Описание:Старший отпрыск фермерской семьи решил изменить свой образ жизни и отправляется в город для получения высшего образования. Следите за приключениями этого паренька, пока он живет у тёти вместе с двумя ее дочерьми. Хотя сюжет вращается вокруг школы, будет много сцен и событий и вне ее.
The eldest offspring of a farming family decided to switch his lifestyle, and goes into the city for higher education. Follow this bumpkin boy's adventures as he lives at a family friend's place together with her 2 daughters. While the plot revolves around school, there will be a lot of scenes and events outside of it as well.
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: 3dcg, animated, big tits, incest, male protagonist, masturbation, milf, mind control, oral, sandbox, school setting, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Frozen Sugar Cubes - https://www.patreon.com/FrozenSugarCubes
Перевод: DarKnightПлатформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.15
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
VN and Sandbox Gameplay!!! Players can choose what path to take!Поддержать переводчика:
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другие монеты - пишите в личкуv0.15 - 2023-10-28
-Start Volume 2
v0.14 - 2022-10-08
-New events
-End Volume 1 coming soon Volume 2
- Added 12 new events.
- Added more photos you can collect at the pool
- Added small secret you can find
- New character
- Increased currency rates
- Added music
- Fixed Visual bugs
- Continued the Visual Novel Gameplay mode. (It's up to date~)
- Fixed visual bugs and some bugs related to Walter.
- Added option to give Walter fake pictures bought off the internet instead of real ones you take.
- New characters added.
- MC is maybe , a bit smarter.
- New events.
- Added new Visual Novel Gameplay mode, please do test and give us feedback~!
- Added a few scenes and more dialogues to fill in the gaps for the Visual Novel gameplay.
- Fixed hints/quest marks visual bugs.
- Added "Fix Gallery" button. (only works for sandbox mode!)
- Added android version! do test and give us feedback please~!
- Attention! There aren't new events for Sandbox in this version!
- Added 19 new events.
- New characters added.
- New location added.
- MC is indeed slightly smarter.
- Minor fixes.
- Explored relationships with new characters.
- New character added.
- New location added.
- Minor text and bug fixes.
- MC might be slighty smarter.
- Added working gallery to the game with most events.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Text fixes.
- (New events compared to v0.9 have not been added!)
- New characters (again) that will have stories to be explored.
- Fixed minor bugs and improved player experience.
- New location added.
- MC is indeed slightly smarter.
- New events and triggers added.
- Added more interactive dialogues.
- New , huge system that brings an enormous quality of life improvement for the players , that show what locations currently have events you can do.
- Fixed a bothersome bug that was proc'ing Violet coming to visit MC in classroom before interacting with her during the BBQ event.
- Fixed minor bugs , improved some visuals and improved the guide.
- Improved the rates of Mythic and Legendary tier photos taken in the school swimming pool , as well as deleted the change to get a Fail if you still haven't completed one of the tier. After seeing all pictures of one tier however, you can still get a fail when trying to take a picture.
- New events with old and new characters added.
- New types of events and triggers added.
- New location added.
- Walkthrough for the patch with a save for patch 0.7 added.
- New in-game guide for FAQ added.
- MC might be slightly smarter. (Doubt)
- New characters added, new locations added.
- Events with characters not explored much so far added.
- Christmas Special added.
- Walkthrough for the patch with a save for patch 0.6 added. (Old saves shouldn't crash.)
- Added collectable photos system (different from collectable pictures from previous patch.)
Added new content with characters not seen or used before , as well as new locations.
Added collectable pictures.
Added walkthrough and save for patch 0.5 events to start with patch 0.6 content if needed. ( old saves might crash)
Updated all older visuals and tweaked some newer ones.
- Fixed the bug with saves
- Fixed the bug with loads
- Fixed the bug with rollback
- Fixed the bug with inventory items disappearing
- Aded hints system
Added global map system + school map system. Added days system and type of day system. Added inventory system. Added new characters , new quests lines (that are not linear anymore.) More memes (sorry).
Most of the patch is new functionality so visual content might be lacking compared to previews patches, nevertheless we hope you enjoy (and we hope nothing crashes as it has been in testing stage for a few days now.)
Old saves might crash, however possibility to start from the current version has been added at the start of the game.
More content related to the school added. New characters and interactions. Just another day of the Main Character. More memes (sorry) .
It took us a while to make a new version after v0.2 but it's finally done. We've tried a lot of new things that we are excited to show, we hope you like it.
We have finally finished working on the v0.2 of the game, we hope you like it. It was worked on in-between busy periods for both of the authors, and there have been days where nothing got done, and days where we had to compensate for that. We will however, start working even more on it starting now.
First Release