Meet a young, vibrant 18-year-old girl from Riverton Heights - popular, well-connected, and living her best life!
Perky tits and firm ass. Her body at its prime!
With just one year left of high school, she's handled it pretty well, balancing academics and social life effortlessly.
She's in a committed relationship with her boyfriend and has her parents' approval!
On her 18th birthday, she went out with friends for a few drinks to celebrate, nothing too wild.
What happened next, nobody knows as everything faded to black...
Discover her story and unravel the mystery!
Год выпуска: 2023
Жанр: real porn, female protagonist, anal, animated, groping, masturbation, sex toys, text based, incest, lesbian, oral, vaginal, rape, creampie, sexual harassment, corruption, transformation, prostitution,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Nota Bao - patreon | subscribestar | itch
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.8.2
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.8.2 (2025-03-21)
Fixed spelling errors.
Added conversations with your dormmate if you’ve started your own school clique.
Added story continuation.
Removed variable “$lname”.
Added standard name for testing to be “Josephine”.
Added standard CSS snippet for styling Brody’s dialog.
Got sick. T’was rough.
In case you haven’t found Noah, and Otto has already moved into the mansion, an option to speak with Otto and kickstart the Mansion questline has now been added.
If you are working as a teacher, and has enrolled in a full curriculum in the school, you can now continue working at the school as a teacher as well if that is your choice.
Made it more clear that you should speak to the PI to find Noah.
Added option to play on Zacks computer.
If you read this, you are valued. You are worthy. I love you. Reach out. Nota will always lend an ear.
Added event if you play on Zacks computer.
Added relationship points to Ross and Violet for future use in events during the teacher job.
Implemented metrics and architecture to coding structure on storyline continuation.
Nerdy specs
204.112 words! (Patron version)
1.595 words added!
1325 passages (Patron version)
10 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
v0.8.1 (2025-03-07)
Fixed a broken if statement in the tier 3 office job.
The button to re-initialize the buzzword arraylist now shouldn’t show after clicking it at least once. If you have already clicked this button, it should now be gone. You do not have to do anything else.
Added a widget handler for school class skills.
Added CSS snippet code to handle player dialog colorization.
Fixed spelling errors and small typos.
Fixed missing endif resulting in errors.
Added 10 unique conversations with your dorm mate per class, except PE. 90 in total.
Added 20 unique conversations with a random student during class, per class, except PE. 180 in total.
Fixed folder versioning from since last update.
Fixed missing graphical links that prevented vital game stuff.
Your ongoing class in the university will now be highlighted on the class board.
Added 30 unique conversations with random male students during recess when mingling.
Added 30 unique conversations with random female students during recess when mingling.
Added ability to create your own clique at school.
Added 7 different cliques aside from your own to join at school.
Nerdy specs
202.517 words! (Patron version)
16.210 words added!
1315 passages (Patron version)
36 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
v0.8 (2025-02-21)
Added the Grub job to the cheat menu.
Added vision flair for signing the contract with the Grub job.
Fixed wrongful naming on different links.
Fixed some persistant bugs with the Grub job.
Added different contracts depending on the Tier of work you have unlocked with the Grub job. You can read the different contracts before and after Tier Up, but you can only read the contract relating to your tier.
Fixed Grub job not being available to players who have bought a laptop.
Added more passages to new locations, which will later be utilized for story progression.
Optimized current locations.
Fixed minor bugs.
Added some new Easter eggs!
Worked on adding new content to the university - everything related to university is still very much work in progress - some of the tasks are a bit more difficult than first imagined.
Fixed typos.
Added more instances of different character dialog depending on upbringing chosen.
Tweaked a minor set amount of dialogs to better fit scenes.
Worked on improving passage coding structure.
Worked on improving hub passages.
Nerdy specs
186.307 words! (Patron version)
150 words added!
1279 passages (Patron version)
39 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
v0.7.9 (2025-02-07)
Riding your bike in the park will now effectively increase your cardio stat.
Fixed missing stuff to riding your bike and modifying your bike.
Choosing the Christian upbringing will now correctly reflect added inhibition, instead of the inhibition lowering to 100 the second it gets tampered with in any way.
Changed coding structure of some of the upbringings to make them reflect the current architecture.
Added stat increase/decrease to all the upbringings, so they now have greater reflection on your gameplay. You still won’t be told exactly what it does. That is up to you, to figure out.
Slightly “randomized” the numbers to the different upbringings to further reflect realism.
Added certain stats to StoryInit and removed them from the intro buffer for smoother intro loading.
Removed more instances of the weird “coorViolettes” and replaced them with the correct “coordinates”
Added different variables to the grub job. Added these same variables to a math clamped widget to keep them in line. This widget is connected to the job, and the job only.
Added in total four tiers to the grub job. Doing better work will allow you to increase these tiers and earn even more money. Be careful, though. Working too much for Johnny will make him… obsessed.
Exploring in the intro now takes up time slots more often, so it is easier to progress through the intro.
Changed some terminals to run at 5ms instead of 10ms.
Fixed some leaking colors.
Added missing dialog color to Morris.
Added some more colors to alternative stats.
Added some more alternative stats.
Restructured the editor slightly to allow for easier development navigation.
Ate a sandwich.
Added requirement to buy tickets to use the trainstation. The city will no longer pay for free train rides.
Added disclaimers in UAZ when donating to not use all your money, in case you have no tickets and need to buy a ticket.
The Los Huevas ticket booth will no longer take you to the city instead of back to the Los Huevas train station.
Added color to the ticket counter on the stations. (The one that says “You have (amount) tickets!”)
Started working on new locations.
Fixed a small bug that allowed players to get NaN tickets.
Nerdy specs
186.157 words! (Patron version)
1.939 words added!
1240 passages (Patron version)
9 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
v0.7.8 (2025-01-24)
Fixed minor bugs.
Fixed minor spelling errors and typos.
Again removed the ability to get into the Asleep timeblock by watching memes. This should NO LONGER be possible at all.
Added 10 more spicy images to be received from Lily.
Added 10 more spicy images to be received from Chloe.
When asking Chloe for spicy images, now added 2 more responses from her instead of only “<3”.
Changed some old if/else statements to switch/case statements for cleaner code.
Removed deprecated and unused passages.
Repositioned passages for easier management and structure.
Added lore to the character creation screen. Clicking the “lore” button will now show you what your upbringing means to you.
The job that is unlocked alongside doing camshows is now unlocked accordingly. Apparently there was a minor fluke in the code.
Added a cheat to meet Caine for Patrons.
Added a cheat to make Caine love you, though it doesn’t have much effect as of now.
Added some(9) missing events with Caine.
Added missing color to some of Caine’s dialog.
Added link to go to Caine’s cabin from the park at night if you’ve already visited the cabin once.
Removed unnecessary setters from certain switch/case code strings and used switch random instead.
Added Caine to the love system. Gain love points to unlock new interactions with Caine! In the future, he will “likely” become a datable character.
Decreased the odds of finding a cat from 1/250 to 1/350.
Removed unnecessary linebreaks.
Added different flavortext and dialogs for different types of upbringing to certain scenes.
Removed “orVioletry” and replaced with “ordinary” from multiple passages.
Fixed a typo that would cause the player to neglect the cat just a tiny bit more.
Fixed a visually breaking typo that would render span styles useless on certain bits of flavortext.
Added 27 new activities that you can discover your cat doing for each attribute your cat can have. (Adventurours, Sleepy, Gloomy, Happy, Playful) Totalling 150 different activities, like “hiding behind curtain” “climbing in boxes” “sleeping on folded clothes” and so on and so forth.
Nerdy specs
184.218 words! (Patron version)
3.836 words added!
1231 passages (Patron version)
8 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
v0.7.7 (2025-01-11)
Added two links to the hidden bum society for patrons. Socialize and view wares!
Random encounter in the Quick-E-Mart now also requires high allure (70).
Buzzwords should now work. They have also been changed. IF YOU ALREADY HAVE FOUND SOME BUZZWORDS, PLEASE CLICK THE “Re-initiate buzzwords” BUTTON TO FIX ANY ISSUES AND START OVER.
Added re-initiate buzzwords button.
Fixed ability to go into the Asleep timeblock by watching memes.
Added easter egg when finding a specific bug (which has been fixed, so you shouldn’t be able to find it without editing code or cheating).
Fixed minor spelling errors.
Fixed minor bugs.
Finished the Zack date in the bar that apparently got cut short some time ago and was never finished.
Included all investment options into an if check to prevent possible ATM bugs and NaN Balances.
Fixed a faulty code string with Noah in the Library.
Constantin now no longer “wants to talk to you” when he doesn’t want to talk to you about anything specific.
You should no longer be able to visit Otto’s apartment in the outskirts after finding the mansion, as it makes no sense to why he would keep the apartment after moving in.
Added new character: Caine the Lumberjack. He can be found observing you while skinny dipping in the lake. After enough times, he will approach you. You will have a choice to accept or decline. If you decline, you will still be able to change your mind.
Added Caine’s Cabin.
Added Ruscoe.
Tim’s relationship points will now no longer exceed 100.
Tim’s love points will now no longer exceed 100.
You will now no longer receive “You discovered the lake!” every time you go there.
Nerdy specs
180.382 words! (Patron version)
3.124 words added!
1223 passages (Patron version)
29 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
Changed the type effect from 5ms to 2ms in the ATM to show the ATM text faster.
Fixed the dev tool “Give all items”.
When buying and closing investment positions, you should now be able to see the updated number on top without having to close and reopen the investment app.
Fixed a bug in the dungeon where you couldn’t continue after accepting the toys.
Fixed a bug in the dungeon where you couldn’t apply the toys.
Fixed a bug in the dungeon where you couldn’t remove the toys.
Fixed linebreaks in the dungeon.
Fixed [number NaN] issue in the UAZ.
Fixed Cheat menu destroying investments and or ATM balance if you don’t have any previous balance or investments.
Added an event to after you steal or snap an image of the documents in the casino office (brody questline)
Removed unnecessary linbreaks.
Fixed types and spelling errors.
Fixed minor bugs.
Changed multiple <> variables to their Math.clamp <> counterpart for easier management.
Added comments to all cam sessions instead of only a select few.
Added code to allow for the email from PGHQ to be sent correctly to your inbox instead of nowhere, effectively opening the new job for play.
When Noah barges in on you in the mansion bathroom, you can now choose how to proceed.
School now properly tracks enrollment. Don’t worry, this value will be reset once the school is properly finished.
Added some text to the school yard and a checker on PE class, for whether it is in session or not.
Nerdy specs
177.258 words! (Patron version)
1.186 words added!
1194 passages (Patron version)
7 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
Fixed broken image links.
Removed unnecessary flavor text where it wasn’t needed anymore due to variable changes.
Added an email and a new job depending on how many followers you have on the camming site.
Rewrote the 404 page on my website to explain potential 404 reasons.
Redefined the flavortext of Los Huevas from Sin City to The City of Sins.
$secretShow is now only set to false if it's not already defined, instead of being able to be repeatedly set to false.
Fixed minor bugs.
Edited typos and various spelling errors.
Changed some texts to be more grammatically correct.
Renamed the bank from Goliath Island Bank Metrics Automated System Service to Goliath Island Bank Metrics Exchange Automated System Service to better fit the acronym.
Properly sectioned the backpack
Added more stuff to the “Give all” cheat button. Things added are:
Nurses handbook
Students gradebook
Added linebreaks.
Removed linebreaks.
After having searched your old phone, you’re no longer required to search it again, but can instantly access the app page.
Changed some flavortext with the old phone.
Added an easter egg to the old phone. This is really, really not obvious, and I do not expect anyone to find out what it is without cheating.
Added option to change your mind when selecting cards on blackjack if you don’t want to play blackjack anyways.
Added new cheats: Fill bank account (which gives a 40.000 pound increase) and Fill investments (which gives 50.000 pound worth of every investment)
A patron event has been made after donating 200 pounds of food to the soup kitchen in the outskirts.
Added two new locations to travel to from the developer tools: the UAZ and Los Huevas.
Added cheat to donate 200 pounds of food instantly.
Reformed some of the cheats to work a bit better.
Increased the “Add money” cheat from 2000 to 5000.
Fixed a wrongful termination of a statement, causing an event to turn pink.
When asking Morris about the island, he will now state the appropriate amount of towns/cities instead of only the city and the small town you started in.
Gave Morris a chat color.
Stopped a loop causing you to meet Martine over and over.
Showering at Tim’s House now has the true shower effect instead of doing nothing.
You can no longer shower at Tim’s House at night.
Showering at Tim’s House now spends one timeblock. Choose wisely.
Fixed a bunch of errors at Otto’s house when sleeping with him.
When sleeping at Otto’s while dating him, a different nightly fun-time flavortext will show.
Advancing time in the dungeon after being mind-broken now works as intended.
Accepting toys from the dungeon master now works as intended.
Added option to unplug yourself in the dungeon after being broken.
Using the bug squasher will now look a little different. Instead of needing to refresh the screen to apply a new variable or squash a new bug, you can do it over and over. There will be “Applied!” text popping up on click. This has nothing to do with how many times you can apply a bug fix, but merely a visual aid to you, so you know something has been applied. Again, do NOT use this feature if you don’t know what you are doing, IT MAY BREAK YOUR GAME! Only use in consult with Nota Bao or Taulion, unless you’re absolutely sure what you’re doing.
If you’re wearing a plug while caught by the dungeon master, new flavortext will appear on initial catch and when/if you escape.
Added cheats to enter both endings as well as exit them on will.
You can now meet Ralph through the cheat menu.
Added some text when getting a first glimpse of the secret show. (WIP)
Added first bits of support for random character generation for future content.
Added 3 new eastereggs.
You can no longer have fun with toys in the dungeon without actually having the toys.
Nerdy specs
176.072 words! (Patron version)
3.464 words added!
1187 passages (Patron version)
24 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
Added more text to the underground dungeon.
Getting caught trying to escape more than once will now break your mind. This will become a hard end after enough punishments. DO NOT MESS IT UP.
Changed the order on text and image on some pages in the underground dungeon.
Added a playable hard end to the underground dungeon.
Added more content to the underground dungeon.
Added a light bit of color css to some of the text in the underground dungeon.
New additions should work on old saves where the saved game is in the underground dungeon. Go back to your room if things look wrong, and they should fix themselves.
Reformed some image links that were causing missing images.
Unset a lot of variables when they are no longer going to be used, or if they are going to be reset anyways on a later time to minimize save file size.
The reception in the school will no longer show after you’ve obtained the dorm room key as there is no longer use for it.
You can’t do your homework on any other place outside of the school.
Gave the option to go back in the dungeon once you find the exit. This is only if you’re trying to unlock the playable ending in the dungeon. Do not do this if you wish to escape.
Rewrote one(1) scene so far.
Added necessary linebreaks.
You are no longer able to escape the underground dungeon by setting up a date with Lily over the phone.
Disabled the phone when you are in the underground dungeon.
Added more events with unlocked characters to the library, so instead of only Lily being interactive in the library at random, there is now also Otto and Noah at random. If you’re dating either one of them, a different scene will show. You will also have the option to spend the day with them.
Changed Noah’s lookalike name from Keane Rifts to Keany Greaves to closer phonetically resemble Keanu Reeves.
Added another event with unlocked characters to the cafe, so instead of only Otto and Noah being interactive as random events, Lily will now also be interactive. If you’re dating Lily, another scene will show, and you will have some options to either spend the day with her or walk her home, depending on the time of the day.
Fixed the broken corruption increase function on sleep if your corruption is low.
Added flashing events to the streets and the city, at random and will pay depending on what you’re able to flash and choose to flash.
Added ability to shower in the safehouse, so you’re no longer smelly when going on a mission with James and Johnson to rescue Constantin. This ability will persist once the mission is over, unless you’ve had the safehouse burnt down by the facility.
Added option to put on makeup at Otto’s shower.
Fixed various spelling mistakes and typos.
Blackjack will no longer continue in the background after you leave the Casino, which would take up memory for no reason. (play blackjack once to fix this on old saves.)
Changed some variables and structural metrics to better fit new scenarios.
School Reception is now accessible.
Fixed 5 red errors at school.
Replaced 1 of the errors with some new flavor text.
Conditionally removed some linebreaks when there's no text to display.
Nerdy specs
172.608 words! (Patron version)
5.719 words added!
1163 passages (Patron version)
32 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
Added boring content to the school.
Fixed spelling mistakes.
Fixed minor bugs.
Removed unecessary linebreaks.
Added necessary linesbreaks.
Fixed missing <> variable call on certain dates with Lily. This means there’s now “more” ways to lower your chances of getting dumped by Lily.
Added two new dates to Lily’s day dates, the ones she will take you on for the entire day if you’re dating her.
Added missing image to the mall date for Lily.
Rewrote a bunch of fun scenes to add more detail, life and feel to them, instead of being the same slob that was here since the first update. I apologize for doing this so late.
So far rewrote (5) scenes. More to come!
Removed annoying link marker after linked images that leads to outside pages. The images and names of the links will still be obvious that they’re external links, they just won’t show it so obviously anymore, visually.
Added a new event to the mansion showers.
Added corruption locks for more sense and structure.
Added a new event to waking up with either Otto and Noah, in Ottos home, the Mansion or the Luxury apartment.
Fixed a bug at the schoolCafe.
Fixed an error where oldPhone login would break on old saves.
Implemented an automatic fix for old saves that have already been broken.
Added a different flavortext for two different characters to show if you’re dating them.
Added new linebreaks.
Fixed not being able to progress with the church story until you’ve been inside the church walls twice.
Added more incrementing stat checkers for better stat recognition.
Added three events to the mansion upstairs hallway. 1/20 chance of happening.
Fixed broken checker for church quest making it so that you kept getting caught by John.
Added different scene if you’re dating a character and they wake you up after sleeping with them, than if you’re not dating them.
You should no longer be able to confront Constantin and Tyson after you’ve hired Martine as a PI
Nerdy specs
166.889 words! (Patron version)
8.882 words added!
1131 passages (Patron version)
8 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
fixed a bug and added a "quit" function to new job
Sectioned the city. Important notes: The mansion is now in the city suburbs. Constantins cottage is in the city suburbs. Constantins new office is down the city streets. These have not been removed, just relocated to make room for new city additions. The junction has been moved to the city roads for quest activity. The safehouse has been moved to the suburbs, given it has not been burned down.
The next few updates will feature pointers in the city to help returning players as well as new players navigate these changes.
Removed 13 deprecated passages.
Fixed malformed if statement with gym staffroom passage
You can now leave the hotel room at night without being escorted back by the guard. Being in The Lion at night is important for story continuation for those that chose the Brody route.
Your job will now be displayed in the sidebar in a green color.
Removed a linebreak in the sidebar
Removed 10 unused passages
Added a new job: Teacher. Host a class between four different subjects. Scenes are included in two of the subjects, and ideas on how to improve this job will be appreciated.
Two of these subjects will be locked by default, and you’ll have to enroll in single class units for 7 days in the school to be able to teach them. You’ll have to study hard, as there will be a test in the end of it. You’ll also need to attend classes, as your final grade is determined both on attendance and how you do on the test. The test is graded by the standard letter scale, from A+ to and F.
Added a school in the city roads. THIS IS A HUGE WORK IN PROGRESS. THERE ARE NO SCENES. THERE IS A DISCLAIMER FOR THIS, READ BEFORE ENROLLING. Ideas on how to improve the school will be appreciated!
Fixed various spelling mistakes
Fixed minor bugs
Fixed missing kofi image for support link
Nerdy specs
158.007 words! (Patron version)
14.713 words added!
1123 passages (Patron version)
77 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
Updated supporter links - added Ko-Fi buttons and images
After asking Constantin what to do, you will now not only have the ability to leave to the city, but also to go back to the cottage.
Fixed a bug where Constantin will “ghost” you if you ask what to do next. Now, the appropriate text will show up no matter how far your are.
Fixed Church storyline getting stuck if you spit John in the face.
Fixed annoying linebreaks in the intro cafe.
Fixed issue with ability to both turn down the cafe job in the intro AND take it in the same passage. You’re now only able to choose one or the other.
Added emboldened text in the beginning passage to enunciate the themes found in the settings menu.
Fixed linebreak with the disclaimer button.
Added necessary linebreaks.
Added more text to watching romantic movies or shows. Also changed the link text.
Added function to keep watching romantic movies or shows in Zack’s apartment 401, if the time permits it.
Added a notification to sleeping in the park for the first time. It will pop out of the side of the screen like the other notifications.
Changed the position of the link leading to your room in Zack’s apartment 401. It is now located at the bottom, just above the final exit link.
Added theme disclaimer to the public version.
Expanded the library manage books job with 93 new books to sort in! Rarely sort the same book twice. This makes it 100 total books to sort through in the library.
Bumped up the amount of books to sort in one sitting from 3-7 to 7-14.
Fixed spelling errors in the library. Gah! The library! The rary of the lib!
Added more sidescreen notifications.
Minor bug fixes.
Removed unnecessary linebreaks.
Added option to invest in the S&P500 (not the real one) through the GMA Banking app on your phone (in game) for either a return or a loss.
Also added the following signals (not the real ones)
Dow Jones
After turning down Ralph from the library, you should no longer have a static notification telling you that you have a message from him. Turning him down will then prompt a new message to happen in between 6 to 12 days.
Added option to block Ralph from ever sending you messages again.
Added option to unblock Ralph so that he can send you messages again.
You will no longer be told that you have an email to read even though you don’t.
Added color to certain flavortext, specifically flavortext depicting money and balance.
Added type effect with 5ms delay to the ATM.
You will no longer aqcuire a train ticket when visiting other trainstations. Instead, the city has paid for trips back to the city, and you will therefore ride free.
Added a new area that you can travel to from the city Trainstation - the Urban Agricultural Zones, better known as the UAZ.
Added a farmers market where you can buy groceries a bit cheaper than in the grocery store.
You can buy seeds and mulch on the farmers market and plant them in the mansion garden for extra groceries. Remember to water it every day and watch out for deteriorating soil levels.
You can buy two extra planters for a total of 3 seeds planted at a time for extra produce!
Donate to honey farms for a weekly packet of groceries! Expanding depending on three different tiers you can end up in! Donate more and get more food! FOR FREE!
Added option to donate money to the hospital towards fertility research. Donating to fertility research will give you access to a new wing in the hospital, named after you! In this new wing, you will have the opportunity to donate even more money to fertility research, which will give you access to participate in the actual research! If you don’t donate more money towards it, you’ll only have the options to speak with doctors and read logs.
Added a soup kitchen in the outskirts where you can donate extra food. It won’t do anything, but you can feel good about yourself for doing it.
During the Brody pathline, once you’ve bet on Blackjack enough times, and finished this piece, it will no longer ask you to speak to Brody again.
Opened the church for players on Brody questline. The church will open as a continuation after betting 5 grand in the casino and speaking with Brody. The church will not act as a storycontinuation, and if you have chosen the Brody questline, will not be able to see the Church questline.
Opened the funhouse for players who chose the Church route. The players who chose the Church route will not be able to see or play the Brody questline, just as the above notation.
Added some help with the second quest, as a lot of players have requested what the password for the archives are. You should now be able to guess it after clicking “Retry” a few times. (NOTE: This is for a storyline quest, not for patreon codes.)
You can no longer play in the casino at night, due to infrastructural storyline coding. But let’s pretend it’s because the workers must get a good nights rest.
Expanded upon the Casino storyline. This should work for existing players as well as new players.
You’ll no longer recieve 100 emails to answer by default in the Office job. This was a line left in by mistake after I tested some objects.
Added more stats to the alternative stat tracker page.
Nerdy specs
143.294 words! (Patron version)
8.107 words added!
1056 passages (Patron version)
22 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
This time for real fixed the missing <> macro.
Fixed the additional “You already have a job” when working in the bar.
Added a small description to drinking coffee in the cafe, and what actually happens. A lot has been reporting it as a bug, even though it was intentional to let you all have one extra action during the day. Now it is explained!
Drinking coffee now effectively costs 5 pounds, and is no longer free.
Getting caught in the casino and taken your chips away, you’re no longer stuck in a loop of infinite “caught”.
Fixed spelling mistakes on certain links connected to the therapy office.
Added necessary linebreaks to some pointers.
Added some pointers to why you can’t apply for jobs in the gym. (i.e You need more stamina to apply here.)
Removed unnecessary linebreaks to the apt 401 application.
Added a linebreak to your room.
Added labels for cam shows, so it’s easier to see what the images mean on bigger screens.
Added an email system.
Added another date location with Chloe - you can now take her to dates in the Café.
You will now tell Lily that you will pay for drinks when taking her to the cafe for a date. Noah and Otto will always pay for you. If you don’t have enough money to pay for both your drink and Lilys drink, she will happily pay for you.
Added a counter to track how many times you’ve been caught in the casino.
Added alternative stats to the stat tracker. These stats include, but are not limited to:
Amount of wins in Blackjack
Amount of money betted in Blackjack
Amount of money won in blackjack
Amount of times visited the park
Added a few more “notifications” that will pop out from the side of the screen.
Added flavor to some of the notifications that pop out from the side of the screen.
Nerdy specs
135.187 words! (Patron version)
696 words added!
1034 passages (Patron version)
5 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
Added a cage to the casino where you’ll be depositing money for chips to play with.
Go to the same cage with your chips to get your money back out again.
If you get caught cheating in the casino, you’ll lose your chips, and therefore your deposited money.
Your chip balance is displayed in the main section of the casino and in the chip cage.
You’re now able to file a police report in the Los Huevas Police Department.
Fixed the Constantin Continue button being there even after clicking continue.
Fixed errorcode on <> function due to missing <> ID in the bus with the businessman scene.
Removed unnecessary line breaks.
Added typewriter effect to all terminals in the game. This is just to enhance gameplay and will not affect the story or characters in any way.
Added special effects to certain text elements in the game. Explore and find out where! This is just to enhance gameplay and will not affect the story or characters in any way.
Added more cheats for Patrons.
Improved some of the cheats for Patrons to make them easier to use and see what they do.
Fixed Noah not gaining any loves points due to the following error: Error: macro <> does not exist.
Fixed bugs with different browser support for jаvascript and blackjack in the casino.
Meeting Lily for a date in your room over the phone now effectively lowers her WaitTime ratio, and thus making it easier to keep her as a partner instead of her breaking up with you after short time.
Bumped Lily’s wait time ratio to 4 instead of 3, making her stay with you one day longer if you neglect her. Don’t neglect her.
When working at the cult, you will no longer see “You already have a job”
Fixed the same issue at the cafe, the bar, the library and the hospital
Using the cheat console to get the cult job will now correctly assign the variables, so you can actually work the cult job.
Removed large linebreaks in the cult work section.
All tasks in the cult now effectively go towards the cultWork variable needed to get promotions at the cult.
Phoning Lily for a date now no longer takes you directly to apartment 401 with Zack. Now, it tracks where you live and places you accordingly.
Taking the train back from Los Huevas is now free, effectively removing the unfair price changes from having one ticket or more than one ticket.
Fixed spelling errors.
If you’re not able to escape the asylum in due time, you’ll be broken down into pieces and sent off with Tim for a playable hard end. I recommend saving your game when you get thrown into the asylum if you don’t want to have to restart your game if you can’t escape.
Added Tim’s House.
Added story continuation to the Church route.
Added some variables to the initial load passage to maintain framework for new players.
Time now advances in the asylum when you do psychological evaluations.
Time now advances in the asylum when you spend time in the canteen, whether you eat there or not. This is to make it easier for the player to achieve the playable hard end.
Reformatted the email buzzwords to not include buzzphrases.
Changed the heart next to links to another heart, this time it is classified as an emoji. Do let me know through discord if these Emojis appear strange or malformed, or even as boxes to some of you.
Reformatted the simple character creator screen to use columns.
Updated the help section with a bit of new information.
Nerdy specs
134.491 words! (Patron version)
4.698 words added!
1029 passages (Patron version)
47 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
If you somehow still do not own a phone when Brody asks for Michaels address, Brody will give you a phone.
Added some flavor to some of the dialogs in relation to dialog chat colors.
Added a trainstation in the city with a trainline to Los Huevas!
Transit to Los Huevas takes a lot of time, so make sure you go in the morning, and have enough money to spend the night at a hotel.
Added a new location: Los Huevas! Buy one ticket or a 10 ticket punch card.
Added a trainstation in Los Huevas with a trainline ot Sunspilled Bay.
Transit from Los Huevas to Sunspilled Bay is free on the citys account!
Added a casino where you can lose all your money, or gain a truckload of them in blackjack!
This functions like regular blackjack, where you will hit or stand against the dealer.
Added a hotel where you can pay steep prices to stay for the night.
Fixed the bus scene so it doesn’t turn empty once in a while.
To continue the Brody story, wait for an SMS from Brody.
To continue the Church story, talk to Constantin and press “Continue”
Nerdy specs
129.793 words! (Patron version)
3.317 words added!
982 passages (Patron version)
35 passages added
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
This update aims to fix the flaws caused by the SugarCube update. Thanks to Taulion!
Fixed StatTraKer acquisition. This was done by changing the initial boolean being set to true, as it didn’t correlate with the other checking booleans.
It is now again possible to apply for the gym manager position. This will be the only job where you can still apply for a job even though you have another job already.
Increased the chance of puncturing your bike while riding downtown from 1,50 to 1,40.
Increased the chance of puncturing your bike while riding uptown from 1,50 to 1,40.
Fixed spelling errors.
Fixed unecessary whitespace.
Changed the flavortext for getting fondled on the bus.
Added a series of chained events to taking the bus into the city. There are 5 different scenes spanning on around 16 trips. So, save the environment and take the bus! After viewing the scenes, you’ll be able to review them.
Added a small line of blackmail on the bus. Getting this will put you in debt, and depending on how you carry yourself throughout the line, your initial debt will be reduced before you are allowed back out onto the city.
Removed extra line breaks in the park
Added ability to ride your bike around the park, if it isn’t broken. This will use up one timeblock.
Added ability to modify your bike seat when you are riding around the park. This will not use up a timeblock.
Fixed a bug causing wrongful wrapping of text when looking at yourself in the mirror.
Nerdy specs
126.476 words! (Patron version)
6.831 words added!
947 passages (Patron version)
18 passages added
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
Rewriting done by Dean! Thank you!
Fixed a bug where a wrong image would show in the brothel gloryhole.
You will now gain trust with the brothel by working there.
Fixed a formatting issue in the brothel, with missing line breaks.
Added tooltips to going downtown and uptown. Hovering over the links will now give a short explanation on what locations are to be found there.
Added missing line breaks when looking at yourself in the mirror.
Working at the bar will now correctly increase your arousal when in the correct event.
Sleeping at night with purity or low corruption will now correctly increase your corruption instead of showing an error. Again.
Added missing line break in the café to ensure a smooth look.
If you have a job, you can no longer apply for a position in other jobs without quitting your job first. This is to ensure a uniform experience in all jobs, from start to finish.
Fixed missing images to supporting Zack under the desk.
Fixed missing images to taking Zack to a date in the woods.
Relaxing in the Café while cleaning tables will now lower pressure.
Fixed wrongful termination of linkreplace in the camp wake up passage as well as adding the same (this time fixed) linkreplace to the camp dream passage as well as the camp nightmare passage.
Fixed wrongful termination of linkreplace in the Zack Café date event.
Slightly edited the café flash image to better fit the loop time.
Added notifications throughout the game. More to be added later, right now they’re mostly in the end stages of the storyline. An example would be: “You've acquired Tyson's ID card.” This is to both help the player with what to do, but also to add some flavor and edge to it all. It’s also got notifications for different kinds of stats.
Fixed the flavortext for getting the apartment 401 key, so if you have a job it will show “Good thing you have a nice paying job!” instead of “Maybe there's some way you could make some money.” and the other way around.
Added necessary line breaks throughout the game.
Added randomization to the café brew game. Instead of pre-added orders, all orders are completely randomized.
Added a small chance of getting “Your trauma affects the way you behave. You should go see a doctor” as a trauma notice when walking around with above 90 trauma.
Added buzzwords to the email mini game for the office.
Collecting all buzzwords will give you an unlock in the stattracker with a bonus.
Collecting a buzzword while writing an email will give you a bonus of £100 per buzzword found. All found buzzwords will be collected. Once a buzzword is collected, it can’t be used again.
Rewrote a downtown scene.
Nerdy specs
119.645 words! (Patron version)
1.231 words added!
929 passages (Patron version)
3 passages added
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
Rewriting done by Dean! Thank you!
Meet a young, vibrant 18-year-old girl from Riverton Heights - popular, well-connected, and living her best life!
Perky tits and firm ass. Her body at its prime!
With just one year left of high school, she's handled it pretty well, balancing academics and social life effortlessly.
She's in a committed relationship with her boyfriend and has her parents' approval!
On her 18th birthday, she went out with friends for a few drinks to celebrate, nothing too wild.
What happened next, nobody knows as everything faded to black...
Discover her story and unravel the mystery!
Год выпуска: 2023
Жанр: real porn, female protagonist, anal, animated, groping, masturbation, sex toys, text based, incest, lesbian, oral, vaginal, rape, creampie, sexual harassment, corruption, transformation, prostitution,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Nota Bao - patreon | subscribestar | itch
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.8.2
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.8.2 (2025-03-21)
Fixed spelling errors.
Added conversations with your dormmate if you’ve started your own school clique.
Added story continuation.
Removed variable “$lname”.
Added standard name for testing to be “Josephine”.
Added standard CSS snippet for styling Brody’s dialog.
Got sick. T’was rough.
In case you haven’t found Noah, and Otto has already moved into the mansion, an option to speak with Otto and kickstart the Mansion questline has now been added.
If you are working as a teacher, and has enrolled in a full curriculum in the school, you can now continue working at the school as a teacher as well if that is your choice.
Made it more clear that you should speak to the PI to find Noah.
Added option to play on Zacks computer.
If you read this, you are valued. You are worthy. I love you. Reach out. Nota will always lend an ear.
Added event if you play on Zacks computer.
Added relationship points to Ross and Violet for future use in events during the teacher job.
Implemented metrics and architecture to coding structure on storyline continuation.
Nerdy specs
204.112 words! (Patron version)
1.595 words added!
1325 passages (Patron version)
10 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
v0.8.1 (2025-03-07)
Fixed a broken if statement in the tier 3 office job.
The button to re-initialize the buzzword arraylist now shouldn’t show after clicking it at least once. If you have already clicked this button, it should now be gone. You do not have to do anything else.
Added a widget handler for school class skills.
Added CSS snippet code to handle player dialog colorization.
Fixed spelling errors and small typos.
Fixed missing endif resulting in errors.
Added 10 unique conversations with your dorm mate per class, except PE. 90 in total.
Added 20 unique conversations with a random student during class, per class, except PE. 180 in total.
Fixed folder versioning from since last update.
Fixed missing graphical links that prevented vital game stuff.
Your ongoing class in the university will now be highlighted on the class board.
Added 30 unique conversations with random male students during recess when mingling.
Added 30 unique conversations with random female students during recess when mingling.
Added ability to create your own clique at school.
Added 7 different cliques aside from your own to join at school.
Nerdy specs
202.517 words! (Patron version)
16.210 words added!
1315 passages (Patron version)
36 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
v0.8 (2025-02-21)
Added the Grub job to the cheat menu.
Added vision flair for signing the contract with the Grub job.
Fixed wrongful naming on different links.
Fixed some persistant bugs with the Grub job.
Added different contracts depending on the Tier of work you have unlocked with the Grub job. You can read the different contracts before and after Tier Up, but you can only read the contract relating to your tier.
Fixed Grub job not being available to players who have bought a laptop.
Added more passages to new locations, which will later be utilized for story progression.
Optimized current locations.
Fixed minor bugs.
Added some new Easter eggs!
Worked on adding new content to the university - everything related to university is still very much work in progress - some of the tasks are a bit more difficult than first imagined.
Fixed typos.
Added more instances of different character dialog depending on upbringing chosen.
Tweaked a minor set amount of dialogs to better fit scenes.
Worked on improving passage coding structure.
Worked on improving hub passages.
Nerdy specs
186.307 words! (Patron version)
150 words added!
1279 passages (Patron version)
39 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
v0.7.9 (2025-02-07)
Riding your bike in the park will now effectively increase your cardio stat.
Fixed missing stuff to riding your bike and modifying your bike.
Choosing the Christian upbringing will now correctly reflect added inhibition, instead of the inhibition lowering to 100 the second it gets tampered with in any way.
Changed coding structure of some of the upbringings to make them reflect the current architecture.
Added stat increase/decrease to all the upbringings, so they now have greater reflection on your gameplay. You still won’t be told exactly what it does. That is up to you, to figure out.
Slightly “randomized” the numbers to the different upbringings to further reflect realism.
Added certain stats to StoryInit and removed them from the intro buffer for smoother intro loading.
Removed more instances of the weird “coorViolettes” and replaced them with the correct “coordinates”
Added different variables to the grub job. Added these same variables to a math clamped widget to keep them in line. This widget is connected to the job, and the job only.
Added in total four tiers to the grub job. Doing better work will allow you to increase these tiers and earn even more money. Be careful, though. Working too much for Johnny will make him… obsessed.
Exploring in the intro now takes up time slots more often, so it is easier to progress through the intro.
Changed some terminals to run at 5ms instead of 10ms.
Fixed some leaking colors.
Added missing dialog color to Morris.
Added some more colors to alternative stats.
Added some more alternative stats.
Restructured the editor slightly to allow for easier development navigation.
Ate a sandwich.
Added requirement to buy tickets to use the trainstation. The city will no longer pay for free train rides.
Added disclaimers in UAZ when donating to not use all your money, in case you have no tickets and need to buy a ticket.
The Los Huevas ticket booth will no longer take you to the city instead of back to the Los Huevas train station.
Added color to the ticket counter on the stations. (The one that says “You have (amount) tickets!”)
Started working on new locations.
Fixed a small bug that allowed players to get NaN tickets.
Nerdy specs
186.157 words! (Patron version)
1.939 words added!
1240 passages (Patron version)
9 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
v0.7.8 (2025-01-24)
Fixed minor bugs.
Fixed minor spelling errors and typos.
Again removed the ability to get into the Asleep timeblock by watching memes. This should NO LONGER be possible at all.
Added 10 more spicy images to be received from Lily.
Added 10 more spicy images to be received from Chloe.
When asking Chloe for spicy images, now added 2 more responses from her instead of only “<3”.
Changed some old if/else statements to switch/case statements for cleaner code.
Removed deprecated and unused passages.
Repositioned passages for easier management and structure.
Added lore to the character creation screen. Clicking the “lore” button will now show you what your upbringing means to you.
The job that is unlocked alongside doing camshows is now unlocked accordingly. Apparently there was a minor fluke in the code.
Added a cheat to meet Caine for Patrons.
Added a cheat to make Caine love you, though it doesn’t have much effect as of now.
Added some(9) missing events with Caine.
Added missing color to some of Caine’s dialog.
Added link to go to Caine’s cabin from the park at night if you’ve already visited the cabin once.
Removed unnecessary setters from certain switch/case code strings and used switch random instead.
Added Caine to the love system. Gain love points to unlock new interactions with Caine! In the future, he will “likely” become a datable character.
Decreased the odds of finding a cat from 1/250 to 1/350.
Removed unnecessary linebreaks.
Added different flavortext and dialogs for different types of upbringing to certain scenes.
Removed “orVioletry” and replaced with “ordinary” from multiple passages.
Fixed a typo that would cause the player to neglect the cat just a tiny bit more.
Fixed a visually breaking typo that would render span styles useless on certain bits of flavortext.
Added 27 new activities that you can discover your cat doing for each attribute your cat can have. (Adventurours, Sleepy, Gloomy, Happy, Playful) Totalling 150 different activities, like “hiding behind curtain” “climbing in boxes” “sleeping on folded clothes” and so on and so forth.
Nerdy specs
184.218 words! (Patron version)
3.836 words added!
1231 passages (Patron version)
8 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
v0.7.7 (2025-01-11)
Added two links to the hidden bum society for patrons. Socialize and view wares!
Random encounter in the Quick-E-Mart now also requires high allure (70).
Buzzwords should now work. They have also been changed. IF YOU ALREADY HAVE FOUND SOME BUZZWORDS, PLEASE CLICK THE “Re-initiate buzzwords” BUTTON TO FIX ANY ISSUES AND START OVER.
Added re-initiate buzzwords button.
Fixed ability to go into the Asleep timeblock by watching memes.
Added easter egg when finding a specific bug (which has been fixed, so you shouldn’t be able to find it without editing code or cheating).
Fixed minor spelling errors.
Fixed minor bugs.
Finished the Zack date in the bar that apparently got cut short some time ago and was never finished.
Included all investment options into an if check to prevent possible ATM bugs and NaN Balances.
Fixed a faulty code string with Noah in the Library.
Constantin now no longer “wants to talk to you” when he doesn’t want to talk to you about anything specific.
You should no longer be able to visit Otto’s apartment in the outskirts after finding the mansion, as it makes no sense to why he would keep the apartment after moving in.
Added new character: Caine the Lumberjack. He can be found observing you while skinny dipping in the lake. After enough times, he will approach you. You will have a choice to accept or decline. If you decline, you will still be able to change your mind.
Added Caine’s Cabin.
Added Ruscoe.
Tim’s relationship points will now no longer exceed 100.
Tim’s love points will now no longer exceed 100.
You will now no longer receive “You discovered the lake!” every time you go there.
Nerdy specs
180.382 words! (Patron version)
3.124 words added!
1223 passages (Patron version)
29 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
Changed the type effect from 5ms to 2ms in the ATM to show the ATM text faster.
Fixed the dev tool “Give all items”.
When buying and closing investment positions, you should now be able to see the updated number on top without having to close and reopen the investment app.
Fixed a bug in the dungeon where you couldn’t continue after accepting the toys.
Fixed a bug in the dungeon where you couldn’t apply the toys.
Fixed a bug in the dungeon where you couldn’t remove the toys.
Fixed linebreaks in the dungeon.
Fixed [number NaN] issue in the UAZ.
Fixed Cheat menu destroying investments and or ATM balance if you don’t have any previous balance or investments.
Added an event to after you steal or snap an image of the documents in the casino office (brody questline)
Removed unnecessary linbreaks.
Fixed types and spelling errors.
Fixed minor bugs.
Changed multiple <> variables to their Math.clamp <> counterpart for easier management.
Added comments to all cam sessions instead of only a select few.
Added code to allow for the email from PGHQ to be sent correctly to your inbox instead of nowhere, effectively opening the new job for play.
When Noah barges in on you in the mansion bathroom, you can now choose how to proceed.
School now properly tracks enrollment. Don’t worry, this value will be reset once the school is properly finished.
Added some text to the school yard and a checker on PE class, for whether it is in session or not.
Nerdy specs
177.258 words! (Patron version)
1.186 words added!
1194 passages (Patron version)
7 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
Fixed broken image links.
Removed unnecessary flavor text where it wasn’t needed anymore due to variable changes.
Added an email and a new job depending on how many followers you have on the camming site.
Rewrote the 404 page on my website to explain potential 404 reasons.
Redefined the flavortext of Los Huevas from Sin City to The City of Sins.
$secretShow is now only set to false if it's not already defined, instead of being able to be repeatedly set to false.
Fixed minor bugs.
Edited typos and various spelling errors.
Changed some texts to be more grammatically correct.
Renamed the bank from Goliath Island Bank Metrics Automated System Service to Goliath Island Bank Metrics Exchange Automated System Service to better fit the acronym.
Properly sectioned the backpack
Added more stuff to the “Give all” cheat button. Things added are:
Nurses handbook
Students gradebook
Added linebreaks.
Removed linebreaks.
After having searched your old phone, you’re no longer required to search it again, but can instantly access the app page.
Changed some flavortext with the old phone.
Added an easter egg to the old phone. This is really, really not obvious, and I do not expect anyone to find out what it is without cheating.
Added option to change your mind when selecting cards on blackjack if you don’t want to play blackjack anyways.
Added new cheats: Fill bank account (which gives a 40.000 pound increase) and Fill investments (which gives 50.000 pound worth of every investment)
A patron event has been made after donating 200 pounds of food to the soup kitchen in the outskirts.
Added two new locations to travel to from the developer tools: the UAZ and Los Huevas.
Added cheat to donate 200 pounds of food instantly.
Reformed some of the cheats to work a bit better.
Increased the “Add money” cheat from 2000 to 5000.
Fixed a wrongful termination of a statement, causing an event to turn pink.
When asking Morris about the island, he will now state the appropriate amount of towns/cities instead of only the city and the small town you started in.
Gave Morris a chat color.
Stopped a loop causing you to meet Martine over and over.
Showering at Tim’s House now has the true shower effect instead of doing nothing.
You can no longer shower at Tim’s House at night.
Showering at Tim’s House now spends one timeblock. Choose wisely.
Fixed a bunch of errors at Otto’s house when sleeping with him.
When sleeping at Otto’s while dating him, a different nightly fun-time flavortext will show.
Advancing time in the dungeon after being mind-broken now works as intended.
Accepting toys from the dungeon master now works as intended.
Added option to unplug yourself in the dungeon after being broken.
Using the bug squasher will now look a little different. Instead of needing to refresh the screen to apply a new variable or squash a new bug, you can do it over and over. There will be “Applied!” text popping up on click. This has nothing to do with how many times you can apply a bug fix, but merely a visual aid to you, so you know something has been applied. Again, do NOT use this feature if you don’t know what you are doing, IT MAY BREAK YOUR GAME! Only use in consult with Nota Bao or Taulion, unless you’re absolutely sure what you’re doing.
If you’re wearing a plug while caught by the dungeon master, new flavortext will appear on initial catch and when/if you escape.
Added cheats to enter both endings as well as exit them on will.
You can now meet Ralph through the cheat menu.
Added some text when getting a first glimpse of the secret show. (WIP)
Added first bits of support for random character generation for future content.
Added 3 new eastereggs.
You can no longer have fun with toys in the dungeon without actually having the toys.
Nerdy specs
176.072 words! (Patron version)
3.464 words added!
1187 passages (Patron version)
24 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
Added more text to the underground dungeon.
Getting caught trying to escape more than once will now break your mind. This will become a hard end after enough punishments. DO NOT MESS IT UP.
Changed the order on text and image on some pages in the underground dungeon.
Added a playable hard end to the underground dungeon.
Added more content to the underground dungeon.
Added a light bit of color css to some of the text in the underground dungeon.
New additions should work on old saves where the saved game is in the underground dungeon. Go back to your room if things look wrong, and they should fix themselves.
Reformed some image links that were causing missing images.
Unset a lot of variables when they are no longer going to be used, or if they are going to be reset anyways on a later time to minimize save file size.
The reception in the school will no longer show after you’ve obtained the dorm room key as there is no longer use for it.
You can’t do your homework on any other place outside of the school.
Gave the option to go back in the dungeon once you find the exit. This is only if you’re trying to unlock the playable ending in the dungeon. Do not do this if you wish to escape.
Rewrote one(1) scene so far.
Added necessary linebreaks.
You are no longer able to escape the underground dungeon by setting up a date with Lily over the phone.
Disabled the phone when you are in the underground dungeon.
Added more events with unlocked characters to the library, so instead of only Lily being interactive in the library at random, there is now also Otto and Noah at random. If you’re dating either one of them, a different scene will show. You will also have the option to spend the day with them.
Changed Noah’s lookalike name from Keane Rifts to Keany Greaves to closer phonetically resemble Keanu Reeves.
Added another event with unlocked characters to the cafe, so instead of only Otto and Noah being interactive as random events, Lily will now also be interactive. If you’re dating Lily, another scene will show, and you will have some options to either spend the day with her or walk her home, depending on the time of the day.
Fixed the broken corruption increase function on sleep if your corruption is low.
Added flashing events to the streets and the city, at random and will pay depending on what you’re able to flash and choose to flash.
Added ability to shower in the safehouse, so you’re no longer smelly when going on a mission with James and Johnson to rescue Constantin. This ability will persist once the mission is over, unless you’ve had the safehouse burnt down by the facility.
Added option to put on makeup at Otto’s shower.
Fixed various spelling mistakes and typos.
Blackjack will no longer continue in the background after you leave the Casino, which would take up memory for no reason. (play blackjack once to fix this on old saves.)
Changed some variables and structural metrics to better fit new scenarios.
School Reception is now accessible.
Fixed 5 red errors at school.
Replaced 1 of the errors with some new flavor text.
Conditionally removed some linebreaks when there's no text to display.
Nerdy specs
172.608 words! (Patron version)
5.719 words added!
1163 passages (Patron version)
32 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
Added boring content to the school.
Fixed spelling mistakes.
Fixed minor bugs.
Removed unecessary linebreaks.
Added necessary linesbreaks.
Fixed missing <> variable call on certain dates with Lily. This means there’s now “more” ways to lower your chances of getting dumped by Lily.
Added two new dates to Lily’s day dates, the ones she will take you on for the entire day if you’re dating her.
Added missing image to the mall date for Lily.
Rewrote a bunch of fun scenes to add more detail, life and feel to them, instead of being the same slob that was here since the first update. I apologize for doing this so late.
So far rewrote (5) scenes. More to come!
Removed annoying link marker after linked images that leads to outside pages. The images and names of the links will still be obvious that they’re external links, they just won’t show it so obviously anymore, visually.
Added a new event to the mansion showers.
Added corruption locks for more sense and structure.
Added a new event to waking up with either Otto and Noah, in Ottos home, the Mansion or the Luxury apartment.
Fixed a bug at the schoolCafe.
Fixed an error where oldPhone login would break on old saves.
Implemented an automatic fix for old saves that have already been broken.
Added a different flavortext for two different characters to show if you’re dating them.
Added new linebreaks.
Fixed not being able to progress with the church story until you’ve been inside the church walls twice.
Added more incrementing stat checkers for better stat recognition.
Added three events to the mansion upstairs hallway. 1/20 chance of happening.
Fixed broken checker for church quest making it so that you kept getting caught by John.
Added different scene if you’re dating a character and they wake you up after sleeping with them, than if you’re not dating them.
You should no longer be able to confront Constantin and Tyson after you’ve hired Martine as a PI
Nerdy specs
166.889 words! (Patron version)
8.882 words added!
1131 passages (Patron version)
8 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
fixed a bug and added a "quit" function to new job
Sectioned the city. Important notes: The mansion is now in the city suburbs. Constantins cottage is in the city suburbs. Constantins new office is down the city streets. These have not been removed, just relocated to make room for new city additions. The junction has been moved to the city roads for quest activity. The safehouse has been moved to the suburbs, given it has not been burned down.
The next few updates will feature pointers in the city to help returning players as well as new players navigate these changes.
Removed 13 deprecated passages.
Fixed malformed if statement with gym staffroom passage
You can now leave the hotel room at night without being escorted back by the guard. Being in The Lion at night is important for story continuation for those that chose the Brody route.
Your job will now be displayed in the sidebar in a green color.
Removed a linebreak in the sidebar
Removed 10 unused passages
Added a new job: Teacher. Host a class between four different subjects. Scenes are included in two of the subjects, and ideas on how to improve this job will be appreciated.
Two of these subjects will be locked by default, and you’ll have to enroll in single class units for 7 days in the school to be able to teach them. You’ll have to study hard, as there will be a test in the end of it. You’ll also need to attend classes, as your final grade is determined both on attendance and how you do on the test. The test is graded by the standard letter scale, from A+ to and F.
Added a school in the city roads. THIS IS A HUGE WORK IN PROGRESS. THERE ARE NO SCENES. THERE IS A DISCLAIMER FOR THIS, READ BEFORE ENROLLING. Ideas on how to improve the school will be appreciated!
Fixed various spelling mistakes
Fixed minor bugs
Fixed missing kofi image for support link
Nerdy specs
158.007 words! (Patron version)
14.713 words added!
1123 passages (Patron version)
77 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
Updated supporter links - added Ko-Fi buttons and images
After asking Constantin what to do, you will now not only have the ability to leave to the city, but also to go back to the cottage.
Fixed a bug where Constantin will “ghost” you if you ask what to do next. Now, the appropriate text will show up no matter how far your are.
Fixed Church storyline getting stuck if you spit John in the face.
Fixed annoying linebreaks in the intro cafe.
Fixed issue with ability to both turn down the cafe job in the intro AND take it in the same passage. You’re now only able to choose one or the other.
Added emboldened text in the beginning passage to enunciate the themes found in the settings menu.
Fixed linebreak with the disclaimer button.
Added necessary linebreaks.
Added more text to watching romantic movies or shows. Also changed the link text.
Added function to keep watching romantic movies or shows in Zack’s apartment 401, if the time permits it.
Added a notification to sleeping in the park for the first time. It will pop out of the side of the screen like the other notifications.
Changed the position of the link leading to your room in Zack’s apartment 401. It is now located at the bottom, just above the final exit link.
Added theme disclaimer to the public version.
Expanded the library manage books job with 93 new books to sort in! Rarely sort the same book twice. This makes it 100 total books to sort through in the library.
Bumped up the amount of books to sort in one sitting from 3-7 to 7-14.
Fixed spelling errors in the library. Gah! The library! The rary of the lib!
Added more sidescreen notifications.
Minor bug fixes.
Removed unnecessary linebreaks.
Added option to invest in the S&P500 (not the real one) through the GMA Banking app on your phone (in game) for either a return or a loss.
Also added the following signals (not the real ones)
Dow Jones
After turning down Ralph from the library, you should no longer have a static notification telling you that you have a message from him. Turning him down will then prompt a new message to happen in between 6 to 12 days.
Added option to block Ralph from ever sending you messages again.
Added option to unblock Ralph so that he can send you messages again.
You will no longer be told that you have an email to read even though you don’t.
Added color to certain flavortext, specifically flavortext depicting money and balance.
Added type effect with 5ms delay to the ATM.
You will no longer aqcuire a train ticket when visiting other trainstations. Instead, the city has paid for trips back to the city, and you will therefore ride free.
Added a new area that you can travel to from the city Trainstation - the Urban Agricultural Zones, better known as the UAZ.
Added a farmers market where you can buy groceries a bit cheaper than in the grocery store.
You can buy seeds and mulch on the farmers market and plant them in the mansion garden for extra groceries. Remember to water it every day and watch out for deteriorating soil levels.
You can buy two extra planters for a total of 3 seeds planted at a time for extra produce!
Donate to honey farms for a weekly packet of groceries! Expanding depending on three different tiers you can end up in! Donate more and get more food! FOR FREE!
Added option to donate money to the hospital towards fertility research. Donating to fertility research will give you access to a new wing in the hospital, named after you! In this new wing, you will have the opportunity to donate even more money to fertility research, which will give you access to participate in the actual research! If you don’t donate more money towards it, you’ll only have the options to speak with doctors and read logs.
Added a soup kitchen in the outskirts where you can donate extra food. It won’t do anything, but you can feel good about yourself for doing it.
During the Brody pathline, once you’ve bet on Blackjack enough times, and finished this piece, it will no longer ask you to speak to Brody again.
Opened the church for players on Brody questline. The church will open as a continuation after betting 5 grand in the casino and speaking with Brody. The church will not act as a storycontinuation, and if you have chosen the Brody questline, will not be able to see the Church questline.
Opened the funhouse for players who chose the Church route. The players who chose the Church route will not be able to see or play the Brody questline, just as the above notation.
Added some help with the second quest, as a lot of players have requested what the password for the archives are. You should now be able to guess it after clicking “Retry” a few times. (NOTE: This is for a storyline quest, not for patreon codes.)
You can no longer play in the casino at night, due to infrastructural storyline coding. But let’s pretend it’s because the workers must get a good nights rest.
Expanded upon the Casino storyline. This should work for existing players as well as new players.
You’ll no longer recieve 100 emails to answer by default in the Office job. This was a line left in by mistake after I tested some objects.
Added more stats to the alternative stat tracker page.
Nerdy specs
143.294 words! (Patron version)
8.107 words added!
1056 passages (Patron version)
22 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
This time for real fixed the missing <> macro.
Fixed the additional “You already have a job” when working in the bar.
Added a small description to drinking coffee in the cafe, and what actually happens. A lot has been reporting it as a bug, even though it was intentional to let you all have one extra action during the day. Now it is explained!
Drinking coffee now effectively costs 5 pounds, and is no longer free.
Getting caught in the casino and taken your chips away, you’re no longer stuck in a loop of infinite “caught”.
Fixed spelling mistakes on certain links connected to the therapy office.
Added necessary linebreaks to some pointers.
Added some pointers to why you can’t apply for jobs in the gym. (i.e You need more stamina to apply here.)
Removed unnecessary linebreaks to the apt 401 application.
Added a linebreak to your room.
Added labels for cam shows, so it’s easier to see what the images mean on bigger screens.
Added an email system.
Added another date location with Chloe - you can now take her to dates in the Café.
You will now tell Lily that you will pay for drinks when taking her to the cafe for a date. Noah and Otto will always pay for you. If you don’t have enough money to pay for both your drink and Lilys drink, she will happily pay for you.
Added a counter to track how many times you’ve been caught in the casino.
Added alternative stats to the stat tracker. These stats include, but are not limited to:
Amount of wins in Blackjack
Amount of money betted in Blackjack
Amount of money won in blackjack
Amount of times visited the park
Added a few more “notifications” that will pop out from the side of the screen.
Added flavor to some of the notifications that pop out from the side of the screen.
Nerdy specs
135.187 words! (Patron version)
696 words added!
1034 passages (Patron version)
5 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
Added a cage to the casino where you’ll be depositing money for chips to play with.
Go to the same cage with your chips to get your money back out again.
If you get caught cheating in the casino, you’ll lose your chips, and therefore your deposited money.
Your chip balance is displayed in the main section of the casino and in the chip cage.
You’re now able to file a police report in the Los Huevas Police Department.
Fixed the Constantin Continue button being there even after clicking continue.
Fixed errorcode on <> function due to missing <> ID in the bus with the businessman scene.
Removed unnecessary line breaks.
Added typewriter effect to all terminals in the game. This is just to enhance gameplay and will not affect the story or characters in any way.
Added special effects to certain text elements in the game. Explore and find out where! This is just to enhance gameplay and will not affect the story or characters in any way.
Added more cheats for Patrons.
Improved some of the cheats for Patrons to make them easier to use and see what they do.
Fixed Noah not gaining any loves points due to the following error: Error: macro <> does not exist.
Fixed bugs with different browser support for jаvascript and blackjack in the casino.
Meeting Lily for a date in your room over the phone now effectively lowers her WaitTime ratio, and thus making it easier to keep her as a partner instead of her breaking up with you after short time.
Bumped Lily’s wait time ratio to 4 instead of 3, making her stay with you one day longer if you neglect her. Don’t neglect her.
When working at the cult, you will no longer see “You already have a job”
Fixed the same issue at the cafe, the bar, the library and the hospital
Using the cheat console to get the cult job will now correctly assign the variables, so you can actually work the cult job.
Removed large linebreaks in the cult work section.
All tasks in the cult now effectively go towards the cultWork variable needed to get promotions at the cult.
Phoning Lily for a date now no longer takes you directly to apartment 401 with Zack. Now, it tracks where you live and places you accordingly.
Taking the train back from Los Huevas is now free, effectively removing the unfair price changes from having one ticket or more than one ticket.
Fixed spelling errors.
If you’re not able to escape the asylum in due time, you’ll be broken down into pieces and sent off with Tim for a playable hard end. I recommend saving your game when you get thrown into the asylum if you don’t want to have to restart your game if you can’t escape.
Added Tim’s House.
Added story continuation to the Church route.
Added some variables to the initial load passage to maintain framework for new players.
Time now advances in the asylum when you do psychological evaluations.
Time now advances in the asylum when you spend time in the canteen, whether you eat there or not. This is to make it easier for the player to achieve the playable hard end.
Reformatted the email buzzwords to not include buzzphrases.
Changed the heart next to links to another heart, this time it is classified as an emoji. Do let me know through discord if these Emojis appear strange or malformed, or even as boxes to some of you.
Reformatted the simple character creator screen to use columns.
Updated the help section with a bit of new information.
Nerdy specs
134.491 words! (Patron version)
4.698 words added!
1029 passages (Patron version)
47 passages added!
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
If you somehow still do not own a phone when Brody asks for Michaels address, Brody will give you a phone.
Added some flavor to some of the dialogs in relation to dialog chat colors.
Added a trainstation in the city with a trainline to Los Huevas!
Transit to Los Huevas takes a lot of time, so make sure you go in the morning, and have enough money to spend the night at a hotel.
Added a new location: Los Huevas! Buy one ticket or a 10 ticket punch card.
Added a trainstation in Los Huevas with a trainline ot Sunspilled Bay.
Transit from Los Huevas to Sunspilled Bay is free on the citys account!
Added a casino where you can lose all your money, or gain a truckload of them in blackjack!
This functions like regular blackjack, where you will hit or stand against the dealer.
Added a hotel where you can pay steep prices to stay for the night.
Fixed the bus scene so it doesn’t turn empty once in a while.
To continue the Brody story, wait for an SMS from Brody.
To continue the Church story, talk to Constantin and press “Continue”
Nerdy specs
129.793 words! (Patron version)
3.317 words added!
982 passages (Patron version)
35 passages added
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
This update aims to fix the flaws caused by the SugarCube update. Thanks to Taulion!
Fixed StatTraKer acquisition. This was done by changing the initial boolean being set to true, as it didn’t correlate with the other checking booleans.
It is now again possible to apply for the gym manager position. This will be the only job where you can still apply for a job even though you have another job already.
Increased the chance of puncturing your bike while riding downtown from 1,50 to 1,40.
Increased the chance of puncturing your bike while riding uptown from 1,50 to 1,40.
Fixed spelling errors.
Fixed unecessary whitespace.
Changed the flavortext for getting fondled on the bus.
Added a series of chained events to taking the bus into the city. There are 5 different scenes spanning on around 16 trips. So, save the environment and take the bus! After viewing the scenes, you’ll be able to review them.
Added a small line of blackmail on the bus. Getting this will put you in debt, and depending on how you carry yourself throughout the line, your initial debt will be reduced before you are allowed back out onto the city.
Removed extra line breaks in the park
Added ability to ride your bike around the park, if it isn’t broken. This will use up one timeblock.
Added ability to modify your bike seat when you are riding around the park. This will not use up a timeblock.
Fixed a bug causing wrongful wrapping of text when looking at yourself in the mirror.
Nerdy specs
126.476 words! (Patron version)
6.831 words added!
947 passages (Patron version)
18 passages added
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
Rewriting done by Dean! Thank you!
Fixed a bug where a wrong image would show in the brothel gloryhole.
You will now gain trust with the brothel by working there.
Fixed a formatting issue in the brothel, with missing line breaks.
Added tooltips to going downtown and uptown. Hovering over the links will now give a short explanation on what locations are to be found there.
Added missing line breaks when looking at yourself in the mirror.
Working at the bar will now correctly increase your arousal when in the correct event.
Sleeping at night with purity or low corruption will now correctly increase your corruption instead of showing an error. Again.
Added missing line break in the café to ensure a smooth look.
If you have a job, you can no longer apply for a position in other jobs without quitting your job first. This is to ensure a uniform experience in all jobs, from start to finish.
Fixed missing images to supporting Zack under the desk.
Fixed missing images to taking Zack to a date in the woods.
Relaxing in the Café while cleaning tables will now lower pressure.
Fixed wrongful termination of linkreplace in the camp wake up passage as well as adding the same (this time fixed) linkreplace to the camp dream passage as well as the camp nightmare passage.
Fixed wrongful termination of linkreplace in the Zack Café date event.
Slightly edited the café flash image to better fit the loop time.
Added notifications throughout the game. More to be added later, right now they’re mostly in the end stages of the storyline. An example would be: “You've acquired Tyson's ID card.” This is to both help the player with what to do, but also to add some flavor and edge to it all. It’s also got notifications for different kinds of stats.
Fixed the flavortext for getting the apartment 401 key, so if you have a job it will show “Good thing you have a nice paying job!” instead of “Maybe there's some way you could make some money.” and the other way around.
Added necessary line breaks throughout the game.
Added randomization to the café brew game. Instead of pre-added orders, all orders are completely randomized.
Added a small chance of getting “Your trauma affects the way you behave. You should go see a doctor” as a trauma notice when walking around with above 90 trauma.
Added buzzwords to the email mini game for the office.
Collecting all buzzwords will give you an unlock in the stattracker with a bonus.
Collecting a buzzword while writing an email will give you a bonus of £100 per buzzword found. All found buzzwords will be collected. Once a buzzword is collected, it can’t be used again.
Rewrote a downtown scene.
Nerdy specs
119.645 words! (Patron version)
1.231 words added!
929 passages (Patron version)
3 passages added
Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
Rewriting done by Dean! Thank you!
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