В мире, где разные расы научились сосуществовать, жила девочка-эльф. Недавно ей исполнилось восемнадцать, и отец попросил ее помочь ему. Он был в долгу перед Сэмом - своим братом. Рейя решила помочь отцу и переехала в большой город, чтобы работать на Сэма. Застенчивая и невинная девушка, не привыкшая жить среди стольких людей, будет предоставлена сама себе.
In a world where different races learned to coexist, there was an elf girl. She recently turned eighteen, and her father asked her to help him out. He was in debt to Sam - his brother. Reya decided to help out her father and moved to the big city to work for Sam. A shy and innocent girl, not used to living among so many people will be on her own.
Год выпуска: 2023
Жанр: 3dcg, animated, corruption, creampie, female protagonist, footjob, groping, handjob, masturbation, oral, sandbox, teasing, vaginal, virgin,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Yooshi - Patreon
Перевод: Zavkiel
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.6.3 Rus / v.0.6.5 SE Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поблагодарить Переводчика : Яндекс кошелёк 410014283992847
В мире, где разные расы научились сосуществовать, жила девочка-эльф. Недавно ей исполнилось восемнадцать, и отец попросил ее помочь ему. Он был в долгу перед Сэмом - своим братом. Рейя решила помочь отцу и переехала в большой город, чтобы работать на Сэма. Застенчивая и невинная девушка, не привыкшая жить среди стольких людей, будет предоставлена сама себе.
In a world where different races learned to coexist, there was an elf girl. She recently turned eighteen, and her father asked her to help him out. He was in debt to Sam - his brother. Reya decided to help out her father and moved to the big city to work for Sam. A shy and innocent girl, not used to living among so many people will be on her own.
Год выпуска: 2023
Жанр: 3dcg, animated, corruption, creampie, female protagonist, footjob, groping, handjob, masturbation, oral, sandbox, teasing, vaginal, virgin,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Yooshi - Patreon
Перевод: Zavkiel
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.6.3 Rus / v.0.6.5 SE Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поблагодарить Переводчика : Яндекс кошелёк 410014283992847
0.6.5 SE CHANGELOG: - 2024-12-06
added a time skip button on the map
added two small encounters while buying an energy drink
extended sunbathing event (+4 events)
extended green hair guy event (+1 event)
changed corruption requirements for sunbathing events
fixed the bug where after completing sunbathing content the events would restart to the first one
fixed missing bg mansion_changec image
fixed missing bg mass_he_c1 image
fixed missing bg park_event1_2 image
fixed the bug where Reya was teleported after collecting the money for streams
minor fixes (typos etc)
added a new event for Lily
extended two guys' event
content from voting moved to 0.6.5
extended leaking pipe event (towel option)
extended leaking pipe event (try to fix alone option - two variants)
0.6.3 CHANGELOG: - 2024-10-20
added a new event while taking a walk in the city (photographer)
added a new event while taking a walk in the city (ice cream)
added a new event while taking a walk in the city (two guys)
refreshed walk images
Reya now thinks in the night about her first visit in mixed baths
Reya now thinks in the night about her first bath with Laura
Reya now thinks in the night about her first HJ for Jeff in the parlor
Reya now thinks in the night about her first exhibition
Reya now thinks in the night about her first meeting with Patrick
Reya now thinks in the night about her first time on the beach
Reya now thinks in the night about her first time modeling
added a small event in the night at home after losing the v-card
mouth option at table 2 is now available
pu$$y option at table 2 is now available
0.6 CHANGELOG: - 2024-09-04
changed the main menu
the intro has been redone
most of the music in the game has been changed to tracks specifically made for the game
game now tracks who Reya lost her v-card to
changed the map and locations positions
Reya now sometimes think at night about things that happened to her
slightly changed the corruption system balance
added a new location: Library
added a new location: Mansion
brought back the auto forward button
Reya can now lose her other hole v-card (special edition only - check below)
refreshed old idle animatons
added new idle animations
refreshed showering animations and images
refreshed idle animations
added an event related to unlocking a new location (Mansion)
refreshed idle animations
resting on a park bench now regenerates some energy
added a new character: Lily
Reya can now increase her relationship with Lily
Added scenes related to Lily's storyline
added a new job: Maid
added new characters: Annabelle and Alexander
added events and scenes related to the new job
added a new scene with two guys while working in baths
fixed the bug when Reya could work at bar even without meeting the requirements
minor fixes
- added a new scene for table 4
- added a new small event for table 1
- basic actions in the bar now increase corruption to a certain level, when Reya is still mega shy
v.0.5.4 SE - 2024-05-11
a new upgrade is now available
added two new clients (upgrade-related)
added a new event for David (upgrade-related)
added a new event for Gorloc (upgrade related)
0.5.2 CHANGELOG: - 2024-05-06
added a new scene in the toilet (another v-card opportunity)
added a new scene for a stranger in the back alley at night
added a new interaction with two guys at night
fixed the bug where Reya couldn't increase relation with Mark
added missing events to the guide
added missing scenes to the gallery
fixed bug with collecting money from Sara
added a notification every time relation with a character goes up
added some new lines for Sam when visiting first time
added a new quest - Undercover - given by Sam
added new scenes related to quest
added some new dialogues for Mark to make gaining relation with him a bit easier
extended scene with first guy
extended scene with the second guy (v-card lose opportunity)
0.5 CHANGELOG: - 2024-03-31
It is HIGHLY recommended to start a new game.
added a new location - Sam's office
added an in-game guide
added exhibitionism activity
added tooltips for all buttons
added a new photogram pose for outfit 3
city is now explorable
city can now be visited at night
added a new named NPC - Lee
Reya can now meet Hank in the city
Reya can now help Lee with his pizzeria
added exhibitionism event
added a new named NPC - Sara
Reya can now payout money earned on her exhibitionist streams from Sara
added a new named NPC - Shady Guy
added a scene for Shady Guy - quest-related
added interactions and dialogues with Sam and Mark
Reya can now pay off her debt bit by bit
Reya can now visit the Park at night
added exhibitionism event
added a new quest "Stolen Ring" - given by Laura
added a new quest "Conflict of Interest" - given by Mark
0.4.3 CHANGELOG: - 2023-12-24
added a new outfit for Reya
added other characters reactions to Reya's new outfit
added variations with new outfit for all events that needed it
added new poses related to new outfit
added a new event for Mike
added a new event for lotion applying crew
compressed the game to save some space
miscellaneous changes to code
extended hank scene
new table 1 interactions
new table 2 interactions
new table 3 interactions
new table 4 interactions
added more dialogue variants for clients while massaging
Reya can now enter mixed baths
Reya can be approached by men while bathing
added events for the first guy
added events for the second guy
added events for the two guys
fixed the bug that was crashing the game when opening a gallery or clicking on Brian scene
>>> SYSTEM <<<
added a new location: the train station
added a new location: beach
added a new location: Patrick's house
>>> HOME <<<
extended the "wait" button functionality
Reya can now watch movies at home to pass the time, but she needs a fixed computer for that.
Reya is now able to take a nap to fast-forward time.
Reya can now have some fun at home while watching movies
Reya can access her email inbox on her computer now.
increased the number of likes Reya gets for photos on Photogram
Reya can now travel to the beach by train
There is a chance Reya will be approached by a stranger while riding the train
Added a scene for Reya and the stranger
Reya can now do photo sessions with Patrick
Reya can now increase her relationship with Patrick
Added 5 events for Patrick's House (photoshoots, and another chance for Reya to lose the V card)
Added a talk option with Patrick and some dialogues
>>> BEACH <<<
Added an event with Nadia (first time on the beach)
Reya can now hang out with Green Guy (3 events)
Reya can now sunbathe (4 events)
Reya can now play volleyball (2 events)
Reya can now agree to participate in VIP shows
added 1 event for VIP shows
>>> FIXES <<<
Fixed the bug where pressing the turnover button during a massage on the first day would end the workday.
Brian's massage scene now appears in the gallery properly
Reya can finally lose her V card in this update, yay!
extended Brian event
added 2 upgrades for the clothes shop
added a new Nadia outfit for the modeling job
wearing new outfits during modeling now requires upgrades
changed fame points needed to unlock Reya's second outfit
Reya will now do a pose in new outfit if corruption is high enough
>>> BAR <<<
fixed the bug where Reya couldn't sit with Brian at the bar
>>> SYSTEM <<<
some events take Reya's energy now (like waiting in the toilet cabin in the park)
added some dialogues variations for different corruption levels
upgrade well-known parlor can now be purchased
added a new client for the parlor (upgrade required)
added an event for a new client in the parlor
added CGs and dialogues for a new client
>>> PARK <<<
Reya can now stay instead of running away when strangers try to approach her (at least 10 corruption needed)
added dialogues and small event for those guys in the park
Reya can now mention the place she works to get fame points during the small event with strangers in the park
added new activity in the park toilet
added a new upgrade for the park toilet
Reya now needs the energy to wait for D in the toilet
>>> HOME <<<
added a new photogram pose for the first outfit
added a new photogram pose for the second outfit
>>> FIXES <<<
fixed all missing labels bugs at massage parlor
fixed missing map button after working in the bar
fixed bar's variables not reseting after going to sleep
no changes has been made to special edition content in 0.3.1
>> MAP <<
added a new location: Bar
added hints for locked locations
added CGs and dialogues variations for Reya massaging without her underwear on
removed the Softer Towels II upgrade
added a new parlor upgrade: Ban wearing clothes for clients
added CGs and dialogues for massaging with the new upgrade
added a new event while massaging Brian
added a new event while massaging Jeff
added a new event while massaging Hank
added no underwear variations for older events
added some dialogue variations depending on the corruption
the game now tracks how many times Reya worked in the parlor
>> PARK <<
added one small event in the park toilet
>> BAR <<
added a new character: Mark
added a new job: waitress
added CGs and dialogues for the new job
added one small event for table 1
added one small event for table 2
added one small event for table 3
added one small event for table 4
added animation gallery (accessible via pc)
changed the starting value of a relationship with Laura from 0 to 1
changed the starting value of a relationship with Jeff from 0 to 0.5
Jeff now visits the park on weekend afternoons
added dialogues and interactions with Jeff in the park (their visibility depends on relationship points)
massaging Jeff now increases Reya's relationship with him a bit
high relationship with Jeff now changes the dialogues a bit while massaging
added movies watching movies event with Jeff
added a scene with Jeff at home for 1st outfit (5 animations)
added a scene with Jeff at home for 2nd outfit (4 animations)
added a small scene with Jeff at home for 1st outfit (1 animation)
added a small scene with Jeff at home for 2nd outfit (1 animation)
relation with Jeff now goes up a bit after he fixes Reya's computer
fixed the "pc_shop_first not found" error (thanks to Leoutoeisen)
fixed Photogram issues (thanks to Leoutoeisen)
added one new animation variation for Reya showering
Reya can now masturbate in the shower when corruption is high enough
Jeff now visits the park on the weekend afternoons:
added a talk option
added a few dialogues
Reya can now ask about fixing the computer without the need to wait to get Jeff in the massage parlor
added photogram dialogue which will lead to new events in future versions
added one small event with Hank while facing up massage
added one event with Laura (talk to her after buying the second outfit, then choose Laura wants Reya to help her option)
added an event when bathing with Laura and the relationship is high enough (6 animations)
Reya can now bath naked with Laura after seeing the Laura event
fixed the bug where Reya was wearing the wrong clothes when in a park on afternoons
fixed the bug where Reya was wearing the wrong clothes when uploading a photo on PG
fixed the game crashing bug during massage (thanks to baka)
fixed missing CGs in a small park event (thanks to Leoutoeisen)
fixed missing walkout animation for Reya's ninja outfit when doing fashion shows (thanks to Leoutoeisen)
added CGs variations for Reya's new outfit
changed the PC interface
added an online store where Reya can buy a camera
added a small event for delivery
Photogram is now functional and Reya can start uploading photos: - 3 poses available for the first outfit - 2 poses available for the second outfit - comments system added
The wardrobe is now functional and Reya can change her outfit
guys' dialogue on the street now changes when Reya's wearing a different outfit (small event on the streets while walking)
clothes shop can now be upgraded to the first clothes delivery
Reya can now buy an outfit after upgrading the shop
added a new outfit for Reya in the modeling job
Laura will comment on Reya's new outfit which increases corruption a bit
changed the map to a bigger and more esthetic one
changed the style of locations on the map, so they fit the map style
you can now check Reya relationships on the status menu on a computer
added game version on the title screen
Reya can now enter a restroom in the park (corruption 6 or higher required)
added an interface for the toilet cabin (a foundation for future versions)
Reya can now use the baths (for women only):
gives twice as much energy as the shower
costs $15 and requires corruption to be 6 or above
increases corruption a bit
added upgrade button (can't upgrade anything yet, a foundation for future versions)
added walkout animations for every outfit
there's a chance that the fashion shows owner will talk to the girls after the show if the modeling job was taken at least 3 times
Reya can now ask the clients to turn over (corruption above 8 required)
added faced-up massage options and CGs for Jeff
added faced-up massage options and CGs for Brian
added faced-up massage options and CGs for Hank
Reya's attitude toward customers will now change a little after reaching a certain corruption level
Added a new event while massaging Brian (head) - corruption above 2.5 required
Added a new event while massaging Brian (back) - corruption above 2.5 required
Reya can now ignore Jeff's hand if corruption is high enough (head)
Talking with Laura in the massage parlor will now increase Reya's friendship with her
Reya can now ask Laura to hang out in afternoons if their friendship is at a certain level (unlocks new location)
every massage Reya gives increases her corruption a bit now up to level 2.5 - she doesn't mind wearing massage parlor clothes at this level, so corruption won't go higher
added talk option with Nadia
talking will increase Reya's friendship with Nadia a bit
added a new job - fashion shows with Nadia
added two Nadia animations and two scenes for the fashion show
added one Reya animation and scene for the fashion show
added one small event that can occur while Reya's walking around the city in the morning (increases corruption a bit)
- added a new location: bathhouse
- new character: Nasir
- one event with Laura on Saturday morning
minor dialogue fixes
added CGs when Reya's going to sleep and waking up
added one small event with Sam on the first weekend
added a new quest which completing is required to use the computer
added computer (computer features are still in development)
added one small event with Jeff in Reya's house (computer quest)
added a new activity: go for a walk (unlocks after the first weekend)
added a new location: park
added resting on bench activity
added computer quest-related dialogues
fixed the bug where clicking the turnover button on the first day led to a regular working day with Brian (thanks ustar)
fixed the wrong characters' names at the first job (ustar again, thanks)
fixed the bug where Reya could go on a negative energy level after upgrading the towels (thanks pedifily)
fixed missing images at first-time massage job
clothes shop is now closed on weekends
First release
added a time skip button on the map
added two small encounters while buying an energy drink
extended sunbathing event (+4 events)
extended green hair guy event (+1 event)
changed corruption requirements for sunbathing events
fixed the bug where after completing sunbathing content the events would restart to the first one
fixed missing bg mansion_changec image
fixed missing bg mass_he_c1 image
fixed missing bg park_event1_2 image
fixed the bug where Reya was teleported after collecting the money for streams
minor fixes (typos etc)
added a new event for Lily
extended two guys' event
content from voting moved to 0.6.5
extended leaking pipe event (towel option)
extended leaking pipe event (try to fix alone option - two variants)
0.6.3 CHANGELOG: - 2024-10-20
added a new event while taking a walk in the city (photographer)
added a new event while taking a walk in the city (ice cream)
added a new event while taking a walk in the city (two guys)
refreshed walk images
Reya now thinks in the night about her first visit in mixed baths
Reya now thinks in the night about her first bath with Laura
Reya now thinks in the night about her first HJ for Jeff in the parlor
Reya now thinks in the night about her first exhibition
Reya now thinks in the night about her first meeting with Patrick
Reya now thinks in the night about her first time on the beach
Reya now thinks in the night about her first time modeling
added a small event in the night at home after losing the v-card
mouth option at table 2 is now available
pu$$y option at table 2 is now available
0.6 CHANGELOG: - 2024-09-04
changed the main menu
the intro has been redone
most of the music in the game has been changed to tracks specifically made for the game
game now tracks who Reya lost her v-card to
changed the map and locations positions
Reya now sometimes think at night about things that happened to her
slightly changed the corruption system balance
added a new location: Library
added a new location: Mansion
brought back the auto forward button
Reya can now lose her other hole v-card (special edition only - check below)
refreshed old idle animatons
added new idle animations
refreshed showering animations and images
refreshed idle animations
added an event related to unlocking a new location (Mansion)
refreshed idle animations
resting on a park bench now regenerates some energy
added a new character: Lily
Reya can now increase her relationship with Lily
Added scenes related to Lily's storyline
added a new job: Maid
added new characters: Annabelle and Alexander
added events and scenes related to the new job
added a new scene with two guys while working in baths
fixed the bug when Reya could work at bar even without meeting the requirements
minor fixes
- added a new scene for table 4
- added a new small event for table 1
- basic actions in the bar now increase corruption to a certain level, when Reya is still mega shy
v.0.5.4 SE - 2024-05-11
a new upgrade is now available
added two new clients (upgrade-related)
added a new event for David (upgrade-related)
added a new event for Gorloc (upgrade related)
0.5.2 CHANGELOG: - 2024-05-06
added a new scene in the toilet (another v-card opportunity)
added a new scene for a stranger in the back alley at night
added a new interaction with two guys at night
fixed the bug where Reya couldn't increase relation with Mark
added missing events to the guide
added missing scenes to the gallery
fixed bug with collecting money from Sara
added a notification every time relation with a character goes up
added some new lines for Sam when visiting first time
added a new quest - Undercover - given by Sam
added new scenes related to quest
added some new dialogues for Mark to make gaining relation with him a bit easier
extended scene with first guy
extended scene with the second guy (v-card lose opportunity)
0.5 CHANGELOG: - 2024-03-31
It is HIGHLY recommended to start a new game.
added a new location - Sam's office
added an in-game guide
added exhibitionism activity
added tooltips for all buttons
added a new photogram pose for outfit 3
city is now explorable
city can now be visited at night
added a new named NPC - Lee
Reya can now meet Hank in the city
Reya can now help Lee with his pizzeria
added exhibitionism event
added a new named NPC - Sara
Reya can now payout money earned on her exhibitionist streams from Sara
added a new named NPC - Shady Guy
added a scene for Shady Guy - quest-related
added interactions and dialogues with Sam and Mark
Reya can now pay off her debt bit by bit
Reya can now visit the Park at night
added exhibitionism event
added a new quest "Stolen Ring" - given by Laura
added a new quest "Conflict of Interest" - given by Mark
0.4.3 CHANGELOG: - 2023-12-24
added a new outfit for Reya
added other characters reactions to Reya's new outfit
added variations with new outfit for all events that needed it
added new poses related to new outfit
added a new event for Mike
added a new event for lotion applying crew
compressed the game to save some space
miscellaneous changes to code
extended hank scene
new table 1 interactions
new table 2 interactions
new table 3 interactions
new table 4 interactions
added more dialogue variants for clients while massaging
Reya can now enter mixed baths
Reya can be approached by men while bathing
added events for the first guy
added events for the second guy
added events for the two guys
fixed the bug that was crashing the game when opening a gallery or clicking on Brian scene
>>> SYSTEM <<<
added a new location: the train station
added a new location: beach
added a new location: Patrick's house
>>> HOME <<<
extended the "wait" button functionality
Reya can now watch movies at home to pass the time, but she needs a fixed computer for that.
Reya is now able to take a nap to fast-forward time.
Reya can now have some fun at home while watching movies
Reya can access her email inbox on her computer now.
increased the number of likes Reya gets for photos on Photogram
Reya can now travel to the beach by train
There is a chance Reya will be approached by a stranger while riding the train
Added a scene for Reya and the stranger
Reya can now do photo sessions with Patrick
Reya can now increase her relationship with Patrick
Added 5 events for Patrick's House (photoshoots, and another chance for Reya to lose the V card)
Added a talk option with Patrick and some dialogues
>>> BEACH <<<
Added an event with Nadia (first time on the beach)
Reya can now hang out with Green Guy (3 events)
Reya can now sunbathe (4 events)
Reya can now play volleyball (2 events)
Reya can now agree to participate in VIP shows
added 1 event for VIP shows
>>> FIXES <<<
Fixed the bug where pressing the turnover button during a massage on the first day would end the workday.
Brian's massage scene now appears in the gallery properly
Reya can finally lose her V card in this update, yay!
extended Brian event
added 2 upgrades for the clothes shop
added a new Nadia outfit for the modeling job
wearing new outfits during modeling now requires upgrades
changed fame points needed to unlock Reya's second outfit
Reya will now do a pose in new outfit if corruption is high enough
>>> BAR <<<
fixed the bug where Reya couldn't sit with Brian at the bar
>>> SYSTEM <<<
some events take Reya's energy now (like waiting in the toilet cabin in the park)
added some dialogues variations for different corruption levels
upgrade well-known parlor can now be purchased
added a new client for the parlor (upgrade required)
added an event for a new client in the parlor
added CGs and dialogues for a new client
>>> PARK <<<
Reya can now stay instead of running away when strangers try to approach her (at least 10 corruption needed)
added dialogues and small event for those guys in the park
Reya can now mention the place she works to get fame points during the small event with strangers in the park
added new activity in the park toilet
added a new upgrade for the park toilet
Reya now needs the energy to wait for D in the toilet
>>> HOME <<<
added a new photogram pose for the first outfit
added a new photogram pose for the second outfit
>>> FIXES <<<
fixed all missing labels bugs at massage parlor
fixed missing map button after working in the bar
fixed bar's variables not reseting after going to sleep
no changes has been made to special edition content in 0.3.1
>> MAP <<
added a new location: Bar
added hints for locked locations
added CGs and dialogues variations for Reya massaging without her underwear on
removed the Softer Towels II upgrade
added a new parlor upgrade: Ban wearing clothes for clients
added CGs and dialogues for massaging with the new upgrade
added a new event while massaging Brian
added a new event while massaging Jeff
added a new event while massaging Hank
added no underwear variations for older events
added some dialogue variations depending on the corruption
the game now tracks how many times Reya worked in the parlor
>> PARK <<
added one small event in the park toilet
>> BAR <<
added a new character: Mark
added a new job: waitress
added CGs and dialogues for the new job
added one small event for table 1
added one small event for table 2
added one small event for table 3
added one small event for table 4
added animation gallery (accessible via pc)
changed the starting value of a relationship with Laura from 0 to 1
changed the starting value of a relationship with Jeff from 0 to 0.5
Jeff now visits the park on weekend afternoons
added dialogues and interactions with Jeff in the park (their visibility depends on relationship points)
massaging Jeff now increases Reya's relationship with him a bit
high relationship with Jeff now changes the dialogues a bit while massaging
added movies watching movies event with Jeff
added a scene with Jeff at home for 1st outfit (5 animations)
added a scene with Jeff at home for 2nd outfit (4 animations)
added a small scene with Jeff at home for 1st outfit (1 animation)
added a small scene with Jeff at home for 2nd outfit (1 animation)
relation with Jeff now goes up a bit after he fixes Reya's computer
fixed the "pc_shop_first not found" error (thanks to Leoutoeisen)
fixed Photogram issues (thanks to Leoutoeisen)
added one new animation variation for Reya showering
Reya can now masturbate in the shower when corruption is high enough
Jeff now visits the park on the weekend afternoons:
added a talk option
added a few dialogues
Reya can now ask about fixing the computer without the need to wait to get Jeff in the massage parlor
added photogram dialogue which will lead to new events in future versions
added one small event with Hank while facing up massage
added one event with Laura (talk to her after buying the second outfit, then choose Laura wants Reya to help her option)
added an event when bathing with Laura and the relationship is high enough (6 animations)
Reya can now bath naked with Laura after seeing the Laura event
fixed the bug where Reya was wearing the wrong clothes when in a park on afternoons
fixed the bug where Reya was wearing the wrong clothes when uploading a photo on PG
fixed the game crashing bug during massage (thanks to baka)
fixed missing CGs in a small park event (thanks to Leoutoeisen)
fixed missing walkout animation for Reya's ninja outfit when doing fashion shows (thanks to Leoutoeisen)
added CGs variations for Reya's new outfit
changed the PC interface
added an online store where Reya can buy a camera
added a small event for delivery
Photogram is now functional and Reya can start uploading photos: - 3 poses available for the first outfit - 2 poses available for the second outfit - comments system added
The wardrobe is now functional and Reya can change her outfit
guys' dialogue on the street now changes when Reya's wearing a different outfit (small event on the streets while walking)
clothes shop can now be upgraded to the first clothes delivery
Reya can now buy an outfit after upgrading the shop
added a new outfit for Reya in the modeling job
Laura will comment on Reya's new outfit which increases corruption a bit
changed the map to a bigger and more esthetic one
changed the style of locations on the map, so they fit the map style
you can now check Reya relationships on the status menu on a computer
added game version on the title screen
Reya can now enter a restroom in the park (corruption 6 or higher required)
added an interface for the toilet cabin (a foundation for future versions)
Reya can now use the baths (for women only):
gives twice as much energy as the shower
costs $15 and requires corruption to be 6 or above
increases corruption a bit
added upgrade button (can't upgrade anything yet, a foundation for future versions)
added walkout animations for every outfit
there's a chance that the fashion shows owner will talk to the girls after the show if the modeling job was taken at least 3 times
Reya can now ask the clients to turn over (corruption above 8 required)
added faced-up massage options and CGs for Jeff
added faced-up massage options and CGs for Brian
added faced-up massage options and CGs for Hank
Reya's attitude toward customers will now change a little after reaching a certain corruption level
Added a new event while massaging Brian (head) - corruption above 2.5 required
Added a new event while massaging Brian (back) - corruption above 2.5 required
Reya can now ignore Jeff's hand if corruption is high enough (head)
Talking with Laura in the massage parlor will now increase Reya's friendship with her
Reya can now ask Laura to hang out in afternoons if their friendship is at a certain level (unlocks new location)
every massage Reya gives increases her corruption a bit now up to level 2.5 - she doesn't mind wearing massage parlor clothes at this level, so corruption won't go higher
added talk option with Nadia
talking will increase Reya's friendship with Nadia a bit
added a new job - fashion shows with Nadia
added two Nadia animations and two scenes for the fashion show
added one Reya animation and scene for the fashion show
added one small event that can occur while Reya's walking around the city in the morning (increases corruption a bit)
- added a new location: bathhouse
- new character: Nasir
- one event with Laura on Saturday morning
minor dialogue fixes
added CGs when Reya's going to sleep and waking up
added one small event with Sam on the first weekend
added a new quest which completing is required to use the computer
added computer (computer features are still in development)
added one small event with Jeff in Reya's house (computer quest)
added a new activity: go for a walk (unlocks after the first weekend)
added a new location: park
added resting on bench activity
added computer quest-related dialogues
fixed the bug where clicking the turnover button on the first day led to a regular working day with Brian (thanks ustar)
fixed the wrong characters' names at the first job (ustar again, thanks)
fixed the bug where Reya could go on a negative energy level after upgrading the towels (thanks pedifily)
fixed missing images at first-time massage job
clothes shop is now closed on weekends
First release
Тему отредактировал: Nikol - 6-12-2024, 04:36
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.0.6.5 SE Eng. / Topic updated. Added English version v.0.6.5 SE Eng.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.0.6.5 SE Eng. / Topic updated. Added English version v.0.6.5 SE Eng.
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