Поднимая заколдованную монету вы, темный гоблин, переноситесь в башню с запертой там принцессой. Добывайте золото для принцессы, чтобы помочь ее плану побега, обучайте ее и миритесь с ее иногда странным поведением, а также узнайте, что скрывается в тени...
Through a magical accident you, a shady goblin, are transported into the tower of a locked up Princess ( trope alert. Procure gold for the Princess to help her escape plan, train her and put up with her sometimes odd behaviour, whilst finding out what lurks in the shadows...
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: 3dcg, adventure, anal, animated, bdsm, corruption, exhibitionism, fantasy, groping, handjob, male domination, male protagonist, oral, point and click, prostitution, puzzle, sandbox, trainer, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: y.v. - www.patreon.com/yv0751
Перевод: Rouzenrot | Группа переводчика в ВК
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux
Тип издания: [Completed]
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Другая игра: Space Journey X
Версия: v.0.9c
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)
Поблагодарить Переводчика : Yoomoney кошелёк 410014776465748
Поднимая заколдованную монету вы, темный гоблин, переноситесь в башню с запертой там принцессой. Добывайте золото для принцессы, чтобы помочь ее плану побега, обучайте ее и миритесь с ее иногда странным поведением, а также узнайте, что скрывается в тени...
Through a magical accident you, a shady goblin, are transported into the tower of a locked up Princess ( trope alert. Procure gold for the Princess to help her escape plan, train her and put up with her sometimes odd behaviour, whilst finding out what lurks in the shadows...
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: 3dcg, adventure, anal, animated, bdsm, corruption, exhibitionism, fantasy, groping, handjob, male domination, male protagonist, oral, point and click, prostitution, puzzle, sandbox, trainer, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: y.v. - www.patreon.com/yv0751
Перевод: Rouzenrot | Группа переводчика в ВК
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux
Тип издания: [Completed]
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Другая игра: Space Journey X
Версия: v.0.9c
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)
Поблагодарить Переводчика : Yoomoney кошелёк 410014776465748
RELEASE NOTES V0.9c Bugfix Release - 2024-03-07
V0.9c / CR-0414 / Bug / Soft lock on first dungeon key quest if (Illiana) mirror dialogue aborted
V0.9c / CR-0418 / Bug / Prevent time passing and resulting sprite crash prior to waking up Irith
V0.9c / CR-0419 / Bug / Prevent dual scepter acquisition
V0.9c / CR-0420 / Bug / Captives softlock if you flee without the third plan after finding it…
V0.9c / CR-0421 / Bug / Deactivate find for training kit
V0.9c / CR-0422 / Bug / Ensure Irith is Queen (and cured) before triggering the Goblin King Quest
V0.9c / CR-0423 / Bug / Quest items can no longer be lost when fleeing from a dungeon
V0.9c / CR-0415 / Text / Remove outdated ref on nipple rings
V0.9c / CR-0415 / Text / Give a hint on spider amulet (in illiana dialogue) and add quest entry
V0.9c / CR-0416 / Text / Point out location of trapdoor to illiana more clearly in dialogue
V0.9c / CR-0417 / Documentation / Consolidate V1.0 Walkthrough
Sidequest: Rings for Irith
Sidequest: Attic Fun II with Nyx (Patreon VIP request)
Harem Animations: MC and each girl
Girl on Girl Harem Scenes: Nyx-Gwynn-Illiana-Irith
Sidequest: The Belt at Last
Minigames: The Goblin King Levels
Minigames: The Halls Of Knowledge Level
Magic Mirror Benefits
New Location: The King's Bedroom
v.0.9b - 2023-01-08
NOTE: _NOT_, and I can't stress it enough, save game compatible to older versions for technical reasons.
To only play specific content, you can start a new game and select "Jump to Act I, II, III, IV, V..."
KNOWN BUGS V0.9 Public:
Do NOT use "Tower Duties" in hallway at 7:00 before waking the princess up. CRQ will be fixed in final cleanup version.
Sidequest: Rings for Irith
Sidequest: Attic Fun II with Nyx (Patreon VIP request)
Harem Animations: MC and each girl
Girl on Girl Harem Scenes: Nyx-Gwynn-Illiana-Irith
Sidequest: The Belt at Last
Minigames: The Goblin King Levels
Minigames: The Halls Of Knowledge Level
Magic Mirror Benefits
New Location: The King's Bedroom
V0.8b - 2022-12-11
It features a second ending and contains the Evil Irith Quest with (mild) fetish content.
NOTE: _NOT_, and I can't stress it enough, save game compatible to older versions for technical reasons.
To only play specific content, you can start a new game and select "Jump to Act I, II, III, IV, V..."
Act V integrating all current and future endings
Ending Two: (Mildly) Dark Ending
Evil Irith Quest (The Amulet, The Magical Contraption, The Ingredients)
Mini-game Dungeon: The Goblin Burrows
Gwynn Training Quest (Institute Interactions, Demonologist Outfit, …)
Mini-game dungeon: The Institute Cellars
New Character In The Tower: Illiana as Captive
New Quest Character: Neetha the Goblin Girl
New Tower Location: Illiana’s cells
Changing bath attendance screens Nyx
Balancing (less grind, new high value recipes)
Various dialogue and minor art updates, game flow bugfixes
GUI: All notifications respond to SPACE
V0.7 - 2022-11-03
This is the public release for V0.7 a few days ahead of time!
Regarding game mechanics this version comes with a completely overhauled quest and help system!
If you ever wanted to replay from start and make sure you don't miss anything, this is the version to use ;)
NOTE: _NOT_, and I can't stress it enough, save game compatible to older versions for technical reasons.
To only play specific content, you can start a new game and select "Jump to Act I, II, III, IV..."
COMPLETELY OVERHAULED QUEST SYSTEM (detailed steps, auto-update, …)!
The Crystal Plug Quest: Prepare Illiana and Nyx for the final mission
Assistant Plug Trainer Quest: Irith helps out with Nyx
A Magical Cage Quest: Build a Magical containment for Illiana
Infiltration Quest: Send Nyx to explore the Keep
Capturing The Queen Quest: Capture Illiana
Mini game: Map Assembly (merge & slide)
Mini animation: In the attic
Many new gallery screens (up to #45)
The End of A Tale: Game Ending One
Art & Animation: Various redone screens ( belt action scene, institute, shop, illiana poses, …)
QoL: Autobalancing, Dungeon loot list, portal game fast mode attack, map game skippable, …
GUI: Redone notification screens, supply chest, …
Regarding game mechanics and contents, this is by far the most expansive update yet (see changelog)!
NOTE: Not, and I can't stress it enough, save game compatible to older versions for technical reasons.
To only play specific content, you can start a new game and select "Jump to Act I, II, III, ..."
Story Development: A New Masterplan (Endgame Lead-In)
Board Game: Queen A.I. Attack Starts!
New character (Gwynn)
New Research Tree (Outfits, Items, Game play, ...)
Dress-Up Screens for Nyx and Gwynn (new outfits & accessories)
New Mini-Game Boss Level (The Insanitarium)
Cut scenes: Interaction with Irith (Belt) - Continued
Cut scenes: Training of Nyx - Continued
Cut scenes: Training of Gwynn - Phase I
Balancing and QoL changes
Jump Start "Act III"
Expanded gallery
V0.6 / CR-0177 / Gameplay / Portal game tactical options: Bonus if you attack a flanked/surrounded field (gradation)
V0.6 / CR-0229 / Gameplay / Eliminate “waiting…” bar in conversions and chest opening if play-test results positive
V0.6 / CR-0240 / Gameplay / No random transmutations in chest, (added secret barrel in hallway for random drops in cellar)
V0.6 / CR-0247 / Gameplay / Balancing of Portal game, Nyx Finds (Up), …
V0.6 / CR-0069 / GUI / More animated character sprites (Nyx movement)
V0.6 / CR-0079 / GUI / Dynamic side image animations Irith (daywear, nude)
V0.6 / CR-0204 / GUI / Exploration equipment for Nyx (buffs) w/ equipment screen, replaces CR-0159
V0.6 / CR-0222 / GUI / Gallery page 2 extension
V0.6 / CR-0223 / GUI / Gwynn research screen feature (crystals, belt, accessories)
V0.6 / CR-0226 / GUI / Initialize gallery items appropriately if “Jump To” is selected at Game start
V0.6 / CR-0234 / GUI / Redo glitter fragrance icons to be better visible discernible
V0.6 / CR-0236 / GUI / Minor updates (Conversion rate at board game displayed, chest sort [subkind differentiation], …)
V0.6 / CR-0239 / GUI / Loot report screen simplified
V0.6 / CR-0241 / GUI / Second achievement for Nyx (explorer)
V0.6 / CR-0242 / GUI / Act III quick Start (Gwynn arrival)
V0.6 / CR-0244 / GUI / Redo Gwynn side images & expression variations
V0.6 / CR-0245 / GUI / Mini animation for Gwynn sprite in portal room
V0.6 / CR-0246 / GUI / Batch conversions with out notify spam
V0.6 / CR-0206 / Immersion / Improvement and extension of dialogues
V0.6 / CR-0207 / Immersion / New gifting item interaction for Irith, Gwynn, …
V0.6 / CR-0198 / Minigame / Assault by enemy troops starts on portal field (AI attacks at start of each day’s round)
V0.6 / CR-0199 / Story / Training of Gwynn Part I (to SLU 2)
V0.6 / CR-0203 / Story / Irith belt combination III (Sex?)
V0.6 / CR-0205 / Story / The New Plan: Exposition Council of MC, Nyx, Gwynn, Irith
V0.6 / CR-0208 / Story / Nyx courtesan training Part I
V0.6 / CR-0209 / Story / Cutscene Queen (Exposition: Assault preparation)
V0.6 / CR-0214 / Story / The New Plan: “Conduit Crystal” for Keep infiltration, ingredients quest
V0.6 / CR-0218 / Story / The New Plan: Queen angle (crystal, dialogue…)
V0.6 / CR-0243 / Story / Nyx SUB training (to 4)
V0.6 / CR-0197 / SW Design / Reorganize code base ( cutscenes, interactions, break up by by character )
V0.6 / CR-0211 / SW Design / Reorganize cutscene and animation modules (break up by character)
V0.6 / CR-0217 / SW Design / Overhaul file structure
V0.6 / CR-0225 / SW Design / Introduce attribute requirements for items (SLU, SUB), integrate into responses & reactions
V0.6a / CR-0253 / GUI / Waiting bar elimination while researching books
V0.6a / CR-0249 / Minigame / Cut off fields now cannot be reinforced (Queen and self)
V0.6b / CR-0284 / Gameplay / Reduce requirement for spectral bomb (lvl 5 -> x)
V0.6 / CR-0220 / Bug / Act II Quickstart does not include completion of Irith SUB/cage scene
V0.6 / CR-0221 / Bug / Conflict SUB training (day dialogue) if Nyx does bath quest (unresolved bath quest queue?)
V0.6 / CR-0224 / Bug / Window/spank scene should only be accessible with SUB 10+
V0.6 / CR-0227 / Bug / Dancing girl outfit does not appear in shopkeeper inventory
V0.6 / CR-0230 / Bug / Prevent drops of “Scroll of Rapture” in archives
V0.6 / CR-0232 / Bug / Eliminate portal charge needs once portal field / game is opened
V0.6 / CR-0233 / Bug / Morning routine by Nyx if failed & bath scene are incongruous / check gameplay
V0.6 / CR-0237 / Bug / Night visit button in act ii doesn’t trigger visit
V0.6 / CR-0238 / Bug / Continuity issue with bath quest and razor poses
V0.6a / CR-0250 / Bug / Error when using finish option with Nyx prior to action
V0.6a / CR-0251 / Bug / Night visits correctly check for 300 fp but do not subtract if executed
V0.6a / CR-0254 / Bug / MC can go to sleep, when Nyx is in the brothel, next morning inconsistent game state
V0.6a / CR-0255 / Bug / Irritating ascent/descent triggered when MC dead-moves while on a trapdoor/ladder
V0.6a / CR-0256 / Bug / Wrong positioning when Gwynn is wearing enticing/arousing outfits (sprite offset)
V0.6a / CR-0273 / Bug / When 100k is exceed by gifting, irith quest does not switch / trigger
V0.6a / CR-0248 / Bug / Improve strategic weighting of board fields for AI (more focus on portals & base)
V0.6b / CR-0278 / Bug / “Sample size” crash when high-level Nyx returns from exploring (easy mode)
V0.6b / CR-0283 / Bug / Freeze in Portal Game if top row is reached (recursion deadlock)
Release Notes: V0.5.1a: - 2022-08-24
The game _should_ be save game compatible with 0.5, but all save-data permutations could not be fully vetted.
If you want only to see new(er) content, you can select “Act II” at the start screen of a new game. This is recommended.
The game has been beta tested, there is no known issue at this time
There's a gallery with achievements now, so this might be a good reason to start a new playthrough and check, whether you've seen everything...
Belt inscription: It needs to be input _without_ the dash
Known Issues:
When resuming from an old V0.5 savegame, the gallery won’t update with “old” achievements & gallery events
Changes in V0.5.1a:
Issue "dancing girl costume issue not appearing" fixed
Console mode active by default (SHIFT-O ingame)
Major Changes in V0.5.1
Irith: New cutscenes (hallway reward, belt opening, bath massage, pet walk, …)
Nyx: New cutscenes (tavern dancing, interaction with Gwynn)
Iliana: New cutscenes (toy usage)
Gwynn: New character & interactions
Portal: New portal location (The Archives, The Archives Vault)
Minigame: Belt lock picking
GUI: Gallery with screens to collect achievements etc.
New items
New tower location (The Attic)
Improved inventory
Some bug fixes and graphical updates / re-renders
Rebalancing (Nyx loot improved by level, …)
RELEASE NOTES V0.5a Public - 2022-08-05
* NOT Savegame compatible to V0.4x, use "Go To Act II" instead...*
Irith: New cutscenes (100k completion, spanking, training room)
Nyx: New character, Thieves’ Guild assistant for mc
Delegation of morning bath chore and dungeon runs to Nyx
Training Arc of Nyx (Phase I, Discipline, Exposure)
Portal Expansion strategy mini-game (new mc day activity)
Portal locations: Item shop, brothel, tavern
Arranging of game into acts ( I+ II), entry point selectable at start
Misc. gameplay improvements
New items, “use item” interface (for later extensions)
New dialogues
V0.5 / CR-0049 / GUI / Look-Up style lore book with researched facts
V0.5 / CR-0063 / SW Design / Improve extension system for Patreon only content (items, recipes, screens, …) V0.5+
V0.5 / CR-0068 / Minigame / Portal Defense Strategy Minigame
V0.5 / CR-0074 / Story / Irith: New SLU training event progression (Portal: Brothel, intro/hook only)
V0.5 / CR-0076 / Gameplay / Dungeon exploration skippable / assignable to assistant Nyx as task
V0.5 / CR-0084 / Story / Irith: New SUB event
V0.5 / CR-0087 / Art / Illiana: Cutscene day 22 (BDSM type)
V0.5 / CR-0089 / Story / Irith can receive a NSFW “goblin wakeup”… if SLU, SUB high enough => Combine with CR-0150
V0.5 / CR-0094 / Minigame / Chastity belt lockpicking mini game or “gratuitous” cutscene
V0.5 / CR-0096 / SW Design / Encapsulate schedules and activities in global GAME object / revise error prone SW design
V0.5 / CR-0112 / Gameplay / (Color-) mark maxed attribute (for respective release) in stat screen of NPC to indicate end-of-content
V0.5 / CR-0127 / Gameplay / Irith: Spanking favour
V0.5 / CR-0131 / Gameplay / Balancing of item values
V0.5 / CR-0135 / GUI / More interactive / useful inventory (use vs. gift options)
V0.5 / CR-0137 / Story / New character in the Tower (Nyx, Thieves Guild assistant)
V0.5 / CR-0140 / Gameplay / Aggregate (some) daily searches in one object (e.g. store room chest)
V0.5 / CR-0141 / Audio / New / revised ambient soundtracks / credits screen
V0.5 / CR-0142 / Gameplay / Option to delegate morning chores (to Nyx)
V0.5 / CR-0143 / Gameplay / Alternative time spending options (better than 1h at a time / nap)
V0.5 / CR-0145 / Gameplay / New character Gwynn the witch (trigger: 15 fields occupied, expo, basic character and quest data)
V0.5 / CR-0147 / SW Design / Reconsolidate Item database with extension data
V0.5 / CR-0148 / GUI / Unclutter Storeroom menu options
V0.5 / CR-0150 / Story / Reward / cutscene Irith in case 100k is reached (sleepover option)
V0.5 / CR-0151 / Art / Core assets / screens for new locations Tavern, Brothel, Slave School
V0.5 / CR-0153 / Gameplay / Eliminate abrupt 180 degree turns of green slimes
V0.5 / CR-0154 / Gameplay / New location: The shop (Portal)
V0.5 / CR-0155 / Story / Nyx training SUB (bathing trigger), SLU (tavern trigger)
V0.5 / CR-0156 / Minigame / Protected Zone around the Keep
V0.5 / CR-0165 / GUI / Level indicator for NPC on the stat screen
V0.5 / CR-0168 / Gameplay / Quest log expansion to include more hints on tavern training & exposure
V0.5 / CR-0172 / Gameplay / Add nyx supply chest items (partially) to her loot (some oil, fruit)
V0.5 / CR-0176 / SW Design / Clean up max value / cap attribute dicts for NPC
V0.5 / CR-0179 / Dialogue / Correction of various typos and edits to dialogue found in V0.5 early release test
V0.5 / CR-0181 / Gameplay / Add explicit hints on spectral bomb and scrying crystal when entering arcane room
V0.5 / CR-0191 / Bug / Crash after entering Irith’s room when Nyx once seen the Madame
V0.5 / CR-0192 / Bug / Overfull inventory (30+ types of items) causes grid crash in shop
V0.5 / CR-0149 / Bug / Tally values not correct registered (case: BJ), wrongly capped
V0.5 / CR-0171 / Bug / Act II intermission screen comes up wrongly / too early
V0.5 / CR-0166 / Bug / Resolve conflict with portal game ending and cage timing
V0.5 / CR-0167 / Bug / Crashes (status: blush), when spanking scene is rolled back from 6x to 3x
V0.5 / CR-0160 / Bug / Jumpy item order in shop mini interface
V0.5 / CR-0161 / Bug / Portal Game // Possible to attack own field due to omitted check
V0.5 / CR-0163 / Bug / Wait for evening feature in storeroom
V0.5 / CR-0162 / Bug / Crash during night due to board.fortify routine
V0.5 / CR-0164 / Bug / 0 vs 0 option in board game should not be possible in attack
V0.5 / CR-0177 / Bug / Inconsistencies with “Skip States” and Act I+II intermission screens when using jump-to feature
Irith: Lots of cutscenes with gratuitous nudity
Irith: Mini-animation of Irith sprites when aroused
Illiana: Fullscreen nude mirror dialogues once portal is open
Quest help system
Dialogue changes to give MC better guidance
Upgradeable build materials (eg. Iron-> silver-> gold etc.)
Streamlined crafting, batch crafting
Improved dungeon mechanics
Accessible inventory
Save game compatible to V0.4 (unless you have a corrupted V0.4 RC3 save-game w/ “no ero novel” bug”)
Fixed the massively annoying training bug (Ero novel not found)
If you have done the night visit already, your game is potentially corrupted.
Please use a save _before_ the night visit
Complete rework of GUI, with crafting system, full set of item icons, notifications
Introduction of gifting system
Rework of corruption arc (SLU) with added intermediate tasks
Introduction of training room for corruption (SUB), cage mechanics
Auto triggered dialogues/ chat in some scenes
Overhaul of bathroom scenes
Overhaul of Irith sprites (cleaner renders, different poses, ...)
ntroduction of new cutscenes
Achievements system introduction
Extension of dungeon with new levels / treasure room / boss rooms
Portal room accessible / introduction of portal defense (will be minigame later)
Guild story arc start and related game mechanicsNew premature endings (Illiana invades keep, guild catches up with MC, ...)
UX / Trigger for handjob favour in bathroom not intuitive (MC needs to wait for 10-30 sec and just watch Irith)
UX / Gem color combination hints in portal room difficult to see (scattered gems)
V0.4 / CR-0075 / Gameplay / Adjustment to MC level progression
V0.4 / CR-0047 / GUI / Introduce visual inventory and notifications, create and render all missing icons
V0.4 / CR-0044 / Minigame / Dungeon Level 2 and Treasure Room Level 2
V0.4 / CR-0072 / Story / Thieves’ Guild debt payment pressure storyline
V0.4 / CR-0058 / Story / Establish Mysterious room (Portal room, renders, exposition, portal operation)
V0.4 / CR-0051 / Story / Framed picture Illiana, some dialogue with Irith on Illiana
V0.4 / CR-0043 / Story / Communicating with Queen Illiana (mirror, scenes, crystals)
V0.4 / CR-0060 / Gameplay / Irith auto-poses (activity sprite) sometimes during the day, if conditions are met
V0.4 / CR-0046 / GUI / Color-tagged item names in texts
V0.4 / CR-0061 / SW Design / Interactive menu, usable for dialogues
V0.4 / CR-0022 / Story / Expand chat dialogues with Irith, more scenario specific
V0.4 / CR-0042 / Story / First use of training room (with surprise) + 3D assets
V0.4 / CR-0082 / Gameplay / Additional quest item art and DB to improve story/training arc (Crystal, Books, Odd Fruit)
V0.4 / CR-0066 / SW Design / Rewrite location scheduling / override system
V0.4 / CR-0057 / Gameplay / Redo HJ / BJ path with extra tasks (conditions, gift, etc, see also CR-0041, CR-0064)
V0.4 / CR-0055 / Gameplay / Favor point bonus for glitter fragrances scales with value
V0.4 / CR-0054 / Gameplay / More predictable crafting (recipe book)
V0.4 / CR-0067 / Gameplay / FP money rewards scale proportionally (slightly nonlinear/quadratic)
V0.4 / CR-0064 / Bug / Avoid actor log spamming for repeat task completion
V0.4 / CR-0078 / Gameplay / Difficulty settings (normal/ easy) at start of game
V0.4 / CR-0056 / Bug / Re-descending lower level dungeons bumps MC to lvl 1 entrance
V0.4 / CR-0041 / Story / Night visits to Irith to advance HJ path
V0.4 / CR-0083 / Gameplay / All guardian slimes now have trapdoors & treasure rooms
V0.4 / CR-0065 / Gameplay / Introduce achievement system
V0.4 / CR-0050 / Gameplay / Ornate chests can yield glitter fragrances
V0.4 / CR-0064 / SW Design / Rewrite room search routines, update eligible locations
V0.4 / CR-0040 / Gameplay / Gift system with dialogue and rewards
V0.4 / CR-0048 / GUI / Crafting screen GUI overhaul
V0.4 / CR-0059 / GUI / Re-render out of focus Irith sprites (day, her bedroom, bathroom)
V0.4 / CR-0062 / Gameplay / Auto-triggered dialogues with Irith when hanging around in her room
V0.4 / CR-0070 / Gameplay / Add explicit ‘End of Content’ notifications in key SLU/SUB dialogues on popular request
V0.4 / CR-0075 / Gameplay / Adjustment to MC level progression
V0.4 / CR-0078 / Gameplay / Difficulty settings (normal/ easy) at start of game
V0.4 / CR-0082 / Gameplay / Additional quest item art and DB to improve story/training arc (Crystal, Books, Odd Fruit)
V0.4 / CR-0083 / Gameplay / All guardian slimes now have trapdoors & treasure rooms
V0.4 / CR-0056 / Bug / Re-descending lower level dungeons bumps MC to lvl 1 entrance
V0.4 / CR-0064 / Bug / Avoid actor log spamming for repeat task completion
V0.4 / CR-0099 / Bug / Toy quest item for pet training can not be found (at +40% trigger) when repairing training room
V0.4 / CR-0101 / Bug / Key error “Visit Training Room” when achievement “trained pet” is acquired
V0.4 / CR-0102 / Bug / Various typos in dialogue text
V0.4 / CR-0103 / Bug / Irith can be asked to visit unfinished training room in certain unusual game progress combinations
Next to opening my site at Patreon and doing all the bugfix homework for 0.3b I have been rather busy..
Thanks for all the great feedback!
Next release around end of May (more reports on progress on Patreon for those who like to follow)
Fixed Bugs
CR-0012 / Bug / Bath exception / crash at item check by Irith
CR-0001 / Bug / Exception when bombing the last slime (Fixed in 0.3a already)
CR-0011 / Bug / Add forced int type casts with stash prompts
CR-0015 / Bug / Deactivate triggering of incomplete "sort shoes" errand/minigame
CR-0016 / Bug / Occasionally 'search room' activity gives no response at all
CR-0017 / Bug / Never receiving purple fragrance request
CR-0018 / Bug / 5 SUB attainable max score in pet game can never be reached
CR-0055 / Bug / Missing activity sprites for irith from 13:00 to 15:00
Features Minor Update
CR-0019 / Story / Cutscene 2 with Queen Illiana on day 9
CR-0002 / Gameplay / THE END screen now triggers at night after mood of Irith reaches zero
CR-0018 / Gameplay/ Dungeons with spawning slimes now always have an ornate chest
CR-0050 / Mini game / Skip option MG dance, pet, but retain basic reward (+1 ATTR)
CR-0014 / Gameplay / Add more obvious notification & tips if Irith mood drops < 35
Cancelled CRQ
CR-0013 / Gameplay / "deadlock risk" when player out of money and Irith refuses to talk / Co-Resolved by CR-0014
Fix a critical bug related to the dungeon
Initial Version
V0.9c / CR-0414 / Bug / Soft lock on first dungeon key quest if (Illiana) mirror dialogue aborted
V0.9c / CR-0418 / Bug / Prevent time passing and resulting sprite crash prior to waking up Irith
V0.9c / CR-0419 / Bug / Prevent dual scepter acquisition
V0.9c / CR-0420 / Bug / Captives softlock if you flee without the third plan after finding it…
V0.9c / CR-0421 / Bug / Deactivate find for training kit
V0.9c / CR-0422 / Bug / Ensure Irith is Queen (and cured) before triggering the Goblin King Quest
V0.9c / CR-0423 / Bug / Quest items can no longer be lost when fleeing from a dungeon
V0.9c / CR-0415 / Text / Remove outdated ref on nipple rings
V0.9c / CR-0415 / Text / Give a hint on spider amulet (in illiana dialogue) and add quest entry
V0.9c / CR-0416 / Text / Point out location of trapdoor to illiana more clearly in dialogue
V0.9c / CR-0417 / Documentation / Consolidate V1.0 Walkthrough
Sidequest: Rings for Irith
Sidequest: Attic Fun II with Nyx (Patreon VIP request)
Harem Animations: MC and each girl
Girl on Girl Harem Scenes: Nyx-Gwynn-Illiana-Irith
Sidequest: The Belt at Last
Minigames: The Goblin King Levels
Minigames: The Halls Of Knowledge Level
Magic Mirror Benefits
New Location: The King's Bedroom
v.0.9b - 2023-01-08
NOTE: _NOT_, and I can't stress it enough, save game compatible to older versions for technical reasons.
To only play specific content, you can start a new game and select "Jump to Act I, II, III, IV, V..."
KNOWN BUGS V0.9 Public:
Do NOT use "Tower Duties" in hallway at 7:00 before waking the princess up. CRQ will be fixed in final cleanup version.
Sidequest: Rings for Irith
Sidequest: Attic Fun II with Nyx (Patreon VIP request)
Harem Animations: MC and each girl
Girl on Girl Harem Scenes: Nyx-Gwynn-Illiana-Irith
Sidequest: The Belt at Last
Minigames: The Goblin King Levels
Minigames: The Halls Of Knowledge Level
Magic Mirror Benefits
New Location: The King's Bedroom
V0.8b - 2022-12-11
It features a second ending and contains the Evil Irith Quest with (mild) fetish content.
NOTE: _NOT_, and I can't stress it enough, save game compatible to older versions for technical reasons.
To only play specific content, you can start a new game and select "Jump to Act I, II, III, IV, V..."
Act V integrating all current and future endings
Ending Two: (Mildly) Dark Ending
Evil Irith Quest (The Amulet, The Magical Contraption, The Ingredients)
Mini-game Dungeon: The Goblin Burrows
Gwynn Training Quest (Institute Interactions, Demonologist Outfit, …)
Mini-game dungeon: The Institute Cellars
New Character In The Tower: Illiana as Captive
New Quest Character: Neetha the Goblin Girl
New Tower Location: Illiana’s cells
Changing bath attendance screens Nyx
Balancing (less grind, new high value recipes)
Various dialogue and minor art updates, game flow bugfixes
GUI: All notifications respond to SPACE
V0.7 - 2022-11-03
This is the public release for V0.7 a few days ahead of time!
Regarding game mechanics this version comes with a completely overhauled quest and help system!
If you ever wanted to replay from start and make sure you don't miss anything, this is the version to use ;)
NOTE: _NOT_, and I can't stress it enough, save game compatible to older versions for technical reasons.
To only play specific content, you can start a new game and select "Jump to Act I, II, III, IV..."
COMPLETELY OVERHAULED QUEST SYSTEM (detailed steps, auto-update, …)!
The Crystal Plug Quest: Prepare Illiana and Nyx for the final mission
Assistant Plug Trainer Quest: Irith helps out with Nyx
A Magical Cage Quest: Build a Magical containment for Illiana
Infiltration Quest: Send Nyx to explore the Keep
Capturing The Queen Quest: Capture Illiana
Mini game: Map Assembly (merge & slide)
Mini animation: In the attic
Many new gallery screens (up to #45)
The End of A Tale: Game Ending One
Art & Animation: Various redone screens ( belt action scene, institute, shop, illiana poses, …)
QoL: Autobalancing, Dungeon loot list, portal game fast mode attack, map game skippable, …
GUI: Redone notification screens, supply chest, …
Regarding game mechanics and contents, this is by far the most expansive update yet (see changelog)!
NOTE: Not, and I can't stress it enough, save game compatible to older versions for technical reasons.
To only play specific content, you can start a new game and select "Jump to Act I, II, III, ..."
Story Development: A New Masterplan (Endgame Lead-In)
Board Game: Queen A.I. Attack Starts!
New character (Gwynn)
New Research Tree (Outfits, Items, Game play, ...)
Dress-Up Screens for Nyx and Gwynn (new outfits & accessories)
New Mini-Game Boss Level (The Insanitarium)
Cut scenes: Interaction with Irith (Belt) - Continued
Cut scenes: Training of Nyx - Continued
Cut scenes: Training of Gwynn - Phase I
Balancing and QoL changes
Jump Start "Act III"
Expanded gallery
V0.6 / CR-0177 / Gameplay / Portal game tactical options: Bonus if you attack a flanked/surrounded field (gradation)
V0.6 / CR-0229 / Gameplay / Eliminate “waiting…” bar in conversions and chest opening if play-test results positive
V0.6 / CR-0240 / Gameplay / No random transmutations in chest, (added secret barrel in hallway for random drops in cellar)
V0.6 / CR-0247 / Gameplay / Balancing of Portal game, Nyx Finds (Up), …
V0.6 / CR-0069 / GUI / More animated character sprites (Nyx movement)
V0.6 / CR-0079 / GUI / Dynamic side image animations Irith (daywear, nude)
V0.6 / CR-0204 / GUI / Exploration equipment for Nyx (buffs) w/ equipment screen, replaces CR-0159
V0.6 / CR-0222 / GUI / Gallery page 2 extension
V0.6 / CR-0223 / GUI / Gwynn research screen feature (crystals, belt, accessories)
V0.6 / CR-0226 / GUI / Initialize gallery items appropriately if “Jump To” is selected at Game start
V0.6 / CR-0234 / GUI / Redo glitter fragrance icons to be better visible discernible
V0.6 / CR-0236 / GUI / Minor updates (Conversion rate at board game displayed, chest sort [subkind differentiation], …)
V0.6 / CR-0239 / GUI / Loot report screen simplified
V0.6 / CR-0241 / GUI / Second achievement for Nyx (explorer)
V0.6 / CR-0242 / GUI / Act III quick Start (Gwynn arrival)
V0.6 / CR-0244 / GUI / Redo Gwynn side images & expression variations
V0.6 / CR-0245 / GUI / Mini animation for Gwynn sprite in portal room
V0.6 / CR-0246 / GUI / Batch conversions with out notify spam
V0.6 / CR-0206 / Immersion / Improvement and extension of dialogues
V0.6 / CR-0207 / Immersion / New gifting item interaction for Irith, Gwynn, …
V0.6 / CR-0198 / Minigame / Assault by enemy troops starts on portal field (AI attacks at start of each day’s round)
V0.6 / CR-0199 / Story / Training of Gwynn Part I (to SLU 2)
V0.6 / CR-0203 / Story / Irith belt combination III (Sex?)
V0.6 / CR-0205 / Story / The New Plan: Exposition Council of MC, Nyx, Gwynn, Irith
V0.6 / CR-0208 / Story / Nyx courtesan training Part I
V0.6 / CR-0209 / Story / Cutscene Queen (Exposition: Assault preparation)
V0.6 / CR-0214 / Story / The New Plan: “Conduit Crystal” for Keep infiltration, ingredients quest
V0.6 / CR-0218 / Story / The New Plan: Queen angle (crystal, dialogue…)
V0.6 / CR-0243 / Story / Nyx SUB training (to 4)
V0.6 / CR-0197 / SW Design / Reorganize code base ( cutscenes, interactions, break up by by character )
V0.6 / CR-0211 / SW Design / Reorganize cutscene and animation modules (break up by character)
V0.6 / CR-0217 / SW Design / Overhaul file structure
V0.6 / CR-0225 / SW Design / Introduce attribute requirements for items (SLU, SUB), integrate into responses & reactions
V0.6a / CR-0253 / GUI / Waiting bar elimination while researching books
V0.6a / CR-0249 / Minigame / Cut off fields now cannot be reinforced (Queen and self)
V0.6b / CR-0284 / Gameplay / Reduce requirement for spectral bomb (lvl 5 -> x)
V0.6 / CR-0220 / Bug / Act II Quickstart does not include completion of Irith SUB/cage scene
V0.6 / CR-0221 / Bug / Conflict SUB training (day dialogue) if Nyx does bath quest (unresolved bath quest queue?)
V0.6 / CR-0224 / Bug / Window/spank scene should only be accessible with SUB 10+
V0.6 / CR-0227 / Bug / Dancing girl outfit does not appear in shopkeeper inventory
V0.6 / CR-0230 / Bug / Prevent drops of “Scroll of Rapture” in archives
V0.6 / CR-0232 / Bug / Eliminate portal charge needs once portal field / game is opened
V0.6 / CR-0233 / Bug / Morning routine by Nyx if failed & bath scene are incongruous / check gameplay
V0.6 / CR-0237 / Bug / Night visit button in act ii doesn’t trigger visit
V0.6 / CR-0238 / Bug / Continuity issue with bath quest and razor poses
V0.6a / CR-0250 / Bug / Error when using finish option with Nyx prior to action
V0.6a / CR-0251 / Bug / Night visits correctly check for 300 fp but do not subtract if executed
V0.6a / CR-0254 / Bug / MC can go to sleep, when Nyx is in the brothel, next morning inconsistent game state
V0.6a / CR-0255 / Bug / Irritating ascent/descent triggered when MC dead-moves while on a trapdoor/ladder
V0.6a / CR-0256 / Bug / Wrong positioning when Gwynn is wearing enticing/arousing outfits (sprite offset)
V0.6a / CR-0273 / Bug / When 100k is exceed by gifting, irith quest does not switch / trigger
V0.6a / CR-0248 / Bug / Improve strategic weighting of board fields for AI (more focus on portals & base)
V0.6b / CR-0278 / Bug / “Sample size” crash when high-level Nyx returns from exploring (easy mode)
V0.6b / CR-0283 / Bug / Freeze in Portal Game if top row is reached (recursion deadlock)
Release Notes: V0.5.1a: - 2022-08-24
The game _should_ be save game compatible with 0.5, but all save-data permutations could not be fully vetted.
If you want only to see new(er) content, you can select “Act II” at the start screen of a new game. This is recommended.
The game has been beta tested, there is no known issue at this time
There's a gallery with achievements now, so this might be a good reason to start a new playthrough and check, whether you've seen everything...
Belt inscription: It needs to be input _without_ the dash
Known Issues:
When resuming from an old V0.5 savegame, the gallery won’t update with “old” achievements & gallery events
Changes in V0.5.1a:
Issue "dancing girl costume issue not appearing" fixed
Console mode active by default (SHIFT-O ingame)
Major Changes in V0.5.1
Irith: New cutscenes (hallway reward, belt opening, bath massage, pet walk, …)
Nyx: New cutscenes (tavern dancing, interaction with Gwynn)
Iliana: New cutscenes (toy usage)
Gwynn: New character & interactions
Portal: New portal location (The Archives, The Archives Vault)
Minigame: Belt lock picking
GUI: Gallery with screens to collect achievements etc.
New items
New tower location (The Attic)
Improved inventory
Some bug fixes and graphical updates / re-renders
Rebalancing (Nyx loot improved by level, …)
RELEASE NOTES V0.5a Public - 2022-08-05
* NOT Savegame compatible to V0.4x, use "Go To Act II" instead...*
Irith: New cutscenes (100k completion, spanking, training room)
Nyx: New character, Thieves’ Guild assistant for mc
Delegation of morning bath chore and dungeon runs to Nyx
Training Arc of Nyx (Phase I, Discipline, Exposure)
Portal Expansion strategy mini-game (new mc day activity)
Portal locations: Item shop, brothel, tavern
Arranging of game into acts ( I+ II), entry point selectable at start
Misc. gameplay improvements
New items, “use item” interface (for later extensions)
New dialogues
V0.5 / CR-0049 / GUI / Look-Up style lore book with researched facts
V0.5 / CR-0063 / SW Design / Improve extension system for Patreon only content (items, recipes, screens, …) V0.5+
V0.5 / CR-0068 / Minigame / Portal Defense Strategy Minigame
V0.5 / CR-0074 / Story / Irith: New SLU training event progression (Portal: Brothel, intro/hook only)
V0.5 / CR-0076 / Gameplay / Dungeon exploration skippable / assignable to assistant Nyx as task
V0.5 / CR-0084 / Story / Irith: New SUB event
V0.5 / CR-0087 / Art / Illiana: Cutscene day 22 (BDSM type)
V0.5 / CR-0089 / Story / Irith can receive a NSFW “goblin wakeup”… if SLU, SUB high enough => Combine with CR-0150
V0.5 / CR-0094 / Minigame / Chastity belt lockpicking mini game or “gratuitous” cutscene
V0.5 / CR-0096 / SW Design / Encapsulate schedules and activities in global GAME object / revise error prone SW design
V0.5 / CR-0112 / Gameplay / (Color-) mark maxed attribute (for respective release) in stat screen of NPC to indicate end-of-content
V0.5 / CR-0127 / Gameplay / Irith: Spanking favour
V0.5 / CR-0131 / Gameplay / Balancing of item values
V0.5 / CR-0135 / GUI / More interactive / useful inventory (use vs. gift options)
V0.5 / CR-0137 / Story / New character in the Tower (Nyx, Thieves Guild assistant)
V0.5 / CR-0140 / Gameplay / Aggregate (some) daily searches in one object (e.g. store room chest)
V0.5 / CR-0141 / Audio / New / revised ambient soundtracks / credits screen
V0.5 / CR-0142 / Gameplay / Option to delegate morning chores (to Nyx)
V0.5 / CR-0143 / Gameplay / Alternative time spending options (better than 1h at a time / nap)
V0.5 / CR-0145 / Gameplay / New character Gwynn the witch (trigger: 15 fields occupied, expo, basic character and quest data)
V0.5 / CR-0147 / SW Design / Reconsolidate Item database with extension data
V0.5 / CR-0148 / GUI / Unclutter Storeroom menu options
V0.5 / CR-0150 / Story / Reward / cutscene Irith in case 100k is reached (sleepover option)
V0.5 / CR-0151 / Art / Core assets / screens for new locations Tavern, Brothel, Slave School
V0.5 / CR-0153 / Gameplay / Eliminate abrupt 180 degree turns of green slimes
V0.5 / CR-0154 / Gameplay / New location: The shop (Portal)
V0.5 / CR-0155 / Story / Nyx training SUB (bathing trigger), SLU (tavern trigger)
V0.5 / CR-0156 / Minigame / Protected Zone around the Keep
V0.5 / CR-0165 / GUI / Level indicator for NPC on the stat screen
V0.5 / CR-0168 / Gameplay / Quest log expansion to include more hints on tavern training & exposure
V0.5 / CR-0172 / Gameplay / Add nyx supply chest items (partially) to her loot (some oil, fruit)
V0.5 / CR-0176 / SW Design / Clean up max value / cap attribute dicts for NPC
V0.5 / CR-0179 / Dialogue / Correction of various typos and edits to dialogue found in V0.5 early release test
V0.5 / CR-0181 / Gameplay / Add explicit hints on spectral bomb and scrying crystal when entering arcane room
V0.5 / CR-0191 / Bug / Crash after entering Irith’s room when Nyx once seen the Madame
V0.5 / CR-0192 / Bug / Overfull inventory (30+ types of items) causes grid crash in shop
V0.5 / CR-0149 / Bug / Tally values not correct registered (case: BJ), wrongly capped
V0.5 / CR-0171 / Bug / Act II intermission screen comes up wrongly / too early
V0.5 / CR-0166 / Bug / Resolve conflict with portal game ending and cage timing
V0.5 / CR-0167 / Bug / Crashes (status: blush), when spanking scene is rolled back from 6x to 3x
V0.5 / CR-0160 / Bug / Jumpy item order in shop mini interface
V0.5 / CR-0161 / Bug / Portal Game // Possible to attack own field due to omitted check
V0.5 / CR-0163 / Bug / Wait for evening feature in storeroom
V0.5 / CR-0162 / Bug / Crash during night due to board.fortify routine
V0.5 / CR-0164 / Bug / 0 vs 0 option in board game should not be possible in attack
V0.5 / CR-0177 / Bug / Inconsistencies with “Skip States” and Act I+II intermission screens when using jump-to feature
Irith: Lots of cutscenes with gratuitous nudity
Irith: Mini-animation of Irith sprites when aroused
Illiana: Fullscreen nude mirror dialogues once portal is open
Quest help system
Dialogue changes to give MC better guidance
Upgradeable build materials (eg. Iron-> silver-> gold etc.)
Streamlined crafting, batch crafting
Improved dungeon mechanics
Accessible inventory
Save game compatible to V0.4 (unless you have a corrupted V0.4 RC3 save-game w/ “no ero novel” bug”)
Fixed the massively annoying training bug (Ero novel not found)
If you have done the night visit already, your game is potentially corrupted.
Please use a save _before_ the night visit
Complete rework of GUI, with crafting system, full set of item icons, notifications
Introduction of gifting system
Rework of corruption arc (SLU) with added intermediate tasks
Introduction of training room for corruption (SUB), cage mechanics
Auto triggered dialogues/ chat in some scenes
Overhaul of bathroom scenes
Overhaul of Irith sprites (cleaner renders, different poses, ...)
ntroduction of new cutscenes
Achievements system introduction
Extension of dungeon with new levels / treasure room / boss rooms
Portal room accessible / introduction of portal defense (will be minigame later)
Guild story arc start and related game mechanicsNew premature endings (Illiana invades keep, guild catches up with MC, ...)
UX / Trigger for handjob favour in bathroom not intuitive (MC needs to wait for 10-30 sec and just watch Irith)
UX / Gem color combination hints in portal room difficult to see (scattered gems)
V0.4 / CR-0075 / Gameplay / Adjustment to MC level progression
V0.4 / CR-0047 / GUI / Introduce visual inventory and notifications, create and render all missing icons
V0.4 / CR-0044 / Minigame / Dungeon Level 2 and Treasure Room Level 2
V0.4 / CR-0072 / Story / Thieves’ Guild debt payment pressure storyline
V0.4 / CR-0058 / Story / Establish Mysterious room (Portal room, renders, exposition, portal operation)
V0.4 / CR-0051 / Story / Framed picture Illiana, some dialogue with Irith on Illiana
V0.4 / CR-0043 / Story / Communicating with Queen Illiana (mirror, scenes, crystals)
V0.4 / CR-0060 / Gameplay / Irith auto-poses (activity sprite) sometimes during the day, if conditions are met
V0.4 / CR-0046 / GUI / Color-tagged item names in texts
V0.4 / CR-0061 / SW Design / Interactive menu, usable for dialogues
V0.4 / CR-0022 / Story / Expand chat dialogues with Irith, more scenario specific
V0.4 / CR-0042 / Story / First use of training room (with surprise) + 3D assets
V0.4 / CR-0082 / Gameplay / Additional quest item art and DB to improve story/training arc (Crystal, Books, Odd Fruit)
V0.4 / CR-0066 / SW Design / Rewrite location scheduling / override system
V0.4 / CR-0057 / Gameplay / Redo HJ / BJ path with extra tasks (conditions, gift, etc, see also CR-0041, CR-0064)
V0.4 / CR-0055 / Gameplay / Favor point bonus for glitter fragrances scales with value
V0.4 / CR-0054 / Gameplay / More predictable crafting (recipe book)
V0.4 / CR-0067 / Gameplay / FP money rewards scale proportionally (slightly nonlinear/quadratic)
V0.4 / CR-0064 / Bug / Avoid actor log spamming for repeat task completion
V0.4 / CR-0078 / Gameplay / Difficulty settings (normal/ easy) at start of game
V0.4 / CR-0056 / Bug / Re-descending lower level dungeons bumps MC to lvl 1 entrance
V0.4 / CR-0041 / Story / Night visits to Irith to advance HJ path
V0.4 / CR-0083 / Gameplay / All guardian slimes now have trapdoors & treasure rooms
V0.4 / CR-0065 / Gameplay / Introduce achievement system
V0.4 / CR-0050 / Gameplay / Ornate chests can yield glitter fragrances
V0.4 / CR-0064 / SW Design / Rewrite room search routines, update eligible locations
V0.4 / CR-0040 / Gameplay / Gift system with dialogue and rewards
V0.4 / CR-0048 / GUI / Crafting screen GUI overhaul
V0.4 / CR-0059 / GUI / Re-render out of focus Irith sprites (day, her bedroom, bathroom)
V0.4 / CR-0062 / Gameplay / Auto-triggered dialogues with Irith when hanging around in her room
V0.4 / CR-0070 / Gameplay / Add explicit ‘End of Content’ notifications in key SLU/SUB dialogues on popular request
V0.4 / CR-0075 / Gameplay / Adjustment to MC level progression
V0.4 / CR-0078 / Gameplay / Difficulty settings (normal/ easy) at start of game
V0.4 / CR-0082 / Gameplay / Additional quest item art and DB to improve story/training arc (Crystal, Books, Odd Fruit)
V0.4 / CR-0083 / Gameplay / All guardian slimes now have trapdoors & treasure rooms
V0.4 / CR-0056 / Bug / Re-descending lower level dungeons bumps MC to lvl 1 entrance
V0.4 / CR-0064 / Bug / Avoid actor log spamming for repeat task completion
V0.4 / CR-0099 / Bug / Toy quest item for pet training can not be found (at +40% trigger) when repairing training room
V0.4 / CR-0101 / Bug / Key error “Visit Training Room” when achievement “trained pet” is acquired
V0.4 / CR-0102 / Bug / Various typos in dialogue text
V0.4 / CR-0103 / Bug / Irith can be asked to visit unfinished training room in certain unusual game progress combinations
Next to opening my site at Patreon and doing all the bugfix homework for 0.3b I have been rather busy..
Thanks for all the great feedback!
Next release around end of May (more reports on progress on Patreon for those who like to follow)
Fixed Bugs
CR-0012 / Bug / Bath exception / crash at item check by Irith
CR-0001 / Bug / Exception when bombing the last slime (Fixed in 0.3a already)
CR-0011 / Bug / Add forced int type casts with stash prompts
CR-0015 / Bug / Deactivate triggering of incomplete "sort shoes" errand/minigame
CR-0016 / Bug / Occasionally 'search room' activity gives no response at all
CR-0017 / Bug / Never receiving purple fragrance request
CR-0018 / Bug / 5 SUB attainable max score in pet game can never be reached
CR-0055 / Bug / Missing activity sprites for irith from 13:00 to 15:00
Features Minor Update
CR-0019 / Story / Cutscene 2 with Queen Illiana on day 9
CR-0002 / Gameplay / THE END screen now triggers at night after mood of Irith reaches zero
CR-0018 / Gameplay/ Dungeons with spawning slimes now always have an ornate chest
CR-0050 / Mini game / Skip option MG dance, pet, but retain basic reward (+1 ATTR)
CR-0014 / Gameplay / Add more obvious notification & tips if Irith mood drops < 35
Cancelled CRQ
CR-0013 / Gameplay / "deadlock risk" when player out of money and Irith refuses to talk / Co-Resolved by CR-0014
Fix a critical bug related to the dungeon
Initial Version
Unfortunately NOT savegame compatible to v0.3 as the whole training arc has been redone
For hints see the walkthrough. Release info is under Changelog.
1280x720 due to limitations of my machine at rendering, so may appear blurry if blown up much beyond that
For hints see the walkthrough. Release info is under Changelog.
1280x720 due to limitations of my machine at rendering, so may appear blurry if blown up much beyond that
Тему отредактировал: admin - 7-03-2024, 05:40
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.9c. / Topic updated to version v.0.9c. Большое спасибо за перевод Rouzenrot.
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.9c. / Topic updated to version v.0.9c. Большое спасибо за перевод Rouzenrot.
Пароль на архив / Archive password:
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