Описание:В мире, охваченном межпространственной войной, Алекс теряет родителей и ищет убежища в сиротском приюте. Когда его неожиданно уносит через портал, он спустя 7 лет оказывается в реальности, где его бывший дом лежит в руинах. Воссоединяясь с друзьями детства на фоне хрупкого мирного соглашения, Алекс сосредотачивается на поиске работы и заботе о своих друзьях, но он не может избавиться от ощущения, что что-то не так с этим новообретенным спокойствием.
In a world ravaged by interdimensional warfare, Alex loses his parents and seeks refuge in an orphanage. When he gets unexpectedly swept away through a portal, he emerges 7 years later to a reality where his former home lies in ruins. Reconnecting with childhood friends amidst a fragile peace treaty, Alex focuses on finding a job and taking care of his friends, but he can't shake the feeling that something isn't right about the newfound tranquility.
Год выпуска: 2025
Жанр: 3d game, big ass, big tits, corruption, futa, trans, male protagonist, milf, trap,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Code 8 Neko -
patreon |
discordПлатформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.25.03.03
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
-The Graphic Setting is back! With DLSS!
Go to Settings and tweak it to your liking. Choose the renderer as TSR or DLSS, don't turn it off or you won't see any light. I spent the whole month working on optimization.
The game now eats only 5GB at max settings with DLSS on.
-Added sex scenes for Dana after finishing Dana's Story: 1 masturbating scene, 1 kiss scene, 1 cowgirl scene, 1 dick licking scene.
Visit Dana in his room, ask to spend the night, sleep together, hear noise, open your eyes -> get scenes.
-Added 1 sex scene for Storm and 1 sex scene for Mao (Patreon exclusive) with a hidden romance route for Mao.
-Fixed the models and changed the appearance of all Gloria Noire girls along with new detailed animations.
-Divided Edo and Gloria Noire into smaller areas that need loading to reduce VRAM usage. That was one hell of an optimization.
-Added ~20 sex scenes and ero scenes for Mia and Dana.
-Rebuilt the whole Home from scratch.
-Rebuilt Edo.
-Greatly optimized for VRAM.
-No longer requires Ray Tracing Card.
-Added new interactions for all characters.
-Added new music.
-Added main story for Dana and Mia.
Changed Day 1 Tutorial: After waking up, Mia will introduce you to Edo. Instead of going to Sydney's mall for the job, you can go back home to see Mia in the shower. In the evening, Dana can be seen taking a shower in your bathroom.
Rebuilt Home: You can now enter Mia's room after the first day. Mia will randomly plays game in her room, check her out. Based on your relationship with Mia, there will be different outcomes when you interact with her when she's playing. She can be seen in the living room on Tuesday Morning, based on your relationship with Mia, there will be different outcomes.
On Tuesday Noon and Wednesday Noon, Mia can be seen taking a shower or masturbating in the bath. If you're in a relationship with Mia, you can enter.
Mia goes to Morgana on Thursday Noon.
Mia hangouts at Dana on Friday, Saturday, Sunday. You can offer to stay and help them, based on your relationship with them, there will be a different outcome.
Dana stays over at your home on Saturday and Sunday night to look after Mia. Interact with Dana and Mia on Sat and Sun night after you have beaten Mia will progress the main story and unlock sex scenes.
Dana can't sleep at midnight if he's sleeping alone on Saturday. Talk to him.
You can sponsor Dana's cafe now. Talk to him at his cafe (500 Gil). Dana will give you some of his profit at the end of the day (when you go to bed).
After getting Mia and Dana as your lovers, you can have erotic interactions with Dana at his cafe.
Morgana does laundry at your home on Friday, naked.
Elise can be seen gardening on Sat and Sun morning.
Elise can be seen in front of Sydney's mall on Friday's Evening. Invite her to Dana's. After you have complete Dana's story, there will be a different outcome.
Your group eat dinner together on Thursday. They can be seen preparing dinner in the Evening. Based on your relationship, there will be different outcomes when interact with Mia and Elise, leads to ero scenes and sex scenes. After you have completed Dana's story, look for him in your bathroom for new sex scene.
After you complete Dana's Story, your whole week schedule will change. Dana's Cafe will turn into a mini club. Dana's schedule will also change. Dana will visit your room on Saturday midnight if you have unlocked the Femboy Fetish from Frankie, leading to new sex scenes.
Added a hidden story (short conversation) after you complete Dana's Story. Look for Morgana on Thursday Morning.
Guide to Main Story:
Unlock NSFW mode: After Day 1, on Tuesday Evening, talk to Elise and Mia to invite them to ramen. Then go buy the Hentai book at Frankie. Read it at the desk in your room. Mia will get mad at you. Buy the Femboy book from Frankie and read it. On Saturday Night, speak to Mia and ask why she's mad. She's not mad anymore.
Bonding with Mia and Dana: Join them on Thursday Game Day until Mia challenge you to a lewd duel (after unlocking NSFW mode). You and Dana lose. Tell Dana that he's sexy and beautiful. Dana offers to buy the game console together with you. Ask Morgana for trader password. Talk to Dana and go buy the console. Now you have unlock more erotic interactions with Dana and Mia throughout the week. Revisit earlier interactions, there will be different outcomes.
Beat Mia: You need to play videogame 4 times to be able to defeat Mia. You can play it at the TV in your room at night, or visit Dana at night to play with him, plus the erotic interactions. When you guys can beat Mia, Alex will let you know when you're playing. Go beat Mia.
Get into a relationship with both Mia and Dana: After beating Mia, Dana will offer you to see him naked (optional). Go talk to Mia and Dana on Saturday Night and they will ask to be your lovers. Proceed with the quest (about 1 hour), you will be able to have sex with Dana and Mia from now on.
Dana's Story: Talk to Mia and Dana on Saturday or Sunday night and have sex with them. Next time, the option to begin Dana's story will appear. You can proceed anytime. (30 minute long). Then prepare 1500 Gil (money) and talk to Dana at his cafe (without Mia nearby) to continue his quest. The quest is about 2-3 hours long if not skipped, you can't save during the quest, so be prepared. Finish Dana's Story: find out about the hidden story by finding Morgana on Thursday Morning
v.241101 Gloria Noire Update
Gloria Noire Update!
-Added sex scene.
-Changed Alex’s animation, now you can sprint with Shift. The game is much larger now so we need sprinting for traverse.
-Added Photo Mode! Press TAB!
-TAB key changed from Inventory to Photo Mode. Press F in Photo Mode for Free Camera. Photos are stored in your game folder.
-Access Inventory only from Pause menu.
-Added +20 characters.
-Fixed a bug that prevents progress on Day 1.
-Use the bed to skip Day 1 for old players.
-Day 1 is actually a tutorial so you can skip it.
-Changed atmospheres and lighting: Morning with mist, hard sun light at noon, beautiful evening with dusk, night with stronger street light, midnight with heavy fog.
-Added a bench to pass time across the street from the mall, just outside of Gloria Noire Club.
-Finish your work at the mall in the evening - pass time at the bench to night time - enter Gloria Noire.
-Added Morgana’s Reports, given by Morgana after you have some info on the constellations or characters in game. Only Cattvel and Kirisume for now. Ask Dana about Mia and Elise, then talk about it with Morgana to receive Cattvel. After meeting Kirisume, ask Morgana for the report on Kirisume. Read them in Inventory.
-Rebuilt and expand Dana’s cafe to prepare for the next update.
-Changed Dana’s outfit.
-After obtaining the game console, Dana will give you a spare key to his home, access from the door at the end of Dana’s cafe.
-You can practice gaming skills with Dana at his home at night.
-During the first GameDay Challenge with Mia, Dana will ask how you think about his body, if you tell him that he’s sexy and beautiful, you will enter a relationship with him earlier. You can then have sexy interactions with him at his home at night. Or else you have to beat Mia to enter a relationship with both of them.
-Changed Nao’s and Elena’s outfit.
-Removed Ana from Edo.
-Extended Sydney’s story with a sexy scene. Re-sculpted Sydney to be taller and bustier. Repaint Sydney’s makeup.
-Finish the current Sydney’s story to unlock Mall Work Day loops.
-You can unlock a new secret area in Edo now. The new secret area will be a new dating site for future updates.
-Go to the secret area on Sunday morning for an encounter with a character from Gloria Noire Club to unlock a new Sunday Interaction in Mall Work Day loops.
-Open the door to Gloria Noire Club, access only after you have unlocked NSFW mode by buying the hentai book from Frankie (the bookstore between Dana’s cafe and Nao’s gym). Read the book at the desk in your room. Then come back to Frankie to buy other hentai books if needed: femboy, futa, NTR.
-Gloria Noire Club opens from night to midnight.
Gloria Noire Club:
-The sex club is now OPEN! There are many changes from the Discord testbuild.
-VIP Lounge is exclusive to Patreon members.
-Changed wall decor and floor.
-Changed all the private rooms. There are now an exhibitionist room, a watcher room, 2 private rooms with little stages. 1 Big private stage room.
-The strippers from the VIP Lounge will work as BG dancers for the DJ at the Dance Area:
Monday-Wednesday-Friday: DJ Asoka, Candy, Diamond.
Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday: DJ BaaM, Lexi, Raven.
Sunday: DJ CodeL, Mao, Storm.
-Added +12 different background NPCs
-Added Eon, a scientist/businessman working on human-made teleport gate. Talk to him on Monday-Wednesday-Friday.
-Added Mimi, Eon’s big tiddy goth girlfriend. She goes to Gloria Noire with Eon and dances at the center of the Dance Area.
-Eon and Mimi can be seen in the big private stage with his friends on Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday.
-2 random Mimi sharing scenes at midnight in the private stage.
-Changed Ana’s outfit, repaint Ana’s makeup and hair color.
-Moved Ana to the reception at GangBang Room. Added a storage room behind the reception.
-Sex scene with Ana. (750 Gil)
-Added Madame Gloria and her 3 vassals on the second floor of Gloria Noire. Ask Kazuki about them to look at each character.
-Added Fiona and Viola, bartenders of Gloria Noire.
-Added Nao with new outfit as security.
-Added a Cheat Room at Gloria Noire, removed the Cheat from the desk at home. Cheat is exclusive to Patreon members, adding money and game skills (after acquiring the game console).
-Added 8 strippers in the VIP Lounge.
-Changed VIP Lounge decor. Special interactions with the DJs in the VIP Lounge. DJ CodeL’s secret revealed on Monday.
-Mimi does a naked dance in the VIP Lounge on Sunday.
-Remade Sydney, Dana, Mia, Elise, Elena, Ana.
-Remade Home light, home feels more cozy now.
-Changed the color of the door leading to Edo because some people didn’t see it.
-Changed Home doors into automatic (close after 4 sec).
-More interactions everyday.
-Sydney’s story: Work at her store everyday to discover her story. (5 days for now)
-Introduced Jim, your coworker at Sydney’s.
-Remade Elena into Elena and Ana, twin sisters. Elena works at Nao’s Gym, Ana works at Gloria Noire.
-Introduced DJ Asoka, DJ BaaM, DJ CodeL: The DJ characters who will play at Gloria Noire when It’s open. New posters for them available in Edo. Asoka is at Sydney’s store Wednesday evening. BaaM is at Nao’s Gym Saturday Morning til Noon.
-Introduced Goblin Smuggler who sell the game console in the quest to beat Mia.
-New collective quest series: The Witch Tales. Collect the stories from The Witch Tales and view them in your inventory. Start at Morgana. Only 1 story for now.
-Frankie now sells hentai books to unlock NSFW modes.
-Invite your friends to Kazuki Ramen in the evening, speak to Elise and Mia.
-Book a Gym session and peek at Nao when she’s working out (requires NSFW mode and Futa unlocked)
-Drink coffee at Dana and peek at him (requires NSFW mode and Femboy unlocked)
-2 secret NPC ero scenes in Edo.
-More constellation lore at Morgana.
-More Elise and Mia’s story at Dana - continue at Morgana.
-More guild lore at Elise.
-You can peek at Elise and Mia when they’re in the bathroom (requires NSFW mode unlocked) (ero scenes for Mia after some events)
-Join Elise at Saturday morning for her yoga session.
-Thursday GameDay with Mia and Dana
-Thursday GameDay Challenge Story: Enter an erotic relationship with Mia and Dana (requires NSFW mode unlocked)
-Practice your gaming skill at night in your room. Beat Mia.
-RAM usage significantly reduced, faster loading time.
-Fixed black castle texture in Alex’s Dream (new game)
-Fixed Sound Option not working.
-Fixed a bug when you can jump infinitely.
-Fixed a bug on the first day when you can’t go back to Edo if you come home before talking to everyone.
-Cheat desk for patreon members.
Initial Release
Added Gym, added Dana, added Store, finished Day One, added some events for the whole week, Mia will be watching TV in the morning or at noon
No sex scene yet