Описание:Кэлвину не везет. В самый трудный момент его жизни его находит лучший друг и приглашает к себе домой. Его жена и дочь возражают, но Кэлвину больше некуда идти, так что вот. Меган училась на одни пятерки, но она поздно расцвела и слишком озабочена романтикой и отношениями. Возможно, такой грязный старик, как Кэлвин, как раз та проблема, которая ей нужна в жизни.
Calvin is down on his luck. At the lowest point in his life his best friend finds him and invites him into his house. His wife and daughter balk, but Calvin has nowhere else to go, so there it is. Megan got straight A’s in school, but she’s a late bloomer and overly anxious about romance and relationships. Maybe a dirty old man like Calvin is just the problem she needs in her life.
LiC is a small trainer game. It is inspired by the classic adult game Cohabitation by Sid Valentine. I feel a lot of kinship with my fellow jobber adult game developers deep inside the smut mines. I had some free time, so I decided to decompress from the stress of the world by making this. This isn’t a remake. This isn’t authorized.
Год выпуска: 2025
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, animated, big tits, corruption, creampie, groping, handjob, male protagonist, masturbation, oral, rpg, sandbox, sex toys, swinging, titfuck, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Dirty Secret Studio
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Itch.ioПлатформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: 1.9.0
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v1.9.0 - 2025.03.01
v1.8.0 - 2025.01.31
- New Content
- Added 2 alternate bad endings depending on your relationship to Megan & money
- Added Achievements
- Added new UI element: Cell Phone
- This adds an easier way to track stats with the various girls
- If a girl has texted you this also gives access to those text messages
- Added music and sound effects
- Megan
- You can now refuse to corrupt Megan
- This changes the dialog with subsequent scenes related to Susan and a solo path for Ami
- You can re-enable Megan corruption by calling her to talk to you at your bed
- New Path: Sharing
- Once you befriend some men you can convince Megan to play with them (2 scenes with 2 variants each)
- New Sleepwear:
- Night Shirt
- Valentine Lingerie
- Library:
- New Exhibitionism Scene
- Extended Streaking Scene
- New Trainer sequence: Anal Play
- Includes with vibrator and new toy, Anal Beads
- New 3some Scene with Ami
- New Video Shoot with Megan
- Susan
- New Living Room Scene
- Added adult scene in the bathroom
- New Bedroom with 1 adult scene
- Ami
- Added new Solo Path
- Added new adult scene at the mall
- Extended solo adult scene in her bedroom
- New 3some Scene with Megan
- Stacy
- New girl who hangs out at the library
- She has 1 adult scene with three versions
- Bug Fixes
- Changed the automatic sleepwear selection to only trigger after the peeking plot scene has been triggered
- Fixed purchasing remote vibe from the online store
- Added a few missing images to various paths
- Payments for videos beyond Video 2 should work properly now
- Fixed issue with dinner scene and certain items
- Fixed a few noisey renders
- Replaced a few renders where Megan's glasses aren't on
- Added alternate versions of the tit groping scene for all the clothes available at that point
- Added the Flower Sundress to the automatically selected uniforms Megan can wear
- Balance Changes
- Gave Susan and Ami proper schedules
- Changed how much art commissions pay out at your computer (and added items at the mall to upgrade with)
- Adjusted the Corruption and event requirements for various events (clothes, library actions and such)
- Increased affection rewards for taking Megan to the mall
- Increased the probability that Megan will get extremely horny and ask for your help
- Bug Fixes
- Can't erroneously trigger titjob scene with Sundress
- Fixed several functions not properly displaying names for clothes
- New Content
- New Location: Library
- 3 adult scenes
- New Content
- New clothes:
- Chaste dress
- Goth outfit
And more
- Bug Fixes
- Set correct image while grabbing breast in afternoon
- Added missing videos
- Set images for titjob with shorts correctly
- Deleted duplicate files
- Fixed the first work quest scene calling type of clothes that doesn't exist
- Fixed work quest events tiggering out of order
- Reworked the online store menu
- Bug Fixes
- Added image for Lingerie Store
- Fixed render for Megan modeling lingerie from wrong angle
- Fixed dark overlay persisting after quote during help with homework
- Fixed various misspellings
- Refactored file organization
- New Content
- Added optional hint system
- Added new event chain, Sleepover. Starts from watching TV with Kevin and Susan after Day 10
- After that, Megan's best friend will come hang out on Friday nights/Saturday morning
- New dialog scenes with Susan in the living room late at night on weekends (unlocked along with the Sleepover event chain)
- Added new location: Bathroom, and events with Megan there
- Can now assign clothes for Megan once she's given you a handjob (currently two sets of sleepwear and one day wear uniform)
- Added new options to the afternoon massage scene
- A new event chain that starts with Megan catching you working on another art commission and involves recruiting her into your "work"
- Once you've fooled around with Megan and her Lust is high, after a few days she can ask you for "help"
Initial Release