Вы играете за застенчивого парня-ботаника, который только что переехал из дома своей чрезмерно заботливой матери. Приехав в город, он снимает квартиру у красавицы Эшли, студентки факультета психологии. Поскольку у ГГ нет работы, чтобы оплачивать аренду, он соглашается оплатить аренду, посетив несколько тестовых сеансов новой терапии, проводимых Эшли. По мере развития событий ГГ узнает больше о себе самом, а также о коварных секретах, скрывающихся за добротой Эшли.
You play as a shy nerd guy who just moved out of his overprotective mother's house.
As he arrives in the city, he rents the apartment from the beautiful Ashley, a psychology student. As the MC doesn't have a job to pay the rent, he agrees to pay the rent by attending to some test therapy sessions conducted by Ashley. As thing progresses, the MC gets to discover more about his true self, as well as the devious secrets behind Ashley's kindess.
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: 2dcg, anal, bdsm, corruption, creampie, drugs, female domination, footjob, futa, trans, group, handjob, humiliation, lesbian, male protagonist, masturbation, mind control, multiple penetration, oral, real porn, sissification, trainer, trap, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: theGP
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: Заброшена / Abandoned
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.30a
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Version 0.30a(2023.05.12)
- Fixed bug that made some people get stuck at chapter 88
- Removed debug options that could break the game.
Version 0.30
- Added new genderless clothing store: You And I
- Added 6 new outfits to You And I
- Added new body type with small breasts
- Added 2 new hair styles
- Added new chapters for Kate
- Added new chapters for Ashley
- Added new chapters for Lilly
- Added events where your coworkers react to your changes
- Added story locks for clothing availability
- Added Pole Dancing lessons at the community center
- Added a new location: Red Light District
- Added a new location: Uranüs strip club (inital version)
- Added the possibility to watch strip shows at Uranüs
- Added the possibility to get lap dances at Uranüs
- Added (again) the second promotion on the restaurant
- Introduced a new character: Beatrice
- Added new chapters for Beatrice
- Changed game tips to the right sidebar
- Optimized some images
- Reworked dialogs, to be in boxes, with each character's name and image
- Reworked all the clothing items to adapt with the new body type
- Reworked story progression
- Reworked visibility of store items
- Reworked the entire game's wardrobe
- Reworked the text of some chapters (I'll gradually rework the text of all of them)
- Reorganized the history progression
- Fixed broken message for closed Community Center
- Fixed bug where Emma's contact info wasn't appearing
- Fixed broken conditional at the journal
- Fixed missing images for new clothes at Empiredom
- Fixed broken conditional for accessing chapter 93
- Fixed bad versioning of the changelog
- Fixed some minor bugs
- Fixed some typos
- Added three more random events at the park
- Added requirement of having a disposable hairdresser kit to style your hair on your own
- Added requirement of having cosmetics to apply makeup on your own
- Added cosmetics and disposable haidresser kit to Maartplaz (physical and mobile)
- Added a "Go home" option in various locations
- Added progress bars for makeup and hairdresser skills
- Added one more caption message
- Added one more therapy session with Ashley
- Added six shoes to SportStop
- Changed the shoe system to set apart casual shoes from sports shoes
- Fixed being able to go to work during a story event
- Fixed broken link for changing earrings (thanks naulds)
- Fixed some bugs in last Emma's chapter
- Fixed time passage in last Lilly's chapter
- Fixed gym not appearing in some occasions
- Fixed conditional logics for the Community Center
- Fixed painted toenails with heels (thanks naulds)
- Fixed some little bugs
- Fixed some typos
Version 0.21b(2022.12.01)
- Added an autosave feature that triggers when the MC goes to sleep
- Changed the schedule of the Community Center to a table
- Fixed chapter 48 not being available (again) -.-
Version 0.21a
- Fixed chapter 48 not being available
- Fixed broken image from Futuriner
- Fixed yoga mat not appearing at Futuriner
- Fixed not being able to work out with the yoga mat at home
Version 0.21
- Added three random events at the park (nothing great yet)
- Joined the Living Room, Bedroom and Kitchen in one single room: Studio
- Changed the images of the studio and bathroom
- Added image alternation for day and night cycle for the studio and bedroom
- Changed the "Go to work" link into a button in the right side bar
- Changed intro and story to fit the studio into it
- Changed Tech Barn into Futuriner
- Added a coffee brewer to Futuriner (you'll need to buy it to brew coffee)
- Added a desk to Futuriner. (you'll need it to use your computer)
- Added a tv to Futuriner (you'll need to buy it to watch tv and play videogames)
- Added a vanity to Futuriner (you'll need it to change your hairstyle and makeup)
- Added a yoga mat to Futuriner (you'll need it to exercice and meditate at home)
- Added uniforms for the dishwasher and waiter/waitress job
- Added sound effect for message notifications
- Added sound effect for Lilly events
- Added a new location: The Community Center
- Added a new course at the Community Center: Makeup
- Added a new course at the Community Center: Hairdresser
- Added a new chapter for Emma's history
- Added cheats to master Haidresser and Makeup skill for those who are in a hurry
- Added variable updates for files from 0.20
- Removed prompt that said that Jobber was not yet implemented
- Fixed bug that happened when breast growth evend happened when the MC had body hair
- Fixed some typos
version 0.20(2022.11.20)
- Completly remade main history, splitting some events and adding new ones
- Added multiple passages for Ashley, Kate and Lilly
- Added a strange number who keeps texting you some weird images
- Added a new character: Emma, a expert in hormones that will help you go deeper
- Added four new outfits for Empiredom
- Added two new outfits for Kinks 4U
- Added one new outfit for Ladiez
- Added heels to the game - three models for now
- Added one new nightwear for Ladiez
- Added one new shoe for Footown
- Added one new pair of socks for Kinks 4U
- Added four new hair styles
- Added plug and cage indicators under the avatar
- Added a notification sign on the messages app
- Added a logo at the initial page
- Changed multiple existinging scenes for Ashley, Kate and Lilly
- Changed feminity requirements to access The Stylist
- Changed requirements for waxing your body hair
- Changed lots of details of the intro
- Added a rent mechanic, where you need to pay it every monday.
- Added four new makeup types
- Changed the frequency of the story events
- Added multiple events that led the MC to therapy with Ashley
- Added progression bars for the MC stats
- Changed image of the manequins of the shopping mall to full body ones
- Changed information disposition for the journal
- Changed the folder structure of the story assets
- Changed the text of some of the links to more simple ones
- Changed placement of the "Define your morning routine" link to the screen bar on the left
- Optimized the size of most of the images of in order to make the game file smaller
- Fixed some image sizing issues at the intro
- Fixed issue where number of followers could decrease (thanks Rabena and hathios)
- Fixed caption that said that Messages app was not yet implemented (thanks Rabena)
- Fixed Lilly's journal prompt, so it's clearer where to find her (thanks FaithB)
- Fixed broken plug insetion image
- Fixed lots of typos (thanks najika4097)
- Created a Discord server. More info on Synopsis.
- Removed the scene with the MCs mom at the end of the last chapter (I plan to include a branching path with the MC's mother, but I still don't know how I'm going to write it. So I've remove it so it doesn't stop the rest of the story to advance).
Version 0.12a(2022.09.08)
- Fixed order of hairstyles (thanks hathios)
- Fixed some grammatical mistakes (thanks hathios)
- Fixes some image references issues for Puzzles Bar (thanks Erbosch)
- Fixed issue where arousal was turning negative
Version 0.12
- Added two new chapters of Ashley's story
- Added one new chapter of Lilly's story
- Added a new location: Puzzles Bar (more content in future updates)
- Added a new location: The Blitzkrieg Club (more content in future updates)
- Added a pool skill
- Enabled the messages app, where you can text with your contacts, once they're online
- Adapted Lilly's story line so it's now done with the messages app
- Rewrote some of the passages of Lilly's previous stories, so it fits with the use of the cellphone
- Changed the name of some locations
- Changed the text below the broken cellphone
- Changed some of the journal entries
- Updated tips
- Optimized some images
- Fixed bug where body hair grew intantaneously sometimes
- Fixes some image size issues at the Shopping Mall
- Fixed some image reference issues on The Stylist
- Fixed a bug that prevented images from appearing during masturbation
- Fixed some spacing issues
- Fixed some typos
Version - 0.10a
- Added Jobs search on the Jobber app in the cellphone
- Added scene were Kate gives the MC a dildo
- Removed job search on downtown
Version - 0.10: Alpha Release
Warning: Save files from older versions wil not work in this version.
- Added a right sidebar
- Added cellphone functionalities to the side bar
- Added three shoes to Foot Town
- Added one outfit to New World
- Added one pair of socks to New World
- Added Journal to the cellphone
- Added Tips session to the cellphone
- Added Camera session to the cellphone (just to take selfies)
- Added a mobile app for Maartplaz on the cellphone
- Added emergency exit button to the cellphone
- Added changelog button so you can see the Changelog ingame
- Added a "save updater" to update your saves from one version to another (it will be workable at 0.11)
- Added one more chapter for Kate's history
- Added one more chapter for Lilly's history
- Added first chapter of restaurant side history
- Added cheats session:
Added cheat for getting rich
Added cheat for getting poor
Added cheat for removing body hair permanently
Added cheat for disabling hunger
Added cheat for disabling hygiene
Added cheat for disabling arousal
- Added alternative night images for Downtown, Beach and Park
- Returned "Current Version" and "Days Passed" to the left sidebar
- Now you must buy a cellphone before starting de history
- Changed placement of some stats to the right sidebar
- Changed Maartplaz icon
- Optimized some gifs
- Fixed undefined variables during the game's intro
- Fixed Ladiez last outfit for flat body
- Fixed bras appearing over swimsuits and nightwear
- Fixed bug where maid outfit wasn't being removed in some cases
- Fixed other diverse bugs
- Fixed some typos
- Added 4 new hair styles with 6 colors each
- Added 1 new outfit to Ladiez
- Added 2 new bras to Ladiez
- Fixed the MCs genital skin color to match the skin
- Fixed chastity cage not appearing if MC is not wearing underwear
- Fixed bug with home workout
- Fixed some typos
- Made some slight changes at the journal content.
- Improved some of the code
- Fixed some typos
- Added 6 new chapters to the main story:
* Ashley's Therapy - Part 8
* Ashley's Therapy - Part 9
* Lilly's Conversation - Part 4
* Ashley's Therapy - Part 10
* Kate Dates - Part 9
* Kate Dates - Part 10
* Ashley's Therapy - Part 10
- Added watchable cam shows after webcam is installed
- Added streamable cam shows after 10th Kate date
- Added time changes for activities in the beach
- Added time of day limitations for using the computer
- Added scene for working with high arousal after third Lilly's conversation
- Added first body modification
- Changed restrictions to Empiredom content
- Changed feminity requirements for painting nails from 35 to 40
- Changed the loss of hygiene from working and playing guitar
- Decreased the amount of feminity and perversion gained on some of Kate dates
- Improved the code for the dreams (thank you newport_georgeg)
- Imrpoved the code for the beach and park
- Fixed nail polish appearing over the shoes
- Fixed issue where morning routines got unchecked when returning to the page
- Fixed broken image in Lilly's second conversation
- Increased daily income for the restaurant job
- Fixed issue where some people were unable to see the market
- Fixed some issues for seeing some images in other operational systems
- Removed Debug Mode access from de bedroom.
- Made some suggested improvements at shopping at the mall
- Fixed some bugs
- Fixed some typos
- Added an extenssion of Ashley's first session, so you can know exactly what her and the MC talked about
- Added new therapy session between sessions 1 and 2 for a bit more character development
- Added two new dates with Kate between the already existing ones
- Added retail store on shopping mall for buying food and cleaning supplies
- Added supplies session on the Journal to keep track of your house supplies
- Added hunger stat to the game and on the story caption
- Added the need to restock food and cleaning suplies in order to eat and shower
- Added increase of hunger through some activities
- Added guitar skill which influences how much money you make
- Added fitness stat which influences how tired you get by exercicing
- Added new dreams. They will change, deppending on your current state of mind.
- Added the option to smoke cigarettes on the park and beach to decrease arousal
- Added a new makeup style: classy
- Added the option to go to work on weekends
- Added the option to go to work after the therapy sessions with Ashley
- Changed some minor details about the MC's history on the game's intro
- Removed MC stats from Journal that are already visible on the story caption
- Optimized some gifs
- Fixed some bugs found on the beach
- Fixed some text positions
- Fixed some typos
- Fixed some other little bugs that were not found during the first tests.
- Changed the startup of the sixth date with Kate
- Fixed some little bugs that were not found during the first tests.
- Added one more chapter for Lilly's story with a new way to decrease arousal
- Added option to define a morning routine in the bedroom
- Added the display of stat changes as story progresses or activities are performed
- Added time and energy limitations for beach and park activities
- Added meditations on the bedroom and park to decrease arousal while in chastity
- Added visibility and requirements display for blocked store items
- Changed time for hair body hair growing back from 7 to 10 days
- Changed journal in order to display more clearly how to progress on the history
- Fixed New World's nightwear image size
- Fixed the "My Stats" placement in the Journal
- Fixed bug where Lilly's second conversation was repeatable
- Fixed bug where the option for playing guitar was not appearing in the park
- Fixed broken conditional on guitar playing activity
- Fixed link to exercising in the park
- Fixed some text spacing issues
- Fixed some typos
- Added sporting clothes at Sport Stop at the mall
- Added two new nightwears. One male (default) and one female.
- Added gym. You can go there to work out
- Added the option to work out in your bedroom
- Added hygiene stat. Now, you'll need a shower if you want to do stuff
- Added hygiene effects to previous events in the game
- Added limitations of how much guitar you can play on the park for one day
- Added limitations of how much TV you can watch for one day
- Added limitations of how much Video Games you can play for one day
- Added one more chapter of Lilly's story
- Added one more chapter to Ashley and Kate's story
- If you play too much guitar, your guitar strings may break and you might need to go buy new ones at the mall
- Watching porn now gets you aroused
- Previous interactions with Ashley and Kate will now affect your arousal level
- Going to work aroused will now have consequences
- Fixed body hair growth
- Fixed some typos
- Fixed some other minor bugs encontered during testing
- Added view modes for the avatar (now you can quickly view their underwear and naked body)
- Added more chapters to Kate history
- Added the fist chapter of Lilly's history
- The beach is now available (once you are feminine enough to wear female bathing suits)
- Added a guitar that can be bought at the shopping mall and played at the park for some extra bucks
- Added the first history chapters where the MC will really go fall deeper into feminization
- Added specific cutscenes for each piece of clothing that you change in the wardrobe
- Added sleeping attires for higher feminity MC (will still add some more in the future for high and low feminity)
- Added some more cutscenes for watching TV and playing video games.
- Added arousal stat. It's not completly functional yet, but it's there. More will come on the next update.
- Fixed lots of bugs concerning the new features
- Fixed some other minor bugs I've found while testing the game
- Fixed some typos
- Added more conditional images with for some activities while feminity stat is low
- Added more content to Ashley's story
- Added more content to Kate's story
- Added a new event at the restaurant job. A new girl called Lilly will appear and you'll will have some other person to talk to (just the introduction has been implemented so far)
- Minor changes to the journal interface. Nothing big, but it's there
- Optimized many of the games images, reducing the game size by almost 40%
- Fixed a lot of grammatical mistakes. I'm sure there's a lot more. I'm still looking for them
- Fixed story progression. making some previous events feel more natural
- Fixed some minor bugs I've found while testing the game
- Fixed socks not appearing at the wardrobe
- Fixed money maxing out after game start
- Fixed text for "Looking for a job" screen not appearing after you got the restaurant job
- Added messages for when history content ends
- Added a "Kill Time" option on the living room in order to instantly skip to nigh time
- Added conditional male images for some of the home interactions to appear when feminity is low
- Initial Release
- Fixed a lot of grammatical mistakes. I'm sure there's a lot. I'm still looking for them
Вы играете за застенчивого парня-ботаника, который только что переехал из дома своей чрезмерно заботливой матери. Приехав в город, он снимает квартиру у красавицы Эшли, студентки факультета психологии. Поскольку у ГГ нет работы, чтобы оплачивать аренду, он соглашается оплатить аренду, посетив несколько тестовых сеансов новой терапии, проводимых Эшли. По мере развития событий ГГ узнает больше о себе самом, а также о коварных секретах, скрывающихся за добротой Эшли.
You play as a shy nerd guy who just moved out of his overprotective mother's house.
As he arrives in the city, he rents the apartment from the beautiful Ashley, a psychology student. As the MC doesn't have a job to pay the rent, he agrees to pay the rent by attending to some test therapy sessions conducted by Ashley. As thing progresses, the MC gets to discover more about his true self, as well as the devious secrets behind Ashley's kindess.
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: 2dcg, anal, bdsm, corruption, creampie, drugs, female domination, footjob, futa, trans, group, handjob, humiliation, lesbian, male protagonist, masturbation, mind control, multiple penetration, oral, real porn, sissification, trainer, trap, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: theGP
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: Заброшена / Abandoned
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.30a
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Version 0.30a(2023.05.12)
- Fixed bug that made some people get stuck at chapter 88
- Removed debug options that could break the game.
Version 0.30
- Added new genderless clothing store: You And I
- Added 6 new outfits to You And I
- Added new body type with small breasts
- Added 2 new hair styles
- Added new chapters for Kate
- Added new chapters for Ashley
- Added new chapters for Lilly
- Added events where your coworkers react to your changes
- Added story locks for clothing availability
- Added Pole Dancing lessons at the community center
- Added a new location: Red Light District
- Added a new location: Uranüs strip club (inital version)
- Added the possibility to watch strip shows at Uranüs
- Added the possibility to get lap dances at Uranüs
- Added (again) the second promotion on the restaurant
- Introduced a new character: Beatrice
- Added new chapters for Beatrice
- Changed game tips to the right sidebar
- Optimized some images
- Reworked dialogs, to be in boxes, with each character's name and image
- Reworked all the clothing items to adapt with the new body type
- Reworked story progression
- Reworked visibility of store items
- Reworked the entire game's wardrobe
- Reworked the text of some chapters (I'll gradually rework the text of all of them)
- Reorganized the history progression
- Fixed broken message for closed Community Center
- Fixed bug where Emma's contact info wasn't appearing
- Fixed broken conditional at the journal
- Fixed missing images for new clothes at Empiredom
- Fixed broken conditional for accessing chapter 93
- Fixed bad versioning of the changelog
- Fixed some minor bugs
- Fixed some typos
- Added three more random events at the park
- Added requirement of having a disposable hairdresser kit to style your hair on your own
- Added requirement of having cosmetics to apply makeup on your own
- Added cosmetics and disposable haidresser kit to Maartplaz (physical and mobile)
- Added a "Go home" option in various locations
- Added progress bars for makeup and hairdresser skills
- Added one more caption message
- Added one more therapy session with Ashley
- Added six shoes to SportStop
- Changed the shoe system to set apart casual shoes from sports shoes
- Fixed being able to go to work during a story event
- Fixed broken link for changing earrings (thanks naulds)
- Fixed some bugs in last Emma's chapter
- Fixed time passage in last Lilly's chapter
- Fixed gym not appearing in some occasions
- Fixed conditional logics for the Community Center
- Fixed painted toenails with heels (thanks naulds)
- Fixed some little bugs
- Fixed some typos
Version 0.21b(2022.12.01)
- Added an autosave feature that triggers when the MC goes to sleep
- Changed the schedule of the Community Center to a table
- Fixed chapter 48 not being available (again) -.-
Version 0.21a
- Fixed chapter 48 not being available
- Fixed broken image from Futuriner
- Fixed yoga mat not appearing at Futuriner
- Fixed not being able to work out with the yoga mat at home
Version 0.21
- Added three random events at the park (nothing great yet)
- Joined the Living Room, Bedroom and Kitchen in one single room: Studio
- Changed the images of the studio and bathroom
- Added image alternation for day and night cycle for the studio and bedroom
- Changed the "Go to work" link into a button in the right side bar
- Changed intro and story to fit the studio into it
- Changed Tech Barn into Futuriner
- Added a coffee brewer to Futuriner (you'll need to buy it to brew coffee)
- Added a desk to Futuriner. (you'll need it to use your computer)
- Added a tv to Futuriner (you'll need to buy it to watch tv and play videogames)
- Added a vanity to Futuriner (you'll need it to change your hairstyle and makeup)
- Added a yoga mat to Futuriner (you'll need it to exercice and meditate at home)
- Added uniforms for the dishwasher and waiter/waitress job
- Added sound effect for message notifications
- Added sound effect for Lilly events
- Added a new location: The Community Center
- Added a new course at the Community Center: Makeup
- Added a new course at the Community Center: Hairdresser
- Added a new chapter for Emma's history
- Added cheats to master Haidresser and Makeup skill for those who are in a hurry
- Added variable updates for files from 0.20
- Removed prompt that said that Jobber was not yet implemented
- Fixed bug that happened when breast growth evend happened when the MC had body hair
- Fixed some typos
version 0.20(2022.11.20)
- Completly remade main history, splitting some events and adding new ones
- Added multiple passages for Ashley, Kate and Lilly
- Added a strange number who keeps texting you some weird images
- Added a new character: Emma, a expert in hormones that will help you go deeper
- Added four new outfits for Empiredom
- Added two new outfits for Kinks 4U
- Added one new outfit for Ladiez
- Added heels to the game - three models for now
- Added one new nightwear for Ladiez
- Added one new shoe for Footown
- Added one new pair of socks for Kinks 4U
- Added four new hair styles
- Added plug and cage indicators under the avatar
- Added a notification sign on the messages app
- Added a logo at the initial page
- Changed multiple existinging scenes for Ashley, Kate and Lilly
- Changed feminity requirements to access The Stylist
- Changed requirements for waxing your body hair
- Changed lots of details of the intro
- Added a rent mechanic, where you need to pay it every monday.
- Added four new makeup types
- Changed the frequency of the story events
- Added multiple events that led the MC to therapy with Ashley
- Added progression bars for the MC stats
- Changed image of the manequins of the shopping mall to full body ones
- Changed information disposition for the journal
- Changed the folder structure of the story assets
- Changed the text of some of the links to more simple ones
- Changed placement of the "Define your morning routine" link to the screen bar on the left
- Optimized the size of most of the images of in order to make the game file smaller
- Fixed some image sizing issues at the intro
- Fixed issue where number of followers could decrease (thanks Rabena and hathios)
- Fixed caption that said that Messages app was not yet implemented (thanks Rabena)
- Fixed Lilly's journal prompt, so it's clearer where to find her (thanks FaithB)
- Fixed broken plug insetion image
- Fixed lots of typos (thanks najika4097)
- Created a Discord server. More info on Synopsis.
- Removed the scene with the MCs mom at the end of the last chapter (I plan to include a branching path with the MC's mother, but I still don't know how I'm going to write it. So I've remove it so it doesn't stop the rest of the story to advance).
Version 0.12a(2022.09.08)
- Fixed order of hairstyles (thanks hathios)
- Fixed some grammatical mistakes (thanks hathios)
- Fixes some image references issues for Puzzles Bar (thanks Erbosch)
- Fixed issue where arousal was turning negative
Version 0.12
- Added two new chapters of Ashley's story
- Added one new chapter of Lilly's story
- Added a new location: Puzzles Bar (more content in future updates)
- Added a new location: The Blitzkrieg Club (more content in future updates)
- Added a pool skill
- Enabled the messages app, where you can text with your contacts, once they're online
- Adapted Lilly's story line so it's now done with the messages app
- Rewrote some of the passages of Lilly's previous stories, so it fits with the use of the cellphone
- Changed the name of some locations
- Changed the text below the broken cellphone
- Changed some of the journal entries
- Updated tips
- Optimized some images
- Fixed bug where body hair grew intantaneously sometimes
- Fixes some image size issues at the Shopping Mall
- Fixed some image reference issues on The Stylist
- Fixed a bug that prevented images from appearing during masturbation
- Fixed some spacing issues
- Fixed some typos
Version - 0.10a
- Added Jobs search on the Jobber app in the cellphone
- Added scene were Kate gives the MC a dildo
- Removed job search on downtown
Version - 0.10: Alpha Release
Warning: Save files from older versions wil not work in this version.
- Added a right sidebar
- Added cellphone functionalities to the side bar
- Added three shoes to Foot Town
- Added one outfit to New World
- Added one pair of socks to New World
- Added Journal to the cellphone
- Added Tips session to the cellphone
- Added Camera session to the cellphone (just to take selfies)
- Added a mobile app for Maartplaz on the cellphone
- Added emergency exit button to the cellphone
- Added changelog button so you can see the Changelog ingame
- Added a "save updater" to update your saves from one version to another (it will be workable at 0.11)
- Added one more chapter for Kate's history
- Added one more chapter for Lilly's history
- Added first chapter of restaurant side history
- Added cheats session:
Added cheat for getting rich
Added cheat for getting poor
Added cheat for removing body hair permanently
Added cheat for disabling hunger
Added cheat for disabling hygiene
Added cheat for disabling arousal
- Added alternative night images for Downtown, Beach and Park
- Returned "Current Version" and "Days Passed" to the left sidebar
- Now you must buy a cellphone before starting de history
- Changed placement of some stats to the right sidebar
- Changed Maartplaz icon
- Optimized some gifs
- Fixed undefined variables during the game's intro
- Fixed Ladiez last outfit for flat body
- Fixed bras appearing over swimsuits and nightwear
- Fixed bug where maid outfit wasn't being removed in some cases
- Fixed other diverse bugs
- Fixed some typos
- Added 4 new hair styles with 6 colors each
- Added 1 new outfit to Ladiez
- Added 2 new bras to Ladiez
- Fixed the MCs genital skin color to match the skin
- Fixed chastity cage not appearing if MC is not wearing underwear
- Fixed bug with home workout
- Fixed some typos
- Made some slight changes at the journal content.
- Improved some of the code
- Fixed some typos
- Added 6 new chapters to the main story:
* Ashley's Therapy - Part 8
* Ashley's Therapy - Part 9
* Lilly's Conversation - Part 4
* Ashley's Therapy - Part 10
* Kate Dates - Part 9
* Kate Dates - Part 10
* Ashley's Therapy - Part 10
- Added watchable cam shows after webcam is installed
- Added streamable cam shows after 10th Kate date
- Added time changes for activities in the beach
- Added time of day limitations for using the computer
- Added scene for working with high arousal after third Lilly's conversation
- Added first body modification
- Changed restrictions to Empiredom content
- Changed feminity requirements for painting nails from 35 to 40
- Changed the loss of hygiene from working and playing guitar
- Decreased the amount of feminity and perversion gained on some of Kate dates
- Improved the code for the dreams (thank you newport_georgeg)
- Imrpoved the code for the beach and park
- Fixed nail polish appearing over the shoes
- Fixed issue where morning routines got unchecked when returning to the page
- Fixed broken image in Lilly's second conversation
- Increased daily income for the restaurant job
- Fixed issue where some people were unable to see the market
- Fixed some issues for seeing some images in other operational systems
- Removed Debug Mode access from de bedroom.
- Made some suggested improvements at shopping at the mall
- Fixed some bugs
- Fixed some typos
- Added an extenssion of Ashley's first session, so you can know exactly what her and the MC talked about
- Added new therapy session between sessions 1 and 2 for a bit more character development
- Added two new dates with Kate between the already existing ones
- Added retail store on shopping mall for buying food and cleaning supplies
- Added supplies session on the Journal to keep track of your house supplies
- Added hunger stat to the game and on the story caption
- Added the need to restock food and cleaning suplies in order to eat and shower
- Added increase of hunger through some activities
- Added guitar skill which influences how much money you make
- Added fitness stat which influences how tired you get by exercicing
- Added new dreams. They will change, deppending on your current state of mind.
- Added the option to smoke cigarettes on the park and beach to decrease arousal
- Added a new makeup style: classy
- Added the option to go to work on weekends
- Added the option to go to work after the therapy sessions with Ashley
- Changed some minor details about the MC's history on the game's intro
- Removed MC stats from Journal that are already visible on the story caption
- Optimized some gifs
- Fixed some bugs found on the beach
- Fixed some text positions
- Fixed some typos
- Fixed some other little bugs that were not found during the first tests.
- Changed the startup of the sixth date with Kate
- Fixed some little bugs that were not found during the first tests.
- Added one more chapter for Lilly's story with a new way to decrease arousal
- Added option to define a morning routine in the bedroom
- Added the display of stat changes as story progresses or activities are performed
- Added time and energy limitations for beach and park activities
- Added meditations on the bedroom and park to decrease arousal while in chastity
- Added visibility and requirements display for blocked store items
- Changed time for hair body hair growing back from 7 to 10 days
- Changed journal in order to display more clearly how to progress on the history
- Fixed New World's nightwear image size
- Fixed the "My Stats" placement in the Journal
- Fixed bug where Lilly's second conversation was repeatable
- Fixed bug where the option for playing guitar was not appearing in the park
- Fixed broken conditional on guitar playing activity
- Fixed link to exercising in the park
- Fixed some text spacing issues
- Fixed some typos
- Added sporting clothes at Sport Stop at the mall
- Added two new nightwears. One male (default) and one female.
- Added gym. You can go there to work out
- Added the option to work out in your bedroom
- Added hygiene stat. Now, you'll need a shower if you want to do stuff
- Added hygiene effects to previous events in the game
- Added limitations of how much guitar you can play on the park for one day
- Added limitations of how much TV you can watch for one day
- Added limitations of how much Video Games you can play for one day
- Added one more chapter of Lilly's story
- Added one more chapter to Ashley and Kate's story
- If you play too much guitar, your guitar strings may break and you might need to go buy new ones at the mall
- Watching porn now gets you aroused
- Previous interactions with Ashley and Kate will now affect your arousal level
- Going to work aroused will now have consequences
- Fixed body hair growth
- Fixed some typos
- Fixed some other minor bugs encontered during testing
- Added view modes for the avatar (now you can quickly view their underwear and naked body)
- Added more chapters to Kate history
- Added the fist chapter of Lilly's history
- The beach is now available (once you are feminine enough to wear female bathing suits)
- Added a guitar that can be bought at the shopping mall and played at the park for some extra bucks
- Added the first history chapters where the MC will really go fall deeper into feminization
- Added specific cutscenes for each piece of clothing that you change in the wardrobe
- Added sleeping attires for higher feminity MC (will still add some more in the future for high and low feminity)
- Added some more cutscenes for watching TV and playing video games.
- Added arousal stat. It's not completly functional yet, but it's there. More will come on the next update.
- Fixed lots of bugs concerning the new features
- Fixed some other minor bugs I've found while testing the game
- Fixed some typos
- Added more conditional images with for some activities while feminity stat is low
- Added more content to Ashley's story
- Added more content to Kate's story
- Added a new event at the restaurant job. A new girl called Lilly will appear and you'll will have some other person to talk to (just the introduction has been implemented so far)
- Minor changes to the journal interface. Nothing big, but it's there
- Optimized many of the games images, reducing the game size by almost 40%
- Fixed a lot of grammatical mistakes. I'm sure there's a lot more. I'm still looking for them
- Fixed story progression. making some previous events feel more natural
- Fixed some minor bugs I've found while testing the game
- Fixed socks not appearing at the wardrobe
- Fixed money maxing out after game start
- Fixed text for "Looking for a job" screen not appearing after you got the restaurant job
- Added messages for when history content ends
- Added a "Kill Time" option on the living room in order to instantly skip to nigh time
- Added conditional male images for some of the home interactions to appear when feminity is low
- Initial Release
- Fixed a lot of grammatical mistakes. I'm sure there's a lot. I'm still looking for them
Тему отредактировал: Nikol - 29-06-2024, 18:44
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