Описание:"The Time of Cherries" - это, в основном, софткор-симулятор управления бизнесом для взрослых, в котором основное внимание уделяется управлению собственной фотостудией и достижению ваших сокровенных желаний. В этой игре есть большой элемент коллекционирования наборов, где вы будете собирать карточки для различных моделей, с которыми работаете.
The Time of Cherries is a mostly softcore adult business management simulator where the focus of the game is around managing your own photography studio and achieve your hidden desire. There is a large set collection element to this game where you will be collecting cards for various models that you work with.
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: management, multiple endings, real porn, sandbox, simulator,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: obsessionau
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: Completed
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: Build 17
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
To install extract the zip in the game folder. When prompted in the game, type in the name of the lsm file, this will be located in the data folder.
Build 17
It has been a month since my last update and this release sees a few things tweaked:
New - More events added. 66% of models now have events 25% of the models have 3 or more events.
Change - Events: The player gender tag can now feature both genders for events using 'male,female'. No space after the comma.
Change - Changed a couple of models, taking out models without events with models with 3+ events. The models that have been removed have been placed in the Mercedes mod.
Change - Tidied up the data files a bit for better organisation, and to split the core so there is a smaller download available.
Fix - Fixed a couple of event pics and events.
Fix - Fixed the achievement screen not displaying gallery properly. Also after unlocking 5 models now displays 24 pics instead of 32.
Of the above possibly the most significant change is the ability to have an event apply to both genders (addressing the post above from Jiddim).
The other significant change has been adding new events and new models. 10% more models have 3 or more events since the last build. I have set my target to have all 170 models to have 3 or more events so I am a quarter of the way there.
I have added another 10 models most of which have gone straight into the Mercede's mod however some who I could easily do events for went and replaced existing models which I had no events for. Those models where moved into the Mercede's Mod. As such if you download that mod you may find some files already exist.
I have also fixed the achievement gallery, and added a larger 3x2 Image size in the gallery.
I would agree with self employment not being that desirable particularly with the ease of getting money in build 15 with the new additions. I will be increasing the weekly living expenses as you upgrade your house to partly offset this however I have not gotten to that in this build.
Please note when I add new features these are never really fully tested - so balancing happens in future updates.
Download Build 16 here ~830mb
New - 2 new girls and around 100 events added. 56% of models now have events 15% have 3 or more events.
Change - Achievement screen now shows gallery pics when you click on portrait. Once you have unlocked 5 it will also show 32 random pics of models you have unlocked and when you unlock 20 this increases to 100.
Change - Models popularity will be limited to current popularity cards.
Change - Now more important to use judges preferences to win competitions. Keep in mind some models are more likely to win than others as their preferences do not change.
Change - Events now included in core for download size optimisation.
Fix - Fixed problems in the following galleries, Naomi Woods, Dominika Jules, Naomi Swann and Lilya.
Fix - Office: Concubine choice tooltips now display when page scrolled.
Some stats I keep to make sure I don't "break" the competition/contract balance by adding to many of a type. Not sure if anyone will find these interesting at all:
It reads as: There are 40 girls in the core game with long hair, this makes up 57% of the models. However in Core+extended there are 107 girls with long hair and this makes up 63% of the models.
# With the exception of weight and height, if you put values that are not in the above list into the game. They will less likely get contracts or win competitions - ie I don't think I have accomodated for bust sizes above D.
## When hair colour comes up as a contract requirement the colour is random. So while models with red hair only make up 6%-9% of models they are just as likely to be required as a model with brown hair (handy to have one of each in your portfolio).
This is a pretty significant update with changes being made right across the game most of which will kick in late game. New models, relationship events, new upgrades, changes to competitions and concubines, UI tweaks and a few other things.
Some changes are not obvious, for example you will get additional income every shoot based on the models poise value.
New - ModelsExtended: 9 new models
New - ModelsExtended: 58 relationship events added (7 unique)
New - After 8 weeks of being concubined model can become: Lady of Graceful Beauty - increases stress reduction, Lady of Lovely Countenance - increases your fame, or Lady of Complete Deportment - removes her weekly cost
New - Website affects the chance of getting a popularity card. The website will also provide a weekly income for the Model's where the player has completed all 4 sets based on their popularity.
New - Dressingroom, Increases chance of getting poise card.
New - Relationship event icon located in model bio screen which when mouse over shows number of unique relationship events and events remaining for the model.
New - Models get a 0.5% boost to their photoshoots and website income per poise value.
Change - Once a model wins a competition they may no longer re-enter.
Change - Winning a competition provides the model a 5 week national contract with income based on the models poise, models can still obtain a regular contract at the same time. Also provides a boost to the model's popularity (+10) and a boost to the studio reputation (+30)
Change - Base stress reduction of a concubine has increased by 50%.
Change - Removed todo screen as it was not being utilised well.
Fix - Game did not handle relationships going below 0.
There is still some cleaning up and balancing tweaks to be made and most of the numbers I have punched in are guesstimates. I haven't actually had the time to really see how this plays out late game.
As I really want to start fleshing out the different story lines I don't think I'll have an update for the above for a while unless I have made a major booboo somewhere - which is totally possible and probably a fairly safe bet.
Download Here
So I am uploading new builds a lot faster than I would like, but as many of these have contained fairly important bug fixes so I guess it has been needed.
Most of the work on this build has been spent fixing up the event system. While I have only added 2 new events in this build the modifications made have meant that these events impact 15+ girls and events appear to now be working correctly. Better indicators of relationship events will probably appear in the next build.
New - ModelsExtended: 2 new relationship event
New - Skip Day button now available from studio screen. If your stress is over 40% it will also provide a short term deminishing stress reduction. If your stress is over 30% and you have concubines you will get a reduction from them as well
New - A warning message will pop-up when the players stress goes over 50% letting the player know they should probably hold off on getting more models. Hitting the ok button will permanently remove this message
Fix - The stress reduction fix for completing the antagonist event did the opposite, the fix is now fixed
Fix - End game image file put back
Fix - Relationship Events not executing properly
Fix - Debug mode at start of game was not updating
Change - Image tag can take modelname as extra tag to goto model's folder
Surprisingly no new girls in this build.
So whats coming up?
I guess this can be split into two with development being done in no particular order.
Gameplay Elements
Make better use of model stats within the existing gameplay (eg. model popularity affects shoot income)
Competitions - Winning a competition will increase certain stats for model plus earn her a long term contract (the player may not want to select models to compete who have completed less than 5 contracts as this model will be doing this contract for a while - warn player somehow)
Concubine - Initially I had intended that any non softcore events were only going to be accessible once you concubined the model - however as concubines are very rare and there are a lot of models in the game now this is not practical. Currently concubining a model needs to provide a higher stress reduction to allow for the player to have many more models. After a set amount of time concubined I would like the model to change into one of 3 types of concubines. My initial thoughts:
Lady of Graceful Beauty - increases stress reduction
Lady of Lovely Countenance - inreases your fame
Lady of Complete Deportment - removes her weekly cost
Website - affects the chance of getting a popularity card. The website will also provide a weekly income for the Model's where the player has completed all 4 sets. The amount of income will be based on the models popularity.
Dressing Room - Intended to affect the chance of getting a poise card for the model. Poise would give a small boost to shoot profit, contract profit and competitions
In your office you will have a set number of points possibly base on your fame. Fame affects the number of models you can however you can choose to redistribute these into your upgrades to boost the effects of your upgrades.
Story Elements
Create story elements for each deception as you progress through the game. While this isn't something I have thought about much, I am certain it will have a huge impact on the overall feeling of the game and give it a lot more depth.
RPG Character Creation system - This may be a possible replacement for the 4 deceptions and depends on if I can implement the various story elements into it. At the start of the game your character will grow up and experience 4 life stages. Each life stage you will be offered choices (Think Mount-n-Blade as to what happend to your character during that time. The choices you make will define your end game goals (and potentially alter certain initial gameplay stats like stress or fame). While to me this sounds fun the story ements in the game are more important and this complicates that.