Борьба с грехом - это история фантастического мира в разгар гражданской войны.
Растущие налоги и набеги орков и бандитов заставляют каждого жителя деревни в первую очередь действовать в соответствии со своими собственными потребностями.
Станете ли вы таким же, как другие в этом коррумпированном обществе? Или вы останетесь верны себе и найдете выход из хаоса, который вас окружает?
A Struggle With Sin is the story of a fantasy world in the midst of a civil war.
Rising taxes and raids by orcs and bandits make each villager act according to their own needs first.
Will you become like the others in this corrupt society? Or will you stay true to yourself and find a way out of the chaos that surrounds you?
Переименовывать папку с игрой нельзя.
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 3DCG, 2D game, Male protagonist, Fantasy, Animated, Adventure, Corruption, Lactation, MILF, Monster girl, Vaginal sex, Anal sex , Big ass, Big tits, Blackmail, Voyeurism, RPG, Groping, Virgin, Ntr (optional), Netori (separated from NTR), Combat, Incest, Transformation, Religion, Drugs, Monster, Cheating, Oral sex, Creampie, Combat, Turn based combat, Sexual harassment, Interracial, Sex toys, Masturbation, Group sex, Multiple penetration, Pregnancy, Spanking, Prostitution
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Chyos - Patreon - Subscribestar - Wiki
Перевод: Rexus
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v. Rus / v. Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (Смена языка в настройках)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
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v0.6.0.0c - 2025-02-25
v0.6.0.0a - 2025.02.21
Good evening,
I still wonder how I got here... Sunday night almost 2am...
Right, I thought I could finish this update this Saturday until noon to finally put an endpoint to it... so that I wouldn't have to write another weekly report in which I tell you that I still need more time because for some reason even after all this work this week it's not done yet.
So now it is done, at least in part... But to a degree that you at least can enjoy some of it. I had planned 2 routes for Ugotha and 1 of them (dominance route) is currently only to 90% finished. Because of that I now put a hard breakpoint to that route so that the events there are blocked for now and you can't complete it (I don't want you to run into unfinished events). The other route (loverote) can be completed.
So that all the work today was not in vain I publish this version now. I'm not entirely happy with it, but not publishing it would also feel wrong after all the work I put into it today.
I will continue to work on this on monday and then also add in the content for Snikka which is also still not added. and you will also get a full changelog from me.
But right now I'm too tired to look through everything to write it properly.
Edit 02/18/25: By now both routes can be completed and as promised here the full changelog since
New Flail and Club weapons that you can craft starting at iron
New weapon animations for all weapons (will only show for newly gathered weapons after this update, you can use the bow&arrow north of Arenfield to update your gear)
Expanded the scene with Bianca in Arenfield with 4 animations (more about that at the end of this post)
A new quest will begin after you completed the rescue mission in the mine. If you complete that quest after this update 1 week must pass before you can trigger it, for everyone who already did it the only condition is that you have at least 1 mercenary stationed at the mine. Then visit your camp, Lyvia has to be there to give you a briefing.
New content for Gavina, will only trigger after you reached the deeper mine and you must have completed all of her previous progression (up to completing her anal training quest).
New scene with Bianca at home involving Gavina
New content for Bianca & Gritz (Option for the MC to join in)
Bianca can now join the MC's party outside for other quests around Arenfield after her quest is completed.
1 small scene for Snikka (Didn't want to go too deep into character progression with her due to time limitations)
Content for Ugotha, 2 routes for her with animations and interactions around the goblin village.
Helena & Yasmine's christmas scene - can be replayed during december ingame or rl december.
New animation for Kate at the Old boars inn in the afternoon
Claire's anal and mating press animation from Old boars inn can now be played at her bed at the Drunken Fox when going to bed.
New gear and new enemies - I have scaled down hp scaling for enmies to make fight's a little shorter.
Rework of Lyvia's and Bianca's dialog images + Made combat sprites for Bianca, Bianca can now join your group in the mine and has some (almost overpowered) new skills that I made for her.
New characters with sprites & dialog images (Mostly goblins)
2 new maps
1 adjusted and 1 new defeat scene for the mine with the goblins.
New music - I also added an option for those who perfer music without lyrics to turn it off in the options menu (Needs to be done from the menu after you started to play)
Smaller changes: You can now convince Nyra to help you with Umah even if she isn't your wanita, Corven will now let you learn skills (like building traps) even if you didn't complete Arianna's quest.
A lot of bugfixes! Again thank you for all the reports! If you want details on everything check the bugreport channel on the discord.
v0.5.9.7 Test
1 new map
2 new animations with Kate at the old boar's inn
Claire's anal animations are now available at night in her bedroom at the Drunken Fox
New scene for Bianca at home if you completed Gavina's content up to the point that she got new clothes
New dialog images & sprite for Tia
New scene with Tia & Dwain at the camp
New scene with Maui & Dasan (fanmade scene by Xenowave! A big thank you to him for his work on this scene!) - It is a continuation of the scene with Umah & Maui
New automation functions for mercenary management (I hope they all work correctly) You can also build an additional tent at the camp to house more mercenaries.
A lot of smaller changes that I can't all recall (Things like editing Yasmine's old ride animation in the livingroom slightly so that her butt doesn't look so edgy)
Bugfixes! A lot of them. Thank you to all of you who reported them in the past month!
v0.5.9.6 - 2025-01-08
In the end it wasn't possible without some crunch on the finishline, but it was definitly worth it! In the last hour I added another animation which I just HAD to add... totally worth sleeping one less hour for it. ;) - In case you wonder, yes the title image has nothing to do with the current scene, that's from Athia's christmas special 2022.
Ok I'm not going to spoil anything about the scene other than you already know... Only that to start the little quest you must have had Sex with Helena and Yasmine then the quest should start when you are in Arenfield and it is either December ingame or December in Real life (so just now). The scene has a repeatable option, but it currently isn't available as a dream scene... I might add that in the future, but for now it isn't planned. Krampus now also has a new reward if you haven't slayn him this year already (If you did you must pass another ingame year to kill him again).
v0.5.9.5 - 2024-12-06
New Flail and Club weapons that you can craft starting at iron
New weapon animations for all weapons (will only show for newly gathered weapons after this update, you can use the bow&arrow north of Arenfield to update your gear)
Expanded the scene with Bianca in Arenfield with 4 animations (more about that at the end of this post)
A new quest will begin after you completed the rescue mission in the mine. If you complete that quest after this update 1 week must pass before you can trigger it, for everyone who already did it the only condition is that you have at least 1 mercenary stationed at the mine. Then visit your camp, Lyvia has to be there to give you a briefing.
New content for Gavina, will only trigger after you reached the deeper mine and you must have completed all of her previous progression (up to completing her anal training quest).
New gear and new enemies (During my tests I noticed that on the higher level which the goblins can have the damage calculation is really really off. This is something I will work on in the next days so that the fight's don't take that long!)
Rework of Lyvia's and Bianca's dialog images + Made combat sprites for Bianca, Bianca can now join your group in the mine and has some (almost overpowered) new skills that I made for her.
New characters with sprites & dialog images
1 new map
1 adjusted and 1 new defeat scene for the mine with the goblins.
New music (I still have an earworm)
In total ~880 New/reworked images in this update (Some more transition and nonesex animations)
Smaller changes: You can now convince Nyra to help you with Umah even if she isn't your wanita, Corven will now let you learn skills (like building traps) even if you didn't complete Arianna's quest.
A lot of bugfixes! Thank you all again for the reports... I still have some more reports pending in my pm's that I couldn't all work on, but I will go through them in the coming days.
v0.5.9.1 - 2024-11-01
New animations and interactions with Lilly
Smaller changes and bugfixes
v. - 2024-10-27
fixed: Kicking out Henry freezes the game, Dialog at Penny's table got disabled after completing the quest, Entering coldstone 2nd floor causes getting stuck, Coldstone estate map freezing during day (after talking to farmers), Entering the barn is impossible if not progressed Kate's story, Problems with Dave & Penny's scene (involving Henry), typos and other smaller problems;
Added: Alternative dialog when renovating the MC's house after doing Penny's quest (before interaction with Emily happened). - Big thanks to marniakeur and the others who reported these bugs!
v0.5.8.7 - 2024-09-25
it's gotten again late, but now Ophilia's scene is finally done!
This one has really cost me some nerves. Kate's drinking event needed several changes for this scene to properly work. I have also been working on an additional scene with Rick & Ophilia that originally wasn't planned - But during my work on the scene I decided that without it something would be missing in the buildup, so I added it. To trigger the new content you have to play Kate's serving game in the tavern. If Ophilia is serving there as well and the MC has progressed with her up to the current end of her story. You can call her over for a drink, Rick or the MC can then pay and give her a tip - For Rick this will require some getting to know before she sits down (not possible in ntr off mode). If she sits with the MC and Rick until the end of the evening she will be drunk and either the MC or MC & Rick will have to bring her upstairs.
A little bit of progressing is necessary to see all scenes, but I will leave the exploring part to you. ;)
On top of the bonus scene I also finally added Ophilias dream scene! It has a few variations and has a random chance to play with different corruption states or drunken/not drunken. It will get available after you progressed Ophilia up to the point where she changes her looks.
The scene at the huntinground has gotten a small update (Tia & Orcs) also finally fixed the animation... Sorry, wasn't aware it was broken until I played it through.
Also fixed the MC's jerk off scene with Tia in the mine... the scene still has grass on all areas, and looking at the prevote on discord this won't change anytime soon... well maybe when I get too frustrated by it
v0.5.8.6a - 2024-09-24
v0.5.8.6 Test - 2024-09-06
•Maps: Reworked the Deep forest map, added 3 more maps which can be found Southeast of Arenfield (leave downhill next to the waterfall).
•Continuation of Penny's quest with new animations and scenes for her. (~700 images)
•Rebalance of some of the item prices. Penny will now also sell roosters if there is more than 1 in the chickencoop as well as eggs if there are more than 10. As part of the quest she will also have cows that can get pregnant and that will produce milk which is currently only used to boost Penny's income. The mill will also produce flour which Penny will bake into breads (The mill produces 2 flour per day and Penny can bake max 3 bread per day)
•Penny will also have to pay taxes now, there is a possible interaction with Dave, can be prevented by either making sure Penny has enough money (you can now also put gold into her lockbox) or by interacting with Dave directly when he collects the taxes. The tax collection will only begin after the quest has progressed to that point. there is also an additional quest that shows how many days are left until the next payment. (for the future I plan to replace this with an overview screen, but for now that would be overkill in terms of workload)
•A new named merc at the camp that allows you to recruit mercenaries directly. He will come to your camp after you lost the first merc in any way. After that you can of course also send him off, in that case he won't show off again.
•Bugfixes! (For details check the discord channel) As always a big thanks to all of you for the reports!
Hotfix - 2024-07-11
Fixed an image bug with Tia&Brigands, Fixed a freeze bug with Frisha&Grant
Hotfix - 2024-06-21
Fixed an endless loop with Hiba&Tomak, Fixed chicken coop, Fixed bug with Gwen's sexscene getting stuck, Fixed no choices when spying on Mira
Fixed image stuttering for the Hiba/Dasan BJ scene, Added: The transition with Penny to the Coldstone estate is now longer so that the player knows where it actually is.
Complete rework of Ayita's content. Reworked all animations, added additional animations where they were missing + reworked her sprites and dialog images. + Continued her story up to the point where she is claimable (only on non Dasan route and only if women aren't free for all men)
Added a love route for Hiba (alternatively to her corruption route, after raising her affection to 3 interact with her at the fire in the evening) + reworked her dialog images
3some scene with Ayita & Hiba (dialog for this one came a bit short, I'm sorry for that, and it will be expanded in the future, but right now I really wanted a closure)
New animation for Tia at the fire (I couldn't resist, it felt so bad that you would only be able to call her over just so you could say goodnight)
Complete rework of the Firescene in general, the way the scene was before didn't work with the new features it now has. But that is something you will see for yourself
All other interactions between women and other men near the fire are now animated (Hiba/Tomak, Ayita/Dasan, Tia/Dasan. You can now also watch them while sitting at the fire in the evening
Added a small animation for Hiba/Dasan (BJ scene without background).
All together the bonus scene had 1645 new images.
Rework of some of Penny's early dialog and events. Added new animations to some of the existing events (no rework of old animations) - It's now also finally possible to have vaginal sex with her in the masturbate event.
New Quest for Penny, will begin in the middle of her normal progression (can also be started afterwards by talking to her when she is on the field)
Added some a new scene for her in the morning (you must complete her new quest up to the point where you get the reminder that the rest will come in and then stay the night in her bed, this is now also possible on the Henry route). (in total 530 new images)
1 new scene with Henry & Penny
3 new characters with sprites and dialog images, more to come for them in
2 new maps (to the south of the fields map)
Traps can now also catch chicken and rooster (can be put into the chicken coop, after you built it) - for chicken to hatch you need at least 1 chicken and 1 rooster in the chicken coop. Chicken will lay eggs every day with a certain chance. This will require some more balancing in the future.
New icons for the time of day. They have also been added to the waiting menu to make it more intuitive.
Another round of bugfixes, again thank you for all the reports! (for details on this check the bugreport channel on discord)
And that should be it... I hope I didn't forget anything important...
Hotfix - 2024-05-07
Fixed problems with Claire at the old boar inn (After you shared her with Bjorn she went wild), Fixed interaction with Claire at the drunken fox at night when she thought Kate was in bed when that wasn't the case.
Fixed another dialog bug with Carmen on the love route
Fixed problems with the final step before Kirlic on Kate's quest. Fixed a bug with disabling choices on Carmen's love route.
Good morning,
feels like we had this recently already... right, same as last week.
I've decided to make this update not only so that you can see what I've done over the past week but also so that those of you who want can help me smooth out problems that will probably still be in this version. I've been running tests over the past 2 hours, but I didn't test out every decision along the way of the sharing route for Claire and Bjorn.
For those of you unaware how to trigger this content at all I'll write a short how to at the bottom of this post. For those who aren't into sharing at all I've added a new animation for Claire in the MC's bedroom.
So (very) short changelog:
Continued content for the sharing route for Claire & Bjorn (4 animations)
New animation in the MC's bedroom (2 animations)
You can now sort relations alphabetical in the relations window (if it doesn't work when pressing R you must open it through the menu (esc-> relations))
At the monastery storyline it is now possible to ally with Syfa and betray (imprison/banish) her in the end (this allows you to corrupt the other priestesses)
bugfixes, thanks for all the reports! (see discord bugreport channel)
Now short about how to trigger the sharing content:
In the morning talk to Bjorn and Carmen in the tavern, this will cause Bjorn to go upstairs. After that have sex with Claire in the hallway, this will draw Bjorn's attention (since he is upstairs). Now to continue you must lose more than 3 gold to him in poker/Blackjack then he will ask you to take Claire to his bedroom. Follow the dialogue from there (there is no questlog for this).
v0.5.7.8 - 2024-04-22
Continued content for the sharing route for Claire & Bjorn (4 animations)
New animation in the MC's bedroom (2 animations)
You can now sort relations alphabetical in the relations window (if it doesn't work when pressing R you must open it through the menu (esc-> relations))
At the monastery storyline it is now possible to ally with Syfa and betray (imprison/banish) her in the end (this allows you to corrupt the other priestesses)
Bugfixes, thanks for all the reports! (see discord bugreport channel)
New Pokerdice game that you can play with Bjorn after you took all his money by playing Blackjack with him
New scene for Kate on the way to the old boar inn and while you're there in the afternoon
2 New scene with Claire in the morning at the old boar inn (10 animations + transitions)
Bugfixes (Thank you all for the reports!)
Fixed positioning bugs with Claire, fixed scene with Claire in the hallway, fixed problems with Claire's early quest in the cellar, fixed a bug with the monastery quest changelog - 2024-03-26
-Gavina's bonus scene (in case you haven't played it already)
-Dream system to replay scenes that became unavailable (Only scenes you have activated are available, currently there are 4: 2 for Emily (ntr with bandits, Marcus/Emily); 1 Imawyn in cell, 1 Gavina&Bianca + Tia&Lyvia with goblins) Next on the to do list is Ophilia when she was drunk (will be added in
-Rework of Toren, Odric & Kyle + their scenes and other images
-3 new maps (+ 1 for transition but that doesn't really count)
-New character sprites & dialoge images for Kate, Claire, Carmen and Bjorn
-1 scene for Kate & Claire (5 animations + transitions)
-1 small scene for Carmen & Bjorn (1 animation)
A lot of bugfixes. Again a big thank you to all of you! I got a lot of pm's and reports on discord and I fixed things like Tia never confronting Katherin about MC and her having sex (can be triggered during dinner at Katherin's); Emily could get stuck in progression if you never rescued her from bandit camp but then captured Imawyn (now there is a new dialoge in which she is happy about the news that Imawyn got captured, this will also unstuck the quest should it be at that state) + many other smaller and bigger things that I can't recall all.
v0.5.7.0с - 2024-01-23
Updated combat system with new combat animations for the MC
Yasmine & Liandra bonus scene + scene with Giron&Liandra & transformation option at camp
New BJ scene with Kate at the inn inside the MC's room when you go there with Kate in the evening
You can now put sleepwine into Kate's bottle near the bed (hard to see without toggleing UI off, see toggle UI later on) to have fun with Claire. (so that you don't have to interact with Kate that evening).
Reworked dialogue images for: Marcus, MC, Thomas, Corven
Reworked the hunting images + added a small animation to it
Fixed some images on Emily's kidnapp event
Reworked some of the intro images (Van & Eric)
The Lucius Potion quest has been changed a little to make the intro more fluid (Making it easier for new players), Same goes for the quest at the inn (to give the player some pointer on what to do).
Balanced out quest xp depending on level. (if you still find quest rewards where you get multiple levelups please let me know! I will probably have missed some)
Emily's relationship is now optional (you can reject her offer the first time she invites you into her bed)
Tia and Claire now have a quest which will guide you through their early stages (For Tia after you got the quest from Emily, for Claire it will start after you either talk to Thomas about getting a room or the next morning when Claire and Thomas talk)
The King will now visit Arenfield after 14 days even if you didn't progress Frisha's quest. If you progress her quest he might come earlier
I reworked Early images of Claire (Lifted at the wall, she also got another angle for that, and the HJ scene)You can now also wake up Claire in the night if you already had sex with her. If she has 5C+ she is also willing to do it infront of Kate even if she's not drunk.
The Rumah timetable changes, Some new movement routes for Tia/Hiba/Raaisha/Ayita. If Tia is Dasan's wanita she will now visit his tent every night should the MC not brought her into his hut/have her in group.
Nyra Christmas event with new quest for Rumah in December (New animations for Nyra + more interaction with Tia/Dasan in the Chieftains tent should you be on that route)
Rework of Imawyn's early animations in her tent at the Bandit camp, some changes to dialogue & more options on how you can complete the quest (Killing the bandits) - The scene can now also be triggerd if Imawyn is corrupted later on in the game after you freed her from prison and then neglect her for a week.
Added an alternative task to help Claire in the kitchen, this also allows to trigger the cult quest without doing Claire's romance route (see next point).
Added a movement route for Thomas into the cellar on days where he isn't in his room. this also includes a detection system for him while going there with different reactions depending on where he spots the player. (allows the player to notice his secret should you watch him while he's in the cellar)
Deer and rabbits now trigger a run away trigger when they spot the player, after that they vanish
Added a boar for hunting (images for hunting/fighting and sprites for moving around) currently still working on the loot for that.
Slight changes to the huntinground, you can trigger hunting again should you not like the outcome (unless it's the orc party), you can light the fire near the lookout for cooking, boar's can now also spawn at the lookout
You can now get seeds from Penny while she is working on the field (you don't have to wait until dinner anymore), Penny has a new recipe you can learn (talk to her when she's cooking)
You can now toggle the UI on/off by pressing U. on existing saves you might have to set this in the keyboard config.
Sleeping now recovers HP/Energy based on the maximum HP/Energy of the MC (should be a lot more than before), Also changed the options for sleeping in the hay
Nerfed critical damage from x3 to x2 - Base damage of all weapons have been increased.
Rework of Julia's early dialogue/character progression - on existing saves you will probably have to do the event with fucking Yasmine infront of her again (this has been reset due to an additional progress variable)
Tin can now be found near rivers if you completed John's early smithing quest.
New recipe's for a studded armor & bronze weapons - to fill the gap of early level armor
Forging and sewing can now improve (there is a tab to see the current state under status) - Both will now also take time and cost energy. By improving it you will unlock upgrade slots on the armor/weapons (watch notification messages on that)
Mining now sometimes gives gems, gems can now be socketed into most weapons to improve stats, whetstones can be found during mining to upgrade weapon damage
New orc weapons have been added to the orc crafting recipe's (Bow, axe, sword, dagger), orc armor recipe's have been slightly changed and defence has been increased
Bugfixes - Everything you reported and everything I ran into during my own tests.
v0.5.6.8 - 2024-01-16
Good evening,
I've finally completed the implementation of the last animation for Nyra. There is more content for her inside her hut now. On Dasan's route you should wait until everyone is asleep inside to fully see the content (in case Tia visits there is a wait option), on vanilla route it should be possible at any time when she's in bed.
I also have plans to expand this scene a little further in (at least on the vanilla route).
What's also still missing is a repeatable version of the scene outside (both dance and sex) there is already an option for that, but for now it only triggers her normal naked scene (you can currently repeat the winterhowl event instead).
There will also be an option to go back to her old dress (for those who prefer it), but that is also still missing. So much to do, so little time!
So while still incomplete this update does have a few more things to try out. I've also implemented the changes to the Bandit camp (Emily doesn't have to be captured twice anymore) and you can trigger Tia's anal scene without claiming Hiba (after having sex with Tia 3 times she will mention it during sex in your hut, the old way via Hiba is ofc still possible).
As always: Old save files work as always. I've written a guide how you can transfer them. You can find it here: How to transfer saves
Should you run into any bugs, please report them via pm or by using the #bugreport channel on discord (Click + to create a new thread there) Thank you to anyone who takes the time to report bugs! All hotfixes will be listed below the links.
I know that this is a rather small update if you already played But at the same time I wanted to get it out before the year is over. This will most likely be my last update for this year, so completing the christmas content for Nyra was important to me. I know there are still the variations missing that I mentioned at the top of the post, still at least all animations are now implemented.
Next week I'll begin with the rework of Imawyn's old animations in her tent. I'll probably make some of the new versions then also available at the later stages when you freed her from prison.
But for now it's time to take a little break.
v. - 2023-12-25
Good afternoon,
I've just finished the work on update While the upload is still processing it's time to give you a quick review of the past week.
For the most part you can probably already guess what I've been doing: I worked on the animations for the scene with Nyra. Maybe I overdid that part a little so in the end I made more images than I was actually able to implement in the current update. 5 animations are currently missing that are all already finished (+tranistions).
I plan to add them next week right after the holidays in update Of course, I would have preferred to add them to already, but since today was my deadline for this version, I had to make some compromises.
What else is there to say: after getting a lot of feedback, I've decided to revise the MC's dialog images again next month. Many people didn't like my last rework, so I'll probably try to get some more feedback from you guys on discord for the next rework to make them as close as possible to the previous version, but still have a more updated look.
The release link for Wayfarer has been updated to here
The new version which then also includes the first part of the winterhowl scene with Nyra will be available in short as soon as the upload is finished.
I will continue working next week right after christmas to finish my work on Nyra's scene.
I wish you all happy holidays!
v0.5.6.6a - 2023-12-15
Emily's relationship is now optional (you can reject her offer the first time she invites you into her bed)
Tia and Claire now have a quest which will guide you through their early stages (For Tia after you got the quest from Emily, for Claire it will start after you either talk to Thomas about getting a room or the next morning when Claire and Thomas talk)
The King will now visit Arenfield after 14 days even if you didn't progress Frisha's quest. If you progress her quest he might come earlier
I reworked Early images of Claire (Lifted at the wall, she also got another angle for that, and the HJ scene) I'm not done with Claire, the missing animations near Kate and BJ are already done but need to be edited. You can now also wake up Claire in the night if you already had sex with her. If she has 5C+ she is also willing to have sex even if Kate isn't drunk
Smaller balance changes, you can still replace your equipment at the darkwood (see the info at the release)
The Rumah timetable changes as mentioned before, Some new movement routes for Tia/Hiba/Raaisha/Ayita. If Tia is Dasan's wanita she will now visit his tent every night should the MC not brought her into his hut/have her in grou
v0.5.6.0d - 2023-11-11
Umah & Maui's bonus scene (693 images)
Melissa's quest and scenes for her (1072 images)
New minigame: Treasurehunting with 30 locations and some artifacts as well as crafting resources to discover - This will be expanded in the future.
A new map, reworked the smithy
reworked character models for John & Melissa + some new character models
Bugfixes! As always thank you all for the reports, I couldn't do this without your help!
Fanmade content by Arthur Kord: A scene with Kate/Thomas/MC in Thomas bedroom at night
v. - 2023-11-04
Good morning,
it's been a long night but the update is finally done.
I know last friday I said something about 2 more workdays, but in the end I wanted to get to a good breakpoint with the relationship building with Melissa and also add some actual content for her into this update. Without that it would have felt too minimal even for a testversion.
So before you wonder: No, Melissa can't have sex in this version. But don't worry, that will be added in
What's now in this update?
The treasure search feature + some itmes that you can get from it (new armor & weapons)
Updated Melissa's dialogue images + made new sprites for her and some new characters.
You can now enter the livingroom of the smithy and talk to Melissa, this will progress her quest and there are again some choices that you can make. I've also added a few animations and written lot of dialogue for her.
Maui's & Umah's bonus scene - Talk to Maui near her tent in Rumah after Umah has become your wanita.
Bugfixes, as always thanks to everyone who reported bugs!
Hope I haven't forgotten anything important now, if so I will update the changelog tomorrow.
Hotfix a: I forgot to remove the test treasure which I added... digging it up will break progression, so in case you don't want to risk digging it up (in the middle of Arenfield) download the hotfix.
Hotfix b: Fixed a problem with Lucius not continuing the quest, Fixed a problem with all chests beeing open, Fixed some typos & Text clipping.
Hotfix c: Fixed a problem with the Dasan & Arianna scene
v. Hotfix - 2023-09-06
Ok now time for a full changelog since (somewhat shortened, intended for orientation only):
Katherin's bonus scene with Lyvia (Have dinner with Katherin without Tia, after you had the 3some with Lyvia & Katherin. There should then be an option to invite Lyvia in)
10 new maps (the whole monastery)
Penny's bonus scene with Natasha
Sexual content For Bridget, Heather, Agatha, Mira & Syfa (all of them got new animations)
You can now complete the fighting demons quest with different outcomes depening on your decisions throughtout the quest.
Mira got a lot of alternative dialogue now in case she gets corrupted, variations for the other womens dialogue are also done.
A lot of bugfixes... Thank you for all the reports, without them this wouldn't have been possible!
v. - 2023-07-13
It's gotten late, but I managed to achieve all my goals for this update.
Well almost... originally I had plans to add in more interaction with Bridget. So the whole getting to know her better, gaining her favor and having sex with her. This is something I had to cut for now :( It will of course be added with but for now it would have been too much.
So let's talk about what I did got in: (short changelog)
3 new maps + small modifications for the exisiting monastery maps
new daily routines for all the characters inside the monastery (including non character npc's)
3 additional monk characters with dialogue images & sprites
New outfits (sprites and dialogue images) for Mira, Heather & Bridget
The quest "Fighting Demons" can be continued for a few more steps (not completeable at the moment) - This is going to be my so far most complex quest. includes a lot of dialogue for all characters at the monastery
Animations: 1 for Heather, 2 for Bridget, 3 for Mira&Aidalin, 4+transitions for MC&Syfa
Bugfixes (everything that got reported + what I found while testing)
Hotfix Fixed an interaction bug that could get you stuck (choice window empty) after talking to some of the monks.
v0.5.4.1a - 2023-05-22
- Fixed a bug with Claire never forgiving the MC his marriage with Emily.
- Fixed reported bugs (Lyvia joining group if she is in the middle of sex, problems which had nothing to do with the scene but other events, I added an animation for Lyvia&Katherin having sex while you fuck Tia at the same time. This can be triggered by visiting Katherin past 12pm if Lyvia visits her and Tia is in group or is already at home due to you entering Arenfield with her and then leaving again through the west.
- A new quest to marry Emily (Can be started in bed when cuddling, you need to be on the loveroute with her and you must have completed the quest around her house)
- Emily can now visit the MC's house (talk to her in the evening when she is in the kitchen and follow the dialogue, She needs to have her new dress for this)
- New animations for the kitchen scene in case Emily is pregant (a few variations in case she has an orgasm here, this can be expanded via bonus scenes in the future should you wish for it.
- New pregnant scene with Emily and Giron
- Many dialogue adjustments/reactions to Emily's marriage with the MC ... This isn't complete yet. It took me too long and this will be finished in the full version next week, isn't completely included in this test version.
- Another new scene with a different character than Emily (no spoilers here).
- In total 676 new images
- Just has put a lot of work in the dialogue of the Rumah map, all credit to him for fixing an adjusting the dialogue there.
v. - 2023-04-06
Reworked Emily's old images + added a step to her relationship building quest. A quest for that has now also been added to make it easier to follow through. Added some new animations to it on top (different angle) ~ 650 images
Added Emily's pregnancy with different dialogue depending on relationship status/how many children she has (6 animations + transitions, 381 images)
Bianca's bonus scene from March. (563 images)
Reworked Mira's dialogue during the bath, added more dialogue for Katherin after Tia finds out about her.
Performance changes, that should make the game run smoother
A lot of other bug fixes for problems that have been reported” Test - 2023.03.12
Good morning,
I know I've missed the report today. You can probably guess already that I wanted to be done with the update first before I write it.
As always this took longer than expected and so the report will have to wait until tomorrow after I had some sleep.
For now let's talk about this update and what's new:
Added missing dialogue for some scenes
Added the final event for Tia's quest (6 animations + transitions, 761 images...)
Changed some dialogue for after the quest is completed.
Added in a new alternative end should you fail over and over again
Added the alternative option that was missing before
Added a new scene when you are defeated after Zorad is defeated
Added a new option to quicktravel to Calan's Rest after you have either taken over or befriended the orcs in some other way
Fixed bugs that were reported before - 2023-02-04
So what is now in this update:
Tia's quest can be somewhat completed (somewhat means there is still the reward part missing which I will add in together with a final branch that is currently missing as well)
New skills Tia can learn from Maui if she has a high enough level in Rumah.
The bonus scene for Emily/Frisha/Mira
1 new map together with new climbing sprites for the Mc and partymembers.
I added more animations for Tia & Katherin inside Katherin's house (5 in total)
1 animation if you lose the fight agains orcs near the fortress
New gear, although unlocking it is a bit hidden. Curious who finds it first :) (will of course be covered in the walkthrough once it's updated)
New enemies of course (balancing might be necessary...looking for feedback!) - 2022.12.24
Good evening,
I feel a bit like the MC in this image...well if I had a fireplace...I guess a fireplace video on my second monitor will have to do ;)
So this update is finally done...Not with as much content as I would have liked but at least a few new scenes are implemented and the christmas special is also included. I almost expected to run into this situation at the start of the month. I've worked on a lot of images and materials, but putting them all into the game and also make meaningful events is a different story. That's why only a part of what I've worked on is now implemented in this update. The rest will come (as said before) in the final update next month.
So what's new in this one?
Arianna's bonus scene from last month (337 images)
A new reward system where you can gain extra talent points by doing activities like farming/cutting trees/picking locks/finding items....
A new event for Christmas (I will put a spoiler at the bottom of this post on what to do, only read if you really want to ruin the surprise or can't find out) (438 images)
Reworked the animations for Tia in Katherin's house + added some new. You can now wake Katherin at night when she is already sleeping (280 images)
Beginning of Tia's quest (it's not that much yet, but you can see where the journey is going) 2 new maps
bugfixes as always
Hotfix a: Fixed the strange bug that called the Ayita event when entering the area around Madrag Kaz.
v. - 2022-11-27
Good morning,
it took again a bit longer, but I hope it was worth the wait...after all I had to cramp in some extra content on top that wasn't planned before last friday.
Since I knew I would take one more day anyway I've added in some more content for Yasmine (reworked her oldest animation and made 2 new which are available after you completed the quest)
Ok time for a quick changelog:
New interaction for Tia at the camp (her tent is at the bottom left)
1 new animation for Lyvia in her tent (if you did her other content you can change position there), 1 new scene with Lyvia at the trainingfield (sharing)
You can complete Lyvia's quest around the Raven. (2 new maps)
1 reworked 2 new animations for Yasmine.
Some new equipment, some new enemies...
Bugfixes, everything you reported
Thank you for testing. I've uploaded a hotfix at the bottom of this post for those of you who downloaded the test version.
I'm currently uploading the fixed version.
Hotfix a: Fixed a problem with the mercenary system. It was possible to cause a missmatch at the traderoute. should be fixed now. you can find the hotfix at the bottom of this post.
v. + Hotfix - 2022-11-13
Release Test! - 2022.11.01
Good evening!
It's finally time to release this update. I've been testing it for the past hours and I've put into it as much as I could to this point.
This isn't the full update as I have already told you in my last report. Which means I'm not fully done with Lyvia's story yet. I will continue to work on it in the coming week and as soon as it's done I will release it.
But in terms of new scenes this update pretty much covers everything for Lyvia.
I'm currently not planning to add much more for her in (maybe 1 or 2 animations at maximum, we will see).
So a quick changelog:
The party at the camp is now available even if you sent Liandra to the Baron (this will also help to improve morale, you must have your men at the camp or it won't work)
New animations for the party and I extended the event by a lot
New animations for Lyvia at her tent
The MC can now learn to equip a sword by training with Lyvia
You can gear up your mercs if John made armor for them, which you can pick it up at his smithy (interact with the camp on the Mercenary map)
A new quest will start in Arenfield once you completed some requirements (Liandra's story, Lyvia's story)
This is again a test release! So even though I tested it very extensive there will probably be bugs (maybe even gamebreaking bugs). Please be aware of this and if you play it keep a copy of your saves!
If you don't like playtesting then wait a few days. I will upload a fixed version as soon as I've removed every bug that you guys run into.
v. - 2022-09-12
It's now almost 3am Monday morning here (so you could say in the middle of the night) I've been working the whole weekend, morning till night to get this update done...
You might be wondering why I would do something that stupid and not take the time to rest a bit...The reason behind it is that I promised a friend to help him out on Monday and Tuesday, and yeah that of course means I can't work on these days...
Because of that I decided to use the weekend to work so you don't have to wait any longer for the update. But that also means that I won't be able to make any changes to the game in the coming days (I won't be home) So I've done what I could in terms of testing (and I was able to play through the content without problems) but if there are bugs I can't fix them until I'm back home. And as much as I would like...The Walkthrough update also has to wait...I can barely keep my eyes open at this point.
But since I didn't write a changelog in a while I'll try to do that now, Since this has changed:
Bonus scene Arianna & Kate (274 images)
Bonus scene Julia (344 images)
2 new maps
A bit of content for the Queens Maid (57 images)
A new quest for the Queen that can now be completed (427 images)
Bugfixes (as always) (there is still a problem that time freezes on Anya's quest, a temporary solution to that is to lose a fight and then respawn in Mira's room. after that it should work again) - If anyone finds out how this happens let me know!
v. - 2022-08-17
Good morning,
It took until late into the night, but now the update is finally done. It's still a bit rough around the edges, but at least this way it's on point as a testversion which these .5 updates are supposed to be.
This one took much longer than I anticipated. The thing that might be surprising for some of you, the most time really went into the positioning this time. I had to setup routes for the Queen, her guards, the princess, the maid, the general... And in case of the queen her locations also influenced other people when she is walking around the village. All of that really caused me a headache.
Then after it finally worked out and I had written some story there was still the missing new scene that I wanted to add for this update.
Originally my plan was to do a first scene for either the Queen or princess...but that would have been super rushed and I want to take proper time for their character developement. So instead I did what I originally didn't want to do. I made content for the maid. The reason behind that: she will be just a side character with not much more content when it comes to character developement. So it didn't hurt to rush her character developement from getting to know her to having sex with her. I made the animations for her earlier today...When I just did the tests there were some of them that need more polish...I will see that I do something about that for the next update.
The new content will start a few days after you done Lyvia's quest about the mercenary camp and you must have played Frisha's story up to the point where the King arrives. If you did that in past versions just wait 4-5 days in the village and it should start.
Final part of Anya's quest (5 new animations for her) (+2 ntr)
Some other fixes around the world that have been reported to me over the past weeks
Nyra's bonus scene (7 animations)
The next part of Anya's quest (2 animations + some transition animations & images. ~200 images)
Some bugfixes around the board (the cat quest is still bugged, I didn't have time to fix it :( )
SMP's dialogue overhaul.
5 new animations for Anya + you can progress her story a bit further.
Fixed the problem with the Doubleshot not being learned (talk to Corven again)
Other fixes all around the game that have been reported by you.
Frisha's bonus scene
New skills from Corven. If you further increase the MC's hunting skill he will teach you up to 3 new skills
New armor and recipes to craft it
2 new maps
Start of Anya's quest (2 animations for her so far, more to come in the coming week)
1 new ntr animation for Tia & Lyvia
Fixes for all kind of reported bugs
11 new animations for Ophilia, you can continue her quest by a few more steps (it is currently not possible to complete it since that requires either the implementation of Kirlic or more steps on Arianna's quest)
Rework of the animation between Giron/Frisha
some smaller changes and fixes
Verena's Bonus scene (new dress + scene for her and Claire)
First part for Athia's character progress (2 paths depending on your choice regarding Gwen) / in this version currently 2 animations for her + 1 for Emily
Expanding the house to the 1st floor + new furniture for it
Tia will now cut wood for you if you leave her in Arenfield at 4pm (you need to talk to her first to activate this)
You can now complete Athia's quest (different depending on your choice with Gwen) - 7 new animations (in total 10 since
If on Gwen's path autobattles will now increase her corruption
The past week hasn't been easy for me. I wanted to get this update done last Friday, then Monday...then Tuesday... There was always still something missing or something not working.
And almost every day I came up with other small ideas that MUST be added...yeah of course you can't get the update finished if you work like that.
But it's really difficult to stop myself once I have an idea that I want to add to the game.
So now finally I call complete. Both paths for Athia can be completed (at least the quest about her reincarnation) - The story around her has of course only just started and I will continue it in the future. And now there is of course also the option to add content for her via bonus scenes. I think there is a lot of room for that ;) I already have some ideas which I wasn't able to fit into this update.
v0.4.7.5 and
So what is now added?
Gwen's & Sabrina's bonus scene with 10 animations (depending on the path you took with Sabrina), to see it you must have had sex with Sabrina at least 3 times and then do it again.
2 new animations for Gwen, 4 for Sabrina (again depending on route)
You can now continue Gwen's quest, there is still some more dialogue missing for the aftermath. I will add it in the update in the coming week.
New character sprites/dialogue images
Bugfixes and smaller changes to Gwen's older scene (hope that doesn't cause any problems, had to change the code a bit so that it would work with the new animations)
You can now renovate the first floor of the MC's house. (I have already made preparations for the 2nd floor, but that will come in the next update)
You can continue Gwen's quest which will change the relationship between her and the MC depending on your previous decision. (4 new animations at the altar in her house)
There is a new conversation with Sabrina after the events. This will add more dialogue and a new animation when you wake her up at night.
The first steps of Athia's quest. I've added some more sprites and dialogue images for that, but real content for her will come in as I said before.
Completed the 2nd branch of Umah's route (4 Animations) + a lot of intermission images
New buildings for Rumah (see Umin after you completed Umah's first quest)
2 new quests for Umah (5 animations for route 1)
Claire's bonus scene (new options in the kitchen after you completed her story)
Maui's scene from the hunting ground is now available at Rumah
New battle backgrounds for forest maps & Madrag Kaz
Some bugfixes
You can now complete the quest Defending Rumah
1 new scene for Raaisha (2 new animations)
A new scene for Tia & the native at the fire
A short new quest
New background images for Maui's scene
Updated the nw.js files to increase the performance of the game (should also remove the error when starting the game) - Please let me know if someone is having problems because of this!
Bugfixes and a small update to the Krampus fight
Reworked all of Maui's scenes, dialogue images, sprites (~460 images)
Added a bonus scene for Mira & reworked her dialogue images (~360 images)
2 new maps
Continued the story around Rumah (incomplete, will be continued in
1 new scene for Nyra inside chieftains hut and outside at Rumah (2 animations, 57 images)
4 new characters, I've made dialogue images and sprites for them. You will see more of them in the coming update
New content for Raaisha: A new scene solo and another with Tia both available at 2 locations in Rumah. And a new scene for her and Dasan should you have chosen that route.
Should Dasan have escaped during the confrontation in Rumah you can now find him again.
A few smaller changes (You can now ask Tia to come with you/stay in Arenfield)
Bugfixes as always (the biggest I can remember was the one with Kate's pregnancy not showing her belly in the dialogue with Grant & Ophilia at the table at the inn)
A new bonus scene for Penny (5 animations)
Lucius has now a daily cycle and you can watch him from outside the shop through the window
Reworked 3 of Kate's older animations (This was on my todo list for a long time now)
You can now build beds for Emily's orphanage, to do that talk to Roderic in his workshop
Kate can now get pregnant. This comes with some choices for the MC, you can prevent it of course if you're not into that kind of content and it's completely optional. (7 animations for Kate when she is pregnant)
Claire: Reworked her dialogue images, added a new scene with her when she's sitting at the fireplace in the morning (2 animations)
Verena: added more dialogue adjustments to her dialogue with Claire & in case you visit Arianna.
You can now skip multiple days when using the skip time function
A new Halloween event (no scene). Is available during October RL time and during ingame October.
Just made a lot of grammar/typo fixes, a big thank you to him from my side!
And as always a lot of bugfixes! Thank you all for the reports!
Hope I didn't forget anything...
Next month I'll be working on Raaisha's update. This will further expand the forest and I'll be adding the orc village. This is going to be a bigger update and I expect to work on it for 2 months. There will be of course updates for each month as always.
v0.4.3.0c Hotfix
New dialogue updates from Just, Fixed Frisha walking backwards, Fixed problems with Verena, Rabbit trap & hutch have been corrected (no more endless rabbits)
Natasha's bonus scene, Reworked all her images + new alternative mode with different personality on top of the reworked and animations with smaller breastsize I've added one more animation
Verena's quest: reworked her old animations + added 14 new + 2 animation for Arianna a lot of new sprites and probably more new dialogue then I have ever written for an update before.
You can now set up traps and place them in the forest
Updated the cheat book (big thanks to Firebane for his work on it!)
Some smaller features (added a cat, you can now build a rabbit hutch for Emily)
A lot of bugfixes
Natasha's bonus scene (reworked her images + alternative breastsize & alternative dialogue + a new animation for both breastsizes)
Reworked Verena's images
First part of Verena's content update (Story around Arianna continues a bit further,
Talk to Roderic in his room after you completed Ariana's house arrest quest)
2 new animations for Arianna
Anya got her new dialogue images + character sprite
Smaller changes and fixes: You can now take iron bars from John's smithy if you completed his quest,
fixed dialogue bugs with wrong images around Frisha & Liandra, fixed image bugs with Julia's piano scene,
Penny will no longer float in the air after her first blowjob scene, fixed dialogue with Dave & Joseph
Kate & Arianna's bonus scene with 5 animations
Reworked 5 more of Tia's animations in Rumah
New dialogue images and character sprites for: Kate, Lyvia, Liandra, Frisha
New scenes for Frisha, 4 animations (1 ntr)
You can now continue Liandra's story at the Baron & at the camp depending on which route you have chosen. Depending on your choices you will see different animations for her. In total I made 11 animations for her (2ntr), not counting transitions/transformation animations.
In total 1079 new images (just so you get an idea, previous updates had around 500~ new images)
Minor bug fixes and changes that I can't remember in detail.
Tia alone got 300 reworked/new images for her old anal scene in Rumah.
The performance mode (Can be toggled in the options menu)
Reworked/new dialogue images for Kate/Liandra/Lyvia & new sprites for all of them.
Kate & Arianna's bonus scene (see spoiler at the bottom for info)
You can continue Liandra's routes. 1 scene for the camp route & 1 scene for Baron transformation route. (Added new daily cycles for Liandra in both locations + images for her sleeptime)
5 reworked animations for Tia.
bugfixes & small changes to the inn map (I wonder if anyone will notice).
As always: Saves from after update work, just copy over your save folder from the previous version into the www folder of the new version.
The walkthrough will be updated after the final update
Of course I didn't finish Liandra's quests (since there are 2 routes this means 1 for each route).
Kate & Arianna's bonus scene: To see the new content have drinks with Rick at the inn, he must have at least 3 drinks in one evening so better start early (I have changed the code so that he will infact have drinks from time to time). Also to see everything you must have had sex with Kate & Arianna already. There is a bit of a progression between the two so don't expect to see everything on the first attempt. After you did this 2 times Rick might get drunk on his own (50% chance) if you visit the inn and wait until 10pm
Frisha got a new scene with 4 animations, depending on which path you are on with her her dialogue is different.
You can now decide what to do with Liandra. There is currently no sexual content with her, that will change next month.
A new scene with Nyra. I have rewritten a part of her dialogue to make her motivation better understandable. Depending on which path you have chosen for her, her dialogue will be different and it will lead to a different outcome in the future (3 routes, Dasan/love/corruption )
I have also written alternative dialogues for Yasmine and Julia should you first interact with them after the events around Liandra
You can now visit the Baron and change your name (might come in handy if you use saves from other people, there is now a discord channel where some already shared their saves)
I have changed the respawn timer to 5 days, 7 felt a bit too long from my point of view. I'm still open for any input in that regard.
For testing: I've changed the respawn rate of monsters and items on almost all maps (not the mine and swamp) to 7 days. The reason behind that is that the original respawn time of 3 days was a good thing when there wasn't that many areas.. Now that the game has a lot more maps it often feels to me like you get bombarded with trees and no matter where you go there are too many enemies. I'm looking forward to your feedback, If you think the respawn time is too long I can adjust it of course!
So About the new stuff:
Reworked the mayor's mansion (3maps)
Added 2 new maps
Continued Frisha's story (see spoiler if you can't find it)
A new scene for Nyra
Yasmine's and Julia's bonusscene from last month
Saves from version and after that work for this version! Just copy over the save folder from the old version (there is also an explanation for that inside the game's folder)
I won't have time to update the walkthrough for this update, but here some clues on how you can progress the new content:
For Nyra's scene: you have to talk to her and after she agrees to cook for the tribe Fuck 3 of the 4 women next to the fire when she is cooking. After that ask for a second bowl of soup.
For Liandra: After completing Frisha's content with Dave listen again to Dave talking to his father in the morning/afternoon.
For Yasmine:
To see the new scene you must have had sex with Yasmine 5 times and her corruption has to be 6+ then when having sex with her change position until Giron walks in on you. You can then satisfy her or leave without fucking her again (she will then take the next best cock to satisfy herself.. Only in ntr on mode)
For Julia:
To see the new part with Julia you have to complete her previous content and then complete John's quest up to the point where Julia came in to serve tea.
After that you can talk to her in the kitchen again to start a new quest around her
(important: if you told her to improve with the butler you have to watch her while not disguised and then overstay so you get punished, after that you can confront her in the kitchen)
Everything after that should be explained in the questlog.
I've also added an animation for the scene when she licks Yasmine in the livingroom
Here we go again,
before I finally head towards weekend let me write this down before I forget half of it.
Things I've added/changed since
Replaced the old hunger&rest system (was necessary to fix a damage calculation problem)
Replaced the sound emitting plugin (the old one caused random crashes - Sadly this change broke old save files. Wish I could have solved it otherwise but it was the only option available. Hopefully that won't happen again, There is a save file in this game that let's you start with most content already completed)
Reworked the interface (You can now click all buttons in the ui and added a click to eat feature to it)
Made smaller changes to the intro and added a shovel to the game so you can burry the poor guy near the mine + you can now serve Katherin wine during dinner
Tia: Reworked Tia's starting scenes and dialogue. I went through great length to rework most of her animations and other images + added new animations on top. Around 420 new images + the ones I have reworked.. I can't count correctly how much was changed/added. I think I never made this many animations for an update. Also reworked & added some dialogue in Rumah.
Added a new character to Rumah (the chieftains wife) - Not much content for her yet, but I have 2 animations prepared already that will come in the near future (didn't have enough time to fit them into this update).
Bianca will now teach you the backstab skill which allows you to kill enemys of same level directly from stealth if you succeed in a dexterity check.
And of course Katherin's bonus scene from last month with her and Lyvia having a 3some in the morning with the MC
+ A lot of bugfixes (Thanks for all the reports guys! This wouldn't have been possible without your help)
John's quest + reworked his character model (Help him to deliver weapons to the front)
(there is currently a bug if you don't have 5 goblin ears with you the first time)
New weapons/armor
the 3rd option of Gavina's quest (it took a whole lot longer than option 1 & 2)
New scenes for Gavina (5 animations) after you completed her quest + alternative dialogue in some other parts depending on choices regarding Bianca
Changed questicons for most quests
Daily cycles for John & Melissa
Start of Melissa's quest (unfinished)
Emily's bonus scene from last month (Must have had a 3some with Frisha twice, then have sex with Frisha in her room twice during an evening)
Optional ntr route for Julia, you can now tell her to get more experience after you've started her love route.. If that's a good idea..
New message log during conversations, in case you missed something (press left shift)
You can now hide the textbox during conversations by rightclicking
There are now labels in Arenfield that show the name of the owner of the houses (can be disabled in the options menu)
Reworked Bianca's reverse ride animation (smoother now with more frames)
Bianca's corruption route with new animations (They are also available if you corrupt Bianca in her love route and one doesn't need corruption at all)
1 new map
You can now continue and complete Gavina's quest! Careful to not lose a fight while escorting them..
Reworked Melissa's dialogue images
Bonus scene for Ophilia with 4 animations & new dialogue images for her + some reworked images
Added 1 scene for Penny's corruption route (next to Henry)
4 new maps, 2 new characters + dialogue images and new sprites for Bianca
11 new animations for Bianca together with a quest and her love route (not completely finished)
1 new scene for Lyvia/Tia
New stealth skill which gives the player the option to sneak up or vanish from enemies (currently based on the thievery talent)
1 additional quest that will be continued in the coming month
Smaller changes and fixes all over the game
Last month bonus scene for Ophilia
2 new maps
added a scene for Penny (You can now have vaginal sex with her next to Henry if you drugged him) Pray with Penny as usual after Henry declared he'd be working as a guard.
Added new sprites for Bianca + advanced her daily routine and made a first scene for her. (You have to talk to her in 2 locations to activate it)
Introduction of John's daughter (after the king visited Arenfield it will take 7 days until she arrives. If you already played this step it will take 7 days from the moment you enter Arenfield again) After that visit the smithy.
New stealth system (part of Bianca's quest). It's not finished yet! I will experiment a bit with it and will advance it in the coming month.
Lyvia will now catch up in experience if she falls too far behind. Leave her in Arenfield and then come back another day.
Bonus scene for Frisha (4 animations)
Reworked 2 maps (Smithy / Lucius shop)
Added new fasttravel positions for the camp and witches cottage (on the map)
Reworked MC character model (You can still use the old images if you prefer them)
Reworked Lucius & Henry
Fixed Penny's give vegetable script and she's now also actually visiting the shop to sell them.
Added the mansion into the global time script and adjusted time segments. Made new positions for each character for 5pm and 7pm
Continued Penny's quest. Can now be completed and you can approach her character progression in different ways. Made 8 new animations in total for her story + additional images
Other smaller changes and fixes (Can't remember everything I've done)
Bonus scene for Frisha (interact with the MC during dinner & new scene with her and Dave should the MC fuck her more than 10 times) (4 animations)
Start of Penny's quest. 1 new animation, Henry will wake up but this quest isn't finished in this update.
Reworked 2 maps (shop & smithy)
Reworked character images for Lucius & Henry
Fixed Penny's give vegetable script and she's now also actually visiting the shop to sell them.
Added the mansion into the global time script and adjusted time segments. Made new positions for each character for 5pm and 7pm
Bonus scene for Hiba and Raaisha (5 animations)
a new map and small changes to the cellar of the church
Changes to the positioning script to make transitions between locations easier
Continued Mira's quest around the church. The quest about her ritual can now be completed and involves 2 new characters. (9 new animations)
3 new weapons
Minor changes and fixes (Fixed time consume bug for serving game and other events like farming, working in the smithy) and some other things.. Don't remember everything.
1 new animations for Mira
2 new animations for a new character
5 animations for Hiba & Raaisha
1 new map
Mira's story continues, you can start her new quest, it's currently not possible to complete it (There is an option to pause it)
4 new animations for Tia + 1 reworked
8 animations for Katherin
New daily cycle for Kate/Tia/Katherin with transitions between positions
3 new potion recipes + you can find new herbs in the gameworld (depends on nature skill)
4 new food recipes
Katherin's quest to start a relationship
Added a cheatmod to the game
Bugfixes and smaller changes (Penny will now get vegetables even if you don't help her, Other partymembers perception now works if it's higher than the MC's)
Kate's bonus scene from December (Anal in the tavern + optional route for Rick)
Reworked sprites for Katherin & Tia together with new facial images
Reworked Katherin's house & Mountain path map
Reworked Katherin's & Tia's daily cycle + added interaction with them inside Katherin's house (Will be improved in 0.3.5)
1 new scene for Tia (In Arenfield touch her with high lust while she's working needs 20C)
After completing Tia's story up to the part where she becomes your wanita the dialogue with Katherin has been changed and now Tia will suggest that she could share the bed with the MC. That will lead to you getting the Key for Katherin's house.
If you already had that dialogue with Katherin, Tia should tell you that you can now sleep there when you enter the house with her in group.
Also some bugfixes all around the game (Everything you reported or what I found myself)
2 scenes for Mira, 3 animations (Bonusscene from November)
2 scenes for Kate, 4 animations (Holiday special)
Winter mode for the game world (visible in the winter month's of the game)
2 new maps (Carpenter's house) + Daily cycles for 4 persons inside of it
Arianna's new quest that can be completed
1 scene for Arianna, 2 animations + her old animations at a new place
2 scenes for Verena, 5 animations
Smaller changes and fixes: Herbs are more visible, Shop doesn't show NaN anymore + some transition and minor fixes.
Ayita's character model got reworked and her one animation updated to the new model
Ayita's bonus content with 5 new animations
1 new map to the east of Arenfield (field map)
You can now complete the Quest for Lyvia and the militia of Arenfield
Options for a love/corruption route with Lyvia with 7 animations
All actions that cost rest are now influenced by the constitution talent
New option to switch to autofight for one round (hit esc at the start of battle)
Bugfixes all over the game together with other smaller changes
A small list of things I've changed/added:
You can now complete the quest about Arenfields militia
Added the start of Lyvia's love route. (Sit with her in the evening near the campfire, increase her affection up to 10 and find a way to distract Tia if she's around) I plan to add more for her inside the barracks next week.
Rebalanced brigands damage, please give me some feedback on that. Also added a new skill for Lyvia
3 new animations for Lyvia
New map to the east of Arenfield. Can be entered right after the intro.. It's still work in progress but you can already find enemys there (Brigands will spawn when you progressed Lyvia's story)
Ayita's bonus scene with 5 animations (Small explanation to her content at the bottom of this post)
Bugfixes and smaller changes all over the game (everything you reported + everything I ran into myself)
Борьба с грехом - это история фантастического мира в разгар гражданской войны.
Растущие налоги и набеги орков и бандитов заставляют каждого жителя деревни в первую очередь действовать в соответствии со своими собственными потребностями.
Станете ли вы таким же, как другие в этом коррумпированном обществе? Или вы останетесь верны себе и найдете выход из хаоса, который вас окружает?
A Struggle With Sin is the story of a fantasy world in the midst of a civil war.
Rising taxes and raids by orcs and bandits make each villager act according to their own needs first.
Will you become like the others in this corrupt society? Or will you stay true to yourself and find a way out of the chaos that surrounds you?
Переименовывать папку с игрой нельзя.
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 3DCG, 2D game, Male protagonist, Fantasy, Animated, Adventure, Corruption, Lactation, MILF, Monster girl, Vaginal sex, Anal sex , Big ass, Big tits, Blackmail, Voyeurism, RPG, Groping, Virgin, Ntr (optional), Netori (separated from NTR), Combat, Incest, Transformation, Religion, Drugs, Monster, Cheating, Oral sex, Creampie, Combat, Turn based combat, Sexual harassment, Interracial, Sex toys, Masturbation, Group sex, Multiple penetration, Pregnancy, Spanking, Prostitution
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Chyos - Patreon - Subscribestar - Wiki
Перевод: Rexus
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v. Rus / v. Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (Смена языка в настройках)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)
Поблагодарить Переводчика : Yoomoney кошелёк 410011908107082
v0.6.0.0c - 2025-02-25
v0.6.0.0a - 2025.02.21
Good evening,
I still wonder how I got here... Sunday night almost 2am...
Right, I thought I could finish this update this Saturday until noon to finally put an endpoint to it... so that I wouldn't have to write another weekly report in which I tell you that I still need more time because for some reason even after all this work this week it's not done yet.
So now it is done, at least in part... But to a degree that you at least can enjoy some of it. I had planned 2 routes for Ugotha and 1 of them (dominance route) is currently only to 90% finished. Because of that I now put a hard breakpoint to that route so that the events there are blocked for now and you can't complete it (I don't want you to run into unfinished events). The other route (loverote) can be completed.
So that all the work today was not in vain I publish this version now. I'm not entirely happy with it, but not publishing it would also feel wrong after all the work I put into it today.
I will continue to work on this on monday and then also add in the content for Snikka which is also still not added. and you will also get a full changelog from me.
But right now I'm too tired to look through everything to write it properly.
Edit 02/18/25: By now both routes can be completed and as promised here the full changelog since
New Flail and Club weapons that you can craft starting at iron
New weapon animations for all weapons (will only show for newly gathered weapons after this update, you can use the bow&arrow north of Arenfield to update your gear)
Expanded the scene with Bianca in Arenfield with 4 animations (more about that at the end of this post)
A new quest will begin after you completed the rescue mission in the mine. If you complete that quest after this update 1 week must pass before you can trigger it, for everyone who already did it the only condition is that you have at least 1 mercenary stationed at the mine. Then visit your camp, Lyvia has to be there to give you a briefing.
New content for Gavina, will only trigger after you reached the deeper mine and you must have completed all of her previous progression (up to completing her anal training quest).
New scene with Bianca at home involving Gavina
New content for Bianca & Gritz (Option for the MC to join in)
Bianca can now join the MC's party outside for other quests around Arenfield after her quest is completed.
1 small scene for Snikka (Didn't want to go too deep into character progression with her due to time limitations)
Content for Ugotha, 2 routes for her with animations and interactions around the goblin village.
Helena & Yasmine's christmas scene - can be replayed during december ingame or rl december.
New animation for Kate at the Old boars inn in the afternoon
Claire's anal and mating press animation from Old boars inn can now be played at her bed at the Drunken Fox when going to bed.
New gear and new enemies - I have scaled down hp scaling for enmies to make fight's a little shorter.
Rework of Lyvia's and Bianca's dialog images + Made combat sprites for Bianca, Bianca can now join your group in the mine and has some (almost overpowered) new skills that I made for her.
New characters with sprites & dialog images (Mostly goblins)
2 new maps
1 adjusted and 1 new defeat scene for the mine with the goblins.
New music - I also added an option for those who perfer music without lyrics to turn it off in the options menu (Needs to be done from the menu after you started to play)
Smaller changes: You can now convince Nyra to help you with Umah even if she isn't your wanita, Corven will now let you learn skills (like building traps) even if you didn't complete Arianna's quest.
A lot of bugfixes! Again thank you for all the reports! If you want details on everything check the bugreport channel on the discord.
v0.5.9.7 Test
1 new map
2 new animations with Kate at the old boar's inn
Claire's anal animations are now available at night in her bedroom at the Drunken Fox
New scene for Bianca at home if you completed Gavina's content up to the point that she got new clothes
New dialog images & sprite for Tia
New scene with Tia & Dwain at the camp
New scene with Maui & Dasan (fanmade scene by Xenowave! A big thank you to him for his work on this scene!) - It is a continuation of the scene with Umah & Maui
New automation functions for mercenary management (I hope they all work correctly) You can also build an additional tent at the camp to house more mercenaries.
A lot of smaller changes that I can't all recall (Things like editing Yasmine's old ride animation in the livingroom slightly so that her butt doesn't look so edgy)
Bugfixes! A lot of them. Thank you to all of you who reported them in the past month!
v0.5.9.6 - 2025-01-08
In the end it wasn't possible without some crunch on the finishline, but it was definitly worth it! In the last hour I added another animation which I just HAD to add... totally worth sleeping one less hour for it. ;) - In case you wonder, yes the title image has nothing to do with the current scene, that's from Athia's christmas special 2022.
Ok I'm not going to spoil anything about the scene other than you already know... Only that to start the little quest you must have had Sex with Helena and Yasmine then the quest should start when you are in Arenfield and it is either December ingame or December in Real life (so just now). The scene has a repeatable option, but it currently isn't available as a dream scene... I might add that in the future, but for now it isn't planned. Krampus now also has a new reward if you haven't slayn him this year already (If you did you must pass another ingame year to kill him again).
v0.5.9.5 - 2024-12-06
New Flail and Club weapons that you can craft starting at iron
New weapon animations for all weapons (will only show for newly gathered weapons after this update, you can use the bow&arrow north of Arenfield to update your gear)
Expanded the scene with Bianca in Arenfield with 4 animations (more about that at the end of this post)
A new quest will begin after you completed the rescue mission in the mine. If you complete that quest after this update 1 week must pass before you can trigger it, for everyone who already did it the only condition is that you have at least 1 mercenary stationed at the mine. Then visit your camp, Lyvia has to be there to give you a briefing.
New content for Gavina, will only trigger after you reached the deeper mine and you must have completed all of her previous progression (up to completing her anal training quest).
New gear and new enemies (During my tests I noticed that on the higher level which the goblins can have the damage calculation is really really off. This is something I will work on in the next days so that the fight's don't take that long!)
Rework of Lyvia's and Bianca's dialog images + Made combat sprites for Bianca, Bianca can now join your group in the mine and has some (almost overpowered) new skills that I made for her.
New characters with sprites & dialog images
1 new map
1 adjusted and 1 new defeat scene for the mine with the goblins.
New music (I still have an earworm)
In total ~880 New/reworked images in this update (Some more transition and nonesex animations)
Smaller changes: You can now convince Nyra to help you with Umah even if she isn't your wanita, Corven will now let you learn skills (like building traps) even if you didn't complete Arianna's quest.
A lot of bugfixes! Thank you all again for the reports... I still have some more reports pending in my pm's that I couldn't all work on, but I will go through them in the coming days.
v0.5.9.1 - 2024-11-01
New animations and interactions with Lilly
Smaller changes and bugfixes
v. - 2024-10-27
fixed: Kicking out Henry freezes the game, Dialog at Penny's table got disabled after completing the quest, Entering coldstone 2nd floor causes getting stuck, Coldstone estate map freezing during day (after talking to farmers), Entering the barn is impossible if not progressed Kate's story, Problems with Dave & Penny's scene (involving Henry), typos and other smaller problems;
Added: Alternative dialog when renovating the MC's house after doing Penny's quest (before interaction with Emily happened). - Big thanks to marniakeur and the others who reported these bugs!
v0.5.8.7 - 2024-09-25
it's gotten again late, but now Ophilia's scene is finally done!
This one has really cost me some nerves. Kate's drinking event needed several changes for this scene to properly work. I have also been working on an additional scene with Rick & Ophilia that originally wasn't planned - But during my work on the scene I decided that without it something would be missing in the buildup, so I added it. To trigger the new content you have to play Kate's serving game in the tavern. If Ophilia is serving there as well and the MC has progressed with her up to the current end of her story. You can call her over for a drink, Rick or the MC can then pay and give her a tip - For Rick this will require some getting to know before she sits down (not possible in ntr off mode). If she sits with the MC and Rick until the end of the evening she will be drunk and either the MC or MC & Rick will have to bring her upstairs.
A little bit of progressing is necessary to see all scenes, but I will leave the exploring part to you. ;)
On top of the bonus scene I also finally added Ophilias dream scene! It has a few variations and has a random chance to play with different corruption states or drunken/not drunken. It will get available after you progressed Ophilia up to the point where she changes her looks.
The scene at the huntinground has gotten a small update (Tia & Orcs) also finally fixed the animation... Sorry, wasn't aware it was broken until I played it through.
Also fixed the MC's jerk off scene with Tia in the mine... the scene still has grass on all areas, and looking at the prevote on discord this won't change anytime soon... well maybe when I get too frustrated by it
v0.5.8.6a - 2024-09-24
v0.5.8.6 Test - 2024-09-06
•Maps: Reworked the Deep forest map, added 3 more maps which can be found Southeast of Arenfield (leave downhill next to the waterfall).
•Continuation of Penny's quest with new animations and scenes for her. (~700 images)
•Rebalance of some of the item prices. Penny will now also sell roosters if there is more than 1 in the chickencoop as well as eggs if there are more than 10. As part of the quest she will also have cows that can get pregnant and that will produce milk which is currently only used to boost Penny's income. The mill will also produce flour which Penny will bake into breads (The mill produces 2 flour per day and Penny can bake max 3 bread per day)
•Penny will also have to pay taxes now, there is a possible interaction with Dave, can be prevented by either making sure Penny has enough money (you can now also put gold into her lockbox) or by interacting with Dave directly when he collects the taxes. The tax collection will only begin after the quest has progressed to that point. there is also an additional quest that shows how many days are left until the next payment. (for the future I plan to replace this with an overview screen, but for now that would be overkill in terms of workload)
•A new named merc at the camp that allows you to recruit mercenaries directly. He will come to your camp after you lost the first merc in any way. After that you can of course also send him off, in that case he won't show off again.
•Bugfixes! (For details check the discord channel) As always a big thanks to all of you for the reports!
Hotfix - 2024-07-11
Fixed an image bug with Tia&Brigands, Fixed a freeze bug with Frisha&Grant
Hotfix - 2024-06-21
Fixed an endless loop with Hiba&Tomak, Fixed chicken coop, Fixed bug with Gwen's sexscene getting stuck, Fixed no choices when spying on Mira
Fixed image stuttering for the Hiba/Dasan BJ scene, Added: The transition with Penny to the Coldstone estate is now longer so that the player knows where it actually is.
Complete rework of Ayita's content. Reworked all animations, added additional animations where they were missing + reworked her sprites and dialog images. + Continued her story up to the point where she is claimable (only on non Dasan route and only if women aren't free for all men)
Added a love route for Hiba (alternatively to her corruption route, after raising her affection to 3 interact with her at the fire in the evening) + reworked her dialog images
3some scene with Ayita & Hiba (dialog for this one came a bit short, I'm sorry for that, and it will be expanded in the future, but right now I really wanted a closure)
New animation for Tia at the fire (I couldn't resist, it felt so bad that you would only be able to call her over just so you could say goodnight)
Complete rework of the Firescene in general, the way the scene was before didn't work with the new features it now has. But that is something you will see for yourself
All other interactions between women and other men near the fire are now animated (Hiba/Tomak, Ayita/Dasan, Tia/Dasan. You can now also watch them while sitting at the fire in the evening
Added a small animation for Hiba/Dasan (BJ scene without background).
All together the bonus scene had 1645 new images.
Rework of some of Penny's early dialog and events. Added new animations to some of the existing events (no rework of old animations) - It's now also finally possible to have vaginal sex with her in the masturbate event.
New Quest for Penny, will begin in the middle of her normal progression (can also be started afterwards by talking to her when she is on the field)
Added some a new scene for her in the morning (you must complete her new quest up to the point where you get the reminder that the rest will come in and then stay the night in her bed, this is now also possible on the Henry route). (in total 530 new images)
1 new scene with Henry & Penny
3 new characters with sprites and dialog images, more to come for them in
2 new maps (to the south of the fields map)
Traps can now also catch chicken and rooster (can be put into the chicken coop, after you built it) - for chicken to hatch you need at least 1 chicken and 1 rooster in the chicken coop. Chicken will lay eggs every day with a certain chance. This will require some more balancing in the future.
New icons for the time of day. They have also been added to the waiting menu to make it more intuitive.
Another round of bugfixes, again thank you for all the reports! (for details on this check the bugreport channel on discord)
And that should be it... I hope I didn't forget anything important...
Hotfix - 2024-05-07
Fixed problems with Claire at the old boar inn (After you shared her with Bjorn she went wild), Fixed interaction with Claire at the drunken fox at night when she thought Kate was in bed when that wasn't the case.
Fixed another dialog bug with Carmen on the love route
Fixed problems with the final step before Kirlic on Kate's quest. Fixed a bug with disabling choices on Carmen's love route.
Good morning,
feels like we had this recently already... right, same as last week.
I've decided to make this update not only so that you can see what I've done over the past week but also so that those of you who want can help me smooth out problems that will probably still be in this version. I've been running tests over the past 2 hours, but I didn't test out every decision along the way of the sharing route for Claire and Bjorn.
For those of you unaware how to trigger this content at all I'll write a short how to at the bottom of this post. For those who aren't into sharing at all I've added a new animation for Claire in the MC's bedroom.
So (very) short changelog:
Continued content for the sharing route for Claire & Bjorn (4 animations)
New animation in the MC's bedroom (2 animations)
You can now sort relations alphabetical in the relations window (if it doesn't work when pressing R you must open it through the menu (esc-> relations))
At the monastery storyline it is now possible to ally with Syfa and betray (imprison/banish) her in the end (this allows you to corrupt the other priestesses)
bugfixes, thanks for all the reports! (see discord bugreport channel)
Now short about how to trigger the sharing content:
In the morning talk to Bjorn and Carmen in the tavern, this will cause Bjorn to go upstairs. After that have sex with Claire in the hallway, this will draw Bjorn's attention (since he is upstairs). Now to continue you must lose more than 3 gold to him in poker/Blackjack then he will ask you to take Claire to his bedroom. Follow the dialogue from there (there is no questlog for this).
v0.5.7.8 - 2024-04-22
Continued content for the sharing route for Claire & Bjorn (4 animations)
New animation in the MC's bedroom (2 animations)
You can now sort relations alphabetical in the relations window (if it doesn't work when pressing R you must open it through the menu (esc-> relations))
At the monastery storyline it is now possible to ally with Syfa and betray (imprison/banish) her in the end (this allows you to corrupt the other priestesses)
Bugfixes, thanks for all the reports! (see discord bugreport channel)
New Pokerdice game that you can play with Bjorn after you took all his money by playing Blackjack with him
New scene for Kate on the way to the old boar inn and while you're there in the afternoon
2 New scene with Claire in the morning at the old boar inn (10 animations + transitions)
Bugfixes (Thank you all for the reports!)
Fixed positioning bugs with Claire, fixed scene with Claire in the hallway, fixed problems with Claire's early quest in the cellar, fixed a bug with the monastery quest changelog - 2024-03-26
-Gavina's bonus scene (in case you haven't played it already)
-Dream system to replay scenes that became unavailable (Only scenes you have activated are available, currently there are 4: 2 for Emily (ntr with bandits, Marcus/Emily); 1 Imawyn in cell, 1 Gavina&Bianca + Tia&Lyvia with goblins) Next on the to do list is Ophilia when she was drunk (will be added in
-Rework of Toren, Odric & Kyle + their scenes and other images
-3 new maps (+ 1 for transition but that doesn't really count)
-New character sprites & dialoge images for Kate, Claire, Carmen and Bjorn
-1 scene for Kate & Claire (5 animations + transitions)
-1 small scene for Carmen & Bjorn (1 animation)
A lot of bugfixes. Again a big thank you to all of you! I got a lot of pm's and reports on discord and I fixed things like Tia never confronting Katherin about MC and her having sex (can be triggered during dinner at Katherin's); Emily could get stuck in progression if you never rescued her from bandit camp but then captured Imawyn (now there is a new dialoge in which she is happy about the news that Imawyn got captured, this will also unstuck the quest should it be at that state) + many other smaller and bigger things that I can't recall all.
v0.5.7.0с - 2024-01-23
Updated combat system with new combat animations for the MC
Yasmine & Liandra bonus scene + scene with Giron&Liandra & transformation option at camp
New BJ scene with Kate at the inn inside the MC's room when you go there with Kate in the evening
You can now put sleepwine into Kate's bottle near the bed (hard to see without toggleing UI off, see toggle UI later on) to have fun with Claire. (so that you don't have to interact with Kate that evening).
Reworked dialogue images for: Marcus, MC, Thomas, Corven
Reworked the hunting images + added a small animation to it
Fixed some images on Emily's kidnapp event
Reworked some of the intro images (Van & Eric)
The Lucius Potion quest has been changed a little to make the intro more fluid (Making it easier for new players), Same goes for the quest at the inn (to give the player some pointer on what to do).
Balanced out quest xp depending on level. (if you still find quest rewards where you get multiple levelups please let me know! I will probably have missed some)
Emily's relationship is now optional (you can reject her offer the first time she invites you into her bed)
Tia and Claire now have a quest which will guide you through their early stages (For Tia after you got the quest from Emily, for Claire it will start after you either talk to Thomas about getting a room or the next morning when Claire and Thomas talk)
The King will now visit Arenfield after 14 days even if you didn't progress Frisha's quest. If you progress her quest he might come earlier
I reworked Early images of Claire (Lifted at the wall, she also got another angle for that, and the HJ scene)You can now also wake up Claire in the night if you already had sex with her. If she has 5C+ she is also willing to do it infront of Kate even if she's not drunk.
The Rumah timetable changes, Some new movement routes for Tia/Hiba/Raaisha/Ayita. If Tia is Dasan's wanita she will now visit his tent every night should the MC not brought her into his hut/have her in group.
Nyra Christmas event with new quest for Rumah in December (New animations for Nyra + more interaction with Tia/Dasan in the Chieftains tent should you be on that route)
Rework of Imawyn's early animations in her tent at the Bandit camp, some changes to dialogue & more options on how you can complete the quest (Killing the bandits) - The scene can now also be triggerd if Imawyn is corrupted later on in the game after you freed her from prison and then neglect her for a week.
Added an alternative task to help Claire in the kitchen, this also allows to trigger the cult quest without doing Claire's romance route (see next point).
Added a movement route for Thomas into the cellar on days where he isn't in his room. this also includes a detection system for him while going there with different reactions depending on where he spots the player. (allows the player to notice his secret should you watch him while he's in the cellar)
Deer and rabbits now trigger a run away trigger when they spot the player, after that they vanish
Added a boar for hunting (images for hunting/fighting and sprites for moving around) currently still working on the loot for that.
Slight changes to the huntinground, you can trigger hunting again should you not like the outcome (unless it's the orc party), you can light the fire near the lookout for cooking, boar's can now also spawn at the lookout
You can now get seeds from Penny while she is working on the field (you don't have to wait until dinner anymore), Penny has a new recipe you can learn (talk to her when she's cooking)
You can now toggle the UI on/off by pressing U. on existing saves you might have to set this in the keyboard config.
Sleeping now recovers HP/Energy based on the maximum HP/Energy of the MC (should be a lot more than before), Also changed the options for sleeping in the hay
Nerfed critical damage from x3 to x2 - Base damage of all weapons have been increased.
Rework of Julia's early dialogue/character progression - on existing saves you will probably have to do the event with fucking Yasmine infront of her again (this has been reset due to an additional progress variable)
Tin can now be found near rivers if you completed John's early smithing quest.
New recipe's for a studded armor & bronze weapons - to fill the gap of early level armor
Forging and sewing can now improve (there is a tab to see the current state under status) - Both will now also take time and cost energy. By improving it you will unlock upgrade slots on the armor/weapons (watch notification messages on that)
Mining now sometimes gives gems, gems can now be socketed into most weapons to improve stats, whetstones can be found during mining to upgrade weapon damage
New orc weapons have been added to the orc crafting recipe's (Bow, axe, sword, dagger), orc armor recipe's have been slightly changed and defence has been increased
Bugfixes - Everything you reported and everything I ran into during my own tests.
v0.5.6.8 - 2024-01-16
Good evening,
I've finally completed the implementation of the last animation for Nyra. There is more content for her inside her hut now. On Dasan's route you should wait until everyone is asleep inside to fully see the content (in case Tia visits there is a wait option), on vanilla route it should be possible at any time when she's in bed.
I also have plans to expand this scene a little further in (at least on the vanilla route).
What's also still missing is a repeatable version of the scene outside (both dance and sex) there is already an option for that, but for now it only triggers her normal naked scene (you can currently repeat the winterhowl event instead).
There will also be an option to go back to her old dress (for those who prefer it), but that is also still missing. So much to do, so little time!
So while still incomplete this update does have a few more things to try out. I've also implemented the changes to the Bandit camp (Emily doesn't have to be captured twice anymore) and you can trigger Tia's anal scene without claiming Hiba (after having sex with Tia 3 times she will mention it during sex in your hut, the old way via Hiba is ofc still possible).
As always: Old save files work as always. I've written a guide how you can transfer them. You can find it here: How to transfer saves
Should you run into any bugs, please report them via pm or by using the #bugreport channel on discord (Click + to create a new thread there) Thank you to anyone who takes the time to report bugs! All hotfixes will be listed below the links.
I know that this is a rather small update if you already played But at the same time I wanted to get it out before the year is over. This will most likely be my last update for this year, so completing the christmas content for Nyra was important to me. I know there are still the variations missing that I mentioned at the top of the post, still at least all animations are now implemented.
Next week I'll begin with the rework of Imawyn's old animations in her tent. I'll probably make some of the new versions then also available at the later stages when you freed her from prison.
But for now it's time to take a little break.
v. - 2023-12-25
Good afternoon,
I've just finished the work on update While the upload is still processing it's time to give you a quick review of the past week.
For the most part you can probably already guess what I've been doing: I worked on the animations for the scene with Nyra. Maybe I overdid that part a little so in the end I made more images than I was actually able to implement in the current update. 5 animations are currently missing that are all already finished (+tranistions).
I plan to add them next week right after the holidays in update Of course, I would have preferred to add them to already, but since today was my deadline for this version, I had to make some compromises.
What else is there to say: after getting a lot of feedback, I've decided to revise the MC's dialog images again next month. Many people didn't like my last rework, so I'll probably try to get some more feedback from you guys on discord for the next rework to make them as close as possible to the previous version, but still have a more updated look.
The release link for Wayfarer has been updated to here
The new version which then also includes the first part of the winterhowl scene with Nyra will be available in short as soon as the upload is finished.
I will continue working next week right after christmas to finish my work on Nyra's scene.
I wish you all happy holidays!
v0.5.6.6a - 2023-12-15
Emily's relationship is now optional (you can reject her offer the first time she invites you into her bed)
Tia and Claire now have a quest which will guide you through their early stages (For Tia after you got the quest from Emily, for Claire it will start after you either talk to Thomas about getting a room or the next morning when Claire and Thomas talk)
The King will now visit Arenfield after 14 days even if you didn't progress Frisha's quest. If you progress her quest he might come earlier
I reworked Early images of Claire (Lifted at the wall, she also got another angle for that, and the HJ scene) I'm not done with Claire, the missing animations near Kate and BJ are already done but need to be edited. You can now also wake up Claire in the night if you already had sex with her. If she has 5C+ she is also willing to have sex even if Kate isn't drunk
Smaller balance changes, you can still replace your equipment at the darkwood (see the info at the release)
The Rumah timetable changes as mentioned before, Some new movement routes for Tia/Hiba/Raaisha/Ayita. If Tia is Dasan's wanita she will now visit his tent every night should the MC not brought her into his hut/have her in grou
v0.5.6.0d - 2023-11-11
Umah & Maui's bonus scene (693 images)
Melissa's quest and scenes for her (1072 images)
New minigame: Treasurehunting with 30 locations and some artifacts as well as crafting resources to discover - This will be expanded in the future.
A new map, reworked the smithy
reworked character models for John & Melissa + some new character models
Bugfixes! As always thank you all for the reports, I couldn't do this without your help!
Fanmade content by Arthur Kord: A scene with Kate/Thomas/MC in Thomas bedroom at night
v. - 2023-11-04
Good morning,
it's been a long night but the update is finally done.
I know last friday I said something about 2 more workdays, but in the end I wanted to get to a good breakpoint with the relationship building with Melissa and also add some actual content for her into this update. Without that it would have felt too minimal even for a testversion.
So before you wonder: No, Melissa can't have sex in this version. But don't worry, that will be added in
What's now in this update?
The treasure search feature + some itmes that you can get from it (new armor & weapons)
Updated Melissa's dialogue images + made new sprites for her and some new characters.
You can now enter the livingroom of the smithy and talk to Melissa, this will progress her quest and there are again some choices that you can make. I've also added a few animations and written lot of dialogue for her.
Maui's & Umah's bonus scene - Talk to Maui near her tent in Rumah after Umah has become your wanita.
Bugfixes, as always thanks to everyone who reported bugs!
Hope I haven't forgotten anything important now, if so I will update the changelog tomorrow.
Hotfix a: I forgot to remove the test treasure which I added... digging it up will break progression, so in case you don't want to risk digging it up (in the middle of Arenfield) download the hotfix.
Hotfix b: Fixed a problem with Lucius not continuing the quest, Fixed a problem with all chests beeing open, Fixed some typos & Text clipping.
Hotfix c: Fixed a problem with the Dasan & Arianna scene
v. Hotfix - 2023-09-06
Ok now time for a full changelog since (somewhat shortened, intended for orientation only):
Katherin's bonus scene with Lyvia (Have dinner with Katherin without Tia, after you had the 3some with Lyvia & Katherin. There should then be an option to invite Lyvia in)
10 new maps (the whole monastery)
Penny's bonus scene with Natasha
Sexual content For Bridget, Heather, Agatha, Mira & Syfa (all of them got new animations)
You can now complete the fighting demons quest with different outcomes depening on your decisions throughtout the quest.
Mira got a lot of alternative dialogue now in case she gets corrupted, variations for the other womens dialogue are also done.
A lot of bugfixes... Thank you for all the reports, without them this wouldn't have been possible!
v. - 2023-07-13
It's gotten late, but I managed to achieve all my goals for this update.
Well almost... originally I had plans to add in more interaction with Bridget. So the whole getting to know her better, gaining her favor and having sex with her. This is something I had to cut for now :( It will of course be added with but for now it would have been too much.
So let's talk about what I did got in: (short changelog)
3 new maps + small modifications for the exisiting monastery maps
new daily routines for all the characters inside the monastery (including non character npc's)
3 additional monk characters with dialogue images & sprites
New outfits (sprites and dialogue images) for Mira, Heather & Bridget
The quest "Fighting Demons" can be continued for a few more steps (not completeable at the moment) - This is going to be my so far most complex quest. includes a lot of dialogue for all characters at the monastery
Animations: 1 for Heather, 2 for Bridget, 3 for Mira&Aidalin, 4+transitions for MC&Syfa
Bugfixes (everything that got reported + what I found while testing)
Hotfix Fixed an interaction bug that could get you stuck (choice window empty) after talking to some of the monks.
v0.5.4.1a - 2023-05-22
- Fixed a bug with Claire never forgiving the MC his marriage with Emily.
- Fixed reported bugs (Lyvia joining group if she is in the middle of sex, problems which had nothing to do with the scene but other events, I added an animation for Lyvia&Katherin having sex while you fuck Tia at the same time. This can be triggered by visiting Katherin past 12pm if Lyvia visits her and Tia is in group or is already at home due to you entering Arenfield with her and then leaving again through the west.
- A new quest to marry Emily (Can be started in bed when cuddling, you need to be on the loveroute with her and you must have completed the quest around her house)
- Emily can now visit the MC's house (talk to her in the evening when she is in the kitchen and follow the dialogue, She needs to have her new dress for this)
- New animations for the kitchen scene in case Emily is pregant (a few variations in case she has an orgasm here, this can be expanded via bonus scenes in the future should you wish for it.
- New pregnant scene with Emily and Giron
- Many dialogue adjustments/reactions to Emily's marriage with the MC ... This isn't complete yet. It took me too long and this will be finished in the full version next week, isn't completely included in this test version.
- Another new scene with a different character than Emily (no spoilers here).
- In total 676 new images
- Just has put a lot of work in the dialogue of the Rumah map, all credit to him for fixing an adjusting the dialogue there.
v. - 2023-04-06
Reworked Emily's old images + added a step to her relationship building quest. A quest for that has now also been added to make it easier to follow through. Added some new animations to it on top (different angle) ~ 650 images
Added Emily's pregnancy with different dialogue depending on relationship status/how many children she has (6 animations + transitions, 381 images)
Bianca's bonus scene from March. (563 images)
Reworked Mira's dialogue during the bath, added more dialogue for Katherin after Tia finds out about her.
Performance changes, that should make the game run smoother
A lot of other bug fixes for problems that have been reported” Test - 2023.03.12
Good morning,
I know I've missed the report today. You can probably guess already that I wanted to be done with the update first before I write it.
As always this took longer than expected and so the report will have to wait until tomorrow after I had some sleep.
For now let's talk about this update and what's new:
Added missing dialogue for some scenes
Added the final event for Tia's quest (6 animations + transitions, 761 images...)
Changed some dialogue for after the quest is completed.
Added in a new alternative end should you fail over and over again
Added the alternative option that was missing before
Added a new scene when you are defeated after Zorad is defeated
Added a new option to quicktravel to Calan's Rest after you have either taken over or befriended the orcs in some other way
Fixed bugs that were reported before - 2023-02-04
So what is now in this update:
Tia's quest can be somewhat completed (somewhat means there is still the reward part missing which I will add in together with a final branch that is currently missing as well)
New skills Tia can learn from Maui if she has a high enough level in Rumah.
The bonus scene for Emily/Frisha/Mira
1 new map together with new climbing sprites for the Mc and partymembers.
I added more animations for Tia & Katherin inside Katherin's house (5 in total)
1 animation if you lose the fight agains orcs near the fortress
New gear, although unlocking it is a bit hidden. Curious who finds it first :) (will of course be covered in the walkthrough once it's updated)
New enemies of course (balancing might be necessary...looking for feedback!) - 2022.12.24
Good evening,
I feel a bit like the MC in this image...well if I had a fireplace...I guess a fireplace video on my second monitor will have to do ;)
So this update is finally done...Not with as much content as I would have liked but at least a few new scenes are implemented and the christmas special is also included. I almost expected to run into this situation at the start of the month. I've worked on a lot of images and materials, but putting them all into the game and also make meaningful events is a different story. That's why only a part of what I've worked on is now implemented in this update. The rest will come (as said before) in the final update next month.
So what's new in this one?
Arianna's bonus scene from last month (337 images)
A new reward system where you can gain extra talent points by doing activities like farming/cutting trees/picking locks/finding items....
A new event for Christmas (I will put a spoiler at the bottom of this post on what to do, only read if you really want to ruin the surprise or can't find out) (438 images)
Reworked the animations for Tia in Katherin's house + added some new. You can now wake Katherin at night when she is already sleeping (280 images)
Beginning of Tia's quest (it's not that much yet, but you can see where the journey is going) 2 new maps
bugfixes as always
Hotfix a: Fixed the strange bug that called the Ayita event when entering the area around Madrag Kaz.
v. - 2022-11-27
Good morning,
it took again a bit longer, but I hope it was worth the wait...after all I had to cramp in some extra content on top that wasn't planned before last friday.
Since I knew I would take one more day anyway I've added in some more content for Yasmine (reworked her oldest animation and made 2 new which are available after you completed the quest)
Ok time for a quick changelog:
New interaction for Tia at the camp (her tent is at the bottom left)
1 new animation for Lyvia in her tent (if you did her other content you can change position there), 1 new scene with Lyvia at the trainingfield (sharing)
You can complete Lyvia's quest around the Raven. (2 new maps)
1 reworked 2 new animations for Yasmine.
Some new equipment, some new enemies...
Bugfixes, everything you reported
Thank you for testing. I've uploaded a hotfix at the bottom of this post for those of you who downloaded the test version.
I'm currently uploading the fixed version.
Hotfix a: Fixed a problem with the mercenary system. It was possible to cause a missmatch at the traderoute. should be fixed now. you can find the hotfix at the bottom of this post.
v. + Hotfix - 2022-11-13
Release Test! - 2022.11.01
Good evening!
It's finally time to release this update. I've been testing it for the past hours and I've put into it as much as I could to this point.
This isn't the full update as I have already told you in my last report. Which means I'm not fully done with Lyvia's story yet. I will continue to work on it in the coming week and as soon as it's done I will release it.
But in terms of new scenes this update pretty much covers everything for Lyvia.
I'm currently not planning to add much more for her in (maybe 1 or 2 animations at maximum, we will see).
So a quick changelog:
The party at the camp is now available even if you sent Liandra to the Baron (this will also help to improve morale, you must have your men at the camp or it won't work)
New animations for the party and I extended the event by a lot
New animations for Lyvia at her tent
The MC can now learn to equip a sword by training with Lyvia
You can gear up your mercs if John made armor for them, which you can pick it up at his smithy (interact with the camp on the Mercenary map)
A new quest will start in Arenfield once you completed some requirements (Liandra's story, Lyvia's story)
This is again a test release! So even though I tested it very extensive there will probably be bugs (maybe even gamebreaking bugs). Please be aware of this and if you play it keep a copy of your saves!
If you don't like playtesting then wait a few days. I will upload a fixed version as soon as I've removed every bug that you guys run into.
v. - 2022-09-12
It's now almost 3am Monday morning here (so you could say in the middle of the night) I've been working the whole weekend, morning till night to get this update done...
You might be wondering why I would do something that stupid and not take the time to rest a bit...The reason behind it is that I promised a friend to help him out on Monday and Tuesday, and yeah that of course means I can't work on these days...
Because of that I decided to use the weekend to work so you don't have to wait any longer for the update. But that also means that I won't be able to make any changes to the game in the coming days (I won't be home) So I've done what I could in terms of testing (and I was able to play through the content without problems) but if there are bugs I can't fix them until I'm back home. And as much as I would like...The Walkthrough update also has to wait...I can barely keep my eyes open at this point.
But since I didn't write a changelog in a while I'll try to do that now, Since this has changed:
Bonus scene Arianna & Kate (274 images)
Bonus scene Julia (344 images)
2 new maps
A bit of content for the Queens Maid (57 images)
A new quest for the Queen that can now be completed (427 images)
Bugfixes (as always) (there is still a problem that time freezes on Anya's quest, a temporary solution to that is to lose a fight and then respawn in Mira's room. after that it should work again) - If anyone finds out how this happens let me know!
v. - 2022-08-17
Good morning,
It took until late into the night, but now the update is finally done. It's still a bit rough around the edges, but at least this way it's on point as a testversion which these .5 updates are supposed to be.
This one took much longer than I anticipated. The thing that might be surprising for some of you, the most time really went into the positioning this time. I had to setup routes for the Queen, her guards, the princess, the maid, the general... And in case of the queen her locations also influenced other people when she is walking around the village. All of that really caused me a headache.
Then after it finally worked out and I had written some story there was still the missing new scene that I wanted to add for this update.
Originally my plan was to do a first scene for either the Queen or princess...but that would have been super rushed and I want to take proper time for their character developement. So instead I did what I originally didn't want to do. I made content for the maid. The reason behind that: she will be just a side character with not much more content when it comes to character developement. So it didn't hurt to rush her character developement from getting to know her to having sex with her. I made the animations for her earlier today...When I just did the tests there were some of them that need more polish...I will see that I do something about that for the next update.
The new content will start a few days after you done Lyvia's quest about the mercenary camp and you must have played Frisha's story up to the point where the King arrives. If you did that in past versions just wait 4-5 days in the village and it should start.
Final part of Anya's quest (5 new animations for her) (+2 ntr)
Some other fixes around the world that have been reported to me over the past weeks
Nyra's bonus scene (7 animations)
The next part of Anya's quest (2 animations + some transition animations & images. ~200 images)
Some bugfixes around the board (the cat quest is still bugged, I didn't have time to fix it :( )
SMP's dialogue overhaul.
5 new animations for Anya + you can progress her story a bit further.
Fixed the problem with the Doubleshot not being learned (talk to Corven again)
Other fixes all around the game that have been reported by you.
Frisha's bonus scene
New skills from Corven. If you further increase the MC's hunting skill he will teach you up to 3 new skills
New armor and recipes to craft it
2 new maps
Start of Anya's quest (2 animations for her so far, more to come in the coming week)
1 new ntr animation for Tia & Lyvia
Fixes for all kind of reported bugs
11 new animations for Ophilia, you can continue her quest by a few more steps (it is currently not possible to complete it since that requires either the implementation of Kirlic or more steps on Arianna's quest)
Rework of the animation between Giron/Frisha
some smaller changes and fixes
Verena's Bonus scene (new dress + scene for her and Claire)
First part for Athia's character progress (2 paths depending on your choice regarding Gwen) / in this version currently 2 animations for her + 1 for Emily
Expanding the house to the 1st floor + new furniture for it
Tia will now cut wood for you if you leave her in Arenfield at 4pm (you need to talk to her first to activate this)
You can now complete Athia's quest (different depending on your choice with Gwen) - 7 new animations (in total 10 since
If on Gwen's path autobattles will now increase her corruption
The past week hasn't been easy for me. I wanted to get this update done last Friday, then Monday...then Tuesday... There was always still something missing or something not working.
And almost every day I came up with other small ideas that MUST be added...yeah of course you can't get the update finished if you work like that.
But it's really difficult to stop myself once I have an idea that I want to add to the game.
So now finally I call complete. Both paths for Athia can be completed (at least the quest about her reincarnation) - The story around her has of course only just started and I will continue it in the future. And now there is of course also the option to add content for her via bonus scenes. I think there is a lot of room for that ;) I already have some ideas which I wasn't able to fit into this update.
v0.4.7.5 and
So what is now added?
Gwen's & Sabrina's bonus scene with 10 animations (depending on the path you took with Sabrina), to see it you must have had sex with Sabrina at least 3 times and then do it again.
2 new animations for Gwen, 4 for Sabrina (again depending on route)
You can now continue Gwen's quest, there is still some more dialogue missing for the aftermath. I will add it in the update in the coming week.
New character sprites/dialogue images
Bugfixes and smaller changes to Gwen's older scene (hope that doesn't cause any problems, had to change the code a bit so that it would work with the new animations)
You can now renovate the first floor of the MC's house. (I have already made preparations for the 2nd floor, but that will come in the next update)
You can continue Gwen's quest which will change the relationship between her and the MC depending on your previous decision. (4 new animations at the altar in her house)
There is a new conversation with Sabrina after the events. This will add more dialogue and a new animation when you wake her up at night.
The first steps of Athia's quest. I've added some more sprites and dialogue images for that, but real content for her will come in as I said before.
Completed the 2nd branch of Umah's route (4 Animations) + a lot of intermission images
New buildings for Rumah (see Umin after you completed Umah's first quest)
2 new quests for Umah (5 animations for route 1)
Claire's bonus scene (new options in the kitchen after you completed her story)
Maui's scene from the hunting ground is now available at Rumah
New battle backgrounds for forest maps & Madrag Kaz
Some bugfixes
You can now complete the quest Defending Rumah
1 new scene for Raaisha (2 new animations)
A new scene for Tia & the native at the fire
A short new quest
New background images for Maui's scene
Updated the nw.js files to increase the performance of the game (should also remove the error when starting the game) - Please let me know if someone is having problems because of this!
Bugfixes and a small update to the Krampus fight
Reworked all of Maui's scenes, dialogue images, sprites (~460 images)
Added a bonus scene for Mira & reworked her dialogue images (~360 images)
2 new maps
Continued the story around Rumah (incomplete, will be continued in
1 new scene for Nyra inside chieftains hut and outside at Rumah (2 animations, 57 images)
4 new characters, I've made dialogue images and sprites for them. You will see more of them in the coming update
New content for Raaisha: A new scene solo and another with Tia both available at 2 locations in Rumah. And a new scene for her and Dasan should you have chosen that route.
Should Dasan have escaped during the confrontation in Rumah you can now find him again.
A few smaller changes (You can now ask Tia to come with you/stay in Arenfield)
Bugfixes as always (the biggest I can remember was the one with Kate's pregnancy not showing her belly in the dialogue with Grant & Ophilia at the table at the inn)
A new bonus scene for Penny (5 animations)
Lucius has now a daily cycle and you can watch him from outside the shop through the window
Reworked 3 of Kate's older animations (This was on my todo list for a long time now)
You can now build beds for Emily's orphanage, to do that talk to Roderic in his workshop
Kate can now get pregnant. This comes with some choices for the MC, you can prevent it of course if you're not into that kind of content and it's completely optional. (7 animations for Kate when she is pregnant)
Claire: Reworked her dialogue images, added a new scene with her when she's sitting at the fireplace in the morning (2 animations)
Verena: added more dialogue adjustments to her dialogue with Claire & in case you visit Arianna.
You can now skip multiple days when using the skip time function
A new Halloween event (no scene). Is available during October RL time and during ingame October.
Just made a lot of grammar/typo fixes, a big thank you to him from my side!
And as always a lot of bugfixes! Thank you all for the reports!
Hope I didn't forget anything...
Next month I'll be working on Raaisha's update. This will further expand the forest and I'll be adding the orc village. This is going to be a bigger update and I expect to work on it for 2 months. There will be of course updates for each month as always.
v0.4.3.0c Hotfix
New dialogue updates from Just, Fixed Frisha walking backwards, Fixed problems with Verena, Rabbit trap & hutch have been corrected (no more endless rabbits)
Natasha's bonus scene, Reworked all her images + new alternative mode with different personality on top of the reworked and animations with smaller breastsize I've added one more animation
Verena's quest: reworked her old animations + added 14 new + 2 animation for Arianna a lot of new sprites and probably more new dialogue then I have ever written for an update before.
You can now set up traps and place them in the forest
Updated the cheat book (big thanks to Firebane for his work on it!)
Some smaller features (added a cat, you can now build a rabbit hutch for Emily)
A lot of bugfixes
Natasha's bonus scene (reworked her images + alternative breastsize & alternative dialogue + a new animation for both breastsizes)
Reworked Verena's images
First part of Verena's content update (Story around Arianna continues a bit further,
Talk to Roderic in his room after you completed Ariana's house arrest quest)
2 new animations for Arianna
Anya got her new dialogue images + character sprite
Smaller changes and fixes: You can now take iron bars from John's smithy if you completed his quest,
fixed dialogue bugs with wrong images around Frisha & Liandra, fixed image bugs with Julia's piano scene,
Penny will no longer float in the air after her first blowjob scene, fixed dialogue with Dave & Joseph
Kate & Arianna's bonus scene with 5 animations
Reworked 5 more of Tia's animations in Rumah
New dialogue images and character sprites for: Kate, Lyvia, Liandra, Frisha
New scenes for Frisha, 4 animations (1 ntr)
You can now continue Liandra's story at the Baron & at the camp depending on which route you have chosen. Depending on your choices you will see different animations for her. In total I made 11 animations for her (2ntr), not counting transitions/transformation animations.
In total 1079 new images (just so you get an idea, previous updates had around 500~ new images)
Minor bug fixes and changes that I can't remember in detail.
Tia alone got 300 reworked/new images for her old anal scene in Rumah.
The performance mode (Can be toggled in the options menu)
Reworked/new dialogue images for Kate/Liandra/Lyvia & new sprites for all of them.
Kate & Arianna's bonus scene (see spoiler at the bottom for info)
You can continue Liandra's routes. 1 scene for the camp route & 1 scene for Baron transformation route. (Added new daily cycles for Liandra in both locations + images for her sleeptime)
5 reworked animations for Tia.
bugfixes & small changes to the inn map (I wonder if anyone will notice).
As always: Saves from after update work, just copy over your save folder from the previous version into the www folder of the new version.
The walkthrough will be updated after the final update
Of course I didn't finish Liandra's quests (since there are 2 routes this means 1 for each route).
Kate & Arianna's bonus scene: To see the new content have drinks with Rick at the inn, he must have at least 3 drinks in one evening so better start early (I have changed the code so that he will infact have drinks from time to time). Also to see everything you must have had sex with Kate & Arianna already. There is a bit of a progression between the two so don't expect to see everything on the first attempt. After you did this 2 times Rick might get drunk on his own (50% chance) if you visit the inn and wait until 10pm
Frisha got a new scene with 4 animations, depending on which path you are on with her her dialogue is different.
You can now decide what to do with Liandra. There is currently no sexual content with her, that will change next month.
A new scene with Nyra. I have rewritten a part of her dialogue to make her motivation better understandable. Depending on which path you have chosen for her, her dialogue will be different and it will lead to a different outcome in the future (3 routes, Dasan/love/corruption )
I have also written alternative dialogues for Yasmine and Julia should you first interact with them after the events around Liandra
You can now visit the Baron and change your name (might come in handy if you use saves from other people, there is now a discord channel where some already shared their saves)
I have changed the respawn timer to 5 days, 7 felt a bit too long from my point of view. I'm still open for any input in that regard.
For testing: I've changed the respawn rate of monsters and items on almost all maps (not the mine and swamp) to 7 days. The reason behind that is that the original respawn time of 3 days was a good thing when there wasn't that many areas.. Now that the game has a lot more maps it often feels to me like you get bombarded with trees and no matter where you go there are too many enemies. I'm looking forward to your feedback, If you think the respawn time is too long I can adjust it of course!
So About the new stuff:
Reworked the mayor's mansion (3maps)
Added 2 new maps
Continued Frisha's story (see spoiler if you can't find it)
A new scene for Nyra
Yasmine's and Julia's bonusscene from last month
Saves from version and after that work for this version! Just copy over the save folder from the old version (there is also an explanation for that inside the game's folder)
I won't have time to update the walkthrough for this update, but here some clues on how you can progress the new content:
For Nyra's scene: you have to talk to her and after she agrees to cook for the tribe Fuck 3 of the 4 women next to the fire when she is cooking. After that ask for a second bowl of soup.
For Liandra: After completing Frisha's content with Dave listen again to Dave talking to his father in the morning/afternoon.
For Yasmine:
To see the new scene you must have had sex with Yasmine 5 times and her corruption has to be 6+ then when having sex with her change position until Giron walks in on you. You can then satisfy her or leave without fucking her again (she will then take the next best cock to satisfy herself.. Only in ntr on mode)
For Julia:
To see the new part with Julia you have to complete her previous content and then complete John's quest up to the point where Julia came in to serve tea.
After that you can talk to her in the kitchen again to start a new quest around her
(important: if you told her to improve with the butler you have to watch her while not disguised and then overstay so you get punished, after that you can confront her in the kitchen)
Everything after that should be explained in the questlog.
I've also added an animation for the scene when she licks Yasmine in the livingroom
Here we go again,
before I finally head towards weekend let me write this down before I forget half of it.
Things I've added/changed since
Replaced the old hunger&rest system (was necessary to fix a damage calculation problem)
Replaced the sound emitting plugin (the old one caused random crashes - Sadly this change broke old save files. Wish I could have solved it otherwise but it was the only option available. Hopefully that won't happen again, There is a save file in this game that let's you start with most content already completed)
Reworked the interface (You can now click all buttons in the ui and added a click to eat feature to it)
Made smaller changes to the intro and added a shovel to the game so you can burry the poor guy near the mine + you can now serve Katherin wine during dinner
Tia: Reworked Tia's starting scenes and dialogue. I went through great length to rework most of her animations and other images + added new animations on top. Around 420 new images + the ones I have reworked.. I can't count correctly how much was changed/added. I think I never made this many animations for an update. Also reworked & added some dialogue in Rumah.
Added a new character to Rumah (the chieftains wife) - Not much content for her yet, but I have 2 animations prepared already that will come in the near future (didn't have enough time to fit them into this update).
Bianca will now teach you the backstab skill which allows you to kill enemys of same level directly from stealth if you succeed in a dexterity check.
And of course Katherin's bonus scene from last month with her and Lyvia having a 3some in the morning with the MC
+ A lot of bugfixes (Thanks for all the reports guys! This wouldn't have been possible without your help)
John's quest + reworked his character model (Help him to deliver weapons to the front)
(there is currently a bug if you don't have 5 goblin ears with you the first time)
New weapons/armor
the 3rd option of Gavina's quest (it took a whole lot longer than option 1 & 2)
New scenes for Gavina (5 animations) after you completed her quest + alternative dialogue in some other parts depending on choices regarding Bianca
Changed questicons for most quests
Daily cycles for John & Melissa
Start of Melissa's quest (unfinished)
Emily's bonus scene from last month (Must have had a 3some with Frisha twice, then have sex with Frisha in her room twice during an evening)
Optional ntr route for Julia, you can now tell her to get more experience after you've started her love route.. If that's a good idea..
New message log during conversations, in case you missed something (press left shift)
You can now hide the textbox during conversations by rightclicking
There are now labels in Arenfield that show the name of the owner of the houses (can be disabled in the options menu)
Reworked Bianca's reverse ride animation (smoother now with more frames)
Bianca's corruption route with new animations (They are also available if you corrupt Bianca in her love route and one doesn't need corruption at all)
1 new map
You can now continue and complete Gavina's quest! Careful to not lose a fight while escorting them..
Reworked Melissa's dialogue images
Bonus scene for Ophilia with 4 animations & new dialogue images for her + some reworked images
Added 1 scene for Penny's corruption route (next to Henry)
4 new maps, 2 new characters + dialogue images and new sprites for Bianca
11 new animations for Bianca together with a quest and her love route (not completely finished)
1 new scene for Lyvia/Tia
New stealth skill which gives the player the option to sneak up or vanish from enemies (currently based on the thievery talent)
1 additional quest that will be continued in the coming month
Smaller changes and fixes all over the game
Last month bonus scene for Ophilia
2 new maps
added a scene for Penny (You can now have vaginal sex with her next to Henry if you drugged him) Pray with Penny as usual after Henry declared he'd be working as a guard.
Added new sprites for Bianca + advanced her daily routine and made a first scene for her. (You have to talk to her in 2 locations to activate it)
Introduction of John's daughter (after the king visited Arenfield it will take 7 days until she arrives. If you already played this step it will take 7 days from the moment you enter Arenfield again) After that visit the smithy.
New stealth system (part of Bianca's quest). It's not finished yet! I will experiment a bit with it and will advance it in the coming month.
Lyvia will now catch up in experience if she falls too far behind. Leave her in Arenfield and then come back another day.
Bonus scene for Frisha (4 animations)
Reworked 2 maps (Smithy / Lucius shop)
Added new fasttravel positions for the camp and witches cottage (on the map)
Reworked MC character model (You can still use the old images if you prefer them)
Reworked Lucius & Henry
Fixed Penny's give vegetable script and she's now also actually visiting the shop to sell them.
Added the mansion into the global time script and adjusted time segments. Made new positions for each character for 5pm and 7pm
Continued Penny's quest. Can now be completed and you can approach her character progression in different ways. Made 8 new animations in total for her story + additional images
Other smaller changes and fixes (Can't remember everything I've done)
Bonus scene for Frisha (interact with the MC during dinner & new scene with her and Dave should the MC fuck her more than 10 times) (4 animations)
Start of Penny's quest. 1 new animation, Henry will wake up but this quest isn't finished in this update.
Reworked 2 maps (shop & smithy)
Reworked character images for Lucius & Henry
Fixed Penny's give vegetable script and she's now also actually visiting the shop to sell them.
Added the mansion into the global time script and adjusted time segments. Made new positions for each character for 5pm and 7pm
Bonus scene for Hiba and Raaisha (5 animations)
a new map and small changes to the cellar of the church
Changes to the positioning script to make transitions between locations easier
Continued Mira's quest around the church. The quest about her ritual can now be completed and involves 2 new characters. (9 new animations)
3 new weapons
Minor changes and fixes (Fixed time consume bug for serving game and other events like farming, working in the smithy) and some other things.. Don't remember everything.
1 new animations for Mira
2 new animations for a new character
5 animations for Hiba & Raaisha
1 new map
Mira's story continues, you can start her new quest, it's currently not possible to complete it (There is an option to pause it)
4 new animations for Tia + 1 reworked
8 animations for Katherin
New daily cycle for Kate/Tia/Katherin with transitions between positions
3 new potion recipes + you can find new herbs in the gameworld (depends on nature skill)
4 new food recipes
Katherin's quest to start a relationship
Added a cheatmod to the game
Bugfixes and smaller changes (Penny will now get vegetables even if you don't help her, Other partymembers perception now works if it's higher than the MC's)
Kate's bonus scene from December (Anal in the tavern + optional route for Rick)
Reworked sprites for Katherin & Tia together with new facial images
Reworked Katherin's house & Mountain path map
Reworked Katherin's & Tia's daily cycle + added interaction with them inside Katherin's house (Will be improved in 0.3.5)
1 new scene for Tia (In Arenfield touch her with high lust while she's working needs 20C)
After completing Tia's story up to the part where she becomes your wanita the dialogue with Katherin has been changed and now Tia will suggest that she could share the bed with the MC. That will lead to you getting the Key for Katherin's house.
If you already had that dialogue with Katherin, Tia should tell you that you can now sleep there when you enter the house with her in group.
Also some bugfixes all around the game (Everything you reported or what I found myself)
2 scenes for Mira, 3 animations (Bonusscene from November)
2 scenes for Kate, 4 animations (Holiday special)
Winter mode for the game world (visible in the winter month's of the game)
2 new maps (Carpenter's house) + Daily cycles for 4 persons inside of it
Arianna's new quest that can be completed
1 scene for Arianna, 2 animations + her old animations at a new place
2 scenes for Verena, 5 animations
Smaller changes and fixes: Herbs are more visible, Shop doesn't show NaN anymore + some transition and minor fixes.
Ayita's character model got reworked and her one animation updated to the new model
Ayita's bonus content with 5 new animations
1 new map to the east of Arenfield (field map)
You can now complete the Quest for Lyvia and the militia of Arenfield
Options for a love/corruption route with Lyvia with 7 animations
All actions that cost rest are now influenced by the constitution talent
New option to switch to autofight for one round (hit esc at the start of battle)
Bugfixes all over the game together with other smaller changes
A small list of things I've changed/added:
You can now complete the quest about Arenfields militia
Added the start of Lyvia's love route. (Sit with her in the evening near the campfire, increase her affection up to 10 and find a way to distract Tia if she's around) I plan to add more for her inside the barracks next week.
Rebalanced brigands damage, please give me some feedback on that. Also added a new skill for Lyvia
3 new animations for Lyvia
New map to the east of Arenfield. Can be entered right after the intro.. It's still work in progress but you can already find enemys there (Brigands will spawn when you progressed Lyvia's story)
Ayita's bonus scene with 5 animations (Small explanation to her content at the bottom of this post)
Bugfixes and smaller changes all over the game (everything you reported + everything I ran into myself)
How to restore saves:
Most important: Saves from before version don't work with newer versions of the game.
In I made some gamebreaking changes which were necessary to remove bugs from the game.
I hated doing this, but it was the only way.
Now for other saves past this:
If you played the game in version your saves are currently stored in this folder:
%LOCALAPPDATA%\User Data\Default\A Struggle With Sin
You need to paste that into your file browser. inside this folder there should be your saves together with a config file & global file.
Copy everything and then paste it inside this save folder. Replace everything! that should do.
If you want to restore saves from any other version past
Go into the "www" folder of that version, copy the save folder and paste it into the new version. and when asked click yes to replace everything.
Most important: Saves from before version don't work with newer versions of the game.
In I made some gamebreaking changes which were necessary to remove bugs from the game.
I hated doing this, but it was the only way.
Now for other saves past this:
If you played the game in version your saves are currently stored in this folder:
%LOCALAPPDATA%\User Data\Default\A Struggle With Sin
You need to paste that into your file browser. inside this folder there should be your saves together with a config file & global file.
Copy everything and then paste it inside this save folder. Replace everything! that should do.
If you want to restore saves from any other version past
Go into the "www" folder of that version, copy the save folder and paste it into the new version. and when asked click yes to replace everything.
To activate the alternative storymode you have to read Marcus letter a second time (later in the game, Mira's quest) you will switch to the alternative story and can change designations to what ever you like.
There are breast expansion transformations for two women and optional futa transformation for another.
NTR avoidable?
You can turn it off at the start of your game or if you leave it on you can prevent it by your actions. There is also a option in the options menu to change it after starting the game. There is also netori content in the game that you can play even if you switch ntr off.
Arianna quest code: 887
Explanation on how versioning is done in this game:
Evangelion-01 сказал(а):
x.1 normally contains some bug fixes and/or Bonus Scenes
x.5 a pre version release to show the progress of the game and sometimes also contains some story elements (also has a high chance of containing bugs)
x+1.0 the final release of the month normally entailing everything promissed (unless the Update received some major game mechanics, bug fixes or the the amount of scenes was bigger than expected).
A full version Update is not released on the 1st of a month but within the last week of a month
Please let me know if you encounter bugs so I can fix them for the next update.
This is a non linear game which makes testing for me allone difficult (you can be sure I do a lot of testing before each release)
But as this is a one dev project at the moment I hope you will forgive bugs if they happen and report them to me (if possible together with a savefile).
Thank you for helping me to improve the game!
Known issue:
- Sometimes after loading a save an error might pop up. normaly restarting solves the issue. I know this needs fixing and is on my to do list
To activate the alternative storymode you have to read Marcus letter a second time (later in the game, Mira's quest) you will switch to the alternative story and can change designations to what ever you like.
There are breast expansion transformations for two women and optional futa transformation for another.
NTR avoidable?
You can turn it off at the start of your game or if you leave it on you can prevent it by your actions. There is also a option in the options menu to change it after starting the game. There is also netori content in the game that you can play even if you switch ntr off.
Arianna quest code: 887
Explanation on how versioning is done in this game:
Evangelion-01 сказал(а):
x.1 normally contains some bug fixes and/or Bonus Scenes
x.5 a pre version release to show the progress of the game and sometimes also contains some story elements (also has a high chance of containing bugs)
x+1.0 the final release of the month normally entailing everything promissed (unless the Update received some major game mechanics, bug fixes or the the amount of scenes was bigger than expected).
A full version Update is not released on the 1st of a month but within the last week of a month
Please let me know if you encounter bugs so I can fix them for the next update.
This is a non linear game which makes testing for me allone difficult (you can be sure I do a lot of testing before each release)
But as this is a one dev project at the moment I hope you will forgive bugs if they happen and report them to me (if possible together with a savefile).
Thank you for helping me to improve the game!
Known issue:
- Sometimes after loading a save an error might pop up. normaly restarting solves the issue. I know this needs fixing and is on my to do list
Тему отредактировал: admin - 25-02-2025, 13:27
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v. Eng. Topic updated. Added English version v. Eng.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v. Eng. Topic updated. Added English version v. Eng.
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