Визуальная новелла. Вы только что переехали в город и завели своего первого друга: дружелюбную соседку по вашему многоквартирному дому по имени Юка. Вы оба сразу же нашли общий язык, но останетесь ли вы просто друзьями или чем-то большим? У этой истории две концовки, но она больше о путешествии, чем о пункте назначения! "Дружеские услуги" вдохновлены "полезным" тегом додзинси и аниме "кусочек жизни". Узнайте о главном герое и Юке, их историях и о том, что их объединяет.
Визуальная новелла. Часть 2. Между вами и вашей коллегой Нанако всегда было ожесточенное соперничество. Наконец-то, по приказу вашего босса, вы двое должны сотрудничать. Какие сдерживаемые чувства проявятся в этой сложной ситуации? Возродит ли это ваши давно утраченные чувства к Нанако? Где у вас с ней все пошло не так? И как она в конечном итоге поможет вам восстановить связь с тем, что вы потеряли: с тем, что в жизни есть нечто большее, чем просто быть продуктивным трудоголиком?
Visual novel. You just moved to a city and made your first friend: a friendly neighbour from your apartment building named Yuka. You both hit it off instantly, but will you end up as just friends, or more? There are 2 endings to the story, but it's more about the journey than the destination! Friendly Favours is inspired by the 'wholesome" tag of slice-of-life doujinshis and anime. Learn about the main character and Yuka, their stories, and what draws them together.
Ep. 2: Office Rivals
You and your co-worker Nanako have always had a bitter rivalry. Finally, on the order of your boss, you two have to cooperate for once. What bottled up feelings will this predicament reveal? Will it reignite your long-lost feelings for Nanako? Where did it all go wrong between you and her? And how will she eventually help you to reconnect what you've lost in touch with: that there is more to life than just being a productive workaholic?
About the VN and anthology:
Office Rivals is the second episode of Heart City Stories, an anthology of episodic standalone VNs chronicling the love, friendship, passion, and heartbreaks of various characters living in a city thriving in arts and culture, nicknamed Heart City.
It is not necessary to play Friendly Favours to follow the story of Office Rivals.
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 2dcg, animated, creampie, internal view, male protagonist, oral, romance, teasing, titfuck, vaginal,
Разработчик/Издатель: ParkG -
Patreon -
Subscribestar -
Itch.io -
DiscordПлатформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v1.05 + Ep. 2: Office Rivals [v.0.3.07 Fixes]
Язык игры: Английский.
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.3.07-fixes - 2025-01-13
Fixed music crash in Ch3.
Fixed flashdrive not appearing in Ch1.
New story content (the latter half of Chapter 3). With this, Chapter 3 is now complete.
New story content: Chapter 3 (part 2). Chapter 3 is now complete.
New side character, Emi.
2 H-scenes.
New BGs, and improved old BGs.
Improved credits.
Added new BGs to scene transitions for more variety.
Fixed various issues with the gallery.
Fixed Sayori's inconsistent height.
Fixed/reworded some more dialogues.
v1.05 - 2025-01-11
2-year anniversary update, with new contents and art overhaul
Major art overhaul
Shading improvement of every Yuka sprite
Brightened and colourized pale grey shading in every CG
3 new animations
Creampie cumshot on the counter
Creampie cumshot final (20 frames)
Missionary scene is now fully animated! (10 frames)
1 new borderline SICKENING CG
New cuddling CG
3 new sex CGs
New insertion CG
New doggystyle-couch CG
New expressions for Yuka (missionary CG)
One single code change:
Fixed Yuka's CG not disappearing after sex.
New animated scene:
A new paizuri scene (frame by frame animated).
Credits to my 3 patrons (up to the time the final release was completed).
New scene:
A new teasing scene.
6 new sprites specific for this scene.
Dev's note
Writing fixes:
More typo fixes.
Small changes to dialogues to fit in the new scene.
Cleaned up the coding to be more organized.
Updated Patreon banner to reflect the new VN.
Bug fixes:
Fixed a bug where any looping sound effect still plays when exiting to the main menu.
Fixed a bug that caused the phone sprites to slow down transitions.
Art fixes:
Changed Yuka's phone call sprites to reflect her actual outfit during the scene.
Fixed Yuka's cup size to be more consistent across different CGs.
Fixed the areola lineart of all CGs to be finer.
Improved the missionary scene CGs.
Improved the shading of the doggystyle scene CG.
Improved the lineart of the CGs of the last scene (lover's ending).
Improved GUI.
Writing fixes:
Minor grammar corrections.
Fixed a typo.
Added dev's logo to the main menu screen.
Added credits to royalty/credits-free music.
First release