Описание:Смерть вашего отца настигает вас внезапно, как раз когда вы заканчиваете колледж. Не зная, каким путем идти дальше, вы решаете взять годичный отпуск, чтобы поразмыслить над этим, и переезжаете с двумя красивыми женщинами, с которыми вы живете, в Мираж-Бей - маленький городок, расположенный на окраине сельской местности. Вам обещают спокойную жизнь. Если не считать пугающе возбуждающего сна, все кажется нормальным. Вы начинаете работать в местном кафе с двумя другими красивыми женщинами, чьи характеры довольно экстравагантны, но вам не на что жаловаться. На самом деле, всё даже наоборот. Похоже, что ваша удача с женщинами наконец-то повернулась к вам лицом. Затем вы обнаруживаете, что одна из них не человек, и кажется, что она не единственное паранормальное существо. Сможете ли вы преодолеть свои страхи и раскрыть все секреты города?
Your father's death comes abruptly just as you graduate college. Unsure about what path to follow, you decide to take a year off to reflect on it and move out with the two beautiful women you live with to Mirage Bay, a small semi-rural town.
You're promised a peaceful life. Aside from a scarily arousing dream, everything seems normal. You start working at a local café with another two beautiful women whose personalities are rather extravagant, but you can't complain. In fact, you do the opposite.
It seems like your luck with women is finally taking a turn for good. Then, you discover that one of them is not human, and it seems like she's not the only paranormal being
Will you be able to overcome your fears and uncover all of the town's secrets?
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 2dcg, animated, big ass, male protagonist, masturbation, milf, monster, monster girl, sandbox, titfuck, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Impassi Productions -
Patreon -
Subscribestar -
Itch.io -
DiscordПлатформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.3
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.3 - 2025-02-27
- 2 CGs.
- 2 more days.
- Kathie’s, Margo’s, and Victoria’s stories expanded.
- ~4,000 words of new content.
- Contacts App added, where you can select a skin for each girl and see more about them. Unlock them by progressing the story.
- In-game phone’s size increased.
- Better contrast for Map App icons. The app now covers the full frame of the phone.
- Interface readjusted for Android. The quick menu was revamped and you can change its position in the settings.
- Settings screen revamped. You can enable warnings that tell you if you might miss special content by selecting a choice.
- Task objectives now specify whether they can be completed in the current version or not.
- Tooltips added to the quick menu buttons.
- Skipping the prologue now gives $60 money to account for the tutorial.
- Added button to hide interface during sex scenes.
- Fixed a rare bug that could prevent specific events from triggering.
- Fixed a small continuity error.
- Fixed missing/wrong translations.
v0.2h - 2024-12-10
Halloween 2024 Special released.
Extraparanormal Chapters menu added.
Moved scene controls to the left of the screen to be less intrusive.
Added button to hide interface on the quick menu and during scenes.
Added settings to enable/disable interface sound, like the “click” when advancing dialogue or pressing a button.
Added tutorial for locations that are only accessible by fast travel.
Small interface improvements.
You can no longer fast travel to the café or the library in the evening.
Task objectives will no longer be restarted after being completed.
Fixed autosave not being reenabled after the book minigame.
Fixed a crash related to shaders on some old/unsupported platforms. If the crash continues, you can disable the shaders entirely as a last resource in the Settings.
Fixed missing translations.
Added 17 translations done by AI (Russian, German, Japanese, Turkish, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Portuguese, French, korean, Csech, Hindi, Italian, Polish, Thai, Ukrainian, Vietnamese) added to the Android version. Language selection is available in the menu
4 new characters.
1 animated CG.
3 CGs.
Alice’s, Claire’s, Margo’s, and ?’s stories expanded.
~5,000 words of new content.
3 new important locations, plus Alice’s and Claire’s bedrooms.
Map App with Fast Travel. An icon is displayed if a scene can or will be triggered.
Inventory added.
Option to skip the prologue.
Phone notifications are now clickable. SAVE COMPATIBILITY: this applies to new notifications after updating to 0.2.
Splashscreen cover art updated.
UI improvements overall, including task sorting and icons, the option to disable autosaving notifications, and an option to mark choices you’ve already chosen.
The Café Minigame can now be disabled before the tutorial, and autosaving is now disabled during it to prevent useless autosaves.
Fixed coffee machine and fryer sound effects not stopping if they are running when the minigame ends.
Fixed crashes related to transitions when they are disabled.
Fixed several small bugs.
SAVE COMPATIBILITY ISSUE: Fixed task progress not working with rollback. This allows players to increase progress artificially and might cause other issues. Tasks started on 0.1 are affected by this, and although starting a new save is *STRONGLY* recommended, you *should* be able to continue a previous one without noticeable *KNOWN* issues—no guarantees. You can use the new Skip Prologue feature to start a new save file quickly.
Prologue completed with days 2 and 3 (around 4,000 more words).
3 new characters.
4 new CGs.
2 new important locations.
Café Minigame.
Day and time system.
Phone with the Tasks app to keep track of your adventure.
List of supporters added to credits.
Save naming is now disabled by default and can be enabled in the Settings.
Added instruction to press Enter when typing the protagonist's name.
The text of choice buttons now have shadows when hovered.
Minor grammar and scene improvements for day
Initial Release
The story focuses on mysterious and paranormal troubles with sprinkles of humor. Who knows what awaits you at Mirage Bay? But one thing is certain: there'll be hot and non-human girls, each with their exotic charm.
The game won't have complicated mechanics, excessive grinding, or head-scratching puzzles. It's designed for players to lay back, relax, and enjoy the story while interacting with the girls. It's so simple that you can play it with one hand!
Each girl will have a different anatomy, background, personality, and even unique non-human characteristics in some cases. You'll be able to have relationships with all of them, though some will be harder to approach. The choice is yours. But be careful, Mirage Bay is a dangerous place; not everyone will have good intentions.
Depending on your interactions with each girl, your kind of relationship with them will vary. You might want a romantic connection with some while corrupting others, or perhaps you'd like to be mistreated. They won't judge you. Probably.
Mirage Bay hides many secrets and mysteries, and it's up to you to explore it. You'll have the chance to discover hidden places and events scattered throughout the map, from suspicious passages to hidden caves in the forest. Each discovery will lead to a reward