Описание:Добро пожаловать в Гринвуд, лорд Гоблин! В нашей новой игре вы играете за жалкого раба-гоблина, принадлежащего прекрасной, но жестокой королеве-ведьме Аз'эа.
Пока ее заклинание не сработает неправильно и вы не поменяетесь ролями! Теперь вы - тот, кто отдает приказы Аз'эа и штату очаровательных служанок, работающих в поместье Гринвуд. Вам нужно будет управлять своими землями, ремонтировать замок и обучать своих наивных служанок! В игре есть красивые иллюстрации и анимация, талантливые актеры озвучивания и целый гарем сексуальных девушек, которые постепенно привыкнут к тому, что их хозяином является гоблин...
Welcome to Greenwood, Lord Goblin!
In our new game you play a pathetic goblin slave, owned by the beautiful but cruel Witch-Queen Az’ea.
Until, that is, a spell of hers goes wrong and your roles are reversed!
Now you are the one giving the orders to Az’ea and the staff of lovely maids that work at Greenwood Manor.
You’ll need to govern your lands, renovate your castle and train up your naïve maids!
The game features beautiful illustrations and animations,
talented voice actors and a harem of sexy girls who are going to slowly learn to love having a goblin as their master...
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: 2dcg, animated, handjob, male protagonist, big ass, big tits, monster, adventure, fantasy, management, voiced,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: BBBen and his Big Brass Band - www.patreon.com/BigBrassBand
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.31.5
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
saffronsoles = "posh spice event"(special Delia footjob scene) spice merchant will appear next afternoon. (repeatable)
cleansweep = set dirt and laundry to 0
giveusyourtired = add 20 artisans, 40 villeins and 10 soldiers
welltodo = add 200 gold and 200 food
gravitas = add 40 legitimacy and 20 security
pluckazalea = add 25 Az'ea love, lust and obedience
preferblondes = add 25 Beth love, lust and obedience
albagubrath = add 25 Cliona love, lust and obedience
delightful = add 25 Delia love, lust and obedience
v0.31.5 - 2025-03-22
- Bug fixes / Miscellaneous:
- 'Manor' screen
Fixed an issue with 'Sieges' not triggering properly
Fixed an issue with Az'ea's Romance route final condition not checked properly
- 'Holding Court' screen
Fixed an issue with the event 'The Earl's indecent proposal' where choosing 'Refuse forever' would not properly add +1 to the 'Earl's Anger'
Fixed an issue with the event 'The Earl's weekly tribute' where choosing 'Have a maid assist the Earl' or 'Pay and offer a maid''s condition were not checked properly
- 'Gallery' screen
Fixed an issue with Az'ea's Romance scene not unlocking properly
Fixed an issue with the event 'The Earl's weekly tribute' where the scenes when choosing to offer a Maid were not unlocking properly
Minor fixes
- Bug fixes / Miscellaneous:
- 'Holding Court' screen
Fixed an issue with the event chain 'The Earl's weekly tribute' where choosing 'Have a maid assist the Earl' or 'Pay and offer a maid' would not play the scene properly after choosing a Maid, resulting in a soft lock
Fixed 'Cliona servicing the Earl using her hands' not panning the camera properly
- 'Perform Ritual' screen
Fixed an issue with the UI not being removed properly when the 'Ladies are on cooldown' pop-up was previously displayed
Minor fixes
Bug fixes / Miscellaneous:
- 'Room Interaction' screen
Fixed the cost for upgrading to the 3rd level of the 'Laboratory' (from 225 to 125 Gold)
- 'Holding Court' screen
Fixed an issue with the event chain 'The Earl's indecent proposal' where Lord Goblin's dialogue sprite would appear on the wrong side when choosing 'Refuse forever'
Fixed an issue with the event chain 'The Earl's indecent proposal' where choosing 'Offer a girl' would not play the scene properly after choosing a Maid, resulting in a soft lock
v0.30 - 2025-02-04
This release contains new art for Beth and a bunch of nice revisions to the UI, to make the game look prettier and work better!
Major changes:
New art of Beth hugging Lord Goblin
New settings UI
Improvements to the gallery UI
Revisions to the tooltips
Some new Az'ea voice lines
v0.27.1 - 2024-11-05
-Introducing the 'Save/Load' slots system !
Progress can now be saved manualy in 3 different slots, in addition to the current auto-save performed at the end of each day
-Added buttons for 'Save', 'Load' and 'Options' menu in the top right hand corner
Hovering the 'Calendar' icon display the full date of the current day
- 'Cast A Spell' screen
Az'ea's spells using the 'Cast A Spell' action are now limited to one use per spell per day (reset each day at Dawn) ; they can be used even if they would send the 'Portal Power' over its max value, but not if it is already at max value
- 'Holding Court' screen
'Beaten by a Girl' Random event added
'Convert Conundrum' Random event added
'Potion Peddler' Random event added
'Soldiers abandon their posts!' Random event added
- 'Perform Ritual' screen
Effectiveness of the 'Portal Ritual' is now reduced for repeatedly performing the same ritual with the same girl (down to 25% effectiveness after 5 same rituals)
Az'ea is now 'Lewd' while performing the 'Portal Ritual' using her mouth during the evening ; unlocked once her 'Romance' route is completed
Az'ea is now 'Lewd' while performing the 'Portal Ritual' riding on top during the evening ; unlocked once her 'Romance' route is completed
Bug fixes:
Fixed 'The Earl's Weekly Tribute' event not setting up properly
Fixed 'Lye to me' event not triggering properly
Fixed Observer system status not saving once unlocked
Minor fixes
v0.25.0 - 2024-09-08
Gameplay & UI related changes
- 'Manor' screen
'Az'ea and Cliona in the town market' scene added
- 'Holding Court' screen
Tweaked the UI's size, now also shows an arrow when the flavor text box can be scrolled through
'A cock laid an egg!' Random event added
'Bugringham Buggers' Random event added
'Here comes the bride!' Random event added as part of an event chain (1 of 2)
'Wrong side of the tracks' Random event added as part of an event chain (2 of 2)
- 'Perform Ritual' screen
Az'ea is now 'Lewd' while performing the 'Portal Ritual' using her hands during the evening ; unlocked once her 'Romance' route is completed
Az'ea is now 'Lewd' while performing the 'Portal Ritual' using her breasts during the evening ; unlocked once her 'Romance' route is completed
'Village' screen
Weather effects are now also displayed when visiting the Village
Bug fixes / Miscellaneous
Minor fixes
v0.24.2 - 2024-08-05
v0.23.1 - 2024-07-12
Major changes since the last public release:
A new Az’ea blowjob animation.
A new Beth titfuck animation.
Spanking animations for all the girls when disciplining them.
A complete introduction sequence.
New romance scenes.
New main story scenes.
A new town screen, allowing you to upgrade Greenwood’s buildings.
A merchant, offering items to buy.
The Earl of Bugringham, demanding taxes or favours.
Az’ea’s magic spell book.
Delia’s potion recipe book.
Sieges of the castle, when things get out of control.
Beth’s character sprite is now animated.
More activities available in the rooms.
Many new holding court events.
New art for holding court events.
A scene gallery.
New conversation scenes.
Icon and tooltip improvements.
Many small tweaks and bug fixes.