Помогите Джейкобу, 21-летнему молодому человеку, который принял ряд неверных решений в подростковом возрасте и оказался за решеткой. Присоединяйтесь к нему на его пути, чтобы выжить наилучшим образом в этой HTML-игре, которая все еще находится в разработке.
Help Jacob, a 21-year-old young man who has made a series of wrong decisions during his teenage years and has ended up behind bars. Join him on his journey to survive the best way possible in this HTML game, still in development.
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: ai cg, anal, blackmail, bukkake, corruption, drugs, exhibitionism, futa, trans, gay, groping, group, handjob, humiliation, interracial, male domination, male protagonist, mind control, oral, rape, real porn, rpg, sandbox, sex toys, sexual harassment, sissification, text based, transformation,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: The Red Artist - patreon | discord
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.40B3
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.40B3 - 2025-01-22
Visual Rework: Visual improvements have been made to the game for a smoother and more attractive experience.
New Left Sidebar Interface: The left sidebar has been redesigned to improve navigation and organization of menu options.
New Text Blocks to Differentiate Characters: New text blocks have been added to clearly and dynamically identify and differentiate the characters.
Fixed Code in Several Events: Bugs in several events have been fixed to prevent execution issues.
Fixed Several Events for Coherence: Events have been reviewed and adjusted to ensure that the narrative flow is coherent and consistent.
The Vito Assault Event Will Occur on the Eighth Day If Your Reputation is Broken: The event where Vito assaults you will now only trigger if your reputation is broken, and it will happen on the eighth day of the game.
You Can Now Surrender to the Nerd Alone Without Going Through the Chef, Following a Gay Route with Vito, Tyron, and the Nerd: The option to surrender to the Nerd directly, without going through the Chef, has been added, activating an alternate gay route with Vito, Tyron, and the Nerd.
Reprogrammed Sasha’s Dominance Events Regarding the Nerd and the Chef: Sasha’s dominance events have been reprogrammed to be more direct and occur when returning to the cell, without the need for previous events.
The Event of Washing Sasha’s Underwear is Now Available During All Time Slots Except Mealtime, Evening, and Night: The event related to washing Sasha’s underwear is now available during most time slots, excluding mealtime, evening, and night.
Sasha's Route Is Clearer with Work Options in Multiple Time Slots: Sasha’s route has been optimized, now offering more work options when returning to the cell during different time slots, overlapping with M/M sub-content.
Vito’s Subordinates in the Cafeteria Will Assault You After Vito Has Already Done So (Decline Option): Vito’s subordinates in the cafeteria will now assault you after Vito’s assault event, especially when the decline option is chosen.
The Wardrobe Button No Longer Has Disproportionate Images: Disproportionate images on the wardrobe button have been corrected, resizing them for proper display.
Descriptions Are Now Expandable to Avoid Excessive Scrolling: Event and character descriptions are now expandable, eliminating the need to scroll excessively to read the full information.
Changed the hyperlink color to a less intense blue with underlines.
+3 new character portraits
+65 gifs
+19 new passages/scenes, of which 16 are repeatable
+New femdom event with a new character (novelty)
+The scenes are located in the backyard throughout the day, except during the afternoon and late afternoon. You only need to have negative reputation and femininity below -30.
+Content includes m/m sub, shemale on male sub, femdom, shemale group sex, etc. You will see.
v0.40B2 - 2024-12-15
+21 new and repetitive scenes,
+16 of which are erotic.+2 variatons of text of hidden variable (so 18)
You can find these scenes in the group activities in Vito's cell.
+61 GIFS
+Partial narrative changes to the scenes.
+1 new item.
+1 new portrait.
+6 Use of Hidden Variables ( Care.)
+56 GIFS
+6-7 Portraits
+1 Item
+Fixed text ( Was in Spanish)
+8 repeteable M/M sub scenes
+1 Intro scene
+4 Hidden Variables ( Care.)
+113 GIFs
+5 Portraits
+3 Items
+Fixed Wardrobe
+Guide Introduction
+26 New Repeatable Sissy Scenes in the Cell (You just need to have +30 femininity and have been dominated by Sasha regarding the chef and the nerd
(This is the most significant update of the game)
Thank you for being patient with me and for continuing to support this project. Tomorrow or in a couple of days, I will post the plans I've been working on. I hope you enjoy this update! I believe it's one of the most content-rich updates I've released. And that's it—here's the link ->
+40 new gifs.
+10 Scenes on your cell to pass time but you need to submit to Sasha just in case Only 9 m/m Sub for now. and 1 sissy.
+Fixed some bugs of reputation/fame
+Fixed some typos
+22 new gifs
+8 scenes on Sundays... in the morning at the new location (church)
+2 New character introductions: the first will appear at the beginning of the game, the other on Sunday morning
+1 new functionality: now you'll see the steps of the day cough cough
+3 new portraits of locations
+8 new portraits of characters
+2 new descriptions of characters
+2 new descriptions of locations
+30 gifs created by me
+6 scenes in the backyard in different time slots if your femininity is 30 or higher(1-Chef(Late afternoon),1-Tyron(Early evening),2-Vito Minions(Morning),1-Ismael(Morning),1-Nerd(Early Evening))
+2 new portraits
+55 image errors in Google Chrome fixed.
+ Provisionally done with new backgrounds.
+Fixed several image and text errors
+ 27 new GIFs potentially going up to 30 with new forthcoming scenes
+ Previous saves should work(V.39B SAVES) but better to start a new game.
+ All backyard scenes set for different times of day and are only unlocked depending on who you've met. (Tyron, Nerd, Chef, and/or Vito).
+ Fixed: If the bald prisoner assaults you and you hadn't unlocked Ismael's cell, you will no longer be redirected there.
+ Fixed: Adjusted variable where Ismael doesn't offer options for feminization; reduced to 5 femininity to make initial options appear.
+ Fixed: Error where Vito appeared in the cafeteria at any time, which could break the game.
+20 new gifs made by me.
+7 portraits.
+5 character variables.
+2 potential storylines for new characters.
+New jobs for Tyron in the backyard in the late afternoon to acquire components.
+8 repeatable random events, 4 m/m sub of which 3 have erotic content, and 4 sissy of which 3 have erotic content.
+2 new portraits...
+8 scenes repeteables...
+new level of intoxication
+The new scenes appear once you've met Tyron and have access to his cell. The scenes vary depending on your level of feminization. PD: activity area-basketball court.. in late afternoon just in case...
+29 new gifs created by me 8 scenes ,7 of them repetitive, 1 unique
+7 image errors fixed
+6 new hidden variables
+ 1 new location
+ 1 new character description
+ 1 important NPC
+added 14 portraits with their respective variations New tasks for said NPC
+31 images.. more than 20 made by me personally + 8 new events +1 bonus cross/sissy scene +5 new hidden variables +21 new passages (20 of them change depending on your submissive femininity or masculinity) Where to find them -> Morning if you have more than 100 dollars and have done favors for the black gang in the backyard.. and in the late afternoon if Vito's minions assault you... and you have favor points from the black gang.. the scenes change along with the gifs based on femininity...
+36 NEW GIFS +6 Made by me +1 New hidden variable, so old saves will not work + To find this scene, your reputation and fame must be negative. Go to the backyard in the late afternoon and you will find them there... there are +4 m/m sub scenes and when you have 30 femininity... 4 cross sissy scenes... The new variable is for future updates, sorry for the inconvenience.
+Added 22 new gifs, introduced a new character portrait, added a new job in late afternoon in your cell if you have succumbed to Sasha. Included an additional scene in Sasha's morning chores in your cell. The new late afternoon scenes, along with the new job, vary if your femininity exceeds 30. Fixed various image errors. Finally added a Discord button at the beginning. Balanced money system, now earning more to access the chef's events earlier.
+26 new gifs in version .038A, 2 new locations, and 3 new characters. These events will be available once you have washed Sasha's underwear and completed the first dominant event with the shaved man. For version 0.38, it involves variations in the character's femininity variable, totaling more than 50 gifs across all scenes.
- 4 new locations
- 26 portraits in use
- Introducing the first "mission" of the game, a repetitive one
- Introduction of the first "special" character; you'll understand without offense, hehe
- 20 new passages
+29 gifs created by me. Added +4 double scenes, making a total of 8. The location for these scenes is late afternoon in the library. You only need to have fame and reputation altered for three of these scenes; the fourth one runs on time. All scenes are repetitive.
+7 new and repetitive scenes are random events when you head to work at the new job given to you by the old librarian. They will trigger randomly, just like the scenes with Vito's bodyguards.
+This patch includes 32 new gifs, half of which were made by me. Two new variables have been added, which are not hidden; you'll notice that the old librarian... isn't after money. Well, I'll let you discover that for yourselves.
Well, we have... all scenes are repetitive... location: the cells... in the late afternoon, they will trigger randomly, meaning you can pass by four times, and on the fifth time, it triggers. Once triggered, you can't repeat it on that day, and time doesn't advance. What can you find here... 4 events... 2 events involve surrender, and the images vary, making it 4 in total... then one with intelligence and strength... another 8 in total due to image variation, and the running one... about 13 events... What do you need to access these... surrender to Vito's guardians at mealtime... I repeat, surrender to the guardians... then, if you surrender to Vito, well, you know what's already there, hehe, so... this is patch 0.37B.
Well, let me tell you about the content of this patch: +37 new GIFs MADE BY ME... they didn't exist, I created them myself (I wanted to say that, hehe).
+There are 9 new scenes—8 with adult content and 1 without. One of them is unique. (NEW JOB) Yes, a new job is unlocked.
+To access all of this, you have to lower your intelligence to less than 70 and have completed all the transformation events with the chef. After this, if you go to the nerd's cell, an event will trigger. By the way, it's important to read the descriptions of each character, mainly because, in the future, they will be key to the plot. I'm giving you a heads up. The new job, obviously, if it involves the nerd, will be located in the library. Anyway, I'll update the guide to include this, along with the changelog. And as far as I know, that's all. It's a more substantial patch, and I'm proud. It's a small but good step forward. Currently, the demo has 650,426 characters, 93,144 words, 341 passages, and 320 links.
+Corrected several text errors related to her/his...
+Added 6 new scenes: 2 non-sexual but somewhat humiliating scenes during meals, and 2 sexual scenes in the same timeframe if you reject the proposition.
+Added 1 more scene in the showers.
+The surprise! New character introduced!
+Added 1 introduction in Sasha's cell. Read it carefully; it might hint at something about their preferences. Note that this character will be available at most until you reach a femininity level of 30. In other words, this content is M/M SUB complementary, so for now, it's there. All their scenes are repetitive until you reach that limit.
Who could the new character be?...
+1 random scene with the nerd in her "testing your intellectual abilities."
+Added to the guide, the new character with their interactions for now.
2 new scenes, 2 new images, 18 new gifs, and the full guide with all characters and global events at the moment. To find the scenes, the first one will trigger when the nerd sees you as feminine, meaning you have 30 femininity, intelligence is less than or equal to 75, and you've had the first transformation event. The second scene is a random event in the "Test Your Intelligence" passage. The guide includes all sub/cross/sissy events up to this point
+44 NEW GIFS +4 New Images +1 New Location: Jackal's Cell. To access his scenes, you will need femininity above 20 (should be easy). +4 New Repetitive Scenes with Changing Images +4 Variations of these scenes if you pay Jackal differently. Added 2 new variables, one for humiliation. All these events lower respect and fame (Normal) and increase intoxication... that's it.
+25 new gifs, 6 of them created by me for 2 unique and repetitive scenes. I believe I haven't seen these particular repetitive scenes anywhere else, but more on that, etc., etc. I hope you like them. In total, there are 4 new events in Ismael's cell in the morning, and when you've had the first party with Jackal, these events will become available. After these events, the Jackal's cell location will open in the afternoon, although it hasn't been implemented yet. It's planned for next week. There will be 4 events with Jackal, and they'll be... very festive, hehe. Just in case, when you unlock that cell and haven't read when it's available, when you go to talk with Ismael in his cell, you'll get a reminder. I added this just in case, hehe. I've reedited the passage about the Nerd's riddles. Now it's not the same; there are 2 riddles. I know it's not much, but it took me a long time because I'm learning more every week. I know I should have included 2 more scenes, but I didn't have the time. It's better to release the patch now and note down what I need to do for next week. This is patch 0.36A! I prefer something well done and of quality rather than having 2 scenes that are similar to the previous ones with the Nerd. But regarding next week, what can you expect? A new location, the Jackal's cell, 4 events with Jackal, most likely random and repetitive. I'll try to create more gifs myself, assuming you liked them, which I hope you did. After struggling with the Nerd's code, I now know how to create those scenes, so I'll aim for a total of 8-12 scenes. Also, I want to mention that the gifs will be mine. Therefore, patch 0.36B will come out stronger.
+47 new images, 4 new repeatable events with variations with Ismael in his cell when the Nerd has changed your underwear, 2 new repeatable events with the Nerd. I had time to make 2 repeatable scenes. I would have liked to add more GIFs or passages that change, but I suppose that will have to wait for the next patch while I study a bit more programming. +What else has been improved: the interface has been improved by removing white spaces. I hope you like it. Several images that were not displayed have been corrected. I hope you enjoy this update. I would have liked to expand it a bit more, but due to personal reasons, I can't.
+Furthermore, I have reduced the requirements for the transformation event 2 of the jackal in the cafeteria, and I have corrected some of the code related to the poker events with the chef. This should help you progress more quickly and significantly reduce the grinding.
+ I plan for the stepfather's event to trigger automatically behind the chef's scene in his cell and increase the character's intoxication in future patches so you can access the chef's route and others even earlier. This would benefit the game's pace.
What's new -> 4 more dom scenes in the nerd's cell, another option will appear after you have succumbed enough both in the cell and in the library. In the sissy cross route, when your femininity is at rank 30... in the same option as in the previous patch, there are 3 more additional random events. Well, in total, there are about 14 gifs in the cross category and about 12 gifs in the dom m/m variant.
Well, there's something new. In the nerd's dom route, there are four more scenes in the library, increasing both his submission and the number of followers, setting the stage for further development in this branch. Now, for the cross/sissy route, as I noticed a lack of content in other areas, I've created three scenes in Ismael's cell. Once your femininity is above 30 within the main option, another one will appear, along with three more random events. Yes, three. To access Ismael's route, play football, succumb, play football again, confront him, and there you go—it unlocks the entire arc.
Why did I choose to add scenes there? Well, it diversifies the content in another time slot, ensuring it's not always the same. The idea is to gradually add more and more content over time. I hope you enjoy the patch. In total, there are 14 new gifs in the cross/sissy part and 17 in the dom m/m part—seven new repeatable scenes. I was planning to add one more with Ismael.
v0.35A -> What's New: 4 more scenes with Nerd when you have subjected him enough. When you go to the library, an event will be triggered in which you will unlock a new job, and here you will have 4 more scenes: 1 without adult content and 4 with m/m content. This includes a total of 13 new gifs. In the cross/sissy part, I've reworked the showers. When your femininity is above 30, you will have 4 different options, meaning 4 new scenes. I think it was time to raise the bar. If you like this, it's very likely that I can add more scenes here, with more femininity for the character, generating more access to content and previous scenes. I will also use this approach for the gym, so you can "relive" past events. In this cross part, you have 17 new gifs and 1 new image. This completes a total of 9 new events. Furthermore, the game currently, which I find "amazing," has ->
we have added 4 more scenes with the Nerd in the DOM route. Recalculating the DOM route... it's M/M content with a total of 11 new GIFs. All you need to do is follow what you did in the previous patch, which is to dominate him. Then, go to the library during his time slot, and you'll have an encounter with an acquaintance. After this, proceed to the Nerd's cell and continue.
New Cross/Sissy Content -> After confessing to the chef that you have a stepfather... pay close attention to this... in the visitation room, you need to trigger the scene where the chef gives you a slap on the cheek. In the next visit, if you've already unlocked the new job with the chef, there will be an option where you'll witness a scene involving your stepfather and the chef. After this scene, when you visit the chef's cell in the afternoons, an additional option will appear, activating 3 random repetitive scenes that raise femininity to a maximum level of 70.
there are only four more events for the dominant route, and they involve the Nerd. To access them, you know the drill: spend a day in prison, ignoring the chef and other events, follow Sasha's advice, and this time you'll counterattack him. After that, you go to the library, sit next to him, and he'll give you access to his cell. There, you'll find four random events. You'll need to complete all of them because I've added an intelligence variant to the Nerd, and another one that's for a different branch in the future, and these two are hidden.
+3 random scenes with the therapist when you have reached a femininity level higher than 30 and have seen the prisoner leave the showers in the clinic... the following sessions are random, all 3 of them... I know it's difficult to access them... but they are designed this way for the future... because we need many more characters...
+ if you continue on the feminization route... and follow part of the nerd's route... when you have high femininity... there will be a change of underwear... and immediately after, you will have an event in the hallway... enabling a new job in the mornings... this event is unique... and that morning job has 3 other random scenes... making it 7 scenes... you might say one is missing... no, because when you go to work... there is one more that can be random, making it 8... so, this patch that has... 36 new images and these 8 additional events... all of them are cross/sissy and it also fulfills the inclusion of scenes with the therapist... scenes with the nerd.
+2 scenes with Arthur the therapist.
+1 non-sexual session requires femininity at 20.
+The other session requires femininity at 30 and having done a favor for the black inmate in the showers.
+4 cross/sissy scenes. 1 with the nerd. Unique event. You'll need intelligence below 85 and femininity above 30, and the event will trigger. And now my favorite part...
1 unique event with the chef. Yes, if you've completed the previous event with the Nerd... Let's just say the chef will see something that will also influence the future... and after this scene, you'll have a new job in the cafeteria during meal hours. You can work, and it has 3 random scenes. In 2 of them, you earn money, and 2 are sexual, and the other one earns you money. So, this makes a total of 4 cross scenes plus the 2 therapist scenes, and technically, these are hidden events... technically 7 passages. I needed to release this patch this way... so when you see where I'm going, you'll say, "Oh, I think I get it." I know I said I was going to add more hidden scenes, and I've done that partially. We've also added that additional job, whether you like it or not, there are now "3." Two of them with explicit content, and an extra one, which I'll refine later. I won't keep you any longer...
+Added 4 new scenes with therapist Arthur:1 unique introductory scene 3 random conversations
+Introduced Gardener job available only during morning and afternoon hours for a quick money boost.
+Added 3 Cross/Sissy scenes, following the submission route with the Chef until the poker game.
+After completing the Cross/Sissy route, a unique transformation event triggers when visiting the kitchen in the early morning. This event requires the first transformation event in the same area and the Chef having money.
+Implemented hidden stats for each character: The Shower Black Inmate, The Jackal, The Nerd, and the Chef.
+Set a maximum femininity cap at 60, automatically triggered if completing the entire route.
+Updated the stats page with character descriptions upon reaching femininity level 60.
+Incorporated 19 new images to enhance visual elements.
+Enhanced code organization and improvements.
+Added a unique event system with the 3 repeatable Cross/Sissy scenes.
+Introduced a new work zone for earning money, providing a less monotonous option.
+Prepared for a future forum post to address player questions, upcoming content, potential changes to survey methods, etc.
+5 scenes without adult content, 3 with the stepfather... hinting at personal life / family / prison life, etc.... 2 scenes with the cook... both are suggestive, and in 1 of them, something happens that will change something for the protagonist in the future... I'm sorry to say it, but I won't be able to add the scenes with the psychologist, but the images will be in the folder... I'm sorry, but with this laptop, I can't manage... So, what we have in this patch are
+22 new gifs... all the adult scenes are repetitive, to access them, you need to follow the same path as in the previous patch, and the poker game will unlock, at the same time, by following the previous path, the father will unlock in the visit room with these 5 scenes.
+New body part added: Lips. Removed Biceps.
+Reworked scene for "Just One of Him" in the showers.
+1 hidden event with Jackal and Chef during early morning work if you follow the full sub route, i.e., party with Chef, party with Jackal, and having done cardio in the gym and completed a task for the guard.
+If you continue the route with the prisoners from the other wing and are party-goers XD.
+2 more unique scenes... and in one of them, if you pay attention, the protagonist will reveal something personal... Ahem (this will be for the next voting).
+Technically there are 3 scenes; 1 global that will lead us to therapy, and here things may happen depending on certain factors; 1 introductory scene for the therapist, and 1 new location. These 3 scenes are non-sexual.
+4 M/M scenes, all set in the gym in the morning.
+There are 3 crossdressing scenes when your femininity reaches 20 to 30.
+3 more scenes from 30 to 50 femininity.
+An extra scene with the nerd in the library when your femininity is above 20, and another scene if the chef humiliates you in the kitchen.(Early work).
+added butt changes in the wardrobe tab.
+ 4 crossdress scenes, 1 unique scene with the chef, and 3 repeatable scenes, all taking place in his cell during his schedule, following the events of the inmate group from the other wing... and that's all I can reveal for now. By the way, to access the last scene that I'm currently working on, our beloved character had to be "doped" by Jackal.
+Our dear bald man will penalize the player based on their money stat on the way to Ismael's cell... if the player is, let's say, "loaded," they'll get 2 scenes, so we'll have a total of 6 scenes (I know, I promised 8, but don't worry, in the next patch, I'll include those 2, and it will be 10 scenes, whatever comes up).
-Introduction of 2 new characters: One in the football field, where you must have succumbed during the match. This event includes character introduction and a unique sub/crossdress event with this character and another one.
-Another character introduced in the library during the designated time frame, if you have fallen for the nerd. This event also includes a unique sub event.
In your own cell, after meeting these characters, Sasha will provide you with their descriptions and brief histories. This adds 2 scenes.
-Additionally, during the chef's time frame, if you have been humiliated by him and your femininity is above 20, there is a unique crossdress event that opens the door to future events.
-Another event takes place during lunchtime in the cafeteria, if your femininity is again above 20 and you have fully succumbed to Sasha and are on that path with the chef. This event offers a special food option.
Added 2 Chef scenes in the early evening in his cell.
Added 2 Ismael scenes in the morning in a new location, his cell, adding +1 location.
Added 2 Nerd scenes in the late afternoon in his cell, making a total of +6 scenes +1 location.
Added 2 Bald man scenes in the afternoon in the yard if you follow the subquests of Sasha.
Added 2 scenes with Sasha in the backyard early evening if you perform a certain task with him outdoors.
Introduction to the Latino Gang with 3 variations and 2 outcomes. One outcome is a Sunday event (uncompleted), serving as an introduction with an activity on this path. The other outcome is a subpath with a unique event that includes hidden code based on strength, allowing for a counterattack. As mentioned before, there won't be just one route; this is also for future development.
Additionally, there's an event related to the negative outcome.
As discussed yesterday, various activities will take place in the courtyard.
These additions include 4 locations, 4 activities, and a total of 10-12 new events.
Have added 2 new time slots to introduce future events related to activities within the prison and with characters (for a future survey).
Have partially reworked the library and the nerd, similar to what was done with the showers.
There are 2 unique events with Sasha depending on decisions made with the nerd and the cook. Hint: these events are located in one of the new time slots... and it's on the way to your cell.
Additionally, I have implemented several submissive events with the nerd and added one dominant event in the dom route for a future 2x1 experience.
There are also 2 events related to the cook and Sasha's relationship. I have introduced 2 new locations that will be used in both the sub/now route and the dom/future/future surveys.
Fully remodeled gym with significant improvements.
Special time slot in the library, featuring events and activities to discover.
Introduction of the character "The Nerd."
Shower events enhanced and remodeled, with more improvements planned.
Improved left bars now displaying character dominance.
Restoration of date function for future story arcs and events.
Code corrections.
Bonus: Character now dreams based on dominance/femininity. Currently featuring normal and feminine dreams, with full dominance implementation planned for future patches.
Sasha's return, appearing in the cell and library, with plans for additional appearances as a "special guide."
Activities available in the background.
Introduction of the visiting room (no events yet).
The Nerd has three decision options based on respect and fame. Current functionality, with future code adaptations for expanded possibilities.
The cook character remains unchanged.
Depending on interactions with The Nerd, future story arcs will open for the old librarian, and potentially revealing that the guards aren't as virtuous as originally thought.
Please note that this list may have overlooked about 40 additional fixes.
Additionally, a new Patreon tier has been introduced, allowing followers to vote for the prioritized route each week. Subscribers to this specific tier will also receive various fixes, and their names will be included in the credits upon project completion.
New design throughout the game,
Time now progresses (finally!).
As promised, there are events with the cook (4 in total).
Events related to meals have been added, introducing a new level of femininity.
A new scenario with its respective description and image has been included.
Minor events related to negative respect have been added.
An event in the yard with future paths awaits.
A teaser introduction of a new character is included. Sasha continues to have events, but they will become more active in future updates.
Initial Release
Помогите Джейкобу, 21-летнему молодому человеку, который принял ряд неверных решений в подростковом возрасте и оказался за решеткой. Присоединяйтесь к нему на его пути, чтобы выжить наилучшим образом в этой HTML-игре, которая все еще находится в разработке.
Help Jacob, a 21-year-old young man who has made a series of wrong decisions during his teenage years and has ended up behind bars. Join him on his journey to survive the best way possible in this HTML game, still in development.
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: ai cg, anal, blackmail, bukkake, corruption, drugs, exhibitionism, futa, trans, gay, groping, group, handjob, humiliation, interracial, male domination, male protagonist, mind control, oral, rape, real porn, rpg, sandbox, sex toys, sexual harassment, sissification, text based, transformation,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: The Red Artist - patreon | discord
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.40B3
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.40B3 - 2025-01-22
Visual Rework: Visual improvements have been made to the game for a smoother and more attractive experience.
New Left Sidebar Interface: The left sidebar has been redesigned to improve navigation and organization of menu options.
New Text Blocks to Differentiate Characters: New text blocks have been added to clearly and dynamically identify and differentiate the characters.
Fixed Code in Several Events: Bugs in several events have been fixed to prevent execution issues.
Fixed Several Events for Coherence: Events have been reviewed and adjusted to ensure that the narrative flow is coherent and consistent.
The Vito Assault Event Will Occur on the Eighth Day If Your Reputation is Broken: The event where Vito assaults you will now only trigger if your reputation is broken, and it will happen on the eighth day of the game.
You Can Now Surrender to the Nerd Alone Without Going Through the Chef, Following a Gay Route with Vito, Tyron, and the Nerd: The option to surrender to the Nerd directly, without going through the Chef, has been added, activating an alternate gay route with Vito, Tyron, and the Nerd.
Reprogrammed Sasha’s Dominance Events Regarding the Nerd and the Chef: Sasha’s dominance events have been reprogrammed to be more direct and occur when returning to the cell, without the need for previous events.
The Event of Washing Sasha’s Underwear is Now Available During All Time Slots Except Mealtime, Evening, and Night: The event related to washing Sasha’s underwear is now available during most time slots, excluding mealtime, evening, and night.
Sasha's Route Is Clearer with Work Options in Multiple Time Slots: Sasha’s route has been optimized, now offering more work options when returning to the cell during different time slots, overlapping with M/M sub-content.
Vito’s Subordinates in the Cafeteria Will Assault You After Vito Has Already Done So (Decline Option): Vito’s subordinates in the cafeteria will now assault you after Vito’s assault event, especially when the decline option is chosen.
The Wardrobe Button No Longer Has Disproportionate Images: Disproportionate images on the wardrobe button have been corrected, resizing them for proper display.
Descriptions Are Now Expandable to Avoid Excessive Scrolling: Event and character descriptions are now expandable, eliminating the need to scroll excessively to read the full information.
Changed the hyperlink color to a less intense blue with underlines.
+3 new character portraits
+65 gifs
+19 new passages/scenes, of which 16 are repeatable
+New femdom event with a new character (novelty)
+The scenes are located in the backyard throughout the day, except during the afternoon and late afternoon. You only need to have negative reputation and femininity below -30.
+Content includes m/m sub, shemale on male sub, femdom, shemale group sex, etc. You will see.
v0.40B2 - 2024-12-15
+21 new and repetitive scenes,
+16 of which are erotic.+2 variatons of text of hidden variable (so 18)
You can find these scenes in the group activities in Vito's cell.
+61 GIFS
+Partial narrative changes to the scenes.
+1 new item.
+1 new portrait.
+6 Use of Hidden Variables ( Care.)
+56 GIFS
+6-7 Portraits
+1 Item
+Fixed text ( Was in Spanish)
+8 repeteable M/M sub scenes
+1 Intro scene
+4 Hidden Variables ( Care.)
+113 GIFs
+5 Portraits
+3 Items
+Fixed Wardrobe
+Guide Introduction
+26 New Repeatable Sissy Scenes in the Cell (You just need to have +30 femininity and have been dominated by Sasha regarding the chef and the nerd
(This is the most significant update of the game)
Thank you for being patient with me and for continuing to support this project. Tomorrow or in a couple of days, I will post the plans I've been working on. I hope you enjoy this update! I believe it's one of the most content-rich updates I've released. And that's it—here's the link ->
+40 new gifs.
+10 Scenes on your cell to pass time but you need to submit to Sasha just in case Only 9 m/m Sub for now. and 1 sissy.
+Fixed some bugs of reputation/fame
+Fixed some typos
+22 new gifs
+8 scenes on Sundays... in the morning at the new location (church)
+2 New character introductions: the first will appear at the beginning of the game, the other on Sunday morning
+1 new functionality: now you'll see the steps of the day cough cough
+3 new portraits of locations
+8 new portraits of characters
+2 new descriptions of characters
+2 new descriptions of locations
+30 gifs created by me
+6 scenes in the backyard in different time slots if your femininity is 30 or higher(1-Chef(Late afternoon),1-Tyron(Early evening),2-Vito Minions(Morning),1-Ismael(Morning),1-Nerd(Early Evening))
+2 new portraits
+55 image errors in Google Chrome fixed.
+ Provisionally done with new backgrounds.
+Fixed several image and text errors
+ 27 new GIFs potentially going up to 30 with new forthcoming scenes
+ Previous saves should work(V.39B SAVES) but better to start a new game.
+ All backyard scenes set for different times of day and are only unlocked depending on who you've met. (Tyron, Nerd, Chef, and/or Vito).
+ Fixed: If the bald prisoner assaults you and you hadn't unlocked Ismael's cell, you will no longer be redirected there.
+ Fixed: Adjusted variable where Ismael doesn't offer options for feminization; reduced to 5 femininity to make initial options appear.
+ Fixed: Error where Vito appeared in the cafeteria at any time, which could break the game.
+20 new gifs made by me.
+7 portraits.
+5 character variables.
+2 potential storylines for new characters.
+New jobs for Tyron in the backyard in the late afternoon to acquire components.
+8 repeatable random events, 4 m/m sub of which 3 have erotic content, and 4 sissy of which 3 have erotic content.
+2 new portraits...
+8 scenes repeteables...
+new level of intoxication
+The new scenes appear once you've met Tyron and have access to his cell. The scenes vary depending on your level of feminization. PD: activity area-basketball court.. in late afternoon just in case...
+29 new gifs created by me 8 scenes ,7 of them repetitive, 1 unique
+7 image errors fixed
+6 new hidden variables
+ 1 new location
+ 1 new character description
+ 1 important NPC
+added 14 portraits with their respective variations New tasks for said NPC
+31 images.. more than 20 made by me personally + 8 new events +1 bonus cross/sissy scene +5 new hidden variables +21 new passages (20 of them change depending on your submissive femininity or masculinity) Where to find them -> Morning if you have more than 100 dollars and have done favors for the black gang in the backyard.. and in the late afternoon if Vito's minions assault you... and you have favor points from the black gang.. the scenes change along with the gifs based on femininity...
+36 NEW GIFS +6 Made by me +1 New hidden variable, so old saves will not work + To find this scene, your reputation and fame must be negative. Go to the backyard in the late afternoon and you will find them there... there are +4 m/m sub scenes and when you have 30 femininity... 4 cross sissy scenes... The new variable is for future updates, sorry for the inconvenience.
+Added 22 new gifs, introduced a new character portrait, added a new job in late afternoon in your cell if you have succumbed to Sasha. Included an additional scene in Sasha's morning chores in your cell. The new late afternoon scenes, along with the new job, vary if your femininity exceeds 30. Fixed various image errors. Finally added a Discord button at the beginning. Balanced money system, now earning more to access the chef's events earlier.
+26 new gifs in version .038A, 2 new locations, and 3 new characters. These events will be available once you have washed Sasha's underwear and completed the first dominant event with the shaved man. For version 0.38, it involves variations in the character's femininity variable, totaling more than 50 gifs across all scenes.
- 4 new locations
- 26 portraits in use
- Introducing the first "mission" of the game, a repetitive one
- Introduction of the first "special" character; you'll understand without offense, hehe
- 20 new passages
+29 gifs created by me. Added +4 double scenes, making a total of 8. The location for these scenes is late afternoon in the library. You only need to have fame and reputation altered for three of these scenes; the fourth one runs on time. All scenes are repetitive.
+7 new and repetitive scenes are random events when you head to work at the new job given to you by the old librarian. They will trigger randomly, just like the scenes with Vito's bodyguards.
+This patch includes 32 new gifs, half of which were made by me. Two new variables have been added, which are not hidden; you'll notice that the old librarian... isn't after money. Well, I'll let you discover that for yourselves.
Well, we have... all scenes are repetitive... location: the cells... in the late afternoon, they will trigger randomly, meaning you can pass by four times, and on the fifth time, it triggers. Once triggered, you can't repeat it on that day, and time doesn't advance. What can you find here... 4 events... 2 events involve surrender, and the images vary, making it 4 in total... then one with intelligence and strength... another 8 in total due to image variation, and the running one... about 13 events... What do you need to access these... surrender to Vito's guardians at mealtime... I repeat, surrender to the guardians... then, if you surrender to Vito, well, you know what's already there, hehe, so... this is patch 0.37B.
Well, let me tell you about the content of this patch: +37 new GIFs MADE BY ME... they didn't exist, I created them myself (I wanted to say that, hehe).
+There are 9 new scenes—8 with adult content and 1 without. One of them is unique. (NEW JOB) Yes, a new job is unlocked.
+To access all of this, you have to lower your intelligence to less than 70 and have completed all the transformation events with the chef. After this, if you go to the nerd's cell, an event will trigger. By the way, it's important to read the descriptions of each character, mainly because, in the future, they will be key to the plot. I'm giving you a heads up. The new job, obviously, if it involves the nerd, will be located in the library. Anyway, I'll update the guide to include this, along with the changelog. And as far as I know, that's all. It's a more substantial patch, and I'm proud. It's a small but good step forward. Currently, the demo has 650,426 characters, 93,144 words, 341 passages, and 320 links.
+Corrected several text errors related to her/his...
+Added 6 new scenes: 2 non-sexual but somewhat humiliating scenes during meals, and 2 sexual scenes in the same timeframe if you reject the proposition.
+Added 1 more scene in the showers.
+The surprise! New character introduced!
+Added 1 introduction in Sasha's cell. Read it carefully; it might hint at something about their preferences. Note that this character will be available at most until you reach a femininity level of 30. In other words, this content is M/M SUB complementary, so for now, it's there. All their scenes are repetitive until you reach that limit.
Who could the new character be?...
+1 random scene with the nerd in her "testing your intellectual abilities."
+Added to the guide, the new character with their interactions for now.
2 new scenes, 2 new images, 18 new gifs, and the full guide with all characters and global events at the moment. To find the scenes, the first one will trigger when the nerd sees you as feminine, meaning you have 30 femininity, intelligence is less than or equal to 75, and you've had the first transformation event. The second scene is a random event in the "Test Your Intelligence" passage. The guide includes all sub/cross/sissy events up to this point
+44 NEW GIFS +4 New Images +1 New Location: Jackal's Cell. To access his scenes, you will need femininity above 20 (should be easy). +4 New Repetitive Scenes with Changing Images +4 Variations of these scenes if you pay Jackal differently. Added 2 new variables, one for humiliation. All these events lower respect and fame (Normal) and increase intoxication... that's it.
+25 new gifs, 6 of them created by me for 2 unique and repetitive scenes. I believe I haven't seen these particular repetitive scenes anywhere else, but more on that, etc., etc. I hope you like them. In total, there are 4 new events in Ismael's cell in the morning, and when you've had the first party with Jackal, these events will become available. After these events, the Jackal's cell location will open in the afternoon, although it hasn't been implemented yet. It's planned for next week. There will be 4 events with Jackal, and they'll be... very festive, hehe. Just in case, when you unlock that cell and haven't read when it's available, when you go to talk with Ismael in his cell, you'll get a reminder. I added this just in case, hehe. I've reedited the passage about the Nerd's riddles. Now it's not the same; there are 2 riddles. I know it's not much, but it took me a long time because I'm learning more every week. I know I should have included 2 more scenes, but I didn't have the time. It's better to release the patch now and note down what I need to do for next week. This is patch 0.36A! I prefer something well done and of quality rather than having 2 scenes that are similar to the previous ones with the Nerd. But regarding next week, what can you expect? A new location, the Jackal's cell, 4 events with Jackal, most likely random and repetitive. I'll try to create more gifs myself, assuming you liked them, which I hope you did. After struggling with the Nerd's code, I now know how to create those scenes, so I'll aim for a total of 8-12 scenes. Also, I want to mention that the gifs will be mine. Therefore, patch 0.36B will come out stronger.
+47 new images, 4 new repeatable events with variations with Ismael in his cell when the Nerd has changed your underwear, 2 new repeatable events with the Nerd. I had time to make 2 repeatable scenes. I would have liked to add more GIFs or passages that change, but I suppose that will have to wait for the next patch while I study a bit more programming. +What else has been improved: the interface has been improved by removing white spaces. I hope you like it. Several images that were not displayed have been corrected. I hope you enjoy this update. I would have liked to expand it a bit more, but due to personal reasons, I can't.
+Furthermore, I have reduced the requirements for the transformation event 2 of the jackal in the cafeteria, and I have corrected some of the code related to the poker events with the chef. This should help you progress more quickly and significantly reduce the grinding.
+ I plan for the stepfather's event to trigger automatically behind the chef's scene in his cell and increase the character's intoxication in future patches so you can access the chef's route and others even earlier. This would benefit the game's pace.
What's new -> 4 more dom scenes in the nerd's cell, another option will appear after you have succumbed enough both in the cell and in the library. In the sissy cross route, when your femininity is at rank 30... in the same option as in the previous patch, there are 3 more additional random events. Well, in total, there are about 14 gifs in the cross category and about 12 gifs in the dom m/m variant.
Well, there's something new. In the nerd's dom route, there are four more scenes in the library, increasing both his submission and the number of followers, setting the stage for further development in this branch. Now, for the cross/sissy route, as I noticed a lack of content in other areas, I've created three scenes in Ismael's cell. Once your femininity is above 30 within the main option, another one will appear, along with three more random events. Yes, three. To access Ismael's route, play football, succumb, play football again, confront him, and there you go—it unlocks the entire arc.
Why did I choose to add scenes there? Well, it diversifies the content in another time slot, ensuring it's not always the same. The idea is to gradually add more and more content over time. I hope you enjoy the patch. In total, there are 14 new gifs in the cross/sissy part and 17 in the dom m/m part—seven new repeatable scenes. I was planning to add one more with Ismael.
v0.35A -> What's New: 4 more scenes with Nerd when you have subjected him enough. When you go to the library, an event will be triggered in which you will unlock a new job, and here you will have 4 more scenes: 1 without adult content and 4 with m/m content. This includes a total of 13 new gifs. In the cross/sissy part, I've reworked the showers. When your femininity is above 30, you will have 4 different options, meaning 4 new scenes. I think it was time to raise the bar. If you like this, it's very likely that I can add more scenes here, with more femininity for the character, generating more access to content and previous scenes. I will also use this approach for the gym, so you can "relive" past events. In this cross part, you have 17 new gifs and 1 new image. This completes a total of 9 new events. Furthermore, the game currently, which I find "amazing," has ->
we have added 4 more scenes with the Nerd in the DOM route. Recalculating the DOM route... it's M/M content with a total of 11 new GIFs. All you need to do is follow what you did in the previous patch, which is to dominate him. Then, go to the library during his time slot, and you'll have an encounter with an acquaintance. After this, proceed to the Nerd's cell and continue.
New Cross/Sissy Content -> After confessing to the chef that you have a stepfather... pay close attention to this... in the visitation room, you need to trigger the scene where the chef gives you a slap on the cheek. In the next visit, if you've already unlocked the new job with the chef, there will be an option where you'll witness a scene involving your stepfather and the chef. After this scene, when you visit the chef's cell in the afternoons, an additional option will appear, activating 3 random repetitive scenes that raise femininity to a maximum level of 70.
there are only four more events for the dominant route, and they involve the Nerd. To access them, you know the drill: spend a day in prison, ignoring the chef and other events, follow Sasha's advice, and this time you'll counterattack him. After that, you go to the library, sit next to him, and he'll give you access to his cell. There, you'll find four random events. You'll need to complete all of them because I've added an intelligence variant to the Nerd, and another one that's for a different branch in the future, and these two are hidden.
+3 random scenes with the therapist when you have reached a femininity level higher than 30 and have seen the prisoner leave the showers in the clinic... the following sessions are random, all 3 of them... I know it's difficult to access them... but they are designed this way for the future... because we need many more characters...
+ if you continue on the feminization route... and follow part of the nerd's route... when you have high femininity... there will be a change of underwear... and immediately after, you will have an event in the hallway... enabling a new job in the mornings... this event is unique... and that morning job has 3 other random scenes... making it 7 scenes... you might say one is missing... no, because when you go to work... there is one more that can be random, making it 8... so, this patch that has... 36 new images and these 8 additional events... all of them are cross/sissy and it also fulfills the inclusion of scenes with the therapist... scenes with the nerd.
+2 scenes with Arthur the therapist.
+1 non-sexual session requires femininity at 20.
+The other session requires femininity at 30 and having done a favor for the black inmate in the showers.
+4 cross/sissy scenes. 1 with the nerd. Unique event. You'll need intelligence below 85 and femininity above 30, and the event will trigger. And now my favorite part...
1 unique event with the chef. Yes, if you've completed the previous event with the Nerd... Let's just say the chef will see something that will also influence the future... and after this scene, you'll have a new job in the cafeteria during meal hours. You can work, and it has 3 random scenes. In 2 of them, you earn money, and 2 are sexual, and the other one earns you money. So, this makes a total of 4 cross scenes plus the 2 therapist scenes, and technically, these are hidden events... technically 7 passages. I needed to release this patch this way... so when you see where I'm going, you'll say, "Oh, I think I get it." I know I said I was going to add more hidden scenes, and I've done that partially. We've also added that additional job, whether you like it or not, there are now "3." Two of them with explicit content, and an extra one, which I'll refine later. I won't keep you any longer...
+Added 4 new scenes with therapist Arthur:1 unique introductory scene 3 random conversations
+Introduced Gardener job available only during morning and afternoon hours for a quick money boost.
+Added 3 Cross/Sissy scenes, following the submission route with the Chef until the poker game.
+After completing the Cross/Sissy route, a unique transformation event triggers when visiting the kitchen in the early morning. This event requires the first transformation event in the same area and the Chef having money.
+Implemented hidden stats for each character: The Shower Black Inmate, The Jackal, The Nerd, and the Chef.
+Set a maximum femininity cap at 60, automatically triggered if completing the entire route.
+Updated the stats page with character descriptions upon reaching femininity level 60.
+Incorporated 19 new images to enhance visual elements.
+Enhanced code organization and improvements.
+Added a unique event system with the 3 repeatable Cross/Sissy scenes.
+Introduced a new work zone for earning money, providing a less monotonous option.
+Prepared for a future forum post to address player questions, upcoming content, potential changes to survey methods, etc.
+5 scenes without adult content, 3 with the stepfather... hinting at personal life / family / prison life, etc.... 2 scenes with the cook... both are suggestive, and in 1 of them, something happens that will change something for the protagonist in the future... I'm sorry to say it, but I won't be able to add the scenes with the psychologist, but the images will be in the folder... I'm sorry, but with this laptop, I can't manage... So, what we have in this patch are
+22 new gifs... all the adult scenes are repetitive, to access them, you need to follow the same path as in the previous patch, and the poker game will unlock, at the same time, by following the previous path, the father will unlock in the visit room with these 5 scenes.
+New body part added: Lips. Removed Biceps.
+Reworked scene for "Just One of Him" in the showers.
+1 hidden event with Jackal and Chef during early morning work if you follow the full sub route, i.e., party with Chef, party with Jackal, and having done cardio in the gym and completed a task for the guard.
+If you continue the route with the prisoners from the other wing and are party-goers XD.
+2 more unique scenes... and in one of them, if you pay attention, the protagonist will reveal something personal... Ahem (this will be for the next voting).
+Technically there are 3 scenes; 1 global that will lead us to therapy, and here things may happen depending on certain factors; 1 introductory scene for the therapist, and 1 new location. These 3 scenes are non-sexual.
+4 M/M scenes, all set in the gym in the morning.
+There are 3 crossdressing scenes when your femininity reaches 20 to 30.
+3 more scenes from 30 to 50 femininity.
+An extra scene with the nerd in the library when your femininity is above 20, and another scene if the chef humiliates you in the kitchen.(Early work).
+added butt changes in the wardrobe tab.
+ 4 crossdress scenes, 1 unique scene with the chef, and 3 repeatable scenes, all taking place in his cell during his schedule, following the events of the inmate group from the other wing... and that's all I can reveal for now. By the way, to access the last scene that I'm currently working on, our beloved character had to be "doped" by Jackal.
+Our dear bald man will penalize the player based on their money stat on the way to Ismael's cell... if the player is, let's say, "loaded," they'll get 2 scenes, so we'll have a total of 6 scenes (I know, I promised 8, but don't worry, in the next patch, I'll include those 2, and it will be 10 scenes, whatever comes up).
-Introduction of 2 new characters: One in the football field, where you must have succumbed during the match. This event includes character introduction and a unique sub/crossdress event with this character and another one.
-Another character introduced in the library during the designated time frame, if you have fallen for the nerd. This event also includes a unique sub event.
In your own cell, after meeting these characters, Sasha will provide you with their descriptions and brief histories. This adds 2 scenes.
-Additionally, during the chef's time frame, if you have been humiliated by him and your femininity is above 20, there is a unique crossdress event that opens the door to future events.
-Another event takes place during lunchtime in the cafeteria, if your femininity is again above 20 and you have fully succumbed to Sasha and are on that path with the chef. This event offers a special food option.
Added 2 Chef scenes in the early evening in his cell.
Added 2 Ismael scenes in the morning in a new location, his cell, adding +1 location.
Added 2 Nerd scenes in the late afternoon in his cell, making a total of +6 scenes +1 location.
Added 2 Bald man scenes in the afternoon in the yard if you follow the subquests of Sasha.
Added 2 scenes with Sasha in the backyard early evening if you perform a certain task with him outdoors.
Introduction to the Latino Gang with 3 variations and 2 outcomes. One outcome is a Sunday event (uncompleted), serving as an introduction with an activity on this path. The other outcome is a subpath with a unique event that includes hidden code based on strength, allowing for a counterattack. As mentioned before, there won't be just one route; this is also for future development.
Additionally, there's an event related to the negative outcome.
As discussed yesterday, various activities will take place in the courtyard.
These additions include 4 locations, 4 activities, and a total of 10-12 new events.
Have added 2 new time slots to introduce future events related to activities within the prison and with characters (for a future survey).
Have partially reworked the library and the nerd, similar to what was done with the showers.
There are 2 unique events with Sasha depending on decisions made with the nerd and the cook. Hint: these events are located in one of the new time slots... and it's on the way to your cell.
Additionally, I have implemented several submissive events with the nerd and added one dominant event in the dom route for a future 2x1 experience.
There are also 2 events related to the cook and Sasha's relationship. I have introduced 2 new locations that will be used in both the sub/now route and the dom/future/future surveys.
Fully remodeled gym with significant improvements.
Special time slot in the library, featuring events and activities to discover.
Introduction of the character "The Nerd."
Shower events enhanced and remodeled, with more improvements planned.
Improved left bars now displaying character dominance.
Restoration of date function for future story arcs and events.
Code corrections.
Bonus: Character now dreams based on dominance/femininity. Currently featuring normal and feminine dreams, with full dominance implementation planned for future patches.
Sasha's return, appearing in the cell and library, with plans for additional appearances as a "special guide."
Activities available in the background.
Introduction of the visiting room (no events yet).
The Nerd has three decision options based on respect and fame. Current functionality, with future code adaptations for expanded possibilities.
The cook character remains unchanged.
Depending on interactions with The Nerd, future story arcs will open for the old librarian, and potentially revealing that the guards aren't as virtuous as originally thought.
Please note that this list may have overlooked about 40 additional fixes.
Additionally, a new Patreon tier has been introduced, allowing followers to vote for the prioritized route each week. Subscribers to this specific tier will also receive various fixes, and their names will be included in the credits upon project completion.
New design throughout the game,
Time now progresses (finally!).
As promised, there are events with the cook (4 in total).
Events related to meals have been added, introducing a new level of femininity.
A new scenario with its respective description and image has been included.
Minor events related to negative respect have been added.
An event in the yard with future paths awaits.
A teaser introduction of a new character is included. Sasha continues to have events, but they will become more active in future updates.
Initial Release
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 22-01-2025, 16:48
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.40B3. / Topic updated to version v.0.40B3.
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