Закладки Ничто Не Может Остановить Меня / Nothing Stops Me (Nothing Can Stop Me) [v.2.8 Rus / v.Final] (2020) (Rus/Eng) [RPGM] [Completed] [DDfunlol]

Ничто Не Может Остановить Меня / Nothing Stops Me (Nothing Can Stop Me) [v.2.8 Rus / v.Final] (2020) (Rus/Eng) [RPGM] [Completed] [DDfunlol]
Ничто Не Может Остановить Меня / Nothing Stops Me (Nothing Can Stop Me) [v.2.8 Rus / v.Final] (2020) (Rus/Eng) [RPGM] [Completed] [DDfunlol]
Джефф и его две двоюродные сестры Меган и Карен живут у тети и дяди. Начинаются каникулы, а его компьютер не работает. Это дерьмо, когда ты любишь гиков. Чтобы починить его, нужны деньги. Деньги не падают с неба, их нужно добыть. Ни угрызений совести, ни жалости, только деньги важны.

Jeff and his two cousins Megan and Karen live with their aunt and uncle. It's the beginning of the holidays and his PC is down. It's shit when you like geek. It takes money to fix it. Money doesn't come from the sky, you have to get it. Don't have any remorse, no pity, only the money counts.​
Same Dev of Marie's, New Day and Saturday Night
Warning: Saves don't work due the new quest log.

Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, animated, blackmail, cheating, creampie, groping, incest, internal view, interracial, male protagonist, ntr, oral, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: DDfunlol - Patreon
Перевод: drocht
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: [Completed]
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.2.8 Rus / v.Final
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский

Тему отредактировал: admin - 17-11-2024, 13:43
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.Final. / Topic updated. Added English version v.Final.

Пароль на архив / Archive password:

Downloaded from Porno-Island

Загрузил: admin (17 ноября 2024 13:43) Статус: Проверено (admin)
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Взяли: 3973 | Размер: 8,36 Gb
Раздают: 5 Качают: 18 Скачали: 872
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 7 Качают: 12 Скачали: 406
Nothing_Can_Stop_Me (11 файлов)
Eng (6 файлов)
txt NCSM_V2.9_HELP.txt (2,58 Kb)
zip Nothing_Can_Stop_Me_End_game_-_Win.zip (4,43 Gb)
zip Nothing_stop_me_Help.zip (3,32 Mb)
rar Walkthrough NCSM V2.7.rar (5,91 Mb)
rar Xmass.rar (59,68 Mb)
rar save.rar (101,41 Kb)
Rus (5 файлов)
txt NCSM_V2.9_HELP.txt (2,58 Kb)
zip Nothing stop me V.8-Rus.zip (3,85 Gb)
zip Nothing_stop_me_Help.zip (3,32 Mb)
rar Walkthrough NCSM V2.7.rar (5,91 Mb)
txt Пароль на архив_ Archive password.txt (2,07 Kb)


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Jul 7 at 11:13am

Thank you for your support.

I have no excuse for my delay!

With 7 days delay, I thank you for your support.

I am always happy to see that you are there to support me:)

This month I was able to invest in a new graphics card.

This is a huge time saving and also in terms of quality.

Thank you for that!

Otherwise, it is July 7....

A version of Saturday Night should be available later today.

I still have some corrections to do.

This version will only be available to you.

It won't be version 4! It's more like a presentation!

Information on this version will be available with the link.

Take care of yourself and the people you love.
Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 7 июля 2019 18:03

Jun 30 at 5:11am
Saturday Night infos.

I know, it seems very hard to find clues that will help Naomie find this guy :)

I did a very big job on the next version.

-More interaction with the game, and I won't tell you that there is also interactions with some animations!

-On the presentation of the game.

You can easily move "menu, code room, game".

I have already said it? I probably repeat it because I am really happy with what I have managed to do.

-The three "alternative endings", a girl friend helped me to write the dialogues. (she's a little crazy but it's cool)

She knew how to put some softness where I'm too hard!

The one that was available in the previous version is completely different, we kept the images but we redid all the dialogues, it was not easy!

-99% of the stars in the game were replaced by words.

-In the next version, all choices will have a real impact on the game, alternative endings or others.

It's up to you to find them!

For now, the backup files are still compatible, I'll try to keep it that way.

Normally, a trial/demo version will be available this week.

I will take the time necessary to make as many corrections as possible so that you have a good game!

More information soon.

Take care of yourself and the people you love.
Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 2 июля 2019 12:51
Apr 29 at 8:27am


The sending of the game and the images folder is very long.

The links will be available as soon as possible.

take care of yourself and the people you love.
Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 5 мая 2019 14:16
Apr 26 at 8:35pm


you waited almost 3 months for an update.

Some will have to wait a little longer. because I have changed the delivery times.

It is normal that a person who participates more must have advantages.

As you help me, it is normal that I also do something for you.

The latest version of the game "Nothing cant stop me" will be available more quickly.

This will allow you to wait less time for the next updates.

Thank you for your trust and patience.

Take care of yourself and the people you love, this is the most important.
Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 27 апреля 2019 22:24

Apr 23 at 5:22pm

And during that time...

While I work on the end of "nothing can stop me ", I continue to enlarge the next version of "Saturday night ".

The game will be a little more complicated.

There will be more choices to make during the dialogues.

The bad endings are done, the missing plug is added.

More information later.

Take care of yourself and the people you love.
Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 25 апреля 2019 22:04
Apr 3 at 5:32pm
Thank you for your support.

Thank you again for your support and above all, your patience.

The game "nothing can stop me" will be available in one or two days.

A complete help file will be available as well as a folder with almost all images, + 2500.

Ps : I'm doing the last tests.

Unfortunately the final version is not finished, it will be version 2.5.

For the v3, all the images and animations are finished, but there are still the dialogues to write.

And I really want to correct a maximum of translation errors before making it available.

I wanted to make a very dirty game, it's done!

Take care of yourself and the people you love.
Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 3 апреля 2019 18:48

Mar 17 at 11:39pm
Nothing can stop me : Game information

I know I'm late on the latest version of "nothing can stop me ".

But you'll understand why.

There is a lot of images and animation in this version.

Lots of places to visit...

And a lot of dialogues to write and to check.

I understand that people can be impatient.

Know that I had a lot of fun writing this game.

I try my best to make the game available as soon as possible.

200% porn game.

Take care of yourself and the people you love.
Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 18 марта 2019 22:34

Mar 5 at 5:40am

Informations :)


Excuse me for being late.

Thank you for your support for the month of February.

As you notice, I'm late on "Nothing can stop me " :)

But I have a good reason and I know you'll like it.

I added a lot of stuff in the version 3.

Today the game contains almost 80/100 animations, and I think, between 1500 and 2000 images, maybe more.

There will be simple quests, and a quest diary.

If you thought that the version 2 was a bit dirty, wait for version 3.

I'm working on the last part of the game.

Then there will be very quickly a small update of "Saturday Night".

Adding bad ends.

Then I would work on the next version of the game.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Take care of yourself and the people you love.
Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 5 марта 2019 15:41
Jan 24 at 6:17am


  • 26 января 2019 21:40
1 2

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