Обнажите свой меч и отправляйтесь в путешествие со своими прекрасными спутницами, чтобы преодолеть испытания в этой гаремной приключенческой игре.
Unleash your sword and embark on an journey with your beautiful companions to conquer challenges in this harem adventure game.
Год выпуска: 2023
Жанр: 2dcg, animated, male protagonist, mobile game, groping, oral, rape, sexual harassment, sleep sex, adventure, dating sim, fantasy, humor, parody, point and click, romance, vaginal, sandbox,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: www.patreon.com/Hikkeiru | discord.com/invite/EArPuwNz9D
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.47.2
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Something snuck past the town’s security. As someone get’s wounded you embark on an adventure to find a cure. How much fucked are you?
This update literally doubles the story of the game. Contains 25 new custom animations.
New bonus scenes were added and few limited spots to claim them!
New gallery scenes were added!
New interaction mode for scenes. Ability to click parts to interact with them and switch cameras.
New Time Clock feature supporting day and night cycle.
Time clock now is used in stories without cluttering UI by showing it only in specific spots and auto hiding it on completion.
Backgrounds changes:
Internal. Ability to self requeue backgrounds making the renders more alive than any other KK game. This is probably my favorite new feature actually. It creates simple animations just with two renders which adds quite a touch to the story.
Internal. Ability to create multi part backgrounds (which can be at the same time simple sprite or a video) that play them at the same time. I don’t think I’ve seen any visual novel to support this.
Ability to play sfx on shown. Therefore animations have even more life. Three queued backgrounds. When the third is played only then the sfx plays.
Shake background modifier. Injected also in previous parts of the story. Injecting the new modifier in several places in already existing story. I.e. during falling in Cylia’s meeting.
New sakura petals particle effect background. You will notice it during the new story.
Internal. In case of not existing background suppressing error.
Internal. Optimizing background, reducing transition state checking from every frame update to callbacks.
Also prewarming transition. Reducing time between presetting them ,syncing them between layers making transition appear at similar time.
Releasing asset handle on destruction of object, hugely reducing memory usage.
Meta profile Internal storage for over the game global storage.
Scene system changes:
Main scene is shown to player after it has been uncovered. This prevents a few frames of showing something changing on screen that doesn’t make sense to the player.
Internal. Scene gets covered. Unloads old. Loads new. Uncovers.
Preferences window The preferences window displays when there is new preference added. The preferences are stored in meta profile.
Button in menu used previously to open and close patrons is now in use for opening preferences.
Save system changes:
Right click quick access to manual saves.
MANUAL save types now hold position index (like renpy). Otherwise it gets sorted by date. This way both date organization and favorites overwrite is possible.
Overwriting save is now possible. Click and hold to overwrite save. Use this to assign save positions to specific spots in manual grouping. Thanks @OnlyHeStandsThere @Dreamfucker @kingmich @Nobles
Removing slot type name on slot item ui and replacing it with color ribbon instead. To help with readability.
Travelling now also causes to create history save.
Internal. Left to right transition was added.
Saving last queued background instead of current if there is queued background present.
Clearing ambience and bgm on loading. Prevents carrying over of sound between loading scenes.
Caching ambience and bgm. Prevents restarting of sound during i.e. location transitions.
Internal. Ability to specify skipping sfx if it was played within last X seconds. In a situation where third queued background is playing sfx, yet the user is constantly clicking therefore skipping render animation. It doesn’t then play the sfx doubled.
Loading screen image changed from black.
Internal. Ping replaced since it didn’t work on android devices.
Internal. Caching continue scroll and limiting it to one scroll per 400 ms.
Hair clipping on several Mara renders has been fixed.
Clearing save thumbnails on every click. Prevents displaying previous thumbnails on different slot save data.
Checking for invariant culture on bg modifier application. In case of typo or in places where it’s omitted.
Internal. Added vn interactive game mode to support limitation for traveling during clickable hentai scenes.
Moving patreons and socials to exit screen.
0.46.3 Clicking on the screen and any other clickable object doesn’t cause double action performing at the same time. I.e. dialogue and undo.
0.46.2 Fixing background error which could cause lag during dialogue clicking. Thanks @sionni
0.46.2 Fixing android continue dialogue not working. Thanks @sionni
0.46.3 Changing to default value of fps for android to 30 while removing hard lock. Thanks Bargez
Continuation of the story!
Mara hears your conversation with Emi. What does she have to say about it?
Mara’s dialogue structure.
Similar to previous updates. Open ended conversation style dialogue.
For every suggestion how to improve the game. Thank you. ❤
Choices marking end of dialogue have an icon associated with the choice.
Unity build pc to il2cpp.
Text writing speed increased.
Correct order or background. Sometimes when animated background took too much time to load. The next sprite background took it’s place, making the animation play after the sprite.
Background state restoration now has a blink transition. Eliminates some situations where incorrect sprites overlay for a second in incorrect place. Also the save feel faster.
Removed opening of the patreon page on the end screen. Thanks ****MrJay @Vladilen @Iwillbityoutomorrow @Bob Jared @EpicHentaiGamer69**
Setting to disable mouse trail. Thanks ****Xaky @triffids**
Setting to change dialogue font. Thanks ****Xaky**
Setting to change dialogue font size. Thanks @_tewi ****Xaky**
Disabling dialogue keys in start of the UI panels animation instead of ending. Thanks @Neechan-Lexi
Allowing resizable window. Thanks ****triffids @molitar**
Allowing clicking outside the dialogue box to continue. Thanks ****EstrangeNS @Kizuna___**
Also added numpad enter to continue dialogue buttons. Thanks @EstrangeNS
Text writer timer has been stopped when losing object.
Choice screen now blocking input on animation start instead of exit.
Card details animation silent error fix.
Speaker changed command silent error fix.
Can now change color and opacity of dialogue box.
Can now align text for preference.
History chat refreshes on entered instead of end of animation.
Adding Enter as a continue shortcut.
Main menu entry optimization.
Skip button changes. Thanks ****Xaky @Stupidkiller**
The skip supports held and toggle state. Held state skips manually with history states.
Choices appear on end of skip and without extra click.
Ability to set text writing method Instant / typewriter. Thanks @AMereShadow
When save slot UI has no preview the image is set to none. Prevents using cached texture.
Button to open save folder has been added.
Thanks for proofreading. Ryleona @FoxOfEmbers
Small character render UI clean after Emilly return with guild registered story.
Locking fps at 30 for phones.
Bottom buttons rearranged for better mobile use experience. Thanks @Kizuna___
Animations fix on linux platform. Transcoding all win/lin to VP8. Thanks @FoxOfEmbers
Allowing run in background on windows, linux, mac. Thanks ****FoxOfEmbers @Kizuna___**
Continuation of the story!
Emilly welcomes you with a present! Find out what is it! Visit her at the shop now!
Dialogue structure for Emilly.
Multi layered dynamic character dialogue. Only possible thanks to custom unity framework I’ve written. This is only the beginning. You will learn what more this can do later.
Adding inside roam location. You have now a reason to show up inside the sisters shop again!
Adding travel point back to outside of the shop.
Adding direct travel point to Emilly’s shop counter.
Town entry direct travel point UI was made smaller.
Fixing bug on line starting with word ‘Customer’ which was previously parsed as a custom character.
History log views showing fix.
Adding back end-screen on dialogues that were last worked-on.
Canvas sorting layer of most top render layer is added. In case it would get sorted in wrong order.
Story continuation.
Try to talk to Kanae as she has no reason to arrest you now.
Dialogue structure for her dialogue.
The conversation starts nicely with entry animation. With transitions to random idle animation and from other questions returning back smoothly to idle. In the middle it switches from single render to multi layered render which allows such smooth background handling.
This unique system is only possible with the development of my custom framework. More to come!
Patreon credits. Thanks @POLSKISAMURAJ
Menu entry components animations.
Internal. Editor transcoding menu entry animation to VP8 codec for windows.
Gallery button doesn’t await forever for fetch answer.
Thanks for proofreading Ryleona
Fixing anchor positions on menu online check.
Save delete functionality
Playing sound sfx when manual saving.
Playing sound sfx when deleting save.
Internal. Image color blinker was created.
This is used to blink border of save load deletion menu.
Internal. Image alpha blinker was refactored and is now visible on startup screen.
Internal. Editor view mono switcher button.
Save slots mask was lowered to not cover the groups arrows.
Continuation of the story!
You can visit the union again for more!
Thanks for proofreading Ryleona
New unity editor LTS was released. Updating to this version.
Main menu background changed to animated.
Main menu buttons, title, and design rearranged.
Internal refactor separation of few main menu components.
Blocking dialogue actions while UI screens are shown.
Clearing direct travel objects when entering forest and forest hut. Thanks @greenarrow25
In case of ink story provider error. The story is ended making the map available. Serves as a compatibility safety error fallback.
Exit screen now reacts on button pointer enter and quits immediately.
Main menu online check UI.
Optimization for history (undo) file load. No longer double checking if file exists through other api. Matters more if you have a lot of history (undo) saves.
When there is no line available, the animation on the chat is hidden. Meaning you will see the animation when there is actually currently clickable content.
Bottom line buttons are now centered.
Save notification is now displayed correctly with it’s replacement on save completed.
Quest notification is now displayed correctly stacked.
Quest description left padding decreased to fit more within border.
Clickable places now don’t overlap each other when transitioning. Implemented transition override for specified objects.
Continuation of the story
After locked up time, to follow the agreement deal you find a guild union. Travel to left alley for the first time from outside of the sisters shop.
New character
She will handle all your guild related needs, while you will try to handle her big personality!
Direct travel was added from Town entry to Guard post.
Direct travel was added from Town entry to Outside sisters shop.
Direct travel was added from Outside sisters shop to inside the shop.
Direct travel was added from Outside sisters shop to union.
Direct travel was added from Outside sisters shop to town entry.
Meeting Mara’s sister with following Cylia story doesn’t require now traveling to forest.
Improving error handling and typo in XTOYS integration. Thanks @steampunkmage
Startup scene adjusted.
No longer dialogue manager is processing lines per frame when there is no more content.
Triggering choices with keys no longer possible if the the key is above 9.
Thanks for proofreading Ryleona
Scrolling is now disabled when opening the options menu. Thanks Ryleona
Cylia H-scenes play correctly.
Android scripting backend to IL2Cpp.
Brings XToys integration.
XTOYS integration in testing phase. Meanwhile here's 0.36 update notes.
Story continuation!
You may be fucked, but is it because of prison? How will you get out of there? Something’s cooking behind the scenes, are you able to raise to it?
New custom hentai animations!
Manako wants it so badly, but will you let her have it?
Thanks for proofreading Ryleona
Continuation of the story!
You have landed in a horny jail… You meet a very specific character that’s persistent getting to know you inside out!
New character.
With Manako’s ‘driven’ personality you feel like you might not be as safe as you though in the prison after all.
Undiscovered relations use actual character card images instead of placeholders.
EndScreen takes into account version check.
Optimizing undo by caching last file name instead of iterating though all files to find last.
Internal save cleanup.
While SCROLL UP undo's. SCROLL DOWN continues. Serves as an alternative to clicking and space key.
Correct version check when offline and more reliable hosting.
Fixing found WIDE SCREEN issues:
Choices not being present. Appears first during first sex scenes. While they can be still accessed through numerical keys they are not on screen. Thanks to Reppumaru.
Relations cards screen glow is going out of ui screen.
Relations cards card border is going out of ui screen.
Few buttons anchors were adjusted.
Map places assigned.
Scrolling up resets the choice view. Thanks to Reppumaru
Fixed Hibiki end render to not display when choosing to avoid. Thanks @BlasKyau
Alternative dialogue was added in several places based on choice when you avoid Arili soft dom. Thanks @BlasKyau
UNDO implemented.
Clickable places. It will be now possible to travel by clicking in front of you instead of only the map. Can be also used during normal dialogue.
Animations now play during the transition.
Internal BG -d (delay) parameter starts counting after the previous content was fully shown. Meaning i.e. the Arili arrival animation wouldn’t have awkward pause after the animation. Also Sori arrival dance wouldn’t cut mid first animation.
Continuation of the story!
While traveling across the town you see Cylia going inside a shop. What is she buying?
You will be able to access this story after you travel back to the town entry from the forest.
New character!
You get to meet Mara's sister as you visit her shop. She has a problem with you!
Default max sentence text size was reduced.
Thanks Ryleona for proofreading <3
Story place events.
Triggered when first time traveling with map to newly unlocked locations.
Migrating to professional FMOD audio solution:
Main menu sounds have been added.
Main menu sounds now randomize.
Sounds are now categorized by states which are randomized from a pool. Meaning appearing in the same location will play different music.
Transitions should appear more smoothly.
Ambience slider was added with the appropriate separation of sounds.
Game save works, sounds need to be played from start.
Added some Sfx randomization.
When first time opening the door to a new world, the entry sfx was cut so the sound plays before the player skips.
There are several sounds where fade-ins and fade-outs were adjusted.
Map places now show a locked sprite on locked places.
Map feedback text was moved to the bottom so it isn't blocked by place text.
Map unlocked notification with action.
Settings resolution duplication UI fix.
There is a secret new option when you choose to sudoku during Arili meeting.
Kanae description was changed.
Quest notification contains description.
On roaming extends toolbar with animation.
Notification open animation fix.
Chat now has 2 animations when writing and idling.
Dialogue click place was limited to a similar region as the chat dialogue box to make space for on-screen interactive objects.
There are also A LOT of internal changes, hopefully making a better experience in general. Most of this changelog line changes won't be noticeable.
Animation is completely custom made for the current scenario.
New character!
Kanae, the lawful protector of the town (not so) warmly welcomes your new arrival.
Story Continuation!
You arrived in the town. Have a sexy meeting with the new character and prepare to land in a horny jail…
Few sfx were replaced to improve quality
Hand drawn map is available!
What's the benefit of using a hand-drawn map? I can change and react graphically to the events of the world. Additionally, the map is fully colored (no Boogle like maps).
Internal refactor.
If scene transition would fail it remains at the current screen.
To ensure longevity of the game. Internal changes that may be invisible are required.
All buttons are now hidden behind a single toggle button. To access i.e. the relations view, you simply slide down all the buttons. This not only eliminates buttons during the visual novel mode, but also makes some of the renders look nicer since some of the shadows were previously cutting onto the characters.
The windows have been internally refactored, allowing the animation to be stopped midway during the transition from closed to open.
When the bounce background modifier is turned on and images with boundary bleed are added, a scale modifier is also added to ensure that no heads are slightly chopped off, such as when riding a cart. Thanks Ryleona
The load screen title bar has been adjusted to look like one UI instead of having a gap in the middle.
The position of the history screen close button has been adjusted to be displayed above the opening button.
The previously hidden trail renderer is now visible.
Internally changing initialization of few components and sorting layer rearrangement.
The history screen now includes animations.
Continuation of the story.
Ride the carriage with the new character!
New modifier system applied on renders.
This allows me to i.e. bounce foreground while the background remains still. This was used in the carriage riding compound animation.
- FIXED. Prior versions when entering animation during the “moment in the dark” ONLY SOME devices were crashing and some didn’t display the next scenes. Now the problem is confirmed to be fixed. Thanks tonttu and @fickyou
Even more proofreading. Thanks, Ryleona
Save textures are now saved in 1/4 resolution to optimize and reduce lag when previewing save slots. You will see a difference when you have 100 slots. This only applies when saves are saved with the new resolution screenshot.
This also means that save files are lighter in storage.
Internal. Save previews are now decoded when showing in the UI instead of loading just after button click.
This also means that there is additional feedback text.
Saves slots UI objects now use internal object pooling. This means that when you are changing filtering tabs (i.e. From ALL to QUICK) it’s faster.
Fixed potential follow mouse vfx script bug.
Fixed on a few devices main menu version crash.
Fixed bug in background with console opening from background thread.
Replaced script writing command name for transition id.
Updated unity version.
Story continues! On the last straight road. Someone's incoming...
More proofreading. Thanks, @Ryleona
Some unwanted bgm’s should now stop playing when the save is loaded. Thanks, Ryleona
Looping sfx’s are now saved and loaded i.e. fireplace sound.
Story continues! Find out what happened in the morning!
Some story was adjusted and the choice was added to Arili’s route at the beginning. Thanks for your notice @BlasKyau. It was added since the decision to make unwanted tags avoidable was made after the beginning story was in the game. Now it’s more aligned with this golden rule.
The story progresses further!
You arrive at this unknown place expecting the worst. What await you inside?
Something unexplainable is fucking with you or helping you?
Have a conversation with Cylia that will help you learn about her.
New environment: Mysterious forest hut!
This place was built from the ground up to fit the requirements of the story.
A lot of textures have been modified to show the coziness (and scariness) feeling of this place.
You will be able to visit this place later!
Crazy shader improvement with light rendering.
The refined light supports more dynamic shadows.
They were used in a new animation!
This comes at some cost of extra steps to polish renders. Yet I’m sure it’s worth the time since I really love the improved results.
A few specific sfx’s like the fireplace should now loop to improve the quality of the story.
In a few places sound transition duration was changed.
Continuation of the story where you venture with your companion and make a new decision on the journey. This decision leads you to an unknown place where you will need to survive a night filled with unexplained occurrences.
This update is part of a same-day hot fix for 0.19.
Load menu should be now correctly visible in the game menu. Thanks, @greenarrow25
Few anchors have been shifted to fit better wider screens.
Internal refactor of the opening options screen.
Better sorting order of canvases to improve assurance that everything will order correctly.
Moved the optional main menu info to options.
Changed key trigger state. Thanks to @StupidkillerKeys A (auto mode), LCTRL (skip mode), and H (History) now trigger an action when the player releases the key instead of when they press it. This should make player feedback a little clearer.
Appropriate feedback is given when checking for a version and offline status.
Multi-save slot system:
There is no need to start a new game, old saves should work!
Saves now contain screenshots embedded in them, which makes it clear which save is which.
Saves can be filtered by type. Saves can be filtered by all types at the same time. While filtered by all, you can still see the type of the save.
Saves cache in the background, which eliminates the need to load them a second time while previewing. Slots animate on entry.
Saves also show the last time they were written. All of them are sorted by the newest written first. Meaning even your third leg will always know which slot is the last one you played.
History is cleared on load.
Q.Save and Q.Load buttons on VN. Keys A(auto mode), LCTRL(skip mode), and H(History) now trigger an action when the player releases the key instead the of time when he presses it. This should make player feedback a little more clear.
The save camera captures everything except ui layers. Which makes the save ss look nicer.
There is blinking animation making the user action flow more smooth.
Additionally, there is also feedback text to make it clear when the save is completed.
The history log should be now scrolled to the last message when you open it. Thanks, Stupidkiller
The skip modifier now turns off when loading save or starting the game. This prevents from skipping story on loading.
The same with auto modifiers. Thanks to MrBlasyMSK
You can now continue the story past her waking up.
Changed the font to be more readable. Thanks, @Stupidkiller
When a new card appears on the screen the auto mode turns off. Thanks, MrBlasyMSK
Lowered the buy button zoom on the itch page. Thanks, MrBlasyMSK
New character card images.
Cards image graphical update! Updated Sori unhovered, hovered image, and card meeting image.
Updated Arili unhovered, hovered image, and card meeting image.
Cards are now more accurately anchored to the border of the images.
All radical tags can be avoided. Thanks BlasKyau and @bobdillan
Added an option to the first choice of prologue scene.
You are now able to avoid the prologue starting sexual scene tag that many may not want it. Implemented due to the request of the user. Now every more radical sexual tag will be avoidable. I will try to keep that gold standard throughout the game.
More story proofreading. Thanks MrBlasyMSK
New story!
This story update has a few new hentai animations.
You can now finish the quest “New venture”!
New quest “Way to town”
New character
Story with the new character
New character card
Choices now display with an animation
You can now play the game with your left hand only!
On standalone, you can now access choices with 1,2,3. keys.
You can continue dialogue with space.
Background manager changes:
Transitions are now available ‼. The images and video will gradually transition to each other.
There is a possibility now to queue backgrounds. When one line is displayed, there can be a few background changes. This makes the user experience more flowy and interesting.
Adding new audio.
Fixed some images with transparency bleeding on each other within the scene.
Few renders graphical fixes.
Zip folders have now an additional game folder. Allows to extract game without the need to create extra folder manually. Thanks MrBlasyMSK for suggestion.
Quest, relations, story state, name aliases overrides now properly restart when restarting the game after going back to main menu.
Card meeting screen font changed to be more visible on white gradient.
Cards (on relations and meeting screen) image is now contained within the border of the border image.
Cards border now anti alias
Card meeting lock image upscaled
Console window for cheat codes (available with special password) and for release development.
Developer mode
Allows to enable logs and testing keys in the release build itself.
Window manager.
Windows will now not overlap each other! If you open a map therefore other unimportant windows will close. Unimportant windows are one that are always can be closed without consequences. Choice screen which is part of the story cannot be closed because you are forced to make a choice now. Relations, Quests, Map, Options are marked as unimportant.
Window manager has also experimental capability to layering two windows side by side. Yet this will be more developed in the future cases.
Few optimizations around accessing different dialogue states, reactive bottom buttons.
Now clicking when text is scrolling, you finish the sentence instantly. Thanks you for this request.
Save timer notification now disappears way faster. Thank you for this request!
Mouse trail now follows cursor faster and more closely.
Fixed silent error when checking for version. Thanks to @MrBlasyMSK
Settings now load when reopening the game.
Shorter frame freeze of previous video frame.
Videos color coding has been changed for better support by unity engine.
More story proofread
Adding content warning screen when entering the game due to request
Fix - Story proofread
Fix - Image not found
v0.12 Android only
Fix: Android not playing videos fix
Fixed compression settings for images
Initial version.
Prologue story of the game containing meeting two main characters.
Quest system
Relation system foundation
Обнажите свой меч и отправляйтесь в путешествие со своими прекрасными спутницами, чтобы преодолеть испытания в этой гаремной приключенческой игре.
Unleash your sword and embark on an journey with your beautiful companions to conquer challenges in this harem adventure game.
Год выпуска: 2023
Жанр: 2dcg, animated, male protagonist, mobile game, groping, oral, rape, sexual harassment, sleep sex, adventure, dating sim, fantasy, humor, parody, point and click, romance, vaginal, sandbox,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: www.patreon.com/Hikkeiru | discord.com/invite/EArPuwNz9D
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.47.2
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Something snuck past the town’s security. As someone get’s wounded you embark on an adventure to find a cure. How much fucked are you?
This update literally doubles the story of the game. Contains 25 new custom animations.
New bonus scenes were added and few limited spots to claim them!
New gallery scenes were added!
New interaction mode for scenes. Ability to click parts to interact with them and switch cameras.
New Time Clock feature supporting day and night cycle.
Time clock now is used in stories without cluttering UI by showing it only in specific spots and auto hiding it on completion.
Backgrounds changes:
Internal. Ability to self requeue backgrounds making the renders more alive than any other KK game. This is probably my favorite new feature actually. It creates simple animations just with two renders which adds quite a touch to the story.
Internal. Ability to create multi part backgrounds (which can be at the same time simple sprite or a video) that play them at the same time. I don’t think I’ve seen any visual novel to support this.
Ability to play sfx on shown. Therefore animations have even more life. Three queued backgrounds. When the third is played only then the sfx plays.
Shake background modifier. Injected also in previous parts of the story. Injecting the new modifier in several places in already existing story. I.e. during falling in Cylia’s meeting.
New sakura petals particle effect background. You will notice it during the new story.
Internal. In case of not existing background suppressing error.
Internal. Optimizing background, reducing transition state checking from every frame update to callbacks.
Also prewarming transition. Reducing time between presetting them ,syncing them between layers making transition appear at similar time.
Releasing asset handle on destruction of object, hugely reducing memory usage.
Meta profile Internal storage for over the game global storage.
Scene system changes:
Main scene is shown to player after it has been uncovered. This prevents a few frames of showing something changing on screen that doesn’t make sense to the player.
Internal. Scene gets covered. Unloads old. Loads new. Uncovers.
Preferences window The preferences window displays when there is new preference added. The preferences are stored in meta profile.
Button in menu used previously to open and close patrons is now in use for opening preferences.
Save system changes:
Right click quick access to manual saves.
MANUAL save types now hold position index (like renpy). Otherwise it gets sorted by date. This way both date organization and favorites overwrite is possible.
Overwriting save is now possible. Click and hold to overwrite save. Use this to assign save positions to specific spots in manual grouping. Thanks @OnlyHeStandsThere @Dreamfucker @kingmich @Nobles
Removing slot type name on slot item ui and replacing it with color ribbon instead. To help with readability.
Travelling now also causes to create history save.
Internal. Left to right transition was added.
Saving last queued background instead of current if there is queued background present.
Clearing ambience and bgm on loading. Prevents carrying over of sound between loading scenes.
Caching ambience and bgm. Prevents restarting of sound during i.e. location transitions.
Internal. Ability to specify skipping sfx if it was played within last X seconds. In a situation where third queued background is playing sfx, yet the user is constantly clicking therefore skipping render animation. It doesn’t then play the sfx doubled.
Loading screen image changed from black.
Internal. Ping replaced since it didn’t work on android devices.
Internal. Caching continue scroll and limiting it to one scroll per 400 ms.
Hair clipping on several Mara renders has been fixed.
Clearing save thumbnails on every click. Prevents displaying previous thumbnails on different slot save data.
Checking for invariant culture on bg modifier application. In case of typo or in places where it’s omitted.
Internal. Added vn interactive game mode to support limitation for traveling during clickable hentai scenes.
Moving patreons and socials to exit screen.
0.46.3 Clicking on the screen and any other clickable object doesn’t cause double action performing at the same time. I.e. dialogue and undo.
0.46.2 Fixing background error which could cause lag during dialogue clicking. Thanks @sionni
0.46.2 Fixing android continue dialogue not working. Thanks @sionni
0.46.3 Changing to default value of fps for android to 30 while removing hard lock. Thanks Bargez
Continuation of the story!
Mara hears your conversation with Emi. What does she have to say about it?
Mara’s dialogue structure.
Similar to previous updates. Open ended conversation style dialogue.
For every suggestion how to improve the game. Thank you. ❤
Choices marking end of dialogue have an icon associated with the choice.
Unity build pc to il2cpp.
Text writing speed increased.
Correct order or background. Sometimes when animated background took too much time to load. The next sprite background took it’s place, making the animation play after the sprite.
Background state restoration now has a blink transition. Eliminates some situations where incorrect sprites overlay for a second in incorrect place. Also the save feel faster.
Removed opening of the patreon page on the end screen. Thanks ****MrJay @Vladilen @Iwillbityoutomorrow @Bob Jared @EpicHentaiGamer69**
Setting to disable mouse trail. Thanks ****Xaky @triffids**
Setting to change dialogue font. Thanks ****Xaky**
Setting to change dialogue font size. Thanks @_tewi ****Xaky**
Disabling dialogue keys in start of the UI panels animation instead of ending. Thanks @Neechan-Lexi
Allowing resizable window. Thanks ****triffids @molitar**
Allowing clicking outside the dialogue box to continue. Thanks ****EstrangeNS @Kizuna___**
Also added numpad enter to continue dialogue buttons. Thanks @EstrangeNS
Text writer timer has been stopped when losing object.
Choice screen now blocking input on animation start instead of exit.
Card details animation silent error fix.
Speaker changed command silent error fix.
Can now change color and opacity of dialogue box.
Can now align text for preference.
History chat refreshes on entered instead of end of animation.
Adding Enter as a continue shortcut.
Main menu entry optimization.
Skip button changes. Thanks ****Xaky @Stupidkiller**
The skip supports held and toggle state. Held state skips manually with history states.
Choices appear on end of skip and without extra click.
Ability to set text writing method Instant / typewriter. Thanks @AMereShadow
When save slot UI has no preview the image is set to none. Prevents using cached texture.
Button to open save folder has been added.
Thanks for proofreading. Ryleona @FoxOfEmbers
Small character render UI clean after Emilly return with guild registered story.
Locking fps at 30 for phones.
Bottom buttons rearranged for better mobile use experience. Thanks @Kizuna___
Animations fix on linux platform. Transcoding all win/lin to VP8. Thanks @FoxOfEmbers
Allowing run in background on windows, linux, mac. Thanks ****FoxOfEmbers @Kizuna___**
Continuation of the story!
Emilly welcomes you with a present! Find out what is it! Visit her at the shop now!
Dialogue structure for Emilly.
Multi layered dynamic character dialogue. Only possible thanks to custom unity framework I’ve written. This is only the beginning. You will learn what more this can do later.
Adding inside roam location. You have now a reason to show up inside the sisters shop again!
Adding travel point back to outside of the shop.
Adding direct travel point to Emilly’s shop counter.
Town entry direct travel point UI was made smaller.
Fixing bug on line starting with word ‘Customer’ which was previously parsed as a custom character.
History log views showing fix.
Adding back end-screen on dialogues that were last worked-on.
Canvas sorting layer of most top render layer is added. In case it would get sorted in wrong order.
Story continuation.
Try to talk to Kanae as she has no reason to arrest you now.
Dialogue structure for her dialogue.
The conversation starts nicely with entry animation. With transitions to random idle animation and from other questions returning back smoothly to idle. In the middle it switches from single render to multi layered render which allows such smooth background handling.
This unique system is only possible with the development of my custom framework. More to come!
Patreon credits. Thanks @POLSKISAMURAJ
Menu entry components animations.
Internal. Editor transcoding menu entry animation to VP8 codec for windows.
Gallery button doesn’t await forever for fetch answer.
Thanks for proofreading Ryleona
Fixing anchor positions on menu online check.
Save delete functionality
Playing sound sfx when manual saving.
Playing sound sfx when deleting save.
Internal. Image color blinker was created.
This is used to blink border of save load deletion menu.
Internal. Image alpha blinker was refactored and is now visible on startup screen.
Internal. Editor view mono switcher button.
Save slots mask was lowered to not cover the groups arrows.
Continuation of the story!
You can visit the union again for more!
Thanks for proofreading Ryleona
New unity editor LTS was released. Updating to this version.
Main menu background changed to animated.
Main menu buttons, title, and design rearranged.
Internal refactor separation of few main menu components.
Blocking dialogue actions while UI screens are shown.
Clearing direct travel objects when entering forest and forest hut. Thanks @greenarrow25
In case of ink story provider error. The story is ended making the map available. Serves as a compatibility safety error fallback.
Exit screen now reacts on button pointer enter and quits immediately.
Main menu online check UI.
Optimization for history (undo) file load. No longer double checking if file exists through other api. Matters more if you have a lot of history (undo) saves.
When there is no line available, the animation on the chat is hidden. Meaning you will see the animation when there is actually currently clickable content.
Bottom line buttons are now centered.
Save notification is now displayed correctly with it’s replacement on save completed.
Quest notification is now displayed correctly stacked.
Quest description left padding decreased to fit more within border.
Clickable places now don’t overlap each other when transitioning. Implemented transition override for specified objects.
Continuation of the story
After locked up time, to follow the agreement deal you find a guild union. Travel to left alley for the first time from outside of the sisters shop.
New character
She will handle all your guild related needs, while you will try to handle her big personality!
Direct travel was added from Town entry to Guard post.
Direct travel was added from Town entry to Outside sisters shop.
Direct travel was added from Outside sisters shop to inside the shop.
Direct travel was added from Outside sisters shop to union.
Direct travel was added from Outside sisters shop to town entry.
Meeting Mara’s sister with following Cylia story doesn’t require now traveling to forest.
Improving error handling and typo in XTOYS integration. Thanks @steampunkmage
Startup scene adjusted.
No longer dialogue manager is processing lines per frame when there is no more content.
Triggering choices with keys no longer possible if the the key is above 9.
Thanks for proofreading Ryleona
Scrolling is now disabled when opening the options menu. Thanks Ryleona
Cylia H-scenes play correctly.
Android scripting backend to IL2Cpp.
Brings XToys integration.
XTOYS integration in testing phase. Meanwhile here's 0.36 update notes.
Story continuation!
You may be fucked, but is it because of prison? How will you get out of there? Something’s cooking behind the scenes, are you able to raise to it?
New custom hentai animations!
Manako wants it so badly, but will you let her have it?
Thanks for proofreading Ryleona
Continuation of the story!
You have landed in a horny jail… You meet a very specific character that’s persistent getting to know you inside out!
New character.
With Manako’s ‘driven’ personality you feel like you might not be as safe as you though in the prison after all.
Undiscovered relations use actual character card images instead of placeholders.
EndScreen takes into account version check.
Optimizing undo by caching last file name instead of iterating though all files to find last.
Internal save cleanup.
While SCROLL UP undo's. SCROLL DOWN continues. Serves as an alternative to clicking and space key.
Correct version check when offline and more reliable hosting.
Fixing found WIDE SCREEN issues:
Choices not being present. Appears first during first sex scenes. While they can be still accessed through numerical keys they are not on screen. Thanks to Reppumaru.
Relations cards screen glow is going out of ui screen.
Relations cards card border is going out of ui screen.
Few buttons anchors were adjusted.
Map places assigned.
Scrolling up resets the choice view. Thanks to Reppumaru
Fixed Hibiki end render to not display when choosing to avoid. Thanks @BlasKyau
Alternative dialogue was added in several places based on choice when you avoid Arili soft dom. Thanks @BlasKyau
UNDO implemented.
Clickable places. It will be now possible to travel by clicking in front of you instead of only the map. Can be also used during normal dialogue.
Animations now play during the transition.
Internal BG -d (delay) parameter starts counting after the previous content was fully shown. Meaning i.e. the Arili arrival animation wouldn’t have awkward pause after the animation. Also Sori arrival dance wouldn’t cut mid first animation.
Continuation of the story!
While traveling across the town you see Cylia going inside a shop. What is she buying?
You will be able to access this story after you travel back to the town entry from the forest.
New character!
You get to meet Mara's sister as you visit her shop. She has a problem with you!
Default max sentence text size was reduced.
Thanks Ryleona for proofreading <3
Story place events.
Triggered when first time traveling with map to newly unlocked locations.
Migrating to professional FMOD audio solution:
Main menu sounds have been added.
Main menu sounds now randomize.
Sounds are now categorized by states which are randomized from a pool. Meaning appearing in the same location will play different music.
Transitions should appear more smoothly.
Ambience slider was added with the appropriate separation of sounds.
Game save works, sounds need to be played from start.
Added some Sfx randomization.
When first time opening the door to a new world, the entry sfx was cut so the sound plays before the player skips.
There are several sounds where fade-ins and fade-outs were adjusted.
Map places now show a locked sprite on locked places.
Map feedback text was moved to the bottom so it isn't blocked by place text.
Map unlocked notification with action.
Settings resolution duplication UI fix.
There is a secret new option when you choose to sudoku during Arili meeting.
Kanae description was changed.
Quest notification contains description.
On roaming extends toolbar with animation.
Notification open animation fix.
Chat now has 2 animations when writing and idling.
Dialogue click place was limited to a similar region as the chat dialogue box to make space for on-screen interactive objects.
There are also A LOT of internal changes, hopefully making a better experience in general. Most of this changelog line changes won't be noticeable.
Animation is completely custom made for the current scenario.
New character!
Kanae, the lawful protector of the town (not so) warmly welcomes your new arrival.
Story Continuation!
You arrived in the town. Have a sexy meeting with the new character and prepare to land in a horny jail…
Few sfx were replaced to improve quality
Hand drawn map is available!
What's the benefit of using a hand-drawn map? I can change and react graphically to the events of the world. Additionally, the map is fully colored (no Boogle like maps).
Internal refactor.
If scene transition would fail it remains at the current screen.
To ensure longevity of the game. Internal changes that may be invisible are required.
All buttons are now hidden behind a single toggle button. To access i.e. the relations view, you simply slide down all the buttons. This not only eliminates buttons during the visual novel mode, but also makes some of the renders look nicer since some of the shadows were previously cutting onto the characters.
The windows have been internally refactored, allowing the animation to be stopped midway during the transition from closed to open.
When the bounce background modifier is turned on and images with boundary bleed are added, a scale modifier is also added to ensure that no heads are slightly chopped off, such as when riding a cart. Thanks Ryleona
The load screen title bar has been adjusted to look like one UI instead of having a gap in the middle.
The position of the history screen close button has been adjusted to be displayed above the opening button.
The previously hidden trail renderer is now visible.
Internally changing initialization of few components and sorting layer rearrangement.
The history screen now includes animations.
Continuation of the story.
Ride the carriage with the new character!
New modifier system applied on renders.
This allows me to i.e. bounce foreground while the background remains still. This was used in the carriage riding compound animation.
- FIXED. Prior versions when entering animation during the “moment in the dark” ONLY SOME devices were crashing and some didn’t display the next scenes. Now the problem is confirmed to be fixed. Thanks tonttu and @fickyou
Even more proofreading. Thanks, Ryleona
Save textures are now saved in 1/4 resolution to optimize and reduce lag when previewing save slots. You will see a difference when you have 100 slots. This only applies when saves are saved with the new resolution screenshot.
This also means that save files are lighter in storage.
Internal. Save previews are now decoded when showing in the UI instead of loading just after button click.
This also means that there is additional feedback text.
Saves slots UI objects now use internal object pooling. This means that when you are changing filtering tabs (i.e. From ALL to QUICK) it’s faster.
Fixed potential follow mouse vfx script bug.
Fixed on a few devices main menu version crash.
Fixed bug in background with console opening from background thread.
Replaced script writing command name for transition id.
Updated unity version.
Story continues! On the last straight road. Someone's incoming...
More proofreading. Thanks, @Ryleona
Some unwanted bgm’s should now stop playing when the save is loaded. Thanks, Ryleona
Looping sfx’s are now saved and loaded i.e. fireplace sound.
Story continues! Find out what happened in the morning!
Some story was adjusted and the choice was added to Arili’s route at the beginning. Thanks for your notice @BlasKyau. It was added since the decision to make unwanted tags avoidable was made after the beginning story was in the game. Now it’s more aligned with this golden rule.
The story progresses further!
You arrive at this unknown place expecting the worst. What await you inside?
Something unexplainable is fucking with you or helping you?
Have a conversation with Cylia that will help you learn about her.
New environment: Mysterious forest hut!
This place was built from the ground up to fit the requirements of the story.
A lot of textures have been modified to show the coziness (and scariness) feeling of this place.
You will be able to visit this place later!
Crazy shader improvement with light rendering.
The refined light supports more dynamic shadows.
They were used in a new animation!
This comes at some cost of extra steps to polish renders. Yet I’m sure it’s worth the time since I really love the improved results.
A few specific sfx’s like the fireplace should now loop to improve the quality of the story.
In a few places sound transition duration was changed.
Continuation of the story where you venture with your companion and make a new decision on the journey. This decision leads you to an unknown place where you will need to survive a night filled with unexplained occurrences.
This update is part of a same-day hot fix for 0.19.
Load menu should be now correctly visible in the game menu. Thanks, @greenarrow25
Few anchors have been shifted to fit better wider screens.
Internal refactor of the opening options screen.
Better sorting order of canvases to improve assurance that everything will order correctly.
Moved the optional main menu info to options.
Changed key trigger state. Thanks to @StupidkillerKeys A (auto mode), LCTRL (skip mode), and H (History) now trigger an action when the player releases the key instead of when they press it. This should make player feedback a little clearer.
Appropriate feedback is given when checking for a version and offline status.
Multi-save slot system:
There is no need to start a new game, old saves should work!
Saves now contain screenshots embedded in them, which makes it clear which save is which.
Saves can be filtered by type. Saves can be filtered by all types at the same time. While filtered by all, you can still see the type of the save.
Saves cache in the background, which eliminates the need to load them a second time while previewing. Slots animate on entry.
Saves also show the last time they were written. All of them are sorted by the newest written first. Meaning even your third leg will always know which slot is the last one you played.
History is cleared on load.
Q.Save and Q.Load buttons on VN. Keys A(auto mode), LCTRL(skip mode), and H(History) now trigger an action when the player releases the key instead the of time when he presses it. This should make player feedback a little more clear.
The save camera captures everything except ui layers. Which makes the save ss look nicer.
There is blinking animation making the user action flow more smooth.
Additionally, there is also feedback text to make it clear when the save is completed.
The history log should be now scrolled to the last message when you open it. Thanks, Stupidkiller
The skip modifier now turns off when loading save or starting the game. This prevents from skipping story on loading.
The same with auto modifiers. Thanks to MrBlasyMSK
You can now continue the story past her waking up.
Changed the font to be more readable. Thanks, @Stupidkiller
When a new card appears on the screen the auto mode turns off. Thanks, MrBlasyMSK
Lowered the buy button zoom on the itch page. Thanks, MrBlasyMSK
New character card images.
Cards image graphical update! Updated Sori unhovered, hovered image, and card meeting image.
Updated Arili unhovered, hovered image, and card meeting image.
Cards are now more accurately anchored to the border of the images.
All radical tags can be avoided. Thanks BlasKyau and @bobdillan
Added an option to the first choice of prologue scene.
You are now able to avoid the prologue starting sexual scene tag that many may not want it. Implemented due to the request of the user. Now every more radical sexual tag will be avoidable. I will try to keep that gold standard throughout the game.
More story proofreading. Thanks MrBlasyMSK
New story!
This story update has a few new hentai animations.
You can now finish the quest “New venture”!
New quest “Way to town”
New character
Story with the new character
New character card
Choices now display with an animation
You can now play the game with your left hand only!
On standalone, you can now access choices with 1,2,3. keys.
You can continue dialogue with space.
Background manager changes:
Transitions are now available ‼. The images and video will gradually transition to each other.
There is a possibility now to queue backgrounds. When one line is displayed, there can be a few background changes. This makes the user experience more flowy and interesting.
Adding new audio.
Fixed some images with transparency bleeding on each other within the scene.
Few renders graphical fixes.
Zip folders have now an additional game folder. Allows to extract game without the need to create extra folder manually. Thanks MrBlasyMSK for suggestion.
Quest, relations, story state, name aliases overrides now properly restart when restarting the game after going back to main menu.
Card meeting screen font changed to be more visible on white gradient.
Cards (on relations and meeting screen) image is now contained within the border of the border image.
Cards border now anti alias
Card meeting lock image upscaled
Console window for cheat codes (available with special password) and for release development.
Developer mode
Allows to enable logs and testing keys in the release build itself.
Window manager.
Windows will now not overlap each other! If you open a map therefore other unimportant windows will close. Unimportant windows are one that are always can be closed without consequences. Choice screen which is part of the story cannot be closed because you are forced to make a choice now. Relations, Quests, Map, Options are marked as unimportant.
Window manager has also experimental capability to layering two windows side by side. Yet this will be more developed in the future cases.
Few optimizations around accessing different dialogue states, reactive bottom buttons.
Now clicking when text is scrolling, you finish the sentence instantly. Thanks you for this request.
Save timer notification now disappears way faster. Thank you for this request!
Mouse trail now follows cursor faster and more closely.
Fixed silent error when checking for version. Thanks to @MrBlasyMSK
Settings now load when reopening the game.
Shorter frame freeze of previous video frame.
Videos color coding has been changed for better support by unity engine.
More story proofread
Adding content warning screen when entering the game due to request
Fix - Story proofread
Fix - Image not found
v0.12 Android only
Fix: Android not playing videos fix
Fixed compression settings for images
Initial version.
Prologue story of the game containing meeting two main characters.
Quest system
Relation system foundation
Тему отредактировал: Nikol - 3-08-2023, 20:12
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.47.2. / Topic updated to v.0.47.2
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.47.2. / Topic updated to v.0.47.2
Пароль на архив / Archive password:
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