Hard Stuck is an erotic turn-based dungeon crawler inspired by the original roguelike "Rogue".
The goal of the game is to fight your way through a dungeon filled with monsters and traps to reach the last floor,
discovering the functions of obfuscated items and interacting with various curios along the way.
Год выпуска: 2025
Жанр: 3d game, 3dcg, adventure, ahegao, anal, animated, big ass, big tits, creampie, fantasy, female protagonist, furry, lesbian, monster, oral, strategy, tentacles, turn based combat, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: floppystack - patreon | itch.io
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.4 EA 1.5
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.4 EA 1.5
• The first floor TV can no longer trigger multiple game overs. (Thanks to IcyNinji for the bug report).
• Chloe should no longer be bald in nude cinematics while wearing the alpine beanie (Thanks to IcyNinji for the bug report).
• The bookcase and shallow grave will now properly remove wands from the loot pool.
• Added missing succubus/incubus sleeping animation.
• Fixed an issue preventing idle animations being reset when an effect gets removed (Thanks to MyahTG for the bug report).
• Minimap has been near completely rewritten and now performs much better on larger floors.
• The character inspector now displays the characters faction and active effects.
• Both keyboard and gamepad button input will now work even if the game is stuck in mouse input mode.
• Resource bar squares are now handled by a custom font and should appear identical on all operating systems.
• Fixed a bunch of bugs with poison gas instantly combusting near lava.
0.4 EA 1
New stuff:
• There is a new early access exclusive teleporter tile in the first floor debug room. It can take the player directly to any floor in the dungeon.
• The player now starts with rest and masturbate spells.
• Added input remapping options to the settings menu.
• Added cinematic sexuality blocklist to the settings menu.
• Doors on the frozen floor have a chance of being frozen shut and will break if moved into (causes a loud noise event).
• Added a new water vial that makes characters wet when thrown, solidifies lava tiles and disables firetrap tiles when dropped or thrown onto.
• New slime double pen cinematic.
• New succubus x frank vaginal cinematic.
• New succubus x kobold vaginal cinematic.
• New incubus/succubus x frank anal cinematic.
• New incubus/succubus x kobold anal cinematic.
• Finished the minotaur bath boobjob cinematic.
• Added sedusa statue cinematic as stillframe placeholder.
• The remove shoes option has been added to cardboard and goth outfits. The shoes might be missing when loading an old save. Opening the customization menu at a mirror should fix it.
• Input help screen now has categories for joypad and mouse input.
• Poisonous gas will now ignite from other sources of fire, not just wands.
• Vending machine heal option has been replaced with a water vial for 25 bits.
• NPCs will now alert visible allies of enemies in their vision.
• Added procedural blinking to character models with eyelids.
• Characters now get shiny when they have the wet effect.
• Loud noise detection range increased from 15 to 20 tiles.
• Traveling by clicking on the minimap will now avoid firetrap tiles (Thanks to Lulu for the bug report).
• It is now possible to select the player using the mouse when on top of special tiles (thanks to SecksPotato for the bug report).
• Fixed disappearing toe issue on the alpine outfit (Thanks ro MGFizzy for the bug report).
• Fixed an issue that caused characters immunities to not be included in save files (Thanks to MyahTG for the bug report).
• Fixed some minor issues with Chloes rigging.
• Made some improvements to pathfinding speed.
• Some improvements to minimap induced hitching on larger floors. A fix for the underlying issue is in the works.
0.3 EA 4 Hotfix 1
• The pigman trader has been added to neutral floors with his own cinematic, he gives more bits for items after friendly events.
• New incubus/succubus caster type enemy has been added to the lava, spooky and ice floors with a unique cinematic for each.
• The game now has full gamepad support.
• The minimap can now be clicked on to travel.
• New aphrodisiac and flamethrower themed trapped chest rooms.
• A new battery item has been added that recharges wands when used. They can be purchased from the vending machine tile.
• A new saint statue has been added that grants the player calories based on lewd meter value.
• A new special abilities menu has been added, it is accessed by pressing left or right in the inventory.
• Added an option to the settings menu to swap mouse buttons.
• Added the option to select glasses independant of outfit (thanks to MyahTG for the reminder).
• Allies can now be instructed to wait at their current location until told to follow.
• Added exposed variants to the alpine bikini.
• Nothing has changed in the room that doesn't exist on the first floor.
• The main character is now named "Chloe Glands" under the hood. Though the name is never visible to the player.
• Wands can now only spawn once in the entire dungeon.
• The game over cinematic can now be skipped (thanks to Melody for the reminder).
• When viewed through the memory menu, game over cutscenes no longer shows the game over text and will wait for input before continuing.
• Blessed/cursed tomes now affect allies/enemies respectively.
• Damage from weapons with shock enchant now bounce like the shock wand.
• Any form of ice damage now has a 10% chance to freeze a target already affected by frost. Wet targets will still freeze 100% of the time.
• There is now a warning message that pops up when starting hardcore mode from the main menu.
• Saint statues no longer spawn randomly. They are now a feature reserved for neutral floors.
• Cun'thulu statue now grants the player a spell to summon a tentacle ally.
• Detection tomes now reveal mimics on the minimap.
• Tome descriptions should now be more... descriptive.
• The old trap room with the near invisible spikes has been removed.
• Unobfuscated rings no longer reveal enchant level (thanks to Aargh for the bug report).
• Kraken is now immune to displacement effects, and will despawn when the head loses sight of all enemies (thanks to Aargh for the bug report).
• Fixed cursed healing tome not hurting the reader.
• The minimap will no longer be cut off when loading saves after a game over (thanks to MyahTG for the bug report).
• Fixed an issue causing stairs leading up to not be placed correctly (thanks to Protowolf for the bug report).
• Fixed a bunch of bugs with the tile selector that got introduced with mouse support.
• Fixed missing sound effects when mouse interacts with menus.
• Allies no longer retain temporary effects when resurrected.
• Fixed bad normals on exposed goth thong.
• Fixed an issue causing the window mode setting option to do nothing.
Gamepad Keyboard mode:
• Dpad: Move character / Navigate UI.
• Bottom face button: Inspect/Interact / UI select.
• Right face button: Skip turn / UI back.
• Left face button: Inventory.
• Top face button: Auto explore.
• Start: Pause menu.
• Select: Toggle minimap.
• Left bumper: Auto path stairs down.
• Right bumper: Auto path stairs up.
Gamepad Mouse mode:
• Left stick: Move mouse.
• Bottom face button: Left click.
• Right face button: Right click.
Gamepad camera:
• Right stick: Rotate camera.
• Triggers: Zoom.
Cinematic camera:
• Right stick press: Enter flycam mode.
• Left+right stick: Move.
• Left/Right bumper: Pan up/down.
• Dpad up/down: Zoom in/zoom out.
• Triggers: Roll.
Edit hotfix 1:
• Added a large left stick deadzone for swapping between keyboard and mouse mode while using gamepads.
• Fixed Cun'thulu tentacle missing animations in release builds (thanks to Slith for the bug report).
• Cun'thulu tentacle will no longer try to make moves on the player (thanks to Aargh for the bug report).
• Fixed missing effects and identification events after sex with the buses.
• Changing outfit with default glasses now properly updates model (thanks to Lulu for the bug report).
• Fixed broken ally / charmed neutral character stairs pathing (thanks to Lulu, Aargh and k-psychon for the bug reports).
• Using a battery now properly ends turn (thanks to Lulu for the bug report).
• Minimap navigation will now take a safer route (thanks to Lulu for the bug report).
• The kraken can no longer be displaced by teleportation wands (Thanks to LC for the bug report).
• The wand of empowerment now has a duration of 200, the effect still stacks and duration is reset when reapplied (thanks to Lulu for reminding me).
• Scrolls of enhancement will no longer reveal item obfuscation, but will still reveal itemlevel (thanks to LC for the bug report).
v0.3 EA3 Hotfix 1
• Fixed the cinematic freecam spinning out of control. Now it should work regardless of resolution, secondary monitor and fullscreen mode (Thanks to Wravsaf and Bostolm for the bug reports).
• Blacksmith will now properly charge the player for enhancements. (Thanks to Moe Lester and Mifuni for the bug reports).
• Summoned characters no longer drop ally souls (Thanks to Protowolf for the bug report).
• Frank recruitment cinematic now unlocks properly in the memory menu, and recruitment cinematics now have their own hint strings (Thanks to Roy and Toraki for the bug reports).
• Charmed enemies no longer drop ally souls (Thanks to Spencer Tyrrell for the bug report).
• Allies no longer break when failing to follow the player to a different floor. Also they are now better at finding a spawn locations when changing floors (Thanks to Liamitis and Lulu for the bug reports).
• Pathfinding now prefers regular floor tiles over ice tiles on the frozen floor. (Thanks to Aargh for letting me know).
• Resurrecting an ally now ends turn (Thanks to Lulu for letting me know).
• The mouse now properly resets after a game over (Thanks to Lulu for the bug report).
• Currency should no longer appear twice in the hud. Might need a fresh save.
• Fixed the game spawning multiple Krakens on the water floor.
• Fixed game breaking when loading seeds (Thanks to IcyNinji for the bug report).
• Cinematics now respect the keep panty option from the customization menu (Thanks to HereBeDragyns for the bug report).
v0.3 EA3
New stuff:
• The game is now (mostly) fully playable with mouse input.
• Added a new inspection menu when interacting with monsters.
• Added a new "Other" menu for experimental features, (press F3 while on the main menu).
• Translation and hotkey templates are now generated in-game from the "Other" menu.
• Translations and hotkey files can now be reloaded from the "Other" menu.
• Translation updates can now be generated on the "Other" menu. (Only available if a translation is loaded).
• Added a new neutral floor after the lava floor.
• There is a bath on the new floor with a placeholder cinematic. There is a secret to it so saving before taking a dip might be a good idea.
• Added a recruitable Frank to the new neutral floor with cinematic.
• Added a new (very strong) Kraken enemy to the water floor, (2% spawn chance while stepping in open body of water). With cinematic.
• Added a new exposed sweater variant to the alpine outfit.
• Added a new experimental freecam mode for cinematics, (Press the scroll wheel/middle mouse button to toggle). Note that some cinematics have been animated with a theatre stage layout in mind so they have bounds that prevent the camera from peeking behind the curtains.
• The camera can now be rotated in the inventory menu, character customization menu and the new monster interaction menu.
• Added a currency system (bits). The player receives bits from defeating monsters.
• Added a new vending machine interactable tile to neutral floors.
• Added a new recycling bin interactable tile to neutral floors.
• Perished allies can now be resurrected by picking up and using their souls.
• Added new shock, ice and force wands. And also remembered to add them to the loot pool.
• Fake wall tiles were added to the game last update. But they only appear on neutral floors for now.
• Selecting the player character now opens inventory.
• Pathfinding performance has been significantly sped up on larger floors.
• Ice is now slippery (25% to stun) the following characters: Player, fishman, frank, goblin and minotaur.
• The auto explore key no longer reveals fake walls.
• The "Ignition Wand" has been buffed and renamed to "Fire Wand".
• Fixed bodyhair using the wrong haircolor on alpine outfit.
• Fixed npcs not pathing back to their home location after giving up searching for the player.
• Fixed npcs not accepting weapons they should be able to wield.
• Fixed translations not loading the final ID in the file.
Things that got pushed to january:
• Mouse clicking on the minimap to travel.
• Gamepad support.
• Reworking traps.
• Making sure wands can only spawn once + a wand battery/charging system
• Expanding on the saint statues.
v0.3 EA 2
New stuff:
- Completely reworked outfit system.
- Revamped cardboard and vampire outfits.
- Added a "New Game Hardcore" option to the main menu.
- There is absolutely nothing new on the first floor.
- A new double kobold cinematic.
- A new cinematic for recruiting the kobold mercenary.
- New frozen floor type and cinematic stage.
- New enemy: Mimic.
- New enemy: Demon brute.
- New alpine bikini outfit.
- Added a new firebreath spell to kobolds.
- Added a new headbutt spell to minotaurs.
- Added new keybinding (B for boobies) for toggling exposed breasts during cinematics.
- Added new keybinding (V for Vpanties) for toggling panties on/off during cinematics.
- Cardboard equipment is now destroyed by fire.
- When entering the door on the final level the game now loops to the start of a new dungeon. The player only keeps the lewd meter.
- The tentaculation scroll has been removed and replaced by a tentacle saint statue tile.
- Scroll of sewing has been removed.
- The old strip system has been removed.
- Fixed the giraffe neck in book cinematic (thanks to user www112h12 for reporting the issue).
- Added some more vertices to the players belly to make it smoother when deformed.
- Tome of detection will now reduce vision range when cursed.
- Tome and scroll cast animations should now properly update breast physics when moving (thanks to user IcyNinji for reporting the issue).
- Fixed weapon poking through the players chest during sleep animation (again thanks to IcyNinji).
- Fixed another issue causing flickering walls on fluid floors.
- Fixed missing held weapon model after throwing a weapon from inventory into lava.
- Customize menu will now properly reset outfit on exit.
- Fixed charmed player adding too many npcs to group animations (thanks to user Roy for the bug report).
- Memory selection menu will no longer try to load a non existant cinematic when pressing the ui action key on a non cinematic index.
v0.3 EA 1
v0.2 EA 1
v0.2 EA 1
New early access version with new enemy, outfit, cinematics, gallery, character customization and more....
- Added new minotaur character with sex scene.
- Removed the automatic stripping at 20% health, you can now strip manually by interacting with the player avatar.
- Added the ability to go fully nude with the new stripping system.
- The tutorial has been expanded to go more in depth on some of the basic systems of the game.
- Holy fonts can no longer be destroyed by moving into them.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the game over screen to appear when ending a run with a cursed healing tome.
v0.11 Fix
Small bugfix update.
- Includes the stealth fix for the broken cum bar.
- Fixed an issue causing certain menus to be misplaced when
playing on a high resolution monitor.
- A bunch of little fixes to the settings menu.
v0.1 Fix
Initial Release
- 4 floors.
- 5 monster types.
- 6 sex scenes.
- Lots of items and curios.
Hard Stuck is an erotic turn-based dungeon crawler inspired by the original roguelike "Rogue".
The goal of the game is to fight your way through a dungeon filled with monsters and traps to reach the last floor,
discovering the functions of obfuscated items and interacting with various curios along the way.
Год выпуска: 2025
Жанр: 3d game, 3dcg, adventure, ahegao, anal, animated, big ass, big tits, creampie, fantasy, female protagonist, furry, lesbian, monster, oral, strategy, tentacles, turn based combat, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: floppystack - patreon | itch.io
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.4 EA 1.5
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.4 EA 1.5
• The first floor TV can no longer trigger multiple game overs. (Thanks to IcyNinji for the bug report).
• Chloe should no longer be bald in nude cinematics while wearing the alpine beanie (Thanks to IcyNinji for the bug report).
• The bookcase and shallow grave will now properly remove wands from the loot pool.
• Added missing succubus/incubus sleeping animation.
• Fixed an issue preventing idle animations being reset when an effect gets removed (Thanks to MyahTG for the bug report).
• Minimap has been near completely rewritten and now performs much better on larger floors.
• The character inspector now displays the characters faction and active effects.
• Both keyboard and gamepad button input will now work even if the game is stuck in mouse input mode.
• Resource bar squares are now handled by a custom font and should appear identical on all operating systems.
• Fixed a bunch of bugs with poison gas instantly combusting near lava.
0.4 EA 1
New stuff:
• There is a new early access exclusive teleporter tile in the first floor debug room. It can take the player directly to any floor in the dungeon.
• The player now starts with rest and masturbate spells.
• Added input remapping options to the settings menu.
• Added cinematic sexuality blocklist to the settings menu.
• Doors on the frozen floor have a chance of being frozen shut and will break if moved into (causes a loud noise event).
• Added a new water vial that makes characters wet when thrown, solidifies lava tiles and disables firetrap tiles when dropped or thrown onto.
• New slime double pen cinematic.
• New succubus x frank vaginal cinematic.
• New succubus x kobold vaginal cinematic.
• New incubus/succubus x frank anal cinematic.
• New incubus/succubus x kobold anal cinematic.
• Finished the minotaur bath boobjob cinematic.
• Added sedusa statue cinematic as stillframe placeholder.
• The remove shoes option has been added to cardboard and goth outfits. The shoes might be missing when loading an old save. Opening the customization menu at a mirror should fix it.
• Input help screen now has categories for joypad and mouse input.
• Poisonous gas will now ignite from other sources of fire, not just wands.
• Vending machine heal option has been replaced with a water vial for 25 bits.
• NPCs will now alert visible allies of enemies in their vision.
• Added procedural blinking to character models with eyelids.
• Characters now get shiny when they have the wet effect.
• Loud noise detection range increased from 15 to 20 tiles.
• Traveling by clicking on the minimap will now avoid firetrap tiles (Thanks to Lulu for the bug report).
• It is now possible to select the player using the mouse when on top of special tiles (thanks to SecksPotato for the bug report).
• Fixed disappearing toe issue on the alpine outfit (Thanks ro MGFizzy for the bug report).
• Fixed an issue that caused characters immunities to not be included in save files (Thanks to MyahTG for the bug report).
• Fixed some minor issues with Chloes rigging.
• Made some improvements to pathfinding speed.
• Some improvements to minimap induced hitching on larger floors. A fix for the underlying issue is in the works.
0.3 EA 4 Hotfix 1
• The pigman trader has been added to neutral floors with his own cinematic, he gives more bits for items after friendly events.
• New incubus/succubus caster type enemy has been added to the lava, spooky and ice floors with a unique cinematic for each.
• The game now has full gamepad support.
• The minimap can now be clicked on to travel.
• New aphrodisiac and flamethrower themed trapped chest rooms.
• A new battery item has been added that recharges wands when used. They can be purchased from the vending machine tile.
• A new saint statue has been added that grants the player calories based on lewd meter value.
• A new special abilities menu has been added, it is accessed by pressing left or right in the inventory.
• Added an option to the settings menu to swap mouse buttons.
• Added the option to select glasses independant of outfit (thanks to MyahTG for the reminder).
• Allies can now be instructed to wait at their current location until told to follow.
• Added exposed variants to the alpine bikini.
• Nothing has changed in the room that doesn't exist on the first floor.
• The main character is now named "Chloe Glands" under the hood. Though the name is never visible to the player.
• Wands can now only spawn once in the entire dungeon.
• The game over cinematic can now be skipped (thanks to Melody for the reminder).
• When viewed through the memory menu, game over cutscenes no longer shows the game over text and will wait for input before continuing.
• Blessed/cursed tomes now affect allies/enemies respectively.
• Damage from weapons with shock enchant now bounce like the shock wand.
• Any form of ice damage now has a 10% chance to freeze a target already affected by frost. Wet targets will still freeze 100% of the time.
• There is now a warning message that pops up when starting hardcore mode from the main menu.
• Saint statues no longer spawn randomly. They are now a feature reserved for neutral floors.
• Cun'thulu statue now grants the player a spell to summon a tentacle ally.
• Detection tomes now reveal mimics on the minimap.
• Tome descriptions should now be more... descriptive.
• The old trap room with the near invisible spikes has been removed.
• Unobfuscated rings no longer reveal enchant level (thanks to Aargh for the bug report).
• Kraken is now immune to displacement effects, and will despawn when the head loses sight of all enemies (thanks to Aargh for the bug report).
• Fixed cursed healing tome not hurting the reader.
• The minimap will no longer be cut off when loading saves after a game over (thanks to MyahTG for the bug report).
• Fixed an issue causing stairs leading up to not be placed correctly (thanks to Protowolf for the bug report).
• Fixed a bunch of bugs with the tile selector that got introduced with mouse support.
• Fixed missing sound effects when mouse interacts with menus.
• Allies no longer retain temporary effects when resurrected.
• Fixed bad normals on exposed goth thong.
• Fixed an issue causing the window mode setting option to do nothing.
Gamepad Keyboard mode:
• Dpad: Move character / Navigate UI.
• Bottom face button: Inspect/Interact / UI select.
• Right face button: Skip turn / UI back.
• Left face button: Inventory.
• Top face button: Auto explore.
• Start: Pause menu.
• Select: Toggle minimap.
• Left bumper: Auto path stairs down.
• Right bumper: Auto path stairs up.
Gamepad Mouse mode:
• Left stick: Move mouse.
• Bottom face button: Left click.
• Right face button: Right click.
Gamepad camera:
• Right stick: Rotate camera.
• Triggers: Zoom.
Cinematic camera:
• Right stick press: Enter flycam mode.
• Left+right stick: Move.
• Left/Right bumper: Pan up/down.
• Dpad up/down: Zoom in/zoom out.
• Triggers: Roll.
Edit hotfix 1:
• Added a large left stick deadzone for swapping between keyboard and mouse mode while using gamepads.
• Fixed Cun'thulu tentacle missing animations in release builds (thanks to Slith for the bug report).
• Cun'thulu tentacle will no longer try to make moves on the player (thanks to Aargh for the bug report).
• Fixed missing effects and identification events after sex with the buses.
• Changing outfit with default glasses now properly updates model (thanks to Lulu for the bug report).
• Fixed broken ally / charmed neutral character stairs pathing (thanks to Lulu, Aargh and k-psychon for the bug reports).
• Using a battery now properly ends turn (thanks to Lulu for the bug report).
• Minimap navigation will now take a safer route (thanks to Lulu for the bug report).
• The kraken can no longer be displaced by teleportation wands (Thanks to LC for the bug report).
• The wand of empowerment now has a duration of 200, the effect still stacks and duration is reset when reapplied (thanks to Lulu for reminding me).
• Scrolls of enhancement will no longer reveal item obfuscation, but will still reveal itemlevel (thanks to LC for the bug report).
v0.3 EA3 Hotfix 1
• Fixed the cinematic freecam spinning out of control. Now it should work regardless of resolution, secondary monitor and fullscreen mode (Thanks to Wravsaf and Bostolm for the bug reports).
• Blacksmith will now properly charge the player for enhancements. (Thanks to Moe Lester and Mifuni for the bug reports).
• Summoned characters no longer drop ally souls (Thanks to Protowolf for the bug report).
• Frank recruitment cinematic now unlocks properly in the memory menu, and recruitment cinematics now have their own hint strings (Thanks to Roy and Toraki for the bug reports).
• Charmed enemies no longer drop ally souls (Thanks to Spencer Tyrrell for the bug report).
• Allies no longer break when failing to follow the player to a different floor. Also they are now better at finding a spawn locations when changing floors (Thanks to Liamitis and Lulu for the bug reports).
• Pathfinding now prefers regular floor tiles over ice tiles on the frozen floor. (Thanks to Aargh for letting me know).
• Resurrecting an ally now ends turn (Thanks to Lulu for letting me know).
• The mouse now properly resets after a game over (Thanks to Lulu for the bug report).
• Currency should no longer appear twice in the hud. Might need a fresh save.
• Fixed the game spawning multiple Krakens on the water floor.
• Fixed game breaking when loading seeds (Thanks to IcyNinji for the bug report).
• Cinematics now respect the keep panty option from the customization menu (Thanks to HereBeDragyns for the bug report).
v0.3 EA3
New stuff:
• The game is now (mostly) fully playable with mouse input.
• Added a new inspection menu when interacting with monsters.
• Added a new "Other" menu for experimental features, (press F3 while on the main menu).
• Translation and hotkey templates are now generated in-game from the "Other" menu.
• Translations and hotkey files can now be reloaded from the "Other" menu.
• Translation updates can now be generated on the "Other" menu. (Only available if a translation is loaded).
• Added a new neutral floor after the lava floor.
• There is a bath on the new floor with a placeholder cinematic. There is a secret to it so saving before taking a dip might be a good idea.
• Added a recruitable Frank to the new neutral floor with cinematic.
• Added a new (very strong) Kraken enemy to the water floor, (2% spawn chance while stepping in open body of water). With cinematic.
• Added a new exposed sweater variant to the alpine outfit.
• Added a new experimental freecam mode for cinematics, (Press the scroll wheel/middle mouse button to toggle). Note that some cinematics have been animated with a theatre stage layout in mind so they have bounds that prevent the camera from peeking behind the curtains.
• The camera can now be rotated in the inventory menu, character customization menu and the new monster interaction menu.
• Added a currency system (bits). The player receives bits from defeating monsters.
• Added a new vending machine interactable tile to neutral floors.
• Added a new recycling bin interactable tile to neutral floors.
• Perished allies can now be resurrected by picking up and using their souls.
• Added new shock, ice and force wands. And also remembered to add them to the loot pool.
• Fake wall tiles were added to the game last update. But they only appear on neutral floors for now.
• Selecting the player character now opens inventory.
• Pathfinding performance has been significantly sped up on larger floors.
• Ice is now slippery (25% to stun) the following characters: Player, fishman, frank, goblin and minotaur.
• The auto explore key no longer reveals fake walls.
• The "Ignition Wand" has been buffed and renamed to "Fire Wand".
• Fixed bodyhair using the wrong haircolor on alpine outfit.
• Fixed npcs not pathing back to their home location after giving up searching for the player.
• Fixed npcs not accepting weapons they should be able to wield.
• Fixed translations not loading the final ID in the file.
Things that got pushed to january:
• Mouse clicking on the minimap to travel.
• Gamepad support.
• Reworking traps.
• Making sure wands can only spawn once + a wand battery/charging system
• Expanding on the saint statues.
v0.3 EA 2
New stuff:
- Completely reworked outfit system.
- Revamped cardboard and vampire outfits.
- Added a "New Game Hardcore" option to the main menu.
- There is absolutely nothing new on the first floor.
- A new double kobold cinematic.
- A new cinematic for recruiting the kobold mercenary.
- New frozen floor type and cinematic stage.
- New enemy: Mimic.
- New enemy: Demon brute.
- New alpine bikini outfit.
- Added a new firebreath spell to kobolds.
- Added a new headbutt spell to minotaurs.
- Added new keybinding (B for boobies) for toggling exposed breasts during cinematics.
- Added new keybinding (V for Vpanties) for toggling panties on/off during cinematics.
- Cardboard equipment is now destroyed by fire.
- When entering the door on the final level the game now loops to the start of a new dungeon. The player only keeps the lewd meter.
- The tentaculation scroll has been removed and replaced by a tentacle saint statue tile.
- Scroll of sewing has been removed.
- The old strip system has been removed.
- Fixed the giraffe neck in book cinematic (thanks to user www112h12 for reporting the issue).
- Added some more vertices to the players belly to make it smoother when deformed.
- Tome of detection will now reduce vision range when cursed.
- Tome and scroll cast animations should now properly update breast physics when moving (thanks to user IcyNinji for reporting the issue).
- Fixed weapon poking through the players chest during sleep animation (again thanks to IcyNinji).
- Fixed another issue causing flickering walls on fluid floors.
- Fixed missing held weapon model after throwing a weapon from inventory into lava.
- Customize menu will now properly reset outfit on exit.
- Fixed charmed player adding too many npcs to group animations (thanks to user Roy for the bug report).
- Memory selection menu will no longer try to load a non existant cinematic when pressing the ui action key on a non cinematic index.
v0.3 EA 1
v0.2 EA 1
v0.2 EA 1
New early access version with new enemy, outfit, cinematics, gallery, character customization and more....
- Added new minotaur character with sex scene.
- Removed the automatic stripping at 20% health, you can now strip manually by interacting with the player avatar.
- Added the ability to go fully nude with the new stripping system.
- The tutorial has been expanded to go more in depth on some of the basic systems of the game.
- Holy fonts can no longer be destroyed by moving into them.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the game over screen to appear when ending a run with a cursed healing tome.
v0.11 Fix
Small bugfix update.
- Includes the stealth fix for the broken cum bar.
- Fixed an issue causing certain menus to be misplaced when
playing on a high resolution monitor.
- A bunch of little fixes to the settings menu.
v0.1 Fix
Initial Release
- 4 floors.
- 5 monster types.
- 6 sex scenes.
- Lots of items and curios.
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Hard_Stuck (2 файла)