Morningstar - это взрослая городская фэнтези VN/RPG, действие которой разворачивается в мрачном и суровом Нью-Йорке. Вы играете за молодого бойца MMA, чья жизнь навсегда меняется в тот день, когда он встречает Ангела.
Morningstar is an Adult Urban Fantasy VN/RPG, set in a dark and gritty New York. You play as a young MMA fighter whose life is forever changed the day he meets an Angel.
Год выпуска: 2023-2025
Жанр: 3dcg, adventure, animated, bdsm, combat, fantasy, handjob, harem, humor, male protagonist, oral, puzzle, romance, sandbox, teasing, turn based combat, virgin,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Droid Productions - patreon | subscribestar | itch.io | steam | discord
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: Completed
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.1.0b
Другие проекты: Making Movies (completed) - Paradise Lust (Completed) - Love of Magic (Completed)
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (машинный перевод)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Act VI and Game+
1.1.0b - 2025-01-22
- Fixed the URL for Wings of Empire
- Upgraded to Unity 2021.3.45f1 LTS version
- Lin got a Titter update, with tits documenting MC's fighting schedule, and a final tit for day 115+ on the Path of Peace
- Fixed a typo in the conditions to trigger for one of the Demonfox pages
- New Path of Fire Demonfox page (day 115+)
- New Demonfox page for the final cup (day 100+)
- Cleaned up the addressables and collectibles
- Setup the spankbank event for the Lin/Katie threesome
- Sophia at the Last Drop (not path of light), day 115+
- Path of Fire, day 115+ You now sleep over at Katie's place after watching Nutflex
- New Tits from Ciara day 115+ (the social media, not the B-cups)
- New Lin event (path of fire + Lin's storyline complete), triggered by incoming Facial after talking to her at the gym
- New incoming Facials on day 115+
- New event with Lin day 115+ (gym, path of fire / light)
- Fixed the package holder in your room not having a mouse-over
- Fixed a bug where the maze would count dead-end cards created as normal cards.
- Fixed Saffron's dress on day 113 not being set in the opening of the convo
- Cleaned up the healing logic (could occasionally give ghost healing points)
- Fixed the Snake having a broken attack in the Maze
- Powerstrike and Flurry moves now have a counter that starts at 1, not 0.
- Fixed a bug that could leave the NO_EXIT flag on after a gym event
- Fixed a bug where the fight name wasn't available to reset on the Stats app
- Fixed some font atlases having dirty alpha channels
- Fixed exiting the Maze at night using the end-card not triggering the night-time event if it is present
- Fixed Treasure or Trouble not paying out a reward
- Fixed login screen on SteamDeck
- Did a pass to regenerate the font-textures to hopefully fix invalid font-assets
- Typo pass
- Fixed one of Lin's spank-bank scenes not unlocking properly, and another being a duplicate
- Fixed text-entry on the Steam Deck
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to skip night-time events by running the maze or going to the shooting range
- Fixed a visual glitch with one of Geekboy's facial expression
- Added a guard to stop the weapons UI breaking if there's an invalid skill associated
- Fixes Emily's date 8 not saving to the spank bank
- Fixed Ciara's day 98 event not saving to the spank bank
- Fixed some typos in Quest descriptions
- Djinn swaps out Vulcanic blast for Rage
- Fixed Sophia's rest-stop conversation being repeatable
- Fixed a bug where spending the timeslot immediately before a night-time event at the shooting range would skip the event
- Fixed a bug where all the chunk-based achievements could risk not triggering one element
- Fixed achievments needing 1 additional point to unlock locally
- Fixed Gym Bunny not unlocking cleanly (same issue as man of culture)
- Fixed some clipping in the Erikson fight images
- Fixed an issue where rewind data isn't fully cleared between loads, which could cause issues combining loading and rollback
- Fixed an issue where some Scene Replay files wouldn't replay properly.
- DSLR camera was showing cost of $300 in the app, but only cost $150 when you bought it. Fixed the app view so they're both $150.
- Fixed Man Of Culture achievement, and added a fail-safe to validate it when you re-enter the Achievement UI
- Fixed forward skip not skipping past meaningful choices
- Restored the old auto-skip functionality (accidentally disabled)
- Fixed a bug where keyboard skipping works after end of login/enter name without explicitly losing focus
- Gun Range now pays out bonus cash
- Enter can be used to skip forward (same as space)
- Re-ordered 3 of Snowdrop's Teets for timeline integrity
- Fixed the visualization of additional XP in the Stats tracker and quick-stats UI giving the correct % increase
- Fixed a bug where applying rage would cause the counter to freeze
- Fixed an issue if two competing notifications fire simultanously
- Fixed a bug where you could edit your fight name in the Stats App before assigning it
- Make sure Kelly's first PT session correctly increments the counter
- Made it easier to access Lin's first visit to the Last Drop, day 18
- Emily no longer fights for coffee-time with the Pre-Fight Katja dialog
- Fixed an issue where repeated applications of the shield could break the animation
- Fixed an issue where the Djinn could regenerate her shield while Regen was active
- Rage counter now visually counts down at the beginning of turn
- Spellchecking pass
- Flicker jab reduced in cost, increased in power
- Fixed a bug in weight lifting achievement (should be at least 10x, not 20x)
- Fixed an issue where you backspace twice while naming a character would auto-select the name
- Stopped interacting with the underlying cards while the conversation is open in the Maze
- Gun range practice now advances time
- Stat tracker on your phone now gives more information about what the stats do
- Fixed one of the calendar events overflowing the text box
- Fixed a bug where talking to Coach last on day 18 would skip the final event in the bar.
- Fixed the Black Widow being misnamed in the Daemonfox pages
- Typo pass
- Release Version
- Fixed a bug in character assignment
- New treasure for higher tier enemies in the Maze
- Fixed an invalid card for Feeder Breeders in the maze
- Fixed a bug where you could click through an ally's action to swap a token underneath
- Poison now halves after applying
- Fixed Snowdrop's titts triggering on the wrong day
- Release Candidate
- Regen related skills no longer charge shields
- Katie's final sparring skills retuned to be more in line with her skillset + add regen
- Fixed a possible bug in the running UI
- Added one more QR code
- Cleaned up some Achievements that weren't firing correctly
- Rebalancing some enemies
- Fixed up Gabby's name to not be changeable
- Fixed quickstats in the Combat UI overflowing
- Tuned down the overflow damage
- Regen no longer overflows into shields
- Tuned down the Poison effect of the Giant Serpent
- Completed Gabby's Questline
- Triggered the Estrella achievement
- Story localization for Chinese (Simplified), Russian, Turkish, Spanish, Portugese and Polish
- Cleaned up all the quests ending properly
- Added 6 new enemies for the Maze (Day 89+)
- Regen now goes up to tier 5
- Fixes to Saoe's name not always using the player variable
- Cleaned up one of Katie's Mugshots
- Rebalanced Kidneyblow to be more effective
- Bumped up the Erikson fight a bit (gave him a tier 3 heal, and another skill)
- Fixed up Spankbank events
- Typos
- Fixed Lin's Shower scene not triggering
- SteamSDK integrated
- Added triggers to spawn achievements on Steam side
- Added a safeguard to trigger any achievements triggered locally but not on steam when you open the Achievements UI
- All the allies now have recharge convos in the maze
- Fixed settings UI screen scaling issue
- Typo pass
- Changed the Maze music to something longer and less noticeably looping
- Shifted an Easter Egg to kick off day 115 instead of day 150
- Cleaned up some Path of Shadow clips
- Properly save end of game
- Loading end of game save now starts you off correctly on day 115
- Added triggers for end-of-game achievements
- Day 112 enemy tweaked to add some teeth
- Cleaned up some missing images
- Re-rendered a few day 112 videos to fix VFX
- Slowed down the walk sequence on Path of Light
- Typo pass
- Day 112 and 113
- End of Path of Light, Path of Fire, Path of Peace and Path of Shadows
- Day 109 and 110 (Path of Fire)
- Typo cleanup
- Fixed Katie's Facial from double-firing day 110
- Day 109 and 110 (Path of Light)
- Fixed incorrect flag for the second Facial in To Fire Born
- Close up on Katie's non-route quest line (To Fire Born)
- Fixed some broken bump maps on a few of Saoe's renders
- Typo fixes
- Some additional images for Saoe's final event
- Fixed the flow of actions from Saoe's facial message.
- New item can be purchased after sexy times with Saoe. Kicks off her next event.
- Saoe sexy times event
- Saoe end of questline, meet her at Last Drop after her sexy times event
- Added a fix that sorts characters in location by major characters, and by active unique events first
- Added an additional Lin proxy for the gym that's always there post day 75, if you're close enough to her
- Typo pass
- Fixed a progression blocker that could fail to trigger a new event after a conversation
- New purchaseable item for Saoe (the day after she sext you)
- Fixed flickering Lin pan animation
- Lin event (Day 103+, if you talked to her after the Zhang fight)
- New item to buy (Day 103+). Not delivered yet
- Fixed the changelog being partially hidden by the settings buttons
- Day 102 Path of Light date
- Added another morning 108 facial
- Day 108 night
- Morning 108 facials
- Day 104
- Day 105
- Day 107
- Day 108 morning
- Added a new animation to Saoe's sex scene
- Snowdrop tweets updated to the full timeline (and into NG+)
- Typos sorted out
- Fixed a bug where you could roll back after having loaded a save
- Day 102 (Path of Fire)
- Day 103
- Day 110
- Day 111, completing Snowdrop's Questline (Diamonds & Drinks)
- Rewrote all of Katie's post-retirement tweets
- Day 112 demonfox page
- disabled day 110 that had escaped captivity
- Fixed up day 106
- Night day 101
- Implemented achievements
- Gun range now pays out bonus cash based on accuracy ($50 + (accuracy/100) for a max $100 bonus)
- Katja convo after the day 100 fight
- Snowdrop convo after the day 100 fight
- Updated Astrid's abilities with two piercing attacks (100 for 50 charge and 220/100)
- New Katja in the gym (evening, 2+ days after finish her first gym class)
- Added a visual indicator to MC's reveal with Emily, day 99
- Katja event day 99/100
- Katja event day 101+
- Gabby event day 99/100
- Added study session for Carlos day 76-100
- Fixed the Emily failsafe day 100
- Emily event day 99/100
- Temporarily removed the nudge to visit Emily in the morning day 100
- Day 100
- Fixed Astrid not showing as an ally (NO_ASTRID flag was set on day 16 and never unset)
- Added an epilogue for path of fire on day 96
- Day 98 night
- Morning day 99
- Morning day 98
- Fixed an issue that didn't queue notifications properly
- Fixed an overflow with the day 98 weigh-in
- Added a windup facial at the end of day 97
- Unlocked additional allies day 96
- Day 96 Morning (Path of Light)
- Day 96 Night
- Day 97
- Day 96 morning (Path of Fire)
- Auto-button doesn't disappear between turns in gem combat
- Fixed the ability to do another move while the previous move was resolving.
- Fixed typos
- Fixed some graphics glitches day 95
- Day 95
- Night day 94
- Fixed a slight glitch when encountering a queued conversation
- Fixed a slight audio glitch when loading a savegame mid-conversation with a specific music track playing
- Fixed a bug where overwrite wouldn't remove the confirmation popup
- Blessing can't self-charge
- Night day 93
- Morning day 94
- Recolored a couple of animations for Lin's recurring scene
- Added a second alternate doggy-style option
- Fixed up Lin's apartment to avoid the nasty snap on entering it
- New Lin event after receiving her Butplug two selfie (flag is LIN_YOGA)
- New repeatable sex after that at night
- You can now go shooting at the range
Act V (Day 74-93) - 2024-07-26
- Typos fixed
- Tuned the skill-tree costs, and fixed a broken skill
- Fixed a sorting order with the new popups
- Fixed a scaling issue with the yes/no popups
- Fixed a bug in the skills config UI if you tried using it directly day 3, without having loaded
- Fixed a bug where the skills config UI would warp based on aspect ratio
- Updated YesNo, Prompt and standard dialog box to be auto-resizing
- Refreshed the gameplay data
- Added more non-combat cards to the maze run
- Fixed healing in the Maze
- Fixed dying in Maze soft-locking
- Added some initial opportunity events
- Typos fixed
- Tweaked enemy skills
- Finished up Sophia's day 83 notes
- Fixed charging allies overstaying their time
- Fixed being able to save from inside the combat sequence or from the main menu
- Added a Lin event (day 76-78, if you've completed Confessions)
- Added VFXs to ally abilities
- You can now heal and charge allies at the Lovers card in the Maze
- You can now save and load from the Maze
- Fixed the distribution of cards on the Maze
- Exit card is now auto-generated when you run out of cards
- Fixed a bug where reward text could overflow
- Fixed a bug where dead end cards don't animate in to the right location
- Fixed a bug where non-feeders were using the feeder reward table
- Katie fight day 2 and recurring 1 has 100HP now
- Replacement/Explosion of gems gets a VFX added
- Katie no longer start fully charged as an ally
- Fixed some videos not being transcoded
- Added transitions to day 14/16 and day 27
- Extended the timeslots allocated for talks about the fights, so you can complete all the content in one run
- Generic Popups redone to match the style of the rest of the game
- Fixed up popup animations
- Refactored the Calendar system
- Fixed up mouse-over sounds on buttons
- Reduced the probability of non-combat events in the Maze, and upped the number of combat encounters
- Fixed an issue with completing a the path run
- (Properly) Fixed the stoneborn + tiger demon events
- Hide debug menu in non-editor builds
- Fixed the stoneborn + tiger demon events
- Fixed Molly & Katie being added to the fights day 69/71
- Added 5 new encounters to the Maze
- Fixed missing VFX
- Added two new abilities (poison and winded)
- Rewrote the turn-switching logic to hopefully remove some of the bugs/inconsistentcies.
- Katie now joining day 71
- Fixed day 76 logic triggering at night instead of in the morning
- Saffron's bleed bumped upMazestrength
- Jump Kick cost up (20-24), Knee Strike cost down (24-20)
- Fixed a bug that misapplied all enemy skills at tier 1
- Fixed a bug that meant no damage trails going to enemies when matching skulls
- Fixed point light in the Maze being at the same z distance as the cards
- About background was badly stretched
- Changelog used wrong exit button
- Ultrawide resolutions fixed: Load from day, Save/Load UI, Skills setup
- Typos and conversation fixups
- Mazeged up Saffron's combat abilities
- Reduced the fire damage from Katie's attacks
- Added option to flirt with Saoe at night. Sex with Saoe gated behind having flirted with her at least 5 times (unlocked by choker scene).
- Added option to flirt with Saffron and Mu Lau at night. Sexy threesome gated behind flirting with either of them at least 5 times.
- HP no longer auto-refreshed in Maze fights
- Fixed mouse-over on allies being wonky
- Fixed exiting through the "return home" card not removing the ui
- Fixed Maze combat, and drive the full process from the spreadsheet
- Lots of little bug-fixes and visual improvements to the Maze and combat game.
- Extended the duration before/after fight 1 you can engage in discussions with the girls, so you have time to do all unique events during that timeframe
- Added shuffle button to the Maze
- Added a treasure table, and gain treasure/XP from path encounters
- Added 3 new enemy types
- Can now recruit Saffron (Day 52+, Night @ Last Drop)
- Fixed Katie not recruiting properly
- Recruiting no longer takes up a time slot
- Fixed a bug where quitting the Maze didn't reset the UI
- Shifted the path encounters into Google docs
- Winning Katie's scripted sparring sessions (Day 2 (200xp), 65 (300xp), 71 (300xp)), while losing gives you (day 2 (100xp), 65 (100xp), 71 (300xp regardless of winning/losing))
- First pass on the Maze. Talk to Winston Day 20+ to activate it
- Kidney Blow now gets an extra turn
- Path of Light day 87 date
- Tweaked Katie's sparring sessions. Winning now gives +2 STR, losing gives +1 STR. Both winning and losing provides XP Maze, 200, 300, 400)
- Tweaked Emily's sparring sessions. Winning now gives +2 INT, losing gives +1 INT. Both winning and losing provides XP (200, 400)
- Surasak / Ubekz now give 250 XP. Vampire day 1 gives 100 XP, Feeder Events (day 69, 72) now give 200, 300XP
- Fixed errors and typos in Demonfox article
- Fixed removed scripts causing debug log spam
- Fixed Katie not having a Rage4 trait
- Fixed many of the effects not updating visual counters at the end of turn
- Kneestrike changes (mana cost is now 24, and it gains a new move)
- Path of Fire: day 87
- Path of Fire: day 88
- New Demonfox article (Day 89+, Path of Fire)
- Typos and fixes
- Fixed buttons occasionally not resizing cleanly
- Katie Day 2 fight reduced her HP
- Day 86 (optional event if you haven't completed Snowdrop's questline yet)
- Day 93
- Day 92
- Bumped up damage for flicker jab (4-8 => 5-15)
- Dropped the cost of Snowdrop's Camera
- Typo pass
- Emily combat ( 1-8 + 1-3/gem)
- Coach now pays out for the Zhang fight, day 78++
- Day 91
- End day 85
- Day 89
- Fixed Bloody Fury (it was doubling before adding the additional bleeding).
- Fixed Mu Lau's messages auto-unlocking
- Added background images for Sophia's event
- Day 83
- Day 84
- Morning day 85
- Study notes from Sophia
- You can now go to sleep even if you had a morning event that didn't take time
- Fixed up text input on SteamDeck
- Day 81 (Light/Fire path)
- Day 82 (night)
- New Day 80 video (Light path)
- Fixed a bug where resetting your skills would count teachers as well.
- Fixed a bug where skills that utilize skull gems didn't update their text correctly.
- Fixed a bug where loading into the skillsUI from the main menu would exit to the wrong room afterwards.
- Skill Config screen wasn't correctly showing the current skill-level.
- You can now use Esc or back on controller to accept current name for a character.
- Fixed an issue where an incomplete Demonfox article was available before its time.
- Day 80 Emily date
- Fixed a bug where going from the skill-tree menu to the main menu leaves the skilltree UI on-screen
- Typos and fixes
- Emily's recurring fights now start with more healthy and shield
- New Katja event day 75+
- Katie's path through day 80 (Emily's path not yet written)
- Day 78
- Day 79
- Fixed a bug where shuffle could hang
- Added a check for cleaning up invalid blocks
- Prevented speed-clicking while the camera is in motion
- Fixed an issue where the Helipad could throw warnings Day 28
- Fixed an issue where it didn't correctly remove invalid tokens, causing overlap
- Increased Katie's initial HP/Shield
- Tweaked difficulty of Katie's day 2 fight
- Reduced enemy HP/Shield bonuses from difficulty
- Reduced enemy gem-gain bonus from difficulty
- Raised the base-damage of skull attacks to match the charge-bonus you get from higher bonuses
- Fixed a bug where notifications could stay on screen if the frontend UI was hidden while they were open
- Rage and Strike moves no longer get a bonus turn
- Reduced Rage given by Flame Heal
- Fixed Day 76 accidentally being disabled
- Day 77
- Day 78+ sequence with Katie in the gym
- New Facial from Saoe after her sex-scene
- New image in Snowdrop's post-movie facial
- Added an explicit "Extra turn" update text
- Added an update to clean up turn handover, and made the "extra turn" message explicit
- Fixed a bug where Katie's first tier recurring sparring would clash with invalid moves.
- Tweaked Emily's Angelic Heal effect (no longer add greens, base value goes 10-20 instead of 12-25)
- Fixed a bug from uninitialized weapons causing the game not to load correctly
- Day 75
- Day 76
- Added a submit button to the checkin menu day 1
- Fixed issue where skills from before the system upgrade didn't retain their levels
- Fixed issue where invalid skills would break the combat system
- Reduced the damage of Angelic Strike, and removed the free move
- Angelic Heal now removes pink and adds green
- End of day 74
- Regen now decays 1 each turn
- Removed regen from Angelic jab
- Angelic Healing now gets 5 regen
- You can now cheat purchase a skill even if you have no/negative skill points
- Doubled base-damage for Nuclear Fire
- Fixed Heal skill not working
- Increased damage of Kidney Blow and reduced cost to 10
- Increased base damage of flame flurry, and restored the charge from red gems
- Increased the damage output of flurry, made it charge from both blue and green
- Increased the cost of Flicker Jab to 5, but made it charge from red and blue
- Path of the Tiger gems are now all two-colored (Pink+)
- Titter messages are now human text, not pre-generated
- Added ability to reset all skillpoints
- All jab moves are now free (gain an additional turn after using) and slightly reduced damage
- Reduced Regen rates for angelic moves
- Double jab cost from 7 to 10
- Fire Flurry no longer charges from red
- Fixed Flurry not resetting Jab cascade
- Cleaned up difficulty settings. Enemy now has higher initial shield/HP on higher difficulties, and gain slightly more/less charge per match
- Fixed a couple of skills not being correct due to case sensitivity
- Added a fire6 attack, Nuclear Fire.
- Reduced the number of skills with remove/explode
- Any skills that removes/replaces/explodes now get an extra turn afterwards
- Angelic punch becomes Angelic Jab, reduces in power and cost
- Fixed bleeding not working correctly
- Adjusted the timeout for handing over control
- Fixed skills not properly ending turn
- Cleaned up the flag progression for Snowdrop's movie
- Big overhaul to the combat system
- Added back the overwrite button to save games
- Added a cheat for quick-buying skills (shift + debug, click)
- Mu Lau/Saffron event, day 54+. Night in the Last Drop
- New branch of combat skills opens by meditating after the Mu Lau/Saffron event
- Fixed incorrect flags triggering Snowdrop's movie sequence out of turn
- Fixed incorrect flags triggering Coach's Surasak payment early
- Fixed Snowdrop's purchases being unlocked ahead of time
- New Katja event day 55/56
- New Gabby event day 55/56
- Added support for automatically writing a non-steamcloud backup of every save to prevent SteamSync shennanigans
- New item for sale in the store after Snowdrop's movie
- New facial convo with Snowdrop after buying her item
- Fixed Surasak fight article showing up a day early
- Snowdrop's movie sequence (Evening hotel room, after the selfies)
- Fixed Charge and Guillotine Kick breaking flow
- Fixed default deck setup
- Fixed the moves unlocking properly when meditating
- Free move from Emily's skillset on day 62+
- Payouts at Day 44+ and 58+ from coach
- Fixed a bug where HP is cleared after first time it's changed (making Regen appear to break)
- Saoe's story continues
- Overhealing goes to defenses
- Redid Divine Wrath and added Divine Retribution skills
- Fixed a bug that might cause VFXs not to trigger
- Fixed a bug where at night, quicknav UI has issues displaying all rooms
- Upgrade UI now shows what a skill upgrades to (if possible)
- Fixed up additional data for different skills
- Reduced cost of Rage
- Guillotine Kick now does damage correctly
- Initial data for Path of Shadows
- Initial data for Path of the Dragon
- Increased cost of Angelic Punch to 15
- Fixed Jab triggering twice against your flurry count
- Added system for
- Fixed kidneyblow not being loaded correctly
- Fixed an asset throwing from missing skills
- Fixed a upgrade confirmation popup using IDs instead of human name
- Fixed Piercing and bleed skills not having functionality
- Shifted Kidneyblow and Bodyblow around to keep unlocking linear for existing saves
- Refactored the combat and skills system to use data pulled from a google sheet
- Reorganized the trainer lineup, and added a bunch of new moves (WIP)
- Player HP and Shields are now directly linked to STR and INT respectively, not adjusted per combat
- New selfie chain (4 messages) from Snowdrop, triggering after day 64 + having the talk with Chloe about her.
- Exploding gems no longer recharges the attacks
- Added improved tutorial overlay
- Changed how enemy HP were calculated. Scaled initial enemy shields by difficulty
- XP gain no longer scales down by difficulty
Act IV (Day 54-74)
- 2 new Demonfox pages
- Erikson, Surasak, and the two act 3 feeder fights now give XP
- Day 73/74 Gabby talk
- Recurring Katie fight day 65+ updated
- Snowdrop day 73/74 (if you've completed bottle service)
- Katie recurring shooting
- Katja day 73/74
- Lin day 73/74 (if you've gotten to the dating stage)
- SettingsUI now shows what song is playing
- Space/Enter works again to advance the game
- Fixed end-of-act autosave image
- Day 73 date with Katie added
- Day 74 morning and evening
- End of act timeline
- Lin replayable action when clicking on her in the gym
- Day 73 date with Emily added
- Added a fix to not recreate all messages when opening the phone for a specific facial (causing a potential lag)
- Morning day 73
- Updated day 72 to insert a quick chat with Emily
- Fixed a bug where audio could blip in certain situations
- Added UI fx for 6x, 7x and 8x results and fixed up animations to be cleaner
- Added safeguards to the gem matching UI to hopefully remove buggy transfer of control
- Added UI animation to make it clearer when transfer of control happens
- Day 72
- Day 71
- Fixed up enemy attacks not applying tiers correctly
- Day 70
- Typos and minor fixes
- Fixed a video transcoder issue
- Added some additional renders for day 69
- Removed a character sticking around past their due-date on one of the day 69 paths
- Typo fixes
- Day 69
- Day 68
- Day 67+ event with Coach
- Fixed oversized update-date notification UI
- Fixed a bug where some characters wouldn't return on load
- Changed the gym to max 3 characters at the same time to deal with Coach being built like a dumpster-truck
- Fixed a bug where if you used Tab to advance when signing in, the game wouldn't auto-advance when you press enter once
- Changed the Quest UI to give more space to prevent overlapping
- Unlocked the gun-range after shooting with Katie day 58
- Typos
- Fixed a bug where Lin's collision area was offset
- Added Sophia's briefing package (day 66+)
- Day 67 nudge
- Cleaned up addressables and added additional unlockable images
- Added Lin's Maid4u and the Buttplug date to the spankbank
- Added Emily's date 5 to the spankbank
- Day 65
- Day 66
- Fixed one of the PT options leading to a broken dialog screen
- Removed the navpad navigation
- Day 64
- Day 63
- Finished up Lin's Maid4u questline
- New message from Lin chat the day after the Maid4u questline
- Changed how fullscreen is handled
- Day 62
- Fixed Mu Lau's day 61 conversation unlocking earlier
- Fixed a bug where line-alignment for facial messages with images was off
- Opening up Lin's new questline (Made 4 U)
- Typos and minor edits
- Day 60
- Day 61
- Day 59
- Fixed zfighting issue when characters are occupying the same slot
- Day 57
- Day 58
- Fixed an allignment issue on Facial messages larger than 1 line
- Day 56
- Day 54
- Day 55
- Fixed Lin's questline not triggering
- Fixed the name entry not automatically advancing in the login screen
- Added per-character feedback for the PT sessions
- Fighting Ubekz and Erik now gives XP
- Fixed a broken character sprite for Lin's LBD
- Fixed space/enter double-skipping a line
- Fixed space toggling currently selected node even through other popups
Morningstar - это взрослая городская фэнтези VN/RPG, действие которой разворачивается в мрачном и суровом Нью-Йорке. Вы играете за молодого бойца MMA, чья жизнь навсегда меняется в тот день, когда он встречает Ангела.
Morningstar is an Adult Urban Fantasy VN/RPG, set in a dark and gritty New York. You play as a young MMA fighter whose life is forever changed the day he meets an Angel.
Год выпуска: 2023-2025
Жанр: 3dcg, adventure, animated, bdsm, combat, fantasy, handjob, harem, humor, male protagonist, oral, puzzle, romance, sandbox, teasing, turn based combat, virgin,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Droid Productions - patreon | subscribestar | itch.io | steam | discord
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: Completed
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.1.0b
Другие проекты: Making Movies (completed) - Paradise Lust (Completed) - Love of Magic (Completed)
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (машинный перевод)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Act VI and Game+
1.1.0b - 2025-01-22
- Fixed the URL for Wings of Empire
- Upgraded to Unity 2021.3.45f1 LTS version
- Lin got a Titter update, with tits documenting MC's fighting schedule, and a final tit for day 115+ on the Path of Peace
- Fixed a typo in the conditions to trigger for one of the Demonfox pages
- New Path of Fire Demonfox page (day 115+)
- New Demonfox page for the final cup (day 100+)
- Cleaned up the addressables and collectibles
- Setup the spankbank event for the Lin/Katie threesome
- Sophia at the Last Drop (not path of light), day 115+
- Path of Fire, day 115+ You now sleep over at Katie's place after watching Nutflex
- New Tits from Ciara day 115+ (the social media, not the B-cups)
- New Lin event (path of fire + Lin's storyline complete), triggered by incoming Facial after talking to her at the gym
- New incoming Facials on day 115+
- New event with Lin day 115+ (gym, path of fire / light)
- Fixed the package holder in your room not having a mouse-over
- Fixed a bug where the maze would count dead-end cards created as normal cards.
- Fixed Saffron's dress on day 113 not being set in the opening of the convo
- Cleaned up the healing logic (could occasionally give ghost healing points)
- Fixed the Snake having a broken attack in the Maze
- Powerstrike and Flurry moves now have a counter that starts at 1, not 0.
- Fixed a bug that could leave the NO_EXIT flag on after a gym event
- Fixed a bug where the fight name wasn't available to reset on the Stats app
- Fixed some font atlases having dirty alpha channels
- Fixed exiting the Maze at night using the end-card not triggering the night-time event if it is present
- Fixed Treasure or Trouble not paying out a reward
- Fixed login screen on SteamDeck
- Did a pass to regenerate the font-textures to hopefully fix invalid font-assets
- Typo pass
- Fixed one of Lin's spank-bank scenes not unlocking properly, and another being a duplicate
- Fixed text-entry on the Steam Deck
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to skip night-time events by running the maze or going to the shooting range
- Fixed a visual glitch with one of Geekboy's facial expression
- Added a guard to stop the weapons UI breaking if there's an invalid skill associated
- Fixes Emily's date 8 not saving to the spank bank
- Fixed Ciara's day 98 event not saving to the spank bank
- Fixed some typos in Quest descriptions
- Djinn swaps out Vulcanic blast for Rage
- Fixed Sophia's rest-stop conversation being repeatable
- Fixed a bug where spending the timeslot immediately before a night-time event at the shooting range would skip the event
- Fixed a bug where all the chunk-based achievements could risk not triggering one element
- Fixed achievments needing 1 additional point to unlock locally
- Fixed Gym Bunny not unlocking cleanly (same issue as man of culture)
- Fixed some clipping in the Erikson fight images
- Fixed an issue where rewind data isn't fully cleared between loads, which could cause issues combining loading and rollback
- Fixed an issue where some Scene Replay files wouldn't replay properly.
- DSLR camera was showing cost of $300 in the app, but only cost $150 when you bought it. Fixed the app view so they're both $150.
- Fixed Man Of Culture achievement, and added a fail-safe to validate it when you re-enter the Achievement UI
- Fixed forward skip not skipping past meaningful choices
- Restored the old auto-skip functionality (accidentally disabled)
- Fixed a bug where keyboard skipping works after end of login/enter name without explicitly losing focus
- Gun Range now pays out bonus cash
- Enter can be used to skip forward (same as space)
- Re-ordered 3 of Snowdrop's Teets for timeline integrity
- Fixed the visualization of additional XP in the Stats tracker and quick-stats UI giving the correct % increase
- Fixed a bug where applying rage would cause the counter to freeze
- Fixed an issue if two competing notifications fire simultanously
- Fixed a bug where you could edit your fight name in the Stats App before assigning it
- Make sure Kelly's first PT session correctly increments the counter
- Made it easier to access Lin's first visit to the Last Drop, day 18
- Emily no longer fights for coffee-time with the Pre-Fight Katja dialog
- Fixed an issue where repeated applications of the shield could break the animation
- Fixed an issue where the Djinn could regenerate her shield while Regen was active
- Rage counter now visually counts down at the beginning of turn
- Spellchecking pass
- Flicker jab reduced in cost, increased in power
- Fixed a bug in weight lifting achievement (should be at least 10x, not 20x)
- Fixed an issue where you backspace twice while naming a character would auto-select the name
- Stopped interacting with the underlying cards while the conversation is open in the Maze
- Gun range practice now advances time
- Stat tracker on your phone now gives more information about what the stats do
- Fixed one of the calendar events overflowing the text box
- Fixed a bug where talking to Coach last on day 18 would skip the final event in the bar.
- Fixed the Black Widow being misnamed in the Daemonfox pages
- Typo pass
- Release Version
- Fixed a bug in character assignment
- New treasure for higher tier enemies in the Maze
- Fixed an invalid card for Feeder Breeders in the maze
- Fixed a bug where you could click through an ally's action to swap a token underneath
- Poison now halves after applying
- Fixed Snowdrop's titts triggering on the wrong day
- Release Candidate
- Regen related skills no longer charge shields
- Katie's final sparring skills retuned to be more in line with her skillset + add regen
- Fixed a possible bug in the running UI
- Added one more QR code
- Cleaned up some Achievements that weren't firing correctly
- Rebalancing some enemies
- Fixed up Gabby's name to not be changeable
- Fixed quickstats in the Combat UI overflowing
- Tuned down the overflow damage
- Regen no longer overflows into shields
- Tuned down the Poison effect of the Giant Serpent
- Completed Gabby's Questline
- Triggered the Estrella achievement
- Story localization for Chinese (Simplified), Russian, Turkish, Spanish, Portugese and Polish
- Cleaned up all the quests ending properly
- Added 6 new enemies for the Maze (Day 89+)
- Regen now goes up to tier 5
- Fixes to Saoe's name not always using the player variable
- Cleaned up one of Katie's Mugshots
- Rebalanced Kidneyblow to be more effective
- Bumped up the Erikson fight a bit (gave him a tier 3 heal, and another skill)
- Fixed up Spankbank events
- Typos
- Fixed Lin's Shower scene not triggering
- SteamSDK integrated
- Added triggers to spawn achievements on Steam side
- Added a safeguard to trigger any achievements triggered locally but not on steam when you open the Achievements UI
- All the allies now have recharge convos in the maze
- Fixed settings UI screen scaling issue
- Typo pass
- Changed the Maze music to something longer and less noticeably looping
- Shifted an Easter Egg to kick off day 115 instead of day 150
- Cleaned up some Path of Shadow clips
- Properly save end of game
- Loading end of game save now starts you off correctly on day 115
- Added triggers for end-of-game achievements
- Day 112 enemy tweaked to add some teeth
- Cleaned up some missing images
- Re-rendered a few day 112 videos to fix VFX
- Slowed down the walk sequence on Path of Light
- Typo pass
- Day 112 and 113
- End of Path of Light, Path of Fire, Path of Peace and Path of Shadows
- Day 109 and 110 (Path of Fire)
- Typo cleanup
- Fixed Katie's Facial from double-firing day 110
- Day 109 and 110 (Path of Light)
- Fixed incorrect flag for the second Facial in To Fire Born
- Close up on Katie's non-route quest line (To Fire Born)
- Fixed some broken bump maps on a few of Saoe's renders
- Typo fixes
- Some additional images for Saoe's final event
- Fixed the flow of actions from Saoe's facial message.
- New item can be purchased after sexy times with Saoe. Kicks off her next event.
- Saoe sexy times event
- Saoe end of questline, meet her at Last Drop after her sexy times event
- Added a fix that sorts characters in location by major characters, and by active unique events first
- Added an additional Lin proxy for the gym that's always there post day 75, if you're close enough to her
- Typo pass
- Fixed a progression blocker that could fail to trigger a new event after a conversation
- New purchaseable item for Saoe (the day after she sext you)
- Fixed flickering Lin pan animation
- Lin event (Day 103+, if you talked to her after the Zhang fight)
- New item to buy (Day 103+). Not delivered yet
- Fixed the changelog being partially hidden by the settings buttons
- Day 102 Path of Light date
- Added another morning 108 facial
- Day 108 night
- Morning 108 facials
- Day 104
- Day 105
- Day 107
- Day 108 morning
- Added a new animation to Saoe's sex scene
- Snowdrop tweets updated to the full timeline (and into NG+)
- Typos sorted out
- Fixed a bug where you could roll back after having loaded a save
- Day 102 (Path of Fire)
- Day 103
- Day 110
- Day 111, completing Snowdrop's Questline (Diamonds & Drinks)
- Rewrote all of Katie's post-retirement tweets
- Day 112 demonfox page
- disabled day 110 that had escaped captivity
- Fixed up day 106
- Night day 101
- Implemented achievements
- Gun range now pays out bonus cash based on accuracy ($50 + (accuracy/100) for a max $100 bonus)
- Katja convo after the day 100 fight
- Snowdrop convo after the day 100 fight
- Updated Astrid's abilities with two piercing attacks (100 for 50 charge and 220/100)
- New Katja in the gym (evening, 2+ days after finish her first gym class)
- Added a visual indicator to MC's reveal with Emily, day 99
- Katja event day 99/100
- Katja event day 101+
- Gabby event day 99/100
- Added study session for Carlos day 76-100
- Fixed the Emily failsafe day 100
- Emily event day 99/100
- Temporarily removed the nudge to visit Emily in the morning day 100
- Day 100
- Fixed Astrid not showing as an ally (NO_ASTRID flag was set on day 16 and never unset)
- Added an epilogue for path of fire on day 96
- Day 98 night
- Morning day 99
- Morning day 98
- Fixed an issue that didn't queue notifications properly
- Fixed an overflow with the day 98 weigh-in
- Added a windup facial at the end of day 97
- Unlocked additional allies day 96
- Day 96 Morning (Path of Light)
- Day 96 Night
- Day 97
- Day 96 morning (Path of Fire)
- Auto-button doesn't disappear between turns in gem combat
- Fixed the ability to do another move while the previous move was resolving.
- Fixed typos
- Fixed some graphics glitches day 95
- Day 95
- Night day 94
- Fixed a slight glitch when encountering a queued conversation
- Fixed a slight audio glitch when loading a savegame mid-conversation with a specific music track playing
- Fixed a bug where overwrite wouldn't remove the confirmation popup
- Blessing can't self-charge
- Night day 93
- Morning day 94
- Recolored a couple of animations for Lin's recurring scene
- Added a second alternate doggy-style option
- Fixed up Lin's apartment to avoid the nasty snap on entering it
- New Lin event after receiving her Butplug two selfie (flag is LIN_YOGA)
- New repeatable sex after that at night
- You can now go shooting at the range
Act V (Day 74-93) - 2024-07-26
- Typos fixed
- Tuned the skill-tree costs, and fixed a broken skill
- Fixed a sorting order with the new popups
- Fixed a scaling issue with the yes/no popups
- Fixed a bug in the skills config UI if you tried using it directly day 3, without having loaded
- Fixed a bug where the skills config UI would warp based on aspect ratio
- Updated YesNo, Prompt and standard dialog box to be auto-resizing
- Refreshed the gameplay data
- Added more non-combat cards to the maze run
- Fixed healing in the Maze
- Fixed dying in Maze soft-locking
- Added some initial opportunity events
- Typos fixed
- Tweaked enemy skills
- Finished up Sophia's day 83 notes
- Fixed charging allies overstaying their time
- Fixed being able to save from inside the combat sequence or from the main menu
- Added a Lin event (day 76-78, if you've completed Confessions)
- Added VFXs to ally abilities
- You can now heal and charge allies at the Lovers card in the Maze
- You can now save and load from the Maze
- Fixed the distribution of cards on the Maze
- Exit card is now auto-generated when you run out of cards
- Fixed a bug where reward text could overflow
- Fixed a bug where dead end cards don't animate in to the right location
- Fixed a bug where non-feeders were using the feeder reward table
- Katie fight day 2 and recurring 1 has 100HP now
- Replacement/Explosion of gems gets a VFX added
- Katie no longer start fully charged as an ally
- Fixed some videos not being transcoded
- Added transitions to day 14/16 and day 27
- Extended the timeslots allocated for talks about the fights, so you can complete all the content in one run
- Generic Popups redone to match the style of the rest of the game
- Fixed up popup animations
- Refactored the Calendar system
- Fixed up mouse-over sounds on buttons
- Reduced the probability of non-combat events in the Maze, and upped the number of combat encounters
- Fixed an issue with completing a the path run
- (Properly) Fixed the stoneborn + tiger demon events
- Hide debug menu in non-editor builds
- Fixed the stoneborn + tiger demon events
- Fixed Molly & Katie being added to the fights day 69/71
- Added 5 new encounters to the Maze
- Fixed missing VFX
- Added two new abilities (poison and winded)
- Rewrote the turn-switching logic to hopefully remove some of the bugs/inconsistentcies.
- Katie now joining day 71
- Fixed day 76 logic triggering at night instead of in the morning
- Saffron's bleed bumped upMazestrength
- Jump Kick cost up (20-24), Knee Strike cost down (24-20)
- Fixed a bug that misapplied all enemy skills at tier 1
- Fixed a bug that meant no damage trails going to enemies when matching skulls
- Fixed point light in the Maze being at the same z distance as the cards
- About background was badly stretched
- Changelog used wrong exit button
- Ultrawide resolutions fixed: Load from day, Save/Load UI, Skills setup
- Typos and conversation fixups
- Mazeged up Saffron's combat abilities
- Reduced the fire damage from Katie's attacks
- Added option to flirt with Saoe at night. Sex with Saoe gated behind having flirted with her at least 5 times (unlocked by choker scene).
- Added option to flirt with Saffron and Mu Lau at night. Sexy threesome gated behind flirting with either of them at least 5 times.
- HP no longer auto-refreshed in Maze fights
- Fixed mouse-over on allies being wonky
- Fixed exiting through the "return home" card not removing the ui
- Fixed Maze combat, and drive the full process from the spreadsheet
- Lots of little bug-fixes and visual improvements to the Maze and combat game.
- Extended the duration before/after fight 1 you can engage in discussions with the girls, so you have time to do all unique events during that timeframe
- Added shuffle button to the Maze
- Added a treasure table, and gain treasure/XP from path encounters
- Added 3 new enemy types
- Can now recruit Saffron (Day 52+, Night @ Last Drop)
- Fixed Katie not recruiting properly
- Recruiting no longer takes up a time slot
- Fixed a bug where quitting the Maze didn't reset the UI
- Shifted the path encounters into Google docs
- Winning Katie's scripted sparring sessions (Day 2 (200xp), 65 (300xp), 71 (300xp)), while losing gives you (day 2 (100xp), 65 (100xp), 71 (300xp regardless of winning/losing))
- First pass on the Maze. Talk to Winston Day 20+ to activate it
- Kidney Blow now gets an extra turn
- Path of Light day 87 date
- Tweaked Katie's sparring sessions. Winning now gives +2 STR, losing gives +1 STR. Both winning and losing provides XP Maze, 200, 300, 400)
- Tweaked Emily's sparring sessions. Winning now gives +2 INT, losing gives +1 INT. Both winning and losing provides XP (200, 400)
- Surasak / Ubekz now give 250 XP. Vampire day 1 gives 100 XP, Feeder Events (day 69, 72) now give 200, 300XP
- Fixed errors and typos in Demonfox article
- Fixed removed scripts causing debug log spam
- Fixed Katie not having a Rage4 trait
- Fixed many of the effects not updating visual counters at the end of turn
- Kneestrike changes (mana cost is now 24, and it gains a new move)
- Path of Fire: day 87
- Path of Fire: day 88
- New Demonfox article (Day 89+, Path of Fire)
- Typos and fixes
- Fixed buttons occasionally not resizing cleanly
- Katie Day 2 fight reduced her HP
- Day 86 (optional event if you haven't completed Snowdrop's questline yet)
- Day 93
- Day 92
- Bumped up damage for flicker jab (4-8 => 5-15)
- Dropped the cost of Snowdrop's Camera
- Typo pass
- Emily combat ( 1-8 + 1-3/gem)
- Coach now pays out for the Zhang fight, day 78++
- Day 91
- End day 85
- Day 89
- Fixed Bloody Fury (it was doubling before adding the additional bleeding).
- Fixed Mu Lau's messages auto-unlocking
- Added background images for Sophia's event
- Day 83
- Day 84
- Morning day 85
- Study notes from Sophia
- You can now go to sleep even if you had a morning event that didn't take time
- Fixed up text input on SteamDeck
- Day 81 (Light/Fire path)
- Day 82 (night)
- New Day 80 video (Light path)
- Fixed a bug where resetting your skills would count teachers as well.
- Fixed a bug where skills that utilize skull gems didn't update their text correctly.
- Fixed a bug where loading into the skillsUI from the main menu would exit to the wrong room afterwards.
- Skill Config screen wasn't correctly showing the current skill-level.
- You can now use Esc or back on controller to accept current name for a character.
- Fixed an issue where an incomplete Demonfox article was available before its time.
- Day 80 Emily date
- Fixed a bug where going from the skill-tree menu to the main menu leaves the skilltree UI on-screen
- Typos and fixes
- Emily's recurring fights now start with more healthy and shield
- New Katja event day 75+
- Katie's path through day 80 (Emily's path not yet written)
- Day 78
- Day 79
- Fixed a bug where shuffle could hang
- Added a check for cleaning up invalid blocks
- Prevented speed-clicking while the camera is in motion
- Fixed an issue where the Helipad could throw warnings Day 28
- Fixed an issue where it didn't correctly remove invalid tokens, causing overlap
- Increased Katie's initial HP/Shield
- Tweaked difficulty of Katie's day 2 fight
- Reduced enemy HP/Shield bonuses from difficulty
- Reduced enemy gem-gain bonus from difficulty
- Raised the base-damage of skull attacks to match the charge-bonus you get from higher bonuses
- Fixed a bug where notifications could stay on screen if the frontend UI was hidden while they were open
- Rage and Strike moves no longer get a bonus turn
- Reduced Rage given by Flame Heal
- Fixed Day 76 accidentally being disabled
- Day 77
- Day 78+ sequence with Katie in the gym
- New Facial from Saoe after her sex-scene
- New image in Snowdrop's post-movie facial
- Added an explicit "Extra turn" update text
- Added an update to clean up turn handover, and made the "extra turn" message explicit
- Fixed a bug where Katie's first tier recurring sparring would clash with invalid moves.
- Tweaked Emily's Angelic Heal effect (no longer add greens, base value goes 10-20 instead of 12-25)
- Fixed a bug from uninitialized weapons causing the game not to load correctly
- Day 75
- Day 76
- Added a submit button to the checkin menu day 1
- Fixed issue where skills from before the system upgrade didn't retain their levels
- Fixed issue where invalid skills would break the combat system
- Reduced the damage of Angelic Strike, and removed the free move
- Angelic Heal now removes pink and adds green
- End of day 74
- Regen now decays 1 each turn
- Removed regen from Angelic jab
- Angelic Healing now gets 5 regen
- You can now cheat purchase a skill even if you have no/negative skill points
- Doubled base-damage for Nuclear Fire
- Fixed Heal skill not working
- Increased damage of Kidney Blow and reduced cost to 10
- Increased base damage of flame flurry, and restored the charge from red gems
- Increased the damage output of flurry, made it charge from both blue and green
- Increased the cost of Flicker Jab to 5, but made it charge from red and blue
- Path of the Tiger gems are now all two-colored (Pink+)
- Titter messages are now human text, not pre-generated
- Added ability to reset all skillpoints
- All jab moves are now free (gain an additional turn after using) and slightly reduced damage
- Reduced Regen rates for angelic moves
- Double jab cost from 7 to 10
- Fire Flurry no longer charges from red
- Fixed Flurry not resetting Jab cascade
- Cleaned up difficulty settings. Enemy now has higher initial shield/HP on higher difficulties, and gain slightly more/less charge per match
- Fixed a couple of skills not being correct due to case sensitivity
- Added a fire6 attack, Nuclear Fire.
- Reduced the number of skills with remove/explode
- Any skills that removes/replaces/explodes now get an extra turn afterwards
- Angelic punch becomes Angelic Jab, reduces in power and cost
- Fixed bleeding not working correctly
- Adjusted the timeout for handing over control
- Fixed skills not properly ending turn
- Cleaned up the flag progression for Snowdrop's movie
- Big overhaul to the combat system
- Added back the overwrite button to save games
- Added a cheat for quick-buying skills (shift + debug, click)
- Mu Lau/Saffron event, day 54+. Night in the Last Drop
- New branch of combat skills opens by meditating after the Mu Lau/Saffron event
- Fixed incorrect flags triggering Snowdrop's movie sequence out of turn
- Fixed incorrect flags triggering Coach's Surasak payment early
- Fixed Snowdrop's purchases being unlocked ahead of time
- New Katja event day 55/56
- New Gabby event day 55/56
- Added support for automatically writing a non-steamcloud backup of every save to prevent SteamSync shennanigans
- New item for sale in the store after Snowdrop's movie
- New facial convo with Snowdrop after buying her item
- Fixed Surasak fight article showing up a day early
- Snowdrop's movie sequence (Evening hotel room, after the selfies)
- Fixed Charge and Guillotine Kick breaking flow
- Fixed default deck setup
- Fixed the moves unlocking properly when meditating
- Free move from Emily's skillset on day 62+
- Payouts at Day 44+ and 58+ from coach
- Fixed a bug where HP is cleared after first time it's changed (making Regen appear to break)
- Saoe's story continues
- Overhealing goes to defenses
- Redid Divine Wrath and added Divine Retribution skills
- Fixed a bug that might cause VFXs not to trigger
- Fixed a bug where at night, quicknav UI has issues displaying all rooms
- Upgrade UI now shows what a skill upgrades to (if possible)
- Fixed up additional data for different skills
- Reduced cost of Rage
- Guillotine Kick now does damage correctly
- Initial data for Path of Shadows
- Initial data for Path of the Dragon
- Increased cost of Angelic Punch to 15
- Fixed Jab triggering twice against your flurry count
- Added system for
- Fixed kidneyblow not being loaded correctly
- Fixed an asset throwing from missing skills
- Fixed a upgrade confirmation popup using IDs instead of human name
- Fixed Piercing and bleed skills not having functionality
- Shifted Kidneyblow and Bodyblow around to keep unlocking linear for existing saves
- Refactored the combat and skills system to use data pulled from a google sheet
- Reorganized the trainer lineup, and added a bunch of new moves (WIP)
- Player HP and Shields are now directly linked to STR and INT respectively, not adjusted per combat
- New selfie chain (4 messages) from Snowdrop, triggering after day 64 + having the talk with Chloe about her.
- Exploding gems no longer recharges the attacks
- Added improved tutorial overlay
- Changed how enemy HP were calculated. Scaled initial enemy shields by difficulty
- XP gain no longer scales down by difficulty
Act IV (Day 54-74)
- 2 new Demonfox pages
- Erikson, Surasak, and the two act 3 feeder fights now give XP
- Day 73/74 Gabby talk
- Recurring Katie fight day 65+ updated
- Snowdrop day 73/74 (if you've completed bottle service)
- Katie recurring shooting
- Katja day 73/74
- Lin day 73/74 (if you've gotten to the dating stage)
- SettingsUI now shows what song is playing
- Space/Enter works again to advance the game
- Fixed end-of-act autosave image
- Day 73 date with Katie added
- Day 74 morning and evening
- End of act timeline
- Lin replayable action when clicking on her in the gym
- Day 73 date with Emily added
- Added a fix to not recreate all messages when opening the phone for a specific facial (causing a potential lag)
- Morning day 73
- Updated day 72 to insert a quick chat with Emily
- Fixed a bug where audio could blip in certain situations
- Added UI fx for 6x, 7x and 8x results and fixed up animations to be cleaner
- Added safeguards to the gem matching UI to hopefully remove buggy transfer of control
- Added UI animation to make it clearer when transfer of control happens
- Day 72
- Day 71
- Fixed up enemy attacks not applying tiers correctly
- Day 70
- Typos and minor fixes
- Fixed a video transcoder issue
- Added some additional renders for day 69
- Removed a character sticking around past their due-date on one of the day 69 paths
- Typo fixes
- Day 69
- Day 68
- Day 67+ event with Coach
- Fixed oversized update-date notification UI
- Fixed a bug where some characters wouldn't return on load
- Changed the gym to max 3 characters at the same time to deal with Coach being built like a dumpster-truck
- Fixed a bug where if you used Tab to advance when signing in, the game wouldn't auto-advance when you press enter once
- Changed the Quest UI to give more space to prevent overlapping
- Unlocked the gun-range after shooting with Katie day 58
- Typos
- Fixed a bug where Lin's collision area was offset
- Added Sophia's briefing package (day 66+)
- Day 67 nudge
- Cleaned up addressables and added additional unlockable images
- Added Lin's Maid4u and the Buttplug date to the spankbank
- Added Emily's date 5 to the spankbank
- Day 65
- Day 66
- Fixed one of the PT options leading to a broken dialog screen
- Removed the navpad navigation
- Day 64
- Day 63
- Finished up Lin's Maid4u questline
- New message from Lin chat the day after the Maid4u questline
- Changed how fullscreen is handled
- Day 62
- Fixed Mu Lau's day 61 conversation unlocking earlier
- Fixed a bug where line-alignment for facial messages with images was off
- Opening up Lin's new questline (Made 4 U)
- Typos and minor edits
- Day 60
- Day 61
- Day 59
- Fixed zfighting issue when characters are occupying the same slot
- Day 57
- Day 58
- Fixed an allignment issue on Facial messages larger than 1 line
- Day 56
- Day 54
- Day 55
- Fixed Lin's questline not triggering
- Fixed the name entry not automatically advancing in the login screen
- Added per-character feedback for the PT sessions
- Fighting Ubekz and Erik now gives XP
- Fixed a broken character sprite for Lin's LBD
- Fixed space/enter double-skipping a line
- Fixed space toggling currently selected node even through other popups
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 22-01-2025, 18:55
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.1.1.0b / Topic updated to v.1.1.0b
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.1.1.0b / Topic updated to v.1.1.0b
Пароль на архив / Archive password:
Downloaded from Porno-Island
Загрузил: СынПирокара (22 января 2025 18:54)
Статус: Проверено (СынПирокара)
Взяли: 1102 | Размер: 6,19 Gb
Раздают: 9 Качают: 1 Скачали: 204
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 15 Качают: 4 Скачали: 578
9 1 285
2 1 145
2 1 3
2 1 145
Morningstar (3 файла)