A Lewd pixel art doom-style 1st person slasher platformer game where you have to complete the mission goal
and slay monster girls or be caught and fucked
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 2d game, adventure, anal, animated, big ass, big tits, combat, corruption, creampie, fantasy, female domination, humiliation, internal view, japanese game, male protagonist, monster girl, multiple penetration, oral, platformer, rape, sandbox, shota, superpowers, tentacles, vaginal,
Цензура: Частичная
Разработчик/Издатель: Redspike - patreon
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.6
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.6 Trial - 2025-03-04
New Labyrinth: Chaos Realm
Traveling across the Labyrinths, Ernest arrives in a new, unfamiliar place.
He found it rather peaceful and resembled a beautiful garden compared to other ones he'd been in.
In the midst of being amazed by its exotic view, however, he senses something wrong.
The whole place immediately turns into a hellscape, and the Monsters from the East appear and attack with magical strength, proving that they're not a myth.
Will he be able to collect Rings safely in this land full of chaos?
Chaos Realm is a Labyrinth with two different areas, changing from time to time. Each area has its own type of Monsters that chase down the player. They must collect every Ring in both areas to win.
The change will stop if all Rings are collected in one of two areas.
New Monster: Kitsune
Kitsunes are clever Monsters that love to show off their beauty. But Nakara's influence made their beauty-boasting personality even worse. They can outrun you in a spiritual form. So evading them still doesn't grant you the safety. Be on your guard and try not to get taken over by their magic. It'd be nearly impossible to hightail it out of their charm if you aren't careful.
Kitsunes can turn themselves into a spirit to travel across the terrain swiftly and catch the Player.
They can cast a seducing spell. Once getting hit by their heart projectiles, you'll be forced to move towards them. You can escape by rapidly pressing a specific key.
New Monster: Ao Oni
Being the tough studs of the Underworld, their strength is unmatched - They traditionally prove their worthiness by flexing their might. They also can power up by unlocking the full potential hidden inside their horns after obtaining Kanabo. If they ever accidentally lose their weapon, maybe you could take advantage of it.
A Kanabo will appear in the middle of the area where the Ao Oni's spawn. They're able to power up by grabbing it and their speed increases at a limited time. They'd throw Kanabo at the Player and faint when the effect wears off.
The player can use the Kanabo off the ground. You can either swing or throw it, making the fight at least easier. But it also prevents you from using the Magic Sword and Ring Bullet.
New Buff Rings
New Ability: 'Ring Snap'
The Goddess will grant the player Ring Snap after completing the 4th Labyrinth without losing. You can select and choose one of the three options below.
Rings in your vicinity go right into you for 5 seconds. Rings collected with this ability count as collected via Ring Grab.
Unknown Fear
Monsters run away from the player for 5 seconds.
Nullifies Debuffs such as Speed Slowdown, Bind, and Seduction for 5 seconds. Also grants an extra Heart during the ability.
Subspace added
Subspace is a resting point before proceeding to the next Labyrinth.
UI and Visuals
Buff Ring Icons retouched, Special Effects added
The Buff Ring icons have been redesigned to fit each description. Dedicated special effects are also included.
Balancing and Adjustments
Default Heart count is now 3 due to number of stages increasing.
Fixed the Monsters moving again after not being properly purified.
Fixed the Opening Cutscene not being displayed correctly on certain resolutions.
Fixed the Rings roaming around in the H-Scenes when Ring Grab is active.
Fixed the Magic Sword remains active after the Buff Ring 'Mana Retention' is deactivated
Fixed the sudden crash involving Arachnes shooting webs.
v0.5 Trial - 2024-11-30
New Content and Features
New Labyrinth: Lunatic Night
In this Forest, there are various Monsters including the ones go into a specific frenzy during the night.
Nakara made the Survivors afraid of them even more by turning the place into a Labyrinth that holds the quickened Daytime and Nighttime.
Make sure to explore often in a day and hide in the bushes at times from maddened Monsters.
The Monsters of Lunatic Night have behaviors change thru day and night. While they act the same as others in the daytime, they have a different look, attack pattern, and increase in speed in the nighttime.
There are Bushes around the Labyrinth - the Player can hide inside them from Monsters as a safe spot.
Most of the Bushes in Lunatic Night also contain Rings, making them harder to find. But in the Nighttime, the Rings glow and become easier to track down.
New Monster: Wererabbits
The Wererabbits usually hop friendly about and you wouldn't even suspect them for having at least a bit of malice on you.
They're curious by default and love to follow someone instead of chasing. But when the night comes, their pure smile turns into an evil grin as if they found a prey (which they did).
Wererabbits change their behavior depending on daytime and nighttime. During the daytime, they wander around the Labyrinth and would barely pursue the Player.
But in the nighttime, they become frenzied and approach the Player quickly. To combat this, you should collect Rings during daytime and hide around the Bushes to avoid them in the nighttime.
New Monster: Mogu-rings
The Mogu-rings are Mole-like subterranean creatures that dig through underground and attack the Survivors hanging around in the bushes.
If you hide in there for too long, you know they're gonna come up and blow your cover.
Opening and Tutorial added
Now you can learn about how Ernest entered the Labyrinth via watching the Opening animation. Tutorial is also added to help understand more about the game's rules and skills.
UI and Visuals
Soul Prison improved
Improved the Shadow's visibility on the Objects
Added the Message of having to hide in the shadows after Beholder activates the third eye
Added the visual differences in Trap activation depending on Beholder's status
Gallery expanded
Due to having more Monsters able to capture, the Gallery option has now been added. You can change the space and enjoy the selected Monsters by pressing [Specific Use Key].
Balancing and Adjustments
Special Devices are added in this Labyrinth. If you find and use each hidden Gem inside the Maze, the Maze's current layout will have decreased maintaining time. The geometrical change no longer happens if you activate all of them.
Fixed the glitch of Monsters not noticing the Player and standing still
Fixed the incorrect display of the Gargoyles' Gallery Image
v0.4 Trial
New Content and Features
New Labyrinth: Demon Prison
Built on a cursed earth, this is essentially a place to petrify and confine those who break the order of demons and humans.
The guards, a gargoyle and a beholder, controlled the prison, as those who were turned into stone statues sometimes used their own power to break the petrification and escape.
But after Nakara took the demon tribe's prison, the guards and the convicts, who had lost control under Nakara's magic, began to attack anyone who set foot in the place.
New Demon Tribe: Gargoyles
The gargoyle hides among the statues in the labyrinth and waits for her prey to come to her.
If you approach her or get caught in a trap, she will chase you with great speed.
New demon tribe: Beholder
If you do not hide under the shadows before the third eye that floats in the labyrinth is opened, the Bifolder will appear before you in a flash and chase you at full speed.
Unlike other demons, Bifolder does not normally follow the player.
Instead, when she spots you through her third eye, she will run and attack you at a very fast speed.
To avoid detection by the beholder, you should hide under shadows where the giant third eye cannot reach you.
If a player is trapped while a beholder is present, the beholder will then activate its third eye.
If the third eye is active, the player is bound for a while.
As the highest demon, Bifolder's attack removes two hearts.
It is better to collect the rings as much as possible to avoid being found by her.
Demon Prisoners
Petrified prisoners of sin also take over the demonic power and attack the survivors.
If they catch you, you may be safe from the gargoyles and beholders, but if you lose your strength while being held, you will be exploited as it is.
The sin prisoners present in the demon prisons are in a petrified state, but sometimes they break the petrification and attack the survivors.
If you are grabbed by them, you do not lose hearts and the guards do not track you.
However, if you run out of stamina gauge while being held by them, the game is over regardless of the remaining hearts.
Defeated H-scenes by the guilty prisoners will be added to the memory statues.
UI and Visuals
The title opening has been added.
Optimized rain effects in “Path of Trust.”
Balance and Adjustments
Banned desert adjustment.
Changed the demons to follow the player down when they are on top of the labyrinth when changes occur in the labyrinth.
Adjusted the number of rings in the labyrinth from 389 to 277.
Added a warp to take into account the large terrain of the labyrinth.
Dark Forest adjustment
Fixed the nightmare's attack speed, which was strangely slow compared to other monsters.
The Nightmare's movement method will be changed.
The Nightmare's speed will increase rapidly from outside the player's screen and after a certain amount of time it will become faster than the player.
If you don't keep the nightmare in your field of view anymore, you never know when you will be hit.
Bug fixes
Fixed a problem where buff rings were sometimes placed in overlapping positions.
Problem solved where buff rings were sometimes not summoned in banned deserts.
v0.3 Trial
Forbidden Desert added
New Monsters, Lamia Guards and Sandwitches added
New Gallery H-Scene poses with UI improvement
Able to select first level and level progression reworked
Japanese language option added
v0.2 Trial
-New labyrinth 'Dungeon' added
-Added new monsters, dire wolf and arachne
- Added 3 types of random reinforcement, added status window where you can check the reinforcement
- Added ring grab and ring bulle
- Heart (stamina) system added
Please check the link below for detailed patch notes.
v0.1 Trial
Initial Release
A Lewd pixel art doom-style 1st person slasher platformer game where you have to complete the mission goal
and slay monster girls or be caught and fucked
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 2d game, adventure, anal, animated, big ass, big tits, combat, corruption, creampie, fantasy, female domination, humiliation, internal view, japanese game, male protagonist, monster girl, multiple penetration, oral, platformer, rape, sandbox, shota, superpowers, tentacles, vaginal,
Цензура: Частичная
Разработчик/Издатель: Redspike - patreon
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.6
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.6 Trial - 2025-03-04
New Labyrinth: Chaos Realm
Traveling across the Labyrinths, Ernest arrives in a new, unfamiliar place.
He found it rather peaceful and resembled a beautiful garden compared to other ones he'd been in.
In the midst of being amazed by its exotic view, however, he senses something wrong.
The whole place immediately turns into a hellscape, and the Monsters from the East appear and attack with magical strength, proving that they're not a myth.
Will he be able to collect Rings safely in this land full of chaos?
Chaos Realm is a Labyrinth with two different areas, changing from time to time. Each area has its own type of Monsters that chase down the player. They must collect every Ring in both areas to win.
The change will stop if all Rings are collected in one of two areas.
New Monster: Kitsune
Kitsunes are clever Monsters that love to show off their beauty. But Nakara's influence made their beauty-boasting personality even worse. They can outrun you in a spiritual form. So evading them still doesn't grant you the safety. Be on your guard and try not to get taken over by their magic. It'd be nearly impossible to hightail it out of their charm if you aren't careful.
Kitsunes can turn themselves into a spirit to travel across the terrain swiftly and catch the Player.
They can cast a seducing spell. Once getting hit by their heart projectiles, you'll be forced to move towards them. You can escape by rapidly pressing a specific key.
New Monster: Ao Oni
Being the tough studs of the Underworld, their strength is unmatched - They traditionally prove their worthiness by flexing their might. They also can power up by unlocking the full potential hidden inside their horns after obtaining Kanabo. If they ever accidentally lose their weapon, maybe you could take advantage of it.
A Kanabo will appear in the middle of the area where the Ao Oni's spawn. They're able to power up by grabbing it and their speed increases at a limited time. They'd throw Kanabo at the Player and faint when the effect wears off.
The player can use the Kanabo off the ground. You can either swing or throw it, making the fight at least easier. But it also prevents you from using the Magic Sword and Ring Bullet.
New Buff Rings
New Ability: 'Ring Snap'
The Goddess will grant the player Ring Snap after completing the 4th Labyrinth without losing. You can select and choose one of the three options below.
Rings in your vicinity go right into you for 5 seconds. Rings collected with this ability count as collected via Ring Grab.
Unknown Fear
Monsters run away from the player for 5 seconds.
Nullifies Debuffs such as Speed Slowdown, Bind, and Seduction for 5 seconds. Also grants an extra Heart during the ability.
Subspace added
Subspace is a resting point before proceeding to the next Labyrinth.
UI and Visuals
Buff Ring Icons retouched, Special Effects added
The Buff Ring icons have been redesigned to fit each description. Dedicated special effects are also included.
Balancing and Adjustments
Default Heart count is now 3 due to number of stages increasing.
Fixed the Monsters moving again after not being properly purified.
Fixed the Opening Cutscene not being displayed correctly on certain resolutions.
Fixed the Rings roaming around in the H-Scenes when Ring Grab is active.
Fixed the Magic Sword remains active after the Buff Ring 'Mana Retention' is deactivated
Fixed the sudden crash involving Arachnes shooting webs.
v0.5 Trial - 2024-11-30
New Content and Features
New Labyrinth: Lunatic Night
In this Forest, there are various Monsters including the ones go into a specific frenzy during the night.
Nakara made the Survivors afraid of them even more by turning the place into a Labyrinth that holds the quickened Daytime and Nighttime.
Make sure to explore often in a day and hide in the bushes at times from maddened Monsters.
The Monsters of Lunatic Night have behaviors change thru day and night. While they act the same as others in the daytime, they have a different look, attack pattern, and increase in speed in the nighttime.
There are Bushes around the Labyrinth - the Player can hide inside them from Monsters as a safe spot.
Most of the Bushes in Lunatic Night also contain Rings, making them harder to find. But in the Nighttime, the Rings glow and become easier to track down.
New Monster: Wererabbits
The Wererabbits usually hop friendly about and you wouldn't even suspect them for having at least a bit of malice on you.
They're curious by default and love to follow someone instead of chasing. But when the night comes, their pure smile turns into an evil grin as if they found a prey (which they did).
Wererabbits change their behavior depending on daytime and nighttime. During the daytime, they wander around the Labyrinth and would barely pursue the Player.
But in the nighttime, they become frenzied and approach the Player quickly. To combat this, you should collect Rings during daytime and hide around the Bushes to avoid them in the nighttime.
New Monster: Mogu-rings
The Mogu-rings are Mole-like subterranean creatures that dig through underground and attack the Survivors hanging around in the bushes.
If you hide in there for too long, you know they're gonna come up and blow your cover.
Opening and Tutorial added
Now you can learn about how Ernest entered the Labyrinth via watching the Opening animation. Tutorial is also added to help understand more about the game's rules and skills.
UI and Visuals
Soul Prison improved
Improved the Shadow's visibility on the Objects
Added the Message of having to hide in the shadows after Beholder activates the third eye
Added the visual differences in Trap activation depending on Beholder's status
Gallery expanded
Due to having more Monsters able to capture, the Gallery option has now been added. You can change the space and enjoy the selected Monsters by pressing [Specific Use Key].
Balancing and Adjustments
Special Devices are added in this Labyrinth. If you find and use each hidden Gem inside the Maze, the Maze's current layout will have decreased maintaining time. The geometrical change no longer happens if you activate all of them.
Fixed the glitch of Monsters not noticing the Player and standing still
Fixed the incorrect display of the Gargoyles' Gallery Image
v0.4 Trial
New Content and Features
New Labyrinth: Demon Prison
Built on a cursed earth, this is essentially a place to petrify and confine those who break the order of demons and humans.
The guards, a gargoyle and a beholder, controlled the prison, as those who were turned into stone statues sometimes used their own power to break the petrification and escape.
But after Nakara took the demon tribe's prison, the guards and the convicts, who had lost control under Nakara's magic, began to attack anyone who set foot in the place.
New Demon Tribe: Gargoyles
The gargoyle hides among the statues in the labyrinth and waits for her prey to come to her.
If you approach her or get caught in a trap, she will chase you with great speed.
New demon tribe: Beholder
If you do not hide under the shadows before the third eye that floats in the labyrinth is opened, the Bifolder will appear before you in a flash and chase you at full speed.
Unlike other demons, Bifolder does not normally follow the player.
Instead, when she spots you through her third eye, she will run and attack you at a very fast speed.
To avoid detection by the beholder, you should hide under shadows where the giant third eye cannot reach you.
If a player is trapped while a beholder is present, the beholder will then activate its third eye.
If the third eye is active, the player is bound for a while.
As the highest demon, Bifolder's attack removes two hearts.
It is better to collect the rings as much as possible to avoid being found by her.
Demon Prisoners
Petrified prisoners of sin also take over the demonic power and attack the survivors.
If they catch you, you may be safe from the gargoyles and beholders, but if you lose your strength while being held, you will be exploited as it is.
The sin prisoners present in the demon prisons are in a petrified state, but sometimes they break the petrification and attack the survivors.
If you are grabbed by them, you do not lose hearts and the guards do not track you.
However, if you run out of stamina gauge while being held by them, the game is over regardless of the remaining hearts.
Defeated H-scenes by the guilty prisoners will be added to the memory statues.
UI and Visuals
The title opening has been added.
Optimized rain effects in “Path of Trust.”
Balance and Adjustments
Banned desert adjustment.
Changed the demons to follow the player down when they are on top of the labyrinth when changes occur in the labyrinth.
Adjusted the number of rings in the labyrinth from 389 to 277.
Added a warp to take into account the large terrain of the labyrinth.
Dark Forest adjustment
Fixed the nightmare's attack speed, which was strangely slow compared to other monsters.
The Nightmare's movement method will be changed.
The Nightmare's speed will increase rapidly from outside the player's screen and after a certain amount of time it will become faster than the player.
If you don't keep the nightmare in your field of view anymore, you never know when you will be hit.
Bug fixes
Fixed a problem where buff rings were sometimes placed in overlapping positions.
Problem solved where buff rings were sometimes not summoned in banned deserts.
v0.3 Trial
Forbidden Desert added
New Monsters, Lamia Guards and Sandwitches added
New Gallery H-Scene poses with UI improvement
Able to select first level and level progression reworked
Japanese language option added
v0.2 Trial
-New labyrinth 'Dungeon' added
-Added new monsters, dire wolf and arachne
- Added 3 types of random reinforcement, added status window where you can check the reinforcement
- Added ring grab and ring bulle
- Heart (stamina) system added
Please check the link below for detailed patch notes.
v0.1 Trial
Initial Release
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 4-03-2025, 21:13
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии версия: v.0.6. / Topic updated to version v.0.6.
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии версия: v.0.6. / Topic updated to version v.0.6.
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