Описание:A World Between Us - это визуальная новелла, повествующая об истории молодого студента колледжа, которому не повезло оказаться не в том месте, не в то время. Вынужденный, по неизвестным причинам, оказаться в ином измерении, наш главный герой должен начать новую жизнь, чтобы не сгинуть. В то время, как новый друг предлагает ему помощь в этом новом измерении, другие будут преследовать его для своих собственных целей. Завести друзей, устроиться на работу и влюбиться - вот ключ к его успеху.
A World Between Us is a visual novel that follows the history of a young college student who has been unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the right time. Forced in a new dimension by unknow reasons, our main character need to make a new life before it disappears. While a new friend offer to help him in this new dimension other will seek him for they own purposes. Making friends, getting a job and falling in love will be the key of his success.
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: 3dcg, adventure, ahegao, animated, big ass, big tits, creampie, fantasy, graphic violence, groping, group sex, male protagonist, masturbation, milf, monsters monster girls, oral, paranormal, point and click, pov, romance, sandbox, superpowers, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Neo Nimaru -
Patreon -
Discord -
Itch.ioПеревод: OregaПлатформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.2.8
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
v0.2.8 - 2025-03-02
4 new animations
392 new images
1 new song
27 new sfx
v0.2.7 beta - 2022-12-21
5 new songs
17 new animations
11 new sfxs
576 new images
-Fixed the first free roam event on Chapter 1.
-Remade the main menu video
-Added a second version of the main menu
v2.5.2 Public Version
Edit: Updated bugfix
Edit2: Update with more bugfix, no new content.
-Added 1199 new images.
-Added 19 new songs.
-Added 10 new sound effects.
-Improved the english.
-Transformed all images (again) to webp format to reduce the size of the game.
Added 3301 new images.
Added 138 new animations.
Added 42 new songs.
Added 89 new sfx.
Changed all the images of Chapter 1 for another version with a "bit" more of quality.
Changed the format of all the images from png to jpg.
Removed the textbox. (I didn't personally like the design of it so I'm putting the default one back until I can design one that I truely like.)
Added missing flags to Chapter 1.
Updated the credits section.
Fixed an inconsistency on the plot of Chapter 1
Fixed a small error with chapters presentations.
Changed the size of the text.
Changed the avalaible fonts.
Removed the video of "next time".
Added a small background for [mc] history.
Changed some dialogues to the way they were initially intended.
Added a text box selector. (Now you can select the opacity of it.)
Added a text size selector.
Added missing sounds to prologue.
Added missing sounds to chapter 1.
Sadly not the best corrections to the grammar... yet.
Removed the Language selector
An error with exale1 not being defined.
An error in the prologue when choosing left option.
Changed the "default font" with one more opaque and legible.
Changed the main menu video to a one with a little more of resolution.
Initial Release
I'm aware that Chapter 2 have some sentences that doesn't make any sense, I'm looking forward to fix it in the next days, you can wait for the small patch if you want.
The game contains small "free" roam events. 3 in total, they aren't optional but very short.
Monster Girl
Diferent kind of penetration
And more to come!
A little more
There is no planned NTR
Any suggestions are welcome
Is a very early version of the game, many things will be improved in the future.