Описание:Накануне вашего с невестой объявления о помолвке вы узнаете, что ее семья замешана в незаконной сделке и ее собираются продать другому парню. Теперь ей суждено быть порабощенной мерзким дворянином в качестве его новой наложницы. Будучи преисполнены решимости освободить ее от этого несправедливого будущего, нашему герою необходимо найти союзников и придумать план ее освобождения. Но, как вы узнаете, в жизни дела никогда не идут так, как вы хотите или планируете. Закон есть закон и все должны его соблюдать. Потому что если вы этого не сделаете, то следующим порабощенным можете оказаться вы сами!
От автора:
Я Erochaser, создатель и разработчик From the Eclipse. From the Eclipse — это интерактивный виртуальный роман/игра, в которой вы играете за молодого парня, которого бросают в незнакомый ему мир и жизнь. Будет рассказана основная история, а также множество побочных историй, которые наполнят этот мир удивительными персонажами. В этом мире магии, науки и технологий вы встретите девушек самых разных рас, таких как эльфы, зверолюди (кошки, волки, кролики и т. д.), полурослики, другие люди и многие другие! Некоторые придут служить вам, и вы встретите множество невест, любви, романтики и... хм... интимных встреч на пути к жизни, которой вы все сможете быть довольны.
On the eve of you and your fiance announcing your engagement, you find out that her family is involved in an illicit deal and she is set to be sold to another guy. She is now destined to be enslaved by a vile noble as his newest concubine. Determined to free her from this unfair future, our hero needs to find allies, and come up with a plan to free her. But, as you will find out, things in life never go the way that you may want or plan them to. The law is the law and all must follow it. Because if you don't you could be the one enslaved next!
I am Erochaser and I am the creator and developer of 'From the Eclipse'. From the Eclipse is an interactive virtual novel/game where you play a young guy that is thrown into a world and life unfamiliar to him. There is a main story that will be told, and a bunch of side stories as well to fill this world up with amazing characters. In this world of magic, science and technology, you will meet girls of many different races, such as elves, beastkin(cat, wolf, bunny, etc.), halflings, other humans, and more! Some will come to serve you and you will find many brides, love, romance and ...ahem...intimate encounters, on your way to living a life that you all can be happy with.
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, animated, big ass, big tits, blackmail, creampie, fantasy, group sex, harem, interracial, male protagonist, milf, mind control, monster girl, oral, pregnancy, prostitution, rape, romance, sandbox, slave, spanking, twins, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Erochaser -
Patreon -
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Группа переводчика в ВКПлатформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.3.3f Rus/Eng / v.0.3.8 Rus / v.0.4.0 Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
(смена в настройках)Язык интерфейса: Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)Поблагодарить Переводчика : Yoomoney кошелёк 410014776465748
v0.4.0 - 2025.03.04
• 6 new events!
• 2 Animated Scenes! (10 different animations total)
v0.3.9 - 2024-12-16
• 4 New Events!
• New Character Models (most of them as close to the original as possible)
• Small tweak to our MC's character model, Can you spot the difference?
NOTE: This update, as mentioned earlier, is much smaller than I wanted it to be, but I had to scramble and rebuild some of my characters when their files got corrupted late October.
v0.3.8 - 2024-10-14
• The brothel is back and updated with a few changes!
• A new repeatable event is available in the evening.
• A new small side story is available in the brothel. This is a new event type that I will try to use more going forward.
• In the next version we will get back to the story!
v0.3.7 - 2024-10-08
• 4 New Events
• 185 New Images
• 25+ New Animated Scenes
• Graphical and Code update to the Family Register
• 250+ New Images
• 7 New Events
• A "new" character introduced?
• 5 new story events!
• A few minor typos have been fixed.
• 200+ new images, 1 new animated scene.
• Fixed the save file location. Start a new game or move your file from the old one.
• A fresh start, yet the story continues! You will find that you need to start a new game, but this version will start you right at the start of v0.3.4! Smaller download this update! Most repeatables have been carried over (still a few older ones I need to convert and update.)!
• 6 new events!
• Removal of the credit system. This has been hard to balance properly, so it has been removed for now (most likely permanent). I will see how everything goes for now and make changes as I see needed. Anything that required money in past events has been just given to you, and going forward purchases in the auction house will be role play moments.
• Day phase music change. Each phase (morning, noon, evening, night) now has it's own music, to break the monotony of the old music.
• Time has passed, more to come about this in v0.3.5!
• I will be adding links to v0.3.3, which is the end of part 1, soon,
• The Family Register is here!
• 2 new story events.
• 1 new repeatable event.
NOTE: This update is smaller in content due to the implementation of the Family Register. v0.3.4 will be back to a normal sized update.
NOTE II: The family register still has some work that needs to happen on it, one of those things is moving the menu that pops up in the middle of the screen. I have not had it work successfully yet, but am looking into it. This may take a few updates to correct. Also, I will be slowly adding the rest of the girls to the register every few updates, most of the ones from Chapter 1 are available in the current version.
NOTE III: There is also an issue with the sizing of some of the images in the Family Register, they are too big. I had thought I corrected this already but it was brought to my attention that it is still happening. I will be correcting this for v0.3.4.
• 6 New events.
• 1 Note from the dev, me!
• 280+ images for the events.
• NOTE: Fie will be added into Dahlia's room in v0.3.3... I forgot to add her. Sorry.
• 4 New Events, 3 smaller, 1 big.
• 4.25 New animated scenes!(?)
• The Auction House is now open. It is a different, yet similar, format to what it was. It is a very simple code that makes it easy to add to. NOTE: I have to add some more money generation into the game(this has been added for v0.3.2).
• 5 New story events!
• 280+ new images
• 5 new story events!
• A continuity fix (same as the patch from v0.2.8)
• 8 New story events!
• 3 New animated scenes!
• Over 590 images!
• Several repeatable scenes from before Chapter 3 have been re-implemented.
• This is the fixed version of v0.2.6m. As an added bonus you will get to see some of the rooms occupied that were originally empty in v0.2.6, and were to be introduced in v0.2.7. So you get it early.
• The story continues, with a tiny bit of a darker turn. (Worry not, you know how I feel about my characters ;) ).
• New estate navigation basic set up.
• New characters introduced.
• Set up for future content, including the return of City content in the future.
• Chapter 2 finale!
• New, smaller file size! (Full image quality available on Patreon)
• 1 new repeatable event.
• 6 New Story events!
• Over 700 new images!
• Make sure to play this with the sound and music on!
• 6 new story events.
• 1 new repeatable (Talia's room in the morning).
• Fixed a small bug that prevented a repeatable scene. Check Renne's room at noon.
• A small dialogue fix at the end of Penny's events from v0.2.2.
• 7 new story events.
• 2 new repeatable events.
• 2 new events to enjoy, the first one is fairly long.
• Added new rooms, the Twins' room is finally up.
• Fresh start highly recommended. See the 5th bullet point to see how to catch up fast without having to play the entire game. No save files needed!
• Adjusted the code to make animations run smoothly!
• There are 4 new events in this update.
• Added a new wing to the estate.
• Re-implemented the chapter select option when you start a new game. There is also a new option here to jump to a point closer toward the end. This point is currently set to the start of v0.2.0. - NOTE: The option to jump chapters is after you choose your character's name.
• There are 4 new events, two of them are fairly big, one is medium sized. The last one is a special event accessible only at night in the brothel out in the city! This one is not required to continue the story in future updates.
• Should not need a fresh restart, however certain save files from some of my Patrons found that there was an issue somewhere if they loaded up certain files. We were not able to pin point what the issue was, just beware. In the next version there will be an option to skip toward the end to bypass most of the game if you do not fancy another play through.
• A complete overhaul of Chapter 1, including timing and value changes. You will have to start the game over, but it will now be much easier to cruise through in the future.
• Removed/disabled the old navigation system in favor of a menu system. (Note: There are some cases it still pops up. I have been working on eliminating it entirely.)
• I have disabled (temporarily?) the chapter skip function. I find that it is no longer needed with the restructure. It may return one day.
• Removed the in game walkthrough in Chapter 1, it no longer serves a purpose.
• Added 2 new events.
NOTE: A New game will be required to play due to the number of changes made to the code.
I have split the game at v0.3.4 into a new file. It is supposed to be a fresh start with new save files, but some people have told me that their old saves were showing. Start a new game. Do not load these old save, they will break the game.
This is my first attempt at using Renpy to create a VN and I am learning as I am developing it.
There is no NTR in this game, though the description makes it sound otherwise. Just trust me on this!
The main story is unavoidable, but in the future there will be girls/stories that will be optional. Currently I believe most content is tied into the main story, so not much optional content yet.