Описание:You are uprooted out of nowhere and flung into an unknown world. This is a hub world, a junction if you will, the place humans known as travelers utilize to venture through gateways connecting to distant worlds and universes. It is soon clear you are somehow embroiled in the machinations of someone else's grand game spanning centuries, and to gain power for yourself and another, you're tasked with growing this hub world by making it appealing to the travelers passing through.
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: adventure, animated, corruption, cosplay, creampie, group, handjob, harem, incest, interracial, lesbian, male protagonist, management, masturbation, milf, oral, pov, real porn, romance, sandbox, sex toys, text based, transformation, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Feebs
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.4.0
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.4.0 - 2025-02-09
• The story continues.
• Quick tracker now has ability to edit anywhere, not just on computer.
• Can now change phone message notification. Most of the MP3s kindly provided by Jaokarb.
• "Return" location function overhauled.
• Interruption and skipping functions completely redone.
• Completely redone how sex and oral stats are tracked so all characters can now be tracked without additional work. Existing stats calculated based on movie unlocks.
• Can now discuss festival with Quinn to get it started.
• Seraphina's substory continues.
• Sena's content continues.
• Fixed issue caused by previous update changing location from "Off World" to the relevant planet name caused some events to break, notably, Charlotte's influenced visit to Quinn, and Phaedra's job offer.
• Photoshoots page no longer breaks when one of them is in the spa relaxing.
• The alternative unlock for Ava's "Lying Fucker" was only available at certain corruption levels, despite her not otherwise needing corruption.
v0.3.3 - 2024-08-31
• Gemma's substory continues.
• Ava's substory continues.
• Some users of Firefox would get a stutter or delay at the end of a looping local video. I have disabled the browser's looping implementation and it now uses js to restart the loop instead.
• Some minor UI tweaks for teaching/studying and projects.
• Setting added to allow for custom save names.
• Precise hints setting removed. The setting was kinda redundant given how they display.
• Contact app now lists planet name, New Eden or Central as location for most characters instead of Off World.
• Added warning when there's a trade deal available.
• If one of your characters that went to New Eden is stuck in their alternative form due to a previous bug, you can now transform them back at Gateway B.
• If Kylie transforms herself without you having unlocked the option, you can now transform her back at Gateway B.
• Replay system updated to remedy issues with the back/forward options.
• Quick tracker will now show tooltip if character is in a different location to their default schedule.
• New toggle on the calendar apps to switch between viewing today's schedule and their default schedule.
• Someone at work can now be quickly unassigned via the quick tracker.
• Fallback added for people who cheated Rita's corruption causing a sequence break with the Harmony/Tina reviews.
• Female workers now have generic images while at work and can be interacted with. A handful also have facility-specific images.
• The actress for Emica & Harriet changed due to appropriateness of scenes available.
• Final Glitter Box evaluation lewds added.
• Alternative method for unlocking Quinn's first two scenes added.
v0.3.2HF2 - 2024-08-08
• Fixed a typo in Genevieve's scene description that broke the replayer.
• Fixed bug with duplicated variable values that meant Charlie's substory could get softlocked.
• Lillian can no longer show both Charlie discussion topics.
• Charlotte's off world visit to see Quinn didn't work with the third level of your possession ability.
• Ella will now be at the spa between 11 & 16 during her revisits.
• Fixed typo that caused script error in Chrome when changing active scene in the quick tracker.
• Charlotte’s tracker would sometimes revert back to "Waiting for Victoria" after completing her current content.
• Victoria's scene when she's in Mega's room ("Noisy Neighbor" in her tracker) had the wrong updated trigger.
• The forced council meeting after returning from New Eden was trying to trigger a day early and failing, preventing the game going past 14:00.
• Added fallback in case Charlie stuff triggers in unexpected sequence.
v0.3.2 - 2024-08-01
• Charlie's substory started.
• Movement in Fiona's substory.
• Minor movement in Madison's substory.
• Minor movement in Rita's substory.
• Madison's & Rita's substories give an alternative method to unlock them performing with you at Velvet Pleasures.
• Alternative unlock condition added for Tina's scene with Rita - assist her with a shift while Rita is available.
• Final offworlder added to Selina's options.
• Alyssa added to Selina's options.
• Lewd added to nighttime control.
• Vertical videos should now honor settings.
• Movies app now shows how many scenes you've unlocked and how many are available without having to click through to each woman.
• Can now select quick tracker options via the tracker app on the computer too.
• Interruption events can no longer trigger during the first visit to New Eden.
• Scene variants added. These will have blue tags instead of white. This will mostly be used for possession vs voyeurism scenes where you can choose to watch a woman with another man, or possess that man.
• Victoria's substory now locked behind story progression which should prevent the story-related TF mismatches, also fixed a few other bugs with her substory including disappearance from garden and TF mismatches on optional scenes.
• Piggy events now properly trigger after the first limit break.
• Events that triggered at certain times (such as house meetings) can no longer be skipped passed whatsoever and will always occur on time. This effectively removes the penalty that some of these scenes had for attending late if you were skipping or otherwise occupied.
• Once you've finished the current substory content for any given character, the tracker now shows hints for any lewd scenes still locked.
• Several other bug fixes I forgot to note (sorry!)
• The tracker app now lets you to change the number of quick track slots between 0 and 10.
• Central added to nighttime power control. You'll gain nothing from it, but it's a way to access the associated lewds if you've got no actual planets available.
Bug Fixes
• Can now discuss art with Victoria in the garden again.
• Victoria's tracker no longer borked.
• Various planet options didn't unlock if you were already over the max level of 10. Such as the ability to continue Ella's substory. If you now revisit power control it should unlock all planet features for those already at max level.
• If you chose to remain friends with Alyssa, you weren't able to collect your thoughts at night to change your mind if she was the only one you had to 'think about'.
• Charlotte's influenced visit to Quinn was broken by the new 0.3.1 events system.
• The Duvessa scene toward end of current game can no longer be missed if you had used you focus dreams ability that night.
• The New Eden Embassy in your hub should now appear correctly even if you've not properly met Sena previously.
• Kylie's les scene in the spa now available again.
v0.3.1 - 2024-07-02
• MMF scenes can now be initiated by the MC but the player can skip to the end without watching.
• TF icons now appear even for locked movies.
• Victoria's substory continued.
• Ella's substory expanded.
• Lilin and Celeste's content expanded.
• New evaluation scene added at the Glitter Box.
• Annisa performance lewd added.
• Planet selection UIs updated and given contextual icon indicators for available events/improvements.
• Piggyback & influence events system reworked to store events and their completion differently.
• All the planets now have names.
• Skip to midnight, and skip to expedition end buttons added in your room.
• Fixed bug on weekly rota that meant people would appear in locations they weren't working if you assigned them to the current time slot for a different day.
• Fixed issue when trying to change the day in some facilities.
• If you neglected your harem, it was possible to have insufficient partners for the second limit break.
• Power control expansion.
• Megan's subsstory slightly expanded purely for the power control bonuses.
• Power control formula reworked. Now way easier to level up.
• Level 3 grants ability to posses people on that world (two available events atm).
• Level 4 grants the ability to let your connection strength grow passively if the world has an anchor point. You'll gain 3% of your power as progress every hour you're awake.
• Level 5 makes calibration more effective, if unlocked.
• Maximum level using power control is now level 10, which also grants a 10 max energy bonus. If you're already beyond that limit you won't be reduced.
• Bonuses will be applied retrospectively next time you use power control on that world if you're already passed the new thresholds.
• Lewd added to nighttime control.
v0.3.0 Hotfix 3
• Fixed issue with Isolda's scheduling causing her inspection to never end.
• Talking to Ava while she's in the waiting area will no longer pop you in the wrong location after.
• Fixed error preventing Kimberly from teaching once you unlocked her younger form even when she was in her original form.
• Nighttime power control now properly resets if you exit out of it.
• New Eden party members who never transformed back to their original forms due to the bug in 0.2 will revert automatically on load.
• Added tracker option to view any items you've purchased (only shows if when you have an item).
• "Animal Crossing" can now be completed after the second limit break once you are talking to Meriya again.
• Depending on how you cleared the Glitter Box events during the original New Eden visit, you were unable to regain access once revisiting New Eden.
• Added the ability to wait for the current expedition to finish on the expedition screen.
• Market and New Eden Office now correctly display stats on the overview page.
• Use of conflicting temporary variables caused some broken images.
• The exhibitionist trait no longer allows a character to exceed their maximum corruption.
• Seraphina's first substory step now has slightly different dialogue should you be influencing Phaedra.
• 'Pushing the subject' with Seraphina no longer makes her visit you EVERY morning.
• The repeatable version of Jessica's respected-with-New-Eden scene hit a dead end if you chose to 'do it'.
• If Kim wasn't in your New Eden party and you unlock TF with the character that was, Kim's TF followup conversation was blank.
• Deciding to talk to Gabriella later would lock you out of the quest when Alyssa takes her message.
• If you didn't meet Stacy individually before the cabinet meeting, she would not register as met.
• Josie's new event chain was a little wonky depending on where you got with it during the original New Eden visit.
• Fixes issue preventing Piper's cute animal farm upgrade.
• If you didn't manage to convince the cabinet during the New Eden event, the final council task was missing a continue button.