Описание:"Battle Quest" - это приключенческая RPG с элементами трансформации и эротики! Начните квест по спасению Дремучих лесов - получайте золото, опыт и новые способности. В то же время создавайте дружеские связи, альянсы и прочие связи, стремясь к власти и пытаясь остановить Темного Искупителя.
Будьте осторожны, Дремучий лес - странное место. Приготовьтесь к тому, что ваше тело и разум преобразятся, когда вы будете сражаться в этой проклятой волшебной стране.
В этой игре мы постараемся сбалансировать сюжет, сражения и эротику. Сексуальные сцены должны быть такими же веселыми и частыми, как и сражения с боссами. Идея в том, что вы приходите сюда ради разврата, но остаетесь ради захватывающей сюжетной линии и сложного (но честного) геймплея!
Battle Quest is an adventure RPG with a transformation and erotic spin! Begin a quest to save the Deep Woods - gain gold, experience, and new abilities.
All the while form friendships, alliances and relationships as you strive for power and dare to stop the Dark Redeemer.
Beware, the Deep Woods is a strange place.
Prepare to be transformed in body and mind as you wrestle with this cursed, magical land.
This game tries to balance story, combat, and erotica.
The sex scenes should be as fun and frequent as the boss battles.
The idea is you come for the lewdness, but you stay for the engrossing storyline and challenging (but fair) gameplay!
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: 2dcg, anal, animated, big ass, big tits, fantasy, female protagonist, futa/trans protagonist, lactation, male protagonist, masturbation, multiple endings, oral, pregnancy, rape, real porn, rpg, text based, transformation, turn based combat, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: lobsterman9999
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: Completed
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.0.2
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
the Quick = Heirloom Blade
the Lucky = 500 gold
the Thief = Leather armor, gloves, and pants
the Scholar = 500 exp
the Hero of Hadamshal = +5 strength, agility, and willpower
the Silverblooded = +20 armor
the Hedge Knight = set of iron gear, including sword
the Crusader = set of blessed gear, and holy weapon
the Insane = 25str/agi, 1 will
the Arcane Preserver = Arcane Scythe and Cloak of Zyr
the Bloodborne = Karhan's Rebuke(end game str weapon)
the Shadowsong = Silence and Fury(end game agi weapon)
the Lightbringer = Faith's Promise(end game will weapon)
the Dragoon = Dragon hunting gear set(gauntlets, armor, axe)
Important hotfix!
Keybindings have been added! No more need for 10,000 clicks per playthrough. Use the numbers on the keyboard to navigate the game.
The max history state limit has been reduced, which in turn has signifcantly reduced the 'lag' or delay between passages in the late-game
The game now recognizes the MTF gender change more consistently. People will comment on you being a different gender at various points.
Related to the point above, flashbacks will show your original gender
The bug where a female-to-futa MC would speak to Scyllia and Naya before meeting them has been fixed
The bug where drinking a potion would make you impossible to hit has been fixed
The bug where wearing more than 1 item that has a once per battle effect would prevent those effects from occuring has been fixed. So, Bloodknight Armor, Shadow Pants, etc. are all actually good now
The bug where 'the Thief' title gave you armor that doesn't actually exist has been fixed
Holy Staff has been buffed. Full heal once per battle
The Paladin skill 'Nullify' costs more mana because it's pretty busted. Still really good, just more expensive
The Soldier skill 'Heroic Strike' doesn't give you quite as much of a stat boost, but it's still a really effective late game skill for soldiers
Zabil the Betrayed is less brutal with his armor gain. He also won't use that ability that hurts Babar and ups his armor quite as much
The Gatekeeper has a bit less agility, meaning his battle won't be quite as long or difficult.
Some text fixes throughout
v1.0.1 - Important hotfix!
Defiling Lilith's shrine as a woman for a second time will no longer lead to a blank screen. Instead, you'll become a futanari as intended
The Soldier ability Counterstrike now works instead of producing an error
The Rogue ability Cloak of Shadows now actually increases your evasion
The troll fight in Chapter 1 has been made slightly easier. His stats are a bit lower, and he won't armor up quite as often. It will still be the first 'wake up call' challenging fight in the game