Ты когда-нибудь задавали себе вопросы типа: "Как мог Саурон оставить единственное место, где его можно было уничтожить, таким незащищенным? Что с ним случилось после того, как кольцо было уничтожено? Каково было бы трахнуть Галадриэль?" Оставайтесь здесь, чтобы узнать истинную историю кольца и обучать / развращать женщин Средиземья...
Have you ever asked yourself questions like, 'How could Sauron leave the only place where he could be destroyed so unprotected? What happened to him after the ring was destroyed? What would it be like to bang Galadriel?' Stick around to find out the true story of the ring and train/corrupt middle-earth women...
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 2dcg, ai cg, animated, bdsm, big ass, big tits, blackmail, corruption, cosplay, drugs, exhibitionism, fantasy, groping, harem, humiliation, humor, male domination, male protagonist, milf, mind control, parody, point and click, sandbox, sexual harassment, sleep sex, spanking, stripping, superpowers, teasing, trainer, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует.
Разработчик: Megacock -
SubscribeStar -
Itch -
Boosty -
DiscordПлатформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android/mac
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.10.2
Язык игры: Русский, Английский
(смена в настройках)Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский
v0.10.2 - 2025-03-24
Hairdresser added – Triggered via decrees (book on the table). Then, it appears on the main street.
Hair color change for Galadriel
Dwarfs storyline – Unlocks after completing yoga and reaching the third Galadriel slut level. The Queen must visit you to start the event.
Barmaid mini-game – 3 pictures.
Pictures vary depending on Galadriel's breast size.
Galadriel & Gandalf/Gollum – Elven Medicine favor
To trigger Gollum's part of the event, mind swap with him after running the Elven Medicine favor.
Pictures vary depending on Galadriel's breast size.
Minor improvements
Characters on the map now blink.
Animated clouds.
Improved spanking event (sound effects).
Reworked character outlines.
Fixed missing black rat near the bar
Quick bugfix, fixed infinite intel bug
Breast expansion Lvl2 for Galadriel
When you finish the first breast expansion, go underground and click on the pipe (dead end at the top). There are some hints in the notepad.
Yoga training with 3 levels
Available in private favors after Galadriel reaches slut level 3.
After she learns a new position, she starts practicing it on Tuesdays in her room.
You can now take Galadriel's panties from her closet.
If she was wearing white leggings, she comes in different clothing the next day.
Talk with her about different clothing to activate cameltoe mode.
Bonus event: If you go to the store and click on the pigfish, you can exchange it for Galadriel's panties.
New Armor (Looks nice with lvl3 breasts)
New Underwear
Other cool stuff:
Blinking animations for Galadriel (front and back view), Queen, Golum, Maid, and sprites.
Clickable NPCs at the castle:
Fat guard: Different texts depending on whether Galadriel wears the new armor.
Old guy: Different texts depending on whether the Queen is lvl0 or lvl1.
Clickable drunks at the bar: Different texts depending on whether you passed public favors or other conditions.
Fixed AI artifacts in:
The main room (no more weird books).
Throne room (no more flying candles).
Galadriel's room.
Easier Grind and Click Reduction:
Enable "Golum Grind Boost" in game settings: 0%, +50%, or +100% options available to make grinding a little easier. Speaking of grinding, don't forget that you can make and sell potions.
Golum now brings both ingredients and info after you get the qualified thief achievement.
Prison event that branches into three events:
Private event (1 level)
Golum event (3 levels) + 1 mini location
Public event (2 levels)
Halloween Update: Gollum now has a special Jack-o'-lantern head for Halloween (only available in V0.6.0).
Breast Enlargement Event: This event is triggered by passing the "33 Cows Company" decree from the book on your table. Hints then can be found in your notebook.
Galadriel's Food Tasting Favor: Unlock this by upgrading Galadriel to level 2 slut level. The event has three levels, plus a bonus event. To get to the bonus event, speak with her on Sunday on the street. Various foods are available for purchase from the street vendor(Not the usual shop)
Bug Fixes: Galadriel now wears the clothes you selected for her when she appears on the street on Sundays. Lot's of other smaller bugs user pointed out
You can now hang out with Gollum (7 conversations in total, 2 images + 1 parallax image: Elf party, groping a sleeping elf, shower).
The Queen received +1 image for the 'Unite with the people (guard)' favor.
A FAQ with some basic info is available (talk to Gollum).
Galadriel's and the Queen's mood and slut levels are now available from your notebook.
During potion-making, you can now see the ingredients you've added to the kettle and even remove them if needed.
Inventory size has been increased.
Galadriel might now appear in her cabinet, instead of just hanging around the barracks all the time.
You'll receive notifications when the treasury status, income, or Galadriel/Queen’s mood changes, giving you a better sense of how your choices impact the game.
Your notebook will now contain more hints about the quests. WARNING: They will only work as expected when you start a new game. If you load a save from an older version, don't expect them to automatically track your quest progress.
The 'game/saves' folder is created once you start a new game in version V0.4.1.
To use the saves from an older version, you should copy everything from the V0.3.0 'game/saves' folder to the V0.4.1 'game/saves' folder.
You can now hang out with Gollum (7 conversations in total, 2 images + 1 parallax image: Elf party, groping a sleeping elf, shower).
The Queen received +1 image for the 'Unite with the people (guard)' favor.
A FAQ with some basic info is available (talk to Gollum).
Galadriel's and the Queen's mood and slut levels are now available from your notebook.
During potion-making, you can now see the ingredients you've added to the kettle and even remove them if needed.
Inventory size has been increased.
Galadriel might now appear in her cabinet, instead of just hanging around the barracks all the time.
You'll receive notifications when the treasury status, income, or Galadriel/Queen’s mood changes, giving you a better sense of how your choices impact the game.
Your notebook will now contain more hints about the quests. WARNING: They will only work as expected when you start a new game. If you load a save from an older version, don't expect them to automatically track your quest progress.
A new private favor for Galadriel (with 1 animated picture).
Slut level up for Galadriel (Level 2 is now the max level).
Gollum gameplay event started with using mindswap potion(1 parallax picture + 1 normal picture).
Gallery for collectibles (Playlord magazines).
Two new outfits for Galadriel, which she wears in some events.
New locations: Galadriel's room, 3 vents, 3 underground areas.
Minor bug fixes.
Initial release
Small dick jokes
Buff Gollum
Making political decisions that actually influence something
Cum collecting
Potion brewing
Animated candle fires I spent day working on