A Raunchy Rogue on the Run, a furious Archmage, and his deflowered daughter; step into a love letter to classic D&D, just with more sex, fun and lovingly hand-drawn and animated 2D Art from the devs behind Paradise Lust.
When a magical accident teleports you to the ass-end of nowhere, the small outpost of Sinners Landing, you discover a deep fantasy world filled with haughty dark-elf priestess, shy temple virgins, ex-courtesans with a heart of gold, and an orcish muscle-mummy.
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 2dcg, adventure, animated, bdsm, creampie, dating sim, group, harem, humor, interracial, lesbian, male protagonist, masturbation oral, point and click, puzzle, romance, rpg, sandbox, titfuck, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Flexible Media - patreon | itch.io | discord
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.10.3
Другие проекты автора: Paradise Lust [Completed] - Paradise Lust 2 - Love of Magic [Completed] - Morningstar
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Release 10 - 2024-12-20
- Fixed conversation typos
- Fixed Little Red Book error after naming Sumita
- Fixed Morwenna's Spankbank being tagged as WIP
- Fixed Square Statue closeup art
- Continuation of The Fiery Hand story line. Meditate in the Belltower to continue the quest.
- Fixed Pray card not having an animation and visual effect
- Changed the fiery hand dungeon boss to be a fungoid shroom
- Added missing Bumble SFX
- Added Leave a Review button at the end of content UI
- Fixed skip function in the dragging the flower fungus minigame
- Fixed some missing dungeon sfx
- Fixed conversation typos
- Fixed linking morwenna minigame having excess connections
- Fixed conversation typos
- Fixed picking up mushroom minigame not picking up correctly
- Fixed quest UI sometimes showing wrong character
- New Story line with Dawn and Morwenna: The Fiery Hand. It kicks off after meeting Izelle, and the Frop and Steam quest line.
- Notification pop ups now lasts longer
- Fixed Tristan's Room name
- Fixed Map UI sometimes not hiding when exiting a dungeon
- Added instructions on the click to swap and rotate minigame
- Fixed Pog rub minigame flickering
- Fixed Poisonous Bite dealing 0 poison
- Fixed some convo texts
- Fixed Shop Stairs locked rooms
- Fixed square statue convo
- Morwenna book letter swapping minigames now darkens the letters when placed correctly
- Book Herbs swapping minigame now locks pieces when placed correctly
- Fixed talking to Dawn during Frop Steam quest sometimes not triggering
- Fixed Pog's statue head minigame overlapping pieces
- Fixed Find The Difference minigame sometimes auto completes itself
- Added guards for deleted quests
- Fixed Bronze Memories quests not clearing
- Fixed weird position changes when kissing
- Fixed some dialogue text issues
- Fixed rubbing oil minigame speed clicking issues
- Added dialogue for clicking on flowers that are not yet ready to be picked up
- Fixed Shop Stairs room having no exit
- Fixed Shop Stairs room having wrong room labels
- Fixed some rollback issues
- Fixed some sex scenes not playing music
- Fixed some typos
- Nerfed big ass wasp enemy health
- Fixed sometimes not being able to exit the dungeon
- Fixed conversation loop when fighting the big ass wasp
- New Quest Line with Annya, Bronze Memories. Talk to Annya once you've finished Pog's quests and have copper ingots in your inventory
- World Map navigation now positions the Inn, Shop, and Dockside correctly
- Fixed duplicate conversation option in one of the dungeon events
- Fixed rewards ui errors
- Added instruction/how to play text on the sudoku minigame
- Item rewards now use item names and icons
- Adjusted layout spacing for rewards ui
- Decreased giant wasp chances to use their poison move
- Fixed room 3 wasp fight not being repeatable
- Fixed little red book text overlap
Release 9 - 2024-11-28
- Nerfed Bearsnake's Venom
- Fixed not being able to go to the backyard in Backyard Romance quest line
- Fixed some conversation texts
- Improved the drop rate of quest related items in the dungeon
- Roselynn's flirting options now also unlocks facts about her in the Little Red Book
- Reduced the difficulty of combat encounters in the mines(easy difficulty)
- Fixed inventory screen while in the dungeon
- Fixed Roselynn's self portrait painting minigame small pieces
- Fixed Roselynn's age not showing in the Little Red Book
- Fixed some dialogue
- Revised the art for Izelle's herb harvest minigame
- Revised the art for Izelle's spore book minigame
- Fixed Izelle's spore book puzzle minigame
- Fixed combat sometimes ending on the first turn
- Fixed errors in rune search minigame
- Fixed Izelle pastry quest acting like it's not finished
- Decreased Stinkfudge's Nausea cards
- Changed Nausea card to "Lose Potency when Drawn", Vanishing, and Unplayable
- Decreased Nausea card negative potency by 1
- Removed location and day requirements for Tyra's first dungeon quest
- Decreased chances of spiders doing a Tangled action
- Fixed some more typos
- Fixed rubbing oil on Pog minigame
- Fixed missing microscope minigame
- Fixed cross out the mold in a book, and swapping mold minigame to be more concise
- Fixed some weird lines in beer brewing comic
- Fixed some typos
- Fixed a build pipeline issue causing the Roslynn honey-mead comic to fail to load.
- Added lower difficulty tutorial minigame for the microscope minigame
- Stinkfudge is now less likely to heal itself
- Fixes some typos
- Fixed music sometimes not looping during a minigame
- Fixed some missing backgrounds for rooms
Release 8
- New Quest Line with Roselynn and Izelle, Brewing Passion. Kicks off after meeting Izelle quest line and Roselynn's Wasp Honey quest
- New monsters you'll encounter in the dungeon
- New minigames
- Added some failsafe convos in early quests
- Added predict logic for predict type cards
- Fixed choose type cards' UI not always updating the available card's count
- Fixed some UI elements overlapping on each other
- Added door transition sounds
- Added water sounds in cleaning minigames
- Added welding sounds in repairing the bell minigame
- Added sketch and paint sounds in coloring minigames
- Added Evening and Night ambient sounds
- Added Steambath, Courtyard, Watchtower, and Sanctum rooms ambient sounds
- Added repair sounds in the reparing the bed minigame
- Fixed music not looping when loading a save
- Progress bar for Three Goddesses minigame is now hidden
- Fixed pieces in some swapping minigames not resetting properly
- Fixed Three Goddesses minigame clicking and hovering issues
- Fixed Quest UI text spillage
- Fixed being able to put non-potion items into inventory potion slots
- Mojo Potion now gains mojo on the next turn
- Rebounding Solution potion now gains Rebounding effect on use
- Rebound effect: A percent of damage received will damage the enemy back
- Invisibility Infusion potion now gives Stealth effect
- Stealth effect: Cannot be targeted
- Fixed Flask of Renewal potion not drawing and discarding cards
- Fixed Infusion of Gryphon potion not drawing Courage cards
- Fixed Infusion of Dragon potion not drawing Inisght cards
- Fixed Infusion of Owl potion not drawing Insight cards
- Fixed some potion's descriptions incorrect format
- Fixed Pog's sex scene sometimes ending abruptly
- Fixed some more typos
- Fixed Izelle sometimes not appearing when clicking on her
- Fixed player health not setting properly when loading in a dungeon save
- Fixed player health not resetting when finishing a dungeon
- Fixed some minigame errors
- Fixed some more typos
- Quest item requirements are now crossed out when you get the required amount
- Fixed minigame in the new dungeon not repeatable
- Fixed hint not counting as progress in hidden objects minigame
- Fixed UI sometimes not showing after a minigame
- Fixed some typos
Release 7
- New quest line with Pog: Oily Ceremony. The quest triggers after her Amulet and Raft storyline
- New dungeon in the new quest. Bring Pog as an ally in the dungeon.
- Some new minigames: Rubbing some oil on Pog
- Some minigames' progress bars are now hidden
- Adjusted drop rate for goo items in the goo collecting dungeon quest line
- Fixed Courage card not vanishing
- Fixed Piercing Blow card not dealing correct damage
- Tristan now does a buff animation when drinking potions
- Fixed Potions can be used during enemy's turn
- Fixed some Potion UI errors
- Fixed error when inventory icons sometimes fail to load
- Fixed some missing references
- Added potions in the dungeon. You can add potions in your dungeon run by going into the inventory and clicking them to add in your potion slots
- Fixed cards tagged as play to destroy not being destroyed
- Fixed Roselynn flirting typos
- Dawn training activities updated:
- Gardening can only be started when she's in the Garden
- Study can only be started when she's in the Library
- Fixed Easel playing already completed conversations
- Added guards to inventory items not able to get their UI icons
- Fixed some layering issues in coloring minigames
- Fixed some Easel issues
- Fixed when enemies have high negative potency it gives player more blocks
- Fixed Room 3 wasp fight sometimes not able to restart combat
- Updated Roselynn's rose coloring minigame
- Fixed Room 3 mural coloring minigame where the layers' positions are shifting when completed
- Surprise dungeon combat scenarios that give debuffs are now removed after that combat
- Decreased Confused card mojo cost from 2 to 1
- Fixed Confused card scaling. Higher Perception stat will decrease amount of Stun shuffled into deck
- Fixed game sometime thinks it's Night when it's Morning
- Added talking/flirting activities with Roselynn: This is unlocked after setting up the Easel in your room
- UI for showing cards during combat (Deck, Discard, Burn) are now scrollable
- Removed scaling on hover and pickup for Morwenna's drawer minigame
- Fixed spankbank issues
- Typo fixes
- Fixed not being able to repeat the Outhouse Stinkfudge fight if you lost
- New quests and sex scene: Conclusion of the Frop & Steam quest line. Talk to Morwenna after completing her dungeon quest.
- Changed Raw Fury card from Gain double potency to Gain double potency as temporary potency
- Decreased Raw Fury mojo cost from 3 to 1
- Changed Minor Transformation card art
- Fixed Morwenna being visible when sneaking in her room quest
- Fixed some quest description texts
- Fixed some more typos
- Combat Effect Shielded now decreases by 1 per turn
- Decreased (Normal Difficulty) Tentacled Thing Monster HP from 240 to 200
- Decreased (Easy Difficulty) Tentacled Thing Monster HP from 120 to 100
- Decreased Tentacled Thing Monster Shielded overall value by 5
- Decreased Acid mojo cost from 3 to 1
- Fixed Tentacled Thing Monster giving potency to player and not itself
- Fixed combat effect Shielded not properly destroying its UI element on next turn
- Fixed combat effects UI elements not refreshing on combat restart
- Fixed some typos
Release 6
- Fixed broken addressable causing the game not to run
- Fixed combat effects not being cleared properly
- Fixed quick saving and quick loading during conversation doesn't hide other UI
- Fixed chandelier in Kitchen being transparent
- Fixed some addressable issues
- Fixed new quest not triggering when sleeping
- New quest line with both Dawn and Morwenna, Frop and Steam. Go to sleep after finishing the Belltower quest to start the new story
- New minigames. Get the Steam Bath working, and find the Fire Opal
- New dungeon in the quest line where you'll have Morwenna as a combat ally
- Unlock a new training activity. Studying with Dawn
- Updated spunk study minigames with Izelle to look less confusing
- Updated cleaning minigames to only auto complete a piece when letting go the mouse button
- Fixed deconstruct minigames not fading the pieces out properly
- The Mines dungeon is now locked during the Night
- Positive Potency now decreases by 1 per turn
- Fixed fatigue not being removed when resting
- Fixed some minigames not progressing
- Fixed wrong convo playing during collecting honey minigame
- Fixed fire VFX in the backroom
- Fixed some room names
- Fixed Orb quest continuation not tagged as "To Be Continued"
- Fixed some character art having a visible seam
- Fixed Upsell UI error
- Fixed weird rollback from Inn Room 3 to Kitchen
- Prevents the Rewards UI popping up for quest items. Now it's a notification on the top right of the screen
- Fixed shield icon showing up when value is 0
- Fixed latest Roselynn's honey quest not always progressing
- Fixed Tristan holding flowers even though he hasn't got them yet.
- Fixed some spelling issues
- Fixed Annya's favourite flower for the Little Red Book
- Fixed Roselynn's foot in painting minigame
- Fixed addressable issue with flower holding
- Fixed Pog's dungeon amulet minigame conversation not triggering
- Fixed able to buy Glass before required quest is triggered
- Fixed jugs in the Kitchen not always getting removed when picked up
- Fixed fire in the Kitchen looking transparent
- Fixed wrong layering of flowers when being held
Release 5
- New Quest Line with Roselynn, Sweet as honey. Talk to Roselynn after the Backyard Romance quest
- New minigames where you repair and improve a new room in the Inn
- New monster you'll encounter in the new quest line
- Updated camp events where you enter a dungeon with an ally
- Updated memory minigame clicking and flipping mechanics
- Nerfed Nausea card. Decreased potency inflicted when neglected. Decreased amount of Nausea cards shuffled into deck when played
- Fixed Frost effect value going in the negative
- Fixed Purify card from camp events being added permanently instead of temporarily
- Decreased likelihood of Spider enemies shuffling Tangled cards into deck
- Decreased likelihood of Fungoid, and Ooze enemies shuffling Spunk cards into deck
- Decreased amount of Tangled, and Spunk cards shuffled into deck
- Decreased mojo cost from 2 to 1 to play Tangled cards
- Added guards to camp healing event not always triggering
- Fixed poison, burning, bleed effect dealing damage after the turn reduces the effect's level
- Fixed Pestilential Purge card removing burning effect instead of poison effect
- Fixed Tristan holding musk gland
- Fixed Roselynn's sex backyard scene ending abruptly
- Fixed some spelling issues in conversations
- Fixed new dungeon not ending properly
- Fixed Izelle training not always advancing time
- Added instructions on the alchemy minigame
- Updated some background sprites of minigames
- Fixed Izelle's room name
- Fixed some failsafe conversations
- Fixed missing materials and sprites in minigames
- Fixed minigames black screen issue
- New character: Meet the Alchemist Izelle
- Big new Quest Line, Tendril Thing. Kicks off after you've completed Lin's content and talk to Dawn
- New monsters you'll encounter in the new quest line and the dungeon
- New minigames
- New combat ally: Have Izelle as an ally in combat in the new quest line
- Updated End of Content UI
- Fixed Main Menu button not animating properly
- Some tweaks to camp interruption events to avoid map bug during combat
- Added Easel in Tristan's Room to replay painting minigames
- Fixed sometimes throwing errors when finishing combat
- Fixed error during collecting cards
- Some UI fixes
Release 4 (0.3.9a) - 2024-08-03
- Fixed Main Menu button not animating properly
- Some tweaks to camp interruption events to avoid map bug during combat
- Added Easel in Tristan's Room to replay painting minigames
- Fixed sometimes throwing errors when finishing combat
- Fixed error during collecting cards
- Some UI fixes
- Fixed some buttons' missing sprites
- Updated End of Content UI
- Added guards on the dungeon map getting on top of combat when coming from a dungeon event
- Fixed getting pickaxe from Pog doesn't give a weapon and cards
- Fixed Pog's cards not being removed after Raft combat encounter
- Fixed Poison proof not actually being poison proof
- Fixed some typos
- Fixed Pog's dungeon quest sometimes not completing
- Fixed dungeon chest events sometimes not displaying chest image
- Fixed Backroom's fireplace vfx
- Fixed Combat Effects not triggering on start, and end turn
- Fixed Rewards collect button getting locked when speed clicking
- Fixed able to click the map while combat is active
- Fixed Fountain dungeon event sometimes not giving rewards
- Fixed able to choose cards more than the amount allowed in combat
- Added guards on the dungeon map getting on top of combat
- Fixed Rewards collect button being able to be clicked multiple times
- Fixed Removing cursed cards in dungeon events causing errors
- Fixed combat shield icon's size sometimes increasing
- Fixed Nausea card not inflicting negative potency
- Fixed some dungeon event death events not being repeatable
- Fixed monster death events sometimes not triggering correctly
- Fixed mis-attributed dialogue
- Fixed Training UI wrong calculations
- Steamdeck specific fix for improving keyboard input
- Fixed missing Shop room
- Smoke Up card can no longer be kept in turns
- Adjusted tentacle monster values
- Nerfed mecha monsters shield values
- Fixed retreat button sometimes not working
- Fixed last pog quest not clearing
- Fixed card rewards not initializing properly
- New Pog quests
- New Sex scene
- Added sprite indicator for cards coming from allies in combat
- End of content UI is now unique per character
- Increased Orb line linking minigame's snapping distances
- New Pog quests
- Changed Sudoku minigame skip logic
- Fixed dungeon treasure/chest/special events sometimes causing a soft-lock
- Added sanity checks to prevent triggering old dialogue from Dawn's flower quest
- Fixed Pog blacksmithing minigame's progress bar not moving
- Fixed Roselynn bar running activity comic not playing
- Fixed Pog training not giving rewards when quick saving then quick loading while comic is playing
- Fixed some spelling issues
- Updated art for Pog blacksmithing minigame
- Fixed Pog training not advancing time
- Fixed UI disappearing in conversations after a minigame
- Fixed notifications not showing after a minigame
- Fixed Pog training not triggering
- Fixed Pog minigames being pink
- Changed Pog quest descriptions
- Added better mouse handling for Pog blacksmithing minigame
- Adjusted sorting of minigame instructions panel
- Fixed dungeon events causing a soft-lock in the dungeon
- Fixed Flaming Bite not dealing Burn damage
- Fixed some card art reverting to placeholder sprites
- Fixed orb dungeon showing wrong boss
- Fixed choose cards UI not closing when not enough cards can be drawn
- Fixed room names fix not applying correctly
- Fixed Vanishing type cards
- Fixed While Held type cards
- Fixed Bloodloss card not dealing damage
- Fixed Buttstroke card showing only 20 Damage but dealing 10 Damage
- Fixed Corruption card not dealing damage
- Fixed Courage card not applying potency
- Fixed Moist card not destroying Nausea cards
0.3.0b - 2024-06-03
- Fixed minigames in dungeon
- Fixed choosing cards closing prematurely
- Fixed some room names having incorrect names
A Raunchy Rogue on the Run, a furious Archmage, and his deflowered daughter; step into a love letter to classic D&D, just with more sex, fun and lovingly hand-drawn and animated 2D Art from the devs behind Paradise Lust.
When a magical accident teleports you to the ass-end of nowhere, the small outpost of Sinners Landing, you discover a deep fantasy world filled with haughty dark-elf priestess, shy temple virgins, ex-courtesans with a heart of gold, and an orcish muscle-mummy.
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 2dcg, adventure, animated, bdsm, creampie, dating sim, group, harem, humor, interracial, lesbian, male protagonist, masturbation oral, point and click, puzzle, romance, rpg, sandbox, titfuck, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Flexible Media - patreon | itch.io | discord
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.10.3
Другие проекты автора: Paradise Lust [Completed] - Paradise Lust 2 - Love of Magic [Completed] - Morningstar
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Release 10 - 2024-12-20
- Fixed conversation typos
- Fixed Little Red Book error after naming Sumita
- Fixed Morwenna's Spankbank being tagged as WIP
- Fixed Square Statue closeup art
- Continuation of The Fiery Hand story line. Meditate in the Belltower to continue the quest.
- Fixed Pray card not having an animation and visual effect
- Changed the fiery hand dungeon boss to be a fungoid shroom
- Added missing Bumble SFX
- Added Leave a Review button at the end of content UI
- Fixed skip function in the dragging the flower fungus minigame
- Fixed some missing dungeon sfx
- Fixed conversation typos
- Fixed linking morwenna minigame having excess connections
- Fixed conversation typos
- Fixed picking up mushroom minigame not picking up correctly
- Fixed quest UI sometimes showing wrong character
- New Story line with Dawn and Morwenna: The Fiery Hand. It kicks off after meeting Izelle, and the Frop and Steam quest line.
- Notification pop ups now lasts longer
- Fixed Tristan's Room name
- Fixed Map UI sometimes not hiding when exiting a dungeon
- Added instructions on the click to swap and rotate minigame
- Fixed Pog rub minigame flickering
- Fixed Poisonous Bite dealing 0 poison
- Fixed some convo texts
- Fixed Shop Stairs locked rooms
- Fixed square statue convo
- Morwenna book letter swapping minigames now darkens the letters when placed correctly
- Book Herbs swapping minigame now locks pieces when placed correctly
- Fixed talking to Dawn during Frop Steam quest sometimes not triggering
- Fixed Pog's statue head minigame overlapping pieces
- Fixed Find The Difference minigame sometimes auto completes itself
- Added guards for deleted quests
- Fixed Bronze Memories quests not clearing
- Fixed weird position changes when kissing
- Fixed some dialogue text issues
- Fixed rubbing oil minigame speed clicking issues
- Added dialogue for clicking on flowers that are not yet ready to be picked up
- Fixed Shop Stairs room having no exit
- Fixed Shop Stairs room having wrong room labels
- Fixed some rollback issues
- Fixed some sex scenes not playing music
- Fixed some typos
- Nerfed big ass wasp enemy health
- Fixed sometimes not being able to exit the dungeon
- Fixed conversation loop when fighting the big ass wasp
- New Quest Line with Annya, Bronze Memories. Talk to Annya once you've finished Pog's quests and have copper ingots in your inventory
- World Map navigation now positions the Inn, Shop, and Dockside correctly
- Fixed duplicate conversation option in one of the dungeon events
- Fixed rewards ui errors
- Added instruction/how to play text on the sudoku minigame
- Item rewards now use item names and icons
- Adjusted layout spacing for rewards ui
- Decreased giant wasp chances to use their poison move
- Fixed room 3 wasp fight not being repeatable
- Fixed little red book text overlap
Release 9 - 2024-11-28
- Nerfed Bearsnake's Venom
- Fixed not being able to go to the backyard in Backyard Romance quest line
- Fixed some conversation texts
- Improved the drop rate of quest related items in the dungeon
- Roselynn's flirting options now also unlocks facts about her in the Little Red Book
- Reduced the difficulty of combat encounters in the mines(easy difficulty)
- Fixed inventory screen while in the dungeon
- Fixed Roselynn's self portrait painting minigame small pieces
- Fixed Roselynn's age not showing in the Little Red Book
- Fixed some dialogue
- Revised the art for Izelle's herb harvest minigame
- Revised the art for Izelle's spore book minigame
- Fixed Izelle's spore book puzzle minigame
- Fixed combat sometimes ending on the first turn
- Fixed errors in rune search minigame
- Fixed Izelle pastry quest acting like it's not finished
- Decreased Stinkfudge's Nausea cards
- Changed Nausea card to "Lose Potency when Drawn", Vanishing, and Unplayable
- Decreased Nausea card negative potency by 1
- Removed location and day requirements for Tyra's first dungeon quest
- Decreased chances of spiders doing a Tangled action
- Fixed some more typos
- Fixed rubbing oil on Pog minigame
- Fixed missing microscope minigame
- Fixed cross out the mold in a book, and swapping mold minigame to be more concise
- Fixed some weird lines in beer brewing comic
- Fixed some typos
- Fixed a build pipeline issue causing the Roslynn honey-mead comic to fail to load.
- Added lower difficulty tutorial minigame for the microscope minigame
- Stinkfudge is now less likely to heal itself
- Fixes some typos
- Fixed music sometimes not looping during a minigame
- Fixed some missing backgrounds for rooms
Release 8
- New Quest Line with Roselynn and Izelle, Brewing Passion. Kicks off after meeting Izelle quest line and Roselynn's Wasp Honey quest
- New monsters you'll encounter in the dungeon
- New minigames
- Added some failsafe convos in early quests
- Added predict logic for predict type cards
- Fixed choose type cards' UI not always updating the available card's count
- Fixed some UI elements overlapping on each other
- Added door transition sounds
- Added water sounds in cleaning minigames
- Added welding sounds in repairing the bell minigame
- Added sketch and paint sounds in coloring minigames
- Added Evening and Night ambient sounds
- Added Steambath, Courtyard, Watchtower, and Sanctum rooms ambient sounds
- Added repair sounds in the reparing the bed minigame
- Fixed music not looping when loading a save
- Progress bar for Three Goddesses minigame is now hidden
- Fixed pieces in some swapping minigames not resetting properly
- Fixed Three Goddesses minigame clicking and hovering issues
- Fixed Quest UI text spillage
- Fixed being able to put non-potion items into inventory potion slots
- Mojo Potion now gains mojo on the next turn
- Rebounding Solution potion now gains Rebounding effect on use
- Rebound effect: A percent of damage received will damage the enemy back
- Invisibility Infusion potion now gives Stealth effect
- Stealth effect: Cannot be targeted
- Fixed Flask of Renewal potion not drawing and discarding cards
- Fixed Infusion of Gryphon potion not drawing Courage cards
- Fixed Infusion of Dragon potion not drawing Inisght cards
- Fixed Infusion of Owl potion not drawing Insight cards
- Fixed some potion's descriptions incorrect format
- Fixed Pog's sex scene sometimes ending abruptly
- Fixed some more typos
- Fixed Izelle sometimes not appearing when clicking on her
- Fixed player health not setting properly when loading in a dungeon save
- Fixed player health not resetting when finishing a dungeon
- Fixed some minigame errors
- Fixed some more typos
- Quest item requirements are now crossed out when you get the required amount
- Fixed minigame in the new dungeon not repeatable
- Fixed hint not counting as progress in hidden objects minigame
- Fixed UI sometimes not showing after a minigame
- Fixed some typos
Release 7
- New quest line with Pog: Oily Ceremony. The quest triggers after her Amulet and Raft storyline
- New dungeon in the new quest. Bring Pog as an ally in the dungeon.
- Some new minigames: Rubbing some oil on Pog
- Some minigames' progress bars are now hidden
- Adjusted drop rate for goo items in the goo collecting dungeon quest line
- Fixed Courage card not vanishing
- Fixed Piercing Blow card not dealing correct damage
- Tristan now does a buff animation when drinking potions
- Fixed Potions can be used during enemy's turn
- Fixed some Potion UI errors
- Fixed error when inventory icons sometimes fail to load
- Fixed some missing references
- Added potions in the dungeon. You can add potions in your dungeon run by going into the inventory and clicking them to add in your potion slots
- Fixed cards tagged as play to destroy not being destroyed
- Fixed Roselynn flirting typos
- Dawn training activities updated:
- Gardening can only be started when she's in the Garden
- Study can only be started when she's in the Library
- Fixed Easel playing already completed conversations
- Added guards to inventory items not able to get their UI icons
- Fixed some layering issues in coloring minigames
- Fixed some Easel issues
- Fixed when enemies have high negative potency it gives player more blocks
- Fixed Room 3 wasp fight sometimes not able to restart combat
- Updated Roselynn's rose coloring minigame
- Fixed Room 3 mural coloring minigame where the layers' positions are shifting when completed
- Surprise dungeon combat scenarios that give debuffs are now removed after that combat
- Decreased Confused card mojo cost from 2 to 1
- Fixed Confused card scaling. Higher Perception stat will decrease amount of Stun shuffled into deck
- Fixed game sometime thinks it's Night when it's Morning
- Added talking/flirting activities with Roselynn: This is unlocked after setting up the Easel in your room
- UI for showing cards during combat (Deck, Discard, Burn) are now scrollable
- Removed scaling on hover and pickup for Morwenna's drawer minigame
- Fixed spankbank issues
- Typo fixes
- Fixed not being able to repeat the Outhouse Stinkfudge fight if you lost
- New quests and sex scene: Conclusion of the Frop & Steam quest line. Talk to Morwenna after completing her dungeon quest.
- Changed Raw Fury card from Gain double potency to Gain double potency as temporary potency
- Decreased Raw Fury mojo cost from 3 to 1
- Changed Minor Transformation card art
- Fixed Morwenna being visible when sneaking in her room quest
- Fixed some quest description texts
- Fixed some more typos
- Combat Effect Shielded now decreases by 1 per turn
- Decreased (Normal Difficulty) Tentacled Thing Monster HP from 240 to 200
- Decreased (Easy Difficulty) Tentacled Thing Monster HP from 120 to 100
- Decreased Tentacled Thing Monster Shielded overall value by 5
- Decreased Acid mojo cost from 3 to 1
- Fixed Tentacled Thing Monster giving potency to player and not itself
- Fixed combat effect Shielded not properly destroying its UI element on next turn
- Fixed combat effects UI elements not refreshing on combat restart
- Fixed some typos
Release 6
- Fixed broken addressable causing the game not to run
- Fixed combat effects not being cleared properly
- Fixed quick saving and quick loading during conversation doesn't hide other UI
- Fixed chandelier in Kitchen being transparent
- Fixed some addressable issues
- Fixed new quest not triggering when sleeping
- New quest line with both Dawn and Morwenna, Frop and Steam. Go to sleep after finishing the Belltower quest to start the new story
- New minigames. Get the Steam Bath working, and find the Fire Opal
- New dungeon in the quest line where you'll have Morwenna as a combat ally
- Unlock a new training activity. Studying with Dawn
- Updated spunk study minigames with Izelle to look less confusing
- Updated cleaning minigames to only auto complete a piece when letting go the mouse button
- Fixed deconstruct minigames not fading the pieces out properly
- The Mines dungeon is now locked during the Night
- Positive Potency now decreases by 1 per turn
- Fixed fatigue not being removed when resting
- Fixed some minigames not progressing
- Fixed wrong convo playing during collecting honey minigame
- Fixed fire VFX in the backroom
- Fixed some room names
- Fixed Orb quest continuation not tagged as "To Be Continued"
- Fixed some character art having a visible seam
- Fixed Upsell UI error
- Fixed weird rollback from Inn Room 3 to Kitchen
- Prevents the Rewards UI popping up for quest items. Now it's a notification on the top right of the screen
- Fixed shield icon showing up when value is 0
- Fixed latest Roselynn's honey quest not always progressing
- Fixed Tristan holding flowers even though he hasn't got them yet.
- Fixed some spelling issues
- Fixed Annya's favourite flower for the Little Red Book
- Fixed Roselynn's foot in painting minigame
- Fixed addressable issue with flower holding
- Fixed Pog's dungeon amulet minigame conversation not triggering
- Fixed able to buy Glass before required quest is triggered
- Fixed jugs in the Kitchen not always getting removed when picked up
- Fixed fire in the Kitchen looking transparent
- Fixed wrong layering of flowers when being held
Release 5
- New Quest Line with Roselynn, Sweet as honey. Talk to Roselynn after the Backyard Romance quest
- New minigames where you repair and improve a new room in the Inn
- New monster you'll encounter in the new quest line
- Updated camp events where you enter a dungeon with an ally
- Updated memory minigame clicking and flipping mechanics
- Nerfed Nausea card. Decreased potency inflicted when neglected. Decreased amount of Nausea cards shuffled into deck when played
- Fixed Frost effect value going in the negative
- Fixed Purify card from camp events being added permanently instead of temporarily
- Decreased likelihood of Spider enemies shuffling Tangled cards into deck
- Decreased likelihood of Fungoid, and Ooze enemies shuffling Spunk cards into deck
- Decreased amount of Tangled, and Spunk cards shuffled into deck
- Decreased mojo cost from 2 to 1 to play Tangled cards
- Added guards to camp healing event not always triggering
- Fixed poison, burning, bleed effect dealing damage after the turn reduces the effect's level
- Fixed Pestilential Purge card removing burning effect instead of poison effect
- Fixed Tristan holding musk gland
- Fixed Roselynn's sex backyard scene ending abruptly
- Fixed some spelling issues in conversations
- Fixed new dungeon not ending properly
- Fixed Izelle training not always advancing time
- Added instructions on the alchemy minigame
- Updated some background sprites of minigames
- Fixed Izelle's room name
- Fixed some failsafe conversations
- Fixed missing materials and sprites in minigames
- Fixed minigames black screen issue
- New character: Meet the Alchemist Izelle
- Big new Quest Line, Tendril Thing. Kicks off after you've completed Lin's content and talk to Dawn
- New monsters you'll encounter in the new quest line and the dungeon
- New minigames
- New combat ally: Have Izelle as an ally in combat in the new quest line
- Updated End of Content UI
- Fixed Main Menu button not animating properly
- Some tweaks to camp interruption events to avoid map bug during combat
- Added Easel in Tristan's Room to replay painting minigames
- Fixed sometimes throwing errors when finishing combat
- Fixed error during collecting cards
- Some UI fixes
Release 4 (0.3.9a) - 2024-08-03
- Fixed Main Menu button not animating properly
- Some tweaks to camp interruption events to avoid map bug during combat
- Added Easel in Tristan's Room to replay painting minigames
- Fixed sometimes throwing errors when finishing combat
- Fixed error during collecting cards
- Some UI fixes
- Fixed some buttons' missing sprites
- Updated End of Content UI
- Added guards on the dungeon map getting on top of combat when coming from a dungeon event
- Fixed getting pickaxe from Pog doesn't give a weapon and cards
- Fixed Pog's cards not being removed after Raft combat encounter
- Fixed Poison proof not actually being poison proof
- Fixed some typos
- Fixed Pog's dungeon quest sometimes not completing
- Fixed dungeon chest events sometimes not displaying chest image
- Fixed Backroom's fireplace vfx
- Fixed Combat Effects not triggering on start, and end turn
- Fixed Rewards collect button getting locked when speed clicking
- Fixed able to click the map while combat is active
- Fixed Fountain dungeon event sometimes not giving rewards
- Fixed able to choose cards more than the amount allowed in combat
- Added guards on the dungeon map getting on top of combat
- Fixed Rewards collect button being able to be clicked multiple times
- Fixed Removing cursed cards in dungeon events causing errors
- Fixed combat shield icon's size sometimes increasing
- Fixed Nausea card not inflicting negative potency
- Fixed some dungeon event death events not being repeatable
- Fixed monster death events sometimes not triggering correctly
- Fixed mis-attributed dialogue
- Fixed Training UI wrong calculations
- Steamdeck specific fix for improving keyboard input
- Fixed missing Shop room
- Smoke Up card can no longer be kept in turns
- Adjusted tentacle monster values
- Nerfed mecha monsters shield values
- Fixed retreat button sometimes not working
- Fixed last pog quest not clearing
- Fixed card rewards not initializing properly
- New Pog quests
- New Sex scene
- Added sprite indicator for cards coming from allies in combat
- End of content UI is now unique per character
- Increased Orb line linking minigame's snapping distances
- New Pog quests
- Changed Sudoku minigame skip logic
- Fixed dungeon treasure/chest/special events sometimes causing a soft-lock
- Added sanity checks to prevent triggering old dialogue from Dawn's flower quest
- Fixed Pog blacksmithing minigame's progress bar not moving
- Fixed Roselynn bar running activity comic not playing
- Fixed Pog training not giving rewards when quick saving then quick loading while comic is playing
- Fixed some spelling issues
- Updated art for Pog blacksmithing minigame
- Fixed Pog training not advancing time
- Fixed UI disappearing in conversations after a minigame
- Fixed notifications not showing after a minigame
- Fixed Pog training not triggering
- Fixed Pog minigames being pink
- Changed Pog quest descriptions
- Added better mouse handling for Pog blacksmithing minigame
- Adjusted sorting of minigame instructions panel
- Fixed dungeon events causing a soft-lock in the dungeon
- Fixed Flaming Bite not dealing Burn damage
- Fixed some card art reverting to placeholder sprites
- Fixed orb dungeon showing wrong boss
- Fixed choose cards UI not closing when not enough cards can be drawn
- Fixed room names fix not applying correctly
- Fixed Vanishing type cards
- Fixed While Held type cards
- Fixed Bloodloss card not dealing damage
- Fixed Buttstroke card showing only 20 Damage but dealing 10 Damage
- Fixed Corruption card not dealing damage
- Fixed Courage card not applying potency
- Fixed Moist card not destroying Nausea cards
0.3.0b - 2024-06-03
- Fixed minigames in dungeon
- Fixed choosing cards closing prematurely
- Fixed some room names having incorrect names
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 20-12-2024, 18:35
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.10.3. / Topic updated to version v.0.10.3.
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.10.3. / Topic updated to version v.0.10.3.
Пароль на архив / Archive password:
Downloaded from Porno-Island
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