Большинству из нас знакома история о юном волшебнике из Англии, изменившем судьбу магического мира. На протяжении многих лет мы наблюдали за тем, как он рос, учился в Школе магии и постепенно менял мир вокруг себя.
Задумывались ли вы когда-нибудь, как появляются такие магические школы? Кто и когда их создает? Откуда берутся учителя и почему преподаются именно эти предметы?
Most of us are familiar with the story of a young wizard from England who changed the fate of the magical world. For many years, we watched as he grew up, studied at the Magic School, and gradually changed the world around him.
Have you ever wondered how such magical schools come into existence? Who creates them and when? Where do the teachers come from and why are these specific subjects taught?
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 2dcg, big ass, big tits, fantasy, male protagonist, masturbation, monster, monster girl, romance, sandbox, sexual harassment, tentacles,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: WildPear Games - patreon | discord | itch.io
Платформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.3.5
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
0.3.5 (Dissendium) - 2025-02-15
Holiday Quests: Embark on new quests for almost every character, decorating their locations and influencing their personalities.
Town Secret: Uncover a small mystery that will reveal more about the town where you established your Academy.
New Rose CG Art: Enjoy a brand new full-screen CG artwork featuring Rose.
"Continue" Button Restored: The main menu's "Continue" button is back! It will load your last save (automatic or manual).
Mining Game Fix: Fixed an error that could occur when interacting with the game board in the Mine after all turns were completed.
Victoria's Quest Fix: Corrected Victoria's third quest, which previously had the same impact on her personality regardless of the dialogue choice selected.
Tavern Corridor Fix: Fixed an issue where players could leave the tavern corridor before completing Grace's room search quest.
Rose Dialogue Fix: Corrected an error in the dialogue with Rose after catching the mandrakes, ensuring the correct speaker is displayed.
Evening Workshop Fix: Resolved a bug that occurred when clicking on the evening workshop.
Quest Completion Message Fix: Updated the message displayed upon completing all current quests (previously, a panel from the web demo version would appear).
Save Export Fix: Fixed a bug that occurred during save file export.
Audrey's Double Trouble: Resolved the issue causing "Little Audrey" to appear alongside regular Audrey in certain scenes.
Arrow Direction Fix: Fixed the directional arrows on buttons within the dialogue panel.
Lilian Dialogue Saves: Corrected a saving error that occurred during dialogue sequences with Lilian.
Loading Fix: Resolved the loading error that occurred when attempting to load a saved game in the tavern hallway or Grace's room.
Custom Save Loading: Added the ability to load a game save by specifying the save file directly, rather than selecting from the default save folder. (Look for the new button in the loading panel!)
Localization Restoration: Restored missing text strings across various localizations (approximately 15-20 strings per language).
False Positive Prevention: Game archives are now created using the Windows archiver to prevent false positive detections by Microsoft Defender.
Audrey's Quest: Embark on a new adventure with Audrey as you help her unravel the secrets of a mysterious book.
Victoria's Quest: Assist Victoria in uncovering the source of a haunting melody.
New Character & Storyline: Meet a brand new character whose story will be the starting point for uncovering the mysteries surrounding your Mansion.
Victoria's Pensieve Rework: All of Victoria's Pensieve scenes have been updated and a new scene has been added.
Match-3 Fix: Resolved an issue that could crash the game when exiting Match-3 mode during the "cascade" phase.
Loading Screen Added: A loading bar has been implemented to provide a visual indicator that the game is loading and hasn't frozen.
Audrey's Double Trouble: Resolved the issue causing "Little Audrey" to appear alongside regular Audrey in certain scenes.
Arrow Direction Fix: Fixed the directional arrows on buttons within the dialogue panel.
Lilian Dialogue Saves: Corrected a saving error that occurred during dialogue sequences with Lilian.
Loading Fix: Resolved the loading error that occurred when attempting to load a saved game in the tavern hallway or Grace's room.
Custom Save Loading: Added the ability to load a game save by specifying the save file directly, rather than selecting from the default save folder. (Look for the new button in the loading panel!)
Localization Restoration: Restored missing text strings across various localizations (approximately 15-20 strings per language).
False Positive Prevention: Game archives are now created using the Windows archiver to prevent false positive detections by Microsoft Defender. - 2024-12-01
New Languages:
Brazilian Portuguese
Latin American Spanish
Simplified Chinese
MacOS version
Returned the correct damage to the fire spell
Fixed duplicate quotes in some phrases
Fixed the localization of Grace's "inner conflict"
Fixed "New Game+", which transferred the state of the current room to a new save, which could cause bugs with objects at the location.
Fixed the HUD once again (hopefully now everything will work correctly)
Now the "new" icon disappears when you have already seen the changed information about the character's personal conflict
New Paladin Boss Questline: Face a mighty new paladin boss in a challenging new quest.
New Victory Scene: Witness a captivating new scene upon defeating the paladin boss.
Unique Inner Conflicts: Every character now grapples with their own internal struggles for you to uncover and navigate.
Impactful Choices: Your decisions in dialogues now influence the balance of a character's "Inner Conflict," shaping their development.
Notifications: New in-dialogue notifications highlight the impact of your choices on character relationships and inner conflicts.
Dedicated "Characters" Tab: A new "Characters" tab in your Quests panel provides information about your companions, their inner conflicts, current states, and how your actions have affected them.
Character-Driven Quests: Embark on new quests focused on specific characters, offering opportunities to directly influence their internal conflicts and personal journeys.
All characters on scenes are now animated!
Game Analytics (Optional): Help us improve the game by opting into anonymous in-game analytics. You can opt-out at any time in the settings menu, and all collected data is completely anonymized, focusing on in-game trends and player choices.
Mandrake Collider Fix: No more struggling to interact with those pesky Mandrakes!
HUD Visibility Fix: Resolved an issue where the HUD could sometimes behave erratically in dialogues.
New Game+: Relive the magic with all your hard-earned resources! Load any save file, access the Esc menu, and select "New Game+" to start a fresh adventure with your current inventory intact.
Improved Dialogue Panel: Manage your dialogue with a new mini control panel, allowing you to access the history log, hide the panel for a clearer view, or enable "fast mode" to skip previously read text.
Extensive Localization Fixes: We've squashed countless typos and errors for a smoother reading experience. - 2024-10-26
We found and fixed a rare bug that prevented mobile keyboard input from being transmitted to the game, making it impossible to enter the hero's name.
The localization system has been updated and new characters have been added to the fonts.
Thanks to the hard work of @gumoo, version 0.2.3 has been translated into Turkish. This translation has also been added to version
Now, if a string is not translated in the localization, the text in it should be displayed in English.
Version adds a window informing you that all quests in the game have been completed. In all subsequent updates, this window will let you know when you reach the end of the content.
Fixed the size of the boss cat on the adventure map
Fixed the ability to restart the quest dialogue with Olivia
Added a new unit - Enhanced Snowman (Evil Olaf)
Fixed a game freeze when attempting to use Vis Cogitationi
Fixed mob tooltip freeze if the mob was killed while the tooltip was displayed
Fixed Louise's hands, which were slightly offset from her body in some poses
Fixed a couple of typo
Updated fonts to include French characters for Olivia's phrases
Added a question mark button to all tutorial windows that will replay the tutorial for that specific panel
Added a tutorial for the adventure button
Added a tutorial for upgrading reward cards
Added a tutorial for the adventure panel
Added a tutorial for upgrading stats
Added a tutorial for upgrading spells
Added a tutorial for the adventure map
Added a tutorial for combat mechanics
Added a tutorial for the inventory and adventure results
Added a new type of resource that drops from bosses and allows you to buy girls "more interesting" costumes
Added the ability to skip the boss scene after defeating it
0.2.6 (Alohomora)
New Enemies:
Added "Armored Goblin" enemy.
Added "Funguar Leader" enemy.
Added "Snake" enemy.
Added "Fighter Cat" enemy.
New Content:
Added a new Journey and its boss "Catgirl Rogue".
Added an interactive scene with the new boss.
Added a questline related to the boss, unlocking a new character for the Atelier.
Updated the graphics of the first scene with Lillian (when we first met her in the tavern room). If you have already completed the game, it can be viewed in the Pensieve.
Added boss costumes to the Atelier for Lillian and Audrey.
Added new costumes for Victoria.
Improvements & Fixes:
Reduced compression of interactive scenes to make them look sharper.
Changed the Journey selection window to be more compact.
Added the ability to leave Resource Events without opening the loot window if you don't need it.
Added the ability to exit battles prematurely (and interrupt the adventure) if you see that you are losing and do not want to continue.
Added a "Pathfinder" - if the Journey map is generated in such a way that the player cannot reach the portal, this system will create the necessary path.
Due to the fact that now any Journey can be guaranteed to be exited - early exit (via the button in the interface) from the Journey no longer gives resources.
Changed the price of costumes in the shop.
Added a new resource that is given for boss items and is needed to buy "unusual" costumes from Olivia.
Fixed several typos (e.g. Preview replaced with Previous).
Fixed typos in a couple of dialogue phrases with Louise
Fixed typos in a couple of dialogue phrases with Rose
Added automatic font size adjustment in spell buttons
Made a couple of edits to prevent errors when constructing buildings
Returned the Elf-monk her own model. Catwoman will appear next week
0.2.5 (Bombarda)
Added an error panel - it will appear if something breaks in the game. You can click the "Copy" button and send us the error text so we can quickly fix it.
Changed the progression system in Journey - now you will level up and improve your spells yourself.
Rebalanced the Journey system - changed spells, enemy strength, and health.
Separated the inventory for loot and equipped spells. You no longer have to choose between taking a couple of spells or a valuable item.
Changed the combat system - now it is represented not by consumable items, but by a spellbook that you fill before going on a Journey. Also, the player now has mana and mana regeneration.
Journey characters received basic animations.
Added a new character - Olivia the Portkey Witch.
Added a quest to unlock Olivia's Atelier.
Added new dialogues with Elizabeth and Louise to better reveal their characters.
Added a clothing store where you can see different outfits on our characters. (The first characters who received costumes were chosen by voting). In the future, we plan to make the clothes modular and add animations.
Updated the skill tree panel.
Updated the Journey preparation panel.
Fixed many bugs, including the infamous "Spy - get out" quest bug.
Update 0.2.3 (Aguamenti) - 2024-07-26
Added a "content delivery" system to support legacy save files.
Added a new "Beach" storyline.
Added a new "Beach" location (currently in draft form due to the background artist being on vacation).
Added two new CG scenes, one of which is animated.
Added a new reward card featuring Irroth, the Grand Librarian, for subscribers at the "Headmaster" tier.
Added outlines to the text in the Active Quests widget for better readability in all locations.
Fixed a potential issue that could break the "text input" in the PC version.
Fixed a potential issue with the tavern's state resetting after a party.
Changed the text of the empty quest log to avoid misleading players.
Updated the reward card logic to support "exclusive layers" (ensuring only one costume for a character is displayed at a time).
Added a portrait to the Pensieve for Louise.
Updated game engine version.
Items in the Journey shop now become grayed out if you lack the resources to purchase them.
Fixed the issue with "flashing" transitions between locations where the base state of the location would appear momentarily.
Removed on-screen buttons from the magic mini-game and added an on-screen touch bar. Now you can cast spells by swiping your finger/cursor across the screen (thanks to Habish for the idea!).
Removed energy tokens from resource mini-games. Energy is now awarded based on the length of collected chains. The longer the chain, the more energy you receive (thanks to Habish for the idea!).
Fixed a bug where the "fullscreen mode" checkbox in the settings did not take into account the current state of the screen and could minimize the window each time you exited the settings.
Updated resource mini-game field generation.
The mine now generates the playing field in "chunks" – small, ready-to-collect groups of resources. Gradually, the playing field will degrade into a chaotic state to prevent infinite gameplay at the expense of energy.
Added an active quest widget to the game map HUD. It shows all current tasks and can be hidden by pressing the button in the interface (thanks to Habish for the idea!).
Updated mini-game tutorial.
A significant portion of the CG scenes have been transferred to the new "interactive" system. This will significantly improve engagement and allow you to leisurely enjoy the best frames.
Большинству из нас знакома история о юном волшебнике из Англии, изменившем судьбу магического мира. На протяжении многих лет мы наблюдали за тем, как он рос, учился в Школе магии и постепенно менял мир вокруг себя.
Задумывались ли вы когда-нибудь, как появляются такие магические школы? Кто и когда их создает? Откуда берутся учителя и почему преподаются именно эти предметы?
Most of us are familiar with the story of a young wizard from England who changed the fate of the magical world. For many years, we watched as he grew up, studied at the Magic School, and gradually changed the world around him.
Have you ever wondered how such magical schools come into existence? Who creates them and when? Where do the teachers come from and why are these specific subjects taught?
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 2dcg, big ass, big tits, fantasy, male protagonist, masturbation, monster, monster girl, romance, sandbox, sexual harassment, tentacles,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: WildPear Games - patreon | discord | itch.io
Платформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.3.5
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
0.3.5 (Dissendium) - 2025-02-15
Holiday Quests: Embark on new quests for almost every character, decorating their locations and influencing their personalities.
Town Secret: Uncover a small mystery that will reveal more about the town where you established your Academy.
New Rose CG Art: Enjoy a brand new full-screen CG artwork featuring Rose.
"Continue" Button Restored: The main menu's "Continue" button is back! It will load your last save (automatic or manual).
Mining Game Fix: Fixed an error that could occur when interacting with the game board in the Mine after all turns were completed.
Victoria's Quest Fix: Corrected Victoria's third quest, which previously had the same impact on her personality regardless of the dialogue choice selected.
Tavern Corridor Fix: Fixed an issue where players could leave the tavern corridor before completing Grace's room search quest.
Rose Dialogue Fix: Corrected an error in the dialogue with Rose after catching the mandrakes, ensuring the correct speaker is displayed.
Evening Workshop Fix: Resolved a bug that occurred when clicking on the evening workshop.
Quest Completion Message Fix: Updated the message displayed upon completing all current quests (previously, a panel from the web demo version would appear).
Save Export Fix: Fixed a bug that occurred during save file export.
Audrey's Double Trouble: Resolved the issue causing "Little Audrey" to appear alongside regular Audrey in certain scenes.
Arrow Direction Fix: Fixed the directional arrows on buttons within the dialogue panel.
Lilian Dialogue Saves: Corrected a saving error that occurred during dialogue sequences with Lilian.
Loading Fix: Resolved the loading error that occurred when attempting to load a saved game in the tavern hallway or Grace's room.
Custom Save Loading: Added the ability to load a game save by specifying the save file directly, rather than selecting from the default save folder. (Look for the new button in the loading panel!)
Localization Restoration: Restored missing text strings across various localizations (approximately 15-20 strings per language).
False Positive Prevention: Game archives are now created using the Windows archiver to prevent false positive detections by Microsoft Defender.
Audrey's Quest: Embark on a new adventure with Audrey as you help her unravel the secrets of a mysterious book.
Victoria's Quest: Assist Victoria in uncovering the source of a haunting melody.
New Character & Storyline: Meet a brand new character whose story will be the starting point for uncovering the mysteries surrounding your Mansion.
Victoria's Pensieve Rework: All of Victoria's Pensieve scenes have been updated and a new scene has been added.
Match-3 Fix: Resolved an issue that could crash the game when exiting Match-3 mode during the "cascade" phase.
Loading Screen Added: A loading bar has been implemented to provide a visual indicator that the game is loading and hasn't frozen.
Audrey's Double Trouble: Resolved the issue causing "Little Audrey" to appear alongside regular Audrey in certain scenes.
Arrow Direction Fix: Fixed the directional arrows on buttons within the dialogue panel.
Lilian Dialogue Saves: Corrected a saving error that occurred during dialogue sequences with Lilian.
Loading Fix: Resolved the loading error that occurred when attempting to load a saved game in the tavern hallway or Grace's room.
Custom Save Loading: Added the ability to load a game save by specifying the save file directly, rather than selecting from the default save folder. (Look for the new button in the loading panel!)
Localization Restoration: Restored missing text strings across various localizations (approximately 15-20 strings per language).
False Positive Prevention: Game archives are now created using the Windows archiver to prevent false positive detections by Microsoft Defender. - 2024-12-01
New Languages:
Brazilian Portuguese
Latin American Spanish
Simplified Chinese
MacOS version
Returned the correct damage to the fire spell
Fixed duplicate quotes in some phrases
Fixed the localization of Grace's "inner conflict"
Fixed "New Game+", which transferred the state of the current room to a new save, which could cause bugs with objects at the location.
Fixed the HUD once again (hopefully now everything will work correctly)
Now the "new" icon disappears when you have already seen the changed information about the character's personal conflict
New Paladin Boss Questline: Face a mighty new paladin boss in a challenging new quest.
New Victory Scene: Witness a captivating new scene upon defeating the paladin boss.
Unique Inner Conflicts: Every character now grapples with their own internal struggles for you to uncover and navigate.
Impactful Choices: Your decisions in dialogues now influence the balance of a character's "Inner Conflict," shaping their development.
Notifications: New in-dialogue notifications highlight the impact of your choices on character relationships and inner conflicts.
Dedicated "Characters" Tab: A new "Characters" tab in your Quests panel provides information about your companions, their inner conflicts, current states, and how your actions have affected them.
Character-Driven Quests: Embark on new quests focused on specific characters, offering opportunities to directly influence their internal conflicts and personal journeys.
All characters on scenes are now animated!
Game Analytics (Optional): Help us improve the game by opting into anonymous in-game analytics. You can opt-out at any time in the settings menu, and all collected data is completely anonymized, focusing on in-game trends and player choices.
Mandrake Collider Fix: No more struggling to interact with those pesky Mandrakes!
HUD Visibility Fix: Resolved an issue where the HUD could sometimes behave erratically in dialogues.
New Game+: Relive the magic with all your hard-earned resources! Load any save file, access the Esc menu, and select "New Game+" to start a fresh adventure with your current inventory intact.
Improved Dialogue Panel: Manage your dialogue with a new mini control panel, allowing you to access the history log, hide the panel for a clearer view, or enable "fast mode" to skip previously read text.
Extensive Localization Fixes: We've squashed countless typos and errors for a smoother reading experience. - 2024-10-26
We found and fixed a rare bug that prevented mobile keyboard input from being transmitted to the game, making it impossible to enter the hero's name.
The localization system has been updated and new characters have been added to the fonts.
Thanks to the hard work of @gumoo, version 0.2.3 has been translated into Turkish. This translation has also been added to version
Now, if a string is not translated in the localization, the text in it should be displayed in English.
Version adds a window informing you that all quests in the game have been completed. In all subsequent updates, this window will let you know when you reach the end of the content.
Fixed the size of the boss cat on the adventure map
Fixed the ability to restart the quest dialogue with Olivia
Added a new unit - Enhanced Snowman (Evil Olaf)
Fixed a game freeze when attempting to use Vis Cogitationi
Fixed mob tooltip freeze if the mob was killed while the tooltip was displayed
Fixed Louise's hands, which were slightly offset from her body in some poses
Fixed a couple of typo
Updated fonts to include French characters for Olivia's phrases
Added a question mark button to all tutorial windows that will replay the tutorial for that specific panel
Added a tutorial for the adventure button
Added a tutorial for upgrading reward cards
Added a tutorial for the adventure panel
Added a tutorial for upgrading stats
Added a tutorial for upgrading spells
Added a tutorial for the adventure map
Added a tutorial for combat mechanics
Added a tutorial for the inventory and adventure results
Added a new type of resource that drops from bosses and allows you to buy girls "more interesting" costumes
Added the ability to skip the boss scene after defeating it
0.2.6 (Alohomora)
New Enemies:
Added "Armored Goblin" enemy.
Added "Funguar Leader" enemy.
Added "Snake" enemy.
Added "Fighter Cat" enemy.
New Content:
Added a new Journey and its boss "Catgirl Rogue".
Added an interactive scene with the new boss.
Added a questline related to the boss, unlocking a new character for the Atelier.
Updated the graphics of the first scene with Lillian (when we first met her in the tavern room). If you have already completed the game, it can be viewed in the Pensieve.
Added boss costumes to the Atelier for Lillian and Audrey.
Added new costumes for Victoria.
Improvements & Fixes:
Reduced compression of interactive scenes to make them look sharper.
Changed the Journey selection window to be more compact.
Added the ability to leave Resource Events without opening the loot window if you don't need it.
Added the ability to exit battles prematurely (and interrupt the adventure) if you see that you are losing and do not want to continue.
Added a "Pathfinder" - if the Journey map is generated in such a way that the player cannot reach the portal, this system will create the necessary path.
Due to the fact that now any Journey can be guaranteed to be exited - early exit (via the button in the interface) from the Journey no longer gives resources.
Changed the price of costumes in the shop.
Added a new resource that is given for boss items and is needed to buy "unusual" costumes from Olivia.
Fixed several typos (e.g. Preview replaced with Previous).
Fixed typos in a couple of dialogue phrases with Louise
Fixed typos in a couple of dialogue phrases with Rose
Added automatic font size adjustment in spell buttons
Made a couple of edits to prevent errors when constructing buildings
Returned the Elf-monk her own model. Catwoman will appear next week
0.2.5 (Bombarda)
Added an error panel - it will appear if something breaks in the game. You can click the "Copy" button and send us the error text so we can quickly fix it.
Changed the progression system in Journey - now you will level up and improve your spells yourself.
Rebalanced the Journey system - changed spells, enemy strength, and health.
Separated the inventory for loot and equipped spells. You no longer have to choose between taking a couple of spells or a valuable item.
Changed the combat system - now it is represented not by consumable items, but by a spellbook that you fill before going on a Journey. Also, the player now has mana and mana regeneration.
Journey characters received basic animations.
Added a new character - Olivia the Portkey Witch.
Added a quest to unlock Olivia's Atelier.
Added new dialogues with Elizabeth and Louise to better reveal their characters.
Added a clothing store where you can see different outfits on our characters. (The first characters who received costumes were chosen by voting). In the future, we plan to make the clothes modular and add animations.
Updated the skill tree panel.
Updated the Journey preparation panel.
Fixed many bugs, including the infamous "Spy - get out" quest bug.
Update 0.2.3 (Aguamenti) - 2024-07-26
Added a "content delivery" system to support legacy save files.
Added a new "Beach" storyline.
Added a new "Beach" location (currently in draft form due to the background artist being on vacation).
Added two new CG scenes, one of which is animated.
Added a new reward card featuring Irroth, the Grand Librarian, for subscribers at the "Headmaster" tier.
Added outlines to the text in the Active Quests widget for better readability in all locations.
Fixed a potential issue that could break the "text input" in the PC version.
Fixed a potential issue with the tavern's state resetting after a party.
Changed the text of the empty quest log to avoid misleading players.
Updated the reward card logic to support "exclusive layers" (ensuring only one costume for a character is displayed at a time).
Added a portrait to the Pensieve for Louise.
Updated game engine version.
Items in the Journey shop now become grayed out if you lack the resources to purchase them.
Fixed the issue with "flashing" transitions between locations where the base state of the location would appear momentarily.
Removed on-screen buttons from the magic mini-game and added an on-screen touch bar. Now you can cast spells by swiping your finger/cursor across the screen (thanks to Habish for the idea!).
Removed energy tokens from resource mini-games. Energy is now awarded based on the length of collected chains. The longer the chain, the more energy you receive (thanks to Habish for the idea!).
Fixed a bug where the "fullscreen mode" checkbox in the settings did not take into account the current state of the screen and could minimize the window each time you exited the settings.
Updated resource mini-game field generation.
The mine now generates the playing field in "chunks" – small, ready-to-collect groups of resources. Gradually, the playing field will degrade into a chaotic state to prevent infinite gameplay at the expense of energy.
Added an active quest widget to the game map HUD. It shows all current tasks and can be hidden by pressing the button in the interface (thanks to Habish for the idea!).
Updated mini-game tutorial.
A significant portion of the CG scenes have been transferred to the new "interactive" system. This will significantly improve engagement and allow you to leisurely enjoy the best frames.
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 15-02-2025, 14:24
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.3.5. / Topic updated version v.0.3.5.
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.3.5. / Topic updated version v.0.3.5.
Пароль на архив / Archive password:
Downloaded from Porno-Island
Загрузил: СынПирокара (15 февраля 2025 14:24)
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Magic_Academy (3 файла)