Майк — молодой парень, который стал мужчиной, вскоре после своего 19-летия. Найдёт свою первую работу, девушку, прикоснётся к теневой жизни, столкнётся с неловкими ситуациями, купит первую машину и т.д. Может, пойдёт за деньгами, может, за учёбой, а может, просто создаст семью. Всё начнётся с простых дней, но чем больше таких дней пройдёт, тем сложнее и красочнее станет история.
Max is a young boy who is loosing his virginity soon after his 19 years birthday. Finding his first job, girlfriend, touching the shady life, encounter awkward situations, buying first car etc. Maybe will go after the money, maybe after study, maybe just start a family. It will start with simple days, but more simple days pass, more complicated and colorful the story will become.
Старые сохранения и сохранения от английской версии работают некорректно!
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, animated, bdsm, big ass, big tits, blackmail, cheating, creampie, drugs, group sex, harem, interracial, lactation, lesbian, male protagonist, masturbation, multiple penetration, oral, pregnancy, rape, romance, sandbox, sex toys, sleep sex, stripping, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Mega Lono - Patreon - Subscribestar - Discord
Перевод: xDublle
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.19.0 Rus / v.0.19.3 Patreon Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (Смена языка в настройках)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty xDublle)
Майк — молодой парень, который стал мужчиной, вскоре после своего 19-летия. Найдёт свою первую работу, девушку, прикоснётся к теневой жизни, столкнётся с неловкими ситуациями, купит первую машину и т.д. Может, пойдёт за деньгами, может, за учёбой, а может, просто создаст семью. Всё начнётся с простых дней, но чем больше таких дней пройдёт, тем сложнее и красочнее станет история.
Max is a young boy who is loosing his virginity soon after his 19 years birthday. Finding his first job, girlfriend, touching the shady life, encounter awkward situations, buying first car etc. Maybe will go after the money, maybe after study, maybe just start a family. It will start with simple days, but more simple days pass, more complicated and colorful the story will become.
Старые сохранения и сохранения от английской версии работают некорректно!
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, animated, bdsm, big ass, big tits, blackmail, cheating, creampie, drugs, group sex, harem, interracial, lactation, lesbian, male protagonist, masturbation, multiple penetration, oral, pregnancy, rape, romance, sandbox, sex toys, sleep sex, stripping, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Mega Lono - Patreon - Subscribestar - Discord
Перевод: xDublle
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.19.0 Rus / v.0.19.3 Patreon Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (Смена языка в настройках)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty xDublle)
v0.19.3 - 2025-03-16
1.1g — Ema
- (Get Drunk and Horny - Chapter 1): This will include animations. -100% completed
- It will also let them sleep together during the night (new house in Mohoro) - 100% completed
- unlock unlimited kids. - 100% completed
2g. Teodora - ChosenOne tier - sex on couch.
- vaginal improved and extended - 100% completed
- new anal sex - 100% completed
3g. Rebeca discovers her new profession.- 100% completed
v0.19.2 - 2025-02-25
Progress log version 0.19.2
Updated 09.Feb
Main story:
1m. Airplane manager - If you’ve visited him before running for mayor, you will have the option to visit him again and ask for his support in your campaign. - 100% completed.
Girls story:
1.g. Ema - Ch1 - alternative path (Get Drunk and Horny) - she would let you have sex with her - 100% completed.
2g. Girl of the new update - BETTY - chosen by vote poll
2.1g - Ema (Get Drunk and Horny) animation, let MC to sleep in her bedroom (new house Mohoro) and unlock unlimited kids - NOT CHOSEN and LEFT for another update.
2.2g - Betty (Part 2) will have her first sex and pregnancy - 100% completed
With Moko corruption, her first sex will be without condom. Without Moko it will be with condom.
3g - Secret will still be able to join you, even if you keep your gang and Madam closes your access to BDSM club - 100% completed
(You still have to use the red syringe on her when you have sex before the deal with Madam. Don't ask Secret about the red syringe when you first see her.)
4g. BDSM Suzzy - option to take blue pill and have cum-inflated belly (repeatable) - 100% completed
1i. Ema will find who is the father of her 1st child earlier (before was 100 days after birth and now it will be only 70) - 100% completed
2i. BDSM Suzzy (some animations sharpened) - 100% completed
Bug Fixes:
1f. You can't visit the Airport receptionist before moving into the new house (now it will be available from the very beginning of Mohoro) - 100% completed
2f. Performance bug - Due to a Ren'Py bug, the MC's inventory could accumulate hundreds of thousands of records.
I’ve implemented a new cleaning script to shrink it back to 8 and removed the code that triggered the bug. - 100% completed
3f. -Betty in her bedroom but Moko appears from nowhere even if MC didn't invite her in Mohoro - 100% completed
4f. Brent (real estate agent) - You want to buy a new house and he will tell you that he will check and will come back soon.. but he never leaves and the game says "Hi again... come and sit" - 100% completed
5f. BDSM club access is blocked (If you keep the gang) but Darkcity APP still have BDSM pass fee unlocked - 100% completed
v0.19.1 - 2025-01-07
Main story:
1m. Talking with Madam will be not limited only to unlimited services deal but to all deals except the one where you keep the gang. (unlocks access to Madam's lab and Edmon) - 100% completed
2m. Madam will call you to talk about mayor campaign - 100% completed
3m. New dialogues with Maria at the Spa reception – 100% completed
4m. Gang (If you keep them after Madam's deal) -can collect up to 500K per 5 days - added on Mohoro map - 100% completed
5m. SPA computer, Money app - now it shows the money from Madam - 100% completed
Girls story:
1g. Paola (new house) - Option for cuddle and sleep together during the night - 100% completed
2g. Betty (sex or/and Story Advancement Part 1 - main event trigger on love points 50 and can reach love points up to lvl 70. If you let Moko to corrupt Betty, it will not have any requirements for love points) - chosen by the vote poll - 100% completed
Note: Moko should not appear visibly pregnant, or the event will be delayed until she gives birth.
Betty - random and repeatable event in her bedroom after Part 1.
3g. GK - new girl recruit to your gang (if you keep it) - 100% completed
4g. Tristy - in info screen she will be shown not like lover, but spouse after moving to live with you. - 100% completed
5g. Maria-Moko-Naomi- You will be able to decide if Maria will join Moko and Naomi during a conversation in front of the TV (will unlock future foursome) - 100% completed
Bug Fix
1f. Paola sex - finishing outside but it's registered like inside and she talks how she feels , even if it's outside - 100% completed
2f. Secret has been invited but she gives birth in BDSM and never arrives after - 100% completed
3f. Blackmoon - info screen shows 'maybe pregnant' after sex with Ramona - 100% completed
4f. Airport manager - If you visit him before the mayor campaign, the quest log on the home computer doesn't remove the quest. - 100% completed
5f. Paola and MC are going to the club but later MC discovers the club like never have been there - 100% completed
v0.19.0 - 2024-12-01
Main Story:
1. Visit the airplane company manager and make a business deal for your spa - 100% completed
2. Continue the mayor campaign - 100% completed
3.0. BDSM club (deal with unlimited services) trigger extra events in the club:
3.1. Talk with Madam -100% completed
3.2. Meet Edmon again and gain access to free blue pills, plus red and green syringes - 100% completed
3.3. Secret can get pregnant and join you (if you missed the chance before) - 100% completed
4. Vicky will call you and arrive -100% completed
5. Teodora (new sex scene and story about her husband - after 3rd kid) - requested by ChosenOne tier - 100% completed
5.1. Teodora - broken condom (use her husband's condom) in sex on the table and after 3rd kid - 100% completed
6. Naomi (sex alone) - new dialogues - 100% completed
7. Moko alone, anal and one vaginal (option to say: I love you) sex - improved - 100% completed
8. Elena threesome - new option: play the game (have 2 or more kids with her) - 100% completed
9. Secret - new sex scene in her bedroom (she likes it a bit rough) - 100% completed
10. Ramona will tell you the day when she is ovulating- 100% completed
11. BlackMoon (requested by ChosenOne tier) - 100% completed
12. If you have deal for unlimited services with Madam, BDSM pass will be now FREE (from home computer) - 100%completed
13. Blackmoon has been added to the Girls Info screen. - 100%completed
Bug Fixes:
Julia fix: In one case, you could miss making Julia pregnant for the first time, which could lock you out of having kids. This is now fixed - 100% completed
Ramona - love points were being added to Abby instead of Ramona - 100% completed
Missing images - new house; TV with Dora and Moko - 100% completed
Spelling and grammar corrections - ongoing
v0.18.4 - 2024-08-29
v0.18.3 - 2024-07-11
NEW - unlocking unlimited pregnancy for girls with 6 kids!
New code implementing unlimited kids. The new kids will not be tracked, and you don't have to give them names.
It will trigger automatically (in most cases after the birth of her 6th kid).
Main story:
Oliver will talk about his sister Vicky (invite in Mohoro) - 100% completed
AirPort - visit manager - - (Left for next update)
Stripper ChiChi - repeatable sex - (requested by ChosenOne) - 100% completed
Girls Screen - will add more girls - 100% completed
Anna - unlock unlimited kids - 100% completed
Dora - unlock unlimited kids - 100% completed
Moko - unlock unlimited kids - 100% completed
Rebeca - unlock unlimited kids - 100% completed
Paola- unlock unlimited kids - 100% completed
Naomi- unlock unlimited kids - 100% completed
Ema story (2nd kid - after she finds out who is the father of the 1st) - (Vote poll choice) - 100% completed
Ema - can change the name of her kids in Hospital (after she get pregnant with 2nd kid) - 100% completed
Naomi - Improvement - to make her pregnant for the first time, she will arrive only on the day of ovulation (which is one day in the month). Now the new update will allow her to arrive during the 7 days ovulation period and you don't depend of only one day which you can miss by mistake and wait 30 more days) - 100%completed
Chapter 1 - updated one old sex animation with Moko - 100% completed
Chapter 1 - updated one old sex animation with Vicky - 100% completed
Chapter 1 - updated one old sex animation with Dora - 100% completed
Chapter 1 - updated one old sex animation with Anna - 100% completed
Info App (Computer) gives more steps and details how to move into the new house - 100%completed
Love points of some girls are above 100% - 100% completed
Ema - in one play path, talking with her will not give you option to visit and have sex during the night - 100% completed
Spell and grammar (small fixes) - on going
Naomi - if she come for the first time, during the night you can miss her sex if you sleep with other girl. Now evening the game will force you to sleep in your bed and will not break the event. - - 100%completed
Anna -sex - it was mixed between the old and new hair style - 100%completed
Ema could arrive before Anna - from now, Ema can't arrive before Anna - 100%completed
Ovulation days calculation - if ovulation starts after 23th of the month, it will not calculate properly full 8 days.. Now it is fixed and the next month this girl will still be ovulating - 100% completed
v0.18.2 - 2024-05-17
Teodora - (requested by ChosenOne tier)
Teodora - new repeatable sex - DONE
Teodora - (took a lot of time to code and track all logic), now you have a second chance to have a second kid if you missed the opportunity when you had sex during the night. Call her when she is ovulating.-DONE
Teodora - can have 3rd kid (after you unlock her on the map) - DONE
Ema - new repeatable sex (vote poll choice) - DONE
Computer Office Info APP - now updated to be like home computer-DONE
Betty - improvement - she will come to work for you after you build the GYM. (before she could start working before you even hire Zara)-DONE
FIX the Computer Money APP - wrong calculations-DONE
Oliver salary reduced from 2000 to 1000 a week (it will be auto fix during sleep)-DONE
Fix - Moko, Maria and Naomi threesome - but Maria is not invited in the house - FIXED-DONE
Fix - Raj sells cheat APP (girls ovulation changer) for 25K but the screen notification shows incorrect only 20K - Fixed-DONE
Fix - New default kid names will be used even if you are using old save game (i did correct them but the old saves were still bugged).-DONE
Dora sex - improvement - she can get pregnant during the ovulation and it will not depend on extra random numbers-DONE
Love Level of the girls - fix - clean the code and correctly adjust the love level of each girl.-DONE
Find the Easter Egg #1 - lost wallet in Mohoro with 50,000 ... you can have them, but you have to find it.-DONE
v0.18.1 - 2024-05-10
Teodora location is on the map of Mohoro and you can have repeatable sex (unlocked after you have lunch with her and talk about staying with her husband or not. The choice is not important for unlocking.
Tristy will start living with you in the new house.
I will release Android build of the game
Correctly showing the new house outfit in the Main Character Screen
Fix bug with Ema and swimming pool
Fix bug with Hanna info girls screen
Fix bug with Naomi in the new house - kitchen
Fix bug with Apply for Mayor and at end of the day MC return to the new house and talks with his dad (but he didn't moved yet)
Fix kids gender in Girls info screen not match the actual gender. (After this update if you have any mismatched name, visit the hospital and change the name of the kid)
Hospital - more girls included to change the kids name.
UI girls info screen will have a second page
Home Computer Setup APP - you can change your name
v0.18.0 - 2024-03-31
Main story continues:
1.1 Apply for city mayor (requirement is to apply in the police station for citizenship) - 100% completed
1.2 Prepare advertising campaign (merged into Run for city mayor) - 100% completed
1.3 Gang event (if you keep it)- 100% completed
1.4 Oliver new job for him (if you don't keep the gang)- 100% completed
Kids will be removed from Patreon game, but not here - I will continue developing the game with the kids and you will be able to downloads it from downloads and Subscribestar.
2.1. Kitchen events - Moko, Dora and Anna; boy and girls - 100% completed
2.2. Corridor events - Moko, Dora and Anna; boy and girls - 100% completed
Teodora (what to do with my husband?) - 100% completed
4.1 Julia - will have 3rd kid - 100% completed
4.2 Julia (repeatable sex with condom) - 100% completed
4.3 Julia (repeatable sex with blue pills) - 100% completed
Betty (new events - if you invite her into the new house) - 100% completed
5.1 You can forbid Moko to corrupt Betty - 100% completed
Zara (if she is with you in the new house- Buy a motorcycle) - left for the next update
Tristy (if you had sex with her - Do you have an extra room for me?) - Left for next update
Spa - new events -100% completed
Naomi will have her own bedroom ( find her: Tue, Wed, Thu and Fri. With Moko will be Sat,Sun,Mon) - 100% completed
9.1 Naomi bedroom - repeatable sex - 100% completed
10.0 Moko -changes in some sex with her and Naomi - 100 % completed
10.1 Moko sex repeatable (watch porn TV with her and she will come to your bedroom) - 100% completed
10.2 Chat with Moko in her bedroom - now she will hold baby only if the age is correct and she will call it with the right name - 100% completed
10.3 Moko sex alone (repeatable) - training, who is the boss here - 100% completed
Home swimming pool (swimming event) - 100% completed
Rebeca (watch Porn TV - new repeatable sex) - 100% completed
Cheat APP - in home computer - Unlocked by Raj (strip club) and you need 20K. You can change the ovulation day of some girls (Raj will explain it). - 100% completed
Bombina repeatable sex in VIP strip club (by request, and you have to have at least 2 attractive points with her) - 100% completed
Ema will be inside her bedroom during the day - 100% completed
15.1 Ema event - (you can talk with her and if you already had sex, you can ask her to come again. Watch porn TV with Moko the same day and you will trigger special event) - 100% completed
15.2 Ema bedroom - conversations about sleeping with her and/or being a father, etc. - 100% completed
15.3 Ema repeatable sex in MC bedroom - 100% completed
Sasha - You always will have chance to take her path by becoming vegetarian (Before you could miss that option and her story will never advance) - 100% completed
16.1 Sasha - Great Monto event - small change in dialogues - 100% completed
Spa - distribute flyers -every time you distribute it will cost you one time 100, but it will add +100 to your weekly SPA income.- 100% completed
As always I will add more content if I have time.
Thank you so much for your support
Mega Lono
New house - when Zara is pregnant, has missing picture - 100% completed
New house - sex with Anna new hair has missing picture - 100% completed
Beach party - girl selling the burgers has duplicated name with the Gym trainer - 100% completed
Julia can announce pregnancy and the very next day she could come with a huge belly 100% completed
Spelling and grammar corrections -(Thank you LSI) - 100% Completed
v0.17.6 - 2024-02-12
We have some bugs to kill... and so far they are:
1. Dora and Moko's children should to appear 160days after they are born, but I put 240 days which is too long... Fixed.
2. Moko child should to be her 1st child, but I found that the 1st kid is a girl... I made a boy... So it is her 2nd child in the kitchen, not the first one - Fixed
3. Alina should to have 2nd kid but I forgot to activate getting her pregnant - Fixed.
5. Zara gives birth but the game is checking Paola instead of Zara's childs and could break names. - Fixed
0.17.3/4 - 2023-07-28
Another Bugfix
0.17.3 - 2023-07-23
Another Bugfix
The moving into the new house is not triggers if you don't have kid with Secret - fixed.
It will fix the bug with the strange visit from Betty and new house teleportation
This is the end of Chapter 2 "Welcome to Mohoro".
To buy the new house you need to have at least 2 kids and 6M+ in your wallet account. Also you have to complete the deal with Madam.
The house will cost you 5M.
Anna (if she is with you) must to have at least one kid (to make her parents happy )
Naomi story (if Moko is with you) should to be completed (refused or living with you and Moko)
Dora (if she is with you) must to have her dental clinic.
Ema to be invited to the new house and been on the beach and the club.
Also - at home all 5 girls must to be not visible pregnant!! Too much work to make them with pregnant and not pregnant bellies during the moving day.
1. Moko can get pregnant during the sex with Naomi (the scene where she has sex with Naomi using strap on).
2. Naomi alone sex - added new videos, images and dialogue
3. Option to disable animations of sperm and ovulation in your Home computer
4. Teodora - some still images are now animations during the last sex with Teodora.
5. Julia sex impregnation for the second time -added extra scenes
1. MC will visit his parents and get ready for moving
1.1 MC pack and move his room (he will keep the same bedroom)
2. Anna will pack and move (she will keep the same bedroom)
2.1 Anna - new hair style and all old animations are re-done
3. Rebeca will pack and move (she will keep the same bedroom)
4. Moko and Naomi will pack and move (they will keep the same bedroom)
4.1 Naomi can have one more kid (up to 5)
4.2 Moko solo new sex , anal, vaginal and spank (if Naomi has 2nd+ kid)
4.3 Naomi and Moko new sex (Moko using dildo-anal and double pen.)
5. Dora will pack and move (she will keep the same bedroom)
6. Paola - move in new bedroom
6.1 Paola sex repeatable
7. Alina - move in new bedroom
7.1 Alina - sex repeatable
8. Zara - move in new bedroom
8.1 Zara - sex repeatable
9. Maria - move in new bedroom
9.1 Maria - sex repeatable
9.2. Maria will not work Sat-Sun-Mon
10. Betty - move in new bedroom
11. Secret - move in new bedroom
11.1 Secret - sex repeatable
12. New living room
13. New kitchen
14. New house daily routine
14.1 Swimming pool
14.2 TV
15. Police station - apply for citizenship. In sandbox - whenever you are ready to activate Chapter3 "Business and Politics", In VN will be auto event.
16. New UI to move between places in the new house
17. Ema - move in new bedroom
17.1 Ema sex at night (only if you had sex in the club)
18. Teodora has second kid - (to have 2nd kid you have to say that you love her and not to ask her to keep her husband during the first kid announcement )
19. Julia has second kid
20. BDSM new sex with Suzzy (bj, dildo, ass)
21. Sasha - repeatable sex
22. UI added ovulation day beside girls pictures (1st girls info screen) - can be activated from home computer app (default is OFF)
23. Extra dialogues with Maria during lunch
Bug Fix:
1. Tiffany dialogue was with picture of Secret.
2. Open path not novel path, After expanding spa option and prior to stepping out for fresh air, error: ScriptError: could not find label 'label ch_maria_office_talk_end_return1'. -official fix
3. Small spelling and grammar mistakes within the whole Ch1 (HUGE thank you joysr1980)
v0.16.2 - 2023-04-08
Bug Fix update
SAVE file corruption - I rewrote a big chunk of code to stop the save files from getting corrupted from RenPy engine. After the MC goes to sleep it will trigger the new code and from this moment the game will no longer break SAVE files. The old broken saves will stay broken but the new ones will be safe.
Bug fix - Sasha info screen gives error when you try to open it.
Spell and grammar corrections
VN style - you can go to pharmacy and buy blue pills after the lab is closed.
Julia can get pregnant a bit easier.
Anna - can have sex when she is pregnant and sex animations unlock order has been changed. (every child is unlocking the next sex position - total 4 positions)
Office computer - adjustments in Money screen
Naomi and Moko random sex scenes adjusted
Betty's salary is now calculated in your expenses
Anna gives birth but if she is alone or only with Moko - the game shows wrong pictures.
Betty story will progress faster in your office and not random.
Version 0.16.1 - 2023.01.19
Only bug fix - Alina stays pregnant after birth - now it is fixed
Version 0.16.0
Improvements :
1. The stat screen -girls . You will see all girls and more details for each of them.
2. Info app (Quest/Tasks) - Will have a new screen and more information on it (it will be not adjusted fully, but I don't want to delay more)
3. Enter a custom name for your saves
4. Chapter 1 - add and improve some sex animations (anna, dora, moko)
5. Chapter 1 - add and improve some images/audio/dialogues
1. Oliver - we found him. Introduction of Ch3. (Business and Politics)
2. Elena - Here is our baby. Can you buy me a car?
2.1 Elena - repeatable sex after the first child
3. Anna - 2 new sex animation
3.1 Anna now can have up to 6 kids
4. Alina first kid and ask her to move into your new house
5. Sasha - Joy of natural..... sex. (you have to be on vegetarian path)
6. Teodora - working late night.
6.1 Teodora can get pregnant second time, if you go during ovulation (no kid in this update)
7. Julia - Boyfriend is back... do you want to spend some time together?
7.1 Julia can get pregnant with second child (no kid in this update)
8 BDSM will be unlocked (if you made good deal with Madam) and it will have repeatable sex (now only with Suzzy)
9. Secret is pregnant and first kid (if you used red syringe on her)
9.1 Secret - do you want to move to my new home? (If you have kids with her)
10. Zara - ask her to move to the new house (if you have kids with her)
11. Betty - I have to find a new place.. the rent is too high. I have a free room at my new house.
12. Paola - I bought a house.. can you come with me when I move there?
14. Ema - Hey, do you know I have a big house? No need to pay rent.
15. Dora - new sex animations
15.1 Dora can have up to 6 kids
16. Rebeca - New sex animation (BJ and Doggy)
16.1 Rebeca now can have up to 4 kids.
17. Naomi - New sex animations (without Moko)
17.1 Naomi now can have up to 4 kids.
18. Office computer - new app to track projects
Bug Fix:
1. First time watch TV porn channel - I found lines of girls not present in the room
2. I found that you almost can't visit Dora at her clinic because one chat with her has been delayed for too long.. Now it is fixed.
3. Betty - if she starts her first day of work when Maria is not working, somehow MC calls Maria and talks with her -
4. Anna dances in front of TV - Rebeca is not present but you see some dialogues with her.
Version 0.15.0 - 2022-08-25
UI change -> Now you have DELETE button on your saves
Miko, Anna, Dora and Rebeca can give birth of the first child without delay. - (for some reason I made the first child to be born after James arrives in Mohoro. I don't know why, but it shouldn't be necessary to wait for him. If you can find a glitch in the story you can write me a message. Now I will let the main girls to have first birth on time)
The white flash screen during ejaculation has been replaced with mild white frame - some people feel uncomfortable with the strong flash screen
MC will meet Madam and settle down the payment. Edmon and the blue pills lab will be not accessible
Check and buy your big house (you need 5M.) (you will not move there yet, but your parents and Anna's parents will arrive)
Maria takes Tuesday off and she will be replaced by Sasha
Maria first child
SPA - "do you want to upgrade with swimming pool?" 170K cost
Ema - "hot night" (you must to agree to play cheating in front of James)
Anna, Dora, Naomi - (do you need something? for now only 1 task per girl )
Each child birth will have hospital fee of 300. (if you visit the girl there)
Naomi new and repeatable sex, now can have up to 3 kids
Rebeca sex - new small animations
Alina - sex at SPA (repeatable)
Zara - sex (repeatable) still only 2 kids, but you can have sex
Sasha - "Be one with the nature"
Teodora - First child
Julia -1st kid
Oliver -"Where the hell is he?"
Elena - "I want a house for the baby" 300K and will ask for week support - 300 a week, new sex (take blue pills), 1st child
Dora, Anna, Moko - "I want a car." (must to have at least 2 kids)
Anna, Rebeca, Paola, Zara, Dora, Naomi will need 300 a week per baby
Home computer now shows Girl Expense (if you pay for child support)
Computer - James salary was zero, now is corrected to be 600/week
Elena in stats. screen now is shown correctly: Lover or Girlfriend (if you don't want to share)
Naomi is pregnant with her first child but no kid: I found a bug where Naomi will never give birth of her first kid .. and will never come to live with you... now it is fixed.
Julia (in VN style it never triggers the event with the shower)
Zara (hospital with baby) - in VN style you didn't visit her for second time. Now it is fixed
Gang Story - Meet Madam and negotiate. Possible end of the gang story and return to normal business. Make a deal with Madam.
Meet Betty - SPA
Pharmacy - you can buy blue pill from there (after you make your first delivery)
Edmon and BDSM drugs - if you visit third time BDSM you collect special syringes - ask Edmon to make tests
Alina - first sex
Call real estate agent - search for a big house and invite your parents (Anna's parents too if she is with you. To search for a new home you need to have at least 3 millions and build your Gang)
Teodora - sex repeatable and "Oh no! My husband is back"
Julia - sex repeatable and "Do you want to try....?" (if you want to keep using the blue pill with her you have to take it the first time you visit her at home)
Naomi - possible pregnancy on ovulated day and option to not agree with Moko (the kid will be born the next update.) (Optional fisting available during 7 days ovulation)
Moko sex alone (new animation- after agree with Moko to cum inside Naomi)
Elena (repeatable sex - only if you make her pregnant the fist time with James. Also you will have option to share or to be only with Elena)
Ema - ("To be, or not to be" - only if you let Ema see James with his girlfriend in the clothing shop)
Edmon and blue pills - now you can visit his lab almost every day and take blue pill
Fix small errors in dialogues (Wrong names and game gives error which player can ignore and not breaking the game.)
Bombina's sister -sex
Naomi and Moko -evening threesome sex
James - meet his new girlfriend and have threesome
Ema and Anna - Ema will invite you to visit the beach
Rebeca - improved sex animation (repeatable) and 3rd kid
Dora go for a bicycle ride
Gang story
Hospital - in the reception you can change the kids name
Julia - "jealous boyfriend" complications
Teodora - sex
Maria - office sex - repeatable
Naomi - would come to live with you
TV music videos - 3 new video clips -
Bug Fix:
Moko sex - she is talking about how Naomi is pregnant before Naomi announce it .. now it is fixed.
Delivery blue pills - not available for some players. It seems if you missed to visit Edmon soon after the very first delivery of the blue pills.. the game doesn't give you that option again. Now it is fixed and you will be able to visit Edmon and give him the very first payment After that, every 7 days you have option to deliver the blue pills as normal. (thank you HappySlappy)
James chat in office - after you shop with Ema and see James and his girlfriend he talks with you in your office, but the game didn't register correctly. Now you will have again the conversation and it will register the event correctly.
Love point - Now Anna, Dora, Moko and Rebeca will gain attraction points as intended by design.
-Some spell and grammar corrections - 100% completed
-Zara now have option for sex after the first child (FIX). - 100% completed
-Dora and Anna can have morning sex after getting pregnant (for some reason was disabled before) - 100% completed
- Home computer - Setup App - Control if you want the sperm to be active for 48h inside the girl and to have chance of getting pregnant.- 100% completed
- Moko bedroom - if she is pregnant, you can ask her when she will give birth (some time the option wasn't there.) - 100% completed
Bug fix:
Moko cannot get pregnant 2nd time. No option for sex.
Moko get pregnant 3rd time, but after birth baby disappear and she is again not pregnant.
Anna didn't announce pregnancy of the 3rd baby
Dora didn't announce pregnancy of the 3rd baby
Paola 2nd and after child never aged and can have potential problem
Home computer Settings App: Now you can disable/enable the 3rd sperm video which shows instantly if the girl gets pregnant during the sex. - 100% completed
End of some girls path - Julia, Naomi, Teodora can be refused and they will stop bother you - 100% completed
Anna can have up to 5 kids, new animations - 100% completed
Dora can have up to 5 kids, new animations - 100% completed
Paola can have up to 5 kids, new animations - 100% completed
Moko will invite Naomi and have threesome sex- 100% completed
Naomi can have first child - 100% completed
Moko can have up to 5 kids (after Naomi's visit) - 100% completed
Zara can have 2 kids, new animations - 100% completed
BDSM club (2) visits - 100% completed
Teodora "family issues" - 100% completed
Julia continue "jealous boyfriend" plan - 100% completed
You can ask the pregnant girl how many days left before she gives birth - 100% completed
Alina sex - Left for the next update
Maria sex, new animation - 100% completed
Rebeca jogging - 100% completed
Ema and Anna shopping - 100% completed
James story continue - 100% completed
Now the girl can keep the sperm for 2 days and during that time she has a chance to get pregnant. The girls statistic screen will show "Pregnant??" status, if the sperm is alive inside her. - 100% completed
The girl has small chance to get pregnant even if she is not ovulated - 100 % completed
During sex, every time you finish inside the girl increases the chance to get her pregnant, also if you continue the sex after you cum inside her - 100% completed
Chapter 1 : phone shows who you can call and few animations updated - 100% completed
Trigger anti-cheat system - James asking you for 10 bucks, but instead of 10 the system marks 500 and if you didn't disable the anti-cheat system it will trigger the police event. - 100% completed
Maria - dates and sex - 100% completed
Dora evening sex (can be pregnant but not visible belly, repeatable) - 100% completed
Anna evening sex (can be pregnant but not visible belly, repeatable) - 100% completed
Moko can have morning sex after the second child (repeatable) - 100% completed
Teodora - date - 100% completed
Gang story - Go to BDSM club - 100% completed
Julia - "jealous boyfriend" plan continue - 100% completed
Alina - first date outside SPA (Tue. or Thu. only) - 100% completed
Ema, Anna - shopping - (left for next update)
Home - weekend, care of your kids (Anna and Dora) - 100% completed
Moko will invite Naomi ( has to be at least pregnant for second time) - 100% completed
New TV videos - 100% completed
New TV 18+ video - if Moko is in Mohoro - 100% completed
Now visiting living room you can watch TV - 100% completed
Ovulation - It will not be shown by default in girl's stat screen until you have sex. You will ask her and find out which day she will be ovulated. - 100% completed
Pregnancy - now the period is shorter. 15 days before show the belly, 10 days with belly and on the 25th will give birth. - 100% completed
Patreon button - Removed from player game screen and moved to Menu - 100% completed
Naomi stat screen shows Moko child number (Thank you Max Speed) - 100% completed
If have only one girl at home the call from James hasn't been triggered and he never arrives (Thank you Maik Weber) - 100% completed
As always I will keep adding content.
This is the last small update 0.10.x before the big one: 0.11.0
This is the second small update before the big one 0.11.0
Julia will execute plan "jealous boyfriend" - 100% completed
Paola - new date and if have already a child: sex (repeatable) - 100% completed
Teodora - new date - 100% completed
James - office talks and find what he is doing - 100% completed
Alina - final decision if you want to date her or not - 100% completed
Ema - short visit - 100% completed
Maria - if you told her "I love you" you will have chat about what will happen next. - 100% completed
Zara - if have child, she will have chat about the future. - 100% completed
Moko and Anna chat - 100% completed
All girls will have at least 60% chance to get pregnant now. - 100% completed
Rebeca, Moko, Dora and Anna - You will see visible pregnancy with second child during your bedroom visits - 100% completed
Bug Fix:
Paola calls to tell you that has a baby, but the bug didn't register that event and ... no baby has been shown and Paola is still pregnant - (Thank you Adahn for reporting the bug) 100% completed.
One more pregnant Paola image fixed - 100% completed
Zara will not chat about the baby when she is pregnant - now is fixed 100% completed
Finally I have time to complete something which many of you wanted: VIP access room.
This update will be all about VIP StripClub and enjoying the company of the strippers.
Stripper's more smooth animations - 100% completed
VIP lounge access room - don't forget to activate your VIP membership from home computer. - 100% completed
Blackmoon visits - 100% completed
Chichi visits - 100% completed
Bombina visits - 100% completed
Ramona visits - 100% completed
Bug Fix:
FIX of 2 broken images of pregnant Paola - 100% completed
In VN style now you can visit your blue pills lab - 100% completed
Here is 0.10.0 progress log.
The girls will announce when they are pregnant and the pregnancy will progress with visible changes. It will lead to giving birth of your child.
Maria can get pregnant - left for next update
Zara - pregnancy announce, progress and first child
Paola - pregnancy announce, progress and first child
Anna - pregnancy announce, progress and first or second child
Dora- pregnancy announce, progress and first or second child
Rebeca - pregnancy announce, progress and second child
Moko - pregnancy announce, progress and second child
Main story continue.
Maria - dating, club dance and office lunch
Alina massages , meet her boyfriend
Julia and Teodora story progress
James and Ema story progress
Skip time can watch the music TV channel
Here is 0.9.3 progress log.
UI changes -
Beside the button for your character inventory, now You will have a new button for the Girls stats. - 100% completed
New Ovulation day -
Now every girl has ovulation day/period and during that day she can get pregnant if you have sex with her and finish inside her. - 100% completed
New video animation -
After sex you will have animation of the sperm and depend of the ovulation day she will have chance to get pregnant. - 100% completed
Pregnancy -
If Dora and Anna arrived not pregnant in Mohoro, now can get pregnant. (Requirements for ovulation and 70% chance of pregnancy.) - 100% completed
Moko, Dora, Anna and Rebeca can get pregnant for second time (Requirements for ovulation and 10% chance). - 100% completed
Zara and Paola can get pregnant for the first time (Requirements for ovulation and 10% chance.) - 100% completed
Home TV -
Add option to change the TV provider (stop losing the TV signal) - 100% completed
Call Edmon and build him a Lab for the blue pills. Make your first 1 Million. - 100 % completed
Start exercise in your GYM - 100% completed
Train with Julia - 100% completed
Zara sex (repeatable) - 100% completed
Alina - learn massages - 100% completed
Maria - go to dance - Left for v 0.10
VN style can visit Zara even if doesn't have big events (can have sex when it is unlocked.) - 100% completed
Home Jogging -
Anna will join you from time to time during weekend - 100% completed
In VN Style - You never met Edmon and find the blue pills...the story cannot progress. - the reason is: you bought condoms before you meet Edmon and the bug stops the story and breaks the game.
- 100% completed
In VN style the story never ends because you cannot visit Dora in her clinic for second time. - 100% completed
Chapter 1-2:
if you start a new game and you jump directly into Chapter 2, now the game will ask you if you had sex with Ema and it will change the story.
Moko morning sex vaginal, after giving birth (repeatable)
Anna morning sex extended (repeatable)
Rebeca morning sex extended (repeatable)
Girls bedrooms (repeatable) - after birth, sometime you will see baby breastfeeding (maybe you can join - Rebeca and Moko)
Paola sex, after dance night , maybe you have to go a few times with her (repeatable) - invite you to go inside her apartment
Home Computer Info App - tip to visit the girl's bedroom after giving birth
VN style can go and buy condoms from Pharmacy
TV watch - you can read some lines from girl which is not present at the moment
Dora and MC conversation fix (wrong picture has been used)
You cannot visit Paola before you discover the StripClub (it breaks the immersion)
Visit your neighbor Paola (home and club events) - 100% completed
James and Ema story progress - 100% completed
Julia event - 100% completed
Home pregnancy events (Moko, Dora, Anna, Rebeca) - left for 0.8.2
Police station, buy gun and pharma license - 100% completed
Home breakfast chat (Moko, Dora, Anna, Rebeca) - left for 0.8.2
Home bedroom chat (Moko, Dora, Anna, Rebeca) - left for 0.8.2
Home living room events (Moko, Dora, Anna, Rebeca) - left for 0.8.2
Spa work problems - 100% completed
Improvement - in VN style, player will no longer be forced to go to the strip club before it become operational. - 100% completed
Bug Fix - In VN style Edmon story didn't start - 100% completed
Julia: jogging and coffeehouse chat
Maria: chat in your office
Meet Teodora and design your gym
Dora: offer to buy the dental clinic for her (if you have the money 150K)
Bug fix:
Fix bug when Moko appears after Anna has arrived but you are only with Dora in Mohoro (Thank you m00nsh1ne)
Fix bug with Anna during breakfast not letting her chat with you
Fix bug : Chapter 1, Anna see her parents, but driving back home shows her with her casts still on (Thank you myuhinny)
Fix bug : In home computer, the money App gives error (Thank you myuhinny)
Fix bug : When you are alone in Mohoro, lunch/dinner shows Moko and Dora
Fix bug : Dora started work but in some cases at the morning she doesn't depart together with you
You can sleep in your girl's bedroom.
Office chat with Maria
Anna chat in bedroom
Rebeca chat in bedroom
Dora chat in bedroom and start work
Bug Fix - car dealer stuck if money are under 50K
New Striptease Girl - ChiChi
New Striptease Girl - DarkMoon
BugFix - Info App shows "work in SPA locked" , but still have event
Chat with Anna, Rebeca, Moko, Dora, breakfast
Chat with Maria in your office
Visual Novel Style can select to go or not to Strip Club after work in office
New Open World System
New Day and Night time
New Computer Interactions
New Real Video animations - I will try to update the old animations, little by little. For now is one new animation and one old updated.
Dora story continue
Anna story continue
Rebeca story continue
Moko story continue
Maria story continue
Alina story continue
Millina (Gym boss)
Main story continue
Home living
Shopping Mall
Car Dealer
Strip Club
New UI information bar - money, calendar, day time
New - money wallet, income, expense
New map Mohoro
Main story continue Mohoro
New home location
New work place location
Moko story continue
Millina (Gym boss) story continue
Anna story continue
Dora story continue
Anna story advance
Ema and James story advance
Dora story advance
Maria story start (Poll votes will decide if you like to continue with this character)
Your Alone time extended
Text for PC,Linux,Mac and Android is changed to white color and the background is transparent (please let me know if you prefer the old style)
Mostly all images are re-done .. still have some scene left (mostly some sex scenes) Will target the next version.
Some bugs fix and code improved for a new big change.
v0.1.5.1 Alpha
Fix Bug with Dora sleep over on your place and the story with her didn't continue in the morning
v0.1.5 Alpha
Moko story advance
Vicky story advance
Anna story advance
Rebeca story advance
James and Ema story advance
Time with parents extended
Dora story advance
Sounds improved
Re-render many old grainy images (goal to reach Beta version by improve all old not good quality images)
Testing and bug fixing are always on the list
Android version has dark color text
0.1.4 Alpha
Player can change the name of the character
Vicky and Moko story progress
Anna story progress
Having a car
Re-render many old grainy images
Fix problem with Parents time sync events
Fix some logical bugs
Builds not only for Win and Linux, but also for Android and Mac
Dora story progress
Anna romance path progress
New Mike reflection thoughts for his life
Some old render images improved
Phone calls are not pushed every evening
Fix bug - Anna injured but MC doesn't need to collect money
Fix Anna Open rel. v.0.1.0 not register in one case
Fix meeting Rebeca for first time twice in some cases
Anna romance story progress
Skip morning routine choice
Rebeca path can be open
Before go to sleep, Mike has reflection thoughts for his life
Anna corruption path advanced
Anna friendly path advanced
James, Ema story advanced
Sex likes/dislikes matter
Text correction
Fix some wrong Pictures in Dialogues
Dora story progress
Re-Render some old images (better quality)
Dora story progress
Sound added for first time
Face images added to Dialogues
18+ Warning splash screen
1.1g — Ema
- (Get Drunk and Horny - Chapter 1): This will include animations. -100% completed
- It will also let them sleep together during the night (new house in Mohoro) - 100% completed
- unlock unlimited kids. - 100% completed
2g. Teodora - ChosenOne tier - sex on couch.
- vaginal improved and extended - 100% completed
- new anal sex - 100% completed
3g. Rebeca discovers her new profession.- 100% completed
v0.19.2 - 2025-02-25
Progress log version 0.19.2
Updated 09.Feb
Main story:
1m. Airplane manager - If you’ve visited him before running for mayor, you will have the option to visit him again and ask for his support in your campaign. - 100% completed.
Girls story:
1.g. Ema - Ch1 - alternative path (Get Drunk and Horny) - she would let you have sex with her - 100% completed.
2g. Girl of the new update - BETTY - chosen by vote poll
2.1g - Ema (Get Drunk and Horny) animation, let MC to sleep in her bedroom (new house Mohoro) and unlock unlimited kids - NOT CHOSEN and LEFT for another update.
2.2g - Betty (Part 2) will have her first sex and pregnancy - 100% completed
With Moko corruption, her first sex will be without condom. Without Moko it will be with condom.
3g - Secret will still be able to join you, even if you keep your gang and Madam closes your access to BDSM club - 100% completed
(You still have to use the red syringe on her when you have sex before the deal with Madam. Don't ask Secret about the red syringe when you first see her.)
4g. BDSM Suzzy - option to take blue pill and have cum-inflated belly (repeatable) - 100% completed
1i. Ema will find who is the father of her 1st child earlier (before was 100 days after birth and now it will be only 70) - 100% completed
2i. BDSM Suzzy (some animations sharpened) - 100% completed
Bug Fixes:
1f. You can't visit the Airport receptionist before moving into the new house (now it will be available from the very beginning of Mohoro) - 100% completed
2f. Performance bug - Due to a Ren'Py bug, the MC's inventory could accumulate hundreds of thousands of records.
I’ve implemented a new cleaning script to shrink it back to 8 and removed the code that triggered the bug. - 100% completed
3f. -Betty in her bedroom but Moko appears from nowhere even if MC didn't invite her in Mohoro - 100% completed
4f. Brent (real estate agent) - You want to buy a new house and he will tell you that he will check and will come back soon.. but he never leaves and the game says "Hi again... come and sit" - 100% completed
5f. BDSM club access is blocked (If you keep the gang) but Darkcity APP still have BDSM pass fee unlocked - 100% completed
v0.19.1 - 2025-01-07
Main story:
1m. Talking with Madam will be not limited only to unlimited services deal but to all deals except the one where you keep the gang. (unlocks access to Madam's lab and Edmon) - 100% completed
2m. Madam will call you to talk about mayor campaign - 100% completed
3m. New dialogues with Maria at the Spa reception – 100% completed
4m. Gang (If you keep them after Madam's deal) -can collect up to 500K per 5 days - added on Mohoro map - 100% completed
5m. SPA computer, Money app - now it shows the money from Madam - 100% completed
Girls story:
1g. Paola (new house) - Option for cuddle and sleep together during the night - 100% completed
2g. Betty (sex or/and Story Advancement Part 1 - main event trigger on love points 50 and can reach love points up to lvl 70. If you let Moko to corrupt Betty, it will not have any requirements for love points) - chosen by the vote poll - 100% completed
Note: Moko should not appear visibly pregnant, or the event will be delayed until she gives birth.
Betty - random and repeatable event in her bedroom after Part 1.
3g. GK - new girl recruit to your gang (if you keep it) - 100% completed
4g. Tristy - in info screen she will be shown not like lover, but spouse after moving to live with you. - 100% completed
5g. Maria-Moko-Naomi- You will be able to decide if Maria will join Moko and Naomi during a conversation in front of the TV (will unlock future foursome) - 100% completed
Bug Fix
1f. Paola sex - finishing outside but it's registered like inside and she talks how she feels , even if it's outside - 100% completed
2f. Secret has been invited but she gives birth in BDSM and never arrives after - 100% completed
3f. Blackmoon - info screen shows 'maybe pregnant' after sex with Ramona - 100% completed
4f. Airport manager - If you visit him before the mayor campaign, the quest log on the home computer doesn't remove the quest. - 100% completed
5f. Paola and MC are going to the club but later MC discovers the club like never have been there - 100% completed
v0.19.0 - 2024-12-01
Main Story:
1. Visit the airplane company manager and make a business deal for your spa - 100% completed
2. Continue the mayor campaign - 100% completed
3.0. BDSM club (deal with unlimited services) trigger extra events in the club:
3.1. Talk with Madam -100% completed
3.2. Meet Edmon again and gain access to free blue pills, plus red and green syringes - 100% completed
3.3. Secret can get pregnant and join you (if you missed the chance before) - 100% completed
4. Vicky will call you and arrive -100% completed
5. Teodora (new sex scene and story about her husband - after 3rd kid) - requested by ChosenOne tier - 100% completed
5.1. Teodora - broken condom (use her husband's condom) in sex on the table and after 3rd kid - 100% completed
6. Naomi (sex alone) - new dialogues - 100% completed
7. Moko alone, anal and one vaginal (option to say: I love you) sex - improved - 100% completed
8. Elena threesome - new option: play the game (have 2 or more kids with her) - 100% completed
9. Secret - new sex scene in her bedroom (she likes it a bit rough) - 100% completed
10. Ramona will tell you the day when she is ovulating- 100% completed
11. BlackMoon (requested by ChosenOne tier) - 100% completed
12. If you have deal for unlimited services with Madam, BDSM pass will be now FREE (from home computer) - 100%completed
13. Blackmoon has been added to the Girls Info screen. - 100%completed
Bug Fixes:
Julia fix: In one case, you could miss making Julia pregnant for the first time, which could lock you out of having kids. This is now fixed - 100% completed
Ramona - love points were being added to Abby instead of Ramona - 100% completed
Missing images - new house; TV with Dora and Moko - 100% completed
Spelling and grammar corrections - ongoing
v0.18.4 - 2024-08-29
v0.18.3 - 2024-07-11
NEW - unlocking unlimited pregnancy for girls with 6 kids!
New code implementing unlimited kids. The new kids will not be tracked, and you don't have to give them names.
It will trigger automatically (in most cases after the birth of her 6th kid).
Main story:
Oliver will talk about his sister Vicky (invite in Mohoro) - 100% completed
AirPort - visit manager - - (Left for next update)
Stripper ChiChi - repeatable sex - (requested by ChosenOne) - 100% completed
Girls Screen - will add more girls - 100% completed
Anna - unlock unlimited kids - 100% completed
Dora - unlock unlimited kids - 100% completed
Moko - unlock unlimited kids - 100% completed
Rebeca - unlock unlimited kids - 100% completed
Paola- unlock unlimited kids - 100% completed
Naomi- unlock unlimited kids - 100% completed
Ema story (2nd kid - after she finds out who is the father of the 1st) - (Vote poll choice) - 100% completed
Ema - can change the name of her kids in Hospital (after she get pregnant with 2nd kid) - 100% completed
Naomi - Improvement - to make her pregnant for the first time, she will arrive only on the day of ovulation (which is one day in the month). Now the new update will allow her to arrive during the 7 days ovulation period and you don't depend of only one day which you can miss by mistake and wait 30 more days) - 100%completed
Chapter 1 - updated one old sex animation with Moko - 100% completed
Chapter 1 - updated one old sex animation with Vicky - 100% completed
Chapter 1 - updated one old sex animation with Dora - 100% completed
Chapter 1 - updated one old sex animation with Anna - 100% completed
Info App (Computer) gives more steps and details how to move into the new house - 100%completed
Love points of some girls are above 100% - 100% completed
Ema - in one play path, talking with her will not give you option to visit and have sex during the night - 100% completed
Spell and grammar (small fixes) - on going
Naomi - if she come for the first time, during the night you can miss her sex if you sleep with other girl. Now evening the game will force you to sleep in your bed and will not break the event. - - 100%completed
Anna -sex - it was mixed between the old and new hair style - 100%completed
Ema could arrive before Anna - from now, Ema can't arrive before Anna - 100%completed
Ovulation days calculation - if ovulation starts after 23th of the month, it will not calculate properly full 8 days.. Now it is fixed and the next month this girl will still be ovulating - 100% completed
v0.18.2 - 2024-05-17
Teodora - (requested by ChosenOne tier)
Teodora - new repeatable sex - DONE
Teodora - (took a lot of time to code and track all logic), now you have a second chance to have a second kid if you missed the opportunity when you had sex during the night. Call her when she is ovulating.-DONE
Teodora - can have 3rd kid (after you unlock her on the map) - DONE
Ema - new repeatable sex (vote poll choice) - DONE
Computer Office Info APP - now updated to be like home computer-DONE
Betty - improvement - she will come to work for you after you build the GYM. (before she could start working before you even hire Zara)-DONE
FIX the Computer Money APP - wrong calculations-DONE
Oliver salary reduced from 2000 to 1000 a week (it will be auto fix during sleep)-DONE
Fix - Moko, Maria and Naomi threesome - but Maria is not invited in the house - FIXED-DONE
Fix - Raj sells cheat APP (girls ovulation changer) for 25K but the screen notification shows incorrect only 20K - Fixed-DONE
Fix - New default kid names will be used even if you are using old save game (i did correct them but the old saves were still bugged).-DONE
Dora sex - improvement - she can get pregnant during the ovulation and it will not depend on extra random numbers-DONE
Love Level of the girls - fix - clean the code and correctly adjust the love level of each girl.-DONE
Find the Easter Egg #1 - lost wallet in Mohoro with 50,000 ... you can have them, but you have to find it.-DONE
v0.18.1 - 2024-05-10
Teodora location is on the map of Mohoro and you can have repeatable sex (unlocked after you have lunch with her and talk about staying with her husband or not. The choice is not important for unlocking.
Tristy will start living with you in the new house.
I will release Android build of the game
Correctly showing the new house outfit in the Main Character Screen
Fix bug with Ema and swimming pool
Fix bug with Hanna info girls screen
Fix bug with Naomi in the new house - kitchen
Fix bug with Apply for Mayor and at end of the day MC return to the new house and talks with his dad (but he didn't moved yet)
Fix kids gender in Girls info screen not match the actual gender. (After this update if you have any mismatched name, visit the hospital and change the name of the kid)
Hospital - more girls included to change the kids name.
UI girls info screen will have a second page
Home Computer Setup APP - you can change your name
v0.18.0 - 2024-03-31
Main story continues:
1.1 Apply for city mayor (requirement is to apply in the police station for citizenship) - 100% completed
1.2 Prepare advertising campaign (merged into Run for city mayor) - 100% completed
1.3 Gang event (if you keep it)- 100% completed
1.4 Oliver new job for him (if you don't keep the gang)- 100% completed
Kids will be removed from Patreon game, but not here - I will continue developing the game with the kids and you will be able to downloads it from downloads and Subscribestar.
2.1. Kitchen events - Moko, Dora and Anna; boy and girls - 100% completed
2.2. Corridor events - Moko, Dora and Anna; boy and girls - 100% completed
Teodora (what to do with my husband?) - 100% completed
4.1 Julia - will have 3rd kid - 100% completed
4.2 Julia (repeatable sex with condom) - 100% completed
4.3 Julia (repeatable sex with blue pills) - 100% completed
Betty (new events - if you invite her into the new house) - 100% completed
5.1 You can forbid Moko to corrupt Betty - 100% completed
Zara (if she is with you in the new house- Buy a motorcycle) - left for the next update
Tristy (if you had sex with her - Do you have an extra room for me?) - Left for next update
Spa - new events -100% completed
Naomi will have her own bedroom ( find her: Tue, Wed, Thu and Fri. With Moko will be Sat,Sun,Mon) - 100% completed
9.1 Naomi bedroom - repeatable sex - 100% completed
10.0 Moko -changes in some sex with her and Naomi - 100 % completed
10.1 Moko sex repeatable (watch porn TV with her and she will come to your bedroom) - 100% completed
10.2 Chat with Moko in her bedroom - now she will hold baby only if the age is correct and she will call it with the right name - 100% completed
10.3 Moko sex alone (repeatable) - training, who is the boss here - 100% completed
Home swimming pool (swimming event) - 100% completed
Rebeca (watch Porn TV - new repeatable sex) - 100% completed
Cheat APP - in home computer - Unlocked by Raj (strip club) and you need 20K. You can change the ovulation day of some girls (Raj will explain it). - 100% completed
Bombina repeatable sex in VIP strip club (by request, and you have to have at least 2 attractive points with her) - 100% completed
Ema will be inside her bedroom during the day - 100% completed
15.1 Ema event - (you can talk with her and if you already had sex, you can ask her to come again. Watch porn TV with Moko the same day and you will trigger special event) - 100% completed
15.2 Ema bedroom - conversations about sleeping with her and/or being a father, etc. - 100% completed
15.3 Ema repeatable sex in MC bedroom - 100% completed
Sasha - You always will have chance to take her path by becoming vegetarian (Before you could miss that option and her story will never advance) - 100% completed
16.1 Sasha - Great Monto event - small change in dialogues - 100% completed
Spa - distribute flyers -every time you distribute it will cost you one time 100, but it will add +100 to your weekly SPA income.- 100% completed
As always I will add more content if I have time.
Thank you so much for your support
Mega Lono
New house - when Zara is pregnant, has missing picture - 100% completed
New house - sex with Anna new hair has missing picture - 100% completed
Beach party - girl selling the burgers has duplicated name with the Gym trainer - 100% completed
Julia can announce pregnancy and the very next day she could come with a huge belly 100% completed
Spelling and grammar corrections -(Thank you LSI) - 100% Completed
v0.17.6 - 2024-02-12
We have some bugs to kill... and so far they are:
1. Dora and Moko's children should to appear 160days after they are born, but I put 240 days which is too long... Fixed.
2. Moko child should to be her 1st child, but I found that the 1st kid is a girl... I made a boy... So it is her 2nd child in the kitchen, not the first one - Fixed
3. Alina should to have 2nd kid but I forgot to activate getting her pregnant - Fixed.
5. Zara gives birth but the game is checking Paola instead of Zara's childs and could break names. - Fixed
0.17.3/4 - 2023-07-28
Another Bugfix
0.17.3 - 2023-07-23
Another Bugfix
The moving into the new house is not triggers if you don't have kid with Secret - fixed.
It will fix the bug with the strange visit from Betty and new house teleportation
This is the end of Chapter 2 "Welcome to Mohoro".
To buy the new house you need to have at least 2 kids and 6M+ in your wallet account. Also you have to complete the deal with Madam.
The house will cost you 5M.
Anna (if she is with you) must to have at least one kid (to make her parents happy )
Naomi story (if Moko is with you) should to be completed (refused or living with you and Moko)
Dora (if she is with you) must to have her dental clinic.
Ema to be invited to the new house and been on the beach and the club.
Also - at home all 5 girls must to be not visible pregnant!! Too much work to make them with pregnant and not pregnant bellies during the moving day.
1. Moko can get pregnant during the sex with Naomi (the scene where she has sex with Naomi using strap on).
2. Naomi alone sex - added new videos, images and dialogue
3. Option to disable animations of sperm and ovulation in your Home computer
4. Teodora - some still images are now animations during the last sex with Teodora.
5. Julia sex impregnation for the second time -added extra scenes
1. MC will visit his parents and get ready for moving
1.1 MC pack and move his room (he will keep the same bedroom)
2. Anna will pack and move (she will keep the same bedroom)
2.1 Anna - new hair style and all old animations are re-done
3. Rebeca will pack and move (she will keep the same bedroom)
4. Moko and Naomi will pack and move (they will keep the same bedroom)
4.1 Naomi can have one more kid (up to 5)
4.2 Moko solo new sex , anal, vaginal and spank (if Naomi has 2nd+ kid)
4.3 Naomi and Moko new sex (Moko using dildo-anal and double pen.)
5. Dora will pack and move (she will keep the same bedroom)
6. Paola - move in new bedroom
6.1 Paola sex repeatable
7. Alina - move in new bedroom
7.1 Alina - sex repeatable
8. Zara - move in new bedroom
8.1 Zara - sex repeatable
9. Maria - move in new bedroom
9.1 Maria - sex repeatable
9.2. Maria will not work Sat-Sun-Mon
10. Betty - move in new bedroom
11. Secret - move in new bedroom
11.1 Secret - sex repeatable
12. New living room
13. New kitchen
14. New house daily routine
14.1 Swimming pool
14.2 TV
15. Police station - apply for citizenship. In sandbox - whenever you are ready to activate Chapter3 "Business and Politics", In VN will be auto event.
16. New UI to move between places in the new house
17. Ema - move in new bedroom
17.1 Ema sex at night (only if you had sex in the club)
18. Teodora has second kid - (to have 2nd kid you have to say that you love her and not to ask her to keep her husband during the first kid announcement )
19. Julia has second kid
20. BDSM new sex with Suzzy (bj, dildo, ass)
21. Sasha - repeatable sex
22. UI added ovulation day beside girls pictures (1st girls info screen) - can be activated from home computer app (default is OFF)
23. Extra dialogues with Maria during lunch
Bug Fix:
1. Tiffany dialogue was with picture of Secret.
2. Open path not novel path, After expanding spa option and prior to stepping out for fresh air, error: ScriptError: could not find label 'label ch_maria_office_talk_end_return1'. -official fix
3. Small spelling and grammar mistakes within the whole Ch1 (HUGE thank you joysr1980)
v0.16.2 - 2023-04-08
Bug Fix update
SAVE file corruption - I rewrote a big chunk of code to stop the save files from getting corrupted from RenPy engine. After the MC goes to sleep it will trigger the new code and from this moment the game will no longer break SAVE files. The old broken saves will stay broken but the new ones will be safe.
Bug fix - Sasha info screen gives error when you try to open it.
Spell and grammar corrections
VN style - you can go to pharmacy and buy blue pills after the lab is closed.
Julia can get pregnant a bit easier.
Anna - can have sex when she is pregnant and sex animations unlock order has been changed. (every child is unlocking the next sex position - total 4 positions)
Office computer - adjustments in Money screen
Naomi and Moko random sex scenes adjusted
Betty's salary is now calculated in your expenses
Anna gives birth but if she is alone or only with Moko - the game shows wrong pictures.
Betty story will progress faster in your office and not random.
Version 0.16.1 - 2023.01.19
Only bug fix - Alina stays pregnant after birth - now it is fixed
Version 0.16.0
Improvements :
1. The stat screen -girls . You will see all girls and more details for each of them.
2. Info app (Quest/Tasks) - Will have a new screen and more information on it (it will be not adjusted fully, but I don't want to delay more)
3. Enter a custom name for your saves
4. Chapter 1 - add and improve some sex animations (anna, dora, moko)
5. Chapter 1 - add and improve some images/audio/dialogues
1. Oliver - we found him. Introduction of Ch3. (Business and Politics)
2. Elena - Here is our baby. Can you buy me a car?
2.1 Elena - repeatable sex after the first child
3. Anna - 2 new sex animation
3.1 Anna now can have up to 6 kids
4. Alina first kid and ask her to move into your new house
5. Sasha - Joy of natural..... sex. (you have to be on vegetarian path)
6. Teodora - working late night.
6.1 Teodora can get pregnant second time, if you go during ovulation (no kid in this update)
7. Julia - Boyfriend is back... do you want to spend some time together?
7.1 Julia can get pregnant with second child (no kid in this update)
8 BDSM will be unlocked (if you made good deal with Madam) and it will have repeatable sex (now only with Suzzy)
9. Secret is pregnant and first kid (if you used red syringe on her)
9.1 Secret - do you want to move to my new home? (If you have kids with her)
10. Zara - ask her to move to the new house (if you have kids with her)
11. Betty - I have to find a new place.. the rent is too high. I have a free room at my new house.
12. Paola - I bought a house.. can you come with me when I move there?
14. Ema - Hey, do you know I have a big house? No need to pay rent.
15. Dora - new sex animations
15.1 Dora can have up to 6 kids
16. Rebeca - New sex animation (BJ and Doggy)
16.1 Rebeca now can have up to 4 kids.
17. Naomi - New sex animations (without Moko)
17.1 Naomi now can have up to 4 kids.
18. Office computer - new app to track projects
Bug Fix:
1. First time watch TV porn channel - I found lines of girls not present in the room
2. I found that you almost can't visit Dora at her clinic because one chat with her has been delayed for too long.. Now it is fixed.
3. Betty - if she starts her first day of work when Maria is not working, somehow MC calls Maria and talks with her -
4. Anna dances in front of TV - Rebeca is not present but you see some dialogues with her.
Version 0.15.0 - 2022-08-25
UI change -> Now you have DELETE button on your saves
Miko, Anna, Dora and Rebeca can give birth of the first child without delay. - (for some reason I made the first child to be born after James arrives in Mohoro. I don't know why, but it shouldn't be necessary to wait for him. If you can find a glitch in the story you can write me a message. Now I will let the main girls to have first birth on time)
The white flash screen during ejaculation has been replaced with mild white frame - some people feel uncomfortable with the strong flash screen
MC will meet Madam and settle down the payment. Edmon and the blue pills lab will be not accessible
Check and buy your big house (you need 5M.) (you will not move there yet, but your parents and Anna's parents will arrive)
Maria takes Tuesday off and she will be replaced by Sasha
Maria first child
SPA - "do you want to upgrade with swimming pool?" 170K cost
Ema - "hot night" (you must to agree to play cheating in front of James)
Anna, Dora, Naomi - (do you need something? for now only 1 task per girl )
Each child birth will have hospital fee of 300. (if you visit the girl there)
Naomi new and repeatable sex, now can have up to 3 kids
Rebeca sex - new small animations
Alina - sex at SPA (repeatable)
Zara - sex (repeatable) still only 2 kids, but you can have sex
Sasha - "Be one with the nature"
Teodora - First child
Julia -1st kid
Oliver -"Where the hell is he?"
Elena - "I want a house for the baby" 300K and will ask for week support - 300 a week, new sex (take blue pills), 1st child
Dora, Anna, Moko - "I want a car." (must to have at least 2 kids)
Anna, Rebeca, Paola, Zara, Dora, Naomi will need 300 a week per baby
Home computer now shows Girl Expense (if you pay for child support)
Computer - James salary was zero, now is corrected to be 600/week
Elena in stats. screen now is shown correctly: Lover or Girlfriend (if you don't want to share)
Naomi is pregnant with her first child but no kid: I found a bug where Naomi will never give birth of her first kid .. and will never come to live with you... now it is fixed.
Julia (in VN style it never triggers the event with the shower)
Zara (hospital with baby) - in VN style you didn't visit her for second time. Now it is fixed
Gang Story - Meet Madam and negotiate. Possible end of the gang story and return to normal business. Make a deal with Madam.
Meet Betty - SPA
Pharmacy - you can buy blue pill from there (after you make your first delivery)
Edmon and BDSM drugs - if you visit third time BDSM you collect special syringes - ask Edmon to make tests
Alina - first sex
Call real estate agent - search for a big house and invite your parents (Anna's parents too if she is with you. To search for a new home you need to have at least 3 millions and build your Gang)
Teodora - sex repeatable and "Oh no! My husband is back"
Julia - sex repeatable and "Do you want to try....?" (if you want to keep using the blue pill with her you have to take it the first time you visit her at home)
Naomi - possible pregnancy on ovulated day and option to not agree with Moko (the kid will be born the next update.) (Optional fisting available during 7 days ovulation)
Moko sex alone (new animation- after agree with Moko to cum inside Naomi)
Elena (repeatable sex - only if you make her pregnant the fist time with James. Also you will have option to share or to be only with Elena)
Ema - ("To be, or not to be" - only if you let Ema see James with his girlfriend in the clothing shop)
Edmon and blue pills - now you can visit his lab almost every day and take blue pill
Fix small errors in dialogues (Wrong names and game gives error which player can ignore and not breaking the game.)
Bombina's sister -sex
Naomi and Moko -evening threesome sex
James - meet his new girlfriend and have threesome
Ema and Anna - Ema will invite you to visit the beach
Rebeca - improved sex animation (repeatable) and 3rd kid
Dora go for a bicycle ride
Gang story
Hospital - in the reception you can change the kids name
Julia - "jealous boyfriend" complications
Teodora - sex
Maria - office sex - repeatable
Naomi - would come to live with you
TV music videos - 3 new video clips -
Bug Fix:
Moko sex - she is talking about how Naomi is pregnant before Naomi announce it .. now it is fixed.
Delivery blue pills - not available for some players. It seems if you missed to visit Edmon soon after the very first delivery of the blue pills.. the game doesn't give you that option again. Now it is fixed and you will be able to visit Edmon and give him the very first payment After that, every 7 days you have option to deliver the blue pills as normal. (thank you HappySlappy)
James chat in office - after you shop with Ema and see James and his girlfriend he talks with you in your office, but the game didn't register correctly. Now you will have again the conversation and it will register the event correctly.
Love point - Now Anna, Dora, Moko and Rebeca will gain attraction points as intended by design.
-Some spell and grammar corrections - 100% completed
-Zara now have option for sex after the first child (FIX). - 100% completed
-Dora and Anna can have morning sex after getting pregnant (for some reason was disabled before) - 100% completed
- Home computer - Setup App - Control if you want the sperm to be active for 48h inside the girl and to have chance of getting pregnant.- 100% completed
- Moko bedroom - if she is pregnant, you can ask her when she will give birth (some time the option wasn't there.) - 100% completed
Bug fix:
Moko cannot get pregnant 2nd time. No option for sex.
Moko get pregnant 3rd time, but after birth baby disappear and she is again not pregnant.
Anna didn't announce pregnancy of the 3rd baby
Dora didn't announce pregnancy of the 3rd baby
Paola 2nd and after child never aged and can have potential problem
Home computer Settings App: Now you can disable/enable the 3rd sperm video which shows instantly if the girl gets pregnant during the sex. - 100% completed
End of some girls path - Julia, Naomi, Teodora can be refused and they will stop bother you - 100% completed
Anna can have up to 5 kids, new animations - 100% completed
Dora can have up to 5 kids, new animations - 100% completed
Paola can have up to 5 kids, new animations - 100% completed
Moko will invite Naomi and have threesome sex- 100% completed
Naomi can have first child - 100% completed
Moko can have up to 5 kids (after Naomi's visit) - 100% completed
Zara can have 2 kids, new animations - 100% completed
BDSM club (2) visits - 100% completed
Teodora "family issues" - 100% completed
Julia continue "jealous boyfriend" plan - 100% completed
You can ask the pregnant girl how many days left before she gives birth - 100% completed
Alina sex - Left for the next update
Maria sex, new animation - 100% completed
Rebeca jogging - 100% completed
Ema and Anna shopping - 100% completed
James story continue - 100% completed
Now the girl can keep the sperm for 2 days and during that time she has a chance to get pregnant. The girls statistic screen will show "Pregnant??" status, if the sperm is alive inside her. - 100% completed
The girl has small chance to get pregnant even if she is not ovulated - 100 % completed
During sex, every time you finish inside the girl increases the chance to get her pregnant, also if you continue the sex after you cum inside her - 100% completed
Chapter 1 : phone shows who you can call and few animations updated - 100% completed
Trigger anti-cheat system - James asking you for 10 bucks, but instead of 10 the system marks 500 and if you didn't disable the anti-cheat system it will trigger the police event. - 100% completed
Maria - dates and sex - 100% completed
Dora evening sex (can be pregnant but not visible belly, repeatable) - 100% completed
Anna evening sex (can be pregnant but not visible belly, repeatable) - 100% completed
Moko can have morning sex after the second child (repeatable) - 100% completed
Teodora - date - 100% completed
Gang story - Go to BDSM club - 100% completed
Julia - "jealous boyfriend" plan continue - 100% completed
Alina - first date outside SPA (Tue. or Thu. only) - 100% completed
Ema, Anna - shopping - (left for next update)
Home - weekend, care of your kids (Anna and Dora) - 100% completed
Moko will invite Naomi ( has to be at least pregnant for second time) - 100% completed
New TV videos - 100% completed
New TV 18+ video - if Moko is in Mohoro - 100% completed
Now visiting living room you can watch TV - 100% completed
Ovulation - It will not be shown by default in girl's stat screen until you have sex. You will ask her and find out which day she will be ovulated. - 100% completed
Pregnancy - now the period is shorter. 15 days before show the belly, 10 days with belly and on the 25th will give birth. - 100% completed
Patreon button - Removed from player game screen and moved to Menu - 100% completed
Naomi stat screen shows Moko child number (Thank you Max Speed) - 100% completed
If have only one girl at home the call from James hasn't been triggered and he never arrives (Thank you Maik Weber) - 100% completed
As always I will keep adding content.
This is the last small update 0.10.x before the big one: 0.11.0
This is the second small update before the big one 0.11.0
Julia will execute plan "jealous boyfriend" - 100% completed
Paola - new date and if have already a child: sex (repeatable) - 100% completed
Teodora - new date - 100% completed
James - office talks and find what he is doing - 100% completed
Alina - final decision if you want to date her or not - 100% completed
Ema - short visit - 100% completed
Maria - if you told her "I love you" you will have chat about what will happen next. - 100% completed
Zara - if have child, she will have chat about the future. - 100% completed
Moko and Anna chat - 100% completed
All girls will have at least 60% chance to get pregnant now. - 100% completed
Rebeca, Moko, Dora and Anna - You will see visible pregnancy with second child during your bedroom visits - 100% completed
Bug Fix:
Paola calls to tell you that has a baby, but the bug didn't register that event and ... no baby has been shown and Paola is still pregnant - (Thank you Adahn for reporting the bug) 100% completed.
One more pregnant Paola image fixed - 100% completed
Zara will not chat about the baby when she is pregnant - now is fixed 100% completed
Finally I have time to complete something which many of you wanted: VIP access room.
This update will be all about VIP StripClub and enjoying the company of the strippers.
Stripper's more smooth animations - 100% completed
VIP lounge access room - don't forget to activate your VIP membership from home computer. - 100% completed
Blackmoon visits - 100% completed
Chichi visits - 100% completed
Bombina visits - 100% completed
Ramona visits - 100% completed
Bug Fix:
FIX of 2 broken images of pregnant Paola - 100% completed
In VN style now you can visit your blue pills lab - 100% completed
Here is 0.10.0 progress log.
The girls will announce when they are pregnant and the pregnancy will progress with visible changes. It will lead to giving birth of your child.
Maria can get pregnant - left for next update
Zara - pregnancy announce, progress and first child
Paola - pregnancy announce, progress and first child
Anna - pregnancy announce, progress and first or second child
Dora- pregnancy announce, progress and first or second child
Rebeca - pregnancy announce, progress and second child
Moko - pregnancy announce, progress and second child
Main story continue.
Maria - dating, club dance and office lunch
Alina massages , meet her boyfriend
Julia and Teodora story progress
James and Ema story progress
Skip time can watch the music TV channel
Here is 0.9.3 progress log.
UI changes -
Beside the button for your character inventory, now You will have a new button for the Girls stats. - 100% completed
New Ovulation day -
Now every girl has ovulation day/period and during that day she can get pregnant if you have sex with her and finish inside her. - 100% completed
New video animation -
After sex you will have animation of the sperm and depend of the ovulation day she will have chance to get pregnant. - 100% completed
Pregnancy -
If Dora and Anna arrived not pregnant in Mohoro, now can get pregnant. (Requirements for ovulation and 70% chance of pregnancy.) - 100% completed
Moko, Dora, Anna and Rebeca can get pregnant for second time (Requirements for ovulation and 10% chance). - 100% completed
Zara and Paola can get pregnant for the first time (Requirements for ovulation and 10% chance.) - 100% completed
Home TV -
Add option to change the TV provider (stop losing the TV signal) - 100% completed
Call Edmon and build him a Lab for the blue pills. Make your first 1 Million. - 100 % completed
Start exercise in your GYM - 100% completed
Train with Julia - 100% completed
Zara sex (repeatable) - 100% completed
Alina - learn massages - 100% completed
Maria - go to dance - Left for v 0.10
VN style can visit Zara even if doesn't have big events (can have sex when it is unlocked.) - 100% completed
Home Jogging -
Anna will join you from time to time during weekend - 100% completed
In VN Style - You never met Edmon and find the blue pills...the story cannot progress. - the reason is: you bought condoms before you meet Edmon and the bug stops the story and breaks the game.
- 100% completed
In VN style the story never ends because you cannot visit Dora in her clinic for second time. - 100% completed
Chapter 1-2:
if you start a new game and you jump directly into Chapter 2, now the game will ask you if you had sex with Ema and it will change the story.
Moko morning sex vaginal, after giving birth (repeatable)
Anna morning sex extended (repeatable)
Rebeca morning sex extended (repeatable)
Girls bedrooms (repeatable) - after birth, sometime you will see baby breastfeeding (maybe you can join - Rebeca and Moko)
Paola sex, after dance night , maybe you have to go a few times with her (repeatable) - invite you to go inside her apartment
Home Computer Info App - tip to visit the girl's bedroom after giving birth
VN style can go and buy condoms from Pharmacy
TV watch - you can read some lines from girl which is not present at the moment
Dora and MC conversation fix (wrong picture has been used)
You cannot visit Paola before you discover the StripClub (it breaks the immersion)
Visit your neighbor Paola (home and club events) - 100% completed
James and Ema story progress - 100% completed
Julia event - 100% completed
Home pregnancy events (Moko, Dora, Anna, Rebeca) - left for 0.8.2
Police station, buy gun and pharma license - 100% completed
Home breakfast chat (Moko, Dora, Anna, Rebeca) - left for 0.8.2
Home bedroom chat (Moko, Dora, Anna, Rebeca) - left for 0.8.2
Home living room events (Moko, Dora, Anna, Rebeca) - left for 0.8.2
Spa work problems - 100% completed
Improvement - in VN style, player will no longer be forced to go to the strip club before it become operational. - 100% completed
Bug Fix - In VN style Edmon story didn't start - 100% completed
Julia: jogging and coffeehouse chat
Maria: chat in your office
Meet Teodora and design your gym
Dora: offer to buy the dental clinic for her (if you have the money 150K)
Bug fix:
Fix bug when Moko appears after Anna has arrived but you are only with Dora in Mohoro (Thank you m00nsh1ne)
Fix bug with Anna during breakfast not letting her chat with you
Fix bug : Chapter 1, Anna see her parents, but driving back home shows her with her casts still on (Thank you myuhinny)
Fix bug : In home computer, the money App gives error (Thank you myuhinny)
Fix bug : When you are alone in Mohoro, lunch/dinner shows Moko and Dora
Fix bug : Dora started work but in some cases at the morning she doesn't depart together with you
You can sleep in your girl's bedroom.
Office chat with Maria
Anna chat in bedroom
Rebeca chat in bedroom
Dora chat in bedroom and start work
Bug Fix - car dealer stuck if money are under 50K
New Striptease Girl - ChiChi
New Striptease Girl - DarkMoon
BugFix - Info App shows "work in SPA locked" , but still have event
Chat with Anna, Rebeca, Moko, Dora, breakfast
Chat with Maria in your office
Visual Novel Style can select to go or not to Strip Club after work in office
New Open World System
New Day and Night time
New Computer Interactions
New Real Video animations - I will try to update the old animations, little by little. For now is one new animation and one old updated.
Dora story continue
Anna story continue
Rebeca story continue
Moko story continue
Maria story continue
Alina story continue
Millina (Gym boss)
Main story continue
Home living
Shopping Mall
Car Dealer
Strip Club
New UI information bar - money, calendar, day time
New - money wallet, income, expense
New map Mohoro
Main story continue Mohoro
New home location
New work place location
Moko story continue
Millina (Gym boss) story continue
Anna story continue
Dora story continue
Anna story advance
Ema and James story advance
Dora story advance
Maria story start (Poll votes will decide if you like to continue with this character)
Your Alone time extended
Text for PC,Linux,Mac and Android is changed to white color and the background is transparent (please let me know if you prefer the old style)
Mostly all images are re-done .. still have some scene left (mostly some sex scenes) Will target the next version.
Some bugs fix and code improved for a new big change.
v0.1.5.1 Alpha
Fix Bug with Dora sleep over on your place and the story with her didn't continue in the morning
v0.1.5 Alpha
Moko story advance
Vicky story advance
Anna story advance
Rebeca story advance
James and Ema story advance
Time with parents extended
Dora story advance
Sounds improved
Re-render many old grainy images (goal to reach Beta version by improve all old not good quality images)
Testing and bug fixing are always on the list
Android version has dark color text
0.1.4 Alpha
Player can change the name of the character
Vicky and Moko story progress
Anna story progress
Having a car
Re-render many old grainy images
Fix problem with Parents time sync events
Fix some logical bugs
Builds not only for Win and Linux, but also for Android and Mac
Dora story progress
Anna romance path progress
New Mike reflection thoughts for his life
Some old render images improved
Phone calls are not pushed every evening
Fix bug - Anna injured but MC doesn't need to collect money
Fix Anna Open rel. v.0.1.0 not register in one case
Fix meeting Rebeca for first time twice in some cases
Anna romance story progress
Skip morning routine choice
Rebeca path can be open
Before go to sleep, Mike has reflection thoughts for his life
Anna corruption path advanced
Anna friendly path advanced
James, Ema story advanced
Sex likes/dislikes matter
Text correction
Fix some wrong Pictures in Dialogues
Dora story progress
Re-Render some old images (better quality)
Dora story progress
Sound added for first time
Face images added to Dialogues
18+ Warning splash screen
Тему отредактировал: admin - 16-03-2025, 10:36
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.0.19.3 Patreon Eng. Topic updated. Added English version v.0.19.3 Patreon Eng.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.0.19.3 Patreon Eng. Topic updated. Added English version v.0.19.3 Patreon Eng.
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