Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: 2DCG, bdsm, groping, male domination, male protagonist, spanking, trainer, virgin
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Euphemismus https://www.patreon.com/user?u=12043844&
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: Заброшена / Abandoned
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.12.public.2
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Системные требования (минимальные):
ОС Windows
Princess Tower is an erotic , kinky trainer game made in Ren'py that focuses on extremely interactive h-scenes. It also tries to have a few good jokes somewhere in there. :)
The player takes on the role of Frim of Coombmere, a hedge wizard in the employ of the Dark Imperium, tasked with taking care of Princess Ariane in order for the Dark Imperium to tighten its grasp on conquered territories. Frim decides that the best way to approach this task is to train obedience and submission - and if that training involves a little kinky sex, all the better.
The word count for v.0.9 is 28,924.
Жанр: 2DCG, bdsm, groping, male domination, male protagonist, spanking, trainer, virgin
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Euphemismus https://www.patreon.com/user?u=12043844&
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: Заброшена / Abandoned
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.12.public.2
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Системные требования (минимальные):
ОС Windows
Princess Tower is an erotic , kinky trainer game made in Ren'py that focuses on extremely interactive h-scenes. It also tries to have a few good jokes somewhere in there. :)
The player takes on the role of Frim of Coombmere, a hedge wizard in the employ of the Dark Imperium, tasked with taking care of Princess Ariane in order for the Dark Imperium to tighten its grasp on conquered territories. Frim decides that the best way to approach this task is to train obedience and submission - and if that training involves a little kinky sex, all the better.
The word count for v.0.9 is 28,924.
0.12.public.1: = 2022-08-02
Fixed issue making it possible to block progression in the chains path + unsticking relevant savegames
Fixed Manual Intervention quest not correctly completing
Fixed notification of end-of-content not being displayed correctly for both paths
Fixed issue where Somatosensory Delights quest did not correctly check for droplets temperament + unsticking relevant savegames
Fixed missing ruler tool upgrade when skipping intro
Fixed typo in intro quest description if the intro is skipped
Fixed issue causing 'Updated to v.0.12.public.1!" message to appear when not needed
Fixed lying-down hscene background not being correctly hidden when scene is ended
Fixed visual glitch that sometimes left Frim's hand stuck on a rubbable location in hscenes
Added function "fix_stuck_chains_path()" to console (accessed using Shift+O) since people are having bugs that I can't reproduce, but I can fix in a savegame where it has happened.
I literally just changed the version number
Fixed issue where loading an end-of-content save from v.0.11 and earlier might fail to give access to v.0.12 content
Fixed the end-of-content scene for v.0.10 showing up when it isn't supposed to
Fixed issue where loading a pre-v.0.10 save might not update the savefile to v.0.11 and beyond
Fixed "Have her lie down" punishment option incorrectly being unavailable after quest 'Somatosensory delights'
Replaced placeholder line with actual content when using upgraded read task
Fixed crashing in some cases when the wax candle is first used
Fixed getting stuck on heart path if chains path is already completed
Fixed issue where finishing heart path would cause end-of-day events to never fire
Added menu for giving potions as an action
Fixed crash when trying to give potions as an action that was caused by not having a menu for giving potions as an action
Fixed 'Return her into chastity with an infraction' option during cleaning task not actually giving an infraction
Fixed issues that came up from the "reached max fire" checks being an absolute mess (eg. repeatedly starting the 'Of Magics and Mountain Copper' quest)
Finally got the pause menu stuff (eg. "Preferences", "About") to not look like crap
Ported all of the fixes in v.0.11.public.1 to this version
Added new quest: "Manual Intervention"
Added 1 new interactive h-scene, which works quite a bit differently than previous ones.
Added a new CG of Ari sitting down for tea, which has a plethora of variants.
Added new Frim paperdoll things:
1 new position to stand in which has 4 variants.
Some new expression elements for ari.
Added new stuff to laying down interactive h-scene:
1 new spankable area: stomach, 2 new waxable areas: l and r thigh.
Some new UI elements.
General editorializing (fixing typos, messy sentences, etc.)
Implemented stuff for h-scenes which feature a position that can be animated.
Implemented possibility for Frim to respond to h-scene activities.
Fixed small visual glitch when swapping Ari's underwear
Fixed a bunch of paperdoll image stuff when repeating Ari's cleaning task for a third time.
Fixed Ari outfit getting stuck on casual & cotton panties
Fixed Ari cleaning task not advancing time
Fixed Ari read task repeatable not increasing droplets as intended
Fixed some issues when reaching max fire of 8 while wearing the royal outfit
Fixed 'New Task Options' upgrade given to the player twice
Fixed 'More Intense Chastity Checks' upgrade being readded every time chastity checks were done with the upgrade available but unpurchased
Fixed the potion menu getting stuck on the droplets potion
Fixed days eye potion not properly making the 'give Ari a potion' action available
Fixed teatime issues with days eye tea
Fixed issue where teatime suboptions were not correctly displaying whether they are selected or not
Fixed the 'give Ari a potion' action not working as intended
Fixed last heart-path scene repeating every night
Fixed 'Feel her up' punishment during the 'Somatosensory delights' quest not properly checking for droplets temperament
Fixed the cleaning punishment scene not capping fire score on repeats
Fixed wrong level being marked in 'Unlocked by' text for some upgrades
Fixed Ari's heart level not increasing at the end of v.0.11 content
Added an end-of-content note to the 'Raise heart level' and 'Raise chains level' quest descriptions
Fixed visual glitch: in some situations, returning to h-scene from dialogue, text notifications (eg. "*Rub!*") may be stuck on the screen until replaced
Fixed a fairly major bug that allowed the "Of Magics And Mountain Copper" quest to be finished twice.
Fixed a crash on the critical path
Fixed a few more minor things in code and text editing
Known issues:
The very start of the game has a little bit of dialogue claiming this is a version for Patreon supporters, that's my fuckup, sorry.
Fixed a which caused a line of dialogue to be replaced with a placeholder (which is somehow already fixed in v.0.10 but not in v.0.11???)
Fixed two different lines of dialogue in the repeat of the cleaning scene that would throw errors.
Fixed a bug which caused new content to not show up in some savestates from v.0.10
Fixed a bug that would throw an error when having started the quest 'Self-Exploration' in v.0.10 and trying to complete it in v.0.11
Fixed a bug which caused some lines of dialogue to be missed with a "this line should never be reached"-message
Fixed a tiny bug that caused the wrong version to be recorded when loading a game from version v.0.10
Can now advance to ♥ level 4
Added 4 new scenes.
Added 3 new traditional CG-s.
Added new semi-interactive h-scene, featuring most of the illustration work that went into this update.
Added new Ari paperdoll things:
1 new outfit + 1 new underwear option.
4 new expression elements
1 expression element replaced with new version
Added new stuff to bending down interactive h-scene:
1 new outfit + 1 new outfit options
3 variations to new outfit option
new facial expression - Ari winces when the ruler or wax candle tool are used.
Technically, there are two new quests, but they're just very small pointers to scenes.
Total word count: from to 34,124 to 47,999 (holy shit)
General editorializing (fixing typos, messy sentences, etc.)
Fixed issue where tool tutorials in interactive h-scenes would not show animations.
Implemented stuff for having Ari's outfit changes show up both on her paperdoll and in interactive h-scenes.
Known issues:
Visual glitch: in some situations, returning to h-scene from dialogue, text notifications (eg. "*Rub!*") may be stuck on the screen until replaced
Loading issue: When loading a game that was saved in the middle of an h-scene in v.0.10, the Renpy error screen is shown. The workaround to this is to just click on "rollback" to return to a point just before the interactive h-scene image is shown.
Can now advance to ⛓ level 4
Added 3 new scenes.
Added 3 more traditional CG-s for a new scene.
Added new stuff to the lying-down interactive h-scene (new stuff currently on chains path):
1 new moveable clothing item: shirt (2 positions)
1 new position for chestwrap clothing item (off)
2-and-a-half new rubbable regions: thigh, side (the '-and-a-half' part bc the side region works slightly differently with Ari's shirt on)
2 new spankable regions: left/right thigh
1 new waxable region: stomach
new facial expression - Ari winces when the ruler or wax candle tool are used.
Technically, there are two new quests, but they're just very small pointers to scenes.
Total word count: from 28,924 to 34,124
General editorializing (fixing typos, messy sentence)
Fixed visual glitch when using rub tool on area reddened by ruler.
Fixed issue causing tool tutorial animations to get stuck on first frame
A bizarrely specific change: dialogue now advances on mousedown, not renpy's default mouseup. This fixes some interactive-scene-to-dialogue transitions where the key might be held.
Known issues:
Visual glitch:in some situations, returning to h-scene from dialogue, text notifications (eg. "*Rub!*") may be stuck on the screen until replaced
- Fixed major bug/crash that was revealed by 0.9.3 and somehow still slipped into v.0.9.4
- Fixed issue: sometimes wrong scene would play when reaches + ⚖
- Small editorial fixes (stuff like typos and grammar and lines I wasn't happy with)
Known issues:
- The tool tutorial animations are stuck on the first frame. This is already fixed in the v.0.10 beta
- Fixed major bug/crash that was revealed by 0.9.3
Known issues:
- The tool tutorial animations are stuck on the first frame. This is already fixed in the v.0.10 beta
- Fixed major bug that caused players to get stuck when starting ♥ path after finishing ⛓ path.
- Implemented a feature to unstick players who had savegames already affected by above bug.
- Fixed issue where max bang interjection would not show up
- Fixed issue where it was possible to have 'Of Magics and Mountain Copper" start twice
- Tried to fix issue where people had an image file that renpy could not find, but I'm kind of flying blind on that one
- Removed ~20mb from the ~80mb download that was caused by me not correctly understanding how to tell Renpy to ignore files when building the distro
- Skipping intro gives 4 of either fragment instead of 3
- If Ari has Daily Task rule active without Help With Paperwork rule, player is prompted about whether to ask Ari for help when doing paperwork
- Hopefully resolved 'maximum recursion depth exceeded' error that showed up when saving/loading
- Upgrades no longer have crosstalk issues between savegames
- Important typo in chains quest description fixed ("raise :ari_bang: to 3" -> "raise :ari_bang: to 4")
- Fixed an issue with the bottom quick menu disappearing during spank scenes and never returning
- Disabled the quick menu during interactive h-scenes - it can cause issues and I should have done this long ago
- Disabled rollforward during interactive h-scenes until I find a fix for why some variables aren't correctly changed when rolling forward
- Fixed visual glitch where the ruler was sometimes still shown during h-scene interjection scenes
- Fixed issue where Ari's Temperament wasn't changing properly on levelup
- Fixed Linux issues caused by renpy.get_mouse_pos() returning float in Linux (thanks, Sep, for including the exact line causing the issue and also a fix with your bug report :D)
- Fixed issue where the Thaumaturgy Cabinet menu buttons were accessible even if the Upgrades menu was open
- Fixed issue where spank scene max bang interjections weren't firing correctly
- Fixed some issues with incorrect heart path scenes firing after end-of-content
- Candle upgrade should now always appear when reaching chains level 2
- Small editorial fixes (typos and grammar and sentence structure and stuff. Thanks for the help on that, HeavyEavy)
Known issues:
- there's a small visual glitch when rubbing areas that have been spanked red
- Mechanically, the daily loop is almost completely different
- Content ends at about the same point
- Something like 30% of the dialogue until end-of-content is rewritten to some extent
- I recommend playing through the intro again - it has fewer changes than elsewhere, but still
(Renpy's skipping system *should* be working fine during the intro so you can skip the stuff you've seen)
- All of the content is now accessible through all paths.
- The ⛓ and ♥ paths are now trying to move towards slightly different goals - ♥ is about Ari being pleasured, ⛓ is about Ari pleasuring Frim
- the different paths are now also trying to give Ari *slightly* different motivations so
- There are a few extra Temperaments (eg. - Ari is horny af) and a bunch of places where that causes a variation in the scene
- There's some completely new dialogue scenes added inbetween existing stuff, eg:
- The pacing of how Ari becomes friendly is a lot smoother (but not actually slower, just... I wrote it better this time)
- Frim is less *unnecessarily* mean - I feel like I really wasn't considering sub-y players enough and failed to make Frim an attractive dom (tho I guess tastes vary)
- Some new rules and repeatable daily actions (demanding Ari show her panties is now a daily event)
- Tiny tutorial animations for the tools in interactive h-scenes! *Way* too many people were having trouble with them to not fix this.
- *HEAVILY* changed how the mechanics of the daily loop work:
- It's more-or-less rebuilt from the ground up. Any similarities with v.0.8 are more happenstance than things purposefully left in.
- Explaining all of the changes is basically like trying to form an exhaustive feature list, which is nah dawg, I'm not doing that
- Heavily changed the basic progress path (including quests) that the player goes through and how all of the scenes are accessed.
- The number of quests changed from 3 to 7, of which only the intro remains with the same name and progression as before
- Cut *a lot* of existing dialogue/text, focusing on two areas:
- Any text that's repeated a lot is shorter (eg. paperwork infraction dialogue went from 14 lines to 8)
- What used to be the quest A Gentle Touch was heavily gutted because:
- it was a severe problem with the pacing of how Ari becomes friendly
- the ⛓ path was giving Ari the same reasons to give in as the ♥ path, this was replaced for v.0.9 so the paths work better in parallel
- removed a lot of spaghetti code
- added a lot of spaghetti code
Known issues:
- there's a small visual glitch when rubbing areas that have been spanked red
- sometimes there's a visual glitch that leaves the ruler visible when the ruler tool is disabled
- rollback and rollforward during interactive h-scenes can cause issues (I'm having a devil of a time fighting this)
- the backend has a massive amount of dead code that was left in due to crunch. I absolutely do not recommend looking at it.
Fixed issue making it possible to block progression in the chains path + unsticking relevant savegames
Fixed Manual Intervention quest not correctly completing
Fixed notification of end-of-content not being displayed correctly for both paths
Fixed issue where Somatosensory Delights quest did not correctly check for droplets temperament + unsticking relevant savegames
Fixed missing ruler tool upgrade when skipping intro
Fixed typo in intro quest description if the intro is skipped
Fixed issue causing 'Updated to v.0.12.public.1!" message to appear when not needed
Fixed lying-down hscene background not being correctly hidden when scene is ended
Fixed visual glitch that sometimes left Frim's hand stuck on a rubbable location in hscenes
Added function "fix_stuck_chains_path()" to console (accessed using Shift+O) since people are having bugs that I can't reproduce, but I can fix in a savegame where it has happened.
I literally just changed the version number
Fixed issue where loading an end-of-content save from v.0.11 and earlier might fail to give access to v.0.12 content
Fixed the end-of-content scene for v.0.10 showing up when it isn't supposed to
Fixed issue where loading a pre-v.0.10 save might not update the savefile to v.0.11 and beyond
Fixed "Have her lie down" punishment option incorrectly being unavailable after quest 'Somatosensory delights'
Replaced placeholder line with actual content when using upgraded read task
Fixed crashing in some cases when the wax candle is first used
Fixed getting stuck on heart path if chains path is already completed
Fixed issue where finishing heart path would cause end-of-day events to never fire
Added menu for giving potions as an action
Fixed crash when trying to give potions as an action that was caused by not having a menu for giving potions as an action
Fixed 'Return her into chastity with an infraction' option during cleaning task not actually giving an infraction
Fixed issues that came up from the "reached max fire" checks being an absolute mess (eg. repeatedly starting the 'Of Magics and Mountain Copper' quest)
Finally got the pause menu stuff (eg. "Preferences", "About") to not look like crap
Ported all of the fixes in v.0.11.public.1 to this version
Added new quest: "Manual Intervention"
Added 1 new interactive h-scene, which works quite a bit differently than previous ones.
Added a new CG of Ari sitting down for tea, which has a plethora of variants.
Added new Frim paperdoll things:
1 new position to stand in which has 4 variants.
Some new expression elements for ari.
Added new stuff to laying down interactive h-scene:
1 new spankable area: stomach, 2 new waxable areas: l and r thigh.
Some new UI elements.
General editorializing (fixing typos, messy sentences, etc.)
Implemented stuff for h-scenes which feature a position that can be animated.
Implemented possibility for Frim to respond to h-scene activities.
Fixed small visual glitch when swapping Ari's underwear
Fixed a bunch of paperdoll image stuff when repeating Ari's cleaning task for a third time.
Fixed Ari outfit getting stuck on casual & cotton panties
Fixed Ari cleaning task not advancing time
Fixed Ari read task repeatable not increasing droplets as intended
Fixed some issues when reaching max fire of 8 while wearing the royal outfit
Fixed 'New Task Options' upgrade given to the player twice
Fixed 'More Intense Chastity Checks' upgrade being readded every time chastity checks were done with the upgrade available but unpurchased
Fixed the potion menu getting stuck on the droplets potion
Fixed days eye potion not properly making the 'give Ari a potion' action available
Fixed teatime issues with days eye tea
Fixed issue where teatime suboptions were not correctly displaying whether they are selected or not
Fixed the 'give Ari a potion' action not working as intended
Fixed last heart-path scene repeating every night
Fixed 'Feel her up' punishment during the 'Somatosensory delights' quest not properly checking for droplets temperament
Fixed the cleaning punishment scene not capping fire score on repeats
Fixed wrong level being marked in 'Unlocked by' text for some upgrades
Fixed Ari's heart level not increasing at the end of v.0.11 content
Added an end-of-content note to the 'Raise heart level' and 'Raise chains level' quest descriptions
Fixed visual glitch: in some situations, returning to h-scene from dialogue, text notifications (eg. "*Rub!*") may be stuck on the screen until replaced
Fixed a fairly major bug that allowed the "Of Magics And Mountain Copper" quest to be finished twice.
Fixed a crash on the critical path
Fixed a few more minor things in code and text editing
Known issues:
The very start of the game has a little bit of dialogue claiming this is a version for Patreon supporters, that's my fuckup, sorry.
Fixed a which caused a line of dialogue to be replaced with a placeholder (which is somehow already fixed in v.0.10 but not in v.0.11???)
Fixed two different lines of dialogue in the repeat of the cleaning scene that would throw errors.
Fixed a bug which caused new content to not show up in some savestates from v.0.10
Fixed a bug that would throw an error when having started the quest 'Self-Exploration' in v.0.10 and trying to complete it in v.0.11
Fixed a bug which caused some lines of dialogue to be missed with a "this line should never be reached"-message
Fixed a tiny bug that caused the wrong version to be recorded when loading a game from version v.0.10
Can now advance to ♥ level 4
Added 4 new scenes.
Added 3 new traditional CG-s.
Added new semi-interactive h-scene, featuring most of the illustration work that went into this update.
Added new Ari paperdoll things:
1 new outfit + 1 new underwear option.
4 new expression elements
1 expression element replaced with new version
Added new stuff to bending down interactive h-scene:
1 new outfit + 1 new outfit options
3 variations to new outfit option
new facial expression - Ari winces when the ruler or wax candle tool are used.
Technically, there are two new quests, but they're just very small pointers to scenes.
Total word count: from to 34,124 to 47,999 (holy shit)
General editorializing (fixing typos, messy sentences, etc.)
Fixed issue where tool tutorials in interactive h-scenes would not show animations.
Implemented stuff for having Ari's outfit changes show up both on her paperdoll and in interactive h-scenes.
Known issues:
Visual glitch: in some situations, returning to h-scene from dialogue, text notifications (eg. "*Rub!*") may be stuck on the screen until replaced
Loading issue: When loading a game that was saved in the middle of an h-scene in v.0.10, the Renpy error screen is shown. The workaround to this is to just click on "rollback" to return to a point just before the interactive h-scene image is shown.
Can now advance to ⛓ level 4
Added 3 new scenes.
Added 3 more traditional CG-s for a new scene.
Added new stuff to the lying-down interactive h-scene (new stuff currently on chains path):
1 new moveable clothing item: shirt (2 positions)
1 new position for chestwrap clothing item (off)
2-and-a-half new rubbable regions: thigh, side (the '-and-a-half' part bc the side region works slightly differently with Ari's shirt on)
2 new spankable regions: left/right thigh
1 new waxable region: stomach
new facial expression - Ari winces when the ruler or wax candle tool are used.
Technically, there are two new quests, but they're just very small pointers to scenes.
Total word count: from 28,924 to 34,124
General editorializing (fixing typos, messy sentence)
Fixed visual glitch when using rub tool on area reddened by ruler.
Fixed issue causing tool tutorial animations to get stuck on first frame
A bizarrely specific change: dialogue now advances on mousedown, not renpy's default mouseup. This fixes some interactive-scene-to-dialogue transitions where the key might be held.
Known issues:
Visual glitch:in some situations, returning to h-scene from dialogue, text notifications (eg. "*Rub!*") may be stuck on the screen until replaced
- Fixed major bug/crash that was revealed by 0.9.3 and somehow still slipped into v.0.9.4
- Fixed issue: sometimes wrong scene would play when reaches + ⚖
- Small editorial fixes (stuff like typos and grammar and lines I wasn't happy with)
Known issues:
- The tool tutorial animations are stuck on the first frame. This is already fixed in the v.0.10 beta
- Fixed major bug/crash that was revealed by 0.9.3
Known issues:
- The tool tutorial animations are stuck on the first frame. This is already fixed in the v.0.10 beta
- Fixed major bug that caused players to get stuck when starting ♥ path after finishing ⛓ path.
- Implemented a feature to unstick players who had savegames already affected by above bug.
- Fixed issue where max bang interjection would not show up
- Fixed issue where it was possible to have 'Of Magics and Mountain Copper" start twice
- Tried to fix issue where people had an image file that renpy could not find, but I'm kind of flying blind on that one
- Removed ~20mb from the ~80mb download that was caused by me not correctly understanding how to tell Renpy to ignore files when building the distro
- Skipping intro gives 4 of either fragment instead of 3
- If Ari has Daily Task rule active without Help With Paperwork rule, player is prompted about whether to ask Ari for help when doing paperwork
- Hopefully resolved 'maximum recursion depth exceeded' error that showed up when saving/loading
- Upgrades no longer have crosstalk issues between savegames
- Important typo in chains quest description fixed ("raise :ari_bang: to 3" -> "raise :ari_bang: to 4")
- Fixed an issue with the bottom quick menu disappearing during spank scenes and never returning
- Disabled the quick menu during interactive h-scenes - it can cause issues and I should have done this long ago
- Disabled rollforward during interactive h-scenes until I find a fix for why some variables aren't correctly changed when rolling forward
- Fixed visual glitch where the ruler was sometimes still shown during h-scene interjection scenes
- Fixed issue where Ari's Temperament wasn't changing properly on levelup
- Fixed Linux issues caused by renpy.get_mouse_pos() returning float in Linux (thanks, Sep, for including the exact line causing the issue and also a fix with your bug report :D)
- Fixed issue where the Thaumaturgy Cabinet menu buttons were accessible even if the Upgrades menu was open
- Fixed issue where spank scene max bang interjections weren't firing correctly
- Fixed some issues with incorrect heart path scenes firing after end-of-content
- Candle upgrade should now always appear when reaching chains level 2
- Small editorial fixes (typos and grammar and sentence structure and stuff. Thanks for the help on that, HeavyEavy)
Known issues:
- there's a small visual glitch when rubbing areas that have been spanked red
- Mechanically, the daily loop is almost completely different
- Content ends at about the same point
- Something like 30% of the dialogue until end-of-content is rewritten to some extent
- I recommend playing through the intro again - it has fewer changes than elsewhere, but still
(Renpy's skipping system *should* be working fine during the intro so you can skip the stuff you've seen)
- All of the content is now accessible through all paths.
- The ⛓ and ♥ paths are now trying to move towards slightly different goals - ♥ is about Ari being pleasured, ⛓ is about Ari pleasuring Frim
- the different paths are now also trying to give Ari *slightly* different motivations so
- There are a few extra Temperaments (eg. - Ari is horny af) and a bunch of places where that causes a variation in the scene
- There's some completely new dialogue scenes added inbetween existing stuff, eg:
- The pacing of how Ari becomes friendly is a lot smoother (but not actually slower, just... I wrote it better this time)
- Frim is less *unnecessarily* mean - I feel like I really wasn't considering sub-y players enough and failed to make Frim an attractive dom (tho I guess tastes vary)
- Some new rules and repeatable daily actions (demanding Ari show her panties is now a daily event)
- Tiny tutorial animations for the tools in interactive h-scenes! *Way* too many people were having trouble with them to not fix this.
- *HEAVILY* changed how the mechanics of the daily loop work:
- It's more-or-less rebuilt from the ground up. Any similarities with v.0.8 are more happenstance than things purposefully left in.
- Explaining all of the changes is basically like trying to form an exhaustive feature list, which is nah dawg, I'm not doing that
- Heavily changed the basic progress path (including quests) that the player goes through and how all of the scenes are accessed.
- The number of quests changed from 3 to 7, of which only the intro remains with the same name and progression as before
- Cut *a lot* of existing dialogue/text, focusing on two areas:
- Any text that's repeated a lot is shorter (eg. paperwork infraction dialogue went from 14 lines to 8)
- What used to be the quest A Gentle Touch was heavily gutted because:
- it was a severe problem with the pacing of how Ari becomes friendly
- the ⛓ path was giving Ari the same reasons to give in as the ♥ path, this was replaced for v.0.9 so the paths work better in parallel
- removed a lot of spaghetti code
- added a lot of spaghetti code
Known issues:
- there's a small visual glitch when rubbing areas that have been spanked red
- sometimes there's a visual glitch that leaves the ruler visible when the ruler tool is disabled
- rollback and rollforward during interactive h-scenes can cause issues (I'm having a devil of a time fighting this)
- the backend has a massive amount of dead code that was left in due to crunch. I absolutely do not recommend looking at it.
Тему отредактировал: Nikol - 25-12-2023, 10:21
Причина: Заброшена/Abandoned
Причина: Заброшена/Abandoned
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Princess_Tower (2 файла)