Claire is a normal girl in a normal world, just living life.
Without warning, her life becomes upended.
She is recruited to save her country.
No training, no experience, but now a spy with everything on the line.
You control the action of our main protagonist, our heroine who has been thrust from a normal life into going undercover to save her family and save her country.
Who is she?
How did she end up in this position?
Will she succeed?
...What will she have to do to accomplish her mission?
YOU decide.
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 2dcg, adventure, character creation, cheating, corruption, cosplay, creampie, drugs, exhibitionism, female protagonist, groping, group, humiliation, incest, interracial, lesbian, multiple endings, multiple penetration, oral, pregnancy, prostitution, rape, rpg, sandbox, sexual harassment, simulator, stripping, teasing, text based, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Blue Swallow - patreon | itch.io | subscribestar
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.8 Public
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.8 Public - 2025-02-08
Major updates to the opening including revamped character creation and a new way to play! RPG-style character creation.
A sneak peek into the Manila main story, hinting at the story in the full release.
Tons more art.
New Loser arc for High School chapter of the game.
New breast size for more appropriate cup-sizes.
Improved gymnast arc in character creation.
New and improved speech bubbles!
Pop-up notifications on skill-ups, including gifs!
More random bodies for her hookup background.
Ability to skip Prom.
Improved cheerleader paths in HS and college.
Ability to be valedictorian (Your grades matter).
v0.8.2 - 2024-11-22
More interludes each morning in Home Base reflecting what Claire did the previous day.
Each Club Arc has a choice for Claire to be passive or active in her investigation.
Two of the three Club Arcs are nearing the end of the first 'phase'.
Identifying features has been added to the Dossier -- and the Legendary tattoo is now reflected!
Modeling in high school is no longer an arc, but a possible additional vignette path!
New random 'bodies' for HS and College models.
The opportunity for trying out modeling in College! -- four new outfits!! (HD in future release)
85 more HD-ified assets for the doll on top of the hundreds already in-game.
A toggle to turn off the 'hometown' accessory on the doll.
'Final Form' is fully new and improved. Better responsiveness, hovering over choices to see them reflected on the doll before choosing!
Claire's measurements are now in the Dossier
MORE passage art!
Coding in significantly more speech bubbles for easier, better play
Claire's results in college and high school affect the graduation and commencement sequences? Drop Out? Graduate Early? Get some crazy good grades? Now there's touches, flavor and realistic endings for each of those arcs.
The Cheerleader paths for HS and College have been enhanced and expanded.
The first lesbian animation has been added to the game for those who's 'first' hookup is a lady.
New passage art.
Updated and improved 'Final Form' widget! We're improving the responsiveness where you finalize Claire's look In the character creation. This is just the v2 of further improvements. We intend for it to be better, more interesting and more flexible.
v0.7.3.1 - 2024-09-20
Claire can go through some rudimentary training with Angelo in four different spy 'disciplines'
Bona's date now has a conclusion with a few different results: losing the thread with Bona, working for him as an escort, or maybe working with his new partner, Casimir
Claire can go to the Club for a second night as a patron. She might run into some problems though, be forewarned!
Each of the working arcs (Dancing, Bartending, Prostitution) can be continued, following a random sequence of events that can improve or harm Claire's station at the club.
This is the final release of our 'off-content' dev cycle. We've expanded the Gang, Club, Sporty, and Partier HSVs, the Popular, Rebel, Nerd.
0.6.2 Hotfix 1
What's included?
Clean up, proofing and expansion of the Gang and Partier HSV (a few new sex scenes)
Clean up, proofing and expansion of the Popular and Sport HS Arc (a couple smaller, new sex scenes)
Addition of a Pregnancy chance in HS and University. And then a full arc as Claire navigates the repercussions.
Complete refactoring of stats in relation to the 'mind breaking' in the main game. It'll now be easier to gain Stability and keep it in the Prologue. And if you manage to get to the main game too low? There's an 'easy' button for a quick boost.
Addition and repositioning of when you choose Claire's 'first' -- you pick who she's dating.
Addition of fidelity - is Claire a cheater, cheated on? Committed or not really a relationship girly?
A new sex scene as Claire experiments with her significant other
A few new random hookups to our list from YOU the players (Gang, Partier, Sport and Popular arcs)
50 new pieces of passage art to enhance sections.
New Hometown accessories -- your Claire is more unique based on where she grows up!
Claire can now actually win the Prom Queen tiara!
Including Piercings and Tattoos to University -- maybe it's time for Claire to adorn herself.
A new, surprise outfit for one path in Act I
Claire has emotional faces now!
The Shopping Mall has basic functionality and interface in Manila! Buy some new outfits for your Claire.
Alice now has her face in the game
The early game hints should look better and be clearer
The Back Button should be placed better and clearer
Buttons should look better
The Dossier should look better and have an improved interface
Including a potential SexSkills and Kink choice during Gap Year -- unlikely, but possible.
A new Bad End
The shopping mall has gotten improvements in Act I!
Innumerable fixes and improvements to the game. Including: fixes to Act I Job paths that used to dead-end; correction to choices with Act I Tara; correction to text re: hooking up with the Boys; correction if it's Claire's first trip alone or not; fix to who can hook up with Kate in Bangkok; a fix to lesbian and bi scenes that were reading wrong; the Lead Singer during College Commencement can now be a 'body; refactor and rework of how grades in University work -- you should now actually be able to pass!; addition of spy portions of the dossier so you can now see how your Claire is being evaluated; fixed an issue with Angelo's fight; fixes to coding that allow for flexibility sexskills to be granted; corrected how many people Claire hooked up with in college and allowing her to gain skills and kinks from it; the Seedy Casting Couch now works as intended and has no errors; cheering in HS should actually be easier to succeed at...and others I can't dig through our commits to find.
This hotfix addresses a number of issues including:
Not being able to access First Sex scene
Fixes to losses of virginity that didn't trigger
Lowered requirements for the Breeding Kink
Fixed coding within the Seedy Casting Arc
Fixes to character name rendering
0.5F Hotfix 3
Bad End / Cracking in Act I should be easier to avoid and there is a warning now as you enter Act I with a little 'help' button if desired. To wit, there shouldn't be any Bad Ends yet.
Virginity was resetting every load. Shouldn't do that now.
Gap Year has added Kink and Sex Skill levelling if Claire sleeps with enough people during that timeframe (very unlikely, but possible).
Some erroneous text has been fixed.
Edits to 'realHeight' more in line with reality for women.
0.5F Hotfix 2
This release expands the semi-open world narrative and allows you to explore as Claire through Manila,:
All three Club Job Paths
added random 'event' content between days during the Act I gameplay
You can partially experience a first 'date' with Bona
- there have been some QoL changes in the dossier
- there are situations where Claire might become pregnant. You, the player, won't know yet and it is not recommended. But it can happen!
- fixes to female Jordan in Gap Year
- content for running into the Boys after Gap Year
- many other bugs and QoL fixes
- bugfixes
Added Prom Dates that didn’t exist in the Matrix for Hookup Options (Take the red pill and see how far the rabbit hole will go.) Added Ava as a potential Hookup (Finally get to fuck that Ava ass…Wooo wooo)
Cleaned up issues if Claire doesn’t make college cheerleader (There’s always strippin…)
Gap Year Backpacker Vignettes - Major Sites was stuck on Barcelona. Now player has a chance to get 2 additional locations. (Two more locations…Talk about tons of action now. Watch out!!)
Delta Zeta is now first choice if you put them first, they now guarantee to get into DZ (You all were dying to be a Delta Zeta weren’t you. Don’t forget the other Sorwhorities too. Kidding…)
Ahri Mullet hairstyle now proper to show full head of hair Engorged, full mast To-do list has now been deflated to proper size. (it feels better…)
University Job Arc (4 possible jobs)
New 'blocked' UX that shows what paths aren't available and a hint as to why
Graduation outfit!
All the Prom Dresses are in with new interface showing your options!
All of the content, features, fixes and updates since 0.4 Sneak
new University extracurricular story arc - Feeling lazy? You don't have to do anything with your freetime!
new flavor images for start of University and Act 1 (+ another pinup to set the mood before Act 1 finale). Intro images for beach/lifeguard and church vignettes in the Character Creation chapter.
Expansion of the Dossier -- please give us your feedback in the Discord!
UNI partner no longer shows up twice on the sexlist.
UNI roommate and girlfriend shows up as the correct gender.
Taylor (he / she) displays as the correct gender throughout.
undefined polluting sex partners list is gone.
Fixed broken postgrad path choice.
Ahri clothing variations will now show correct preview.
Fixed blankscreen following Ahri outfit choices.
Updated story experience and balance for High School sports competition story arc.
Flavor text based on chosen SexSkills now properly activate during GapYear bearings passage.
GapYear Africa path scenes improvements
a lot story bits with doll updated to reflect current scene.
and a lot more stability, UX and text flow improvements.
No duplicate passages while backpacking during GY.
red hair fix + extra rave hair colors in the hair salon with help from @Kerae Irae
new University extracurricular story arc - Discipline of yoga. Includes a new outfit and a mood image.
new Ahri cosplay outfit path in High School TwitchCon
Infinite save slots - filling last one will add a new slot at the end.
new flavor images for start of University and Act 1 (+ another pinup to set the mood before Act 1 finale). Intro images for beach/lifeguard and church vignettes in the Character Creation chapter.
UNI partner no longer shows up twice on the sexlist.
UNI roommate and girlfriend shows up as the correct gender.
Taylor (he / she) displays as the correct gender throughout.
undefined polluting sex partners list is gone.
Fixed broken postgrad path choice.
Ahri clothing variations will now show correct preview.
Fixed blankscreen following Ahri outfit choices.
Updated story experience and balance for High School sports competition story arc.
Flavor text based on chosen SexSkills now properly activate during GapYear bearings passage.
GapYear Africa path scenes improvements
a lot story bits with doll updated to reflect current scene.
and a lot more stability, UX and text flow improvements.
No duplicate passages while backpacking during GY.
red hair fix + extra rave hair colors in the hair salon with help from @Kerae Irae
Workout Outfit - Mmmm bring on those yoga pants and stretches. Can’t forget to stretch.
Towel ‘Outfit’ - At first was thin but now covers all the bits.
Normal Prom Dress
Workout College Arc - Gotta burn that freshman 15
Casting Couch Scene extended and made easier to access - Who doesn’t love a cum stained black leather couch, amirite?
Ability to play through the game as a bisexual or lesbian more easily
Hookups now take into account sexuality
‘Fuck Flavor’ now takes into account gender of the hookup
Ability to play through the game as a virgin more easily - Who wants to do this anyway, its supposed to be fun and full of sex.
Lowered Test Scores and bar for college entry – more player agency - Made it easy for yall. Kidding College is for sexploration.
Fixing Prom bug where Claire would always cry - Poor Claire we fixed her woes.
Clarity to the Cliques and how the MC feels about being a part of them
Changed how ‘spoiled’ Claire is made - More parenting styles so she ain’t a spoiled Bitch! You’re welcome.
Hookups not chosen in High School are options in College - Missed a hookup we go yo back. Nail em in College.
Formatting and Pacing Improvements
UX Improvements like outfit preview at Prom and TwitchCon!
UI Improvements like the Hair Salon!
Updated University acceptance criteria (For our studious gamers who want to get that paper)
Bisexual AND lesbian valid playthrough option
Now optional to playthrough as a virgin as well (It’s an erotic novel do some bangin)
Smooth'd out romantic interactions with father (Ohhh Daddyy!!)
Saves Should be compatible, let us know if something isn't!
Refactored skill level up system in High School and University with new visuals, clarity, lewdness, and kink (Gotta have more lewdness and kink)
Updated save system UI with names better reflecting game progress and save version migration system
New "wrapped in towel" outfit, and multiple scenes updated to use it (I assure you all it’s not paper towels, I checked them myself!)
More than 70 bug fixes and improvements across the content
Additional hookup options for both High School and College (Got the hookups holla if ya hear me!)
Fixes to MC running away from prom (Real McCoys - Run away, run away, run away if you want to survive…Anyone, anyone? Bueller? Early 90s)
Fixes to Prom paths with proper names for MC dates
Public Additions (0.3.1P)
University Path release
It's far larger than we expected it to be (we are growers, not show-ers); so I hope you like fuck ton of content! New lines of code burst forth daily...we are bursting at the scenes with the size of the game to date. UX/UI has had constant improvements by our team.
The community comments are most helpful so please continue to let us know what you think!
New assets, content, and functionality are in the works so don’t hesitate (you know what they say…they who hesitate…masturb…) you get the idea. Just keep cumming back for more. Content releases will keep pumping out glorious bounties all over your minds.
️ What's coming in the next release (0.4)?
We'll be doing a 'tech debt' round (What the hell does that mean?). That means FLESHing out all the 'missing' art assets and other opportunities for visuals (for those missing the point it means more sexxyy shit). We'll be proofreading (don’t trust a person who can’t even capitalize a username) and making sure everything makes sense. We are da exterminators so all are bugs are squashed dead to us. *Prim and proper voice* engaged, “the code will be in the finest fit tip top of the morning form it can be before we dive into the main game.”
Content-wise, We'll be pulling requests and suggestions from *you* (in case our tiny stars don’t quite do it WE MEAN YOU), our AWESOME subscribers, for what story arcs and vignettes you'd like for us to expand, enlighten, spic-ify (it's a word now), tantalize, and enhance. And maybe we'll add in something new, if the idea really sizzles the tizzles! Maybe it’ll be in College or Act I or High School, who the hell knows. Shoot your loads of ideas to us and we'll see how we can make your fantasies come true!
The next BIG content release (0.5)!
Paths Open to Explore Fully:
HighSchool Graduation to taking a Gap Year (to find yourself) to ending up in University getting that higher EDU
HighSchool Finished off to University for that paper then pulled into Act I
HighSchool’s a drag let’s split to Act I then get it on in the Main Game
Main Game Goals and Dreams - (No guarantees, promises, or worries)
Semi-Open not full Hard-on Open World system for the Main Game to explore paths of versions 3 and 4
Theme is Implementation:
Arousal and Fertility mechanics available for spankering around
Clothes swapping for the nudist and fashionista inside of us
Dossier to be a Bossier type system and Character Interaction Bar
Originally available on 6-30-23
The game has reached the conclusion of the 'character creation' game start.
This represents the full experience of building the MC and getting an understanding of the basic background and plot points before diving into the story during 0.3.
Originally available on 5-5-23
*Bug fixes
*QoL improvements like Dark Mode in Settings
0.1 Release
Dropped on 4-30-23
And here we go!
Here's the 0.1 release for your consumption.
It comprises a majority of the character creation and setting the scene.
0.2 will see the following development of the story:
* Our protagonist fleshes out her group of friends and cohort in the school
* She puts the finishing touches on who she is and how she interrelates with others
* She gets to have a few experiences tailored to her choices so far, including Prom!
* We find out who she's been with, if anyone, and who they are
* We'll end with her decision on college, a gap year, or neither
* And a surprise...
* Improvements and expansion of the Paperdoll
* More art assets
Claire is a normal girl in a normal world, just living life.
Without warning, her life becomes upended.
She is recruited to save her country.
No training, no experience, but now a spy with everything on the line.
You control the action of our main protagonist, our heroine who has been thrust from a normal life into going undercover to save her family and save her country.
Who is she?
How did she end up in this position?
Will she succeed?
...What will she have to do to accomplish her mission?
YOU decide.
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 2dcg, adventure, character creation, cheating, corruption, cosplay, creampie, drugs, exhibitionism, female protagonist, groping, group, humiliation, incest, interracial, lesbian, multiple endings, multiple penetration, oral, pregnancy, prostitution, rape, rpg, sandbox, sexual harassment, simulator, stripping, teasing, text based, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Blue Swallow - patreon | itch.io | subscribestar
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.8 Public
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.8 Public - 2025-02-08
Major updates to the opening including revamped character creation and a new way to play! RPG-style character creation.
A sneak peek into the Manila main story, hinting at the story in the full release.
Tons more art.
New Loser arc for High School chapter of the game.
New breast size for more appropriate cup-sizes.
Improved gymnast arc in character creation.
New and improved speech bubbles!
Pop-up notifications on skill-ups, including gifs!
More random bodies for her hookup background.
Ability to skip Prom.
Improved cheerleader paths in HS and college.
Ability to be valedictorian (Your grades matter).
v0.8.2 - 2024-11-22
More interludes each morning in Home Base reflecting what Claire did the previous day.
Each Club Arc has a choice for Claire to be passive or active in her investigation.
Two of the three Club Arcs are nearing the end of the first 'phase'.
Identifying features has been added to the Dossier -- and the Legendary tattoo is now reflected!
Modeling in high school is no longer an arc, but a possible additional vignette path!
New random 'bodies' for HS and College models.
The opportunity for trying out modeling in College! -- four new outfits!! (HD in future release)
85 more HD-ified assets for the doll on top of the hundreds already in-game.
A toggle to turn off the 'hometown' accessory on the doll.
'Final Form' is fully new and improved. Better responsiveness, hovering over choices to see them reflected on the doll before choosing!
Claire's measurements are now in the Dossier
MORE passage art!
Coding in significantly more speech bubbles for easier, better play
Claire's results in college and high school affect the graduation and commencement sequences? Drop Out? Graduate Early? Get some crazy good grades? Now there's touches, flavor and realistic endings for each of those arcs.
The Cheerleader paths for HS and College have been enhanced and expanded.
The first lesbian animation has been added to the game for those who's 'first' hookup is a lady.
New passage art.
Updated and improved 'Final Form' widget! We're improving the responsiveness where you finalize Claire's look In the character creation. This is just the v2 of further improvements. We intend for it to be better, more interesting and more flexible.
v0.7.3.1 - 2024-09-20
Claire can go through some rudimentary training with Angelo in four different spy 'disciplines'
Bona's date now has a conclusion with a few different results: losing the thread with Bona, working for him as an escort, or maybe working with his new partner, Casimir
Claire can go to the Club for a second night as a patron. She might run into some problems though, be forewarned!
Each of the working arcs (Dancing, Bartending, Prostitution) can be continued, following a random sequence of events that can improve or harm Claire's station at the club.
This is the final release of our 'off-content' dev cycle. We've expanded the Gang, Club, Sporty, and Partier HSVs, the Popular, Rebel, Nerd.
0.6.2 Hotfix 1
What's included?
Clean up, proofing and expansion of the Gang and Partier HSV (a few new sex scenes)
Clean up, proofing and expansion of the Popular and Sport HS Arc (a couple smaller, new sex scenes)
Addition of a Pregnancy chance in HS and University. And then a full arc as Claire navigates the repercussions.
Complete refactoring of stats in relation to the 'mind breaking' in the main game. It'll now be easier to gain Stability and keep it in the Prologue. And if you manage to get to the main game too low? There's an 'easy' button for a quick boost.
Addition and repositioning of when you choose Claire's 'first' -- you pick who she's dating.
Addition of fidelity - is Claire a cheater, cheated on? Committed or not really a relationship girly?
A new sex scene as Claire experiments with her significant other
A few new random hookups to our list from YOU the players (Gang, Partier, Sport and Popular arcs)
50 new pieces of passage art to enhance sections.
New Hometown accessories -- your Claire is more unique based on where she grows up!
Claire can now actually win the Prom Queen tiara!
Including Piercings and Tattoos to University -- maybe it's time for Claire to adorn herself.
A new, surprise outfit for one path in Act I
Claire has emotional faces now!
The Shopping Mall has basic functionality and interface in Manila! Buy some new outfits for your Claire.
Alice now has her face in the game
The early game hints should look better and be clearer
The Back Button should be placed better and clearer
Buttons should look better
The Dossier should look better and have an improved interface
Including a potential SexSkills and Kink choice during Gap Year -- unlikely, but possible.
A new Bad End
The shopping mall has gotten improvements in Act I!
Innumerable fixes and improvements to the game. Including: fixes to Act I Job paths that used to dead-end; correction to choices with Act I Tara; correction to text re: hooking up with the Boys; correction if it's Claire's first trip alone or not; fix to who can hook up with Kate in Bangkok; a fix to lesbian and bi scenes that were reading wrong; the Lead Singer during College Commencement can now be a 'body; refactor and rework of how grades in University work -- you should now actually be able to pass!; addition of spy portions of the dossier so you can now see how your Claire is being evaluated; fixed an issue with Angelo's fight; fixes to coding that allow for flexibility sexskills to be granted; corrected how many people Claire hooked up with in college and allowing her to gain skills and kinks from it; the Seedy Casting Couch now works as intended and has no errors; cheering in HS should actually be easier to succeed at...and others I can't dig through our commits to find.
This hotfix addresses a number of issues including:
Not being able to access First Sex scene
Fixes to losses of virginity that didn't trigger
Lowered requirements for the Breeding Kink
Fixed coding within the Seedy Casting Arc
Fixes to character name rendering
0.5F Hotfix 3
Bad End / Cracking in Act I should be easier to avoid and there is a warning now as you enter Act I with a little 'help' button if desired. To wit, there shouldn't be any Bad Ends yet.
Virginity was resetting every load. Shouldn't do that now.
Gap Year has added Kink and Sex Skill levelling if Claire sleeps with enough people during that timeframe (very unlikely, but possible).
Some erroneous text has been fixed.
Edits to 'realHeight' more in line with reality for women.
0.5F Hotfix 2
This release expands the semi-open world narrative and allows you to explore as Claire through Manila,:
All three Club Job Paths
added random 'event' content between days during the Act I gameplay
You can partially experience a first 'date' with Bona
- there have been some QoL changes in the dossier
- there are situations where Claire might become pregnant. You, the player, won't know yet and it is not recommended. But it can happen!
- fixes to female Jordan in Gap Year
- content for running into the Boys after Gap Year
- many other bugs and QoL fixes
- bugfixes
Added Prom Dates that didn’t exist in the Matrix for Hookup Options (Take the red pill and see how far the rabbit hole will go.) Added Ava as a potential Hookup (Finally get to fuck that Ava ass…Wooo wooo)
Cleaned up issues if Claire doesn’t make college cheerleader (There’s always strippin…)
Gap Year Backpacker Vignettes - Major Sites was stuck on Barcelona. Now player has a chance to get 2 additional locations. (Two more locations…Talk about tons of action now. Watch out!!)
Delta Zeta is now first choice if you put them first, they now guarantee to get into DZ (You all were dying to be a Delta Zeta weren’t you. Don’t forget the other Sorwhorities too. Kidding…)
Ahri Mullet hairstyle now proper to show full head of hair Engorged, full mast To-do list has now been deflated to proper size. (it feels better…)
University Job Arc (4 possible jobs)
New 'blocked' UX that shows what paths aren't available and a hint as to why
Graduation outfit!
All the Prom Dresses are in with new interface showing your options!
All of the content, features, fixes and updates since 0.4 Sneak
new University extracurricular story arc - Feeling lazy? You don't have to do anything with your freetime!
new flavor images for start of University and Act 1 (+ another pinup to set the mood before Act 1 finale). Intro images for beach/lifeguard and church vignettes in the Character Creation chapter.
Expansion of the Dossier -- please give us your feedback in the Discord!
UNI partner no longer shows up twice on the sexlist.
UNI roommate and girlfriend shows up as the correct gender.
Taylor (he / she) displays as the correct gender throughout.
undefined polluting sex partners list is gone.
Fixed broken postgrad path choice.
Ahri clothing variations will now show correct preview.
Fixed blankscreen following Ahri outfit choices.
Updated story experience and balance for High School sports competition story arc.
Flavor text based on chosen SexSkills now properly activate during GapYear bearings passage.
GapYear Africa path scenes improvements
a lot story bits with doll updated to reflect current scene.
and a lot more stability, UX and text flow improvements.
No duplicate passages while backpacking during GY.
red hair fix + extra rave hair colors in the hair salon with help from @Kerae Irae
new University extracurricular story arc - Discipline of yoga. Includes a new outfit and a mood image.
new Ahri cosplay outfit path in High School TwitchCon
Infinite save slots - filling last one will add a new slot at the end.
new flavor images for start of University and Act 1 (+ another pinup to set the mood before Act 1 finale). Intro images for beach/lifeguard and church vignettes in the Character Creation chapter.
UNI partner no longer shows up twice on the sexlist.
UNI roommate and girlfriend shows up as the correct gender.
Taylor (he / she) displays as the correct gender throughout.
undefined polluting sex partners list is gone.
Fixed broken postgrad path choice.
Ahri clothing variations will now show correct preview.
Fixed blankscreen following Ahri outfit choices.
Updated story experience and balance for High School sports competition story arc.
Flavor text based on chosen SexSkills now properly activate during GapYear bearings passage.
GapYear Africa path scenes improvements
a lot story bits with doll updated to reflect current scene.
and a lot more stability, UX and text flow improvements.
No duplicate passages while backpacking during GY.
red hair fix + extra rave hair colors in the hair salon with help from @Kerae Irae
Workout Outfit - Mmmm bring on those yoga pants and stretches. Can’t forget to stretch.
Towel ‘Outfit’ - At first was thin but now covers all the bits.
Normal Prom Dress
Workout College Arc - Gotta burn that freshman 15
Casting Couch Scene extended and made easier to access - Who doesn’t love a cum stained black leather couch, amirite?
Ability to play through the game as a bisexual or lesbian more easily
Hookups now take into account sexuality
‘Fuck Flavor’ now takes into account gender of the hookup
Ability to play through the game as a virgin more easily - Who wants to do this anyway, its supposed to be fun and full of sex.
Lowered Test Scores and bar for college entry – more player agency - Made it easy for yall. Kidding College is for sexploration.
Fixing Prom bug where Claire would always cry - Poor Claire we fixed her woes.
Clarity to the Cliques and how the MC feels about being a part of them
Changed how ‘spoiled’ Claire is made - More parenting styles so she ain’t a spoiled Bitch! You’re welcome.
Hookups not chosen in High School are options in College - Missed a hookup we go yo back. Nail em in College.
Formatting and Pacing Improvements
UX Improvements like outfit preview at Prom and TwitchCon!
UI Improvements like the Hair Salon!
Updated University acceptance criteria (For our studious gamers who want to get that paper)
Bisexual AND lesbian valid playthrough option
Now optional to playthrough as a virgin as well (It’s an erotic novel do some bangin)
Smooth'd out romantic interactions with father (Ohhh Daddyy!!)
Saves Should be compatible, let us know if something isn't!
Refactored skill level up system in High School and University with new visuals, clarity, lewdness, and kink (Gotta have more lewdness and kink)
Updated save system UI with names better reflecting game progress and save version migration system
New "wrapped in towel" outfit, and multiple scenes updated to use it (I assure you all it’s not paper towels, I checked them myself!)
More than 70 bug fixes and improvements across the content
Additional hookup options for both High School and College (Got the hookups holla if ya hear me!)
Fixes to MC running away from prom (Real McCoys - Run away, run away, run away if you want to survive…Anyone, anyone? Bueller? Early 90s)
Fixes to Prom paths with proper names for MC dates
Public Additions (0.3.1P)
University Path release
It's far larger than we expected it to be (we are growers, not show-ers); so I hope you like fuck ton of content! New lines of code burst forth daily...we are bursting at the scenes with the size of the game to date. UX/UI has had constant improvements by our team.
The community comments are most helpful so please continue to let us know what you think!
New assets, content, and functionality are in the works so don’t hesitate (you know what they say…they who hesitate…masturb…) you get the idea. Just keep cumming back for more. Content releases will keep pumping out glorious bounties all over your minds.
️ What's coming in the next release (0.4)?
We'll be doing a 'tech debt' round (What the hell does that mean?). That means FLESHing out all the 'missing' art assets and other opportunities for visuals (for those missing the point it means more sexxyy shit). We'll be proofreading (don’t trust a person who can’t even capitalize a username) and making sure everything makes sense. We are da exterminators so all are bugs are squashed dead to us. *Prim and proper voice* engaged, “the code will be in the finest fit tip top of the morning form it can be before we dive into the main game.”
Content-wise, We'll be pulling requests and suggestions from *you* (in case our tiny stars don’t quite do it WE MEAN YOU), our AWESOME subscribers, for what story arcs and vignettes you'd like for us to expand, enlighten, spic-ify (it's a word now), tantalize, and enhance. And maybe we'll add in something new, if the idea really sizzles the tizzles! Maybe it’ll be in College or Act I or High School, who the hell knows. Shoot your loads of ideas to us and we'll see how we can make your fantasies come true!
The next BIG content release (0.5)!
Paths Open to Explore Fully:
HighSchool Graduation to taking a Gap Year (to find yourself) to ending up in University getting that higher EDU
HighSchool Finished off to University for that paper then pulled into Act I
HighSchool’s a drag let’s split to Act I then get it on in the Main Game
Main Game Goals and Dreams - (No guarantees, promises, or worries)
Semi-Open not full Hard-on Open World system for the Main Game to explore paths of versions 3 and 4
Theme is Implementation:
Arousal and Fertility mechanics available for spankering around
Clothes swapping for the nudist and fashionista inside of us
Dossier to be a Bossier type system and Character Interaction Bar
Originally available on 6-30-23
The game has reached the conclusion of the 'character creation' game start.
This represents the full experience of building the MC and getting an understanding of the basic background and plot points before diving into the story during 0.3.
Originally available on 5-5-23
*Bug fixes
*QoL improvements like Dark Mode in Settings
0.1 Release
Dropped on 4-30-23
And here we go!
Here's the 0.1 release for your consumption.
It comprises a majority of the character creation and setting the scene.
0.2 will see the following development of the story:
* Our protagonist fleshes out her group of friends and cohort in the school
* She puts the finishing touches on who she is and how she interrelates with others
* She gets to have a few experiences tailored to her choices so far, including Prom!
* We find out who she's been with, if anyone, and who they are
* We'll end with her decision on college, a gap year, or neither
* And a surprise...
* Improvements and expansion of the Paperdoll
* More art assets
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 8-02-2025, 19:59
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.8 Public. / Topic updated to version v.0.8 Public.
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.8 Public. / Topic updated to version v.0.8 Public.
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