the above kissing event you can choose to grope her again in Chris' room by interacting with his bed during the Afternoon period.
- Breakfast with Katie event. During the morning period you can see this by interacting with her in the kitchen.
- Morning groping event. After seeing the kissing event you can then interact with Katie when she's in the kitchen during the Morning period. Has a repeatable version with some text differences.
- Poolside groping event. After seeing the kissing event you can then interact with Katie when she's at the pool during the Afternoon period. This also has a repeatable version with slight text differences.
- Some cleanup of typos and other such crap.
The download links will be up in a separate posts for patrons once they're done uploading in about 30 ~ 60 minutes.
For April I'll be doing a small mid-month update of SWAK that'll include the next reward event (exploring her body and masturbating onto her) and the next affection event. They were supposed to be for this update but I didn't complete them in time. After that I'll hopefully be back on track to where I wanted to be before getting sick derailed everything.
For additional groping scenes, I have one extra in mind. It has them sort of cuddling and watching TV together as Chris gropes and plays with her body but it seemed too intimate for where they're supposed to be at now, so I decided to save it. Describing Chris groping her chest was also getting really repetitive. For a midnight one, he's already groping her during the kissing scene, so I thought that worked well enough as one.
- Intro (I redid all the images from the old preview version I released months ago and re-wrote some of it)
- All currently planned mechanics implemented plus an explanation for them.
- All currently planned maps with their backgrounds.
- A handful of daily events to raise your various stats.
- A scholastic improvement reward event. Get this stat to 14 and this event should then play during the next afternoon period automatically.
- Coerced handjob event. After you've seen the above event then once your Arousal stat hits 100 this should automatically play at the next Evening period. Your arousal stat won't go above 49 until you've seen the above event.
- Repeatable version of the coerced handjob event. To see this once you've seen the first version of it then when your Arousal hits 100 it'll automatically play during the next Afternoon period.
I'd recommend making a save after you've seen the scholastic improvement reward event and starting from there when I release the next version. Otherwise you might get your stats up too high and have a ton of events firing off right as you start the game.
This isn't quite the grand first release for this I originally hoped for. A lot of work did go into it but the majority of it was background stuff - building the mechanics and not only getting them to work but to work well with each other. Getting all the tags on the maps set-up was also a fair amount of tedious, repetitive work. I also had to re-do old images due to a gulf in quality between them and the new ones, plus I changed the look of some of the locations. I'll upload some stuff below showcasing the changes. This would've been v0.10 but I couldn't decide on a good title picture (I had one of Katie on the sofa but her laying there alone was kinda bland) and I couldn't complete the breakfast event in time (the robe she wears in the morning is a complete pain in the ass to work with, having a lot of problems with clipping, but I like the look of it too much to give it up).
I have all the content planned out, including what stats you need at what level to unlock them, plus the general flow of the game (which will be: scholastic improvement reward > affection event > opening of repeatable versions of the previous two plus other events tied to them > next improvement reward), so work and updates on the game should be fairly smooth. Being that this is the beginning of the game Chris' and Katie's relationship is still tepid, so the events between them will get lengthier as the game goes on.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy what's available and look forward to more. I'll do another post on the second Friday of next month laying out whatever I have planned for February.
What's New:
- Poolside sex scene. After you've seen the first sex scene in Chris' room you can ask Katie for sex in the pool area during the Afternoon period.
- Living room blowjob scene. After you've seen the first reward blowjob scene in Chris' room you can ask Katie for a BJ in the living room during the Night period.
- The day limit has been reduced to 60. If people find it too restrictive or still too much I can modify it further.
- Tutorial now mentions both the time limit and the ability to skip days, both the intro one and the one you can view by clicking on Chris' bed.
Sorry about Cursed. The first release, focusing on the intro, was meant to be released this month but I didn't finish everything I want it to have it and I didn't want to cut corners just to get it done. So, I'll be finishing up the first release in July and releasing it at the end of the month. I'll make a new post on the 10th of July, although it'll probably just be reiterating what I've said here but I guess I can go into more detail then about what the first Cursed release will entail.
If anyone has any problems with the newest SWAK release I'll get on them first thing in the morning.
SWAK Retrospective & v1.0 Release
- Brief History -
Unlike Cohabitation this one doesn't really have a particularly long or interesting background to it. When I was around 3/4ths of the way done with Cohabitation's development I started messing around with Daz3D. The first couple of models I made (and looking back at them now, some of those models were pretty ugly) were for a game called Common Life, a large dating sim I still haven't gotten around to yet because I don't want to be tied down to one gigantic game for years but that's a whole different story.
Anyway, I eventually created the model that would become Katie, which was the first character model that I really liked. Plus, I found the really nice 'virgin killer' sweater dress that she wears, which not only looked great by itself but also could be properly layered with underwear without massive amounts of poke-through.
Wanting to do something completely different than Cohabitation in terms of the main character and relationships I decided to go with a, uh, let's just say 'younger' protagonist. Then I took the trainer elements of Cohabitation, streamlined them, and tied them back in with the main character and Katie, thus leading to the creation of Staying with Aunt Katie.
My main goal with SWAK was to create a smaller and more focused game, letting me become more experienced with Daz 3D and helping me become better at handling stats and gameplay mechanics. I think I largely succeeded with that personal goal but as far as SWAK being a great game goes, I think there's a number of things I could improve on.
- Development Problems -
After the completely fucked stat progression, programming, and general development of Cohabitation I wanted to do a simpler, more concise game with a far more straightforward game progression that was easy for players to grasp and not get lost with. I fear I may have course-corrected too much in this regard.
While Cohabitation's progression was a chaotic mess, for SWAK I think it might've been too linear and simplified, with players quickly falling into a repetitive pattern of studying and spending time with Katie. While I always aimed for SWAK to be a small game and thus never intended it to have a ton of content, I think I still could have added more activities to do with Katie. I plan on doing at least one dating sim in the future, so at the very least SWAK will serve as a lesson and a reminder to add in more varied content and activities for each girl.
As far as renders / images go I'm actually proud of how most of them turned out, especially considering that this was my first time using Daz 3D for a project. I think the overall quality of the renders improved throughout the game, with lighting being my biggest weakness and is something I'm still working to improve. In-door lighting in particular is a pain in the ass to get looking good and natural, especially if you're going for nice, subtle and realistic lighting rather than just shining a spotlight onto the characters.
Next up there's Chris. I feel that I never really quite decided on whether I wanted him to serve as a sort of blank avatar that players could project themselves onto or as a more defined character, with me constantly waffling between the two. When I did write him as a more defined character I also never really stuck with one personality with him, instead I feel like I kinda flip-flopped between 'shy, sheltered kid' and 'horny, mildly perverted kid'. In the future I'll likely stick with more defined protagonists as they're far more interesting to write for.
Oddly, a lot of people wanted me to remake Chris into some sort of alpha chad. I got a ton of messages telling me he was too skinny and that he needed to be more muscular. Much like making Calvin into a fit, handsome guy I feel like this idea misses the point of the 'younger' protagonist.
Then there's Katie. My idea for her was that she was fairly laid-back and kinda lazy, not really weak willed but rather someone who just goes with the flow of things, leading to her letting Chris grope her and giving him a handjob, which leads to her realizing she's in a compromising situation but ultimately enjoying it and falling for Chris in the process. I'm not sure how well that all comes across to players and could have portrayed it all better. For future projects I'll be focusing on stronger characterization and more interesting personalities for the female characters.
As for her model, while I still do like it I'll admit that her curves are probably too over the top. The more scenes I made the more I realized I made her breasts too balloon-y and her ass too large, which not only do I think didn't look great all the time but also made posing her difficult, especially when I wanted her to interact with Chris or just sit naturally. Nowadays when I'm working on a female character model I try to keep their curves within the realms of reality.
Lastly, there's the relationship between Katie and Chris. The age-gap made it hard to realistically give them a natural, romantic relationship or have them share any common interests. Compounded by Chris not really having consistent, solid characterization and Katie's personality not being especially strong, writing relationship scenes for them wasn't very fun or interesting, which made them something of a chore, which in turn made me avoid writing a ton of them. In the future any 'younger' characters will likely be side-characters rather than the main focus; the youngest I'll probably go for a future protagonist is 'almost done with high school'-age.
Overall, I think a lot of gameplay problems can be traced back to being too slavishly dedicated to making SWAK concise and that most writing problems were due to me not fleshing out Chris and Katie enough and going a bit too far with the 'younger' protagonist, 'older' love interest route.
Now with all this out of the way, here's the release of v1.0. It now has a title screen and during the morning period you can choose to skip the day via interacting with Chris' bed. The skip *should* stop you from skipping past day 89.
- 90 day time limit. I've updated the intro to mention it. Also changed the stat menu, so now it reads 'Total Days: x / 90'.
- Added endings. Once you hit day 90 your ending will then trigger in the Afternoon period. If you didn't reach the blowjob event you'll get Ending A. If you reached the blowjob event but not the sex one you'll get Ending B. If you did reach the sex event you'll get Ending C.
- Free play mode. After you see your ending you'll get transported to Chris' room during the morning period. From there you can endlessly play the game and see events, giving you access to any new events I might add later.
- Ability to replay endings. Once you enter free play mode you can see the endings via clicking on the Menu button when in Chris' room.
This is technically v1.0 in terms of content but given my track-record with bugs I figured there'd probably be something that doesn't work right, so I'll save v1.0 for the inevitable bugfix update. If anything's broken report it below and I'll try to fix it as soon as I can. Also, as I talked about in an older post, I've been very conservative with my version numbering, basically adding a 0.01 to it for every new scene or feature added, so even if I added every event that I ever had a passing thought about there's no chance this game was getting to v1.00 that way.
As for the endings themselves, they turned out better than I thought they would. When I sat down to start working on them I only really had vague (and I thought somewhat lackluster) ideas for them but as I began writing them I really got into them and fleshed them out pretty well. They all begin in the same basic way but quickly diverge. Ending A and B turned out to be more 'bad ending'-ish than I originally envisioned but I like the final result and they make Ending C all the better.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the endings and find them a good conclusion to the game. I still have a couple of ideas left for scenes (mostly just regular sex scenes for the living room, pool, and Katie's bedroom -- nothing really major like Cohabitation's prostitution events) but for now I'll be moving onto Cursed.
I'll put up a new post on the 5th talking about what I have planned for June.
- New relationship scene during dinner. After you've finally had sex with Katie, just choose to help prepare dinner during the evening.
- New relationship scene during breakfast. After you've seen the morning kitchen sex scene, just choose to have breakfast with Katie.
- New relationship scene during the night. After you've seen the nighttime living room sex scene, just choose to watch TV with Katie.
- New shower sex scene. After you've seen the first sex scene with Katie in Chris' room you can now choose to have sex in the shower during the Noon period.
What's New:
- First sex scene. Once you've maxed out the Scholastic Improvement and Affection stats then the next time you go into Chris' room during the Afternoon period an event will automatically play.
- Night time living room sex scene. After you've seen the above then the next time you go into the living room at night when Katie's there a scene will play.
- Morning sex scene. After you've seen the first sex scene then the next time you go into the kitchen during the morning period a scene will play.
- Repeat versions of the above.
- 69 affection event. After you've seen the reward blowjob event and have Katie's affection at 70 or higher then an event should trigger automatically during the midnight period in Chris' room.
- Pool event. Once you've seen the pool titjob event and have Katie's affection to at least 50 then a new event should trigger automatically when you go to the pool during the Afternoon period when Katie's there.
- New cooking event. In the kitchen when Katie's there during the Evening period, the next time you cook with her you should get a new variation of the event once her affection is over 50 and you've helped her cook at least once.
- Repeatable versions of the above.
- Fixed a few issues.
- Blowjob reward event. Need to have seen the titjob reward event and have your scholastic improvement stat to at least 70. With all those requirements met this will trigger the next time you enter Chris' bedroom during the Afternoon period.
- Morning BJ. After you've seen the above then the next time you talk to Katie in the morning you'll get an option to fool around with her.
- Shower BJ. After you've seen the reward BJ scene then the next time you take a shower with Katie during the Noon period you'll get a blowjob option.
- Repeatable versions of the above.
- Added images for when Chris studies. There's one for daytime and nighttime.
- Chris can now take a shower, which will lower arousal. You can only do this after you've seen the first forced HJ scene, since otherwise it'd probably mess up the early game flow.
- On the weekends Chris can swim during the morning and noon periods to reduce arousal. He can also swim during the Afternoon but that will increase arousal. Both the solo and the one with Katie have their own image.
- During the Noon period if Chris joins Katie for a shower he can now ask for a titjob. The only requirement is to have seen the original shower HJ scene.
- During the night Chris can get a handjob from Katie while they're watching TV together. To see it you'll need to have watched TV with her at night at least once and have seen the titjob reward scene. This also has a repeatable version.
SWAK v0.30
What's New:
- Morning kitchen handjob. After you've seen the midnight affection fingering scene then the next time you fool around with Katie in the morning this will trigger.
- Repeatable version of the above. After you've seen that scene then the next time you fool around with Katie in the kitchen during the morning period you'll get a list of options, with a handjob being one of them.
- Titjob reward scene. After you've seen the midnight affection fingering scene and have the scholastic improvement stat to at least 56 then this should trigger automatically during the Afternoon period.
- Repeatable version of the above. Click on your bed during the Afternoon period, call up Katie, and the titjob should be a new option.
- Pool titjob. After you've seen the reward titjob scene then the next time you fool around with Katie by the pool this should happen automatically.
- Repeatable version of the above. After you've seen that scene then the next time you fool around with Katie near pool then you'll get a list of options, with a titjob being one of them.
- Fixed some typos.
This was meant to have the shower handjob scene but unfortunately the shower in the current map I'm using for the bathroom is too small to work. So I have to find a new one, which means re-creating old images that use it, too. I plan to release another small update around the middle of the month that'll have the shower handjob scene in it.
As much as I love the look of how the robe hangs off her body I had to nix it for the morning handjob scene. The way she has to kneel in order to give a handjob made the robe clip into itself horribly and very noticeably, especially the belt. I tried to fix it with different poses and morphs but so long as she was on her knees it would always look like crap. I also tried to hide by zooming in so that you couldn't see below her torso but I liked the look of her on her knees in front of Chris too much.
I'm still looking for a good cum material to use. Everything I've tried still looks too thick or otherwise fake. The facials I use have their own cum material that looks great and realistic but unfortunately don't work well with anything else. A lot of liquid materials in general also catch the light in weird ways making them look strange and off.
Anyway, outside of that small mid-month update I plan to put out another regular SWAK update either at the end of October or the beginning of November.
- Willing handjob event. This should automatically activate during the Afternoon period once you've seen the Masturbate Together affection event and have your Scholastic Improvement stat to 42 or above.
- To see the repeatable version of the above just click on Chris' bed during the Afternoon period, select 'Call Katie', and then 'Handjob'.
- Finger Katie event. This should automatically activate during the Midnight period once you've seen the above handjob event and have Katie's affection stat at 35 or above.
- The repeatable version of the fingering scene is viewable by clicking on Katie in her room during the Midnight period then selecting 'Finger Katie'.
- Fixed some typos I noticed in older content.
What's New:
- You can now masturbate onto Katie by the pool. To see it you need to have seen the regular masturbate onto scene and then go to the pool during the Afternoon period when Katie's out there. The 'cum' material used for this scene isn't great. For some reason when I finally updated Daz3D from 4.10 to 4.11 it broke the material I usually use, so I had to use something new.
- Repeatable version of the above. After seeing the original version you can choose to either grope or masturbate onto Katie when you interact with her near the pool during the Afternoon period.
- The small chat scene with Katie during the Morning period in the kitchen will now change once your affection with her reaches at least 25. The picture for it is new but is mostly the original one just with Katie looking happy rather than miserable.
- Once your affection with Katie reaches 20 a scene in Chris' bedroom will trigger with him asking her for help with his school work. Afterward you can choose to study with Katie during the afternoon period in Chris' room. You have a 50/50 chance of Katie being knowledgeable about the subject, which will change how effective the study session is.
- New status menu. When you click on 'Menu' and choose 'Stats' you'll now get an entire screen dedicated to your stats. It's not quite as slick and flashy as I originally envisioned it but it's a lot better than the dinky plain textbox.
I originally wanted this update to focus on adding in/updating affection scenes but the level of intimacy between Katie and Chris I had in mind for them still didn't make much sense for where the game's currently at. The upcoming handjob & fingering scenes will change that.
I'll be doing another post on Friday about what I plan to work on this month for both SWAK and Cohabitation.
Fixes a black-screen bug with the repeat 'Masturbate Together' scene
Fixed black screen bug with second friday event. Fixed issues with several variables.
- Fully nude grope & masturbate onto reward. To see this you must have already done the affection kissing event and have your scholastic improvement to 28 or above. Once those requirements are met the event should trigger automatically during the Afternoon period in Chris' room.
- Repeat of the above. Once you've see the original you can do the repeat version by clicking on Chris' bed during the Afternoon period and selecting it.
- Masturbate together. After you've seen the above masturbate onto event and Katie's affection is at 20 or higher then this should trigger automatically once the Midnight period begins.
- Repeat of the above. Once you've seen the original you can do the repeat version by visiting Katie in her room at Midnight, clicking on her, and selecting it.
- Morning masturbate onto. After you've seen the above then in the mornings when Katie is in the kitchen, click on her and select to grope her. This new event will play out.
- Repeat of the above. Once you've seen the original then when Katie's in the kitchen during the morning, choose to grope her and during the event you'll get the choice to either continuing just to grope her or to masturbate.
- Changed the text size to 32. I tried to find a plugin that'd allow the player to change the text size either in-game or via an external .ini file but couldn't find anything. So, if it's still too small then tell me so down below and I'll up it even more. I ran through a few events with the next text size and they seem to work but it might still have broken something somewhere, so if anyone notices any problems with it just report them below and I'll try to fix them.
- Went back through some of the old events and added a message telling the player about the various stat changes caused by the event.
What's New:
- Kissing affection scene. During the Midnight period in Chris' room an event should automatically play once you've seen the groping reward scene and Katie's affection is at 10 or higher.
- Repeatable version of the above. After seeing the original scene you can choose to do it again by interacting with Katie in her room during the Midnight (final) period.
- Repeatable version of the original groping scene. After seeing the above kissing event you can choose to grope her again in Chris' room by interacting with his bed during the Afternoon period.
- Breakfast with Katie event. During the morning period you can see this by interacting with her in the kitchen.
- Morning groping event. After seeing the kissing event you can then interact with Katie when she's in the kitchen during the Morning period. Has a repeatable version with some text differences.
- Poolside groping event. After seeing the kissing event you can then interact with Katie when she's at the pool during the Afternoon period. This also has a repeatable version with slight text differences.
- Some cleanup of typos and other such crap.
The download links will be up in a separate posts for patrons once they're done uploading in about 30 ~ 60 minutes.
For April I'll be doing a small mid-month update of SWAK that'll include the next reward event (exploring her body and masturbating onto her) and the next affection event. They were supposed to be for this update but I didn't complete them in time. After that I'll hopefully be back on track to where I wanted to be before getting sick derailed everything.
For additional groping scenes, I have one extra in mind. It has them sort of cuddling and watching TV together as Chris gropes and plays with her body but it seemed too intimate for where they're supposed to be at now, so I decided to save it. Describing Chris groping her chest was also getting really repetitive. For a midnight one, he's already groping her during the kissing scene, so I thought that worked well enough as one.
- Intro (I redid all the images from the old preview version I released months ago and re-wrote some of it)
- All currently planned mechanics implemented plus an explanation for them.
- All currently planned maps with their backgrounds.
- A handful of daily events to raise your various stats.
- A scholastic improvement reward event. Get this stat to 14 and this event should then play during the next afternoon period automatically.
- Coerced handjob event. After you've seen the above event then once your Arousal stat hits 100 this should automatically play at the next Evening period. Your arousal stat won't go above 49 until you've seen the above event.
- Repeatable version of the coerced handjob event. To see this once you've seen the first version of it then when your Arousal hits 100 it'll automatically play during the next Afternoon period.
I'd recommend making a save after you've seen the scholastic improvement reward event and starting from there when I release the next version. Otherwise you might get your stats up too high and have a ton of events firing off right as you start the game.
This isn't quite the grand first release for this I originally hoped for. A lot of work did go into it but the majority of it was background stuff - building the mechanics and not only getting them to work but to work well with each other. Getting all the tags on the maps set-up was also a fair amount of tedious, repetitive work. I also had to re-do old images due to a gulf in quality between them and the new ones, plus I changed the look of some of the locations. I'll upload some stuff below showcasing the changes. This would've been v0.10 but I couldn't decide on a good title picture (I had one of Katie on the sofa but her laying there alone was kinda bland) and I couldn't complete the breakfast event in time (the robe she wears in the morning is a complete pain in the ass to work with, having a lot of problems with clipping, but I like the look of it too much to give it up).
I have all the content planned out, including what stats you need at what level to unlock them, plus the general flow of the game (which will be: scholastic improvement reward > affection event > opening of repeatable versions of the previous two plus other events tied to them > next improvement reward), so work and updates on the game should be fairly smooth. Being that this is the beginning of the game Chris' and Katie's relationship is still tepid, so the events between them will get lengthier as the game goes on.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy what's available and look forward to more. I'll do another post on the second Friday of next month laying out whatever I have planned for February.
Тему отредактировал: admin - 27-12-2023, 13:39
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена русская версия v.1.07 / Topic updated. Added Russian version v.1.07. Большое спасибо за перевод slonik13.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена русская версия v.1.07 / Topic updated. Added Russian version v.1.07. Большое спасибо за перевод slonik13.
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