Действие "Infested Cataclysm" происходит в вымышленной вселенной в 20ХХ году, где вирус, известный как "Зараженный вирус", превратил огромное количество взрослого населения города Чивитон в одержимых сексом мутантов-зомби.
Ваш персонаж должен выжить на грязных улицах Чивитона, которые заполнены этими зараженными, пытаясь раскрыть правду, стоящую за этим Заражённым Катаклизмом.
Infested Cataclysm takes place in a fictional universe in the year 20XX where a virus known as the "Infested Virus" has transformed a vast amount of the city of Civiton's adult population into sex obsessed mutant zombies. Your character must survive the mean streets of Civiton which is filled with these Infested while trying to uncover the truth behind this Infested Cataclysm.
Год выпуска: 2025
Жанр: 3dcg, ai cg, big ass, big tits, character creation, female protagonist, futa, trans, male protagonist, real porn, sandbox, text based, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Grey Goo Scion - patreon
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.1.5b
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Added: Sister Lucia is now available at the Church of Trilogy Life! She can be visited once a day and has a love of books. Be sure to raise your friendship with this sister in order to unlock her rather fun scenes ;)
Added: All regular non-event enemies have had their art updated to a more stylish style. And even the Raider Mini-boss has his own art! Next on the list is NPCs which will include their fight art as well.
Added: Iron Fist Unarmed weapons and recipe
Added: SAFN-49 semi-automatic rifle and recipe
Added: Burst Fire special to the Winchester .308 rifle, SAFN-49 rifle and P99 pistol, this is a 3 attack burst with the first being usual attack, 2nd with -5 to hit and 3rd with -10 hit
Modified: Infested Male Gangstas now use unarmed Iron Fist weapons instead of knives cause it makes more sense lore-wise and has nothing to due with the art program I use having no idea on how knives work...
Modified: Infested Futa Raiders now use the SAFN-49 semi-automatic rifle instead of shotguns and Infested Female Raiders uses the .308 Winchester semi-automatic rifle instead of shotguns due to wanting a wider variety of weapons equipped and dropped
Fixed: Candy's friendship corruption strikes again! Found it and fixed it. This update should resolve any issues if your Friendship with the friendly receptionist has been corrupted.
Fixed: Raider Robbery Event was not clearing some battle flags properly resulting in some interesting robberies from normal enemies on defeat. Fixed that and added extra checks to clear battle flags whenever a major time passes
Fixed: Church of Trilogy life accidentally being blocked off. It should be open now for all your earthly desires
Added: Male PC Pregnancy bad end scene. Poor Nurse Troy does not appreciate being told that you are Male pregnant and she wants you to know that she did not go to nursing school for 2 years just to have to deal with such shenanigans
Added: New Tracker for PC's Pregnancy with a new grace period of 3 days. If the time on the grace period runs out than it's time for bad endings
Added: Plan P-Minus, A medical item to help protect against Pregnancy from occurring for both Men and Women. Be sure to keep stocked up if you don't want to end up with a nunnery full of pregnant nuns! Nurses tend to like to carrying these
Added: Plan F-Plus, a medical item to increase fertility for Men and Women in case you really do want a nunnery full of pregnant nuns along with yourself! Doctors tend to like carrying these
Added: Nurse Troy can detect a possible pre-curser to a pregnancy when she does a proper "examination" and will administer the PC a Plan P-Minus just in case. These medical tests of the year 20XX are so amazing they can detect a possible pregnancy on the same day you were creampied!
Added: A Futa Gangsta enemy who wants you to know that she is NOT an Infested, just messed around with one too many TF items...
Added: Gunblade & Gunblade recipe
Added: Skimpy Ninja Armor now with 50% less chest coverage!
Added: Books and Erotic Books have now been created and added to Warehouses loot pool along with some homes. These two items can be given to help improve relations with certain NPCs or could just be sold for cash
Fixed: Special attacks for enemies were not working properly with some weapons. Fixed the ability for multi-dice weapons to actually do proper damage with specials and added ability for these attacks to be critical hits
Modified: Futa PC Pregnancy bad end scene updated
Fixed: Some PC Reflex saves being messed up due to old unused variable
Fixed: Warehouse lock-picking throwing errors
Fixed: Doctor Fuckhard forgetting that he's the one who turned you into a Futa. I mean he has a lot on his mind but still!
Added: Initial start for the Church of Trilogy Life, currently only has limited interactions with Mother Elisabeth (but wait there's more in 0.1.5b below!)
Added: X-Mas Returns holiday event for the months of December and January which includes a Threesome sex scene with a couple of busty elves
Added: Nurse Troy has new information if you chat with her after defeating the Raider Mini-boss
Added: Corrupted Nurse Troy has an even sexier information scene if you chat with her
Added: Helicopter Event
Added: Raider Robbery Event
Added: Survivor Trading Event
Added: New Status Affect of Drunk. There's no way having a high Drunk status could turn out badly in a porn mutant/zombie style apocalypse ;)
Added: You can now equip two accessories at the same time. The Future of being able to wear a hat while holding an umbrella is now!
Added: You now have the ability to waste some time inside of some buildings and homes. This will allow for waiting out bad weather or if the streets happen to be filled with a horde of Infested...
Added: 16-gauge dragonfire shotgun, .68 caliber byrna pistol, P99 pistol, 9mm VP70Z pistol, TAZER-25 stun gun, Ravin R1500-E crossbow have all been added
Added: 6 weapon recipes
Added: Ninja Armor (cause these Gangstas are Xtra Edgy!)
Added: Bag of Groceries (medium food item between small and large) to some loot tables
Added: Kitchens in random houses/apartments will always have a bonus food item when Salvaging with the item determined by how big the place is
Added: 3 Male Robber Raiders and 3 Female Robber Raiders added as part of the Raider Robbery Event, Their levels will be determined by the level range of the zone.
Added: Level range for zones. See note above
Added: Milk Tanks now increase Max Milk by 1 up to a max of 10
Added: Milk Tanks-X now increase Max Milk by 2 up to a max of 20
Added: The Infested Double Females now have another Lust attack to keep the PCs hot and bothered
Added: The ability to turn on and off the numerical results of combat rolls, loot rolls and the new robbery rolls under the options menu-> Options - Rolls. Social Rolls and Skill Check Rolls should be added soon.
Modified: I went ahead and modified part of the main quest. Before there was going to be a strip mall with a guy having a bounty on the Pure Blood raiders but now I've changed it so that Carlo at Ammo World is the one with the bounty posted on the leaders. I did this to cut down on the NPCs and avoiding having to add another store location to the Sunrise View zone. I've modified Morton's chat, the quest log regarding that information and added a chat with Carlo regarding the Pure Blood Raiders. The base will still not available in 0.1.5 since there's a quest involving forging a coalition to take them down and I need to add those potential allies to the Sunrise View zone first.
Modified: There's now a chance for Raiders to not steal all your food on losing based on your Stealth skill. They will still take the first piece of food item but other food items have a chance to be missed Same for Gangstas who steal Drugs and TFs...
Modified: I've been working on updating the Infested images with higher quality and with a constant style. Right now just the base Infested Males, Infested Females, Infested Futas and the Infested Double Females have the new art. Please let me know what you think of the new images
Modified: The Secure Wallet feat now gives a bonus to hiding extra food on losing to Raiders and Gangstas
Modified: Increased food amount for food items allowing for less time spent looting random houses for snacks
Modified: Candy the Receptionist can now be found in the break room in the Early Evening
Modified: Dr. Rack is now too busy after Early Evening to deal with patients
Fixed: Bug with Candy the Receptionist's friendship value becoming corrupted
Fixed: Nurse Troy's Assault event being disabled if you have a medical session before seeing it
Fixed: The bathroom Profile Updater has now been fixed and there's even new options for choice of family members with it being Step-Mom->Nurse, Step-Sister->Roommate and Step-Dad->Lawyer
Fixed: Superior 28-gauge shotgun and Superior long sword were actually missing the superior flag making them a not-so-superior 28-gauge shotgun and not-so-superior long sword
Fixed: Doctor Fuckhard throwing errors on temp Futas checking out his experimental treatments.
Added: Missing Futa x Male win blowjob scene, now only 6 more blowjob scenes left to write....(sigh)
Added: Message regarding increasing affection to the tutorial
Chatting with NPCs will help you raise your Affection/Friendship with them leading to some interesting new developments, possible discounts and even possibly some hot action! So be sure to check in with the NPCs you run across occasionally to see if they have something new to say or do!
Added: The following helpful tip to cooking section
What should I cook today? As long as I have the cooking recipes recorded on my smartphone I should be able to cook it and if I do a good enough job I might even get a epic version (+1 bonus) of my meal! Of course I can only cook something if I have enough food...
Added: The following helpful tip to crafting section
What should I create today? As long as I have the crafting recipes recorded on my smartphone I should be able to make it and if I do a good enough job I might even get a superior version of the item I'm trying to create! Of course I can only create something if I have enough supplies...
Added: Three Infested Bruiser scenes were not enabled and so now should be accessible
Fixed: Infested Milker's Milk lust attack showing yet another error message, different from the other error message
Fixed: Crafting a weapon would display incorrect materials when getting a critical success
Fixed: Cooking food throwing weird errors when failing to cook something
Fixed: Cooking food created last recipe in cookbook app instead of proper item
Fixed: Error message regarding fleeing from Infested while driving
Fixed: Improper name of West Sunrise View parking lot
Fixed: Missing NPCs from NPC contact list on your in-game smartphone
Fixed: Version numbers still showing the older version such as 0.1.4.c when the proper update number is 0.1.4e
Ongoing: The Driving fast travel system is still a mess and will be redone in 0.1.5 (if I can ever get away from pushing out bug fixes for my uh...interesting code...)
DoubleD edition
Fixed: Morton's text formatting in his general speech
Fixed: All vendor's not removing items from their inventory when you buy an item
Fixed: Vending machines deleting a item you try to buy even if you can't afford the item
Fixed: Milk Tank's not giving any text when drank by a Male PC
Fixed: Nurse Troy's speech after being rescued had a minor typo. I guess no one bothered to save that sweet innocent nurse?
Fixed: Some salvage locations not giving the proper cash that it says you found. I call this the Infested Sales Tax
Fixed: Civiton Bank Parking lot having broken image links
Fixed: Civiton Bank cash register not recording being robbed by such naughty players! Amy the Infested Banker is disappointed in you all!
Fixed: Some streets having typos which is better than not having any names
Added: Variant sex scene for Female Infested Eating out Female PC - Silicone version!
Updated: The text for the Stalker Feat to explain it doesn't turn on automatically and will need to be turned on from the in-game smartphone options.
Fixed: Camera Flash not showing up under Specials (Might need to reload to a save before picking up this feat in order for it to show up)
Fixed Camera Flash's penalty to attacks being off by 1
Fixed: Dazzle Status not wearing off
Fixed: Milkshake Jugs not turning a Male PC into a temp Futa
Fixed: Infested Milker's Milky Lust attack showing an error message
Fixed: Infested Milker's sex scene having a error message for those with tiny (compared to her) breasts
Fixed: Error message from Infested Futa on Futa sex scene
Fixed: Salvage from homes not stacking properly
Fixed: Two story houses having formatting error messages
Fixed: Two story houses throwing a error message about Living rooms
Fixed: Destroyed houses not displaying properly
Fixed: Destroyed houses not giving the correct loot when salvaged
Added: Level 4 has been added! This level gives access to a skill feat, a new combat maneuver, one more AP point, a choice of Path(sub-class), and 4 stat boosts of +1 to a maximum of a 20 in a stat. Experience needed to gain levels has been modified and now enemies that are too low of level compared to the PC won't give as much experience.
Added Level 4 combat maneuvers for each class that uses 2 AP.
Added: Paths have been added for each class. These are sub-classes that give unique abilities and access to different skills to each class. Every one of the classes have access to at least 3 path and these paths are chosen when you level your character up to level 4.
Paths of the Athlete:
Path of the Martial Artist
Path of the Football Star
Path of the Baseball Player
Paths of the Celebrity:
Path of the Nature Guru Star
Path of the Martial Art Star
Path of the Adult Porn Star
Paths of the Criminal:
Path of the Scout
Path of the Hitman
Path of the Con Artist
Paths of the Medic:
Path of the Surgeon
Path of the Pharmacist
Path of the Combat Medic
Paths of the Officer:
Path of the Riot Police
Path of the Detective
Path of the SWAT Officer
Paths of the Programmer:
Path of the Security Admin
Path of the Black Hat Hacker
Path of the Weekend Warrior
Paths of the Ranger:
Path of the Army Ranger
Path of the Forest Ranger
Path of the Federal Ranger
Added: Sunrise View industrial/river park has been added south of the Oak Dale suburbs off of South Tulip avenue. This new zone is about the size of the Oak Dale and has level 3+ enemies inside of it. It is highly suggested to be level 3 before taking on the enemies inside this zone as they are quite beefy.
Added: New enemy types of Infested Raiders and Infested Gangstas. Currently they have the same sex scenes as the usual Infested but there are plans to add specific scenes for them.
Added: New enemy type of Double Female Infested with their own unique sex scenes and combat abilities. Each of their scenes is twice the length of the usual sex scenes with some interesting interactions depending on the size of the character's "equipment".
Added: New upgraded weapons, armor and items. These can be found on enemies or at the new shop in Sunrise View called Ammo World.
Added: New NPC called Carlo who mans the new shop. He doesn't have much interactions yet but there is some planned for a future update.
Added: New General Feat - Season's Greetings - Which allows a player to run across holiday events way more often than the usual off season rates.
Added: A compass has been added to all maps allowing for easier navigation.
Added: Added the ability to not resist a continuous Lust attack from an Infested with an explosive ending if your lust hits 100% :)
Modified: All level 2 combat feats have their damage based on Character level which means that an attack that used to deal 1d6 damage will now do 1d6 for every 2 levels. Aka 2d6 damage at level 4, etc
Modified: Modified relationship values needed/gained in the Oak Dale Clinic for Candy's sex scenes.
Modified: Nurse Fucktoy and Doctor FuckHard now keep track of various sexual characteristics of the PC and will enhance themselves the next day in order to establish dominance if they view themselves lacking in comparison.
Modified: Officers no longer start with Heavy Armor Proficiency but will gain it if they choose Path of the Riot Police or Path of the SWAT Officer
Modified: Infected status shows a clearer indication of how much a PC is infected instead of the old stages
Modified: Status on the Character sheet only shows active affects
Fixed TinyDick status not slowly wearing off at night.
Fixed some typos in Double Female Infested sex scenes (Might be a few more that need to be found...)
Fixed balls not being synched with TinyDick status (Still need some minor work to synch Cum amounts changes due to size change of balls)
Fixed encounters for No Futas/No Males/Only Females for Sunrise View zone (Forgot to do that)
Fixed long enduring loot + closet issue where items wouldn't increase by the proper amount. This was mainly a issue with Rare items but the closet was a mess of bad code that took a while to fix.
Added: The Spring/April event has been added with a thirsty nun obsessed with fertility. She can be found as a home event and will more often show up in the months of April & May (IRL).
Added: Bad Ending #1. It's hard to be a hero when you are pregnant and so your character will have to retire in order to take it easy for the next 9 months. As of right now only one fertility obsessed sister can cause this Bad Ending and it has a low chance of happening. At the end of a Bad Ending you have a choice to have it to just be a dream or to start a New Game+.
Added: Bad End #2. Starving to death can make it a bit rough for a person to figure out the mystery behind the Infested Virus. The Starving status kicks in after 21 stacks of the Hungry status has been gained which is about a week of eating no food and can be dispelled eating any food item.
Added: New Game+ allows you start the game over with all your experience, levels, stats, class, equipment, items, and cash kept. It will reset all events, quests, sex history and NPCs back to their initial starting settings. You are given a choice to keep any Infested levels, any special Infested Types aka Futa you might have along with changes to sexual organs or choose to revert back to how you were at the beginning on your adventure, appearance wise at least. Right now it can only be accessed from the Bad Endings.
Added: Potent Fertility general feat. This feat increases the base chance of impregnation for your character and for certain sub-types of Infested from 5% to 55%. This feat can be toggled on/off in the Smartphone options.
Modified: Changed cum/girl-cum stored pregnancy modifiers from + 0.1 per point to +0.2 point.
Modified: Changed the Hunger system to only tick up once per missed meal for a total of 3 per day. Eating/Storing food will lower the food deficient along with your stacks of Hunger.
Modified: Added Keep/Revert choice to New Game+
Modified: NewGame+ resets sex history
Modified: Modified Seasonal Events. Now the first time you have a home event during the seasonal/holiday time frame the new seasonal event is guaranteed to show up. After that there's a higher chance for a repeat during the seasonal time frame but it shouldn't be enough to crowd out the other events.
Fixed: Fixed the Athlete's Flurry attack so it properly attacks twice
Fixed: Updated Messy Sprayer general feat's text to match the affect
Fixed: Various mismatched cases of Capitalization (Please let me know if you find any of these!)
Fixed: Fixed Dr. FuckHard's Male to Futa surgery not actually changing the PC's sex to Futa.
Fixed: Hunger status not being removed by storing food.
Added: Redid the whole Inventory system so that items can now stack. Hopefully this will cut down on clutter and bugs regarding junk items causing errors.
Added: Added a basic mapping system for the city. This will allow you to see where you are inside the city and where the other zones are in relation to you. The mapping system won't show the map of the inside of a building (for now).
Added: Added the jogger/classmate event. After the Raider boss blocking the exit from the Grove Hills has been defeated a jogger who was an old classmate bully of yours will start to show up around the neighborhood.
Added: Candy the busty receptionist at the Oak Dale Clinic has a new event that allows you to get a bit closer to her. She can be found in the Oak Dale Clinic's break room at noon and will be a lot more willing to chat off the clock.
Added: Doctor FuckHard and Nurse Fucktoy has opened up shop in the Oak Dale Clinic! You will need to make a reservation with Candy in order to visit the good doctor but only if you have enough Friendship with the pair! He supposedly has a experimental treatment regarding Futas for those who might be interested...
Added: Started adding variant sex scenes for those variant Infested such as Infested Nurses vs the usual Infested Female. Still a work in progress with only three finished so far but more are planned for future updates!
Changed: Changed rifles weapons Deadly attribute from 1d4 to 1d6.
Bugs: Fixed the random teleporting bug.
Bugs: Fixed misspelled items.
Bugs: Fixed missing sex scenes for a couple of generic Infested.
Bugs: Fixed water/rain values.
Initial Release
Действие "Infested Cataclysm" происходит в вымышленной вселенной в 20ХХ году, где вирус, известный как "Зараженный вирус", превратил огромное количество взрослого населения города Чивитон в одержимых сексом мутантов-зомби.
Ваш персонаж должен выжить на грязных улицах Чивитона, которые заполнены этими зараженными, пытаясь раскрыть правду, стоящую за этим Заражённым Катаклизмом.
Infested Cataclysm takes place in a fictional universe in the year 20XX where a virus known as the "Infested Virus" has transformed a vast amount of the city of Civiton's adult population into sex obsessed mutant zombies. Your character must survive the mean streets of Civiton which is filled with these Infested while trying to uncover the truth behind this Infested Cataclysm.
Год выпуска: 2025
Жанр: 3dcg, ai cg, big ass, big tits, character creation, female protagonist, futa, trans, male protagonist, real porn, sandbox, text based, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Grey Goo Scion - patreon
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.1.5b
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Added: Sister Lucia is now available at the Church of Trilogy Life! She can be visited once a day and has a love of books. Be sure to raise your friendship with this sister in order to unlock her rather fun scenes ;)
Added: All regular non-event enemies have had their art updated to a more stylish style. And even the Raider Mini-boss has his own art! Next on the list is NPCs which will include their fight art as well.
Added: Iron Fist Unarmed weapons and recipe
Added: SAFN-49 semi-automatic rifle and recipe
Added: Burst Fire special to the Winchester .308 rifle, SAFN-49 rifle and P99 pistol, this is a 3 attack burst with the first being usual attack, 2nd with -5 to hit and 3rd with -10 hit
Modified: Infested Male Gangstas now use unarmed Iron Fist weapons instead of knives cause it makes more sense lore-wise and has nothing to due with the art program I use having no idea on how knives work...
Modified: Infested Futa Raiders now use the SAFN-49 semi-automatic rifle instead of shotguns and Infested Female Raiders uses the .308 Winchester semi-automatic rifle instead of shotguns due to wanting a wider variety of weapons equipped and dropped
Fixed: Candy's friendship corruption strikes again! Found it and fixed it. This update should resolve any issues if your Friendship with the friendly receptionist has been corrupted.
Fixed: Raider Robbery Event was not clearing some battle flags properly resulting in some interesting robberies from normal enemies on defeat. Fixed that and added extra checks to clear battle flags whenever a major time passes
Fixed: Church of Trilogy life accidentally being blocked off. It should be open now for all your earthly desires
Added: Male PC Pregnancy bad end scene. Poor Nurse Troy does not appreciate being told that you are Male pregnant and she wants you to know that she did not go to nursing school for 2 years just to have to deal with such shenanigans
Added: New Tracker for PC's Pregnancy with a new grace period of 3 days. If the time on the grace period runs out than it's time for bad endings
Added: Plan P-Minus, A medical item to help protect against Pregnancy from occurring for both Men and Women. Be sure to keep stocked up if you don't want to end up with a nunnery full of pregnant nuns! Nurses tend to like to carrying these
Added: Plan F-Plus, a medical item to increase fertility for Men and Women in case you really do want a nunnery full of pregnant nuns along with yourself! Doctors tend to like carrying these
Added: Nurse Troy can detect a possible pre-curser to a pregnancy when she does a proper "examination" and will administer the PC a Plan P-Minus just in case. These medical tests of the year 20XX are so amazing they can detect a possible pregnancy on the same day you were creampied!
Added: A Futa Gangsta enemy who wants you to know that she is NOT an Infested, just messed around with one too many TF items...
Added: Gunblade & Gunblade recipe
Added: Skimpy Ninja Armor now with 50% less chest coverage!
Added: Books and Erotic Books have now been created and added to Warehouses loot pool along with some homes. These two items can be given to help improve relations with certain NPCs or could just be sold for cash
Fixed: Special attacks for enemies were not working properly with some weapons. Fixed the ability for multi-dice weapons to actually do proper damage with specials and added ability for these attacks to be critical hits
Modified: Futa PC Pregnancy bad end scene updated
Fixed: Some PC Reflex saves being messed up due to old unused variable
Fixed: Warehouse lock-picking throwing errors
Fixed: Doctor Fuckhard forgetting that he's the one who turned you into a Futa. I mean he has a lot on his mind but still!
Added: Initial start for the Church of Trilogy Life, currently only has limited interactions with Mother Elisabeth (but wait there's more in 0.1.5b below!)
Added: X-Mas Returns holiday event for the months of December and January which includes a Threesome sex scene with a couple of busty elves
Added: Nurse Troy has new information if you chat with her after defeating the Raider Mini-boss
Added: Corrupted Nurse Troy has an even sexier information scene if you chat with her
Added: Helicopter Event
Added: Raider Robbery Event
Added: Survivor Trading Event
Added: New Status Affect of Drunk. There's no way having a high Drunk status could turn out badly in a porn mutant/zombie style apocalypse ;)
Added: You can now equip two accessories at the same time. The Future of being able to wear a hat while holding an umbrella is now!
Added: You now have the ability to waste some time inside of some buildings and homes. This will allow for waiting out bad weather or if the streets happen to be filled with a horde of Infested...
Added: 16-gauge dragonfire shotgun, .68 caliber byrna pistol, P99 pistol, 9mm VP70Z pistol, TAZER-25 stun gun, Ravin R1500-E crossbow have all been added
Added: 6 weapon recipes
Added: Ninja Armor (cause these Gangstas are Xtra Edgy!)
Added: Bag of Groceries (medium food item between small and large) to some loot tables
Added: Kitchens in random houses/apartments will always have a bonus food item when Salvaging with the item determined by how big the place is
Added: 3 Male Robber Raiders and 3 Female Robber Raiders added as part of the Raider Robbery Event, Their levels will be determined by the level range of the zone.
Added: Level range for zones. See note above
Added: Milk Tanks now increase Max Milk by 1 up to a max of 10
Added: Milk Tanks-X now increase Max Milk by 2 up to a max of 20
Added: The Infested Double Females now have another Lust attack to keep the PCs hot and bothered
Added: The ability to turn on and off the numerical results of combat rolls, loot rolls and the new robbery rolls under the options menu-> Options - Rolls. Social Rolls and Skill Check Rolls should be added soon.
Modified: I went ahead and modified part of the main quest. Before there was going to be a strip mall with a guy having a bounty on the Pure Blood raiders but now I've changed it so that Carlo at Ammo World is the one with the bounty posted on the leaders. I did this to cut down on the NPCs and avoiding having to add another store location to the Sunrise View zone. I've modified Morton's chat, the quest log regarding that information and added a chat with Carlo regarding the Pure Blood Raiders. The base will still not available in 0.1.5 since there's a quest involving forging a coalition to take them down and I need to add those potential allies to the Sunrise View zone first.
Modified: There's now a chance for Raiders to not steal all your food on losing based on your Stealth skill. They will still take the first piece of food item but other food items have a chance to be missed Same for Gangstas who steal Drugs and TFs...
Modified: I've been working on updating the Infested images with higher quality and with a constant style. Right now just the base Infested Males, Infested Females, Infested Futas and the Infested Double Females have the new art. Please let me know what you think of the new images
Modified: The Secure Wallet feat now gives a bonus to hiding extra food on losing to Raiders and Gangstas
Modified: Increased food amount for food items allowing for less time spent looting random houses for snacks
Modified: Candy the Receptionist can now be found in the break room in the Early Evening
Modified: Dr. Rack is now too busy after Early Evening to deal with patients
Fixed: Bug with Candy the Receptionist's friendship value becoming corrupted
Fixed: Nurse Troy's Assault event being disabled if you have a medical session before seeing it
Fixed: The bathroom Profile Updater has now been fixed and there's even new options for choice of family members with it being Step-Mom->Nurse, Step-Sister->Roommate and Step-Dad->Lawyer
Fixed: Superior 28-gauge shotgun and Superior long sword were actually missing the superior flag making them a not-so-superior 28-gauge shotgun and not-so-superior long sword
Fixed: Doctor Fuckhard throwing errors on temp Futas checking out his experimental treatments.
Added: Missing Futa x Male win blowjob scene, now only 6 more blowjob scenes left to write....(sigh)
Added: Message regarding increasing affection to the tutorial
Chatting with NPCs will help you raise your Affection/Friendship with them leading to some interesting new developments, possible discounts and even possibly some hot action! So be sure to check in with the NPCs you run across occasionally to see if they have something new to say or do!
Added: The following helpful tip to cooking section
What should I cook today? As long as I have the cooking recipes recorded on my smartphone I should be able to cook it and if I do a good enough job I might even get a epic version (+1 bonus) of my meal! Of course I can only cook something if I have enough food...
Added: The following helpful tip to crafting section
What should I create today? As long as I have the crafting recipes recorded on my smartphone I should be able to make it and if I do a good enough job I might even get a superior version of the item I'm trying to create! Of course I can only create something if I have enough supplies...
Added: Three Infested Bruiser scenes were not enabled and so now should be accessible
Fixed: Infested Milker's Milk lust attack showing yet another error message, different from the other error message
Fixed: Crafting a weapon would display incorrect materials when getting a critical success
Fixed: Cooking food throwing weird errors when failing to cook something
Fixed: Cooking food created last recipe in cookbook app instead of proper item
Fixed: Error message regarding fleeing from Infested while driving
Fixed: Improper name of West Sunrise View parking lot
Fixed: Missing NPCs from NPC contact list on your in-game smartphone
Fixed: Version numbers still showing the older version such as 0.1.4.c when the proper update number is 0.1.4e
Ongoing: The Driving fast travel system is still a mess and will be redone in 0.1.5 (if I can ever get away from pushing out bug fixes for my uh...interesting code...)
DoubleD edition
Fixed: Morton's text formatting in his general speech
Fixed: All vendor's not removing items from their inventory when you buy an item
Fixed: Vending machines deleting a item you try to buy even if you can't afford the item
Fixed: Milk Tank's not giving any text when drank by a Male PC
Fixed: Nurse Troy's speech after being rescued had a minor typo. I guess no one bothered to save that sweet innocent nurse?
Fixed: Some salvage locations not giving the proper cash that it says you found. I call this the Infested Sales Tax
Fixed: Civiton Bank Parking lot having broken image links
Fixed: Civiton Bank cash register not recording being robbed by such naughty players! Amy the Infested Banker is disappointed in you all!
Fixed: Some streets having typos which is better than not having any names
Added: Variant sex scene for Female Infested Eating out Female PC - Silicone version!
Updated: The text for the Stalker Feat to explain it doesn't turn on automatically and will need to be turned on from the in-game smartphone options.
Fixed: Camera Flash not showing up under Specials (Might need to reload to a save before picking up this feat in order for it to show up)
Fixed Camera Flash's penalty to attacks being off by 1
Fixed: Dazzle Status not wearing off
Fixed: Milkshake Jugs not turning a Male PC into a temp Futa
Fixed: Infested Milker's Milky Lust attack showing an error message
Fixed: Infested Milker's sex scene having a error message for those with tiny (compared to her) breasts
Fixed: Error message from Infested Futa on Futa sex scene
Fixed: Salvage from homes not stacking properly
Fixed: Two story houses having formatting error messages
Fixed: Two story houses throwing a error message about Living rooms
Fixed: Destroyed houses not displaying properly
Fixed: Destroyed houses not giving the correct loot when salvaged
Added: Level 4 has been added! This level gives access to a skill feat, a new combat maneuver, one more AP point, a choice of Path(sub-class), and 4 stat boosts of +1 to a maximum of a 20 in a stat. Experience needed to gain levels has been modified and now enemies that are too low of level compared to the PC won't give as much experience.
Added Level 4 combat maneuvers for each class that uses 2 AP.
Added: Paths have been added for each class. These are sub-classes that give unique abilities and access to different skills to each class. Every one of the classes have access to at least 3 path and these paths are chosen when you level your character up to level 4.
Paths of the Athlete:
Path of the Martial Artist
Path of the Football Star
Path of the Baseball Player
Paths of the Celebrity:
Path of the Nature Guru Star
Path of the Martial Art Star
Path of the Adult Porn Star
Paths of the Criminal:
Path of the Scout
Path of the Hitman
Path of the Con Artist
Paths of the Medic:
Path of the Surgeon
Path of the Pharmacist
Path of the Combat Medic
Paths of the Officer:
Path of the Riot Police
Path of the Detective
Path of the SWAT Officer
Paths of the Programmer:
Path of the Security Admin
Path of the Black Hat Hacker
Path of the Weekend Warrior
Paths of the Ranger:
Path of the Army Ranger
Path of the Forest Ranger
Path of the Federal Ranger
Added: Sunrise View industrial/river park has been added south of the Oak Dale suburbs off of South Tulip avenue. This new zone is about the size of the Oak Dale and has level 3+ enemies inside of it. It is highly suggested to be level 3 before taking on the enemies inside this zone as they are quite beefy.
Added: New enemy types of Infested Raiders and Infested Gangstas. Currently they have the same sex scenes as the usual Infested but there are plans to add specific scenes for them.
Added: New enemy type of Double Female Infested with their own unique sex scenes and combat abilities. Each of their scenes is twice the length of the usual sex scenes with some interesting interactions depending on the size of the character's "equipment".
Added: New upgraded weapons, armor and items. These can be found on enemies or at the new shop in Sunrise View called Ammo World.
Added: New NPC called Carlo who mans the new shop. He doesn't have much interactions yet but there is some planned for a future update.
Added: New General Feat - Season's Greetings - Which allows a player to run across holiday events way more often than the usual off season rates.
Added: A compass has been added to all maps allowing for easier navigation.
Added: Added the ability to not resist a continuous Lust attack from an Infested with an explosive ending if your lust hits 100% :)
Modified: All level 2 combat feats have their damage based on Character level which means that an attack that used to deal 1d6 damage will now do 1d6 for every 2 levels. Aka 2d6 damage at level 4, etc
Modified: Modified relationship values needed/gained in the Oak Dale Clinic for Candy's sex scenes.
Modified: Nurse Fucktoy and Doctor FuckHard now keep track of various sexual characteristics of the PC and will enhance themselves the next day in order to establish dominance if they view themselves lacking in comparison.
Modified: Officers no longer start with Heavy Armor Proficiency but will gain it if they choose Path of the Riot Police or Path of the SWAT Officer
Modified: Infected status shows a clearer indication of how much a PC is infected instead of the old stages
Modified: Status on the Character sheet only shows active affects
Fixed TinyDick status not slowly wearing off at night.
Fixed some typos in Double Female Infested sex scenes (Might be a few more that need to be found...)
Fixed balls not being synched with TinyDick status (Still need some minor work to synch Cum amounts changes due to size change of balls)
Fixed encounters for No Futas/No Males/Only Females for Sunrise View zone (Forgot to do that)
Fixed long enduring loot + closet issue where items wouldn't increase by the proper amount. This was mainly a issue with Rare items but the closet was a mess of bad code that took a while to fix.
Added: The Spring/April event has been added with a thirsty nun obsessed with fertility. She can be found as a home event and will more often show up in the months of April & May (IRL).
Added: Bad Ending #1. It's hard to be a hero when you are pregnant and so your character will have to retire in order to take it easy for the next 9 months. As of right now only one fertility obsessed sister can cause this Bad Ending and it has a low chance of happening. At the end of a Bad Ending you have a choice to have it to just be a dream or to start a New Game+.
Added: Bad End #2. Starving to death can make it a bit rough for a person to figure out the mystery behind the Infested Virus. The Starving status kicks in after 21 stacks of the Hungry status has been gained which is about a week of eating no food and can be dispelled eating any food item.
Added: New Game+ allows you start the game over with all your experience, levels, stats, class, equipment, items, and cash kept. It will reset all events, quests, sex history and NPCs back to their initial starting settings. You are given a choice to keep any Infested levels, any special Infested Types aka Futa you might have along with changes to sexual organs or choose to revert back to how you were at the beginning on your adventure, appearance wise at least. Right now it can only be accessed from the Bad Endings.
Added: Potent Fertility general feat. This feat increases the base chance of impregnation for your character and for certain sub-types of Infested from 5% to 55%. This feat can be toggled on/off in the Smartphone options.
Modified: Changed cum/girl-cum stored pregnancy modifiers from + 0.1 per point to +0.2 point.
Modified: Changed the Hunger system to only tick up once per missed meal for a total of 3 per day. Eating/Storing food will lower the food deficient along with your stacks of Hunger.
Modified: Added Keep/Revert choice to New Game+
Modified: NewGame+ resets sex history
Modified: Modified Seasonal Events. Now the first time you have a home event during the seasonal/holiday time frame the new seasonal event is guaranteed to show up. After that there's a higher chance for a repeat during the seasonal time frame but it shouldn't be enough to crowd out the other events.
Fixed: Fixed the Athlete's Flurry attack so it properly attacks twice
Fixed: Updated Messy Sprayer general feat's text to match the affect
Fixed: Various mismatched cases of Capitalization (Please let me know if you find any of these!)
Fixed: Fixed Dr. FuckHard's Male to Futa surgery not actually changing the PC's sex to Futa.
Fixed: Hunger status not being removed by storing food.
Added: Redid the whole Inventory system so that items can now stack. Hopefully this will cut down on clutter and bugs regarding junk items causing errors.
Added: Added a basic mapping system for the city. This will allow you to see where you are inside the city and where the other zones are in relation to you. The mapping system won't show the map of the inside of a building (for now).
Added: Added the jogger/classmate event. After the Raider boss blocking the exit from the Grove Hills has been defeated a jogger who was an old classmate bully of yours will start to show up around the neighborhood.
Added: Candy the busty receptionist at the Oak Dale Clinic has a new event that allows you to get a bit closer to her. She can be found in the Oak Dale Clinic's break room at noon and will be a lot more willing to chat off the clock.
Added: Doctor FuckHard and Nurse Fucktoy has opened up shop in the Oak Dale Clinic! You will need to make a reservation with Candy in order to visit the good doctor but only if you have enough Friendship with the pair! He supposedly has a experimental treatment regarding Futas for those who might be interested...
Added: Started adding variant sex scenes for those variant Infested such as Infested Nurses vs the usual Infested Female. Still a work in progress with only three finished so far but more are planned for future updates!
Changed: Changed rifles weapons Deadly attribute from 1d4 to 1d6.
Bugs: Fixed the random teleporting bug.
Bugs: Fixed misspelled items.
Bugs: Fixed missing sex scenes for a couple of generic Infested.
Bugs: Fixed water/rain values.
Initial Release
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