В перерывах между приключениями со своим знаменитым командором, Тали’Зора отправляется в своё паломничество, чтобы помочь Кварианской Флотилии. Что же может пойти не так? Оказалось, что всё...
Between her adventures with famous commander Tali Zorah went to her pilgrimage to help quarian Flotilla. What can goes wrong? Seems like everything.
Год выпуска: 2023
Жанр: 3dcg, adventure, anal, animated, big ass, big tits, combat, corruption, creampie, female protagonist, futa, trans, groping, interracial, lesbian, masturbation, monster, multiple penetration, oral, parody, rape, sandbox, sci-fi, teasing, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Messman - Subscribestar
Перевод: Kasatik | Группа переводчика в ВК
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: [Completed]
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: Ch.1 [v.2.10] Rus/Eng + Ch. 2 [v.0.3 Beta] Rus/Eng + Christmas Special
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поблагодарить Переводчика (Boosty)
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v0.3 Beta. - 2025.03.04
With this update I start to implement the lewd system. I decided to make it soft and sequentially - step by step. For now the lewd system works only for lab scenes. Now to activate Tali must rest and check the location. Each day will be different events and scenes depending on lewd level.
To transfer lewd level from the previous part use the patch first and finish the game - you need to trigger the endgame scene on bridge to save the lewd level and then start the new game in the second part to finish the transfer.
New mission from Malcolm.
After finishing the provision base quest go talk with Malcolm. Need to find the pirates is the first point of interest on Anhur. After interrogation, scan the Anhur to find a new point of interest with an underground base.
New enemy - creepers. They go in threes, and battle fucking the girls all at once. Each suit and companion has animation.
Split screen scenes aka “game over” but not actually. Lose to creepers. For now after the scene you will be just dropped to a ship map.
New point of interest have a full set of locations but there is nothing to interact with for now.
New start system available to visit.
You can travel to Bindo. For now you can interact only with one planet to check the content and slugs battle fuck.
Battle fuck scenes for Tali’s and her suits. No different animations for charm available for now, there will be mechanics to unlock it later.
For this planet only AMI as a companion is available for now. She has 2 sets of animations for slugs.
New scene for shuttle pilot with slug. Go to the shuttle location to check it.
Other content:
New scenes in the lab with red varren. Now this scenes follows lewd level rules and days sequence. Tali needs to rest and check the lab. Four(4) new scenes with Tali and AMI. One scene with Nyun.
Scenes with Nyun/Tika and ape during exploration of the first point of interest. You need to find the rusty living compartment on the shore and interact with the door.
Zeltan is back. His cabin is located in the new crew deck wing. Use the arrow button in the lower left corner to find it and enter the Zeltan room. Visit it day by day to talk with Zeltan and check 3 new scenes with him and Nyun.
Two(2) new scenes with Charn in his cabin. Click on the door to watch the scene with Tika or aTali fun.
Meet the new shuttle pilot - Amara. Go to the hangar and click on the shuttle.
Gameplay changes.
Talk with AMI in medbay to change the lewd level. It’s a part of soft implementation for lewd level.
Added the labels for missions on the planet map. It will be visible if you need to check something there.
You can check the lewd level on the Tali screen using the “Expertise” button.
Hope you enjoy it!
P.S. Patch for chapter 1 need to drop in ThePilgrimage/game folder and rewrite.
v0.2 Beta - 2025-01-06
Game release. Build 0.2 Beta
Yeah, I left the “Beta” thing just in case, because not all basic mechanics are actually done yet. I figured out how to transfer lewd levels from the first chapter, but didn’t include it yet to avoid bugs and errors, because all scenes generally must use this mechanic.
Don’t use old saves! Besides the save bug in 0.1 there are many new variables included in old events.
What new:
Gallery working now. All scenes, except battle fucks are available there, I didn't make any content block there. Battle fucks will be added later - I will make separate tab for it.
New mission from Malcolm. To unlock it do the surface base build tutorial. After it the “management” direction became available on Verdun station. Scan the Anhur to find the mission location.
Battle fucks with vorcha pirates during new mission.
Some events and animations during the new mission depending on whom you take on mission and what suit you choose. Just click on everything.
Battle fucks with rats in caves on first point of interest. Two caves now available to check. The encounter happens on the back button click. Chance is 50/50 so just spam the button.
Bar location is now working, you can visit it to check the content. Click on some tables and WC sign.
Three new scenes with ape and red varren available in the ship lab. Activate it the same way as before - click on varren cell.
Anal scene with red varren in Tali’s cabin. Activation is the same as for oral scene - just choose another option in the menu.
DP with a vorcha in the engine room.
New event with apes in first point of interest. Find the clickable part of the forest on one of the locations. Different animations depending on the Tali suit.
Other gameplay changes:
Direction signs on Verdun now with color pulsing for better navigation. Bar sign increased in size.
The loot system is now working. Three available things to find - credits, iridium and element zero. Two last resources will be used to upgrade weapons and suits accordingly.
You can start the mission immediately by clicking on location using the scan screen. Or use a hangar terminal. Added the option for a new mission on Anhur.
v0.2 Alpha
Save bug must be fixed, but if it appears again - let me know please. Gallery not available yet, but I’ll do it on public release. What to check:
Lab scenes available the same way as before - click on red varren cage. Three new scenes were added. Menu can slightly go beyond the screen, but still available to click.
New scene with red varren in Tali’s can activate the same way as oral, but you will be able to choose.
Go to the engine and use the menu to activate the scenes with vorcha.
Caves in the first point of interest on Anhur are available. Battle with rats randomly activates on back button push. Chance is 50% so just spam it to get the battle.
To activate the new mission - do the surface build tutorial. After this the direction “management” became available on the station promenade. Talk with Malcolm and then just scan the Anhur surface to find the location.
Battle fucks with vorcha and related scenes for the provision base mission depends on what companion or suit you choose.
Ch. 2 0.1 Beta
This version of the game is most like a statement of intent - there are many unfinished chunks of gameplay and mechanics, which do not affect the gameplay yet. But you can check new scenes and the scale of what I want to do.
Scenes with red varren in ship’s lab. Find AMI in medbay and check the door to the lab. With activating the lab cell you can choose the scene.
Same way to activate the scenes with apes.
After Tali meets the red varren, he can come to her cabin when she rests - 2 scenes available here.
Visit the ship’s bridge to talk with Jesora for the scene.
Check the bar on the crew deck to activate the menu for checking the scenes with a new party suit for Tali.
Check the Anhur planet for battle fuck scenes with Tali and her teammates. Nyun and Tika are available to join you. You are able to choose the suit for Tali and companion before landing. The varrens or apes will attack you on moving between locations.
Save transfer and lewd level mechanics are not implemented yet.
v2.10Release - 2024-08-04
Game release. Version 2.1
This is the last update for the current game and officially the game is completed. New content for game release:
Additional animations for Jesora scene in her cabin. Tali must be lewd lvl > 75 for another asari to join during the missionary scene in bed.
Scene with Charn for Tali when she comes to “pay” him for saving in the cabin. Lewd level must be > 50 and < 75 to trigger the scene.
High lewd Tali scene for frogs when she loses the fight while passing the dark hallway. Lewd must be > 50.
Four (4) new scene for Tika with intruders to medbay. Turret heat must be 100 and you need to click on medbay from the map screen. This event does not deactivate the intruder's visit after Tali has rested, unless she has reset the heat.
Red varren attack on the way to bay-2. After Tali finishes the quest with finding crew and Jesora - red varren will wait for her after 3 days on the way to the pirate ship. Lose the fight to get the scene. To trigger the scene again - skip 3 days.
New slug day was added to the event. As before different scenes for < 50 and > 50 lewd level.
Another slug scene when it grown enough big in vents. Tali must be lewd > 50.
Two(2) new Zeltan scenes in the bar. Now when Tali visits him there is a menu to choose a new oral scene. If lewd level > 75 - Nyun will come to join.
Zeltan scene in medbay after shower. Triggers each 5 days after the first wedding event is completed.
New lizards event. Every fourth(4) day the white/green lizard girl who works in clan hall will trigger a new event. Different animations will happen depending on random choices. Total 24 new animations are available to check out.
New hounds scene in “undefined location”. It will trigger when Tali tries to come back from the room where she can encounter the bear. Event triggers only if you already trigger the bear before on the same day. Event become available if Tali already was in bear den.
Endgame events. There is only one possible ending and there are no actual porn scenes. Triggers after Tali moves in the second part of vents at least 10 times. Move forward for faster progress. I know many people expected good scenes here, but I did it for the best continuation of the story.
I stay in touch and will make bug fixes next week. Returning to this game is also possible - just to add some more content and possibly remake old animations for a more smooth look. But now I go on vacation for a week. Still I will continue to inform you about everything I’m doing for the next game, and I can’t sit idle too long. Officially I used Subsribestar vacation mode and all supporters will not pay from tomorrow till 9 September. By this date I hope to do all preparations and assets for the next chapter. And start making scenes.
First release of the next game chapter I plan on at the end of october-start of november. Of course, there will be test builds I will provide as early access.
Cheers, friends! Thank you for all your support and making this game possible.
Game update. Version 2.05 - 2024-06-27
Previous save files must work.
Nyun’s rescue mission.
Available for apes and varrens game over+. For apes, Tali needs to stay more than 5 days. For varrens fail to run away twice. After this the Nyun’s mission will trigger.
Battle fuck animations for three possible enemies. Nyun can check the engine room, warehouse and pool. Each enemy has 2 sets of animations after grabbing.
Wormhole ability animations for three enemies during battle-fuck. Also 2 sets for each. These scenes work differently and don’t interrupt between attacks. You can win the battle with just using this ability twice. And I set it like next time it will be a different set of animations. So you can check both for one battle.
Tali scenes during Nyun’s mission. Triggers when Nyun checks any location after battle.
Nyun scenes if she loses the battle. After three attempts Nyun will find the enemy who grabbed Tali and fight them.
Game over scenes for apes and varrens with Tali and Nyun. Goes just after the Nyun scene.
Other content:
Shower bugs scene for high lewd Tali. Same activation like scenes in previous update, but need lewd more than 50.
Wormhole scene in training grounds. If you already found the location, just skip 5 days and speak with Nyun while she is training. She will ask for help and the scene will trigger when you click on the back button. Low lewd Tali will help Nyun. High lewd want to fuck. This scene is necessary to make the wormhole ability available for Nyun during her mission.
Low lewd scene for ape in barracks in case Tali loses the battle. Facefuck.
High lewd scene for ape in barracks in case Tali hides behind the curtain. Anal.
Red varren scene in cargo scanner for high lewd (> 50) Tali. Just check it in the warehouse.
Red varren high lewd level scene in varrens den. Tali needs to be > 75 lewd. In this case the forward direction arrow will be available on event start.
New scene for apes in their den if Tali checks the box. It’s a continuation of an old scene. Need to continue checking the box on the first day.
New day for slugs game over+. As before, low and high lewd variations are available.
New Zeltan and Tali scene in a bar. Become available after the first party. Talk with him - another option is available.
Scene with Jesora in her cabin. If Tali lewd level more than 50 there will be a new option available.
New background image for bay-2 hangar.
v2.00 Release - 2024-05-10
Game update. Version 2.00
Previous save files must work.
Content to check:
Lizards game over:
To activate this event Tali needs to be catched by a big croc. I made a menu so you can choose to be rescued by Charn or start the game over+. Welcome to the tribe!
Scenes in usual tents with Tali. Two variations. To get DP - kick the ass of a lizard who comes for the first time alone. Activation random after each rest. Low lewd Tali will fight.
Scenes in usual tents with AMI. Two variations. Just check the tents each day.
Scenes with big Tali and croc. First you will get it after the event starts the next day. just check his tent each day to get low or high lewd scenes. Each lewd level has its own unique scene.
Big croc+Tali and lizard girl. To get this scene you need to impress the chieftain by “tributing” him several times. Black lizard girl will ask Tali for help later. Just visit the chieftain tent.
Scene with lizard girl and big croc. One of these days you can find this scene by checking croc’s tent.
Clanhall animations. Some groping. If Tali gets angry and loses the fight - you will get punished. High lewd Tali can make under table blowjobs/licks.
Clanhall Tali+AMI blowjob. You need to take a quest from the little ugly guy to bring him some wine. Then just go work in clanhall.
Ugly goblin scenes. High lewd Tali can accept his proposal in exchange to help escape. Low lewd Tali can pay a lizard girl to get her scene with a goblin. Also if you make him angry and then ask him for help - he can take revenge on Tali.
Other content:
New shower scenes with flying bugs and restart of open hatch quest. If you already did it and found training grounds - just go rest and try to use the shower. Two new scenes - anal and vaginal triggers randomly.
New hounds animations after Tali and Tika lost the battle-fuck. The length of the scene depends on how many hounds are still alive.
Nyun scene with frogs on camera number 7 in lab after you send her on mission,
Nyun scene with elcor can be checked after Tali rejects Zeltan’s proposal. After that, just go check the bar.
New AMI program can be found in a room with quarian girl records. Use the terminal.
New red varren scene. To trigger it Tali needs to fail her escape twice.
Blackmail scenes with Tika and Tali. Now on the first dialogue with vorcha after Tali took the bottle there will be a new option - try to trick him. After this just come back and check the scene. The high lewd Tali will get an extended version.
Blackmail anal scene with Tali and vorchas. Activation of this scene is the same as for DP scene, but to get this scene Tali must have a strange drink ready.
Phantom scene can be activated if you meet her in prison again. Apes must be in prison (fix the lock). If you already met phantom and apes still in prison - just skip 4 days. It works on the first meet. Choose to use a dart(Tali must have at least 1 dart).
Other changes:
Jesora, Serok, Nyun, Zeltan, Charn and Farg now have 3 voice lines each, which activate randomly when you click on them. Made by AI.
Added the poison grenade usage in vents to remove encounters: thorns, eggs, walldick and slugs. Tali must have poison grenades to make it.
Game update. Version 1.95 - 2024-02-25
This update brings many new things to the game. First of all, you will notice this in new animations. For this update I did it as .webm animation files. Such an approach helps me to make animations smaller in size and much better in frame rate thanks to AI tool. Another thing - I testing new battle-fuck mechanics for party. What about the content:
Bear game over+
You need to lose the fight to bear in medbay when a bear invades. Tali will meet another quarian girl - Tika, who will participate in scenes. Also new enemy - hounds, who play a role of bear den guards.
Initial scene with Tali+Tika on event start.
Daily scenes with Tika if Tali agrees to come with her. Three main variations of the scene here depending on lewd level - Tika fucking bear, Tali+Tika boobjob and Tali anal with bear. Maximum lewd level for content here now is 50.
If Tali refuses to go with Tika on a daily event - a different scene will happen. First is Tika+bear which Tali can check. Next time hounds will try to invade, if Tali loses the fight - Tali+Tika scene with hounds. Last scene will be Tali+bear.
Tali action under table. Interact with the table to activate it and choose to hide. Have all lewd levels variations. Tali vaginal on lewd < 25. Tali jerking and licking on lewd levels <50 and <75 accordingly. And anal scene for lewd >75.
Tali+bear punishment scene. Interact with the table to activate and choose to face the bear.
Tika+hounds scene if you ask her to lure the hounds, This option for whom don’t want to bother with battle-fuck.
To start another day just push the “back” arrow button in the lower right corner on the room exploration screen.
Battle fuck with hounds.
This is test approach for new mechanics of party battle fuck I will improve. Now it is working fine, not everything like I want to work, but you can check the animations and easily kill the enemies if you want. Some bugs expected. If you think it’s stuck or freezes - just click. It can pause in some places just for animations. Contain two sets of animations for both girls - missionary and doggy style.
Charn and vorchas scenes.
Charn with his vorchas now will come to save Tali after come scenes. The list of events looks like this:
Bear in corridor with Nyun
Bear in sewers.
Barracks ape scenes
Red varren in warehouse (scene with cargo scanner)
Red varren after escape (in bay1)
Alpha after catch (it was before)
After run away (all scenes with big croc)
Charn saving arrivals will activate if you already discovered training grounds. He needs to help Tali 3 times to activate the trigger.
Come to the pirate ship and he meets Tali on enter. Low lewd Tali refuses, other levels have choice, high lewd Tali will agree. After this just talk with vorcha at the location entrance to move in Charn’s cabin to get the scene.
High (>75) lewd Tali will get a double blowjob scene with vorchas.
In any case if Tali will ignore Charn’s offer for 3 days on next pirate ship visit he will attack Tali. Lose to get the scene.
Other content:
New AMI rescue mission. It will trigger after Tali is stuck in an egg's nest or loses the fight with mini-boss. Two new scenes with bugs on the way in vents. If AMI will be distracted twice - it will launch the second part of the game over scene for Tali with a bad end screen.
New DP scene for apes game over+. Can be found on day 2. Tali needs to steal the tech part and be lewd > 25. Just go rest and lose the fight.
Another DP scene for apes game over. Also can be found on day 2. Same trigger as above scene, but you need to choose “Submit” option.
New scene for varrens game over+. Just go right to the end. This scene will always trigger. Red varren will attack Tali from above.
Day 4 for slugs game over+. Here are new scenes with Jack. For low lewd Tali it will be krogans. High lewd Tali will play with Jack and varrens.
Christmas special - 2023-12-28
IMPORTANT! This build can refer to the same save files folder like the usual game. Be careful with rewriting your old saves if you want to use them later.
Mini-game in Santa sleds.
You will be able to see the horny-meter from the left, which will slowly go down. Check Santa's hints and use the proper button for Tali to please him. If horny meter drops to the bottom - Tali will get bad girl point and punishment. If you win the game - Tali will get good girl point and her reward.
The game will end when Tali gets 3 good or bad girl points. The mini-game contains 17 animations including 2 ending variants - oral and anal. To win the game just check Santa’s hints and push the right buttons. To lose, push the wrong buttons.
Good girl path:
1st scene - Tali making gift for red varren under tree.
2nd scene - with werewolf. I will be able to choose between vaginal and anal scenes.
3d scene - with Santa himself.
Final scene - big present from Santa (yahg).
Bad girl path:
1st scene - Santa punish Tali in sleds.
2nd scene - Scene with deer.
3d scene - facefuck from werewolf in case Tali lost the fight.
Final scene - another variant with deer.
Also just before release I spent extra time making one more ending variant which I didn’t announce. Wanted to call it a secret one, but it really is not so hard to find. It does not have much content, but without it the special would not look complete. So, try it.
In case Tali wins the fight, Santa will reward Tali in the sleds. For alpha testers - I removed the “forgiving” part and this event doesn't remove bad girl points anymore.
Hope you enjoy it!
v.1.9 - 2023-11-26
Previous save must work.
Gameplay changes:
First suit damage stage in battle-fucks removed. Now helmet destroying after first enemy grab.
Added new fast travel point in vents – frogs hallway.
Turns right and left in vents now have more chances to face the event.
New medbay invasion mechanics. Now you can check special enemies status in medbay.
N/A – you didn’t find this enemy yet.
Alive – he just exists
Dead – never invade the medbay again
Hunting – will invade if turret heat 100 and you go rest.
P.S. If you killed apes once, they will be marked as “Dead” even if you fix the lock and left them in cage. I decide not change anything here, so just pretend that it some other apes to not limit content access.
Slugs game over+
To activate this part of the game, you need to make the slug grow twice. First time you will see old scene, second will start as usual but continue in another way.
Event separated on 3 main parts/days in circle, which are repeats until you decide to escape. Escaping available on second day, where you can check the location with usual clicking. Just win the easy fight with slug. In case of losing the fight – event just continues. The event has two variations for each day depends on lewd level – but for now the border is 50. It means you will have different scenes for Tali’s lewd level less or more 50. I will add more, if you like the idea.
Day 1 – Shepards or Grunt will visit Tali in engine room. First scene is demonstration. First time you will not able to choose between illusion and reality. If you repeat game over+ event after – option to switch will be available.
Day 2 – Tali will wake up in Shepard cabin or in bar depends on lewd level.
Day 3 – Scene in shuttle. Depends on lewd level it will be scene with Shepard and Jack or with krogans.
Every day have 4 different scenes, including slug variant.
Other content:
New slug scene. Another variant for previous scene made for launching the game over event. It will happen each second time.
New scene for vorchas in party restroom. Now Tali can try to fight. And get the scene in case of lose.
AMI alternative scenes for egg removal procedure. There are 2 variants – for anal/vaginal and oral action.
Tentacle pit in vents. This event has variations for all suit conditions and final scene. After each scene suit will be damaged. Final scene will not move Tali from vents, you can just continue crawling.
Frogs scene in corridor. Now on exit from room with dead merc you can choose to fight. This is standard boss fight.
Frogs game over. You need to lose previous battle twice to get this scene.
Asari futa scene in locker room. I made the possibility to choose between old scene and new one when Tali come to locker room and talk with Jesora.
Red varren shower event. Contains 2 scenes for lewd > 50. To activate it you must first “play” with varren in Bay 1 location. After just wait 3 days and use shower. Event repeatable, but red varren must stay alive.
AMI futa scene in lab. Now you can download the program from terminal in dead merc room. Talk with AMI and choose to use the program, then just rest in lab. Nuyn must be out of lab to trigger this scene.
GAME UPDATE. VERSION 1.85 - 2023-11-26
Previous save file must work. I used the same save file I attached here previous time. But in case with new bear scenes – you need to repeat his appearance in “Undefined location” (when he come out and start running to Tali). Just do it if you using previous save to activate trigger for new scenes in medbay and corridor.
This update looks big and I separate all main parts in texts for better understanding.
Alpha-creep events.
To launch this part – just dump the heat from turret. Will work only if second part of vents already open. Battle with this enemy is same like other boss fights with red varren or apes.
Lose the battle to see Tali scene.
Win the battle and then go to pirate ship and check Nyun scene.
No matter what scene you saw – this will activate alpha-creep activity on map. Rest in medbay to make enemy randomly hide in 4 possible locations:
Engine room
When you try to leave one of these locations using “back” arrow in right lower corner of screen – alpha-creep can suddenly attack Tali and damage her suit, starting battle-fuck.
Battle-fuck contains 2 stages and 2 possible options for pose. Escape option is available. No dart or tease skills now available for these scenes.
Alpha-creep can invade in medbay if turret heat reaches 100. It random as well as apes and red varren. This scene contains some different animations depends on lewd level. Low lewd Tali will fight, high lewd Tali will automatically invite enemy for sex. Middle lewd variant has option to fight or not. For high lewd - Nyun can randomly join the scene.
You need to win any of these battles to have option shoot the tracker on enemy. After this you can use scanner on map to detect him. Detection available for warehouse or engine. If you miss the dart on arrival in location – the battle fuck action activates.
Dart scenes in warehouse.
Dart scenes in engine.
All scenes have different variations depends on lewd level. Also, I added more Tali voice for it. Scanning the enemy is possible once pee day. You need to rest in medbay to reset scanner and surprise attack events.
Each time after alpha-creep scenes Tali will collect alpha-cum. You can use it to make poison grenades. I didn't have time to add functional part for them yet. But they will work as usual grenades and the possible way to “remove” encounters in vents.
Crew events.
To launch this content, you need come in locker room when no one there and check locker for bottle of asari mead. Take it and come back again to see Jesora angry scene. After this next scenes will be available.
Vorcha blackmail. This is the vorcha which meet Tali each time on ship enter. I change the model for it, added more textures. If you agree to make a favor for vorcha first time – after three days he will demand for another payment for his silence and can invite a friend. These scenes repeatable and have lewd level variations. Event will stop if you kick his/their asses or just return the bottle to Jesora.
Krogan will catch Tali in locker room after next visit, if nothing else happens there and ask for favor. Scene variation depend on lewd level. Low lewd Tali will fight. Losing have it own variation.
Jesora scene in locker room shower. Go to Jesora cabin and choose tell her about bottle. You can skip scene as futa content. Otherwise just come to locker room after talk with Jesora. This dialogue with scene or without it returns the bottle back to locker and reset the all chain of previous scenes. You can start it again with just take the bottle again.
Other content.
New bear scene for lewd > 75 in his location. Same activation as all other scenes.
Bear invasion to medbay. It random like all others. Have game over variation if you lose to bear twice.
Bear+Tali+Nyun scene in ship corridor. Each 3 day after you find bear and open training grounds – this event will trigger on the way to Hallway (on a map). You need to fight and lose to bear to have this scene. High lewd Tali have its own option for this scene.
Tentacle trap scene in second vent sector. Just pass the wall dick with damaged suit and lose the struggle.
Wedding party scene in restroom. To activate it – give krogan drink on counter at stage 2 of party. In that case on last stage instead of krogan+Nyun event in toilet cabin will be vorchas event where lewd > 50 Tali can join. Randomly Serok can call Nyun and left Tali alone with both vorchas.
Other changes.
New map icons! Some UI specialist with nickname Flower_velvet in my Discord channel provided me this and now locations marking is more recognizable.
Warehouse location is remade with all cutscenes and first varren anal scene also.
Engine room location remade.
New encounter added in second vents part – thorns. It appears on the way left or right. You can use it to damage Tali suit for 1 stage down.
Frogs battle fuck in med lab is fixed. Now frogs not die from one shot.
Enemy hit chance is increased for battle fucks.
Hope you enjoy it!
В перерывах между приключениями со своим знаменитым командором, Тали’Зора отправляется в своё паломничество, чтобы помочь Кварианской Флотилии. Что же может пойти не так? Оказалось, что всё...
Between her adventures with famous commander Tali Zorah went to her pilgrimage to help quarian Flotilla. What can goes wrong? Seems like everything.
Год выпуска: 2023
Жанр: 3dcg, adventure, anal, animated, big ass, big tits, combat, corruption, creampie, female protagonist, futa, trans, groping, interracial, lesbian, masturbation, monster, multiple penetration, oral, parody, rape, sandbox, sci-fi, teasing, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Messman - Subscribestar
Перевод: Kasatik | Группа переводчика в ВК
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: [Completed]
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: Ch.1 [v.2.10] Rus/Eng + Ch. 2 [v.0.3 Beta] Rus/Eng + Christmas Special
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
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v0.3 Beta. - 2025.03.04
With this update I start to implement the lewd system. I decided to make it soft and sequentially - step by step. For now the lewd system works only for lab scenes. Now to activate Tali must rest and check the location. Each day will be different events and scenes depending on lewd level.
To transfer lewd level from the previous part use the patch first and finish the game - you need to trigger the endgame scene on bridge to save the lewd level and then start the new game in the second part to finish the transfer.
New mission from Malcolm.
After finishing the provision base quest go talk with Malcolm. Need to find the pirates is the first point of interest on Anhur. After interrogation, scan the Anhur to find a new point of interest with an underground base.
New enemy - creepers. They go in threes, and battle fucking the girls all at once. Each suit and companion has animation.
Split screen scenes aka “game over” but not actually. Lose to creepers. For now after the scene you will be just dropped to a ship map.
New point of interest have a full set of locations but there is nothing to interact with for now.
New start system available to visit.
You can travel to Bindo. For now you can interact only with one planet to check the content and slugs battle fuck.
Battle fuck scenes for Tali’s and her suits. No different animations for charm available for now, there will be mechanics to unlock it later.
For this planet only AMI as a companion is available for now. She has 2 sets of animations for slugs.
New scene for shuttle pilot with slug. Go to the shuttle location to check it.
Other content:
New scenes in the lab with red varren. Now this scenes follows lewd level rules and days sequence. Tali needs to rest and check the lab. Four(4) new scenes with Tali and AMI. One scene with Nyun.
Scenes with Nyun/Tika and ape during exploration of the first point of interest. You need to find the rusty living compartment on the shore and interact with the door.
Zeltan is back. His cabin is located in the new crew deck wing. Use the arrow button in the lower left corner to find it and enter the Zeltan room. Visit it day by day to talk with Zeltan and check 3 new scenes with him and Nyun.
Two(2) new scenes with Charn in his cabin. Click on the door to watch the scene with Tika or aTali fun.
Meet the new shuttle pilot - Amara. Go to the hangar and click on the shuttle.
Gameplay changes.
Talk with AMI in medbay to change the lewd level. It’s a part of soft implementation for lewd level.
Added the labels for missions on the planet map. It will be visible if you need to check something there.
You can check the lewd level on the Tali screen using the “Expertise” button.
Hope you enjoy it!
P.S. Patch for chapter 1 need to drop in ThePilgrimage/game folder and rewrite.
v0.2 Beta - 2025-01-06
Game release. Build 0.2 Beta
Yeah, I left the “Beta” thing just in case, because not all basic mechanics are actually done yet. I figured out how to transfer lewd levels from the first chapter, but didn’t include it yet to avoid bugs and errors, because all scenes generally must use this mechanic.
Don’t use old saves! Besides the save bug in 0.1 there are many new variables included in old events.
What new:
Gallery working now. All scenes, except battle fucks are available there, I didn't make any content block there. Battle fucks will be added later - I will make separate tab for it.
New mission from Malcolm. To unlock it do the surface base build tutorial. After it the “management” direction became available on Verdun station. Scan the Anhur to find the mission location.
Battle fucks with vorcha pirates during new mission.
Some events and animations during the new mission depending on whom you take on mission and what suit you choose. Just click on everything.
Battle fucks with rats in caves on first point of interest. Two caves now available to check. The encounter happens on the back button click. Chance is 50/50 so just spam the button.
Bar location is now working, you can visit it to check the content. Click on some tables and WC sign.
Three new scenes with ape and red varren available in the ship lab. Activate it the same way as before - click on varren cell.
Anal scene with red varren in Tali’s cabin. Activation is the same as for oral scene - just choose another option in the menu.
DP with a vorcha in the engine room.
New event with apes in first point of interest. Find the clickable part of the forest on one of the locations. Different animations depending on the Tali suit.
Other gameplay changes:
Direction signs on Verdun now with color pulsing for better navigation. Bar sign increased in size.
The loot system is now working. Three available things to find - credits, iridium and element zero. Two last resources will be used to upgrade weapons and suits accordingly.
You can start the mission immediately by clicking on location using the scan screen. Or use a hangar terminal. Added the option for a new mission on Anhur.
v0.2 Alpha
Save bug must be fixed, but if it appears again - let me know please. Gallery not available yet, but I’ll do it on public release. What to check:
Lab scenes available the same way as before - click on red varren cage. Three new scenes were added. Menu can slightly go beyond the screen, but still available to click.
New scene with red varren in Tali’s can activate the same way as oral, but you will be able to choose.
Go to the engine and use the menu to activate the scenes with vorcha.
Caves in the first point of interest on Anhur are available. Battle with rats randomly activates on back button push. Chance is 50% so just spam it to get the battle.
To activate the new mission - do the surface build tutorial. After this the direction “management” became available on the station promenade. Talk with Malcolm and then just scan the Anhur surface to find the location.
Battle fucks with vorcha and related scenes for the provision base mission depends on what companion or suit you choose.
Ch. 2 0.1 Beta
This version of the game is most like a statement of intent - there are many unfinished chunks of gameplay and mechanics, which do not affect the gameplay yet. But you can check new scenes and the scale of what I want to do.
Scenes with red varren in ship’s lab. Find AMI in medbay and check the door to the lab. With activating the lab cell you can choose the scene.
Same way to activate the scenes with apes.
After Tali meets the red varren, he can come to her cabin when she rests - 2 scenes available here.
Visit the ship’s bridge to talk with Jesora for the scene.
Check the bar on the crew deck to activate the menu for checking the scenes with a new party suit for Tali.
Check the Anhur planet for battle fuck scenes with Tali and her teammates. Nyun and Tika are available to join you. You are able to choose the suit for Tali and companion before landing. The varrens or apes will attack you on moving between locations.
Save transfer and lewd level mechanics are not implemented yet.
v2.10Release - 2024-08-04
Game release. Version 2.1
This is the last update for the current game and officially the game is completed. New content for game release:
Additional animations for Jesora scene in her cabin. Tali must be lewd lvl > 75 for another asari to join during the missionary scene in bed.
Scene with Charn for Tali when she comes to “pay” him for saving in the cabin. Lewd level must be > 50 and < 75 to trigger the scene.
High lewd Tali scene for frogs when she loses the fight while passing the dark hallway. Lewd must be > 50.
Four (4) new scene for Tika with intruders to medbay. Turret heat must be 100 and you need to click on medbay from the map screen. This event does not deactivate the intruder's visit after Tali has rested, unless she has reset the heat.
Red varren attack on the way to bay-2. After Tali finishes the quest with finding crew and Jesora - red varren will wait for her after 3 days on the way to the pirate ship. Lose the fight to get the scene. To trigger the scene again - skip 3 days.
New slug day was added to the event. As before different scenes for < 50 and > 50 lewd level.
Another slug scene when it grown enough big in vents. Tali must be lewd > 50.
Two(2) new Zeltan scenes in the bar. Now when Tali visits him there is a menu to choose a new oral scene. If lewd level > 75 - Nyun will come to join.
Zeltan scene in medbay after shower. Triggers each 5 days after the first wedding event is completed.
New lizards event. Every fourth(4) day the white/green lizard girl who works in clan hall will trigger a new event. Different animations will happen depending on random choices. Total 24 new animations are available to check out.
New hounds scene in “undefined location”. It will trigger when Tali tries to come back from the room where she can encounter the bear. Event triggers only if you already trigger the bear before on the same day. Event become available if Tali already was in bear den.
Endgame events. There is only one possible ending and there are no actual porn scenes. Triggers after Tali moves in the second part of vents at least 10 times. Move forward for faster progress. I know many people expected good scenes here, but I did it for the best continuation of the story.
I stay in touch and will make bug fixes next week. Returning to this game is also possible - just to add some more content and possibly remake old animations for a more smooth look. But now I go on vacation for a week. Still I will continue to inform you about everything I’m doing for the next game, and I can’t sit idle too long. Officially I used Subsribestar vacation mode and all supporters will not pay from tomorrow till 9 September. By this date I hope to do all preparations and assets for the next chapter. And start making scenes.
First release of the next game chapter I plan on at the end of october-start of november. Of course, there will be test builds I will provide as early access.
Cheers, friends! Thank you for all your support and making this game possible.
Game update. Version 2.05 - 2024-06-27
Previous save files must work.
Nyun’s rescue mission.
Available for apes and varrens game over+. For apes, Tali needs to stay more than 5 days. For varrens fail to run away twice. After this the Nyun’s mission will trigger.
Battle fuck animations for three possible enemies. Nyun can check the engine room, warehouse and pool. Each enemy has 2 sets of animations after grabbing.
Wormhole ability animations for three enemies during battle-fuck. Also 2 sets for each. These scenes work differently and don’t interrupt between attacks. You can win the battle with just using this ability twice. And I set it like next time it will be a different set of animations. So you can check both for one battle.
Tali scenes during Nyun’s mission. Triggers when Nyun checks any location after battle.
Nyun scenes if she loses the battle. After three attempts Nyun will find the enemy who grabbed Tali and fight them.
Game over scenes for apes and varrens with Tali and Nyun. Goes just after the Nyun scene.
Other content:
Shower bugs scene for high lewd Tali. Same activation like scenes in previous update, but need lewd more than 50.
Wormhole scene in training grounds. If you already found the location, just skip 5 days and speak with Nyun while she is training. She will ask for help and the scene will trigger when you click on the back button. Low lewd Tali will help Nyun. High lewd want to fuck. This scene is necessary to make the wormhole ability available for Nyun during her mission.
Low lewd scene for ape in barracks in case Tali loses the battle. Facefuck.
High lewd scene for ape in barracks in case Tali hides behind the curtain. Anal.
Red varren scene in cargo scanner for high lewd (> 50) Tali. Just check it in the warehouse.
Red varren high lewd level scene in varrens den. Tali needs to be > 75 lewd. In this case the forward direction arrow will be available on event start.
New scene for apes in their den if Tali checks the box. It’s a continuation of an old scene. Need to continue checking the box on the first day.
New day for slugs game over+. As before, low and high lewd variations are available.
New Zeltan and Tali scene in a bar. Become available after the first party. Talk with him - another option is available.
Scene with Jesora in her cabin. If Tali lewd level more than 50 there will be a new option available.
New background image for bay-2 hangar.
v2.00 Release - 2024-05-10
Game update. Version 2.00
Previous save files must work.
Content to check:
Lizards game over:
To activate this event Tali needs to be catched by a big croc. I made a menu so you can choose to be rescued by Charn or start the game over+. Welcome to the tribe!
Scenes in usual tents with Tali. Two variations. To get DP - kick the ass of a lizard who comes for the first time alone. Activation random after each rest. Low lewd Tali will fight.
Scenes in usual tents with AMI. Two variations. Just check the tents each day.
Scenes with big Tali and croc. First you will get it after the event starts the next day. just check his tent each day to get low or high lewd scenes. Each lewd level has its own unique scene.
Big croc+Tali and lizard girl. To get this scene you need to impress the chieftain by “tributing” him several times. Black lizard girl will ask Tali for help later. Just visit the chieftain tent.
Scene with lizard girl and big croc. One of these days you can find this scene by checking croc’s tent.
Clanhall animations. Some groping. If Tali gets angry and loses the fight - you will get punished. High lewd Tali can make under table blowjobs/licks.
Clanhall Tali+AMI blowjob. You need to take a quest from the little ugly guy to bring him some wine. Then just go work in clanhall.
Ugly goblin scenes. High lewd Tali can accept his proposal in exchange to help escape. Low lewd Tali can pay a lizard girl to get her scene with a goblin. Also if you make him angry and then ask him for help - he can take revenge on Tali.
Other content:
New shower scenes with flying bugs and restart of open hatch quest. If you already did it and found training grounds - just go rest and try to use the shower. Two new scenes - anal and vaginal triggers randomly.
New hounds animations after Tali and Tika lost the battle-fuck. The length of the scene depends on how many hounds are still alive.
Nyun scene with frogs on camera number 7 in lab after you send her on mission,
Nyun scene with elcor can be checked after Tali rejects Zeltan’s proposal. After that, just go check the bar.
New AMI program can be found in a room with quarian girl records. Use the terminal.
New red varren scene. To trigger it Tali needs to fail her escape twice.
Blackmail scenes with Tika and Tali. Now on the first dialogue with vorcha after Tali took the bottle there will be a new option - try to trick him. After this just come back and check the scene. The high lewd Tali will get an extended version.
Blackmail anal scene with Tali and vorchas. Activation of this scene is the same as for DP scene, but to get this scene Tali must have a strange drink ready.
Phantom scene can be activated if you meet her in prison again. Apes must be in prison (fix the lock). If you already met phantom and apes still in prison - just skip 4 days. It works on the first meet. Choose to use a dart(Tali must have at least 1 dart).
Other changes:
Jesora, Serok, Nyun, Zeltan, Charn and Farg now have 3 voice lines each, which activate randomly when you click on them. Made by AI.
Added the poison grenade usage in vents to remove encounters: thorns, eggs, walldick and slugs. Tali must have poison grenades to make it.
Game update. Version 1.95 - 2024-02-25
This update brings many new things to the game. First of all, you will notice this in new animations. For this update I did it as .webm animation files. Such an approach helps me to make animations smaller in size and much better in frame rate thanks to AI tool. Another thing - I testing new battle-fuck mechanics for party. What about the content:
Bear game over+
You need to lose the fight to bear in medbay when a bear invades. Tali will meet another quarian girl - Tika, who will participate in scenes. Also new enemy - hounds, who play a role of bear den guards.
Initial scene with Tali+Tika on event start.
Daily scenes with Tika if Tali agrees to come with her. Three main variations of the scene here depending on lewd level - Tika fucking bear, Tali+Tika boobjob and Tali anal with bear. Maximum lewd level for content here now is 50.
If Tali refuses to go with Tika on a daily event - a different scene will happen. First is Tika+bear which Tali can check. Next time hounds will try to invade, if Tali loses the fight - Tali+Tika scene with hounds. Last scene will be Tali+bear.
Tali action under table. Interact with the table to activate it and choose to hide. Have all lewd levels variations. Tali vaginal on lewd < 25. Tali jerking and licking on lewd levels <50 and <75 accordingly. And anal scene for lewd >75.
Tali+bear punishment scene. Interact with the table to activate and choose to face the bear.
Tika+hounds scene if you ask her to lure the hounds, This option for whom don’t want to bother with battle-fuck.
To start another day just push the “back” arrow button in the lower right corner on the room exploration screen.
Battle fuck with hounds.
This is test approach for new mechanics of party battle fuck I will improve. Now it is working fine, not everything like I want to work, but you can check the animations and easily kill the enemies if you want. Some bugs expected. If you think it’s stuck or freezes - just click. It can pause in some places just for animations. Contain two sets of animations for both girls - missionary and doggy style.
Charn and vorchas scenes.
Charn with his vorchas now will come to save Tali after come scenes. The list of events looks like this:
Bear in corridor with Nyun
Bear in sewers.
Barracks ape scenes
Red varren in warehouse (scene with cargo scanner)
Red varren after escape (in bay1)
Alpha after catch (it was before)
After run away (all scenes with big croc)
Charn saving arrivals will activate if you already discovered training grounds. He needs to help Tali 3 times to activate the trigger.
Come to the pirate ship and he meets Tali on enter. Low lewd Tali refuses, other levels have choice, high lewd Tali will agree. After this just talk with vorcha at the location entrance to move in Charn’s cabin to get the scene.
High (>75) lewd Tali will get a double blowjob scene with vorchas.
In any case if Tali will ignore Charn’s offer for 3 days on next pirate ship visit he will attack Tali. Lose to get the scene.
Other content:
New AMI rescue mission. It will trigger after Tali is stuck in an egg's nest or loses the fight with mini-boss. Two new scenes with bugs on the way in vents. If AMI will be distracted twice - it will launch the second part of the game over scene for Tali with a bad end screen.
New DP scene for apes game over+. Can be found on day 2. Tali needs to steal the tech part and be lewd > 25. Just go rest and lose the fight.
Another DP scene for apes game over. Also can be found on day 2. Same trigger as above scene, but you need to choose “Submit” option.
New scene for varrens game over+. Just go right to the end. This scene will always trigger. Red varren will attack Tali from above.
Day 4 for slugs game over+. Here are new scenes with Jack. For low lewd Tali it will be krogans. High lewd Tali will play with Jack and varrens.
Christmas special - 2023-12-28
IMPORTANT! This build can refer to the same save files folder like the usual game. Be careful with rewriting your old saves if you want to use them later.
Mini-game in Santa sleds.
You will be able to see the horny-meter from the left, which will slowly go down. Check Santa's hints and use the proper button for Tali to please him. If horny meter drops to the bottom - Tali will get bad girl point and punishment. If you win the game - Tali will get good girl point and her reward.
The game will end when Tali gets 3 good or bad girl points. The mini-game contains 17 animations including 2 ending variants - oral and anal. To win the game just check Santa’s hints and push the right buttons. To lose, push the wrong buttons.
Good girl path:
1st scene - Tali making gift for red varren under tree.
2nd scene - with werewolf. I will be able to choose between vaginal and anal scenes.
3d scene - with Santa himself.
Final scene - big present from Santa (yahg).
Bad girl path:
1st scene - Santa punish Tali in sleds.
2nd scene - Scene with deer.
3d scene - facefuck from werewolf in case Tali lost the fight.
Final scene - another variant with deer.
Also just before release I spent extra time making one more ending variant which I didn’t announce. Wanted to call it a secret one, but it really is not so hard to find. It does not have much content, but without it the special would not look complete. So, try it.
In case Tali wins the fight, Santa will reward Tali in the sleds. For alpha testers - I removed the “forgiving” part and this event doesn't remove bad girl points anymore.
Hope you enjoy it!
v.1.9 - 2023-11-26
Previous save must work.
Gameplay changes:
First suit damage stage in battle-fucks removed. Now helmet destroying after first enemy grab.
Added new fast travel point in vents – frogs hallway.
Turns right and left in vents now have more chances to face the event.
New medbay invasion mechanics. Now you can check special enemies status in medbay.
N/A – you didn’t find this enemy yet.
Alive – he just exists
Dead – never invade the medbay again
Hunting – will invade if turret heat 100 and you go rest.
P.S. If you killed apes once, they will be marked as “Dead” even if you fix the lock and left them in cage. I decide not change anything here, so just pretend that it some other apes to not limit content access.
Slugs game over+
To activate this part of the game, you need to make the slug grow twice. First time you will see old scene, second will start as usual but continue in another way.
Event separated on 3 main parts/days in circle, which are repeats until you decide to escape. Escaping available on second day, where you can check the location with usual clicking. Just win the easy fight with slug. In case of losing the fight – event just continues. The event has two variations for each day depends on lewd level – but for now the border is 50. It means you will have different scenes for Tali’s lewd level less or more 50. I will add more, if you like the idea.
Day 1 – Shepards or Grunt will visit Tali in engine room. First scene is demonstration. First time you will not able to choose between illusion and reality. If you repeat game over+ event after – option to switch will be available.
Day 2 – Tali will wake up in Shepard cabin or in bar depends on lewd level.
Day 3 – Scene in shuttle. Depends on lewd level it will be scene with Shepard and Jack or with krogans.
Every day have 4 different scenes, including slug variant.
Other content:
New slug scene. Another variant for previous scene made for launching the game over event. It will happen each second time.
New scene for vorchas in party restroom. Now Tali can try to fight. And get the scene in case of lose.
AMI alternative scenes for egg removal procedure. There are 2 variants – for anal/vaginal and oral action.
Tentacle pit in vents. This event has variations for all suit conditions and final scene. After each scene suit will be damaged. Final scene will not move Tali from vents, you can just continue crawling.
Frogs scene in corridor. Now on exit from room with dead merc you can choose to fight. This is standard boss fight.
Frogs game over. You need to lose previous battle twice to get this scene.
Asari futa scene in locker room. I made the possibility to choose between old scene and new one when Tali come to locker room and talk with Jesora.
Red varren shower event. Contains 2 scenes for lewd > 50. To activate it you must first “play” with varren in Bay 1 location. After just wait 3 days and use shower. Event repeatable, but red varren must stay alive.
AMI futa scene in lab. Now you can download the program from terminal in dead merc room. Talk with AMI and choose to use the program, then just rest in lab. Nuyn must be out of lab to trigger this scene.
GAME UPDATE. VERSION 1.85 - 2023-11-26
Previous save file must work. I used the same save file I attached here previous time. But in case with new bear scenes – you need to repeat his appearance in “Undefined location” (when he come out and start running to Tali). Just do it if you using previous save to activate trigger for new scenes in medbay and corridor.
This update looks big and I separate all main parts in texts for better understanding.
Alpha-creep events.
To launch this part – just dump the heat from turret. Will work only if second part of vents already open. Battle with this enemy is same like other boss fights with red varren or apes.
Lose the battle to see Tali scene.
Win the battle and then go to pirate ship and check Nyun scene.
No matter what scene you saw – this will activate alpha-creep activity on map. Rest in medbay to make enemy randomly hide in 4 possible locations:
Engine room
When you try to leave one of these locations using “back” arrow in right lower corner of screen – alpha-creep can suddenly attack Tali and damage her suit, starting battle-fuck.
Battle-fuck contains 2 stages and 2 possible options for pose. Escape option is available. No dart or tease skills now available for these scenes.
Alpha-creep can invade in medbay if turret heat reaches 100. It random as well as apes and red varren. This scene contains some different animations depends on lewd level. Low lewd Tali will fight, high lewd Tali will automatically invite enemy for sex. Middle lewd variant has option to fight or not. For high lewd - Nyun can randomly join the scene.
You need to win any of these battles to have option shoot the tracker on enemy. After this you can use scanner on map to detect him. Detection available for warehouse or engine. If you miss the dart on arrival in location – the battle fuck action activates.
Dart scenes in warehouse.
Dart scenes in engine.
All scenes have different variations depends on lewd level. Also, I added more Tali voice for it. Scanning the enemy is possible once pee day. You need to rest in medbay to reset scanner and surprise attack events.
Each time after alpha-creep scenes Tali will collect alpha-cum. You can use it to make poison grenades. I didn't have time to add functional part for them yet. But they will work as usual grenades and the possible way to “remove” encounters in vents.
Crew events.
To launch this content, you need come in locker room when no one there and check locker for bottle of asari mead. Take it and come back again to see Jesora angry scene. After this next scenes will be available.
Vorcha blackmail. This is the vorcha which meet Tali each time on ship enter. I change the model for it, added more textures. If you agree to make a favor for vorcha first time – after three days he will demand for another payment for his silence and can invite a friend. These scenes repeatable and have lewd level variations. Event will stop if you kick his/their asses or just return the bottle to Jesora.
Krogan will catch Tali in locker room after next visit, if nothing else happens there and ask for favor. Scene variation depend on lewd level. Low lewd Tali will fight. Losing have it own variation.
Jesora scene in locker room shower. Go to Jesora cabin and choose tell her about bottle. You can skip scene as futa content. Otherwise just come to locker room after talk with Jesora. This dialogue with scene or without it returns the bottle back to locker and reset the all chain of previous scenes. You can start it again with just take the bottle again.
Other content.
New bear scene for lewd > 75 in his location. Same activation as all other scenes.
Bear invasion to medbay. It random like all others. Have game over variation if you lose to bear twice.
Bear+Tali+Nyun scene in ship corridor. Each 3 day after you find bear and open training grounds – this event will trigger on the way to Hallway (on a map). You need to fight and lose to bear to have this scene. High lewd Tali have its own option for this scene.
Tentacle trap scene in second vent sector. Just pass the wall dick with damaged suit and lose the struggle.
Wedding party scene in restroom. To activate it – give krogan drink on counter at stage 2 of party. In that case on last stage instead of krogan+Nyun event in toilet cabin will be vorchas event where lewd > 50 Tali can join. Randomly Serok can call Nyun and left Tali alone with both vorchas.
Other changes.
New map icons! Some UI specialist with nickname Flower_velvet in my Discord channel provided me this and now locations marking is more recognizable.
Warehouse location is remade with all cutscenes and first varren anal scene also.
Engine room location remade.
New encounter added in second vents part – thorns. It appears on the way left or right. You can use it to damage Tali suit for 1 stage down.
Frogs battle fuck in med lab is fixed. Now frogs not die from one shot.
Enemy hit chance is increased for battle fucks.
Hope you enjoy it!
Тему отредактировал: admin - 13-03-2025, 06:55
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена русская версия Ch. 2 [v.0.3 Beta] Rus. / Topic updated. Added Russian version Ch. 2 [v.0.3 Beta] Rus. Большое спасибо за перевод Kasatik.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена русская версия Ch. 2 [v.0.3 Beta] Rus. / Topic updated. Added Russian version Ch. 2 [v.0.3 Beta] Rus. Большое спасибо за перевод Kasatik.
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6 18 55
2 8 17
1 1 1
2 8 17
Pilgrimage (11 файлов)
Christmas_Eng (1 файл)

Christmas_Rus (1 файл)

Ch_2_Eng (2 файла)

Ch_2_Rus (2 файла)

Eng (2 файла)

Rus (2 файла)