Главный герой, которым вы играете, - обычный 18-летний мужчина (мальчишка). Ваш выбор может привести вас к множеству неловких, извращенных или романтических ситуаций. Вы будете развиваться в причудливом мире, где женщины занимают главенствующее положение на всех уровнях.
The main character, you play, is an ordinary 18 years old man (boyish). Your choices can lead you to plenty awkward, kinky or romance situations. You will evolve in a fanciful world where women are in charge at all levels.
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: male protagonist, 2dcg, real porn, text base, romance, transgender, trap, female domination
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: F4L - subscribestar.adult/f4l
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.2.9
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.2.9 - 2024-12-01
- New Sissy Story 7 part 2 of Sissy Story 6 on hidden shop.
- New swimsuit item on clothing store.
- New lingerie item on clothing store.
- New dress item on clothing store.
- New phone event at the end of first week (PharmaFem or BOI route), Minoru introducing you to a new functionality. It's a pretty limited version for now, but you will have some little fun with it and small events.
- New reward password to all subscriber tiers (3$ to 24$)
- Some little change on phone page to simplify the use of it.
- Missing wardrobe preview pictures for the reward about 40 trophies unlocking.
- Missing cover book Sissy Story 6.
- Missing relation information when you become friend with Yuma.
- Some english and french proofreading.
version 0.2.9 beta fixed
- New Sissy Story 6 on hidden shop.
- Reward for unlocking 40 trophies.
- Optimisation on wardrobe list, to reduce the signs number.
- Optimisation on inventory list, to reduce the signs number.
- Optimisation on quest list, to reduce the signs number.
- Wrong limiter condition, the Karen end first day event BOI route that can show on PharameFem route.
- Missing proper initialization for GoodBOI points (you need to restart a game on BOI path if you have play the 0.2.9 beta version).
- Some english and french proofreading.
version 0.2.8 to 0.2.9 beta
- First week content of the B.O.I.'s path.
- Suvive, fight or embrace the B.O.I.'s program.
- New characters, locations and functionalities.
- New quests associed to the B.O.I. activities or characters.
- New little events regarding the path you chose.
- Old ccntents adaptation for this new route.
- Some more faked pictures with reaction for Men taste app (witch makes 209 in total).
- 5 trophies (witch makes 42 in total).
- Save and backup version compatibility to this new update (0.2.5 version at least or above).
- Redo and optimize the widget for all the main character stats and relationship stat. Now it will show if you reach the max or min of the stat in the passage.
- Redo pantie look illustration to a dynamic illustration.
- Optimise some long passages code, to reduce the signs number.
- Move some Kenya and Minoru phonecalls trigger to match with the B.O.I.'s path too.
- Bug on condition on beauty parlor shaving treatment that make money stat undefined.
- Bug on tattoo parlor that don't select the right sentence reaction and tattoo design.
- Wrong use number associed to the items on shaving passage.
- Bad target on Sarah third psy session talking about girlfriends.
- Wrong time addition on Irène's secret rendez-vous.
- Wrong redirection on PharmaFem investigation.
- Some english and french proofreading.
0.2.7 public - 2024-5-11
- New event with a new character.
- New functionality, if you reach a certain cup size, you will experiment milk surges. Many new reaction from mc and npc. A new quest to manage this new mechanic.
- All tattoo visual on shower dynamic illustration.
- 2 new trophies (witch makes 36 in total).
- Change the pee stain passage to add milk stain to the scripts with multiple text situations.
- Change stat passage script to add the new milk stat visual and text.
- Add more information when you load an old save, it will show what save version you are updating.
- Bad days attribution on future date with Scarlett.
- Condition error on Mathilde questioning about other girlfriend.
- Missing variable incrementation in construct passage.
- Wrong condition variable in the urine system (it didn't cause trouble but now it's fixed).
- Missing target relation on talk with Sophie.
- Some english and french proofreading.
- New Sissy Story 5 on hidden shop.
- Some more faked pictures with reaction for Men taste app (witch makes 190 in total).
- 4 new TV programs.
- Third week content of all the Pharmafem characters you can talk to and interact to.
- Third week content of Pharmafem activities and classes.
- Continuation of the PharmaFem sub-level investigation, introducting a new character and new events associed.
- Photo scene on exam from the first day interview, to show you how you change during the weeks in each exam session.
- Surprise that can be unlock if you continue to talk to someone at PharmaFem or with Scarlett if you are on her path as friend or boyfriend.
- 3 new adaptive events with Joyce.
- New event with Karen.
- New event with Booba if you met him with Scarlett, on your last date.
- 3 new events with the fugitive. One event is hidden.
- Childhood trio reunion event with Minoru and Nathan.
- More content on imprisonment route at PharmaFem.
- Continuation of story line on shady business.
- 4 trophies (witch makes 34 in total).
- Some phone events with various characters depending on your choices.
- Save compatiblity improvement, add automatically all the new state variables when you load an older save (at least 0.2.5).
- Huge optimisation on yoga end cours. Limiting the amount of text copy past and conditions.
- Redo Kenya's pussy underdress look illustration.
- Redo foot massage illustration a little to be more dynamic and add some details.
- Add small part and quest to Scarlett date event to give acces to the surprise.
- Missing close balise on Joyce truth event.
- Wrong character target in text on PharmaFem investigation.
- Tribal Soul trophy condition was erase from the last version.
- Balise text error on Brigitte discussions.
- Balise text error on Kenya last date and missing clothes when mc leave her apartment.
- When Anne doesn't detect that you wear a chatity cage.
- Bad conditioning, on gloryhole event, making Minoru not reacting the way he should when you didn't help him with the police event.
- Passages that could give you the possibility to increase intelligence stat more than once.
- Bad variable on tattoo parlor passage, when the sentence not match the applied tattoo.
- Bug on conditions in the imprisonment route, when you where supposed to be naked for the examination with Virginia.
- Bug with the count of use of all shaving items, when you use them.
- Bad reward count on trophies passage, missing the third level.
- More english and french proofreading.
0.2.5 public - 2023-12-07
- New feminin sportwear and shoes.
- Adapt Karen sport event with the new sport outfit.
- Add new sentences when you do running with feminin sportwear.
- Optimize kink info construct.
- Optimize few parts of script (updating stats) to speed up page loading a little.
- Remove old unused code in few passages to avoid possible bugs.
version 0.2.5 fixed
- Some more faked pictures with reaction for Men taste app.
- New Sissy Story 4 on hidden shop.
- 2 new TV programs.
- Audio option on/off in setting passage (off by default).
- Ringtone when you have a call.
- Option on Phone to choose your ringtone (6 different) and on/off volume.
- Erase some old change log to lighten this passage.
- Reduce the price (75€ to 50€) of all books on hidden shop.
- Add and change condition for swimming with Joyce, it now count as swimming activity for the day report and the statistic gain.
- Timing of the call received if you miss a date.
- Missing listing of lips reaction for some relations.
- Missing code to dress up the mc at the end of your date with Kenya.
- Erase old code part for relation kink never used and can show an error on relation panel.
- More French and English proofreading.
- Detecting that it is a swimsuit when you are in pajamas at the pool.
- Wrong text direction on button in chastity quest.
- Some wrong statistics relation cible in chastity quest.
- Detection error for mc cloth and undercloth on Joyce truth event.
- Missing quest win notif when you call Scarlett in chastity quest.
- Condition bug in the first phone text message from Scarlett (was a dead end passage).
version 0.2.4 to 0.2.5 beta
- Examination scene if the mc anus is expand to the max (this scene was not in game yet).
- Yoga memory mini-game skip button with multiple options (but you will not benefit hormonal stat boost from skipping yoga).
- More help infos with some informations on hiden mechanic of the game.
- Hints menu on help passage (just some clues to find paths you can have miss in the game).
- Huge addition on reaction system with muliple sentances. Relation will now react if you wear female cloth, shoes or underwear. Also women's swimwear and bulge on your crotch (erection or chastity cage) will be noticable for other.
- Important event with Joyce and Karen at home.
- Continuation of chastity quest, new date with Scarlett and her mother.
- 2 new bikinis for pool activity to buy on clothes shop.
- New event with a new character.
- New date with Kenya as boyfriend.
- New date with Scarlett as boyfriend or friend.
- Multiple interactions with Joyce at the pool house.
- New event with Joyce.
- New event with the fugitive.
- Event at the church on sunday.
- Recieve now text messages from your relations.
- You can now buy and play with dildos.
- Visual for anal masturbation with plug anal.
- 4 trophies (witch makes 30 in total, so new reward).
- Condition day and night for all destination buttons to prevent accessibility if the clock past midnight.
- Increase hours limitation for sleeping if the clock past midnight.
- Redo all the help menu.
- Pink top sliders shoes are now unisex.
- Little change on one of Kenya's lingerie design.
- Change color text for kink list (black text on purple box was a little hard to read).
- Reduce lighly by one the effect of PharmaFem injection.
- Few condition's value buttons on the first date with Kenya to have more choices in early game.
- Anal plug purchase are now limited only by anal training fetish and dildo purchase are limited only by sex toy fetish.
- Boost limit when an anal plug or dildo are too small for the mc anus expension.
- Missing hair style on mc licking cum dynimic illustration.
- Few missing english translation at gloryhole.
- PharmaFem investigation at the elevator passage to prevent intelligence stat farm and possible quest adding spam to quest list.
- Missing english in relation reaction system.
- Variable condition bug on reaction system with a wrong value.
- Wrong redirection on chastity quest if you don't have enough money to pay the coffee to Scarlett.
- Some french and english proofreading in preview contents.
- When you move to a smaller size of anal plug, the anus stat didn't decrease.
- Condition on anal masturbation that didn't check the right value to know if your anus is too wide for the anal plug or dildo.
- Bad place for one layer on pee illustration.
- Missing background on masturbation illustration.
- When a phone call was not added to the list of planned phonecall.
- Wrong list adding for Brigitte's chastity, was causing anal plug list bug.
- Wrong cage key ownership on Brigitte event the last friday of week 2.
v0.2.3 public(2023.06.23)
- Dynamic illustration that will be shown in some passages.
- Event with Minoru.
- New sexual activity gloryhole be sucked or the sucker.
- 2 trophies (witch makes 26 in total).
- Change date of some random outside events.
- Redo some part of the mc sucked dynamic illustration.
- Change one phonecall event to adapt it to the new activity, only if you miss the linked outside gloryhole event too much times.
- Decrease limitation for Mathilde little reward after yoga lesson.
- Bug that prevents the change of date for random outside events. So now if you miss a random event it will repeat the next day again and again until you see it, like it was mean to be.
- Css on quests window that reduce too much in size if no quests are active.
- Few dialogue balise error (wrong character box).
- When Kenya doesn't wear her receptionist dress at start of day work.
- Some english and french proofreading.
- Major Bug Fixes
- One new event.
- A lot of fixes
v 0.1.9 public(2022.12.22)
- Add a special tv program with Christmas cards of games developer.
- Some more French proofreading.
version 0.1.9 beta fix
- Few more porn content on phone app MenTaste.
- Visual piercing and tattoo to lick cum dynamic illustration.
- Change the value of secret shop chance to appear (33% to 50%).
- Adjust secret shop event trigger.
- Adjust some fetish bonus from MenTaste porn.
- Balancing more value of some sub/dom choices limitations in early game.
- Missing fetish condition on anal stimulation button in masturbation passage.
- Missing arts on pushup minigame.
- Missing hairstyle art to liskcum dynamic illustration.
Fall 4 Love 0.1.7 technical update
Balancing, proofreading and bug fix.
version 0.1.7(2022.08.17)
- Foot massage dynamic illustration.
- Oral stat details on stat panel.
- Urine stat increase 50% less with time.
- Depraved dice game, the score to be reached changes from 69 to 33.
- Yoga class, has now two fewer rounds.
- Delay of sex phone event with Kenya, to let the player one more day to up kinks.
- Missing cat picture.
- Some forgotten english translation.
- Remove eat variable limitation to avoid bug on day report.
- Broken condition on evaluation day.
- Night time conditions to avoid the lock of sleep button after midnight.
- English proofreading mostly the first day morning work (thanks to JKuncl3).
- Some more French proofreading.
0.1.6 public
- More Pharmafem investigation content.
- More talk with Kenya.
- Quest information for PharmaFem investigation.
- More french proofreading.
- Wrong picture name on exam scene.
- Missing icon inventory PharmaFem gown.
- Wrong link redirect on Minoru event.
version 0.1.6 fix
- Adjust date for 2 events.
- Remove chasity prototype and anal plug items from drawer (just here for testing, not ready yet).
- Two phone events that not triggering correctly.
- Missing pictures for character visual.
- Icon missing for one trophy.
- Missing content due to bad naming passage bug.
- French left in english sentences.
- A little french proofreading.
version 0.1.3 to version 0.1.6
- Beauty parlor in mall (hair cut, hair dye, manicure, shaving and makeup).
- Tattoo parlor in mall (tattoo and piercing).
- Complex system reaction of relation to player physiscal changes.
- New secondary statistic oral showing your oral skill.
- Drawer in bedroom to have access to your purchase : piercings and other special items.
- Tattoos and piercings equiped show up in inventory page.
- Mini game Depraved dice that can be play with few characters in game.
- Big part of this update : construction of Pharmafem routine, places and schedules.
- A bunch of new characters on PharmaFem path.
- Talk passages with new characters on PharmaFem path.
- Dynamic dream on sleep time.
- Drawing all physical states of old clothes.
- Some new tv passages (thanks to cuty_wolfy).
- Some phonecall events.
- Script that update date variable on quest/event (avoiding the bug that few people had in version 0.1.2, when the game add one month to all date).
- Few rework on statistics.
- Rework on items list on multiple shop.
- Update buy scripts for all shop.
- Rewrite and reorganisation of multiple variables linked to player customisation.
- Simplify CSS on scene visualisation, for better optimisation.
- Rework exam scene script.
- Wardrobe passage listing script to have less jаvascript for the same result.
- You menu is now named with your chosen name.
- Redo few background images for Pharmafem building rooms.
- Day report script.
- Redo injections and pills scripts for more variability and optimisation.
- Add job information on save.
- Wrong link in Kenya first date.
- A lot of english proofreading of 0.1.2 version (thanks to JKuncl3).
- French proofreading of 0.1.2 version.
- Wrong list redirection on help menu.
- CSS for all shop listing, to avoid some weird space.
- Rework trophies system to avoid bug when an unlocked trophy was count more than once on the unlocked trophies total count.
- Add a special execption to prevent bugs with smartphone pages.
- huge list of fifties visual and critical bugs thanks to NewkamaZutra.
version 0.1.2 public
- Alternative Kenya date choice.
- Special quest from Kenya is now doable.
- Update function on loading save, to Allôw future compatibility and have all content without restart a game each time between version.
- Few variables for future updates.
- Cinema location (but no movie yet).
- One advertising on tv program.
- Now there is different effects on watching tv, depending on the type of program.
- Replace kissing scene pictures by dynamic illustration.
- Huge optimisation with some variable lists, that speed up page loading.
- Erase few unused variables on event lists and add a new one, to have a better filter choice on random event.
- Rework on script event selector.
- Simplify few names of fetishes.
- Little proofreading on english version.
- Some more proofreading on french version.
- Wrong formating on Yesterday report.
- Stroll activity at the park refering to a wrong passage.
First release.
Главный герой, которым вы играете, - обычный 18-летний мужчина (мальчишка). Ваш выбор может привести вас к множеству неловких, извращенных или романтических ситуаций. Вы будете развиваться в причудливом мире, где женщины занимают главенствующее положение на всех уровнях.
The main character, you play, is an ordinary 18 years old man (boyish). Your choices can lead you to plenty awkward, kinky or romance situations. You will evolve in a fanciful world where women are in charge at all levels.
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: male protagonist, 2dcg, real porn, text base, romance, transgender, trap, female domination
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: F4L - subscribestar.adult/f4l
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.2.9
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.2.9 - 2024-12-01
- New Sissy Story 7 part 2 of Sissy Story 6 on hidden shop.
- New swimsuit item on clothing store.
- New lingerie item on clothing store.
- New dress item on clothing store.
- New phone event at the end of first week (PharmaFem or BOI route), Minoru introducing you to a new functionality. It's a pretty limited version for now, but you will have some little fun with it and small events.
- New reward password to all subscriber tiers (3$ to 24$)
- Some little change on phone page to simplify the use of it.
- Missing wardrobe preview pictures for the reward about 40 trophies unlocking.
- Missing cover book Sissy Story 6.
- Missing relation information when you become friend with Yuma.
- Some english and french proofreading.
version 0.2.9 beta fixed
- New Sissy Story 6 on hidden shop.
- Reward for unlocking 40 trophies.
- Optimisation on wardrobe list, to reduce the signs number.
- Optimisation on inventory list, to reduce the signs number.
- Optimisation on quest list, to reduce the signs number.
- Wrong limiter condition, the Karen end first day event BOI route that can show on PharameFem route.
- Missing proper initialization for GoodBOI points (you need to restart a game on BOI path if you have play the 0.2.9 beta version).
- Some english and french proofreading.
version 0.2.8 to 0.2.9 beta
- First week content of the B.O.I.'s path.
- Suvive, fight or embrace the B.O.I.'s program.
- New characters, locations and functionalities.
- New quests associed to the B.O.I. activities or characters.
- New little events regarding the path you chose.
- Old ccntents adaptation for this new route.
- Some more faked pictures with reaction for Men taste app (witch makes 209 in total).
- 5 trophies (witch makes 42 in total).
- Save and backup version compatibility to this new update (0.2.5 version at least or above).
- Redo and optimize the widget for all the main character stats and relationship stat. Now it will show if you reach the max or min of the stat in the passage.
- Redo pantie look illustration to a dynamic illustration.
- Optimise some long passages code, to reduce the signs number.
- Move some Kenya and Minoru phonecalls trigger to match with the B.O.I.'s path too.
- Bug on condition on beauty parlor shaving treatment that make money stat undefined.
- Bug on tattoo parlor that don't select the right sentence reaction and tattoo design.
- Wrong use number associed to the items on shaving passage.
- Bad target on Sarah third psy session talking about girlfriends.
- Wrong time addition on Irène's secret rendez-vous.
- Wrong redirection on PharmaFem investigation.
- Some english and french proofreading.
0.2.7 public - 2024-5-11
- New event with a new character.
- New functionality, if you reach a certain cup size, you will experiment milk surges. Many new reaction from mc and npc. A new quest to manage this new mechanic.
- All tattoo visual on shower dynamic illustration.
- 2 new trophies (witch makes 36 in total).
- Change the pee stain passage to add milk stain to the scripts with multiple text situations.
- Change stat passage script to add the new milk stat visual and text.
- Add more information when you load an old save, it will show what save version you are updating.
- Bad days attribution on future date with Scarlett.
- Condition error on Mathilde questioning about other girlfriend.
- Missing variable incrementation in construct passage.
- Wrong condition variable in the urine system (it didn't cause trouble but now it's fixed).
- Missing target relation on talk with Sophie.
- Some english and french proofreading.
- New Sissy Story 5 on hidden shop.
- Some more faked pictures with reaction for Men taste app (witch makes 190 in total).
- 4 new TV programs.
- Third week content of all the Pharmafem characters you can talk to and interact to.
- Third week content of Pharmafem activities and classes.
- Continuation of the PharmaFem sub-level investigation, introducting a new character and new events associed.
- Photo scene on exam from the first day interview, to show you how you change during the weeks in each exam session.
- Surprise that can be unlock if you continue to talk to someone at PharmaFem or with Scarlett if you are on her path as friend or boyfriend.
- 3 new adaptive events with Joyce.
- New event with Karen.
- New event with Booba if you met him with Scarlett, on your last date.
- 3 new events with the fugitive. One event is hidden.
- Childhood trio reunion event with Minoru and Nathan.
- More content on imprisonment route at PharmaFem.
- Continuation of story line on shady business.
- 4 trophies (witch makes 34 in total).
- Some phone events with various characters depending on your choices.
- Save compatiblity improvement, add automatically all the new state variables when you load an older save (at least 0.2.5).
- Huge optimisation on yoga end cours. Limiting the amount of text copy past and conditions.
- Redo Kenya's pussy underdress look illustration.
- Redo foot massage illustration a little to be more dynamic and add some details.
- Add small part and quest to Scarlett date event to give acces to the surprise.
- Missing close balise on Joyce truth event.
- Wrong character target in text on PharmaFem investigation.
- Tribal Soul trophy condition was erase from the last version.
- Balise text error on Brigitte discussions.
- Balise text error on Kenya last date and missing clothes when mc leave her apartment.
- When Anne doesn't detect that you wear a chatity cage.
- Bad conditioning, on gloryhole event, making Minoru not reacting the way he should when you didn't help him with the police event.
- Passages that could give you the possibility to increase intelligence stat more than once.
- Bad variable on tattoo parlor passage, when the sentence not match the applied tattoo.
- Bug on conditions in the imprisonment route, when you where supposed to be naked for the examination with Virginia.
- Bug with the count of use of all shaving items, when you use them.
- Bad reward count on trophies passage, missing the third level.
- More english and french proofreading.
0.2.5 public - 2023-12-07
- New feminin sportwear and shoes.
- Adapt Karen sport event with the new sport outfit.
- Add new sentences when you do running with feminin sportwear.
- Optimize kink info construct.
- Optimize few parts of script (updating stats) to speed up page loading a little.
- Remove old unused code in few passages to avoid possible bugs.
version 0.2.5 fixed
- Some more faked pictures with reaction for Men taste app.
- New Sissy Story 4 on hidden shop.
- 2 new TV programs.
- Audio option on/off in setting passage (off by default).
- Ringtone when you have a call.
- Option on Phone to choose your ringtone (6 different) and on/off volume.
- Erase some old change log to lighten this passage.
- Reduce the price (75€ to 50€) of all books on hidden shop.
- Add and change condition for swimming with Joyce, it now count as swimming activity for the day report and the statistic gain.
- Timing of the call received if you miss a date.
- Missing listing of lips reaction for some relations.
- Missing code to dress up the mc at the end of your date with Kenya.
- Erase old code part for relation kink never used and can show an error on relation panel.
- More French and English proofreading.
- Detecting that it is a swimsuit when you are in pajamas at the pool.
- Wrong text direction on button in chastity quest.
- Some wrong statistics relation cible in chastity quest.
- Detection error for mc cloth and undercloth on Joyce truth event.
- Missing quest win notif when you call Scarlett in chastity quest.
- Condition bug in the first phone text message from Scarlett (was a dead end passage).
version 0.2.4 to 0.2.5 beta
- Examination scene if the mc anus is expand to the max (this scene was not in game yet).
- Yoga memory mini-game skip button with multiple options (but you will not benefit hormonal stat boost from skipping yoga).
- More help infos with some informations on hiden mechanic of the game.
- Hints menu on help passage (just some clues to find paths you can have miss in the game).
- Huge addition on reaction system with muliple sentances. Relation will now react if you wear female cloth, shoes or underwear. Also women's swimwear and bulge on your crotch (erection or chastity cage) will be noticable for other.
- Important event with Joyce and Karen at home.
- Continuation of chastity quest, new date with Scarlett and her mother.
- 2 new bikinis for pool activity to buy on clothes shop.
- New event with a new character.
- New date with Kenya as boyfriend.
- New date with Scarlett as boyfriend or friend.
- Multiple interactions with Joyce at the pool house.
- New event with Joyce.
- New event with the fugitive.
- Event at the church on sunday.
- Recieve now text messages from your relations.
- You can now buy and play with dildos.
- Visual for anal masturbation with plug anal.
- 4 trophies (witch makes 30 in total, so new reward).
- Condition day and night for all destination buttons to prevent accessibility if the clock past midnight.
- Increase hours limitation for sleeping if the clock past midnight.
- Redo all the help menu.
- Pink top sliders shoes are now unisex.
- Little change on one of Kenya's lingerie design.
- Change color text for kink list (black text on purple box was a little hard to read).
- Reduce lighly by one the effect of PharmaFem injection.
- Few condition's value buttons on the first date with Kenya to have more choices in early game.
- Anal plug purchase are now limited only by anal training fetish and dildo purchase are limited only by sex toy fetish.
- Boost limit when an anal plug or dildo are too small for the mc anus expension.
- Missing hair style on mc licking cum dynimic illustration.
- Few missing english translation at gloryhole.
- PharmaFem investigation at the elevator passage to prevent intelligence stat farm and possible quest adding spam to quest list.
- Missing english in relation reaction system.
- Variable condition bug on reaction system with a wrong value.
- Wrong redirection on chastity quest if you don't have enough money to pay the coffee to Scarlett.
- Some french and english proofreading in preview contents.
- When you move to a smaller size of anal plug, the anus stat didn't decrease.
- Condition on anal masturbation that didn't check the right value to know if your anus is too wide for the anal plug or dildo.
- Bad place for one layer on pee illustration.
- Missing background on masturbation illustration.
- When a phone call was not added to the list of planned phonecall.
- Wrong list adding for Brigitte's chastity, was causing anal plug list bug.
- Wrong cage key ownership on Brigitte event the last friday of week 2.
v0.2.3 public(2023.06.23)
- Dynamic illustration that will be shown in some passages.
- Event with Minoru.
- New sexual activity gloryhole be sucked or the sucker.
- 2 trophies (witch makes 26 in total).
- Change date of some random outside events.
- Redo some part of the mc sucked dynamic illustration.
- Change one phonecall event to adapt it to the new activity, only if you miss the linked outside gloryhole event too much times.
- Decrease limitation for Mathilde little reward after yoga lesson.
- Bug that prevents the change of date for random outside events. So now if you miss a random event it will repeat the next day again and again until you see it, like it was mean to be.
- Css on quests window that reduce too much in size if no quests are active.
- Few dialogue balise error (wrong character box).
- When Kenya doesn't wear her receptionist dress at start of day work.
- Some english and french proofreading.
- Major Bug Fixes
- One new event.
- A lot of fixes
v 0.1.9 public(2022.12.22)
- Add a special tv program with Christmas cards of games developer.
- Some more French proofreading.
version 0.1.9 beta fix
- Few more porn content on phone app MenTaste.
- Visual piercing and tattoo to lick cum dynamic illustration.
- Change the value of secret shop chance to appear (33% to 50%).
- Adjust secret shop event trigger.
- Adjust some fetish bonus from MenTaste porn.
- Balancing more value of some sub/dom choices limitations in early game.
- Missing fetish condition on anal stimulation button in masturbation passage.
- Missing arts on pushup minigame.
- Missing hairstyle art to liskcum dynamic illustration.
Fall 4 Love 0.1.7 technical update
Balancing, proofreading and bug fix.
version 0.1.7(2022.08.17)
- Foot massage dynamic illustration.
- Oral stat details on stat panel.
- Urine stat increase 50% less with time.
- Depraved dice game, the score to be reached changes from 69 to 33.
- Yoga class, has now two fewer rounds.
- Delay of sex phone event with Kenya, to let the player one more day to up kinks.
- Missing cat picture.
- Some forgotten english translation.
- Remove eat variable limitation to avoid bug on day report.
- Broken condition on evaluation day.
- Night time conditions to avoid the lock of sleep button after midnight.
- English proofreading mostly the first day morning work (thanks to JKuncl3).
- Some more French proofreading.
0.1.6 public
- More Pharmafem investigation content.
- More talk with Kenya.
- Quest information for PharmaFem investigation.
- More french proofreading.
- Wrong picture name on exam scene.
- Missing icon inventory PharmaFem gown.
- Wrong link redirect on Minoru event.
version 0.1.6 fix
- Adjust date for 2 events.
- Remove chasity prototype and anal plug items from drawer (just here for testing, not ready yet).
- Two phone events that not triggering correctly.
- Missing pictures for character visual.
- Icon missing for one trophy.
- Missing content due to bad naming passage bug.
- French left in english sentences.
- A little french proofreading.
version 0.1.3 to version 0.1.6
- Beauty parlor in mall (hair cut, hair dye, manicure, shaving and makeup).
- Tattoo parlor in mall (tattoo and piercing).
- Complex system reaction of relation to player physiscal changes.
- New secondary statistic oral showing your oral skill.
- Drawer in bedroom to have access to your purchase : piercings and other special items.
- Tattoos and piercings equiped show up in inventory page.
- Mini game Depraved dice that can be play with few characters in game.
- Big part of this update : construction of Pharmafem routine, places and schedules.
- A bunch of new characters on PharmaFem path.
- Talk passages with new characters on PharmaFem path.
- Dynamic dream on sleep time.
- Drawing all physical states of old clothes.
- Some new tv passages (thanks to cuty_wolfy).
- Some phonecall events.
- Script that update date variable on quest/event (avoiding the bug that few people had in version 0.1.2, when the game add one month to all date).
- Few rework on statistics.
- Rework on items list on multiple shop.
- Update buy scripts for all shop.
- Rewrite and reorganisation of multiple variables linked to player customisation.
- Simplify CSS on scene visualisation, for better optimisation.
- Rework exam scene script.
- Wardrobe passage listing script to have less jаvascript for the same result.
- You menu is now named with your chosen name.
- Redo few background images for Pharmafem building rooms.
- Day report script.
- Redo injections and pills scripts for more variability and optimisation.
- Add job information on save.
- Wrong link in Kenya first date.
- A lot of english proofreading of 0.1.2 version (thanks to JKuncl3).
- French proofreading of 0.1.2 version.
- Wrong list redirection on help menu.
- CSS for all shop listing, to avoid some weird space.
- Rework trophies system to avoid bug when an unlocked trophy was count more than once on the unlocked trophies total count.
- Add a special execption to prevent bugs with smartphone pages.
- huge list of fifties visual and critical bugs thanks to NewkamaZutra.
version 0.1.2 public
- Alternative Kenya date choice.
- Special quest from Kenya is now doable.
- Update function on loading save, to Allôw future compatibility and have all content without restart a game each time between version.
- Few variables for future updates.
- Cinema location (but no movie yet).
- One advertising on tv program.
- Now there is different effects on watching tv, depending on the type of program.
- Replace kissing scene pictures by dynamic illustration.
- Huge optimisation with some variable lists, that speed up page loading.
- Erase few unused variables on event lists and add a new one, to have a better filter choice on random event.
- Rework on script event selector.
- Simplify few names of fetishes.
- Little proofreading on english version.
- Some more proofreading on french version.
- Wrong formating on Yesterday report.
- Stroll activity at the park refering to a wrong passage.
First release.
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 1-12-2024, 15:11
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.2.9. / Topic updated to version v.0.2.9.
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.2.9. / Topic updated to version v.0.2.9.
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