Описание:Hottest Summer - это новая игра для взрослых, которая рассказывает историю Сэма, старшеклассника, живущего в азиатской стране со своей прекрасной матерью Рионой и сестрой Джуно. Сэм - обычный студент 20 лет, который часто становится объектом издевательств со стороны Джима и Джуна, двух братьев в школе, которые соперничают за привязанность подруги детства Сэма Анжелы и его сестры Джуно.
Перед летними каникулами начинают разворачиваться неожиданные события, которые ведут Сэма, Анжелу и Джуно по пути похоти и интриг. Сюжет развивается в зависимости от выбора, который Сэм делает на этом пути, и последствия этого выбора определят исход игры.
Hottest Summer is a new adult game that follows the story of Sam, a senior high school student living in an Asian country with his beautiful mother Riona and sister Juno. Sam is an average student,20 years old, who is often the target of bullying from Jim and Jun, two brothers at school who are vying for the affections of Sam's childhood friend Angela and his sister Juno.
Before summer break, unexpected events begin to unfold that lead Sam, Angela, and Juno down a path of lust and intrigue. The story progresses based on the choices Sam makes along the way, and the consequences of those choices will shape the outcome of the game.
Год выпуска: 2023
Жанр: 3dcg, corruption, exhibitionism, groping, male protagonist, masturbation, milf, ntr (Avoidable), romance, teasing, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Darkstream -
PatreonПеревод: RexusПлатформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.85
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)Поблагодарить Переводчика : Yoomoney кошелёк 410011908107082v0.85 - 2025-03-01
-430+ rendering and animation
- Sam and Juno events
-Sam, Angela, and Juno's event (leads to future vanilla FFM)
-Sam and Ling's event
-Wong and Ling's event
-Kim and Riona's event (MMF)
- Replay Gallery
v0.8 - 2024-12-21
-400+ rendering and animation
- Sam and Juno events
-Sam and Riona's event
-Sam and Yuri's event
- Jun and Angela event
-Kim and Juno event
-Kim and Riona event
-Sam and Angela event
- Replay Gallery
v0.75 - 2024-10-14
- 400+ rendering
- Jim and Juno events (animations)
- Sam and Riona's event
- Sam and Yuri's event
- Wong and Ling event
Kim and Juno animated scenes and others
- Replay Gallery
v0.7 - 2024-09-04
-400+ rendering
- Kim and Juno events
-Angela NTR event
-Sam and Angela's event
-Sam and Yuri's event
- Juno and Jim event and
- Gallery
- Replay Gallery
Try different paths
v0.65 - 2024-08-16
v0.6 - 2024-06-14
-500+ rendering
- Juno, Naomi, and Ramu events
-Juno and Kim's event
-Sam and Riona's event
- Sam and Juno event
- Sam and Yuri's event
- Ling's Side Story
- Replay Gallery
v0.55 - 2024-05-19
-400+ rendering
- Juno and Ramu events
-Juno and Jim's event
-Yuri event
- Angela side story 2
- Replay Gallery
v0.5 - 2024-03-26
v0.45 - 2024-02-16
v0.4 (Files seem better compressed. Hence the smaller size compared to the previous version) - 2024-01-17
-450+ rendering
-Juno and Angela Vanila events
-Yuri NTR (two events)
-Juno and Kim event
-Riona, Ling, and the Principal event
- Riona and Kim's event
- Replay Gallery
** If you are a Non-NTR player, please skip this update!!
- 450+ rendering
- Yuri NTR (two events)
- Juno and Kim event
- Ling and the Principal event
- NTR Angela and Jim (Angela's first time)
- NTR Juno and Jim (Juno's first time)
- Replay Gallery
v0.3 - 2023-10-30
Render 800+
Replay gallery
v0.2 - 2023-08-19
500+ rendering
NTR for Angela, Juno, Reona, and Ling (depend on your choice)
one NTR avoidable route for Non-NTR players
Yuri event
v0.1.1 Fix
Improved Grammar.
Revised Scene: In response to Pateron restrictions, the scene depicting Riona and Kim's night has been reimagined.
Tag Removal: Drugs, Rape, Sleep sex tags are removed.
Optimized Image Format: All game images have been converted to the webp format, resulting in significantly reduced file sizes without compromising visual quality.
Developer Notes:
If you don't like sex scene between Riona and Kim, just skip this version. This revised scenes are only for players who follow the NTR route.
First release
As the game is based on an asian environment, I used friendly names for the in-game characters to make it more accessible to players. I intended to create an asian-style game akin to JAV's stories, and I have created this game with future games planned to be based around similar asian vibes.
Given the nature of the story, certain characters may be subject to NTR paths. However, there won't be any heavy NTR towards the main characters. I'm aiming to make a game with well-developed characters but at the same time, I don't want to make an overly long story. As such, I plan to avoid unnecessary scenes and shift the focus towards providing more erotica. This may mean that certain events in the game will happen quickly. If you truly enjoy my story, please feel free to support me on Patreon for future games.