Passion, love and power are the cornerstones of the protagonists of Unholy Arts, an erotic fantasy dating sim where six women cooperate and compete to become the next Valley's High Priestess, in an adventure full of yuri, romance and powerplay.
A Role-Playing Game, a Simulation and a "Choose Your Own Adventure" Game blended together to create an innovative system where each character makes their own choices according to their goals and desires, which in turn evolve along with their experiences. How will your actions change your companions and your relationships with them? Will they end up in your clutches? Or will you end up in theirs?
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: adventure, anal, bdsm, dating sim, fantasy, female domination, female protagonist, footjob, futa, trans futa/trans protagonist, handjob, lesbian, mind control, monster girl, multiple penetration, multiple protagonist, oral, religion, rpg, sexual harassment, simulator, slave, spanking, teasing, text based, transformation, turn based combat, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Deep Interactivity - patreon | itch.io | discord
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.4.6
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.4.6 - 2024-09-17
- [Mount Face to Face ~ Penetrate Pussy]:
* Added almost 40 sprites for Maaterasu's face and a dark purple Aiishen body.
- Ate now properly receives her animation tags, for on initialization of a new game and during patching.
Map Actions ~ Shartrish Slopes
- "Rest", at Bedroom, Inner Rooms, Town cliffs and Arena. Some rest actions may be forbidden for characters who don't have a bedroom in the tile.
- "Read Literature", at Inner Rooms: Consumes 20 willpower to train empathy and intelligence.
- "Meditation", at Garden: Consumes 20 willpower to train will and luck.
- "Practice Magic", at Town Cliffs: Consumes 20 willpower to train intelligence and will.
* When performed by a Candidate, the Candidate will learn "Infuse Body".
- "Keep Watch", at Quarry: Consumes 20 willpower to train perception and will. Will recover some bar stats. Reduced exp rate to 70%. Provides Ashwalker respect. Activity paid at a low rate.
- "Mine", at Quarry: Consumes 30 energy to train physique and resilience. Reduced exp rate to 90%. Provides Ashwalker respect. Paid activity.
- "Test Weapons", at Smithy: Consume 20 energy to train physique and resilience. Reduced exp rate to 80%. Provides Ashwalker respect. Paid activity.
* Pay: Base pay of 50, average of physique and resilience multiplied by a stat rate of 0,04. 20% variance depending on chance.
- "Forge Aid", at Smithy: Consumes 20 energy to train physique, resilience and will. Reduced exp rate to 50%. Provides crafting experience and Ashwalker respect. Paid activity. Must be unlocked.
* Unlock requirements: Have at least 15 crafting experience, or, alternatively, reach 0 respect with the Ashwalker tribe and work testing weapons (the player character begins at negative respect).
* Pay: Base pay of 65, average of physique, resilience and will multiplied by a stat rate of 0,05. 20% variance depending on chance.
- "High Swimming", at Upper River: Consumes 30 energy to train agility and resilience. Increased exp rate to 135%. Even further reduced gains if the character runs out of energy.
- "Nature Swimming", at River Stroll: Consumes 20 energy to train resilience and luck. Gains aren't reduced too much if the character runs out of energy.
- "Bathing", at River Stroll.
- "Arena Sparring", at Arena: Consumes 30 energy to train physique, agility and resilience at an exp rate of 70%, and gain respect with one tribe (15% chance of it being the Gaanidan tribe). Several sub-events might take place depending on the character's stats and dice rolls:
* Tutors a rival (more likely with high charisma and empathy): Multiplies gained respect by 5.
* Shows off (more likely with high physique, agility and resilience): Multiplies gained respect by 3.
* Is humilliated (more likely with low physique, agility and resilience): Loses respect instead, and the amount is multiplied by 3.
* Gains insight (more likely with high intelligence and perception): The exp rate is increased to 100%.
- "Barter", at Market: Only available to Nimeresh and Sethra. The player character is temporarily allowed to barter - it should be disabled by default, but the method to unlock it doesn't exist yet. Consumes 20 social drive to gain charisma, empathy and perception. When performed by the player character, grants Gaanidan respect. Gambles money by investing 500 veneers:
* The character's bargaining power is calculated with: (Bartering experience 10 + Charisma + Empathy + Perception), raised to the power of 0,3. Bargaining power crashes if you run out of social drive.
* The character throws a dice that goes from 0 to 1 influenced by luck, then calculates Luck factor with: (0.8 + (dice 0.4)), which results in a multiplier that goes from 0.8 to 1.2
* The gained earnings are calculated with: (400 + bargaining power 25) * Luck factor.
* In sum: Chances are against you during your first few attempts, but you will eventually start making money. Making more money than you would by working somewhere will take even longer - don't expect it to happen within the first day.
- "Talk to your Parents", at Inner Rooms: Only available to the player character. Consumes 20 social drive to train charisma and will. Might only be performed once per day. The game will remember.
- "Secluded Meditation", at Inner Rooms: Only available to Nash. Consumes 20 willpower to train resilience, will and luck at a heightened rate.
- "Organize Merchandise" and "Set Up Fair": Fake actions that do nothing, only available to Nimeresh for flavor.
Scenario Settings & Map AI
- While on the Shartrish Slopes, all playable periods will end at 11PM, while the starting time will change depending on the day.
* The first playable day's period starts at 10AM.
- The Candidates and all secondary characters present at the adventure at given various starting places at the map. Almost all characters have custom behavior:
* Padmiri, Valtan and Ate will practice magic with Eshir for the first few hours of the first day.
* Nashillbyir will spend most of the day sparring at the arena, then she will retreat to meditate at her room.
* Eshir spends a few hours practicing magic, then rests for the rest of the day.
* During her free hours, Nimeresh barters, spars and goes to swim. Very early in the morning and after 5PM, she will organize her merchandise; after 6PM she will set up her fair.
* Sethra mostly barters, but she will also spar, read and meditate.
* Veel seeks activities that train his physical stats as well as luck. He also spars and rests.
* Pain spars at the arena. During the whole day. She may rest if she runs very low on energy, sometimes, but it isn't even guaranteed.
* Sheze mostly watches Pain at the arena, but she will go to read or meditate from time to time.
- NPCs don't go to the quarry for work.
- Reorganized and cleaned some of the old code, removing redundancies.
- Added conditions on several functions to prevent NPCs from attempting to initiate actions which custom requirements aren't met.
- Added patch to change Nimeresh's speaking colors even if she has already been initialized.
- Sethra and Nimeresh are given some money and bartering experience. Nimeresh also gets crafting experience.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed messages displaying wrong reports of increased experience after a training action at the Gleaming Caverns.
- You can no longer invite someone to spend the night with you during an adventure, and neither will NPCs.
Spoilers start here
Map Story Events
- Practicing magic with Eshir during the first hours of the day will trigger the event "Eshir's magic class", with Eshir, Ate, Padmiri and Valtan, provoding a little bit of lore and showing some background about Ate and Eshir.
* Will + perception checks that may give you some flavor text, and may provoke you to lose 20 willpower if failed.
- Having accepted Varyonte's offer at the Gleaming Caverns will unlock a story passage.
- Varyonte's standard boon will grant you 4 temporary physique, agility and resilience. When it ends, you will permanently lose 1 physique, agility and resilience, and will gain 5% physical weakness.
- You might receive an offer for an alternate boon if you show hesitation, but don't reject it outright. The alternate boon will grant you 4 temporary will, perception and empathy. When it ends, you will permanently lose 1 will, perception and empathy, and will gain 5% magical weakness.
- Three options after the dream:
* He's a doofus: Padmiri's and Valtan's self-improvement drives grow by 100.
* He's a moron: Padmiri's ambition and domination drives grow by 100.
* He's two-faced: Padmiri's and Valtan's ambition drives grow by 100.
- The last choice has no consequences, feel free to pick whatever.
0.4.5c - 2025-06-25
- [Mount Face to Face ~ Penetrate Pussy]:
* Added 30+ sprites for Valtan's face and a female blue shapeshifter body.
- Valtan now properly receives her animation tags, for on initialization of a new game and during patching.
v0.4.5b - 2024-05-14
- [Mount Face to Face - Penetrate Pussy]:
* Added 12 sprites for Claw's head, ears and tail in both positions, with a new facial expression.
- Claw now receives tags for "Cl" (Claw) and "WhiteHuman", both at the start of the game and through automatic patch, making sure she gets her sprites when appropriate.
- Added sprite category named "misc" with special behavior. While other categories (such as "core", "legs" and "dick") try to get only one set of sprites from either of the requested tags (this means that a character with the "WhiteFemale" and "GrayFemale" tags will not try to display the GrayFemale sprites if WhiteFemale sprites were found), sprites from the "misc" category collect all valid sprites from all requested tags (this means that a character with the tags "AnimalGeneric" and "DryadGeneric" could get both animal ears and tails and a leaves crown, if such sprites were in the corresponding misc section of those tags).
- Restored double dildo penetration animation.
- Minor rework of the code to shield the sprites formatting functions against exceptions from incomplete sprite lists.
- Changed Nimeresh' color to from "Gainsboro" to "Silver".
- Changed the Gaanidan's leader color from "YellowGreen" to "Olive".
Options and Settings
- Added options at the bottom of the player character's screen at the personal room menu to change her animation sprite tags, mainly to fix the playthroughs where these tags got bugged during the end of the first adventure.
* I've also added a button to give her tiger tail and ears because why not. It's not canon tho.
- Fixed bug that provoked the player character to lose her animation tags through an option at the end of the first adventure. This doesn't restore her animation tags if you already lost them; use the new option added in this update to give her animation tags.
- Added missing functions in the simulation options for debugging.
- Minor sprite data corrections (things such as position, priority, linking the correct file).
v0.4.4 - 2204-04-06
- Intro to the Second Adventure
* The first passages will be spent talking to either Padmiri, Nashillbyir and Claw or Valtan and Ate, depending on which Candidate the player character has the best relationship with.
** This check will be overridden if you became Maaterasu's tutor in a previous story event, putting you on the second group.
- Small perception check (20+). Not passing it will slightly decrease Nash's and Padmiri's friendship with each other.
- Choices back at the tent:
* Sorry for staring: +300 submission towards Pain. -150 friendship with Claw.
* What do you know about bad manners: +300 rivalry with Pain. +150 friendship with Claw.
* I'm the Gaanidan Candidate. Remember that: +750 rivalry with Pain. +150 friendship with Claw. +1 merit.
* Sorry for intruding into your domain (Requires passing intelligence+charisma check of 32): +300 friendship with Valtan and Padmiri. +150 friendship with Claw and Nash.
- Minor will+intelligence check (30+), giving you a small insight.
- Second set of choices
* Stay frozen: Claw and Valtan gain 300 friendship with each other, Padmiri, Nash and the player character. Pain gains 750 enmity with all involved Candidates.
* Everything has a limit (Requires passing one of these checks: (Will>=16), (Resilience>=16) or (Physique+Resilience>=32)): Claw and the player character gain 300 friendship with each other, Padmiri, Valtan and Nash. Pain gains 750 enmity with all involved characters.
v0.4.3 Patch B - 2024-03-01
- Added a few combat-related tips.
- Properly assigned corresponding pronouns to Nimeresh and Sethra.
* Added patch to automatically fix the pronouns of these two chars on the personal room menu if they were wrong.
- Press Down: New battle scene action. Generic contact action for shared positions during combat that does not require the use of specific bodyparts, therefore allowing to continue to deal damage when sex actions aren't possible. Physical domination action. * Lust damage: Actor's physique*0,3 + will*0,3 - target's will*0,2. * Added a patch to make all active simulation characters automatically learn this action whenever the player reaches the personal room menu.
- Nimeresh now properly learns Opening Lotus on initialization, Eshir properly learns Infuse Body.
- Taunt: Increased the negative weight of the target's physique for the AI, to make them assign higher danger to taunting high physique enemies.
- Shield Bash: Shield Block is no longer applied to the actor's entire team.
- Confident Harassment: Reduced agility contribution to lust damage from *0.15 to *0.1
- Sadistic Flurry: Reduced lust and willpower damage multipliers to 2,5 and 1 from 3 and 2.
- Embers: Readjusted AI weight.
- Lightning Darts: Readjusted AI weights.
- Gambit of Honesty/Deceit: Adjusted turns to 3, rather than 2~3. Fixed Gambit of Deceit not removing "Trusting". Slightly increased base control damage for Gambit of Honesty, Gambit of Deceit deals slightly higher control damage against 'Trusting' targets.
- Slightly increased weight for "damageControl" actions against opponents with high lust who haven't lost control.
- Added fix to ensure "mode" actions may only be canceled by the player when they're being used by the player.
- Ramped up weight of modes when it's early in a combat scene, and the projected power of the enemy team is larger.
- Further increased the multiplicative extra weight from reaching the upper weight thresholds from battle scene actions for the AI.
- Added code for scenes' logic that automatically finishes modal altered states instead of taking their maintenance cost if the character is KO.
- Added new condition to the battle AI algorithm: actions that deal lust damage, but no control damage, and provoke no buffs or debuffs, have a weight multiplier of 0,8 against targets with over 80% of their lust bar.
- Typos.
- Added clause to "unequipItem" to check for "Unblocked [bodypart]" altered states and finishing them first, fixing issue that could provoke some bodyparts to remain permanently blocked.
v0.4.3 New Faces
New Characters
- Added character data for:
* Nimeresh: Knows Headbutt, Twist and Hit, Rally, Warcry, Opening Lotus; likes dramas and music; 5% sex strength and resistance, 10% pain resistance, 25% affection frailty and resistance, 10% domination strength and weakness.
** Sexual tastes: Foreplay·105, Full Sex·110, Oral·105, Use Pussy·105, Target Dick*105, Use Hands·110, Top·105, Domination·120, Submission·110, Bondage·130, Teasing·115, Denial·110, Romantic·50, Use Pain·105.
** Drives: Self-improvement Lv2, Pleasure Lv4, Love Lv1, Cooperation Lv2, Domination Lv1, Ambition Lv1.
** Stats: Agility++, Physique+, Perception+, Empathy-, Will-, Resilience--
** All virginities taken by unknown chars.
* Eshir: Knows Twist and Hit and several magic actions; likes training and dramas; 10% physical frailty, 5% physical weakness, 15% pain weakness, 10% magic strength, 10% holy frailty.
** Sexual tastes: Foreplay·105, Oral·95, Full Sex·110, Talk·90, Use Dick·110, Use Anus·105, Use Eyes·95, Use Hands·105, Target Breasts·105, Target Pussy·110, Target Anus·110, Top·110, Bottom·105, Domination·105, Submission·105, Use Pain·80, Receive Pain·70.
** Drives: Self-improvement Lv4, Pleasure Lv2, Love Lv2, Cooperation Lv4, Domination Lv1, Ambition Lv4.
** Stats: Intelligence++, Resilience+, Will+, Empathy+, Physique-, Agility-, Charisma-, Luck--
* Veel: Knows Headbutt, warcry, Confident Harassment; likes training and fauna; 5% weapon strength and resistance, 25% taunt resistance, 25% affection frailty and resistance.
** Sexual tastes: Foreplay·115, Oral·105, Full Sex·105, Talk·90, Use Dick·110, Use Mouth·105, Use Hands·115, Target Pussy·110, Target Dick·110, Target Anus·105, Top·115, Bottom·90, Domination·95, Submission·105, Romantic·105.
** Drives: Self-improvement Lv4, Pleasure Lv2, Love Lv3, Cooperation Lv4, Domination Lv3, Ambition Lv2.
** Stats: Physique++, Agility+, Perception+, Intelligence-, Will-, Charisma--
** First, first kiss and penile virginities taken by unknown chars.
* Sethra: Knows headbutt, rally, warcry, gambit of honesty, gambit of deceit; likes dramas and flora; 10% social strength and resistance.
** Sexual tastes: Foreplay·95, Full sex·110, Oral·105, Talk·110, Use pussy·115, Use hands·95, Use anus·90, Target dick·110, Target mouth·115, Domination·110, Submission·90, Teasing·90, Romantic·90, Use Pain·105
** Drives: Self-improvement Lv3, Pleasure Lv2, Love Lv2, Cooperation Lv1, Domination Lv1, Ambition Lv4.
** Stats: Charisma++, Intelligence+, Physique+, Resilience-, Empathy-, Resilience-, Luck-
** All virginities taken by unknown chars, except for anal
* Unending Pain: Beastkin, Knows Headbutt, Warcry, Scratch, Savage Crush, Bear Aspect; likes fauna, training; 5% physical strength and resistance, 5% pounce strength and resistance, 20% magic frailty, 10% fire weakness, 10% ice weakness, 20% social weakness, 25% taunt weakness, 10% pain strength.
** Sexual tastes: Foreplay·90, Oral*105, Full Sex*115, Talk·80, Use Pussy·120, Use Breasts·105, Use Legs·110, Use Mouth·80, Target Dick·110, Target Pussy·110, Target Mouth 120, Domination·130, Submission·70, Teasing·85, Romantic·70, Bondage·120, Use Pain·130.
** Drives: Self-improvement Lv4, Pleasure Lv4, Love Lv0, Cooperation Lv0, Domination Lv6, Ambition Lv6.
** Stats: Physique++, Resilience++, Will+, Agility-, Intelligence-, Perception-, Empathy-, Luck-
** All virginities taken by unknown chars
* Sheze: Beastkin; Knows several magical actions, as well as Baku Aspect; likes fauna, flora, music, dramas; 10% physical frailty and weakness, 10% magical strength and resistance, and more.
** Sexual tastes: Foreplay·105, Oral·110, Full Sex·95, Talk·90, Use Pussy·110, Use Eyes·115, Use Hands·110, Use Mouth·120, Target Dick·105, Target Pussy·115, Target Legs·110, Target Anus·85, Domination·105, Submission·115, Romantic·90, Bondage·115, Receive Pain·105, and more.
** Stats: Will++, Agility+, Intelligence+, Empathy+, Physique-, Charisma-, Luck-, Resilience--
** Virginities: First kiss, first and tribbing taken by Pain.
New Scene Mechanics
- Altered States may now have a "mode" type and scope. "Mode" altered states remain active for the whole duration of a scene since they're initiated, performing a "maintenance" effect every turn. If the maintenance effect cannot be realized, the altered state gets canceled early.
* Added button for the player to cancel "modes".
New items
- Whip: Weapon, increases agility and will. Grants the action "Sadistic flurry".
- Blade and board: Weapon, increases resilience and resistance to physical and weapon attacks. Grants the action "Shield Bash". Melee weapon.
- Bludgeon: Weapon, largely increases physique, increases resilience and lowers agility. Grants the actions "Crush" and "Reckless Swing".
* Whip, blade and board and bludgeon have all been added to the item options at the Cheat Menu.
New Battle Scene Actions
- Sadistic Flurry: The character repeatedly whips their target in a relentless sequence, leaving no room to hide from the pain. Deals moderately high lust and willpower damage, the character loses a bit of control. Higher damage randomness.
* Costs 3 energy.
* Base damage: Actor's agility*0,2 + will*0.15 - target's resilience*0,1 - will*0,1.
* Lust damage: Base damage * 3, 25% randomness variation (as opposed to the default 10%).
* Willpower damage: Base damage * 2.
* Control damage on actor: 0,2.
* Hit chance: Actor's agility * 0,3 + perception * 0,2 + control * 4 + 15 - target's agility * 0,3 - perception * 0,2 - control * 4.
- Opening Lotus: The character links wide horizontal whips with a vertical finishing blow, keeping all enemies in check. Deals lust and control damages to the whole enemy team, with the chosen target receiving an extra blow. Deals lust and control damage. Requires the actor to have control, have free arms, and either being a Leirien or having a whip.
* Costs 5 energy.
* Lust damage: Actor's physique*0,2 + agility*0,1 - target's resilience*0,1. Total multiplied by 1,7 for the chosen target.
* Control damage: 0,7 + actor's physique * 0,003 + agility* 0,003 + 0,3 % luck. Total halved for secondary targets.
* Hit chance: Actor's agility * 0,3 + perception * 0,2 + control 4 + 10 - target's agility * 0,3 - perception * 0,2 - control * 4.
- Infuse Body: Mode action. The character channels their aether to strengthen the physical properties of their body. The action increases the actor's physique, agility and resilience of the character, scaling with their intelligence and will.
* Raises physique, agility and resilience by ((intelligence + will) * (10 + intensity) * 0,01), meaning that each of those stats will grow by 10~20% of a tenth of the sum of intelligence and will.
** Intensity is ((intelligence+will)*0,05), slightly influenced by luck and with a cap on 10.
* Consumes 5 willpower initially, plus 5 extra willpower per turn.
- Shield Bash: The character delivers a direct blow with their shield, aiming to deflect a blow and hopefully disorient their target. Delivers minor lust damage and moderate control damage. Provokes disorientation on the target and shield block on self if successful. Generally difficult to land, unless the target is attacking at melee range and targeting the actor.
* Priority of 2.
* Costs 3 energy.
* Lust damage: Actor's resilience*0,2 + physique*0.1 - target's resilience*0,1.
* Control damage: 1.2 + Actor's luck%0.4 + physique*0.003 + resilience*0.003 (1.2~2.2).
* Hit chance: Actor's agility * 0,25 + resilience * 0,25 + control 4 - 10 - target's perception * 0,3 - agility * 0,2 - control * 4.
** +15 if the target is using a hit or contact action. +15 if the target is *also* attacking the actor.
* Altered state intensity: Actor's resilience * 0.15, luck factor of 10%, for both disoriented and Shield Block.
* Shield Block effects: 1-turn long altered state on the user, granted at the start of the turn, increasing resilience and heavily increasing physical and weapon resistance, heavily negating the damage of incoming physical attacks.
- Confident Harassment: The character harasses the enemy with constant safe blows, unlikely to deal much damage, but opening up the target's flanks. Delivers moderate lust and control damage. For one turn, provides Playing Safe on self, increasing safety, and Open Flank on target, increasing vulnerability to attacks from other characters. Slightly easier to land than other physical attacks.
* Priority of 1.
* Costs 3 energy.
* Both the actor and the target require control. The actor must be using a melee, non-contact weapon.
* Lust damage: Actor's physique*0,3 + agility*0.15 - target's agility*0,1.
* Control damage: 0,9 + Actor's luck%0.3 + physique*0.002 + agility*0.004 (0.9~1.8).
* Hit chance: Actor's agility * 0,35 + perception * 0,15 + control 6 + 15 - target's perception * 0,35 - agility * 0,15 - control * 6.
* Altered state intensity: Actor's (agility + perception) * 0.1, luck factor of 10%, for both Open Flank and Playing Safe.
** Playing Safe effects: After this attack, the actor has increased agility, perception and weapon resistance for one turn.
** Open Flank effects: After this attack, the target has decreased agility, perception and weapon resistance for one turn.
* AI dаta: This action gains weight with the actor's allies' physique, agility, intelligence and perception, since this action works best when the actor may play a support role for strong allies.
- Gambit of Honesty: The character boasts about their next attack, then follows with a physical blow true to their previous warning. This attack damages the target. If the target is cynical, the damage is increased and also deals control damage. Removes 'Cynical' from the target and provokes 'Trusting', reducing will and perception, even if the attack fails.
* Costs 1 energy and 3 social drive.
* The actor requires free arms. Both the actor and the target require control.
* Lust damage: Actor's physique*0,25 + charisma*0,15 - target's agility*0,1 - empathy*0,1. Multiplied by 2 against cynical targets.
* Control damage: 0,8 + Actor's luck%0.5 + physique*0.005 (0.8~1.8), if the target is cynical.
* Hit chance: Actor's agility * 0,2 + perception * 0,2 + charisma * 0,2 + control * 4 - target's perception * 0,3 - agility * 0,3 - empathy * 0,3 - control * 4. +10 if the target is cynical, -10 otherwise.
* AI dаta: Higher weight (*=1,7) if the target is cynical, higher weight if the actor is Sethra (*=1,5).
- Gambit of Deceit: The character lies about their next attack, attempting to catch their opponent off-guard. This attack damages the target. Deals additional damage against trusting targets, and control damage non-cynical targets. Removes 'Trusting' from the target and provokes 'Cynical', reducing charisma and empathy, but increasing will and perception, even if the attack fails.
* Costs 1 energy and 3 social drive.
* The actor requires free arms. Both the actor and the target require control.
* Lust damage: Actor's physique*0,3 + charisma*0,2 - target's agility*0,1 - empathy*0,1. Multiplied by 1,2 against cynical targets; multiplied by 0,7 against trusting targets.
* Control damage: 1 + Actor's luck%0.5 + physique*0.005 (1~2), if the target is not cynical.
* Hit chance: Actor's agility * 0,2 + perception * 0,2 + charisma * 0,2 + control * 4 - target's perception * 0,3 - agility * 0,3 - empathy * 0,2 - control * 4. +15 if the target is trusting; -15 if the target is cynical; +5 otherwise.
* AI dаta: Higher weight (*=1,4) if the target is cynical, higher weight if the actor is Sethra (*=1,5).
- Bear Aspect: The character gives in to their animal instinct, adopting the fortitude of a bear. The action increases the actor's physique, resilience, and physical resistance, and reduces their agility.
* Costs 3 energy and willpower.
* Intensity grows with resilience(x3), will(x1) and luck(x1).
* Altered state: Increases base (6~18) and percentual (18~30%) physique and resilience, and reduces agility by the same values. Increases physical resistance by 5~20%. Lasts 5 to 7 turns.
- Baku Aspect: The character channels their spirit energy, adopting the aspect of a baku. The action increases the actor's intelligence, will and empathy, and increases their hypnosis affinity.
* Costs 1 energy and 4 willpower.
* Intensity grows with intelligence(x2), will(x2) and luck(x1).
* Altered state: Increases base (3~10) and percentual (10~20%) intelligence, will and empathy. Increases hypnosis strength and resistance by 8~20%. Lasts 5 to 7 turns.
- Crush: The character lets the whole weight of their weapon fall upon their enemy. This attack provokes lust and control damage, and reduces resilience, will and physical resistance. Slightly difficult to land.
* Costs 3 energy.
* The actor requires control and free arms.
* Lust damage: Actor's physique * 0,2 + resilience * 0,2 - target's resilience * 0,1
* Control damage: 1,4 + Actor's luck%0.4 + physique*0.004 + resilience*0.004 (1,4~2,6).
* Hit chance: Actor's agility * 0,2 + perception * 0,2 + resilience * 0,1 - 5 + control * 4 - target's perception * 0,35 - agility * 0,35 - control * 4.
* Altered state intensity influences: Actor's resilience x1, physique x1.
* Altered state effects: Reduces base (2~4) and percentual (6~12%) resilience and will, and provokes physical weakness (5~10%). Lasts for 4~5 turns. May be stacked.
- Reckless Swing: The character swings their weapon with savagery, unleashing devastating strength at the risk of hitting someone else. This attack damages the target and erodes their control. Chance to hit an ally or a different enemy.
* Costs 4 energy.
* The actor requires control and free arms.
* Lust damage: Actor's physique * 0,4 + resilience * 0,2 - target's resilience * 0,1
* Control damage: 1,4 + Actor's luck%0.4 + physique*0.004 + resilience*0.004 (1,6~2,8).
* Hit chance: Actor's agility * 0,25 + perception * 0,25 + control * 4 - target's perception * 0,35 - agility * 0,35 - control * 4. If there is only one possible target, hit chance is reduced by 15.
** If the hit lands, and there is more than one possible target, there's a 50% chance that the target will be re-rolled. If you have 1 ally and 2 enemies, there's a 66% chance that you'll hit your intended target, and a 16% chance that you'll hit your ally.
* AI dаta: Weight gets multiplied by (1-(0.25*allyTeamLength)) * (1-(0.10*enemyTeamLength)), discouraging NPCs from using it the higher the risk from unintended consequences.
Battle Scene Action Changes
- Rallied (altered state): No longer increases physique; stat multiplier reduced from a maximum of 15% to a maximum of 10%; now raises physical and weapon strength and resistance by 3% to 10%, depending on intensity; turns reduced from 5~7 to 4~6.
- Twisted Arm (altered state): Slightly reduced physical and weapon frailty.
- Flaming Fan: Reduced lust damage scaling with the actor's will (0.2 to 0.15) and the target's will (-0.2 to -0.15). Reduced base hit chance by 5%.
- Flaring Feint: Reduced the increase in fire affinity strength from 15-30% to 10-20%.
- Added buttons at the Quickstart Tests to add the new characters to the simulation.
- Proper initialization of new characters at the start of the new adventure, making some checks in case they were already present at the simulation. Note that this will provoke them to have abnormally high stats nonetheless.
- Added two new difficulties:
* Baby: All stats begin with a +5 bonus, all affinities begin with a +25% bonus.
* Masochist: All stats begin with a -3 malus, all affinities begin with a -25% malus.
** Added two joke messages at the personal room with a very low chance of appearing, provided some pre-conditions are met (Baby difficulty, more than 10 merit and more merit than any other Candidate for the first one; Masochist difficulty and less merit than all other Candidates for the second one).
Adventure Initialization
- Added relationship data at the start of the second adventure for: Nimeresh-Eshir, Nimeresh-Nash, Eshir-Nash, Eshir-Ate, Veel-Sethra, Veel-Player, Sethra-Player, Pain-Claw, Pain-Sheze. Because this data contains story context, it has been added as an annexed txt file for those who may consider it spoilers.
- Advancing to the second adventure will:
* Pass a few days and progress relationship stats.
* Finish special relationships.
* Unequip bondage.
* Initialize Ashwalker and Gaanidan tribes' global (50 and -50, respectively) and individual respect.
** Nashillbyir begins with 300 Ashwalker and -100 Gaanidan respect, the player begins with -50 Ashwalker and 50 Gaanidan respect.
* New characters are equipped with various equipment: Nimeresh receives a whip; Eshir receives a staff; Sethra and Veel receive Blade and Board; Pain receives a bludgeon; Sheze receives a wand.
Battle Scene AI
- Added strategic tag "avoid when vulnerable", meant to discourage NPCs from using certain actions when they're turning vulnerable. Taunt now has this tag.
- Added "mode", "willpowerMode", "energyMode" and "socialdriveMode" strategic tags. "Mode" makes an action gain weight if it's very early in the scene, and decreases its weight along with the character's lust bar and depleted control. The other bar stat-related tags similarly have their weight reduced along with their respective related bars.
Story Changes
- Added code that removes the enmity Sillan has towards Valtan at the start of the first adventure in endings A and B of the first adventure.
- Upon the start of the second adventure, the base moods gained by Valtan as the result of the first adventure ending will be halved.
- Added system to see any character's combat affinities:
* A difficulty check must be passed first. The difficulty is calculated as (50 plus the sum of all stats of the target character), while your perception strength is (Perception*4+(Intelligence+Empathy+Luck)*2, plus every relationship stat level multiplied by 3, including the negative ones). If your perception strength is higher than the character's difficulty, you'll be able to see the character's combat affinities in their status screen.
** This means that you'll eventually be able to see the affinities of any character you spend some time with, but players who prioritize certain stats will be able to do so earlier.
- Better formatting of infamy at some menus.
- The Candidates comparison table will now attempt to show the respect of all the tribes, instead printing "X" for the values that have not yet been declared.
- Added batch of tips, which will now appear at the bottom of the initial screen and the personal room menu, randomly selected.
Bug Fixes
- Twisted Arm now properly increases weapon and physical frailty.
- Fixed issue with Warcry not properly distributing damage across all targets.
v0.4.2 The Artifact
General Mechanics
- The duration of special relationships will remain frozen if one of the involved characters is not currently present at the Passion Temple.
- The remaining time of bondage gear will remain frozen if the character wearing it is not currently at the Passion Temple.
- You can no longer equip items on characters who aren't currently at the Passion Temple. You can still unequip items from characters who aren't at the Passion Temple through a magical power called "It might be inconvenient for the player if they couldn't".
- Some weapons now belong to categories. Knuckles, handfans and dildos are "contact range", while staffs, knuckles, handfans, spears and dildos are also "melee".
Story Events
- "Tribute for the Goddess", the first story event after coming back to the Passion Temple, now has three extra passages, continuing the main story.
- "Discovering the others": added a variable that remembers if you chose not to stay with Ate. Saves made before this change will assume you chose to stay with Ate. Only used for minor flavor text.
- The code meant to fire "A Sacrifice of Aether" has been uncommented, as it was previously unable to start for some reason.
* As a reminder, this event involves some erotic content, mostly female on female and service. Depending on your settings, there might be futa and male content.
- NEW story event: "The response of the tribes", taking place at the 15th day of the second month. Continues the main story.
* Passing either a 13 perception check or a (Friendship+Romance-Enmity*3)>=6 relation check with Padmiri at the start of the event will let you get some extra information.
* If you didn't see Taototh give an artifact to Ate during the first month, there are some dialogue variations.
* Check of (Perception+Empathy+Intelligence*0.5+Luck*0.5+Resilience*0.5) >= 50, giving you the option to select an extra dialogue for even more information.
- NEW story event: "Shartrish Slopes Overview", taking place at the 17th day of the second month.
* Nashillbyir's rivalry with Claw grows by 150.
* With the Gleaming Caverns Ending C, Nashillbyir loses 300 friendship and gains 300 rivalry with Valtan. With the ending B, these gains are halved.
* This story event alters the affinity of all Candidates, adding 0.2 affinity to physique, agility and resilience and removing 0.1 affinity from all other stats. This change gets reverted with the functions finishSSAdventure and abortSSAdventure, of which only the second one currently gets called in the game when you decide to skip the second adventure.
Other Story Changes
- The gangbang sequence of the Virginities Collector story event now raises all non-player Candidates cooperation drive by 100.
- The gained romance and sexual tension from enjoying the company of Padmiri, Nashillbyir or Valtan during your first night at the Passion Temple have been reduced from 750 to 500.
- Rock now uses an slightly alternate version of his avatar when you first meet him, and the full body shot of his portrait isn't shown until a few passages later, when he's no longer shown as a enemy.
- Virginities Collector story event now has a starting weight of -1300 (down from 500), and it increases by 100 each following day, making it less likely to fire immediately after Claw becomes available for interactions, but still getting a fairly high chance before the start of the Gleaming Caverns adventure.
- Martial Tutorship story event base weight increased to 2500 up from 1500.
- Added placeholder passage at the 25th day of the second month, allowing the player to get a savefile ready for the start of the second adventure, or advance to a later date at the Passion Temple.
- Changed expressions and formatting and fixed typos at sparse points through the game.
New Battle Scene Actions
- Twist and Hit: The character deflects the arm of their target, locking it in place and following with a direct, unblocked hit. Slightly difficult to land, unless the target is using a melee attack, especially against the actor or using close combat weapons. Target receives "twisted arm", reducing physique, agility, and resilience, and provoking physical and weapon frailty.
* Costs 3 energy.
* Lust damage: Actor's physique * 0,25 + agility * 0,1 - target's resilience * 0,05.
* Control damage: 1,4 + 0,3 % actor's luck + 0,006 * physique. Grows by 0,5 if the target is targeting the actor with a hit attack.
* Hit chance: Actor's agility * 0,25 + perception * 0,25 + control * 2 - target's agility * 0,4 - perception * 0,4 - control * 2. Grows by 6 if the target is using a hit attack. If true, may also grow by 6 if the target is attacking the actor, as well as another 6 or 12 if the target has a melee or contact range weapon.
- Headbutt: The character aims to deliver a blow against the opponent with their head. Deals lust and control damage to both characters if successful, but the actor loses control. Generally harder to land, unless the target has low control, or is attacking the actor with a hit attack. Actor and target receive "disorientation", reducing intelligence, perception and agility briefly, as well as weakening control recovery.
* Costs 2 energy.
* Lust damage: Actor's resilience * 0,3 + physique * 0,2 - target's resilience * 0,1.
* Control damage: 2 + 0,5 % actor's luck + 0,005 * actor's physique (~2-3).
* Lust damage on actor: Target's resilience * 0,02 - actor's resilience * 0,01;
* Control damage on actor: 0,5, regardless of whether it fails or not.
* Hit chance: Actor's agility * 0,3 + resilience * 0,1 + perception * 0,1 + control 6 - target's agility * 0,25 - perception 0,25 - control * 12. Increases by 15 if the target is using a hit type action, and increases by another 15 is the target is *also* attacking the actor.
- Rally: The character shouts out to raise the spirit of their allies, or at least their own. Allied character gains the status "Rallied", increasing physique, resilience, will and luck.
* Costs 4 social drive.
* 'Rallied' altered state intensity grows with the actor's charisma * 0.08 + will * 0.04. Doesn't stack.
* Has no effect on monsters.
- Warcry: The character shouts ferociously, warning of an incoming rampage in an attempt to intimidate their opponents. Deals minor lust and control damage on the whole target's team and frightens them, with secondary targets receiving reduced effects.
* Costs 4 social drive.
* Lust damage: Actor's charisma * 0,1 + will * 0,05 + resilience * 0,05 - target's will * 0,05. Secondary targets receive half the damage.
* Control damage: 0,8 + actor's charisma * 0,002 + resilience * 0,002 + 0,2 % luck. Secondary targets receive half the damage.
* Frightened: Reduces agility, resilience, will, perception and charisma for 4 to 6 turns. Doesn't stack.
** Intensity grows with the actor's charisma * 0,07 + will * 0,04 + resilience * 0,04.
* Has no effect on monsters.
- Added new scroll "On the Martial Arts", available from the second month onwards, teaching Twist and Hit, Headbutt, Rally and Warcry.
Battle Scene AI
- Sophisticated the functions that calculate the weight for each stat.
* Stat weight has been split into "effective stat" and "base stat".
** When an action has the strategic tags "damage" or "recovery", but not "buff" or "debuff", it will use only effective stats.
** When an action has the strategic tags "buff" or "debuff", but not "damage" or "recovery", it will only use base stats.
** In all other cases, it will use half the value of effective stats plus half the value of base stats.
* Added "allyStatWeights", in order to account for the stats of allied characters when using AoE actions such as rally.
* Rather than using only the actor's and the target's stats, there will be assigned weights for the stats of all characters provided certain conditions:
** The actor's stats are always used.
** The target's stats are used for the target (when appliable), and the other members of the enemy team when the action has the strategic tags "targetsAllOtherChars" or "targetsEnemyTeam", therefore letting the NPC account for AoE damage and debuffs.
** The target's stats are used with negative values for each member of the actor's team when the action has the strategic tag "targetsAllOtherChars", therefore letting the NPC account for collateral damage on allies.
** The ally's stats are used whenever the action has the strategic tag "targetsAlliedTeam".
* Replaced outdated "multipleEnemies" and "multipleAllies" strategic tags, since the new system provides more precise evaluations.
Sex Scene Action Changes
- Ride Face, Fuck Face, Dick Footjob and Pussy Footjob now gain the "domination" flavor tag if the character performing the action has the lead in the scene, affecting lust damage.
- Give Cunnilingus gains the tag "top", give blowjob loses the tag "domination".
- Kiss Neck is now available when a character is mounting their target from behind.
- Changed formula to determine amount of merit loss when losing against monsters, from ([currentStoryState]*5) to ([1+currentStoryState]/2). This makes it so that characters will go from losing 5 to 1 merit in the Gleaming Caverns.
Supporter Tools
- Quickstart options change: Choosing to have had sex with Padmiri, Nash or Valtan during your first night at the Passion Temple will make the appropriate characters lose their first kiss, first virginity and tribbing virginity.
- Fixed a few scene actions taking a character's "first" virginity, instead of the first kiss as it was intended.
- Removed duplication of stat relationship bonuses from first kisses during conversation, added mentions to the relationship stat changes to the action descriptions.
- NPCs can now talk again during sex scenes.
- Dynamically generated Shapeshifters and monsters are now properly set to have all their virginities taken at point of creation.
- Minor UI fix at the end of the introduction of the Gleaming Caverns adventure.
- Fixed battle scene action "Relaxing Scent" not properly affecting all intended targets.
- Fixed an error at the Improvisation Trial story event at the Gleaming Caverns, where successfully defending Ate wouldn't always be properly marked at the story variables for a different event.
- Fixed code at battle scene actions "Channel Aether", "Bold Jab", "Staff Swipe", "Hypnotic Glance", "Quake", "Daring Assault", "Savage Crush", "Kick" and "Tackle", slightly improving them and increasing the effect luck has in their effects.
- NPCs now know that a character having high resilience is a good reason to NOT use kick against them.
- Minor text edits through the game.
Passion, love and power are the cornerstones of the protagonists of Unholy Arts, an erotic fantasy dating sim where six women cooperate and compete to become the next Valley's High Priestess, in an adventure full of yuri, romance and powerplay.
A Role-Playing Game, a Simulation and a "Choose Your Own Adventure" Game blended together to create an innovative system where each character makes their own choices according to their goals and desires, which in turn evolve along with their experiences. How will your actions change your companions and your relationships with them? Will they end up in your clutches? Or will you end up in theirs?
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: adventure, anal, bdsm, dating sim, fantasy, female domination, female protagonist, footjob, futa, trans futa/trans protagonist, handjob, lesbian, mind control, monster girl, multiple penetration, multiple protagonist, oral, religion, rpg, sexual harassment, simulator, slave, spanking, teasing, text based, transformation, turn based combat, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Deep Interactivity - patreon | itch.io | discord
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.4.6
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.4.6 - 2024-09-17
- [Mount Face to Face ~ Penetrate Pussy]:
* Added almost 40 sprites for Maaterasu's face and a dark purple Aiishen body.
- Ate now properly receives her animation tags, for on initialization of a new game and during patching.
Map Actions ~ Shartrish Slopes
- "Rest", at Bedroom, Inner Rooms, Town cliffs and Arena. Some rest actions may be forbidden for characters who don't have a bedroom in the tile.
- "Read Literature", at Inner Rooms: Consumes 20 willpower to train empathy and intelligence.
- "Meditation", at Garden: Consumes 20 willpower to train will and luck.
- "Practice Magic", at Town Cliffs: Consumes 20 willpower to train intelligence and will.
* When performed by a Candidate, the Candidate will learn "Infuse Body".
- "Keep Watch", at Quarry: Consumes 20 willpower to train perception and will. Will recover some bar stats. Reduced exp rate to 70%. Provides Ashwalker respect. Activity paid at a low rate.
- "Mine", at Quarry: Consumes 30 energy to train physique and resilience. Reduced exp rate to 90%. Provides Ashwalker respect. Paid activity.
- "Test Weapons", at Smithy: Consume 20 energy to train physique and resilience. Reduced exp rate to 80%. Provides Ashwalker respect. Paid activity.
* Pay: Base pay of 50, average of physique and resilience multiplied by a stat rate of 0,04. 20% variance depending on chance.
- "Forge Aid", at Smithy: Consumes 20 energy to train physique, resilience and will. Reduced exp rate to 50%. Provides crafting experience and Ashwalker respect. Paid activity. Must be unlocked.
* Unlock requirements: Have at least 15 crafting experience, or, alternatively, reach 0 respect with the Ashwalker tribe and work testing weapons (the player character begins at negative respect).
* Pay: Base pay of 65, average of physique, resilience and will multiplied by a stat rate of 0,05. 20% variance depending on chance.
- "High Swimming", at Upper River: Consumes 30 energy to train agility and resilience. Increased exp rate to 135%. Even further reduced gains if the character runs out of energy.
- "Nature Swimming", at River Stroll: Consumes 20 energy to train resilience and luck. Gains aren't reduced too much if the character runs out of energy.
- "Bathing", at River Stroll.
- "Arena Sparring", at Arena: Consumes 30 energy to train physique, agility and resilience at an exp rate of 70%, and gain respect with one tribe (15% chance of it being the Gaanidan tribe). Several sub-events might take place depending on the character's stats and dice rolls:
* Tutors a rival (more likely with high charisma and empathy): Multiplies gained respect by 5.
* Shows off (more likely with high physique, agility and resilience): Multiplies gained respect by 3.
* Is humilliated (more likely with low physique, agility and resilience): Loses respect instead, and the amount is multiplied by 3.
* Gains insight (more likely with high intelligence and perception): The exp rate is increased to 100%.
- "Barter", at Market: Only available to Nimeresh and Sethra. The player character is temporarily allowed to barter - it should be disabled by default, but the method to unlock it doesn't exist yet. Consumes 20 social drive to gain charisma, empathy and perception. When performed by the player character, grants Gaanidan respect. Gambles money by investing 500 veneers:
* The character's bargaining power is calculated with: (Bartering experience 10 + Charisma + Empathy + Perception), raised to the power of 0,3. Bargaining power crashes if you run out of social drive.
* The character throws a dice that goes from 0 to 1 influenced by luck, then calculates Luck factor with: (0.8 + (dice 0.4)), which results in a multiplier that goes from 0.8 to 1.2
* The gained earnings are calculated with: (400 + bargaining power 25) * Luck factor.
* In sum: Chances are against you during your first few attempts, but you will eventually start making money. Making more money than you would by working somewhere will take even longer - don't expect it to happen within the first day.
- "Talk to your Parents", at Inner Rooms: Only available to the player character. Consumes 20 social drive to train charisma and will. Might only be performed once per day. The game will remember.
- "Secluded Meditation", at Inner Rooms: Only available to Nash. Consumes 20 willpower to train resilience, will and luck at a heightened rate.
- "Organize Merchandise" and "Set Up Fair": Fake actions that do nothing, only available to Nimeresh for flavor.
Scenario Settings & Map AI
- While on the Shartrish Slopes, all playable periods will end at 11PM, while the starting time will change depending on the day.
* The first playable day's period starts at 10AM.
- The Candidates and all secondary characters present at the adventure at given various starting places at the map. Almost all characters have custom behavior:
* Padmiri, Valtan and Ate will practice magic with Eshir for the first few hours of the first day.
* Nashillbyir will spend most of the day sparring at the arena, then she will retreat to meditate at her room.
* Eshir spends a few hours practicing magic, then rests for the rest of the day.
* During her free hours, Nimeresh barters, spars and goes to swim. Very early in the morning and after 5PM, she will organize her merchandise; after 6PM she will set up her fair.
* Sethra mostly barters, but she will also spar, read and meditate.
* Veel seeks activities that train his physical stats as well as luck. He also spars and rests.
* Pain spars at the arena. During the whole day. She may rest if she runs very low on energy, sometimes, but it isn't even guaranteed.
* Sheze mostly watches Pain at the arena, but she will go to read or meditate from time to time.
- NPCs don't go to the quarry for work.
- Reorganized and cleaned some of the old code, removing redundancies.
- Added conditions on several functions to prevent NPCs from attempting to initiate actions which custom requirements aren't met.
- Added patch to change Nimeresh's speaking colors even if she has already been initialized.
- Sethra and Nimeresh are given some money and bartering experience. Nimeresh also gets crafting experience.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed messages displaying wrong reports of increased experience after a training action at the Gleaming Caverns.
- You can no longer invite someone to spend the night with you during an adventure, and neither will NPCs.
Spoilers start here
Map Story Events
- Practicing magic with Eshir during the first hours of the day will trigger the event "Eshir's magic class", with Eshir, Ate, Padmiri and Valtan, provoding a little bit of lore and showing some background about Ate and Eshir.
* Will + perception checks that may give you some flavor text, and may provoke you to lose 20 willpower if failed.
- Having accepted Varyonte's offer at the Gleaming Caverns will unlock a story passage.
- Varyonte's standard boon will grant you 4 temporary physique, agility and resilience. When it ends, you will permanently lose 1 physique, agility and resilience, and will gain 5% physical weakness.
- You might receive an offer for an alternate boon if you show hesitation, but don't reject it outright. The alternate boon will grant you 4 temporary will, perception and empathy. When it ends, you will permanently lose 1 will, perception and empathy, and will gain 5% magical weakness.
- Three options after the dream:
* He's a doofus: Padmiri's and Valtan's self-improvement drives grow by 100.
* He's a moron: Padmiri's ambition and domination drives grow by 100.
* He's two-faced: Padmiri's and Valtan's ambition drives grow by 100.
- The last choice has no consequences, feel free to pick whatever.
0.4.5c - 2025-06-25
- [Mount Face to Face ~ Penetrate Pussy]:
* Added 30+ sprites for Valtan's face and a female blue shapeshifter body.
- Valtan now properly receives her animation tags, for on initialization of a new game and during patching.
v0.4.5b - 2024-05-14
- [Mount Face to Face - Penetrate Pussy]:
* Added 12 sprites for Claw's head, ears and tail in both positions, with a new facial expression.
- Claw now receives tags for "Cl" (Claw) and "WhiteHuman", both at the start of the game and through automatic patch, making sure she gets her sprites when appropriate.
- Added sprite category named "misc" with special behavior. While other categories (such as "core", "legs" and "dick") try to get only one set of sprites from either of the requested tags (this means that a character with the "WhiteFemale" and "GrayFemale" tags will not try to display the GrayFemale sprites if WhiteFemale sprites were found), sprites from the "misc" category collect all valid sprites from all requested tags (this means that a character with the tags "AnimalGeneric" and "DryadGeneric" could get both animal ears and tails and a leaves crown, if such sprites were in the corresponding misc section of those tags).
- Restored double dildo penetration animation.
- Minor rework of the code to shield the sprites formatting functions against exceptions from incomplete sprite lists.
- Changed Nimeresh' color to from "Gainsboro" to "Silver".
- Changed the Gaanidan's leader color from "YellowGreen" to "Olive".
Options and Settings
- Added options at the bottom of the player character's screen at the personal room menu to change her animation sprite tags, mainly to fix the playthroughs where these tags got bugged during the end of the first adventure.
* I've also added a button to give her tiger tail and ears because why not. It's not canon tho.
- Fixed bug that provoked the player character to lose her animation tags through an option at the end of the first adventure. This doesn't restore her animation tags if you already lost them; use the new option added in this update to give her animation tags.
- Added missing functions in the simulation options for debugging.
- Minor sprite data corrections (things such as position, priority, linking the correct file).
v0.4.4 - 2204-04-06
- Intro to the Second Adventure
* The first passages will be spent talking to either Padmiri, Nashillbyir and Claw or Valtan and Ate, depending on which Candidate the player character has the best relationship with.
** This check will be overridden if you became Maaterasu's tutor in a previous story event, putting you on the second group.
- Small perception check (20+). Not passing it will slightly decrease Nash's and Padmiri's friendship with each other.
- Choices back at the tent:
* Sorry for staring: +300 submission towards Pain. -150 friendship with Claw.
* What do you know about bad manners: +300 rivalry with Pain. +150 friendship with Claw.
* I'm the Gaanidan Candidate. Remember that: +750 rivalry with Pain. +150 friendship with Claw. +1 merit.
* Sorry for intruding into your domain (Requires passing intelligence+charisma check of 32): +300 friendship with Valtan and Padmiri. +150 friendship with Claw and Nash.
- Minor will+intelligence check (30+), giving you a small insight.
- Second set of choices
* Stay frozen: Claw and Valtan gain 300 friendship with each other, Padmiri, Nash and the player character. Pain gains 750 enmity with all involved Candidates.
* Everything has a limit (Requires passing one of these checks: (Will>=16), (Resilience>=16) or (Physique+Resilience>=32)): Claw and the player character gain 300 friendship with each other, Padmiri, Valtan and Nash. Pain gains 750 enmity with all involved characters.
v0.4.3 Patch B - 2024-03-01
- Added a few combat-related tips.
- Properly assigned corresponding pronouns to Nimeresh and Sethra.
* Added patch to automatically fix the pronouns of these two chars on the personal room menu if they were wrong.
- Press Down: New battle scene action. Generic contact action for shared positions during combat that does not require the use of specific bodyparts, therefore allowing to continue to deal damage when sex actions aren't possible. Physical domination action. * Lust damage: Actor's physique*0,3 + will*0,3 - target's will*0,2. * Added a patch to make all active simulation characters automatically learn this action whenever the player reaches the personal room menu.
- Nimeresh now properly learns Opening Lotus on initialization, Eshir properly learns Infuse Body.
- Taunt: Increased the negative weight of the target's physique for the AI, to make them assign higher danger to taunting high physique enemies.
- Shield Bash: Shield Block is no longer applied to the actor's entire team.
- Confident Harassment: Reduced agility contribution to lust damage from *0.15 to *0.1
- Sadistic Flurry: Reduced lust and willpower damage multipliers to 2,5 and 1 from 3 and 2.
- Embers: Readjusted AI weight.
- Lightning Darts: Readjusted AI weights.
- Gambit of Honesty/Deceit: Adjusted turns to 3, rather than 2~3. Fixed Gambit of Deceit not removing "Trusting". Slightly increased base control damage for Gambit of Honesty, Gambit of Deceit deals slightly higher control damage against 'Trusting' targets.
- Slightly increased weight for "damageControl" actions against opponents with high lust who haven't lost control.
- Added fix to ensure "mode" actions may only be canceled by the player when they're being used by the player.
- Ramped up weight of modes when it's early in a combat scene, and the projected power of the enemy team is larger.
- Further increased the multiplicative extra weight from reaching the upper weight thresholds from battle scene actions for the AI.
- Added code for scenes' logic that automatically finishes modal altered states instead of taking their maintenance cost if the character is KO.
- Added new condition to the battle AI algorithm: actions that deal lust damage, but no control damage, and provoke no buffs or debuffs, have a weight multiplier of 0,8 against targets with over 80% of their lust bar.
- Typos.
- Added clause to "unequipItem" to check for "Unblocked [bodypart]" altered states and finishing them first, fixing issue that could provoke some bodyparts to remain permanently blocked.
v0.4.3 New Faces
New Characters
- Added character data for:
* Nimeresh: Knows Headbutt, Twist and Hit, Rally, Warcry, Opening Lotus; likes dramas and music; 5% sex strength and resistance, 10% pain resistance, 25% affection frailty and resistance, 10% domination strength and weakness.
** Sexual tastes: Foreplay·105, Full Sex·110, Oral·105, Use Pussy·105, Target Dick*105, Use Hands·110, Top·105, Domination·120, Submission·110, Bondage·130, Teasing·115, Denial·110, Romantic·50, Use Pain·105.
** Drives: Self-improvement Lv2, Pleasure Lv4, Love Lv1, Cooperation Lv2, Domination Lv1, Ambition Lv1.
** Stats: Agility++, Physique+, Perception+, Empathy-, Will-, Resilience--
** All virginities taken by unknown chars.
* Eshir: Knows Twist and Hit and several magic actions; likes training and dramas; 10% physical frailty, 5% physical weakness, 15% pain weakness, 10% magic strength, 10% holy frailty.
** Sexual tastes: Foreplay·105, Oral·95, Full Sex·110, Talk·90, Use Dick·110, Use Anus·105, Use Eyes·95, Use Hands·105, Target Breasts·105, Target Pussy·110, Target Anus·110, Top·110, Bottom·105, Domination·105, Submission·105, Use Pain·80, Receive Pain·70.
** Drives: Self-improvement Lv4, Pleasure Lv2, Love Lv2, Cooperation Lv4, Domination Lv1, Ambition Lv4.
** Stats: Intelligence++, Resilience+, Will+, Empathy+, Physique-, Agility-, Charisma-, Luck--
* Veel: Knows Headbutt, warcry, Confident Harassment; likes training and fauna; 5% weapon strength and resistance, 25% taunt resistance, 25% affection frailty and resistance.
** Sexual tastes: Foreplay·115, Oral·105, Full Sex·105, Talk·90, Use Dick·110, Use Mouth·105, Use Hands·115, Target Pussy·110, Target Dick·110, Target Anus·105, Top·115, Bottom·90, Domination·95, Submission·105, Romantic·105.
** Drives: Self-improvement Lv4, Pleasure Lv2, Love Lv3, Cooperation Lv4, Domination Lv3, Ambition Lv2.
** Stats: Physique++, Agility+, Perception+, Intelligence-, Will-, Charisma--
** First, first kiss and penile virginities taken by unknown chars.
* Sethra: Knows headbutt, rally, warcry, gambit of honesty, gambit of deceit; likes dramas and flora; 10% social strength and resistance.
** Sexual tastes: Foreplay·95, Full sex·110, Oral·105, Talk·110, Use pussy·115, Use hands·95, Use anus·90, Target dick·110, Target mouth·115, Domination·110, Submission·90, Teasing·90, Romantic·90, Use Pain·105
** Drives: Self-improvement Lv3, Pleasure Lv2, Love Lv2, Cooperation Lv1, Domination Lv1, Ambition Lv4.
** Stats: Charisma++, Intelligence+, Physique+, Resilience-, Empathy-, Resilience-, Luck-
** All virginities taken by unknown chars, except for anal
* Unending Pain: Beastkin, Knows Headbutt, Warcry, Scratch, Savage Crush, Bear Aspect; likes fauna, training; 5% physical strength and resistance, 5% pounce strength and resistance, 20% magic frailty, 10% fire weakness, 10% ice weakness, 20% social weakness, 25% taunt weakness, 10% pain strength.
** Sexual tastes: Foreplay·90, Oral*105, Full Sex*115, Talk·80, Use Pussy·120, Use Breasts·105, Use Legs·110, Use Mouth·80, Target Dick·110, Target Pussy·110, Target Mouth 120, Domination·130, Submission·70, Teasing·85, Romantic·70, Bondage·120, Use Pain·130.
** Drives: Self-improvement Lv4, Pleasure Lv4, Love Lv0, Cooperation Lv0, Domination Lv6, Ambition Lv6.
** Stats: Physique++, Resilience++, Will+, Agility-, Intelligence-, Perception-, Empathy-, Luck-
** All virginities taken by unknown chars
* Sheze: Beastkin; Knows several magical actions, as well as Baku Aspect; likes fauna, flora, music, dramas; 10% physical frailty and weakness, 10% magical strength and resistance, and more.
** Sexual tastes: Foreplay·105, Oral·110, Full Sex·95, Talk·90, Use Pussy·110, Use Eyes·115, Use Hands·110, Use Mouth·120, Target Dick·105, Target Pussy·115, Target Legs·110, Target Anus·85, Domination·105, Submission·115, Romantic·90, Bondage·115, Receive Pain·105, and more.
** Stats: Will++, Agility+, Intelligence+, Empathy+, Physique-, Charisma-, Luck-, Resilience--
** Virginities: First kiss, first and tribbing taken by Pain.
New Scene Mechanics
- Altered States may now have a "mode" type and scope. "Mode" altered states remain active for the whole duration of a scene since they're initiated, performing a "maintenance" effect every turn. If the maintenance effect cannot be realized, the altered state gets canceled early.
* Added button for the player to cancel "modes".
New items
- Whip: Weapon, increases agility and will. Grants the action "Sadistic flurry".
- Blade and board: Weapon, increases resilience and resistance to physical and weapon attacks. Grants the action "Shield Bash". Melee weapon.
- Bludgeon: Weapon, largely increases physique, increases resilience and lowers agility. Grants the actions "Crush" and "Reckless Swing".
* Whip, blade and board and bludgeon have all been added to the item options at the Cheat Menu.
New Battle Scene Actions
- Sadistic Flurry: The character repeatedly whips their target in a relentless sequence, leaving no room to hide from the pain. Deals moderately high lust and willpower damage, the character loses a bit of control. Higher damage randomness.
* Costs 3 energy.
* Base damage: Actor's agility*0,2 + will*0.15 - target's resilience*0,1 - will*0,1.
* Lust damage: Base damage * 3, 25% randomness variation (as opposed to the default 10%).
* Willpower damage: Base damage * 2.
* Control damage on actor: 0,2.
* Hit chance: Actor's agility * 0,3 + perception * 0,2 + control * 4 + 15 - target's agility * 0,3 - perception * 0,2 - control * 4.
- Opening Lotus: The character links wide horizontal whips with a vertical finishing blow, keeping all enemies in check. Deals lust and control damages to the whole enemy team, with the chosen target receiving an extra blow. Deals lust and control damage. Requires the actor to have control, have free arms, and either being a Leirien or having a whip.
* Costs 5 energy.
* Lust damage: Actor's physique*0,2 + agility*0,1 - target's resilience*0,1. Total multiplied by 1,7 for the chosen target.
* Control damage: 0,7 + actor's physique * 0,003 + agility* 0,003 + 0,3 % luck. Total halved for secondary targets.
* Hit chance: Actor's agility * 0,3 + perception * 0,2 + control 4 + 10 - target's agility * 0,3 - perception * 0,2 - control * 4.
- Infuse Body: Mode action. The character channels their aether to strengthen the physical properties of their body. The action increases the actor's physique, agility and resilience of the character, scaling with their intelligence and will.
* Raises physique, agility and resilience by ((intelligence + will) * (10 + intensity) * 0,01), meaning that each of those stats will grow by 10~20% of a tenth of the sum of intelligence and will.
** Intensity is ((intelligence+will)*0,05), slightly influenced by luck and with a cap on 10.
* Consumes 5 willpower initially, plus 5 extra willpower per turn.
- Shield Bash: The character delivers a direct blow with their shield, aiming to deflect a blow and hopefully disorient their target. Delivers minor lust damage and moderate control damage. Provokes disorientation on the target and shield block on self if successful. Generally difficult to land, unless the target is attacking at melee range and targeting the actor.
* Priority of 2.
* Costs 3 energy.
* Lust damage: Actor's resilience*0,2 + physique*0.1 - target's resilience*0,1.
* Control damage: 1.2 + Actor's luck%0.4 + physique*0.003 + resilience*0.003 (1.2~2.2).
* Hit chance: Actor's agility * 0,25 + resilience * 0,25 + control 4 - 10 - target's perception * 0,3 - agility * 0,2 - control * 4.
** +15 if the target is using a hit or contact action. +15 if the target is *also* attacking the actor.
* Altered state intensity: Actor's resilience * 0.15, luck factor of 10%, for both disoriented and Shield Block.
* Shield Block effects: 1-turn long altered state on the user, granted at the start of the turn, increasing resilience and heavily increasing physical and weapon resistance, heavily negating the damage of incoming physical attacks.
- Confident Harassment: The character harasses the enemy with constant safe blows, unlikely to deal much damage, but opening up the target's flanks. Delivers moderate lust and control damage. For one turn, provides Playing Safe on self, increasing safety, and Open Flank on target, increasing vulnerability to attacks from other characters. Slightly easier to land than other physical attacks.
* Priority of 1.
* Costs 3 energy.
* Both the actor and the target require control. The actor must be using a melee, non-contact weapon.
* Lust damage: Actor's physique*0,3 + agility*0.15 - target's agility*0,1.
* Control damage: 0,9 + Actor's luck%0.3 + physique*0.002 + agility*0.004 (0.9~1.8).
* Hit chance: Actor's agility * 0,35 + perception * 0,15 + control 6 + 15 - target's perception * 0,35 - agility * 0,15 - control * 6.
* Altered state intensity: Actor's (agility + perception) * 0.1, luck factor of 10%, for both Open Flank and Playing Safe.
** Playing Safe effects: After this attack, the actor has increased agility, perception and weapon resistance for one turn.
** Open Flank effects: After this attack, the target has decreased agility, perception and weapon resistance for one turn.
* AI dаta: This action gains weight with the actor's allies' physique, agility, intelligence and perception, since this action works best when the actor may play a support role for strong allies.
- Gambit of Honesty: The character boasts about their next attack, then follows with a physical blow true to their previous warning. This attack damages the target. If the target is cynical, the damage is increased and also deals control damage. Removes 'Cynical' from the target and provokes 'Trusting', reducing will and perception, even if the attack fails.
* Costs 1 energy and 3 social drive.
* The actor requires free arms. Both the actor and the target require control.
* Lust damage: Actor's physique*0,25 + charisma*0,15 - target's agility*0,1 - empathy*0,1. Multiplied by 2 against cynical targets.
* Control damage: 0,8 + Actor's luck%0.5 + physique*0.005 (0.8~1.8), if the target is cynical.
* Hit chance: Actor's agility * 0,2 + perception * 0,2 + charisma * 0,2 + control * 4 - target's perception * 0,3 - agility * 0,3 - empathy * 0,3 - control * 4. +10 if the target is cynical, -10 otherwise.
* AI dаta: Higher weight (*=1,7) if the target is cynical, higher weight if the actor is Sethra (*=1,5).
- Gambit of Deceit: The character lies about their next attack, attempting to catch their opponent off-guard. This attack damages the target. Deals additional damage against trusting targets, and control damage non-cynical targets. Removes 'Trusting' from the target and provokes 'Cynical', reducing charisma and empathy, but increasing will and perception, even if the attack fails.
* Costs 1 energy and 3 social drive.
* The actor requires free arms. Both the actor and the target require control.
* Lust damage: Actor's physique*0,3 + charisma*0,2 - target's agility*0,1 - empathy*0,1. Multiplied by 1,2 against cynical targets; multiplied by 0,7 against trusting targets.
* Control damage: 1 + Actor's luck%0.5 + physique*0.005 (1~2), if the target is not cynical.
* Hit chance: Actor's agility * 0,2 + perception * 0,2 + charisma * 0,2 + control * 4 - target's perception * 0,3 - agility * 0,3 - empathy * 0,2 - control * 4. +15 if the target is trusting; -15 if the target is cynical; +5 otherwise.
* AI dаta: Higher weight (*=1,4) if the target is cynical, higher weight if the actor is Sethra (*=1,5).
- Bear Aspect: The character gives in to their animal instinct, adopting the fortitude of a bear. The action increases the actor's physique, resilience, and physical resistance, and reduces their agility.
* Costs 3 energy and willpower.
* Intensity grows with resilience(x3), will(x1) and luck(x1).
* Altered state: Increases base (6~18) and percentual (18~30%) physique and resilience, and reduces agility by the same values. Increases physical resistance by 5~20%. Lasts 5 to 7 turns.
- Baku Aspect: The character channels their spirit energy, adopting the aspect of a baku. The action increases the actor's intelligence, will and empathy, and increases their hypnosis affinity.
* Costs 1 energy and 4 willpower.
* Intensity grows with intelligence(x2), will(x2) and luck(x1).
* Altered state: Increases base (3~10) and percentual (10~20%) intelligence, will and empathy. Increases hypnosis strength and resistance by 8~20%. Lasts 5 to 7 turns.
- Crush: The character lets the whole weight of their weapon fall upon their enemy. This attack provokes lust and control damage, and reduces resilience, will and physical resistance. Slightly difficult to land.
* Costs 3 energy.
* The actor requires control and free arms.
* Lust damage: Actor's physique * 0,2 + resilience * 0,2 - target's resilience * 0,1
* Control damage: 1,4 + Actor's luck%0.4 + physique*0.004 + resilience*0.004 (1,4~2,6).
* Hit chance: Actor's agility * 0,2 + perception * 0,2 + resilience * 0,1 - 5 + control * 4 - target's perception * 0,35 - agility * 0,35 - control * 4.
* Altered state intensity influences: Actor's resilience x1, physique x1.
* Altered state effects: Reduces base (2~4) and percentual (6~12%) resilience and will, and provokes physical weakness (5~10%). Lasts for 4~5 turns. May be stacked.
- Reckless Swing: The character swings their weapon with savagery, unleashing devastating strength at the risk of hitting someone else. This attack damages the target and erodes their control. Chance to hit an ally or a different enemy.
* Costs 4 energy.
* The actor requires control and free arms.
* Lust damage: Actor's physique * 0,4 + resilience * 0,2 - target's resilience * 0,1
* Control damage: 1,4 + Actor's luck%0.4 + physique*0.004 + resilience*0.004 (1,6~2,8).
* Hit chance: Actor's agility * 0,25 + perception * 0,25 + control * 4 - target's perception * 0,35 - agility * 0,35 - control * 4. If there is only one possible target, hit chance is reduced by 15.
** If the hit lands, and there is more than one possible target, there's a 50% chance that the target will be re-rolled. If you have 1 ally and 2 enemies, there's a 66% chance that you'll hit your intended target, and a 16% chance that you'll hit your ally.
* AI dаta: Weight gets multiplied by (1-(0.25*allyTeamLength)) * (1-(0.10*enemyTeamLength)), discouraging NPCs from using it the higher the risk from unintended consequences.
Battle Scene Action Changes
- Rallied (altered state): No longer increases physique; stat multiplier reduced from a maximum of 15% to a maximum of 10%; now raises physical and weapon strength and resistance by 3% to 10%, depending on intensity; turns reduced from 5~7 to 4~6.
- Twisted Arm (altered state): Slightly reduced physical and weapon frailty.
- Flaming Fan: Reduced lust damage scaling with the actor's will (0.2 to 0.15) and the target's will (-0.2 to -0.15). Reduced base hit chance by 5%.
- Flaring Feint: Reduced the increase in fire affinity strength from 15-30% to 10-20%.
- Added buttons at the Quickstart Tests to add the new characters to the simulation.
- Proper initialization of new characters at the start of the new adventure, making some checks in case they were already present at the simulation. Note that this will provoke them to have abnormally high stats nonetheless.
- Added two new difficulties:
* Baby: All stats begin with a +5 bonus, all affinities begin with a +25% bonus.
* Masochist: All stats begin with a -3 malus, all affinities begin with a -25% malus.
** Added two joke messages at the personal room with a very low chance of appearing, provided some pre-conditions are met (Baby difficulty, more than 10 merit and more merit than any other Candidate for the first one; Masochist difficulty and less merit than all other Candidates for the second one).
Adventure Initialization
- Added relationship data at the start of the second adventure for: Nimeresh-Eshir, Nimeresh-Nash, Eshir-Nash, Eshir-Ate, Veel-Sethra, Veel-Player, Sethra-Player, Pain-Claw, Pain-Sheze. Because this data contains story context, it has been added as an annexed txt file for those who may consider it spoilers.
- Advancing to the second adventure will:
* Pass a few days and progress relationship stats.
* Finish special relationships.
* Unequip bondage.
* Initialize Ashwalker and Gaanidan tribes' global (50 and -50, respectively) and individual respect.
** Nashillbyir begins with 300 Ashwalker and -100 Gaanidan respect, the player begins with -50 Ashwalker and 50 Gaanidan respect.
* New characters are equipped with various equipment: Nimeresh receives a whip; Eshir receives a staff; Sethra and Veel receive Blade and Board; Pain receives a bludgeon; Sheze receives a wand.
Battle Scene AI
- Added strategic tag "avoid when vulnerable", meant to discourage NPCs from using certain actions when they're turning vulnerable. Taunt now has this tag.
- Added "mode", "willpowerMode", "energyMode" and "socialdriveMode" strategic tags. "Mode" makes an action gain weight if it's very early in the scene, and decreases its weight along with the character's lust bar and depleted control. The other bar stat-related tags similarly have their weight reduced along with their respective related bars.
Story Changes
- Added code that removes the enmity Sillan has towards Valtan at the start of the first adventure in endings A and B of the first adventure.
- Upon the start of the second adventure, the base moods gained by Valtan as the result of the first adventure ending will be halved.
- Added system to see any character's combat affinities:
* A difficulty check must be passed first. The difficulty is calculated as (50 plus the sum of all stats of the target character), while your perception strength is (Perception*4+(Intelligence+Empathy+Luck)*2, plus every relationship stat level multiplied by 3, including the negative ones). If your perception strength is higher than the character's difficulty, you'll be able to see the character's combat affinities in their status screen.
** This means that you'll eventually be able to see the affinities of any character you spend some time with, but players who prioritize certain stats will be able to do so earlier.
- Better formatting of infamy at some menus.
- The Candidates comparison table will now attempt to show the respect of all the tribes, instead printing "X" for the values that have not yet been declared.
- Added batch of tips, which will now appear at the bottom of the initial screen and the personal room menu, randomly selected.
Bug Fixes
- Twisted Arm now properly increases weapon and physical frailty.
- Fixed issue with Warcry not properly distributing damage across all targets.
v0.4.2 The Artifact
General Mechanics
- The duration of special relationships will remain frozen if one of the involved characters is not currently present at the Passion Temple.
- The remaining time of bondage gear will remain frozen if the character wearing it is not currently at the Passion Temple.
- You can no longer equip items on characters who aren't currently at the Passion Temple. You can still unequip items from characters who aren't at the Passion Temple through a magical power called "It might be inconvenient for the player if they couldn't".
- Some weapons now belong to categories. Knuckles, handfans and dildos are "contact range", while staffs, knuckles, handfans, spears and dildos are also "melee".
Story Events
- "Tribute for the Goddess", the first story event after coming back to the Passion Temple, now has three extra passages, continuing the main story.
- "Discovering the others": added a variable that remembers if you chose not to stay with Ate. Saves made before this change will assume you chose to stay with Ate. Only used for minor flavor text.
- The code meant to fire "A Sacrifice of Aether" has been uncommented, as it was previously unable to start for some reason.
* As a reminder, this event involves some erotic content, mostly female on female and service. Depending on your settings, there might be futa and male content.
- NEW story event: "The response of the tribes", taking place at the 15th day of the second month. Continues the main story.
* Passing either a 13 perception check or a (Friendship+Romance-Enmity*3)>=6 relation check with Padmiri at the start of the event will let you get some extra information.
* If you didn't see Taototh give an artifact to Ate during the first month, there are some dialogue variations.
* Check of (Perception+Empathy+Intelligence*0.5+Luck*0.5+Resilience*0.5) >= 50, giving you the option to select an extra dialogue for even more information.
- NEW story event: "Shartrish Slopes Overview", taking place at the 17th day of the second month.
* Nashillbyir's rivalry with Claw grows by 150.
* With the Gleaming Caverns Ending C, Nashillbyir loses 300 friendship and gains 300 rivalry with Valtan. With the ending B, these gains are halved.
* This story event alters the affinity of all Candidates, adding 0.2 affinity to physique, agility and resilience and removing 0.1 affinity from all other stats. This change gets reverted with the functions finishSSAdventure and abortSSAdventure, of which only the second one currently gets called in the game when you decide to skip the second adventure.
Other Story Changes
- The gangbang sequence of the Virginities Collector story event now raises all non-player Candidates cooperation drive by 100.
- The gained romance and sexual tension from enjoying the company of Padmiri, Nashillbyir or Valtan during your first night at the Passion Temple have been reduced from 750 to 500.
- Rock now uses an slightly alternate version of his avatar when you first meet him, and the full body shot of his portrait isn't shown until a few passages later, when he's no longer shown as a enemy.
- Virginities Collector story event now has a starting weight of -1300 (down from 500), and it increases by 100 each following day, making it less likely to fire immediately after Claw becomes available for interactions, but still getting a fairly high chance before the start of the Gleaming Caverns adventure.
- Martial Tutorship story event base weight increased to 2500 up from 1500.
- Added placeholder passage at the 25th day of the second month, allowing the player to get a savefile ready for the start of the second adventure, or advance to a later date at the Passion Temple.
- Changed expressions and formatting and fixed typos at sparse points through the game.
New Battle Scene Actions
- Twist and Hit: The character deflects the arm of their target, locking it in place and following with a direct, unblocked hit. Slightly difficult to land, unless the target is using a melee attack, especially against the actor or using close combat weapons. Target receives "twisted arm", reducing physique, agility, and resilience, and provoking physical and weapon frailty.
* Costs 3 energy.
* Lust damage: Actor's physique * 0,25 + agility * 0,1 - target's resilience * 0,05.
* Control damage: 1,4 + 0,3 % actor's luck + 0,006 * physique. Grows by 0,5 if the target is targeting the actor with a hit attack.
* Hit chance: Actor's agility * 0,25 + perception * 0,25 + control * 2 - target's agility * 0,4 - perception * 0,4 - control * 2. Grows by 6 if the target is using a hit attack. If true, may also grow by 6 if the target is attacking the actor, as well as another 6 or 12 if the target has a melee or contact range weapon.
- Headbutt: The character aims to deliver a blow against the opponent with their head. Deals lust and control damage to both characters if successful, but the actor loses control. Generally harder to land, unless the target has low control, or is attacking the actor with a hit attack. Actor and target receive "disorientation", reducing intelligence, perception and agility briefly, as well as weakening control recovery.
* Costs 2 energy.
* Lust damage: Actor's resilience * 0,3 + physique * 0,2 - target's resilience * 0,1.
* Control damage: 2 + 0,5 % actor's luck + 0,005 * actor's physique (~2-3).
* Lust damage on actor: Target's resilience * 0,02 - actor's resilience * 0,01;
* Control damage on actor: 0,5, regardless of whether it fails or not.
* Hit chance: Actor's agility * 0,3 + resilience * 0,1 + perception * 0,1 + control 6 - target's agility * 0,25 - perception 0,25 - control * 12. Increases by 15 if the target is using a hit type action, and increases by another 15 is the target is *also* attacking the actor.
- Rally: The character shouts out to raise the spirit of their allies, or at least their own. Allied character gains the status "Rallied", increasing physique, resilience, will and luck.
* Costs 4 social drive.
* 'Rallied' altered state intensity grows with the actor's charisma * 0.08 + will * 0.04. Doesn't stack.
* Has no effect on monsters.
- Warcry: The character shouts ferociously, warning of an incoming rampage in an attempt to intimidate their opponents. Deals minor lust and control damage on the whole target's team and frightens them, with secondary targets receiving reduced effects.
* Costs 4 social drive.
* Lust damage: Actor's charisma * 0,1 + will * 0,05 + resilience * 0,05 - target's will * 0,05. Secondary targets receive half the damage.
* Control damage: 0,8 + actor's charisma * 0,002 + resilience * 0,002 + 0,2 % luck. Secondary targets receive half the damage.
* Frightened: Reduces agility, resilience, will, perception and charisma for 4 to 6 turns. Doesn't stack.
** Intensity grows with the actor's charisma * 0,07 + will * 0,04 + resilience * 0,04.
* Has no effect on monsters.
- Added new scroll "On the Martial Arts", available from the second month onwards, teaching Twist and Hit, Headbutt, Rally and Warcry.
Battle Scene AI
- Sophisticated the functions that calculate the weight for each stat.
* Stat weight has been split into "effective stat" and "base stat".
** When an action has the strategic tags "damage" or "recovery", but not "buff" or "debuff", it will use only effective stats.
** When an action has the strategic tags "buff" or "debuff", but not "damage" or "recovery", it will only use base stats.
** In all other cases, it will use half the value of effective stats plus half the value of base stats.
* Added "allyStatWeights", in order to account for the stats of allied characters when using AoE actions such as rally.
* Rather than using only the actor's and the target's stats, there will be assigned weights for the stats of all characters provided certain conditions:
** The actor's stats are always used.
** The target's stats are used for the target (when appliable), and the other members of the enemy team when the action has the strategic tags "targetsAllOtherChars" or "targetsEnemyTeam", therefore letting the NPC account for AoE damage and debuffs.
** The target's stats are used with negative values for each member of the actor's team when the action has the strategic tag "targetsAllOtherChars", therefore letting the NPC account for collateral damage on allies.
** The ally's stats are used whenever the action has the strategic tag "targetsAlliedTeam".
* Replaced outdated "multipleEnemies" and "multipleAllies" strategic tags, since the new system provides more precise evaluations.
Sex Scene Action Changes
- Ride Face, Fuck Face, Dick Footjob and Pussy Footjob now gain the "domination" flavor tag if the character performing the action has the lead in the scene, affecting lust damage.
- Give Cunnilingus gains the tag "top", give blowjob loses the tag "domination".
- Kiss Neck is now available when a character is mounting their target from behind.
- Changed formula to determine amount of merit loss when losing against monsters, from ([currentStoryState]*5) to ([1+currentStoryState]/2). This makes it so that characters will go from losing 5 to 1 merit in the Gleaming Caverns.
Supporter Tools
- Quickstart options change: Choosing to have had sex with Padmiri, Nash or Valtan during your first night at the Passion Temple will make the appropriate characters lose their first kiss, first virginity and tribbing virginity.
- Fixed a few scene actions taking a character's "first" virginity, instead of the first kiss as it was intended.
- Removed duplication of stat relationship bonuses from first kisses during conversation, added mentions to the relationship stat changes to the action descriptions.
- NPCs can now talk again during sex scenes.
- Dynamically generated Shapeshifters and monsters are now properly set to have all their virginities taken at point of creation.
- Minor UI fix at the end of the introduction of the Gleaming Caverns adventure.
- Fixed battle scene action "Relaxing Scent" not properly affecting all intended targets.
- Fixed an error at the Improvisation Trial story event at the Gleaming Caverns, where successfully defending Ate wouldn't always be properly marked at the story variables for a different event.
- Fixed code at battle scene actions "Channel Aether", "Bold Jab", "Staff Swipe", "Hypnotic Glance", "Quake", "Daring Assault", "Savage Crush", "Kick" and "Tackle", slightly improving them and increasing the effect luck has in their effects.
- NPCs now know that a character having high resilience is a good reason to NOT use kick against them.
- Minor text edits through the game.
Тему отредактировал: admin - 15-10-2024, 15:58
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